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09-02-2024, 02:46 PM
These days are long gone


Sideshow Bob
09-02-2024, 03:13 PM
These days are long gone


I prefer this version for a Friday arvo.......:laugh:


12-02-2024, 08:40 AM
No market update since November, we are now in mid Feb, T7 continues to have their banner on website saying massive delays on delivery. WHS continues with their half-hearted grocery strategy, stores remain shabby. SP continues to plumb new lows.

Disc - no holding

12-02-2024, 12:30 PM
JB HiFi half year December report NZ sales up 5% but boosted by 3 new outlets …comparable sales down 1.2%

Sales $169m …resulting in small LOSS

Jan month saw comparable sales down 4% (with new stores +8%)

Can’t imagine Noel Leemings having a good half year based on this

12-02-2024, 12:37 PM
Having done a bit of shopping recently with time to spend comparing pricing and offering across different stores, T7 and Noels left me completely underwhelmed with what was on offer, store condition/organisation and tidiness. Gave up on trying to find any staff available or with sufficient knowledge to assist as well.

Pricing of consumer level products is also pretty much the same as anywhere else for equivalent quality, with T7 a surprising amount higher. Simply reinforced in my mind why I avoid the group 99% of the time and take my money elsewhere.

Long gone are the days when a bargain could actually be found.

If you want a bargain, go to Panda Mart currently only 1 store in Auckland. Things are cheap as! I understand the owners are looking to roll out all over NZ.

WHS has its work cut out to compete on price with them.

12-02-2024, 01:05 PM
About 40 Tauranga Warehouse staff to find new roles as Cameron Rd site closes

12-02-2024, 01:17 PM
About 40 Tauranga Warehouse staff to find new roles as Cameron Rd site closes

A middle manager seems to have more clues than Nick -

The Warehouse regional manager Daniel Prew said closing the doors on the Cameron Road store was not an easy decision “but after looking at things like how the store’s been doing and how our customers shop, we had to make the tough call”.

12-02-2024, 07:05 PM
If you want a bargain, go to Panda Mart currently only 1 store in Auckland. Things are cheap as! I understand the owners are looking to roll out all over NZ.

WHS has its work cut out to compete on price with them.
Them bloody Pandas are going to rule the world soon ,poor owd kiwi warehouse:eek2:

12-02-2024, 11:37 PM
Them bloody Pandas are going to rule the world soon ,poor owd kiwi warehouse:eek2:

You got wonderful way wiv werds my friend - maybe Warehouse Pandas just need new paint job & fresh battery ? :)

Sideshow Bob
14-02-2024, 10:53 AM
This should "brighten' shareholders day.....!! :t_up:

https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU2402/S00116/the-warehouse-group-stores-make-historic-switch-to-solar.htm?utm_source=ST&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ShareTrader+AM+Update+for+Wednesday+1 4+February+2024

14-02-2024, 11:44 AM
Greenwashing given the amount of short lived junk they import and sell to the masses every Easter, Halloween and Xmas on top of the generally short lifespan of cheap low quality products.

14-02-2024, 04:22 PM
Greenwashing given the amount of short lived junk they import and sell to the masses every Easter, Halloween and Xmas on top of the generally short lifespan of cheap low quality products.

A K A Bargains

14-02-2024, 05:18 PM
About 40 Tauranga Warehouse staff to find new roles as Cameron Rd site closes
Was inevitable.It was the first Warehouse in Tauranga I believe before Fashion Island ,The Lakes and other shopping centres built outside Tauranga,in what used to be Turner's and Growers fruit and veg auction building.Its been ghostly in there for years.At least two other warehouse stores here.
.Lease liabilities 2023 re $100 mill,prop plant and equipment re $223 mill .How many buildings they own ,don't know.Tga City Council has bought it for indoor sports

15-02-2024, 08:13 AM
Apologies if already mentioned but Temu.com seems to be gaining rapidly in popularity and has many similar product categories to WHS.

15-02-2024, 09:08 AM
Apologies if already mentioned but Temu.com seems to be gaining rapidly in popularity and has many similar product categories to WHS.

Temu, Aliexpress, Kmart - the list of competitors lining up to eat the Warehouse's lunch is endless, and they haven't got a clue how to respond.

15-02-2024, 09:17 AM
Temu, Aliexpress, Kmart - the list of competitors lining up to eat the Warehouse's lunch is endless, and they haven't got a clue how to respond.

What about linking up with a bit of royal patronage, to give their whole stock range a lift: The new branding being:

'Dealer of Everything King's Approved'

Yes its a mouthful, but you could promote the company via its new acronym: 'DEKA'. A name with a nice (yet strangely familiar?) ring to it?


16-02-2024, 05:52 AM
A bargain would be good quality, brought cheaply relative to normal prices.

16-02-2024, 05:14 PM
A bargain would be good quality, brought cheaply relative to normal prices.
This Bargain you are referring to is that WHS s p ,or the Bargains to be brought in the warehouse store

20-02-2024, 06:08 PM
WHS shareprice down 7% to 129 today

About the lowest it’s been this century

Bit suspicious if they do a KMD tomorrow and have a bad update

20-02-2024, 08:22 PM
WHS shareprice down 7% to 129 today

About the lowest it’s been this century

Bit suspicious if they do a KMD tomorrow and have a bad update

Oh .. a reverse dividend you mean ? no impute cr's and no withholding things back :)

What sort of bargain basement price do you reckon they will strike for that one and will it include
a CFO's scalp and a few boardroom heads ? ;)

20-02-2024, 08:35 PM
Oh .. a reverse dividend you mean ? no impute cr's and no withholding things back :)

What sort of bargain basement price do you reckon they will strike for that one and will it include
a CFO's scalp and a few boardroom heads ? ;)

At this stage it should be all of them right?

20-02-2024, 09:43 PM
Chart first gave ominous signals back in Jan 2022, and has looked hideous (at least for the Bulls) ever since. Showing oversold signals on the monthly charts, but FIB pointing to sub $1 being quite possible by EOCY24. Just a feeling, but next update may see a further, and significant, SP capitulation?

IMV things have clearly been amiss at WHS for quite a while. Financial metrics, operational metrics (poor execution) and MV (SP) all singing (moaning) the same tune. Sad to see the degradation of what used to be an iconic Co. Can imagine PE & Trade picking off pieces in the not too distant future. :(


20-02-2024, 10:19 PM
Time to pull the Knight saviour & extraordinaire out of the retirement cupboard to throw around some magic dust ? ;)

20-02-2024, 10:22 PM
At this stage it should be all of them right?

off with their kneecaps for sleeping on the job & failing to perform on required number of buckets full ? ;)

22-02-2024, 11:04 AM
T7 sold for $1

Sideshow Bob
22-02-2024, 11:10 AM
Surprised, not surprised.

Expect they will be better operators than WHS.....

22-02-2024, 11:22 AM
pretty good evisceration of shareholder funds.

but a good outcome to be able to walk away from it.

22-02-2024, 11:26 AM
Nick should resign

22-02-2024, 11:28 AM
Nick should resign


Sideshow Bob
22-02-2024, 11:31 AM

Write-off of $55-65m.


22-02-2024, 11:35 AM
Surprised, not surprised.

Expect they will be better operators than WHS.....

T7 joins a big stable of operations ….. including Starbucks, Burger King, Hannah Shoes & No. 1 Shoes

22-02-2024, 11:38 AM
T7 joins a big stable of operations ….. including Starbucks, Burger King, Hannah Shoes & No. 1 Shoes

All turnarounds and carve outs. Starbucks - wasnt that a carve out from RBD. BK was a massive failure for its previous owner. TP7 a carve out from WHS. Hannah shoes ex Hellaby Holdings.

22-02-2024, 11:50 AM
WHS apparently paid $79.3m for T7 and another $50m on additional companies to bolster the business.

Already written of the $40m goodwill involved

Be interesting what makes up the additional $55m/$65m write off ….probably big stock adjustments along with employee leave etc provisions ….and maybe even some rent subsidies

What a disaster. …but never mind Nick says the net cash impact (post tax) of the sale will be close to zero….so no worries

Should frame the $1 coin and frame it and hang in Board Room as a reminder of past follies

Sideshow Bob
22-02-2024, 11:52 AM
Will be interesting to see if Tahua "got a bargain.....".

Surprisingly trading down only 3c/2.4% so far today.

Although trading at the lowest level this century already.....:sleep:

22-02-2024, 12:23 PM
Will be interesting to see if Tahua "got a bargain.....".

Surprisingly trading down only 3c/2.4% so far today.

Although trading at the lowest level this century already.....:sleep:

WHS down about 25% in past 2 weeks or so despite no news/updates......Obviously this deal didn't happen overnight. Likely plenty of insider trading from WHS senior management and their friends & family.
But this is the NZX so don't expect anything from the regulators.

22-02-2024, 01:18 PM
Gross mismanagement of T7 by the Warehouse and shows that the directors & management have no transferable skills in running businesses outside of the declining fortunes of WHS ‘classic’.

22-02-2024, 01:19 PM
Deleted deleted

22-02-2024, 02:53 PM
I worked for Torpedo 7 (well part of the business that had actually been acquired by T7 before itself being acquired by The Warehouse Group) about a decade ago. I technically had a 'management' position - at least based on my job title - working in a back office and met all the group managers, used to be privy to the sales reports that would be distributed each morning, sat in on management meetings and all that jazz.

Honestly back then it felt like quite a fun, dynamic place to work (particularly with the more "swashbuckling" sub-brands e.g. 1 Day and Shotgun Supplements) and I'm proud of the work my little team did, but some internal changes among more senior management made it clear the writing was on the wall and I looked for new pastures. I

I got out just before there was a big restructure, around the time that Grayston came on board. I recall being in a whole bunch of trouble with my manager for telling him that I thought Grayston looked like an incompetent - I wonder if my then-boss would be willing to eat his words all these years later?

I occasionally shop at T7 but am always disappointed with the service, the selection and the seeming incapability of their systems to actually determine what stock is where.

22-02-2024, 03:21 PM
I worked for Torpedo 7 (well part of the business that had actually been acquired by T7 before itself being acquired by The Warehouse Group) about a decade ago. I technically had a 'management' position - at least based on my job title - working in a back office and met all the group managers, used to be privy to the sales reports that would be distributed each morning, sat in on management meetings and all that jazz.

Honestly back then it felt like quite a fun, dynamic place to work (particularly with the more "swashbuckling" sub-brands e.g. 1 Day and Shotgun Supplements) and I'm proud of the work my little team did, but some internal changes among more senior management made it clear the writing was on the wall and I looked for new pastures. I

I got out just before there was a big restructure, around the time that Grayston came on board. I recall being in a whole bunch of trouble with my manager for telling him that I thought Grayston looked like an incompetent - I wonder if my then-boss would be willing to eat his words all these years later?

I occasionally shop at T7 but am always disappointed with the service, the selection and the seeming incapability of their systems to actually determine what stock is where.

Sad story in a lot of ways there samjay

One hopes that being operated by guys who have some customer empathy T7 might be great again

I was in a meeting with Nick shortly after he turned up at WHS and had same thoughts as you …..think I said to myself heck what was the Board thinking taking him on.

Sideshow Bob
22-02-2024, 03:46 PM
I occasionally shop at T7 but am always disappointed with the service, the selection and the seeming incapability of their systems to actually determine what stock is where.

That is completely my experience too. Hit & miss for service instore, but online & call centre is rubbish. Buy things and then out of stock - latest one was using a voucher to buy and refunded but now can only spend online.

Thanks for sharing Samjay - very interesting and no doubt you've moved on to greener pastures....:)

22-02-2024, 05:21 PM
This one shows absolutely no signs of turn around.

Kmart killing them
Torpedo 7 and TheMarket killing them

They need to make some hard decisions.

Well, Torpedo 7 is gone. 1 out of 3.

Next, ditch TheMarket.
Then, ditch the CEO / board and get someone in with a clue how to respond to Kmart, Temu, etc etc.

22-02-2024, 05:36 PM
...how to respond to Kmart, Temu, etc etc.
I think one of the problems WHS and Kmart is they are fighting for lowest common denominator status when it comes to physical presence. The offerings are little different, pricing is similar and store tidiness/customer service of both treads a fine line between the below par and shambolic. At least here across Auckland.

Can't speak to the online experience though.

22-02-2024, 10:37 PM
Unfortunately it may end up like Deka.

22-02-2024, 10:54 PM
I'm kind of surprised at how bad Torpedo7 has tracked... I know it's underperforming, but I'm not sure it's a $1 firesale sort of deal. I think they were leaders in quite an overpriced outdoor segment. Their closest competitors were Kathmandu, Macpac etc, and they don't have the gear or equipment (e.g. cycles) that T7 has. If anything I think they didn't do a good enough job of positioning themselves as the one stop shop if you're leaving Auckland for the weekend.

I think the quick sale in itself demonstrates the incompetence of Grayson and the team. I see huge potential that Tahua will realise and laugh to the bank with.

With regards to NL, they're really just another player in a very competitive electronics landscape... Competing against PB Tech, JB HI FI and HN but doing it poorly - the service and price points are lacking, and you often get sales hungry vulchers instead of techies wanting to help. I think their real risk is here being lost in a crowded race.

Lastly we come to the Warehouse - what a absolute clown show. 2024 and we still have the $2 goods at $10 prices. The concrete floors and open racks are a far cry from the aesthetic and bright Kmart experience. Across my millennial group, Kmart is seen as passable (and a right of passage for a first flat), whereas the Warehouse is just disdain. On top of this the smart shoppers but from AliExpress and Temu who can drop ship within the week now.

I won't touch on The Market... I don't even know what that frankenstein of a site is...

In conclusion, I think they've shot the wrong horse, and now they're really screwed for the race ahead.

23-02-2024, 12:16 AM
Write-off of $55-65m.


that's 15% of the 2023 FY 31 Jul Shareholders Funds down the toilet (if we say midpoint $60 mil write off)

How's the rest of the ship doing ? still going forwards or crawling along on a fraction of the steam ? ;)

23-02-2024, 04:25 AM
I think one of the problems WHS and Kmart is they are fighting for lowest common denominator status when it comes to physical presence. The offerings are little different, pricing is similar and store tidiness/customer service of both treads a fine line between the below par and shambolic. At least here across Auckland.

Can't speak to the online experience though.

Kmart seem miles ahead, always huge queues while the warehouse near empty. Only places warehouse does well is in places without much competition. Good thing with the warehouse was it it was an easy stock to escape from as the writing had been on the wall for some time.

23-02-2024, 08:14 AM
I sense Nick’s next big disaster will be ‘focusing’ on selling heaps more food …heaps more in most stores that is …not just a fit of butter and a few carton of eggs but heaps of everything

I don’t think Nick quire grasps that you need more than ‘foot print’ to make money selling heaps of food

23-02-2024, 09:19 AM
Kmart are miles ahead. We got a TON of kids stuff from them, from toys to necessities. So do all our friends.

We would never even think to go the Warehouse.

Sideshow Bob
23-02-2024, 09:45 AM
Kmart are miles ahead. We got a TON of kids stuff from them, from toys to necessities. So do all our friends.

We would never even think to go the Warehouse.

WHS Red Shed stores are just depressing......

Dunedin KMart closed due to semismic risk a few years ago. About to reopen in South D. But an indication of the pull of KMart (and how bad the WHS is) is that companies have been organizing shopping trips to KMart Invercargill.


Old news, but a sad inditement on a few levels, but pretty sad for the Warehouse.

Not KMart and only a WHS where I live - been in the Red Shed once and actively avoid the place.

23-02-2024, 09:49 AM
Went into KMart once. Total rubbish. Never been back.

23-02-2024, 09:57 AM
WHS Red Shed stores are just depressing......

Dunedin KMart closed due to semismic risk a few years ago. About to reopen in South D. But an indication of the pull of KMart (and how bad the WHS is) is that companies have been organizing shopping trips to KMart Invercargill.


Old news, but a sad inditement on a few levels, but pretty sad for the Warehouse.

Not KMart and only a WHS where I live - been in the Red Shed once and actively avoid the place.

The market is doing to the WHS what the WHS did to the Moms and Pops stores all around N Z all those years ago, now Mr T you know how it feels !!!

23-02-2024, 12:24 PM
That is completely my experience too. Hit & miss for service instore, but online & call centre is rubbish. Buy things and then out of stock - latest one was using a voucher to buy and refunded but now can only spend online.

Thanks for sharing Samjay - very interesting and no doubt you've moved on to greener pastures....:)

Certainly greener pastures now, but I look back very fondly on my time there (well most of it - the last few months before I left/T7 group was restructured with the sub-brands being rolled into the T7 stores was fairly miserable as most of us sensed what was coming; I was just fortunate to get out before the boat really started capsizing).

If I think about the issues that were present during my time, many of them did seem to go back to the fundamental issue that upper-level Warehouse Group management was "detached" from the reality of what the customers of younger, fresher brands like T7, 1-Day, No1 Fitness and Shotgun Supplements (all under the T7 group) wanted, as well as having merchandisers who just didn't "get it".

Take 1-Day, for example. In its heyday 1-Day was very popular because it offered a tiny number of genuinely good deals each day. Once the stock was gone it was gone. The 'OG" 1-Day team understood this. However, over time it became a dumping ground for group crap that the other brands couldn't sell, with barely any good deals (the only ones worth buying were the 'diamond deals'). This is because upper management just thought they could sell any old garbage and people would buy it because of the time-limited novelty.

No1 Fitness, which was once again a good little business in its heyday, tried to branch out into selling branded apparel from Nike, Adidas etc because the merchandisers were able to source some cheap product. Management thought this was a great idea. The only issue? It was last season's stuff (in fact older than that). Because NZ doesn't have a huge population of East European 'Adidasky' tracksuit wearers, hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock wound up languishing in the warehouses until we wound up giving it away for free with the purchase of fitness equipment - even then I recall customers literally saying they didn't want it.

Shotgun Supplements, there was an obsession with trying to get into selling home branded supplements (which did carry hugely superior margin) but that's not what customers wanted - they wanted the 'name brand' supplements, and where the opportunities were was to then upsell/cross-sell the order e.g. customer buys a protein powder with about 5% margin on it but then you sell them the pre-workout with a very healthy margin and it all balances out.

I learned a lot, which was a good thing.

23-02-2024, 12:30 PM
Wonder how half year to January

No update

Must have been a good un’

Solid sales, good margins and expenses under control = good result (normalised / adjusted that is)

23-02-2024, 12:30 PM
It was last season's stuff (in fact older than that). Because NZ doesn't have a huge population of East European 'Adidasky' tracksuit wearers, hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock wound up languishing in the warehouses until we wound up giving it away for free with the purchase of fitness equipment - even then I recall customers literally saying they didn't want it.

Hehe. I do notice that Kmart has "fashion sense" and actually pays attention to trends. WHS can't compete there.

23-02-2024, 12:34 PM
Obviously has to be a buy since we now have twr sky and atm as market darlings. While hgh pgw all the rv stocks are ready to be euthanized. Its like a worm hole to an alternative reality opened up.

23-02-2024, 02:17 PM
Is this a bargain yet ? :)

Has St Stephen introduced the Singer & Piano player for the Bargain Basement Showstopper ? :)

05-03-2024, 06:27 PM
Worldliness sales data suggests WHS could have had bad start to new year F25

But spending was down in electronics/computer stores (-16.4%), department stores (-26.1%), clothing shops (-1.5%), furniture outlets (-6.0%), appliance stores (-9.3%) and wholesale/retail hardware merchants (-0.6%), Worldline said..


20-03-2024, 08:41 AM
pretty grim half yr report but the shocker is the start to second half

wow feb sales down double digits :scared:

20-03-2024, 08:43 AM
yet still paying a divie. crazy. at least KMD had more sense.

Sideshow Bob
20-03-2024, 08:43 AM

The Warehouse Group simplifies further to focus on core brands
• Total Group continuing sales1 $1.633 billion in FY24 H1, down 4.9% compared to FY23 H1
o The Warehouse sales were $965.6 million, down 4.7%
o Warehouse Stationery sales were $117.9 million, down 5%
o Noel Leeming sales were $544.4 million, down 2.2%• Gross Profit $559.7 million, down 0.4%
• Gross Profit Margin increased 160 basis points to 34.3%
• The Warehouse Gross Profit increased 1.6% to $374.3 million, with Gross Profit Margin up 250basis points to 38.8%
• Continuing Adjusted Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) for the period from continuing operationsincreased 18.9% to $30.7 million
• Total Group Reported Net Loss after Tax, including the impairment of Torpedo7 assets andrestructuring costs, of $23.7 million
• Net Debt of $18.7 million, significantly down from $83.4 million at FY23 H1, with availableliquidity of $471.3 million
• FY24 Interim Dividend declared 5.0 cents per share.

20-03-2024, 08:45 AM
feb sales down double digits :scared:

probably because all they've got on the shelves are Easter Eggs eh lol.

Sideshow Bob
20-03-2024, 08:46 AM
Tony coming on board also.....would have thought had enough going on with MFB.....


20-03-2024, 08:52 AM
Pretty amazing effort ……even better than Briscoes

Continuing Adjusted Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) for the period from continuing operations increased 18.9% to $30.7 million

18.9% increase in profit in these tough times …wow

Love it when you cut the rot out and discard it and forget about it eh

TheMarket.com being sold or closed down as well

20-03-2024, 08:57 AM
Tony coming on board also.....would have thought had enough going on with MFB.....


on boarding for the big profitable food push. but foodstuff's and woolworths tell us the margins are only 2% on food lol

20-03-2024, 09:02 AM
We need these NZ retail companies to stay profitable. If they don't then NZ will suffer as stores are closed.

From a macro point of view it's very concerning where we are heading.

It does look like management are making better decisions. But who really wants to stay invested in the WHS at the moment as the turn around will take a few financial years.

20-03-2024, 09:08 AM
We need these NZ retail companies to stay profitable. If they don't then NZ will suffer as stores are closed.

From a macro point of view it's very concerning where we are heading.

It does look like management are making better decisions. But who really wants to stay invested in the WHS at the moment as the turn around will take a few financial years.

outfits like the warehouse are stuffed ( not noel leeming ) as they cannot compete against the likes of temu/shein in the same product categories

20-03-2024, 09:37 AM
Now fire the CEO and this could be a buy. Absolute plonker.

20-03-2024, 09:39 AM
outfits like the warehouse are stuffed ( not noel leeming ) as they cannot compete against the likes of temu/shein in the same product categories

I bought $180 worth of winter kids clothes from temu the other day. Hasnt been delivered yet. Looking forward to seeing the quality and if sizing is correct. Everything was $5 to $10 a piece.

Usually we buy our kids clothes from Farmers. Their price to quality is pretty good. But when you are buying 3 long sleeve t-shirts for $16.77 its hard to pass up. Farmers current special is buy 2 for $30!!!

Temu is a major major issue for the WHS and others. Not sure how the big brick and mortar stores will be able to beat it?

Sideshow Bob
20-03-2024, 09:41 AM
on boarding for the big profitable food push. but foodstuff's and woolworths tell us the margins are only 2% on food lol

Tui ad right there.....

From what I understand, it is 5% net to the bottom line for a Foodstuffs owner.

While I would think the perception of the Red Sheds is reasonably negative compared to Kmart etc, their efforts of food will be appreciated by many. Not sure how much 'cross-sales' takes place, but must increase food traffic.

20-03-2024, 10:07 AM
Now fire the CEO and this could be a buy. Absolute plonker.

Actually he has taken a big pivot here - shedding his kingdom building by closing down themarket.com and selling off T7. Gross margins increasing, staffing costs down. Net debt almost down to zero, winding down tech capex.

I’m not holding, but looks like a fairly responsible turn around all of a sudden.

on a related note, its crazy there Wellington store has been closed for what seems like about a year now following what was a minor fire.

20-03-2024, 10:56 AM
SP up 5% so market happy with getting back to basics approach.

20-03-2024, 12:11 PM
As long as they don't buy MFB ehh:)

20-03-2024, 01:04 PM
As long as they don't buy MFB ehh:)

Oh ***** LOL .. was expecting someone to trot that one out :)

but who would be getting a bargain ? ;)

20-03-2024, 01:47 PM
Educate me. Why are people buying this stock again?

20-03-2024, 01:57 PM
Make a 6 Month Loss, close more doors, close or hock off more of the Ops within, pay a small dividend to please mum & dad holders (can't leave them barehanded - that would never do) - beats me why this has sent buying signals out on those sort of fundamentals & on the back of recent earlier period results .. clearly all is not well :)

Maybe the thoughts of the newly roped in baconiser bashing & banging away on new WHS fares in the kitchen might have inspired some ;)

20-03-2024, 07:16 PM
Poor old Nick - crocodiles all round & didn't see any of them arrive in the surrounding pools ? ;)

must have been baby ones when they landed ..

As for NZM - WHS shares soar .. only by a vast jaw dropping 10c though ;)

might dive by the same amount by end of week after all digest the sombre report

The day must have been slow in the NZM Business newsroom or everyone was in a dream :)

14-04-2024, 02:41 PM
Went to check out the newly reopened Tory street central Wellington store - where management had issued PR recently proclaiming it as the latest store to be added to its grocery roll out.


The food department was completely unchanged from before it closed a year back.

the store still looked the same as well, they did absolutely nothing to improve it (it was closed due to a small fire).

14-04-2024, 02:53 PM
Went to check out the newly reopened Tory street central Wellington store - where management had issued PR recently proclaiming it as the latest store to be added to its grocery roll out.


The food department was completely unchanged from before it closed a year back.

the store still looked the same as well, they did absolutely nothing to improve it (it was closed due to a small fire).

What, no fresh produce they were touting last week https://wellington.scoop.co.nz/?p=159525

Maybe arriving next week lol

14-04-2024, 03:19 PM
Maybe we’ll hear how the disposal of TheMarket.com is going one day soon

15-04-2024, 05:50 PM
Where is the Motu again?
Up by Whakatane?

09-05-2024, 11:57 AM
JB Hi Fi just reported that NZ sales for Jan/Mar were up 18.3% on last year …….comparable were +2.9% with other growth from new stores

Hard to imagine Noel Leeming doing these sort of numbers

WHS apparently quarter sales tomorrow …probably going to be a bit dismal but Nick will spin a good story

10-05-2024, 08:44 AM
Update even more dismal than I envisaged

Things seem to be getting worse quarter to quarter

Fancy blaming floods and Gabrielle …desperation


10-05-2024, 08:49 AM
Rod must be laughing his head off seeing WHS sales report

10-05-2024, 09:04 AM
Update even more dismal than I envisaged

Things seem to be getting worse quarter to quarter

Fancy blaming floods and Gabrielle …desperation


Yup - not a mention of floods and Gabrielle contributing to the 10.5% increase in WHS sales last year (taking credit).

But now, those events are to be blamed!


10-05-2024, 09:09 AM
Wow. This company will make a great case study one day.

COPY KMART. It's not hard.

10-05-2024, 09:09 AM
I was at Eastgate Mall a couple of days ago.Went into a recent new shop,a discount groceries.
Store size would be under a tenth of the size of The Warehouse's Eastgate store.
Two checkouts open and busy,while Warehouse store had one check out open and two people in their self service check outs.
First thing I note when comparing retail stores is the number of check outs open and how busy they are.
WHS issues continue.

ps.The discount grocer's stock would be under $200,000 while WHS's Eastgate store would be many millions.
I would think WHS's store would be lucky to achieve one to one and a half stock turns a year,while the discount grocer would be between eight and ten stock turns a year.

10-05-2024, 09:22 AM

Also not that surprising, almost all mortgage holders have rolled over to ~7% interest rates now. Throw in everyone in the public service pulling back personal spending for fear they will soon lose their jobs - massive double whammy for retailers selling big ticket items.

10-05-2024, 10:22 AM
Wow. This company will make a great case study one day.

COPY KMART. It's not hard.

The Red Sheds have been a great case study since the turn of the century

10-05-2024, 10:29 AM
Write down of carry value/investment in The Market presumably won't materialise until end of the financial year reporting, but will weigh further on the outcome then?

10-05-2024, 10:34 AM
Despite the drop in revenue, the likely full year net profit from operations still seems rather healthy for a $440m market cap?


(Not holding, but on watch list)

10-05-2024, 10:38 AM
Despite the drop in revenue, the likely full year net profit from operations still seems rather healthy for a $440m market cap?


(Not holding, but on watch list)
my thoughts are to stay away. danger, danger, red alert, beep, beep, beep, radioactive warning, woof woof

10-05-2024, 11:12 AM
Update even more dismal than I envisaged

Things seem to be getting worse quarter to quarter

Fancy blaming floods and Gabrielle …desperation


Now the fish heads at The Warehouse know how the Mums and Pops store owners felt through N Z when WHS moved into their town, DIE YOU MISERABLE BASTARD$.

10-05-2024, 11:32 AM
Now the fish heads at The Warehouse know how the Mums and Pops store owners felt through N Z when WHS moved into their town, DIE YOU MISERABLE BASTARD$.

The circle of (business) life continues unabated, right?

The Warehouse killed off many small retailers, who couldn't keep up. Now the tired old lion of NZ retail has many hungry young challengers nipping at its heels - from the likes of Kmart with its vastly superior homebrand Anko range, to the likes of Aliexpress and Temu providing cheap plasticky garbage for even less.

The only thing I really do like about The Warehouse now is their homebrand coffee beans (apparently the reject Havana ones) which represent excellent value for money and taste good when freshly ground. But that's hardly the stuff that's going to resurrect the business.

Noel Leeming is a miserable place to shop owing to a very insipid range and typically poor deals (at least JB Hi Fi and PB Tech offer some more interesting products/choice when it comes to computers, headphones and other electrionics) and you can't so much as set foot in the stores where I live without being pounced on by multiple salespeople who I assume are desperate to make a sale to earn commission.

10-05-2024, 12:49 PM
The circle of (business) life continues unabated, right?

Noel Leeming is a miserable place to shop owing to a very insipid range and typically poor deals (at least JB Hi Fi and PB Tech offer some more interesting products/choice when it comes to computers, headphones and other electrionics) and you can't so much as set foot in the stores where I live without being pounced on by multiple salespeople who I assume are desperate to make a sale to earn commission.

Either that or a lot of staff standing around talking, seemingly not interested in helping customers.
Mind you, when I go to a place like or Harvey Norman etc that I usually know what I want and are just going to buy it

10-05-2024, 01:52 PM
Despite the drop in revenue, the likely full year net profit from operations still seems rather healthy for a $440m market cap?


(Not holding, but on watch list)

Could do $50m npat from continuing operations …next year should be better

Só market cap $420 - does look tempting

10-05-2024, 02:39 PM
Could do $50m npat from continuing operations …next year should be better

Só market cap $420 - does look tempting

Problem is as unemployment rises and spending slows down the warehouse is in the firing line. The redsheds in Manawatu (feilding and palmy) are nowhere near as busy as they used to be.

10-05-2024, 02:42 PM
The big issue with a struggling retailer is their leases.

10-05-2024, 08:18 PM
Wonder how badly Costco is eating The Warehouse's lunch ? ;)

Be fairly large bites I imagine ..

11-05-2024, 09:57 AM
The big issue with a struggling retailer is their leases.

WHS rents ~$120m a year and lease liability of ~$750m

11-05-2024, 11:45 AM
Wonder how badly Costco is eating The Warehouse's lunch ? ;)

Be fairly large bites I imagine ..

Costco is in a different league and in a different market segment altogether to Warehouse imo.

The competitors eating Warehouse's lunch are K-Mart, Temu, Panda Mart and soon to start in NZ, Ikea.

As for Noel Leeming, another disaster in the making.

11-05-2024, 11:47 AM
Well, at least those people that didn't get their full allocation at the IPO have a chance to buy more shares at a similar price.

If any are still alive.

11-05-2024, 11:59 AM
Costco is in a different league and in a different market segment altogether to Warehouse imo.

The competitors eating Warehouse's lunch are K-Mart, Temu, Panda Mart and soon to start in NZ, Ikea.

As for Noel Leeming, another disaster in the making.

Noel Leeming sales DOWN 9% Feb/Apr v pcp

JB Hi Fi NZ sales UP 18% Jan/Mar ….includes a few new stores

Guess whose winning in this sector?

11-05-2024, 12:08 PM
Noel Leeming sales DOWN 9% Feb/Apr v pcp

JB Hi Fi NZ sales UP 18% Jan/Mar ….includes a few new stores

Guess whose winning in this sector? I bought a laptop from them. IMO time to time they also can have a lean period.

17-05-2024, 03:14 PM
CEO has gone effective immediately.

The Warehouse Group (TWG) today announced that Nick Grayston will step down from his role as Group Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.

TWG Chair Joan Withers said "Since 2016, Nick has led TWG through a period of significant change in the retail industry and I want to thank him for his commitment and contribution. His focus on sustainability, adopting Agile ways of working, navigating the challenges of Covid and initiating the significant and successful programme of critical infrastructure upgrades have been hallmarks of transformation of The Warehouse Group in the last five years."

"However, as we look to the future, we have agreed a change in direction is necessary for the Company and that it needs fresh energy to execute."

John Journee will take up the role of Interim CEO on 20 May 2024, while the Board undertakes a search for a new CEO. The Board has determined that, upon taking up his new role, John will cease to be an independent director but will continue as an executive director of TWG.

"John spent 15 years at TWG across a range of roles, including as CEO of Noel Leeming, and has been on the TWG Board since 2013. His experience and familiarity with TWG will be invaluable as we navigate this transition and begin our search for a new permanent CEO," says Mrs Withers.

Nick Grayston said it has been a privilege to lead The Warehouse Group and work alongside such a dedicated team.

"Leading The Warehouse Group has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. While it is the right time for me to step aside, I have every confidence in the talented team at The Warehouse Group to drive the business forward and I wish them the very best."

Mrs Withers said the Board and Executive team were committed to supporting the 10,000-strong team at The Warehouse Group in delivering value to shareholders and customers and getting the Group's strategic and financial performance back on track.

"Our team members, customers, shareholders and all Kiwi families are our inspiration and motivation as we focus on improving the performance of the core business. This transition marks a new chapter for TWG as we address our current challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead."

17-05-2024, 03:14 PM
Xxxx…deleted same message as above

17-05-2024, 03:27 PM
Three years too late but some welcomed news.

17-05-2024, 03:51 PM
Some time ago I worked for "the group" in a management-level role for one of the sub-businesses. I remember when Grayston came along, saying to my boss that he wouldn't be up to much, and I remember being told to watch what I say. Might have to dig old boss' number out of my phone and send him a last laugh message.

17-05-2024, 04:14 PM
"Leading The Warehouse Group has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career."
I'm glad someone has had some rewards....
"Our team members, customers, shareholders and all Kiwi families are our inspiration and motivation."
It didn't/doesn't really show....
I was in a Warehouse this morning. As depressing as usual. And the $5 eggs have gone up to $6.
Yesterday I was looking at a new heater. $179 at Noel Leeming. Mitre 10 (who aren't exactly known for being the cheapest) $139 for the same model, with a club special of $115. NL do a price match, but it's just not worth the effort.
Looking at some other stuff and they have priced themselves out of the market. It's as though they don't want customers-in which case, they're succeeding.
I hope the new guy/gal can get them back to where they were 10 years ago-when there was some energy and vibe (sorry, dislike that term) to the business. It just seems to have been grinding to a near standstill over the past 5 years or so.

17-05-2024, 04:26 PM
This about says it:

Mrs Withers said the Board and Executive team were committed to supporting the 10,000-strong team at The Warehouse Group in delivering value to shareholders and customers and getting the Group's strategic and financial performance back on track.

but it wont be an easy fix with more large sharks having entered the pool and hard at work carving out their own existences ;)

I wonder if this was not instead a case of being pushed out ? :)

The board has some talent which has a fairly lengthy track records on their scorecards, so wouldn't be blind to the trajectory they have been seeing of recent times, especially since Foodstuffs divested their holding..

A fair few heads onboard across the WHS - all dependent on it for their survival .. would never have thought the headcount would be as high as 10,000

Wonder what the head counts at say Bunnings, Mitre 10 or Costco are like ?

17-05-2024, 04:37 PM
Should have happened long ago. Perhaps now WHS will be investable.

[x] TheMarket - closed
[x] Torperdo7 - sold
[x] CEO - gone

Although you have to wonder about the capabilities of the board letting him hang around so long... and also taking so darn long to close TheMarket!

17-05-2024, 04:42 PM
Should have happened long ago. Perhaps now WHS will be investable.

[x] TheMarket - closed
[x] Torperdo7 - sold
[x] CEO - gone

Although you have to wonder about the capabilities of the board letting him hang around so long... and also taking so darn long to close TheMarket!

And what does that leave - I would say the remaining business units are under multiple pressures ;)

Going to take a h3ll of an effort to pull this one out of the ditch and come up roses pleasing everyone in current economic environment.

Is Tindall still around ?

17-05-2024, 05:44 PM
And what does that leave - I would say the remaining business units are under multiple pressures ;)

Going to take a h3ll of an effort to pull this one out of the ditch and come up roses pleasing everyone in current economic environment.

Is Tindall still around ?

I think that they are a buy sub $1-00 ( sub for safety ! ).

17-05-2024, 05:56 PM
I was talking to a couple of friends who are gardeners.
Garden centres at WHS are too far away from the car park to be bothered carting compose or bags of potting mix,compared with Mitre10.
However buying shrubs and small trees you really do get a bargain,as their stock is so slow selling ,you can buy a two year old tree/shrub for the same price you would pay at a garden centre for a one year old tree/shrub.

17-05-2024, 06:24 PM
Friday arvo sacking. Crikey!

17-05-2024, 06:39 PM
New strategy - Kmart with a garden centre ?

17-05-2024, 06:57 PM
I was talking to a couple of friends who are gardeners.
Garden centres at WHS are too far away from the car park to be bothered carting compose or bags of potting mix,compared with Mitre10.
However buying shrubs and small trees you really do get a bargain,as their stock is so slow selling ,you can buy a two year old tree/shrub for the same price you would pay at a garden centre for a one year old tree/shrub.

The shrubs at our local WHS wouldn’t last 2 years let alone 1 ……things never seen to get watered regularly

17-05-2024, 07:30 PM
The shrubs at our local WHS wouldn’t last 2 years let alone 1 ……things never seen to get watered regularly

I believe you...lol

17-05-2024, 07:38 PM
The shrubs at our local WHS wouldn’t last 2 years let alone 1 ……things never seen to get watered regularly

Cripes -- what do all those 10,000 of bods on board do all day then ? :)

19-05-2024, 11:19 AM
Deleted. Old news!

31-05-2024, 01:58 PM
$1.09 sp ~$375m market cap. ~$3B of continuing sales. Little to no debt. Might be able to make $50m after tax in near term and pay out most of it? Is all the bad news fully priced in now or do people think is ultimately a doomed business? Seeming like it is priced by market with a moderate chance of failure?

I would love to see a new CEO appointed on a back to retailing basics agenda, could start with improving the lighting in stores get away from horrible cold/blue lights, and with cleaning up the shoddy entrances - currently generally untidy with rubbish around and air of neglect. Then focus on mechandising, stock turn and sharpening up the loyalty scheme offer.

Disc - no holding

31-05-2024, 02:46 PM
$1.09 sp ~$375m market cap. ~$3B of continuing sales. Little to no debt. Might be able to make $50m after tax in near term and pay out most of it? Is all the bad news fully priced in now or do people think is ultimately a doomed business? Seeming like it is priced by market with a moderate chance of failure?

I would love to see a new CEO appointed on a back to retailing basics agenda, could start with improving the lighting in stores get away from horrible cold/blue lights, and with cleaning up the shoddy entrances - currently generally untidy with rubbish around and air of neglect. Then focus on mechandising, stock turn and sharpening up the loyalty scheme offer.

Disc - no holding

Let’s hope it can be made to work.
It is usually very costly for a retailer to downsize or exit a market as usually entails:
- Fire sale for existing stock
- Staff redundancy costs
- Funding lease commitments
- Funding any other liabilities
Smith’s City (SCY) was a good example with shareholders left with nothing.

31-05-2024, 03:21 PM
$1.09 sp ~$375m market cap. ~$3B of continuing sales. Little to no debt. Might be able to make $50m after tax in near term and pay out most of it? Is all the bad news fully priced in now or do people think is ultimately a doomed business? Seeming like it is priced by market with a moderate chance of failure?

I would love to see a new CEO appointed on a back to retailing basics agenda, could start with improving the lighting in stores get away from horrible cold/blue lights, and with cleaning up the shoddy entrances - currently generally untidy with rubbish around and air of neglect. Then focus on mechandising, stock turn and sharpening up the loyalty scheme offer.

Disc - no holding

Couldn't agree more about the lighting and entrances. Just isn't inviting and then under those lights it seems like you're in a cave and the light is receding fast......Not an environment that you want to be in.
It's as though they (a) Don't want customers coming in the door, and (b) They certainly don't want them to stay long.
A few simple changes could make a huge difference to the feel (and therefore foot traffic) of the stores.

31-05-2024, 05:00 PM
theres 17 cps of potentially continuing operations earnings less the declining market we're in of course.
but at 1.10 thats a low PE.

31-05-2024, 05:14 PM
WHS’s biggest issue is the hundreds of millions of dollars of leases it has committed to rent, many from the sale and leaseback of properties owned and developed by WHS. The proceeds from the property sales had been used to bolster profits and pay dividends in the short term while committing the group to longer term rental costs.

Meanwhile, underlying earnings are going downwards year by year.

Not a pretty picture and sad to see just how lost the group is now from a strategic point of view.

Cannot see any compelling reason to invest in the stock.

31-05-2024, 05:22 PM
Let’s hope it can be made to work.
It is usually very costly for a retailer to downsize or exit a market as usually entails:
- Fire sale for existing stock
- Staff redundancy costs
- Funding lease commitments
- Funding any other liabilities
Smith’s City (SCY) was a good example with shareholders left with nothing.


31-05-2024, 06:07 PM
Let’s hope it can be made to work.
It is usually very costly for a retailer to downsize or exit a market as usually entails:
- Fire sale for existing stock
- Staff redundancy costs
- Funding lease commitments
- Funding any other liabilities
Smith’s City (SCY) was a good example with shareholders left with nothing.

Not wrong there .. many won't forget the SCY receivership and excuses from the Fish heads to offload what remained to get their butts out of the firing line, before the corporate undertakers came prancing in the door to find very little left remaining ..

05-06-2024, 12:55 PM
19.9% held by the James Pascoe inv Ltd now.
Is this not the signal for a possible takeover?

05-06-2024, 01:27 PM
19.9% held by the James Pascoe inv Ltd now.
Is this not the signal for a possible takeover?

That James Pascoe Investments Ltd was only incorporated a few weeks ago

Maybe just restructuring their investments ….or as you say positioning for a takeover

But Tindall Foundation will decide what happens

05-06-2024, 01:50 PM
Normans must be more than $100m under water with WHS ‘investment’

05-06-2024, 01:56 PM
Normans must be more than $100m under water with WHS ‘investment’

They had imaginings of merging their retail operations with the Warehouse when they took 20% of WHS.

Events in the retail sector has rendered that scenario and option redundant imo.

05-06-2024, 02:17 PM
19.9% held by the James Pascoe inv Ltd now.
Is this not the signal for a possible takeover?

Old news really old news !

Sideshow Bob
05-06-2024, 02:27 PM
Old news really old news !

Yeah but the share price is up 3c today though!! :p

05-06-2024, 02:39 PM
Old news really old news !

ok further review of the SPH confirms its just a transfer from one entity to another so yeh old news, apologies.

05-06-2024, 05:21 PM
They had imaginings of merging their retail operations with the Warehouse when they took 20% of WHS.

Events in the retail sector has rendered that scenario and option redundant imo.

still might be useful for backing say the Whitcoulls, Farmers & other bits into.

As good operators as Pascoes are with a long track record, they could probably with higher holding in WHS instill a degree of better discipline WHS appears to be begging for.. or who knows if a bargain basement price to mop up the majority of WHS came along, the lot could do well merged privatised away from prying eyes doing post mortems on the listed animals & fading shadows still alive & kicking on NZX ;)

A lousy buck & 7 pennies or even less must be headed toward half attractive & respectable territory for future games around picking up what remains of the bucket of bargain nuts & bolts ;)

05-06-2024, 05:29 PM
Stephen Tindall will never sell his stake as long as he is around.

05-06-2024, 05:44 PM
Probably going to zero isn't it...?

Surely just a question of whether its a 3, 5, or 10 year time frame before it does.

AI will soon tell you what to buy, and why, with a link to a (preferred)_ source_ online supplier, your personal AI bot will place the order, pay for it, and track the delivery process to your bunker / door.

No needs for a store.


Sideshow Bob
18-06-2024, 01:57 PM
No sh-ite.....

The Warehouse to be 'reshaped': 'We're not where we need to be'

18-06-2024, 03:49 PM
That's been obvious for so long. Where have the directors been during that time?

Sideshow Bob
24-06-2024, 08:34 AM
Surprised, not surprised.....

https://www.nzx.com/announcements/433265 (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/433265)

The Warehouse Group – FY24 EBIT guidance

The Warehouse Group (“the Group”) today provides guidance for Operating Profit from continuing operations* (Earnings Before Interest and Taxation pre-IFRS-16, “EBIT”) for the FY24 financial year, based on retail trading conditions being experienced in the fourth quarter.

The Group said retail trading across New Zealand continued to be challenging with increasingly subdued consumer demand further compounded by mild winter weather, resulting in lower than anticipated fourth quarter sales.

The Group expects FY24 sales from continuing operations to be between 6-7% lower than the prior year, and FY24 EBIT, excluding the loss from discontinued operations and any potential restructuring costs, to be in the range of $22 million to $30 million, compared to $83.4 million in the prior year.

Interim CEO John Journee said, “Retail across New Zealand is under pressure, and we are no exception. Market conditions and cost of living pressures have continued to be challenging into our fourth quarter and we expect these conditions to continue through to our year end."

“We are taking decisive action internally to address areas we can improve. We are exercising tighter cost control and we have a laser focus on trading our core brands, The Warehouse, Warehouse Stationery and Noel Leeming.”

The Group will report its FY24 Annual Results on 26 September 2024.

* Continuing operations excludes Torpedo7 but includes results from TheMarket.com.


24-06-2024, 08:42 AM
Go woke, go broke - the warehouse is an excellent example.

Hard to believe that the company once had a market cap of over $3 billion.

24-06-2024, 08:53 AM
This is a stark reminder of what's going on economically in NZ. Sure we can critique the business plan, but the bottom line is that money is tight. And nothing is going to change anytime soon. It's going to get even tougher.

It's a long shot blaming the weather for the sales performance.

24-06-2024, 08:56 AM
Só ~$25m EBIT for full year ….not much NPAT after that no matter what ‘adjustments’ they come upmwith

Half year EBIT was $44m so second half a LOSS and a pretty big one at that

24-06-2024, 09:01 AM
This is a stark reminder of what's going on economically in NZ. Sure we can critique the business plan, but the bottom line is that money is tight. And nothing is going to change anytime soon. It's going to get even tougher.

It's a long shot blaming the weather for the sales performance.

Ha ha blame winter ‘mild weather’. ….I reckon it’s been the coolest May/June I’ve experienced

24-06-2024, 09:09 AM
Go woke, go broke - the warehouse is an excellent example.

Hard to believe that the company once had a market cap of over $3 billion.

Here's part of the reason for their downfall....last weekend we were looking to replace a couple of aging smartphones - Noel Leemings staff had absolutely no knowledge of the product they were selling and would say anything to try and make a sale, and that's assuming you can actually find someone who is prepared to serve you to start with

24-06-2024, 09:12 AM
Ha ha blame winter ‘mild weather’. ….I reckon it’s been the coolest May/June I’ve experienced

The winter chill hours that help determine what we can expect our bud break to look like on the Kiwifruit come spring are 'through the roof'.

24-06-2024, 09:22 AM
Mild weather :ohmy:
It has been freezing in chch. May was one of the coldest ever.

The cold winds are blowing in from TEMUka

24-06-2024, 09:23 AM
Here's part of the reason for their downfall....last weekend we were looking to replace a couple of aging smartphones - Noel Leemings staff had absolutely no knowledge of the product they were selling and would say anything to try and make a sale, and that's assuming you can actually find someone who is prepared to serve you to start with

The Warehouse staff have been so indoctrinated with woke that they cannot absorb anything (especially good customer service) any more.

I can actually see the warehouse reverting into a few provincial stores only in NZ as the ones in the main centres close down one after another in the future. All the property sale & leaseback deals done to keep the group solvent5 (and paying dividends) have very long tail lease & rental liabilities - hundreds of millions of dollars.

Good luck to the warehouse getting a good CEO - who would want a crap job like that!

24-06-2024, 09:28 AM
This is a stark reminder of what's going on economically in NZ. Sure we can critique the business plan, but the bottom line is that money is tight. And nothing is going to change anytime soon. It's going to get even tougher.

It's a long shot blaming the weather for the sales performance.

Apparently the offshore outfits have been doing well in NZ though, so it looks like an active choice from consumers to swerve the warehouse in favour of other stores.

24-06-2024, 10:05 AM
Apparently the offshore outfits have been doing well in NZ though, so it looks like an active choice from consumers to swerve the warehouse in favour of other stores.

The public of N Z are doing to the WHS what they did to the Moms & Pops store owners through out N Z all those years ago , what goes around comes around !!

24-06-2024, 11:10 AM
"All the property sale & leaseback deals done to keep the group solvent5 (and paying dividends) have very long tail lease & rental liabilities - hundreds of millions of dollars."

Balance, Im not sure that you understand that leases are renewed every several years, at that point the tenant can vacate and end the lease. Or maybe you do

24-06-2024, 12:30 PM
"All the property sale & leaseback deals done to keep the group solvent5 (and paying dividends) have very long tail lease & rental liabilities - hundreds of millions of dollars."

Balance, Im not sure that you understand that leases are renewed every several years, at that point the tenant can vacate and end the lease. Or maybe you do

The Warehouse had $802m of lease commitments as at 30 July 2023, with $99m to be paid in 2024. So looks like 8 years of lease liabilities on their books.

The Warehouse typically sold their properties (land & buildings) to investors/developers with sale and leaseback arrangements - anywhere from 5 years to 10 years. That's what I was referring to as the long tail lease liabilities.

24-06-2024, 12:35 PM
Go woke, go broke - the warehouse is an excellent example.

Hard to believe that the company once had a market cap of over $3 billion.

Bet Foodstuffs are glad now they jumped out a few years ago .. even at a discount ;)

Didn't we see what is now becoming reality coming, with Costco on the way some time back and other big competition like Amazon rumbling away on the horizon ? ;)

The warning signs were around Covid, The Online WHS / Marketplace not firing and WHS jetisoning the expensive clip on's at peppercorn prices ..

The old story of evolution .. those who don't or fail to read the signals invariably go where ?

Will it be a take-out, or administrators further down the track as the curious can of struggling worms continues to loose altitude ?

24-06-2024, 12:37 PM
Bet Foodstuffs are glad now they jumped out a few years ago .. even at a discount ;)

Didn't we see what is now becoming reality coming, with Costco on the way some time back ? ;)

And ikea on the way.

24-06-2024, 12:58 PM
Dont forget KMart and Temu who are killing WHS

24-06-2024, 01:13 PM
As most of you predicted shareprice less than $1

Could be a buck a share …WHS where everyonebgets a bargain

Sideshow Bob
24-06-2024, 01:27 PM
Could be a buck a share …WHS where everyonebgets a bargain

Would they be a bargain at $1........

Computer says no. :sleep:

24-06-2024, 01:43 PM
Wasn't WHS also viewed as a land banker at one point? I have not held in a long time.

24-06-2024, 02:35 PM
Wasn't WHS also viewed as a land banker at one point? I have not held in a long time.

They certainly were but not much of that left.

I know one of their planning staff who became a multi-millionaire by buying land next to where the Warehouse planned to open. That was many years ago though - during the 1990s and early 2000s.

24-06-2024, 02:57 PM
Apparently the offshore outfits have been doing well in NZ though, so it looks like an active choice from consumers to swerve the warehouse in favour of other stores.I wear my guilt with pride... LOL

24-06-2024, 03:50 PM
ATL today @ .97 !!

24-06-2024, 03:58 PM
Would they be a bargain at $1........

Computer says no. :sleep:

I have no idea who would be buying the stock at these levels.

It will drift to 75 cents.

24-06-2024, 04:08 PM
If bargain hunters become active it may reach $1.20. Inflation and high cost of doing business have impacted the sector. Cyclical businesses have cycles. For me they are seasonal plays.

24-06-2024, 04:16 PM
Time to shutdown the red shed haberdasheries and re-open as a discount supermarket chain.

24-06-2024, 05:19 PM
I also have concerns for traditional retail. Today I bought a workshop tool, exact match, for $21 on AliExpress and the equivalent NZ discount tool retailer is selling for $73. Same product image and everything. I don't need it today, and shipping from China was cheaper than shipping from Auckland... Interesting times.

25-06-2024, 08:24 AM
I also have concerns for traditional retail. Today I bought a workshop tool, exact match, for $21 on AliExpress and the equivalent NZ discount tool retailer is selling for $73. Same product image and everything. I don't need it today, and shipping from China was cheaper than shipping from Auckland... Interesting times. There are risks there of course. On Ali what you get is sometimes different to the picture. You didn't mention if it was a branded item. If it was there is a good chance it would be counterfeit. The other problem is, unlike if you purchased in NZ, you have no legal protection if the item arrives faulty, or develops a fault soon after purchase.

25-06-2024, 08:41 AM
There are risks there of course. On Ali what you get is sometimes different to the picture. You didn't mention if it was a branded item. If it was there is a good chance it would be counterfeit. The other problem is, unlike if you purchased in NZ, you have no legal protection if the item arrives faulty, or develops a fault soon after purchase.

Good point.

Truck online is to deal with the big and reputable entities.

I have found with Temu however that they have a ‘refund/return policy no question asked’. Have effortlessly received couple of refunds from them due to incomplete order and faulty equipment.

25-06-2024, 09:54 AM
Good point.

Truck online is to deal with the big and reputable entities.

I have found with Temu however that they have a ‘refund/return policy no question asked’. Have effortlessly received couple of refunds from them due to incomplete order and faulty equipment.

Be careful be very careful when buying hand tools from offshore, I was working with a friend of mine who was using a hand held grinder when the blade shattered and hit him in the mouth, took out his teeth and upper pallet right up into his nose.
The only reason that it didnt take our his eye was because of the hardness of his upper pallet bone, blood spurting everywhere, I took him to hospital and straight into the op theatre he went.

Three years later and after numerous ops he is still waiting for his final skin grafts after having new teeth, pallet and micro surgeries

IMHO DO NOT BUY CHEAP TOOLS if you value your health and safety, they use shi! steel in them.

25-06-2024, 10:08 AM
There are risks there of course. On Ali what you get is sometimes different to the picture. You didn't mention if it was a branded item. If it was there is a good chance it would be counterfeit. The other problem is, unlike if you purchased in NZ, you have no legal protection if the item arrives faulty, or develops a fault soon after purchase. I agree. My first order was fine. The item I got from the 2nd order was in poor quality and took long time to come from a east European country. Some listed suppliers in Ali. may be not reliable. Online is suited only for items that we can understand.

25-06-2024, 10:19 AM
I used temu with my credit card , then my credit card was used illegally 1 week after temu purchase. on investigation quite few stories on internet of this happening with temu.

25-06-2024, 10:31 AM
Caveat Emptor!

25-06-2024, 11:13 AM
There are risks there of course. On Ali what you get is sometimes different to the picture. You didn't mention if it was a branded item. If it was there is a good chance it would be counterfeit. The other problem is, unlike if you purchased in NZ, you have no legal protection if the item arrives faulty, or develops a fault soon after purchase.

I agree. I don't buy items that could cause me damage should they fail. But things like sanding discs and handtools/measuring tools I have had no problems with at all and frankly I think have the same change of being faulty as those same imported items sitting on shelves in NZ.

I have bought floating shelf brackets, small ones, and damn near lifted myself off of the ground on 2x 100m steel brackets that cost a few dollars. And I'm not a light lift...

I assume most branded products are not genuine and act accordingly, even though that's possibly unfair to these sites...

All of this to say, I'm nearly 40 and every single one of my peers, and I'm sure everyone younger than me, does this. Mum and Dad ask us to find things for them. So the retail landscape has a lot of change left and TWH etc are going to have to find their niches.

25-06-2024, 11:34 AM
I'm not pointing fingers as the outcome sucks if you are injured, but a grinding disc shattering is very unlikely to be due to country of origin. Proper tool use and correct PPE for the job are far more important factors when it comes to safety regardless of where the tool and consumable come from.

Sideshow Bob
25-06-2024, 12:04 PM
Another article.....

"Kmart is eating Warehouses breakfast, lunch and dinner....." :lol:

https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2024/06/what-went-wrong-for-the-warehouse-and-why-is-kmart-crushing-it.html?utm_source=ST&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ShareTrader+AM+Update+for+Tuesday+25+ June+2024

25-06-2024, 12:25 PM
A 99c Woollies bargain going folks - the Red Shed looks like it's properly fallen out of bed ;)

Infact most of NZX looks that way .. have never seen such a motley bunch of recession hit listings
slip sliding further south as another Winter wave washes in. A few bright stars among the bunch, but..

25-06-2024, 12:29 PM
Another article.....

"Kmart is eating Warehouses breakfast, lunch and dinner....." :lol:

https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2024/06/what-went-wrong-for-the-warehouse-and-why-is-kmart-crushing-it.html?utm_source=ST&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ShareTrader+AM+Update+for+Tuesday+25+ June+2024

And JB HiFi crushing Noel Leeming …in existing stores and store expansion

25-06-2024, 12:33 PM
How could WHS get it so badly wrong to be placed in a position to be clobbered over the head
in each & every sector they operate in ? ;)

Were the top brass too busy out spending their coin & never paid attention to the nuts & bolts of what was going on inside ? ;)

25-06-2024, 01:29 PM
Another article.....

"Kmart is eating Warehouses breakfast, lunch and dinner....." :lol:

https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/money/2024/06/what-went-wrong-for-the-warehouse-and-why-is-kmart-crushing-it.html?utm_source=ST&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ShareTrader+AM+Update+for+Tuesday+25+ June+2024

You only had to use the eye test to see what was going to happen. Twice in Kmart I put stuff back on the shelf because the queue for checkout was so long. Meanwhile the only action the check out operators in the warehouse were seeing was people returning stuff for refunds

25-06-2024, 02:20 PM
Discussion over on Reddit as to a rumour that Noel Leeming is on "stop credit".

Conjecture aside, what's more interesting is the 200+ comments all bagging on what a rubbish shop it is. I personally pick JB Hi Fi or PB Tech any day as the range is so much better.

Crazy to think how far "The Group" has fallen in such a short space of time.

25-06-2024, 02:48 PM
Be careful be very careful when buying hand tools from offshore, I was working with a friend of mine who was using a hand held grinder when the blade shattered and hit him in the mouth, took out his teeth and upper pallet right up into his nose.
The only reason that it didnt take our his eye was because of the hardness of his upper pallet bone, blood spurting everywhere, I took him to hospital and straight into the op theatre he went.

Three years later and after numerous ops he is still waiting for his final skin grafts after having new teeth, pallet and micro surgeries

IMHO DO NOT BUY CHEAP TOOLS if you value your health and safety, they use shi! steel in them.

Good advice.

25-06-2024, 10:00 PM
I am very concerned about the WHS group and their ability to survive. It would require a miraculous turnaround though Kmart was once there too. In the interest of seeing what's going on I went to a few of their stores over the weekend.

- Noel Leeming Royal Oak: Only customer to walk in at 1pm, nobody except staff, and the staff that were there weren't the sharpest. In fact they said I was one of the few that day to arrive. Tried to buy a wireless headset but they refused to haggle - mate, beggars can't be choosers.

- Warehouse Mount Roskill: Witnessed a shoplifting in progress as I walked in. staff and everyone were more eyes rolling as if it was a cleanup in Aisle 10 than anything else. The store was good and a bit of foot traffic, but cold hard concrete, jarring white shrill lights and the red everywhere makes for a bad hangover show. $5 Weetbix seems to be their bestseller. Some of their things were straight from Temu at double the price.

- Warehouse Stationary New Lynn: printing was doing a bit of trade but empty otherwise.

Going into PB Tech, JB Hi Fi and Kmart, you'd think we're going into another lockdown with the checkout queues. Kmart is on another level with queues for self checkout stretching all through the shop.

I think it's how customers feel that make all the difference. Going to the warehouse almost feels embarassing - as if stooping to a new low. Going to Noel Leeming feels like a mistake only you're making (since nobody else is there) and you feel like you're getting screwed. Lastly Warehouse Stationary doesn't feel like anything because the only time anyone goes there is February when the school year begins.

26-06-2024, 09:33 AM
Agree kiwijay

Warehouse group are in big big trouble in the big cities. Maybe doing okay in the regions

26-06-2024, 09:36 AM
Hi kiwijay. Similar to my experience at the airport Warehouse last Friday. It's actually a clean, tidy, bright shop. But no security at the door, the service desk at the entrance was unattended and as I walked in a 'shopper' was trundling out a trolley full of stuff. A quick look to the side where the two open checkouts are and they were off-straight out the door.
I said to my wife that it was almost embarrassing that we were going to bother a staff member by wanting to pay for something.
They need one heck of a big shakeup.

26-06-2024, 09:41 AM
Agree kiwijay

Warehouse group are in big big trouble in the big cities. Maybe doing okay in the regionsYes, I've never understood people saying the stores are quiet/empty. But I'm in a town with no Kmart so that maybe explains why ours is always pretty busy. Personally I miss the warehouse's parallel imported lines that they had a few years ago. It created a real buzz when they started stocking branded parallel import items from DC shoes, Converse, Haviannas, Levis, and a host of others. They don't do it anymore. At the time it was a genuine market leading innovation. And a definite point of difference from Kmart. If you go back even further Warehouse was the place to go for DVD and CD. Of course that market has largely died everywhere now. But again they were the leaders. The problem seems to be they haven't found another exciting point of difference to get the wallets back instore.

26-06-2024, 11:22 AM
Hi kiwijay. Similar to my experience at the airport Warehouse last Friday. It's actually a clean, tidy, bright shop. But no security at the door, the service desk at the entrance was unattended and as I walked in a 'shopper' was trundling out a trolley full of stuff. A quick look to the side where the two open checkouts are and they were off-straight out the door.
I said to my wife that it was almost embarrassing that we were going to bother a staff member by wanting to pay for something.
They need one heck of a big shakeup.

Oh really, you need to keep up with modern ways of shopping Grimy. Haven't you heard of 'Paywave'? What you observed is just an example of shopping today. If you don't want to pay, simply wave (the bill) away!


26-06-2024, 12:20 PM
Oh really, you need to keep up with modern ways of shopping Grimy. Haven't you heard of 'Paywave'? What you observed is just an example of shopping today. If you don't want to pay, simply wave (the bill) away!


The worst is that some people actually feel entitled to steal, justified by a "National government created cost of living crisis" as was used recently. Or by "mental health" as is the go-to for certain public figures. Regardless, little point in expecting justice. If there's none for violent crimes certainly none for thievery.

26-06-2024, 05:47 PM
Well, I got more insight today. I decided to see how many of the Warehouse.co.nz items listed for sale were available for purchase on Temu, Alibaba, or Aliexpress, excluding their silly "Marketplace" items - so these are items that are imported and sold directly by the Warehouse only. I built a quick script using AI image comparison to run through the warehouse's content, and also check against the other sites. If I wanted to, I could make this publicly available meaning everyone could easily just buy any product they're seeing on The Warehouse for less than half price from Temu and I could make a easy buck on the referral commissions. If my math is correct, more than 30% of their items are available to be directly drop shipped from overseas. The only areas where they don't is in household groceries, cosmetics, food items, and some items of furniture (some furniture items are available in bulk, but not immediately. It's crazy to think that this company after all these years, is relying on the same drop-shipping model that my Neighbours kid is using to sell out of his parents garage on Trademe.

As an example, this is a 9-33 Universal Wrench from the Warehouse for $19: Tolsen Universal Wrench 9-32mm | The Warehouse (https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/tolsen-universal-wrench-9-32mm/R2649528.html)

This is the same wrench (different colour) on AliExpress for $7 including shipping: AliExpress link (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003195675156.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.2 1.2d9347f7laSUkU)


As a former shareholder (Who sold in the $3s), I am almost in disbelief that a very highly paid executive and management team milked their old business model without even considering the changing market landscape. You just need to look in any Postie's go-cart nowadays to see how many orange Temu or brown AliExpress packages there are - usually arriving within 2 weeks as well.

I thought their retail experience needed work, now I realise that their core value proposition, and their core as a business, is basically buying things from Alibaba, putting a random brand-name on it to look legit, and selling it at a 100% plus mark-up is all they've been doing, and we as shareholders have been paying their exec and management team millions of dollars each year for the same strategy that teenagers selling on Trademe have been doing for the last decade.

I correct my earlier observation - even a miracle can't save these guys.

26-06-2024, 05:48 PM
Well, I got more insight today. I decided to see how many of the Warehouse.co.nz items listed for sale were available for purchase on Temu, Alibaba, or Aliexpress, excluding their silly "Marketplace" items - so these are items that are imported and sold directly by the Warehouse only. I built a quick script using AI image comparison to run through the warehouse's content, and also check against the other sites. If I wanted to, I could make this publicly available meaning everyone could easily just buy any product they're seeing on The Warehouse for less than half price from Temu and I could make a easy buck on the referral commissions. If my math is correct, more than 30% of their items are available to be directly drop shipped from overseas. The only areas where they don't is in household groceries, cosmetics, food items, and some items of furniture (some furniture items are available in bulk, but not immediately. It's crazy to think that this company after all these years, is relying on the same drop-shipping model that my Neighbours kid is using to sell out of his parents garage on Trademe.

As an example, this is a 9-33 Universal Wrench from the Warehouse for $19: Tolsen Universal Wrench 9-32mm | The Warehouse (https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/tolsen-universal-wrench-9-32mm/R2649528.html)

This is the same wrench (different colour) on AliExpress for $7 including shipping: AliExpress link (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003195675156.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.2 1.2d9347f7laSUkU)


As a former shareholder (Who sold in the $3s), I am almost in disbelief that a very highly paid executive and management team milked their old business model without even considering the changing market landscape. You just need to look in any Postie's go-cart nowadays to see how many orange Temu or brown AliExpress packages there are - usually arriving within 2 weeks as well.

I thought their retail experience needed work, now I realise that their core value proposition, and their core as a business, is basically buying things from Alibaba, putting a random brand-name on it to look legit, and selling it at a 100% plus mark-up is all they've been doing, and we as shareholders have been paying their exec and management team millions of dollars each year for the same strategy that teenagers selling on Trademe have been doing for the last decade.

I correct my earlier observation - even a miracle can't save these guys.

27-06-2024, 08:38 AM

Kmart coming to Dunedin. Balloons, cookies, people expected to queue hours before opening.

WHS Dunedin will take a big hit

Sideshow Bob
27-06-2024, 08:41 AM

Kmart coming to Dunedin. Balloons, cookies, people expected to queue hours before opening.

WHS Dunedin will take a big hit

This will go mad.

There was a company running tours from Dunedin to go to Kmart in Invers.......:mellow:

27-06-2024, 08:45 AM
WHS have a huge challenge ahead of them. They are being attacked from every direction by better opponents.

To invest you would have to have a lot of faith in them.

Personally too much downside risk for me to bother. Maybe on a p.e of 4ish with no debt

27-06-2024, 08:31 PM
This will go mad.

There was a company running tours from Dunedin to go to Kmart in Invers.......:mellow:

kmart closed down in Dunedin two years ago ,and has now relocated to a new site and reopened .
no big deal a similar shop, as are so many but no big threat to the warehouse at all operating in a different sphere .

27-06-2024, 08:48 PM
kmart closed down in Dunedin two years ago ,and has now relocated to a new site and reopened .
no big deal a similar shop, as are so many but no big threat to the warehouse at all operating in a different sphere .

Sounds like something the old warehouse CEO would say Lol.

Most will agree in that in Dunedin some existing warehouse customers will be lost to the new Kmart.

27-06-2024, 08:57 PM
Sounds like something the old warehouse CEO would say Lol.

Most will agree in that in Dunedin some existing warehouse customers will be lost to the new Kmart.

They wont lose any volume of customers ,they will lose sales on some Items ,as will bricoes and others nothing a store in that sphere cannot handle .
Cant see the big deal about kmart v warehouse its not s direct competition plenty of others in the mix not ikea costco .
Wish I was the ex C E O frosty lol

27-06-2024, 09:10 PM
Aliexpress with a markup maybe (amazon for noel leemings).

"We have a garden centre and they don't".

Serve coffee or something and allow people to relax near the garden centre and chat about life. Rather than being cyborgs stuck in a 20m long self-service checkout line.

04-07-2024, 09:06 AM
Kmart Dunedin .