View Full Version : History of NZ GDP growth rates?

Crypto Crude
23-09-2008, 03:49 PM
Does anybody have, or could someone please supply me with a graph of "the History of New Zealand Growth rates" - GDP? Id appreciate that...

23-09-2008, 03:54 PM
Does anybody have, or could someone please supply me with a graph of "the History of New Zealand Growth rates" - GDP? Id appreciate that...


Crypto Crude
23-09-2008, 04:33 PM
I tried that one and when I clicked on historical data (excel spreadsheet), and then clicked A5 Gross Domestic Product, the data only went back to 1994...
I need data dating back to 1900...

Crypto Crude
23-09-2008, 04:38 PM
should have said that...
I need A long long term graph....

23-09-2008, 06:01 PM
RBNZ Bulletin, June 2008 (http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/research/bulletin/2007_2011/2008jun71_2.pdf)

Figure 1?

23-09-2008, 06:33 PM
RBNZ Bulletin, June 2008 (http://www.rbnz.govt.nz/research/bulletin/2007_2011/2008jun71_2.pdf)

Figure 1?

That report is prob even more relevant today than it was a few months ago

Thanks for reminding me about it

23-09-2008, 06:52 PM
Yes, it's a good read.

This link might help for any sort of long term data:
Statistics NZ - Long Term Data Series (http://www.stats.govt.nz/tables/ltds/default.htm)

Crypto Crude
23-09-2008, 07:33 PM
You will not believe how much you have helped me...
Bow got three Wow's...
you get four...
Wow wow wow wow ...
I spent damn 2 hours this afternoon googling this and googling that...
nothing ever comes up the way I want it...
Also a shout out to winner for your effort....
When my assignment is complete I will post it here...

24-09-2008, 07:45 AM
No problem Shrewd. We mothers are forced to specialise in finding stuff...:p

24-09-2008, 09:11 AM
No problem Shrewd. We mothers are forced to specialise in finding stuff...:p

The world don't appreciate mothers do they Lizard ..... and the kids never say they appreciate mums help even though deep down they prob do

I was confused once when my wife started blurting on about how prisons should be privately owned and quoting all these facts and figures from around the world .... and then confessed she had been helping a daughter do a Public Policy paper at Uni .... and now I worry about the future of the world if these 'kids' are the ones who make future public policy

Shrewdie ... should have just gone to Mum ... but then you have Lizard

24-09-2008, 02:37 PM
Haha Winner! They say the best predictor of how well a child will do in the education system is their mother's level of educational achievement.... and now we know why! :D

24-09-2008, 03:26 PM
Haha Winner! They say the best predictor of how well a child will do in the education system is their mother's level of educational achievement.... and now we know why! :D

That is so true.

Crypto Crude
24-09-2008, 03:31 PM
My mother is not around anymore...
She didnot majorly achieve in the education system, but she was a very savy, successful business women...
Hey Lizzzard...
I need an A in this assignment im doing....
I'll PM it through shortly...