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06-07-2008, 06:16 PM
As long as Uran arranges an idependent consultant there will always be an element of biasm.

Sp3, if PricewaterhouseCoopers actually do this appraisal/assessment then do you not think this will be UnBias?

06-07-2008, 06:21 PM
Sp3, if PricewaterhouseCoopers actually do this appraisal/assessment then do you not think this will be UnBias?

The Uran Board should be the driver for this, to ensure the Discovery factions do not introduce any bias (ie, Kate).

The independent directors have to come into play here

06-07-2008, 06:29 PM
The independent directors have to come into play here

Shasta, when you say independent

Are you referring to Ross Kennedy, Wolf Martinick and Thomas Schrimpf??

As these are the only ones left on the Board~!

06-07-2008, 06:36 PM
Shasta, when you say independent

Are you referring to Ross Kennedy, Wolf Martinick and Thomas Schrimpf??

As these are the only ones left on the Board~!

ASX listed companies must have at least 2 independent directors...

Add in Pat Ryan too?

Is Thomas Schrimpf apart of Discovery Minerals, i can't recall?

06-07-2008, 08:00 PM

As I said, it would be ideal if someone independent of Discovery, Uran, and Uran shareholders engaged the services of the independent consultant. That way we would get a fairdinkum independent appraisal of Discovery's valuation.

If it was possible I would prefer ASIC to arrange for an independent valuation - but we know that's not going to happen.

06-07-2008, 08:27 PM
ASX listed companies must have at least 2 independent directors...

Add in Pat Ryan too?

Is Thomas Schrimpf apart of Discovery Minerals, i can't recall?

We need to start putting some pressure on our independent directors to take Uran more seriously by buying some shares...and Im not talking about token shares. The market will only take Uran seriously when they see Director's names on the register.

For those unaware, Independent Directors are allowed to buy up to 5% of the total number of shares on issue I think. I am not quite sure of the % but I know its quite high. For those interested its covered in the Corporations Act.

06-07-2008, 09:10 PM

We need to start putting some pressure on our independent directors to take Uran more seriously by buying some shares...and Im not talking about token shares. The market will only take Uran seriously when they see Director's names on the register.

For those unaware, Independent Directors are allowed to buy up to 5% of the total number of shares on issue I think. I am not quite sure of the % but I know its quite high. For those interested its covered in the Corporations Act.

I'd like all the Directors to show a vote of confidence & buy on market.

I wonder what they will do when the next round of capital raising comes around. Surely they don't expect shareholders to shell out when they haven't?

And those with free options, should be converting them early to raise further funds & show other shareholders they are aligning there interests with ours.

I don't like Directors that put there hands out for free options every AGM, if they havent bought any on market...:mad:

I could be wrong, but the overall amount of shares bought on market by our Directors/Management is pathetic!

I might do a little exercise & work out what $$$ could be obtained converting unlisted options early, & see what funds could be raised before the options expire.

Might as well work out how many on market shares have been bought as well!

06-07-2008, 11:55 PM
I'd like all the Directors to show a vote of confidence & buy on market.

I don't like Directors that put there hands out for free options every AGM, if they havent bought any on market...:mad:

I could be wrong, but the overall amount of shares bought on market by our Directors/Management is pathetic!

Yes shasta, it would be fantastic to see a director or one of the board actually making a Significant Investment in this company that they so called are apart of.

And yes, funny that even MK got 10 MILLION options the last time just before he Stepped down from the chair. (Did you hear that ASIC???)

I agree that a separate investigation on Discovery should be done. As far as I am concerned, I still cannot get rid of a Stench of Conflict of Interest.

Should this company not offer the market or shareholders any respectable news regarding its efforts at all, then I suggest we get ASIC to arrange for an independent investigation into the company as a whole using political innuendo to justify running a business is not good enough IMO.

Shasta, with regards to Thomas Schrimpf apart of Discovery Minerals?

Well, I had it written on a Text File somewhere however I am sure I posted it on HC so if you do a search there, I am sure it will crop up.
I am sure I got that info previously from Cotik, or was it you Sp3? dont know but one of you and this will give shasta his answer.

07-07-2008, 03:31 AM

Kuchtova wants coalition meeting due to energy commission

Prague- Dana Kuchtova, deputy chairwoman of the Green Party, will propose a meeting of coalition partners owing to the work of the "Paces commission", that it, the energy commission headed by Czech Academy of Sciences (CAV) chairman Vaclav Paces, Kuchtova said in Questions on Czech TV today.

Kuchtova argues that the commission's working methods are poor and complains that partial results have been released without the opinions of opponents.

Industry and Trade Minister Martin Riman (Civic Democratic Party; ODS) claims the Greens are breaking the coalition agreement by their stance to the commission's work.

The commission was to map the Czech Republic's energy needs and propose a solution, but only partial results have been presented, Kuchtova said.

Riman, however, is of the opinion that the Greens are still trying to avoid their responsibility.

"The commission has worked for a year and no-one has ever said its work was not good..," Riman said, adding that if attacks on the commission's work stop, he is able to submit a new energy concept for the Czech Republic by end-2008.

The independent expert commission on Friday recommended to the government to open all issues related to the energy sector and make them available for evaluation.

Reactions of politicians signal that they see the commission's report as a recommendation that nuclear energy be used more.

Premier Mirek Topolanek stressed, however, that the commission's task was not to determine whether or not the Czech Republic should opt for nuclear energy.

"I do not know an independent commission which would say something else than that we will have to," he said.

Topolanek wants discussion on the completion of nuclear resources to start soon. He would like administrative proceedings whose outcome would not be final to be launched.

The final decision will probably not be made by his government due to the coalition agreement in which the coalition pledged not to build nuclear units.

Kuchtova said that in the presented document, the Greens welcomed in particular the part on alternative energy sources, energy saving and the Czech Republic's wider connection to European energy networks.

Vladimir Dlouhy, the commission's member and former industry and trade minister, called on the Greens to inform the public that the country's energy policy would be much more expensive without nuclear power plants and that the country would also be much more vulnerable. Dlouhy sees nuclear energy as the cheapest option.

Social Democrats (CSSD) vice-chairman Milan Urban said in Questions that the CSSD were also prepared to take part in the commission's work. He noted that the country would not make do without nuclear energy.

"Renewable sources and energy saving also have to be given the highest possible support," he added.

According to the results of a new Eurobarometr poll published on Thursday, Czechs together with Lithuanians are the biggest friends of the use of nuclear energy out of all 27 EU member countries.

07-07-2008, 09:48 AM

I didnt say that ASIC should do an investigation into the Uran/Discovery deal.

I said that ASIC could arrange for an independent valuation to ascertain if the acquisition (ie issueing of 100M shares is fair and reasonable.)

Big difference!

Also, MK might have received his options prior to departing but he had qualified for his options back in early 2006.

ps Tomas is associated with Timex who are shareholders in Discovery.

07-07-2008, 02:43 PM

I didnt say that ASIC should do an investigation into the Uran/Discovery deal.

I said that ASIC could arrange for an independent valuation to ascertain if the acquisition (ie issueing of 100M shares is fair and reasonable.)

Big difference!

Also, MK might have received his options prior to departing but he had qualified for his options back in early 2006.

ps Tomas is associated with Timex who are shareholders in Discovery.


Are you referring to Tomas Vana? (He's ex Timex Zdice)

I was wondering if Klaus Thomas Schrimpf was involved in Discovery Minerals?

07-07-2008, 03:40 PM

Are you referring to Tomas Vana? (He's ex Timex Zdice)

I was wondering if Klaus Thomas Schrimpf was involved in Discovery Minerals?


yes. i just realised my mistake after you raised it.

07-07-2008, 06:41 PM
Big difference!

Also, MK might have received his options prior to departing but he had qualified for his options back in early 2006.

Yeah but I mean 10 Million Options, and for doing exactly What????

I understand regarding ASIC and them submitting or allocating a 3rd party valuation.

But I dont understand why or what is wrong with PWC doing it, is there?

07-07-2008, 07:47 PM
Yeah but I mean 10 Million Options, and for doing exactly What????

I understand regarding ASIC and them submitting or allocating a 3rd party valuation.

But I dont understand why or what is wrong with PWC doing it, is there?

I dont mind if PWC conducts the valuation. I prefer if a 3rd party engaged the services of an independent valuer (even if they hired PWC).

An interesting development in Cz.


07-07-2008, 08:19 PM

I dont mind if PWC conducts the valuation. I prefer if a 3rd party engaged the services of an independent valuer (even if they hired PWC).

An interesting development in Cz.


Gotta laugh at Uran's claims they try to mitigate sovereign risk

It looks like we will need a change of Govt in the Czech Republic to get rid of the greens to get any progress...

Makes me wonder why the Kazakhstan angle is so quiet?

07-07-2008, 08:51 PM
Gotta laugh at Uran's claims they try to mitigate sovereign risk

It looks like we will need a change of Govt in the Czech Republic to get rid of the greens to get any progress...

Makes me wonder why the Kazakhstan angle is so quiet?

shasta have you asked about Kaz? or has anyone else? I've been sending too many questions lately (and not getting answered again! LOL ) anyone else like to ask about Kaz . All we seem to know here is its one big mother of a U producer, (Russia's probably got it tied up), its a jolly big country too, more sophisticated than Borat or Uzbek and that MK ( he's our darling isn't he?? better be nice to him we still need his 4M shares to stay put for the time being) said at the EGM last year Uran would only be looking at minor deposits here.
Interesting to know if its still on the agenda or it was just project trawling. A

07-07-2008, 08:55 PM
shasta have you asked about Kaz? or has anyone else? I've been sending too many questions lately (and not getting answered again! LOL ) anyone else like to ask about Kaz . All we seem to know here is its one big mother of a U producer, (Russia's probably got it tied up), its a jolly big country too, more sophisticated than Borat or Uzbek and that MK ( he's our darling isn't he?? better be nice to him we still need his 4M shares to stay put for the time being) said at the EGM last year Uran would only be looking at minor deposits here.
Interesting to know if its still on the agenda or it was just project trawling. A

Ive seen figures from previous reports that Uran are looking at deposits in the 2,400 - 12,000T range in Kazakhstan.

I've already enquired with Uran re a few questions, so someone else might like to ask re Kaz...:rolleyes:

07-07-2008, 09:06 PM
The cynic in me tells me that there is little value in Kaz and Uzbek unless Integra are involved.........get the picture. :)

I think the Czech applications need farming out to a JV partner like ARMZ. We give then 50% of anything we get in Czech Republic plus anything we do in Australia in exchange for immediate access to Elkon.

Uran needs to get a little more creative IMO.

07-07-2008, 09:07 PM
The cynic in me tells me that there is little value in Kaz and Uzbek unless Integra are involved.........get the picture. :)

I think the Czech applications need farming out to a JV partner like ARMZ. We give then 50% of anything we get in Czech Republic plus anything we do in Australia in exchange for immediate access to Elkon.

Uran needs to get a little more creative IMO.


You might want to draft something up, hell i'm happy to give ARMZ 50% of the Tungsten project too :D

07-07-2008, 09:25 PM

You might want to draft something up, hell i'm happy to give ARMZ 50% of the Tungsten project too :D

and the steak knives shasta? A

07-07-2008, 09:27 PM
and the steak knives shasta? A

HQ may need to melt down the silver to pay for the tea & coffee? :D

07-07-2008, 10:14 PM
Has anyone sent the folks at Uran an e-mail lately and recieved a reply? I've sent a couple and not heard back at all... I get the feeling they don't have/ want to answer me!

Heres a few Q's from the last mail, if anyone has asked similar question RE Ukraine and can enlighten me that would be much appreciated... I know in the past they have suggested timelines etc.. 'only a few months from FFS to mining' etc... but with their track record I wanted some up'front answers for a change!

- Were representatives from Ukraine hosted by Uran during June, as eluded
to in past ASX releases? Alternatively is a visit to Australia by
Ukrainian representatives, in conjunction with Uran Ltd's activities,
planned in the near future?

- What is the expected timeframe for review of the Novogurevskoye project
prior to commencement of a final feasibility study (FFS)? Once commenced,
how long is the FFS estimated to take to complete?

- Similarly, for the Surskoye project, what is the anticipated timeframe
for the FFS once data is released for this project?

- Will Uran proceed with a FFS on the Novogurevskoye project independently
of the status of the Surskoye project, or will progress on the
Novogurevskoye project be delayed until data on the Surskoye project is
made available?

- Lastly does the commencement of FFS and or exploitation of the three
Ukrainian projects mentioned thus far rely in any way on the
participation, or negotiations with Discovery Minerals Ltd?

07-07-2008, 10:24 PM
Has anyone sent the folks at Uran an e-mail lately and recieved a reply? I've sent a couple and not heard back at all... I get the feeling they don't have/ want to answer me!

Heres a few Q's from the last mail, if anyone has asked similar question RE Ukraine and can enlighten me that would be much appreciated... I know in the past they have suggested timelines etc.. 'only a few months from FFS to mining' etc... but with their track record I wanted some up'front answers for a change!

- Were representatives from Ukraine hosted by Uran during June, as eluded
to in past ASX releases? Alternatively is a visit to Australia by
Ukrainian representatives, in conjunction with Uran Ltd's activities,
planned in the near future?

- What is the expected timeframe for review of the Novogurevskoye project
prior to commencement of a final feasibility study (FFS)? Once commenced,
how long is the FFS estimated to take to complete?

- Similarly, for the Surskoye project, what is the anticipated timeframe
for the FFS once data is released for this project?

- Will Uran proceed with a FFS on the Novogurevskoye project independently
of the status of the Surskoye project, or will progress on the
Novogurevskoye project be delayed until data on the Surskoye project is
made available?

- Lastly does the commencement of FFS and or exploitation of the three
Ukrainian projects mentioned thus far rely in any way on the
participation, or negotiations with Discovery Minerals Ltd?

Alot of what you have asked cannot be commented on unless they release an ann to the market, re FFS

I'm on there blacklist too seemingly...:confused:

If they aren't replying to Archer, :eek: then either:

1. They already have 1,000 emails to contend with

2. News is due?

3. No ones in the office (might all be sightseeing in the Czech Republic?)

4. The data they are working on is a tad more important :p

07-07-2008, 10:39 PM
- Number 4 I would hope. Quarterly will be out in ~ 3 weeks so that may hold some answers... unless it is as pathetic an attempt at a quartely update as the last one.

07-07-2008, 10:46 PM
- Number 4 I would hope. Quarterly will be out in ~ 3 weeks so that may hold some answers... unless it is as pathetic an attempt at a quartely update as the last one.

We know Uran have possesion of the data for Novogurevskoye & are working on it, & having acquired a 3rd deposit will mean more data...:confused:

Expect an update in the quarterly, but don't count on too much, it's too early.

This will be a very interesting quarterly activities report...

07-07-2008, 10:50 PM
Alot of what you have asked cannot be commented on unless they release an ann to the market, re FFS

I'm on there blacklist too seemingly...:confused:

If they aren't replying to Archer, :eek: then either:

1. They already have 1,000 emails to contend with

2. News is due?

3. No ones in the office (might all be sightseeing in the Czech Republic?)

4. The data they are working on is a tad more important :p
Just to put people at ease, Uran is in the process of receiving and reviewing ALL the data relating to the 3 deposits.

Depending what they find and how detailed the data is will determine the next step in the process which is the commencement of the FFS.

i dont think Uran can advise at this stage when they expect the review to be completed but I am sure they are working fulltime on the interpretation of the data.

Since 2006 Uran has never looked more positive (except for the share price).

According to the timeframes given in 2006 the review should only take a few weeks. We're nearly there imo. The next announcement should state that the FFS has commenced.

07-07-2008, 11:58 PM
Just to put people at ease, Uran is in the process of receiving and reviewing ALL the data relating to the 3 deposits.

Depending what they find and how detailed the data is will determine the next step in the process which is the commencement of the FFS.

i dont think Uran can advise at this stage when they expect the review to be completed but I am sure they are working fulltime on the interpretation of the data.

Since 2006 Uran has never looked more positive (except for the share price).

According to the timeframes given in 2006 the review should only take a few weeks. We're nearly there imo. The next announcement should state that the FFS has commenced.

I think once Uran finishes their data review we may hopefully get a clearer picture and better indication re: timelines on the feasibility studies. The data review should also show how much drilling VostGOK/Uran will be required to do in order to get JORC-compliant resources.

In regards to Integra/Discovery connection I expect nothing. From memory Kate hinted at the AGM the connection was no longer too important.

08-07-2008, 12:24 AM
Put your hands up if you love the Greens.

Today´s news
7.7.2008 10:38 - Fleet Sheet

(MFD/8) Topolánek said that the current government might make a final decision to build another nuclear power plant. The planning and construction takes 10-13 years, he said, and either this or the next government will make the final decision.
(HN/1) The coalition agreement states that the current cabinet will not plan or prepare the construction of new nuclear plants, but Topolánek told HN that this meant “without previous discussion.” ČEZ said that the documentation for applying for an environmental- impact study is ready and can be submitted within a matter of days, but it said it does not know when it will do this. Green Chair Martin Bursík said that applying for an environmental-impact assessment is not a violation of the coalition agree, but Green Vice Chair Dana Kuchtová said that applying for the study is essentially the same as starting the construction, which she said is not supposed to happen during this term in office.(P/2) Industry Minister Martin Říman said he has almost had enough of the Greens’ tricks. It has reached the boiling point, he said.

08-07-2008, 12:59 AM
The person reporting to them is a major Discovery holder.

That in and of itself 'may' be the issue.

Seems to me someone is holding all the cards, knows ALL the information, and is, as always, holding them very tightly to their chest.

Satori, I fully agree. "That in and of itself 'may' be the issue."
What else could it be ?????????????? Smoke and Mirrors perhaps?

IMO, I think that person from Discovery is the same Managing Director of Uran.

Kate knows all, she must do, yet Ok the grades need to be finalised and the data transposed into JORC data whatever, but then even when that is done, do we here feel that Kate will be Forthcoming with information to give to her own Board, ie: pat ryan?? or even its shareholders?

If we hear nothing about everything that has been going on of late, then I can only presume it is the Enemy Within, and her name is Kate Hobbs.

ps: again that is only if we continue to hear Nothing about everything.
which seems to be the only way she and the board operates.

ps ps again: Yes I am upset and getting upset by the day with this company.

08-07-2008, 02:18 AM
the current government might make a final decision to build another nuclear power plant. The planning and construction takes 10-13 years, he said, and either this or the next government will make the final decision.

Oz, LOL, nothing like being decisive about matters hey. (might make a final decision).

Also, this or the next government will make a decision??

These guys shouldn't even be in politics in the first place by the sounds of it~!

08-07-2008, 02:46 AM
G'day Sam

Good to see you on Sharetrader, and I look forward to some of your posts.

08-07-2008, 02:56 PM
thanks for the welcome oz, hopefully there will be some positive articles to find in the not too distant future...

Hey Sam, yes welcome indeed :)

Its much better posting and reading over here but as you already know, there is nothing much to rave about while we talk about the Silence coming from Uran.
(meanwhile, Kate Hobbs listens to her iPod, "hello darkness my old friend, Ive come to LOL" etc etc).

Yes Sam, we need some positive news and although many here are and have been very patient, lets hope some thing is to come to light in the near distant future as you says~!

08-07-2008, 03:07 PM
geez who'd have thought:

in late 2006 I said to my brother-in-law: buy the options, they don't expire until mid 2009, there's no way they'll go under, they're a gift:D

I'm not so sure now

the lack on news is becoming very suckspicious imo: if Discovery are getting less then reduce the register is the mo imo

08-07-2008, 03:30 PM
geez who'd have thought:

in late 2006 I said to my brother-in-law: buy the options, they don't expire until mid 2009, there's no way they'll go under, they're a gift:D

I'm not so sure now

the lack on news is becoming very suckspicious imo: if Discovery are getting less then reduce the register is the mo imo

Uran are reviewing the data - not much can be announced until this is complete. Once this is complete, it will give the company a much clearer picture as to what it has to do to get JORC-compliant resources.

I can't see Uran releasing no news for another 10+ months.

Not suspicious at all IMO.

08-07-2008, 03:43 PM
Uran are reviewing the data - not much can be announced until this is complete.

Oz, dont know why, but I can just imagine Kate saying "Take your time fella's plenty of time, dont rush it" type attitude.

I think she should start CRACKING WHIPS and yelling at staff going "CMON BASTARDS HURRY UP, What da ya think we are a Private Company, We got shareholders to please" (not)..lol

Did your brother-in-law end up buying any and are you still related or has this Uran incident split you all apart? (just checking)

Lord knows, I have told quite a few people along similar lines and they have bought in over a dollar. They truly are the ones that are hurting and it is no laughing matter.

I am sure many of us here have done that.

In fact, here we go, True story, between me, you and everybody reading this, I have told a friend who is in Jail, he told some others who are also in Jail, thus there are a whole Uran investor community in Jail.

Message to Kate.
Kate, you better get it right on the outside because if you and the board get it wrong, and end up in Jail, then a welcoming committee is waiting for you in there. Of course, this also applies is that if and when these guys get out of Jail, as they will be also wanting to have a GOOD Chat to either Kate and Pat, or Both. Perhaps we can arrange for the Chain Gang to attend the next AGM, dont know if that is possible but I am sure the boys would love it~!

08-07-2008, 03:53 PM
Oz, dont know why, but I can just imagine Kate saying "Take your time fella's plenty of time, dont rush it" type attitude.

I think she should start CRACKING WHIPS and yelling at staff going "CMON BASTARDS HURRY UP, What da ya think we are a Private Company, We got shareholders to please" (not)..lol

Did your brother-in-law end up buying any and are you still related or has this Uran incident split you all apart? (just checking)

Lord knows, I have told quite a few people along similar lines and they have bought in over a dollar. They truly are the ones that are hurting and it is no laughing matter.

I am sure many of us here have done that.

In fact, here we go, True story, between me, you and everybody reading this, I have told a friend who is in Jail, he told some others who are also in Jail, thus there are a whole Uran investor community in Jail.

Message to Kate.
Kate, you better get it right on the outside because if you and the board get it wrong, and end up in Jail, then a welcoming committee is waiting for you in there. Of course, this also applies is that if and when these guys get out of Jail, as they will be also wanting to have a GOOD Chat to either Kate and Pat, or Both. Perhaps we can arrange for the Chain Gang to attend the next AGM, dont know if that is possible but I am sure the boys would love it~!

Looks like Michael Kiernan might be joining them soon?

The whole TTY/MON affair has upset a whole new range of investors.

Is IRL next?

08-07-2008, 05:00 PM
Looks like Michael Kiernan might be joining them soon?

IMO, MK should have been imprisoned ages ago, Smoke and Mirrors type of guy if you ask me.

Look at the dumping, its totally pathetic.

Watching Uran drop like this is just so very disappointing and I am sure many here are completely agree as there is little but no choice. We could say top up and buy more but even after buying more URA at .21 + .23 cents, I feel like a complete Dick that I am still down just about 40% and it looks like there is no end in sight nor Any Bright Lights up ahead in the distance, or so it seems.

ps: Sorry for the downer folks, but this just sucks, full stop. WHERE IS THE ACCOUNTABILITY FROM URAN MANAGEMENT ???

08-07-2008, 05:05 PM
IMO, MK should have been imprisoned ages ago, Smoke and Mirrors type of guy if you ask me.

Look at the dumping, its totally pathetic.

Watching Uran drop like this is just so very disappointing and I am sure many here are completely agree as there is little but no choice. We could say top up and buy more but even after buying more URA at .21 + .23 cents, I feel like a complete Dick that I am still down just about 40% and it looks like there is no end in sight nor Any Bright Lights up ahead in the distance, or so it seems.

ps: Sorry for the downer folks, but this just sucks, full stop.

Well we are having a bit of a mexican stand off with the options....

No one is even slightly interested in the heads!

No one wants to buy at 16c, or sell at 15c :confused:

Edit: I spoke too soon!!!

08-07-2008, 05:11 PM
Well we are having a bit of a mexican stand off with the options....

No one is even slightly interested in the heads!

No one wants to buy at 16c, or sell at 15c :confused:

Spoke too soon shasta 14.5c :eek:

08-07-2008, 05:14 PM
Spoke too soon shasta 14.5c :eek:

Had i not bought some options recently, that 14.5c looks tasty.

Drillfix - Hope that wasnt you bailing :confused:

08-07-2008, 05:16 PM
So now we have a market cap of around $7m.

The market thinks Uran is full of $hit.

It really is an opportunity for true believers.

08-07-2008, 05:30 PM
Had i not bought some options recently, that 14.5c looks tasty.

Drillfix - Hope that wasnt you bailing :confused:

Wasnt me Shasta,

Either I am not stupid enough to take a loss, or I am stupid for hanging on to the URA fantasy which was manufactured by Kate Hobbs.

This stock is like the most expesive Drug I have ever taken. :P
Its like someone came up to me and said, "hey man, wanna buy some URA".
Now the come down where I see the padded cell and intergalactic party from the URA Fantasy drug has given me. :rolleyes:

ps: some of you can probably see that I am working myself up to the I hate Kate Hobbs routine...lol

08-07-2008, 05:59 PM
last chance to top up at 14.5cents before we break the 10cent barrier....imho

Drillfix - Hang in there, regardless of the share price movements we know at HQ they are reviewing real data, on 3 advanced deposits...

The grizzly bears are smashing everything in there path at present :eek:

Just because others can't see the forest for the trees...:confused:

08-07-2008, 06:23 PM
Drillfix - Hang in there, regardless of the share price movements we know at HQ they are reviewing real data, on 3 advanced deposits...

The grizzly bears are smashing everything in there path at present :eek:

Its ok shasta, Im hanging in there. I was trying to be comical in some ways previously, but the truth is that I am not really happy about these Markets Overall as a whole.

Theres alot of stocks getting smashed around and not just uran.

With regards to zuberspec, well, he is not worth worrying about as he seems to be having his own fun regardless or care for anybody else's feelings what so ever on the Uran front.

08-07-2008, 06:35 PM
Message to Kate.
. Of course, this also applies is that if and when these guys get out of Jail, as they will be also wanting to have a GOOD Chat to either Kate and Pat, or Both. ~!Reckon they might want to have a chat with you first Drillfix:eek:

08-07-2008, 06:37 PM
Is IRL next?Good chance I think Shasta:mad:

08-07-2008, 06:41 PM
last chance to top up at 14.5cents before we break the 10cent barrier....imho

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I have a few questions:

(1) I have just signed with directbroking. Is this the best online brokering service....

(2) say I drop all my 10k on a company... then sell 5 hours later.... is my share account credited straight away, so I can make another buy immediately...or do I have to wait a day or 2 for my account to be credited... and then be able to buy more shares.

(3) what are the best free websites that have realtime share data.

(4) have any of you guys had success at shortterm trading.

(5) As far as tax... I take it every capital gain I must pay tax....and every loss I can claim. (selling within 12 months)


Your so called laugh at the expense of others disgruntled investment does not give you any credibility to make calls or bold joking statements in a forum where YOU, YOURSELF CAME SEEKING ADVICE.

is this how you wish to repay folks here?

Meaning, you come seeking the above when you first joined ST last year as Satori points out, ask questions and now dump on some of the very people that help you??? (btw: STRAT is one person whom has helped you)

You sound like you have money to throw away or to Lose for that matter.

Perhaps it is you that is Dumping just so you can take JOY in seeing others suffer.

Well, here is tip. STOP BEING SUCH A FN PRICK

08-07-2008, 06:45 PM
Reckon they might want to have a chat with you first Drillfix:eek:


Are you referring to Uran or the guys in Jail??? :eek:

The guys in Jail are cool, for now anyways, but when there is no sign of hope on days like today, eventually questions do come and I dont have answers because Kate Hobbs and Co, dont want to give them, or so it seems~!

08-07-2008, 06:48 PM

Are you referring to Uran or the guys in Jail??? :eek:

The guys in Jail are cool, for now anyways, but when there is no sign of hope on days like today, eventually questions do come and I dont have answers because Kate Hobbs and Co, dont want to give them, or so it seems~!I ment the guys in jail:o

08-07-2008, 07:18 PM
Good chance I think Shasta:mad:

I think Tech Step was into IRL...

I have warned the appropriate threads on MK's behaviour

08-07-2008, 09:12 PM
In fact, here we go, True story, between me, you and everybody reading this, I have told a friend who is in Jail, he told some others who are also in Jail, thus there are a whole Uran investor community in Jail.

Not mates of a Mr C williams are they...lol.

If this doesn't work out I might have to sell the lot to those boys in the "Организация" that collect on debts.......for those of you that have lived in Russian I am sure you are familiar with them......:D

Ps Df, was that one of your mates out on parole at the last AGM?

08-07-2008, 10:28 PM
Not mates of a Mr C williams are they...lol.

Ps Df, was that one of your mates out on parole at the last AGM?

LOL, do you mean the book thrower..:rolleyes: Nope, not the same guy cotik :p

Who is C williams though :confused:

08-07-2008, 10:48 PM
Well I recieved a reply from Kate Hobbs today and am impressed with the answers given - all Q's answered without any attempt to 'avoid' issues.

Uran will be at the Fremantle Uranium Conference 23-24 July: http://www.verticalevents.com.au/uranium2008/

08-07-2008, 11:06 PM
Well I recieved a reply from Kate Hobbs today and am impressed with the answers given - all Q's answered without any attempt to 'avoid' issues.

Uran will be at the Fremantle Uranium Conference 23-24 July: http://www.verticalevents.com.au/uranium2008/

Hi SMan,

Impressed? Are you referring to the previous questions that you posted here?

I am pleased to hear that you have experienced such a reply "to avoid issues" as such.

A few Q's if you dont mind:

Will uran be presenting something unlike the last SA time do you know?
Did you get the feeling of some potential announcement to be give at some stage in the near future?
Would you be confident with your answer that it would make you buy more or top up?

08-07-2008, 11:20 PM
Oz, dont know why, but I can just imagine Kate saying "Take your time fella's plenty of time, dont rush it" type attitude.

I think she should start CRACKING WHIPS and yelling at staff going "CMON BASTARDS HURRY UP, What da ya think we are a Private Company, We got shareholders to please" (not)..lol

Did your brother-in-law end up buying any and are you still related or has this Uran incident split you all apart? (just checking)

Lord knows, I have told quite a few people along similar lines and they have bought in over a dollar. They truly are the ones that are hurting and it is no laughing matter.

I am sure many of us here have done that.

In fact, here we go, True story, between me, you and everybody reading this, I have told a friend who is in Jail, he told some others who are also in Jail, thus there are a whole Uran investor community in Jail.

Message to Kate.
Kate, you better get it right on the outside because if you and the board get it wrong, and end up in Jail, then a welcoming committee is waiting for you in there. Of course, this also applies is that if and when these guys get out of Jail, as they will be also wanting to have a GOOD Chat to either Kate and Pat, or Both. Perhaps we can arrange for the Chain Gang to attend the next AGM, dont know if that is possible but I am sure the boys would love it~!

Hello Drillfix

it's cool, we're still mates. He got rid of them yonks ago when I switched my attention to CDS and we both got on at 12c with that. I got rid of the last of my options a couple of weeks ago - I've been burned too many times when it gets to the last 12 months - many times bitten forever shy now. I've been in and out of the options a few times but no more. I hope Kate gets her house in order before it's too late and as we all know, time waits for no man. If anything I'll be glad if the market in general can find a bloody bottom, sheeesh!!!

08-07-2008, 11:29 PM
Who is C williams though :confused:


08-07-2008, 11:35 PM

Yes previous questions (plus a couple I didn't post). All addressed up-front and answered directly. Overall impression is Uran are proceeding in a conscientious fashion toward defined objectives (crossing all the t's and dotting the i's as they go, so to speak). It was noted that all public announcements by Uran in relation to the Ukraine projects requires sign off from VostGOK or Ukraine ministry officials. Therefore Uran ensure they only release 'updates' when they have achieved defined milestones (understandable they don't want to pester the minister for immaterial announcements). As for the data and final feasibility, they are proceeding with Novogurievskoye and Safonovskoye (the new one) whilst Surskoye will follow later.

So in answer to you questions:

' - Will uran be presenting something unlike the last SA time do you know?'

Unfortunately I didn't ask that, just wanted to find out when/where.

' -Did you get the feeling of some potential announcement to be give at some stage in the near future?'

Unfortunately I can't predict the future. I get the impression they will only release news when something material happens, this is consistent with their apparent 'no news' approach of the last 18 months. Wait for the quarterly, or contact the company with specific, direct questions. I, personally, do expect significant progress by the end of the calander year.

' - Would you be confident with your answer that it would make you buy more or top up?'

You do not know my current position, investment style, portfolio size etc, therfore any answer I might give is of no consequence.

Disclosure: Yes I have purchased more this week but that was BEFORE recieving a reply to my correspondence.

09-07-2008, 12:52 AM

Overall impression is Uran are proceeding in a conscientious fashion toward defined objectives (crossing all the t's and dotting the i's as they go, so to speak). It was noted that all public announcements by Uran in relation to the Ukraine projects requires sign off from VostGOK or Ukraine ministry officials.

Disclosure: Yes I have purchased more this week but that was BEFORE recieving a reply to my correspondence.

Thanks for answer my questions and also letting all of us here know about your exprerience. It is really much appreciated. So thanks again~!

Ahhh, you mean Underbelly type guys, Bang Bang, I see ;)

Good to hear that you are still friends with your bro in law.

switched my attention to CDS and we both got on at 12c
I heard about all this later on in the picture and have felt like kicking myself many times over it, so I guess Im over it now.
(ps: please give us a heads up (pm) should you ever hear something similar again..lol).

With regards to the options, Yes they're expiry actually gives me the BeJeezuz at times thinking about it.
This company better have something a bit more Professionally presentable to the market by then one surely would think.
But then they seem to have got themselves a reputation, or so the market thinks so far, IMO~!

09-07-2008, 01:40 AM
I heard about all this later on in the picture and have felt like kicking myself many times over it, so I guess Im over it now.
(ps: please give us a heads up (pm) should you ever hear something similar again..lol).

With regards to the options, Yes they're expiry actually gives me the BeJeezuz at times thinking about it.
This company better have something a bit more Professionally presentable to the market by then one surely would think.
But then they seem to have got themselves a reputation, or so the market thinks so far, IMO~![/QUOTE]

drill and co - i honestly believe this is exactly the time when we need to keep our heads - no pun intended.:) AND continue to question Uran management and Chair. When the market is spooked is precisely when we need to look at what this company can be and what others can't. Its a potential energy producer - OK its late but its closer now than when we first bought in. OK its IF - but IF they pull off producing from the three Ukraine deposits and also pull off a JV in NovoK the market will sit up. The investment community is now not really interested in anything else really apart from energy, food, IO, gold bullion and cash. Energy is paramount ATM. My view is to hang in. But i am dumping one or two others soon. A

09-07-2008, 02:00 AM
Its a potential energy producer - OK its late but its closer now than when we first bought in. OK its IF - but IF they pull off producing from the three Ukraine deposits and also pull off a JV in NovoK the market will sit up.

Dont quite agree there Archer as the last time I checked, and Energy Producer and Uranium Producer are 2 different things.

I agree that we are closer, we can all feel that except for the market as they dont seem to get, or care about the story, purely because the story has never really sold or properly exposed.

Although we are close, or could be close, I AM WORRIED about like what ArchBald has kindly pointed out about the options.

To me, it is of NO USE for Uran to be a Happy Successful U producer AFTER the OPTIONS EXPIRE. By that time, I will have a gun in my hand and bottle of whisky with a couple of bullets playing Russian roulette with anybody whom also still holds heaps of URAO.

Seems like this company is Dictated to by Goverment Officials as pointed out by SMan. I actually wonder if Kate Hobbs or the Ukrainians give a **** or not whether URAN holders convert their options or not??

09-07-2008, 02:10 AM
Dont quite agree there Archer as the last time I checked, and Energy Producer and Uranium Producer are 2 different things.

I agree that we are closer, we can all feel that except for the market as they dont seem to get, or care about the story, purely because the story has never really sold or properly exposed.

Although we are close, or could be close, I AM WORRIED about like what ArchBald has kindly pointed out about the options.

To me, it is of NO USE for Uran to be a Happy Successful U producer AFTER the OPTIONS EXPIRE. By that time, I will have a gun in my hand and bottle of whisky with a couple of bullets playing Russian roulette with anybody whom also still holds heaps of URAO.

Seems like this company is Dictated to by Goverment Officials as pointed out by SMan. I actually wonder if Kate Hobbs or the Ukrainians give a **** or not whether URAN holders convert their options or not??

OK drill - points taken - and no i still have not had a reply from PR - so shareholder communications are still not their priority. I am prepared to see what comes out in July though - and 31st will be a sort of deadline for me. Still think they will pull things off but will it be soon enough for us and the market not just Discovery , of course i really don't know. But they are closer than they were so when the shares and oppies are lower than nthey were why would I toss them? A

09-07-2008, 02:22 PM
we can only hope Uran are part of the digging team (I suspect they are but WHEN DAMMIT!!!)

shovels at the ready

President: Ukraine to accelerate nuclear power development

VIENNA, July 8 (Xinhua) -- Ukraine will accelerate the development of nuclear power in a bid to reduce dependence on imported energy, visiting Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said here Tuesday.

More nuclear reactors will be brought into operation in Ukraine by 2013, said Yushchenko, who was on a one-day visit to Vienna.

The president did not elaborate on how many new nuclear reactors will be built, but there are reports saying that the country, which has 15 nuclear reactors at present, plans to increase the number of its reactors to 22 in the coming years.

Ukraine is a responsible nuclear power, Yushchenko told a press conference after meeting with Austrian President Heinz Fischer.

The country is making considerable investments in improving the safety of its nuclear reactors as well as in technological innovation of the nuclear reactors' environmental protection facilities.

Ukraine, a country boasting advanced heavy industry, relies heavily on imported Russian natural gas.

Yushchenko was also scheduled to meet Austrian Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer on Tuesday.


09-07-2008, 03:21 PM
I have a funny feeling the only reason you guys bought into URA is so that you can gossip on the URA threat and to chat about how beautiful those eastern European girls are. This is especially so with Shasta and his avatar. :p:D

I am tempted to buy some URA just for fun.

09-07-2008, 03:43 PM
Sick sense of fun you have Dr Who.:o

09-07-2008, 05:00 PM
we can only hope Uran are part of the digging team (I suspect they are but WHEN DAMMIT!!!)

shovels at the ready

President: Ukraine to accelerate nuclear power development


Good find there archbald.


I am tempted to buy some URA just for fun.

If it is fun you see then So Be it, BUY AWAY.

But on another topic of fun, these can be considered Turbulent times for some here so I will say, Sure, have fun, but tread carefully.

As you probably seen here with uberspec, he seems to Enjoy putting the boot in regardless what peoples feelings or thoughts are in fragile times.
Give him credit though, he could very well be right but lets not try to win a prize out of making a fool others investment.

Anyways, buying in is up to you as you probably already know~!

09-07-2008, 07:01 PM
I have a funny feeling the only reason you guys bought into URA is so that you can gossip on the URA threat and to chat about how beautiful those eastern European girls are. This is especially so with Shasta and his avatar. :p:D

I am tempted to buy some URA just for fun.

Yulia is a very smart, astute, attractive powerful women (not bad for 47!)

Best of all her & Kate are "best friends" :D

Well i hope so anyway...:confused:

09-07-2008, 07:10 PM
I received an email back from PR today. Hopefully they'll be able to release some info on progress in the next few weeks....

09-07-2008, 08:12 PM
I received an email back from PR today. Hopefully they'll be able to release some info on progress in the next few weeks....

Hi Dave,
Thanks for letting us know that there is life on the board of Uran. And also good to hear that some news of progress will be coming our way, Lord Knows we need it, thats for sure. :)

He must be taking his time as I believe Archer is still waiting for a reply.
But then, maybe Archers questions were more in the Tough Cookie basket? :eek:

Were abouts are you now Dave, you seem to be in a different country everytime we hear from you :D, and I find it more interesting as each time is a new place:)

Cheers for the update~!

09-07-2008, 08:37 PM
Hi Dave,
Thanks for letting us know that there is life on the board of Uran. And also good to hear that some news of progress will be coming our way, Lord Knows we need it, thats for sure. :)

He must be taking his time as I believe Archer is still waiting for a reply.
But then, maybe Archers questions were more in the Tough Cookie basket? :eek:

Were abouts are you now Dave, you seem to be in a different country everytime we hear from you :D, and I find it more interesting as each time is a new place:)

Cheers for the update~!

Hi Drillfix, I'm back in Perth atm.
I was pretty straight forward and intended to make a point. He didnt answer my questions, not that I really expected him to. At least he answered and it was positive and he was sympathetic.

09-07-2008, 08:49 PM
SHASTA and co. Bought another 18000 today at 14.5c. am i the only one buying?

come on guys. the shares are under 15c. surely cheap enough for anyone!!!

09-07-2008, 08:58 PM
SHASTA and co. Bought another 18000 today at 14.5c. am i the only one buying?

come on guys. the shares are under 15c. surely cheap enough for anyone!!!

scorp sweetie - we've already spent all our cash on those eastern european girls shasta was talking about LOL. ;) A

09-07-2008, 09:11 PM
scorp sweetie - we've already spent all our cash on those eastern european girls shasta was talking about LOL. ;) A


The language lessons aren't cheap :D

Scorp - I bought some options a while back, otherwise im not looking to buy in this market.

Just hope the update Dave1968 alluded to, isn't the quarterly :confused:

09-07-2008, 09:15 PM
SHASTA and co. Bought another 18000 today at 14.5c. am i the only one buying?

come on guys. the shares are under 15c. surely cheap enough for anyone!!!

Way to go Scorp. Now show Dr.Who just how much fun you are having..LOL :D

On a serious note, as Archer points out, we have already done our money Scorp.

The only way to buy more is by selling something else, most of us here are not leveraged into other stocks and overweight in Uran in our portfolio's (I presume).

I will say this though, I do have a buy order in but lets see what happens over the next week or two.

As Dave points out, Pat Ryan did answer and it was positive.
However Pat Ryan being sympathetic does not make the market believe the story, nor does it make the share price move.

Being bit of a mad hatter myself, I would have no problem with selling all my other stocks and going ALL IN. :eek:BUT, I first would like to see some more PROOF and EVIDENCE that the company is going to be Producing with full Grades, Tonnage, Time lines and full projections before doing any such Brave step like that :rolleyes:

09-07-2008, 11:07 PM
SHASTA and co. Bought another 18000 today at 14.5c. am i the only one buying?

come on guys. the shares are under 15c. surely cheap enough for anyone!!!

wish i could afford more but have little $$$ and who knows how much lower this market will go, deals galore atm, VPE, BOW especially also NWE all very very low as with URA lots more out there as well

09-07-2008, 11:08 PM
We need a strong person leading this bunch not a wimp or yes man.

The language he uses is weak and lacks conviction.

Can only agree with you on that satori.

At the next AGM/EGM whatever we should really start setting some demands to this board, making it only PERFORMANCE based, thus in which case Nobody would have nothing and nobody would get paid. What a drag, then everyone would quit lol.

Its good that Pat has said something positive either to Dave or whoever gets a reply, but as both you and I have already said, whether pat is confident or sympathetic to holders, does nothing for the share price.

I actually wonder if he holds any stock what so ever a part from his Tolken Shares in uran??

He probably has a stack rolled across a few different sectors and instruments and it seems his interest in Uran is purely one which gives him a Status in the Short to Medium term. And this means that he himself has not actually Done Anything for the company that either you or I can see.

Kate is a different story, although she is like Matta Harri jumping on and off Jets to either Widen the Secret, or to Increase the Secrets Protocol, or something there abouts.

We keep saying, one of these days all of this Sh#t has got to end and a proper orthodox way of running a company must prevail, thus results or transparency to holders and the market.

One day, always, another day, another week, another month, and the frigging years of waiting is becoming Dangerously Boring.

09-07-2008, 11:53 PM
We have two choices;

Stay or go.

Yes so true satori.

but then lets expand these options a little more.

We could also Upsize our holdings or
We could also choose to Downsize our holdings/exposure with this stock.

Either way the choice is not really a pleasurable one at this moment in time~!

10-07-2008, 01:37 AM

It was noted that all public announcements by Uran in relation to the Ukraine projects requires sign off from VostGOK or Ukraine ministry officials.

Ya know,
I wonder how long exactly we are going to have to dance to this type of tune?

I mean, a private company dictating info to a public listed company doesn't seem quite right does it. It should be the other way around one would though. Plus with Kate Negotiating, she should advise to them how delicate in nature it is with such needs to be Accountable to shareholders and the information needed to give to markets accordingly as its this very market that will provide and sustain such operations and endeavors, or at least it was the last time I checked.

Uran would have been better off being a Private company initially and then have gone Public. But its a bit late for that now.

Is it just me here thinking this? Just not used to this way of treatment or investing. Everything seems backwards~!

10-07-2008, 04:31 AM
Ya know,
I wonder how long exactly we are going to have to dance to this type of tune?

I mean, a private company dictating info to a public listed company doesn't seem quite right does it. It should be the other way around one would though. Plus with Kate Negotiating, she should advise to them how delicate in nature it is with such needs to be Accountable to shareholders and the information needed to give to markets accordingly as its this very market that will provide and sustain such operations and endeavors, or at least it was the last time I checked.

Uran would have been better off being a Private company initially and then have gone Public. But its a bit late for that now.

Is it just me here thinking this? Just not used to this way of treatment or investing. Everything seems backwards~!

you can bet your boots you'd never get on for 14c if they went public after the deals are bedded down. It seems like a good buying op to me but there's every possibility it could go under 10c depending on how long it drags on or, as the cynic in me pops up, how long they want it to drag on. After reading the previous comment I'm of the opinion something less than savoury is going on.

10-07-2008, 08:59 AM
Ya know,
I wonder how long exactly we are going to have to dance to this type of tune?

I mean, a private company dictating info to a public listed company doesn't seem quite right does it. It should be the other way around one would though. Plus with Kate Negotiating, she should advise to them how delicate in nature it is with such needs to be Accountable to shareholders and the information needed to give to markets accordingly as its this very market that will provide and sustain such operations and endeavors, or at least it was the last time I checked.

Uran would have been better off being a Private company initially and then have gone Public. But its a bit late for that now.

Is it just me here thinking this? Just not used to this way of treatment or investing. Everything seems backwards~!Hi Drillfix,
I dont think obligations to shareholders would carry much weight in any negotiations besides Uran have already clearly shown how important share holders are to them. :(
Negotiations with any Government Dept is difficult not only with red tape but the fact that the people you are often dealing with dont have a vested interest in the outcome. Of course this can sometimes be different in countries where Government officials are less above board. Not sure if this would be the case here and not sure if it would be a good thing or a bad thing either.

10-07-2008, 12:00 PM
Negotiations with any Government Dept is difficult not only with red tape but the fact that the people you are often dealing with dont have a vested interest in the outcome. Of course this can sometimes be different in countries where Government officials are less above board. Not sure if this would be the case here and not sure if it woiuld be a good thing or a bad thing either.[/QUOTE]

This is so true, you think our gov departmets are bad? Dont lose site of the fact of how difficult it is in FSU countries. For example in Kazakhstan you still need the KGB to authorise use of your 2 way radios for a mine site. Thats right the KGB! You want to run standard tele-remote loaders like we do in Australia? You need to register your frequencies with and get permission from the KGB. You want to run stardard control systems on your mill? You need to get approval from the KGB. Just to get permission to use a standard operating procedure/system which needs approval from the KGB takes about 7 months (it should be done in a few days). Believe me this is just a drop in the ocean. It would take me a week to explain the process of placing a purchase order.

The point I am making is it's a different world and to talk about Uran management being "weak" is wrong, it takes an enormous amount of patience and character to stick with what Uran are trying to acheive. Its easy to get angry at the management, but in reality its often uncalled for. The systems and processes in the FSU countries are more than likley causing the real issues.

10-07-2008, 02:17 PM
its a balancing act - a difficult one to manage - let shareholders know why things are taking too long in detail and Uran will be seen to be criticising the very bodies who have to sign off on things. :mad::mad: All the same, alittle more effort would be appreciated. Guess the KGB have migrated and taken control of the tungsten too dave! ;) Anyway chaps and chappetes while all others around us are losing their heads with all this freddie and fanny stuff and talk of depression - this is when the clever ones get ahead. :cool::cool:
Come on down Uran show us the money :) A

10-07-2008, 02:52 PM
Uran management have not demonstrated 'strength' or 'accountability' or 'professionalism in 'MANAGING' this company... 'publicly' particularly.

And it is this 'perception' and 'demonstration' that leads to shareholder and market opinions.

This team is underperforming in their 'responsibilities' in delivering clear, transparent and ethical communications to its shareholders.

How many performance indicators do you need to identify this?

They have clearly underperformed and not followed through on managing the issues that have arisen.

This inparticular has crucified sentiment and the shareprice.

It speaks volumes of theiir committment, their passion and their intention.

Performance indicators?

- Option to form JV and mine (if economic) three deposits in Ukraine secured.
- Secured previously highly classified historical data for to two of these deposits thus far.
- Currently analysing this data in preparation for commencement of FFS.
- Have excised option to acquire Discovery, now requires an independent valuation and shareholder approval.
- FFS of the three deposits is not dependent on negotiations with or participation of Discovery.

They have suffered a lot of delays but largely these have been the result of extraordinary circumstances: delays in the formation of Ukraine governement, the anti-uranium mining Green party in Czech controling the ministry for the environment position, complete overhall of the Ukraine uranium mining regulations, a new general director of VostGOK etc...

Committment and passion?

- How many times have they tried and been rejected in Czech?
- The number of appeals and community groundwork to support these is testiment to their commitment.

Yes their communications have been very dissapointing, particulary the continuity between updates on various projects (what happened to / is happening with Pribram trials, Kazakstan, Bulgeria etc..) and this has been detrimental to the shareprice.

10-07-2008, 03:28 PM
Guys Guys Guys,

We could debate Management's pro's and con's all day if we wanted to.

But I think the exact point I was trying to make was like this:

Lets say it was BHP whom had this same opportunity that Uran has. Ok?

Now, I dont think BHP is going to make announcements based upon potential outcomes from other goverments and lead its shareholders up the garden path. They would surely wait and give such announcements once they are Locked away.


In this instance, Kate has run the company Publically so while waiting for deals to unfold and be confirmed, in so while doing this getting paid in the process.

Rather than run the company Privately, and then once the deals were signed and done then List the company to raise money. But then she probably would have found the living and expenses of doing this rather High on her own back and the so called Discovery People/Invetors, wouldn't they have??

So thus in turn, because we are dealing with these so called FSU countries we/She knew there would be delays, but who cares while you are gainfully employed with all expenses paid, Get my point??? :rolleyes:

I am at the stage where I think:
What is the next step?
What is the next bit of information?
When approximately will there be company breaking info?
When can we get some Return or money back on investment?

Lord knows we all have been patient (most have).
But each time we get to another crossroad, we get another delay.

When exactly is this going to end and full transparency will prevail? Ummmm~!

ps: SMan, On the Other hand Great Post and good perspective

diamond h
10-07-2008, 03:34 PM
Performance indicators?

- Option to form JV and mine (if economic) three deposits in Ukraine secured.
- Secured previously highly classified historical data for to two of these deposits thus far.
- Currently analysing this data in preparation for commencement of FFS.
- Have excised option to acquire Discovery, now requires an independent valuation and shareholder approval.
- FFS of the three deposits is not dependent on negotiations with or participation of Discovery.

They have suffered a lot of delays but largely these have been the result of extraordinary circumstances: delays in the formation of Ukraine governement, the anti-uranium mining Green party in Czech controling the ministry for the environment position, complete overhall of the Ukraine uranium mining regulations, a new general director of VostGOK etc...

Committment and passion?

- How many times have they tried and been rejected in Czech?
- The number of appeals and community groundwork to support these is testiment to their commitment.

Yes their communications have been very dissapointing, particulary the continuity between updates on various projects (what happened to / is happening with Pribram trials, Kazakstan, Bulgeria etc..) and this has been detrimental to the shareprice.

:)Well done. Obviously the longer you have held these shares and the more you paid for them the more anxious/impatient etc. for announcements and results of negotiations. A lot of posters to this site would be better to just check in every month or so and who knows there might be some good news some day.The whole resource/energy market has taken a hit not just URAN.

10-07-2008, 10:28 PM

Some of us here are hard markers and with good reason.

Its why I questioned Daves recent reply from the Chairman. Key words used for example "Hopeful" "Weeks" in his recent email.

Those same words were used to me 6 months ago.

Uran has not demonstrated anything tangible. They are vaguely/grudgingly updating us.

So exactly what do we know?

We have data on 3 projects? Ok how long have we had it? What data are we still waiting on? How long will it take to decipher it?
Novok? Wheres that data?

18 months + ago this company came out and stated what they intended to do in several countries ...and all within 12 months. They gave us more information BACK THEN that what they are NOW.

Think about it. Kate Hobbs said even in December 2006 that the Ukraine projects would be done before the end of the year!!!!

That was about 3 weeks at the time. She gave us indications that production would be in July 2007!

She stated an AIM listing. She stated several projects would be onboard in that 12 month period. Now get this, in not 1, not 2 but possibly 3 countries;
Ukraine (2 projects 6-9 mths to production), Uzbekistan (advanced project) and one other project we now know to be Rozna.

They are (some of) the facts.

I dont consider news on some 'data'..that isnt even complete that ground breaking. The market doesnt either.
Yes I do think its a 'positive'...but then this company has had a way of announcing 'positive' 'developments'...then they fade away......to nothing.

Novok was mentioned back in April wasnt it? Er....um....so whats Uran doing with that huh?
Wheres the excitement? That data eh?

You get a bit cautious, a bit jaded and perhaps healthily skeptical when you are dealing with people who promise but dont deliver.

I am invested here I WANT this to come good. But my days of supporting this current management team, backing them in are now much more measured.
I dont want ANY investors watching this to jump in and get burned. Yes I believe the story but we have to be careful here.
I was recommended this stock, ive recommended it. I dont feel particularly good about that as I feel ive let people down.
Management have let all of us down.

I look at the facts here. Facts are we have nothing except some 'data' we have waited 2 years for!
We havent signed off on the protocols, we havent signed off on Discovery. We dont even know what Discovery is, what it has, what its worth!!!

Are we looking at the same company Sman? Your overview is not dealing with CURRENT facts.

Our MD isnt accountable for her comments/statements to the market/media. Our Chairman is barely visible. Our Board appear to be totally disconnected.

Yes Uran have tried hard in Czech. We have found that out usually by researching ourselves!
Pribram appears to have been 'forgotten' Rozna bid failed.
I dont criticise hard/smart work by the way. Failures will happen.

But somewhere/sometime late 2006 into 2007 Uran/Kate Hobbs and the team DISCONNECTED from the hard sell....and communications on key projects.

They didnt elaborate or report on the Ukraine issues at all. They talked down Rozna. They failed to even inform us about the second expiry on Discovery in Feb 2007.

Following on from there we had Uzbek developments that havent been updated for near 16 months. We have had an MOU in Kazakhstan not updated in 10 months.

The new website suddenly tells us that Discovery have Czech and US as well as EVERYTING ELSE (oh apart from the Bulgarian applications;)

So our 'hard working' 'URAN' team have managed to secure a tender for Bulgarian applications that arent even ready yet...in fact from initial guidance they are well over 6 months after expected time frames.

Is that good management? Is that a key performance indicator...1 tender in 2 years in 'URANS' name?

I dont think so!

On the other hand it seems our 'DISCOVERY' team have managed any number of negotiations. It just so happens its been on Urans back, Urans shareholders hard earned, and $$$ and risk...and get this, Urans managing director is a major shareholder in Discovery.

And you expect me to clap my hands and say good work 'Uran'?

I hope Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan get the job done. And I wioll be one of the first to congratulate them if they do.

But these two are not 'visibly' working hard enough to 'demonstrate' to the market and shareholders that this company has anything at all.

Funny how 18 months to 2 years ago it was a very different approach....

WOW, another Satori MONSTER Post.

And TOUCHE' another Great Post indeed with another View or angle of OOOuuRAN~!

I have always said DISCOVERY Stinks of Conflict of Interest.


Also with some folks getting info can suddenly confidence leaking through in dribs and drabs. The more I read the more I feel certain that Kate Hobbs and co are just out for a FREE LUNCH being Gainfully Employed with Uran while she Sells us something we should of already had.

All I can say is WTF is going on full stop, When When When can this company just prove us all wrong and fork up the goods??? :rolleyes:

I am experiencing disillusionment :eek: again. Honestly, I am ~!

10-07-2008, 11:16 PM

Its not my intention to create disillusionment. Its my intention to clearly state that things have not been done anywhere near competently /accountably enough.

I dont like to criticise Uran or Hobbs or Ryan. But I am not going to sit by and watch them continually underperform and fail to deliver time and time again either.

They still cant give direct answers to questions.

They have Ukraine data. They have not informed us 'when' that data will be analysed.
No urgency. No committment to 'the process'...there never has been.

Again, I fully agree Satori, so sad but so very true. I am sure there are others here also whom agree with such sentiment or thought of this regarding this company called Uran, or as kate says. oooourRan

10-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Satori and Drillfix,

You make valid points. I also wouldn't recommend any 'newbies' unfamiliar with Uran and its history buying a stake at this stage without through research. Having said that, however, the company fits with my risk profile and I have taken the opportunity to purchase more shares. The fact a reasonable number of shareholders are selling shares at the current price, to an extent, highlights the negative sentiment toward the company and high risk involved in holding.

Examining the activites of Uran over the past 12 months (I have only held shares for 9) I do not believe, at the present time, the company is headed backwards. At best they are making painfully slow progress, however, in my opinion it is tangible progress nonetheless.

11-07-2008, 12:15 AM
Satori and Drillfix,

You make valid points. I also wouldn't recommend any 'newbies' unfamiliar with Uran and its history buying a stake at this stage without through research.

At best they are making painfully slow progress, however, in my opinion it is tangible progress nonetheless.

SMan, I can also agree that we closer, and in the right direction yet also agreeing with Satori about all the WAY THINGS have been conducted up to this point and also in the near future.

I too (ages ago) told people about this stock and now feel like a TOTAL GOOSE and bit of a KNOB for influencing people to enter at way higher prices.
Its not a good feeling and the longer this goes on with NO ACTUAL RESULTS, the more deeper the guilt becomes along with the guilt of being ACCOUNTABLE for Kate Hobbs and co.

Yes its getting serious, in fact it always has been serious, but I still wait for the day for the company to Give Shareholders some Results so for once in this life, we can turn around and say to them, Gee, we were right and things have worked out wonderfully.

At this stage, recommending Uran is not really an option for us cause we dont know if it is a right or not thing to do. (shame really).

IMO, how about we say it this way.

If I had my time again I still would have invested in Uran, but rather just not as much. Or I would have spread my chips across the table to gain more leverage across sectors.

At these prices, I honestly feely there is little downside compared to the Up.

That is not a recommendation by the way.

If asked to do a recommendation, I would say Sure , BUY away, but only buy $5,000 worth (Not $60K+) but make sure you buy the same amount through another 7 different stocks across the board. Better Still, Keep Cash out and wait for the days where all stocks get smashed and then Buy.

If we have to suddenly worry about telling people whether to buy URA at either .14 or .15 cents after previously telling people to buy when it was a $1.00+ then I think it is time to visit the shrink...LOL, I honestly do~!

11-07-2008, 04:25 PM
I was just reading an old article from 2006 regarding Vostgok looking for partners, and the following paragraph caught my attention:

"As noted in VostGOKe, the main problem in attracting foreign investment - declassification material on the production technology and levels of stocks."

Hi Sam, good to see you here and good post.

I can agree with the above and yes things have come a long way from were they were, but now that they are on a Roll so it seems giving out the data, there is a time were the New Ukraine Gov needs to Streamline the process for any Private/Public investment partners to cater to their needs.

Meaning, a partnership is a 2 way relationship which works <---Both Ways--->

The other thing is, it should be Kate Hobbs that should be explaining this need more clearly to the new Prime Minister babe that Shasta fancy's.

Perhaps she can speed up or pass certain Information Laws so the Goverments Partners (us the Shareholders) dont get kicked in guts everytime there is a market wobble.

11-07-2008, 06:43 PM
Everything here hinges on Ukraine deals and the figures thereof (and that includes the maths of the deal with Discovery too). Once again Bursik ( for those unfamiliar with all the OS politics involved -current pain in rear leader of the Greens in CR coalition government) is trying to put a stop to anything Nuclear . Currently two reactors provide 30 % of the CRs power requirements. EU wants this to rise to decrease Greenhouse emissions. Uran could see this opportunity to feed more U into the system but at EVERY turn Bursik blocks, despite 61% CR population (by surveys) being in favour. see article on ww.praguemonitor.com/en/376/czech_national_news/25356/ :(
Uran's got to make it in Ukraine first - and before too long -I can't see the cash flow lasting long enough to snare CR . Just as well those documents are being declassified - hope there's not too much to go. ;) A

11-07-2008, 07:32 PM
Hi Sam, good to see you here and good post.

I can agree with the above and yes things have come a long way from were they were, but now that they are on a Roll so it seems giving out the data, there is a time were the New Ukraine Gov needs to Streamline the process for any Private/Public investment partners to cater to their needs.

Meaning, a partnership is a 2 way relationship which works <---Both Ways--->

The other thing is, it should be Kate Hobbs that should be explaining this need more clearly to the new Prime Minister babe that Shasta fancy's.

Perhaps she can speed up or pass certain Information Laws so the Goverments Partners (us the Shareholders) dont get kicked in guts everytime there is a market wobble.

Steady on ol son, Shasta doesn't mind "older" women but 47 is pushing it some what :eek:

Yulia Tymoshenko will hopefully pave the way for all Uran shareholders to become a tad wealthier than we are at present.

Professionally i'd welcome her onto the Uran Board :D

Yulia gets things done!

11-07-2008, 08:36 PM
Steady on ol son, Shasta doesn't mind "older" women but 47 is pushing it some what :eek:

LOL, sorry shasta, no disrespect at all intended :D

Yulia Tymoshenko will hopefully pave the way for all Uran shareholders to become a tad wealthier than we are at present.

Professionally i'd welcome her onto the Uran Board :D

Agree, would welcome her gladly :)

Yulia gets things done!

Lets hope she does, as we really could do with some ground breaking info~!

12-07-2008, 07:30 PM
Ukraine's government survives no-confidence vote

KIEV, July 11 (RIA Novosti) - Yulia Tymoshenko's government retained power in Ukraine after a no-confidence vote in parliament on Friday failed to gain enough support.

A total of 174 MPs supported the motion, which fell 52 votes short. It was initiated by former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych's opposition Party of Regions, which accused the government of failing to tackle economic difficulties

Speaking before the vote, the Party of Region's Mykola Azarov cited an economic slowdown and a 30% fall of the country's stock market index since the start of 2008. He also said the government had been unable to curb spiraling inflation.

Official reports in Ukraine said 2008 inflation was 14.6% through May. In early July, the government raised its inflation target for 2008 from 15.3% to 15.9%.

Vyacheslav Kyrylenko, leader of Our Ukraine faction, which is part of the majority coalition backing the premier, said the vote of no-confidence would not have been supported by society.

Tymoshenko was premier in 2005 after helping President Viktor Yushchenko come to power on the back of the mass protests known as the "orange revolution," but was dismissed after seven months in office.

She returned as premier last December after a narrow victory of "orange" parties in early parliamentary elections in March 2007 and protracted coalition talks.

The legislature has been rocked this year by numerous protests by both Tymoshenko's allies and the opposition, who have blocked the Supreme Rada.


13-07-2008, 12:16 AM
This is so true, you think our gov departmets are bad? Dont lose site of the fact of how difficult it is in FSU countries. For example in Kazakhstan you still need the KGB to authorise use of your 2 way radios for a mine site. Thats right the KGB! You want to run standard tele-remote loaders like we do in Australia? You need to register your frequencies with and get permission from the KGB. You want to run stardard control systems on your mill? You need to get approval from the KGB. Just to get permission to use a standard operating procedure/system which needs approval from the KGB takes about 7 months (it should be done in a few days). Believe me this is just a drop in the ocean. It would take me a week to explain the process of placing a purchase order.

The point I am making is it's a different world and to talk about Uran management being "weak" is wrong, it takes an enormous amount of patience and character to stick with what Uran are trying to acheive. Its easy to get angry at the management, but in reality its often uncalled for. The systems and processes in the FSU countries are more than likley causing the real issues.


Uran management have not demonstrated 'strength' or 'accountability' or 'professionalism in 'MANAGING' this company... 'publicly' particularly.

And it is this 'perception' and 'demonstration' that leads to shareholder and market opinions.

This team is underperforming in their 'responsibilities' in delivering clear, transparent and ethical communications to its shareholders.

How many performance indicators do you need to identify this?

They have clearly underperformed and not followed through on managing the issues that have arisen.

This inparticular has crucified sentiment and the shareprice.

It speaks volumes of theiir committment, their passion and their intention.[/QUOTE]


I'll forward you the email I sent.;)

13-07-2008, 03:24 PM
looks like the egos are more concerned about the presidential race than real progress

UKraine PM accuses president of sabotaging budget

By Natalya Zinets
KIEV, July 12 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, once allied with Ukraine's president in "Orange Revolution" protests against election fraud, accused him on Saturday of torpedoing a budget intended to improve living standards.
Tymoshenko, prime minister for a second time, survived a confidence vote in parliament on Friday launched by the opposition on grounds that she had wrecked the economy. But she later failed to win approval for amendments to the 2008 budget calling for increased revenues and a slightly reduced deficit.
Tymoshenko told a news conference she was dismayed that President Viktor Yushchenko had submitted his own amendments and that members of the presidential Our Ukraine party had given no support to changes already before the house.
"Everything was destroyed yesterday, toppled for no good reason. Let me tell you who did this. The budget was not adopted primarily because of the president's position," she said. "Who benefited from this? The country lost and so did the people."
Parliament voted to submit the government's and president's amendments to a committee for further consideration and closed for its summer recess.
The president proposes applying additional revenue from economic growth and improved tax and customs duty collection to investment projects. Tymoshenko wants some of it directed towards social needs and local authorities.
Yushchenko appointed her prime minister immediately after being swept to power in the 2004 "orange" protests, but fired her within seven months.
She took office again when "orange" parties scored a narrow victory in a snap election last year, but has been at odds with Yushchenko over a variety of issues as politicians have their sights firmly on a presidential election due by early 2010.
Both the opposition and the president accuse Tymoshenko of failing to contain Ukraine's highest inflation in a decade -- cumulative price rises over the first half of 2008 stand at 15.5 percent, with year-on-year inflation of 31 percent last month.
The government adjusted the 2008 inflation forecast to 15.9 percent from the original figure of 9.6 percent. Tymoshenko says price rises are already coming down and predicts the figure will be negative this month with a bumper grain crop expected.
The growth forecast was unchanged at 6.8 percent and the deficit put at 18.7 billion hryvnia against 18.8 billion previously.
Tymoshenko said she had little hope deputies would interrupt their summer holiday and believed the changes would ultimately be approved when parliament resumed in September.
"It is sad that because of illusory political ambitions linked to the presidential campaign everything in the country is collapsing," she said. (Writing by Ron Popeski, editing by Mike Peacock)


13-07-2008, 11:20 PM
looks like the egos are more concerned about the presidential race than real progress

UKraine PM accuses president of sabotaging budget

By Natalya Zinets
KIEV, July 12 (Reuters) - Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, once allied with Ukraine's president in "Orange Revolution" protests against election fraud, accused him on Saturday of torpedoing a budget intended to improve living standards.
Tymoshenko, prime minister for a second time, survived a confidence vote in parliament on Friday launched by the opposition on grounds that she had wrecked the economy. But she later failed to win approval for amendments to the 2008 budget calling for increased revenues and a slightly reduced deficit.
Tymoshenko told a news conference she was dismayed that President Viktor Yushchenko had submitted his own amendments and that members of the presidential Our Ukraine party had given no support to changes already before the house.
"Everything was destroyed yesterday, toppled for no good reason. Let me tell you who did this. The budget was not adopted primarily because of the president's position," she said. "Who benefited from this? The country lost and so did the people."
Parliament voted to submit the government's and president's amendments to a committee for further consideration and closed for its summer recess.
The president proposes applying additional revenue from economic growth and improved tax and customs duty collection to investment projects. Tymoshenko wants some of it directed towards social needs and local authorities.
Yushchenko appointed her prime minister immediately after being swept to power in the 2004 "orange" protests, but fired her within seven months.
She took office again when "orange" parties scored a narrow victory in a snap election last year, but has been at odds with Yushchenko over a variety of issues as politicians have their sights firmly on a presidential election due by early 2010.
Both the opposition and the president accuse Tymoshenko of failing to contain Ukraine's highest inflation in a decade -- cumulative price rises over the first half of 2008 stand at 15.5 percent, with year-on-year inflation of 31 percent last month.
The government adjusted the 2008 inflation forecast to 15.9 percent from the original figure of 9.6 percent. Tymoshenko says price rises are already coming down and predicts the figure will be negative this month with a bumper grain crop expected.
The growth forecast was unchanged at 6.8 percent and the deficit put at 18.7 billion hryvnia against 18.8 billion previously.
Tymoshenko said she had little hope deputies would interrupt their summer holiday and believed the changes would ultimately be approved when parliament resumed in September.
"It is sad that because of illusory political ambitions linked to the presidential campaign everything in the country is collapsing," she said. (Writing by Ron Popeski, editing by Mike Peacock)


Uranium (U308) has had another modest increase this week - $US60 (+1)

Has the worm started to turn?


14-07-2008, 04:46 AM
Uranium (U308) has had another modest increase this week - $US60 (+1)

Has the worm started to turn?


Shasta that certainly will be good sentiment for the sector and its direction as we probably already know.

But also too we do know is that if Uran drags its ass with information and its zero public relation policy, then Nothing is going to happen.

In fact I am sure it will infuriate many of us here to watch the price of U go through the roof and then only to be told nothing of what is actually happening.

I am sick to death and I will continue to post this about:

Why the F is Kate Hobbs being paid to do what she does, when she knowingly is out there doing her **** for discovery to then negotiate the **** back to us??? Conflict of Interest that gives me nightmares it does.

Anyways, I better get some sleep now or the markets will be open and midday by the time I get up.

14-07-2008, 02:09 PM
Hi guys - this was too tempting just had to share this one
I think we can all see appreciate the analogy here! ;)
Have a good day folks and keep away from the bears. :)

Ukraine bears maul zoo visitor to death
July 14, 2008 - 6:59AM
Three bears at a Ukrainian zoo mauled a man to death after he fell into their enclosure by accident, Channel 5 television reported today.

The victim aged 22 was visibly intoxicated and was attempting to take close-up shots of bears at the Mykolaev city zoo when he lost his footing, witnesses said.

The three Siberian Brown bears charged the man immediately, tearing him ``limb from limb'' as he attempted to escape, according to the report.

Onlookers contacted zoo management but the man was dead before keepers could separate the animals from their victim.

The brown bear is highly territorial and among the world's largest land carnivores.

Security at Ukrainian zoos is sometimes lax by Western standards, but almost all visitors who are injured end up so because of their own unsafe behaviour.


14-07-2008, 05:11 PM
The new website suddenly tells us that Discovery have Czech and US as well as EVERYTING ELSE (oh apart from the Bulgarian applications;)



Was just checking out Uran's website (again).

However, where exactly on the new Uran Website does it say that Everything Else is Discovery apart from the Bulgarian applications?

14-07-2008, 05:49 PM
Hi guys - this was too tempting just had to share this one
I think we can all see appreciate the analogy here! ;)
Have a good day folks and keep away from the bears. :)

Ukraine bears maul zoo visitor to death
July 14, 2008 - 6:59AM
Three bears at a Ukrainian zoo mauled a man to death after he fell into their enclosure by accident, Channel 5 television reported today.

The victim aged 22 was visibly intoxicated and was attempting to take close-up shots of bears at the Mykolaev city zoo when he lost his footing, witnesses said.

The three Siberian Brown bears charged the man immediately, tearing him ``limb from limb'' as he attempted to escape, according to the report.

Onlookers contacted zoo management but the man was dead before keepers could separate the animals from their victim.

The brown bear is highly territorial and among the world's largest land carnivores.

Security at Ukrainian zoos is sometimes lax by Western standards, but almost all visitors who are injured end up so because of their own unsafe behaviour.


Great bearshare story.You would have thought he had more cents.
Thanks Archer:)

14-07-2008, 07:20 PM

Was just checking out Uran's website (again).

However, where exactly on the new Uran Website does it say that Everything Else is Discovery apart from the Bulgarian applications?

Hi Drill,

Its in the company overview (last paragraph). Pretty bold statement I recon, I think there will be fair bit of debate over that. They dont currently own the leases, so I want to know how they work that one out! They had better be able to provide a mountain of detailed documentation showing all Discovery has done to secure these deposits over the last 18 months.

I dont think Discovery are going to get anything like they originally planned, but who knows.

14-07-2008, 07:31 PM
Hi Drill,

Its in the company overview (last paragraph). Pretty bold statement I recon, I think there will be fair bit of debate over that. They dont currently own the leases, so I want to know how they work that one out! They had better be able to provide a mountain of detailed documentation showing all Discovery has done to secure these deposits over the last 18 months.

I dont think Discovery are going to get anything like they originally planned, but who knows.

I would like to see a robust & detailed account of what Discovery Minerals has done since Uran agreed to exercise their option & attribute a "fair value" to it. (Uran already owns ~9% anyway?)

Should it happen to be say $5m, whatever the "X" period* VWAP is, should determine the amount of shares they get.

* Time period between EGM announced & held/resolutions approved.

Rather than wait til the SP is > $1 & ask for the initial ~103m shares!

Remember we have been funding all the Discovery Minerals leads, + Uran's overheads, & have already been told this will come into calculation.

14-07-2008, 08:22 PM
this will come into calculation.

Shasta, there appear to be just so MANY other factors that do not seem to come into this so called Calculation.

Its ok for Kate Hobbs and the Discovery people to think thats how a calculation should be but they have not added the cost of Lost Opportunity for shareholders elsewhere that we could have made, or Saved even. Plus the rest.

I keep forgetting how or when we are meant to know the details of what you say however I feel it has got something to do with the so called Valuation. And as talked about with both You and Sp3, who exactly will be doing this is anybodies guess.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Sell Depth still shows somebody (a few perhaps) wants out.

14-07-2008, 08:29 PM
Shasta, there appear to be just so MANY other factors that do not seem to come into this so called Calculation.

Its ok for Kate Hobbs and the Discovery people to think thats how a calculation should be but they have not added the cost of Lost Opportunity for shareholders elsewhere that we could have made, or Saved even. Plus the rest.

I keep forgetting how or when we are meant to know the details of what you say however I feel it has got something to do with the so called Valuation. And as talked about with both You and Sp3, who exactly will be doing this is anybodies guess.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the Sell Depth still shows somebody (a few perhaps) wants out.

Sell depth doesnt bother me, unless its a "managed" exit from a top 20 holder, which i doubt.

Not many shares on issue, & even fewer actively available.

Seems we will have this tug of war almost on a daily basis now, those wanting out will have to take "anything" they can get, & those wanting in, especially with a sizable parcel will have to wait or push up the SP.

14-07-2008, 09:14 PM
At the end of the day guys, don't forget PWC will make an independant decision based on their valuation on whether the deal is fair or not.
If it turns out we have to give Discovery the full 54.9% (approx 122 million shares), then it means the deposits are worth much more than we thought.
Discovery has been the way in............it's more about what's NOT being said, than what IS being said.

14-07-2008, 09:28 PM

Its not a pretty sight there AA...:(

BTW, whats a better indicator to use for illiquid stocks like URA, as using OBV is pretty hopeless, like today when you have just 1950 shares @ $283 traded?

14-07-2008, 10:35 PM
OBV ... is never a hopeless indicator!... it is all relative to the stocks volume.

That's kinda my point, with URA there is no volume & hasn't been for quite a while!

15-07-2008, 01:59 PM
Areva in uranium drive to tap nuclear boom
Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:27pm BST

* Areva looking at mining acquisitions of all sizes

* Sees durably high uranium prices

* Seeks new projects on geographical, maturity bases

By Marie Maitre

PARIS, July 14 (Reuters) - Areva (CEPFi.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) will forge ahead with the development of its uranium mining activities to meet growing global demand for the basic fuel for nuclear power, an official at the French state-owned nuclear reactor maker said.

New acquisitions and exploration efforts will help the world's second-biggest uranium producer double its ore output by 2012, and benefit from uranium prices that should rise further and stay high, Areva's mining chief Sebastien de Montessus said.

"Mining is one of Areva's key areas of development as part of our integrated (product) offer," Montessus told Reuters in an interview at Areva tower in Paris' La Defense business district.

"Areva's model is Nespresso," he said, referring to the coffee-capsule and machine maker. "We supply the machines, the reactors, and the capsules, the fuel," he said, citing as an example the record 8 billion euro ($12.6 billion) deal won by Areva last year to supply China with two new-generation EPR nuclear reactors, and 30,000 tonnes of uranium until 2025.

Rising oil prices and concerns about climate change have led many countries to search for cleaner alternatives, including nuclear power, to more polluting traditional sources of energy.

The prospect of dozens of new reactors coming on stream in the next 10 to 20 years has stoked uranium prices, which surged from $7 a pound in 2000 to a record high of $136 last year.

Even though spot uranium prices have since retreated to just under $60 a pound, Montessus said they should climb again and remain high, fuelled by stretched production capacities and rising costs to develop new projects.

"I think we are entering a period of durably high prices," Montessus said. "China, Great Britain, the United States, all these countries that are relaunching their nuclear programmes, will have to secure their uranium supply over the long term."


Rising prices have made the business a "profitable" one with "very attractive prospects" for Areva, which will dedicate "extremely significant" financial resources to develop it, Montessus said, declining to give figures.

Areva is prowling for acquisitions, smaller or bigger than UraMin, which the company bought for $2.5 billion last year -- scooping up the Canadian junior's uranium deposits identified in South Africa, Namibia and the Central African Republic.

"We have no taboo on this. The uranium market is promising and Areva wants to play a major role at this end of the nuclear power cycle so we're open to all opportunities, even significant ones," Montessus said.

"We're looking at companies with projects that will come on stream in 2020, and others that are already in production or will be so in the next few years," he said, adding there were only a handful of targets that could start production soon.

Areva is also investing 1 billion euros to launch mining at Niger's Imouraren site, and will spend another 1 to 1.5 billion euros in two other mining projects in Namibia and South Africa.

These new projects, along with sites already in production in Niger, Canada and Kazakhstan, will help double Areva's uranium output to 12,000 tonnes by 2012 -- a quarter of the world's total production -- from 6,000 tonnes at end-2007.

Projects in the Central African Republic, Gabon, Mongolia, Australia, Quebec and Jordan should ensure the group's production beyond 2020, Montessus said.

"We're trying to have a diversified production portfolio. Geographically, we can't put all our eggs in the same basket ... The UraMin acquisition was a way of diversifying in Africa, of not being in just one country so that whatever the geopolitical or natural events, we guarantee supply," he said.

Before the UraMin deal, Areva was mainly present in Niger, where its relations were strained last year after the government accused the French company of supporting insurgents. Areva, which has denied the charge, finally renewed a uranium deal with Niger in January, agreeing to a 50-percent price increase.

Asked about the state of relations between Niger and Areva, Montessus said: "I think they are good."

Commenting on the recent kidnapping of four Areva workers by a Tuareg-led rebel group last month, Montessus said this was one of biggest risks in developing its projects in Niger. The workers were freed after three days. (Editing by Erica Billingham)

15-07-2008, 02:28 PM
Areva in uranium drive to tap nuclear boom
Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:27pm BST

Asked about the state of relations between Niger and Areva, Montessus said: "I think they are good."

Archbald, that sounds like Kate's Cousin or something...LOL

15-07-2008, 02:44 PM
Archbald, that sounds like Kate's Cousin or something...LOL


what I think is interesting is What'sHerName Farmer went to Areva from Uran

I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of reunion at some point.............I just hope it's not a 20 year one LOL :p

15-07-2008, 02:54 PM

what I think is interesting is What'sHerName Farmer went to Areva from Uran

I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of reunion at some point.............I just hope it's not a 20 year one LOL :p

Karilyn Farmer...:D

Areva can pay $2 now for my shares, no worries ;)

15-07-2008, 03:11 PM
Karilyn Farmer...:D

Areva can pay $2 now for my shares, no worries ;)

Mine too! A

15-07-2008, 03:22 PM
Karilyn Farmer...:D

Areva can pay $2 now for my shares, no worries ;)

Maybe for your shares, but I want $3.50 shre and $3.315 for Options.

And if or when Uran pull off any deals, then raise that takeover bit to $5.00 for all the Grief, Misery, delayed operations, ****box car upgrade, along with poverty entrapment this has caused, let alone the Trauma. :rolleyes:

Dont laugh, but this stock has come so close to making me a Street Person. :eek:

15-07-2008, 07:46 PM
Maybe for your shares, but I want $3.50 shre and $3.315 for Options.

And if or when Uran pull off any deals, then raise that takeover bit to $5.00 for all the Grief, Misery, delayed operations, ****box car upgrade, along with poverty entrapment this has caused, let alone the Trauma. :rolleyes:

Dont laugh, but this stock has come so close to making me a Street Person. :eek:

I have never seen such lack of share trading activity from Uran in almost 2 years. Hard to gauge if this is a positive or a negative. At least no-one is dumping given the current market conditions.

I guess the only positive in the past fortnight has been the price of uranium. It has increased over $6 which indicates that the sector might start to pick up again. Lets hope the spot price continues this momentum over the next 3 months to coincide with positive news from Uran - assuming we get some good news.

I understand there will be a full board meeting soon...hopefully they use it wisely to sign off on developments and to discuss strategies to increase the share price.

15-07-2008, 07:53 PM
I understand there will be a full board meeting soon...hopefully they use it wisely to sign off on developments and to discuss strategies to increase the share price.[/QUOTE]
hopefully for their own sakes as well - we're all getting very tired, toey and troublesome LOL. We need lots of really big happy fresh buyers to get on board soon othwerwise stuff more solid flying around at the next AGM :eek:
Surely they must have those Ukraine figures out soon! A

15-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Lets hope the spot price continues this momentum over the next 3 months to coincide with positive news from Uran - assuming we get some good news.

I understand there will be a full board meeting soon...hopefully they use it wisely to sign off on developments and to discuss strategies to increase the share price.

Yes Lets hope~!

Good to see you out of Stealth mode there Sp3.

With this full board meeting, is this planned suddenly or recently?
As I cant see any details on the website or literature any where.

15-07-2008, 09:33 PM
We need lots of really big happy fresh buyers to get on board soon othwerwise stuff more solid flying around at the next AGM :eek:
Surely they must have those Ukraine figures out soon! A

Archer, its basically Catch 22 with Uran.

There are going to be NO new happy fresh buyers to get on board without this so called Uran Board announcing some Nice, New, Happy News and Results of the Factual nature regarding Uranium Grades and Volume/Tonnage along with Timeline and stone carved Agreements printable to the market to convince it to jump on Board.

With the Ukraine figures or data, who knows when they will release that. I for whatever reason have been under the impression that we would hear something by the end of july, however if they will or can is another thing. Do you know approx when data info will be released?

15-07-2008, 09:39 PM
Yes Lets hope~!

Good to see you out of Stealth mode there Sp3.

With this full board meeting, is this planned suddenly or recently?
As I cant see any details on the website or literature any where.

Its a scheduled board meeting.

15-07-2008, 09:42 PM
Archer, its basically Catch 22 with Uran.

There are going to be NO new happy fresh buyers to get on board without this so called Uran Board announcing some Nice, New, Happy News and Results of the Factual nature regarding Uranium Grades and Volume/Tonnage along with Timeline and stone carved Agreements printable to the market to convince it to jump on Board.

With the Ukraine figures or data, who knows when they will release that. I for whatever reason have been under the impression that we would hear something by the end of july, however if they will or can is another thing. Do you know approx when data info will be released?

Let's just say, we have a "nice" delay at present.

Why, because the very nice Ukrainians have handed over data on a 3rd deposit. (Safonovskoye)

I'm surprised more hasn't been made of this in the media.:confused:

For what 18 months we knew about 2 deposits & what, oh whilst we are at it here's some more data on a 3rd project :eek:

May as well give us the Novok data to look at while we are at it :D

15-07-2008, 09:52 PM
With the Ukraine figures or data, who knows when they will release that. I for whatever reason have been under the impression that we would hear something by the end of july, however if they will or can is another thing. Do you know approx when data info will be released?

I asked the company when the data would be released but this question was skipped over. Basically what Kate said to me was that Uran was following a timetable on the Novog. and Safon. deposits including translation, digitisation, estimation of JORC resources (with some drilling required), EIA, feasibility and decision to mine.

That's all the info I got from speaking with the company.

15-07-2008, 10:31 PM
I asked the company when the data would be released but this question was skipped over. Basically what Kate said to me was that Uran was following a timetable on the Novog. and Safon. deposits including translation, digitisation, estimation of JORC resources (with some drilling required), EIA, feasibility and decision to mine.

That's all the info I got from speaking with the company.

Thanks for letting us know this Oz.

Although, back to Kates definition here: Uran was following a timetable??

Is this company ever going to tell us anything, like WHEN ?? :eek:

15-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Thanks for letting us know this Oz.

Although, back to Kates definition here: Uran was following a timetable??

Is this company ever going to tell us anything, like WHEN ?? :eek:

If Uran hasn't got much to tell us (or can't say just yet?), then we should get the quarterly sooner than later.

Why would they have to wait until the last day?

17-07-2008, 06:16 PM
Satori, what did you mix into your last post, some type of sleeping potion :D as it has been pretty quite the last day or so here :rolleyes:

I dont know what you call today's purchase or sale, but it still looks like a we are still in stand off position on waiting for some news as you say :confused:.

Ahh well, guess we will just have to wait it out in the cone of silence again~!

17-07-2008, 07:05 PM
Satori, what did you mix into your last post, some type of sleeping potion :D as it has been pretty quite the last day or so here :rolleyes:

I dont know what you call today's purchase or sale, but it still looks like a we are still in stand off position on waiting for some news as you say :confused:.

Ahh well, guess we will just have to wait it out in the cone of silence again~!

U308 is now $US64 (+$4), seems $US57 was the bottom?

Update your spreadsheets accordingly, i have :D


17-07-2008, 07:34 PM
U308 is now $US64 (+$4), seems $US57 was the bottom?

Update your spreadsheets accordingly, i have :D



Uran has stated that U sales in Ukraine will be based on the long term contract price (less a small discount).

17-07-2008, 09:32 PM

Uran has stated that U sales in Ukraine will be based on the long term contract price (less a small discount).

At the risk of sounding like an idiot, do we actually know what that contract price might be per chance?

Is it something that has been quoted, or is it a comment somewhere?

17-07-2008, 09:35 PM
At the risk of sounding like an idiot, do we actually know what that contract price might be per chance?

Is it something that has been quoted, or is it a comment somewhere?

Not that i know of, though we won't be locked into a set contract prices.

SP3 is right though.

17-07-2008, 10:14 PM
Not that i know of, though we won't be locked into a set contract prices.

SP3 is right though.

As a guess I reckon about $78 (including the discount).

17-07-2008, 10:15 PM
still been accumulating guys. i bought some for 15c the other day and 14.5 last week.

been trading MIG over 2 day spells then use the profits to buy URA. lovin the price for accumulation.

17-07-2008, 10:28 PM
still been accumulating guys. i bought some for 15c the other day and 14.5 last week.

been trading MIG over 2 day spells then use the profits to buy URA. lovin the price for accumulation.

Nice work Scorp

We both know what lies ahead, so who cares about the grizzly bears in North America :D

Just dont have any surplus funds at present :(

17-07-2008, 11:39 PM
Uran have stated in a past AGM presentation they will sell at a small discount to the spot price in Ukraine.

18-07-2008, 12:20 AM
Uran have stated in a past AGM presentation they will sell at a small discount to the spot price in Ukraine.

Oz...........perhaps my "dreams" have come true. If you go back to post number 1375 on this thread it gives my reasoning for a possible change in the price for our share of the U.

18-07-2008, 03:20 AM
Oz...........perhaps my "dreams" have come true. If you go back to post number 1375 on this thread it gives my reasoning for a possible change in the price for our share of the U.

I will save a few people a jog around the block or some finger click'n to get to that post Juqu :p

Here ya go, this post correct?:

I'm aware of what Uran have said in the past Shasta, but it would be very interesting to know the nuts and bolts of this sales deal between VostGok and Energoatom. It is generally accepted the spot price for U is considerably lower than any of the newer contract prices organised recently.
Kitco are showing $59/lb as the spot price at the moment.
I know the Olympic Dam and Ranger mines are stuck with a contract price of around $20/lb, but that's their own problem.
Hypothetically speaking of course...........I'm not sure it's a good thing for Uran to base any future sales on the spot price. Just for a moment, (a dream perhaps), lets assume they've got a deal done for two small deposits and a slice of Novok.............Given all the talking that would have had to take place over the last two years to get this, perhaps they have reassessed the sales details and made some agreed changes to prior sales arrangements. If they have these deals almost in the bag, (remember I'm talking hypothetically), then their standing might be higher with VostGok than what people think.

18-07-2008, 03:27 PM
I give up :(

Ukraine ruling coalition heading toward collapse

By MARIA DANILOVA – 9 hours ago

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — The hero and heroine of the Orange Revolution are once again on the brink of divorce. And it's ordinary Ukrainians who are paying the price.

In the seven months since President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko reunited in a coalition government with vows to carry out crucial reforms, they have spent more time sniping at each other than governing.

Experts say the question isn't if, but rather when the coalition will collapse.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are having to tighten their belts to cope with 30 percent inflation — the highest in Europe. Economic progress has been hampered by rampant corruption and the lack of judicial, land and other reforms.

"It's hard to imagine how could it be worse. They simply haven't done anything. It's been a political crisis," said political analyst Ivan Lozowy.

The country's top two officials were allies when they led the 2004 pro-democracy protests that shook this former Soviet republic loose from the grip of Russian influence and launched often chaotic democracy for its 46 million people.

While they share a common vision of a more Western-leaning Ukraine, the bookish, careful Yushchenko and the glamorous, impetuous Tymoshenko are seen as likely opponents in the 2010 presidential election and they have sought to undermine each other at every turn.

The sense of disappointment over broken promises of prosperity and quick European Union integration has devastated Yushchenko's popularity — his support ratings in polls have sunk below 10 percent. Tymoshenko has dropped from 30 percent to 20 percent.

Their rivalry has severely strained the governing coalition. Last month, two lawmakers quit the alliance, threatening its ability to hold on to the narrowest-possible majority in parliament.

Most experts believe Yushchenko and Tymoshenko will replace the defectors and restore the minimum of 226 lawmakers needed to keep the coalition in power. But the experts still don't expect the government to last beyond the fall.

Analysts predict Yushchenko may call yet another early parliamentary election — the third in less than three years — or someone will form a new coalition, this time involving the opposition.

Tymoshenko, 47, has seen nearly every initiative of her government either challenged or blocked by the president's office.

Most notably, her attempts to privatize key enterprises and raise money for the budget have been stalled by presidential decrees. Her program to compensate millions of Ukrainians for savings lost amid the Soviet collapse also has been put on hold.

The rivalry reached its peak in May when Tymoshenko's faction in parliament blocked the rostrum and prevented Yushchenko, 54, from delivering his state-of-the-nation speech. An embarrassed president was forced to post his speech online.

"Both sides have used the budget dispute as a tactic in their longer-term fight for political supremacy," said Geoffrey Smith, strategist at the Renaissance Capital investment bank in Kiev.

There have been some achievements.

Experts praise Tymoshenko for cleaning up the shady natural gas trade with Russia and removing intermediaries that were widely seen as mechanisms to siphon large sums money into private pockets.

Yushchenko, meanwhile, is noted for his push to get NATO membership for Ukraine and bring it closer to the European community. Despite his failings, many credit him for his role in bringing freedom of speech, holding free elections and allowing civil society to gain strength.


18-07-2008, 05:21 PM

Thanks for that. We do have 'data' though on Ukraine projects...if thats anything to crow about.

This is where Uran need to be, and, 'be seen to be' PROACTIVE.

Does this management team ever learn?

No this management team doesnt learn, it just sits and watches without concern to shareholders, or so it seems.

Our problem is we have no idea what the data contains and neither does the market, thats kinda what the problem is here.

Archbald, I wouldnt worry about the Ukraine and its politics as long as they can keep their end of the agreement or whatever agreement has been made or going to be made then this should not be problem for us.

But then its not really inspiring reading for the average investor~! :rolleyes:

18-07-2008, 05:29 PM
No this management team doesnt learn, it just sits and watches without concern to shareholders, or so it seems.

Our problem is we have no idea what the data contains and neither does the market, thats kinda what the problem is here.

Archbald, I wouldnt worry about the Ukraine and its politics as long as they can keep their end of the agreement or whatever agreement has been made or going to be made then this should not be problem for us.

But then its not really inspiring reading for the average investor~! :rolleyes:

Ukraine will continue to function regarding of the political infighting.

Yulia seems confident it can be sorted out...

They need energy, & foreign investment, these won't change!

18-07-2008, 05:40 PM
Ukraine will continue to function regarding of the political infighting.

Yulia seems confident it can be sorted out...

They need energy, & foreign investment, these won't change!

the concern for me is the Pres keeps blocking whatever the PM tries to implement. It may well be that these two wombats won't affect what Uran are trying to achieve but it's not exactly instilling confidence for the road ahead. Personally I think they should fast track the Presidential election and let the blonde bomb run the whole show.

18-07-2008, 06:02 PM
the concern for me is the Pres keeps blocking whatever the PM tries to implement. It may well be that these two wombats won't affect what Uran are trying to achieve but it's not exactly instilling confidence for the road ahead. Personally I think they should fast track the Presidential election and let the blonde bomb run the whole show.

Notice the distinct lack of interest in URA & URAO?

No trades in either today (& URAO has been in mexican standoff mode for days!)

18-07-2008, 06:27 PM
Notice the distinct lack of interest in URA & URAO?

No trades in either today (& URAO has been in mexican standoff mode for days!)

True to form, no sooner than i raise the issue, someone dumps on markets close. :confused:

18-07-2008, 06:36 PM
True to form, no sooner than i raise the issue, someone dumps on markets close. :confused:

Yup, right you are shasta, somebody wants out, end of story. chances are if nobody steps up we will see the .14 cent line get dumped upon next. :eek:

Scorp is that your order(s) at 14.5 that got taken out? I am sure you will be happy with that.
(of course until somebody dumps until 10 cents on no news).

This is why we need information folks, we need this Fkn management to even appear to be interested in saying something other than, our hands are tied~!

18-07-2008, 06:39 PM
True to form, no sooner than i raise the issue, someone dumps on markets close. :confused:

cripes, perhaps I better cool it with the news reel :eek:

if only I could find something good to post :p

18-07-2008, 06:46 PM
I hope we get an update in the quarterly, although I'm not holding my breath! :cool:

18-07-2008, 07:21 PM
I hope we get an update in the quarterly, although I'm not holding my breath! :cool:

Oz, I am sure everyone else does too.

I personally would like to see stand alone Ann's which then collectively will add to the quarterly, but Uran for whatever reason play it the other way.

As said previously, I dont think the ASX accept blank faxes so they better have something to write on the darn Quarterly.

18-07-2008, 09:22 PM
not my order guys. but as the money comes in i will continue to accumulate. went from 160,000 heads to 235,000 in the blink of an eye haha.

but i will keep building.

18-07-2008, 09:35 PM
My experience (very very limited) is that co's don't seem to say too much new information in quarterly's (unfortunately in this case as we struggle to find out anything).... However i think it's a good thing that they don't as it would possibley get shelved as "part of the quarterly".... and go "unseen".

The entire market is taking a flogging at the moment (all i own is red by around 30% from the last month)... maybe i own too many heavy specs?

I think now is the best time to spend time on other projects that aren't based on the stock market!!!!

Prob. be this way for another 6 months from the sounds of things.

But hey, it's been like that for the typical URA holder for way too long - sympathies.... as i only joined around a year ago.

18-07-2008, 10:09 PM
My experience (very very limited) is that co's don't seem to say too much new information in quarterly's (unfortunately in this case as we struggle to find out anything).... However i think it's a good thing that they don't as it would possibley get shelved as "part of the quarterly".... and go "unseen". :eek: unfortunately Uran has done it like this a bit.

The entire market is taking a flogging at the moment (all i own is red by around 30% from the last month)... maybe i own too many heavy specs?
we all do probably :(

I think now is the best time to spend time on other projects that aren't based on the stock market!!!! :) You're not wrong about that !
Prob. be this way for another 6 months from the sounds of things.
Sad to say I don't think you got this wrong either ! :p

But hey, it's been like that for the typical URA holder for way too long - sympathies.... as i only joined around a year ago. Never mind - you'll feel like the rest of us soon! We'll be too tired to celebrate or too old by the time they pull it off! :cool: A

19-07-2008, 12:55 AM
The entire market is taking a flogging at the moment (all i own is red by around 30% from the last month)... maybe i own too many heavy specs?

But hey, it's been like that for the typical URA holder for way too long - sympathies.... as i only joined around a year ago.

Hi Frank,
Yes there are some stocks that are taking an absolute flogging.

Take FXR as example, its dove -40% to -50% all with in 4-5 weeks. Totally sucks, but that is probably just one story of the many of school of hard knocks that are floating around as you know.

Been in a year hey, well, if we are not far away from something (whatever this may be) at least you get the CGT discount and some cash out when payday does (hopefully) come.

22-07-2008, 06:11 PM
Well folks, not much of an update here although thought I would drag this thread back into life before it floats of to page 117 etc so we dont need a search engine to find it.

Looks like we had a pumping day with mass volumes (NOT) :rolleyes:

And also looks like shareprices is rocketing again (NOT) :rolleyes:

Must be all the News and announcements that Uran are issuing to create the frenzy. (NOT) :eek:

Anyways, hope your all well and not getting your asses whipped like me the richman (NOT) :rolleyes:

Cheers :D

22-07-2008, 06:26 PM
Good to see that Uran still has one shareholder Drillfix :)

From recent announcement:

Discussions are also underway with The Ministry of Fuel and Energy regarding possible acquisition of an interest in a number of other substantial uranium projects which range from advanced exploration to development stage projects.

I am hoping to see at least one of Severinskoye, Vatutinskoye and Michurinskoye, each has an estimated mine life of +15 years.
Sadovokostyantynivskoye, Chervonoyarskoye are also likely, but they are smaller deposits.

might change my nic to zoloto :)

U conference and road show soon? Anyone know? Donkey report is due in the next week.

22-07-2008, 06:41 PM
Good to see that Uran still has one shareholder Drillfix :)

From recent announcement:

Discussions are also underway with The Ministry of Fuel and Energy regarding possible acquisition of an interest in a number of other substantial uranium projects which range from advanced exploration to development stage projects.

I am hoping to see at least one of Severinskoye, Vatutinskoye and Michurinskoye, each has an estimated mine life of +15 years.
Sadovokostyantynivskoye, Chervonoyarskoye are also likely, but they are smaller deposits.

might change my nic to zoloto :)

U conference and road show soon? Anyone know? Donkey report is due in the next week.


Any murmurs/noises circulating regarding Novokonstantinovskoye ("Novok"), hopefully the quarterly highlights some progess with this proposal...

I pity Kate having to pronounce those deposits are a few reds :D

22-07-2008, 06:46 PM
Good to see that Uran still has one shareholder Drillfix :)

Donkey report is due in the next week.

Donkey hee haww yee hoo :D

I thought the Pigeon superseeded those donkey for information delivery? :D

Lets hope the ASX dont get another round of Blank A4 reeled to them :p

22-07-2008, 06:48 PM

I pity Kate having to pronounce those deposits are a few reds :D

LOL shasta, I can just see the Ukrainians wiping the spit off their faces :D

22-07-2008, 07:00 PM

Any murmurs/noises circulating regarding Novokonstantinovskoye ("Novok"), hopefully the quarterly highlights some progess with this proposal...

The last I heard Uran was putting together the consortium. I expect a few JV to result and help spread the risk for Uran. PDN is now my front runner.

22-07-2008, 07:05 PM
So we can all practise getting our tongues around this without too much spitting -
this is old info - but check out the names! Uran seems to have an interest in about one third of what's listed . Doing wonders for the SP not ! ;) A

There are currently 21 identified uranium deposits in Ukraine. According to 1993 figures, they are (from largest to smallest deposits): Severinske, Vatutinske, Michurinske, Kalynovske, Yuzhnoye (Pivdenne), Safonivske, Zhovtorichenske, Adamovske, Markovske, Lozovatske, Mykolokozelske, Bratske, Mykolayivske, Novogurievske, Devladoske, Surske, Berekske, Chervonooskolske, Sadovokostyantynivske, Chervonoyarske, and Pervomayske. The greatest deposits are concentrated in two principal underground uranium mining districts, both located near Zhovti Vody: Kirovohradska Oblast and Kryvyy Rih Oblast. There are two additional uranium districts located in Central Ukraine: Novokostyantynivskyi and Pobuzhskyi.[1] Two mines are currently in operation:Vatutininski and Ingulskyi.[2] The Vatutinskyi mine is located near the Zhovti Vody combine in the town of Smolino and is the largest uranium mine in the Ukraine.[3] The deposits at this mine, the Yuzhnoye (Pivdenne) and Kalinovske deposits, should be sufficient for 25 years.[4,5] The Ingulskyi mine, on the outskirts of Kirovohrad, is located 40 km from the Novokostyantynivskyi mine and 150 km from the Smolino mine.[3] The deposits at this mine, the Michurinske and Severinske deposits, should last for approximately 15 years.[4,5] The Novokostyantynivskyi mine taps the largest known uranium deposit in Ukraine.[3] Reportedly, new deposits will be opened in early 1996, at which point Ukraine's uranium output will double.[6] This will allow Ukraine to meet domestic demand and to export uranium as well.[7,8] The Tsentralnyi mine has been mined out. The Severinski mine may be brought into operation after 2010.[1

22-07-2008, 08:46 PM
The last I heard Uran was putting together the consortium. I expect a few JV to result and help spread the risk for Uran. PDN is now my front runner.

Cotik, how long would you believe it would take Uran to put together a consortium?

And when you say front runner, do you mean you believe that Paladin (PDN) would be a part of this consortium.

I would like to know how this consortium is going to work / function / employ / delegate / produce / implement both mining proceedures and how they raise money or funding etc etc.

A bit early I know, and I dont want to speculate too much about who, where and why and stuff, but do we have any idea when uran or we will have these answers to the above thoughts?

22-07-2008, 08:57 PM
On another note, I wonder if Uran will be participating here, and if so, why and what are they going to say or do here?

Uranium 2008 Conference

With interest in Uranium Stocks at an all time high and new international trade deals negotiated it is timely that the Australian Uranium Conference will again be held in Fremantle for July 23 - 24, 2008. Attending the conference in July last year, the Australian Uranium Conference is now the most important event to be held for the Uranium Industry.

The conference will take place over two days on July 23 and 24, 2008 at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle and will include a 32 booth exhibition area. Sessions will commence at 8.40am on Wednesday 23 July with a keynote address, and will conclude at 5.30pm on Thursday 24 July 2008.

edit: Adding this brochure: http://www.verticalevents.com.au/uranium2008/files/Uranium%20Brochure.pdf

22-07-2008, 09:00 PM
Cotik, how long would you believe it would take Uran to put together a consortium?

And when you say front runner, do you mean you believe that Paladin (PDN) would be a part of this consortium.

I would like to know how this consortium is going to work / function / employ / delegate / produce / implement both mining proceedures and how they raise money or funding etc etc.

A bit early I know, and I dont want to speculate too much about who, where and why and stuff, but do we have any idea when uran or we will have these answers to the above thoughts?

Don't get too carried away just yet Drillfix, lets get the details of the 3 deposits we DO HAVE first ;)

A slice of "Novok" will be worth far more than Rozna to Uran, so i except them to keep all details quiet, until an outcome is known, good or bad?

We are seemingly due alot of news/updates, incl Pribram (anyone remember?), Kaz, Brzkov, Polna, Bulgaria, Juno etc etc :confused:

Even if we are unsuccessful with projects/appeals, it would be nice to know & have Uran reconfirm whether other projects outside of Ukraine are still deemed "core" focus.

22-07-2008, 09:19 PM
Don't get too carried away just yet Drillfix, lets get the details of the 3 deposits we DO HAVE first ;)

A slice of "Novok" will be worth far more than Rozna to Uran, so i except them to keep all details quiet, until an outcome is known, good or bad?

We are seemingly due alot of news/updates, incl Pribram (anyone remember?), Kaz, Brzkov, Polna, Bulgaria, Juno etc etc :confused:

Even if we are unsuccessful with projects/appeals, it would be nice to know & have Uran reconfirm whether other projects outside of Ukraine are still deemed "core" focus.

Shasta, it would just be nice to know /be told ANYTHING ! :rolleyes: A

22-07-2008, 09:23 PM
Shasta, it would just be nice to know /be told ANYTHING ! :rolleyes: A

Go play mushroom in the dark please :D

22-07-2008, 09:26 PM
Cotik, how long would you believe it would take Uran to put together a consortium?

And when you say front runner, do you mean you believe that Paladin (PDN) would be a part of this consortium.

I would like to know how this consortium is going to work / function / employ / delegate / produce / implement both mining proceedures and how they raise money or funding etc etc.

A bit early I know, and I dont want to speculate too much about who, where and why and stuff, but do we have any idea when uran or we will have these answers to the above thoughts?

Let's hope it is quicker than the first three deposits. :rolleyes:


Not sure, probably a seperate company with consortium members having an appropriate shareholding.

I hope before the end of the year, but who knows. I am sure that Uran would like to do any necessary debt/equity raising at the same time if possible.

22-07-2008, 10:16 PM
Thanks for your thoughts there Cotik.

Go play mushroom in the dark please :D

Shasta, I thought we already been playing this for a while now :eek:

22-07-2008, 10:22 PM
Thanks for your thoughts there Cotik.

Shasta, I thought we already been playing this for a while now :eek:

Message from Kate, "remain as you were" :p

Note: Kate may or may not have said this, this post may contain traces of nuts :D

23-07-2008, 12:02 PM
Message from Kate, "remain as you were" :p

Note: Kate may or may not have said this, this post may contain traces of nuts :D

I see EXT, WME, BOM, DYL , ENR & TOE have all posted presentations from the Fremantle Uranium Conference, wasn't Uran attending this?

If not, this is the very thing they should be doing!

23-07-2008, 12:49 PM
I see EXT, WME, BOM & DYL have all posted presentations from the Fremantle Uranium Conference, wasn't Uran attending this?

If not, this is the very thing they should be doing!

I know that Kate is attending, but I am not sure if it is just to network or present.

23-07-2008, 12:56 PM
I know that Kate is attending, but I am not sure if it is just to network or present.

Thanks Cotik

Lets hope there's some shoulder tapping re Novok going on there, & that Kates attendance is not another Discovery Minerals lead!

23-07-2008, 02:59 PM
Thanks Cotik

Lets hope there's some shoulder tapping re Novok going on there, & that Kates attendance is not another Discovery Minerals lead!

Finally we have a tangible project :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Ok, calm down it's just the tungsten...:confused:


23-07-2008, 02:59 PM
As mentioned on HC I don't know much about tungsten but it seems we have a project now - not what we expected - but nevertheless a project.

Must have been something in it for them to get on board and maybe in the future we may just get something out of it.

For now its just the waiting game on further mnews in the Ukraine.

23-07-2008, 03:00 PM
Well wow, some information from YouRan.

Uran has exercised the option for the Tungsten / Tin tenements in the US.

Good to hear news but not exactly the type of news we all probably were expecting :rolleyes:

Ahh, you beat me to it. Anyways, good to see ya~!

23-07-2008, 03:04 PM
Just quietly sitting in the background Df waiting. I keep a steady eye on you guys and your banter. We have said it, heard it all before. Just need to see it.
Big Bro is watching LOL

23-07-2008, 03:21 PM
GS, lol

I feel better now that I know your at least sitting in the background :D

Sure hope that what banter there is doesn't bore you too much :rolleyes: as in many ways we are only limited to what we know, or "might know" or "could know" and even perhaps "should know", But all we have is "God Knows" :rolleyes:

23-07-2008, 03:43 PM
.....the metal content is based on information published by Ukraine state enerprises and IAEA papers......

Really, I didn't know there was a connection. :confused:

23-07-2008, 03:58 PM
.....the metal content is based on information published by Ukraine state enerprises and IAEA papers......

Really, I didn't know there was a connection. :confused:

Shhhh, there still working on that one ;)

23-07-2008, 04:19 PM
Shhhh, there still working on that one ;)

Well they were earlier in June - it is from the Jume 13 ann.

PPP from Purple comms.:mad::mad:

23-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Good to hear news but not exactly the type of news we all probably were expecting :rolleyes:

haha my thoughts exactly, had me hopes up when i saw the ann icon next to ura

23-07-2008, 04:34 PM
haha my thoughts exactly, had me hopes up when i saw the ann icon next to ura

Remy, next Ann oughta do it, so fingers, toes, ears and eyes crossed :p

Also, not exactly even sure why we need these Purple People Pushers partaking on these Anns.

Sounds too much like a business freebie hand out in many ways. :rolleyes:

23-07-2008, 05:39 PM
Well, looks like this ann has successfully started what I call "The Nibble Effect" :p

Oh, both on heads and options.

Good on ya who ever it was that took out Mr.15.5c I wonder if he will they are finished selling or just waiting for some buyers to step up?

23-07-2008, 05:58 PM
Shasta, it would just be nice to know /be told ANYTHING ! :rolleyes: AHaha, careful what you wish for nice lady.

An anything ann you want an anything ann you get:p

23-07-2008, 07:12 PM
Haha, careful what you wish for nice lady.

An anything ann you want an anything ann you get:p

OK - I really do wish for one mother of a Ukraine announcement!
But at least it looks like the USA has sunk low enough to be supplying FSU countries with minerolgy data - how times have changed. :D A

23-07-2008, 10:08 PM
OK - I really do wish for one mother of a Ukraine announcement!
But at least it looks like the USA has sunk low enough to be supplying FSU countries with minerolgy data - how times have changed. :D A

Here's the PDF on the Fremantle Uranium Conference (Held 23 & 24 July)

Uran is NOT there in a official capacity!


23-07-2008, 10:33 PM
Hi Satori,
That about sums it up I reckon

23-07-2008, 10:51 PM

Why would they want to do a conference in their own home town? Theres no plane travel or overseas junkets involved for starters.
Maybe they are intimidated by their peers...you know?
The ones who they did everything they could to distance themselves from?

Seems Uran are good at that.

"We arent explorers!" We are Uran! Producers in 6 months on several projects!

Their peers must be laughing thats all I can say. No home town presentation.

2 years on who would have called this eh?

This is our hard working management team in action folks. Enjoy!

PS Look out for the next Tungsten conference in Las Vegas. No doubt we will do a presentation there ;)

Too much "sovereign risk" in W.A :D

Uran only want projects that end in...skoye ;)

PS, U308 price up $0.50 to $US64.50

Can't find the any live Tungsten prices folks!

23-07-2008, 11:54 PM

We just witnessed 2 years of negotiations...end with a project nowhere near advanced, nowhere near uranium, and nowhere near having enough 'current' funds to develop it.

It couldnt be further from their initial focus.

Suggest Uran float/sell if off asap, pay out a dividend to current holders, then focus on the job they said they would do.

Its a distraction from the main game... and 'importantly', the main $ return for shareholders.

Uran management just demonstrated how low they can go 'for me'

Theyve 'seemingly' turned their backs on Pribram (remember it IS already a PROFITABLE business for gravel alone)...a focused URANIUM business, and a way into Czech uranium game.....for a bl..dy stupid $165,000 Tungsten project that needs serious $ for development.

Someone replace these incompetents please!

Perhaps we can "offload" Juno to Discovery Minerals as payment? :D

24-07-2008, 12:24 AM

We just witnessed 2 years of negotiations...end with a project nowhere near advanced, nowhere near uranium, and nowhere near having enough 'current' funds to develop it.

It couldnt be further from their initial focus.

Suggest Uran float/sell if off asap, pay out a dividend to current holders, then focus on the job they said they would do.

Its a distraction from the main game... and 'importantly', the main $ return for shareholders.

Uran management just demonstrated how low they can go 'for me'

Theyve 'seemingly' turned their backs on Pribram (remember it IS already a PROFITABLE business for gravel alone)...a focused URANIUM business, and a way into Czech uranium game.....for a bl..dy stupid $165,000 Tungsten project that needs serious $ for development.

Someone replace these incompetents please!

Two years of negotiations HAVEN'T finished Satori, and the end result is not the Tungsten leases. You know this better than most here.

The progress may be slow, but I'm happy with where it's headed, and you know as well as I do, once the JV is revealed, we'll be leapfrogging scores of companies who are still drilling and trying to develop JORC reserves.
Do you really think Uran are going to go on a roadshow with the tungsten deal as the biggest feather in their cap?

If you don't think this is true, why not sell some stock and buy something else that has more appeal. It may lower your stress levels and lead to a better quality of life.

Or perhaps you're just playing Devil's Advocate to get a feel for what everyone else is thinking?

24-07-2008, 12:28 AM
URA = http://www.reference.com/search?r=13&q=Charlatan

perhaps a good time to get out today Shasta on the 17% spike?

What spike, lol

I haven't waited patiently since Jan 07 for Ukraine to come online, to sell now when Uran are already reviewing the data on 3 deposits!

All shall we revealed over the next month or so...;)

Good thing i'm not retiring anytime soon lol

24-07-2008, 12:38 AM
good on you, I am just playing/ having fun. I really havent a clue on URA and the stage they are at

but I thought the dictionary meaning was quite funny....

"He does not try to create a personal relationship with his marks, or set up an elaborate hoax using roleplaying. Rather, the person called a charlatan is being accused of resorting to quackery, pseudoscience, or some knowingly employed bogus means of impressing people in order to swindle his victims by selling them worthless nostrums and similar goods or services that will not deliver on the promises made for them. The word calls forth the image of an old-time medicine show operator, who has long left town by the time the people who bought his snake oil tonic realize that it does not perform as advertised."


So im a snake oil merchant, ouch :confused:

Being called an Accountant was bad enough :D

I feel sorry for the HGD/HTM shareholders, they have been attacking there gold mine with toothpicks for the last 20 years :eek:

24-07-2008, 06:27 PM
Two years of negotiations HAVEN'T finished Satori, and the end result is not the Tungsten leases. You know this better than most here.

The progress may be slow, but I'm happy with where it's headed, and you know as well as I do, once the JV is revealed, we'll be leapfrogging scores of companies who are still drilling and trying to develop JORC reserves.
Do you really think Uran are going to go on a roadshow with the tungsten deal as the biggest feather in their cap?

Hi Juqu,

Yes this is very true and a good point indeed as negotiations are still continuing, but then I think that is one of the Points that Satori is making.

With regards Uran going on a roadshow.

I am honestly wondering, what are they going to exactly roadshow.
My concern is that doing such roadshow or presentations to such business, brokers, institutions or soph investors requires Information.

My concern is that there is Not Enough information there to give them, THUS, these so called brokers and others will View or Rate Uran as still being a High Risk Speculative Stock.

What is Kate actually going to tell these guys that she cannot tell the market?

I am certain that these Brokers would want to know what type of Grades and Volume/Tonnage, infrastructe, % agreements etc etc that are in place. But then so would the Market want to know this.

My fear is that how much information is she or Can She give them?

My understanding is that we are at the current sharepirce because Uran fails to keep the market informed.

Although, I do believe as you say, once some of these negotiations are complete then we will know more and so will the market and thus show in the shareprice accordingly.

24-07-2008, 07:47 PM
Hi Juqu,

Yes this is very true and a good point indeed as negotiations are still continuing, but then I think that is one of the Points that Satori is making.

With regards Uran going on a roadshow.

I am honestly wondering, what are they going to exactly roadshow.
My concern is that doing such roadshow or presentations to such business, brokers, institutions or soph investors requires Information.

My concern is that there is Not Enough information there to give them, THUS, these so called brokers and others will View or Rate Uran as still being a High Risk Speculative Stock.

What is Kate actually going to tell these guys that she cannot tell the market?

I am certain that these Brokers would want to know what type of Grades and Volume/Tonnage, infrastructe, % agreements etc etc that are in place. But then so would the Market want to know this.

My fear is that how much information is she or Can She give them?

My understanding is that we are at the current sharepirce because Uran fails to keep the market informed.

Although, I do believe as you say, once some of these negotiations are complete then we will know more and so will the market and thus show in the shareprice accordingly.


I share a different view.

Uran has announced a reasonable amount of information to the market in order for the market to make a speculative buy. I am confident that instos will not hesitate to take a serious position at this stage.

The Facts:

Uran has established a strong relationship with the Ukraine Government to carry out joint work on uranium deposits.

Uran is initially targeting about 5000 T of Uranium.

Uran has signed a series of protocols with the Ukraine government to undertake a FFS with a view to mine (if the conditions are right).

Uran is presently doing DD on the data for at least 2 of the deposits.

Uran is also having discussions with the Ukraine government on other potential deposits.

The current market cap is worth NOTHING. Assuming Uran goes ahead and mines the 3 Ukraine Deposits, wont the MC be worth at least $300M?

To my knowledge Uran has never promoted the company to investors. This has been my major issue with the Board. I am confident that when they commence the roadshow the shareprice is very likely to increase from the current levels.

Note that I have only discussed opportunities in Ukraine only. As you know Uran is focusing in other countries as well.

24-07-2008, 08:48 PM
Since the SPP the number of people on Uran's share registry has declined by more than 1/3.

We have the news; the problem is that no one believes it. We have the option on three deposits in Ukraine with about 5Kt of u3O8 net to Uran (at least). We just wait on Uran to confirm the data (I don't see a problem here) and then decide if the deposits can be commercially extracted. Then we need to sign the final agreement.

I anticipate the finally agreement will be signed in September/October.

24-07-2008, 08:52 PM
Satori- you have clearly had enough of this company. and the pressure has finally gotten to you, and understandably so.

i can understand ur frustration, and am feeling it aswell. but as you have said for so long we are getting ever closer and it is coming. just try to relax.

management sux. yes. SP sux. yes. can all turn around swiftly tho. dont be the one to ride the train this far just to jump off before they actually arrive at the station.

it will come. stay patient everyone. or average down... simple. U price is making a recovery too.

24-07-2008, 08:54 PM
Since the SPP the number of people on Uran's share registry has declined by more than 1/3.

We have the news; the problem is that no one believes it. We have the option on three deposits in Ukraine with about 5Kt of u3O8 net to Uran (at least). We just wait on Uran to confirm the data (I don't see a problem here) and then decide if the deposits can be commercially extracted. Then we need to sign the final agreement.

I anticipate the finally agreement will be signed in September/October.

I agree with your timeframe Cotik, & i find it hard to believe the U308 extraction won't be viable.

VostGok have there own drill(s) & processing plant (Zheltye Vody), so there's 2 direct cost savings!

Whilst we won't get top dollar for the U308, the extraction cost savings should allow some smaller deposits to be viable as well.

24-07-2008, 09:03 PM
Sp3, I can agree with your view also as there is some very valid points there.

Back to my original question though:

What is Kate actually going to tell these guys that she cannot tell the market?

As for the option on three deposits in Ukraine with about 5Kt of u3O8 net to Uran, well its not JORC and more importantly, its not officially Urans JORC as yet, and that is what the market wants to hear, along with a proper timeline with both costs and the rest of the math that goes with it.

Like many here, I am happy to wait and let everything unfold or hopefully prevail favourably for us all, but doing a roadshow without all the goodies in hand is 10 cents short of a dollar IMO~!

24-07-2008, 09:46 PM
Sp3, I can agree with your view also as there is some very valid points there.

Back to my original question though:

What is Kate actually going to tell these guys that she cannot tell the market?

As for the option on three deposits in Ukraine with about 5Kt of u3O8 net to Uran, well its not JORC and more importantly, its not officially Urans JORC as yet, and that is what the market wants to hear, along with a proper timeline with both costs and the rest of the math that goes with it.

Like many here, I am happy to wait and let everything unfold or hopefully prevail favourably for us all, but doing a roadshow without all the goodies in hand is 10 cents short of a dollar IMO~!


Kate doesnt have to tell the investors anything new. Fundamentally Uran in July 2008 is in a better position than what it was in January 2007 and yet the SP is trading at a fraction of the SP from the highs of January 2007.

IMO the SP should be trading at least 70c today based on the news been released to date and other macro factors.

I am sure the roadshow will be attempting to highlight this...but it will depend on the brokers and Kate's ability to effectively SELL the story.

24-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Can anyone confirm where and when this roadshow begins?

steve fleming
24-07-2008, 10:02 PM
Is Uran really undervalued compared to its peers?? ie

UNX - EV of $10m, 10,000t of JORC confirmed u308, 2 scoping studies in progress.

BLR - EV of $25m, 20,000t of JORC confirmed u308, scoping study finished

steve fleming
24-07-2008, 10:12 PM

Fundamentally Uran in July 2008 is in a better position than what it was in January 2007 and yet the SP is trading at a fraction of the SP from the highs of January 2007.

IMO the SP should be trading at least 70c today based on the news been released to date and other macro factors.

What junior U explorer (except MRU) is NOT trading at a fraction of its Uranium bubble highs??

Completely different market now.

URA looks reasonably priced to me, given its risks.

24-07-2008, 10:15 PM
Is Uran really undervalued compared to its peers?? ie

UNX - EV of $10m, 10,000t of JORC confirmed u308, 2 scoping studies in progress.

BLR - EV of $25m, 20,000t of JORC confirmed u308, scoping study finished

Hopefully when Uran do decide to announce the VostGok JV details we can compare them to the likes of UNX/BLR & others, with how much U308 they will mine per year, & what the costs per lb will be.

Not much use comparing companies that aren't mining!

SF - You still in IXR?

24-07-2008, 10:21 PM
Is Uran really undervalued compared to its peers?? ie

UNX - EV of $10m, 10,000t of JORC confirmed u308, 2 scoping studies in progress.

BLR - EV of $25m, 20,000t of JORC confirmed u308, scoping study finished

Steve Fleming,

There is a massive difference between a JORC Resource estimate and a JORC Reserve estimate.

I am assuming BLR's and UNX's JORC estimates are defined as a resource.

If you are going to make comparisons you need to compare apples with apples.

My understanding is that Uran will be defining these deposits as RESERVES.

steve fleming
24-07-2008, 10:26 PM
Steve Fleming,

There is a massive difference between a JORC Resource estimate and a JORC Reserve estimate.

I am assuming BLR's and UNX's JORC estimates are defined as a resource.

If you are going to make comparisons you need to compare apples with apples.

My understanding is that Uran will be defining these deposits as RESERVES.

A mineable JORC Resource becomes a Reserve.

Are URA currently drilliing in order to confirm their Resource/Reserve?

24-07-2008, 10:28 PM
What junior U explorer (except MRU) is NOT trading at a fraction of its Uranium bubble highs??

Completely different market now.

URA looks reasonably priced to me, given its risks.

Again, you cant compare Uran to a junior explorer because Uran IS NOT an explorer.

I dont think Uran can be compared to anyone at this stage. Potentially Uran could very easily become an overnight PRODUCER. How many juniors can boast about that...hence why Uran is in a league of its own.

24-07-2008, 11:58 PM

Apparently your emails have been bouncing since yesterday.

I have been receiving your emails but it looks like you havent been receiving mine.

25-07-2008, 12:12 AM

Apparently your emails have been bouncing since yesterday.

Yes, I also heard this Satori, is your email host ok?.

Looks like your response is slow but is Ok satori
Lets check this out,

C:\>ping Satori
Pinging Satori with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=202ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=201ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=202ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=201ms TTL=52

Ping statistics for Satori:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 201ms, Maximum = 202ms, Average = 201ms ;)

Now lets do Kate this time

C:\>ping Kate Hobbs

Pinging Kate Hobbs with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for Kate Hobbs:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), :eek:

AHHH HAAA, I knew there was a problem with Kate Hobbs....LOL :D

25-07-2008, 12:15 AM
Yes, I also heard this Satori, is your email host ok?.

Looks like your response is slow but is Ok satori
Lets check this out,

C:\>ping Satori
Pinging Satori with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=202ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=201ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=202ms TTL=52
Reply from Satori: bytes=32 time=201ms TTL=52

Ping statistics for Satori:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 201ms, Maximum = 202ms, Average = 201ms ;)

Now lets do Kate this time

C:\>ping Kate Hobbs

Pinging Kate Hobbs with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for Kate Hobbs:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), :eek:

AHHH HAAA, I knew there was a problem with Kate Hobbs....LOL :D


Try Catherine Hobbs :D

25-07-2008, 12:46 AM

Try Catherine Hobbs :D

C:\>ping Catherine Hobbs

Pinging Catherine Hobbs with 32 bytes of data:
Operation Aborted: Cannot find name or server :eek: :D :rolleyes: ;)

25-07-2008, 12:47 AM
C:\>ping Catherine Hobbs

Pinging Catherine Hobbs with 32 bytes of data:
Operation Aborted: Cannot find name or server :eek: :D :rolleyes: ;)

...er um Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd? :D

25-07-2008, 01:06 AM
...er um Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd? :D

Thats an easy one shasta~!

C:\>ping Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd
Pinging Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=Conflict of Interest
Reply from Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=Conflict of Interest
Reply from Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=Conflict of Interest
Reply from Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd: bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=Conflict of Interest

Ping statistics for Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (100% Conflict of Interest),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 1ms :eek: :eek: :rolleyes:

25-07-2008, 04:00 PM

ugly 23% fall in the oppies today
URAO URAN LTD OPT MAY09 0.060 -0.018 -23.08% 0.050 0.085 0.060 0.060 0.060 2 30,000

The options are extremely illiquid, look at the value of the transaction?

$1000 worth of options moves it +/- 50%

25-07-2008, 06:04 PM

'Manages' and 'Managing Director' are two completely different things..

Ones a doing ones a being.

One doesnt necessarily go with the other...particularly in this case ;)

Ain't that the Dog Gone Truth ~! :rolleyes:

ps: ooppss, pardon the pun underDog :)

25-07-2008, 07:40 PM
Ain't that the Dog Gone Truth ~! :rolleyes:

ps: ooppss, pardon the pun underDog :)

you guys sure are having some Friday fun what with pinging dogs and rushing to get into tungsten. Now some special American news
Condy Rice was seen in Cino's in Mt Lawley this afternoon - seems like all the power brokers come to Perth at some stage of other. Maybe we can enlist Condy as the Uran negotiator in the Ukraine and get some real action. (no not the usual G Bush type of action) A

25-07-2008, 07:47 PM
you guys sure are having some Friday fun what with pinging dogs and rushing to get into tungsten. Now some special American news
Condy Rice was seen in Cino's in Mt Lawley this afternoon - seems like all the power brokers come to Perth at some stage of other. Maybe we can enlist Condy as the Uran negotiator in the Ukraine and get some real action. (no not the usual G Bush type of action) A


Cony Rice is heading over to the land of the long white cloud tomorrow...

If i bump into her in Wellington, i'll be sure to ask :D

25-07-2008, 07:56 PM

Cony Rice is heading over to the land of the long white cloud tomorrow...

If i bump into her in Wellington, i'll be sure to ask :D

shasta -we'll Dub;)ya the official envoy to the Americans - see if you can't get us some more tungsten!!!! ;)

25-07-2008, 08:04 PM
shasta -we'll Dub;)ya the official envoy to the Americans - see if you can't get us some more tungsten!!!! ;)

NZ is anti nuclear, so i'll try & smooth things over...;)

Clean = Green = Nuclear :D

Our "Green" party in NZ just smokes the stuff :eek:

PS, We better hurry up with Ukraine, our friend Yulia Tymoshenko looks like standing down in 2010 to run for the Presidency!

Tony S
25-07-2008, 08:09 PM
Hi guys, just got back to melbourne from meetings in Perth and Irvine Island.

I had the fortune to have dinner with Archer in Perth and chatted about many things, including of course URA. It was a great night and a good break from a hectic intinery. Thanks for an entertaining evening Archer.

I also had a good and long meeting with Kate Hobbs on Tuesday and whilst I cant put here the whole converstaion, I did come away feeling pretty pleased with where URA are at. I think it would be fair to say Kate and her team are working their collective asses off. Things are looking very promising and, as I have previous said, I think 2008 will be a good year for URA.

Regards to all, Tony.

25-07-2008, 08:17 PM
Hi guys, just got back to melbourne from meetings in Perth and Irvine Island.

I had the fortune to have dinner with Archer in Perth and chatted about many things, including of course URA. It was a great night and a good break from a hectic intinery. Thanks for an entertaining evening Archer.

I also had a good and long meeting with Kate Hobbs on Tuesday and whilst I cant put here the whole converstaion, I did come away feeling pretty pleased with where URA are at. I think it would be fair to say Kate and her team are working their collective asses off. Things are looking very promising and, as I have previous said, I think 2008 will be a good year for URA.

Regards to all, Tony.

Cheers for sharing your thoughts Tony...

Hope you didn't keep Kate for too long away from that valuable data ;)

Tony S
25-07-2008, 08:26 PM
Hi shasta, i was lead into the boardroom cause I was a little early...and lo and behold the schedule was pined to the board on the key events. I really cant explain them here because it would not be fair...but given I am also an MD I was able to decifer very quickly.

IMHO URA are at the begining/mid point of an exciting journey. I know it has been hard for the long termers and I appreciate the anger towards URA, but I truely believe in what Kate is doing and I think URA will pull it off. If they do....multi bagger in my opinion. I grilled Kate a little, but not too much, and she knows her stuff.

IMO we are getting very close. I cant give any details because it was a private conversation, however it is common knowledge Kate is on a east cost Oz roadshow next week.She would not be going if she wasn't confident she had a story to tell.

I am continuiong to buy because it is a definate buy IMO, but as always DYOR.

Cheers, Tony.

25-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Hi shasta, i was lead into the boardroom cause I was a little early...and lo and behold the schedule was pined to the board on the key events. I really cant explain them here because it would not be fair...but given I am also an MD I was able to decifer very quickly.

IMHO URA are at the begining/mid point of an exciting journey. I know it has been hard for the long termers and I appreciate the anger towards URA, but I truely believe in what Kate is doing and I think URA will pull it off. If they do....multi bagger in my opinion. I grilled Kate a little, but not too much, and she knows her stuff.

IMO we are getting very close. I cant give any details because it was a private conversation, however it is common knowledge Kate is on a east cost Oz roadshow next week.She would not be going if she wasn't confident she had a story to tell.

I am continuiong to buy because it is a definate buy IMO, but as always DYOR.

Cheers, Tony.

I'm not angry with Uran at all in fact far from it, Satori has rightly raised the issue of accountability, & Tony you would know better then anyone, that MD's/CEO's are judged based on there results!

To quote the ex All Black coach John Mitchell " We are on a journey" :D

25-07-2008, 09:11 PM
Just logged into comsec to find that i've lost some more money today on the oppies (and heads)... however did see a fairly odd sell side of the heads:

0.170 25,000 1
0.190 12,000 1
0.200 31,521 2
0.230 47,000 1
3.990 25,000 1
4.990 50,000 1

Someone's either crazy or confident...

Funniest thing i've seen all day!

25-07-2008, 09:29 PM
Just logged into comsec to find that i've lost some more money today on the oppies (and heads)... however did see a fairly odd sell side of the heads:

0.170 25,000 1
0.190 12,000 1
0.200 31,521 2
0.230 47,000 1
3.990 25,000 1
4.990 50,000 1

Someone's either crazy or confident...

Funniest thing i've seen all day!LOL,
No harm in getting in early eh?:D

Like the guy that camped outside tickatek for his Rolling Stones Tickets but got there one week early by mistake

In this case perhaps a tad more than a week early though :rolleyes:

25-07-2008, 09:30 PM
that is funny, not a lot of sellers then eh:D

Only 115,521 available under $5, be in quick :D

25-07-2008, 09:33 PM
Only 115,521 available under $5, be in quick :DYou can have mine for 1/2 that :D

25-07-2008, 09:39 PM
You can have mine for 1/2 that :D

If i thought we had 20% of Novok onboard, you'd have yourself a deal!

BTW, I had tickets to the Rolling Stones before the plebs had to line up...:D

25-07-2008, 09:41 PM
Ive never really looked into URAN but I see the market cap is down to $8mill and cash about $3.3m

it might actually be worth a punt at 14-15c for fun

do these "managers" take a big slice for this underperformance?

I mean, how much can you extract for managing an $8m company, I know I can find it but thought one of you guys would know

Kate Hobbs (MD) has a $250,000 p.a (incl super) package

25-07-2008, 09:50 PM
If i thought we had 20% of Novok onboard, you'd have yourself a deal!

BTW, I had tickets to the Rolling Stones before the plebs had to line up...:DRolling Stones AND ura :p

25-07-2008, 09:58 PM
We believe that really attract missing funds under contracts on joint activities, which would imply that the investor will invest money, and instead claim to profits from the work put into service businesses. Interest in such cooperation are countries whose own uranium mining is at a fairly good level. This Canada (Turning Gold Corporation) and Australia (Uran Limited). Such investors, for example, Areva, are interested in sharing products (thus immediately impose restrictions on our cooperation).

Like the look of this...

25-07-2008, 10:00 PM
Another good find Sam!


25-07-2008, 10:00 PM
quite an interesting article just out:

Natalia Shumkova

The term of corporatization and VostGOKa GP "Novokonstantinovka" is not defined

On conditions for attracting private investors in the uranium industry, as well as on the prospects of Ukraine's International Centre for uranium enrichment (MTSOU, Russia) "k:" spoke with the director of the department of nuclear energy and nuclear industry Mintopenergo Natalia Shumkovoy.

Natalia Yu, Ukraine's energy strategy up to 2030 implies that already by 2015 our country will increase the extraction of uranium to a level that would allow the production of nuclear fuel for the work of all the necessary level of nuclear power plants. But to date, production volumes have not changed. Does this mean that the above dates for capacity production to the level of domestic nuclear industry needs to be derailed?

Probably, it seems that today uranium program is not implemented. But the uranium industry is sufficiently specific. First we need to prepare some of the plot (- namely, mine) to the production. Now comes the construction of such mines - GP "The company, built at the base Novokonstantinovskogo uranium ore deposits". They deployed the preparatory work for the starting line: we hope that this year go to the extraction of associated (conditions, when the mine under construction and in this process is associated mining uranium. - "K:"). In the 2009-2010 year we will increase such associated extraction of up to 500 tons I brought with mine (for 2015) immediately go on the productivity of 1.5 thousand tons of uranium a year. This volume amounting to current production volumes VostGOKa and is a necessary minimum, which needs the nuclear industry of Ukraine.

How much money is needed in order to realize this target?

The project "Novokonstantinovki", reckoned in prices in 2006, worth approximately 5.6 bln. It does not have to rely on the fact that more than 10-15% of this amount will be allocated to the state.

Under what conditions would be the remaining 4 bln.?

We believe that really attract missing funds under contracts on joint activities, which would imply that the investor will invest money, and instead claim to profits from the work put into service businesses. Interest in such cooperation are countries whose own uranium mining is at a fairly good level. This Canada (Turning Gold Corporation) and Australia (Uran Limited). Such investors, for example, Areva, are interested in sharing products (thus immediately impose restrictions on our cooperation). Also, funding can be achieved by attracting loans, including under government guarantees. This is one of the first and most important tasks created concern "Nuclear fuel".

Uran Limited declares that negotiates with the Czech Republic and Russia on uranium mining. And in those countries say that developing relations with the company zero ...

We, too, although the company is very active. But so far no concrete proposals would be submitted to the relevant feasibility study and agreed to the terms and forms of cooperation, the initiation of specific joint projects in the fields of Ukrainian there was no question. It is noteworthy that, despite the existence of the memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and Areva, uranium is not received direction of development. While Areva has sufficient experience in the development of uranium deposits.

Does the Ministry of Fuel and Energy (or Cabinet) corporatization VostGOKa issue, the DPP "Novokonstantinovka"?
Energy Strategy provided that work on the corporatization of NFC were to be implemented even in 2007. But the real steps have not yet done. Now that task will be to set up concern "Nuclear fuel". One can only say that this question is not today, it is planned that to address this problem we come in 2009. Corporatization - is a necessary step that will significantly enhance the ability of enterprises in forging mutually beneficial cooperation with potential investors. In doing so, we never talked about that going to allocate part of private shares in exchange for its investment. It now goes to the establishment of a joint stock company with 100% - by the state capital. As a positive example of such a company is the "Kazatomprom".

That is to say, what proportion of shares named willing to share state enterprises currently do not have to?

The issue at this stage is not considered. So far, no such plans. But, I repeat, joint-stock issue on the agenda. Prior to address this issue, the only possible form of cooperation with all potential investors (including the Russians, who have an interest primarily to the development Novokonstantinovskogo deposit) is to conclude agreements on joint activities.

In early July, Yulia Tymoshenko said that Ukraine has decided to accede to angarskomu MTSOU. When should expect the signing of an intergovernmental agreement?

Today, the draft notes (form, which was proposed by the Russian side instead of signing an intergovernmental agreement) prepared by the Ukrainian side and sent in Rosatom for harmonization. Ukraine intends to join the MTSOU (to which the Russians with 51% stake and Kazakhs with 10% stake) through the acquisition of 10% stake in the enterprise. The participation of Ukraine in MTSOU should be executed before the end of 2008.

Under what conditions Ukraine joins MTSOU?

We buy shares. Today 10% of the value of shares MTSOU is $ 100 thousand financial participation of Ukraine in this project could be developed to the extent that Ukraine considers itself profitable. There are no hard commitments that we have, with 10% of the shares MTSOU are required on a parity basis to make it 10% of the capital under future development - no. If we do not invest, just share our participation in MTSOU will decrease.

What is the Ukrainian company after the signing of the interstate agreement will serve as an authorized organization representing the interests of the country in this merger?

First, it was assumed that this would "Energoatom". But today, as a responsible organization planned Concern "Nuclear fuel".

Ukraine already has experience in joint development of nuclear energy with Russia and Kazakhstan in the AC "UkrTVS". This enterprise, there are several years old and does not demonstrate any development. Are there any fears that MTSOU become heavy "UkrTVS", repeating his same fate?

"UkrTVS" not evolved because Ukraine is not purposefully engaged in the development of those areas, the importance which declared. In doing so, Russia and Kazakhstan were ready to create jointly produce nuclear fuel: Russia has offered to provide co-production under one of the shops the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, and Kazakhstan - Ulba Metallurgical Combine. The essential difference between MTSOU and "UkrTVS" is that based on last only planned to organize a new joint production of nuclear fuel, while MTSOU already has production facilities (Angarsk electrolysis Chemical Complex. - "K:"), which will evolve according to the needs of countries participating in the provision of services for the enrichment of uranium.

When Ukraine will make the first step towards solving the issue with the construction of new nuclear facilities - will create an inventory of sites for building new nuclear power plant?

Ministry of Fuel and Energy in 2007, has developed requirements for the inventory sites. Today, the ministry plans to develop an inventory worth over the years 2008-2009. Executor of these works is the Kiev Institute "Energoprojekt". Potential sites in Ukraine is, basically they are in Central and Eastern Ukraine (Donetsk, Kharkiv, Cherkasy region and others).

The current spring "Energoatom" in the NERC defended the inclusion in its tariff 1.7 bln. Necessary to carry out the tasks on the extension service operated by AES. The Commission approved 1.2 bln. How to solve the problem of timely execution of works to extend the lifetime of existing nuclear power plants in the face of lack of funds?

1.7 bln. -- Is money not on work related to the extension, but on the whole range of works associated with the implementation of the concept of enhancing safety, modernization, and including more time for exploitation. In tariff "Energoatoma" laid to these events just over 1 bln. I believe that the fare included sufficient funds to address all priorities for the modernization and extension. In the event of a shortfall the company always has a mechanism to attract the necessary amount through loans. Today we have a backlog of some semi-annual work related to extending the operation of power plants № № 1 and 2 RAES. But the situation is under control by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy as well as leadership NAEK "Energoatom", and we have confidence that the question of extending the operation of the first pilot power (RAES № № 1, 2 and YUUAES № 3) will be resolved in due time - in 2010, 2011 and 2012 years respectively. 24.07.2008
№ 134 | July 25, 2008

Nice find Sam

I'd imagine it would cost around $US50m for a 10% slice of Novok?

Remember Uran has the first mover advantage in Ukraine & Czech Republic & we have a good working relationship with VostGok/Ministry of Fuel & Energy.

26-07-2008, 12:05 AM

I'm glad you came away from the meeting with confidence.

Roadshows suggest to me Uran is looking to raise cash. Hopefully this will be used for the feasibility studies on the two or three deposits.

26-07-2008, 12:18 AM
Roadshows suggest to me Uran is looking to raise cash. Hopefully this will be used for the feasibility studies on the two or three deposits.They better hurry up. Its only gonna get harder to raise

26-07-2008, 12:20 AM
They better hurry up. Its only gonna get harder to raise

Naw for Australia's next Uranium producer it won't be that hard, anyway that's what Pat Ryan came onboard to do, raise funds...

26-07-2008, 01:18 AM

Folks technically speaking that happy face is a BUY...:eek:

You can all thank me later...:D

26-07-2008, 02:16 AM
Just logged into comsec to find that i've lost some more money today on the oppies (and heads)... however did see a fairly odd sell side of the heads:

0.170 25,000 1
0.190 12,000 1
0.200 31,521 2
0.230 47,000 1
3.990 25,000 1
4.990 50,000 1

Someone's either crazy or confident...

Funniest thing i've seen all day!

Hi Frank,

Actually, its not that crazy. Can everybody remember that last rally when the shareprice went from .17 cents up to 40 cents ??? (or there abouts).

Well, before that rally, somebody had been placing bids in at .90 cents and $1.00 and stuff, Remember??

Perhaps this is just a sign of whoever it was the last time is coming back to create another short term rally, and probably for their own interest.

Anyways, just some food for thought with a bit of wishful thinking...lol :rolleyes:

26-07-2008, 02:32 AM

Put a sell in at $1 & watch it get swamped when the trading halt is lifted

26-07-2008, 02:34 AM
Hi shasta, i was lead into the boardroom cause I was a little early...and lo and behold the schedule was pined to the board on the key events. I really cant explain them here because it would not be fair...but given I am also an MD I was able to decifer very quickly.

IMHO URA are at the begining/mid point of an exciting journey. I know it has been hard for the long termers and I appreciate the anger towards URA, but I truely believe in what Kate is doing and I think URA will pull it off. If they do....multi bagger in my opinion. I grilled Kate a little, but not too much, and she knows her stuff.

IMO we are getting very close. I cant give any details because it was a private conversation, however it is common knowledge Kate is on a east cost Oz roadshow next week.She would not be going if she wasn't confident she had a story to tell.

I am continuiong to buy because it is a definate buy IMO, but as always DYOR.

Cheers, Tony.

Hi Tony,

Thanks for taking the time and sharing your thoughts of your visit to perth with Kate and Uran whilst over there in WA.

By chance while in the boardroom, did your mobile phone has a digital camera in it??....LOL :D

Was wondering that, if Kate is doing roadshows to raise some funds, I would have thought it would have been better and easier to raise these funds if the company could offer some more encourang market news to get the shareprice up prior to trying funds. (less dilution).

Also, I previously had concerns that the depth of the information which she would have for a roadshow may not contain enough ingredients and thus continue Uran to sound ultra speculative, rather than Uran sounding or coming across as convincingly influential.

As I know your conversation and meeting was private I wont bother asking you some questions, however may I ask what your opinion or thoughts are on Discovery and Kates Involvement in Discovery. Do you feel that there is any potential Conflict of Interest what so ever here??

Oh, glad to hear you also caught up with Archer and had a great time out on the town or over that neck of the woods~!

26-07-2008, 04:08 PM
Not quite sure what your point here is UnderDog.

The only thing I can see in what could be in common with uran is the Ukraine.

or the only thing I can take from that is you are trying to make us all here feel bad for some reason.

In which case, I will ask you to immediately edit your post or Fk Off out of this thread because after having a my ass kicked on this stock so far, I have little time for is JOKERS who want to make others feel like crap~!

26-07-2008, 04:52 PM
Good one underdog anybody that invests in odd countries without considering political risk is lacking intelligence look what has happened to BPT after they did a capital raising to invest in Egypt down over 30%

26-07-2008, 05:51 PM
Good one underdog anybody that invests in odd countries without considering political risk is lacking intelligence look what has happened to BPT after they did a capital raising to invest in Egypt down over 30%

What is an "odd" country?

Country and political risk can very dramatically depending on the nature of business.

To say people lack intelligence for taking a risk is an interesting statement.

26-07-2008, 06:48 PM
I am asking HOW SURE ARE DEALS DONE WITH UKRAINE ENERGY DEPARTMENT with foreign companies because this sure as hell took them by surprise


underDog, it would be so bad if you did actually ask. Show me in your post where exactly you are Asking??

What I am referring to is that, it could easily come across or be seen as a type of Slander in a way you might not see yourself slandering others.

as for:
go to Hotcopper if you just want the good news and ramps

No Sorry, I will not go there and do not wish or want that.

There may be fewer voices here but it is much nicer here.

Read more posts and you will see that I am not just a PRO ramp poster, I post my worries and negative sentiment concerns about uran just as much as I do positive ones.

I will not sit around and watch the CHEAP SHOT types try to do stand over tactics.

Sorry if my post is a bit too defensive for you or not too your liking~~!

26-07-2008, 06:59 PM
Good one underdog anybody that invests in odd countries without considering political risk is lacking intelligence look what has happened to BPT after they did a capital raising to invest in Egypt down over 30%

FFS, What is it with you people?? You sound like a double NIC er Possem

Possum the Cat + underDog, yeah right.

Does anybody actually know you? or are you just one of these Lunatic types that run around Stock Forums trying to be multiple people at the same time??

I can have other vouch who I am, can you? If so please sound off as I would be interested.

26-07-2008, 08:05 PM
Hi Frank,

Actually, its not that crazy. Can everybody remember that last rally when the shareprice went from .17 cents up to 40 cents ??? (or there abouts).

Well, before that rally, somebody had been placing bids in at .90 cents and $1.00 and stuff, Remember??

My inexperience is going to show here.
How does placing bids at $4 and $5 create a rally? Surely anyone that looks at that sell depth is going to see that line up and disregard those sell orders.

I don't follow...

26-07-2008, 08:29 PM
My inexperience is going to show here.
How does placing bids at $4 and $5 create a rally? Surely anyone that looks at that sell depth is going to see that line up and disregard those sell orders.

I don't follow...

Frank, perhaps I worded my previous post wrong and yes you are correct for your thoughts.

What I meant previously was, a while ago this year ( I cant exactly remember when) there was some sellers at high levels. (at 90 cents or a dollar etc etc), that appeared one day out of NO WHERE, and then there was a Rally with URA.

For what ever reason the shareprice rocketed and the shareprice suddenly one day had a Rally for NO reason.

My post was pointing out that if somebody is putting up these HIGH sell orders again, then perhaps it may be those exact same people who put up the orders that last time? Meaning, if the same thing happened once before, maybe the same may happen again.

Why? well like you, I dont know as I cannot fully explain the previous anomaly, but I guess I was just pointing out a possible relationship of some traders did the last time. That of course does not guarantee a rally this time around but nonetheless, it would be good to see one at some stage~!

26-07-2008, 08:34 PM
I agree, it would be good to see another rally to bring this back up...

That last rally was in mid to late Feb as i was O/S and i looked one day and coudn't work out what was going on... From memory it went from around 17 to 26 cents.. but there may have been higher trades didn't look that closely.

Lets hope that if the last "dummy" sell orders were around 90c and the rally went to what it did, then some "dummy's" at $4 and $5 will bring it to 5x that!

Can't blame me for hoping...:D

26-07-2008, 09:35 PM
pananoid too

Yes I am a bit paranoid actually.

and have completely put me off this stock thinking there would be investors like you holding.

Please Pleasea, Stop playing the potential good Samaritan, FFS,

You have either done your research or not and it shouldnt matter a Fuk whether or not I hold a stock that you may or may not be interested in.

That story was in The Australian, the company stock has lost 36% in a month. It was a billion dollar listing.

Why post that here though? Why not post in a new thread on the subject of the related thread as its got Fuk all to do with Uran

Perhaps you have not assessed the political and country risk at all in URA.

Actually, yes I have.
Actually, it was Kate Hobbs who raved on about how LOW political risk there is when it comes to actually MINING and PRODUCTION.

Speaking of which, She was also the one that Opened her mouth on Board Room Radio (Go Have a Listen) who said we could potentially be in production in July 07.

So ok, I agree, I got sucked in, but then so did alot of people on that one.

Why must I assess my previous decisions? Ohhh, thats right, I dont because perhaps I already have, Duhhhhh.

but I see you now just want a pointless fight, so last post here, just to keep you sane.

underDog, I dont want to fight, but when folks like yourself come along and post sh%T like you have, it gives long time ura holders like me and some others here reason to believe you other intentions behind your posts, so sorry thats the way it can be seen.

Perhaps it would be easier if you just thought out the Relationship of your post and how to actually word it prior actually posting it.

It would save moron's like me :rolleyes: who take offence easily and get easily upset and therefore seem to lash out at folks who appear to sound like they are trying to not only downplay the stock in question, but the holders of that stock too. If you see what I mean~!

26-07-2008, 09:46 PM
so at least he has the intelligence to recognise/acknowledge the risks

you however, just want to shut your eyes

Now your trying to push peoples buttons. Aren't you? :rolleyes:

no wonder you have been burnt!

You know as well as anybody.
Nobody has lost ANY MONEY or been BURNT as you say, unless they have sold prior to Uran Delivering.

underDog, go back to HC, as that seems to be more your scene.

27-07-2008, 12:27 AM
you are obviously young and dumb going by your writing

If we go back to the VERY first post, the one you jumped all over, this is what I said in its entirety

"I wonder about the country risks?"

thats it!!!

now go cry somewhere else, Im not here to make your investment in URA any better

as for the paper loss bit:D young and dumb.


URA has not yet signed any deals in Ukraine. When they do, the deal will involve a jv partnership with the Ministry of Energy...and more importantly, the deal must be ratified by the Cabinet of Ministers.

I dont see any political risk here...do you?

27-07-2008, 01:00 AM
Aussies' Ukrainian energy firm suspended from trade

Peter Wilson | July 24, 2008
TWO South Australian businessmen who successfully floated a billion-dollar Ukrainian petroleum company on the London stock market just five weeks ago have suspended trading in its shares.

Chief executive Mark Tolley and chief financial officer Alex Sawka asked the AIM bourse to temporarily halt trading in the shares of Cadogan Petroleum because of doubts about the validity of two of its gas development licences.

A Ukrainian court decision on Monday reportedly questioned the validity of the licences, prompting an 11 per cent fall in its share price, which took the total price slide to 36 per cent in just over a month.

Cadogan's float at its offer price of 230 pence a share valued the firm at pound stg. 531 million or $1.09 billion, but the shares have traded below that mark ever since and were down to 147.5p when they were suspended, leaving the firm worth pound stg. 341 million.

The executives were not available for comment yesterday, but people close to the firm suggested the licences that were challenged in court were owned by a Ukrainian gas firm, which is a joint venture partner of Cadogan's.

In a statement to the market, Cadogan said it was unaware of any such legal proceedings and was urgently investigating the reports.

Cadogan said it was not even a party to the court hearings. It was fully confident of its title to all of its declared assets and would contest vigorously any claim to the contrary, the statement said.


It seems The Ukraine, (maybe mostly the glamorous leader), has been on a bit of a mission to clean up the gas deals over there.

On the other hand, it's widely known, that the push to grow the nuclear industry is growing in strength. The best part about this push is the preparedness to engage foreign investment to assist. Or so they say anyway..........

It seems to be hard work getting anything done over there, but the pieces are falling into place, and I for one think we've got a much better chance of digging up some yellow stuff in The Ukraine than we have in Oz.

What stories will be told "On The Road"?..............

27-07-2008, 01:53 AM
you are obviously young and dumb going by your writing

If we go back to the VERY first post, the one you jumped all over, this is what I said in its entirety

"I wonder about the country risks?"

thats it!!!

now go cry somewhere else, Im not here to make your investment in URA any better

as for the paper loss bit:D young and dumb.


Drillfix is well aware of the risks associated with Uran.

If you read over his posts & that of Satori's, you will see they quite rightly question Uran's management, who to date haven't delivered.

Doesn't mean they won't....

Lets be playing the ball not the man folks ;)

27-07-2008, 01:54 AM
you are obviously young and dumb going by your writing

If we go back to the VERY first post, the one you jumped all over, this is what I said in its entirety

"I wonder about the country risks?"

thats it!!!

now go cry somewhere else, Im not here to make your investment in URA any better

as for the paper loss bit:D young and dumb.

Your so full of Sh#t that it makes your eyes Brown.

How about go shoot your BullSh%t somewhere else Dog and give your tatics a rest for a while hey~!

27-07-2008, 08:49 PM
Couple of Members needed "A Weeks Holiday" to chill out a bit.

I've already asked you all to play nicely on this Thread. I've just about had as many complaints as the troublesome NZO Thread!


27-07-2008, 08:51 PM
Couple of Members needed "A Weeks Holiday" to chill out a bit.

I've already asked you all to play nicely on this Thread. I've just about had as many complaints as the troublesome NZO Thread!


C'mon Vince, we have had a few trolls come on here & bait Drillfix...

Bit unfair to ban him :confused:

28-07-2008, 05:32 PM
If the trolls aren't banned off this thread, i won't bother posting anymore :mad:

28-07-2008, 06:28 PM
Ive said it before, its easy to be kind when times are good. Most of us have been through some hardship here and have managed to still maintain a healthy community...wherever it is.

I think you have hit the nail on the head Satori. I think some on this thread are perceived as a URA cuddle club. How does the saying go? Never fall in love (or hate:eek: ) with a stock. Anyway my point is ( and not directed at you ) emotional and personal reactions made by some only serves to make them targets to anyone looking to get a rise out of someone. I dont think there was much of this stuff goin on prier to the ex-copperites moving in.

As I said before Im glad yall are here and have not been to HC since yall moved in but trolls only go trolling where the fish bite