View Full Version : VPE, Victoria Petroleum (Now SXY: Senex Energy)

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28-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Zorba, can you pls copy and paste? Cant view it cos need to sign in to view your link. :confused:

28-05-2008, 06:19 PM

Vic Pet finds focus and balance

Steve Rotherham -- Petroleum News Net
Wednesday, 28 May 2008

TWO exploration and production core areas have emerged from Victoria Petroleum's
extensive and diverse asset portfolio. Managing director John Kopcheff told the
Excellence in Oil & Gas Conference in Sydney today that VicPet's focus on Cooper Basin
oil and Surat Basin coal seam methane offers a combination of short-term cashflow and
long-term growth prospects.

Long criticised for the size of its asset inventory, VicPet has decided to focus on its new core areas and has put its US properties on the market. It is aiming to sell them off by the end of June.

The company still has a relatively large exploration portfolio, but its story is now much simpler and
should be easier to sell to investors.

Kopcheff said VicPet aims to drill 26 exploration wells in the next 12 months, including 10 Cooper oil
wells and 14 Surat CSM wells.

Kopcheff said the medium-term potential of the company's CSM assets was very substantial, while its
western Cooper oil wells could collectively be a near-term company maker if an oil trend that could hold
up 100 million barrels of oil in place could be proved up.

New field development from the company's 40% owned, Wirraway and Growler oil fields in PEL 104 and
111 (both operated by VicPet) has come on stream and is now producing around 200 barrels of oil per
day. VicPet's share of reserves in this area is estimated at 1.16 million barrels.

Upcoming drilling at nearby prospects could increase VicPet's reserves substantially and will give
indications on the prospectivity of the area's Jurassic oil fairway. Kopcheff said he was hopeful that
VicPet was on the verge of developing a new Jurassic oil province, and producing substantial volumes of
light, sweet crude. So far the company has had a 75% exploration success rate in this area.

The company also has exploration prospects in PEL 115 southwest of Moomba, where it is operator and
has 25% equity. This permit holds the Mirage and Ventura discoveries.

Elsewhere in the Cooper, VicPet is working with Santos and Bow Energy in southwest Queensland, and
the partners recently made an oil discovery at their 2MMbbl Cuisinier-1 well.

The next well, Hudson-1, could hold up to 10MMbbl, according to Kopcheff, and if it holds oil, it will
confirm a trend that holds several attractive targets lying between Cuisinier and Hudson. VicPet holds
15% in these blocks and is free-carried on the next few wells.

In another part of Queensland, the Surat, VicPet is working on two major CSM projects.

In their Don Juan project, VicPet and operator Bow Energy are targeting 200 billion cubic feet in 3P
reserves by the end of this year. This permit is immediately west of Sunshine Gas' Lacerta project and
it appears to lie on the same coal measures trend.

Meanwhile, in the Marcus project, VicPet has teamed up with CSM pioneer and pacesetter Queensland
Gas Company to prove up 50Bcf in 3P reserves by the end of the year. QGC believes that there could
be up to 1Tcf of gas in place in this block.

Kopcheff believes the company's alignment with QGC is a coup for VicPet. QGC is working aggressively
on Marcus and has taken a 7.1% stake in VicPet. A QGC founding director has also been appointed as
VicPet's chairman.

"The Surat coal seam gas interests are very much of interest," Kopcheff told PNN.

"The planned Gladstone LNG plant provides the dynamics for access to market for all Queensland CSG
players, as well as exposure international gas prices."

Kopcheff said he believed VicPet was undervalued and the company had greater production than
several CSM companies with higher share prices.

28-05-2008, 08:36 PM
Was BOW's presentation good? How about CUE?

Yes, VPE's was cheap in comparision...

Hi upside.

It was simply awesome.

Cheers...still buzzing from going over there. Had a great meal with JK last night.

29-05-2008, 09:18 AM
I may pick up some options when/if the sp drops back down. I am liking what I see. Potential to be the next QGC junior.

I still struggle to see ODN connection in this. Bermuda, did you talk to JK about ODN's involvement? Why dont they get QGC to take out ODN's holdings or just do a hostile T/O of ODN.

It seems the people in Advance Energy are behind ODN. Anyone have a view on AVD?

29-05-2008, 09:50 AM
I still struggle to see ODN connection in this. Bermuda, did you talk to JK about ODN's involvement? Why dont they get QGC to take out ODN's holdings or just do a hostile T/O of ODN.

It seems the people in Advance Energy are behind ODN. Anyone have a view on AVD?

Dr Who,

Good questions ...... and if ODN start selling their VPE holding to fund their commitment to fund 50% of 4 exploration holes in their Spinel block farmin .... then thats going to depress VPE and VPEO.

Hopefully Bermuda can give us some insights into ODN - VPE - QGC relationship !!



29-05-2008, 10:00 AM
I dont think ODN will sell their VPE holdings. I think ODN is a long term holder of VPE. If ODN was to sell VPE it will be at a much higer premium than at current prices and it will be an off market transaction to one buyer.

29-05-2008, 11:26 AM
I dont think ODN will sell their VPE holdings. I think ODN is a long term holder of VPE. If ODN was to sell VPE it will be at a much higer premium than at current prices and it will be an off market transaction to one buyer.

Dont worry about all these things. ( Odin ) They are immaterial.

There are big fish circling.

Sell all your traditional stocks and get into BOW, VPE and RPM and other Queensland oilers involved in the Cooper Basin and CSG. I mean Origin is in a trading halt.

The market valued Origin at $A10 a few weeks ago. This thing is big and hardly recognised.


29-05-2008, 01:21 PM
Can someone tell me what happens to options in the case of a take over?

29-05-2008, 01:58 PM
Can someone tell me what happens to options in the case of a take over?

My call is that they have to be recognised. i.e. if an offer came in now at say $1.00 then the options would be worth 75 cents less interest out to Jan 2010.

Others with more option experience may be able to add to that.

29-05-2008, 02:02 PM
Question to all reading thread,

In a time like this, with the research we have and the reassurance(DYOR) from Bermuda, those who are sure enough to invest in this; has anyone considered doing margin trading for an event such as this? Since the return should be over 7-10% or whatever market lending rates are.

Just wondering, thanks.

29-05-2008, 02:37 PM
Just be abit careful margin lending. VPE will be a volatile stock and small drop in the sp will result in margin calls. Stick with the head shares and be safe. Just becareful out there.

29-05-2008, 02:39 PM
I'm sure plenty have considered it, it just depends if it's in your risk appetite or not. And while the prospects of this look very good, it's certainly not 100 for certain (nothing is), and with a margin trade all it takes is just a bit of bad news to pummel the SP and you get margin called, and thus screwed.

29-05-2008, 03:02 PM
At our age, a margin call that you can't pay up for would probably impact on a housing loan later and might even bite you in the back when you apply for a grad job or to buy a car and find out they do a credit check on you.

29-05-2008, 03:03 PM
Question to all reading thread,

In a time like this, with the research we have and the reassurance(DYOR) from Bermuda, those who are sure enough to invest in this; has anyone considered doing margin trading for an event such as this? Since the return should be over 7-10% or whatever market lending rates are.

Just wondering, thanks.

I'd go margin lending on something I'd researched and was 100% confident in, yes.... Margin lending is more appropriate IMO on midcaps that you're certain are going to go up, but not by much (thus the leverage to improve returns). Like NZO from 1July for instance.

But leveraging on a small-cap spec oil explorer based on a recommendation? Setting yourself up for a fall there man (not to mention the unfair pressure you'd be placing on our pal Bermuda.....).

29-05-2008, 03:06 PM
My call is that they have to be recognised. i.e. if an offer came in now at say $1.00 then the options would be worth 75 cents less interest out to Jan 2010.

Others with more option experience may be able to add to that.

I agree, a full takeover would have a proportional affect on the oppies. Most takeovers are just 'grab a whole bunch of the company, install some directors and provide direction....then BAU' though aren't they? Don't have much experience with full takeovers.

29-05-2008, 04:53 PM
Question to all reading thread,

In a time like this, with the research we have and the reassurance(DYOR) from Bermuda, those who are sure enough to invest in this; has anyone considered doing margin trading for an event such as this? Since the return should be over 7-10% or whatever market lending rates are.

Just wondering, thanks.

Who is offering a margin loan on VPE?

Does Opes Prime ring any bells?

29-05-2008, 04:57 PM
hey mb,

nice to meet you the other night...

like others have said, in a volatile enviroment, it would be very, very risky! the short term graph of vpe would have you either be rich or broke in such a case of margins.....im not willing to bet like that...some other speculators who are not as risk adverse may wish to!

vpeo is, imo, the best form for leverage. this is because they have the 2010 expiry, and a lot can happen between now and then. depending how the certs and future drills for csg go (which a bit of will be happening between now and expiry) the vpeo have potential for big pay off.

i think vpeo have traded reasonably close to heads in % gains/losses recently, but if heads rise to say above 40 cents, the leverage factor will come through a bit more with these vpeo's me thinks.

29-05-2008, 11:01 PM
Who is offering a margin loan on VPE?

Does Opes Prime ring any bells?

My applogies, I don't believe anyone is currently offering a margin loan on VPE. It was just a concept I was interesting in hearing if anyone would have/ever has loaned against a share play they are very confident in.

At this stage of my life I certainly won't be starting ;p

Thanks for that comment upside, nice to meet you also.

29-05-2008, 11:11 PM
My applogies, I don't believe anyone is currently offering a margin loan on VPE. It was just a concept I was interesting in hearing if anyone would have/ever has loaned against a share play they are very confident in.

At this stage of my life I certainly won't be starting ;p

Thanks for that comment upside, nice to meet you also.

Only said that cos if someone did on VPE i'd be in!

I used my margin lending a/c for NZO (pre production) & did very well.

Although the Credit Crunch hit my US oilers PSA & AMU pretty hard, not to mention PEM (thank god i got out at $3.56 :D), so i don't use it at present, it's a great leverage tool for use in bull markets, but to be "selectively" used when the bears are lurking & creating havoc!

For now i'll have to leverage VPE thru the options & i'll wait til they drop to 9c or below before i buy.

I do like the story, especially QGC on the register.:)

30-05-2008, 12:38 AM
already 9c, and a few at 8.9 today

given that the options held up at 5c even during the worst months recently, 9c seems very reasonable since VPE have put on 100% from lows


You aint no underDOG

You ( like me ) know where this is going.

30-05-2008, 01:26 AM
Looks like Bermuda is on the money again.


I implore anyone to dial up all their available cash and push the buy button 2moro.But you have to give some of your gains to charity.


Ps When I sent this message I didnt even consider it a ramp. And I dont now. Just give some to charity.

30-05-2008, 01:41 AM
Hi Bermuda,
VPE going hard today damn it :mad: I had a bid in at 16.5 last week and just missed out :(

Are we expecting news or is it just the Bermuda Marketing Campain taking hold? :D

Just my Bermuda marketing campaign.

Cheers mate. couldnt resist it. Sorry mate.

This thing is going to be ok.

30-05-2008, 02:13 AM
Only said that cos if someone did on VPE i'd be in!

I used my margin lending a/c for NZO (pre production) & did very well.

Although the Credit Crunch hit my US oilers PSA & AMU pretty hard, not to mention PEM (thank god i got out at $3.56 :D), so i don't use it at present, it's a great leverage tool for use in bull markets, but to be "selectively" used when the bears are lurking & creating havoc!

For now i'll have to leverage VPE thru the options & i'll wait til they drop to 9c or below before i buy.

I do like the story, especially QGC on the register.:)

Well, Shasta,
There are alot of bright guys/gals on this site and all have great contributions. Without you 'guys' I wouldnt have doubled., tripled my research.

But the more I read your posts the more I know you are truly exceptional.

Would like to meet you sometime for a coffee. You would probably think I was pretty green but I know what I am doing. Please send me a PM. And then we can tell the whole Sharetrader site what to buy.

As long as it is for a charity.


OK, When VPE gets to 40 cents you pay my airfares and I will pay the meal.

Better go to bed.

I would really enjoy meeting you

30-05-2008, 03:07 PM
VPE and ODN is very strong today. My gut feeling says somethings up and not yet announced.

30-05-2008, 04:08 PM
Hi Bermuda

have sent you a PM.


30-05-2008, 05:10 PM
Hi Bermuda

have sent you a PM.


Hey Ron, Have a look at PES. Going ballistic and I still hold some.

Take a deep breath and then imagine what is going to happen when VPE BOW AND RPM get their reserves certified. It is hard to imagine eh. All of them could go up two fold very quickly ( if not before ) ( was going to say 3 times actually )

This news of Petronas sure skittled BG and got more analysts on board with this huge emerging story. Imagine also what will happen when Petronet ( India ) starts bidding. Far out.

Imagine...yes there is a Heaven.

30-05-2008, 05:13 PM
Well, Shasta,
There are alot of bright guys/gals on this site and all have great contributions. Without you 'guys' I wouldnt have doubled., tripled my research.

But the more I read your posts the more I know you are truly exceptional.

Would like to meet you sometime for a coffee. You would probably think I was pretty green but I know what I am doing. Please send me a PM. And then we can tell the whole Sharetrader site what to buy.

As long as it is for a charity.


OK, When VPE gets to 40 cents you pay my airfares and I will pay the meal.

Better go to bed.

I would really enjoy meeting you

Why thanks Bermuda :o

I must come down to a Chch meeting in the near future, otherwise if you're in Wellington...:cool:

I have some "exceptional targets" to share with the masses, just not quite yet.

I do admire your passion for charity!

When i first came on ST, i gained alot of knowledge from other posters, most of whom have left & now i've been around a while, i feel i have something to offer in return.

Better hook into some VPEO's before it takes off!

30-05-2008, 05:30 PM
When i first came on ST, i gained alot of knowledge from other posters, most of whom have left & now i've been around a while, i feel i have something to offer in return.

Sounds like a Kungfu movie.. LOL

You guys are awesome!

30-05-2008, 05:48 PM
Thanks Shasta,

When I saw the potential for VPE late last year I went straight for VPEO. Could not believe why others hadnt seen it. It stood out like a sore thumb.

I wonder which BIG FISH takes the next bite. They need the gas for the LNG hub in Singapore. They have to have it. BG aint going away. This is beautiful.

Must catch you in Wellington sometime or here in CHCH.

This is going to be a whole lot bigger than even I can imagine.

30-05-2008, 05:52 PM
Hey Ron, Have a look at PES. Going ballistic and I still hold some.

Take a deep breath and then imagine what is going to happen when VPE BOW AND RPM get their reserves certified. It is hard to imagine eh. All of them could go up two fold very quickly ( if not before ) ( was going to say 3 times actually )

This news of Petronas sure skittled BG and got more analysts on board with this huge emerging story. Imagine also what will happen when Petronet ( India ) starts bidding. Far out.

Imagine...yes there is a Heaven.

Hi Bermuda ,

my shg have gone mad too-274c incredible !

30-05-2008, 05:58 PM
Hi Bermuda ,

my shg have gone mad too-274c incredible !

Beautiful. Well done. Are SHG certified. Sounds as if they are. This sort of thing will happen to the others once certification has been done.

Just beautiful

30-05-2008, 06:03 PM
Beautiful. Well done. Are SHG certified. Sounds as if they are. This sort of thing will happen to the others once certification has been done.

Just beautiful

I sold out of ESG a tad early (@ 67c), but at a good quick profit for my upcoming "Alternative Energy" play...

They had a market cap ~ $A400m for there certified 2P reserves of 185PJ

So theres a possible benchmark target for VPE/BOW etc?

30-05-2008, 06:07 PM
I sold out of ESG a tad early (@ 67c), but at a good quick profit for my upcoming "Alternative Energy" play...

They had a market cap ~ $A400m for there certified 2P reserves of 185PJ

So theres a possible benchmark target for VPE/BOW etc?

i did the same as well Shasta -to early!

30-05-2008, 06:09 PM
Beautiful. Well done. Are SHG certified. Sounds as if they are. This sort of thing will happen to the others once certification has been done.

Just beautiful

I would think so Bermuda, but havent heard yet.

30-05-2008, 08:43 PM
just missed VPE today. will buy on the slight dips on monday or tuesday.

BOW RPM and then VPE. ohhhhhhh i am lookin forward to the rest of the year!!!

and waiting on URA and AED announcement!!!! woohoo!!!!!!!

30-05-2008, 09:28 PM
Are SHG certified. Sounds as if they are.

Bermuda, considering your heavy backing of BOW and Don Juan's location next door to SHG's Lacerta field I am suprised you don't know if SHG has any certified reserves.

SHG are behind only ORG, STO, QGC and AOE for certifed CSG reserves. Currently they have 469PJ of 2P reserves and 1097PJ of 3P.

Based on drilling activities over the past 6 months a reserves upgrade is expected within the next few months and analysts expect 2P reserves to move towards 750PJ plus (given the trend for 2P reserves to total some 80% of 3P). 3P reserves may also rise a bit.

If we look at the Petronas transaction, it implied a multiple of around $1.65/GJ. Applying this to SHG gives a potential 'takeover value' of around $4.60/share.

Of course applying these sorts of multiples to BOW and VPE's 'target' reserves also gives very impressive numbers. The risk is lower for SHG as they have already proved up significant reserves. However VPE and BOW offer more bang for your buck if they can do similar.

I hold both SHG and BOW. I see SHG being taken out in the next 12 months at prices well north of current prices and BOW potentially moving to $1.50 as Don Juan proves up 200PJ.

31-05-2008, 06:30 PM
Bermuda, considering your heavy backing of BOW and Don Juan's location next door to SHG's Lacerta field I am suprised you don't know if SHG has any certified reserves.

SHG are behind only ORG, STO, QGC and AOE for certifed CSG reserves. Currently they have 469PJ of 2P reserves and 1097PJ of 3P.

Based on drilling activities over the past 6 months a reserves upgrade is expected within the next few months and analysts expect 2P reserves to move towards 750PJ plus (given the trend for 2P reserves to total some 80% of 3P). 3P reserves may also rise a bit.

If we look at the Petronas transaction, it implied a multiple of around $1.65/GJ. Applying this to SHG gives a potential 'takeover value' of around $4.60/share.

Of course applying these sorts of multiples to BOW and VPE's 'target' reserves also gives very impressive numbers. The risk is lower for SHG as they have already proved up significant reserves. However VPE and BOW offer more bang for your buck if they can do similar.

I hold both SHG and BOW. I see SHG being taken out in the next 12 months at prices well north of current prices and BOW potentially moving to $1.50 as Don Juan proves up 200PJ.

I just concentrate on the stocks I have and of course the whole coal seam gas game. But mmy focus would go if I had to get into that detail, That's why I asked the question. I sort of assumed ther
y were certified but guessing aint good enough.

You have to keep focussed and at my age that almost means one thing at a time!

31-05-2008, 06:36 PM
Bermuda, considering your heavy backing of BOW and Don Juan's location next door to SHG's Lacerta field I am suprised you don't know if SHG has any certified reserves.

SHG are behind only ORG, STO, QGC and AOE for certifed CSG reserves. Currently they have 469PJ of 2P reserves and 1097PJ of 3P.

Based on drilling activities over the past 6 months a reserves upgrade is expected within the next few months and analysts expect 2P reserves to move towards 750PJ plus (given the trend for 2P reserves to total some 80% of 3P). 3P reserves may also rise a bit.

If we look at the Petronas transaction, it implied a multiple of around $1.65/GJ. Applying this to SHG gives a potential 'takeover value' of around $4.60/share.

Of course applying these sorts of multiples to BOW and VPE's 'target' reserves also gives very impressive numbers. The risk is lower for SHG as they have already proved up significant reserves. However VPE and BOW offer more bang for your buck if they can do similar.

I hold both SHG and BOW. I see SHG being taken out in the next 12 months at prices well north of current prices and BOW potentially moving to $1.50 as Don Juan proves up 200PJ.

To tell you the truth I got the sharecode mixed up!!!! Of course I know all about Lacerta.Don Juan is next door and has better CSG coal.

Lots of action to come and thanks for pointing that out. Far out.

31-05-2008, 09:11 PM
Thought you must have been confused bermuda!
The fact that Don Juan is next door (adjoining) to Lacerta gives me a high level of confidence that BOW/VPE will be able to prove up reserves at Don Juan

31-05-2008, 09:32 PM
so what price for VPE with 45% do you see based on BOW possibly going to $1.50?

To make a very random target of $1.50 for BOW I assumed Don Juan can prove up 2P reserves of around 200PJ (110PJ net to BOW) and say 3P of 300PJ (165PJ net to BOW). It is also important to see what level of 3P reserves they get, as ultimately around 80% of 3P CSG reserves can be converted to 2P (so I have read in Wilson HTM's reports). A high level of 3P relative to 2P implies more potential 'blue sky'

Petronas paid $1.65/GJ for STO's 3P reserves and $4.90/GJ for the 2P. The large price paid for the 2P reserves suggests Petronas believes a large portion of STO's 3P reserves will ultimately be converted to 2P.

Applying a multiple of $1.50/GJ to BOW's assumed net interest of 165PJ of 'potential' 3P reserves gives a value of $250m. Plus add $15m or so for BOW's other assets (value probably higher).

This gives a 'potential' value of $265m or $1.75/ BOW share.

Applying the same metrics to VPE's share of Don Juan implies a value of $200m (around 60c per share fully diluted). However VPE has several other assets which I can't really comment on as I don't follow them closely.

The Stockanalysis newsletter recently provided some brief comments on all the stocks in the O&G space. Comments for BOW and VPE are below. I highly recommend the newsletter to anyone interested in the O&G sector.

BOW - Significantly undervalued company potential $300m market cap. Kicking goals in Cooper & Bowen Basins, oil & CSM. Cashed up for CSM project development. Prospect rich, persistent company. Drilling in Cooper plus certification of CSM gas hold upside. Buy as takeover target.

VPE - CSM exploration holds immediate promise for value increase. Board now settled with QGC rep as Chair. Spec buy below 25 cents

31-05-2008, 09:40 PM
To make a very random target of $1.50 for BOW I assumed Don Juan can prove up 2P reserves of around 200PJ (110PJ net to BOW) and say 3P of 300PJ (165PJ net to BOW). It is also important to see what level of 3P reserves they get, as ultimately around 80% of 3P CSG reserves can be converted to 2P (so I have read in Wilson HTM's reports). A high level of 3P relative to 2P implies more potential 'blue sky'

Petronas paid $1.65/GJ for STO's 3P reserves and $4.90/GJ for the 2P. The large price paid for the 2P reserves suggests Petronas believes a large portion of STO's 3P reserves will ultimately be converted to 2P.

Applying a multiple of $1.50/GJ to BOW's assumed net interest of 165PJ of 'potential' 3P reserves gives a value of $250m. Plus add $15m or so for BOW's other assets (value probably higher).

This gives a 'potential' value of $265m or $1.75/ BOW share.

Applying the same metrics to VPE's share of Don Juan implies a value of $200m (around 60c per share fully diluted). However VPE has several other assets which I can't really comment on as I don't follow them closely.

The Stockanalysis newsletter recently provided some brief comments on all the stocks in the O&G space. Comments for BOW and VPE are below. I highly recommend the newsletter to anyone interested in the O&G sector.

BOW - Significantly undervalued company potential $300m market cap. Kicking goals in Cooper & Bowen Basins, oil & CSM. Cashed up for CSM project development. Prospect rich, persistent company. Drilling in Cooper plus certification of CSM gas hold upside. Buy as takeover target.

VPE - CSM exploration holds immediate promise for value increase. Board now settled with QGC rep as Chair. Spec buy below 25 cents

Nice work Mark

ESG has a market cap ~$500m with 2P & 3P reserves of 185PJ & 1300PJ

They aren't in the QLD market, but makes for an interesting comparison & potential for BOW & VPE

BTW, Isnt Stockanalysis Peter Strachan?

He picked OEL above all other O&G companies for 2008!

01-06-2008, 09:45 AM
Great analysis MARK!!! :)

02-06-2008, 01:15 PM
Great analysis MARK!!! :)

Have now invested my ESG funds, & i'm now onboard VPEO...

Bit late to the party, but better later than never? :rolleyes:

02-06-2008, 01:21 PM
Have now invested my ESG funds, & i'm now onboard VPEO...

Bit late to the party, but better later than never? :rolleyes:

If BOW, ESG, and AOE are what VPE will be in 18 months...the party is just getting started :D:D

02-06-2008, 01:45 PM
If BOW, ESG, and AOE are what VPE will be in 18 months...the party is just getting started :D:D

You are so right. We are just at the introduction stage.

Dont get frightened ,

come on in and party.

Been having one for a while over at PURE ( PES )

Gone from 44 cents to 277 in 2 months and the other CSG's will follow once certification is issued.

Dont leave the party early.

02-06-2008, 02:01 PM
Have now invested my ESG funds, & i'm now onboard VPEO...

Bit late to the party, but better later than never? :rolleyes:

We are gonna have so much fun, thanks to Bermuda. :)

Even ODN is having a good run and the graph looks great!

Be there or be square..LOL

02-06-2008, 02:08 PM
We are gonna have so much fun, thanks to Bermuda. :)

Even ODN is having a good run and the graph looks great!

Be there or be square..LOL

Seems getting in first thing @ 10c was a good call...:D

In the time it took to write up the new thread on my new Alternative Energy play, VPEO hit 12.5c & VPE rose from 28 > 31c :eek:

02-06-2008, 03:37 PM
Seems getting in first thing @ 10c was a good call...:D

In the time it took to write up the new thread on my new Alternative Energy play, VPEO hit 12.5c & VPE rose from 28 > 31c :eek:

I have just arrived back from out of town and was delighted to see my Friday order for VPEO at 10c filled.

Now holding BOW, RMG, VPE and VPEO and having a HUGE DAY.


02-06-2008, 05:04 PM
ODN briefly hit 13 cents .. LOL ...WOOT!

02-06-2008, 05:56 PM
so did you buy???

1. 25,000
2. 36,000 or
3. 150,000 (just over)


lol wouldnt you like to know...:D

Who said i got it all in 1 order?

02-06-2008, 05:57 PM
so did you buy???

1. 25,000
2. 36,000 or
3. 150,000 (just over)


Don't be nosy!!

02-06-2008, 06:04 PM
Don't be nosy!!

I think i give out enough info on ST already, via my disclosures & starting new threads etc.

How much do i have?

Not enough :D

02-06-2008, 06:11 PM
I have just arrived back from out of town and was delighted to see my Friday order for VPEO at 10c filled.

Now holding BOW, RMG, VPE and VPEO and having a HUGE DAY.


Now Paddie,

That is one hell of a good looking portfolio. lol

02-06-2008, 06:13 PM
I think i give out enough info on ST already, via my disclosures & starting new threads etc.

How much do i have?

Not enough :D

Quite right Shasta.

02-06-2008, 06:24 PM
my broker:D

Your broker is nosey too then :D

Am going to try & accummulate a few more VPEO's

02-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Your broker is nosey too then :D

Am going to try & accummulate a few more VPEO's

I put an order in to for VPEO, but missed out. I am a little bit worried about chasing these - maybe unduly.

02-06-2008, 06:34 PM
my broker:D

Cant believe you guys use a Broker when the excitement is all at your fingertips.

I sincerely hope you arent using a Broker for advice. It is not their fault. They simply are not focussed. They have to deal with everything...including irate customers.

I really did think you guys did it on your own. I am sure you do.

02-06-2008, 06:36 PM
I put an order in to for VPEO, but missed out. I am a little bit worried about chasing these - maybe unduly.

I know exactly how you feel, but thought of the bigger picture here & bought some today.

No use quibbling about a 1c or 2.

VPE has lagged behind BOW & RPM of late, & the options are still comparatively cheap (well i think so).

Even at 12c + 25c to convert them = 37c ...

VPE should be well north of 37c once the certfication process has finished later on in the year.

I'm going to trade these, & capitalise on any opportunities when the options lag the heads. If the options out run the heads, i'll switch :D

Bermuda - i've never used a broker, i use the ASB Sec DIY online facility.

02-06-2008, 06:40 PM
I know exactly how you feel, but thought of the bigger picture here & bought some today.

No use quibbling about a 1c or 2.

VPE has lagged behind BOW & RPM of late, & the options are still comparatively cheap (well i think so).

Even at 12c + 25c to convert them = 37c ...

VPE should be well north of 37c once the certfication process has finished later on in the year.

I'm going to trade these, & capitalise on any opportunities when the options lag the heads. If the options out run the heads, i'll switch :D

Bermuda - i've never used a broker, i use the ASB Sec DIY online facility.

Yeah I'm just finalizing my order price for tomorrow morning. Are you looking to pick up more?

02-06-2008, 07:17 PM
just a bit of fun, I dont use a broker
Im with commsec and just looked up the days trades

very happy with my VPEO and ODN today, only purchased last Thurs/Fri.

I also bought some Sapex options
check out SXP

Do you know them Bermuda or Mick?

I couldnt believe the options LAGGING the heads

SXPO expire Jan 31st 2012!!! and I got the options UNDER the head price

25c due

Heads 58.5c
Oppies 32.5c

love to hear any comment on Sapex and especially the bargain priced options.

Do I know them??? Far out. They are my sixth favourite stock and this minute I just finished watching their radio broadcast at the Oil and Gas conference in Sydney last week.Which I saw in person and took the time to have a real good chat with Andrew, the MD. Nice guy.

This could be one of the biggest explosions on the ASX since Fortescue ( in the mining sector). Every day I think which stock am I going to sell to get into this SXP excitement.

But when the only aussie stocks I hold are BOW, RPM, TEX, VPE, VPEO and PES. It becomes a VERY difficult decision.

I nearly sold TEX but this has got huge growth too. One mistake TEX and you become SXP.

02-06-2008, 07:35 PM
Dammit, I was the highest oppie buyer all day Fri with 8.4c but no sellers would nibble at them :( Too stingy to up it to 9c to pick up some more, whoopsy.

Will buy more on market tomorrow

02-06-2008, 07:53 PM
Now Paddie,

That is one hell of a good looking portfolio. lol

And a good part of that is I am grateful for your advice and brought in.

Happy days.


RMG is my specie

02-06-2008, 08:04 PM
good to hear, any specific comments on SXP and UGC?
maybe I will start a Sapex thread then - or look it up

but how are the 2012 options - you gotta be into those! I havent seen anything so good as that for a while:D:D:D

3 years and 8 months to run and a NEGATIVE PREMIUM today (for me) or equal mostly.
SXPO has got to move forward faster at some stage once the word gets out.

Well , if I told you what I know ( and it isnt insider trading ) this thing would absolutely take off. That's why I said ' one mistake TEX and you're SXP'

See previous post.

As always DYOR

02-06-2008, 08:58 PM
good to hear, any specific comments on SXP and UGC?
maybe I will start a Sapex thread then - or look it up

but how are the 2012 options - you gotta be into those! I havent seen anything so good as that for a while:D:D:D

3 years and 8 months to run and a NEGATIVE PREMIUM today (for me) or equal mostly.
SXPO has got to move forward faster at some stage once the word gets out.

Check the existing SXP thread...

SXP have two great playmates in LNC & ESG, enuff said :rolleyes:

02-06-2008, 09:00 PM
Yeah I'm just finalizing my order price for tomorrow morning. Are you looking to pick up more?

Yes, but shhhhhhhhhh, we don't want it running just yet :D

02-06-2008, 09:35 PM
Cant believe you guys use a Broker when the excitement is all at your fingertips.

.Same here B,
Its so easy with the Internet. Unless one is using a broker for advice I cant think of any reason to do it by phone with the only exception being that quick buy/sell when one is away from the PC.

02-06-2008, 09:57 PM
, we don't want it running just yet :DSpeak for yourself. :D

02-06-2008, 10:08 PM
Speak for yourself. :D

I was :eek:

02-06-2008, 10:22 PM
Here's a VPE chart. The 28c mark is somewhat unimportant as there is a whole consolidation range from 20c up. There might be some minor consolidation ahead but we've never seen these volumes before.

What the OBV does show is that during the spike (when QGC bought in), most of the shares that were bought were very tightly held, and the resulting slump afterwards was due to weak sellers and on very small volumes. The perfect time to buy in really.

03-06-2008, 01:47 PM
More selling please, haven't quite got all I want yet

03-06-2008, 10:14 PM
VPE's rise may not appear as impressive as BOW, but VPEO and ODN are diverting interest from the head share.

03-06-2008, 10:31 PM
VPE's rise may not appear as impressive as BOW, but VPEO and ODN are diverting interest from the head share.

ODN's lack of cash could mean they may have to sell some VPE shares to fund there overheads & Spinel Block committments.

Certainly won't help VPE having ODN as a reluctant seller...

03-06-2008, 10:38 PM
When assessing the value of VPE relative to BOW you also have to consider the dilution that will occur when VPEO's are exercised

03-06-2008, 11:12 PM
When assessing the value of VPE relative to BOW you also have to consider the dilution that will occur when VPEO's are exercised

VPEO are exercisable in 2010 though?

BOW has unlisted options as well remember?

03-06-2008, 11:18 PM
Yeah thats right. VPE's options will dilute the share base by around 25%. In BOW's case it is around 11%.

But they also get a decent cash injection which offsets some of the dilution

03-06-2008, 11:40 PM
a very good post by 618 from HC for those of you that dont read over there.

" Right, after crawling through their latest company reports, I have to say I really struggled to find anything that would jump out at me. Leaving aside acreages where drilling action is unlikely in the next 12 months (risked value = 0), their key assets are:

Don Juan (Bow 55%, VPE 45%)
ATP752P (Bow 15%, VPE 15%)

Other than that, they have decent-sized acerage in the Central Eromanga Basin, Carnarvon Basin, and Surat Basin. But essentially, their two key assets that I would attribute any risked valuation to at present are the above-mentioned assets. Both of which VPE has similar interests in (including the recent Cuisinier discovery).

other hand, VPE has a reserve of about 1.5 to 2 MBOe (2P) between Mirage, Growler, Jingemia, and all the nitbits producers out of the US. I'd also attribute more value to VPE's 5 drilling targets in the Western Margin fairway than Bow's 200+ prospects simply because those 5 are close to an actual discovery (three successful wells actually - G1, G2 and Wirraway), and that Bow's prospects aren't fully mature, drillable prospects yet. And there's some confidence the recoverables in the Western Margin could end up in the 6-8MBO ballpark if Warhawk smiles on us.

On the other hand, Bow does hold an extra 10% Don Juan. However, VPE has 20% in the Paradise Downs CSG Project with Roma, and 30% in Marcus CSG Project with QGC. Given VPE's 30% exposure to 50BCF target reserve with QGC (which Bow holds 0%), this would make up for the 10% delta in theie respective holdings at Don Juan (which is targeting 200BCF).

So in summary, right now, there is a lot of different valuation matrix being thrown around given the rush of deals in recent times. But if Bow's market valuation is anything to go by, we've got a lot of catching up to do!

The most critical being the end of year. If both the Marcus and Don Juan certification process are successful, VPE would be the proud owner of about 110PJ of gas. Regardless of whether one uses the Petronas pricing or the Shell pricing (or even the failed BG pricing), we should be well over the 100mn market cap if one takes into account our oil assets.

2008 could be a good year :o)


That was a good post. I have spent so much defending JK on HC and other sites.

Had a meal with JK last week .

VPE is set to perform.

03-06-2008, 11:44 PM
Yeah thats right. VPE's options will dilute the share base by around 25%. In BOW's case it is around 11%.

But they also get a decent cash injection which offsets some of the dilution

I guess its a nice "issue" to have.

Say most here have paid/will pay between 5 - 15c for there VPEO, thats 30 - 40c in total, max to convert with 2 years to go...(VPEO strike price 25c)

Those who in theory hold until conversion time should be well in the money by then.

04-06-2008, 12:38 AM
The size of the dilution effect depends on the share price at exercise time. If VPE is at $1 when the options are exercised, then the dilution caused by issuing a truck load of new shares at $0.25 is more significant than if the share price is $0.30 at exercise time.

04-06-2008, 03:49 PM
More selling please, haven't quite got all I want yet

You finished backing the truck up yet? :D

VPEO currently at 10c, nice

04-06-2008, 04:43 PM
You finished backing the truck up yet? :D

VPEO currently at 10c, nice

I picked up a decent chuck this morning at 10c :D I'm part of the VPE family now

04-06-2008, 04:55 PM
You finished backing the truck up yet? :D

VPEO currently at 10c, nice

Yeah I'm done :) Bought at just under 9, sold a few at 10.... And have accumulated a bunch more at 11... I suspected it would retract a bit and was going to wait, but I've been burned before with that strategy!

04-06-2008, 04:58 PM
Some "housewife" just paid 12.5 cents for VPEO... LOL

04-06-2008, 06:14 PM
Some "housewife" just paid 12.5 cents for VPEO... LOL

It's always good when your showing a 25% proof in about 6 hours :D

04-06-2008, 06:18 PM
It's always good when your showing a 25% proof in about 6 hours :D

Don't refresh your PC then...:confused:

04-06-2008, 06:19 PM
Some "housewife" just paid 12.5 cents for VPEO... LOL

What exactly are you trying to say about 'housewives'?

04-06-2008, 06:31 PM
Don't refresh your PC then...:confused:

Hahah OWNED. Oh well

04-06-2008, 07:42 PM
What exactly are you trying to say about 'housewives'?

I say they are too smart, that's why they bought some VPEO. :D:p

The Big Ease
06-06-2008, 09:51 AM
well that was quite a read.
thanks for the all the info guys.
im boning up on RPM at the moment and i reckon that has probably got a bigger upside than VPE given its 80% interest in Paradise D (potentially 600B plus Pjoules).

im so far behind the 8 ball in terms of understanding these companies, but some of you guys make that a steeper learning curve, for which i thank you.

One thing that does stand out though; it there is very very little discussion around the fundamentals in valuing these companies. not too many posts about the potential reserves, the process and length of time to prove/certify reserves and absolute zero discussion about risk.

either there arent any, nobody has noticed any or there is a little bit of "group think" going on in here. just my two cents worth.

06-06-2008, 10:47 AM
2p Reserve potential (PJ) screenshotted from Excellence in Oil and Gas conference presentation for those who are interested and haven't seen it

06-06-2008, 10:54 AM
Some "housewife" just paid 12.5 cents for VPEO... LOL
She wont be in the kitchen in a year's time. lol

06-06-2008, 10:56 AM
2p Reserve potential (PJ) screenshotted from Excellence in Oil and Gas conference presentation for those who are interested and haven't seen it

Hi Trackers

Isnt that one of the most beautiful charts you have ever seen!!!!!

06-06-2008, 11:30 AM
Bit misleading that chart. SHG and several of the other companies also have higher 'potential' reserves. That said it still makes a valid point

06-06-2008, 01:51 PM
Bit misleading that chart. SHG and several of the other companies also have higher 'potential' reserves. That said it still makes a valid point

Very unfair IMO, as ESG have 21PJ 1P, 185PJ 2P, 1300PJ 3P reserves & are in the process of firming up there 2P reserves....

VPE has none as yet!

06-06-2008, 02:31 PM
Hi Trackers

Isnt that one of the most beautiful charts you have ever seen!!!!!

It is Bermuda, it is

06-06-2008, 06:06 PM
Yeah I'm done :) Bought at just under 9, sold a few at 10.... And have accumulated a bunch more at 11... I suspected it would retract a bit and was going to wait, but I've been burned before with that strategy!Hi Trackers,
I know we have had a checkered past so please dont take this the wrong way. Its a genuine question but :D

Why Buy @ 9c, sell @ 10c and then buy back @ 11c?:confused:

06-06-2008, 06:11 PM
Very unfair IMO, as ESG have 21PJ 1P, 185PJ 2P, 1300PJ 3P reserves & are in the process of firming up there 2P reserves....

VPE has none as yet!Fair call but it does highlight the speculative potental quite nicely dont you think :D

06-06-2008, 06:18 PM
Fair call but it does highlight the speculative potental quite nicely dont you think :D

ESG is a great company, but its not in QLD...

So i sold my ESG shares for VPEO :D

06-06-2008, 06:20 PM
ESG is a great company, but its not in QLD...

So i sold my ESG shares for VPEO :DAh yes, location location location.

Thats something Bermuda kindly clarified for me some pages back.

07-06-2008, 09:21 AM
Hi Trackers,
I know we have had a checkered past so please dont take this the wrong way. Its a genuine question but :D

Why Buy @ 9c, sell @ 10c and then buy back @ 11c?:confused:

Fair call STRAT, I asked myself the same thing. I thought the Shell news (which happened after I sold a few, and I'm sure you know about) would push the heads past its resistance and into the 30's. Too many times I've sat on the sidelines waiting for a retraction in something I like before buying in, only to see it soar so I didn't want to wait around

How's PLS? :)

10-06-2008, 12:54 PM

VPE ..... details of the placement to QGC, out today.

happy days



10-06-2008, 01:09 PM
22.5 cents is a huge discount to the current sp. I would assume QGC should have paid a premium for VPE instead of a discount. Mates rates? :mad:

Crypto Crude
10-06-2008, 01:19 PM
Consider yourself lucky DR Who....
at least you are still going to have a company...
Roma could be gone in 2 weeks at 20cents...
Ripped undies mate...

10-06-2008, 01:19 PM
Victoria Petroleum N.L. (“Vic Pet”) announces that the Company has completed a placement of 41,750,000
fully paid ordinary shares to Queensland Gas Company Limited (“QGC”) at 22.5 cents per share to raise
Funds raised by the placement are earmarked for accelerated exploration and development of coal seam gas
(“CSG”) resources in the Surat Basin, Queensland.
Vic Pet’s CSG interests in the Surat Basin are held in permits ATP574P (30%), ATP593P (45%), ATP771P
(45%) and PL171 (20%).
ATP574P is held by a joint venture, operated by QGC in which Vic Pet holds a 30% interest. The joint
venture is planning to drill a minimum of six CSG wells in ATP574P during 2008. The aim of this drilling is to
prove up an initial certifiable gross recoverable CSG reserve of up to 50 billion cubic feet by the end of 2008.
The coal seams in the permit are interpreted to have a potential CSG resource in place of up to 1.4 trillion
cubic feet of gas.
Following the placement, QGC will become the largest shareholder in Vic Pet with a 19.24% interest.
In addition to the placement QGC has agreed to complete with Vic Pet:
• A Gas Marketing Agreement covering the sale of future gas produced from ATP574P and;
• A Technical Advisory Agreement which will provide the Company with access to QGC’s coal
seam gas technology and expertise.
QGC is an ASX listed company with a market capitalisation of approximately $4.5 billion focused on
becoming an integrated energy supplier in Australia based on its coal seam gas resources in Queensland’s
Surat Basin. QGC has an alliance agreement with BG Group to develop an Australian Onshore LNG project
at Gladstone, Queensland. Excellent news for CSG development and confirms what we all know, the big fish are circling

10-06-2008, 01:24 PM
Excellent news for CSG development

Yes Trackers. VPE has a lot of catchup to do and this move by QGC must give shareholders and analysts a lot of confidence in where VPE is heading.

10-06-2008, 01:36 PM
Yes Trackers. VPE has a lot of catchup to do and this move by QGC must give shareholders and analysts a lot of confidence in where VPE is heading.

QGC obviously likes the look of VPE's Surat Basin, QLD assets:

"Vic Pet’s CSG interests in the Surat Basin are held in permits ATP574P (30%), ATP593P (45%), ATP771P
(45%) and PL171 (20%).
ATP574P is held by a joint venture, operated by QGC in which Vic Pet holds a 30% interest. The joint
venture is planning to drill a minimum of six CSG wells in ATP574P during 2008. "

Its annoying that the placement was at a discount but like Shrewdie alludes, lets look at the alternative?

10-06-2008, 01:46 PM
Some "housewife" just paid 12.5 cents for VPEO... LOL

Maybe the housewife knew something you didn't :D

10-06-2008, 03:10 PM
Maybe the housewife knew something you didn't :D

Na mate, I have both VPE and ODN. The housewife gave special services for share advice. :D

10-06-2008, 04:34 PM
Fair call STRAT, I asked myself the same thing. I thought the Shell news (which happened after I sold a few, and I'm sure you know about) would push the heads past its resistance and into the 30's. Too many times I've sat on the sidelines waiting for a retraction in something I like before buying in, only to see it soar so I didn't want to wait around

How's PLS? :)Makes sense I guess. I had a similar situation with BOW @ the low 20s and let it get away:o.

PLS will come good this year ;)

With VPE. Nice to see a placement above my buy in price. That doesnt happen very often :D

10-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Makes sense I guess. I had a similar situation with BOW @ the low 20s and let it get away:o.

PLS will come good this year ;)

With VPE. Nice to see a placement above my buy in price. That doesnt happen very often :D

Little disappointed at the price QGC got the placement at, but nice to finally have them show there hand.

RPM looks like it may get swallowed up on the cheap, so whose next?

QGC can't obtain 90% of VPE without getting ODN's shares, & to try & buy ODN will trigger a compulsory takeover of VPE?

If nothing else ODN should ensure VPE gets a decent premium to be taken over.

I hope QGC retains its strategic 19.24% & focuses on realising the CSG assets that VPE has, in partnership.

Somehow i don't think they will want to wait & pay up in 6 months time!

Are the VPE options still the best place to be in?

10-06-2008, 06:59 PM
Little disappointed at the price QGC got the placement at, but nice to finally have them show there hand.

RPM looks like it may get swallowed up on the cheap, so whose next?

QGC can't obtain 90% of VPE without getting ODN's shares, & to try & buy ODN will trigger a compulsory takeover of VPE?

If nothing else ODN should ensure VPE gets a decent premium to be taken over.

I hope QGC retains its strategic 19.24% & focuses on realising the CSG assets that VPE has, in partnership.

Somehow i don't think they will want to wait & pay up in 6 months time!

Are the VPE options still the best place to be in?

Agreed. I'm not overly happy about QGC placement price.....seems pretty suspect given what is going on over at RPM.

10-06-2008, 07:07 PM
hmmm im not too concerned, actually reasonably happy.

puts more of a 'floor' under the shareprice as it shows a company of that calibre was prepared to pay for a stake in their assets...remember less than 2 months ago, this share was less than 15 cents! This should provide more stability to the sp and less volatility...im all down for that. As long as it still goes up!

also, they are not just getting cash, the deal includes:

- A gas marketing agreement covering the sale of future gas produced from ATP574P and;
- A technical advisory agreement which will provide the company with access to QGC's coal seam gas technology and expertise....

10-06-2008, 08:53 PM
Agreed. I'm not overly happy about QGC placement price.....seems pretty suspect given what is going on over at RPM.Hi Stephejame, Seems clear QGC wants it all. I see them making a play for VPE too. Hope they have to pay more than they want to pay for my RPM shares.

10-06-2008, 08:59 PM
Hi Stephejame, Seems clear QGC wants it all. I see them making a play for VPE too. Hope they have to pay more than they want to pay for my RPM shares.

Yeah agreed. They definitely seem to want to buy up all the acreage they can. My knowledge of QGC is pretty limited. Are they buying because they have a contract to meet in the future?

What is everyone doing now? I hold options. Thinking about buying a new more if it dips again.

10-06-2008, 09:01 PM
What is everyone doing now? I hold options. Thinking about buying a new more if it dips again.Im holding heads and options. Not lookin to sell em at this point.

10-06-2008, 09:08 PM
Agreed. I'm not overly happy about QGC placement price.....seems pretty suspect given what is going on over at RPM.

Lets hope that ODN will hold out until at least VPE has something certified....

11-06-2008, 12:28 PM
Wow, VPE has just broken through a very large resistance at 30c (1.6mil shares traded to do it!)

11-06-2008, 03:06 PM
Interesting that while volume on the heads is high, volume on the options is relatively low. Must be someone wanting voting rights.

11-06-2008, 03:12 PM
Im holding heads and options. Not lookin to sell em at this point.

STRAT, do you have any targets in mind for what your looking to sell at?

Also, what do folks think about buying in now, where do folk see this company in 6 months or a year?

Is this a takeover target? Watching RPM info, that seems to be a joke what happened there. Kinda like Mates giving Mates discount with no interest given to shareholders what soever.

Anyways sorry for the newbie type questions here~!

11-06-2008, 03:51 PM
STRAT, do you have any targets in mind for what your looking to sell at?

Also, what do folks think about buying in now, where do folk see this company in 6 months or a year?

Is this a takeover target? Watching RPM info, that seems to be a joke what happened there. Kinda like Mates giving Mates discount with no interest given to shareholders what soever.

Anyways sorry for the newbie type questions here~!

Check the latest presentation... Surat Basin CSG drilling next month, wouldn't be selling before then

11-06-2008, 06:44 PM
STRAT, do you have any targets in mind for what your looking to sell at?

Also, what do folks think about buying in now, where do folk see this company in 6 months or a year?

Is this a takeover target? Watching RPM info, that seems to be a joke what happened there. Kinda like Mates giving Mates discount with no interest given to shareholders what soever.

Anyways sorry for the newbie type questions here~!
Newbie?, Im hardly an old hand myself

QGC announced they already have just under 20% today so they have been perhaps buying on market for a while and may be responsible for the fact that the SP has gone up 3 fold in the last few months. I know many are unhappy with the offer but nothing is certified yet so what would we expect them to do. IMO the offer will get better.
Dont really have targets. As seen with RPM targets lead to disappointment. I will hold till market sentiment changes and the chart says sell and buy something else. I have no idea whether CSG is the next big thing or the next big bubble and to be honest dont really care. The month before last it was poo stocks every one was in love with so I bought and sold some of those.

Dont hold for too long unless they keep going up with a few exceptions being a few dogs, a few long shots with a potential big payoff and some of which are both. Im sure Trackers and yourself will agree the less said about those the better :D

11-06-2008, 06:51 PM
Interesting that while volume on the heads is high, volume on the options is relatively low. Must be someone wanting voting rights.That would be QGC maybe :eek: What do you reckon? Anyway looking good today.

11-06-2008, 08:15 PM
Wow, VPE has just broken through a very large resistance at 30c (1.6mil shares traded to do it!)

hi trackers,very bullish vpe presentation,what is the companys target market cap,$200 mill by end 08,62c per share,iv heard it all before from companies but good to see vpe state a target.almost tempted to buy more but not this week,im sure given the dynamics vpe will do well,cheers pago

11-06-2008, 08:52 PM
hi trackers,very bullish vpe presentation,what is the companys target market cap,$200 mill by end 08,62c per share,iv heard it all before from companies but good to see vpe state a target.almost tempted to buy more but not this week,im sure given the dynamics vpe will do well,cheers pago

Yeah a very positive presentation, although a lot of it was a rehash of 2-3 past presentations.

I'm still glad to be in with a modest holding of Options. It is going to be interesting times ahead. If the price gets to 10c or below, i'll be loading up on some more.

11-06-2008, 09:07 PM
Newbie?, Im hardly an old hand myself

Ooppss, what I meant by this was Me posting in this thread for the 1st time. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the reply both trackers and STRAT~!

11-06-2008, 09:52 PM
AsI understand it, the VPEO options exercise price is 25c, with the head share at 30.5c surely the options are already well "in the money"?

11-06-2008, 10:03 PM
AsI understand it, the VPEO options exercise price is 25c, with the head share at 30.5c surely the options are already well "in the money"?

I'm assuming Underdog bought VPEO @ 12.5c + option conversion price @ 25c = 37.5c - todays closing price 30.5c = 7c until those VPEO's are in the money.

Those who bought VPEO's under 5.5c are already in the money!

11-06-2008, 11:09 PM
I meant at todays price

I bought at 9.2 and still think 12c is a bargain with the time to run.

up 30% in 2 weeks.

Im quite sure even those paying 12c or 13c for VPEO, will still look good come conversion time, IF VPE is still around then :rolleyes:

12-06-2008, 11:15 AM
i am not too late to get on the train right? i wonder if i should buy vpeo or vpe? someone give me some advice, as i would be selling of my RPM and transfering the funds into Vpe or NZO.

12-06-2008, 11:30 AM
Hi No cash,

I like VPEO for its better leverage.
you can buy more vpeo i you believe in the story.I do.
Say vpe goes to 62c by end of 2008, VPE up 100% but VPE goes to 62-25+5=42c an increase of 42-12.5=29.5 or 230%

say vpe drops to 20c vpeo drops to 6c.better to hold vpe.

As for RPM I,m still holding.
There may be a much better offer coming.Only have to wait 2 weeks

12-06-2008, 11:35 AM

Thanks for the advice, it gave me more info than i needed

12-06-2008, 01:11 PM
C'mon VPE! Almost a 1 bagger! Give this newbie his first!

12-06-2008, 01:36 PM
As for RPM I,m still holding.
There may be a much better offer coming.Only have to wait 2 weeksYeah me too for now. There has hardly been a rush for the exit in the last few days and some large holders still to play their hands.

No one is going to tell you what to buy and if they do you should question their motives:rolleyes:

Suggest you re phrase your questions and be more specific if you want useful advice from some of the sharper people here and by the way Im not one of them:D

12-06-2008, 01:38 PM
C'mon VPE! Almost a 1 bagger! Give this newbie his first!Well done mate Im only just over half way there

12-06-2008, 01:44 PM
Congrats to all the sharetrader members who bought in on the oppies at 9c only a few weeks ago and are up 50% (incl myself lol)!

12-06-2008, 02:07 PM
Congrats to all the sharetrader members who bought in on the oppies at 9c only a few weeks ago and are up 50% (incl myself lol)!

I got in at 10c....just wish i had been more aggressive as i put 4 times as much into NZO heads and it's droped 3cents

12-06-2008, 02:14 PM
Im quite sure even those paying 12c or 13c for VPEO, will still look good come conversion time, IF VPE is still around then :rolleyes:

More cash will come VPE way now that there will be no action for SXP (unless a counter offer is made) til at least August

Hold a position in VPEO (couldn't let you guys have all the fun) and may look to average up - although i feel it could be discount time again soon for some other prospects.


12-06-2008, 02:54 PM
More good news for VPE, perhaps I'll get the 1 bagger today..

*cant post url*

12-06-2008, 03:17 PM
More good news for VPE, perhaps I'll get the 1 bagger today..

*cant post url*

Here you go...


12-06-2008, 03:33 PM
Here you go...


Oh thanks, read it off the ASX but yeah couldn't wait 20min :P

13-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Sold a few oppies at 13.5, didn't really want to, but need the funds for a NZO.asx play before that takes off

13-06-2008, 12:41 PM
More cash will come VPE way now that there will be no action for SXP (unless a counter offer is made) til at least August

Hold a position in VPEO (couldn't let you guys have all the fun) and may look to average up - although i feel it could be discount time again soon for some other prospects.


This SXPO refugee has just got in at 13.5c after a morning of reading up on the potential... sounds very good for the medium term (I'd say long term too, but suspect VPE will be snapped up before too long).

13-06-2008, 03:08 PM
Question to anyone.

If VPE was to go the way of RPM what happens with options? Is a company involved in a take over forced to purchase the options too and at what price?

13-06-2008, 03:21 PM
In the case of the LNC bid for SPX, LNC have bid 72c for the head share and 50c for the SPXO options (25c exercise price in 2012).

13-06-2008, 04:19 PM
In the case of the LNC bid for SPX, LNC have bid 72c for the head share and 50c for the SPXO options (25c exercise price in 2012).Thanks for that temptation. Thats interesting too in that they are offering a 3c premium to the Option holders.

19-06-2008, 06:18 PM
Thanks for that temptation. Thats interesting too in that they are offering a 3c premium to the Option holders.

Hudson-1 Update (plus Don Juan commencement :))


19-06-2008, 07:01 PM
Hudson-1 Update (plus Don Juan commencement :))

http://www.stocknessmonster.com/news-item?S=VPE&E=ASX&N=166806 Just gonna have a look now. Nothing in it that got anyone excited going by todays trading though.

19-06-2008, 07:29 PM
Just gonna have a look now. Nothing in it that got anyone excited going by todays trading though.

Nothing exciting - just the QGC placement


20-06-2008, 03:33 PM
Nothing exciting - just the QGC placement


A little more for you guys Shasta, Strat and Others~!

Never count on the weather I guess.

20-06-2008, 03:37 PM
A little more for you guys Shasta, Strat and Others~!

Never count on the weather I guess.

VPE's conventional oil & gas projects already in production are rather small with "limited" upside. (The Santos free carry drills may surprise though?)

It's the CSG that sparks the interest, well QGC's anyway :p

20-06-2008, 03:45 PM
VPE's conventional oil & gas projects already in production are rather small with "limited" upside. (The Santos free carry drills may surprise though?)

It's the CSG that sparks the interest, well QGC's anyway :p

I see Shasta, good quick summary there.

Although something feel smells bad about the placement @22.5 cents to QGC

No premium and makes current and potential holders pay a premium for something that got discounted.

Ahh well, not my company so I cant complain~! :rolleyes:

20-06-2008, 04:02 PM
Pretty funny stuff.

Market sensitive ann & yet the FPO's drop -10% and yet the options are stable.

VPE 0.275 0.285 0.275 -0.030 -9.840 0.305 0.305 0.275 351,010
VPEO 0.120 0.125 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.130 0.130 0.125 146,236

Either somebody is propping the options or wants them badly~!

20-06-2008, 05:02 PM
At this rate, I may as well sell all my CSG holdings and buy QGC instead. They seem to have a knack for arm-twisting.

23-06-2008, 12:08 PM
Its all good, I have just come back from a contract in Northern NSW and saw Metagasco everywhere drilling and locals say the word is v good results and shows coming up.

work is still being done even as the market takes a breather, these cos are not letting up with their drilling

VERY exciting times

load up on the dips people

and please, please check HGO, now at a CRAZY 33.5c with fully diluted holding in CSG worth much more than own market cap

wake up market

wake up.

VPE ann out re - Form 604 from AGK


23-06-2008, 12:53 PM
VPE ann out re - Form 604 from AGK


This is very good news. Think I will get some more options today.

23-06-2008, 03:30 PM
Yeah, I may pick up some more shares if the sp continues to drop. Just keeping an eye on it at this stage.

23-06-2008, 03:47 PM
Yeah, I may pick up some more shares if the sp continues to drop. Just keeping an eye on it at this stage.

I hope Bermuda paid up 12c for any top up...

Still waiting for my order to get hit :rolleyes:

23-06-2008, 04:20 PM
I hope Bermuda paid up 12c for any top up...

Still waiting for my order to get hit :rolleyes:

Yep, got them at 12 cents. Will try and get some more. Truly an outstanding option to get your hands on.

23-06-2008, 04:34 PM
Yep, got them at 12 cents. Will try and get some more. Truly an outstanding option to get your hands on.

No wonder my 11c bid was trumped :mad:

23-06-2008, 05:07 PM
Between you two, you guys are holding up the sp... LOL :p

23-06-2008, 05:12 PM
Between you two, you guys are holding up the sp... LOL :p

Bermuda maybe, not i

Now someone sell me some oppies @ 11c :D

Fess up who put the 200k buy order in @ 11.5c...

23-06-2008, 06:08 PM
No wonder my 11c bid was trumped :mad:

Well done, you got them at 11 cents. Bit of a dog day eh? But I just look at the medium future and realise everything is going to be AOK.

I had this beautiful dream ( thought ) that it was time to really get stuck in and choose just one stock. And it was VPEO.

So , today I sold down some VPE and bought some VPEO. Whether I convert my whole portfolio to VPEO remains to be seen! But it is in the dream and I totally believe this purchase is the start of something pretty big.

You have to follow your dreams eh.

23-06-2008, 06:23 PM
Well done, you got them at 11 cents. Bit of a dog day eh? But I just look at the medium future and realise everything is going to be AOK.

I had this beautiful dream ( thought ) that it was time to really get stuck in and choose just one stock. And it was VPEO.

So , today I sold down some VPE and bought some VPEO. Whether I convert my whole portfolio to VPEO remains to be seen! But it is in the dream and I totally believe this purchase is the start of something pretty big.

You have to follow your dreams eh.

Actually i didnt get them (well, i havent yet!)

You gotta love the leverage VPEO offers when you think of the timeframe we have, it's crazy really!

I probably should have just paid the market price & not got so greedy.

Always tomorrow aye, i can wait :D

23-06-2008, 06:53 PM
Actually i didnt get them (well, i havent yet!)

You gotta love the leverage VPEO offers when you think of the timeframe we have, it's crazy really!

I probably should have just paid the market price & not got so greedy.

Always tomorrow aye, i can wait :D

Hi Shasta, Make sure you get them early.

I embarked on my dream
I started selling my portfolio to buy VPEO

And now, I have just seen this minute for the 1st time the news of PL88.

This is the sort of news we are going to hear a lot more about.

VPE has a very powerful 2008/2009 Plan.

I should have moved on this before.

23-06-2008, 06:58 PM
Between you two, you guys are holding up the sp... LOL :p

Sometimes I do wonder but I just want to share the information. I am really confident on this one.

23-06-2008, 07:09 PM
Question to anyone.

If VPE was to go the way of RPM what happens with options? Is a company involved in a take over forced to purchase the options too and at what price?

Hi Strat,
If you are following this thread you will understand that I checked this out pretty thoroughly.

Not a problem.


23-06-2008, 07:37 PM
Hi Shasta, Make sure you get them early.

I embarked on my dream
I started selling my portfolio to buy VPEO

And now, I have just seen this minute for the 1st time the news of PL88.

This is the sort of news we are going to hear a lot more about.

VPE has a very powerful 2008/2009 Plan.

I should have moved on this before.


Where did you see about PEL88, VPE only has 10%? (via COE?)

Have just read the EPE ann - sorted:D

23-06-2008, 08:50 PM
well the recent SXP / SXPO buy by LINC might be an indication

option holders were offered a slight premium to the heads - about 5%

Can we make a quid out of VPEO during the forthcoming depression?

At this stage I am buying into VPEO

23-06-2008, 09:04 PM
Can we make a quid out of VPEO during the forthcoming depression?

At this stage I am buying into VPEO

And now another very good announcement by VPE.

You all had better get on board.

23-06-2008, 09:09 PM
And now another very good announcement by VPE.

You all had better get on board.

Heres the article...


Ps, Wish they had left the ann until after my order was filled!

Wonder how the sale of the US assets is progressing?

23-06-2008, 09:18 PM
Hey guys,

I am sold on this one. But I could be wrong. Give me a challenge as to why I could be wrong. And yes, I will accept what is coming. One of the worst recessions ever.

You guys are the intelligent. I merely learnt from you. What should I do?

1.Sell the lot.
2.Hold onto existing portfolio
3.Sell everything and put it all on VPEO

Love to hear your learned views.

24-06-2008, 07:53 AM
Hey guys,

I am sold on this one. But I could be wrong. Give me a challenge as to why I could be wrong. And yes, I will accept what is coming. One of the worst recessions ever.

You guys are the intelligent. I merely learnt from you. What should I do?

1.Sell the lot.
2.Hold onto existing portfolio
3.Sell everything and put it all on VPEO

Love to hear your learned views.

Hey BErmuda, I am not going to tell you anything you dont already know. One can fall in love with something and get blinded by the roses. Abit like having a supermodel girlfriend, the risk is there that she may not perform.

Just take it easy mate and better to have a diversified portfolio. Unless you have very good inside info, it is not wise to put all your eggs into one basket.

The Big Ease
24-06-2008, 08:13 AM
Just take it easy mate and better to have a diversified portfolio. Unless you have very good inside info, it is not wise to put all your eggs into one basket.

it is if you a thorough and only have a few eggs.
but if you have a thousand eggs, then yes diversify somewhat.

24-06-2008, 08:28 AM
I remember awhile back saying after all your research you thought BOW was the one that you should put everything on.
What has changed?
Maybe that will help you make a decision.

24-06-2008, 08:46 AM
I remember awhile back saying after all your research you thought BOW was the one that you should put everything on.
What has changed?
Maybe that will help you make a decision.

Thanks for your comments. I lost a bit back in 1987-89 and dont want to do that again.

I will be watching very carefully and hope that the bad news comes post olympics.

RPM was always my favorite but in terms of leverage VPEO is the the best. ( Dont worry, I still love BOW )

Following your and other comments I will do some more research.

And my special thanks to Shrewdy who sent me a five page personal message. Yes, it is time for me to do some more research.
Thanks Shrewdy.

Thanks again.

24-06-2008, 09:08 AM
Hi Strat,
If you are following this thread you will understand that I checked this out pretty thoroughly.

Not a problem.

CheersYeah thanks for that Bermuda. I see in a previous post you are thinkin of sellin up and puttin it all on VPEO.
Dangerous times for an all or nothing play I reckon. You never know whats around the corner and RPM is a prime example. VPE and VPEO is now one of my largest holdings but I wouldnt want all my eggs in one basket at times like these.

Hope you dont dump RPM before before we all get our 5bobs worth out LOL :D

24-06-2008, 09:57 AM
Yeah thanks for that Bermuda. I see in a previous post you are thinkin of sellin up and puttin it all on VPEO.
Dangerous times for an all or nothing play I reckon. You never know whats around the corner and RPM is a prime example. VPE and VPEO is now one of my largest holdings but I wouldnt want all my eggs in one basket at times like these.

Hope you dont dump RPM before before we all get our 5bobs worth out LOL :D

Thanks for that Strat. With Recession in our minds I think you are right.

RPM will be a bit of fun.A mate of mine is going over this week to get some answers.( I am paying half his costs ). Wont even think of selling until he has reported back.

Nice news on VPE last night. Especially on the agreement to use the gas for a small LNG plant.(with BOW )

24-06-2008, 10:32 AM
Bermuda if I had 1.3mill shares in BOW Id be tempted to skim off the cream and go ly on a beach somewhere hot or tramp through some ancient ruins in Madagascar or some such. I mean I'm 64 now and still employed and in a job where the demand really outweighs supply; so like Joe Average, I have a regular income, I have money in shares, in the bank and hell, even in Bonus Bonds and in my house. The thing is when the crunch comes (an who knows, it might not). Bush might get desperate and drop a nuc on Iran. Whatever, when it comes there won't be any safe havens but companies like BOW, VPE etc must surely weather the storm better than most.
Ive also followed your comments an opinions with appreciation so go for it and hang in there.

PS: I'd love to know what Shrewdly wrote but then I'll probably have to wait until he brings out his book :)

Hells Bells an enormous thunder clap just exploded overhead - maybe there's more than we bargained for on the way

Financially dependant
24-06-2008, 11:30 AM
Hey guys,

I am sold on this one. But I could be wrong. Give me a challenge as to why I could be wrong. And yes, I will accept what is coming. One of the worst recessions ever.

You guys are the intelligent. I merely learnt from you. What should I do?

1.Sell the lot.
2.Hold onto existing portfolio
3.Sell everything and put it all on VPEO

Love to hear your learned views.

Good reason to stay in the CSM/LNG story.....


24-06-2008, 05:23 PM
Hey guys,

I am sold on this one. But I could be wrong. Give me a challenge as to why I could be wrong. And yes, I will accept what is coming. One of the worst recessions ever.

You guys are the intelligent. I merely learnt from you. What should I do?

1.Sell the lot.
2.Hold onto existing portfolio
3.Sell everything and put it all on VPEO

Love to hear your learned views.

I'd go with #2 - but refine your portfolio to have min 3, max 5 stocks.

Thats enough diversification :D

24-06-2008, 05:27 PM
Bermunda, can I ask what stocks/ops you are currently holding and there percentage of your portfolio?

I'm not interested in amount.

24-06-2008, 05:37 PM
Bermunda, can I ask what stocks/ops you are currently holding and there percentage of your portfolio?

I'm not interested in amount.

VPE Ann from today re PEL 88...


Update on the Growler Oil field...


Financially dependant
24-06-2008, 07:50 PM
VPE Ann from today re PEL 88...


Update on the Growler Oil field...


Great news, Growler back on track with good flows:)!

25-06-2008, 11:48 AM
Bermunda, can I ask what stocks/ops you are currently holding and there percentage of your portfolio?

I'm not interested in amount.

BOW 34%
RPM 22
VPE 16

We will see what happens with RPM. TEX will be held until Catapult. PES, I sell down for a bit of cash when I need it.

Good to be up in Fiji and out of the CHCH hail. NZO/ PRC playing catchup today. Good luck to all holders.

I still have a hankering to sell everything and put it all on VPEO but I am listening to you guys for which thanks.

If VPE can perform it could be $1.00 by next April. That would put VPEO at 75 cents plus ( a six bagger )

But the threat of a big doozie of a recession puts me off. Plus I doubt QGC will hold off that long.

25-06-2008, 12:11 PM
BOW 34%
RPM 22
VPE 16

Thats one nice portfolio!

25-06-2008, 01:47 PM
story going well, 80%+ of my CSG watchlist green this morning
on a red day

VPE ann


diamond h
30-06-2008, 10:31 AM
I'd go with #2 - but refine your portfolio to have min 3, max 5 stocks.

Thats enough diversification :D
Hi Shasta.
Note that you advised Mr. B. to just hold a maximum of 5 stocks. Is this your own policy and has it worked for you ?. I am a novice investor and took advice not to have all my eggs in one basket so I spread my investments over 15 stocks. My timing was real bad and my portfolio looks pretty sick at the moment.I will use stop orders in future. My 3 largest investments went into SAU BUR and CTS.I am down an average of 50% on these stocks but intend to hold them long term as they are all sound cos. with good prospects. I am wondering whether I perhaps should drop some of my smaller investments at a loss and just concentrate on 5 or 6 stocks.I hold a few shares in ODN VPE and TEX and intend to keep these.

30-06-2008, 11:01 AM
Hi Shasta.
Note that you advised Mr. B. to just hold a maximum of 5 stocks. Is this your own policy and has it worked for you ?. I am a novice investor and took advice not to have all my eggs in one basket so I spread my investments over 15 stocks. My timing was real bad and my portfolio looks pretty sick at the moment.I will use stop orders in future. My 3 largest investments went into SAU BUR and CTS.I am down an average of 50% on these stocks but intend to hold them long term as they are all sound cos. with good prospects. I am wondering whether I perhaps should drop some of my smaller investments at a loss and just concentrate on 5 or 6 stocks.I hold a few shares in ODN VPE and TEX and intend to keep these.

Yes, i have a 5 stock max rule, i changed to this after reading many books & articles about the pitfalls of over diversification.

When i first started out i bought a few shares in many companies & wasn't very focussed, & my results reflected this.

Then i decided, why buy more shares in another company, over buying more in the ones you already have?

The 5 stock rule means to buy something else, the fundamental reasons for doing so must be better than what you already have, so "in theory" the worst performer should go first.

I'm holding 4 stocks at present which allows 1 more "trading" play.

(I'm probably a hybrid "Value Investor"/"Sometimes trader")

Bermuda has covered the field with the Queensland CSG companies, but i prefer to try & find the best leverage/play & stick with it, ie VPEO.

Just think if you could choose just 5 stocks (that you currently hold) & retain for say 2 years, what would they be & what do you expect them to do during that period?

For me VPEO has a long time until expiry & they should have an initial certified resource in that period (late 08), plus be working on increasing it during 2009. They also have Santos giving them a piggyback on a few wells + the farm in with MOS...

Then there's always the possibility that QGC will come knocking :(

diamond h
30-06-2008, 11:11 AM
Thanks Shasta.I only hold head shares in Company's now as I bought quite a few options in CTS and they are out of the money. Expire today I think.Thats why I bought vpe heads even though I knew the opes. held more leverage. Appreciate your input.

30-06-2008, 11:30 AM
Hi Diamond H,
With no intention to detract from Shastas post I like you am much greener than he. I prefer to trade on technical ( within my limited ability ) and often have around 10 stocks. For me each is an individual play with its own merrit. Often most of what I hold in one or two sectors that are flavor of the month with the market. I have almost no skills in fundimental analisis and have learned not to look at any stocks long term. The two main reasons are, I dont have the skills required and the market is too volitile and unpredictable. One of the most important things that took me way too long to learn is that you will make mistakes and once realized you must accept the loss and get out before you loose you original capital. Setting stop losses for me is individual for each play but I use 20% as a rule of thumb because I play penny dreadfuls mostly wich can be volitile.

The reason I stuck my nose in here is because we have a few stocks in common. I liked the CTS story too. Even chose it for the ASX comp. But didnt buy cause I never got a comfirmation to do so from the charts. I bought into BUR ( trying to pick the bottom ) Got it wrong and got out at a small loss.

30-06-2008, 12:25 PM
Thanks Shasta.I only hold head shares in Company's now as I bought quite a few options in CTS and they are out of the money. Expire today I think.Thats why I bought vpe heads even though I knew the opes. held more leverage. Appreciate your input.

Diamond Harbour,
Shasta is right on the button. As Warren Buffet says 'Diversification is a waste of time and money' Concentrate on 4 or 5 stocks and really get to know them and their peers. Also look around at other plays and if something appeals, sell your worst performer.

I am looking at some other plays now ( eg CTP , MEE, ) but dont jump onto something for greed. Jump onto it when you feel really comfortable. There are a lot of stocks that are going to triple in the next year particularly in the Aussie oil and gas sector.

Sell anything that is not involved with Energy. Like, right now,... today.

Over 80% of my portfolio is held in just 4 stocks...and yes, I do have a serious inkling to put the whole lot on VPEO.
Cheers.See you at the next meeting.

Financially dependant
30-06-2008, 12:34 PM
Over 80% of my portfolio is held in just 4 stocks...and yes, I do have a serious inkling to put the whole lot on VPEO..

I was thinking the same thing:eek:

30-06-2008, 12:59 PM
Sell anything that is not involved with Energy. Like, right now,... today.
Sell em tomorrow. Last day of the tax time sell off today :D:D:D;)

30-06-2008, 01:04 PM
Sell em tomorrow. Last day of the tax time sell off today :D:D:D;)

More like window dressing day Strat :rolleyes:

Tax selling has largely finished, who waits til the last day???

30-06-2008, 01:15 PM
Tax selling has largely finished, who waits til the last day???Theres always someone.

BUR, CTS and URAO all down so far:p

30-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Theres always someone.

BUR, CTS and URAO all down so far:p

Ok who got so excited they decided to convert there options today? :D


For those of you who haven't converted yet, there's another 548 days left!

30-06-2008, 05:18 PM
Ok who got so excited they decided to convert there options today? :D


For those of you who haven't converted yet, there's another 548 days left!

Probably some sort of tax dodge.

Dont think I will exercise mine just yet. lol

Got a feeling July is going to be a big month for VPE

diamond h
01-07-2008, 09:21 AM
Hi Diamond H,
With no intention to detract from Shastas post I like you am much greener than he. I prefer to trade on technical ( within my limited ability ) and often have around 10 stocks. For me each is an individual play with its own merrit. Often most of what I hold in one or two sectors that are flavor of the month with the market. I have almost no skills in fundimental analisis and have learned not to look at any stocks long term. The two main reasons are, I dont have the skills required and the market is too volitile and unpredictable. One of the most important things that took me way too long to learn is that you will make mistakes and once realized you must accept the loss and get out before you loose you original capital. Setting stop losses for me is individual for each play but I use 20% as a rule of thumb because I play penny dreadfuls mostly wich can be volitile.

The reason I stuck my nose in here is because we have a few stocks in common. I liked the CTS story too. Even chose it for the ASX comp. But didnt buy cause I never got a comfirmation to do so from the charts. I bought into BUR ( trying to pick the bottom ) Got it wrong and got out at a small loss.

:)Thanks Strat appreciate anyones input.I should have got out of a lot of stocks at a small loss. The outlook for them is still the same or better but the prices have dropped substantially in some cases. Wish I was just starting out now as with sub prime ,tax selling etc. obv
iously there will be a lot of bargain s out there.Others have said "you learn from your mistakes"and hopefully i have.

diamond h
01-07-2008, 09:46 AM
Diamond Harbour,
Shasta is right on the button. As Warren Buffet says 'Diversification is a waste of time and money' Concentrate on 4 or 5 stocks and really get to know them and their peers. Also look around at other plays and if something appeals, sell your worst performer.

I am looking at some other plays now ( eg CTP , MEE, ) but dont jump onto something for greed. Jump onto it when you feel really comfortable. There are a lot of stocks that are going to triple in the next year particularly in the Aussie oil and gas sector.

Sell anything that is not involved with Energy. Like, right now,... today.

Over 80% of my portfolio is held in just 4 stocks...and yes, I do have a serious inkling to put the whole lot on VPEO.
Cheers.See you at the next meeting.
Hi Bermuda, I am bottom drawing the stocks that I have lost too much on to give away(don't know if this is the best way to go about it) and in future will just concentrate on half a dozen at the most .
Thanks also for your thoughts.I had tried to pick your brains on the BOW thread on 30 5 2008 but you must have missed it .As long as the conference is not the weekend of 9/10 August I will see you there.

01-07-2008, 01:43 PM
Got a feeling July is going to be a big month for VPE

Is that you pushing on vpeo? haha it certainly feels like it will be a big month for them..

01-07-2008, 05:01 PM
Yer, they're selling BOW to buy some more VPE! lol Peter paying Paul.

03-07-2008, 05:36 PM
VPE, BOW and QGC getting hit hard today.

03-07-2008, 05:45 PM
VPE, BOW and QGC getting hit hard today.As is pretty much everything Doc except TASO lol :D

03-07-2008, 07:28 PM
As is pretty much everything Doc except TASO lol :D

Quite a few stocks im following did alright today...

Gold & silver seems to be a good bet!

08-07-2008, 02:46 PM
Quite a few stocks im following did alright today...

Gold & silver seems to be a good bet!

Hudson-1 Spuds (dont know why VPE havent released an ann yet?)


VPE share price at time of posting was 21.5c :confused:

08-07-2008, 05:51 PM
I am wondering if Chimaera have VPE on its leverage lending liquidation list?

08-07-2008, 06:41 PM
I am wondering if Chimaera have VPE on its leverage lending liquidation list?Thats a thought Doc. Correct me if Im wrong but this is a way smaller deal than O-pus.

VPE has been hammered this week but is it VPE or just in keeping with everything else thats goin on right now?

13-07-2008, 07:53 AM
VPE has taken a decent hammering over the last week or so. VPEO holding up quite well still. Has anyone considered selling VPEO and buying VPE.

I must admit it has crossed my mine more than once over the last few days.

13-07-2008, 01:46 PM
VPEO has held up very well hasnt it

VPE has been hammered all right.

I sold VPEO at 12c
and I am considering buying the head at that price as you have thought.

Id say its a very good idea at present.

I've thought about selling half my VPE options & buying VPE heads, but am happy to hold onto the options.

The current sell down has certainly knocked the heads to "bargin bin" prices...

But for how long? ;)

13-07-2008, 02:37 PM
if we take a look at VPE trading over the last 4 weeks when a lot of us have bought...and sold

VPE Trading range
HEADS 19-32c ...curently 22c
OPTS 9-13.5c ...currently 11.5c

IF you look at VPE/VPEO going back to recent highs

Heads gain 45%
Options gain 17%

It is certainly a very appealing way to look at it.

Id be buying the heads for sure.

Certainly looks good the way you have expressed it.

Most people buying VPE during the time frame will be showing a paper loss though. (Using your range of 19 - 32c & a current SP of 22c)

Those buying VPEO will more likely still be showing a profit (9 - 13.5c & current SP of 11.5c)

VPEO @ 11.5 + 25c = 36.5c v VPE @ 22c. VPEO overpriced or VPE undervalued?

Agree the short term upside is with VPE :)

13-07-2008, 04:54 PM
The oppies on this stock often dont follow the heads. March is a good example. The options still offer the best result if all goes according to plan but my gut is telling me everything will be going lower over the next few months. Am tossing up on whether to minimize my exposure to all stocks and Im in no hurry to buy anything.

14-07-2008, 09:45 PM
The oppies on this stock often dont follow the heads. March is a good example. The options still offer the best result if all goes according to plan but my gut is telling me everything will be going lower over the next few months. Am tossing up on whether to minimize my exposure to all stocks and Im in no hurry to buy anything.

VPE took there sweet time (BOW got there ann out much earlier!)


15-07-2008, 05:23 PM
VPE took there sweet time (BOW got there ann out much earlier!)


VPE weekly drilling report (re Hudson-1)


Copy of what our Don Juan neighbour (SHG) is up to...


16-07-2008, 04:55 PM
This stock is funny.

I dont hold but have watched it rise up to .30 cents and the options up to .12 cents. :rolleyes:

But now it drops back to .20 cents and the options are still around .10 - .11 cents :confused:

Is there anything I should know about that makes these options special besides the fact they are cheaper than the FPO and give you some sort of exposure to the stock?

16-07-2008, 05:20 PM
options usually increase in value with increased volatility...
vpe have been very volatile. thats the way i see it.

17-07-2008, 02:42 AM
Is there anything I should know about that makes these options special besides the fact they are cheaper than the FPO and give you some sort of exposure to the stock?

No. Just greater leverage because they are cheaper.
What might make them stand out is that they are a 2010 option so they have plenty of time to be in the money....

....and, by that time, VPE should be well and truly in the money, with its CSG assets.

20-07-2008, 11:40 AM
This stock is funny.

I dont hold but have watched it rise up to .30 cents and the options up to .12 cents. :rolleyes:

But now it drops back to .20 cents and the options are still around .10 - .11 cents :confused:

Is there anything I should know about that makes these options special besides the fact they are cheaper than the FPO and give you some sort of exposure to the stock?

Very strange. I am definitely contemplating selling my options at what I paid for them and buying the heads.

21-07-2008, 06:41 PM
Very strange. I am definitely contemplating selling my options at what I paid for them and buying the heads.

VPE operations update ann out


21-07-2008, 06:54 PM
VPE operations update ann out


Must admit I was hoping for better than this but is sort of fits with my 3/7 prediction. (Wish they could drill 3 good one's first eh?) Nevermind, plenty to come and the CSG certification ( which everyone seems to forget about ) is getting closer.

Certification means a lot to these companies. As you know.

21-07-2008, 06:58 PM
Must admit I was hoping for better than this but is sort of fits with my 3/7 prediction. (Wish they could drill 3 good one's first eh?) Nevermind, plenty to come and the CSG certification ( which everyone seems to forget about ) is getting closer.

Certification means a lot to these companies. As you know.

VPE holders know about it's CSG potential, just ask QGC :p

21-07-2008, 07:05 PM
VPE holders know about it's CSG potential, just ask QGC :p

Yes, and someone told me they are not going to get it cheaply. Don Juan is looking very good.

21-07-2008, 07:07 PM
Yes, but someone told me they are not going to get it cheaply. Don Juan is looking very good.

I have other targets, so 20c would get my VPEO's...

I'm not greedy :D

23-07-2008, 07:29 PM
I have other targets, so 20c would get my VPEO's...

I'm not greedy :D

VPE's CSG weekly update


23-07-2008, 08:09 PM
VPE's CSG weekly update


Thanks Shasta,
The CSG market has been pulled down but there are some big stories yet to surface. Good to see that VPE still has late 2008 as their certification target. It has some beautiful acreage and very gassy coals.

Wish they could get a proper value for PL171 though.

24-07-2008, 02:02 AM
this Carbon Credit exemption not including LNG has definitely had some effect

we must look at ALL the risks, including carbon trading and water as well as all the blue sky this sector holds over the coming certification period for many of them targeting big upgrades

just be mindful, there are risks and WOODSIDEs CEO comments must be researched...no one has really had a good comeback to his comments - CSG is a poor gas for LNG conversion.

oh, apart from hey, must be ok, all the big boys are putting money into it, but arent Woodside big boys in Gas? no 2 in aussie anyway.

If Australia wanted to get a bit more creative we could achieve oil price parity for our coal seam gas, not worry about converting it to LNG and massively reduce our dependency on imported oil - by simply converting the gas to liquid fuel for use in our cars. Nothing too high tech about that technology from what I've read

25-07-2008, 12:27 AM
the heads are looking extremely undervalued and loved right now

trading at 19.5, and even well under the QGC price of 22.5c which we all thought was a steal at the time.

the options finally looked weaker today and at 19.5c heads, so they should, given 25c conversion!!! and still trading at 10c

thats too much of a premium (just over 75%) imo and I would be selling VPEO to buy heads at under 20c.

Whilst I hated my CSG's going down I was heartened by the big one that resisted the current and went against the tide.


Big things coming up . BG still have not secured their gas. Big implications for some of the minors.

25-07-2008, 07:14 AM
the heads are looking extremely undervalued and loved right now

trading at 19.5, and even well under the QGC price of 22.5c which we all thought was a steal at the time.

the options finally looked weaker today and at 19.5c heads, so they should, given 25c conversion!!! and still trading at 10c

thats too much of a premium (just over 75%) imo and I would be selling VPEO to buy heads at under 20c.

Hi guys. Getting a little interested in the CSG story. Did a late night read over BOW and VPE threads.

Would it be right to say:

1. The asset which will drive share appreciation is the DJ field - anything else is a nice booster if/when successful.

2. BOW, assuming no ROMA deal holds twice the leverage to DJ - as shares on issue are about 150M vz 330M of VPE.

3. Based on above BOW at current levels (sub 30c) it therefore seems to be the better entry to get max DJ exposure.

4. LAST BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST...BOW and VPE are still in down trend - so while potential looks great, timing of entry is rather important to max returns (or limit down side in the current Bear).

Happy to be corrected...

25-07-2008, 10:35 AM
Hi guys. Getting a little interested in the CSG story. Did a late night read over BOW and VPE threads.

Would it be right to say:

1. The asset which will drive share appreciation is the DJ field - anything else is a nice booster if/when successful.

2. BOW, assuming no ROMA deal holds twice the leverage to DJ - as shares on issue are about 150M vz 330M of VPE.

3. Based on above BOW at current levels (sub 30c) it therefore seems to be the better entry to get max DJ exposure.

4. LAST BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST...BOW and VPE are still in down trend - so while potential looks great, timing of entry is rather important to max returns (or limit down side in the current Bear).

Happy to be corrected...

Hi Jess, have a read of the CSG thread . The posts by Trent and Lebowski are VERY encouraging.

This is a beautiful story and I wouldnt think the downtrends are going to last much longer.

When all looks lost, that's the time to get in if the story has credibility. And the more I look at it, the better it looks.

Financially dependant
25-07-2008, 02:26 PM
another very large seller just popped on at 19.5/ 158,000ish

I just put in a small bid for 20,000 @ 19

Good luck!

VPE and RPM near parity!

I will have to jump the RPM ship then.

25-07-2008, 02:54 PM
another very large seller just popped on at 19.5/ 158,000ish

I just put in a small bid for 20,000 @ 19

What a huge order. Dont push the price, I want more stock at lower levels. :eek::D:D

28-07-2008, 01:46 PM
Picked up some of these today @ 18.5c.... Looking very cheap, can't believe they've since hit 17.5!

28-07-2008, 02:30 PM
Picked up some of these today @ 18.5c.... Looking very cheap, can't believe they've since hit 17.5!

Well done Trackers. You know when to pounce. Quarterley and revised drilling schedule out soon. Testing of Don Juan proceeding but a bit wet. Nice and gassy.

28-07-2008, 04:31 PM
Bermuda. Looking at VPE and BOW. One needs to buy 2 VPE shares to each BOW to offset capital difference. On that basis 37c buys 40% exposure, yet Bow offers entry for 29c and offers 50%. Question in a nutshell, why pay more for VPE?

28-07-2008, 05:00 PM
sorry, correction: BOW 55% vs VPE 45% of DJ.

28-07-2008, 05:09 PM
Bermuda. Looking at VPE and BOW. One needs to buy 2 VPE shares to each BOW to offset capital difference. On that basis 37c buys 40% exposure, yet Bow offers entry for 29c and offers 50%. Question in a nutshell, why pay more for VPE?

Hi Jess,
Sorry, I must be having a senior moment. What is the exposure to ? Don Juan is VPE 45% BOW 55% but I think you are referring to something else.

Once certified VPE's value in Don Juan is 50 cents per share and Bow's is over $1.

The Certification of Don Juan is going okay ( even Roma's MD said it was making good progress...why he said that in his letter to Roma shareholders I will never know ...but it was welcome)

The CSG sector has gone to sleep but it will awaken.

28-07-2008, 05:50 PM
Thanks Bermuda for that, sorry not to be clear. I was referring to the best buy for max exposure to any re-rating, upon certification of the Don Juan gas reserve. Timing an entry is the next question. For that I'll have to try a bit of TA next and restrain the emotion impulse!

28-07-2008, 06:53 PM
Thanks Bermuda for that, sorry not to be clear. I was referring to the best buy for max exposure to any re-rating, upon certification of the Don Juan gas reserve. Timing an entry is the next question. For that I'll have to try a bit of TA next and restrain the emotion impulse!

You would pay more for VPE because it has better assets. This CSG...and all oil stocks, are sure getting a beating.
Driven down as the first signs of conservation shine through. An equilibrium has yet to be found.A very absorbing contest between supply ( at a maximum , but depleting),.....and demand (variable)...ps. CSG will have its day in the sun.

Just heard on CNBC..Toyota dropping its production forecasts. That is not good news

Financially dependant
29-07-2008, 02:21 PM
My patients was tested and found wanting! LKO trading halt nothing to do with RPM!

I sold the last half of my RPM and bought more VPE shares, VPE is now my biggest holding awaiting certification.

Sold RPM at 18c bought VPE at 18c to good to be true, which I believe is a bargain! but time will tell.

29-07-2008, 06:09 PM
My patients was tested and found wanting! LKO trading halt nothing to do with RPM!

I sold the last half of my RPM and bought more VPE shares, VPE is now my biggest holding awaiting certification.

Sold RPM at 18c bought VPE at 18c to good to be true, which I believe is a bargain! but time will tell.Reckon they are gonna get cheaper. Got my little eye on BOW too

Financially dependant
29-07-2008, 06:21 PM
Reckon they are gonna get cheaper. Got my little eye on BOW too

Yes, I think you might be right, just took the opportunity when it presented it self! A buyer and seller with the right volume!

29-07-2008, 07:20 PM
Reckon they are gonna get cheaper. Got my little eye on BOW too

I got my eyes on this one too and watching the "bubbles" come up and go. I bought into BOW back in April and sold out last month. :D:D

To me ....CSG,CSM is a viable business but its time in the sun hasn't arrived yet. The capital costs to develop these fields are large and I dont think the CSG business is mature enough yet to absorb hese costs..... Todays market is in turmoil ..... all we know is oil is on the way UP in the long term.

There will be many opportinuties to buy and sell along the way ;)


31-07-2008, 08:48 PM
Vict Pet CSG Certification Programme

A comprison of the forward drilling programme given in Vic Pets June 2008 update with that given in the Quarterly makes interesting reading.

As recently as June, the company had 5 wells programmed for Marcus commencing July and a sixth (Pinelands - same property?) through to December. Quarterly report shows only one well programmed for Marcus. If the Quarterly report is correct this would indicate that we are not going to see certification of ATP574 any time soon - mid 2009? Likewise I cannot see PL171 being certified in 2008 cal year especially given the present situation re T/O - although I seem to recall that QGC said somewhere that they would move quickly if they take over RPM.

On balance it would seem that the only immediate prospect Vic Pet has for certification early next year (January?) rests with good old Bow who seem to be getting on with the job in Don Juan.


31-07-2008, 11:09 PM
Vict Pet CSG Certification Programme

A comprison of the forward drilling programme given in Vic Pets June 2008 update with that given in the Quarterly makes interesting reading.

As recently as June, the company had 5 wells programmed for Marcus commencing July and a sixth (Pinelands - same property?) through to December. Quarterly report shows only one well programmed for Marcus. If the Quarterly report is correct this would indicate that we are not going to see certification of ATP574 any time soon - mid 2009? Likewise I cannot see PL171 being certified in 2008 cal year especially given the present situation re T/O - although I seem to recall that QGC said somewhere that they would move quickly if they take over RPM.

On balance it would seem that the only immediate prospect Vic Pet has for certification early next year (January?) rests with good old Bow who seem to be getting on with the job in Don Juan.


The full quarterly ann...


05-08-2008, 11:29 AM
Didn't know into which thread to put this, but quite relevant to VPE:


05-08-2008, 12:00 PM
Didn't know into which thread to put this, but quite relevant to VPE:

http://www.compareshares.com.au/~compare1/jan03.php (http://www.compareshares.com.au/%7Ecompare1/jan03.php)

Yep good article that, I liked the last bit

"however the smaller players are showing they can attract partners with deep pockets if they can prove up reserves. The demand for gas is such that if they cannot develop their projects, it seems likely that someone else will."

05-08-2008, 12:42 PM
Yep good article that, I liked the last bit

Yes, thanks for the article and you are right Trackers. People will pay for proven 2P reserves. Just have to be patient.

In the meantime let's hope that VPE and BOW can produce a bit more oil.

08-08-2008, 11:58 AM
on 14 july it was reported that orallo south was drilled to depth (but no mention of samples taken or measures of coal thickness) with similar reporting on july 23 for camarvon 3. but the two latest reports (camarvon 4 and 2) said that samples had been taken and a coal thickness given. does this mean there was nothing found at orallo south and camarvon 3 or is it just a change in reporting?

can anyone enlighten me? cheers,


08-08-2008, 12:32 PM
on 14 july it was reported that orallo south was drilled to depth (but no mention of samples taken or measures of coal thickness) with similar reporting on july 23 for camarvon 3. but the two latest reports (camarvon 4 and 2) said that samples had been taken and a coal thickness given. does this mean there was nothing found at orallo south and camarvon 3 or is it just a change in reporting?

can anyone enlighten me? cheers,


Hi jdq,
As far as I know everything is okay although a little behind timing wise due to contractor problems. There is a BOW announcement out this morning which will be followed up by VPE.

08-08-2008, 01:31 PM
do you see what i mean, though, Bermuda? the two early reports say nothing of samples being taken or coal thickness, yet the two later ones do (the last of the two is the BOW release from today). the change seems a little odd.

initially, i believed the earlier reports were saying, 'yip, we've drilled a hole and we'll get back to you with what we found when we have run analysis'.

but now they have begun to provide details that were simply not in the earlier reports - this , then, begs the question (for me, at least), was there no coal/gas at those areas where nothing was reported? again, it may just be me but i can't explain the sudden change in reporting. do you have any thoughts?


08-08-2008, 04:25 PM
do you see what i mean, though, Bermuda? the two early reports say nothing of samples being taken or coal thickness, yet the two later ones do (the last of the two is the BOW release from today). the change seems a little odd.

initially, i believed the earlier reports were saying, 'yip, we've drilled a hole and we'll get back to you with what we found when we have run analysis'.

but now they have begun to provide details that were simply not in the earlier reports - this , then, begs the question (for me, at least), was there no coal/gas at those areas where nothing was reported? again, it may just be me but i can't explain the sudden change in reporting. do you have any thoughts?


I will give JK a ring next week and clarify the issue. I do not think there are any problems.

08-08-2008, 04:43 PM
cheers, Bermuda, i thought if anyone would know you would. i must say it's rather good to have someone with a redphone. i strongly expect there will be a simple explanation - but it will be useful to get clarification. i'm a little surprised that nobody else has mentioned this here or on the BOW thread - perhaps that means i'm the only one who's a bit baffled (if anyone else noted this and/or has an opinion i'd be pleased to hear). thanks again, Bermuda. hope your weekend is a good one.
