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30-08-2008, 05:52 AM
Hi Oiler,
I thought I would let any out of the town folk throw up some dates first. I know Liz and yourself come up from time to time and if its all the same to us up here we might as well try and fit in with anyone who has a preferred date. I think Macca is one of the out of town people now too.

For me any Saturday in Sept/Oct except 20th Sept. Great idea to go to the Cav on College Hill. :cool:
Will be interested to hear the topics of conversation this time. May not be so much about commodities :( oil in particular.

30-08-2008, 10:54 AM
You are starting to come right at last STRAT. I always knew that you were an ideas man.
SNOOPY would be a big draw card, then PHAEDRUS would be another to attract the punters. . MacdunkNo ideas there Macca. The point was to have a beer with them not put them on display. They could talk about fishing all night and that would be fine with me

30-08-2008, 04:51 PM
I'll come.

30-08-2008, 05:11 PM
I'll come.Excellent :D

30-08-2008, 07:12 PM
Ok everyone how about Saturday 27th September 4:00pm?

Current list of attendees

Year of the Tiger
Dazza ?
Impacman ?
AMR ( with uni students in tow. Boysy prehaps? )

Thats a good start

30-08-2008, 08:32 PM
That's good with me!

30-08-2008, 08:54 PM
I'm there. Really looking forward to catching up with you all.

Year of the Tiger
30-08-2008, 09:50 PM
Suits me ok...


31-08-2008, 10:01 AM
Sorry can't make it that day.
Will be at the qualifying of the Singapore F1 GP, followed by the being at the race on Sunday night, - lucky me and what's better my wife suggested we go!!
Did not take much convincing for me to say yes!
P.S. yes the little one is going as well although not to the GP, fortunate to have a friend up there who will babysit for us.

31-08-2008, 10:47 AM
Sorry can't make it that day.
Will be at the qualifying of the Singapore F1 GP, followed by the being at the race on Sunday night, - lucky me and what's better my wife suggested we go!!
Did not take much convincing for me to say yes!
P.S. yes the little one is going as well although not to the GP, fortunate to have a friend up there who will babysit for us.Hi Jay,
at this point that date is not set and I pretty much just plucked it out of my.............

I suggest everyone who is on the list so far post their 'no can do dates' over the Sep/Oct period and it will be easy then for me to find a date that suits everyone if it exists. Might be good to stick to a Saturday Arvo though.

PS ST meeting vs F1. NO CONTEST :cool:

31-08-2008, 02:38 PM
Hi Strat.

Saterday afternoon should be suitable for me, I will make time because I know there will be plenty of notice. Thanks for organising the get together.

31-08-2008, 02:39 PM
Hi Strat.

Saterday afternoon should be suitable for me, I will make time because I know there will be plenty of notice. Thanks for organising the get together.

31-08-2008, 04:17 PM
Hi Strat

Sat 27 Sept 4 pm is good for me. Look forward to being there. OK for any other Sat arvo if 27th is called off.

Cheers, Robomo

31-08-2008, 05:47 PM
Count me in. Pretty much any Saturday will suit me. Just hope we get a better turnout thanlast time.

31-08-2008, 06:54 PM
I'd like to come along to see if some of you are as ugly as I imagine. :)

(I look quite a lot like my avatar by the way)

Crypto Crude
31-08-2008, 06:58 PM
cadmium---> hahaha...
This auckland meeting is going to be real real big...

31-08-2008, 07:00 PM
I'll come.

Welcome Phaedrus.

WOW..... look out Christchurch you might get knocked off the perch for the having the biggest number of attendees. :eek:

I have just got back from a very enjoyable meeting in Wellington out at Mana.


31-08-2008, 07:02 PM
cadmium---> hahaha...
This auckland meeting is going to be real real big...

Your on to it Shrewdy...... :D

I am sure we will get quite a few up from CHC ......... as always you are welcome in Jaffaland.


31-08-2008, 07:40 PM
I'd like to come along to see if some of you are as ugly as I imagine. :)

(I look quite a lot like my avatar by the way)LOL. Some of us are ;)

Come on you lot post the Sarurdays you cant make it so we can set a date and I dont have to do it over and over and over :D

Currently the list stands at

Impacman any Saturday
Oiler 20th is out both months
Phaedrus any Saturday
Macdunk any Saturday
Mysterybox any Saturday
Year of the Tiger any Saturday
Jay 27th is out ( let us know if any other dates dont suit Jay )
Dazza unconfirmed
Forest any Saturday
AMR any Saturday ( with uni students in tow. Boysy prehaps? and just for Dazza )
Robomo any Saturday
Lawso any Saturday
Cadmium any Saturday
Me any day except Saturday

Year of the Tiger
31-08-2008, 08:06 PM
Come on you lot post the Saturdays you cant make it so we can set a date and I dont have to do it over and over and over :D

I've scanned my Social Calendar for the next 2 months and sadly report that I'm currently available any Saturday...:o


31-08-2008, 08:12 PM
Hey Shrewdy,
Whats the attendance record for the National Convention? :p

Better bring your Camera Macca. If we get the record the Mainlanders will of course want proof :D

31-08-2008, 09:37 PM
Hey Strat, I'm on every Saturday after 5PM except Oct 4th (Taupo racing for the OIL Burner!)

31-08-2008, 09:49 PM
Not 20th/27th Sept or labour weekend, otherwise should be all good.

01-09-2008, 12:47 PM
Currently the list stands at

Impacman any Saturday
Oiler 20th is out both months
Phaedrus any Saturday
Macdunk any Saturday
Mysterybox any Saturday
Year of the Tiger any Saturday
Jay and Baby Jay 20th &27th Sept and 24th Oct ( labour weekend ) is out
Dazza unconfirmed
Forest any Saturday
AMR any Saturday ( with uni students in tow. Boysy prehaps? and just for Dazza )
Robomo any Saturday
Lawso any Saturday
Cadmium any Saturday
Me 13th Sept is out
Spook 4th October is out.

So these are the dates left
6th Sep I will never get my **** in a pile by then so
11th Oct
18th Oct

So Im gonna call it

11th October it is

01-09-2008, 04:23 PM
11th October all good for me.

01-09-2008, 09:09 PM
In the diary for 11 Oct.

03-09-2008, 12:31 PM
It would be great to get a few more to come along and steal the national convention title from Christchurch :p. I know we are a lot busier up here and there is a lot more to do with our free time but if anyone is contemplating coming along throw caution to the wind. We are a harmless enough bunch. We dont bite except for Macdunk that is and he usually settles down after a few Whiskeys. :D

duncan macgregor
03-09-2008, 02:50 PM
STRAT I reckon you owe me a double of the good stuff considring the way you abandoned me in my hour of need against that crude and very shrewd character. Its all a bit of fun guys, dont be scared to front up and give a bit of stick to poor old macdunk who is sitting it out predicting that you are in for a financial hiding this year. Macdunk

BEING OF SOUND MIND JUST CALL ME MR eight per center this year.

03-09-2008, 03:17 PM
STRAT I reckon you owe me a double of the good stuff considring the way you abandoned me in my hour of need against that crude and very shrewd character. Its all a bit of fun guys, dont be scared to front up and give a bit of stick to poor old macdunk who is sitting it out predicting that you are in for a financial hiding this year. Macdunk

BEING OF SOUND MIND JUST CALL ME MR eight per center this year.Abandoned? :eek:

I was sacked.:p

I can manage a double or two though;)

03-09-2008, 04:17 PM
I now know WHEN but I'm not sure WHERE. Is it still the Cavalier on College Hill?

03-09-2008, 05:17 PM
I now know WHEN but I'm not sure WHERE. Is it still the Cavalier on College Hill?Hi Lawso,
In the absence of a better suggestion the Cavalier it is at 4pm

03-09-2008, 09:06 PM
STRAT I reckon you owe me a double of the good stuff considring the way you abandoned me in my hour of need against that crude and very shrewd character. Its all a bit of fun guys, dont be scared to front up and give a bit of stick to poor old macdunk who is sitting it out predicting that you are in for a financial hiding this year. Macdunk

BEING OF SOUND MIND JUST CALL ME MR eight per center this year.

I have just celebrated the birth of my third son (others are 4 yrs and 22 mnths) with a lovely Lophroarig Quarter Cask. McDunk given your identifier and comment above I look forward to not only interesting and challenging conversation but one or two selected single malts! Beer is also good. See all on the 11th!.

03-09-2008, 11:52 PM
I have just celebrated the birth of my third son (others are 4 yrs and 22 mnths) with a lovely Lophroarig Quarter Cask. McDunk given your identifier and comment above I look forward to not only interesting and challenging conversation but one or two selected single malts! Beer is also good. See all on the 11th!.Congrads impacman

By the way Macca puts lemonade in his Whisky:eek:

Very unscottish if you ask me:D:p

04-09-2008, 07:36 AM
Congrads impacman

By the way Macca puts lemonade in his Whisky:eek:

Very unscottish if you ask me:D:p

Thanks Strat.

05-09-2008, 11:21 AM
CAV sounds good. I wonder if they offer a discount to shareholders

09-09-2008, 12:29 PM
how frequent are your share club mtgs and how can i attend?Its all a bit erratic to be fair and they come up when someone pushes them along. This would be the first this year and the third one I know of.

Very casual. Just roll up and say gudday

duncan macgregor
19-09-2008, 03:41 PM
Dont be afraid to come along guys even if you have never invested in the market and think you have nothing to contribute. All the people i have met so far at the last two meetings i would consider to be every day down to earth nice people [Even STRAT and SHREWDY]. I am an hour and a half away traveling at breakneck speed risking my mortality sitting in the passenger seat of the wifes car simply to meet you. The markets are crashing, or about to crash, which makes this a great time to plan ahead to when you will double your money every 12 months. I would think that to paper trade systems educating yourself costing you nothing getting ready for the next trend up with a few of the old stagers ph numbers in your back pocket is worth the effort to come along for a pleasant social evening. If you play your cards right i might even invite you up for a fishing trip. macdunk

19-09-2008, 04:47 PM
If you play your cards right i might even invite you up for a fishing trip. macdunkGreat, I will bring a pack of cards along. How about a game of go fish

30-09-2008, 12:40 PM
Why don;t you guys all come along to Stanz, we are all into share trading, either technical or fundamental, although technical takes precedence.. But we look at anything that can make money in the markets and we meet once per month and often have an overseas speaker talking on trading. We have had some very accomplished traders and speakers over the last 3 years.


30-09-2008, 06:46 PM
I've been along to a couple of STANZ meetings now.

STANZ Members, let's agree on a secret handshake via PM so we know who we are at the next meeting. :)

In the meantime, I look forward to the ShareTrader meeting on October 11!

02-10-2008, 07:53 PM
Be interested to hear more about STANZ...

But anyway, where's the address for this bar?

03-10-2008, 07:04 AM
Be interested to hear more about STANZ...

But anyway, where's the address for this bar?

Its on College Hill - about 2/3 of the way up on the left (heading to Ponsonby from Vic Park). See you there.


Crypto Crude
05-10-2008, 09:14 AM
If you play your cards right i might even invite you up for a fishing trip. macdunk

what do you mean...? bottom trawling for a stock spending spree... :D... hahaha...
hope all you savages have a good time...
Mackdunk and strat at the Auckland meeting next week...

05-10-2008, 06:08 PM
Be interested to hear more about STANZ...

Hi AMR. Here's the details of the last Auckland meeting which gives you some idea of what they get up to.


09-10-2008, 07:34 PM
:confused: what has happened to the Auckland meeting thread??? is there a meeting this weekend ????

Vince.... can we get the Sharetrader Meeting thread out of the "doldrums" and back in the NZX thread please. I think we are losing our followers :(


10-10-2008, 07:55 AM
:confused: what has happened to the Auckland meeting thread??? is there a meeting this weekend ????

Vince.... can we get the Sharetrader Meeting thread out of the "doldrums" and back in the NZX thread please. I think we are losing our followers :(

OilerHi Oiler,
Still on. So if you come there will be at least two of us :D.
I will recap on the attendees this evening.

Kick off is at 4pmish at the Cavalier on College Hill. Give me a call if you need a lift from the Airport or where ever.

10-10-2008, 08:12 AM
For us that have not been before, how will we know you?? or should we just look for the man in the Kilt!

10-10-2008, 09:17 AM
Glum faces and excessive drinking might give it away:)

10-10-2008, 09:38 AM

10-10-2008, 10:36 AM
For us that have not been before, how will we know you?? or should we just look for the man in the Kilt!

Yell out "NZO below $1" and run right back out the door. We're the mob with smashed beer bottles chasing after you.

10-10-2008, 10:49 AM
Yell out "NZO below $1" and run right back out the door. We're the mob with smashed beer bottles chasing after you.

That would be a good indicator as well.:D

10-10-2008, 04:26 PM
For us that have not been before, how will we know you?? or should we just look for the man in the Kilt!I doubt it will be a problem but if you are really lost just stand on a table and yell "Macdunk is full of ****" and then look out for the man coming towards ya lookin a lot like the red haired fella from the movie braveheart. :D
If you arrive late look out for the same fella but with his back to ya. Bent over and kilt raised ;)


Heres a pic from the last meeting. Thats Macdunk on the left

10-10-2008, 06:40 PM
Glum faces and excessive drinking might give it away:)

You're onto Impacman :D

Is the kiltman coming down from his "beachfront hideaway" ????
Are we going to see Maccas strut his stuff across the Cav floor?

I will be there around 5pm barring delayed flights.


Year of the Tiger
10-10-2008, 07:32 PM
I'll be there for a while. I had to check my social calendar first to see if I've got a gap.

Ahhhh.. Yepppp, free all day... :(


10-10-2008, 08:41 PM
Current list of attendees

Year of the Tiger
Dazza ?
AMR ( with uni students in tow. Boysy prehaps? )
Rocksolid maybe even though Vince threw him/her out
Mysterybox ??? come along.

Not a bad size list if everyone makes it.

duncan macgregor
10-10-2008, 08:48 PM
Sorry guys i have been told we have to go to a birthday party. I cant get out of it, its rather an important birthday that i knew notheing about until the last minute. Macdunk

10-10-2008, 09:01 PM
Sorry guys i have been told we have to go to a birthday party. I cant get out of it, its rather an important birthday that i knew notheing about until the last minute. Macdunk
Phaedrus will be gutted. I know he was looking forward to your presentation on the 30 day moving average :D

No worries Macca though it wont be the same without you.
There will be another.

10-10-2008, 09:59 PM
Sorry guys i have been told we have to go to a birthday party. I cant get out of it, its rather an important birthday that i knew notheing about until the last minute. Macdunk

Damn, and I was hoping to come home with an invite to go fishing! :)

Look forward to catching up with you another time.

10-10-2008, 10:15 PM
STRAT, wouldn't miss it for the world.

11-10-2008, 05:49 AM
STRAT, wouldn't miss it for the world.


You had a taste of these meetings in Christchurch;);) so good to see you at the Auckland show.

Crypto Crude
11-10-2008, 07:50 PM
Celebrate this one in style dudeshttp://www.aussiestockforums.com/forums/images/smilies/bier.gif
... this was probably the worst ten market days since 1929... and we survived...
Great opportunities when this is all over...

11-10-2008, 09:57 PM
Celebrate this one in style dudeshttp://www.aussiestockforums.com/forums/images/smilies/bier.gif
... this was probably the worst ten market days since 1929... and we survived...
Great opportunities when this is all over...
Cheers Shrewdy and I must say if you survived the 1929 crash you carry your age very well. You dont look a day over 45.
Was a good night. A few new faces with two names to remember and a few old friends.

Phaedrus must still be on holiday and looks like Macca was grounded. Guess the wife wasnt keen on driving him all that way just to go drinking for a few hours with us louts.

Not a glum face to be seen in spite of the market conditions. 12 turned up in all. Some were very disappointed they didnt get to meet our favorite Scottsman.

Crypto Crude
12-10-2008, 06:37 PM
I was not around then strat,
What did you do in the 1929 crash mackdunk...?
maybe you might have been in high school, and just abit before your time also...

13-10-2008, 08:36 AM
I thought I counted 14 at one stage Strat. Don't sell us short!
No counting those who "dresssed up" for the occasion who stayed indoors and did not want to socialise with us.

Seriously though, good to put some faces to names being a first timer to the meeting.
Anyone else should not be "scared" to come along, a good range of ages as well.
Hope to come to the next if I haven't got an important birthday party to go to!

13-10-2008, 09:24 AM
Great to catch up on Saturday although trying to remember two names for each person strained a few brain cells early on! As already said a good group of people. Thanks Strat and Oiler for initiating/managing the catch up. Look forward to the next meeting. Have a great week all.

I man

13-10-2008, 10:39 AM
I thought I counted 14 at one stage Strat. Don't sell us short!
No counting those who "dresssed up" for the occasion who stayed indoors and did not want to socialise with us.

Seriously though, good to put some faces to names being a first timer to the meeting.
Anyone else should not be "scared" to come along, a good range of ages as well.
Hope to come to the next if I haven't got an important birthday party to go to!Hi Jay I will stand corrected. Its a bit tough for me, counting past 10 when I have to leave my shoes on :D

14 sounds about right.

15-04-2009, 01:36 AM
OK I realize this is short notice but these things happen sometimes.

Impacman and I decided to meet this Saturday at a pub very close to where we both live. Not a Share Trader meeting as such. Then Oiler let us know he would be in town this weekend. AMR said he would be keen to get together also.

It appears the the Horse and Trap is Imans regular haunt. It also probably suites AMR too as its quite a bit closer to him.

I suggest 5:00 to 5:30 start which fits in with Oilers flight arrival.

Any one else keen????

15-04-2009, 08:27 AM
OK I realize this is short notice but these things happen sometimes.

Impacman and I decided to meet this Saturday at a pub very close to where we both live. Not a Share Trader meeting as such. Then Oiler let us know he would be in town this weekend. AMR said he would be keen to get together also.

It appears the the Horse and Trap is Imans regular haunt. It also probably suites AMR too as its quite a bit closer to him.

I suggest 5:00 to 5:30 start which fits in with Oilers flight arrival.

Any one else keen????Strat, i would love to come but am shifting houses on Saturday. The other half would not approve

15-04-2009, 08:32 AM
Strat, i would love to come but am shifting houses on Saturday. The other half would not approve

That would most certainly get you in the dogbox Nita and we dont want that :eek:
No worries it is short notice.

15-04-2009, 08:41 AM
Yes sounds good to me.

15-04-2009, 10:18 PM
Cheers I will be there! Possibly with a guest tagging along.

17-04-2009, 01:20 PM
I have other plans for Saturday. Sorry.

17-06-2009, 08:37 PM
Has been a while since the last official meetup. Anyone keen?

18-06-2009, 11:18 AM
Count me in.
Name a date, somebody. Horse & Trap again?

18-06-2009, 12:38 PM
I'd be keen as well. Just to get things started what about Sat 18th July 4.00pm at the Horse and Trap?

18-06-2009, 08:00 PM
I'd be keen as well. Just to get things started what about Sat 18th July 4.00pm at the Horse and Trap?

Sounds like a good date at the Horse and Trap :cool:

I'm in.

18-06-2009, 08:08 PM
I like the idea of getting together again. The 18th is fine with me.

18-06-2009, 08:11 PM
18th is good for me too.

18-06-2009, 08:18 PM
At this stage, good for me too.

20-06-2009, 08:07 AM
Hi all. Sorry I have made a bit of a balls up - I am already committed for the 18th July - have got a ballot in the Woodhill Fallow Hunt for that day so keen to take it up. Sorry about that - me suggesting that date and all. Not suggesting meeting is changed but if it is I am keen to attend - I am pretty clear most other weekends. If not I will catch up next time.

Sorry about that.

20-06-2009, 11:57 AM
That's alright impacman, howabout we do the old list where everyone puts down what dates they are free and we have a vote or something?

AMR: Any saturday is fine.

22-06-2009, 07:31 PM
That's alright impacman, howabout we do the old list where everyone puts down what dates they are free and we have a vote or something?

AMR: Any saturday is fine.

I am keen to keep it for the18th :D but I would like to see there Nita there.

Options are 18th or the 11th ???

Lets try and settle on a date as I think we may get some out of towners wanting to book flights etc.

22-06-2009, 11:59 PM
but I would like to see there Nita there.

.I want to see Nita on Macdunks lap :eek:

Either night is OK by me

23-06-2009, 08:29 AM
I want to see Nita on Macdunks lap :eek:

Either night is OK by me


Lets go for the 11th July 4pm at the Trap. Out of towners need a little to book the early bird flights. ;)

We may see some of the Christchurch group visit again. Maybe MacDunk can give Shrewdy lesson 2 on how to do the STRUT. :eek:


23-06-2009, 09:34 AM

Lets go for the 11th July 4pm at the Trap. Out of towners need a little to book the early bird flights. ;)

We may see some of the Christchurch group visit again. Maybe MacDunk can give Shrewdy lesson 2 on how to do the STRUT. :eek:


11th sounds good for me - will confirm with better half though.

24-06-2009, 09:02 PM
Lets go for the 11th July 4pm at the Trap.

Suits me. CU then.

25-06-2009, 02:28 AM
Yeah my birthday : D haha.. I'll try come

26-06-2009, 10:32 AM
The 11th suits me just fine im in

26-06-2009, 10:40 AM
I think ill be a starter. Is Macca going to be there? I would like to meet this pussy cat this time

29-06-2009, 09:30 PM
I've booked my flights and am looking forward to seeing some of the old stagers again. I was going to fly back after the meeting, but I checked and saw that the Warriors were playing the Bulldogs the next day, so I'm going to hang around for that.

Crypto Crude
29-06-2009, 09:57 PM
I thought we were going to go to Auckland later this year (around November)?

29-06-2009, 10:13 PM
I thought we were going to go to Auckland later this year (around November)?

I had a few too many at the ChCh meeting and promised Oiler that I'd head up to this one, so I'd better front!
We're still on for a visit later in the year though.

Crypto Crude
29-06-2009, 10:20 PM
so you didnt remember eah...
you said if I came with you id get a free seat up the front of the plane...

30-06-2009, 07:54 AM
so you didnt remember eah...
you said if I came with you id get a free seat up the front of the plane...

Shrewd one, who does remember much of that night?:eek::eek: Maybe we can see if we can find a seat at the back of the bus for you ;)

Serpie look forward to seeing you up in Auckland as always.

It looks like we are going to get a good turnout for the Auckland meeting on the 11th July. So far we have

Serpie (Christchurch)
Boysy (Mr PPP)
and more to come :cool:

Shasta how about you coming up from Wellington?

Crypto Crude
30-06-2009, 12:33 PM
thats ok oiler...
Im coming up in Oct/Nov when I know for sure that mackdunk, and my chinese friend will be there...

30-06-2009, 02:19 PM
My next challenge is to try to grease my way into a corporate box for the Warriors game.

Last time we were up there we ran into the Mad Butcher in a pub before the Broncos game, and got invited into his lounge before and after.

Come on - someone must have some contacts to show some hospitality to a visitor from the chilly south!

03-07-2009, 12:52 PM
My next challenge is to try to grease my way into a corporate box for the Warriors game.

Last time we were up there we ran into the Mad Butcher in a pub before the Broncos game, and got invited into his lounge before and after.

Come on - someone must have some contacts to show some hospitality to a visitor from the chilly south!

I shall be withdrawing the very attractive offer, of my company in a corporate box for the Warriors game, at 4pm this evening. I'm closing off all offers at that time, so if it's not in my inbox then it will not be considered.

After that time I shall be throwing the offer open to those outside of the sharetrading community.

Yours etc

06-07-2009, 11:11 AM
Dear Sirs / Madams.

Due to an oversubscription of offers from fellow sharetraders to host me at the Warriors game I have decided to avoid playing favourites, and have accepted an offer from outside of the ST community.

I'm sorry to disappoint all of those who forwarded proposals, and would like to thank each and every one of your for the time and effort that you put into your submissions. I was very impressed by the quality of offers overall, and look forward to the opportunity of discussing future hosting possibilities with you all.

I would also like to apologise in advance to any of you that I may see on the day, as there is a fair chance that I will be completely hoovered, and may not recognise you.

Yours etc

06-07-2009, 06:58 PM
Dear Sirs / Madams.

Due to an oversubscription of offers from fellow sharetraders to host me at the Warriors game I have decided to avoid playing favourites, and have accepted an offer from outside of the ST community.

I'm sorry to disappoint all of those who forwarded proposals, and would like to thank each and every one of your for the time and effort that you put into your submissions. I was very impressed by the quality of offers overall, and look forward to the opportunity of discussing future hosting possibilities with you all.

I would also like to apologise in advance to any of you that I may see on the day, as there is a fair chance that I will be completely hoovered, and may not recognise you.

Yours etc

Welcome to Auckland Serpie ;)

I have no doubt that you were inundated with offers to host you at the game. Jafas are well known for there hospitality, particularly to Mainlanders. :rolleyes:

See you at the pre game party Sat night

06-07-2009, 07:20 PM
Shrewd one, who does remember much of that night?:eek::eek: Maybe we can see if we can find a seat at the back of the bus for you ;)

Serpie look forward to seeing you up in Auckland as always.

It looks like we are going to get a good turnout for the Auckland meeting on the 11th July. So far we have

Serpie (Christchurch)
Boysy (Mr PPP)
and more to come :cool:

Shasta how about you coming up from Wellington?

Only just saw your post Oiler...

Sorry can't make this one, i'm not very mobile at present & off for x-rays & an MRI Wednesday on a problematic knee :(

I see the Wellington meetings have died off, after i said i'd step back.

06-07-2009, 07:45 PM
See you at the pre game party Sat night

I'm looking forward to it Oiler. I'm assuming your staying the night in Auckland, so we'll grab a feed somewhere, and tell lies over a few wines if you're keen. I still owe you a feed after that wonderful meal at Simos.

06-07-2009, 07:51 PM
Look forward to catching up on Saturday. Glad to see you have been inundated with offers of a corporate box seat for the warriors - if I had one I would have extended the offer - but alas I don't (don't even have sky). Perhaps we can try and sus a plan to buy one via proceeds of share investments over beer or two:D!

06-07-2009, 08:12 PM
Look forward to catching up on Saturday. Glad to see you have been inundated with offers of a corporate box seat for the warriors - if I had one I would have extended the offer - but alas I don't (don't even have sky). Perhaps we can try and sus a plan to buy one via proceeds of share investments over beer or two:D!

Now there's a worthy goal! See you on Saturday. I think my flight gets in at about 3.40pm, so I might be a little late, but I'll be there!

06-07-2009, 08:50 PM
Just got back to Auckland after a stint in the wild west so I will try and make it too. . .

07-07-2009, 06:59 PM
I'm looking forward to it Oiler. I'm assuming your staying the night in Auckland, so we'll grab a feed somewhere, and tell lies over a few wines if you're keen. I still owe you a feed after that wonderful meal at Simos.

Serpie I am staying the night in Auckland (Novotel)

As you have probably already figured out ---- when I get an invite to drink wine, eat good food, with good company I am there. :D

seaoshJust got back to Auckland after a stint in the wild west so I will try and make it too. . .
Seaosh....... welcome back and hope you can make it.


07-07-2009, 07:04 PM
Serpie I am staying the night in Auckland (Novotel)

As you have probably already figured out ---- when I get an invite to drink wine, eat good food, with good company I am there. :D

seaoshJust got back to Auckland after a stint in the wild west so I will try and make it too. . .
Seaosh....... welcome back and hope you can make it.

OilerId be into dinner with you charming gentlemen :D

Seaosh, The wild west of what?

07-07-2009, 07:29 PM
Id be into dinner with you charming gentlemen :D

Seaosh, The wild west of what?

STRAT an evening is not complete without some guitar rifts from a STRAT ;)

07-07-2009, 07:30 PM
Id be into dinner with you charming gentlemen :D

Seaosh, The wild west of what?

Strat, sorry we haven't quite made the Titirangi establishments this time around:rolleyes:. See you on Saturday.


07-07-2009, 08:08 PM
Strat, sorry we haven't quite made the Titirangi establishments this time around:rolleyes:. See you on Saturday.

Cheers.Me too but life always gets in the way of plans. Mine included

07-07-2009, 10:50 PM
I now won't be able to make it for Saturday.... Developments in Sydney.

08-07-2009, 01:30 PM
I was thinking I might be able to make it but now we will have a rellie of my wife with us for the day. Have to be socialable!
Not quite as exciting as Sydney I may add.

Still encourage any newbies, lurkers etc to go along, they're a harmless bunch - mostly

08-07-2009, 03:50 PM
Id be into dinner with you charming gentlemen :D

Seaosh, The wild west of what?

The wild west of China. . .

And it seems it got even wilder after I left. . . I was in Urumqi, the city that just had the massive riots.

08-07-2009, 04:41 PM
A sharetrader meeting, followed by a nice dinner with witty and intelligent conversation, a decent hotel with a cooked breakfast and a late checkout, and corporate box tickets for the Warriors / Doggies clash. Someone pinch me!

All I need is for EasyJet to get me there. Mmmm. I think I see the flaw in my otherwise perfect plan.

08-07-2009, 06:40 PM
followed by a nice dinner with witty and intelligent conversation.Cool. I thought it was just going to be the regulars :D

08-07-2009, 07:41 PM
A sharetrader meeting, followed by a nice dinner with witty and intelligent conversation, a decent hotel with a cooked breakfast and a late checkout, and corporate box tickets for the Warriors / Doggies clash. Someone pinch me!

All I need is for EasyJet to get me there. Mmmm. I think I see the flaw in my otherwise perfect plan.

Serpie, I arrive on reliable Air NZ ;) at 4pm from New Plymouth so if EasyJet is true to form, late!!! and you need a ride...I have a Budget Limo booked for 4pm ready for a quick trip to the Horse and Trap.

I look forward to the dinner with "witty and intelligent" conversation :):)

08-07-2009, 07:44 PM
I now won't be able to make it for Saturday.... Developments in Sydney.

Bugger, I thought you would be the intelligent conversation at dinner.;)

Dont work too hard in Sydney

08-07-2009, 07:52 PM
Serpie, I arrive on reliable Air NZ ;) at 4pm from New Plymouth so if EasyJet is true to form, late!!! and you need a ride...I have a Budget Limo booked for 4pm ready for a quick trip to the Horse and Trap.

I look forward to the dinner with "witty and intelligent" conversation :):)

Good on ya Oiler. That will be awesome. Hopefully it's not foggy, or else I'll be circling above the Horse & Trap.

12-07-2009, 06:22 PM
As always, another very sociable evening at the H & T catching up with the Auckland crew.

Welcome back Seaosh and a special thanks to Serpie for representing the Mainland in his usual style and for the dinner. ;)

A good weekend was spoiled by having to fly to W(h)anganui because of severe crosswinds at NP airport and spend 3 hours on a bus.

13-07-2009, 12:52 AM
Good to see everyone, and sorry I couldn't stay longer.

Had a dinner to get to unfortunately. . .

13-07-2009, 08:27 AM
It was nice to see some old friends again, and make some new ones.

I'm sorry to hear you had to take the bus home Oiler. Jetstar wanted $80 for me to check that present you gave me, so I posted home for $3.00. Thank you again.

Unfortunately the Warriors couldn't quite get over the line, but I had a great time on Sunday anyway.

And, as much fun as the Sharetrader meeting was, I would have to say that the highlight of my trip was getting a ride to the airport after the game in one of the new fastback Bentley Continentals. Awesome!

We'll start preparations for Impacman's visit next month.

13-07-2009, 09:50 AM
Hi fellas.
Nice night.
Special thanks to Serpie for extending the long and somewhat sneaky arm of Southern Hospitality all the way up to Auckland.

13-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Was enjoyable evening, thanks to you guys.

13-07-2009, 03:02 PM
Sorry that I had to get away so early (5-ish) and so missed most of the gang and the fun. Better luck next time, I hope.

13-07-2009, 07:13 PM
It was nice to see some old friends again, and make some new ones.

I'm sorry to hear you had to take the bus home Oiler. Jetstar wanted $80 for me to check that present you gave me, so I posted home for $3.00. Thank you again.

Unfortunately the Warriors couldn't quite get over the line, but I had a great time on Sunday anyway.

And, as much fun as the Sharetrader meeting was, I would have to say that the highlight of my trip was getting a ride to the airport after the game in one of the new fastback Bentley Continentals. Awesome!

We'll start preparations for Impacman's visit next month.

Serpie I offered you a ride in the Budget Limo and you took the Bentley Limo :cool: so are you saying next time you want the Bentley :eek:

Interesting... I carried the "presents" on Air NZ with no hassles at all and Jet Star give you hassles ????

Lets see if we can get Impacman and others down to Christchurch for a meeting of all meetings.

Prizes all round for out of towners :D

14-07-2009, 07:28 AM
Thanks heaps for the evening guys. I trust the dinner and subsequent discussion/drinks were good. Will sus out ChCh dates and let you know. Will be a good session indeed.

Thanks again to all esp Serpie and Oiler for the making the trip from out of town.

07-09-2009, 10:32 PM
OK everyone.
This doesnt have to be the next meeting but I have it on good authority a Sharetrader Legend will be in Auckland from down the line on the 7th November and available on that night so Im putting this date forward for a meeting. Who else can make this date?

Phaedrus it would be nice if you could make it for a scotch or two. I know you are fond of this person.

and Macdunk you are way over due for a visit down this way. How about you get the wife to fire up the sports car and blast down in November too

Crypto Crude
08-09-2009, 05:35 AM
a Sharetrader Legend will be in Auckland from down the line on the 7th November and available on that night

So serpie has given the go ahead has he?

funny that...
to throw the cat amongst the pigeons,
im in Auckland on the weekend of the 20th November, and I cant come at the earlier date...
have it on the 7th and a few of us can catch up on the 20th...

theres pages and pages of Macgregors in the white pages...
its not going to be easy hunting him down...

08-09-2009, 08:55 AM
So serpie has given the go ahead has he?

I hardly showered myself in glory at the ChCh one on the weekend Shrewdy. I had to excuse myself from the after match function when the room started spinning.

I'm intrigued - who will it be?

08-09-2009, 09:04 AM
funny that...
to throw the cat amongst the pigeons,
im in Auckland on the weekend of the 20th November, and I cant come at the earlier date...
have it on the 7th and a few of us can catch up on the 20th...

.^scThats cool Shrewdy well just have to have two that month. I for one would love to see you again.
There you go Macca, the
20th is it then for you eh?.
Come down and strut your stuff.

08-09-2009, 09:06 AM
theres pages and pages of Macgregors in the white pages...
its not going to be easy hunting him down...
.^scNot where he lives now Shrewd. Youd be lucky if there is two :D

08-09-2009, 09:31 AM
Should be alright for either although the 20th November is a Friday. Serpie you conducted yourself admirably I thought!


09-09-2009, 08:06 PM
Can we have a sticky for this one please Vince, Vicky?

13-09-2009, 11:10 AM
OK everyone.
This doesnt have to be the next meeting but I have it on good authority a Sharetrader Legend will be in Auckland from down the line on the 7th November and available on that night so Im putting this date forward for a meeting. Who else can make this date?

Phaedrus it would be nice if you could make it for a scotch or two. I know you are fond of this person.

and Macdunk you are way over due for a visit down this way. How about you get the wife to fire up the sports car and blast down in November tooExpressions of interest for the 7th please cause Im sure our out of town Legend would be sorely dissapointed if its only me that turns up besides Im sure Im not sufficiently entertaining to go it alone.

13-09-2009, 11:20 AM
I am in as always, although I'm sure you are very entertaining on your own as well.

13-09-2009, 01:26 PM
I will be a starter at this stage. I want Macca the blouse to turn up as well.

13-09-2009, 06:08 PM
I will be a starter at this stage. I want Macca the blouse to turn up as well.

Maybe Maca is the mystery out of town guest :eek::eek:

I am on for the 7th and will see if I can rustle up a few more out of towners. :D

13-09-2009, 11:20 PM
Maybe Maca is the mystery out of town guest :eek::eek:

I am on for the 7th and will see if I can rustle up a few more out of towners. :Dnaaaa, Keep guessing Oiler.
It aint you either though you are a bit of a legend :D

14-09-2009, 09:21 AM
7th okay for me. Same place and time?

14-09-2009, 04:47 PM
7th okay for me. Same place and time?Yup,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Horse & Trap but what time did we kick off last time?

14-09-2009, 08:06 PM

Horse & Trap but what time did we kick off last time?

4pm Strat.

05-10-2009, 05:23 PM
Confirmed being on the 7th Nov? Is the out of town legend "No Cash"

05-10-2009, 05:32 PM
Confirmed being on the 7th Nov? Is the out of town legend "No Cash"Sorry Nita.

No cigar :D

05-10-2009, 10:37 PM
I know who it is. Smartest cookie I've met. Well worth the price of admission.

05-10-2009, 11:38 PM
Sorry Nita.

No cigar :DIt has to be No Cash. lol.

Does it start with W?

06-10-2009, 08:33 AM
It has to be No Cash. lol.

Does it start with W?"Who is it" starts with a "W" :D

I will give you a little clue. Serpies accurate description is on the money

10-10-2009, 02:22 PM
So serpie has given the go ahead has he?

funny that...
to throw the cat amongst the pigeons,
im in Auckland on the weekend of the 20th November, and I cant come at the earlier date...
have it on the 7th and a few of us can catch up on the 20th...

theres pages and pages of Macgregors in the white pages...
its not going to be easy hunting him down...
.^scShrewdy, the 20th November is a Friday.

Can you confirm this is your prefered day/evening.

All the same to me but a 4pm kick off might be a bit difficult for most.

10-10-2009, 02:42 PM
It has to be No Cash. lol.

Does it start with W?Aaaaaah Nita.

You are thinking of Winner69???

Have been trying to get him/her along but as with Phaedrus as yet unsuccessful on that front.

The mystery guest is a legend in my mind but is labelled Guru on this site.

Crypto Crude
10-10-2009, 11:04 PM
Friday would suit me better...
6pm start would be good...
cant wait...

10-10-2009, 11:43 PM
My guess...

Is it Upside Umop?

Crypto Crude
13-10-2009, 04:57 PM
Has anyone heard from Mackdunk,
is he alright?

I have a funny suspicion that mackdunk will turn up unannounced in November to one of the events...

Crypto Crude
13-10-2009, 05:08 PM
I think I can guess who it is...
My first guess would have been upside down, after what serpie said...
but then strat said the poster is a guru...
so I went to the members list, and here are all the gurus...

Duncan Macgregor
dr who
Shrewd Crude
paper tiger

I reckon its mackdunk... shhhh

13-10-2009, 07:49 PM
bermuda gets my vote from that list above

Crypto Crude
13-10-2009, 08:21 PM
hey Jay,
Its not Bermuda, I asked him...

This could be a fun exercise,
we could start eliminating posters who we dont think it would be

serpie said "legend-I know who it is. Smartest cookie I've met. Well worth the price of admission."

Duncan Macgregor- ...I reckon its this one
strat -no, he is not talking about himself
dr who-Who? nope.
Shrewd Crude-not me
paper tiger-nah
Tricha-cant see it
hiawatha-wouldnt think so
bermuda-not him
coaster-smart cookie, but cant see it
wsheridan-dont know

Give us more clues without giving it away...
I reckon its mackdunk though, because mackdunk is not only smart, but also a cookie... hehehehe...

Crypto Crude
13-10-2009, 08:36 PM
yankiwi-Is the Shrewd one taking two trips to great north?

one trip to Auckland is enough for me...
or could it be one giant holiday?
nah it seriously aint me...
who else you think it could be?

Year of the Tiger
13-10-2009, 09:41 PM
who else you think it could be?

Lizard gets my vote.


13-10-2009, 10:41 PM
serpie said "Smartest cookie I've met".^sc

And I've been blessed to meet some pretty smart cookies through ShareTrader Shrewdy!
This Auckland meeting is shaping up to be a quality event. I wish I could be there.

14-10-2009, 01:52 PM
Give us more clues without giving it away...
I reckon its mackdunk though, because mackdunk is not only smart, but also a cookie... hehehehe...
.^scA clue eh? :D

OK Shrewdy

This person is in your list :cool:

No cigar for Jay, AMR or Yankiwi :(

14-10-2009, 02:48 PM
And I've been blessed to meet some pretty smart cookies through ShareTrader Shrewdy!
This Auckland meeting is shaping up to be a quality event. I wish I could be there.

Would be good to see you up here again Serpie - understand other commitments though. I am sure Shrewd will fill you in if you can't make it!

Strat have we confirmed the Friday for Shrewd?

I have a sneaking suspicion that YOTT could be right. Don't know Lizard but have heard others speak highly of them.

14-10-2009, 04:01 PM
Strat have we confirmed the Friday for Shrewd?

.Hi Iman,
Thats up to Shrewd dude.

So Shrewdy is it Friday you want to get together?

Crypto Crude
14-10-2009, 05:42 PM
hey Auckland folk,
The friday night suits me better because theres a National poker Tornament on the Saturday in Auckland and im not sure about the timing of everything... So to be safe, Friday is better... it will be a massive weekend with about 40 plus chch people coming up to the big city through NPPLpoker.co.nz which is apart of my job as a poker host...
Friday would be good for a few quiets (at the beginning)... then a strut,
and maybe lossen the tie later on (:D)...
whereas Saturday will be plain chaos throughout...
yous are most welcome to come out on the Saturday night also...
we will talk about it on the Friday...;)... see yahs then...

14-10-2009, 05:57 PM
hey Auckland folk,
The friday night suits me better because theres a National poker Tornament on the Saturday in Auckland and im not sure about the timing of everything... So to be safe, Friday is better... it will be a massive weekend with about 40 plus chch people coming up to the big city through NPPLpoker.co.nz which is apart of my job as a poker host...
Friday would be good for a few quiets (at the beginning)... then a strut,
and maybe lossen the tie later on (:D)...
whereas Saturday will be plain chaos throughout...
yous are most welcome to come out on the Saturday night also...
we will talk about it on the Friday...;)... see yahs then...
.^scThere you go Iman. Friday it is.

14-10-2009, 07:09 PM
There you go Iman. Friday it is.

Sounds good to me. Conversation at the Horse and Trap will be a little more drowned out but probably a pretty fun environment. Could always ajourn downstairs or up - could see if Warren (owner) would be okay with that - that is of course if everyone wants to meet there - comments?

Crypto Crude
14-10-2009, 07:22 PM
Conversation at the Horse and Trap will be a little more drowned out
huh? but we dont know if mackdunk is coming yet... hehehehe...

I really enjoyed the last meeting you came to where they had happy hour... I hope they do that up north...
like lining skittles up along the bar

14-10-2009, 07:37 PM
huh? but we dont know if mackdunk is coming yet... hehehehe...

I really enjoyed the last meeting you came to where they had happy hour... I hope they do that up north...
like lining skittles up along the bar
.^scMacca has said hes a no show Shrewdy. I dont think we can talk him round

14-10-2009, 07:41 PM
So it's tricha then? :rolleyes:
Mite have to make the long arduous journey south for this one ...
Got to be one of the following doesn't it?: -
dr who

14-10-2009, 08:18 PM

14-10-2009, 08:19 PM
So it's tricha then? :rolleyes:
Mite have to make the long arduous journey south for this one ...
Got to be one of the following doesn't it?: -
dr who

Be good to see you dart monkey - north? so 4-5 hr max travel by road - you would be thirsty by then I am sure the H&T would provide just the draught for a weary traveller.

SC - be great to see you - pretty sure we can time or arrange a happy hour where drinks are lined up "like skittles". Just need to get Serpie et al on a flight and it will be just like ChCh meeting only warmer (probably!:D)

Crypto Crude
14-10-2009, 08:25 PM
strat-Macca has said hes a no show Shrewdy. I dont think we can talk him round

I figured that mackdunk would be a no show for the 20th (for obvious reasons:p)... but that still leaves him open for the 7th?
I want to hear all about it, if it eventuates...

14-10-2009, 08:42 PM
so 4-5 hr max travel by road
horse aint that fast bro

SC there on the 20th? I think I'll be making that trip. I owe him a pint or two.

Strat playing his rendition of little wing ... definitely ...

15-10-2009, 05:14 AM
Confirmed being on the 7th Nov? Is the out of town legend "No Cash"

Strat/I man

Are we still meeting on the 7th Saturday, or is it going to be Friday 29th to show the shrewd one some Auckland cheer. Are we doing both nights?

I have booked for the 7th including another "Mystery Guest" . No problem doing both although my mystery guest may not be able to make the friday date.


15-10-2009, 08:23 AM
Strat/I man

Are we still meeting on the 7th Saturday, or is it going to be Friday 29th to show the shrewd one some Auckland cheer. Are we doing both nights?

I have booked for the 7th including another "Mystery Guest" . No problem doing both although my mystery guest may not be able to make the friday date.

OilerHi Oiler.
Both but its not the 29th. Its the 7th and the 20th. Both November

Each night fits in with the schedule of out of towners.

15-10-2009, 08:30 AM
horse aint that fast bro

SC there on the 20th? I think I'll be making that trip. I owe him a pint or two.

Strat playing his rendition of little wing ... definitely ...That would put you somewhere around Whangarai Dart Monkey? You could call in on Macdunk on the way. How big is your boot? :eek: and are you practiced in the art of hog tying? :D

Little Wing :D

nice and about the right pace for the H&T :cool:

15-10-2009, 03:22 PM
By Kaitaia ... another couple of hours North again!
I checked my diary this morning and see I'm supposed to be working but I'll see what I can pull :rolleyes:
Be nice to shoot off to Raglan for a surf ...

15-10-2009, 08:38 PM
Hi Oiler.
Both but its not the 29th. Its the 7th and the 20th. Both November

Each night fits in with the schedule of out of towners.

:eek::eek: up too early this morning and couldnt quite see the numbers on the keyboard.... the 9 and the 0 are too close.

I'll be there ...

15-10-2009, 08:51 PM
By Kaitaia ... another couple of hours North again!
I checked my diary this morning and see I'm supposed to be working but I'll see what I can pull :rolleyes:
Be nice to shoot off to Raglan for a surf ...

Arr you way up there dartMonkey. I thought you where in civilised Whangerai.

Good old Nga Puhi country. I have some fond ( and not so fond ) memories of you fellas.

If you do decide to come down give me a buzz. You have my name and google it. Its on Americas most wanted. But failing that, send me a PM.
Hope you make the effort.

15-10-2009, 09:48 PM
:eek::eek: up too early this morning and couldnt quite see the numbers on the keyboard.... the 9 and the 0 are too close.

I'll be there ...lol. Ive been experiencing stuff like that over the last year or so. I may have to admit to my self I need glasses but not yet :D

16-10-2009, 10:22 AM
Strat/I man

Are we still meeting on the 7th Saturday, or is it going to be Friday 29th to show the shrewd one some Auckland cheer. Are we doing both nights?

I have booked for the 7th including another "Mystery Guest" . No problem doing both although my mystery guest may not be able to make the friday date.


Hi guys. I am probably not going to be able to do the 7th now as my better half is off to Melbourne for 5 days (including that day) and I have all three kids under my wing. If you do meet then I can try to get away for an hour or two (in laws dependent) but otherwise am keen for the 20th.



16-10-2009, 01:10 PM
got an exam on the 5th the 20th is good for me if others are keen for this date as well ?

16-10-2009, 01:34 PM
got an exam on the 5th the 20th is good for me if others are keen for this date as well ?Hi Boysy
Its the 7th not the 5th but we will be having a gathering on both nights
The 7th and the 20th

16-10-2009, 02:00 PM
ok sorry about the misunderstanding the 20th sounds good for me

18-10-2009, 07:21 PM
ok sorry about the misunderstanding the 20th sounds good for meNo worries there Boysy.
Id hate for you to be at the C&B on your lonesome thinking what a bunch of slack ass tards we all are for standing you up. :D

28-10-2009, 08:31 PM
Looking like I may be around for the 7th, but no promises yet. . .

31-10-2009, 10:04 AM
Looking like I may be around for the 7th, but no promises yet. . .Thats great Seaosh.

Who else will be coming along next weekend?

I hear you are an Aucklander and thinkin about it. :D

Oiler, if you want a ride from AIAL just give me a call.

31-10-2009, 11:40 AM
Strat I am planning to be there. I have enjoyed the past meetings.

See you saterday.


31-10-2009, 12:19 PM
I'm looking forward to being there.

Horse & Trap at 4pm I think?

Looks like it could be another interesting week on the markets, so plenty to talk about!

31-10-2009, 12:39 PM
I'm looking forward to being there.

Horse & Trap at 4pm I think?

Looks like it could be another interesting week on the markets, so plenty to talk about!Youve let the cat out of the bag now Liz :eek::D

31-10-2009, 12:41 PM
Strat I am planning to be there. I have enjoyed the past meetings.

See you saterday.

ForestGood on ya Forest. See ya there.

31-10-2009, 12:44 PM
I hear you are an Aucklander and thinkin about it. :D

Weve been working on your requirements for attendance for quite some time actually. Cant promise though. You know who is an elusive fella :p

31-10-2009, 02:49 PM
I'll be there -DV.

31-10-2009, 07:25 PM
Thats great Seaosh.

Who else will be coming along next weekend?

I hear you are an Aucklander and thinkin about it. :D

Oiler, if you want a ride from AIAL just give me a call.

I will be there around 5:30pm, dependent on flights.

Thanks for the ride offer Strat but you are the host of the evening and as always I make the most of my short time in Auckland by renting a car to get around :D

My guest wants Footsie and Phaedrus there so lets see what we can do to get them there.

If I say who the guest is we may get people coming who want to "attack" him for his past rational/outspoken comments:eek::eek: ;);)

Looking forward to seeing y'all again

01-11-2009, 10:50 PM
I will be there around 5:30pm, dependent on flights.

Thanks for the ride offer Strat but you are the host of the evening and as always I make the most of my short time in Auckland by renting a car to get around :D

My guest wants Footsie and Phaedrus there so lets see what we can do to get them there.

If I say who the guest is we may get people coming who want to "attack" him for his past rational/outspoken comments:eek::eek: ;);)

Looking forward to seeing y'all againHi G.
Dont think the event needs a host. That sounds far to formal.
A rational and out spoken guest eh? That will set the cat amongst the pigeons.
Anyone I know?

Just in case Footsie and Phaedrus have missed the previous posts. A little Tricha style posting hopefully will get their attention and a response.

Phaedrus and Footsie any chance you can make it to the Cock & Bull in Mount Eden next Saturday afternoon/evening. Starts at 4:00pm and goes till we all get bored or have some place better to go.

Year of the Tiger
02-11-2009, 07:56 AM
Hi G.

Phaedrus and Footsie any chance you can make it to the Cock & Bull in Mount Eden next Saturday afternoon/evening. Starts at 4:00pm and goes till we all get bored or have some place better to go.

Strat, I thought it was the Horse & Trap. Has the venue changed?


02-11-2009, 10:02 AM
Strat, I thought it was the Horse & Trap. Has the venue changed?

YOTTOooops my bad. :o

Yes YOTT it is the Horse and Trap.

Thanks for saving my skin there :o

02-11-2009, 10:36 PM
Hi everyone.

I have been a long time follower of the forum although have not had much to say! I would like to come along to the meeting. It will be good to meet (some of) the 'wise people' and learn some more...!


02-11-2009, 10:43 PM
Good stuff aspar. Look forward to seeing you.

03-11-2009, 12:19 AM
Hi everyone.

I have been a long time follower of the forum although have not had much to say! I would like to come along to the meeting. It will be good to meet (some of) the 'wise people' and learn some more...!

Cheers.Good on ya aspar13. There might be more out of towners than locals at this one :eek:.
I will happy to point you towards the wise ones :D

PS you arent kidding about not a lot to say. First post in over 2 years :p

03-11-2009, 08:00 PM
Hello Strat

Thanks - will be good to meet you too. Have enjoyed your posts.

One learns more by keeping one's eyes and ears open and mouth shut!


03-11-2009, 08:52 PM
As they say, aspar13, it's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

04-11-2009, 07:47 AM
Hello Strat

Thanks - will be good to meet you too. Have enjoyed your posts.

One learns more by keeping one's eyes and ears open and mouth shut!

Cheers.The ears and eyes open part I have nailed, some of the time at least. Keeping my trap shut is where I run into difficulty :o

04-11-2009, 09:21 AM
thought i would just find the date when you were all finished arranging but am a little confused within the thread.
As I understand we are meeting on the 7th and the 20th in Auckland?? thanks.

04-11-2009, 10:59 AM
Hi Amy.
Those are the dates.
Lizard will be in town for the 7th and
Shrewd Crude will be in town for the 20th.
This is why they were chosen.
Most of the chatter over the last page is referring to the meet this Saturday.

04-11-2009, 12:56 PM
Hi Amy.
Those are the dates.
Lizard will be in town for the 7th and
Shrewd Crude will be in town for the 20th.
This is why they were chosen.
Most of the chatter over the last page is referring to the meet this Saturday.


Dont forget "upside down" will be there on the 7th ;);)

04-11-2009, 06:11 PM

Dont forget "upside down" will be there on the 7th ;);)Aaaah so Ooooomop is your mystery guest. Thats great.

Speaking of excellent people who are traveling a long way for these little get togethers.Oiler will be there too :D

Year of the Tiger
04-11-2009, 06:48 PM
Aaaah so Ooooomop is your mystery guest. Thats great.

Speaking of excellent people who are traveling a long way for these little get togethers.Oiler will be there too :D

Wow, this is really starting to look like a "red carpet" event. :D

Must remember to wear the glad-rags in case the press turn up.....:eek:


04-11-2009, 11:17 PM
looking forward to catching up again strat, i-man is busy this weekend isnt he? bugger.

heaps of people to meet from up there actually!

see you all saturday.

04-11-2009, 11:54 PM
Must remember to wear the glad-rags in case the press turn up.....:eek:

YOTTI might smarten up too. Jeans and T should do it :D

07-11-2009, 07:15 AM
looking forward to catching up again strat, i-man is busy this weekend isnt he? bugger.

heaps of people to meet from up there actually!

see you all saturday.

Hi all. Yes I will have to proffer my apologies for this afternoon. Have to baby sit for the next few days and can't get a temp in for later today. Definitely a bugger - would have been great to catch up with everyone especially our out of town guests Umop and Lizard - and of course Oiler although he is pretty much a local when it comes to the meetings.

Have a great session and hopefully I will see some of you on the 20th.


07-11-2009, 10:32 PM
Hi everyone

It was good to meet people and put faces to names/handles. Thanks for the pleasant evening. A pity I had to leave sooner for the drive back home.


08-11-2009, 12:15 AM
Hi everyone

It was good to meet people and put faces to names/handles. Thanks for the pleasant evening. A pity I had to leave sooner for the drive back home.


First person to post before midnight, the rest must be hitting the town...

Strat, how'd it go up there?

ACC have agreed to cover my knee op, so hopefully i'm able to make it up north in the new year :)

08-11-2009, 11:25 AM
First person to post before midnight, the rest must be hitting the town...

Strat, how'd it go up there?

ACC have agreed to cover my knee op, so hopefully i'm able to make it up north in the new year :) Hi Shasta.
Went well. A pretty good turnout. It was very nice to see Liz and Oooomop again both of whom came a long way. Oiler was his usual charming self. Mattyroo was there too doing his best to move some of us right of centre over to the far right :D. Im sure you would have approved.

I was surrounded by Fundies. Youd have loved it.:D There was even talk of kicking the Capital meetings back into life.
Our regulars and semi regulars were there.
Lawso, Forest, YOTT, Seaosh and AMR sporting a new Strat style Haircut plus a few new faces, aspar13 and Spic or Spud? Not sure. Was suffering from Amp ear yesterday so my apologies if I got that wrong.:o

It wound up around 10pm when Oiler, Ooomop and Matty went off to look for an open all night Strip Club.

Missing in action, AWOL or not enlisted.
Footsie, Amy and Iman. Sorry if I missed anyone :o

08-11-2009, 11:57 AM
Yar it was a good night. Good to see everybody. Hope Oiler and co have made it out of the strip clup

08-11-2009, 02:23 PM
and Spic or Spud? Not sure. Was suffering from Amp ear yesterday so my apologies if I got that wrong.:o

Aaah yes Spike :o:o:o:o:o:o:o

Sorry dude

08-11-2009, 02:27 PM
Yes was a good night, thanks Strat for organising this one. Thanks for your pointers for incredible charts, I had a go at it this morning and it works like a dream.
Was good to see you all.


08-11-2009, 06:29 PM
Hi guys,
Just made it back to sunny Wellington.

Thanks for a great evening and to all those who bought the pizzas!

Really nice to catch up from you all again. Hope you all have another great evening on the 20th. And yes, I might try and kickstart another Wgtn meet some time if there is interest out there.

Best to all.

08-11-2009, 07:24 PM
Hi Shasta.
Went well. A pretty good turnout. It was very nice to see Liz and Oooomop again both of whom came a long way. Oiler was his usual charming self. Mattyroo was there too doing his best to move some of us right of centre over to the far right :D. Im sure you would have approved.

I was surrounded by Fundies. Youd have loved it.:D There was even talk of kicking the Capital meetings back into life.
Our regulars and semi regulars were there.
Lawso, Forest, YOTT, Seaosh and AMR sporting a new Strat style Haircut plus a few new faces, aspar13 and Spic or Spud? Not sure. Was suffering from Amp ear yesterday so my apologies if I got that wrong.:o

It wound up around 10pm when Oiler, Ooomop and Matty went off to look for an open all night Strip Club.

Missing in action, AWOL or not enlisted.
Footsie, Amy and Iman. Sorry if I missed anyone :o

STRAT as always a good night and as Lizard has said "thanks to who ever was buying the pizzas"

Unfortunately STRAT all the strip clubs in Newmarket were closing as we got there ;) but we did manage to get "home" just after midnight :eek::eek:

There may well be a corelation between the amount of beer drunk as to how far to the right ROO goes :p

08-11-2009, 10:13 PM
Cheers Auckland. Was cool to come up and meet some these faces and have a chat. Thanks Oiler for everything as well!

Talking about correlations and relationships - It was a sharetrader meeting night that I got broken into and stuff stolen a few months back...this time I get back to Chch airport to find my scooter had been stolen. The cheek of some people eh!


09-11-2009, 10:38 AM
Cheers Auckland. Was cool to come up and meet some these faces and have a chat. Thanks Oiler for everything as well!

Talking about correlations and relationships - It was a sharetrader meeting night that I got broken into and stuff stolen a few months back...this time I get back to Chch airport to find my scooter had been stolen. The cheek of some people eh!

Grrrr!That sucks Ooooomop.
Its starting to sound like an inside job :eek:.

09-11-2009, 11:41 AM
Hi all. Yes I will have to proffer my apologies for this afternoon. Have to baby sit for the next few days and can't get a temp in for later today. Definitely a bugger - would have been great to catch up with everyone especially our out of town guests Umop and Lizard - and of course Oiler although he is pretty much a local when it comes to the meetings.

Have a great session and hopefully I will see some of you on the 20th.


Good to hear it was another good night. I was unable to make it due to babysitting duties. Tried to let everyone know via above post on Sat morning but suspect it was missed. Umop sorry to hear about the scooter - bloody annoying at the least. Hopefully see some of you again on the 20th. Oiler are you up that weekend?



09-11-2009, 12:25 PM
Another inside job?

11-11-2009, 04:53 PM
Another inside job?

yep thats it serpie. what bast-ards eh!

no leads as yet....!

11-11-2009, 04:58 PM
I'll keep my eyes peeled for scooters in unlikely places.

I was at the Southern Encounter Aquarium on Sunday looking at the sharks in the shark tank. It wasn't there, so you can cross that off your list.

16-11-2009, 10:13 PM
hi again
(Horse & Trap at 4pm I think?) - Same time and place for the 20th??? If I can get there i will - working until 4 but see what I can do. thanks

17-11-2009, 08:03 AM
Yup thats the one Amy 4pm Friday at the Horse and Trap in Mt Eden. Are you the same Amydun that is a member on Sharechat and previously living somewhere on the other side of the planet?

17-11-2009, 08:04 AM
How about a bit of a head count for the gathering on Friday?

Whos in?

17-11-2009, 08:20 AM
I had intended to come along for a few hours - what time does Shrewd get in?

17-11-2009, 09:46 AM
Count me in as usual, Strat.

Crypto Crude
17-11-2009, 12:15 PM
Im in...
I arrive on Thursday night,
I will turn up around 4pm...

late starters are welcome...

19-11-2009, 10:15 PM
hi again. I am sorry but will not make it again. Hit by the lurgy again. Am only managing horizontal and snoring this evening and suspect it might be the same tomorrow. Happy scooter hunting - hope its not as elusive as the snark. regards

21-11-2009, 08:34 AM
Sorry Guys.

I stood yall up.

Took ill on thursday arvo and have been unable to even get out of bed till this morning. Only been awake 4hrs in the last 36 :eek::o

I was really looking forward to seeing you again too after missing you in Christchurch earlier in the year.

I hope some of the locals treated you well last night

23-11-2009, 09:55 AM
Sorry Guys.

I stood yall up.

Took ill on thursday arvo and have been unable to even get out of bed till this morning. Only been awake 4hrs in the last 36 :eek::o

I was really looking forward to seeing you again too after missing you in Christchurch earlier in the year.

I hope some of the locals treated you well last night

Hope you are feeling better now Strat. Was a quiet affair with Lawso (thanks for the pizza), Forrest, Spike, Shrewd and myself in attendance. Very good to catch up with everyone and have a quiet beer. I hope the card competition went well for the ChCh contingent Shrewd - great to catch up again.



21-04-2010, 11:17 PM
Been a good few months....wink wink nudge nudge

22-04-2010, 12:23 AM
Been a good few months....wink wink nudge nudgeGood idea AMR.

Seems like every time it comes around Im damaged. Crook last time and broken this time. Might need a few weeks to mend after my concrete diving experiment but keen as soon as I have two useful arms and dont have to drag one leg. Dont want anyone changing my nick to Egor either.

24-09-2010, 06:56 PM
Anyone keen to get another group together in Auckland over the next couple of Months?

How about, if you are interested post the dates that dont work for you and we can choose the one that suites the majority.

10th Oct is out because our international Jet setting VIP will be out of the country. It wouldnt be the same without him :D

24-09-2010, 07:22 PM
OK as I was saying

Anyone keen to get another group together in Auckland over the next couple of Months?

How about, if you are interested post the dates that dont work for you and we can choose the one that suites the majority.

10th Oct is out because our international Jet setting VIP will be out of the country. It wouldnt be the same without him :D

24-09-2010, 07:24 PM
Whats with this linking ****. Every time I try and post this in the right section

ie http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?5154-Sharetrader-Meeting-Auckland

it ends up here:cursing:

24-09-2010, 07:37 PM

Next month or so before christmas would be great!

26-09-2010, 09:21 AM

Next month or so before christmas would be great!
Looks like its just you and me AMR :ohmy:

27-09-2010, 09:01 AM
I am keen guys. Been a bit busy with work and family so feel a good ST catch up is well in order.

27-09-2010, 04:36 PM
Yes good idea a get together, I am likely to attend if the date suite.

27-09-2010, 04:52 PM
Me to depending on the date

27-09-2010, 05:18 PM
Good on ya fellas.
If you throw up the dates you are already booked. We can formulate a short list that suites all

Year of the Tiger
27-09-2010, 05:24 PM
I'm probably a starter as I think I missed the last one.

Sat 6 November is out for me though as it is the Four Nations League at Eden Park that afternoon and evening.


27-09-2010, 06:48 PM
Count me in STRAT :D

Been a longtime since we had an Auckland "party" and good to see YOTT and Impacman jumping in. :t_up:
Can I throw my 2 cents worth in and suggest October 16th or 30th as a starter. If we need to go to November then ?????

27-09-2010, 07:14 PM
16 Oct no good for me but 30 Oct would be perfect.

27-09-2010, 07:29 PM
16th out for me too Guys and Gal.

As Oiler has a long way to come Id like to fit in with him. So at this point lets call it the 30th October.

Does that date work for everyone with their hand up so far?

27-09-2010, 08:13 PM
You are all retired from your brilliant stock investment strategies aren't you?

So lets make it a Tuesday brunch. :D

Year of the Tiger
27-09-2010, 08:19 PM
You are all retired from your brilliant stock investment strategies aren't you?

So lets make it a Tuesday brunch. :D

I work Tuesdays. And Wednesdays, and Thursdays so it happens, Friday too... Bugga, Monday as well. Tuesday Brunch is no good for me. :(


28-09-2010, 07:15 AM
You are all retired from your brilliant stock investment strategies aren't you?

So lets make it a Tuesday brunch. :DBefore noon on a week day? Id still be in bed

28-09-2010, 08:38 AM
Before noon on a week day? Id still be in bed

Posted by Strat at the merry time of 06:15am! :D

28-09-2010, 12:16 PM
Posted by Strat at the merry time of 06:15am! :DI was on ,my way to bed ;)

Good on ya though, I was wondering who might pick that up when I posted it lol