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28-07-2008, 07:09 PM
Uran june 08 quarterly out today if people missed it.

Havent had time to read it as of yet but will get onto it tonight.

hopefully this link works as http://www.asx.com.au/asx/statistics/showAnnouncementPDF.do?idsID=00863763

28-07-2008, 07:25 PM
Most of those doing the winding up are newer to the thread than you fellas. Stick around. They wont;)

Drillfix is just on holiday for a week. Not banned. While he has my empithy its a hard job for young Vince and at the end of the day he wont/doesnt care who is right or wrong he is simply expected to enforce the site rules which he does leniently until it eats into his TV time too much. There are many I suspect who seldom post but complain in private regularly.

28-07-2008, 07:35 PM

I noted a subtle timeframe in the ann...

$2.7m cash on hand

That must be the board's timeframe, get things done before the cash runs out!

28-07-2008, 10:06 PM

The 'one' good thing was the 2.7 million in cash. The company have managed this well the last couple of quarters. Its cos they arent doing anything.

Plenty of $$ to progress Tungsten (as much as I blo...dy well loathe this initiative as it will mean jack sh''t in real terms to current holders imo...just a waste of VALUABLE 'CURRENT' FUNDS) and importantly to drill the 2 or 3 projects in Ukraine.

Thankfully the Czech applications dont take too many $$ and the Bulgarian 'tenders' (company called them 'applications')

I thought they were tenders for applications not applications in their own right.

Am I right here or misguided?

Just really disgusted at this company, their secrecy and the underhanded Discovery option.

How they can 'shut up shop' and not disclose the progress or the current status of the Pribram project and Rozna is unbelievable.

Secrecy, declassification, confidentiality; all the buzz words of 2007 have been replaced by further vagueness, slllowwwdddowwwnnnnnn and now an emphasis on 'process'...not the 'outcomes' so confidently advocated in 2006.

We are now seeing a management team afraid to make a statement, afraid to call anything, a management team so paranoid and totally incompetent and uneasy that they cant even give us the 2007 infamous "Not before.." comments.

We have a team intent and comfortable with slow progress 2 years on. It really is substandard.

Just my opinion guys, but 2 years on they still cannot tell us the news we need to hear on Ukraine...and no mention at all of Novok consortium.

The Managing Director gets $250,000 a year, travel all around the world and lets not forget the superannuation benefits either.

Not bad for someone who is a major holder in the company we were supposed to acquire 18 months ago.....

Whos working for who here?

Who is thinking of Uran shareholders?...the ones who bought 'above' 12 cents Managing Director!

Who is focused on Discovery shareholders?

And where is the 'possible' conflict of interest, if any, for an objective person looking at this?

Most of us have a pretty good idea I would think.


The $250k p.a includes super ;) (saves us $A22.5k)

28-07-2008, 10:44 PM

That just makes me feel so much better ;)

Should pay for the Exec team to head over to Ukraine & sign a few documents during this quarter...;)

30-07-2008, 07:14 PM
Should pay for the Exec team to head over to Ukraine & sign a few documents during this quarter...;)

URA ann out, though just the Quarterly cashflow...:rolleyes:

Clearly insiders at work with the 16.13% drop today, or someone waiting to "paint the chart" (with a massive 500 traded @ 13c = $65!) ;)


31-07-2008, 08:43 PM
Something from the normally silent purple comm

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/images/stories/mediacoverage/08.04%20interview-nuclear%20renaissance%20may%20revive%20czech%20ura nium%20mines.pdf

31-07-2008, 08:53 PM
In the Annual report 2007 it stated...

"Following a meeting with the Deputy Minister for trade and Industry Uran was provided with a letter stating that in the event that mining does continue below current workings, Uran is the favoured party to participate in the mining."

So...Since they have found resources below the current workings we maybe onto something. :)

31-07-2008, 10:42 PM
In the Annual report 2007 it stated...

"Following a meeting with the Deputy Minister for trade and Industry Uran was provided with a letter stating that in the event that mining does continue below current workings, Uran is the favoured party to participate in the mining."

So...Since they have found resources below the current workings we maybe onto something. :)

I'd love to share your optimism, but while the Greens are apart of the Czech Republic, no one has a chance IMO...:confused:

Keep the focus on Ukraine, this should be a very interesting quarter ;)

01-08-2008, 01:14 PM
I'd love to share your optimism, but while the Greens are apart of the Czech Republic, no one has a chance IMO...:confused:

Keep the focus on Ukraine, this should be a very interesting quarter ;)

Shasta, the greens will not prevent Uran joining in at Rozna. If they prove up lower levels I think Uran will be in with a very good chance of being in there within 12 months.:)

01-08-2008, 03:52 PM
I'd love to share your optimism, but while the Greens are apart of the Czech Republic, no one has a chance IMO...:confused:

Keep the focus on Ukraine, this should be a very interesting quarter ;)

C'mon Shasta, optimism is the core of the URAN shareholder :) .

This could be that elusive left field announcement for 08.

:) :) :)

01-08-2008, 05:16 PM
Shasta, the greens will not prevent Uran joining in at Rozna. If they prove up lower levels I think Uran will be in with a very good chance of being in there within 12 months.:)

The Czechs are only getting 200 odd tonnes out of Rozna per year...

Hardly a venture we want in on!

If the Greens aren't the problem why aren't we in there already?

01-08-2008, 06:48 PM
The Czechs are only getting 200 odd tonnes out of Rozna per year...

Hardly a venture we want in on!

If the Greens aren't the problem why aren't we in there already?

Shasta, Rozna would add dollars to the sp. If you go back to the anns and news from early 07 you will find out why Uran are not in there yet.

Once they prove up the bottom of the mine they will look at a partner and their preferred partner is Uran.:)

01-08-2008, 07:29 PM
Shasta, Rozna would add dollars to the sp. If you go back to the anns and news from early 07 you will find out why Uran are not in there yet.

Once they prove up the bottom of the mine they will look at a partner and their preferred partner is Uran.:)

I certainly hope you are right.

I'm not expecting Uran to secure anything outside Ukraine, so anything else is a bonus to me!

01-08-2008, 07:42 PM
Shasta, Rozna would add dollars to the sp. If you go back to the anns and news from early 07 you will find out why Uran are not in there yet.

Once they prove up the bottom of the mine they will look at a partner and their preferred partner is Uran.:)

Dave is correct. The Environment Minister (The Greens) has no jurisdiction over existing mines (ie Rozna). If Uran is to get involved at Rozna they will need to obtain approval from the Minister of Trade and Energy. As you are well aware the Minister of Trade (Riman) fully supports Uran's efforts in trying to re-open old mines.

Should Diamo discovery additional reserves below the 24th level, and should these reserves be deemed to be commercial, Diamo will required lots of $$$$$$$'s to further develop the mine. This is where Uran will be asked to participate.

The question remains whether Uran would still be interested in Rozna.

Assuming Uran is, will Riman ask Uran to participate?

If yes and yes, will we be diluted and by how much?

01-08-2008, 07:44 PM
Shasta, Rozna would add dollars to the sp. If you go back to the anns and news from early 07 you will find out why Uran are not in there yet.

Once they prove up the bottom of the mine they will look at a partner and their preferred partner is Uran.:)

Diamo are looking at finishing their exploration at Rozna by the end of the year. So it's a good 5 months away. So next year for czech if we get anything.

As for Ukraine sooner the better....... :cool:

01-08-2008, 07:49 PM
"If yes and yes, will we be diluted and by how much?"[/QUOTE]

Last time they offered 22.5million euros.


Fortunes rebound for Europe's last uranium mine

DOLNI ROZINKA, Czech Republic (AFP) - Everything from the faded blue
overalls donned by the miners to the bone-jolting trains and
primitive extraction methods seem to cry out for Europe's last
operating uranium mine to be turned into a museum.

The Czech government would probably have closed the state-owned Rozna
mine in 2004 if it had not been for the around 1,000 jobs at stake in
the small towns and villages nestled in the hills of this relatively
undeveloped south-east corner of the country.

But last week, industry minister Martin Riman rejected a 640-million
koruna (22.5-million euro) bid by Australian uranium mining company
Uran Limited for a 50 percent stake in exploitation of current and
future uranium reserves.

And he held out the prospect of a new lease of life for the mine if
research uncovers fresh reserves of the now coveted resource.

"Uran's bid is interesting but we can mine and survey for reserves on
our own," the minister announced.

The Rozna mine has seen its fortunes improve as the price for
uranium, used to feed nuclear reactors, soars on concerns about
global warming and the cost and security of fossil fuel supplies,
such as coal and oil.

The price hit record highs in February after an eightfold increase
over the last three years. It had barely budged during the previous

As a result, Rozna's previously loss-making annual production of
around 300 tonnes of uranium now turns a profit. "There is about 0.25
percent of uranium in every tonne extracted compared with about 0.10
percent for similar operations in India. It is a very respectable
quality," boasted chief engineer Petr Kriz.

He admits conditions below ground for the 115 miners - the rest of
the workforce are support staff and employed in processing and
cleaning operations - appear primitive.

Wire netting and rusting corrugated iron panels and air ducts cover
the network of tunnels of the 24-floor complex. Engineers cut timber
supports at the cramped faces where small teams of miners will work
with the aid of hammer drills and a mechanical claw to pull rocks
towards waiting wagons.

The Australian company claimed modernisation could boost production
and profits at Rozna but Kriz argued: "There is not much space, it is
difficult to use other methods."

The mine was opened in 1958 not for profit, but as part of the Cold
War uranium mining boom when communist Czechoslovakia was one of the
main suppliers of the Soviet military-industrial complex.

It was one of half a dozen major uranium mines dotted across the
country which sent 96,600 tonnes of uranium, currently valued at more
than 470 billion koruna (16.7 billion euros), to the Soviet Union
between 1945 and 1989.

"At today's prices we can clearly realise what a fortune was sent by
socialist Czechoslovakia almost free of charge to the Soviet Union,"
Riman commented dryly.

In the early years of the Czechoslovak industry, the price of uranium
mining was primarily human. German prisoners of war were used at
first for the dangerous, radiation-exposed work. The communist
regime, which seized power in 1948, later sent its political
prisoners down the mines.

Over 45,000 people were employed in uranium mining in 1954 with
output and deliveries to the Soviet Union peaking at around 3,000
tonnes in 1961, just before the Cold War threatened to turn into a
nuclear conflagration.

In Rozna's drab offices, pictures charting the mine's achievements
are written in both Czech and Russian, harking back to the brothers-
in-arms production era. Today's managers stress that political
prisoners were a feature of the earlier post-war mines, but not

In the 1960's, the environment was mining's main casualty as heavily
polluting chemical extraction methods were used at some locations.
The massive, multi-billion koruna clean-up is likely to last another
40 years.

When the Cold War ended, so did much of the exports. "The armaments
race stopped and fuel for power plants started to be prepared from
nuclear warheads with enormous reserves of this in Russia," recalls
Jiri Jez, the head of state company Diamo, which runs Rozna.

In the early 1990's, Czech mining plummeted to 20 percent of its
average over the previous decade, Jez added.

The 65-year-old, who has worked with the firm ever since starting out
as a 17-year-old milling machine operator, now sees a uranium revival
beckoning not only for Rozna but for other sites in the north and
east of the country.

02-08-2008, 02:38 AM
"Oh yeah, 'rumour' has it its not 'profitable' for Uran to go ahead with the project. 'Rumour' is all we have as the company refuses to announce anything about Pribram of late and refuses to answer shareholder enquiries regarding it."

Perhaps the Czechs have decided they don't need Uran to mine the waste dumps................As per the latest media announcement, they're already doing it anyway.

Huang Chung
02-08-2008, 02:12 PM
Just curious guys....as you seem intent to ride with URA rather than bail, are any of you planning a trip to the AGM to ask Kate the hard questions?

02-08-2008, 02:27 PM
Just curious guys....as you seem intent to ride with URA rather than bail, are any of you planning a trip to the AGM to ask Kate the hard questions?

Why would anyone bail (at these prices) despite our dissapointment with the company.

We wont be asking any questions at the AGM...instead, we might be putting forward motions if we are not satisfied with developments by then.

02-08-2008, 06:58 PM
Hi Folks

Uran isnt 'demonstrating' or 'communicating' to its shareholders or the market that it is interested in any project that wont give it the biggest $$$ value possible for its... DISCOVERY... shareholders.
And the Managing Director Kate Hobbs is a MAJOR Discovery shareholder.

2 years is long enough. I'm fed up with your approach. Im sure the MAJORITY of shareholders are too.

Hi people, anybody miss me? ;)
Huh, You didnt :eek: Ahhh well then :rolleyes: :p


Everything you have said in your last post I fully agree with .
The so called Time for Updates and Breakthroughs have kept on running out and they keep on running out with each extension of time many shareholders seem to give them. We are left with the old Will they Deliver or Wont they Deliver thoughts, and if so, when (potentially).

There are many that believe by the end or near the end of the year we will see or have some result, but like you, I dont know which way is up or down and I am left feeling like I cannot trust Kate Hobbs nor our so called chairman sitting in the cone of silence.

It seems that Kate Hobbs cannot possibly know or feel the damage she has caused many people by saying what she said back in 2006 with the famous "production in July07" statement. :mad:

How much time is sufficient or enough to know that we will make or break?

We sure know how to measure this but how exactly do we gauge how much time will see us through? or is this another thing we cant do, because only she knows?

03-08-2008, 09:11 PM
I see Uran management saw it fit to mention in their quarterly report, the recent problems with some oil and gas JVs in the Ukraine after I was slandered for even mentioning it here a few days before

Page 2, 3rd paragraph.

Your earlier posts where naive, personal and showed a distinct lack of research and understanding of Uran or the political process in Ukaine. The Vanco situation is a big positive for Uran, not a negative.

Here is a little background for you regarding Vanco and the reasons why they lost their Production Sharing Agreement (PSA).

No Way Back for Vanco

Last Wednesday, the US-energy company Vanco announced that it had filed for arbitration in
Stockholm as talks with the Ukrainian government broke down. The dispute arose following the
government’s unilateral termination of a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) in May of this
The prospect of legal action has been brewing for
months as the government exhausted avenues to find a
negotiated settlement. Yet the Cabinet of Ministers is
determined to stand its ground to prevent Vanco
Prykerchenska, the subsidiary of the Texan oil company,
Vanco Energy, from regaining its rights to explore for oil
and gas in the deep water shelf of the Prykerchenska area,
south of the Crimean Peninsula.

Corruption Around the Black Sea Shelf

The government’s cancellation of the PSA pitted the president’s office against the Cabinet of
On 18 June, President Viktor Yushchenko ordered the Cabinet of Ministers to suspend its
revocation of the 30-year PSA.
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was emphatic on the issue: “We should not go back. The
Ukrainian government withdrew from the corrupt agreements concluded by the previous
government. We put a stake into the ground on this issue. Transparency and fairness must prevail
and we are very satisfied that we have a strong case.”
First Deputy Prime Minster, Oleksandr
Turchynov was equally adamant: “Vanсo
shall not have any rights.”
Vanco has had a chequered history in
Ukraine. In 2005 it surprisingly won a bid to
explore and extract hydrocarbons in the
12,900 square kilometres (5,000 square miles)
Prykerchenska section of the Black Sea –
beating stiff competition, including a joint bid
by heavyweights Shell and Exxon Mobil. After
18-months of difficult negotiations, in which
Vanco surprised officials by its uncompromising
behaviour, a PSA was eventually
concluded and signed by the Yanukovych
government in 2007. Indeed, the PSA deal
was agreed and signed on 19 October, 2007, after the Yanukovych administration had lost
control of the government during the 30 September parliamentary elections.
The signature was with Vanco Prykerchenska, not the legal entity that won the tender. It was
discovered that the latter was registered in the Caribbean and belonged to four Ukrainian
students. The assignment of the deal from Vanco International, which won the tender, to Vanco
Prykerchenska, occurred on 25 October, 2007, less than a week after the PSA was agreed. This
has given rise to questions of a possible quid quo pro agreement involving the Party of Regions
billionaire lawmaker, Rinat Akhmetov, who controls a company which owns a stake in Vanco

Need for Transparency

The terms of the PSA were stacked heavily in Vanco’s favour. When asked by the government
in March to renegotiate the deal, the company refused.
On 25 April, the government revoked the oil and gas exploration licence belonging to Vanco
International, a subsidiary of Vanco Energy, saying that the tender conditions did not allow it to
pass the right to develop the resources to another company, Vanco Prykerchenska, which did
not exist at the time Vanco won the tender.
Subsequent investigations have proven a far from transparent ownership structure.
On 15 May, it was revealed that Vanco Energy had three partners in Vanco Prykerchenska: the
Donetsk Fuel and Energy Company (DTEK), linked to Rinat Akhmetov; Shadowlight Investments
Ltd, linked to Russian businessman Yevgeny Novitsky; and Integrum Technologies (Austria), whose
owners are unknown. Some speculate the latter could be a cover for Gazprom – Russia’s
state-owned gas company, or for Dmitry Firtash, the Ukrainian businessman and beneficiary of
the shadowy gas intermediary, RosUkrEnergo.
Indeed, the murky ownership structure caused the premier to dub the affair “RosUkrEnergo 2.”
At the centre of the dispute is the Prykerchenska
exploration zone. The area covers around 12,900
square kilometres (5,000 square miles).
When quizzed about the beneficial owners of Integrum Technologies, Vanco Energy’s Senior
Vice President, Jeffrey Mitchell, said, “I plead ignorance.”
A Determined Government
President Yushchenko has clashed repeatedly with the Cabinet of Ministers over the Vanco
affair and has been accused of lobbying in the company’s favour.
“All the usual mud is being thrown,” said an industry insider who follows the events closely.
“They’ll tell you the government’s decision is frightening investors. The reality is the government is
taking a stance against corruption which can only be good for the long-term investment
climate,” he said.
A government-spokesperson told Inform, “Transparency and good corporate governance are
the watchwords that will drive this administration’s energy policy.”
Currently, the government is considering all legal options, including the possible jurisdictions
covering the case, given that there are US corporations and US citizens involved.
As the affair drags on the Cabinet of Ministers stands firm. “We are committed to working with
responsible corporations to help develop our Black Sea resources, and particularly interested in
attracting foreign direct investment from the west. But we expect transparent and responsible
behaviour from all participants” said Ms Tymoshenko.

03-08-2008, 09:20 PM
But we expect transparent and responsible
behaviour from all participants” said Ms Tymoshenko.

Does this sound like URA.. i hope they look better to the Ukrainain Government then they do to us shareholders at the moment.

03-08-2008, 09:38 PM
Does this sound like URA.. i hope they look better to the Ukrainain Government then they do to us shareholders at the moment.

Not sure if any relevance to Uran, or any opportunities here?


Enerhoatom: Commissioning Of First Phase Of Centralized Nuclear Waste Storage Facility To Be Suspended From 2010 To 2012 (17:47, Thursday, July 31, 2008)

President of Enerhoatom national nuclear power company Yurii Nedashkivskyi expects that commissioning of the first stage of the centralized nuclear waste storage facility will be suspended from 2010 to 2012. He said this at a press conference.

According to Nedashkivskyi, one of the reasons for possible suspension is protraction with holding of preparatory measures on implementation of the project by previous leadership of Enerhoatom and certain heads of central executive agencies.

"These are direct annual expenses of Ukraine worth about USD 100 million," he said.

Before Nedashkivskyi, Enerhoatom had been headed by Yurii Kovryzhkin, whose predecessor was Andrii Derkach, the Verkhovna Rada deputy of the Party of Regions faction.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Enerhoatom had expected launch of construction of the first nuclear waste storage facility to take place in 2009 and its commissioning in 2010.

In compliance with feasibility studies, the CNWSF should preferably be located in the Chornobyl restriction area near Vector complex which is being constructed for processing and dumping of low and mid-active radioactive wastes.

The first stage of the storage facility is expected to place 2,500 spent fuel assemblies of ВВЭР-1000/1080 and ВВЭР-440 reactors.

In December 2005, Enerhoatom and American Holtec International signed a contract on construction of the CNWSF for keeping wastes from Rivne, Southern Ukrainian and Khmelnytskyi NPPs.

04-08-2008, 01:30 AM
Not sure if any relevance to Uran, or any opportunities here?


Enerhoatom: Commissioning Of First Phase Of Centralized Nuclear Waste Storage Facility To Be Suspended From 2010 To 2012 (17:47, Thursday, July 31, 2008)

President of Enerhoatom national nuclear power company Yurii Nedashkivskyi expects that commissioning of the first stage of the centralized nuclear waste storage facility will be suspended from 2010 to 2012. He said this at a press conference.

According to Nedashkivskyi, one of the reasons for possible suspension is protraction with holding of preparatory measures on implementation of the project by previous leadership of Enerhoatom and certain heads of central executive agencies.

"These are direct annual expenses of Ukraine worth about USD 100 million," he said.

Before Nedashkivskyi, Enerhoatom had been headed by Yurii Kovryzhkin, whose predecessor was Andrii Derkach, the Verkhovna Rada deputy of the Party of Regions faction.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Enerhoatom had expected launch of construction of the first nuclear waste storage facility to take place in 2009 and its commissioning in 2010.

In compliance with feasibility studies, the CNWSF should preferably be located in the Chornobyl restriction area near Vector complex which is being constructed for processing and dumping of low and mid-active radioactive wastes.

The first stage of the storage facility is expected to place 2,500 spent fuel assemblies of ВВЭР-1000/1080 and ВВЭР-440 reactors.

In December 2005, Enerhoatom and American Holtec International signed a contract on construction of the CNWSF for keeping wastes from Rivne, Southern Ukrainian and Khmelnytskyi NPPs.

My guess is they're waiting on developments from the MTSOU before they decide what to do with the bad side of the nuclear industry. Considering they haven't actually decided who's got what when it comes to the MTSOU, it could take a while.

04-08-2008, 01:48 PM
A big seller 600,000 @ .28c

Top 20 Holders as at 1 August 2008
Ordinary Shares

1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131
2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
4 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 1,400,000
5 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 633,131
7 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 618,612
8 Tarmel Pty Ltd 586,092
9 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500
10 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631
11 Mr A Schoer 500,000
12 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 458,900
13 ANZ Nominees Limited 427,535
14 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 421,000
15 Kelgild Pty Limited 384,726
16 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679
17 Mr K J Hunter 310,679
18 Mr Pheng Lao 304,052
19 Mr J N Young 300,000
20 Mr D L Cornish 263,562

It has to be one of the top 7 to be wanting to sell....?

04-08-2008, 02:25 PM
Scrappy, at least the seller is at 28 cents and not at 15 cents :rolleyes:

Looking at the number on offer there, I would agree with your statement and would add to that by saying its probably between 2 - 7

2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
4 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 1,400,000
5 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 633,131
7 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 618,612

The rest of who's selling would then be a guess between the above.

Options now back to the low and looking potentially like breaking a new low any minute, hour or day.

Management couldn't care less about the share price or the concerns of holders of course, however I hope "THEY" are confident in developments flourishing in the "NEAR" future, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

If we hold out at this rate, WHE will catch up to us by the looks of things~!


We keep 'giving them 'another' chance' dont we?

Yes we sure do, but looks like who ever is dumping the options does not, looks like they have had enough and are moving on, but how many do they hold and how many will they KEEP dumping. Doesnt matter I guess as Ive already said above.

04-08-2008, 02:30 PM
Who ever it was they have changed their mind.
Why would you bother doing what they just did....It makes no sense.
Some form of market manuplation in some strange way.

04-08-2008, 02:50 PM
Who ever it was they have changed their mind.
Why would you bother doing what they just did....It makes no sense.
Some form of market manuplation in some strange way.

Well, yes it might actually make sense, perhaps its some communication on showing what somebody wants out at?? (perhaps) Lets not forget there were also a couple sellers at $1.++ the other week or so ago for whatever reason.

04-08-2008, 03:36 PM

LOL, I'm mad as hell & I'm not going to take this anymore !!! (Network 1976)


Good one~!

04-08-2008, 03:36 PM
Hi people, anybody miss me? ;)
Huh, You didnt :eek: Ahhh well then :rolleyes: :p
Sure and welcome back Drillfix :D

04-08-2008, 03:49 PM
Sure and welcome back Drillfix :D

Thanks Strat :D

Felt like I had no where to live for a while :rolleyes:

And I guess if Uran never gets round to announcing something solid to the market then that very thought will turn into Reality :eek:

04-08-2008, 03:54 PM
Thanks Strat :D

Felt like I had no where to live for a while :rolleyes:

And I guess if Uran never gets round to announcing something solid to the market then that very thought will turn into Reality :eek:Yeah soon would be good, check out the oppies today :eek::(

04-08-2008, 04:15 PM
Yeah soon would be good, check out the oppies today :eek::(

Yes, not pretty ay~!

In fact, I will confess that I bought 20,000 URAO today.

I dont know if there is such a thing as called an accidental purchase, but I didnt get up till late today, in which case I then noticed that the order I left in over the last week had been taken out. You see, I dont get up till late most days (due to circumstances) spelling..lol.

Looks like I oughta watch leaving orders laying around~! :rolleyes: DOH~!

Cotik, I ended up watching that movie (network) last night. Although its from 1976 its a great movie~!

04-08-2008, 04:19 PM
Yes, not pretty ay~!

In fact, I will confess that I bought 20,000 URAO today.

I dont know if there is such a thing as called an accidental purchase, but I didnt get up till late today, in which case I then noticed that the order I left in over the last week had been taken out. You see, I dont get up till late most days (due to cirucumstances).

Looks like I oughta watch leaving orders laying around~! :rolleyes: DOH~!

Cotik, I ended up watching that movie (network) last night. Although its from 1976 its a great movie~!Been there , done that. Sold my RPM the same way which turned out all good as it happens. Hope this turns out to be a lucky mistake for you too ;)

04-08-2008, 05:10 PM

LOL, I'm mad as hell & I'm not going to take this anymore !!! (Network 1976)


Good one~!

We might need to revisit this prior to the AGM :D

04-08-2008, 05:18 PM
We might need to revisit this prior to the AGM :D

LOL, yes I think your probably right there cotik~!

I wonder if we should start compiling another list of questions for the AGM.

Like, Does the board expect the options to expire before any news is released.

Or, is there only one question for shareholders being:

Which brand of baseball bat are you bringing to the AGM ;)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the options now hit another 52 week low. :rolleyes:

04-08-2008, 08:47 PM
Oppies certainly looking unhealthy atm :(. Here's hoping for some good news soon! I'm actually pretty happy with where everything stands, other than with Pribram. I've e-mailed KH asking about where this project stands and have had no reply. It seems like the CR is a bit of a red herring to me.

Also annoys me that they said they were going to prepare a consortium deal for Novok - why not just keep quiet until it (hopefully!) goes through?! Anyway, that's been covered before. Wonder what news we'll get this quarter? AGM's going to be really interesting if all is quiet.

04-08-2008, 09:59 PM

records show posts from these last three posters ONLY post on URA on Sharetrader.

you guys need to diversify

Yup, & i'm sure glad they came over here to debate & discuss Uran.

ST is a better forum than "elsewhere" to discuss Uran matters.

Don't be too concerned with them Underdog, before they came over here, i was largely talking to myself!

04-08-2008, 10:08 PM
oh Im concerned alright

about the unbiasedness of the whole thread;)

Ive seen it ALL too often

These people all HOLD Uran shares, therefore have an active interest.

I'm more concerned with those NOT holding that come on here with an agenda.

I would argue that there are far more threads that are bias than this!

04-08-2008, 10:16 PM
Hi folks - the AGM sure will be interesting this year - either we'll all be very happy indeed or completely the opposite. If Uran really do get through the maze of Ukraine business and political intrigue by then I think it will be a miracle. Actually I suspect we'll be more likely to get another carrot (? tungsten flavoured carrot LOL) and even if the three deposists are a go without NovoK (agree Ellroy shouldn't have been mentioned until it was a certainty), the market will continue to express its disdain. Look out anyone with a buy order in on the options - the way its heading might be able to pick them up for half a cent soon. At that point I might even be tempted - naah - heads or nothing now. A

04-08-2008, 10:22 PM

records show posts from these last three posters ONLY post on URA on Sharetrader.

you guys need to diversify


Correct, on sharetrader I only post on the URA thread. You'll also note that I'm often very critical of the things that URA do. Feel free to read any of my posts ;).

04-08-2008, 10:29 PM
yes things are taking forever. but i still have faith. extreme patience is needed here, and just when things look like they are gonna happen they dont. but doesnt mean they never will.

everyone needs to remember why they bought into this company in the first place. these things are still moving ahead behind the scenes... just at an agonising pace. but keep your heads up. its not over till the fat lady sings, and keep the rewards in mind when things look their bleakest. everyday we get a little closer, and hey... people can feel free to throw whatever criticisms they want at me, when URA ceases trading on the ASX. untill then i will follow it through and i still beleive our day inthe sun is coming. everything has copped it over the last few months not just URA...keep that in mind too.

on a positive note, i am now sitting just outside the top 20 shareholders. which i am proud of. am i proud of the management's relationship with the shareholders? no... but i am happy with what i am potentially a large part of.

04-08-2008, 10:31 PM

I will be asking about Pribram this week. I expect to get a reply to my email. I have for a while now...however my second responses and follow up questions (covering 80% of my original questions that werent answered or acknowledged;) are never answered.

Pribram must be explained thoroughly.

Re Novok I AGREE!!!!! Unprofessional 'lazy' statement that. You are either going to do something or you arent.

Too much talk here for 2 years and then no follow through.

Professional issues and shortcomings galore here.

A good facilitaor at an AGM would make mince meat out of them.... ;)


Could you also ask them about Surskoye as well? The quarterly says that Uran will be carrying out the FS on Novog and Safon, so who's carrying out the FS on Surskoye?

Are you coming to the AGM this year? I will be going again this year and may have to be harder on them if nothing comes to fruition. One things for sure - they better not stick their hands out for more "employee incentives", as they deserve nothing at the moment.

Re Novok, if it was me I wouldn't bother announcing anything until the consortium bid had been submitted and the Ukrainians decided that the consortium was the successful party. If they were unsuccessful there's no need to announce it and there's no effect on the share price. Now, if they submit a proposal and it's unsuccessful the sp will get hammered :(.

04-08-2008, 10:35 PM
yes things are taking forever. but i still have faith. extreme patience is needed here, and just when things look like they are gonna happen they dont. but doesnt mean they never will.

everyone needs to remember why they bought into this company in the first place. these things are still moving ahead behind the scenes... just at an agonising pace. but keep your heads up. its not over till the fat lady sings, and keep the rewards in mind when things look their bleakest. everyday we get a little closer, and hey... people can feel free to throw whatever criticisms they want at me, when URA ceases trading on the ASX. untill then i will follow it through and i still beleive our day inthe sun is coming. everything has copped it over the last few months not just URA...keep that in mind too.

on a positive note, i am now sitting just outside the top 20 shareholders. which i am proud of. am i proud of the management's relationship with the shareholders? no... but i am happy with what i am potentially a large part of.

Why we bought in the first place, could well be on the joke thread...:D

1. Kate's "we will be in production by July 07" :(

2. MK's "URA is worth $5 a share on 1 acquistion, or $10 on 2 or more..."


4. Just having a laugh Scorp...:p

If we were given more details, i wouldn't have to make so many assumptions in my spreadsheet :rolleyes:

04-08-2008, 11:00 PM
Are you coming to the AGM this year? I will be going again this year and may have to be harder on them if nothing comes to fruition. One things for sure - they better not stick their hands out for more "employee incentives", as they deserve nothing at the moment.

Hi Ellroy, good to see ya here again.

What kind of Baseball Bat are you taking to the AGM?
Me I will be bringing an Aluminum Bat, as apparently they don't break when you crack them over a Chairman's head. :D LOL

Also, you are right, they deserve ZERO hand outs. And, at this very point in time we boarder potentially on a Scandal, or so it could be seen without further evidence forthcoming.

I myself will not be going but then who knows Ellroy, but say, are we on again for an Mp3? It would be good to have for all those that cant manage to get there.

Agree also with satori too, re: a good facilitaor at the AGM.

04-08-2008, 11:06 PM
so I take it you think I have an agenda?
now Shasta, what on earth would that be?

to manipulate an $8 million dollar company? This is truly laughable.

What happened was I mentioned some political problems that had arisen recently in the Ukraine regarding a JV, and that was even important enough to be mentioned by Uran itself a few days later in its most recent quarterly but I was lambasted for even bringing up the subject of sovereign risk.

Disc: NON holder

I don't recall saying YOU had an agenda at all ;)

Uran don't have to announce unrelated gas problems in Ukraine!

Goodness they only announce quarterlies because they have too!

I'd imagine the poor people of Ukraine are trying to overcome some bad flooding over there at present...

Thats an issue Uran will have a close eye on

04-08-2008, 11:25 PM
Disc: NON holder

Question is UD, why are you so interested in this thread?

Originally Posted by underDOG
I see Uran management saw it fit to mention in their quarterly report, the recent problems with some oil and gas JVs in the Ukraine after I was slandered for even mentioning it here a few days before


Cotik Writes:
Your earlier posts where naive, personal and showed a distinct lack of research and understanding of Uran or the political process in Ukaine. The Vanco situation is a big positive for Uran, not a negative.

UD, cotik then even points out WHY. Go back a page to re-read the full post.

Here is a little background for you regarding Vanco and the reasons why they lost their Production Sharing Agreement (PSA).

And then UD you dont even post to say Thank You Cotik for giving you a Reply to your post or question.

You got your question answered and now your back here doing the same thing = NOTHING. Except trying to be annoying (again).

Vince, IMO, I smell a TROLL (again).

04-08-2008, 11:43 PM
Some people are saying the administrators are circling.

Glad I don't own any of these.

Speaking of trolling................

04-08-2008, 11:44 PM
Some people are saying the administrators are circling.

Glad I don't own any of these.

are you talking about MK and his Monarch Gold (mon)? with the exception that the Administrators are not circling, they are already involved.

Also when you say some people, who are these some people? Can you be more specific please?

04-08-2008, 11:46 PM
Speaking of trolling................


Hi Juqu, seems like a lot of folk here whom like posting without any evidence what so ever.

They seem to know so much however they have little if any evidence to backup statements.

05-08-2008, 12:07 AM
Good luck to holders. Do you believe in the tooth fairy?

You seem to have been a member here for quite some time with many posts up your sleeve.

I dont mean to sound disrespectful but can you share with us when you say some people, who are these some people? Can you be more specific please?

05-08-2008, 12:09 AM
You seem to have been a member here for quite some time with many posts up your sleeve.

I dont mean to sound disrespectful but can you share with us when you say some people, who are these some people? Can you be more specific please?

Drillfix............I think he meant the tooth fairy told him.

05-08-2008, 12:21 AM
I could ask them so many questions. Its ridiculous really. It just goes to show how many issues there are here.

As for the AGM, I doubt if I will be there.

Yes Satori, correct you are, in fact there seem to be WAY TOO MANY more Questions than there are actual or Factual answers.

With regards to the AGM.

You with a Mp3 recorder would be GREAT at the AGM speaking and asking the Tough Cookie questions all day.

We need you there, I would chip in so you can get there. Anybody out there also care to chip in for Satori to be at the AGM???

Satori, if some of us can get you there, will you go? ;)

05-08-2008, 12:33 AM
Join the dots.

I cant seem to follow you here. What dots, where are they and where are they going and where are they coming from?

Simple question I asked previously, yet complex answer with dots. spell it out please.

05-08-2008, 12:44 AM
Hi Ellroy, good to see ya here again.

What kind of Baseball Bat are you taking to the AGM?
Me I will be bringing an Aluminum Bat, as apparently they don't break when you crack them over a Chairman's head. :D LOL

Also, you are right, they deserve ZERO hand outs. And, at this very point in time we boarder potentially on a Scandal, or so it could be seen without further evidence forthcoming.

I myself will not be going but then who knows Ellroy, but say, are we on again for an Mp3? It would be good to have for all those that cant manage to get there.

Agree also with satori too, re: a good facilitaor at the AGM.

A Louisville Slugger!! Hahahaha.

Yeah I reckon I can sort out an MP3 again. You'll have to send me that site for uploads closer to the date ;). I'll see if I can get it a bit louder this year.

05-08-2008, 12:47 AM
DRILL- forget him. you are too easily baited. let them say what they want., they will continue to do so as long as they get a response...

Satori- i can understand your negativity and beleive me we have all been burned. some more than others. and whilst i agree with your comments, they are in no way helping our cause as shareholders. hell we are hanging the SP out to dry on our own on this thread regardless of what kate etc are doin.

i respect your thoughts satori as i do shasta and cotik and many others, but hey... lets all take a step back and breathe in here... life isnt all bad, and we are still on our way.


execute them when they fail. they havent failed as a company yet (only as investor relationship managers) and i dont think they will fail.

05-08-2008, 12:55 AM
Scorp, don't worry mate, I don't see the believers going anywhere. Just another venting of frustration from us all.

cujodog, interesting comments given we've got money in the bank to keep us going through the FS.

Could MK's past involvements/current holdings be a problem at all????

Huang Chung
05-08-2008, 01:11 AM
Are any of you guys members of the Australian Shareholders Association. The ASA have some pretty good volunteer company monitors who attend varioius AGMs and ask the hard questions.

If you were members, you might be able to seek some assistance from them.

Just an idea...

05-08-2008, 01:36 AM
A Louisville Slugger!! Hahahaha.

Yeah I reckon I can sort out an MP3 again. You'll have to send me that site for uploads closer to the date ;). I'll see if I can get it a bit louder this year.

Classic ellroy, A Louisville Slugger....LOL reminds me of my childhood in summer along with Ice Hockey in winter :D

Good stuff for the MP3. Any recording will do and we got a nice little studio here that gets little use atm but will have no problem cleaning up any audio whatsoever.

No worries and I understand your thoughts on that.
(ps: lol Vampire Bats)
I just too my Valium so I am now fully chilled :cool:


the 25th August may be the most important day you will ever see.

Surely this must be MK (crawly investments) being accountable to MON holders. How this pans out with him holding Uran remains to be seen.

Huang Chung,

The ASA have some pretty good volunteer company monitors who attend varioius AGMs and ask the hard questions.

This is an very Excellent suggestion. I am not a member myself, but a little while ago, when I was flipping out about Uran and Kate Hobbs, I asked this same exact question and thought it was excellent and should be done.

I am sure Satori would be into that as well as many others.

Sheez, I would even like to take a truth detector along to see if KH is telling the truth~!

Thanks Huang~!

05-08-2008, 03:20 PM
hey drillo - is that you accidentally buying more options today?? :) A

05-08-2008, 03:29 PM
hey drillo - is that you accidentally buying more options today?? :) A

twas me:)

hope I'm not too quick on the draw:confused:

05-08-2008, 03:32 PM
twas me:)

hope I'm not too quick on the draw:confused:

Nice to see you archbald - glad someone's got some cash - even if it was a very small amount compared to what the poor fellow who originally had them must have paid. Its trawling time . LOL A

05-08-2008, 03:33 PM
Ive had comments of
being Naive, Trolling, Downramper, Lacking research, having an Agenda and some other unmentionables, even suspicions because I dont hold!!!

and I agree, I got personal with Drillfixs response
so I will stick to looking at FACTS, as engaging on a personal level obviously was the wrong thing to do, and I was in the sin bin for a week.

I have been told by some here....
No problems in the Ukraine, and also only positives from this situation, well, I tell you if you actually read the story below, if you ignore the risks and put people down for bringing them up, then this is no more than amateur hour investing.

Exploring Ukraine’s Vanco dispute

The Western business community in Ukraine still is reeling over the government’s decision to annul a major deep-water oil and gas exploration contract involving a US-based company. “How will companies sign contracts if they are canceled at a press conference, without negotiations to find out whether the company is willing to make changes before all this is aired as part of campaign speeches?” asked Morgan Williams, president of the US-Ukraine Business Council. (1)

To be sure, it is understandable why the unilateral canceling of a contract without benefit of court or mediation decision would send shockwaves through potential investors, and the government must begin to understand that this type of remedy is not supported in Western circles. Nevertheless, while the government handled the situation badly, it does appear to have had grounds for concern. The issue appears far more complex than originally thought. The question is whether Ukraine originally approved one deal following a public bidding process, but now has another (thanks to the curious approval of the previous government).

The contract with an affiliate of Vanco International Ltd. - a subsidiary of Houston’s Vanco Energy Company – was “revoked and terminated” on 21 May. The Production Sharing Agreement had a 30-year span and reportedly could have involved up to 15 billion dollars in investment to complete the surveying, prospecting and possibly extracting of oil and gas on Ukraine’s Black Sea shelf. Most experts suggest that the area at issue – the Prykerchenska region of the shelf – contains enough gas to provide the country with 25 percent of its domestic needs per year.

The depth of the gas, however, is extremely problematic, and the size of the area is unusually large at 13,000 square kilometers. Therefore, the government issued a highly specialized request for proposals in late 2005 to conduct the exploration work.

On 19 April 2006, Vanco International Ltd won the tender to develop the Prykerchenska area. The bid, submitted jointly with UK-based JNR Eastern Investments, beat out, among others, a joint bid by Shell and Exxon Mobil.

Jim Bown, Vanco’s representative in Ukraine, told journalists at the time that the Vanco-JNR bid was a 50/50 partnership, with Vanco providing the technical expertise and JNR “the financial dimension.” Vanco International, registered in Bermuda, but reportedly based in Switzerland, suggested it would spend around $330 million over eight years to explore the field. Any financial guarantees associated with the winning bid presumably would be the responsibility of JNR, based on Bown’s comments at the time. (2)

The details of the Production Sharing Agreement were negotiated for 18 months, with much of the time reportedly spent waiting for the government’s responses to Vanco’s proposals.

Finally, the contract was signed in fall 2007. But while the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) reportedly was signed between Ukraine and Vanco International Ltd., all licenses for subsoil exploration were awarded to an entity known as Vanco Prykerchenska. This company, according to the government, was said to have been registered on 18 October 2007, just one day prior to the signing of the PSA. (3)

(As we go to press, the government suggested that the contract actually was not signed by Vanco International, but by Vanco Prykerchenska Ltd. This claim is unconfirmed, as the document is unavailable, and a source associated with Vanco Energy denies this statement. However, Vanco Prykerchenska is the entity requesting arbitration for failure to fulfill a contract, suggesting that it may be the actual party to the contract at this point.)

President Viktor Yushchenko signed the PSA in a public ceremony on 19 October 2007, announcing on his website that he would hold an event “to sign a production sharing agreement to explore the Prykerchenska area of the Black Sea shelf between Ukraine and Vanco Energy Company.” (4) The deal, he said, “is a strategic project for Ukraine and this is a unique precedent for, on the one hand, formulating a national energy strategy and, on the other hand, for cooperating with the world’s leading international investors.” (5)

The agreement was signed, perhaps not coincidentally, almost directly following a snap parliamentary election that led to a change in government from then-Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych to current-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The ceremony occurred as the new parliamentary majority coalition was being formed.

In explaining his ministry’s decision to revoke licenses for subsoil use, Environmental Protection Minister Heorhiy Filipchuk suggested that Vanco International was not granted the right in the PSA to transfer rights of subsoil use to its affiliate. (6)

Moreover, both Filipchuk and Tymoshenko complained that Vanco International did not provide the required information about its affiliate. On 21 May, Filipchuk said, “We still have not received confirmation of financial, technological or technical documentation from this company [Vanco Prykerchenska].” (7)

Gene Van Dyke, the President of Vanco Energy Company and Board Chair of VPL, vigorously denies the government’s charges. “According to the Production Sharing Agreement,” he said, “Vanco International Ltd., winner of the tender, has the right to pass further execution of the agreement to a company founded with this purpose – for example, Vanco Prykerchenska Ltd.” (8) Van Dyke also suggested that the government had all necessary information on the Prykerchenska affiliate. Moreover, in an interview this week, a Vanco representative, who asked that his name be withheld, noted that the company often works through consortiums and profit-sharing agreements.

VPL has called on the Ukrainian government to allow the publication of the PSA (also known as the Hydrocarbons Sharing Agreement), which it says has been misrepresented and quoted out of context for the purpose of misleading the public. (9)

Tymoshenko is standing her ground, however, suggesting that the deal with Vanco International and VPL was “a corrupt agreement concluded by the previous government.” The government “has put a stake in the ground on this issue,” she said, and expressed confidence in “a very strong case.” (10)

Her primary contention appears to be that the VPL ownership includes a company closely linked both to former Prime Minister Yanukovych, who suddenly approved the deal before leaving office, and the current Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, who has taken the lead in defending the agreement.

Vanco Prykerchenska confirmed in May that it is not owned wholly by Vanco International, as assumed by many. Instead, its ownership is split “in parity” among four entities: Vanco International, the Donbass Fuel and Energy Company (DTEK), Integrum Technologies of Austria, and Shadowlight Investments Ltd., linked to Russian businessman Yevgeny Novitsky. (11)

It is the inclusion of DTEK that reportedly got the government’s attention. DTEK is the corporation linked to System Capital Management, which is owned by Ukraine’s richest billionaire Rinat Akhmetov. In addition to his business interests, Akhmetov serves as a parliamentary deputy and is allegedly the chief financier of former Prime Minister Yanukovych’s Party of Regions. Akhmetov is also a close ally of Raisa Bohateryova, now the head of President Yushchenko’s National Security and Defense Council. Bohateryova serves on the Party of Regions Political Council and was one of the leaders of the Party’s parliamentary faction during Yanukovych’s premiership.

Neither DTEK nor any of Vanco International’s current partners in Ukraine were involved in the original bid proposal. At the same time, JNR Eastern Investments, Vanco’s original financial partner, is no longer involved with the project.

While DTEK’s connections are clear, Integrum Technologies is unknown. Its ownership has not been disclosed by anyone involved in the project, and the government claims to be unable to find its backers.

An email request from this author to Vanco Prykerchenska asking for contact information for Integrum Technologies received no response. The Austrian company appears to have no website, or at least none that appears on any general search engine.

Hans Stege of the Kremlin, Inc. Blog, has been one of the most aggressive pursuers of information about Integrum. Since May, he has spent considerable time calling and emailing Austrian, Ukrainian and Russian companies attempting to locate contact information for Integrum Technologies, but to no avail. (12)

The shadowy nature of the company has allowed Ukraine’s government to speculate about its ownership – suggesting everything from Gazprom to companies related to the presidential secretariat. None of this speculation is based on any available information and certainly cannot be proven.

The Vanco Energy Company website is no help; the site makes no mention of Vanco Prykerchenska`s connection to the contract. In fact, the site has little information about its Ukraine work. The company is respected for its deep water exploration in several African countries, and openly lists its partners in these countries on its website. It makes no mention of any partners in its description of its work in Ukraine. (13)

An archived page located through a Google search (and not available when entering the site through its main page), however, shows what appears to be a graphic of a power point presentation slide. The slide – titled “Legal Structure” -- provides an overview of the Vanco Energy Company through the use of a flow chart.

“Vanco Energy Company is an integrated independent oil and gas company which operates its exploration and production activities through its wholly owned overseas subsidiary, Vanco International Ltd. and through the wholly owned subsidiaries of Vanco International Ltd.,” the slide explains. “Vanco`s integrated corporate structure is consistent with generally accepted practices of the international petroleum industry.” (14)

The graphic flow chart appears to show a company called “Vanco Ukraine Ltd. (Bermuda)” as a subsidiary of “Vanco International Ltd. (Bermuda).” The slide is dated April 2006. (15)

Vanco International’s bid proposal to Ukraine was submitted in April 2006.

Despite these questions, like many Western investors, the US Ambassador to Ukraine originally expressed regret over Ukraine’s decision. “I am very disappointed that the Cabinet of Ministers today took unilateral action to revoke the Production Sharing Agreement [that] the Government of Ukraine negotiated with U.S. company Vanco,” Ambassador William Taylor said in a statement. “For the government of Ukraine to attract investors,” he continued, “particularly in those sectors vital to its energy security, it needs to make clear that it respects the sanctity of contracts and the rule of law.” (16)

This is, of course, very true. The manner in which the Tymoshenko government annulled its agreement with Vanco International is questionable. The case not only demonstrates the continuing opaque nature of government agreements, but also underscores the utter failure of the country’s judicial system to mediate conflict. The country long has been criticized for a culture of corruption – judges routinely are accused of accepting bribes or backing down in the face of severe intimidation, while prosecutors often are dependent on political favors for their positions. As a result, power plays and public relations often are substituted for legal remedies, as even political leaders have little trust in the judicial system.

Following the government’s announcement, President Yushchenko responded by requesting that the country’s prosecutor-general intervene. Without benefit of investigation or court ruling, the prosecutor immediately issued an order to the government to revoke its decision. Because Tymoshenko apparently views the prosecutor as a vessel of the president (with some reason), she simply ignored the order.

On 4 June, Yushchenko issued a decree ordering the government to rescind its decision. Tymoshenko ignored that decree, too, noting that it had come based on a recommendation of Bohateryova’s National Security and Defense Council. Yushchenko also created an interdepartmental commission to investigate the situation, and placed Bohateryova—Rinat Akhmetov’s ally—in charge of it. (17)

The Vanco case highlights many of the most urgent problems facing Ukraine. Continued reliance on administrative methods to remedy questionable contracts—to say nothing of the fact that so many questionable contracts exist—should cause serious concern for corporations looking to work in the country. Close relationships between political leaders and businesses involved in major contracts also undoubtedly do not send the appropriate signals.
Furthermore, the ease with which Western corporations may become (sometimes unwittingly) enmeshed in the country’s muddy business environment is unsettling. Corporations attempting to conduct normal business often find themselves held hostage to political turf battles and politically-oriented business interests.

As the government works to clean up its business dealings, it must also understand the need to reform the judicial and prosecutorial mechanisms that should protect both private investors and the government. If nothing else, this should be the message of the Vanco dispute.

Source Notes:

(1) Anna Poludenko, “Tymoshenko cancels Vanco contract in fight with Yushchenko,” Kyiv Post, 22 May 08 via www.kyivpost.com (http://www.kyivpost.com).

(2) John Marone, “Vanco wins Black Sea deepwater tender,” Kyiv Post, 27 Apr 06 reprinted in Alexander’s Gas and Oil Connections, Vol 11, Issue 10, 18 May 06 via www.oilandgas.com (http://www.oilandgas.com).

(3) Alexander Serafimovich, “Ukraine’s government says: Vanco go home!,” Oil and Gas Eurasia, June 2008, No. 6 via www.oilandgaseurasia.com (http://www.oilandgaseurasia.com) and www.eurasiapress.com (http://www.eurasiapress.com).

(4) “Ceremony to sign deal with Vanco,” Press office of President Viktor Yushchenko, 19 Oct 07 via www.president.gov.ua/en/news/7901.html (http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/7901.html).

(5) “Ukraine strikes deal with Vanco,” Press office of President Viktor Yushchenko, 19 Oct 07 via www.president.gov.ua/en/news/7905.html (http://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/7905.html).

(6) Alla Yeremenko, “The Black Sea Shelf to the Bearer,” Zerkelo Tyzhnia, 17 May 08 via BBC Monitoring, Lexis-Nexis.

(7) Ibid.

(8) Press Release, Vanco Prykerchenska Ltd, 12 Jun 08 via PRNewswire.

(9) Press Release, Vanco Prykerchenska Ltd., 17 July 08 via email to author.

(10) BYuT Inform Newsletter, 22 Jul 08 via email to author.

(11) Alla Yeremenko, “The Black Sea Shelf to the Bearer,” Zerkelo Tyzhnia, 17 May 08 via BBC Monitoring, Lexis-Nexis.

(12) See “A Tale of Two Business Cultures: The Integrum Technologies Case,” 3 Jul 08, Kremlin, Inc. Blog for an interesting (and sometimes humorous) description of Hans Stege’s attempts to track down Integrum Technologies (www.dartmouth.edu/~stege/blog/?p=112 (http://www.dartmouth.edu/~stege/blog/?p=112))

(13) Website located at www.vancoenergy.com (http://www.vancoenergy.com).

(14) Vanco Energy Company website, www.vancoenergy.com/aboutus/legalstructure.htm (http://www.vancoenergy.com/aboutus/legalstructure.htm).

(15) Ibid.

(16) “Statement by U.S. Ambassador Taylor on Vanco Case,” Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy, 21 May 08.

(17) “Bohateryova will study the agreement between Ukraine and Vanco,” Forex and Finance, 21 May 08 via www.fin-forex.com (http://www.fin-forex.com).

By Tammy Lynch
The ISCIP Analyst
An Analytical Review
Volume XIV, Number 14, 25 July 2008
permanent URL of article:

and I leave you with the Satori disclaimer from HC

"Disclaimer: I am invested in Uran therefore my posts are not objective, are often highly imaginative, and are forward looking.
Please read anything I post with that awareness. If you are new to this thread please research thoroughly, call the company, and only regard this investment as highly speculative and high risk."

finally, good luck, I mean no harm to investors in this stock

Some nice research there Underdog, but Cotik was right earlier , & the above saga actually is a positive for Uran!

Yulia Tymoshenko* is on a mission to eradicate corruption from Ukraine, starting with historical contracts like the above.

*YT is also my avatar, lovely lady she is :p

Pity Cujodog got sent off :D

Now whose dumping there heads @ 13c :eek:

05-08-2008, 04:23 PM
hey drillo - is that you accidentally buying more options today?? :) A

Having a bit of fun with me today there Archer. OOppss just bought another 30,000 options, sorry (just kidding).

Nice to see you archbald - glad someone's got some cash - even if it was a very small amount compared to what the poor fellow who originally had them must have paid. Its trawling time . LOL A

Small amount??? 2 orders at 30,000 each went through today.

It wasnt that long ago each of those orders would have cost $30,000 each

Hi Archbald, good to see you again :)

Must admit though, being in the market full stop sux~!

05-08-2008, 05:38 PM
Nice to see you archbald - glad someone's got some cash - even if it was a very small amount compared to what the poor fellow who originally had them must have paid. Its trawling time . LOL A

yeah not much dollar wise but good leverage if they get this thing off the ground

my bid was for 50k but I settled for the 30k that was thrown coz ya never know this may get lower before any news and some loose change may come in handy

and df, this market is pretty ordinary. When I saw the open on BHP I nearly fell over - massively oversold me thinks..............but then again who the hell knows:confused:

05-08-2008, 09:08 PM
my bid was for 50k but I settled for the 30k that was thrown coz ya never know this may get lower before any news and some loose change may come in handy

Arch, if you only bought 30K, I wonder who bought the other 30K?

Hmmm, Ok cmon people lets do the accounting here, own up who else bought today? :rolleyes:

Better Still, think it would be good to know rather than who is buying, who exactly is selling, are they from here?

Not a good feeling seeing these shares & options getting cheaper & cheaper and with Rock Bottom coming inline of sight~!

06-08-2008, 07:12 PM

“We have got a local office in Prague and we have no doubt that we will set up local office in eastern Ukraine very soon."

"Hobbs told HighGrade she was currently focused on the company’s Ukranian assets, which include Novogurevskoye, Surskoye and Safonovskoye"

06-08-2008, 07:33 PM

“We have got a local office in Prague and we have no doubt that we will set up local office in eastern Ukraine very soon."

"Hobbs told HighGrade she was currently focused on the company’s Ukranian assets, which include Novogurevskoye, Surskoye and Safonovskoye"

Got to love that bit about assets - pity its not announced to the sharemarket so we can't believe it! No dual listing -means needs a shed load of funding from somewhere - Ukraine govt to supply funds to develop something they have to buy back - sounds a bit fanciful -but has been eluded to ! Maybe they can ask for a bank loan from one of the Russians LOL. A

06-08-2008, 07:56 PM
Got to love that bit about assets - pity its not announced to the sharemarket so we can't believe it! No dual listing -means needs a shed load of funding from somewhere - Ukraine govt to supply funds to develop something they have to buy back - sounds a bit fanciful -but has been eluded to ! Maybe they can ask for a bank loan from one of the Russians LOL. A

I nearly fell off my chair Archer when I read the bit about "assets". I guess Kate was thinking ahead of herself. At the end of the day the Cabinet only needs to approve the terms of the agreement (instead of having to approve Uran's involvement).

As for raising funds....maybe from the profits of the Tungsten project? lol

06-08-2008, 08:03 PM
As for raising funds....maybe from the profits of the Tungsten project? lol[/QUOTE]

Look we shouldn't laugh (:mad:much) about that Tungsten project - could be a real company maker! God I love Tungsten - give me more tungsten , all hail tungsten! Kind of a bit weak getting all excited about tungsten when we should have been invested in a U producer ! Ah Tungsten - got to love it. :p A

06-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Roadshow presentation


06-08-2008, 09:19 PM
Roadshow presentation


JORC resource 2009? :(

No mention of Pribram, or Novok?

06-08-2008, 09:56 PM

IMO, that presentation is very weak, very mundane, very uran LaaaDaaDaahh

I dont know who in the world Kate is trying to sell that too, but if she wants a gig as a comedian then there is a venue here on the gold coast for her which is perfect.

Actually believe it or not, its called the LIAR's Bar in broadbeach. Anybody know it?

06-08-2008, 10:12 PM

IMO, that presentation is very weak, very mundane, very uran LaaaDaaDaahh

I dont know who in the world Kate is trying to sell that too, but if she wants a gig as a comedian then there is a venue here on the gold coast for her which is perfect.

Actually believe it or not, its called the LIAR's Bar in broadbeach. Anybody know it?

Have to agree Drill..........even for am eternal optimist such as myself, it's hard to find much to smile about there.

"JORC in 2009"............would that be before or after the options expiry date?

small fish
06-08-2008, 10:48 PM
Looks like some serious tax losses for us oppie holders next year.

06-08-2008, 11:40 PM
Honestly, would you guys calm down? i thought the roadshow was informative, and told information that wasnt necesarily blue sky, but basically pending. Novok is blue sky and is only just a thought at this stage.

The projects mentioned in the road show are being worked on. "DATA DELAYED BUT UNDER REVIEW IN AUGUST"

i mean... read the info people. its all there. We aren't mining the deposits tomorrow, and i think the sooner everyone comes to grips with that, the sooner all the down ramping will recede.

There are alot of speculative stocks on the ASX and all of them are copping a flogging. just look at WHE... But they are no closer to mining U than we are. Just take a breath and relax. If URA can come up with the goods at any time, we will be heavily... HEAVILY rewarded. If you cant handle the risk, then you should not be holding such a stock...


The sooner everyone accepts that, the sooner they will be rewarded. This will continue to be a rough journey, but just remember people.. "IF" URA SUCCEED THE SP WILL BE A SHADOW OF WHAT IT IS NOW. KEEP THE FAITH... OR SELL AND MOVE ONTO SOMETHIN ELSE.

06-08-2008, 11:46 PM
Have to agree Drill..........even for am eternal optimist such as myself, it's hard to find much to smile about there.

"JORC in 2009"............would that be before or after the options expiry date?

Hi Juqu,

That is a very good question, in fact it probably one of the biggest questions here for many of us that hold the options.

Does Kate Hobbs and the Discovery mob want these options to expire worthless or something? Sure does seem so!

Small Fish,
I hope it doesnt come to that, I would rather be selling to convert the frigging things.

But then when one's portfolio comprises mainly of URAO, it leaves no where to go, which also means, NO Tax Loss, because there is nothing left of ones LIFE or Investment.

Perhaps that is exactly what Kate Hobbs wants. By the looks of things that is exactly what is going to freaken happen.

Which takes me back to now remember why I was screaming and jumping a few months back.

Few might say, just pickup the phone and talk to management and ask questions.

Well, I find it really hard to talk to the very people I potentially want to ^%#!^* as I wont be able to control myself.

There really is only 2 questions that really I want to know and they are:

1. Is this company going to pull this off?
2. When >????

07-08-2008, 06:20 PM
AGM this time around im guessing isnt going to be pretty....

Well, depending on who is going and what kind/type of questions are going to be asked they may just get off the hook again. Again, depending on who is going and how Questions will be ask either Thorough or Brief will make a big difference.

They need a ass kicking in my opinion, but thats just IMO.

Lets not forget that Uran like any other company on the ASX are going through a very Hard To Prove Worth period which even makes producing cashed up companies justify drops. It means simply put, the Keen Investor is NOT there to play the game of investing (for many companies).

Kate with her little speech on Woman in Business showed that she is not looking at an AIM listing, or any other listing to raise money atm, or god knows when. To me, what does this mean, where is the money going to come from. HOW are we going to get out of this downward spiral in a time where buyers are running away and not intersted.

07-08-2008, 06:53 PM
Honestly, would you guys calm down? i thought the roadshow was informative, and told information that wasnt necesarily blue sky, but basically pending. Novok is blue sky and is only just a thought at this stage.

The projects mentioned in the road show are being worked on. "DATA DELAYED BUT UNDER REVIEW IN AUGUST"

i mean... read the info people. its all there. We aren't mining the deposits tomorrow, and i think the sooner everyone comes to grips with that, the sooner all the down ramping will recede.

There are alot of speculative stocks on the ASX and all of them are copping a flogging. just look at WHE... But they are no closer to mining U than we are. Just take a breath and relax. If URA can come up with the goods at any time, we will be heavily... HEAVILY rewarded. If you cant handle the risk, then you should not be holding such a stock...


The sooner everyone accepts that, the sooner they will be rewarded. This will continue to be a rough journey, but just remember people.. "IF" URA SUCCEED THE SP WILL BE A SHADOW OF WHAT IT IS NOW. KEEP THE FAITH... OR SELL AND MOVE ONTO SOMETHIN ELSE.


As much as i like URA (& strangely enuff i do), i wish i never read that presentation. To my mind way too much "fluff" & no real substance...

Satori yet again, has hit the nail on the head, re the JORC 2009 comment.

If Kates viewing the data etc & working to a timeframe (like we were told), why can't they specify Q1 2009, or whatever?

Sentiment on here is now, will the options lapse before we are mining?

I seriously doubt Uran have even considered how they will raise any funds without a JORC resource...:confused:

I'll keep the patience for now, but every piece of information we get, raises more questions than answers, & the frustration is warranted!

07-08-2008, 07:31 PM

As much as i like URA (& strangely enuff i do), i wish i never read that presentation. To my mind way too much "fluff" & no real substance...

Satori yet again, has hit the nail on the head, re the JORC 2009 comment.

If Kates viewing the data etc & working to a timeframe (like we were told), why can't they specify Q1 2009, or whatever?

Sentiment on here is now, will the options lapse before we are mining?

I seriously doubt Uran have even considered how they will raise any funds without a JORC resource...:confused:

I'll keep the patience for now, but every piece of information we get, raises more questions than answers, & the frustration is warranted!

Shasta, I couldnt have said it better myself, along or as Satori also points out.

Kate Hobbs IMO, is in Laaa daaaa Daaa Land somewhere.
I mean, actually REALLY READ the presentation folks, that looks like something somebody has done as a School or University Project.

Too many questions and not enough answers or even effort to answers.

What even makes matters even worst for me is now my Fridge has packed it in and stopped working, Sh%T~! :mad:

07-08-2008, 07:32 PM
I would have to say that i'm a little bit more up beat about the presentation.

(1) I would say that we have the 3 deposits but just need to know if they are economical. Which is the reason i still hold.

"Agreements providing Uran with the right to carry out a final
feasibility study and if warranted mining of 3 drilled uranium
deposits in Ukraine; exploration target 9-11,000 t U3O8"

(2) 2009 Jorc Resource shouldn't be a suprise to anyone but yes sooner would have been better. Early 2009 fine. end 2009 Uran might have serious issues..Cash?

(3) Kate Hobbs calling the 3 deposits assets . Would you not? Most companies who hold tenements call them assets. This must be telling us that we have them.

(4) Kate Hobbs saying production 07 . My guess this is all to do with MK, Kate might have got caught up in all his hype.

One thing i do find frustrating with URAN is what seems to be the constant adding of other projects with no substance.

"Other significant opportunities" Quoted from presentation.

I will continue to hold no matter how frustrating URA can be i just don't want to miss out so late in the game. :)

07-08-2008, 07:46 PM
Had a quick read of the november 2007 presentation and URA seem to have come along way since then . Pilbram seems to have been their most exciting prospect from that presentation but like a few posters have said, It has magically disappeared with no explantion.

07-08-2008, 08:02 PM
Had a quick read of the november 2007 presentation and URA seem to have come along way since then . Pilbram seems to have been their most exciting prospect from that presentation but like a few posters have said, It has magically disappeared with no explantion.Hi ScrappyO,
Whats to stop highlights from this one magically disappearing without explanation too?

For that matter whats the likelihood they in fact will?

07-08-2008, 08:04 PM
Had a quick read of the november 2007 presentation and URA seem to have come along way since then . Pilbram seems to have been their most exciting prospect from that presentation but like a few posters have said, It has magically disappeared with no explantion.

Exactly Scrappy, so I guess you can why many long term holders have had a gut full.

Its getting to the point where management now only wish to alleviate themselves from previous comments or statements that have been made.

Not professional, Not respectful, Not SMART = Incompetence , IMO.

By the way, with regards to Kate's famous 2007 production statement, that has nothing to do with MK. Apparently, Kate wanted to bury her head after she seen the share price Rocket from such comment that got most of us her invested.

I just find it amazing that she even has the neck to so called present that so called Presentation.

IMO, its the only way she can be seen being busy.

Pitty though, if she cant even fool me, you and everybody here, then HOW THE F is she going to fool a brokerage firm or the likes??

Answer= she wont,
she will walk away and not knowing how it went but she will feel good because she is SEEN doing or Trying some so called Presenting.

The only time she may wake up is when the share price is 3 cents and the options are expired (ooopsss TOO LATE here folks).

I HOPE EVERYBODY can see between the lines here~!

07-08-2008, 08:12 PM
Hi ScrappyO,
Whats to stop highlights from this one magically disappearing without explanation too?

For that matter whats the likelihood they in fact will?

True Strat. I feel the Ukraine deposits are Uran's safest bets. Pilbram, Rozna and the other rejects never seemed to be in the bag and Uran were hanging on in there. And i feel we still are with Rozna all though Uran are very quiet on it. This is probably a good thing after what happenend last time.

07-08-2008, 08:18 PM
By the way, with regards to Kate's famous 2007 production statement, that has nothing to do with MK. Apparently, Kate wanted to bury her head after she seen the share price Rocket from such comment that got most of us her invested.

I see thanks for clearing that up for me.

It would be interesting to hear the presentation and what else was said. But hey Shareholders dont get that privilege.

08-08-2008, 02:18 AM
i am only reading alot of comments that indicate that everyone has had enough. i mean its not like i have not had enough or dont have alot riding on this. OF COURSE I DO. i am just trying to urge everyone to remain calm...

the investors certainly wont come whilst current holders are telling the world not to invest... of that i am certain.

i would still... actually... especially! recommend URA at these prices to people. i would also explain the risk. if others want to invest and know the risk, they have a privelidged position IMO in that the company is alot closer now than they were when we all started buying, and the SP is alot lower...

09-08-2008, 12:36 AM
i am only reading alot of comments that indicate that everyone has had enough. i mean its not like i have not had enough or dont have alot riding on this. OF COURSE I DO. i am just trying to urge everyone to remain calm...

Hi Scorp,

I appreciate your encouraging words and thoughts on the current status and thoughts on the company or management.

Although it may not appear this way, many of us here are actually calm however, just not happy or convinced with Uran Managements ability and efforts that it is providing the market and especially its shareholders.

Remember, some have been in from Day 1 on this and others have been in this for years now so its not like we are not showing any patience here.

Having just seen what can happen from the likes of Michael K with Monarch Gold leaving its investors on low level desert island with High Sea's, for me its too easy to start imagining his influence on Kate Hobbs. Like just do the company over, milk it for all its worth and then walk off into the sunset like nothing has happened, or like nobody's life has been affected by those actions.

And to be honest, from reading that so called presentation, I can see, FEEL, SMELL a Rat. I am sorry, call me paranoid or one tablet too many, but that is not a Professional Presentation, that is Badly Worded, NON-Convincing with too many OPEN HOLES in the story.

To think that she is going to present that Presentation is a worry, it honestly is.
Cant you see exactly what I am worried about here Scorp??? Can anybody?

It means we have done our DOE, It means that Management does not care.
Kate Hobbs will do just what MK has done to Monarch Gold.

It means, people like Me, You, and Most posters here post stuff like this because it has BEEN A CONCERN FOR TOO LONG.

It means, if management cant pull a rabbit out of the hat soon, there is no company.

As you can see, I AM VERY UPSET as I am sure most of you here are too~!

09-08-2008, 12:03 PM
My thoughts on the 2009 JORC comment from the presentation.

We need to be realistic here. If Uran was to commence drilling today, a JORC resource estimate would take at least 6 months to complete at the minimum.

Given the FS has not yet commenced, the 2009 comment is considered a FAIR and REASONABLE comment.

I also believe that given the jv will be ENDORSED by the Ukraine Cabinet (being the highest level of authority in government) and given the JORC resource estimate will be 3rd party audited, this will enable us to secure funding to develop these deposits. This will be in our best interest.

The fact that Uran never mentioned production timelines in the presentation, doesnt mean that Uran wont commence production next year.

Its not all doom and gloom.

Uran still maintains that they will be participating in other Ukraine projects as well. Surely that is also encouraging.

09-08-2008, 12:54 PM
My thoughts on the 2009 JORC comment from the presentation.

We need to be realistic here. If Uran was to commence drilling today, a JORC resource estimate would take at least 6 months to complete at the minimum.

Given the FS has not yet commenced, the 2009 comment is considered a FAIR and REASONABLE comment.

I also believe that given the jv will be ENDORSED by the Ukraine Cabinet (being the highest level of authority in government) and given the JORC resource estimate will be 3rd party audited, this will enable us to secure funding to develop these deposits. This will be in our best interest.

The fact that Uran never mentioned production timelines in the presentation, doesnt mean that Uran wont commence production next year.

Its not all doom and gloom.

Uran still maintains that they will be participating in other Ukraine projects as well. Surely that is also encouraging.

Problem is, this puts us back with other U explorers if we have to drill out the targets at depth etc.

Thats NOT what we were told...:mad:

Kate herself said the old Soviet data was "good" & that only some verification drilling would be required to get a JORC resource.

The presentation now contradicts her earlier statement!

I will find & post what was "actually" said, as it's about time someone called them on there misleading statements.

Here is the original context...


09-08-2008, 01:18 PM
Problem is, this puts us back with other U explorers if we have to drill out the targets at depth etc.

Thats NOT what we were told...:mad:

Kate herself said the old Soviet data was "good" & that only some verification drilling would be required to get a JORC resource.

The presentation now contradicts her earlier statement!

I will find & post what was "actually" said, as it's about time someone called them on there misleading statements.

Here is the original context...



The drilling campaign will only take place to define the deposits...NOT to discover new uranium deposits.

Big difference.

09-08-2008, 01:28 PM

The drilling campaign will only take place to define the deposits...NOT to discover new uranium deposits.

Big difference.

Again aren't these meant to be largely "defined" already?

What does having "good" previous data actually mean?

It seems to me, these aren't as developed as previously thought?

09-08-2008, 02:19 PM
Again aren't these meant to be largely "defined" already?

What does having "good" previous data actually mean?

It seems to me, these aren't as developed as previously thought?

Shasta- I think they are well defined in Soviet terms but not according to the Australian JORC code.
Unfortunately for us - they will need to convert this to JORC compliance standards and they can stretch this as long as they want to get the right deal for Discovery and or TO. Sorry - but I think its that simple - All about Discovery. A

09-08-2008, 02:26 PM
Again aren't these meant to be largely "
defined" already?

What does having "good" previous data actually mean?

It seems to me, these aren't as developed as previously thought?


"Defined" as in JORC compliant.

09-08-2008, 02:29 PM

"Defined" as in JORC compliant.

Thanks for the clarification. ;)

09-08-2008, 02:59 PM
Shasta- I think they are well defined in Soviet terms but not according to the Australian JORC code.
Unfortunately for us - they will need to convert this to JORC compliance standards and they can stretch this as long as they want to get the right deal for Discovery and or TO. Sorry - but I think its that simple - All about Discovery. A


A cynic would say that the JORC result will be announced to the market after 1 June 2009:)

09-08-2008, 03:05 PM

A cynic would say that the JORC result will be announced to the market after 1 June 2009:)


Pat Ryan has previously stated that the Discovery option could be exercised once the data has been verified and before JORC compliance is completed.

09-08-2008, 04:09 PM
Again aren't these meant to be largely "defined" already?

What does having "good" previous data actually mean?

It seems to me, these aren't as developed as previously thought?

"However due to the age and loss of drill core we will need to do some confirmation drilling, and possibly will also do some infill or extension drilling."

Above is a quote from a recent e mail I received from Kate. A little ambiguous, but provided they've got a decent drill, shouldn't take too long. Hopefully they're not going to use the same ones that drilled these deposits initially. Then we've got to get the results back and collate all the data.

My holdings are largely options, and I'd prefer not to cough up a large amount of money in May if I don't have something concrete to back it up.
The presentation exuded an air of casualness to me. Perhaps they are happy with where they're at, and are of the opinion it's just formalities from here.

09-08-2008, 04:15 PM
Shasta- I think they are well defined in Soviet terms but not according to the Australian JORC code.
Unfortunately for us - they will need to convert this to JORC compliance standards and they can stretch this as long as they want to get the right deal for Discovery and or TO. Sorry - but I think its that simple - All about Discovery. A

Archer, wouldn't it be better for all concerned to have the "numbers" for the deposits ASAP? I don't see the point in slowing down. Discovery are never going to get a deal until tonnages and grades are made public.

09-08-2008, 04:33 PM
Problem is, this puts us back with other U explorers if we have to drill out the targets at depth etc.

Thats NOT what we were told...:mad:

Kate herself said the old Soviet data was "good" & that only some verification drilling would be required to get a JORC resource.

The presentation now contradicts her earlier statement!

I will find & post what was "actually" said, as it's about time someone called them on there misleading statements.

Here is the original context...


EXACTLY shasta, this whole ordeal is turning out to be one BIG contradiction.

One big Carrot Chase after another. WHEN will all this be cleared up, or when will explained in precise, clear cut, plain english?? Chances are it wont, nor it never will, because that is the URAN way, so it seems.

I agree with you too Archer re-Its about Discovery.

Hence the conflict of interest with Kate Hobbs and Discovery.

We have the Devil within here folks, we are paying our CEO to conflict its business at OUR EXPENSE. imo.

I remember us ALL believing that this company would be ISL mining potentially within a couple of months. ROFL, yeah right :rolleyes:

09-08-2008, 07:58 PM

Uran's Ukraine projects are near term production opportunities. They will require minor drilling and development. Hardly any other ASX uranium company is that advanced. For example WHE is still 2.5 years away from commencing production.

Uran has not yet indicated when they will commence production but I assume they will be in production before any other ASX listed company.

09-08-2008, 08:01 PM
Unfortunatley i tend to agree with a lot of the negative comments here...

also agree about coughing up a chunk of change re: options expiry Juqu.

Why wasn't this released to the market?:

"Data review delayed but commencing in August"

Here i was happily thinking that this review was underway... and as many have already pointed out:

"JORC Likely to be completed 2009".. What? They can't even say WILL be completed 2009.

and "will be externally audited" reads to me: "we will be able to blame someone else when the JORC isn't completed in 2009"

Personally think the Juno logo is rather average too!

I guess at least they haven't promised anything in here that they can't deliver!

09-08-2008, 08:04 PM

Uran's Ukraine projects are near term production opportunities. They will require minor drilling and development. Hardly any other ASX uranium company is that advanced. For example WHE is still 2.5 years away from commencing production.

Uran has not yet indicated when they will commence production but I assume they will be in production before any other ASX listed company.

How do BLR, AGS & MTN stack up production wise?

They will likely beat URA into production?

I mean there are other U companies that actually have a JORC resource!

Edit: I see BLR are 2009/10, AGS could be mid/late 09 & MTN + BMN are more like 2011

09-08-2008, 08:58 PM
How do BLR, AGS & MTN stack up production wise?

They will likely beat URA into production?

I mean there are other U companies that actually have a JORC resource!

Edit: I see BLR are 2009/10, AGS could be mid/late 09 & MTN + BMN are more like 2011


Novok (assuming Uran aquires it) could be in production this year. Safon is likely to come online next year...and dont discount Rozna.

09-08-2008, 09:27 PM

Novok (assuming Uran aquires it) could be in production this year. Safon is likely to come online next year...and dont discount Rozna.


The skeptic in me says Novok & Rozna are dead ducks, i mean Uran didn't want to talk about them in there most recent presentation.

Given we will need funds for any project, i would have thought they would be talking up each & every project possibility...:confused:

09-08-2008, 10:33 PM

Like Drillfix says, I smell a rat.

This management team have 'deliberately' mislead us.

"Data review delayed but commencing in August"!!!!

Nice to know our Management team are doing a great job for shareholders....in Discovery ;)


This management in my eyes are ScumBags~!

Im sorry, I dont want to slander or throw words around to but I dont know what else to call it. They dont mean to mislead us, but they just do it anyways = scumbags.

As Juqu and Frank have mentioned about the options expiring, its a VERY BIG concern, when some of us hold URAO as a primary holding of our entire portfolio.

Im telling you all, SHE (kate hobbs) thinks she is gonna walk off into the sunset like nothing happened regardless of any outcome of Uran Operations. She (they) wont care who gets Broke or Broken in the process as there is NO Concern for Shareholder Interest, as many here can agree the company has demonstrated.

Anyways, not good, and I would LOVE to be proven different here thats for sure, but its just so hard when the Stench of a potential crime is taking place.

10-08-2008, 12:56 AM
Ok, I agree with you, but "that word" only a word, and it is not even a swear word, but rather a word that has offended you. Your use of words and description of such management is much more better or even acceptable than what my use is, or was, and if you are offended then for this I am sorry.

But no matter what word or phrase we use, it doesn't seem to change the fact or the circumstance we currently find ourselves in. And for that, I am sure Uran Management are NOT SORRY.

Anyway, I see your point, and I am sorry if you cant see mine~!

10-08-2008, 02:32 AM
Well, about time I clocked in on ST. Actually had a lot of trouble getting onto this site, perhaps punishment for mixing with another site full of abuse, conspiracy theories and complete nutters (not that URA has been great for my mind).
Anyhow, I have been lurking here for a while and appreciate all the research and comments posted and robustly debated with respect. Enjoy Drillfix telling it as he sees it (mate, about a year ago I reckon I wasn't that far off from your predictament - no roof - but all stuff I brought on myself, so I'm not going to hurl things at others....yet !).

Many months ago I sold down quite heavily but earlier this year started picking up the odd parcel now and then and was looking good when I got my last lot at 19.5c to give me a reaonable holding once again. Haa, now seeing 13c but I won't be tempted until they drop another 30% (or, for me, November rolls around). I will simply hold for now.
Frankly, I have very little to throw at the market at present.
What few lost coins I can find in trouser cuffs, back of car seat, etc I have been putting into two lots of shares that for me, even in this crap market, are still 4x and 5x up since I bought in July & August last year and will forge ahead much more yet. It'll be a tall order for Uran to catch them if a JORC is still 12 months off.
To be fair, for all the angst re Uran, I still have holdings (token only now) in two other U companies which have collapsed far further SP-wise.

I've nothing to add regarding comments about the transparency of this company. It's all been said. But sometime back in June there was an announcement which included words about a large amount of data needs to be converted to digital form and translated. What a load of crock rabbiting on about digital mumbo jumbo - how were such novels such as War and Peace (a mere pamphlet ?) translated eons ago technology-wise ? Since June, there's been the possibility of thousands of working hours for a (small) team of people to get this done and dusted. By now KH / PR must know all there needs to be known. Perhaps the cupboard's...........................bare ?

More realistically, it looks as though the timetable will be as the Energy Minister annnounced in Jan 2007, that the plan is to increase U production from 800 to 1400 tonnes by 2010. A JORC in 2009 might still be in line with this. Yawn.

Happy days.

10-08-2008, 04:38 AM
Welcome Furii - really good to see you here at last !
You'll find it a much saner forum even if we Uran holders are a little insane at times. drillo - I think satori just wants you to be more descriptive of management and possibly thinks the term scumbag is too nice ! :o A

10-08-2008, 06:41 AM
Hey Furii and welcome to ST. :)

Great to see you and thanks for posting like you have, as it is great to hear yet another story from a long time holder such as yourself which your story also can aid in bringing some additional perspective into this thread.

Adding to some of the previous posts of what can be seen as anger or disappointment, I can calmly say that each of our posts here can also be influenced from a few factors such as:

What time frame we have either been invested in this stock.
Previous experiences with similar management or outcome of other stocks.
What percentage of our portfolio we have invested or spread into this stock.
How much faith or trust is remaining with the management of this stock.
Our own personal circumstances be it financial or physical and emotional.

The above issues certainly play a mind games either individually or collectively upon us each of us, and at times we post accordingly.

I know sometimes I bring alot of what may appear to be negative thoughts and many which are based on anger/emotionally and for this I am sorry.

But then, I am not the only one in this stock, I am aware that many others here too have a great deal more invested in this than me. In fact, we could probably approximate that between many of the posters here that we easily have over a Couple of Million $$$ of our money collectively invested in Uran.

We here all bond, share, collaborate and respect each others views regardless how upsetting or bizarre some posts may be, but then I find it most ironic how we now have to question the motives or intentions of the CEO of the company of which we are invested.

I just hope for the sake of Justice (whatever that may be) that we can get back to the time like how we posts and thoughts would BUZZ with both thought and predicament that would allow us to move forward.

Anyways, its late (early) now so I guess I better get of my soap box and hit the sack~!

Archer, I thought I used that term lightly really, meaning,
When kids are young play in the dirt, they can get called DirtBags
Then they get a little older and throw rocks at cars and they can get called RatBags.
When they finally grow up and become CEO's of public companies like MK and lie to shareholders, and dupe them, they get called ScumBags.
Perhaps my wording is a bit pre-empted here, but the path Kate chooses to follow or take here will eventually present itself.

11-08-2008, 01:34 AM
Thanks for the welcome :)

Archer, yes this is a much saner forum. Actually just three days ago I did a major update of my ignore list on the other forum. How ridiculous that had to be necessary.

Drillfix, very good summary of points that influence us over our holdings in this. Regarding investment time frames, for those who have invested at around 25c and less this must seem a good risk. I've found myself performing mental contortions over this point to maintain my faith. Tiring stuff.

Also, I try to keep in mind that things never follow the path we come up with on what little we know. Although URA progress has proved extremely testing there's always the possibility of an unexpected announcement (...receivership :eek:, not :)). What was KH's point of mentioning Ukrainian assets ? A falsehood ? Is URA's role is so minor that she can make such a statement safe in the knowledge that it'll never get back to Ukrainian partners ? Nah, gotta keep looking on the bright side of life.

11-08-2008, 11:25 AM
Ok, I agree with you, but "that word" only a word, and it is not even a swear word, but rather a word that has offended you. Your use of words and description of such management is much more better or even acceptable than what my use is, or was, and if you are offended then for this I am sorry.

But no matter what word or phrase we use, it doesn't seem to change the fact or the circumstance we currently find ourselves in. And for that, I am sure Uran Management are NOT SORRY.

Anyway, I see your point, and I am sorry if you cant see mine~!Think you might have missed the undertones ot sarcasm there drillfix.

No apology required I think

Crypto Crude
11-08-2008, 08:44 PM
drillfix-When kids are young play in the dirt, they can get called DirtBags
Then they get a little older and throw rocks at cars and they can get called RatBags.
When they finally grow up and become CEO's of public companies like MK and lie to shareholders, and dupe them, they get called ScumBags.

When Uran hits One buck they get called multi-bags...
Good luck all...
im watching this very interesting company...
You lot certaintly are willing...
If Uran hits one dollar plus then I expect to see you all at the national meeting here in New Zealand along with Shasta...

13-08-2008, 03:07 PM
somebody seems to think its worth an 80k option trade! A:)

13-08-2008, 03:08 PM
When Uran hits One buck they get called multi-bags...

SC, and when they dont and go the other way they get called DE-LISTED :rolleyes:

Great to see management jumping in and supporting the stock in these what seem to be difficult times (NOT) or (NEVER) :rolleyes:

Archbald, looks like us buying at 4.5 cents was a BIG mistake as we now are around 42.2% down on our efforts for supporting this Information-LESS company. :rolleyes:

Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan, What is the plan now Uran?????

Is your plan that you hope the market keeps getting worst so you can use them as cover up for all your unexplained efforts by chance?????

13-08-2008, 11:33 PM
SC, and when they dont and go the other way they get called DE-LISTED :rolleyes:

Great to see management jumping in and supporting the stock in these what seem to be difficult times (NOT) or (NEVER) :rolleyes:

Archbald, looks like us buying at 4.5 cents was a BIG mistake as we now are around 42.2% down on our efforts for supporting this Information-LESS company. :rolleyes:

Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan, What is the plan now Uran?????

Is your plan that you hope the market keeps getting worst so you can use them as cover up for all your unexplained efforts by chance?????

well I'm not surprised given the lack of noise from the co

imo it's directly related to the big bully bombing the crap out of it's little neighbour

I suspect big bully might try to lean on Ukraine at some point but who knows:confused:

14-08-2008, 03:44 AM
somebody seems to think its worth an 80k option trade! A:)

I didn't think it would get hit Archer, but it did. Now I just have to see if that was a wise decision or not!

14-08-2008, 11:49 AM

Considering the size of Cameco's project, this may impact on the U price.
Now if only we could get it out of the ground.............

14-08-2008, 01:03 PM

Considering the size of Cameco's project, this may impact on the U price.
Now if only we could get it out of the ground.............

I just read about that

makes me wonder if they'll ever mine the bugger

in a selfish way I hope they don't :p hmmm more water please :D

14-08-2008, 03:50 PM
I didn't think it would get hit Archer, but it did. Now I just have to see if that was a wise decision or not!

Well Juqu if as we think there's U crunch coming you'll be happy :) with that pick up but I sure hope your nerves hold out ! :eek: I'm not sure whether we are hanging on by fingernails or bootstraps at present:confused: but its getting nasty at the bottom. :( More water please for the Cigar please. Hope all on this thread are OK - should see what's been going down on the other one! :rolleyes: A

14-08-2008, 04:53 PM
Hi all,

I have just sold the last of my options today at a big loss.

I'm just fed up with the company in so many ways and hopefully I can re-build my portfolio with some other stocks that are currently very cheap.

Good luck to all. I really do hope they deliver for the sake of loyal shareholders and optionholders..

14-08-2008, 05:14 PM
Hi all,

I have just sold the last of my options today at a big loss.

I'm just fed up with the company in so many ways and hopefully I can re-build my portfolio with some other stocks that are currently very cheap.

Good luck to all. I really do hope they deliver for the sake of loyal shareholders and optionholders..

You holding any heads still?

Otherwise it's sad to see a long termer leave ...:(

14-08-2008, 05:24 PM
Hi guys, just got back to melbourne from meetings in Perth and Irvine Island.

I also had a good and long meeting with Kate Hobbs on Tuesday and whilst I cant put here the whole converstaion, I did come away feeling pretty pleased with where URA are at. I think it would be fair to say Kate and her team are working their collective asses off. Things are looking very promising and, as I have previous said, I think 2008 will be a good year for URA.

Regards to all, Tony.Hi Tony,
Anything you are able to share here? The crew could use a lift:(

14-08-2008, 06:22 PM
Hi all,

I have just sold the last of my options today at a big loss.

I'm just fed up with the company in so many ways and hopefully I can re-build my portfolio with some other stocks that are currently very cheap.

Good luck to all. I really do hope they deliver for the sake of loyal shareholders and optionholders..

Hi Oz,

Geez mate, sorry to hear about such big loss, I dont have the guts to do what you have done and I sure hope you do make it back on other stocks.

Not that it this should be a personal thing, but if there ever is a competition to see who Hates Kate the most, I am pretty sure you are in the top 10 on that one, as I probably am too.

Hope you still hold a few heads for novelty sake should something ever come off from this Disaster Story called URAN :mad:

Uran Management = No Accountability = No Transparency = Same ole Same ole ~! :rolleyes:

Tony S
14-08-2008, 08:44 PM
Hi Tony,
Anything you are able to share here? The crew could use a lift:(


It's all a little gloomy isn't it! No news from the company at all, but I'm not expecting anything for a while to be honest. I drop into Sharetrader most days to read the posts and I can see most people are pretty upset. I understand that. Creditability only comes with delivering.

I don't know when we are going to hear something. Kate has quite a lot of travelling to do this year and I can only presume each trip gets us closer to a signed JV, and tenements, then drilling then JORC. I still expect 2008 to be a good year for URA, but clearly it will be later in the year (even though there is only 4 months to go!).

I'm still happy to hang in there and hope Kate can sign up that first project (outside of Tungsten!). Surely the share price can't get much lower, so I can't see myself selling any. I realise I'm not hurting anywhere near what most of you are regarding purchase price, but you really have to ask yourself why would you sell at current prices when one project will get this company buzzing.

I'm not much help in cheering you all up but I believe URA will be successful, it is just a matter of time.

I noticed Oz has sold out which is a shame but understandable.

Juqu, I will be up your way for Shinju, in fact my company is one of the main sponsers, so I hope you and I can have a beer. Ran into Magot at Perth airport last week. Looks the same as he did 10 years ago!

Cheers to all, Tony.

Tony S
14-08-2008, 08:48 PM
Oh, and one other thing, there are very few exploration companies and small sector mining companies that have not been battered recently, including my company. URA is in the same boat. Normal part of the cycle, things always get better again, hopefully in time with news on a deal from URA.

14-08-2008, 09:16 PM
Oh, and one other thing, there are very few exploration companies and small sector mining companies that have not been battered recently, including my company. URA is in the same boat. Normal part of the cycle, things always get better again, hopefully in time with news on a deal from URA.

Hi Tony

Your company was able to sucessfully raise capital in what must be a very "challenging" environment.

Uran however, need projects up & running now to:

1. Get the options in the money, & ensure they are converted.

2. Raise the significant capital that will be required to develope the Ukraine "assets".

I feel Uran have been quite lucky they have some rather loyal (misguided?) shareholders that actually believe in them...:confused:

The share price is a joke & there is basically nothing to put a floor under it.

Management/or indeed Discovery shareholders, could be seen to be "supporting" the company, & buying heads/options on market as a show of faith to shareholders.

If we aren't due for a JORC until "sometime" in 2009, then surely they are not prevented by any "insider trading" rules regarding purchasing shares.

If so, we should be "suspended from trading" until such time an announcement is made, so all shareholders are informed on an equal basis.

I don't want to "bag" the company for the sake of it, but i'm becoming rather frustrated with the mixed messages we keep getting. :confused:

Pribram, Rozna, Novok - not a mention in the last presentation, yet they weren't shy to promote these when it suited!

I'll go take my meds now & lie down...:D

14-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Hi Tony,
I'm out on charter until the 27th, so we'll grab a beer after that if you're still in town.

15-08-2008, 08:02 PM
What will be the catalyst that will turn things around?

imo we need the global markets to stabalise, the resource sector and in particular the uranium sector to become the flavour of the month again, the uranium spot price to increase again, and Uran to ink a deal.

I am hoping the above pans out in that order.

Hopefully, it all eventuates within the next couple of months.

15-08-2008, 09:32 PM
What will be the catalyst that will turn things around?

imo we need the global markets to stabalise, the resource sector and in particular the uranium sector to become the flavour of the month again, the uranium spot price to increase again, and Uran to ink a deal.

I am hoping the above pans out in that order.

Hopefully, it all eventuates within the next couple of months.

I'd like to see those things happen in the opposite order............

15-08-2008, 10:03 PM
What will be the catalyst that will turn things around?

imo we need to global markets to stabalise, the resource sector and in particular the uranium sector to become the flavour of the month again, the uranium spot price to increase again, and Uran to ink a deal.

I am hoping the above pans out in that order.

Hopefully, it all eventuates within the next couple of months.

Good question there Sp3, but IMO, global markets are going to need more than a couple of months to do a so called turn around at best.

Everybody has their view on what needs to be done along with what order.

Whats the winning formula? It all lays in the hands of Uran Management and their partners the Ukrainian Gov.

Just tell the market again when they will start producing/mining, seemed to work the last time ok :rolleyes: but this time include what grades/tonnage and throw in a time line timeline and then watch the buy orders come sprinting in and the sell side totally disappear.

If the company actually can point confidently towards producer status then there should be no problems raising money, keeping shareholders happy or watching the shareprice surge.

Or more importantly, to show the market that they can do it once and for all and suddenly a whole new Faith as well as a restored faith from all us stale bulls waiting for something to happen.

15-08-2008, 10:16 PM
I'd like to see those things happen in the opposite order............

Yup, that makes sense too Juqu. :)

In all honestly, I don't care what order it happens in providing it Happens~!

15-08-2008, 10:37 PM
Yup, that makes sense too Juqu. :)

In all honestly, I don't care what order it happens in providing it Happens~!


If it happens in your preferred order I believe the share price will struggle to trade beyond 25c upon signing of a deal.

To get maximum leverage and increase in shareholder value, I prefer my order.

16-08-2008, 01:39 AM

If it happens in your preferred order I believe the share price will struggle to trade beyond 25c upon signing of a deal.

To get maximum leverage and increase in shareholder value, I prefer my order.

That's true SP3..........but at least we would have a signed deal. I wouldn't have any qualms about coughing up the equivalent of a small house to exercise my options then.
And after that..........any increase on the U price from there would only aid the share price. A U boom would have the sp flying, and market stabilisation would cement those gains.

16-08-2008, 03:49 AM

If it happens in your preferred order I believe the share price will struggle to trade beyond 25c upon signing of a deal.

To get maximum leverage and increase in shareholder value, I prefer my order.

I see your point there Sp3 and if that is possible then so be it IMO.

Any which way but lose if possible. And with no information from the company this then puts alot of pressure on most options holders on what can be seen and felt as a "Clear and Present Danger" as we move into next year. And that feeling is certainly a bad feeling indeed when one's portfolio comprises mainly or URAO.

So back to questions.

This so called Delayed Data translation, when exactly do folk here believe it will be completed?
Will it be properly announced to the market or go left unspoken again only to be tucked away in another quarterly perhaps??

Tony, How are you and regardless of news its good to see you drop in no matter how brief, as it is with many of the other holders.

With regards to Kate going away again for another trip. I find alot of that contradictory of her words with her other personal interview she had in Women in Mining. Meaning she stated that there was no need for an office over there in Ukraine. But yet she has the need to run around like she does going back and forth, too and frow and comes back with Nothing to update shareholders of her so called efforts.

I can agree that hopefully everyday this whole SAGA is getting closer, but with some verbal cards already been played in such previous interview stating that there is No need to Raise Money, this to me means they have nothing on the Horizon. As in No AIM or TSX listing, then surely NO mining or deals in the short term. YET, this still goes Unexplained to Shareholders.

I am not saying this all is not going to happen, but just that there are mixed messages coming from all directions here. Not exactly sure if you feel the same way at all but I do know it makes quite a few of the so called faithful DOUBLE Question Kate Hobbs direction, intention (discovery) and motivation in all this.

16-08-2008, 11:48 AM
I see your point there Sp3 and if that is possible then so be it IMO.

Any which way but lose if possible. And with no information from the company this then puts alot of pressure on most options holders on what can be seen and felt as a "Clear and Present Danger" as we move into next year. And that feeling is certainly a bad feeling indeed when one's portfolio comprises mainly or URAO.

So back to questions.

This so called Delayed Data translation, when exactly do folk here believe it will be completed?
Will it be properly announced to the market or go left unspoken again only to be tucked away in another quarterly perhaps??

Tony, How are you and regardless of news its good to see you drop in no matter how brief, as it is with many of the other holders.

With regards to Kate going away again for another trip. I find alot of that contradictory of her words with her other personal interview she had in Women in Mining. Meaning she stated that there was no need for an office over there in Ukraine. But yet she has the need to run around like she does going back and forth, too and frow and comes back with Nothing to update shareholders of her so called efforts.

I can agree that hopefully everyday this whole SAGA is getting closer, but with some verbal cards already been played in such previous interview stating that there is No need to Raise Money, this to me means they have nothing on the Horizon. As in No AIM or TSX listing, then surely NO mining or deals in the short term. YET, this still goes Unexplained to Shareholders.

I am not saying this all is not going to happen, but just that there are mixed messages coming from all directions here. Not exactly sure if you feel the same way at all but I do know it makes quite a few of the so called faithful DOUBLE Question Kate Hobbs direction, intention (discovery) and motivation in all this.


In that interview Kate stated that Uran was going to establish an office in Ukraine shortly.

Further, it is unclear at this stage how Uran is going to raise capital...maybe they wont have to raise any capital using conventional methods. They can always farm out and be free carried or maybe partner with a cornerstone investor or via debt finance.

16-08-2008, 03:20 PM

A Roadshow presentation as you know is perhaps a strong precursor to a capital raising. Its got me a little uneasy here as $2.7 million in the bank is too early to be looking for placements...particularly in this market with this management team.


A strong precursor to a capital raising is when a share price surprisingly spikes.

16-08-2008, 03:32 PM

A strong precursor to a capital raising is when a share price surprisingly spikes.
This is the only time management cares about the SP in most of these specs -
they will work to push up the SP and we'll have warning of the raising. Watch carefully for it. Certainly hasn't happened yet LOL. A

16-08-2008, 05:52 PM
particularly in this market with this management team.

Satori, You are so VERY correct, and I fully agree with your other signature satori Monster Post below/above, as it outlines many angles about this management that are not discussed much openly here and perhaps it is some of those issues that need to be factored in to discussion here.

Question is though, will management stand aside to make way for new management? I dont think so. Because there is DISCOVERY sitting on the sidelines which Kate owns 50% of. She aint gonna let that get brushed off.

Can we vote them out? Do Shareholders have enough votes? Is there an ASIC form that allow for exceptional circumstances to overide voting power? I sure hope so because that is what its gonna take IMO.

The problem here is that Management cannot see / understand / communicate / or admit when they are wrong or could have been wrong. AND, as you have previously said, Mangement CANNOT effectively MANAGE.

And this poses a real problem for (most) shareholders~!

I agree and have agreed over half a year ago, that Kate needs to put on her boots and get back out on the field for a while (step aside). She has had the crack at the whip for a few years and it hasn't worked. I don't think its just a Man - Woman thing where a man can do it better, I purely look at it from a productivity vs progress thing, and Kate Hobbs seems to have failed miserably so far.

Now, before I take too many of my pain killers, I can REMEMBER screaming on HC previously that The REAL PROBLEM with Uran is that KATE HOBBS is NOT CUT OUT to be a NEGOTIATOR. Remember that everyone?

Actually Cotik, credit to you here as I think it was some thoughts you had previously said that made me realise, because you mentioned the company should have used somebody that speaks the language, is very well connected with the people and knows how to negotiate. This made me see the light, and that basically said what I was jumping up and down about back then. And to this day, I still believe that perhaps should be added to the Satori List as it is a good point, and one that could make or break a company potentially. (basically, its the smart way to get things done there).

Sure keep Kate involved with the company doing something but dont have her solely accountable, because she appears to be only interested in outcomes for her and DISCOVERY, and that appears to be failing not only her, but Uran Shareholders too.

The worst thing about this is she cant even spin the story so it sounds good to current shareholders. And if current shareholders are not gonna buy it, how the HELL is anybody else gonna buy it (the story that is)???

The presentation is Crap, End of Story, we should stop Kate from promoting that and doing further damage IMO as the presentation is WEAK, Non Convincing and Vague and a waiste of Uran Shareholders Money thus we should have it stopped immediately~!

16-08-2008, 05:53 PM
Apparently this share just won the award for the worst share on the ASX. It is now hoping to be nominated for worst share in the world.

Who'd want to be holding this?!

Hmmm nice try to bait the thread, but i'd assume URA's ex Chairman Michael Kiernan would have won that award "unchallenged" for his stern work with MON.

Cujo - You still in GPG? ;)

16-08-2008, 05:54 PM
Apparently this share just won the award for the worst share on the ASX. It is now hoping to be nominated for worst share in the world.

Who'd want to be holding this?!

Didnt you just get banned for blethering???

Got news for you Cujo, we dont need you do downramp the stock in this thread.

We got plenty of us Uran Holders who are happy to dump on ourselves, but in an orderly fashion.

So please, give it a rest matel, OK~!

ps: if you want to downramp then I suggest you buy some stock on market and earn the right to downramp...lol

16-08-2008, 06:06 PM
Didnt you just get banned for blethering???

Got news for you Cujo, we dont need you do downramp the stock in this thread.

We got plenty of us Uran Holders who are happy to dump on ourselves, but in an orderly fashion.

So please, give it a rest matel, OK~!

ps: if you want to downramp then I suggest you buy some stock on market and earn the right to downramp...lol


Its a right of passage, you buy URA on the hype, watch the share price drop 90% from highs = right to bitch about management! :D

16-08-2008, 06:10 PM
Satori, You are so VERY correct, and I fully agree with your other signature satori Monster Post below/above, as it outlines many angles about this management that are not discussed much openly here and perhaps it is some of those issues that need to be factored in to discussion here.

Question is though, will management stand aside to make way for new management? I dont think so. Because there is DISCOVERY sitting on the sidelines which Kate owns 50% of. She aint gonna let that get brushed off.

Can we vote them out? Do Shareholders have enough votes? Is there an ASIC form that allow for exceptional circumstances to overide voting power? I sure hope so because that is what its gonna take IMO.

The problem here is that Management cannot see / understand / communicate / or admit when they are wrong or could have been wrong. AND, as you have previously said, Mangement CANNOT effectively MANAGE.

And this poses a real problem for (most) shareholders~!

I agree and have agreed over half a year ago, that Kate needs to put on her boots and get back out on the field for a while (step aside). She has had the crack at the whip for a few years and it hasn't worked. I don't think its just a Man - Woman thing where a man can do it better, I purely look at it from a productivity vs progress thing, and Kate Hobbs seems to have failed miserably so far.

Now, before I take too many of my pain killers, I can REMEMBER screaming on HC previously that The REAL PROBLEM with Uran is that KATE HOBBS is NOT CUT OUT to be a NEGOTIATOR. Remember that everyone?

Actually Cotik, credit to you here as I think it was some thoughts you had previously said that made me realise, because you mentioned the company should have used somebody that speaks the language, is very well connected with the people and knows how to negotiate. This made me see the light, and that basically said what I was jumping up and down about back then. And to this day, I still believe that perhaps should be added to the Satori List as it is a good point, and one that could make or break a company potentially. (basically, its the smart way to get things done there).

Sure keep Kate involved with the company doing something but dont have her solely accountable, because she appears to be only interested in outcomes for her and DISCOVERY, and that appears to be failing not only her, but Uran Shareholders too.

The worst thing about this is she cant even spin the story so it sounds good to current shareholders. And if current shareholders are not gonna buy it, how the HELL is anybody else gonna buy it (the story that is)???

The presentation is Crap, End of Story, we should stop Kate from promoting that and doing further damage IMO as the presentation is WEAK, Non Convincing and Vague and a waiste of Uran Shareholders Money thus we should have it stopped immediately~!


I dont think there was anything wrong with the presentation. Afterall, you cant expect the presentation to include information that hasnt yet been disclosed to the market.

If anything, the presentation was a precursor for brokers to put Uran on their radar for future acquisitions.

Since the roadshow the market has been slaughtered...hence I dont expect the brokers to be rushing in and buying Uran shares at the moment.

Uran doesnt need to sell the story. Without any acquisition there is no story to tell...but when Uran does finally nail a project everyone will be all over Uran particularly given its very low MC.

16-08-2008, 06:15 PM

I dont think there was anything major wrong with the presentation. Afterall, you cant expect the presentation to include information that hasnt yet been disclosed to the market.

If anything, the presentation was a precursor for brokers to put Uran on their radar for future acquisitions.

Since the roadshow the market has been slaughtered...hence I dont expect the brokers to be rushing in and buying Uran shares at the moment.

Uran doesnt need to sell the story. Without any acquisition there is no story to tell...but when Uran does finally nail a project everyone will be all over Uran particularly given its very low MC.


Our issue is that they have excluded information from it, that was previously released to the market.

We shareholders haven't had this explained to us, & i think we deserve to be told, BEFORE reading about it in a broker presentation.

Agree though, URA can't mention new projects without informing the market first.

I also wonder when URA will come out & disclose in more details to the market about the Discovery Minerals option. Seems they are very quiet about this for what ever reason.

16-08-2008, 06:29 PM

Our issue is that they have excluded information from it, that was previously released to the market.

We shareholders haven't had this explained to us, & i think we deserve to be told, BEFORE reading about it in a broker presentation.

Agree though, URA can't mention new projects without informing the market first.

I also wonder when URA will come out & disclose in more details to the market about the Discovery Minerals option. Seems they are very quiet about this for what ever reason.


If the 'other' projects (ie Pribram) were of any value to Uran dont you think Kate would have mentioned them? As for Rozna, at this stage Uran does not have an interest in the project.

As for Discovery, its pointless mentioning this because Discovery WILL NOT receive any Uran shares UNLESS Uran nails the Ukraine projects.

Lets take things one step at a time.

16-08-2008, 06:40 PM

If the 'other' projects (ie Pribram) were of any value to Uran dont you think Kate would have mentioned them? As for Rozna, at this stage Uran does not have an interest in the project.

As for Discovery, its pointless mentioning this because Discovery WILL NOT receive any Uran shares UNLESS Uran nails the Ukraine projects.

Lets take things one step at a time.

I meant Uran "educating" the market on the Discovery Minerals "deal".

I doubt too many institutions or large investors will want in on Uran once they have inked a deal or two, if they will be heavily dilluted.

I thought it would be better to get this out in the open & explain it now.

The share price can't be smashed too much more from here!

16-08-2008, 07:11 PM
I meant Uran "educating" the market on the Discovery Minerals "deal".

I doubt too many institutions or large investors will want in on Uran once they have inked a deal or two, if they will be heavily dilluted.

I thought it would be better to get this out in the open & explain it now.

The share price can't be smashed too much more from here!


The Discovery deal has already been communicated to the market via the ASX. I am sure Uran will remind the market about the Discovery deal simultaneously when they announce acquisitions otherwise the market will complain of deception.

Lets not get too carried away with Discovery though. The Uran Discovery deal must also be ratified by the shareholders so if the terms are unfair I doubt Discovery will receive many shares.

16-08-2008, 07:21 PM
The Uran Discovery deal must also be ratified by the shareholders so if the terms are unfair I doubt Discovery will receive many shares.

Having gone through with what many of us here have gone through thus far, I dont think they will get many regardless of the outcome. At least I wont be voting for anyways.

In fact, I with Satori's monster post and point of view.

I would like to see heads roll, and powers stripped and examples made.

How close are we to all this hot air getting bellowed out anyways? Anybody got any REAL idea how all of this is gonna pan out??

16-08-2008, 07:54 PM
sp3 i am very glad to see some rational posting on this thread finally.

can't confirm, what isn't yet confirmed simple as that.

management sux, i agree with satori drill shasta and everyone else, but if they have informed us about possibilities in the past, doesnt mean they can sell these to the market as certainties yet...

now i am sure you are all thinkin, "they have sold them as certainties in the past, thats the problem!!!" and i agree totally. but they are damned if they do damned if they dont.

they dont tell us bout progress everyone gets pissed off...
they TELL us about progress, and everyone gets pissed off...

they miss deadlines and heads should have rolled early on, but kate is in 2 deep now. to get rid of her would be getting rid of our "inside man" right at the last stages...

all i am sayin is, i agree with everyone here. we have been mislead and kept out of the loop and it has cost alot of us dearly... but lets keep it rational.

when we get our projects, we will want people to jump on board the story...


Huang Chung
16-08-2008, 07:56 PM
I see they've exercised their option over the tungsten lease.....but no detail on what they now propose to do in terms of drilling etc.

Would need to do a capital raising if they were to get active.

So, any of you guys going to the AGM to express your displeasure with the way the company is being run, and to seek answers?

Plenty of discount airfares to Perth :rolleyes:.

16-08-2008, 08:06 PM
Having gone through with what many of us here have gone through thus far, I dont think they will get many regardless of the outcome. At least I wont be voting for anyways.

In fact, I with Satori's monster post and point of view.

I would like to see heads roll, and powers stripped and examples made.

How close are we to all this hot air getting bellowed out anyways? Anybody got any REAL idea how all of this is gonna pan out??

Whilst venting our anger at Uran's management, & inparticular Kate Hobbs & our esteemed leader Pat Ryan, we don't have ready made replacements...

The costs of outing the incumbents, & bringing in new people would all but deplete our cash holdings...(not to mention MORE free options!)

Not sure how the ongoing negotiations would go, if some new personnel were introduced. Ukraine in particular took a long "feeling out process" to get where they have thus far.

Despite Kates faults, she must have some kind of rapport with the Ukrainians (especially our consultant over there), else they'd have took us to p*ss off already!

Not that these are examples of why it shouldn't be done, but i liken what perhaps needs to happen with Uran, to whats regularly happens in the mining industry.

Whereby a CEO (usually a founding Director) leads a company thru the exploration stage, & then steps aside to let someone else lead the company into production, raising capital etc.

Personally, I'd like to see Kate step away from Discovery Minerals.

Removing the Discovery "conflict of interest" & aligning her interests with Uran shareholders would appease me.

Question for ALL URA shareholders...:confused:

Would Uran be entering into any deals with Discovery Minerals if there were no conflicts of interest &/or related parties?

I believe no, given that there is no apparent value "at present".

17-08-2008, 12:08 AM
All good reading and debate but as has been said, leaves one with mixed emotions.

Tony S has dined with KH and is able to report that 'it is fair to say that Kate and her team are working their collective asses off'. Also, Kate has stated that Uran will establish an office in Ukraine shortly. That sort of news gives me heart. But countering that is hearing that we're not due for a JORC until sometime in 2009 (caution : on past performance, the words 'shortly' and 'sometime' have no meaning as we understand them).

What is the incentive for management to keep working their collective asses off when projects remain a mirage and some in fact evaporate all together ? (by the way, did various important bods from Ukraine ever visit ?). Karilyn Farmer left. Remaining Board and Management seem to have great experience - will they be headhunted ? If they are so sure of success why aren't they committing themselves by purchasing shares now that a JORC.....(shasta has mentioned this already).

It seems to me that any of KH's announcements are what she would like to happen (but in fact is not the reality). Optimistically, perhaps great progress is being made behind the scenes and Xmas 2008 for us will arrive shortly.

However, on past performance I'm more resigned to things just spluttering along. Provided management and board remain intact perhaps the shareprice won't drop much more (imagine trying to off load 100k or more in one go :eek: ....what would be the point at these levels - apart from a tax writeoff, little more than chump change to be gained).

Then again, humble pie would taste very sweet if I'm proved wrong before this year is out.

Cheers all.

17-08-2008, 08:59 PM
Hello Everyone

This story is reasonably recent and I hope it is helpful.

"Investor is needed to develop Ukraine's Novokonstantinovskoye deposit
12.08.2008 15:56

To develop Novokonstantinovskoye uranium deposit an investor is needed who possesses state-of-the-art technology and machinery and who needs doing business rather than uranium, says Leonid Gromok, the deputy head of nuclear power and industry department at the Ukraine’s fuel and energy ministry (FEM). The official said there was no a financing scheme for Novokonstantinovskoye mine while the budget funding of the project had been resumed only commencing the second half of this year. “We have tried to implement this project for many years already using budget funds but the practical situation shows it is a no-go thing,” he said in an interview to Ekonomicheskiye izvestiya newspaper (Ukraine). An estimated cost of Novokonstantinovskoye deposit development is 3.3 billion grivnas (US$680.4 million)..."

The link is http://www.nuclear.ru/eng/press/nuclear_fuel_cycle/2110271/



17-08-2008, 09:41 PM
Good find Coruba. A very encouraging article.

17-08-2008, 10:05 PM
Thanks SP3.

I also found this particular article http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf46.html?terms=Novokonstantinovskoye

and I quote a piece from it

"The Novokonstantinovskoye uranium project is being developed independently of VostGOK by the Novokonstantinov uranium development company, to produce up to 1500 t/yr by 2013. First production is expected late in 2008, with 500 t/yr capacity reached by end of 2009. Russia's Rosatom has said it was keen to invest in developing the project, but agreement on equity was not reached. In August 2008 the government was seeking partners to fund the $680 million development cost.
Australian-based Uran Ltd has agreed with Ukraine's Minsitry of Fuel & Energy and VostGOK to carry out a feasibility study for ISL mining of the small Surskoye and Novogurevskoye uranium deposits in the east of the country, near VostGOK's existing operations. In 2008 Safonovskoye, which had previously been ISL mined, was added to these. Any mining will be in joint venture with VostGOK. Uran also offered to develop the more substantial Novokonstantinovskoye and take a 50% interest, but the government vetoed this."

Unsure the relevance of the highlighted bit.



17-08-2008, 10:59 PM
Uran also offered to develop the more substantial Novokonstantinovskoye and take a 50% interest, but the government vetoed this."

Unsure the relevance of the highlighted bit.



Yes some good posts and find there Coruba, thanks for input.

Also, very interesting that highlighted part.

Why is this the first we hear of this and from folk surfing the net we find out more this way than from Uran.

This is the stuff that Satori is pointing out, this makes some of us here sick that we need to look and hear stuff among our own and sharing efforts.

Are the Ukrainians now doing what the Czechs have already done?
(ask for submissions of interest and just say no regardless!)

I mean this is some good stuff but BAD stuff at the same time regarding Novokonstantinovskoye.

For just ONCE it would be good for Uran to stop thinking by keeping silent that things will work in their favour, when CLEARLY everytime they do something it turns to dust and just wishful thinking.

Furii, I also agree on previous comments.

Meaning, Me, You and everybody here didnt invest in Kates Feeling on something, many of us here invested in on her WORDS and Garden Path speeches.

Anyways, dont know what to make of those media reports, except More Uncertainty (again)

Sorry to sound negative but just calling it the way I read, see, feel it~!

17-08-2008, 11:04 PM
Yeah it will be really encouraging when this is 1 cent shortly!

Downramping again Cujodog. How typical.

For whatever reason, you seem to think that you will be the only one waiting to bid at 1 cent and that only you will buy them.

Dream on you downramper, so as mentioned before, either put up or shut up and buy some on market to earn your passage to make such statements~!

18-08-2008, 12:01 AM
Hi folks

In the meantime would be good to get definitive news and a real progress report on Ukraine projects.

A competent management team would have provided us with that.

Hi Satori,

I agree, and its only really asking the Basics of management and what normally could been seen as a "should do" effort from them which is nothing complex.

Perhaps for whatever reason they cant? But then,m I dont think so as I can agree and feel it is complete laziness, yet we hear conflicting news of them working their butts off. Which one is it? Maybe they were still working out how to actually tell shareholders and the market, or just realised that it may be an important consideration to do so.

I agree with what Scorp said once also, being, Uran Management frowned upon either if they do, or they dont tell us, so to them it probably doesn't matter.

18-08-2008, 12:16 AM
Thanks Coruba. And same to both Satori and drillfix for keeping us grounded in reality, depressing as that is.

The Uran website has a 'Media Coverage' section which has always been remarkably barren and little used. To be more interactive, how about shareholders (at least) be able to post links to media news. That will both help to reduce the workload on Purple Communications and allow the board and management to keep their eye on the ball / continue to work their asses off without the distraction of keeping us up-dated. Such a move could be............arrgh, enough, my enthusiasm has evaporated for the moment.

Back to enjoying my evening. Have a good week everyone.

18-08-2008, 01:18 AM
Things dont add up.

We know that Uran + the consortium has not yet submitted a proposal re Novok. The article did not mention "the consortium". I doubt Uran would have proposed a 50% interest as this is clearly outside Uran's league.

I cant see how Uran's bid would have been rejected because the Ukraine government is not yet set up to accept proposals, let alone reject them. At this stage, they are all playing politics.

Firstly, Nuclear Fuel Ukraine must be set up before any proposals can be accepted and then, ratification of acceptance will only be made by the Cabinet.

Still early stages.

Imo a decision will possibly be made well into the new year.

18-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Thanks Coruba. And same to both Satori and drillfix for keeping us grounded in reality, depressing as that is.

f arrgh, enough, my enthusiasm has evaporated for the moment.

Back to enjoying my evening. Have a good week everyone.

Hi Furii,

Sorry for sharing what could be seen as a downer type feeling of posts. It is not my cause to shake peoples enthusiasm or bring them down.

I know there are many view or choose to view the current status of the company and how it goes about its business.

As once posted before, it effects each holder of this stock differently as with the points outlined in another post.

Satori said:

Their mentioning of this project was 'another' reson why some of us may have decided to top up or average down

This is so True, and I feel like a Victim (yet again), a sucker (yet again), because the company (uran) seems to try to make out something it is not. Maybe uran doesn't mean to do it, but it does.

It may be no big deal to them, but I have a Big percentage of my portfolio in this and to me it FEELS like there is NO WAY OUT. I cannot do what Ozelectro has done and sold out for a Massive Loss. I already am at a massive Loss and my Life Circumstances and not good too.

I am frustrated and, PISSED OFF, and FED UP like many probably are.
I dont have any investment houses, big small or anything, I dont even have a proper working car ATM. I rent a place and barely can afford that. As most others here also know, I don't even have my health properly and there are some here who know and care and show concern, and that is appreciated.

Folks, I dont know how long I can hold out on this one, all I can say is that I cannot express loud enough how Angry or Mad I am with this management and their ways or lack of professional communication and tactics. And for this I apologise if my dialogue comes across as Sad and Morbid.

18-08-2008, 03:00 PM

You are the 'human' face to the consequences of their poor management decisions (and like us 'both' our own decisions based on their guidance)

Uran needs to get this message loud and clear.

I suggest you email Kate Hobbs. I have.

Satori, I would like this management to receive such message Loud and Clear, but due to the nature and condition of myself I cannot seem to chat, write and express myself clearly knowing full well that it could easily end in me not accepting or believing what they have to say.

Not so long ago, Huang said here, and as I said earlier this year, We should get the Australian Shareholders Association involved here to attend the AGM with a full PLEASE EXPLAIN.

18-08-2008, 03:28 PM
Satori, I would like this management to receive such message Loud and Clear, but due to the nature and condition of myself I cannot seem to chat, write and express myself clearly knowing full well that it could easily end in me not accepting or believing what they have to say.

Not so long ago, Huang said here, and as I said earlier this year, We should get the Australian Shareholders Association involved here to attend the AGM with a full PLEASE EXPLAIN.

Frankly, I am sadly of the opinion that all faxes and inquiiries to the company area dead waste of time. :mad: Not going to waste my breath or time anymore. Looking for that spike when they go to raise capital somehow then outsky! Certainly, they will not care at all about anyone's personal circumstances.
re ASA - yep having a look at it. Am a member. Anyone else? A

18-08-2008, 04:03 PM
I don't understand all you URA shareholder here in this forum. Obviously, you all just started investing in shares and are targeting specs play in the penny dreadful to make money because your start-up capital is too small to buy the BHP and the like. I know the feeling as well.

We are all punters at heart and that's human nature.

I don't see anything in URA and this Miss Hobbs is just a human being, not a goddess. I see single figure soon but I hope you guys can get out in the mid teens. This stock will be $1 in about year 3010.

18-08-2008, 04:55 PM
I don't understand all you URA shareholder here in this forum. Obviously, you all just started investing in shares and are targeting specs play in the penny dreadful to make money because your start-up capital is too small to buy the BHP and the like. I know the feeling as well.

We are all punters at heart and that's human nature.

I don't see anything in URA and this Miss Hobbs is just a human being, not a goddess. I see single figure soon but I hope you guys can get out in the mid teens. This stock will be $1 in about year 3010.

Well then BIGSHOT, How about you enlighten us to what exactly we can buy to enable us all to do a full recovery. Rather than giving us a soapbox speech about a stock you dont hold or are not interested in.

C'mon, Enlighten us here, we all await your Genius, Oh High One~!

18-08-2008, 05:39 PM
You need to calm down Drilly
This is a forum and not a " I love URA " thread
The man who has cut ties (Ozelectro) is the man whose contribution over the next few weeks should be noted

18-08-2008, 05:41 PM
I don't understand all you URA shareholder here in this forum. Obviously, you all just started investing in shares and are targeting specs play in the penny dreadful to make money because your start-up capital is too small to buy the BHP and the like. I know the feeling as well.

We are all punters at heart and that's human nature.

I don't see anything in URA and this Miss Hobbs is just a human being, not a goddess. I see single figure soon but I hope you guys can get out in the mid teens. This stock will be $1 in about year 3010.

What you say is not entirely true soulman. Although many have a lot less than they started with and there's no way now of investing in BHP etc as you quite rightly point out was the much safer way to go; many here had considerable sums, are not new investors and went on the basis of company announcements, the uranium environment at the time and some knowledge of the Eastern European potential. What has consistently disappointed since the early pronoucements we 'expect to be in production in July(07) ', 'all done and dusted by Christmas' is inconsistency, failure to meet timelines and shifting goal posts. Overall its been a pretty frustrating and costly exercise for many. We -the punters got it wrong to date. We hope that will change because its jolly hard to get out now. Its no wonder folk are angry, very angry. Ifall had gone AS THE COMPANY led us to believe - most of us would have retired by now!! You live and learn though ! More hard work ! LOL A

18-08-2008, 05:54 PM
You need to calm down Drilly
This is a forum and not a " I love URA " thread
The man who has cut ties (Ozelectro) is the man whose contribution over the next few weeks should be noted

Agreed, its not an I LOVE URAN thread. Its becoming an "I HATE URAN" thread.

I am trying to keep it decent, but I am sick of these CHEAP SHOTS coming in from the sidelines.

Point noted about Ozelectro. Many have already said what is right for him is right for him and I wish him all the best as I am sure he does us. I also noted that I wish I had the courage to do what he has done, but the choice is becoming less and less for us. There is only one place to sell out ATM, and that is Rock bottom, and I aint gonna do that.

Its the way people just come here and take cheap shots that is making me even more angry. Their input is welcome, but speak clear, not with cheap shots~!

18-08-2008, 06:39 PM
Hi Everyone

It wasn't so long ago posters on this thread were asking for more updates from the company. Since that call went out I have seen quite a few.

Not that I know much but most of the updates although short in facts have been quite optimistic.

As a spec stock isn't that all you can ask?



Disc: Hold a few with some spare change :rolleyes:

18-08-2008, 09:04 PM

Couldn't have said it better myself, and basically it explains our experience here both fully and clearly, to those who wonder what, why and how we got to this level, and not only in the share price but the frame of mind from long term holders who have always put faith in this company.

Now I can handle others thoughts or opinions, but I will not stand by to read the Cheap Shots that seem posted here from the sidelines.

Your a good poster Satori, anyone can see that, as you take the time rationally explain the past for readers who do not understand and post both honestly and passionately.

Thanks again for your all your effort~!

18-08-2008, 09:25 PM

I think any cheap (like ~$1), speculative share is called penny dreadful. This is obviously a dog (given it has under performed the market...).

The thing that sucks here for the holders (who you seem to enjoy prodding with your stick -- schadenfreude much?) is that the announcements out of the company have been fairly OK, but they just haven't delivered on, well, anything. And while some of it has been mismanagement on their behalf (spouting off about producing by the end of '07 is the main one), there were a lot of problems in Ukraine which really weren't their fault. (although they should have known there would be problems given it is an ex-Soviet country)

Huang Chung
18-08-2008, 09:34 PM

I find the Uran thread totally amazing....158 pages of posts about a company that has essentially achieved nothing and gone nowhere.

Very few, if any, companies mentioned here on Sharetrader have had so much written about them.

I'm not feeling YOUR pain, but have plenty of my own....PDZ way down, VML not turning out how I'd hoped and lets not even mention the MFS saga!

You are all probably WAY down on your investment, but continue to hang in, on the hope that Kate might redeem herself. I would have thought that at least ONE of you might be looking at attending the AGM and asking some tough questions in a public forum...that's your right as shareholders after all.

Yes, I might fall into the 'do gooder' catagory, but its out of sheer frustration watching you guys go 'round and 'round in ever decreasing circles.

Whilst URA has been a disappointment, there are MANY beaten down stocks out there that will recover when the markets turn.....I'm not sure if URA will be one of them. Would it not be better to salvage what you can from URA and put your money elsewhere?

Nuff from me.....I hope it pans out for you guys.

The Big Ease
18-08-2008, 10:04 PM
or just merge it with ADY.

18-08-2008, 10:57 PM

I find the Uran thread totally amazing....158 pages of posts about a company that has essentially achieved nothing and gone nowhere.

Very few, if any, companies mentioned here on Sharetrader have had so much written about them.

I'm not feeling YOUR pain, but have plenty of my own....PDZ way down, VML not turning out how I'd hoped and lets not even mention the MFS saga!

You are all probably WAY down on your investment, but continue to hang in, on the hope that Kate might redeem herself. I would have thought that at least ONE of you might be looking at attending the AGM and asking some tough questions in a public forum...that's your right as shareholders after all.

Yes, I might fall into the 'do gooder' catagory, but its out of sheer frustration watching you guys go 'round and 'round in ever decreasing circles.

Whilst URA has been a disappointment, there are MANY beaten down stocks out there that will recover when the markets turn.....I'm not sure if URA will be one of them. Would it not be better to salvage what you can from URA and put your money elsewhere?

Nuff from me.....I hope it pans out for you guys.


Check out HGD on the NZX threads, they have been meaning to mine gold there since adam was a cowboy...:eek:

The NOG (now NZO) thread was almost feverpitch long before it produced anything...:eek:

URA is a clear example of a potentially large resource (over a few projects), & non performance from management to date...:(

I must also put my hand up for holding ADY as well, another example of large resource, & non performance from management...:(

Am holding on to URA & URAO & will ride this out, but as for ADY am only holding a fraction of what i had this time last year :D

18-08-2008, 11:26 PM
Whilst URA has been a disappointment, there are MANY beaten down stocks out there that will recover when the markets turn

Huang, this is so very true. Point noted and taken, and compared with many other stocks too.

How much more beaten down can we go from here? who knows, but it could also be said for other stocks too.

Which one will recover, or which one will be recover the BEST, that will still be up for debate in each of our own individual minds.

If all of us where smart and had a crystal ball, we would have dumped everything last year and stayed out with CASH and come back in for the Kill with only limits put on the risk or reward that we seek. It really is that simple but then this all depends on our individual investment styles.

You raise a very important point and question being:
when the markets turn

If we all know this then then we wouldnt need to read and post here half the time.

I have others who previously have said to me, Invest in This, Invest in That, This stock, That stock. And you know what, I am glad I have done nothing because those stocks are no further forward but probably down close to 50% like many stocks.

Anyways, its all a wild duck hunt at the moment, that is, if you are keen on being in the market and still believe and have the readies to play with.

Which takes me to the other problem of why I am jumping up and down, and yes, the answer is Having the Readies, Ready.

But then there are some smarty pants here that take pleasure in seeing others suffer, and to me well that is just plain sick.

18-08-2008, 11:47 PM
Cotik, how are you?

I see you dropping in every so often having a quick Lurk of what every innuendo that may floating around.

What is your take on the current status of affairs here and with Uran?

You seem to be more grounded than many of us and as you are a much larger holder, it always is good and appreciated to hear your perspective.

Huang Chung
18-08-2008, 11:54 PM
Cheers Satori & Drill

Fair enough if you are going to hang in there......you've got to call it the way you see it.

But it really sounds like some shareholder activism is called for with URA....

Go to the AGM if you can.....
Get the ASA to help if they will.....
Crikey....bandy together and call for an EGM if that's what it takes.

Who knows if URA can pull off any of these deals, but you at least deserve to known what the heck is going on.

Unless you really take it to the company, it seems like you in for another year of being treated like a mushroom :(.

19-08-2008, 01:13 AM
Hi Folks

Okay we seem to be getting a few well wishers here, a few do gooders, a few I told you so's and a few what do you expect etc etc.

Let me enlighten some of you.

Theres a group, a core of shareholders who post on Uran who have forgotten more about this company that what most of you will ever know.

Thats a fact. What has become so frustrating for many of us is the fact that we went in 'with awareness' 'with research' with experience in the market and in investing in specs.

A number of us have continued to be totally caught here hook line and sinker.

Folks we are talking about some very well researched and 'relatively' tuned in investors.

Most who comment here have no 'real' comprehension of the disappointments here for many of us.
Drill I feel your pain mate because im going through it too. Excellent post their Archer.

We all fell for the Uran/Hobbs story. Many of us do trade predominantly in specs. What Uran/Kate Hobbs stated clearly is well documented.

Why many of us here get angry or animated is the lack of accountability here with management and the incompetency on so many levels management have consistently demonstrated.

Get out you say? Cut your losses? Some of us are down CONSIDERABLY. Its why I wont promote this company anymore as a buy. Its unethical to do so 'imo'
And most of us here are preaching to the converted and supporting each other in 'hope' that this company will deliver what it said it would.

Ive said before that Uran wasnt a one trick pony. It mentioned several projects and in production within a year.
When you do your research you realise that that means serious $$$.
Uran ticked a lot of boxes; First mover advantage, signed prtotocol in Ukraine in 2006 for 2 deposits that were talked up as "6-9 months till production"
There was 'another' operating mine in the mix we now know to be Rozna, there was also an advanced project in Uzbekistan.

This didnt include negotiations in Kazakhstan and the US at the time.

Uran clearly set itself apart from 95% of other uranium hopefuls. For those of us that did our research, we knew it meant serious $$$ and a ride on the coat tails of PDN and ERA.

Kate Hobbs and Uran NEVER retracted those comments. Never once did they say we are not going to do that.

Former Chairman Michael Kiernan 'LAST YEAR' stated clearly that 1 project alone would be worth $5 to the shareprice, 2 or more worth $10.

Again, never was this retracted.

We invested here on PRODUCTION comments and potential in SEVERAL countries...not one.

We knew/know that Paladin was worth $billions re MC before any uranium was produced.

Those of us who invested here invested knowing management (and this includes comments from Kate Hobbs, Michael Kiernan AND Pat Ryan) stated PRODUCTION was "6-9 months away in Ukraine once acquired.

Kiernan stated sign a deal and "Move in tomorrow"

He also stated that we would be; "Done and dusted by December 2007" re acquiring project/s.

So any smart a..es out there that suggest that a number of us have just 'jumped on' or 'passively' floundered along here nheed to think before they cast judgement.

Right now we sit on a market cap of only $7 million...compare it to PDN with a market cap of 3.2 Billion....a company I might add that was barely producing anything 12 months ago.

Its why we invested here the potential was/is enormous. The company talked themselves up and had projects in various stages of negotiation...and all within 12 months production.


It was a compelling opportunity and many of us sold good companies to buy in.

Of course we can all be reminded how silly it was not to have a stop loss, or not to average down...but we are talking about a pioneering company looking to capitalise on very profitable projects and all the time under a MC of 70 million even at its peak.

When a company is 'close to sealing projects' you dont just sell down 'knowing' you miss many multiples in a day.

Greed? Yes. But calculated greed based on a lot of research.

So folks ease up on the self righteousness ok?

A few of us are hurting enough in the pocket re our $$ and our poor judgement and naive belief in a management team big on talk small on delivery.

Great post Satori.

Uran is still alive imo. I havent given up hope yet. Still holding a substantial number of shares and will hold these until Uran hits $1+ or 1c. Nothing in between.

The Big Ease
19-08-2008, 02:14 AM
you dont have to make up your losses from the same company that lost them for you.

this is the third year in a row where there "will be a deal by christmas" type scenario, only this time there are loads of bargains all around to be had in the market.

moving on from a mistake is the hardest thing to do in investing IMO.

we all make mistakes.
good luck.

19-08-2008, 02:25 AM
you dont have to make up your losses from the same company that lost them for you.

Its late at night now, but Ummm, not exactly sure if I follow you on this one TheBigEase.

Problem here is, no matter how many losses one creates from lord knows how many different companies, it is all pointless unless you ACTUALLY have some profits or gains to offset these Losses. Which means one has not had any winners what so ever all year then why both taking losses across the board when you cant offset these Darn Losses.

You see my point here? Or perhaps its too late at night as mentioned and I have misunderstood you, in which case, I am sorry.

19-08-2008, 03:01 AM
you dont have to make up your losses from the same company that lost them for you.

this is the third year in a row where there "will be a deal by christmas" type scenario, only this time there are loads of bargains all around to be had in the market.

moving on from a mistake is the hardest thing to do in investing IMO.

we all make mistakes.
good luck.

Why would I sell URA at these prices.

URA still has the potential to become a ten bagger overnight given its current market cap.with the right announcement.

Despite falling to 12c a share, I doubt if more than 5 million shares have traded this year. You will find that when URA finally announces a deal with substance, there wont be many shareholders selling below 50c.

The Big Ease
19-08-2008, 04:23 AM
Its late at night now, but Ummm, not exactly sure if I follow you on this one TheBigEase.

Problem here is, no matter how many losses one creates from lord knows how many different companies, it is all pointless unless you ACTUALLY have some profits or gains to offset these Losses. Which means one has not had any winners what so ever all year then why both taking losses across the board when you cant offset these Darn Losses.

You see my point here? Or perhaps its too late at night as mentioned and I have misunderstood you, in which case, I am sorry.

my point is as follows:

at every point in time you should give equal consideration to investment opportunities, rather than holding onto a stock in the hope that it will bounce back. for example, if there was another stock that had a greater liklihood of giving you a return of x than URA, then you should not hold onto URA. regardless of your history with the company.

it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to recover losses by continuing to hold onto stocks that have inflicted them on your portfolio.

some of the returns being mentioned on here like a 5-10 bucks share price is rather fanciful IMO. but i really hope it does pan out for those who "believe".

Grand Uber
19-08-2008, 07:49 AM
A candle loses nothing if it lights another candle i think the quote was.

The question i always ask myself is would i buy the stock now if i didnt own it already

Stops me averaging down to save my pride, and a basis to bail on a bad thing.

19-08-2008, 09:05 AM
I dont get you guys, ( bored office workers who like prodding people with their pencils aside :rolleyes: )
Satori talks of seasoned speculative investors but true or not you are an emotional bunch thats for sure. Please dont take offence as none is intended.

This has always been an all or nothing spec play and still is. To get the blues about the SP @ 12c makes no more sense than getting excited the last time it hit 30c. As SP3 points out there is no volume and hasnt been for a very long time. If there is no volume then the SP is at the mercy of a few disgruntled holders or a few brave traders.

The last time the SP was around 30c this clearly had nothing to do with the company’s performance or lack of. I would bet my guitar it was one fella on HC having a play with a totally illiquid stock that shall remain nameless.

Have any large shareholders been selling up? Im sure one of you would have access to the top 50/20. I would be keen to know if someone in the know has been bleeding their shares into the market. That and the energy sector in general, which has had a few terrible months aside what has changed?

Price of U?
Political Stability in Eastern Europe?
Kates singing voice? Thats if she can in fact sing. She certainly doesnt talk a lot.

I dont know if the team at URA are crap or not but it seems to me we should be looking for answers elsewhere. We clearly aint going to get answers from them and continually bad mouthing them on a public forum aint going to help the cause. You would be surprised who reads these things.

Seems to me the potential upside and risk here is a pretty good match. All or nothing fellas ( and felletts )

19-08-2008, 09:43 AM
I dont get you guys, ( bored office workers who like prodding people with their pencils aside :rolleyes: )
Satori talks of seasoned speculative investors but true or not you are an emotional bunch thats for sure. Please dont take offence as none is intended.

This has always been an all or nothing spec play and still is. To get the blues about the SP @ 12c makes no more sense than getting excited the last time it hit 30c. As SP3 points out there is no volume and hasnt been for a very long time. If there is no volume then the SP is at the mercy of a few disgruntled holders or a few brave traders.

The last time the SP was around 30c this clearly had nothing to do with the company?s performance or lack of. I would bet my guitar it was one fella on HC having a play with a totally illiquid stock that shall remain nameless.

Have any large shareholders been selling up? Im sure one of you would have access to the top 50/20. I would be keen to know if someone in the know has been bleeding their shares into the market. That and the energy sector in general, which has had a few terrible months aside what has changed?

Price of U?
Political Stability in Eastern Europe?
Kates singing voice? Thats if she can in fact sing. She certainly doesnt talk a lot.

I dont know if the team at URA are crap or not but it seems to me we should be looking for answers elsewhere. We clearly aint going to get answers from them and continually bad mouthing them on a public forum aint going to help the cause. You would be surprised who reads these things.

Seems to me the potential upside and risk here is a pretty good match. All or nothing fellas ( and felletts )

Very well said Strat.

As you correctly pointed out, most of us are aware of the risks when investing in speccies. We are also aware of the rewards....and having done our risk/reward analysis (or due diligence) on URA we are happy to still hold.

Just because we may be negative towards Management it doesnt mean we have lost faith.

19-08-2008, 10:02 AM
Hi SP3,
Any significant changes in the top 20?

19-08-2008, 10:38 AM
Hi SP3,
Any significant changes in the top 20?


In January 2008 the top 20 held 36% of the issued shares. In August 2008 the top 20 now hold 38%.

I understand there are now at least 3 Sharetrader posters in the current top 20. 2 new ones and one existing one who has since doubled their holding.

19-08-2008, 10:47 AM

In January 2008 the top 20 held 36% of the issued shares. In August 2008 the top 20 now hold 38%.

I understand there are now at least 3 Sharetrader posters in the current top 20. 2 new ones and one existing one who has since doubled their holding.Thanks SP3,
I guess the big question is are any of the management team among them.

19-08-2008, 11:15 AM
I would be really interested to see that posted here, it would sure beat the merry-go-round of junk that keeps this at the top of the page everyday.

Has it ever occured to you that you are the main culprit?

19-08-2008, 11:28 AM
I would be really interested to see that posted here, it would sure beat the merry-go-round of junk that keeps this at the top of the page everyday.Are you Sectasurfa?? :D

19-08-2008, 11:48 AM
actually, there is a really good feature on this site, which I just used.

in the profile part, you can see all posts made by posters...a quick check of SP3s posts shows page after page only on URA??? and he claims I am the "main culprit"

I couldn`t find one post of his 225! on any other subject.


"Na pas na gamithis."

19-08-2008, 12:15 PM
Are you Sectasurfa?? :DCome on Secta, fess up :p

19-08-2008, 12:51 PM
A candle loses nothing if it lights another candle i think the quote was.

The question i always ask myself is would i buy the stock now if i didnt own it already

Stops me averaging down to save my pride, and a basis to bail on a bad thing.

I really like your thought Grand Uber. Thanks for them :) A

19-08-2008, 04:17 PM

I think you are deliberately stirring the pot here.

frankly you are just another person getting a little irritated by the fact that this community of URA posters continue to post much more than you would like us to.

I'd say its your issue. Not ours.

In fact i'd say perhaps you are every bit as emotionally 'involved' in this thread as we are.,..just another level and another representation of being 'attached to' it. Perhaps even moreso.

Excellent Post Satori, couldn't have said it better myself (again).

Don't forget to ask him where can you send him the bill...LOL

19-08-2008, 04:27 PM
really, please post this analysis you have done. I am interested, as I haven`t seen much "analysis" or "due diligence" on this thread.
You mentioned it, I`d like to see it.

and since my last post on 13/8, you have posted here 14 times! so your analysis should be very interesting.

I think you'll find all the analysis was done before the HC guys moved over here. This has turned into a HC URA forum replacement (where a lot of just general chit-chat happened--this occurred around pages 30-40 I guess). Basically nothing fundamentally has really changed since the end of last year, and actually the 'set' of announcements around Q1-08 seemed fairly positive.

the general cliff notes are that if they get the main project they've been looking at in the Ukraine they'd become the 4th or 5th largest Uranium producer on the ASX. (I think, I haven't been keeping up with URA to be honest, but this was true near the beginning of this year)

19-08-2008, 04:37 PM
I dont get you guys, ( bored office workers who like prodding people with their pencils aside :rolleyes: )
Satori talks of seasoned speculative investors but true or not you are an emotional bunch thats for sure. Please dont take offence as none is intended.

This has always been an all or nothing spec play and still is. To get the blues about the SP @ 12c makes no more sense than getting excited the last time it hit 30c. As SP3 points out there is no volume and hasnt been for a very long time. If there is no volume then the SP is at the mercy of a few disgruntled holders or a few brave traders.

Fair enough STRAT, and very good post. I tis good to be reminded from time to time about what different angles of view there are, or there was.

With some of the other points though, many of us here are basically upset by Management as you can see, and the WAY things are done, or NOT DONE type of thing.

Apart from that, you then have other posters here that have no interest in this stock, yet keep coming in from the sidelines to bag holders who talk about the stock. Madness.

Anyways, got spare 10K that you can throw us so we can gamble that on some of these other stocks while we wait for this one to come off...lol :rolleyes:

NO? DOH, I knew it :D

19-08-2008, 04:48 PM
Hi, Just wondering, Does anyone actually Like this company and are confident in their sharholding in the company?

Just curious.


19-08-2008, 06:26 PM
Hi, Just wondering, Does anyone actually Like this company and are confident in their sharholding in the company?

Just curious.


Hi Bombsquad and welcome to the Uran thread of sharetrader.

May I say, your User Nic is perfect for this thread as we have many esculating moments :P

You will get many opinions here, each with their own story and perspective of this stock.

Here is my brief and story,

I am upset with management of this company, its not a case of LIKE this company, but more so a case of Believe that this company will deliver.

Do I feel the company will pull it off? Maybe, sometime perhaps, or eventually, but the pain we go through NOW, is tough when we need some cash many other reasons.

Would I buy this stock? Again, it depends on the money situation. If I had some money, I would buy some, I dont feel I would adventure further than I already have.

Oh, by the way, this is not advice to do so.

If I had my time again, I would still hold, but I would have a more rational balance across the board so if I needed to dump this, I would not be affected how I am at present.

Anyways, hope this helps as everyones personal circumstances and expectations/outcome are varied as you can imagine.

19-08-2008, 07:24 PM
Hi Bombsquad and welcome to the Uran thread of sharetrader.

May I say, your User Nic is perfect for this thread as we have many esculating moments :P

You will get many opinions here, each with their own story and perspective of this stock.

Here is my brief and story,

I am upset with management of this company, its not a case of LIKE this company, but more so a case of Believe that this company will deliver.

Do I feel the company will pull it off? Maybe, sometime perhaps, or eventually, but the pain we go through NOW, is tough when we need some cash many other reasons.

Would I buy this stock? Again, it depends on the money situation. If I had some money, I would buy some, I dont feel I would adventure further than I already have.

Oh, by the way, this is not advice to do so.

If I had my time again, I would still hold, but I would have a more rational balance across the board so if I needed to dump this, I would not be affected how I am at present.

Anyways, hope this helps as everyones personal circumstances and expectations/outcome are varied as you can imagine.


Until the URA holders from HC "arrived" Scorp, Strat & i were largely talking to ourselves, bar a few other holders!

I welcome each & everyone of the ex HC URA community, & wanted them over here to discuss the company we all share an active interest in.

Vince posted warnings on NZO & URA, yet the URA thread has detracted once again with various "low content provocation" from people who don't know the first thing about Uran. :mad:

Good to see Cujodog in the sin bin ;)

Anyone wanting to read reasoned debate/analysis regarding Uran, go back & reread the thread (i've provided a link to the old forum thread), or better still read all URA's ASX announcements from Q4 2006.

I have also posted i have a URA spreadsheet available to those "interested", which highlights the potential that keeps many of us in URA(including "actual" figures already been released, & a few assumptions :D).

Furthermore i have often referred back to more indepth analysis earlier in the thread, & am still yet to have ANY reasoned debate on why the figures are overly optmistic, that have been supported by ANY FACTS...:mad:

I can therefore only assume some of the low content posts have been directly aimed at me...:eek:

I'm looking forward to the "cheapshots" replying with some well researched facts to support there opinions on URA, i've outlined mine...

Start by viewing some of the other threads i've initiated with reasonably comprehensive fundamental analysis, i don't just jump into companies on a whim!

19-08-2008, 07:29 PM

Until the URA holders from HC "arrived" Scorp, Strat & i were largely talking to ourselves, bar a few other holders!

I welcome each & everyone of the ex HC URA community, & wanted them over here to discuss the company we all share an active interest in.

oh, I don't have any problem with them here, I was just trying to get the point across that there is probably more chit-chat in this thread than in others due to the 'community' feel there was at HC which then moved here.

19-08-2008, 07:33 PM
oh, I don't have any problem with them here, I was just trying to get the point across that there is probably more chit-chat in this thread than in others due to the 'community' feel there was at HC which then moved here.

That wasn't aimed at you by the way, & Share Trader was meant to be a better forum to discuss URA without the HC style low content rubblish.

No worries Vince is watching the thread clearly ;)

19-08-2008, 07:44 PM
Thanks for your comment drillfix, I am just curious as most of my investments have gone into mining companies dealing with iron ore, Due to the high demand recently in china for iron ore I view this as an excellent opportunity.

However, I have been keeping my eye on other stock for example OEL which I have purchased, and now have been recently researching "uranium" in general.

As I can see this company looks or "looked" should I say VERY promising, I do agree with you about the management, It seem that they talk a lot of #### to keep investors interested, But with no results, Maybe its the QUIET BEFORE THE STORM..

I am keeping a very close eye on this company, and will most probably jump aboard if I ever see the day of a tough uptrend.

The booming year for uranium has yet to come and will be late mid 2010 + (apparently)

That is what my research has proven, I do believe jumping aboard the Uranium ship now, is a win win situation, for the demand of nuclear power grows day by day,

Unfortunately we need to find that one company that can deliver<<<that’s always the problem....hehe

Thanks Drillfix I do appreciate your post.

19-08-2008, 08:36 PM
Thanks for your comment drillfix, I am just curious as most of my investments have gone into mining companies dealing with iron ore, Due to the high demand recently in china for iron ore I view this as an excellent opportunity.

Unfortunately we need to find that one company that can deliver<<<that’s always the problem....hehe

Thanks Drillfix I do appreciate your post.

No worries there Bombsquad, I feel good for the fact that somebody else here like yourself does appreciate somebody elses thoughts openly.

With regards, to Iron Ore, yeah, if I had my time again, I would have spread some chips out in that direction too~!

19-08-2008, 10:34 PM
No worries Vince is watching the thread clearly ;)Not sure thats a good thing. If we take up too much of young Vinces TV time he might ban us all and delete the thread.

While its fair to say there is a fair amount of crap on this thread to which I have contributed more than a fair share I reckon censorship of the forum while reducing irritation may make the thread somewhat sterile.

Better to stick anyone who gets your gander up on ignore I reckon.

The Big Ease
19-08-2008, 11:31 PM
a forum is at its best when people with different views on a stock share their opinions and ask questions of each other. i think quite a few posters with a contrary opinion to ura supporters have attempted to do that in here with perhaps the odd cutting remark as well.

it is sad to see people emotionally defend their original decisions and justify their continued persistence with claims of being lied to and for people to back-off, rather than engage in a rational assessment of the company's likely prospects to justify holding it.

imo, the sometimes lovefest environment in here needs a prodding every now and then. if anything it will prompt you to be more thorough in your analysis.

20-08-2008, 12:50 AM
a forum is at its best when people with different views on a stock share their opinions and ask questions of each other. i think quite a few posters with a contrary opinion to ura supporters have attempted to do that in here with perhaps the odd cutting remark as well.

it is sad to see people emotionally defend their original decisions and justify their continued persistence with claims of being lied to and for people to back-off, rather than engage in a rational assessment of the company's likely prospects to justify holding it.

imo, the sometimes lovefest environment in here needs a prodding every now and then. if anything it will prompt you to be more thorough in your analysis.

BigEase, we all confess that we all need our heads checked.

Tell ya what, the next big window of opportunity that comes up, I will do my best to balance out this equation into more favourable circumstances and then report back to you that whether I have succeeded or not Ok ;)

On a different note, I see that AAR chart or investment looks like a missile with faulty guidance system installed. :rolleyes:

Anyways, at least if we can continue to be respectful and coherent while maintaining discussion then there should be no problems and thus one big happy community. So here's hoping that many sectors will make it back to the starting box for another heat or round of runnings~!

20-08-2008, 01:08 AM
yes, the ignore feature is great too guitar man
in the User CP button at top left of page you can add whoever you like to your list

Drillfix is on mine - much better:D
please put me on yours and put yourself out of your misery Drill.

Why do that Dog? when its just as easy for me to just tell you to Piss Off :D

another thing, how about both you and me and everyone here also click on a few banners on the top.
this will at least add to the community spirit for the operator of this site, it is a good contribution also.
This will also show that we are not just focused on OUR own problems but helping others, in some small way, Cool??

The Big Ease
20-08-2008, 01:31 AM
BigEase, we all confess that we all need our heads checked.

Tell ya what, the next big window of opportunity that comes up, I will do my best to balance out this equation into more favourable circumstances and then report back to you that whether I have succeeded or not Ok ;)

On a different note, I see that AAR chart or investment looks like a missile with faulty guidance system installed. :rolleyes:

you mean arasor (arr)?
hehe yeah. i liked the story and whacked a couple of thousand on it.
it was always an all or nothing type play and i treated it as such. management have failed to hit their guidance and despite the shareprice tanking 95% since i put up 2K, i feel no need to compound my misguided flutter with further capital. even though the company has some great blue sky (perhaps pie in the sky) opportunities in the near term. quite simply, management havent delivered, so i have looked elsewhere.

that is essentially the message most of the contrarian posters on this board have put to ura holders. it appears to us some of you have battered wife syndrome; constantly rationalising away what most others would consider to be unacceptable. in fact the more i think about it, the more that analogy fits. some of you guys are far too emotionally (and financially invested) to even contemplate leaving and crytalising your losses.

i do wish you all luck, but can anyone honestly tell me this has been 161 pages of substance? id say abotu 10-20% is of substance. the rest is mere chatter to reassure each other. its only when non-holders "break-in" to the thread that wounds are exposed to reality.

to me, this looks like a thread full of hope and desperation. there are 161 pages as evidence of that.

like i said, i really hope it works out. but youve also got to know when to call it a day.

20-08-2008, 01:42 AM
Evening Folks,

While google searching a few things, I came across this while searching Uran Limited.

It displays:

Uran Limited - focused on advanced & producing uranium projects ...Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system.
www.uranlimited.com.au/ - 17k

Now of course we all know what a content management system is and of course as you can see Uran is using Joomla.

I thought if Uran would have got a Webmaster or Developer to do a job for them, the first thing they would have done is REMOVE the default header in it and put the companies MISSION STATEMENT there instead. But then, what is Uran's Mission Statement, anybody know?

The next time somebody actually gets in touch with management can they advise them of this issue.

A small attention to detail makes a big attention where all this is going.

Just a mention, thats all~!

20-08-2008, 02:05 AM
you mean arasor (arr)?
hehe yeah. i liked the story and whacked a couple of thousand on it.
it was always an all or nothing type play and i treated it as such. management have failed to hit their guidance and despite the shareprice tanking 95% since i put up 2K,

to me, this looks like a thread full of hope and desperation. there are 161 pages as evidence of that.

like i said, i really hope it works out. but youve also got to know when to call it a day.

Thanks for your wishes Big Ease,

Ya know, it may seem like alot of posts about nothing, but as it has been pointed out already by many, Things were all quite here with only a few posters previously, but as you probably know most posters from the Uran Thread of the HC came over and joined up here.

Its like folk here only talking about Blue Sky or Pie in the Sky stuff and previous members don't get any ingredients from this thread or investment wise it is insufficient data to make investment decisions, or something like that.

I and others can understand this frustration, honestly we can.

If too many people dont like this Uran community posting here like we do, then it is possible for me to set up another Private Site, as I myself have done webmaster and coding (php, MySQL, html, java, javascript DHTML etc) previously and it wouldnt be that difficult to knock up something either like this site or even a custom version of another site like this or HC or any site you can see on the Internet.

I take an interest in other threads and have a look and see there is a strong community in Oil, CSG, and other Base Metals, but I aint got the money do lose no more.

Should have stuck with charting and done more TA and ditched the Long Term Investor crap last year, in which case then we would probably be having this conversation. But then even if I did, I still live with a Chronic Pain Condition and its with me everyday from when I wake up, until I go to bed. Not nice I know and it feels like crap, but I just got to try to get through each day as it comes, and what I have done with my investment has been a little irresponsible to myself but its too late in the present, if I can change it, I would, but its difficult. Some people just cannot see the circumstances unless they are actually LIVING IT and trying to deal with it.

With regards to posters, well, many of the newer posters on this site and thread already know about my situation and challenges that I face and we all post here because of previous bonds, communications and knowledge of each others life in general.

Anyways, I hope that explains a little more than previous so each little bit will form the story and understanding along the way.

Thanks for your concerns and input to what perhaps maybe we should at least consider at some stage, whenever that may be or come along.

ps: lol, yes sorry about the wrong code, and I while back I cant remember who it was that wanted me to jump in at $3.++ which would have been even more of a nightmare.

20-08-2008, 06:12 PM
Ya know, considering when one looks at many charts and can see destruction of many stocks I guess in some ways Uran has held up Ok considering.

But its funny to see how the options (urao) do a Full Back flip from being up + 33+% to only end up down -25.930.

Weird stuff :rolleyes: Obviously somebody still wants out.

Oz, I thought you were done selling buddy :p (sorry Oz, I still really dont like to hear about such loses as you had with these)

YOGI, as per your previous astro forcast made in this thread:
20-21 08 2008 ..... difficult cycle = flat-to-down trading ??? (You got this pretty much right mate)
22-25 08 2008 ..... positive spotlight on URA ... (Lets see who and what has got a spotlight hey..lol).

I know you are banned atm and you can only read these posts, however, what was all your waffle about the 20th of Aug previously?
Perhaps it was you who dumped down to 2 cents today, so I guess that was your big secret hey~!

20-08-2008, 07:19 PM
Hi All

I hope so AA.

I do appreciate everyones posts on URA and look forward each day to reading them.

I apologise to any posters I may have upset as it appears I may have.



Huang Chung
20-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Coruba (the person, not the drink),

AA often has a tendency to 'be random' in the evenings.....some nights its bourbon, some nights Coruba, and you might even catch him partaking in a cask of red on the odd occasion. :)

20-08-2008, 08:08 PM
Coruba (the person, not the drink),

AA often has a tendency to 'be random' in the evenings.....some nights its bourbon, some nights Coruba, and you might even catch him partaking in a cask of red on the odd occasion. :)

If you ask nicely he'll even post a chart or two ;)

20-08-2008, 08:19 PM
I've been reading these threads for the past few days and I love the fierce support that holders give to this company.

I'm looking to buy in shortly. What is the long term target (say 2 to 3 years) for this company?


Firstly, Welcome to Sharetrader :)

I'm a little worried your first post on Share Trader is on URA, a very high risk v potentially very high reward stock. :confused:

In this bear market even cash generating producers are getting smashed.

Does URA fit your investment strategy?

Ie, a small punt using a small %age of your investment capital?

URA is volatile & moves both ways +/- 20% on little volume

If you use TA then you'd be giving URA a wide berth!

Fundamentally if you like the story (& believe current management can eventually deliver), then the real gains will be realised throughout 2009/10, but thats just my opinion though.

Currently URA has sufficient cash to hopefully last until the options expire during May 09 (aprox 21m @ 18c = ~$4m), but will eventually be dilluted & need to raise capital to advance there projects...

Uranium hasn't come back into favour as yet (spot price is still over 50% down from last years highs), so there is little momentum in this stock...

20-08-2008, 08:22 PM
thewire- target for 3 years could be either $1-10 per share, or not even trading anymore. taht is the risk you face with companies like this in these markets...

obviously i would have sold my 250,000 heads ages ago if i didnt think there was potential. i still beleive they will get there but time will tell'


20-08-2008, 09:57 PM
thewire- target for 3 years could be either $1-10 per share, or not even trading anymore. taht is the risk you face with companies like this in these markets...

Aint that the Truth Scorp.

Its not hard to see really, looking at markets across the board, one needs more than a crystal ball. I would say having a Disaster Recovery Plan in place 1st of all would be a good place start.

But then for these folk (no disrespect to you TheWire) who start to ask targets from long term holders who bought in at multiples from where the current URA + URAO price is now, should really knuckle down on some reading to choose if they believe the story CAN or Cannot Unfold.

How low is enough for the shareprice of this stock to be believable, or Pun-table as some would say?

As SP3 has mentioned previously, what will it take for all of this to turn around and as many would agree, we 1st need the market to get its head right.

Then we just need a little bit (maybe alot) of TRUTH to shine out of managements mouth to the ASX and then suddenly it is a very different picture again.

Anyways, there is a dog in the yard, so only enter at own risk`! :rolleyes:

20-08-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks for that. I have $110,000 saved up over my working life of 12 years and will be looking at putting around 75% of that into this share based on the recommedations of Drillfix and Shasta.

Cheers guys - I will get onto my broker tomorrow.

Goodness, unless this is a windup* :D

You want to spend ~$80k, on a stock that: :eek:

1. I haven't given any BUY recommendation on ? (& won't!)

2. Drillfix has constantly "questioned" the company's non performance?

3. ASB Sec show only 154,153 shares on the sell side (up to 20c), so for $30k you could wipe the entire sell side!

*Me thinks Cujodog has slipped off the leash :rolleyes:

20-08-2008, 10:06 PM
Thanks for that. I have $110,000 saved up over my working life of 12 years and will be looking at putting around 75% of that into this share based on the recommedations of Drillfix and Shasta.


For what ever reason thewirerocks, I cant remember tooting my horn to you.

Beleive me, you dont want to listen to me, Your situation sounds like the one I previously had not so long ago, and now look at it/me.

The only thing I am happy about with Uran is that there is now only limited downside and if you want to lend me $10K to help the DrillFix get out of the sh%t fund :o then I would say, Listen to Shasta instead of me, at least until I get off my painkillers ;)

But in many ways regardless of who buys in or who doesn't buy in, all I can say is, what a journey. You get to come and go Full Circle both physically and mentally. :eek:

ps: You beat me to it Shasta...lol We are being wound up here me reckons~!
Tip, Diversify, Keep some cash out, Get some performing Bluie's, Some speccy's and a good psychologist :P

Huang Chung
20-08-2008, 10:07 PM
Thanks for that. I have $110,000 saved up over my working life of 12 years and will be looking at putting around 75% of that into this share based on the recommedations of Drillfix and Shasta.

Cheers guys - I will get onto my broker tomorrow.

A wind-up Shas, no doubt about it!

Nice try, but just a bit cutsey!

The Big Ease
20-08-2008, 10:28 PM
but a point worth making huang ;)
no, its not me.

20-08-2008, 11:45 PM
Thanks for that. I have $110,000 saved up over my working life of 12 years and will be looking at putting around 75% of that into this share based on the recommedations of Drillfix and Shasta.

Cheers guys - I will get onto my broker tomorrow.

Love it, this is the sort of levity I used to enjoy on the URA thread during the SP deflation. But why do things by halves. To 'go the Full Circle both physically and mentally' (thx drillfix) put the lot on or at least enough for 1,000,000 of these little lurkers. Instant top 20 membership...a heavy weight from day 1 & 'fierce support' from the believers. Yeah, treat yourself to a walk on the wild side before reaping the rewards.

...the best laugh I'll have this week (heh, is there truth said in jest ?)

20-08-2008, 11:45 PM
You're obviously a ring in mate ;)

Suggest you rethink that strategy...tongue in cheek or not.


Satori, now that I think about it, perhaps its a good time to start ramping so this way we can get the broker to just TAKE MARKET, ALL OF IT with that sort of money.

Then we will all be back to $1.18 for the FPO and then $1.00 for the Options. :D

Fortunately, there are many honest regular posters here who are not as cunning to be able to do that :rolleyes:

Sheez, where is my evil twin when I need him...lol :D

20-08-2008, 11:47 PM
at least enough for 1,000,000 of these little lurkers. Instant top 20 membership...a heavy weight from day 1 & 'fierce support' from the believers. Yeah, treat yourself to a walk on the wild side before reaping the rewards.

...the best laugh I'll have this week (heh, is there truth said in jest ?)

LOL, classic post Furii~! :D:D

20-08-2008, 11:52 PM

Could I please have your email address so we can chat personally about this company?
My email address is drillfixisdelusional@gmail.com


Just visit my domain www.iLoveAgunToMyHead.org

or visit the sister site: www.HaHaDaFriggingHaHaDaInvestmentGroup.biz

Any of those should keep me intouch with my YesIamDisalusioned@gmail.com email account~! :rolleyes:

21-08-2008, 08:23 AM
Thanks for that. I have $110,000 saved up over my working life of 12 years and will be looking at putting around 75% of that into this share based on the recommedations of Drillfix and Shasta.

Cheers guys - I will get onto my broker tomorrow.LOL,
banned already but back tomorrow with yet another new handle Im sure :D

better use a proxy or admin might catch you before the first post:p

21-08-2008, 08:58 AM
banned already but back tomorrow with yet another new handle Im sure :D

better use a proxy or admin might catch you before the first post:p

I seriously doubt Vince lets in those using proxy servers :confused:

Looking forward the next "rat" :D

21-08-2008, 01:44 PM
I seriously doubt Vince lets in those using proxy servers :confused:

Looking forward the next "rat" :D

I thought the last Rat incident at least brought a few smiles to many of us :rolleyes:

Shasta at least we dont need to get our minds checked about who we left so called instructions to buy 1 Million URA on market with their life savings.

Pitty, it was like the movie The Gods must be Crazy :D

21-08-2008, 01:53 PM
I thought the last Rat incident at least brought a few smiles to many of us :rolleyes:

Shasta at least we dont need to get our minds checked about who we left so called instructions to buy 1 Million URA on market with their life savings.

Pitty, it was like the movie The Gods must be Crazy :D

Scary thing was if someone genuinely wanted to follow our advice? :D

With the meds worn off, thats like having Stevie Wonder as the destinated driver! :D

21-08-2008, 02:17 PM
Scary thing was if someone genuinely wanted to follow our advice? :D

With the meds worn off, thats like having Stevie Wonder as the destinated driver! :D

Maybe that's the problem - Stevie Wonder is running Uran! :p A

21-08-2008, 02:21 PM
Maybe that's the problem - Stevie Wonder is running Uran! :p A

Perhaps Kate got him on to the board with Free Options :rolleyes:

Perhaps Kate's real name is Kate Wonder, or even Wonder Kate, or Kate the Wonder-Days Hobbs (the Movie).

Either that or Stevie Hobbs, perhaps Stevie Hobbs Wonders, or even perhaps Stevie Hobbs Wonders WTF he is doing in Uran Land :D

sorry folks:
Time for some medication Archer, Shasta..lol

21-08-2008, 03:08 PM
Perhaps Kate got him on to the board with Free Options :rolleyes:

Perhaps Kate's real name is Kate Wonder, or even Wonder Kate, or Kate the Wonder-Days Hobbs (the Movie).

Either that or Stevie Hobbs, perhaps Stevie Hobbs Wonders, or even perhaps Stevie Hobbs Wonders WTF he is doing in Uran Land :D

sorry folks:
Time for some medication Archer, Shasta..lol

Thanks for the laughs ! Appreciated ! :D A

21-08-2008, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the laughs ! Appreciated ! :D A

Must say your post & Drillfix's made me :D

21-08-2008, 03:33 PM
Thanks for the laughs ! Appreciated ! :D A

Must say your post & Drillfix's made me :D

lol, No worries, thought I would go into Satori Mode :D

Glad I could some Up around here to counter act the big sell down at .12 cents again :eek: :rolleyes:

21-08-2008, 04:26 PM
PS Drillfix great to see you dealt with those recent posts with a sense of humour :)

You need it around here.

Hi Satori,

Yup, we sure do, or at least some of the time otherwise this whole life thing gets to ya.

I see we have hit new lows now both on options and fpo again, looks like we will get a new low each week until Kate WhatsHerName becomes forthgiving.

UberSpec, back again like a bad rash mate. I see your still consistent unlike the shareprice which likes change once in a while :rolleyes:

21-08-2008, 07:49 PM
'looks like we got us a good ole mexican stan-doff' 12c and no one willing to budge.

'last chance to top up at 12c before we hit 10c' imhoHey Uberspec, remember this?


Its so nice to see you giving something useful back here on the URA thread:rolleyes:

21-08-2008, 08:03 PM
Hi everyone,

what is going on with this management, no f***king update. KH and pat ryan has alot to explain in the up coming AGM!!! i hope everyone could make it, i will be going there to give them a mouth of ****!!!!.

Hi Satori,

Yup, we sure do, or at least some of the time otherwise this whole life thing gets to ya.

I see we have hit new lows now both on options and fpo again, looks like we will get a new low each week until Kate WhatsHerName becomes forthgiving.

UberSpec, back again like a bad rash mate. I see your still consistent unlike the shareprice which likes change once in a while :rolleyes:

21-08-2008, 08:48 PM
Maybe that's the problem - Stevie Wonder is running Uran! :p AHi Archer,
I lingering rumour spread by PM has compelled me to ask you this question.

"Come on Kate, tell us whats going on" :D

Kate Archer-Hobbs

Hyphenated names are so classy:p

21-08-2008, 10:39 PM
Hi Archer,
I lingering rumour spread by PM has compelled me to ask you this question.

"Come on Kate, tell us whats going on" :D

Kate Archer-Hobbs

Hyphenated names are so classy:p

Am i forgetting something? Who's PM? A-S :D

21-08-2008, 11:03 PM
Am i forgetting something? Who's PM? A-S :DHi Archer,
PM means private message but Im not at liberty to say who:p.

are your ears burning:D

21-08-2008, 11:50 PM

The beauty of the upcoming AGM is that anger can be supported by cold hard facts.
If Uran shareholders thought last years AGM demanded a 'please explain', 12 months on and i'd suggest theres enough material here to well and truly showcase the shortcomings of Management, particularly senior management, on just about every key issue and front you can imagine.

What date is the AGM again folks?..

And will our self proclaimed 'uranium producer 2007' of an MD be there?

I certainly hope so.........

Yes Satori, there will be plenty of that there, and even more if I can manage to get over there too.

I cannot express at times what frustration or anger that I feel, hence me complimenting you on your choice of words and how to arrange them into a sentence without making the roof of the house fall off.

I hear ya and fully understand what your going through as I am sure you understand me and what I and others here are going through.

I think its about time we start getting a strategy together or prepared, written up or whatever.

Would the regulars here like me to knock up a private AREA 51 we can build/prepare a question list that we can all or indivdually contribute to via Web Interface?

This will allow us to post, edit, order, print and it can allow everybody to be on the same page, as in with regards to questions and significance, importance and we can then at least expect some answers.

I know there will be many questions which are anger based, but we also need to get management to answer questions of the UP FRONT, NO SH$T, Kind, if you get my meaning.

Anyways, let me know and I will get onto it this weekend or tonight if needed.

Huang Chung
22-08-2008, 12:07 AM
Good on ya fellas.....channel those negative vibes into some positive action :).

It would be crazy for you to be bitchin' here, and not take it up to management at the AGM.

Give em hell!

22-08-2008, 10:08 AM
actions speak louder than words stdrat.

It would seem you are the 'sensitive lot' you refer to in the PM you sent me.

"Hi Uberspec,
Just for the record Im not bothered by your URA posts at all.

Some of the others are a sensitive lot though ."Whats your point?
Im not bothered by your posts.
Some are obviously.
My last post was a comment on your character which is becoming clearer as time goes by rather than a suggestion that you should behave in a particular way.

What do you hope to gain from this interaction and how likely do you think it is that anyone who reads it is still going to bother to offer you help.
You might want to consider the fact that everyone can read what you write and opinions are formed about you from this.
I sent you the PM because I thought you were being treated a little harshly but perhaps I was wrong. Thanks for posting it:rolleyes:

22-08-2008, 10:57 AM
Haha, Nice and concise collection of innuendo. You are on a roll.
Kamp Mother and Creepy. very droll.

but excuse you? Reckon not.

22-08-2008, 02:19 PM
Nice to see the goverment is getting along wonderfully well. I think the whole thing is flocked with no resolution for years to come (at least until the next Presidential elections imo):

Ukraine PM rejects traitor accusations: report

1 day ago

KIEV (AFP) — Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Wednesday refuted allegations of treason levelled by the presidency which hinted that she sided with Russia over the conflict in Georgia, a report said.

Tymoshenko, who is locked in a bitter feud with her erstwhile ally President Viktor Yushchenko said she wanted to "immediately refute this declarations," according to the Interfax news agency.

In a statement from administration official Andri Kyslynsky, the presidency said earlier Wednesday, "the actions of the current prime minister show signs of high treason and political corruption."

Kyslynsky offered no proof, but said that "we are handing over materials in our possession to the security forces for a detailed examination."

He said suspicions centred on Tymoshenko's silence over Russian actions in Georgia, whose president, Mikheil Saakashvili, is a close ally of Yushchenko.

He also said that Tymoshenko was seeking the Kremlin's support ahead of a bid for Ukraine's presidency in an election due between 2009 and 2010.

Analysts and the media in Ukraine have raised concerns that Russian troops will target the country's Crimea peninsua as long as Yushchenko continues to openly support Tbilisi in the Georgia-Russia conflict.

Crimea is home to the naval port city of Sevastopol where Russia's Black Sea fleet has been based since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. It also has a large Russophone population with pro-Moscow sympathies.

Last week, Yushchenko heightened fears that Ukraine, a close ally of Tbilisi, could be caught up in the conflict when he imposed new restrictions on the Black Sea fleet.

In a veiled criticism of the president, Tymoshenko on Wednesday called for a more considered approach.

"Concerning the tensions between Ukraine and the Black Sea Fleet... I think that the Ukrainian authorities should behave in a more responsible way and not lead Ukraine into military conflicts," Interfax quoted her as saying.


22-08-2008, 05:19 PM
me thinks Ukraine is going to hell in a Russian basket. It's certainly not good for productivity and progress imo:

Ukraine leaders divided over Russian threat
Ukraine's prime minister has sharply criticised the country's president for restoring displays of military hardware to Sunday's independence day parade amid fears of provoking Russia.

By Damien McElroy in Kiev
Last Updated: 11:10PM BST 21 Aug 2008

Battle lines between the former political allies are hardening at a treacherous juncture in the country's history.

As President Victor Yushchenko prepares to fight presidential elections in 2010, Yulia Timoshenko has issued what amounts to a broad scale challenge to her partner in Ukraine's 2004 Orange Revolution.

Grigory Nemyria, vice-prime minister and Miss Timoshenko's closest advisor, told The Daily Telegraph that differences over the parade formed part of a much wider divergence between the two leaders. "The prime minister thinks the military parade is inappropriate because of the cost at a time when Ukraine has to cope with severe flooding but also because this flexing of muscles is a provocation," he said.

Preparations for the parade have given Kiev the feel of a city preparing for occupation. Loud cannon fire has echoed through the canyon-like Soviet-era boulevards during the evening rush hour this week. Newspapers are filled with pictures of tanks. To crown the sense of siege, jets on a fly-past flew fast and low over the city.

Residents were shocked by the sudden militarisation of the Ukrainian capital, which has struggled hard to present a modern image. "This is the first time we've seen this in seven years," said Oleg Pashchenko, a newspaper vendor. "Why now and for what? The president must be crazy to think he is scaring the Russians."

In the wake of Russia's assault on Georgia, pressure on the Ukrainian leadership to row back from pro-western policies has escalated. While President Yushchenko resisted with measures that directly targeted Russian interests, the prime minister has shown increasing disquiet.

Mr Nemyria hinted that the prime minister was prepared to put a strategic change of direction before the electorate, a development that would mean breaking a pledge not to run.

"Foreign and security policy has not before been an issue in Ukrainian elections," he said. "But in the just beginning presidential elections it will be and it will be up to each party to explain their approach in the manifestos."

Miss Timoshenko has distanced herself from the president's determined pursuit of Nato membership. Mr Nemyria said the collapse of Georgia's army proved that upgrading the military of aspiring allies was unequal to the task of preserving peace next to Russia.

"Purely security based arrangements are not enough," he said. "We need a much more ambitious set of policies. The EU cannot remain on the sidelines. We need to demand that you the countries of Western Europe take a much more proactive approach to stability, particularly in regard to frozen conflicts."

Miss Timoshenko has also been critical of a presidential decree restricting the movements of Russia's Ukraine-based Black Sea fleet in its waters.

"This unilateralism on both sides causes problems," said Mr Nemyria. "The president took unilateral action in his announcement. There must be a mechanism to cover this issue but if it's not workable and not enforceable, it could act as a pretext for the other side."

Russia's intimate relationship with Ukraine stretches beyond the origins of its empire. The two nations share an ethnic Slavic make-up and the Orthodox religion. Ukraine has successfully steered west since 2004 while Russia under Vladimir Putin has become steadily more autocratic, both at home and abroad.

With at least 17 per cent of Ukrainians claiming Russian nationality on census forms, a ready constituency for Moscow lives in Ukraine. If inter-ethnic frictions build, Russia would have a reason to intervene as it did in Georgian.

So far Ukraine has avoided ethnic clashes. Mr Nemyria, a native Russian-speaker, claims that the handling of communal tensions is one of the great achievements of its independence.

However, there are signs that distrust is mounting. Ukrainians increasingly insist on speaking the national language, a development that has left many Russians excluded from both national affairs and small-scale social events.

At a riverside disco in Kiev, Tatania Lytvyn, a 32-year-old IT consultant, visiting from the Russophone city of Donetsk, partied inconspicuously yesterday in a showcase venue for Kiev's newly prosperous elite. But during a prize giving announcement in Ukrainian, she was suddenly dismayed.

"It's become really hard for us. Everything is pressure to use Ukrainian and people get really mad if we don't," she said. "But who cares about Ukrainian? Who learns that language?

"Russian is known all over the word. It's disgusting but what can we do."


22-08-2008, 09:27 PM
I think its about time we start getting a strategy together or prepared, written up or whatever.

Would the regulars here like me to knock up a private AREA

Looks like I am posting to myself here I know but the question still stands.

Nobody thinks its a good idea? or are the just no questions to ask Uran Management / Kate Hobbs?

I am fine either way, but I actually thought there would be some more genuine interest than this.

22-08-2008, 09:29 PM
Looks like I am posting to myself here I know but the question still stands.

Nobody thinks its a good idea? or are the just no questions to ask Uran Management / Kate Hobbs?

I am fine either way, but I actually thought there would be some more genuine interest than this.

It would be nice if they answered our current emails...

I'm in Wellington, NZ so won;t be attending the AGM.

Would Tony S possibly collate the list & raise the points?

22-08-2008, 10:01 PM
It would be nice if they answered our current emails...

I'm in Wellington, NZ so won;t be attending the AGM.

Would Tony S possibly collate the list & raise the points?

No worries Shasta, I understand NZ is a bit of a trip just to hear Kate waffle to yes, no or maybe.

With regards to "The List" or "A List".

This is what I am referring to, are we all gonna make a list, or are we all gonna individually keep it in our heads and wait and see?

Most of us realise that last year Management had a picnic and seemed to get off Scott Free.

I think this year MUST be the year of Hard Knocks with regards to Questions or as you say Shasta, Getting Answers.

To collectively be organised makes more sense than the casual, Who has a question approach.