View Full Version : 12 shares traded

18-12-2009, 01:39 PM
Sorry guys, didn't know where to put this as I have a question.
Why, oh why are there numerous 12 share trades going on the the last hour on differant companies.
AEZ 12 shares @ 10.25am
WHN 12 shares @ 11.28am
FAR 12 shares @ 11.02
PEN 12 shares @ 11.18
PRW 12 shares
TSV 12 shares @ 11.26am

Any suggestions.

Discl Hold all except AEZ

18-12-2009, 04:42 PM
Sorry guys, didn't know where to put this as I have a question.
Why, oh why are there numerous 12 share trades going on the the last hour on differant companies.
AEZ 12 shares @ 10.25am
WHN 12 shares @ 11.28am
FAR 12 shares @ 11.02
PEN 12 shares @ 11.18
PRW 12 shares
TSV 12 shares @ 11.26am

Any suggestions.

Discl Hold all except AEZ

Well spotted Ponda

But this isnt the only one. I noticed a lot of illiquid stocks also had this happening. Also they traded to the sell ( at 11.04 NZ time). Sounds like an index trader minupulating the market. The All ords was almost 2 % down. But now only 1%.

Huang Chung
18-12-2009, 06:42 PM
Also discused on HC. They came up with a far more extensive list of stocks where this was happening.

18-12-2009, 09:03 PM
Also discused on HC. They came up with a far more extensive list of stocks where this was happening.

Yeah, I found that after I posted on here. I think that there was at least 50 differant companies that had 12 shares traded.

This what I found out and posted there.

Just spoke to my broker and he had the WTF answer.
His explaination, all be it slightly off the planet but i'll try and repeat it is:

"If a company (Share fund) has increased its client base by 12 in the last month he then goes and buys 1 share for each of his extra 12 clients."

So that will re-weight the portfolio for the extra clients.

How does that sound? To me i'm not convinced.