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21-02-2024, 01:10 PM
I doubled down (up) at 70cents. From initial buy at 59 cents.

Todays update gave me great confidence in a 24 month hold. Should be excellent dividends and capital appreciation.

I had a mate that worked in upper management at TWR and i used to give him sh!t about the TWR results each time we caught up for a beer over the last few years.
He always laughed and then proceeded to tell me that internally the business had never been run better with better and better systems/operations and culture.

I think the fruits of those labours are starting to be seen with the expense ratio trending down and automation trending up. As highlighted in todays update.

TWR is in a 'good news up cycle'. My theory is that it is better to double up than say double down on something in a 'bad news down cycle'. Like dont buy cheap FBU, RYM, SLM etc Buy TWR.

Just my opinion. DYOR and stuff.

21-02-2024, 01:30 PM
I doubled down (up) at 70cents. From initial buy at 59 cents.

Todays update gave me great confidence in a 24 month hold. Should be excellent dividends and capital appreciation.

I had a mate that worked in upper management at TWR and i used to give him sh!t about the TWR results each time we caught up for a beer over the last few years.
He always laughed and then proceeded to tell me that internally the business had never been run better with better and better systems/operations and culture.

I think the fruits of those labours are starting to be seen with the expense ratio trending down and automation trending up. As highlighted in todays update.

TWR is in a 'good news up cycle'. My theory is that it is better to double up than say double down on something in a 'bad news down cycle'. Like dont buy cheap FBU, RYM, SLM etc Buy TWR.

Just my opinion. DYOR and stuff.

Yes well.?
Having made a huge error with HCL in Aussie and losing a bit of faith in AFT [nz] and JYC [asx],I have decided to follow the old sage advice.
"Sell your losers,and add to your winners."
Wife and I have both added to our 2CC holdings..

21-02-2024, 01:38 PM
"Don't pick your flowers and water your weeds"- some guru

21-02-2024, 03:22 PM
Staissny also told the annual meeting in Auckland that buyers were not circling, “categorically” saying that Tower had not been approached about a possible sale…..NBR

21-02-2024, 07:19 PM
Staissny also told the annual meeting in Auckland that buyers were not circling, “categorically” saying that Tower had not been approached about a possible sale…..NBR

Bit of a technicality but if you watched it the question was "have you been approached with an offer" and the answer was no. So he wasn't saying that buyers were not circling.

His comment around the review being board led, not shareholder led was also interesting. Probably more the case of a Bain nudge nudge then a push push then? The targets, though acheivable also look quite aggressive which is out of character for TWR so maybe they realise this is the end of the line and are simply pouring blood in the water to get those sharks circling.

22-02-2024, 08:28 AM
…The targets, though acheivable also look quite aggressive which is out of character for TWR so maybe they realise this is the end of the line and are simply pouring blood in the water to get those sharks circling.

It certainly has got this goldfish circling

23-02-2024, 01:59 PM
SP previously hugged the 60cent mark before recent updates.
Now seems to be hugging 70cent mark.

Ive checked the long range weather forecast for heavy rains/winds etc. Looks all good lol :cool:
That big unused $45m provision looks delicious. $12m of it was used by this time last year. By rights we can add $12m to guidance of $27m????

NPAT tracking to be $39m??? Market cap is $267m. i.e. trading on a forward P/E of 6.8?
Even on the underlying NPAT of $27m its a 9.8 P/E.

TWR looking cheap
TWR have goldman sachs looking for a buyer to unlock shareholder value
TWR have provided midpoint targets for underlying NPAT of FY25 $50M and FY26 $70M

TWR has to be the most undervalued NZX stock?

Disc. Holder

23-02-2024, 02:20 PM
Agree RAWZ.
This is a serial disappointer tho, so can TWR still pull defeat from the jaws of victory.

Anyway I am adding to holdings over the the next couple of months when I get a bit of cash. I mainly need this to be a winnner so as to advance my standings in the stock picker comp...

23-02-2024, 03:38 PM
Been calling this a turnaround story for a few years now.
Took a bit longer than I originally planned, given the terrible year just past.

Insurers are going to have lumpy income with large events, and yes those events are going to trend upwards.
All you need to do is have a good actuary and plan ahead.

Either the turnaround is just beginning, or my broken clock is finally chiming right.

23-02-2024, 04:14 PM
Been calling this a turnaround story for a few years now.
Took a bit longer than I originally planned, given the terrible year just past.

Insurers are going to have lumpy income with large events, and yes those events are going to trend upwards.
All you need to do is have a good actuary and plan ahead.

Either the turnaround is just beginning, or my broken clock is finally chiming right.

Both the Chair and CEO struck me as very upbeat when I spoke with them after the meeting.

And at the AGM it was explicitly stated TWR had acted to reduce it's risk appetite in the Pacific. Did you notice the riots in Port Moresby just 3 months after TWR sold out? And Vanuatu (conditionally onsold presently ) was a big contributor to "large event" losses last year. And the Solomon Is, also divested, is a highly unreliable legal jurisdiction, fraught politically, and exposed to cyclone/hurricane risk.

And the Suva hub has really just opened. 250 staff employed there is huge for Fiji and very economical for TWR. So the MER ( Management Expense Ratio ) which has fallen significantly may indeed reduce further going forward.

And there have been many steps taken incrementally in the last few years to simplify the business and move to an increased digital interface, with major reduction in the number and variation in products/policies offered, and better clarity of wordings, along with reduction of commissions paid after the purchase of legacy portfolios from third parties.

Plus the interest earned on the "float" has gone from virtually nothing to a much fairer investment return currently. So I think the turnaround is not just beginning but is in full swing!

Unless the so-called strategic review yields something requiring a disclosure announcement in the near term the next update will be the half year (to 31 March) results reporting in May. Absent a severe "large event" in the interim that may tell a real turnaround tale for all to then see. And no income tax liability until 26/27 according to the CFO.

23-02-2024, 04:16 PM
I would like to see some directors buying at these levels. Especially post update and AGM.

Marcus Nagel holds 62 shares (yes 62 is not a typo)
Geraldine McBride holds 5,477
Michael Cutter (voted onto the board at the AGM) holds 34,726 shares which were purchased in Dec last year.

These three need to show the market how cheap the TWR shares are and take their holding over 100k shares a piece imo.

Other directors Graham Stuart holds 202,500 shares and king Michael Stiassny holds 624,897.

He with Todd turned TRA around and now it is part of the NZ50.
If Stiassny can lead TWR down a similar path of TRA us shareholders are in for some juicy dividends and cap gains.

23-02-2024, 04:34 PM
I agree Rawz. And under several hats I hold many indirectly. There is a risk thou with being a large holder in TWR that there is a "super large event" without any warning that effectively may destroy your equity.

Catastrophes are improbable with other listed entities and if they occur the expectaton is that there will be some lead time to act. Covid is a classic example (and remember the pandemic could theoretically have manifested much worse/more deadly ) where there was time for the astute to react in the market before impact. A natural hazard occurence may simply be too swift for that.

Southern Lad
23-02-2024, 05:14 PM
And no income tax liability until 26/27 according to the CFO.

Tower has recognised a deferred tax asset of $29.4m for the value of tax losses as at 30 September 2023 (so if were all in NZ, this would be $105m gross tax losses).

While Tower is saying they won't pay tax to IRD in cash until 2026/27, they will still have tax expense in the P&L if they make a profit in the interim period as they whittle down the amount of the already recognised deferred tax asset.

Rather than shareholders looking forward to an improved after tax dividend return once Tower can attach imputation credits (from 2026/27), because they will have to fund the cash cost of the tax, all things being equal the amount Tower can afford as a cash dividend will reduce due to cash tax cost that will also need to be funded.

23-02-2024, 05:19 PM

Incoming government warned about major earthquake/natural disaster risks to NZ.

The briefing noted a 2018 analysis (https://assets.lloyds.com/assets/pdf-lloyds-underinsurance-report-final/1/pdf-lloyds-underinsurance-report-final.pdf)that ranked New Zealand second highest in the world for financial exposure to natural hazards.

Regarding earthquakes, the briefing said there was a 25 per cent change of “a major Hikurangi Subduction Zone earthquake event occurring in the next 50 years.“Indicative national impacts of a major Hikurangi earthquake and tsunami include tens of thousands of people dead, injured or displaced from their homes, and significant damage to the built environment (in excess of $144 billion).”

The Hikurangi zone, located off the east coast of the North Island, is “potentially the largest source of earthquake and tsunami hazard in New Zealand”, according to GNS, which is doing a five-year research project on the zone.


25-02-2024, 12:41 PM

Incoming government warned about major earthquake/natural disaster risks to NZ.


the same issues & risks the outgoing clueless lot knew about but did as close as possible to *Nothing* about in 6 years ? ;)

25-02-2024, 08:47 PM

Relevent to Tower, sure. But not to the extent that has been emphasised with the bolding added in your quote.

Firstly, loss of life is tragic but not financially impacting a non life insurer such as Tower.

Second, $144 billion sounds like a lot but for starter that is not restricted to one insurance company who have ~10% market share.
Following that it is good to note:

A) On the East Coast much (perhaps even most?) of that will be public infrastructure damage.
B) Any land damage is soley covered by EQC
C) Any remaining private insured dwellings are initially covered by EQC for the first $345,000 of rebuild cost
D) The difference between C) and the total rebuild cost of the home is limited by the sum insured on the policy, which Tower has on books and in aggregate across regions
E) Tower have catastrophe cover via reinsurance treaties specifically for this type of event

26-02-2024, 10:43 PM
Canterbury getting a few of these lately:


A 5.1 magnitude earthquake has struck Canterbury tonight, with more than 4600 people reporting the sharp jolt.

The 9.21pm quake was centred near the small township of Methven, about 100km west of Christchurch City, at a depth of 5km.

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake strikes Canterbury region near Methven, felt by more than 4600 people including Christchurch residents

01-03-2024, 10:04 AM
Weather was kind this week :cool:

Guidance is NPAT of $27m.

Big provision of $45m not used.
Last year $12m was used by this time.

Each week that goes by on a pro-rata basis $45m/52weeks= $865k gets added to the guidance? (Yes i know a major event could hit in the last month and eat up the $45m).

Basically depending on how much of the provision is used we are trading on a p/e of 3.80 to 10.
A worst case scenario P/E of 10?? Come on... thats crazy cheap

Its time for TWR to shine;

- Peak interest rates adding to investment income.
- Investment in the back office done and paid for.
- Cost to income ratios forecast to fall
- Goldman sachs set the task to find a potential buyer
- Guru Chairman Michael Stiassny is going to do a TRA on TWR and make himself a load more money (and the rest of us shareholders)

This is TWRs year.

01-03-2024, 02:40 PM
According to me a 1c per share dividend requires $3,794,840. Of course currently holders would have 33c in the $ deducted from any payout as RWT.

So it's plausible, based upon the NPAT projection, that the Board in FY24 could authorise, say, 2.5c interim dividend and 2.5c final dividend in due course, returning to a previous payout level. That would be a decent gross yeild at present pricing. That would represent a payout around $19m all up, including the IRD's share.

A higher NPAT, especially if the "large events" allowance is significantly underutilised, could mean a more generous outcome. So Rawz may be on point!

Sgt Pepper
01-03-2024, 07:32 PM
I have checked Towers historical share price range going back 10+ years and its current $0.72 is an aberration. It peaked at $6.50 and was for a long time in the range of $2.00 to $2.50. With present forecast what would be a realistic share price??

02-03-2024, 09:49 PM
Tower have provided guidance for FY24, FY25 and FY26. They believe that period will deliver an annual increase in Gross Written Premiums of 10 - 15%, which is impressive even if current and ongoing inflation is factored in.

Importantly, they believe the underlying Net Profit After Tax (NPAT), assuming full utilisation of the "large events" allowance in each case, will be in the ranges $22 - 27m in FY24 ( year end 30 September), $40 - 60m in FY25 and $60 - 80m in FY26. I understand that because of past losses no tax will actually need to be paid in cash until FY26, and perhaps only partially in that year. See Southern Lad's post #2013 above for greater clarity.

If achieved ( and the range between the lower and upper figure in each year is necessarily wide, but maybe use the midpoint, so FY24 is $25m, FY25 is $50m and FY26 is $70m ) this is significant change. And the "large events" allowance/provision underpinning this guidance in FY24 is $45m, in FY25 is $50m and in FY26 is $55m. Any unutilised portion of that allowance in any year goes direct to the bottom line. Tower has been obliged to accept larger excesses before catastrophe cover is triggered, to mitigate reinsurance premium costs, but the provisions outlined are generous in relation to historical experience.

Then consider my post #2019 above and the increase in dividend potentially available as a consequence if that NPAT is attained. I think the share price could realistically easily reach $1.50 or even more over that timeframe notwithstanding that some discount needs to be applied for risk inherent in TWR's insurance market-making in an uncertain natural environment as past happenings have demonstrated.

06-03-2024, 08:59 PM
Why doesn’t TWR invest their float in stocks? Right now would be the best time. Even investing half of it could add another $10m NPAT with ease.

And what happens when rates drop? How do they make up the loss of investment income?

06-03-2024, 09:50 PM
Why doesn’t TWR invest their float in stocks? Right now would be the best time. Even investing half of it could add another $10m NPAT with ease.

And what happens when rates drop? How do they make up the loss of investment income?

Good question. They have a very low risk mandate currently managed by Nikko Funds for them. There is probably scope for them to add a little bit of risk in the fixed income bucket at least?

07-03-2024, 11:19 AM
Their half year ends 31 March. Providing that we don't have any large events before then, the half year result should be NPAT around $36 million (includes half of the annual $45m large events allowance). Pretty impressive given a market cap of $267m and no debt.

07-03-2024, 02:11 PM
how much will this cost, in terms of the penalty? any insights

MKTUPDTE: TWR: FMA files proceedings on multi-policy discount application

7 March 2024

FMA files proceedings on multi-policy discount application

Tower (NZX/ASX: TWR) advises that the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) today
filed civil proceedings regarding Tower's self-reported failure to correctly
apply multi-policy discounts (MPDs).

As outlined in a market update late last year, Tower anticipated regulatory
enforcement action with regard to its inaccurate application of MPDs and
raised a provision at that time.

Tower has made significant progress towards remediating the around 65,000
customers identified as being owed a refund. Over $9.26 million (including
GST and interest) has already been paid in respect of overcharges of premiums
payable by over 58,900 customers. Remediation payments continue.

The company has also implemented significant checks and balances to determine
and promptly remediate any further incorrectly applied MPDs. These
occurrences are now identified soon after purchase, and in the majority of
cases, without the need for any refund.

Tower Chair, Michael Stiassny noted that while the company is disappointed
that the FMA has filed proceedings, its focus continues to be on identifying
any further actions necessary to prevent overcharging.

"While the Company has acted in good faith, self-reported the issue, and is
undertaking a comprehensive remediation programme, we accept and deeply
regret that customers have been impacted. We apologise unreservedly and will
continue to work in earnest to address outstanding issues," he said.


07-03-2024, 02:24 PM
TWR November 2023 update stated likely cost of remediation program 11.2m including an estimated provision for fma enforcement penalty. I think this 11.2 was taken on the chin in last years fy result so shouldn't impact thus year very much If at all

07-03-2024, 03:12 PM
Yes. Any shortfall in provisioning assessed on the basis of recent experience will need to be included when the half year results to 31 March 2024 are eventually released in May, but the Financial Statements as at end FY23 had the remaining provisioning both for remediation and for the anticipated FMA enforcement action now commenced as $7.086m. That number is exclusive GST.

What isn't clear from that disclosure was how much of the remediation liability had already been paid at that time (30 Sept) so we can't reconcile that figure to the statement in the announcement that $9.26m ( which confusingly includes GST - and interest although that will have been expected when raising the provision originally) now already paid. But it seems another 6100 customers are yet to be assessed and paid, which is only about 10% of the original 65000. So the latter should definitly be paid out by end FY24 and most by the half year balance date imminent.

My guess would be about $1m of the provision will be required to see off the consequent court action.

So basically I agree with Poet's conclusion above and don't expect any real share price action although it's yet another legacy issue weighing in the balance. The staff resource required to address a gratuitous problem like this will be/have been significant and may delay the touted reduction in MER factored presently. But the only thing not factored in to current guidance would be any needed increase in the actual provision and the announcement avoids any mention.

07-03-2024, 04:09 PM
Judgement should be similar to previous incident involving similar FMA action:


Which was $2.1m.

07-03-2024, 04:17 PM
everything is underlying this underlying that. exlude this and that. companies can just report whatever they want lol

Wont matter aye

Southern Lad
07-03-2024, 04:34 PM
Note 2.9 to the 2023 financial statements:

"A customer remediation provision of $3.7m was first recognised at 30 September 2022. During the current year, the estimated cost of remediation was re-assessed. A range of possible outcomes was considered, and a mid-point of the re-assessment has resulted in an additional $8.1m being recognised in the current period, which has been offset by payments made during the period. The resulting provision allows for amounts to be repaid to customers and costs associated with any potential regulatory action. The remediation activities are likely to be completed during FY24".

14-03-2024, 07:16 AM
I’ve been thinking about rates dropping and interest income dropping over the next 2 years. I can only assume the FY25 profit range of $40m-$60m and FY26 profit range of $60m-$80m factors in rates dropping. And this is part of the reason why the spread is so large?

I don’t suppose anyone has seen a broker report that has run the scenarios?

14-03-2024, 10:29 AM
Hopefully they are locking the huge pile of cash into a nice ladder of deposits and bonds which maximises revenue over many years while still letting them pull it out in case of emergency, while still operating nimbly within all the insurance regulations.

It is TWR though, so probably all sitting in the cheque account or 1 month rollers.

14-03-2024, 10:54 AM
Hopefully they are locking the huge pile of cash into a nice ladder of deposits and bonds which maximises revenue over many years while still letting them pull it out in case of emergency, while still operating nimbly within all the insurance regulations.

It is TWR though, so probably all sitting in the cheque account or 1 month rollers.

As far as i'm aware, Nikko Funds Management are managing it for them in a <1 year duration high grade bond portfolio.

Sgt Pepper
14-03-2024, 08:18 PM
I am somewhat surprised TWR share price has not gained more traction at this stage, or am I being impatient??

14-03-2024, 08:35 PM
I am somewhat surprised TWR share price has not gained more traction at this stage, or am I being impatient??

"Impatient" gets my vote. The announcement earlier this month, even though at least partially provisioned for, has been yet another reality check.

I don't anticipate any meaningful adjustment to the share price until the half year results announcement in May. A positive though is that media reporting hasn't identified anything currently that would seem to make more than a very minor inroad into the FY24 "large events" allowance.

15-03-2024, 08:21 AM
"Impatient" gets my vote. The announcement earlier this month, even though at least partially provisioned for, has been yet another reality check.

I don't anticipate any meaningful adjustment to the share price until the half year results announcement in May. A positive though is that media reporting hasn't identified anything currently that would seem to make more than a very minor inroad into the FY24 "large events" allowance.

I agree. should be a very good half yr announcement as long as disasters dont happen.

15-03-2024, 10:13 AM
I'm expecting a slow wake up as this stock has been a disappointment for fund managers for a very long time. It will need to start spewing out good dividends for at least a good half year before the price really catches up. I would be happy with 90c by Christmas.

17-03-2024, 10:58 PM
Picture a chart of a Turkey being fattened up for Christmas.
It starts in the bottom left hand corner on 1st January.Each day you feed the turkey, and it puts on weight,and each day you mark on your chart,and the chart starts heading for the top right hand corner.Looks fantastic.But then on the 13th December you chop off the turkeys head.Chart drops to Zero.Insurance companies are the same.Fat profits until a huge underwriting disasterous loss cuts off their head.!
Read the history of Lloyds.
Haha this is a good post from 6 years ago. (I’m just reading the thread learning more about TWRs history which is quite interesting)

I reckon we are in January right now. Remind me to sell the turkey before the head gets cut off in December- this should be FY26

02-04-2024, 12:15 PM
Hey Rawz - HY24 now done and dusted.

I wonder how much of the "large events" allowance has had to be expensed? Very little by my reckoning, and hence the results announcement should be very positive, notwithstanding the multi policy discount refunds issue (which must surely be 95% dealt with now) and related FMA court action.

An optimist might even think a resumption of dividend is probable!

02-04-2024, 12:48 PM
Buyback FFS. chuck $40m at it

02-04-2024, 02:03 PM
Hey Rawz - HY24 now done and dusted.

I wonder how much of the "large events" allowance has had to be expensed? Very little by my reckoning, and hence the results announcement should be very positive, notwithstanding the multi policy discount refunds issue (which must surely be 95% dealt with now) and related FMA court action.

An optimist might even think a resumption of dividend is probable!

TWR historically is a serial underperformer. Being an investor in TWR over the last 10 years has been painful. Maybe more painful over the last 5 years as there has been so much hope that finally the business will live up to its potential but year after year there is one reason or another why they cant produce the profits they should and pay the dividends they should.

However, if one can look through the earthquake stuff, EQC cap raising requirement, settlement with reinsurers, capex requirements + rollout of new cloud based platform, grappling with building cost inflation mismatch on premiums, back to back 100 year events then this is a stunning buy :cool:

02-04-2024, 03:57 PM
I now do not believe Goldman will find a buyer for TWR. If Bain capital are not willing to takeover this beast then why should someone else?

I figure TWR needs to deliver a series of strong profits before any outsiders will think about a takeover. That series about to start with this FY

09-04-2024, 11:12 AM
800mm in 60 hours in forecast

That's a lot of rain

Keep safe

09-04-2024, 01:05 PM
800mm in 60 hours in forecast

That's a lot of rain

Keep safe

Should I sell?

09-04-2024, 01:53 PM
Should I sell?

No, buy when the rain is lashing down and the TV news has pictures of small boats rescueing people.

09-04-2024, 03:16 PM
No, buy when the rain is lashing down and the TV news has pictures of small boats rescueing people.

Sell the forecast, buy the storm.

09-04-2024, 03:45 PM
Half year just gone and we probably can assume no cash from the large event kitty ($45m) has been used. So add half of it to forecast underlying profit of $27m (top of range) and the new unpat is $49.5m.

Thats EPS of $0.13 and on SP of $0.69 means its trading on a forward P/E of 5.29.

Seems very cheap but maybe cheap for a reason as many have been to this rodeo before and have been disappointed year after year.
Is this the best investment on the NZX or is it just my turn to be disappointed? lol

FY23 saw record large event claims against GWP of 7.02%. Avg before that in prior few years was 2-4% of GWP. FY19 must have been a lovely year with only $1m of large event loss equaling 0.28% of GWP.
The FY24 / FY25 / FY26 guidance provided by TWR have used similar 7-7.5% ratio to GWP for their large event allowance, I.e. in line with FY23 very bad year with the floods, cyclone etc. I do not know what industry avg is but if that large event % to GWP is more like 0.28%-4% which the company experienced in FY19/20/21/22 then profits in the coming years will be humongous and price is a multiple of 2-3 times FY26 profits.

I think the downside risk here is low, maybe SP goes to 59/60cent level if it gets really bad. But if it goes really good then SP should be in for one heck of a re-rate and go to $2.60 type thing.
Anyways TWR is a serial disappointment so unsure how it goes. I just feel it's a low risk of losing much money here but good chance to get a bag or two. Thoughts?

09-04-2024, 04:37 PM
Half year just gone and we probably can assume no cash from the large event kitty ($45m) has been used. So add half of it to forecast underlying profit of $27m (top of range) and the new unpat is $49.5m.

Thats EPS of $0.13 and on SP of $0.69 means its trading on a forward P/E of 5.29.

Seems very cheap but maybe cheap for a reason as many have been to this rodeo before and have been disappointed year after year.
Is this the best investment on the NZX or is it just my turn to be disappointed? lol

FY23 saw record large event claims against GWP of 7.02%. Avg before that in prior few years was 2-4% of GWP. FY19 must have been a lovely year with only $1m of large event loss equaling 0.28% of GWP.
The FY24 / FY25 / FY26 guidance provided by TWR have used similar 7-7.5% ratio to GWP for their large event allowance, I.e. in line with FY23 very bad year with the floods, cyclone etc. I do not know what industry avg is but if that large event % to GWP is more like 0.28%-4% which the company experienced in FY19/20/21/22 then profits in the coming years will be humongous and price is a multiple of 2-3 times FY26 profits.

I think the downside risk here is low, maybe SP goes to 59/60cent level if it gets really bad. But if it goes really good then SP should be in for one heck of a re-rate and go to $2.60 type thing.
Anyways TWR is a serial disappointment so unsure how it goes. I just feel it's a low risk of losing much money here but good chance to get a bag or two. Thoughts?

I had similar thoughts and have owned TWR twice before and just got fed up waiting. It just seemed like these once in a hundred year events appeared to be happening every 2-3 years. So get ready for another flood, or hailstorm or eathquake etc etc to come along soon

09-04-2024, 05:06 PM
It is correct that the first half of FY24 will be a very good result when announced in May.

On the other hand I expect there will be further provisioning for the ChCh event, the multi-policy discount fiasco and the related FMA court proceeding, along with the long tail of cyclone Gabriel and the Auckland floods. So more housekeeping will soak it up yet one more time. But that will "clear the decks" and if the second half is equally free of "large events" then for the first time in more than a decade TWR will finally be in good shape. But that is weather/earthquake/volcanic dependant and needs fingers crossed because we are exposed on all those fronts.

Even the rest of this week may tell a tale!

Southern Lad
10-04-2024, 09:36 AM
Half year just gone and we probably can assume no cash from the large event kitty ($45m) has been used. So add half of it to forecast underlying profit of $27m (top of range) and the new unpat is $49.5m.

Thats EPS of $0.13 and on SP of $0.69 means its trading on a forward P/E of 5.29.

If the large events allowance isn't used at all, there will be a tax effect on the saving. At a 28% tax rate, this would add $32.4m to the NPAT for the full year.

So for the half year, the underlying NPAT might be $27m + $32.4m / 2 = $29.7m.

10-04-2024, 10:23 AM
If the large events allowance isn't used at all, there will be a tax effect on the saving. At a 28% tax rate, this would add $32.4m to the NPAT for the full year.

So for the half year, the underlying NPAT might be $27m + $32.4m / 2 = $29.7m.

True that. Although I thought that TWR didnt have to pay tax for awhile with tax losses to use up

Southern Lad
10-04-2024, 10:53 AM
True that. Although I thought that TWR didnt have to pay tax for awhile with tax losses to use up

Yes, but TWR has recognised a deferred tax asset on its tax losses so there will be tax expense as these tax losses are used up, just not a cash cost.

10-04-2024, 11:18 AM
At the AGM officers indicated TWR wasn't expecting to pay tax in cash to IRD until 2026/27. Pending that the deferred tax asset is incrementally reduced.

But if FY24 is a really good year, as some of us are speculating if the inroads into the "large events" allowance are mitigated, then that timeline could be accelerated, and imputation credits might then be applied to dividends sooner.

10-04-2024, 03:50 PM
Thanks for the analysis RAWZ.. seems like a no brainer eh. Higher interest rates for longer is all good as well, with their huge cash FLOAT (dont tell Valueinvestor), hoovering up interest revenue.

Trouble with owning tower is that there is always something which ends up scuppering the amazing year.... Spent 3 years in TWR purgatory previously.

I am now a reasonably big owner (by my meagre standards) again, and continuing to invest here when I find cash down the back of the couch.

10-04-2024, 04:03 PM
Any ideas on who to write to inside Tower to recommend a massive buyback with the cash until imputation credits are available?

10-04-2024, 04:42 PM
Any ideas on who to write to inside Tower to recommend a massive buyback with the cash until imputation credits are available?

Could drop Emily an email to forward to ChaIr Michael. She seems to Corporate Affairs person


11-04-2024, 11:37 AM
I am sure Stiassny (who holds 600,000 shares) does not need to be told any major windfall from large event allowance goes straight into a buyback.... surely..

After all when they got the EQC payout and had all that balance sheet strength they did the $30m capital return early 2022 was it?

In Stiassny we trust.

11-04-2024, 12:32 PM
I am sure Stiassny (who holds 600,000 shares) does not need to be told any major windfall from large event allowance goes straight into a buyback.... surely..

After all when they got the EQC payout and had all that balance sheet strength they did the $30m capital return early 2022 was it?

In Stiassny we trust.

Unfortunately they may calculate that the "PR boost" to the uneducated NZ retail investor market from resumption of dividends will be greater.

I would absolutely love a buyback programme commencing later this year.

11-04-2024, 12:41 PM
Have written to Emily today. Will let you know how it goes...

11-04-2024, 12:50 PM
Maybe token dividend + buyback, like how MHJ shed their super profits. Not as if that went well with SP at 76cents now lol

12-04-2024, 10:14 AM
expecting huge profits , in favour of buy back

12-04-2024, 04:54 PM
doubled up again yest as big volume being accumulated this week. expect announcement on strategic reveiw with results perhaps

13-04-2024, 08:49 PM
What % of portfolio bull? I’m at about 10% twr

14-04-2024, 08:29 AM
What % of portfolio bull? I’m at about 10% twr

my portfolio is not constrained to just NZ but if we are talking of just the NZ portion of the portfolio it is 15% , if total portfolio of course much smaller.

14-04-2024, 10:32 AM
What % of portfolio bull? I’m at about 10% twr

Why do you have such a low portfolio allocation to something so cheap? Or have you found better bets?

The business (operation wise) is hitting its stride and the SP is in an uptrend. The run has started but still at the bottom.

Management have provided us sight on future earnings so half the job is done.

IMO the way I see it there is small odds of losing a little bit of money but big odds of doubling+ our money. Worth a decent punt on TWR at 70cents imo.

14-04-2024, 11:11 AM
Yeah agree. I’m trying not to trade often and stay the course with prior investments unless the thesis breaks. Got about 10-15 stonks going at any one time so 10% is maxish allocation. I am quite risk averse as well so I would rather make less but with low volatility than boom and bust.

That said this sort of mature investing is a huge mental struggle and I want to sell everything and chuck it into twr, Eml (asx) and gdc(asx) as these all have legs and are no brainers imo.

14-04-2024, 11:14 AM
Also recent experiences have shown me the things that end up doing great are often not the ones you have high conviction on so good to have a few more fingers in pies or irons in fires than your instinct demands

14-04-2024, 11:20 AM
Yeah agree. I’m trying not to trade often and stay the course with prior investments unless the thesis breaks. Got about 10-15 stonks going at any one time so 10% is maxish allocation. I am quite risk averse as well so I would rather make less but with low volatility than boom and bust.

That said this sort of mature investing is a huge mental struggle and I want to sell everything and chuck it into twr, Eml (asx) and gdc(asx) as these all have legs and are no brainers imo.

I used to be well diversified but recently changed to high concentration of 3-4 stocks. It’s working way better. The companies must have low debt or none is preferred (net cash). Profitable. Be in a good news up cycle, provide guidance that shows they are undervalued. If they have all this I’m okay to bet big. This only works in my current stage in life.

14-04-2024, 11:21 AM
1mill shares traded Friday. Huge pick up in volume as per bull. Interesting…. Anyone got a buyout price they would be happy with? $1.20?

15-04-2024, 09:40 AM
1mill shares traded Friday. Huge pick up in volume as per bull. Interesting…. Anyone got a buyout price they would be happy with? $1.20?

For what it's worth, Forysth Barr have a 1.41 price target on.

I also love the stock for its portfolio diversification properties - it's not bothered by inflation and higher interest rates.

15-04-2024, 10:11 AM
1mill shares traded Friday. Huge pick up in volume as per bull. Interesting…. Anyone got a buyout price they would be happy with? $1.20?

FY26 underlying EPS guidance from the company is 18cents. Thats a forward looking p/e of 3.8

Over the last 7 years TWR has traded on an avg 9.4x P/E. Im happy to wait for the re-rate back to 9.4x. I.e. 18cents x 9.4= $1.69 sp. This is 138% gain from an investment today. Plus dividend yield is going to be double digits.

This is worth a big punt

15-04-2024, 11:06 AM
FY26 underlying EPS guidance from the company is 18cents. Thats a forward looking p/e of 3.8

Over the last 7 years TWR has traded on an avg 9.4x P/E. Im happy to wait for the re-rate back to 9.4x. I.e. 18cents x 9.4= $1.69 sp. This is 138% gain from an investment today. Plus dividend yield is going to be double digits.

This is worth a big punt

buyback will make the fundamentals even more appealing

15-04-2024, 11:20 AM
The Alpine Fault is the only thing that can halt the rise of TWR now ;-)

15-04-2024, 01:13 PM
4m shares gone through at 73cents

15-04-2024, 01:15 PM
4m shares gone through at 73cents

something big is up eh volumes last week massive

15-04-2024, 01:24 PM
So maybe a buyback?


Thank you for your considered note and for your investment in Tower. We certainly share your aspirations for a strong next couple of years and beyond.

Tower’s Board considers it important to maximise the efficient use of capital and to provide a return on capital to Tower’s shareholders. As such the Board regularly considers Tower’s capital position and, where prudent to do so, the range of options it has available to return any surplus capital back to shareholders. For example, Tower has previously returned capital (via a share buy-back) from an excess solvency position in FY22 and this is an option the board has to redistribute capital to shareholders.

I would also note that capital distributions (via dividends or other means) are subject to our dividend & capital management policies:

Tower’s policy is to pay a sustainable annual dividend to shareholders that aims to be in the range between 60-80% of “adjusted earnings” (defined as the reported full year Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) plus acquisition amortisation and unusual items) for the Tower consolidated group, where prudent to do so.
Tower’s capital management policy stipulates the amount of target solvency capital Tower aims to hold above regulatory requirements, and this informs the Board as to how much capital is available for distributing funds back to shareholders.

Tower’s updated solvency position will be shared at our half year results in May.

Regarding imputation credits, we acknowledge that the dividends are currently not imputed due to the tax losses brought forward that offset any current tax payable to IRD so that new imputation credits are not being created. Under the current targets we issued at our ASM, we expect to utilise these tax losses some time in FY26, from which time cash payments of tax will recommence and imputation credits will be available. The Board considers that it is in the interests of shareholders to continue to pay a sustainable annual dividend, even if no imputation credits are available.

Michael Stiassny

15-04-2024, 01:52 PM
In Stiassny we trust <3

15-04-2024, 01:59 PM
Sell side nearly gone. Market waking up to the cheapest stock on the NZX

15-04-2024, 02:16 PM
It's "moving day" as they say at the big golf events, so did you make the cut here?

15-04-2024, 02:29 PM
Are we going to get to 80 this week?

15-04-2024, 02:42 PM
It's "moving day" as they say at the big golf events, so did you make the cut here?

I moved into a few today,at average cost of 73 cents..

15-04-2024, 02:50 PM
I moved into a few today,at average cost of 73 cents..

Off to the races now...I suspect one of the large brokers is making a move. Forsyth Barr have been bullish for a while.

As usual you never feel like you have enough holding in these breakout situations.

Sideshow Bob
15-04-2024, 03:39 PM
I moved into a few today,at average cost of 73 cents..

So did I Percy.

Hopefully we are "well positioned"!!

Trust you were the 4 million that went through?? :p

15-04-2024, 03:56 PM
So maybe a buyback?


Thank you for your considered note and for your investment in Tower. We certainly share your aspirations for a strong next couple of years and beyond.

Tower’s Board considers it important to maximise the efficient use of capital and to provide a return on capital to Tower’s shareholders. As such the Board regularly considers Tower’s capital position and, where prudent to do so, the range of options it has available to return any surplus capital back to shareholders. For example, Tower has previously returned capital (via a share buy-back) from an excess solvency position in FY22 and this is an option the board has to redistribute capital to shareholders.

I would also note that capital distributions (via dividends or other means) are subject to our dividend & capital management policies:

Tower’s policy is to pay a sustainable annual dividend to shareholders that aims to be in the range between 60-80% of “adjusted earnings” (defined as the reported full year Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) plus acquisition amortisation and unusual items) for the Tower consolidated group, where prudent to do so.
Tower’s capital management policy stipulates the amount of target solvency capital Tower aims to hold above regulatory requirements, and this informs the Board as to how much capital is available for distributing funds back to shareholders.

Tower’s updated solvency position will be shared at our half year results in May.

Regarding imputation credits, we acknowledge that the dividends are currently not imputed due to the tax losses brought forward that offset any current tax payable to IRD so that new imputation credits are not being created. Under the current targets we issued at our ASM, we expect to utilise these tax losses some time in FY26, from which time cash payments of tax will recommence and imputation credits will be available. The Board considers that it is in the interests of shareholders to continue to pay a sustainable annual dividend, even if no imputation credits are available.

Michael Stiassny

thanks for sharing Leemsip.

Sounds like they are keen to pay dividends even without imp credits. all good.

if you take midpoint of their payout range and midpoint of their guidance the dividends will look something like this:

70% x 0.065 EPS = 0.045 dps or 6% yield

70% x 0.13 EPS= 0.09 dps or 13% yield

70% x 0.18 EPS= 0.129 dps or 18% yield

FY24 doesnt include any large event write back (of which we assume none has been used so far this year,, 6.5months through the year) so is very conservative.

15-04-2024, 04:04 PM
So did I Percy.

Hopefully we are "well positioned"!!

Trust you were the 4 million that went through?? :p

No not me...lol.

15-04-2024, 04:12 PM
So did I Percy.

Hopefully we are "well positioned"!!

Trust you were the 4 million that went through?? :p

Not ‘well positioned’ ..these days it’s “positioned for a dynamic future."

15-04-2024, 04:34 PM
So maybe a buyback?


Thank you for your considered note and for your investment in Tower. We certainly share your aspirations for a strong next couple of years and beyond.

Tower’s Board considers it important to maximise the efficient use of capital and to provide a return on capital to Tower’s shareholders. As such the Board regularly considers Tower’s capital position and, where prudent to do so, the range of options it has available to return any surplus capital back to shareholders. For example, Tower has previously returned capital (via a share buy-back) from an excess solvency position in FY22 and this is an option the board has to redistribute capital to shareholders.

I would also note that capital distributions (via dividends or other means) are subject to our dividend & capital management policies:

Tower’s policy is to pay a sustainable annual dividend to shareholders that aims to be in the range between 60-80% of “adjusted earnings” (defined as the reported full year Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) plus acquisition amortisation and unusual items) for the Tower consolidated group, where prudent to do so.
Tower’s capital management policy stipulates the amount of target solvency capital Tower aims to hold above regulatory requirements, and this informs the Board as to how much capital is available for distributing funds back to shareholders.

Tower’s updated solvency position will be shared at our half year results in May.

Regarding imputation credits, we acknowledge that the dividends are currently not imputed due to the tax losses brought forward that offset any current tax payable to IRD so that new imputation credits are not being created. Under the current targets we issued at our ASM, we expect to utilise these tax losses some time in FY26, from which time cash payments of tax will recommence and imputation credits will be available. The Board considers that it is in the interests of shareholders to continue to pay a sustainable annual dividend, even if no imputation credits are available.

Michael Stiassny

thx leemsip. hopefully share buyback. most efficient form of cap management at these prices i reckon

15-04-2024, 04:43 PM
thx leemsip. hopefully share buyback. most efficient form of cap management at these prices i reckon

could see both. if the large event allowance isnt used and the balance sheet is comfortably strong over and above the regulatory requirements there could be 'sustainable annual dividend' and capital returned from an 'excess solvency position'

15-04-2024, 04:48 PM
could see both. if the large event allowance isnt used and the balance sheet is comfortably strong over and above the regulatory requirements there could be 'sustainable annual dividend' and capital returned from an 'excess solvency position'

both are probable at the time. tower have history of doing both with excess capital. key is what level they set as there solvency level. this probably tied in with there strategic consulting

15-04-2024, 09:12 PM
Research Notes - MST Access (https://www.mstaccess.com.au/research-notes)

This is forbar research. TWR has paid them to put this together. This is money well spent by TWR on behalf of shareholders imo. You can click the link above and see all the free research reports on many a company. pretty cool aye.

Rawz executive summary: TWR cheap as chips.


Tower (TWR) has experienced a positive reversal of fortunes, with its 1H24 likely including zero large events. The absenceof large events means: (1) TWR is likely to report an exceptionally strong 1H24 result, and (2) there is significant upside riskto FY24 guidance of ‘the upper end or above the NZ$22m–NZ$27m range in underlying NPAT’. TWR's guidance includesNZ$45m of large events allowance, and we estimate none was utilised in 1H24. Accordingly, we adjust our forecasts byreducing our FY24 large events allowance -50%, choosing to be conservative despite large events having historically beenheavily skewed to the 1H. We also reduce our business as usual (BAU) claims ratio to account for premium growth and acontinued normalisation of motor claims, seeing our FY24 underlying profit estimate lift by +84% to NZ$49.2m. TWRtrades at a large discount to its peer group. We view the widening valuation gap as increasingly unjustified, especially giventhe upside risk to FY24 earnings expectations. Our blended spot valuation increases by +22% to NZ$1.41

A stellar 1H24 result likely on 28 May 2024

TWR is likely to report a stellar H24 result on 28 May 2024. We anticipate tailwinds from: (1) the lack of large events in the period, (2)continued strong GWP growth, (3) robust investment returns, (4) a normalisation in claims frequency and severity, and (5) furtherimprovements in the management expense ratio (MER). Assuming a business as usual (BAU) claims ratio of 52.1% and MER of 29.6%,we forecast underlying NPAT of NZ$35.1m. While not included in our forecasts, the strong 1H24 result may allow sufficient capitalrecovery for TWR to declare an interim dividend.

Benign weather boosts FY24

We estimate that TWR experienced no large events in the 1H24 period that ended on 31 March 2024. Given this fortunate position,we expect TWR to provide an update regarding its large events allowance for FY24 at its 1H24 result or earlier. A partial unwind ofthe allowance is a near certainty, especially in the context of ~81% of TWR's large events costs occurring in 1H periods since FY18,and the worst 2H large events expense since FY18 being only NZ$4.6m. Nevertheless, we expect TWR to be conservative and retain asignificant allowance. Reflecting this, we reduce our FY24 large events allowance -50% to NZ$22.5m.

Valuation support increasing

TWR trades at just 5.2x 12-month forward underlying earnings on our updated estimates, offering substantial upside to peers IAG on16.3x and SUN on ~15.1x. Over the last seven years TWR has traded on an average 12-month forward PE of 9.4x and at an averagediscount to its peers of -37%, meaning TWR trades below its historical valuation ranges. We find this difficult to reconcile given TWR'simproving business fundamentals, with increased scale driving improved efficiency and returns

16-04-2024, 07:22 AM
Research Notes - MST Access (https://www.mstaccess.com.au/research-notes)

This is forbar research. TWR has paid them to put this together. This is money well spent by TWR on behalf of shareholders imo. You can click the link above and see all the free research reports on many a company. pretty cool aye.

Rawz executive summary: TWR cheap as chips.


Tower (TWR) has experienced a positive reversal of fortunes, with its 1H24 likely including zero large events. The absenceof large events means: (1) TWR is likely to report an exceptionally strong 1H24 result, and (2) there is significant upside riskto FY24 guidance of ‘the upper end or above the NZ$22m–NZ$27m range in underlying NPAT’. TWR's guidance includesNZ$45m of large events allowance, and we estimate none was utilised in 1H24. Accordingly, we adjust our forecasts byreducing our FY24 large events allowance -50%, choosing to be conservative despite large events having historically beenheavily skewed to the 1H. We also reduce our business as usual (BAU) claims ratio to account for premium growth and acontinued normalisation of motor claims, seeing our FY24 underlying profit estimate lift by +84% to NZ$49.2m. TWRtrades at a large discount to its peer group. We view the widening valuation gap as increasingly unjustified, especially giventhe upside risk to FY24 earnings expectations. Our blended spot valuation increases by +22% to NZ$1.41

A stellar 1H24 result likely on 28 May 2024

TWR is likely to report a stellar H24 result on 28 May 2024. We anticipate tailwinds from: (1) the lack of large events in the period, (2)continued strong GWP growth, (3) robust investment returns, (4) a normalisation in claims frequency and severity, and (5) furtherimprovements in the management expense ratio (MER). Assuming a business as usual (BAU) claims ratio of 52.1% and MER of 29.6%,we forecast underlying NPAT of NZ$35.1m. While not included in our forecasts, the strong 1H24 result may allow sufficient capitalrecovery for TWR to declare an interim dividend.

Benign weather boosts FY24

We estimate that TWR experienced no large events in the 1H24 period that ended on 31 March 2024. Given this fortunate position,we expect TWR to provide an update regarding its large events allowance for FY24 at its 1H24 result or earlier. A partial unwind ofthe allowance is a near certainty, especially in the context of ~81% of TWR's large events costs occurring in 1H periods since FY18,and the worst 2H large events expense since FY18 being only NZ$4.6m. Nevertheless, we expect TWR to be conservative and retain asignificant allowance. Reflecting this, we reduce our FY24 large events allowance -50% to NZ$22.5m.

Valuation support increasing

TWR trades at just 5.2x 12-month forward underlying earnings on our updated estimates, offering substantial upside to peers IAG on16.3x and SUN on ~15.1x. Over the last seven years TWR has traded on an average 12-month forward PE of 9.4x and at an averagediscount to its peers of -37%, meaning TWR trades below its historical valuation ranges. We find this difficult to reconcile given TWR'simproving business fundamentals, with increased scale driving improved efficiency and returns

thx . significant upside alright based on forbar analysis

16-04-2024, 09:04 AM
thx . significant upside alright based on forbar analysis

so we are going to see the double engine growth dream. 1) EPS growth from FY24 to FY26 and then 2) re-rate back to historical valuation range.

Heck depending on FY27-FY28 it could be the 1 in 100 year event TRIPLE ENGINE GROWTH DREAM... 1) EPS growth, 2) re-rate to historical valuation then 3) multiple expansion to new valuation range in line with peers IAG and SUN


16-04-2024, 11:22 AM
more big off-market trades going thru again at 74c

Sideshow Bob
16-04-2024, 11:35 AM

28th May for results

16-04-2024, 11:57 AM
SP up 25% year to date. And just starting its run imo

16-04-2024, 01:19 PM
Market currently up another 1.5c to 75c in an otherwise shabby day for the markets.
TWR Market depth currently has only 30,000 shares available for less than 1.30

Wonder if we will see a SSH soon

16-04-2024, 01:54 PM
I don't know about an SPH from any party (but it would be an interesting/revealing event if filed) but there will not be volume offered again around 75c any time soon in my opinion.

Maybe price will reach 80c this week before settling to await the half year result announcement and any accompanying commentery/disclosures?

16-04-2024, 02:05 PM
there is just nothing on offer. Buyers need to big up to see where the sellers are at. Not sure if there is some TA resistance ahead? any guru care to share a chart?

17-04-2024, 08:12 AM
80cents today?
$1 after half year results in May?

17-04-2024, 09:38 AM
twr probably do update on guidance before results i imagine

17-04-2024, 09:41 AM
twr probably do update on guidance before results i imagine

Might do that when they respond to speeding ticket

17-04-2024, 10:07 AM
twr probably do update on guidance before results i imagine

Spot on. Updated guidance just released at $35m underlying NPAt (plus whatever they can retain from the $45m large events allowance, none of which has yet been used)

17-04-2024, 10:09 AM
Spot on. Updated guidance just released at $35m underlying NPAt (plus whatever they can retain from the $45m large events allowance, none of which has yet been used)
Omg that’s huge. Really it’s going to be $57m npat When you add back half the large event…?


17-04-2024, 10:26 AM
Full year underlying NPAT is expected to be greater than $35m. Previously Tower had advised that it expected underlying NPAT to be at the top end of or exceeding a range of between $22m and $27m. This updated guidance assumes full utilisation of the FY24 large events allowance which is conservatively set at $45m. No large events have been recorded in the financial year to date.


massive update ... doesnt even incorporate large event provisions. if no large events at full yr it be massive result.

pe of 1 at current pricing lol .... massive undervalued stock. compare to aus insurers up greater than 50% last yr and twr up 15% odd huge gap in performance , like forbar say cant understAand this. re -rate time

17-04-2024, 10:40 AM
I don't know about an SPH from any party (but it would be an interesting/revealing event if filed) but there will not be volume offered again around 75c any time soon in my opinion.

Maybe price will reach 80c this week before settling to await the half year result announcement and any accompanying commentery/disclosures?

I don't often use the term "going gangbusters" in relation to a share price but it applies here this week. No telling now where it will end.

17-04-2024, 10:49 AM
I am trying to chase the share price up now and buy. Going up so fast.... holy smoke, lol

17-04-2024, 10:53 AM
Update: Ive done it. And managed to push the price up to 84c.
Thank me later RAWZ...

17-04-2024, 10:54 AM
Tower is in a strong good news up cycle. How good :cool:

17-04-2024, 11:02 AM
Update: Ive done it. And managed to push the price up to 84c.
Thank me later RAWZ...

84 cents a good price imo.

They say underlying NPAT to be GREATER than $35m. So maybe could be $36m or $37m??

Lets say $36.5m and be fair and add half the large event allowance being $22.5m. Underlying NPAT reported could be $59m. Thats EPS of $0.16
So at $0.84 sp a P/E of 5.25. Very conservative buying imo. Forbar say avg P/E is 9.4 so your target fair value could be $0.16 eps x 9.4= $1.50. i.e. 78% above your buy price.

And dividend say 70% payout on $0.16 = $0.11 DPS. Thats a yield of 13% on your $0.84 buy.

TWR STILL the cheapest NZX stock...

17-04-2024, 11:11 AM
Some might say their premiums are excessive

But who cares …. thats the insured problem …I’m not feeling guilty

17-04-2024, 11:20 AM
Some might say their premiums are excessive

But who cares …. thats the insured problem …I’m not feeling guilty

Yes my premiums are through the roof. Best way to sort that is to own your insurance company lol

17-04-2024, 11:26 AM
Rawz - Today you are up to 2nd place in the 2024 stockpicking competition! Glory be to those who included TWR as a pick!

17-04-2024, 11:37 AM
Rawz - Today you are up to 2nd place in the 2024 stockpicking competition! Glory be to those who included TWR as a pick!

Glory to TWR!

Ive been saying buy TWR for awhile now :t_up:

Sideshow Bob
17-04-2024, 12:12 PM
Glory to TWR!

Ive been saying buy TWR for awhile now :t_up:

Forget about the Findi horse for a bit......time to ride Tower to glory!! :p

17-04-2024, 12:41 PM
Some might say their premiums are excessive

But who cares …. thats the insured problem …I’m not feeling guilty

Selling to willing market buyers at the current fair market price gif...

17-04-2024, 12:44 PM
Forget about the Findi horse for a bit......time to ride Tower to glory!! :p

TWR stands tall over all. The shining light of the NZX. Will see us through the darkness to come

Findi is in the naughty corner lol

17-04-2024, 03:50 PM
In a year's time when everyone has forgotten about the one year of crazy weather, this will be seen as a stock you have to own.

CPI data out today shows limited progress in NZ on taming core inflation, insurance companies are inflation proof unlike any other sector - beneficiaries of higher interest rates.

Wouldn't sell any of my holding for less than $1.50

18-04-2024, 11:18 AM
Looks like the buyers found the sellers at the 80-90cent range. Plenty have filled at various prices.

Most holders should be in the green or at least breakeven when looking at the 5 year chart. Peaked at 88cents May 2021 but assuming some dividends should be even.

Recent investors will be looking for $1+. Recent traders maybe looking to take their profits?

Personally I'm happy to hold for the huge dividend yield on my entry price and see where the re-rate takes us.

18-04-2024, 12:43 PM
Nice call RAWZ. I have a full allocation as of yesterday. Think the up-leg has burned out now.

Traditionally Tower will drift demoralizingly lower on no news towards the gravity of 60c, but it does feel different this time. Happy to hold long term and see what happens...

18-04-2024, 12:48 PM
Looks like the buyers found the sellers at the 80-90cent range. Plenty have filled at various prices.

Most holders should be in the green or at least breakeven when looking at the 5 year chart. Peaked at 88cents May 2021 but assuming some dividends should be even.

Recent investors will be looking for $1+. Recent traders maybe looking to take their profits?

Personally I'm happy to hold for the huge dividend yield on my entry price and see where the re-rate takes us.

I made a small trade first thing Tuesday via my Company and exited this morning.

But it's my second largest holding under other hats (behind ARG for pie dividend income) and these won't be dislodged given the longer term payoff prospects in spite of the inherent underlying risk of an extreme adverse event.

18-04-2024, 01:44 PM
I did buy a small number yesterday, having last had Tower when I sold at $2.08 in 2008.......

18-04-2024, 04:39 PM
Sell high, (wait 16 years, fingers hovering over the keyboard), buy low.....

18-04-2024, 05:13 PM
Sometimes I jump too soon. Sometimes I jump too late........

22-04-2024, 11:10 AM
This week's "Market News" covers Tower.

26-04-2024, 09:06 AM
26/04/2024 08:30
REL: 0830 HRS Tower Limited

CREDIT: TWR: AM Best affirms Tower Limited's A- (Excellent) FSR

26 April, 2024

AM Best affirms Tower Limited's A- (Excellent) Financial Strength Rating

Global credit rating agency AM Best has affirmed Tower Limited's Financial
Strength Rating as A- (Excellent), with a stable outlook, after completing
its annual review. Tower's Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating was also affirmed
as a- (Excellent), with a stable outlook.

The ratings reflect Tower's balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as
very strong. AM Best expects Tower's risk-adjusted capitalisation to remain
at least at the very strong level over the medium term.

AM Best also noted Tower's adequate operating performance, neutral business
profile and appropriate enterprise risk management, in addition to the
company's strong financial flexibility, prudent reinsurance programme and
conservative investment strategy.

Tower Chair, Michael Stiassny welcomed the AM Best rating affirmation, noting
that it supports the confidence investors and customers have in Tower's
financial stability and performance.

Further details of Tower's AM Best rating can be found in the following link:


26-04-2024, 03:57 PM
General consensus of higher inflation. Stocks coming off today. Should be good for TWR float though.

02-05-2024, 11:14 AM
We get half year report end of this month. At this point there will be 4 more months of trading until the year is complete (30 sept). So im thinking we will be due a profit upgrade? This time an add back of the large event allowance?

Also looking forward to a big juicy dividend. Any guesses on what that will be?

02-05-2024, 11:18 AM
We get half year report end of this month. At this point there will be 4 more months of trading until the year is complete (30 sept). So im thinking we will be due a profit upgrade? This time an add back of the large event allowance?

Also looking forward to a big juicy dividend. Any guesses on what that will be?

4cps (unimputed currently) would be good as an interim for FY24.

02-05-2024, 11:27 AM
4cps (unimputed currently) would be good as an interim for FY24.

I would think they could afford more than 4c.
If HY profit is reported as $40m (being $35m/2 plus half of large claims allowance of $45m) then a 6c per share dividend ($22.8m) only represents 57% of profit

02-05-2024, 12:05 PM
True but prudence suggests a conservative approach at the half year point. 4cps is still $15.2m paid out. Let us hope that the winds remain fair for HY2, the remediation is completed on budget, and the large events allowance utilisation is minimal. Then the Board can adopt a generous approach if they wish.

Maybe even another 10% share buy back is possible given that is potentially more tax efficient for holders?

02-05-2024, 12:17 PM
4cps HY FY24
4.5cps FY FY24

4.5cps HY FY25 + $45m buyback
5cps FY FY25

02-05-2024, 03:03 PM
from there presentation

Solvency margin is $53.8m above RBNZ minimumsolvency capital although below new internal targetof $67.4m

so they would have to apply 14m odd of the half yr profit if they are still using this internal target

06-05-2024, 11:15 AM
You know the market is down in the dumps when might TWR briefly dropped below 80cents

14-05-2024, 10:29 AM

"cost of building damage could top $100 billion"

SP down to 78 cents. Bargains, bargains everywhere. No stock is spared from this bear market

14-05-2024, 11:07 AM

"cost of building damage could top $100 billion"

SP down to 78 cents. Bargains, bargains everywhere. No stock is spared from this bear market

The NZX is putrid right now.

14-05-2024, 11:14 AM
You know the market is down in the dumps when might TWR briefly dropped below 80cents

It is proving to be not so "brief" is it Rawz, and the half year results announcement is just 2 weeks away now.

I looked again at the quite remarkable April guidance update given and the suggestion that NPAT is forecast to exceed $35m assuming all the $45m large events allowance is utilised. I think it is likely still that none has been expended to date, and it is worth appreciating that means NPAT is rising by almost $1m per week in that circumstance. In addition it seems to me that GWP is growing faster than thought despite the economic circumstances, and that structural changes such as divesting PNG, the Solomons and Vanuatu and expanding the Suva business hub are positive. The only negative is the ongoing remediation for the policy discount fiasco and the related FMA action but the former must be nearly concluded now which in turn will release staffing resources to more productive activities.

So I expect any accompanying commentary on that occasion to lead to further upside share price surprise and agree the market is unduly pessimistic currently. But I agree that an extreme adverse catastrophe event is a potential black swan risk not all listed entities face to the same degree of possibility/probability, and perhaps that always needs to be factored in as a holder to mute excessive optimism!

14-05-2024, 01:21 PM
I had a weird experience with Tower yesterday. Tower through trademe sent me a renewal notice for landlord house insurance. THey increased the premium by 50% over the previous year. much of the increase was driven by the amount insured. They seem to no longer allow you to insure your house for its market value. The market value is around 1/3 of the replacement value in my case. Anyway I phoned customer service and had a woman representative who kept fading out. Each time I said "I cant hear you" she turned the volume up. On the fifth time she faded out I hung up and redialled. I could hear the second rep and after about 5 minutes she said she would call me back after talking to a risk assessor. She never did call back. Good news (for tower shareholders) is I eventually rebought the insurance. Bad news is that either their or tradme's reps offer a pretty poor customer service experience.

14-05-2024, 01:39 PM
sounds like the systems working lol

14-05-2024, 01:49 PM
I had a weird experience with Tower yesterday. Tower through trademe sent me a renewal notice for landlord house insurance. THey increased the premium by 50% over the previous year. much of the increase was driven by the amount insured. They seem to no longer allow you to insure your house for its market value. The market value is around 1/3 of the replacement value in my case. Anyway I phoned customer service and had a woman representative who kept fading out. Each time I said "I cant hear you" she turned the volume up. On the fifth time she faded out I hung up and redialled. I could hear the second rep and after about 5 minutes she said she would call me back after talking to a risk assessor. She never did call back. Good news (for tower shareholders) is I eventually rebought the insurance. Bad news is that either their or tradme's reps offer a pretty poor customer service experience.

I also have a similar experience with Tower via trademe insurance ...I had two cars plus my house covered comprehensively ...got shocked to get renewal notice for my Porsche to double as tower decided to shun European cars insurance thus they became super uncompetitive overnight in spite of multi policy discount ...to my surprise I cud get single car covered at my old premium via AA Insurance which have better customer service ...but still my house plus mx-5 is with them via trademe as they are still competitive for them . My claims experience with Tower is also not very positive ...they tried every trick in the trade to deny my claim ...even spent $ 5000 on FULL investigation of 3 months to finally pay in full . I will call tower 1/5 customer service level .

14-05-2024, 01:51 PM
I also have a similar experience with Tower via trademe insurance ...I had two cars plus my house covered comprehensively ...got shocked to get renewal notice for my Porsche to double as tower decided to shun European cars insurance thus they became super uncompetitive overnight in spite of multi policy discount ...to my surprise I cud get single car covered at my old premium via AA Insurance which have better customer service ...but still my house plus mx-5 is with them via trademe as they are still competitive for them . My claims experience with Tower is also not very positive ...they tried every trick in the trade to deny my claim ...even spent $ 5000 on FULL investigation of 3 months to finally pay in full . I will call tower 1/5 customer service level .

Why not self insure? Get third party if you must but for the rest, the known limits just insure yourself. Crazy to give the premium away.

14-05-2024, 01:53 PM
best strategy is to insure everything with tower and then buy tower shares. Has worked a treat for me :eek2:

14-05-2024, 01:53 PM
Why not self insure? Get third party if you must but for the rest, the known limits just insure yourself. Crazy to give the premium away.

Third party is a must if have any capital on your name then making it comprehensive becomes a no brainer as add on cost is very affordable ...but I do understand your thought ...thats why I am always on maximum excess on all policies ...that much self insurance I can do easily

14-05-2024, 02:08 PM
Third party is a must if have any capital on your name then making it comprehensive becomes a no brainer as add on cost is very affordable ...but I do understand your thought ...thats why I am always on maximum excess on all policies ...that much self insurance I can do easily

Hang on, third party is like $130 but full is 10 x that depending on value.

14-05-2024, 02:23 PM
Hang on, third party is like $130 but full is 10 x that depending on value.

I was referring to third party ,fire and theft ...yours is only 3rd party liability ...thats 10% of comprehensive agreed ...still I will prefer comprehensive after suffering a total loss of $ 90K vehicle few years back ...seems worth it after that experience !!

14-05-2024, 05:33 PM
I had a weird experience with Tower yesterday. Tower through trademe sent me a renewal notice for landlord house insurance. THey increased the premium by 50% over the previous year. much of the increase was driven by the amount insured. They seem to no longer allow you to insure your house for its market value. The market value is around 1/3 of the replacement value in my case. Anyway I phoned customer service and had a woman representative who kept fading out. Each time I said "I cant hear you" she turned the volume up. On the fifth time she faded out I hung up and redialled. I could hear the second rep and after about 5 minutes she said she would call me back after talking to a risk assessor. She never did call back. Good news (for tower shareholders) is I eventually rebought the insurance. Bad news is that either their or tradme's reps offer a pretty poor customer service experience.

Just to complete the story. The rep did indeed phone back tonight (ie over 24 hours later) to discuss my issue - I told well it is all a bit late as I wound up the excess to the maximum and reduced the insured amount to the minimum allowed online and paid the premium yesterday.

17-05-2024, 07:10 PM

"cost of building damage could top $100 billion"

SP down to 78 cents. Bargains, bargains everywhere. No stock is spared from this bear market

Grabbed a decent parcel today at 78c, lets wait and see how it turns out.

17-05-2024, 09:16 PM
Grabbed a decent parcel today at 78c, lets wait and see how it turns out.

Good luck! The news is mostly out there already, but actual confirmation later this month along with some accompanying positive comments should/could be worth another 4 or 5 cents quite quickly. Then another wait until end September with fingers crossed that the large events allowance is spared from destruction in the intervening period and that the turn around continues/gains momentum!

21-05-2024, 04:07 PM
Would seem likely TWR will be dipping into the FY24 large events allowance now if reports around the current weather event are telling the tale. There may be a preliminary update accompanying the results announcement next week, but it did seem that none utilised so far was to good to continue didn't it?

28-05-2024, 08:51 AM
March update from Tower is out. $36m NPAT for the half year, everything going in the right direction, growth in premiums 20%, management expense ratio down pretty significantly, no use of large events re-insurance to date. Guide to further growth in next couple of years, sharpening up their underwriting to avoid risk.

Total EV $300m. If no large event in H2 then roughly $70m NPAT, putting this bad boy on a P/E of 4.
3c dividend declared.

Talked about strategic review ongoing to release share holder value.

28-05-2024, 09:00 AM
Excellent Half Year result.
Pleased they are paying a 3 cents divie,
Well done to posters whose posts I followed up by buying a few Tower.Thank you.

Summary of HY24:
• Gross written premium (GWP) $291m, up 20% on HY23
• Business as usual (BAU) claims ratio 49.7% vs 51.1% in HY23
• Management expense ratio (MER) improved to 31.3% vs 35.0% in HY23
• Large event costs -$1.9m vs $37.3m in HY23, due to a favourable revision to the most recent estimate for
Vanuatu cyclone claims incurred in the prior year
• Customer numbers declined 1% to 309,000 vs 312,000 in HY23 partly due to tightened risk appetite for
high-theft motor vehicle models
• Combined operating ratio (COR) including large events 80.2% vs 104.5% in HY23
• Underlying profit $36.6m vs $3.7m loss in HY23
• Reported profit $36m vs $5.1m loss in HY23
• Interim dividend 3 cents per share.

28-05-2024, 09:09 AM
Hopefully this eases towards $1 per share in prep for full year results.

28-05-2024, 09:17 AM
That GWP growth and management expense ratio dropping.. :drool: how good

Basically the business is humming. Recession proof?

Has the tailwinds of the large event allowance for the next few years looking very conservative AND the strategic review working in the background to unlock shareholder value.

SP heading over $1 in due course

28-05-2024, 09:23 AM
That GWP growth and management expense ratio dropping.. :drool: how good

Basically the business is humming. Recession proof?

Has the tailwinds of the large event allowance for the next few years looking very conservative AND the strategic review working in the background to unlock shareholder value.

SP heading over $1 in due course

Great result from Tower, you're hitting bullseyes on all your targets lately, what a year you must be having!

28-05-2024, 09:42 AM
Great result from Tower, you're hitting bullseyes on all your targets lately, what a year you must be having!

A very good year for me ironically in a tough year for the economy.

I just picked 3 companies that were trading cheap to management guidance and had strong balance sheets. No secret formular or big spreadsheet work involved. Very concentrated with 3 companies but its okay if balance sheet is strong (ideally net cash) and the SP is trading cheap imo

Sideshow Bob
28-05-2024, 09:44 AM
A very good year for me ironically in a tough year for the economy.

That was one of Buffets premises about insurance - non-cyclical. Even in tough times, people still needed insurance.

28-05-2024, 10:02 AM
That was one of Buffets premises about insurance - non-cyclical. Even in tough times, people still needed insurance.

Yes and people need cheap cars and ATMs as well lol

Sideshow Bob
28-05-2024, 10:08 AM
Yes and people need cheap cars and ATMs as well lol

Insurance, cheap cars and ATM's - amen to that! :t_up:

In my case, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but for cars I have Tina....

But in all seriousness, well done Rawz!! Not super rocket science, and sometimes just finding those companies and having conviction to act.

You must of had a stellar run of late and very pleased for you. :)

28-05-2024, 10:24 AM
Insurance, cheap cars and ATM's - amen to that! :t_up:

In my case, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, but for cars I have Tina....

But in all seriousness, well done Rawz!! Not super rocket science, and sometimes just finding those companies and having conviction to act.

You must of had a stellar run of late and very pleased for you. :)

Cheers mate.

Just listening to the TWR call now and by the sounds of it the operation is running the best it ever has. This is now a very well run company. Profits will follow the operation performance and the SP will follow the profits.
(Just no earthquakes please)

28-05-2024, 11:24 AM
Did anybody listen to the call and get the impression the analysts at the end of the call didn't quite believe the FY25 and FY26 guidance? Based on their questions..

I know historically TWR hasnt been a performer but you can see from the favorable internal metrics that things have changed and the business is performing strongly.

FY25 guidance is eps of 13 cents meaning its trading on a forward P.E of 6.3 as of right now (SP $0.83).
This includes a record provision for large events of $45m. Which is going to be 7.65% if GWP, historically this ratio is about half that.
The solvency position is excellent with $100m+ over and above RBNZ requirements.

TWR competitors trade on much higher P/E ratios:
IAG: 20.4
SUN: 17.4
QBE: 13.88.

TWR on 6.3 P.E does not reflect true value....

28-05-2024, 11:32 AM
great result , been worth holding last couple yrs when they pay out good divs like this. buyback full yr my hope.

28-05-2024, 11:45 AM
Wont be fully imputed, as they have tax losses for Africa.

28-05-2024, 11:46 AM
Market Cap of only $300m. You could get 20% of VGL for $100m, so which offers the best T/O target? Loaded with cash too, ChCh claims no longer an issue and 97% settled for Gabriel and the Auckland floods, policy discount remediation almost done, a great IT platform, Suva hub significantly reducing costs, exited the fraught jurisdictions of PNG, the Solomons and Vanuatu, rapid increase in GWP, increasingly efficient business - what's not to like?

28-05-2024, 11:49 AM
Wont be fully imputed, as they have tax losses for Africa.

Not so if the FY24 profitability is maintained and the large events allowance doesn't self destruct. Tax losses then well done and dusted in FY25, so imputation credits will resume sooner rather than later.

28-05-2024, 11:59 AM
A very good year for me ironically in a tough year for the economy.

I just picked 3 companies that were trading cheap to management guidance and had strong balance sheets. No secret formular or big spreadsheet work involved. Very concentrated with 3 companies but its okay if balance sheet is strong (ideally net cash) and the SP is trading cheap imo

If you can just engineer a turnaround or T/O for BRW you will give the sharetrader competition a real shake too!

28-05-2024, 12:32 PM
If you can just engineer a turnaround or T/O for BRW you will give the sharetrader competition a real shake too!

BRW is stuffed and no hope lol.

I cant believe the SP action (lack of) for TWR today. Need the big boys to come in and take it up to 90cents before going $1+

What's going on here?

28-05-2024, 12:55 PM
BRW is stuffed and no hope lol.

I cant believe the SP action (lack of) for TWR today. Need the big boys to come in and take it up to 90cents before going $1+

What's going on here?
It does seem that for whatever reason the market doesn't like TWR. After every announcement there seems to be a very positive immediate reaction then a slow decline.

28-05-2024, 01:08 PM
It does seem that for whatever reason the market doesn't like TWR. After every announcement there seems to be a very positive immediate reaction then a slow decline.

Although TWR are currently doing very well, you will notice everyone qualifies their enthusiasm for the future with a comment something like "fingers crossed no massive event happens". This is the great uncertainty for any investor in insurance, massive events are guaranteed to happen, sometime.

28-05-2024, 01:17 PM
Although TWR are currently doing very well, you will notice everyone qualifies their enthusiasm for the future with a comment something like "fingers crossed no massive event happens". This is the great uncertainty for any investor in insurance, massive events are guaranteed to happen, sometime.

I agree we say that, even i did so earlier today.

But the large event allowance factored into FY25 and FY26 is the most it has even been. And compared to its competitors TWR is trading on a much lower multiple.

So a large event can come but still the SP is undervalued.

28-05-2024, 01:20 PM
This is my reservation with TWR as well. All those La Nina storms just nailed them. Better times ahead as we move to El Nino but then there's a fault line to become active at any time. All the risk in one geographic basket is a worry.

28-05-2024, 01:25 PM
Whatever the market thinks, I personally can't see a reason to sell my holding.

TWR will do 9-10cents eps this year and then there's the potential for that again depending on how much of the large event is used.

The solvency margin is $117m so TWR is going to be sitting on a huge pile of cash looking for a home. Maybe end of year div of 5 cents and $30m buy back depending on the large event utlisation?

Just like with 2CC you can sit and collect large distributions knowing the balance sheet is strong and the SP is undervalued.

Lastly the SP is in a solid uptrend.

28-05-2024, 06:03 PM
800,000 shares traded at 82 cents at the close

30-05-2024, 08:56 AM
Tower Insurance readies its next risk-based pricing tool as CEO says he loves being the insurance underdog competing with bigger Aussie-owned rivals

The general insurer has $45 million set aside to be used for any catastrophic disasters in the rest of the 2024 financial year which will then be added to Tower’s full-year underlying net profit if it doesn’t get used up
Questioned in the analysts call on if Tower’s GWP growth would continue into the second half, Turnbull said Tower expected to see that growth settle between 10% and 15% in the full 2024 financial year.
He added that the insurer also expects to see similar premium growth between the 10% and 15% benchmark going into the 2025 and 2026 financial years as well.


30-05-2024, 12:26 PM
Need one or two big boys' help to swipe big vol on offer at 83c.

30-05-2024, 01:56 PM
Need one or two big boys' help to swipe big vol on offer at 83c.

hoping go onto new high's when that happens. very big buyer on asx yest

Sideshow Bob
11-06-2024, 08:34 AM
Updated guidance.....:)


Kiwi insurer, Tower Limited (NZX/ASX: TWR) has today updated its earnings guidance on underlying net profit after tax (underlying NPAT) for the year ending 30 September 2024. Tower’s FY24 full year underlying NPAT guidance is expected to be greater than $40m, up from greater than $35m as previously advised.

This increase is due to a continuation of positive trading conditions including unseasonably benign weather in the past two months. While there were two storms in New Zealand in May, both had relatively insignificant claims costs for Tower, and the threshold for large events was not met.This updated guidance assumes full utilisation of the FY24 large events allowance which is conservatively set at $45m. No large events have been recorded in the financial year to date.

Any unused portion of the large events allowance at year end will increase underlying NPAT to improve the full year result. For example, if there were no large events in FY24 underlying NPAT would be increased by an additional $32m ($45m less tax).

11-06-2024, 08:38 AM
Punters being played like a fiddle with these regular announcements

Who cares while tune is a rousing one

Sideshow Bob
11-06-2024, 08:41 AM
Meaning EPS of minimum of 10.54 cps earnings, and trading on 7.73 PE as of the current price.

No large events and it gets to 19cps.

Sideshow Bob
11-06-2024, 08:41 AM
Punters being played like a fiddle

Who cares while tune is a rousing one

Best way is to own the company.

11-06-2024, 08:46 AM
Punters being played like a fiddle with these regular announcements

Who cares while tune is a rousing one

Now, now W69 - isn’t it wonderful to see upgrades for a change rather than the recent morale sapping multiple downgrades of the NZX?

Let’s hope it continues.

11-06-2024, 08:59 AM
Punters being played like a fiddle with these regular announcements

Who cares while tune is a rousing one

Loving the tune and happy to dance along while this good news up cycle continues :t_up:

11-06-2024, 09:11 AM
wonderful and div due shortly too so punters better get in quick today if they want it.

think we will get continuing upgrades if weather events dont occur as we head to full yr. imagine no events be looking art a massive full yr result and xmas presents

11-06-2024, 09:11 AM
Meaning EPS of minimum of 10.54 cps earnings, and trading on 7.73 PE as of the current price.

No large events and it gets to 19cps.

That's right Bob. And company guidance over the coming years is increased profits of $50m FY25 and $70m in FY26.
So even if the SP goes straight to 90cents on the open the forward looking P.Es are FY25 6.8 and FY26 4.9. So its super cheap.

The large event allowance for these next 2 years is conservative from what i can tell by looking at the % to GWP.
And the company currently has $110m solvency margin. These two points are mitigating the downside risk.

A lot to look forward to. Happy sitting around watching the re-rate and collecting the div.

11-06-2024, 09:30 AM
3 cent dividend still to be paid so whatever the buy price is this morning is less 3 cents

11-06-2024, 09:30 AM
We could see 83c today! Insane.

11-06-2024, 09:44 AM
We could see 83c today! Insane.
83? more like 93...

for the last few days there were 250k shares for sale at 83 but after todays announcement most of it has been removed.

11-06-2024, 10:19 AM
wonderful and div due shortly too so punters better get in quick today if they want it.

think we will get continuing upgrades if weather events dont occur as we head to full yr. imagine no events be looking art a massive full yr result and xmas presents

It often seems quite a gamble to me if it's up to the gods as to the whether the weather is good or bad, and in turn dictating whether a company does well or not. Are the odds more in favour of tower doing well because they have more money in reserve for a big flood event or something similar? Do you always keep your eye on the weather forecast so if a cyclone is gonna come screaming towards New Zealand you'll hit the sell button?

Sideshow Bob
11-06-2024, 10:31 AM
We could see 83c today! Insane.

Didn't see 83c.

1st trade at 83.5c and 85 now. :t_up:

11-06-2024, 10:36 AM
It often seems quite a gamble to me if it's up to the gods as to the whether the weather is good or bad, and in turn dictating whether a company does well or not. Are the odds more in favour of tower doing well because they have more money in reserve for a big flood event or something similar? Do you always keep your eye on the weather forecast so if a cyclone is gonna come screaming towards New Zealand you'll hit the sell button?

This is something the analysis's at the half year call were interested in. I.e. the BAU claims ratio. At half year it was 49.7%. Historically it has been as high as 61%. TWR said with its targeted underwriting and pricing it should hover around 50% mark. Currently thanks to the good weather we are under that and no doubt in the future we will see BAU claims just over 50%.

Then there is the large event allowance which is just cream if not used.

The underlying performance of the business if measured by GWP growth and the management expense ratio is both excellent.

If GWP continues to increase, BAU claims stay around 50% and management expense ratio continues to decline then in the long run TWR should deliver for shareholders.

11-06-2024, 10:38 AM
Didn't see 83c.

1st trade at 83.5c and 85 now. :t_up:

Profit upgraded by 14%. SP up only 3-4% :t_down:

11-06-2024, 10:49 AM
It often seems quite a gamble to me if it's up to the gods as to the whether the weather is good or bad, and in turn dictating whether a company does well or not. Are the odds more in favour of tower doing well because they have more money in reserve for a big flood event or something similar? Do you always keep your eye on the weather forecast so if a cyclone is gonna come screaming towards New Zealand you'll hit the sell button?

investing in these stocks you go into them knowing that weather events or what ever happen.
So I dont really pay much attention to the weather myself thats tower 's job. As long as there cover is adequate no worries
from my personal level its only a portion of my portfolio size so no biggie if we have a bad yr. as long as its not bad yr after bad yr then that would be more poor management than weather.

11-06-2024, 10:57 AM
If they can get to 90c and hold that for a while, NZX50 inclusion will on the cards which will drive the next leg up.

Ultimately it will be spewing out so much cash that the market will be forced to re-rate it from current levels.

11-06-2024, 11:19 AM
If they can get to 90c and hold that for a while, NZX50 inclusion will on the cards which will drive the next leg up.

Ultimately it will be spewing out so much cash that the market will be forced to re-rate it from current levels.
Who would drop out?

11-06-2024, 05:23 PM
If that large events allowance isn't used we are looking at a p/e at current prices of around 4.5.

11-06-2024, 06:10 PM
Meaning EPS of minimum of 10.54 cps earnings, and trading on 7.73 PE as of the current price.

No large events and it gets to 19cps.

Sort of interesting
19 cents earnings per share at current PE of 7.73 =$1.46.
Same figure as Forbar's target price $1.46.

12-06-2024, 12:54 PM
TWR getting smashed today. Back to 81c... goodness. I think we have to wait for Sept full year announcement to get back to 83c now...

12-06-2024, 01:04 PM
TWR getting smashed today. Back to 81c... goodness. I think we have to wait for Sept full year announcement to get back to 83c now...

They have gone xd 3cps divie today.
Interestingly Forbar have increased their target price from $1.46 to $1.50.

12-06-2024, 01:05 PM
ah is that what it is....

13-06-2024, 06:19 PM
Nice upgrade the other day and almost fully recovered the divvy amount. Hope the upcoming weather event won’t have much affect.

19-06-2024, 05:00 PM
big buyer in twr again this week

19-06-2024, 05:27 PM
big buyer in twr again this week

someone sniffing around for a large takeout soon .. or perhaps just some smaller Aussie piranhas circling to clean up the dinner plates when the cloth gets pulled ? ;)

19-06-2024, 05:32 PM
someone sniffing around for a large takeout soon .. or perhaps just some smaller Aussie piranhas circling to clean up the dinner plates when the cloth gets pulled ? ;)

or for the big payday at full yr. barring no weather events

19-06-2024, 05:36 PM
or for the big payday at full yr. barring no weather events

the TAB offering good odds already ? :)

19-06-2024, 06:49 PM
Yep, big boys seem to appear a day here there and scoop up big lots.

20-06-2024, 12:26 PM
Looking forward to the div next week. Treating myself and Mrs Rawz to a well overdue date away from the kids. Heading to Blues grand final (it’s coming home) and a looooong lunch in town prior.

Rest of the div probably go back into TWR shares since it’s still so undervalued

20-06-2024, 01:38 PM
Last guidance was for NPAT to exceed $40m assuming all of the large events allowance of $45m is utilised. It seems there is about 15 weeks to FY24 balance date and none of the allowance used so far.

So fingers crossed - the above guided NPAT is increasing by over $2m per week now until 30 Sept while that circumstance holds. Scary times thou - even today an earthquake "swarm" near Wairoa.

Like Rawz looking forward to the dividend (albeit unimputed) next week. But amortising past losses at this rate should see imputation credits returning more quickly than predicted at the last AGM.

20-06-2024, 01:52 PM
another decent parcel of shares traded. 1.1m shares at 84.5

20-06-2024, 02:28 PM
another decent parcel of shares traded. 1.1m shares at 84.5

No SSH, so who is transacting?

20-06-2024, 02:58 PM
No SSH, so who is transacting?
suppose its only $930k of a $330m company

but then again 5 out of the last 8 trading days has seen 1m+ volumes. So maybe something is afoot

24-06-2024, 09:49 AM
suppose its only $930k of a $330m company

but then again 5 out of the last 8 trading days has seen 1m+ volumes. So maybe something is afoot

another big crossing of over a mil on friday. some one is building a big stake 4 mil traded in last 3 days

24-06-2024, 10:16 AM
another big crossing of over a mil on friday. some one is building a big stake 4 mil traded in last 3 days

Remember Goldman Sachs is doing its thing to unlock shareholder value... maybe the chess pieces are starting to move. If a takeover comes its going to have to be $1.50+ offer

From 04/12/2024 announcement https://www.nzx.com/announcements/422844

Tower Limited (NZX/ASX: TWR) advises that it is undertaking a strategic review of its ownership structure.

The purpose of the review - which is supported by 20% shareholder Bain Capital - is to explore options to maximise value for all Tower shareholders and optimise its capital structure to provide a strong platform for market competitiveness. Tower has engaged Goldman Sachs New Zealand Limited as financial adviser to assist with the strategic review.

Tower Chairman, Michael Stiassny commented on the strategic review saying, "In our commitment to delivering long-term value to our shareholders, we believe that a thorough examination of our ownership structure is prudent at this time. This strategic review will enable us to explore options that align with our objectives and position us for continued success in the marketplace."

24-06-2024, 10:41 AM
Remember Goldman Sachs is doing its thing to unlock shareholder value... maybe the chess pieces are starting to move. If a takeover comes its going to have to be $1.50+ offer

From 04/12/2024 announcement https://www.nzx.com/announcements/422844

Tower Limited (NZX/ASX: TWR) advises that it is undertaking a strategic review of its ownership structure.

The purpose of the review - which is supported by 20% shareholder Bain Capital - is to explore options to maximise value for all Tower shareholders and optimise its capital structure to provide a strong platform for market competitiveness. Tower has engaged Goldman Sachs New Zealand Limited as financial adviser to assist with the strategic review.

Tower Chairman, Michael Stiassny commented on the strategic review saying, "In our commitment to delivering long-term value to our shareholders, we believe that a thorough examination of our ownership structure is prudent at this time. This strategic review will enable us to explore options that align with our objectives and position us for continued success in the marketplace."

can also mean mergers or partnerships or aquisitions or buybacks etc as well to enhance long term value for s/h

24-06-2024, 10:48 AM
I actually think the next upleg catalyst will be its addition to the Income Portfolios of the major brokers. Given the number of NZX companies reducing or axing dividends, this might only be another quarter away.

Sideshow Bob
24-06-2024, 01:02 PM
Creeping a little higher today.....up 2.3% :)

24-06-2024, 01:27 PM
I actually think the next upleg catalyst will be its addition to the Income Portfolios of the major brokers. Given the number of NZX companies reducing or axing dividends, this might only be another quarter away.

buyback at full yr would give them even more room for future higher div's.
on there forecasts for 25,26 based on there 60 - 80% payout ratio substantially higher than now if results met.

25-06-2024, 10:47 AM
Good stuff: NZX Market Announcements (https://announcements.nzx.com/detail/433340)

Tower and Kiwibank sign referral agreementKiwi insurer Tower (NZX/ASX: TWR) announces it has entered into a referral agreement for general insurance products with Kiwibank for its retail banking customers. The agreement is for an initial term of five years.Under this arrangement, Kiwibank customers choosing to insure with Tower will insure their assets directly with Tower via Tower branded policies.Tower CEO, Blair Turnbull says, “We’re thrilled about the opportunity to welcome Kiwibank customers to Tower and to be joining forces with another Kiwi born and bred business.“This referral agreement presents a strategic opportunity for Tower and aligns with our focus on growing our home insurance portfolio.”Kiwibank Chief Executive Steve Jurkovich says, “We’re excited about entering this new partnership with Tower and to be able to support our customers to have the right protection in place which goes to the heart of our purpose of Kiwi making Kiwi better off.”Tower has referral agreements in place with several other New Zealand organisations, including the Kiwi Adviser Network, New Zealand Financial Services Group and Trade Me, among others. These relationships have introduced more New Zealanders to Tower products.No regulatory approvals are required to proceed under the agreement

25-06-2024, 12:34 PM
Don't tell anyone .. a few storm alerts out there .. again :)

25-06-2024, 01:28 PM
Looks like it could push through 0.87 resistance

25-06-2024, 04:12 PM
88c now. Not bad on a day where the media are talking about potential floods on the East Coast :)

26-06-2024, 08:20 AM
88c now. Not bad on a day where the media are talking about potential floods on the East Coast :)

No worries startibarfast …Tower don’t insure people up that way anymore ….risk and/pr premiums the locals can’t afford

26-06-2024, 01:27 PM
No worries startibarfast …Tower don’t insure people up that way anymore ….risk and/pr premiums the locals can’t afford

but they probably still use the event as a further excuse for hiking the next lot of premiums in the industry regardless - don't they ? ;)

27-06-2024, 05:34 PM
Nice to see further sp strength and divvy hit the bank a/c today.

28-06-2024, 01:18 PM
insurance stocks super strong in aus today on iag update

30-06-2024, 07:49 AM
Suncorp and IAG both up 30% this year.

Sideshow Bob
30-06-2024, 09:17 PM
Suncorp and IAG both up 30% this year.

And TWR is up 44.26%. :)

30-06-2024, 09:48 PM
It will be interesting to see the cost to twr of the east coast storm, particularly the wairoa flooding. A good test of how well they are progressing with shedding these climate change risks

01-07-2024, 07:29 AM
It will be interesting to see the cost to twr of the east coast storm, particularly the wairoa flooding. A good test of how well they are progressing with shedding these climate change risksPerhaps look at post #2219 But yes, even so, any disaster could affect them in a knee jerk reaction.

03-07-2024, 04:47 PM
It will be interesting to see the cost to twr of the east coast storm, particularly the wairoa flooding. A good test of how well they are progressing with shedding these climate change risks

must not be too bad just hit a new high of 90c

03-07-2024, 05:59 PM
Should test a buck mark soon.

03-07-2024, 06:04 PM
Low volume push to 85c on ASX, equates to 93.5c here.

03-07-2024, 07:34 PM
Trading on a FY25 forward PE of 6.9 based on guidance of 13cents per share.

TWR Aussie competitors all trading 13-20 PE multiples last time I checked

Easy hold to at least a 10 PE multiple Ie $1.30 per share

03-07-2024, 07:40 PM
It will be interesting to see the cost to twr of the east coast storm, particularly the wairoa flooding. A good test of how well they are progressing with shedding these climate change risks

Thought HB Regional Council are were being saddled up to wear that one in intiriety .. or maybe not if they start wriggling vigorously about the trend in Capital values in the Northern River Town after the HB Regional Council plonkers show eagerness to try their hand at further perfecting the job .. like a third attempt in future needed in as many years ;)

03-07-2024, 09:00 PM
Thought HB Regional Council are were being saddled up to wear that one in intiriety .. or maybe not if they start wriggling vigorously about the trend in Capital values in the Northern River Town after the HB Regional Council plonkers show eagerness to try their hand at further perfecting the job .. like a third attempt in future needed in as many years ;)

Who will pay though?
The councellors?
Or ratepayers?
Or insurance?

Typically back to the ratepayers !!!

04-07-2024, 07:39 AM
"Six landowners choose to remain on land deemed risky after Gabrielle"
"The house wasn’t insured and he’s spent the past 17 months getting that back in order, along with removing debris and flattening paddocks so they can be put back in use."

Land values & rates will drop a fair bit too


04-07-2024, 10:54 AM
Sellers have nearly disappeared. Will be hitting $1 soon?

Up 49% YTD. + 3cent div.

GWP increasing, management expense ratio's decreasing.

Could be looking at $1.30 per share come December + a capital return.

TOWER, the shining light of the NZX

04-07-2024, 12:31 PM
Parcel of 590 000 just gone through at 93c
Clearly someone accumulating these last few weeks

04-07-2024, 01:07 PM
Chart is littered with green candles on BIG volume. Looks fantastic. I got set @ 0.86 the day before ex-div.

$1.00 mark will probably provide some stiff resistance.

04-07-2024, 01:17 PM
Remember the strategic ownership review - there's also a chance that the current accumulation is a prelude to takeover.

04-07-2024, 11:13 PM
Sellers have nearly disappeared. Will be hitting $1 soon?

Up 49% YTD. + 3cent div.

GWP increasing, management expense ratio's decreasing.

Could be looking at $1.30 per share come December + a capital return.

TOWER, the shining light of the NZX

Someone’s surely accumulating here. Not long to knock on $1 door.

05-07-2024, 09:49 AM
Ive just had another look at Forbar research via MST access and forward earnings is as follows:

FY25 EPS= 14.5
FY26 EPS= 19.6

Competitors are trading on following FY25 P/E multiples:

IAG 16x
Suncorp 15.6x
QBE Insurance 10.1x
AVG: 13.9x

So can be conservative and put TWR on a forward P/E of 10x of FY25 eps of 14.5 and get a target price of $1.45 or 56% above todays price of 93 cents.

Its been a very nice hold and will continue to be watching the re-rate and collecting the dividend.

The bonus items include:
- Goldman sachs still working on the strategic review to unlock shareholder value.
- High potential for large one off capital return if the large event allowance isnt fully utilised
- Continued strong business performance in terms of GWP growth and management expense ratio + share price momentum could take the SP up to avg market P/E multiple or above (i.e. things sometimes get overvalued)

05-07-2024, 10:56 AM
Rawz … I probably put kiss of death on TWR share price ….just doubled my holding

Strategic review was what tempted me

05-07-2024, 11:02 AM
Rawz … I probably put kiss of death on TWR share price ….just doubled by holding

Strategic review was what tempted me

always best to double up rather than double down

Sideshow Bob
05-07-2024, 12:44 PM
always best to double up rather than double down

Amen to that!

05-07-2024, 01:53 PM
Rawz … I probably put kiss of death on TWR share price ….just doubled my holding

Strategic review was what tempted me

Gently gently now and best not tell too many until they're not listening :)

05-07-2024, 03:42 PM
Rawz … I probably put kiss of death on TWR share price ….just doubled my holding

Strategic review was what tempted me

Double kiss of death, doubled my holding too with some funds from TSK sale.

05-07-2024, 04:35 PM
Topping up @ 0.905

05-07-2024, 06:59 PM
New ones under water ….or is it out of the money?

Sorry guys

Sideshow Bob
05-07-2024, 09:07 PM
New ones under water ….or is it out of the money?

Sorry guys

Double down on the Wahs.

Never fail.....

05-07-2024, 11:12 PM
New ones under water ….or is it out of the money?

Sorry guys

Don't worry winner, this one has a float too, so you can add that to the book value etc etc. Wow that would make a big number :t_up:

06-07-2024, 10:01 AM
Double down on the Wahs.

Never fail.....

You've scared W-69 away now on that :)

08-07-2024, 04:22 PM
sheesh W69 you really have killed the momentum lol