View Full Version : Global investments

08-08-2009, 05:41 PM
My broker suggests to move away from trusts for global investments and focus on investing directly in a small number of large global companies like Johnson and Johnson, apple etc. Is this a good strategy?

08-08-2009, 06:21 PM
Care to say which trusts you are presently invested into?

Though an increased overseas proportion for one's investments does have an appeal at the moment. I tried the suggested strategy myself some time ago, didn't work for me.

My idea is that a substantial portfolio is required before it might be worthwhile, otherwise costs and administration become a hassle.

I have been using British lic's for my foreign investments, and enjoyed good returns. Several have NZX listing. More recently have shifted some funds to a small number of Australian based companies which are selling well under NAV, whilst most of the British investrments are close to NAV, in the expectation of a greater return as the gap between shareprice & NAV narrows

08-08-2009, 08:52 PM
Thanks I use UK investment trusts.