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19-06-2008, 08:39 PM

WHE's announcement although positive, is not what the market would be looking at for short term gains.

For Uran to get a spike we need an announcement/s to state that Uran has formed a jv partnership with Vostgok to develop uranium projects. Once this is announced, the speculators will drive the share price even further. In order to consolidate there after Uran will need to release details re costs, production rates, etc. The sooner production commences the quicker the share price will rise to its true valuation (whatever that may be)...hopefully +$400M fully diluted.

However, should we also acquire Novok, then I expect the market cap to be inexcess of $1B (fully diluted)-assuming Uran's interest is at least 10%.

The bottom line is that Uran will only get back to $1 in the short term if Uran convinces the market that they will be producing uranium within 12 months.

I'd be very interested to know at what price the consortium will be selling it's share of production back to VostGOK.

19-06-2008, 09:00 PM
I'd be very interested to know at what price the consortium will be selling it's share of production back to VostGOK.

I would think all the companies involved in the consortium will earn a profit....that's all the matters...otherwise they would not be investing any funds into this venture.

19-06-2008, 09:04 PM
I wonder how the Novok. talk went.

It would be good if Uran released some info on the deposit, for those who couldn't make the conference.

19-06-2008, 09:22 PM
I wonder how the Novok. talk went.

It would be good if Uran released some info on the deposit, for those who couldn't make the conference.

Yes Oz, it would be great to find out EXACTLY what the go here is.
(might need to Rip the Site on a weekly basis just to find out some info..LOL)

So much we know regarding U projects in Ukraine
YET, so very little of the Exact Details to which we will be apart of.

Lets hope some details come our way soon~!

19-06-2008, 10:00 PM
Just spent the last 3 hours in church
So took the time to say a liitle prayer for you guys(as well as some big prayers for my own stocks)
Hey , cant hurt(any body asked yogi what he thinks?)

19-06-2008, 10:04 PM
Just spent the last 3 hours in church
So took the time to say a liitle prayer for you guys(as well as some big prayers for my own stocks)
Hey , cant hurt(any body asked yogi what he thinks?)

Paul's probably outside gazing at the stars as we speak.

Would be good to hear from anyone that went to the conference today?

Any news coverage of it in the main papers in Oz?

19-06-2008, 10:07 PM
Just spent the last 3 hours in church
So took the time to say a liitle prayer for you guys(as well as some big prayers for my own stocks)
Hey , cant hurt(any body asked yogi what he thinks?)

Hi suntboy,

Yes I have asked Yogi a couple of times, once here and in another thread with no forecast, but who knows, he may just show up and say "Its ON" :)

But saying that, 3 Hours sounds like you have just gone through one Huge Marthon Prayer...lol

Not sure if the Lord works that way as he probably thinks we are a bunch of Sinner Gamblers who deserve to burn in hell for putting most of our eggs in one large greedy basket....LOL. :rolleyes:

But then, that may apply to some of us~! :eek: But then again, maybe not :D

19-06-2008, 10:11 PM
Paul's probably outside gazing at the stars as we speak.

Would be good to hear from anyone that went to the conference today?

Any news coverage of it in the main papers in Oz?

Perhaps Yogi (paul) uses the Market Analyst Astronomical Edition:

Check the bottom of the page

Does anybody use this? If so, your thoughts, rating, experience?

I was going to expand upon my TA skills and get this but I aint got no spare money :(
(You Hear that LORD??:D)

Can some of you Rich Fund Slingers out there buy me the Astronomical Edition? :p

19-06-2008, 10:13 PM
Yes Oz, it would be great to find out EXACTLY what the go here is.
(might need to Rip the Site on a weekly basis just to find out some info..LOL)

So much we know regarding U projects in Ukraine
YET, so very little of the Exact Details to which we will be apart of.

Lets hope some details come our way soon~!

Hi people

I'm new to the forum, but have picked up a fair bundle of this stock, about 300k mix of options and head. I revisited the Dec 06 ASX annouce. which bannered "Feasiblity about to commence", which as it turns out, has really commenced only now. What I found reassuring to a degree, was the timeline to production if the final F/S was positive. They quoted 3 months to work out yes or no. If yes, then 6 months from announcement to have the extraction borefield ready to go, leading to first production within months after that.

What i can't quite understand is how they got their hands on, or access to, the first Feasiblity Studies that were done in 72 and 82. Any ideas ?

Here's hoping !:)

19-06-2008, 10:25 PM
There is a bit of news about the conference on this link it may update later.


19-06-2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks ScrappyO will keep an eye on it.

19-06-2008, 10:33 PM
Hi people

I'm new to the forum, but have picked up a fair bundle of this stock, about 300k mix of options and head. I revisited the Dec 06 ASX annouce. which bannered "Feasiblity about to commence", which as it turns out, has really commenced only now. What I found reassuring to a degree, was the timeline to production if the final F/S was positive. They quoted 3 months to work out yes or no. If yes, then 6 months from announcement to have the extraction borefield ready to go, leading to first production within months after that.

What i can't quite understand is how they got their hands on, or access to, the first Feasiblity Studies that were done in 72 and 82. Any ideas ?

Here's hoping !:)


If you read Uran's latest announcement CAREFULLY you will find that the FFS has not commenced yet.

Formally, Uran does not know if these deposits are economically viable but informally Uran knows very well if these deposits are economically viable.

19-06-2008, 10:33 PM
Hi people

I'm new to the forum, but have picked up a fair bundle of this stock, about 300k mix of options and head. I revisited the Dec 06 ASX annouce. which bannered "Feasiblity about to commence", which as it turns out, has really commenced only now. What I found reassuring to a degree, was the timeline to production if the final F/S was positive. They quoted 3 months to work out yes or no. If yes, then 6 months from announcement to have the extraction borefield ready to go, leading to first production within months after that.

What i can't quite understand is how they got their hands on, or access to, the first Feasiblity Studies that were done in 72 and 82. Any ideas ?

Here's hoping !:)


Welcome to Sharetrader & especially the living, breathing beast that is the Uran thread!

I would imagine our contact in the Ukraine was instrumental in getting Uran through the political red tape & into VostGoks good books. ;)

From the Uran website...

Uran has retained Mr Anatoliy Bakarzhiyev as a consultant. Mr Bakarzhiyev was for 22 years Head of KirovGeology, the state body responsible for exploration and definition of minerals deposits in Ukraine. He is now an Advisor to the Minister for Natural Resources and on the committee developing methods to meet the Strategic Plan to increase uranium production by 800%. Mr Bakarzhiyev resides in Kiev.

19-06-2008, 11:17 PM
Hi Folks

Great to see you are bullish there Tony. As most of us are here...despite some frustration with communications and general market perception.

I might add that 2008 is already half over!

It seems so many things here are unclear. Once again Uran can use another 'reason' for the weakness; tax loss selling.

Weve had so many 'reasons' havent we?

The saving grace here is, and always has been, the extremely low market cap.
Low on any number of comparatives. Talk here of WHE and the market not being interested could be put into the context of several factors:

WHE is nearly quadruple the MC of Uran. The announcements today imo were hardly rockets under the share price stuff. Where was the mention of production?
Confirmation of previous drilling..ho hum.
No offence to WHE of course, but the market wants to see $$$ and here cha chinggg!!!

We all know this.

Now what about Novok folks? Presentation was today. Any news? A transcript anyone? Perhaps our illustrious leader can provide one on the NEW website.

And one more thing;

Uran have spent nearly two years and it 'appears' that all of its projects are 'Discovery' based...?

Is this so or an I gravely mistaken I wonder?

Can someone please either confirm that or enlighten me?

I find it bemusing that the company URAN are still sourcing ALL their opportunities via the Discovery vehicle.

What Satori, you mean even our 'highly laughabel..er valuable' 10,000 Tungsten project? So valuable that everyone else in the known world ignored it?

Yes that one :))

Ha ha! I crack myself up sometimes. Kate and Pat take a bow you've sourced zero opportunities off your own bats and rested all your laurels and efforts on the Discovery boys huh?
Didnt Michael Kiernan state last year that Discovery wa sstill a 'paper tiger' in that it was yet to demonstrate any value to Uran?

Well maybe we should ask Michael again cos it looks like its the only tiger weve got!

Anyone for shares in Origami Ltd?!


Bulgaria is all Uran :D

19-06-2008, 11:30 PM

Well hip hip hooray and whooppee dooo for that!

Just goes to show a weekend flyover for a long term project going nowhere with 30 odd tenders in place is a 'sure bet' ha ha!

A bit of extra fodder for the NEW improved website.

Word has it the new website has more amino acids, folate, vitamin E and a big dose of fibre!

And folks the fibre is the important ingredient cos if this investment doesnt give you the shi....ts nothing will :)))

Seriously folks a sense of humour and some really bad jokes is the best return ive had in the last 18 months ;)

Uzbekistan is a Discovery lead too....


19-06-2008, 11:31 PM

The Tungsten option expires next Wednesday.

Lets see if Uran can meet this deadline! Based on past performance I doubt it very much.

19-06-2008, 11:50 PM

Lets save $10 grand eh?

Best spent on more trips overseas to source other B grade projects ;)

By saving the $US165,000 asking price we may get a look in at the Bulgarian tenders :eek:

20-06-2008, 12:03 AM
Paul's probably outside gazing at the stars as we speak.

Would be good to hear from anyone that went to the conference today?

Any news coverage of it in the main papers in Oz?

There was a big (when i say big i mean around 8 pages) "liftout" in the Advertiser - Adelaide paper - yesterday on Uranium "The cooler energy"... I read it, but it was slanted toward all the uranium deposits in South Aus. There was a small section on the conference beginning "today". Along with a few ads of small Uranium co's... but no sight of Uran. It really wasn't much chop - but then the Advertiser typically lives up to its name and just advertise's cr@p.

20-06-2008, 12:16 AM
I find it bemusing that the company URAN are still sourcing ALL their opportunities via the Discovery vehicle.

Satori, having some Thursday night drinkies are we...:D

With regards to Discovery, to me it stinks of conflict of interest IMO as you already know.

But then how could anybody forget that we actually pay Kate to pay Kate again to bring the projects to us which we should have had in the first place.

Why does it have to be this way? Because giving one person or a group of people a spotters fee$ is to easy and simple, so we must make things more complex which then turns it into the Lengthy Delays and High Risk which for the past 2 years we have all endured.

Satori, I agree with many things you say. But are you no longer confident that Uran will pull off any of these deals?

20-06-2008, 12:22 AM
Hi people
I'm new to the forum, but have picked up a fair bundle of this stock, about 300k mix of options and head.

Hi sck1,

Yes welcome to the sharetrader nz URA thread.

Sounds to me like you have timed your investment well, with buying in at a pretty darn bargain basement price. There are alot of people who probably would have loved to buy in now, knowing what we know and having gone through with what we have gone through. :rolleyes:

Anyways, fingers crossed everything works out for us all here~!

20-06-2008, 12:31 AM
I read it, but it was slanted toward all the uranium deposits in South Aus.

- but then the Advertiser typically lives up to its name and just advertise's cr@p.

Hi Frank,

Seems to be the way of the Media, probably paid to ramp up their local zones and paid to put whatever in from who ever forks out the cash.

But then, we could say there was nothing said about Uran, because Uran had nothing to say anyways, the so called silent treatment, (again) :rolleyes:

20-06-2008, 01:38 AM

Hi folks,

URA ... from a techie's view, URA has been working it's way
through a transition form a downtrend to uptrend, since the
August 2007 lows.

Now that we have a right-hand bias on the chart, the pullbacks
may be quite sharp, but they should be short-lived. Recovery
should be marked by a slow, steady climb, like URA has experienced,
since Jan/Feb 2008 lows.

Figure, that we should see start of positive moves from URA,
tomorrow - 20062008:

20062008 ..... minor and positive cycle ... finance-related???

23062008 ..... minor and positive light on URA

03-04072008 ..... aggressive and positive cycle = short rally???

11072008 ..... positive news expected here

14072008 ..... significant and negative cycle here

24072008 ..... negative spotlight on URA

25-28072008 ..... negative news expected.

07082008 ..... significant and positive aspect - finances???

11082008 ..... significant and positive news expected here.

20-21082008 ..... difficult cycle = flat-to-down trading ???

22-25082008 ..... positive spotlight on URA ... :)

2908-01092008 ..... 3 difficult time cycles here may bring negative news ???

..... September/October/early November look negative for URA, with first
signs of recovery starting around 13112008, then from 12-15122008, URA
should be in the next round of positive cycles.

have a great day




20-06-2008, 02:03 AM
what the shyte is all that about.

Took another plunge yesterday...heres hoping

20-06-2008, 02:19 AM

..... September/October/early November look negative for URA, with first
signs of recovery starting around 13112008, then from 12-15122008, URA
should be in the next round of positive cycles.

have a great day



Hi Paul,

Hey thanks for the forcast, although I not too sure whether that means its good or bad, but there sems tobe plenty of negatives in there by reading through.

Oh well, cant have the good without the bad I suppose, but was this only on the code URA or does that also go for URAO? lol :D

Anyways, time will tell thats for sure~!


Yes I agree, talk is cheap and the way announcements are given with words that do not clarify completely leaves matters completely up in the air.

We need Definite's and not speculative talk of "Discussions Underway" type communication.

Back to basics, its not what they say, its the way that they say it, in which case is poor at the best of times with Kate and Co. Even all through the last AGM audio that we recorded. If you play it back and count the IF, and OR, Maybes then you would need a calculator to find out what exactly is concrete. But saying that, We are alot closer Now that we were then ;)

20-06-2008, 02:24 AM
what the shyte is all that about.

Took another plunge yesterday...heres hoping

Hi Ritchie,

LOL, that is all about an astronomical view or reading as such, so I think.

Apart from that, its all a punt really, but then you either Believe it you dont.
It will either happen or it wont.
We are either Close now, or we are Not.

I feel that anybody entering now, gets more assurance now compared to the ones like myself and others previously who have spent alot of cash at much higher entry levels.

Anyways, my moto now is expect less and hopefully gain more~!

20-06-2008, 02:42 AM
Hi folks,

Now that we have a right-hand bias on the chart, the pullbacks
may be quite sharp, but they should be short-lived.

Not to promote or market the product Market Analyst Astronomical Edition.

Check the bottom of the page

But do you know of it? or is that what you use by any chance? or how exactly to you reference your charts, or where do you obtain your info to do such calculations?

Hope this question is not too personal in anyway.

20-06-2008, 10:27 AM
There was a big (when i say big i mean around 8 pages) "liftout" in the Advertiser - Adelaide paper - yesterday on Uranium "The cooler energy"... I read it, but it was slanted toward all the uranium deposits in South Aus. There was a small section on the conference beginning "today". Along with a few ads of small Uranium co's... but no sight of Uran. It really wasn't much chop - but then the Advertiser typically lives up to its name and just advertise's cr@p.

Speaking of ads, not sure if anyone has mentioned it, but Uran has an ad in the Gold and Minerals Gazette June July, according to the new website.

20-06-2008, 11:12 AM
After Uran starting discussions with Vostgok and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on NovoKonstantinovskoye back in July/August last year we should hear very shortly about the consortium and Uran's involvement.

104Kt of uranium (not JORC, but it is there) 125K U3O8? Producing around 3kt pa for +20 years. I expect Uran's share to be worth about between US$30 to US$80M pa once in full production. Questions is what will be the terms of the agreement.

20-06-2008, 12:22 PM
After Uran starting discussions with Vostgok and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on NovoKonstantinovskoye back in July/August last year we should hear very shortly about the consortium and Uran's involvement.

104Kt of uranium (not JORC, but it is there) 125K U3O8? Producing around 3kt pa for +20 years. I expect Uran's share to be worth about between US$30 to US$80M pa once in full production. Questions is what will be the terms of the agreement.

Im not so sure i share your confidence that we will end up getting a slice of the action. As we have seen before, Uran mentions something & then we wait months on end for an update...:confused:

I'm more interested in how Uran are selling themselves to the Ukrainians & investing community, so when the 2 deposits (probably 3 now) are announced with a JORC resource, we get maximum bang for our buck!

20-06-2008, 02:23 PM
I'm more interested in how Uran are selling themselves to the Ukrainians & investing community, so when the 2 deposits (probably 3 now) are announced with a JORC resource, we get maximum bang for our buck!

I am with you on that Shasta. Lets follow the Now and expect answers for them and from the Now rather than the "could be"+ the "maybe" type carrots that keep coming. (as good as they can be).

Although Cotik,

Questions is what will be the terms of the agreement.

Good question.


When will we know?
Does Kate know? if so why cant she tell us?
If not, then when would she know and will she tell us that also?
Do the Ukrainians know? or do they have to vote on it and spend years discussing it?

Lots of questions and yet so little answers or knowledge to when exactly we will know the answers to those questions.

I think both Uran and the Ukrainians first need to agree to both work towards some type of TimeLine so this way it actually looks like some sort of plan. Plus the added bonus that Investors dont have to keep chasing the board with questions about what is happening and when.

Eventually, this whole Uran & The Ukraine will no longer be a world secret and Uran will actually have to start talking, because bigger players will start to circle and if Uran cannot even convince its shareholders that it is in the box seat then how the heck is it gonna convince the larger players?

20-06-2008, 04:36 PM
Has anyone received any feedback on the Novok. talk?

20-06-2008, 04:55 PM
I've heard nothing re Novok.

It looks like someone is trying to trigger stop losses.

20-06-2008, 04:56 PM
Has anyone received any feedback on the Novok. talk?

Oz, so far there is nothing to report on this thread regarding what the talk comprised of.

Frank (who lives in SA) even said nothing in the local papers about Uran or Novok for that matter.

So there you have it. The new improved Uran Stealth trademark strikes again :rolleyes:

20-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Oz, so far there is nothing to report on this thread regarding what the talk comprised of.

Frank (who lives in SA) even said nothing in the local papers about Uran or Novok for that matter.

So there you have it. The new improved Uran Stealth trademark strikes again :rolleyes:

I'd say they'd be in the Barossa on about their 4th bottle of red (with lunch) by now. Hopefully Kate is saying "just sign here". lol

20-06-2008, 05:20 PM
last chance to top up some more before positive announcement next week re - NOVaK.. think about it why would kate attended the uranium conference

I've heard nothing re Novok.

It looks like someone is trying to trigger stop losses.

20-06-2008, 05:25 PM
last chance to top up some more before positive announcement next week re - NOVaK.. think about it why would kate attended the uranium conference

Might be the opportune time to 'advertise" Novok in the weekend papers?

Followed by a trading halt first thing Monday?

Or else keep an eye on the website this weekend for any "media coverage"

20-06-2008, 05:33 PM
Apparently this piece-o-crap website is supposed to be following the conference:


No new articles in two days.

I emailed Uran this morning if there was any new info on Novok. but no response as yet.

20-06-2008, 05:33 PM
When will URA cease to be 'to cheap at these levels'? Everytime I log onto to sharetrader I see URA thread updated. Sovereign risk seems to be MASSIVE in this stock. Don't bag me though, just commenting. I DO NOT doubt appetite for U.

Mr D, doesn't hold

20-06-2008, 05:43 PM
When will URA cease to be 'to cheap at these levels'? Everytime I log onto to sharetrader I see URA thread updated. Sovereign risk seems to be MASSIVE in this stock. Don't bag me though, just commenting. I DO NOT doubt appetite for U.

Mr D, doesn't hold

Sovereign risk is less than the risk we have taken with Uran's management!

They are a little shy to promote themselves & talk to there shareholders.

It wasnt too long ago the likes of NZO & VPE were in the same boat!

20-06-2008, 05:48 PM
When will URA cease to be 'to cheap at these levels'? Everytime I log onto to sharetrader I see URA thread updated. Sovereign risk seems to be MASSIVE in this stock. Don't bag me though, just commenting. I DO NOT doubt appetite for U.

Mr D, doesn't hold

Its easy to see why you would read, see, feel this way Mr.D.

No one is bagging you, however after many holders here having waited so long already, we feel we are closer than ever. But what ever it is we are waiting for is not quite here just yet, but we all believe it will be as strange as that may sound.

I would also suggest you perhaps do a little more Research though.

I say that because if you had you would already knew that the Sovereign Risk in this particular country (ukraine) has been reduced VERY significantly.

So there ya go, hope that makes sense~! ;)

20-06-2008, 05:54 PM
When will URA cease to be 'to cheap at these levels'? Everytime I log onto to sharetrader I see URA thread updated. Sovereign risk seems to be MASSIVE in this stock. Don't bag me though, just commenting. I DO NOT doubt appetite for U.

Mr D, doesn't hold

Mr D.
You cant change the title of a thread once its started.

Can someone tell Kate to focus on one project at a time...at least this way she can be perceived to be working on something tangible instead of being in fairy land.

20-06-2008, 06:05 PM
Mr D.
You cant change the title of a thread once its started.

Can someone tell Kate to focus on one project at a time...at least this way she can be perceived to be working on something tangible instead of being in fairy land.

Ahhhh, now I understand. Thanks for pointing that out Sp3.

Mr. D,
This threads TITLE actually started on 28-07-2007, 07:13 PM by scorp57

Its not like HC where URA gets its own Thread as such, but more like you can have numerous threads in one ASX about different stocks however everyone keeps posting in this one. Probably because its a numbers thing I guess.

As for a new thread, I think a good title would be:


Grand Uber
20-06-2008, 07:12 PM
When will URA cease to be 'to cheap at these levels'? Everytime I log onto to sharetrader I see URA thread updated. Sovereign risk seems to be MASSIVE in this stock. Don't bag me though, just commenting. I DO NOT doubt appetite for U.

By U do you mean Unobtainium? :D

I think this is possibly one of the most watched posts on ST, hence why people keep chiming in telling you guys your crazy

People are looking to hitch on on take off

20-06-2008, 07:39 PM
People are looking to hitch on on take off

That is exactly why most people will miss out: it will be more like blast off check CDU 5/7/2006 or probably more like MNR on 14/11/2001. :)

Grand Uber
20-06-2008, 07:48 PM
Yeah CDU had a pretty impressive spike i must say

20-06-2008, 07:53 PM
Yeah CDU had a pretty impressive spike i must say

What about GGG?

Grand Uber
20-06-2008, 07:56 PM
whats the strike price of the URAO?

20-06-2008, 08:09 PM
whats the strike price of the URAO?

18.04c & expiration date is 24/5/09

20-06-2008, 08:24 PM
What about GGG?

I missed that one unfortunately. Mox wasn't too bad or URA in January 2007!

20-06-2008, 10:37 PM
I missed that one unfortunately. Mox wasn't too bad or URA in January 2007!

GGG had the highest one day rise in the history of the ASX. It went from 29c to $1.80. They basically announced a large U deposit in a country which has a ban on uranium mining.

20-06-2008, 10:43 PM
GGG had the highest one day rise in the history of the ASX. It went from 29c to $1.80. They basically announced a large U deposit in a country which has a ban on uranium mining.

18c to 180c in a day would be possible if Uran got a piece of Novok.

Cotik, any luck on finding those two missing pieces of the puzzle?

20-06-2008, 10:51 PM
A good read:


20-06-2008, 11:02 PM
A good read:


I can translate that Czech article for you OZ ;)

Uran has no show in the Czech Republic :D

20-06-2008, 11:25 PM
18c to 180c in a day would be possible if Uran got a piece of Novok.

Cotik, any luck on finding those two missing pieces of the puzzle?

Not yet, but I will let you know when I have worked it out.:)

20-06-2008, 11:33 PM
Oz, so far there is nothing to report on this thread regarding what the talk comprised of.

Frank (who lives in SA) even said nothing in the local papers about Uran or Novok for that matter.

So there you have it. The new improved Uran Stealth trademark strikes again :rolleyes:

To be honest i didn't expect any news coverage on any of the papers covered at the uranium conference - its not something the "average" person wants to open their daily paper to... The Advertised did their bit as mentioned earlier..

I would say that Uran doesn't have a lot of choice when it comes to appearing at a function like this... If you want to be seen in the business you have to set up your little (pointless) booth... not so pointless for the co. i work for as we actually have something to sell people! As mentioned earlier it would've been interesting to see what Uran had at their booth.. Maybe a few travelling photos and a couple of deposit/drill records that people can flick through (non-JORC compliant of course!)

I would like to see ann's next week after KH and novokites have had a chance to socialise in Aus.. It would make my week!

21-06-2008, 03:27 AM
I would like to see ann's next week after KH and novokites have had a chance to socialise in Aus.. It would make my week!

Frank, I am sure everybody here would just love to see some Ann next week regarding what has been spoken between the two parties, thats fer sure.

Speaking of announcements, I dont know about next week but I am sure that we can expect to hear something about some Data being relayed back to the company next month. As it was already announced that the cat/dude Exploration Manager, Phill Schiemer is currently over there doing the deed of getting data and translating and converting. So that will be something to look forward to.

Say Frank, as an estimate, how what time frame would you put on that?

Meaning, if somebody said to you, Frank, we have 3 (smaller) existing Advanced Uranium projects that have been previously drilled and the results are written in Russian and Logged in a book for each Mine.

Some requirements I imagine, you would need a Translator, a Laptop, Scans of the Maps and data, a spreadsheet doing manual entries of data and or perhaps a custom type geological type program perhaps?

Also, would it be reasonable to state a time frame of say of 1 x 6 day week per project/mine (10 Hour Day) then with a 1 week of double checkng & cross reference for all the gathered info to report back to URA headquarters.

I know the above is based purely on assumption (like how long is string..lol) but nonetheless does the above sound reasonable to you if say each mine had a total of 25 holes each giving the total reporting of 75 holes of data and manual entries?

This kind of thing would be more up your alley than mine however I and others I am sure would be keen to hear your thoughts on the above even although the above approximations are just rough guidelines. Meaning the actual 3 smaller projects are alot smaller than the Novok /Consortium project of course however they are the ones that the Phill Schiemer is currently over there doing as a task for the company.

22-06-2008, 03:09 AM
Say Frank, as an estimate, how what time frame would you put on that?

Meaning, if somebody said to you, Frank, we have 3 (smaller) existing Advanced Uranium projects that have been previously drilled and the results are written in Russian and Logged in a book for each Mine.

Some requirements I imagine, you would need a Translator, a Laptop, Scans of the Maps and data, a spreadsheet doing manual entries of data and or perhaps a custom type geological type program perhaps?

Also, would it be reasonable to state a time frame of say of 1 x 6 day week per project/mine (10 Hour Day) then with a 1 week of double checkng & cross reference for all the gathered info to report back to URA headquarters.

I know the above is based purely on assumption (like how long is string..lol) but nonetheless does the above sound reasonable to you if say each mine had a total of 25 holes each giving the total reporting of 75 holes of data and manual entries?

To be honest it really isn't up my alley either.. I'm an engineer for a company that supplies sampling, weighing and online analysis equipment for mills/crushing plants/transfer stations etc that are operational. So the sample taking itself after a resource is proven is more so up my alley. I don't have any experience with logged data and JORC codes....

That said however lets follow your example a little further - 25 holes per project (that seems a little low, but i've no idea what the areas… oh that’s right areas were covered in a recent ann.)

Novogurevskoye - 9km x 200 to 900m
Surskoye - 3.5km x 700, 5km x 700
Safonovskoye - no data
Well that’s my take on the info anyway

So for Novo lets say its typically 600m wide by 9km.. and lets say we have to take a sample every 100m x 200m (as taken on several occasions it seems, with some infill drilling here and there).. That means for Novo alone there are 90 (9km / 100m) x 3 (600m/200m) = 270 holes, lets round that up to 300 holes for the sake of infill drilling.

So just for Novo they have 300 drill samples – not including the Shirokolonovska deposit (lets hope the samples were taken correctly and not some nong with a ice cream container! However if we take on Francis Pitards theory then it isn’t possible to get a representative sample from Blast hole drilling or RC drilling for that matter… another topic all together however)… so 300 samples and here is what they said about having to do with those samples in the last ann..

"The large amount of data will be converted to digital form and translated. This will be followed by some confirmation and in-fill drilling, in co-operation with VostGOK, to permit estimation of a JORC-compliant resource. This will be subject to an independent external audit"

What I read from this is the following:
Large amount of data – around 300 samples from PART of the Novo deposit
Converted to digital form – guy with laptop, excel, and log book (1 week)
Translated – well could cover this with step 2 if we’re smart (3 days)
Confirmation of in-fill drilling in co-op with VostGOK – try to get VostGOK’s geo(s) and Uran’s Geo at the same time, book an RC drill and the guys to operate it, mark where the in-fill drilling should take place etc etc, log the data and try to map it out in relation to existing data to get some correlation (3 months? This could take any period of time depending on avail. Of RC drill, geo’s, whether they get a pattern forming etc… shortest time this could occur in is 2 weeks I would say)
Subject to external Audit – more time! Depending on what the external auditor has to do, I’d assume at least they would need to be present at in-fill drilling and then oversee all the data recoverd… and then possibly take the data / drill samples away and check it all… Anyone here work for Amdel, I’m sure they could tell you more about this…

So you can see this is very “how long is a piece of string” like… I’d be surprised if this all got done in 3 months… Lets add to the fact that most sample testing labs are already inundated with work and can’t get testing done quick enough – lets hope that they have on-line analysis it’ll make the process a lot quicker.

Sorry to put a damper on this, but if the deposits are there none of us have anything to worry about in the long run! I hope I’m wrong with these time frames, but I’ve seen people like this at work and they aren’t usually in too much of a hurry.

Please keep in mind i'm a bit of a pessimist when reading this post!

22-06-2008, 12:49 PM
Also they would not have had GPS technology when the deposit/drill holes were mapped so there might be additional survey data the enter and verify. Form what I have found there are computer programs which can do the deposit mapping and resource definition almost automatically. Just enter the hole locations, azumith, assay readings etc, and it produces a wireframe model. The hole location/spacing and other parameters (wireframe coutours, ore gradient) used in the model are critical to JORC standard.

22-06-2008, 09:03 PM
Also they would not have had GPS technology when the deposit/drill holes were mapped so there might be additional survey data the enter and verify. Form what I have found there are computer programs which can do the deposit mapping and resource definition almost automatically. Just enter the hole locations, azumith, assay readings etc, and it produces a wireframe model. The hole location/spacing and other parameters (wireframe coutours, ore gradient) used in the model are critical to JORC standard.

I'm not surprised that there would be 3D modelling of the ore body... and sounds like a pretty handy tool. What more do you know about JORC standards? I did a bit of searching on the standards yesterday but couldn't find a lot of info. Couldn't even get any guidlines about drill patterns etc from here http://www.jorc.org/main.php

23-06-2008, 02:10 AM
Couldn't even get any guidlines about drill patterns etc from here http://www.jorc.org/main.php

Yes Frank, lots of info but with the exact specifics.

Hey, thanks for your other post though, its always good to hear some opinions on matters even though we still need to dig for answers which will still need some information from the company.

Here are a few links to some other things I also came across.

Some ASX related rules with some required compliance.

International Comparisons

Some Jorc Presentation

Here is an example of when DYL did some drilling at Napperby from after Uranerz.(2005)
Back then they had planned to also do some Infill Drilling as URAN will need to in Ukraine.
Perhaps it will show us some info on what we need to do, Not sure if its relative though.


Anyways, just more reading as usual.

24-06-2008, 01:31 AM
Uranium price to rebound http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axHfOcR8T81Y&refer=home

24-06-2008, 02:25 AM
Uranium price to rebound http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axHfOcR8T81Y&refer=home

Good link Ellroy, and good sentiment for U in due time.

The result is likely to be a 58 percent rebound in uranium to $90 a pound from $57 now.

ALL WE NEED now is for Uran to break the silent treatment and tell the market what it has / got / grades / volumes / deals / catguts etc etc.

This cant keep going in stealth mode continually month after month, year after year. Something has got to give and for once and for all, change for this stock.

I still wonder if the selling will still stop after June is over, yet I wonder how far down the sp will be by the end of the week. crazy stuff here~!

24-06-2008, 03:02 AM
last chance to top up some more before positive announcement next week re - NOVaK.. think about it why would kate attended the uranium conference

Hey Dragon,

Just checking about how certain exactly are you that there will be some sort of some announcement regarding the above here? Or any other announcement for all that matter?

I am still thinking why Kate attended the conference however she is not really the type to share why she attended and thats what kinda worries me. Meaning, she knows, yet Holders and the Market in general know Ziltch, Zip, Zero.

Surely they will have to announce something soon though, I would think an update of some sort is way overdue, IMO.

24-06-2008, 03:33 PM
Once again URAO leading my watchlist, down 13%.

24-06-2008, 03:51 PM
IMO this will be the last chance to top up around the 17c mark. A good time to buy before the end of June IMO.

24-06-2008, 04:32 PM
oh brother.... 'here we go again'...

please tell me you were jokingLOL, Cheers mate, I was tempted to say that myself but chose not to cause were all a bit sensitive around here including me:rolleyes:

24-06-2008, 05:04 PM
LOL, Cheers mate, I was tempted to say that myself but chose not to cause were all a bit sensitive around here including me:rolleyes:

I'm going to buy some more URA/URAO :D

The SP is getting ridiculous at these levels...

24-06-2008, 06:15 PM
oh brother.... 'here we go again'...

please tell me you were joking

Not much to joke about at this time of year Uberspec.

I realise you probably have heard this buying thing all the time but I honestly dont think the sp will get to the 2 cents as you so called put it.

Anyways, cant wait for the month to be over and done with for all stocks~!

Tony S
24-06-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm going to buy some more URA/URAO :D

The SP is getting ridiculous at these levels...

Hi Guys, just a quick one, been too busy to follow URA unfortunately but I still can't believe the price! Will try and read the thread this evening if I get a chance.

No news from Kate re last weeks visit from the Ukranians? Why is that? Nothing to add? Don't know myself. Can't see why the lower price except for the general fall in the market and no news from Kate.

Hope all are well and will try and catch up on the threads over the next day or so....PLV is just taking too much of my time..LOL.

Archer, coming back your way soon, and this time I PROMISE to catch up.

Cheers, Tony.

24-06-2008, 08:48 PM
i have been accumulating all week shasta and friends. sold my RPM at a huge premium and been buying URA at the 18c mark.

2c? ok... i will accumulate then too. EVENTUALLY when they are one day mining Uranium, my parcel wont look like a joke...

it will be before all these other australian hopefuls too... yes we have had a rough time with the government over there in the ukraine and czech republic, but i would rather lengthy discussions leading to deals and then mining, than discussions with governments regarding lifting bands especially in a politically correct, environment conscious country like australia. no chance for almost all of the uranium sector in australia IMO.

if investors want uranium exposure eventually when the u price turns around, they will buy Paladin, ERA RIO BHP AGS or........ you guessed it. URA.

Uberspec and others can feel free to talk big, when URA is de-listed and goes into insolvency... till then i wouldnt talk too big.

you may just eat your words.... EVENTUALLY...

24-06-2008, 09:23 PM
i have been accumulating all week shasta and friends. sold my RPM at a huge premium and been buying URA at the 18c mark.

2c? ok... i will accumulate then too. EVENTUALLY when they are one day mining Uranium, my parcel wont look like a joke...

it will be before all these other australian hopefuls too... yes we have had a rough time with the government over there in the ukraine and czech republic, but i would rather lengthy discussions leading to deals and then mining, than discussions with governments regarding lifting bands especially in a politically correct, environment conscious country like australia. no chance for almost all of the uranium sector in australia IMO.

if investors want uranium exposure eventually when the u price turns around, they will buy Paladin, ERA RIO BHP AGS or........ you guessed it. URA.

Uberspec and others can feel free to talk big, when URA is de-listed and goes into insolvency... till then i wouldnt talk too big.

you may just eat your words.... EVENTUALLY...

It's been a long hard road to get to this stage, & i'm not surprised non holders are skeptical, hell we all are in some repects, however...

URAN has already spelt it out to the general market re Ukraine....:eek:

Ok, the market wants JORC resources before re-rating an explorer to near term producer status, but its a bit rich when companies mining in WA & QLD are afforded larger market caps, & people talk about sovereign risk in Ukraine?

Personally i'd much rather Uran walked away from the Czech Republic & focussed solely on Ukraine...

Sure they may eventually be thrown a carrot when the Greens are ousted, but what about the "other" Ukraine opportunities that we may be in the running for?

Yes i'm talking about Novok among others, i believe Uran can/may secure more deposits in partnership with VostGok, & wouldn't it show the Ukrainians how serious we are by setting up shop over there & really making them our core focus?

We have had enough smoke screens with Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, the Tungsten project, & the constant background murmurs of Africa & the USA.

Kazakhstan is another smokey screen that seems to have quietly slipped out the back & now realistically seems to be a few years away???

And still no news from the conference, perhaps getting all that data sorted/translated is more important at the moment, fair enough but Purple Communications may have missed an opportunity here?

I'm going to try & grab a few more options sub 10c, as the leverage & timeframe of May 09 (with a strike price 18.04c), may well be multi-bagger on the release of a JORC resource well before then.

Looking forward to hearing from anyone who knows what went on at the recent conference. ;)

25-06-2008, 01:08 AM
PS Oz/Electro/Drillfix great to see you all contributing and staying positive.

Hi Satori,

Yes you are right, a perfect opportunity to Please Explain to Mr.Market and contenders along with all holders, yet not a whisper about what just happened or what is going to happen.

With regards to confidence, I would say I am confident enough to get past this month of June and find no reason to panic. Although I am not enjoying watching the SP fall.

I agree with Shasta that this company really needs to Wrap up some of one or two or whatever deals in the Ukraine and don't forget about the Czech stuff, but PUT THEM aside so we can see what we exactly have.

Will Kate Deliver?
When will Kate Deliver?
What will Kate Deliver?

The company seems to be all about her, but yet she is reluctant to talk to the market effectively.

I honestly wonder why she doesn't talk to the market (effectively). Is it because that perhaps there is nothing Effective to talk about? I don't know but you honestly must wonder, wouldn't ya?

As much as I keep positive now, there is a time where by Kate has to stop being Kate and start being that of a CEO of a potential near term producing U company which intends to be successful.

Anyways lets keep our chins up and let this month pass and arrange another stack of questions to hammer this board with~!

ps: Satori, I can hardly believe that my post was actually longer than yours :P

25-06-2008, 01:31 AM
[23.06.2008 17:42]
Ukraine announces bid to construct nuclear power plant

Ukraine has suggested that Russia, France and the US to place bids in a tender to complete the construction of the third and fourth blocks of a nuclear power plant, the country`s Fuel and Energy Ministry reported today, according to RBC. In order to win the commission, the ministry in cooperation with the national nuclear energy company Energoatom have outlined criteria for selecting the best bid for the construction of a new reactor facility. The tender will be closed on July 31, 2008.

Fuel and Energy Minister Yury Prodan pointed out that Russia could have a slight advantage in the tender, as in the past the criteria used to select bids for such facilities were drafted with reference to Russian-made nuclear power reactor.

25-06-2008, 01:33 AM
I'm still very positive Satori. It's hard not to be.

Market cap is now around $8.5m from memory. Someone tell me a stock that has better value?

25-06-2008, 11:57 AM
Its all a process that has to be followed and as you say oz - what an opportunity - OK huge risk - we've all accepted this. I believe Kate goes to the Ukraine today again to follow more of the required procedures. When there is solid substantail information there'll be such a song and dance the whole world will know about it . In the meantime zzzzzzzzzzzz. Anyone see where our former chair has now 'quit' his latest flagship - TTY to concentrate on the Monarch croc? :rolleyes: A

diamond h
25-06-2008, 12:56 PM
Ura, now has a market cap of around 18 million. way too cheap for a company with as much potential.

yes they haven't pulled off there projects on time, and it is still speculative at this point, however, there comes a time when a company is just too cheap.

i beleive this is similar to PDN in 2004 around the 10 cent mark.

i am expecting some sort of news this year, that will again see them climb to new highs.

any news at all will create wealth for shareholders, especially those of us who bought in at 35 cents a few weeks back.
Thanks to all who share their thoughts on this subject. I started my investing about the date of this post.(About one year ago) Picked others brains and did homework. Yesterday Oz. said the market cap was $8.5 mil.It looks like it has been all downhill in the shareprice and maybe we are all living on hope.If it was too cheap for a Company with such potential back then what is it now.?

25-06-2008, 01:07 PM
Sounds like it might be the last chance to top up before a positive announcement! :D ;) :eek: :p

25-06-2008, 02:03 PM
Sounds like it might be the last chance to top up before a positive announcement! :D ;) :eek: :p

What amazes me is that when the SP shows signs of weakness people start to questiuon Uran's fundamentals. There is no correlation between the current share price and what is about to be announced in the near future.

Those that are long term holders that bought based on their research and potential reward should just relax. Those that bought on the technicals for a quick trade are selling for good reason.

We need to understand that despite how cheap the share price is at the moment it really has no bearing on the underlying fundamentals.

I am still invested in Uran for the following reason...and trust me, I have outlaid over $200K.

Uran has a legal right to mine at least 5000T of uranium in Ukraine if Uran chooses to exercise their right. Uran will only exercise their right once Uran completes their due diligence on the data that has FINALLY been provided by the Ukraine government. The only risk for us shareholders is if the data does not match what Uran has beeen told verbally by the Ukraine government.

Assuming the review and the FFS is positive (and there is every indication that everything should be positive) then Uran will become a miner/producer.

Based on this assumption, what would be a fair MC for a company sitting on 5000T of Uranium ripe for development? I can quietly say that it will be more than $8M. In fact, I can confidently say that it will be 40 times more than the current MC.

25-06-2008, 02:11 PM
What amazes me is that when the SP shows signs of weakness people start to questiuon Uran's fundamentals. There is no correlation between the current share price and what is about to be announced in the near future.

Those that are long term holders that bought based on their research and potential reward should just relax. Those that bought on the technicals for a quick trade are selling for good reason.

We need to understand that despite how cheap the share price is at the moment it really has no bearing on the underlying fundamentals.

I am still invested in Uran for the following reason...and trust me, I have outlaid over $200K.

Uran has a legal right to mine at least 5000T of uranium in Ukraine if Uran chooses to exercise their right. Uran will only exercise their right once Uran completes their due diligence on the data that has FINALLY been provided by the Ukraine government. The only risk for us shareholders is if the data does not match what Uran has beeen told verbally by the Ukraine government.

Assuming the review and the FFS is positive (and there is every indication that everything should be positive) then Uran will become a miner/producer.

Based on this assumption, what would be a fair MC for a company sitting on 5000T of Uranium ripe for development? I can quietly say that it will be more than $8M. In fact, I can confidently say that it will be 40 times more than the current MC.

Totally agree, URA currently at 16.5c & yet it's fundamentals look far better than when it was $1.65!

Those picking up some tax selling bargin sub 20c are going to be very happy.

I know Scorp is :D

25-06-2008, 03:42 PM
Its all a process that has to be followed and as you say oz - what an opportunity - OK huge risk - we've all accepted this. I believe Kate goes to the Ukraine today again to follow more of the required procedures. When there is solid substantail information there'll be such a song and dance the whole world will know about it . In the meantime zzzzzzzzzzzz. Anyone see where our former chair has now 'quit' his latest flagship - TTY to concentrate on the Monarch croc? :rolleyes: AHi Archer,
Im sure he would have done very well out of IRL leaving carnage in his wake. The Chart could be the URA chart if you changed a few dates.

25-06-2008, 05:00 PM
Sounds like it might be the last chance to top up before a positive announcement! :D ;) :eek: :p

LOL ellroy, I like the :D ;) :eek: :p parts especially, gr8 for a laugh :)

Although, not really happy to see the decline nonetheless.

If it keeps going then I am in for some more regardless.

25-06-2008, 05:02 PM
LOL ellroy, I like the :D ;) :eek: :p parts especially, gr8 for a laugh :)

Although, not really happy to see the decline nonetheless.

If it keeps going then I am in for some more regardless.

No one wants to step up at 17.5c :confused:

Might have to top up again next week :D

25-06-2008, 05:14 PM
I tried at 17 but no one wants to play

25-06-2008, 05:45 PM
I tried at 17 but no one wants to play

Still have ourselves a mexican standoff...

Anyone else notice part of the Zheltye Vody Mill on the main banner on the new website...

Wonder why they would show that? :rolleyes:

25-06-2008, 05:54 PM
Anyone else notice part of the Zheltye Vody Mill on the main banner on the new website...


Shasta, you lost me on that one mate, LOL, not exactly sure what you mean there buddy :)

Ritchie, it seems there is a evil twin that wants you to match your number upwards....lol

(is that what you were referring to Shasta? :D)

Im not in for more today, maybe on Friday, we will see.

I will need to get my special Catching Knife Gloves that come in handy this time of year me thinks.

Although, look at 60K oppies, I think there will be some heaving discounting going on pretty soon by the looks of things here folks~!

25-06-2008, 06:04 PM
Relax everyone ukraine is a done deal. It will probably take the rest of the year to test and prepare for production, but 3+2? should make Uran a mid size producer in 6 to 12 months.

People selling will be telling their grandchildren how the family would have been wealthy if they hadn't sold Uran shares at less than 20c. How many sold PDN around this price? Four years ago today PDN closed at 14.5c :D

I'm still collection a few here and there, but don't think I can pass the two in front of me.

25-06-2008, 07:36 PM
Relax everyone ukraine is a done deal. It will probably take the rest of the year to test and prepare for production, but 3+2? should make Uran a mid size producer in 6 to 12 months.

Pretty relaxed here cotik, but there is some point where Kate has got to just stop talking about the Ukraine and its projects and let the Fundamentals tell the story. But then, she aint really talking very much if at any at all.


She just needs to give the market the proof and the numbers which of course the rest will happen by itself. And then with a bit of PR after which, we can exceed and go beyond all our expectations.

People selling will be telling their grandchildren how the family would have been wealthy if they hadn't sold Uran shares at less than 20c. How many sold PDN around this price? Four years ago today PDN closed at 14.5c :D

Yes cotik, I know many will find this hard to believe or even think sure sure, we have heard it all before but at least some of us dont need to experience something like that again.

I'm still collection a few here and there, but don't think I can pass the two in front of me.

Me too but ain't got no more money or credit and yet frustrated because there are some really excellent other opportunities passing by at the same time.

25-06-2008, 08:45 PM
COTIK- my thoughts exactly. we can only continue to post about what the company "HAS" which is basically in lamens terms "THE RIGHT TO MINE THE 3 DEPOSITS IN THE UKRAINE, IF IT DEEMS FIT AFTER DUE DILLIGENCE" the market has totally missed this.

lucky we all havent. still topping up. dont tell Bermuda but i sold my RPM and thinking bout selling some of my BOW to buy more.

i am much happier buying URA now based on fundamentals, than i was when i started buying them at $1.

time will tell. just gotta deal with the naysayers and the red blob on our screens untill then...

25-06-2008, 09:17 PM

You’re correct.

The deal is done and the risk is that either the uranium is not as the Ukrainian geos thought (very unlikely) or political risks increase(these are becoming less likely every day, as both sides of politics basically agree about the need to increase uranium production).

The time to buy any stock is when no one wants it and then sit and wait. The price is crazy so I am seriously considering about taking a larger position in Uran, somethime you just have to back you own research and judgement.

25-06-2008, 10:15 PM

You’re correct.

The deal is done and the risk is that either the uranium is not as the Ukrainian geos thought (very unlikely) or political risks increase(these are becoming less likely every day, as both sides of politics basically agree about the need to increase uranium production).

I agree too, but still we continue to wait for the Final Verdict which is given in PRINT to the market and all holders. CANT WAIT ;)

The time to buy any stock is when no one wants it and then sit and wait. The price is crazy so I am seriously considering about taking a larger position in Uran, somethime you just have to back you own research and judgement.

Bingo Ringo there Cotik, share trader basics and for those with both financial resources and patience will cream it.

25-06-2008, 10:27 PM
I agree too, but still we continue to wait for the Final Verdict which is given in PRINT to the market and all holders. CANT WAIT ;)

Bingo Ringo there Cotik, share trader basics and for those with both financial resources and patience will cream it.

Found this article - some interesting points...

The Next Big Thing in Uranium?... Jurisdiction

The International Atomic Energy Agency just released its Uranium 2007: Resources, Production and Demand report.
The industry calls it the “Red Book”, and the one statement that stood out for me was that known uranium resources would be sufficient to last for 100 years at 2006 usage rates.

While there may be no shortage of the stuff, the world is still only producing 60% of its annual needs; the rest comes from the dismantling of nuclear weapons. The report added that nuclear capacity is expected to increase between 38% and 78% from 2007 and 2030 and will require both improved production and new discoveries if this growth is to be realized.

Literally - where on earth will this come from? The long term uranium price of $90/lb is high enough that even some of the lowest grade deposits in the world may be economic – like the Rossing Mine in Namibia producing 7% of the world’s uranium at one quarter pound per ton, a 0.012% grade. If even that grade can spawn a cash cow, then almost any uranium occurrence on the planet, if it’s big enough, could be profitable.

In fact, those big low grade open pit uranium mines will probably be the biggest winners, as the uranium industry and its investors have seen high grade underground mines have high profile production problems. And In Situ Leach (ISL) mines are having a problem finding sulphur – at any price (sulphur is up over 1000% in price over the last 3 years) to mix in their solutions to help extract the uranium.

So I see the next big issue in uranium being jurisdiction – specifically, permitting. Uranium is radioactive. It can cause health problems that other metals don’t have to worry about, making it more difficult to obtain political and social (local) approval for a mine.

A Canadian brokerage firm last week went very bullish on uranium prices, and urged investors to focus on near term producers in the United States. The US has a regulatory framework, good infrastructure etc., it argued, and cited Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Texas.

My advice - check out the websites of the local media in the areas surrounding proposed projects in those states. In Colorado especially, the local opposition is loud and fierce.

North American investors see all of Asia and Africa as having huge political risk because they don’t understand the cultural differences. Some places deserve it; others don’t. Kazakhstan has had stable, unimpeded-by-government uranium production in Asia, as has Namibia in Africa.

Every year a Canadian research group, The Fraser Institute, publishes a list of the best mining jurisdictions, as surveyed by 370 mining executives. They would know. Most top spots went to Western countries/states/provinces.

In 2008, Quebec topped the annual world-wide survey, jumping up from the number seven spot last year. Nevada, a perennial favourite of the mining industry, moved up to number two from last year’s number three spot. The biggest surprise was Finland, which rocketed from number 29 last year to the number three spot.

Other jurisdictions rounding out the top 10 are Alberta, Manitoba, Chile, Utah, Wyoming, Ireland and Sweden.

Let’s look at some of the areas where there is real potential for uranium production. Australia has a ban on new uranium mines, and 3 mining states like South Australia, Queensland and Tasmania fell out of the Top 10.
In Canada, British Columbia has banned uranium exploration. It moved up from 30 to 19 in this year’s ranking.

Ontario, which has the Elliot Lake uranium camp, also showed signs of recovery, moving up slightly to 18th from 20th. Newfoundland was the lowest ranked province at 22nd, the same ranking as it had last year.(The Inuit people in Labrador recently banned uranium mining for 3 years. There are no mines there, but at least one big uranium resource has been developed, and many juniors are spending millions of dollars exploring there.)

Nunavut dropped to 54th from 39th. Areva, the French mining giant and #2 uranium producer in the world, has their 90 million pound Kiggavik deposit in Nunavut, and are now wanting to put into production. There are two highly prospective uranium basins in Nunavut – Hornby Bay and Thelon.

The world has lots of uranium. We even have quite a bit ready to go into production. But demand is increasing, and technical problems at uranium mines – particularly the high-grade underground ones - are keeping production increases low. Getting uranium to market is going to be the big issue now, so investors need to pay a lot more attention to where the uranium is.

My bet is that assets in mining friendly uranium jurisdictions will greatly improve in value after the institutional money flow is done buying near term producers.

Fred McMahon is coordinator of The Fraser Institute’s survey and their Director of Trade and Globalization Studies. He states “Quebec has always been viewed in a good light by the mining industry, primarily due to its favourable geology … but Quebec’s government also provides a favourable policy environment to go along with strong mineral potential.”

Mining companies feel Quebec’s stable policies provide them with the certainty that reduces risk for long-term projects. Year after year, the survey bears out that above all, mineral exploration companies value stability and certainty when it comes to government policy.

For other Reinhard publications go to his Research Reports (http://www.growthstocksweekly.com/samples/) and specifically for Uranium in Quebec go here (http://www.growthstocksweekly.com/pdf/GSW-UracanResources-100206.pdf).

Your Source for High-Potential Early-Stage Growth Stocks Since 1995

25-06-2008, 11:38 PM
I don't think Czech Gov will be able to hold out forever.

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=cs&u=http://www.igenus.cz/clanky/liberecko-4/bursik-ujistoval-podjestedi-ze-obavy-z-tezby-uranu-jsou-zbytecne-3204/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2B%2522uran%2BLimited%2522%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26as_qdr%3Dd

26-06-2008, 12:05 AM
I don't think Czech Gov will be able to hold out forever.

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=cs&u=http://www.igenus.cz/clanky/liberecko-4/bursik-ujistoval-podjestedi-ze-obavy-z-tezby-uranu-jsou-zbytecne-3204/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2B%2522uran%2BLimited%2522%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26as_qdr%3Dd

Good find Cotik.

Crikey if uranium is allowed in Czech (only a matter of time IMO), Uran could become a multi-billion dollar company.

26-06-2008, 12:18 AM
Good find Cotik.

Crikey if uranium is allowed in Czech (only a matter of time IMO), Uran could become a multi-billion dollar company.

That would put a smile on a few faces around here :D:D

26-06-2008, 12:19 AM
Lol... can someone re-translate the opening translated paragraph of the article?

Liberec - The fear of uranium mining is unnecessary, Ministry of the Environment has given its consent or to the survey or to extract uranium ore in Podjestedi, ujistoval on Monday in the Czech Dubu Liberec Environment Minister Martin Bursik Mayor of their towns and villages and environmental activists. Discussions whilte local uklidnilo, protests against uranium mining in this area but not stop, said Joseph Jadrny of Podjestedi Our civic association, which is one of the organisers of protests.

26-06-2008, 12:22 AM
Makes about as much sense as a Uran announcement! :confused:

26-06-2008, 12:26 AM
Makes about as much sense as a Uran announcement! :confused:

Wonder if Purple Communications parent company is registered in the Czech Republic? :D

Guess it's a case of never say never...:confused:

I'd still much rather hear Uran's name being banded about in Ukraine circles, particularly regarding Novok...

26-06-2008, 01:08 AM
Maybe SP3 could get a translation on that Czech discussion board?

26-06-2008, 02:43 AM
Maybe SP3 could get a translation on that Czech discussion board?

I have posted the article on the Czech site for translation.

26-06-2008, 02:59 AM
Bursík ujišťoval Podještědí, že obavy z těžby uranu jsou zbytečné
Bursik assured people in Podještědí, that concerns about uranium mining are unnecessary.

Úterý, 24. červen, 2008Autor: čtk
Tuesday, 24 June 2008, source: Czech Press Agency Liberec - Obavy z těžby uranu jsou zbytečné, ministerstvo životního prostředí nedá souhlas ani k průzkumu ani k těžbě uranové rudy v Podještědí, ujišťoval v pondělí v Českém Dubu na Liberecku ministr životního prostředí Martin Bursík starosty tamních měst a obcí a ekologické aktivisty.
Liberec: Concerns about uranium mining are unnecessary, Ministry of Environment won't agree to exploration nor mining of uranium in Podještědí, the Minister of Environment Martin Bursik assured mayors of local towns and villages and ecological activists in Český Dub in Liberec region on Monday.

diamond h
26-06-2008, 12:48 PM
Sounds like it might be the last chance to top up before a positive announcement! :D ;) :eek: :p

Thanks Just bought a few more today at 17.5c. which makes my average price now 27c. originally bought in at 55c.The number I hold is insignificant to what some posters obviously hold so can understand the passion emotion and some frustration that is out there.I only started my portfolio last year and spread the risk or so I thought. Except for OEL everything else has been halved or worse.Another uranium co. I bought into was CTS. and my investment has lost over 90% including worthless options. Bottom drawer is getting full.Good luck to all holders of this stock.

26-06-2008, 05:59 PM
Thanks Just bought a few more today at 17.5c. which makes my average price now 27c. originally bought in at 55c.The number I hold is insignificant to what some posters obviously hold so can understand the passion emotion and some frustration that is out there.I only started my portfolio last year and spread the risk or so I thought. Except for OEL everything else has been halved or worse.Another uranium co. I bought into was CTS. and my investment has lost over 90% including worthless options. Bottom drawer is getting full.Good luck to all holders of this stock.

Nearly 200k traded within the last half hour of trading :confused:

Why the rush, or is someone trying to spark interest doing this?

Seems a bit weird for Uran, even thought he volume isnt big!

26-06-2008, 09:51 PM
shasta and co- i am sitting on another bid at 15.5c. i bought another 30000 this week around 18c. and only reason i am not increasing my bid, is well... basically i dont have the funds for it. if i get the order filled i will sell somethin else, but do not want to sell BOW...

sold RPM for 18.5c but today they hit 20.5 so already am kickin myself haha.

hopefully the volume increase leads to somethin, however as usual, it probably wont...


26-06-2008, 11:51 PM
sold RPM for 18.5c but today they hit 20.5 so already am kickin myself haha.

Hi Scorp,

Aint that the way it usually always happens :D

Well, either way Scorp, it will be worth multiples or it wont and I am sure you are researched just as much as the many here so now you have just taken someones Tax Sell off to strengthen your own position which hopefully will be rewarded in the not too far distant future~!

27-06-2008, 01:21 AM
I have posted the article on the Czech site for translation.

Thanks SP3 for helping to get the translation.

A bit of volume today, and only two days of tax-loss selling remaining.

Hopefully the data review is nearly done and we can commence feasibility on the Novogurevskoye and Safonovskoye deposits soon. I wonder what the status of the Surskoye data is? Interesting that Kate is back in the Ukraine...

27-06-2008, 03:43 AM

27-06-2008, 01:42 PM
"The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.

The big money is made by sitting, not thinking. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon."- Jesse Livermore.

Well many of us have the sit tight bit covered, let just hope our research is right with Uran, I truly believe we will be rewarded in the next few months.

27-06-2008, 02:29 PM
"The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.

The big money is made by sitting, not thinking. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon."- Jesse Livermore.

Well many of us have the sit tight bit covered, let just hope our research is right with Uran, I truly believe we will be rewarded in the next few months.

Good re-sited Quote there Cotik.

Yes we have waited and waited it seems. Most of us will agree we will wait even further too.

However, at the same time it would be good for the company to still wave a flag or two just to Re-Confirm to the market and its shareholders that the co will bring home the Bacon. Or the flags of previous Concrete carved deals with figures that we have previously discussed here.

27-06-2008, 02:54 PM
After Tuesday next week, I wonder if or how many there will be once the Tax Year is over. I think that will be of interest to watch and see if some of the sellers Actually Go Away.

Although Hmmmmm, If they don't then whats that telling us? :rolleyes:

27-06-2008, 03:20 PM
Although Hmmmmm, If they don't then whats that telling us? :rolleyes:

They didn't read Jesse Livermore. Sit tight.

Tony S
27-06-2008, 06:01 PM
After Tuesday next week, I wonder if or how many there will be once the Tax Year is over. I think that will be of interest to watch and see if some of the sellers Actually Go Away.

Although Hmmmmm, If they don't then whats that telling us? :rolleyes:

Hi df,

Don't let it get to you mate. I still think we are getting ever so closer to good news. I must admit I thought we would hear something while the Ukranians were in town, but ok we didn't.

I understand Kate needs to be selective in what she says (LOL...or doesn't say) and she needs clearance from the Ukranians before she can release anything. I read that she has gone back over there, and that should be looked at as progress.

You are right, it will be interesting to see what happens to the stock after June 30. Monday may be a big selling day and a chance to pick up some more, but I would like to see the price firming up soon.

Hope things are well with you.

Regards, Tony.

27-06-2008, 07:33 PM
Hi guys, I am in Ireland ATM and just managed to pick up some more late in the trading day (which is fairly early over here). I was a bit surprised with the SP and couldnt resist picking up some more at 17 cents.

Top quote Cotik, lets hope dont have to be patient for too much longer...

27-06-2008, 10:49 PM
looks like Yulia will be able to maintain government for a while yet. :)

This should give Uran enough time to get these project underway.

CCU against migration of people’s deputies in VR


The Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized as unconstitutional the right of the people’s deputy for non-membership or withdrawal from the faction of the party which had the people’s deputy in its party-list during the election.

This decision of CCU was published on June 27, 2008 regarding the stay of the people’s deputy in the faction of the Verkhovna Rada.

“To recognize as unconstitutional the regulations - parts 5, 6 Article 13 of the Law “About the status of the people’s deputy of Ukraine” – of the right of the people’s deputy to withdraw free from the faction or group and be out of the registered factions,” according to the conclusion of CCU, as Interfax-Ukraine reports.

Moreover, the Constitutional Court dismissed a case about official interpretation of the Constitution regulations about the early expiration of the term of office of the people’s deputies, in case of non-membership or withdrawal from the faction of the party which had the people’s deputy in its party-list during the elections, as this process must be adjusted on the legislative level.


27-06-2008, 11:10 PM
looks like Yulia will be able to maintain government for a while yet. :)

This should give Uran enough time to get these project underway.

CCU against migration of people’s deputies in VR


The Constitutional Court of Ukraine recognized as unconstitutional the right of the people’s deputy for non-membership or withdrawal from the faction of the party which had the people’s deputy in its party-list during the election.

This decision of CCU was published on June 27, 2008 regarding the stay of the people’s deputy in the faction of the Verkhovna Rada.

“To recognize as unconstitutional the regulations - parts 5, 6 Article 13 of the Law “About the status of the people’s deputy of Ukraine” – of the right of the people’s deputy to withdraw free from the faction or group and be out of the registered factions,” according to the conclusion of CCU, as Interfax-Ukraine reports.

Moreover, the Constitutional Court dismissed a case about official interpretation of the Constitution regulations about the early expiration of the term of office of the people’s deputies, in case of non-membership or withdrawal from the faction of the party which had the people’s deputy in its party-list during the elections, as this process must be adjusted on the legislative level.



Im glad you were able to interpret the article...I have read it 3 times and I have no clue what its saying...but I sort of got the gist of it:)

27-06-2008, 11:32 PM
Vostgok has a new CEO Sorokin Alexander Gennadievich, Uran should have no problem working with him.

28-06-2008, 12:04 AM

This news story is easier to understand.

27 June 2008 | 12:38

PR predicts restoration of the coalition

People’s deputy Yuriy Miroshnychenko (PR) supposes that the coalition may be re-established basing on the today’s conclusion of the Constitutional Court.

According to Miroshnychenko, the factions will exclude those people’s deputies who declared about their withdrawal from the coalition - Ihor Rybakov (BYuT) and Yuriy But (NU-NS).

He doesn’t deny the possibility of the exclusion of people’s deputy of Ukraine Ivan Plyushch (NU-NS) who hasn’t entered the coalition.

Miroshnychenko said it is possible that the coalition will be re-established this way.


28-06-2008, 12:19 AM
and this is probably the best piece of news...

Yatseniuk Promises To Ensure That Coalition Has Sufficient Votes To Adopt Parliamentary Decisions (13:27, Friday, June 27, 2008)

Ukrainian News Agency
Parliament Speaker ****nii Yatseniuk has promised to make the maximum effort to ensure that the parliamentary coalition has sufficient votes (a minimum of 226 votes) to adopt parliamentary decisions.

Yatseniuk made this promised on the Channel 5 television station on Thursday evening.

"Regarding the coalition, I will make the maximum effort to ensure that the parliament operates, including by increasing the number of votes necessary for adopting decisions in the coalition format," Yatseniuk said.

He stressed that it was necessary for the entire parliament and not just the parliamentary coalition to resume operation.

He also promised to hold meetings with minority parliamentary factions to discuss the agenda that the parliamentary coalition proposed for the parliament's plenary week of July 8-11.

Moreover, Yatseniuk said he intended to meet with the two parliamentary deputies that quit the parliamentary coalition in order to find out the reasons for their decisions to quit.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, President Viktor Yuschenko believes that Yatseniuk is key to the efforts to restore the operations of the parliamentary coalition.

Parliamentary deputies Yurii But of the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense bloc and Ihor Rybakov of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc announced on June 6 that they had decided to quit the parliamentary coalition.

As a result, the parliamentary coalition now has 225 deputies while a parliamentary majority must have at least 226 deputies.

28-06-2008, 12:22 AM
and this is probably the best piece of news...

Yatseniuk Promises To Ensure That Coalition Has Sufficient Votes To Adopt Parliamentary Decisions (13:27, Friday, June 27, 2008)

Ukrainian News Agency
Parliament Speaker ****nii Yatseniuk has promised to make the maximum effort to ensure that the parliamentary coalition has sufficient votes (a minimum of 226 votes) to adopt parliamentary decisions.

Yatseniuk made this promised on the Channel 5 television station on Thursday evening.

"Regarding the coalition, I will make the maximum effort to ensure that the parliament operates, including by increasing the number of votes necessary for adopting decisions in the coalition format," Yatseniuk said.

He stressed that it was necessary for the entire parliament and not just the parliamentary coalition to resume operation.

He also promised to hold meetings with minority parliamentary factions to discuss the agenda that the parliamentary coalition proposed for the parliament's plenary week of July 8-11.

Moreover, Yatseniuk said he intended to meet with the two parliamentary deputies that quit the parliamentary coalition in order to find out the reasons for their decisions to quit.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, President Viktor Yuschenko believes that Yatseniuk is key to the efforts to restore the operations of the parliamentary coalition.

Parliamentary deputies Yurii But of the Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defense bloc and Ihor Rybakov of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc announced on June 6 that they had decided to quit the parliamentary coalition.

As a result, the parliamentary coalition now has 225 deputies while a parliamentary majority must have at least 226 deputies.

How does all this political uncertainty affect Ukraine with regards to entering NATO etc?

Would an unstable Govt affect Ukraine's ability to join?

God the last thing we need is MORE political uncertainty/change of position.

Any chance all this could cause another election?

28-06-2008, 12:47 AM

Uran is possibly day, weeks, months away from securing projects in Ukraine. Should they have elections again, I doubt they will be held soon. Possibly in the new year at the earliest...assuming they have elections.

Once Uran aquires their projects, then we can forget about politics because politics will no longer matter.

28-06-2008, 01:20 PM
After Tuesday next week, I wonder if or how many there will be once the Tax Year is over. I think that will be of interest to watch and see if some of the sellers Actually Go Away.

Although Hmmmmm, If they don't then whats that telling us? :rolleyes:Hi Guys.
I suspect it is not just tax time that is bashing the SP about. Perhaps a bit of dissapointment that the U conference came and went and still nothing from URA.

Having sold my RPM like scorp I am very tempted to...... Those options are looking tempting:eek:

28-06-2008, 05:49 PM
hey strat- i will make my purchase on monday at whatever price. will even me out to 200,000. feel bad bout missin out on the extra RPM but i thought it was dead rubber just sittin there at 18.5c...i was wrong...

ave URA price- around 25c...

bring on production!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH AND EVERYONE- did u notice the Labor governments stance on nuclear energy on friday?

the only things i would touch would be URA or WHE(besides obvious producers) and yet again the market has missed it.

none of the australian explorers will be touching there deposits... simple as that.

28-06-2008, 06:21 PM
When URA announces that they are satisfied with their due diligence on the 3 deposits in Ukraine and they announce that they will be exercising their right to commence the final feasibility study on the 3 deposits, I am wondering who in their right mind will give away their shares. And, when URA confirms that the deposits are economically viable and will be brought into production then who will be crazy to sell for under $1.50.

Given there are only 50M shares on issue and the top 40 control more than 80% of the register good luck to anyone trying to pick up a decent parcel for under $1.50.

All the above assumes that URA misses out on Novok:)

30-06-2008, 12:40 AM

30-06-2008, 12:48 AM

30-06-2008, 02:57 PM

Im glad you were able to interpret the article...I have read it 3 times and I have no clue what its saying...but I sort of got the gist of it:)

My take - correct me please cotik, if I'm wrong - is that the country is behind Yulia and the pollies know it. Allowing deputies to be 'independent' means more will listen to their constituencies and maintain Yulia in leadership ? So more democratic processes being put in place. A

30-06-2008, 03:39 PM
Hi People,

Interesting day, and if the options run any harder than they have they will overtake the FPO by the looks of things...lol

Good links too and it seems the Russians know that the Ukrainians are playing their hands both ways so in some ways this is good that they have established that any deals can move both ways and most importantly everything is out in the open so to speak.

Just wish Uran in due time can be more forthcoming with Information :rolleyes:

30-06-2008, 04:27 PM
I hope things don't get too ugly in the last hour and a half.

30-06-2008, 04:27 PM
My take - correct me please cotik, if I'm wrong - is that the country is behind Yulia and the pollies know it. Allowing deputies to be 'independent' means more will listen to their constituencies and maintain Yulia in leadership ? So more democratic processes being put in place. A

Ukraine's political system is complicated and I guess this is the reason there are often 'political crisis'.

The parliament is elected using a proportional representation system that allows each party to allocated seats to members depending on the votes received and the seats allocated using the Hamilton method of apportionment. So individual member are not directly responsible to the voters, but to the party that included them on their list.

The CCU has not said that members of the Verkhovna Rada are not able to change their party once elected and therefore the coalition should be able to continue. The real problem is the President and the way he tries to bypass the Prime Minister and make decisions unilaterally. The constitution really needs to be modified to clearly define the powers of the Prime Minister and the President.

Bottom line is Uran have enough time to finalise the three initial project before the next election.

30-06-2008, 04:32 PM
I hope things don't get too ugly in the last hour and a half.

Seems to be holding up ok today, with a little interest in the heads + options?

30-06-2008, 04:35 PM
I hope things don't get too ugly in the last hour and a half.

Oz, looks like somebody and or all family members want out at .17c

Would make an excellent entry point for somebody at .17 and I would be bold enough to say Little if any downside from that entry point.

Not long before the day is out but alot can happen in 1.5 hours I guess :rolleyes:

30-06-2008, 04:46 PM
http://img74.imageshack.us/img74/3021/urawe0.jpg[/URL][/IMG]From a trading or speculative standpoint this stock is interesting.. but this may not be of interest to anyone here?. The big moves in the past have been during April, September and December.. In fact almost all of the gains have been during these months alone...I'm guessing that this has been when they've announced positive news in the past so may provide a guide as to when they'll announce positive news in the future. Currently it doesn't look to exciting with bearish momentum combined with bearish seasonals. It might have further to go to the downside in my opinion until later in the year. Any strength in the second half of the year might be worth buying into especially around Sep and Dec.


30-06-2008, 05:47 PM
T.Trader, I like the custom highlight bars :D

What charting application and data do you use? if you dont mind sharing?

Yes technically things could go anywhere, but then Fundementally, Kate or the Co. could upset everybody and drop some news which turns everything upside down. Unpredictable stock this URA.

Hey, I also notice you got Great Western Exploration written on the chart, does that show the history too does it?

30-06-2008, 05:49 PM
got some at 16.5c today so took 6c off my average which is good, hopefully from tomorrow onwards the SP will start to move on up in to the 20's.. good luck to all holders

30-06-2008, 05:54 PM
got some at 16.5c today so took 6c off my average which is good, hopefully from tomorrow onwards the SP will start to move on up in to the 20's.. good luck to all holders

This tax selling gig isn't so bad after all, we all happy & set now? :D

I got some cheap options myself so am not complaining :p

30-06-2008, 05:56 PM
hehe i should of holded out till about now and got some at 16c but hey whats .5c in the scheme of things

Tony S
30-06-2008, 06:13 PM
Yes, I picked up more today as well. I hope what we have been seeing is tax loss selling, I suppose we will know tomorrow!

Cheers, Tony.

30-06-2008, 06:24 PM
Seems everyone has been topping up on URA today.

I managed to get 20k URAO at 7.3c and managed to get Shasta to call me some rude names to boot :D:p

30-06-2008, 06:26 PM
This tax selling gig isn't so bad after all, we all happy & set now? :D

I got some cheap options myself so am not complaining :p

Hey shasta - looked a bit sick after close though - anyway as you say lets hope it stabilises now and 16c is the absolute bottom! On a positive note, we're not a gold co, we don't have our former chairman and we do have a semblance of stability in the Ukraine. What we need now are the deals to go ahead and be announced to the market with figures while there is still some cash in the kitty. We also need someone working on shareholder and public relations. :) A

30-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Seems everyone has been topping up on URA today.

I managed to get 20k URAO at 7.3c and managed to get Shasta to call me some rude names to boot :D:p

Not all of us have turned a nice %age profit in one day :mad::(:eek:

30-06-2008, 06:35 PM
Not all of us have turned a nice %age profit in one day :mad::(:eek:Looking at the buy depth on both URA and URAO that profit could be gone tomorrow:eek:

Tony S
30-06-2008, 06:36 PM
...anyone have any idea when Kate is back this time? Some news will get the fans excited!

Cheers, Tony.

30-06-2008, 06:37 PM
Hi Drill Fix

The software I use is called Trade Navigator Platinum.. It is US software and useful for Larry Williams style analysis.. The data goes back to the early 90's for ASX stocks or to nception if the stock listed after that.. and yes agree, all stocks are unpredictable..but you can get the odds in your favour sometimes.


30-06-2008, 06:54 PM
hi folks - some encouraging news out of Czech today - I'll post the lot as I think its a subscribers only article .:cool: A
HN: Czechs may go nuclear again
By ČTK / Published 30 June 2008

RSS feeds

Prague, June 27 (CTK) - A commission headed by Vaclav Paces, director of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAV), will submit various alternatives of national energy strategy, including the revival of nuclear plants, to the government next Friday, daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) wrote Friday.

In the autumn, the Czech national power company CEZ will probably take the first steps to receive the permit for the construction of new reactors in the nuclear power plant in Temelin, South Bohemia, HN writes.

It is also considering expanding the power plant in Dukovany, South Moravia, it adds.

At first, it has to publish an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

"CEZ has drafted the EIA for Temelin's expansion. It will submit it at the moment the Greens allow a debate on nuclear energy," a source close to the government is quoted as having said.

Temelin, situated about 80 kilometres from the Czech-Austrian border, has been heavily opposed by nuclear-free Austria as well as Czech anti-nuclear activists.

"The Greens may do it after the expert commission submits the results of its work," the source added.

The Czech three-party government includes the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) and the Greens.

The former two parties are not against nuclear energy, but the Greens made the cabinet approve a clause that further development of nuclear energy should not be fostered in its policy statement in 2006.

"We will recommend to the government that it support drafting EIA studies about all forms of energy generation, in coal-powered, nuclear and any other forms of power plants," Paces is quoted as having said.

"Any EIA on Temelin has been a taboo. In our view, all alternatives should be assessed," Paces said.

CEZ is considering expanding Dukovany. Here, new reactors with the capacity of 1600 MW may be built and replace the existing ones after their life span expires.

"As the regional authority has voiced support to the expansion of the power plant, we are considering the alternative, too," HN quotes CEZ spokeswoman Eva Novakova as having said.

The Industry and Trade Ministry is not against the idea, HN writes.

"The completion of Temelin will be more cost-saving and faster as the preparations there have gone farther. I have recommended to the CEZ management that it also consider the project in Dukovany," Industry and Trade Minister Martin Riman is quoted as having said.

"We will analyse the conclusions of the commission and then submit a new draft energy policy concept to the government," Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Tomas Huener is quoted as having said.

"If the coalition includes sensible people, it will deal with it," Riman said about the chance of the Greens' changing their mind.

Environment Minister and Greens leader Martin Bursik has been reluctant to comment on the development of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic, HN writes.

Analysts say Bursik, considered the head of a moderate faction among the Greens, may be ready to tone down the party's irreconcilable stand on nuclear energy, it adds.

Industry and Trade Ministry may try to make the Greens more amenable by an amendment to the Mining Law giving more powers to the Environment Ministry in dealing with mining companies, HN writes.

The two nuclear plants account for about 30 percent of national energy needs in the Czech Republic.

This story is from the Czech News Agency (ČTK).
The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.

30-06-2008, 06:57 PM
hi folks - some encouraging news out of Czech today - I'll post the lot as I think its a subscribers only article .:cool: A
HN: Czechs may go nuclear again
By ČTK / Published 30 June 2008

RSS feeds

Prague, June 27 (CTK) - A commission headed by Vaclav Paces, director of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAV), will submit various alternatives of national energy strategy, including the revival of nuclear plants, to the government next Friday, daily Hospodarske noviny (HN) wrote Friday.

In the autumn, the Czech national power company CEZ will probably take the first steps to receive the permit for the construction of new reactors in the nuclear power plant in Temelin, South Bohemia, HN writes.

It is also considering expanding the power plant in Dukovany, South Moravia, it adds.

At first, it has to publish an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

"CEZ has drafted the EIA for Temelin's expansion. It will submit it at the moment the Greens allow a debate on nuclear energy," a source close to the government is quoted as having said.

Temelin, situated about 80 kilometres from the Czech-Austrian border, has been heavily opposed by nuclear-free Austria as well as Czech anti-nuclear activists.

"The Greens may do it after the expert commission submits the results of its work," the source added.

The Czech three-party government includes the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), the Christian Democrats (KDU-CSL) and the Greens.

The former two parties are not against nuclear energy, but the Greens made the cabinet approve a clause that further development of nuclear energy should not be fostered in its policy statement in 2006.

"We will recommend to the government that it support drafting EIA studies about all forms of energy generation, in coal-powered, nuclear and any other forms of power plants," Paces is quoted as having said.

"Any EIA on Temelin has been a taboo. In our view, all alternatives should be assessed," Paces said.

CEZ is considering expanding Dukovany. Here, new reactors with the capacity of 1600 MW may be built and replace the existing ones after their life span expires.

"As the regional authority has voiced support to the expansion of the power plant, we are considering the alternative, too," HN quotes CEZ spokeswoman Eva Novakova as having said.

The Industry and Trade Ministry is not against the idea, HN writes.

"The completion of Temelin will be more cost-saving and faster as the preparations there have gone farther. I have recommended to the CEZ management that it also consider the project in Dukovany," Industry and Trade Minister Martin Riman is quoted as having said.

"We will analyse the conclusions of the commission and then submit a new draft energy policy concept to the government," Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Tomas Huener is quoted as having said.

"If the coalition includes sensible people, it will deal with it," Riman said about the chance of the Greens' changing their mind.

Environment Minister and Greens leader Martin Bursik has been reluctant to comment on the development of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic, HN writes.

Analysts say Bursik, considered the head of a moderate faction among the Greens, may be ready to tone down the party's irreconcilable stand on nuclear energy, it adds.

Industry and Trade Ministry may try to make the Greens more amenable by an amendment to the Mining Law giving more powers to the Environment Ministry in dealing with mining companies, HN writes.

The two nuclear plants account for about 30 percent of national energy needs in the Czech Republic.

This story is from the Czech News Agency (ČTK).
The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.

The Czechs won't use Uranium, cos they don't want anyone digging it up!

Well thats what they keep telling Uran!

They'll end up with Windfarms over there, :D

Tony S
30-06-2008, 07:18 PM
The Czechs won't use Uranium, cos they don't want anyone digging it up!

Well thats what they keep telling Uran!

They'll end up with Windfarms over there, :D

Nuclear powered windfarms I hope shastra!

30-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Industry and Trade Ministry may try to make the Greens more amenable by an amendment to the Mining Law giving more powers to the Environment Ministry in dealing with mining companies, HN writes.


To me that doesnt sound good.
Surely one would think if the CR Gov give the greens more powers in dealing with mining companies then that would be LESS favourable for Uran, or so one could think. Give them too much power and they will ban everything Uranium including foreign companies if the greens get the chance.

As previously posted, I hope Uran just focus on Ukraine and locks away these deals and announces some Grades/Tonnage and Plans for the path to production along with Timeline.

CR is just another distraction unless fully confirmed.

Some have asked when Kate will be back, (I dont have a clue) but does anybody else know?

Also, why exactly is did she go over there?
Will she share with shareholders just exactly what it is she does when she travels there to justify such departure from Australia.

Curious to know the exact facts of her movements and how close that brings finalisation to updated Deals or potential production opportunities in which we are invested.

30-06-2008, 09:26 PM
bought another 15K today at 16c. i have been buying for the past week and a half sub 20c... lovin it. lets just hope it doesnt last too long!!!

decent ave price now. time for some news!!! good luck everybody!!!

30-06-2008, 10:10 PM
bought another 15K today at 16c. i have been buying for the past week and a half sub 20c... lovin it. lets just hope it doesnt last too long!!!

decent ave price now. time for some news!!! good luck everybody!!!

Good Stuff Scorp.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the week plays out.
Sometimes it can take a few weeks + after July to see a stock pickup.

Lets hope as you say "time for some news" comes through.

30-06-2008, 10:40 PM
bought another 15K today at 16c. i have been buying for the past week and a half sub 20c... lovin it. lets just hope it doesnt last too long!!!

decent ave price now. time for some news!!! good luck everybody!!!

You must be sitting somwhere just outside the top 20 by now :eek:

30-06-2008, 11:09 PM
Nuclear powered windfarms I hope shastra!


Tony, I thought Uran filed for a patent in Ireland for that idea didnt they? :D

01-07-2008, 12:12 AM
Shasta- i doubt it. today evened me out to 200,000... bought bout 40,000 over the last week and a half.

Drillfix- bring on the news! SP may still fall. so be it... just need confirmation of being the "NEXT AUSTRALIAN URANIUM PRODUCER" and i will be happy.

01-07-2008, 01:21 AM
Drillfix- bring on the news! SP may still fall. so be it... just need confirmation of being the "NEXT AUSTRALIAN URANIUM PRODUCER" and i will be happy.

Scorp, I hear ya on that one, I feel this is why we are all here and continually show patience (and sitting too Cotik..lol).

I bought about 40,000 over .20 cents (actually .21 and .235) and still remain confident even though I seem to be way down on these now, but it gonna head back up that way. (IMO)

01-07-2008, 03:21 PM
last chance to top up up at 15.5cents before it hits 14cents. IMHO.

LOL, glad to see you gotta sense of humour Uberspec.

Although, you could have at least added a smiley to you post, like: :D or :rolleyes: or even :p to show this so called Humour. :eek:

01-07-2008, 04:29 PM
gah this is getting so frustraiting.. although only 1000 traded at 15.5c such a quiet day... ffs hury up uran with a positive announcment :@

01-07-2008, 05:14 PM
sorry about the 15.5c chaps and chapettes

my sister told her husband (my mate) she needed $3000 for their eldest's braces and Uran was put on the chopping block. His only other stock is CDS so it was an easy decision: one is going places and the other is ummm well errr geez I don't know, what is it doing???:confused::confused::confused:

01-07-2008, 05:21 PM
gah this is getting so frustraiting.. although only 1000 traded at 15.5c such a quiet day... ffs hury up uran with a positive announcment :@

LOL, I can read your frustration and relate to it exactly, its kinda been like that for ages.

However, our day will come, When??? I dont know, One day in the near distant future.

It is also very frustrating to watch other stocks run away while we wait and be patient with Uran. Like many, On my watch list, I have witnessed about 5 stocks Triple and even Quadruple in value in today's market climate. But then those stocks are aware of Public Relations and communications.

I feel Uran deliberately plays the silent role so it can GAIN further strength in its deals for the long run from its current silence, or so it seems. :rolleyes:

Like many here, it would be good to have some Plain and Simple CONFIRMATION of Grades, Volumes and Time-Line to some sort of Production for each of the projects that we are invested in. Although I dont actually speak to Kate I feel or still am under the impression that she is running this Venture like a Private Company. Sick really I know but thats just how it is and it would be good to know when exactly this is going to stop or change. Bu then I guess we would be find ourselves guessing at that thought also. :rolleyes:

Its all got to change one day though, as I dont honestly know how long she (KH) can keep using excuses or blaming delays (or privacy) or others (Gov's)for something that she is BEING PAID to be in control of.

I guess we may need to ReRead the Corporate Governance section on the Uran website or company charter. As I cannot read anything about Shareholders being Drip Fed small pieces of information on a Only Need to Know basis.

As Satori has often & continually posted about Accountability, we are, have been, and are currently way way way past the point were by the company needs to show its shareholders (both current and potential) what it has or is going to have and when.

We have a little more Transparency now compared to the old days but there still remains lots of unanswered questions. And when something ever gets answered it then opens up another question, or waiting for something to get an answer. Hence at some stage of the Uran Experience (method) on how it treats its shareholders has got to stop in the Near Distant Future. ( I hope).

Anyways, thats my take on matters for a Tuesday Arvo, 1st of July 2008 :D

01-07-2008, 05:33 PM
Is Kate good looking? The girls in Czechs are beautiful. :D If only the sp was as beautiful.

01-07-2008, 05:39 PM
Is Kate good looking?

hell no, shes an old bag.. thanks for your reply drilly

01-07-2008, 05:52 PM
Is Kate good looking? The girls in Czechs are beautiful. :D If only the sp was as beautiful.

Dr. Who,

Who cares what Kate looks like :rolleyes:

What does really matter here is HER ability to close a deal and inform shareholders and the market about what exact progress on where the company is at.

But then is she really doing deals over there in the Ukraine, or is she using all the shareholder money to Hire Toy Boyz and have the time of her life while she still can? lol, I dont know, but ya never can tell in this world with the way things are going and what people are capable of~!

01-07-2008, 07:06 PM
Dr. Who,

Who cares what Kate looks like :rolleyes:

What does really matter here is HER ability to close a deal and inform shareholders and the market about what exact progress on where the company is at.

But then is she really doing deals over there in the Ukraine, or is she using all the shareholder money to Hire Toy Boyz and have the time of her life while she still can? lol, I dont know, but ya never can tell in this world with the way things are going and what people are capable of~!

I think it would be lot easier as a woman to do business in the Ukraine if you were tall, thin, blonde and beautiful - but then Toy Boyz - mmm - been told they're ugly as sin over there - what a waste of our money . LOL A

Grand Uber
01-07-2008, 07:08 PM
hell no, shes an old bag.. thanks for your reply drilly

Lets hope she doesnt get wind of the extensive discussion of her company on this website and come for a visit

otherwise she may dump her shares at two cents in disgust :D

01-07-2008, 07:10 PM
I think it would be lot easier as a woman to do business in the Ukraine if you were tall, thin, blonde and beautiful - but then Toy Boyz - mmm - been told they're ugly as sin over there - what a waste of our money . LOL A

You telling me Yulia didn't get the top job for being ...um lovely? :D

01-07-2008, 07:34 PM
You telling me Yulia didn't get the top job for being ...um lovely? :D

Ummm, Being lovely is sure one part of it, but without having a Brain and alot of determination I think she would be doing a Secretarial thing instead.

Ya know, I am more interested in how far things are along and the big WHEN question of When will things be lock and loaded.

I would like to go over there and visit these places where we our so called company will be potentially mining.

Anybody care to take a trip next year once / if / should /when I get over my back operation.
but of course
That only applies to once / if / should /when the company actually announces all the details out in the open to holders and the market.

Would the company allow or participate in entertaining shareholder to take such excursions one would think??

01-07-2008, 07:49 PM
Ummm, Being lovely is sure one part of it, but without having a Brain and alot of determination I think she would be doing a Secretarial thing instead.

Ya know, I am more interested in how far things are along and the big WHEN question of When will things be lock and loaded.

I would like to go over there and visit these places where we our so called company will be potentially mining.

Anybody care to take a trip next year once / if / should /when I get over my back operation.
but of course
That only applies to once / if / should /when the company actually announces all the details out in the open to holders and the market.

Would the company allow or participate in entertaining shareholder to take such excursions one would think??

Not so sure the Ukraine Govt officials would want foreign civilians going through Zheltye Vody, but perhaps you could plant a tree near the permits/mines to appease the locals :D

01-07-2008, 07:54 PM
Would the company allow or participate in entertaining shareholder to take such excursions one would think??

drilly - i reckon if the company took a look at what we wrote here some of the time they'd willing take us all on tour over there and leave us somewhere in Siberia - but I'm willing to risk it. :p

01-07-2008, 08:00 PM
I would like to go over there and visit these places where we our so called company will be potentially mining.

Anybody care to take a trip next year once / if / should /when I get over my back operation.
but of course
That only applies to once / if / should /when the company actually announces all the details out in the open to holders and the market.

Would the company allow or participate in entertaining shareholder to take such excursions one would think??

I am sure we can arrange a trip next year Df.

I would be quite happy to put a reasonable % of any future profit into the orphanage in Yellow Water.:)

All I need now is a profit :rolleyes:

01-07-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi folks

I suggest for those interested in getting the company to listen to you, either email them or give them a call.

Im guessing they dont waste their time reading chat sites. I dont much either myself lately.
They cant hear you or see you here.
Make a real difference and make personal contact.

Ive just emailed the Chairman. I strongly recommend if you have real concerns here to do the same.
He was prompt and was able to respond to me despite being a bit under the weather with a virus.

The Chairman Pat Ryan would be a good start.


Or go to the website for further info and contacts.

A word of advice:

'Communicate with direct questions, intention and respect'

This post off H/C is relevant to Uran - re MK & his dodgey ways...

From businessspectator.com.au

MK's keen on getting MON back up and running.

Monarch Gold Mining Company Ltd's largest shareholder, Territory Resources Ltd, will determine the fate of the embattled gold producer by Tuesday night when it decides whether to accept Monarch's eleventh-hour debt repayment proposal.

Monarch chairman and managing director Michael Kiernan told AAP he had put a proposal to Territory Resources, an iron ore miner, to repay all of about $18 million in loans over 12 months.

Newly appointed Territory Resources chairman Andrew Simpson told AAP he had not yet seen the proposal and would not comment until he had done so.

Mr Kiernan resigned as Territory Resources chairman and from its board last week when the board refused to provide another $4 million loan facility to prop up the cash-strapped Monarch.

Mr Kiernan said administration was "a significant threat" for Monarch, which was forced recently to close its loss-making Davyhurst gold mine in Western Australia.

He said the proposal was fair and involved the Kiernan family stumping up half of Monarch's $30 million rescue package and underwriting an equity raising for the other half.

The proposal includes providing Territory Resources with the Davyhurst mine -- which has a book value of $45 million -- as security to cover the loan, he said.

The current security covers only up to $5 million.

"They've responded with conditions that were difficult, they wished to have time today and we have agreed that the Monarch board will review the situation at close of business today," Mr Kiernan said.

"Our destiny is not in Monarch's hands - it is in Territory's court."

He said Territory Resource's conditions were hard for Monarch to accept.

"Both sides agree it is a very fair proposal ... yet the fine print (of Territory Resource's conditions) makes it very difficult.

"If no agreement is reached between Territory Resources and Monarch, everybody loses - staff, contractors, shareholders.

"One would hope the commercial sense of Monarch's proposal prevails and we'll be able to proceed with it, whereby Territory Resources are returned all their funding, it is secured.

"Monarch continues and the shareholders of Monarch don't have their investment put in jeopardy."

Mr Kiernan said Territory's 19.9 per cent stake in Monarch would reduce after the capital raising to about 10 per cent.

"Territory hold about 40 million shares in Monarch, which I would break up and place overseas."

Mr Kiernan dismissed reports that he would sell down his personal stake in Territory Resources, believed to be worth about $18 million.

"Obviously, to fund Monarch, I would have to liquidate certain assets.

"As a family, we're discussing which assets we'd liquidate.

"For the Kiernan family to come up with $15 million, I've had to hock the family jewels."

Mr Kiernan confirmed reports that Monarch had struck a deal to sell its Minjar gold project in WA to Fred Swaab's Aard Metals and Energy Ltd, which is expected to list on the Australian stock exchange by August.

The sale had been delayed due to Monarch's pressing financial woes.

Presuming Monarch's proposal is accepted by Territory Resources, the gold miner will proceed with its purchase of the Mt Magnet operations in WA from South Africa's Harmony Gold, having secured a last-minute extension to the acquisition deadline.

Monarch is pinning its hopes on its Mt Ida gold development, which Mr Kiernan said would be a very prolific and profitable producer.

Shares in Territory were unchanged at 85 cents at 1451 AEST.

Monarch's shares remain in a trading halt but were last priced at 29.5 cents

01-07-2008, 09:36 PM
Ive just emailed the Chairman. I strongly recommend if you have real concerns here to do the same.
He was prompt and was able to respond to me despite being a bit under the weather with a virus.


Welcome back Satori, and good to see you haven't banished web chat sites (like this one) for the sake of it being a chat site.

Yes for those (including me) who have some concerns or questions it would be a good start.

Tell me, where you happy with what reply to you got to your Direct and Respectful questions?

Also, what is your impression on how he come across in his reply to you?
(confident? in touch with reality? uncertain or motivated at all?)

I dont want to email Pat to find out what his response to others were..lol, :D so just curious to know how he came across to you and others who already have emailed him and got a reply~!

02-07-2008, 01:54 PM
As for the rest its a personal thing Drill. I strongly encourage you to find out for yourself.

Fair enough Satori, and I fully understand. I just hope that you were happy with the reply that you got which is basically what is most important. :)

02-07-2008, 02:08 PM
"As a family, we're discussing which assets we'd liquidate.

Shasta, with regards to MK and Monarch Gold.

Most of us will all know the story and in fact my sister/bro in law is nearly caught out for $150,000 grand on this one. And all because Michael Kiernan has an ego and twisted way which he IMO, should be JAILED for which many would agree.

Ouch indeed

Now back to the above, is there any way we can keep an eye on a current update top 20 or there surely there would have to be a Change in Holdings statement issued to the ASX once /or / if /MK starts dumping.

As I just cant see him having any passion or care about Uran IMO, plus I reckon those with bids of 100,000+ at .14 may eventually stand a chance on getting their orders filled over time (IF MK is Trying to get out).

Call me paranoid or peaved off, but what else exactly is he going to sell, how about Junior's Home that he bought from Juniors Last dump? That would be a good place to start MK.

02-07-2008, 04:15 PM
drill I think he will be able to sell his share of TTY in China - which amounts to about $18 . In actual fact he should be prepared to take a swap of all the Mon shares TTY own now in return for what MON owes TTY. If he really believed in Mon he'd do it.
I don't think what he's go int URA is enough to keep Mon afloat - it needs $4M urgently . What's his worth in URA ATM - only aboiut $600K - just the spare change - I think he'll leave it alone - but it certainly is casue for concern. :rolleyes: A

02-07-2008, 05:35 PM
drill I think he will be able to sell his share of TTY in China - which amounts to about $18 . In actual fact he should be prepared to take a swap of all the Mon shares TTY own now in return for what MON owes TTY. If he really believed in Mon he'd do it.
I don't think what he's go int URA is enough to keep Mon afloat - it needs $4M urgently . What's his worth in URA ATM - only aboiut $600K - just the spare change - I think he'll leave it alone - but it certainly is casue for concern. :rolleyes: A

Well Archer, I sure hope your right and I am purely or partially paranoid here.

The thing with MK though, he is a wild card that is Unpredictable to say the least. When somebody like this gets pushed into a corner, there is no calculation to exactly what may happen as a result.

But time will tell us this I guess~!

02-07-2008, 06:24 PM
Well Archer, I sure hope your right and I am purely or partially paranoid here.

The thing with MK though, he is a wild card that is Unpredictable to say the least. When somebody like this gets pushed into a corner, there is no calculation to exactly what may happen as a result.

But time will tell us this I guess~!

He's certainly done a lot of damage and wil continue to do so . Family jewells might include Uran even though we're not shiny ATM. A

02-07-2008, 06:50 PM
sigh 15c tbh im starting to loose patience with this stock more and more. I know a lot of you hold more than 10x what i have but i just keep averaging down and the stock price goes even lower, i just want this stock to hit 23c and bail but also in the back of my mind i know the rewards could be great but there is just so many good oportunites out there atm..

satori i hope you liked what he said cause theres not much to like about URA at the moment

02-07-2008, 06:55 PM
sigh 15c tbh im starting to loose patience with this stock more and more. I know a lot of you hold more than 10x what i have but i just keep averaging down and the stock price goes even lower, i just want this stock to hit 23c and bail but also in the back of my mind i know the rewards could be great but there is just so many good oportunites out there atm..

satori i hope you liked what he said cause theres not much to like about URA at the moment

Feels like the tax selling hasn't quite finished! :mad:

Ok, who was buying?

Tony S
02-07-2008, 07:50 PM
Feels like the tax selling hasn't quite finished! :mad:

Ok, who was buying?

I was in again shasta. Feels like I have been buying every day for a month!! I'm sure that is not right, but I do keep accumulating.

I can't really work out todays selldown unless it was just the poor day for the resources sector in general?

Hope things are well with you.

Regards, Tony.

02-07-2008, 08:08 PM
I was in again shasta. Feels like I have been buying every day for a month!! I'm sure that is not right, but I do keep accumulating.

I can't really work out todays selldown unless it was just the poor day for the resources sector in general?

Hope things are well with you.

Regards, Tony.
Tony - lots down today but Uran assoc with MK who needs cash - makes us all nervous. A contingency plan is needed - hope the chairman has one. A

02-07-2008, 08:12 PM

I cannot believe this $hit.

Tony S
02-07-2008, 08:18 PM
Tony - lots down today but Uran assoc with MK who needs cash - makes us all nervous. A contingency plan is needed - hope the chairman has one. A

Hi Archer,

Maybe the thought of a stock overhang relating to MK's need for cash would drive it down hard today, however in reality MK has too many shares to dump on market and would need to place the stock I would think. For the dollar value he would get I'm not too sure he would do that. Also I would welcome an opportunity for him to leave the register because he always remains a threat to offload IMO, unless he is there for the long haul, which I doubt.

cheers, Tony.

02-07-2008, 09:25 PM
Also I would welcome an opportunity for him to leave the register because he always remains a threat to offload IMO, unless he is there for the long haul, which I doubt.

cheers, Tony.

Hi Tony,

Yes it would be good to see him Exit his position in Uran but the question would be How would such Exit be done should it crop up or deemed necessary?

Off Market placement to some Soph Investor?
Dumped by a rogue broker who doesnt care much about others pain?

Perhaps we can get a few of us here and gather up an offer for his stock?

10 cents a share x 4 million = $400,000

I will take Quarter million at that price.

Any other takers for this discounted Offline / Unofficial / speculative / sharesite / babble OFFER???? :D

PS: Tony I fogot to say, if you keep buying like you do, pretty soon we wont need to ask Kate anything as we can just ask you :)

02-07-2008, 09:33 PM
The only positive today was that the uranium spot price increased by $2. This is the first time in 15 months that the spot price has increased. For those not aware, the U spot price is updated weekly.

02-07-2008, 09:40 PM
The only positive today was that the uranium spot price increased by $2. This is the first time in 15 months that the spot price has increased. For those not aware, the U spot price is updated weekly.

Forecasts are for a pretty healthy recovery in the spot U over the second half of the calendar year - as long as Uran start producing it will be really good. If they run late again the train will have left the station. A

02-07-2008, 09:55 PM
Forecasts are for a pretty healthy recovery in the spot U over the second half of the calendar year - as long as Uran start producing it will be really good. If they run late again the train will have left the station. A

Yes Archer, that could potentially sound like a typical Uran Signature or Trademark.

Sp3, yes that is positive, but as Archer has pointed out, it doesnt mean Didley Squat unless Uran (Kate Hobbs basically), can get the news of Concrete deals backed up by Facts and Figures to the market unfortunately~!

03-07-2008, 12:53 AM
I guess though looking at the facts as we see them now, he does make some very pertinent and valid points.

Hi Satori,

I wonder if we have the Same Friend....LOL

The friend that I have sounds similar if not the exactly the same by pointing out quite a few issues along with the psychology of the Uran Past in which how it could also affect the future.

As much at times this can be very annoying to me, I hear him, I listen and to some extent, I agree, BUT, how much time does a current existing Long Term Shareholder of Uran that knows a little bit more (or less) give the one and only Kate Hobbs to get it right and "let her Show the Market" so to speak????

How long? I dont know as I would be guessing, but I would like to know when as anybody would.

How much time does Kate Hobbs need?
How long is a piece of string?
How much does the board really know?
How much does the board want to know?
How long will shareholders be like mushrooms in the dark?

At some stage, its all got to STOP, and become Transparent.

As you know before, I have been so very upset with Kate Hobbs and her ways.

Time in the brain and world of Kate Hobbs is not the same as the needs of Uran Shareholders.

Maybe she is just not a good enough Negotiator?
Maybe she is just not cut out or up to it for the Job?

All you guys and gals remember my rantings on HC about this.

Btw, I am still waiting to be proven wrong, and I hope it is soon.

There is alot of valid points on both sides of the fence here, but back to Corporate Governance. Where is it, What does it mean for Uran and when will it kick in and Prevail?

03-07-2008, 01:18 AM
This fellow investor reckoned the Ukraine guys probably didnt even turn up at the conference!

Find that difficult to beleive seeing as they (someone from Novok) were scheduled for a presentation on the last day - i.e. they weren't just turning up for the free grub, they actually had a paper to present.

I guess it's plausible that they still didn't turn up, but AusIMM released an agenda only days before the event and the Novok presentation was still on there.

However if you refer to "Ukraine guys" as some that have had direct dealings with KH instead of those that presented the Novok paper - then your friend might be right.

03-07-2008, 08:13 AM
Feels like the tax selling hasn't quite finished! :mad:

Ok, who was buying?Hi Shasta,

Feels more like some disappointed shareholders that were at the U conference. Can anyone here shed any more light on whether our guests did turn up and present their paper?

03-07-2008, 01:02 PM
Hi Shasta,

Feels more like some disappointed shareholders that were at the U conference. Can anyone here shed any more light on whether our guests did turn up and present their paper?

No apparently they didn't present - some Ukrainian internal matter .
These people are unbelievable. Its like herding cats trying to get some sense here. At least so far no dump on a bad day today. A

03-07-2008, 02:41 PM
No apparently they didn't present - some Ukrainian internal matter .
These people are unbelievable. Its like herding cats trying to get some sense here. At least so far no dump on a bad day today. A

You have got to be kidding me, Did they even come to Australia?

If so, then whats it all about then. Did we (Uran) pay for these guys to come over and be shouted a free lunch or holiday?

For the good or bad, why doesnt even Kate come out and tell shareholders what is happening regarding this.

Point taken mate, point was taken before and yes it was funny.
Now? Well,to continue to post such things on a day like to day is pointless and now starts making you look like a sadist and masochist.
Sorry just calling it the way I see it~!

03-07-2008, 02:56 PM
MMMMMM...starting to regret not pulling out altogether...at a huge loss...and buying more NOG

But then what do I do...go and buy more today.....crikey I hope this comes good.

Amazing how much faith you put in other people to do their job. And yes a tad of news would be nice.

03-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Uran never announced that the Ukrainians would be coming to Australia to present a paper re Novok. So why should Uran announce that the Ukrainians never turned up at the conference?

03-07-2008, 04:41 PM
But then what do I do...go and buy more today.....crikey I hope this comes good.

Ritchie, in many ways, you have done what smart investors do. Buy on Lows and near the Lows whatever and then sell higher.

I dont believe (regardless of Ukrainians coming or going) that Uran will stay at this level for the remaining part of the year let alone a month, Just like alot of other stocks out there too.

Speaking of which, looks like alot of cash leaving the market full stop.

Lets not get too carried away though, these (today) are very very different markets and opportunities and dangers.

Lets hope this Uran stock of ours can only just get ONE LEG up with INformation regarding its transparency with positive news.

03-07-2008, 04:58 PM
We see how much u guys continually spout about "an ann". Not neccessarily so satori(regarding Uber)'
We as followers of this website continually read the threads , and honestly if you start reading from a month ago ..... or 2 months ago......or 3 months ago (you get my drift)
It is the same old tripe.... an ann this week for sure...Im lucky I bought some sub 30.....or 20....
No one here hopes it crashes and u lose your money but think if u were reading another thread about a Co u do not have shares in , Im sure you would be having a laugh.
My concern , and it always has been is how many people you are influencing and they have little or no knowledge about URA (other than you hardcore posters)
I would be interested in finding out how many have bought due to reading this thread(Ritchie sounds like one)
I wish you guys all the best but it may be cheaper to assassinate KH than continue to wait
Just Joking of course

Tony S
03-07-2008, 04:59 PM
MMMMMM...starting to regret not pulling out altogether...at a huge loss...and buying more NOG

But then what do I do...go and buy more today.....crikey I hope this comes good.

Amazing how much faith you put in other people to do their job. And yes a tad of news would be nice.

If it makes you feel any better ritchie I bought some more again this morning. If I keep this up I might even catch up with with cotik! I think drillfix is right, I would be very surprised if URA stays this cheap for too long...but it is all up to Kate. Just keep saying to yourself..."just one project, just one project.."

Cheers, Tony.

03-07-2008, 05:04 PM
Uran never announced that the Ukrainians would be coming to Australia to present a paper re Novok. So why should Uran announce that the Ukrainians never turned up at the conference?Good question SP3 and fair call. I guess the short answer is they shouldnt. Perhaps that is in fact company policy. Avoid all retractions by saying absolutely nothing about absolutely everything.

03-07-2008, 05:09 PM
wow another shocking day for the market.. how low will it take uran?? my portfolio in the negatives for first time since the last "correction" we had. Semi long term holder however hurts when your loosing money

03-07-2008, 05:10 PM
Uran never announced that the Ukrainians would be coming to Australia to present a paper re Novok. So why should Uran announce that the Ukrainians never turned up at the conference?

I disagree Strat ..go back 5 or 10 pages and read how everyone says the Ukrainians will be there Blah blah
I find it amazing not one of you shareholders managed to make time and go

03-07-2008, 05:10 PM
Avoid all retractions by saying absolutely nothing about absolutely everything.[/QUOTE]

Spot on :p A

03-07-2008, 05:29 PM
I disagree Strat ..go back 5 or 10 pages and read how everyone says the Ukrainians will be there Blah blah
I find it amazing not one of you shareholders managed to make time and go
Hi Suntboy,
Perhaps I should have put one of these :rolleyes: after the last sentence. I didnt because I didnt want SP3 to think it was aimed at him but there was an element of sarcasm and truth in the last sentence.

As to going along, its a tad too far from home for me.

Actually Im not quite sure what it is you disagree with but certainly a company cannot and would not publish a retraction for something they did not announce in the first place.

I realize you consider this thread nothing more than a big ramp up but I would argue that the flavour is quite different. People here are more over shareholders desperate for some info doing research and drawing conclusions from what little info is out there as apposed to the typical rampups seen on other sites aimed at getting people on board so they can get out. I also noticed you have drawn comparisons between this play and comments on the PEM thread. I see the two stocks as completely incomparable. PEM is a producer in a serious down trend. URA is an all or nothing speculative play.

03-07-2008, 06:15 PM
I disagree Strat ..go back 5 or 10 pages and read how everyone says the Ukrainians will be there Blah blah
I find it amazing not one of you shareholders managed to make time and go

Hold on mate, some of us live with an illness that prevents us traveling a hour away from anywhere let alone to the other side or middle of the country to attend a presentation that costs over 500 bucks a day to attend.

As you know, it takes, Time, Money and Health to do it and I may have some time but I have very little of the other two.

With regards to the Ukrainians and the Presentation or Conference.

Surely you remember some of us asking questions like.

What exactly are the Ukrainians going to present?
Will Uran be helping them present?
What will happen from or by them doing a presentation?
etc etc etc

Point of all of this being: There are many UnAnswered Questions.
There always have and seems there always will.

This thread can and sure does get very frustrating to say the least for both readers and posters, so because at times this thread completely off the rails it becomes difficult to distinguish some of the Hard Core Facts and the IF, WHEN, WHO, WHERE and We Know Why, but not How Much $ type stuff.

Anwyays, just trying to clarify that some of us would go if we could, and some of us want Clarity as I am sure both Readers and Posters alike would like to see some of that.

Off topic,
Look at some of the other stocks being CSG stocks or Coal, Iron ore, whatever.

Some of these stocks also have been played like a Piano and where are all the so called Hard Core believers that antipcipate thier 10 bagging??

They got cash out waiting for the FALLS like today or this week.

In short, they have ramped to death their stocks and now sit out waiting.
Not much fun for a long term investor though is it.
Probably be better being more of a day trader in the current or upcoming climate IMO.
But as previously stated, SURELY at somestage all of this must Change for ur, Uran, or basically Kate Hobbs etc etc.
When , who knows, give me a crystal ball and I will tell you~!

Crypto Crude
03-07-2008, 06:25 PM
URAO look extremely expensive at the moment...
sellers at 11cents... are they mad when heads are trading at 15c...

03-07-2008, 06:30 PM
Hold on mate, some of us live with an illness that prevents us traveling a hour away from anywhere let alone to the other side or middle of the country to attend a presentation that costs over 500 bucks a day to attend.

As you know, it takes, Time, Money and Health to do it and I may have some time but I have very little of the other two.

With regards to the Ukrainians and the Presentation or Conference.

Surely you remember some of us asking questions like.

What exactly are the Ukrainians going to present?
Will Uran be helping them present?
What will happen from or by them doing a presentation?
etc etc etc

Point of all of this being: There are many UnAnswered Questions.
There always have and seems there always will.

This thread can and sure does get very frustrating to say the least for both readers and posters, so because at times this thread completely off the rails it becomes difficult to distinguish some of the Hard Core Facts and the IF, WHEN, WHO, WHERE and We Know Why, but not How Much $ type stuff.

Anwyays, just trying to clarify that some of us would go if we could, and some of us want Clarity as I am sure both Readers and Posters alike would like to see some of that.

Off topic,
Look at some of the other stocks being CSG stocks or Coal, Iron ore, whatever.

Some of these stocks also have been played like a Piano and where are all the so called Hard Core believers that antipcipate thier 10 bagging??

They got cash out waiting for the FALLS like today or this week.

In short, they have ramped to death their stocks and now sit out waiting.
Not much fun for a long term investor though is it.
Probably be better being more of a day trader in the current or upcoming climate IMO.
But as previously stated, SURELY at somestage all of this must Change for ur, Uran, or basically Kate Hobbs etc etc.
When , who knows, give me a crystal ball and I will tell you~!

Whether the Ukrainians presented at the conference or not isnt really that important for Uran. At this stage Uran hasnt even lodged a formal proposal. The focus atm is in regards to the 3 smaller deposits...and that is where our focus should be atm.

03-07-2008, 06:35 PM
Hi Suntboy,
Perhaps I should have put one of these :rolleyes: after the last sentence. I didnt because I didnt want SP3 to think it was aimed at him but there was an element of sarcasm and truth in the last sentence.

As to going along, its a tad too far from home for me.

Actually Im not quite sure what it is you disagree with but certainly a company cannot and would not publish a retraction for something they did not announce in the first place.

I realize you consider this thread nothing more than a big ramp up but I would argue that the flavour is quite different. People here are more over shareholders desperate for some info doing research and drawing conclusions from what little info is out there as apposed to the typical rampups seen on other sites aimed at getting people on board so they can get out. I also noticed you have drawn comparisons between this play and comments on the PEM thread. I see the two stocks as completely incomparable. PEM is a producer in a serious down trend. URA is an all or nothing speculative play.

Ok, i was half way through typing a long post & lost it (the post not me!).

But i shall introduce a few FACTS, to once again knock off the ramping crap from those ill informed.

I urge those who own shares in Uran to read this CAREFULLY!

If you doubt the contents of the following then SELL, if not HOLD & wait!

(I'm not going to recommend URA as a BUY, but urge all to DYOR)

From the March quarterly...

"Following meetings in Kiev in early April a new protocol was signed which establishes a timeframe for completion of data exchange, data review, and finalization of a joint venture activity agreement for Novogurevskoye* & Surskoye** to be completed in April & May 2008. This will be followed by a visit to Australia by senior representatives of the Ministry of Fuel & Energy, and VostGok".

* Novogurevskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 3,500 - 4,500T
** Surskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 2,500 - 3,000T

Now on the 13th June we got the following ann...

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/images/stories/announcements/08_08_Safonovskoye_Project_added_to_Projects_in_Uk raine.pdf

We already know Uran is dealing with alot of data, & now we have found out about Safonovskoye***, a 3rd deposit that was "acquired on the same terms as the other 2 deposits".

***Safonovskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 3,500 - 4,000T

I take that to mean, there is more data now & therefore further delays, obviously there will be some "minor amendments" to the new protocol(s).

This ann clearly states where things are at, they are still in the process of reviewing/translating the data on Novogurevskoye...

Wouldn't hurt to go back & reread the last quarterly & the anns since.

I personally am very comfortable where things are at, & where we are heading.

So we have a few delays, our potential project(s) has now doubled in size & that for me is worth waiting for!

03-07-2008, 06:40 PM
Whether the Ukrainians presented at the conference or not isnt really that important for Uran. At this stage Uran hasnt even lodged a formal proposal. The focus atm is in regards to the 3 smaller deposits...and that is where our focus should be atm.

I totally agree Sp3,

Everything else including Czech and other talk of mines to me is irrelevant.

We just need the company (uran) to formally announce out Grades and its results regarding these projects along with its intentions of what it is going to do and when, how and we know why.

Until that time, we are all just blethering amongst ourselves for the good or bad.

Thus this is why we have many whom are frustated and in all honesty it would be good for Kate to drop the Ego Trip at times and just be Upfront with information.

What this company is doing is either going to happen or not, and it would be good for once and for all for her to just put all the food on the table so to speak. It would also free up much much more time for her rather than her having to answer questions about many things, continually.

03-07-2008, 07:03 PM
URAO look extremely expensive at the moment...
sellers at 11cents... are they mad when heads are trading at 15c...

lol - what does that have to do with anything?

03-07-2008, 07:20 PM
lol - what does that have to do with anything?LOL well you can look at it two ways OZ. But it makes the oppies I bought the other day @7.3 look cheap and expensive at the same time:D

03-07-2008, 07:52 PM
Ok, i was half way through typing a long post & lost it (the post not me!).

But i shall introduce a few FACTS, to once again knock off the ramping crap from those ill informed.

I urge those who own shares in Uran to read this CAREFULLY!

If you doubt the contents of the following then SELL, if not HOLD & wait!

(I'm not going to recommend URA as a BUY, but urge all to DYOR)

From the March quarterly...

"Following meetings in Kiev in early April a new protocol was signed which establishes a timeframe for completion of data exchange, data review, and finalization of a joint venture activity agreement for Novogurevskoye* & Surskoye** to be completed in April & May 2008. This will be followed by a visit to Australia by senior representatives of the Ministry of Fuel & Energy, and VostGok".

* Novogurevskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 3,500 - 4,500T
** Surskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 2,500 - 3,000T

Now on the 13th June we got the following ann...

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/images/stories/announcements/08_08_Safonovskoye_Project_added_to_Projects_in_Uk raine.pdf

We already know Uran is dealing with alot of data, & now we have found out about Safonovskoye***, a 3rd deposit that was "acquired on the same terms as the other 2 deposits".

***Safonovskoye is estimated (Non JORC) to contain 3,500 - 4,000T

I take that to mean, there is more data now & therefore further delays, obviously there will be some "minor amendments" to the new protocol(s).

This ann clearly states where things are at, they are still in the process of reviewing/translating the data on Novogurevskoye...

Wouldn't hurt to go back & reread the last quarterly & the anns since.

I personally am very comfortable where things are at, & where we are heading.

So we have a few delays, our potential project(s) has now doubled in size & that for me is worth waiting for!


You are correct. In the April announcement Uran stated that the Ministry AUTHORISED Uran to commence implementation of the previously announced protocol/agreement. This basically means that Uran can start the FFS on the deposits. However, to prepare for the FFS, Uran needs to review the technical data. The technical data has not fully been released because the data for one of the 3 deposits was still yet to be declassified.

Now, once all the data is released and reviewed, Uran will then be in a position to plan the FFS.

A jv with Vostgok will be formed once the FFS confirms that the deposits can be profitably mined.

My understanding is that Uran will not be seeking any further approvals.

I honestly cant see what the issue is at the moment because there isnt one.

As for timeframes to achieve the above milestones, I have no idea.

For a company worth only $7M market cap, its not hard to work out why the die hard shareholders are continuing to accumulate.

IMO Uran is the cheapest stock on the ASX without a doubt.

Tony S
03-07-2008, 08:07 PM
Here here satori, excellent post. Yours too sp3.

Cheers guys, Tony.

03-07-2008, 09:42 PM
Until the last few days I thought this share might have been on the cusp of an uptrend but it wasn't to be...


The key issue with negative versus positive editorial comment is balance. While some might feel there is an "I told you so bandwagon", to not be able to "tell you so" restricts the usefulness of an investment forum for all, not just those who are invested. Not all readers post. Not all readers are experienced investors. A balanced view is healthy for assisting readers to make up their own minds. A balanced view is healthy to identify risks before they are taken. Notwithstanding the best of intentions and expressions of optimism, the hyperbole on this thread has been substantial and exposures to URA have so far proved unrewarding despite the mooted quantum of the opportunity.

Good luck to holders.

03-07-2008, 09:45 PM
Until the last few days I thought this share might have been on the cusp of an uptrend but it wasn't to be...


The key issue with negative versus positive editorial comment is balance. While some might feel there is an "I told you so bandwagon", to not be able to "tell you so" restricts the usefulness of an investment forum for all, not just those who are invested. Not all readers post. Not all readers are experienced investors. A balanced view is healthy for assisting readers to make up their own minds. A balanced view is healthy to identify risks before they are taken. Notwithstanding the best of intentions and expressions of optimism, the hyperbole on this thread has been substantial and exposures to URA have so far proved unrewarding despite the mooted quantum of the opportunity.

Good luck to holders.

Thanks for the rather ugly graph Halebop :(

This thread is no different to NZO/NOG 12 months ago...

Dare i say the poor suffering shareholders on the HGD thread have it MUCH worse than we do!

03-07-2008, 10:55 PM
Until the last few days I thought this share might have been on the cusp of an uptrend but it wasn't to be...


The key issue with negative versus positive editorial comment is balance.
Good luck to holders.

Can only agree with that Halebop.

Ya know there is an ole saying which some probably already know.

Its not what you say, its the way that you say it.

This very saying is what I feel some folk should understand and learn.

Because if they do, they not only will carry an asset with them for the rest of their lives, they will also walk through life more than probably experience less conflict in many ways, IMO.

Even Kate Hobbs can do with learning that one, even in what could be said to be in this Later stage of her life.

Huang Chung
04-07-2008, 12:02 AM
Hold on mate, some of us live with an illness that prevents us traveling a hour away from anywhere let alone to the other side or middle of the country to attend a presentation that costs over 500 bucks a day to attend.

As you know, it takes, Time, Money and Health to do it and I may have some time but I have very little of the other two.

With regards to the Ukrainians and the Presentation or Conference.

Surely you remember some of us asking questions like.

What exactly are the Ukrainians going to present?
Will Uran be helping them present?
What will happen from or by them doing a presentation?
etc etc etc

Point of all of this being: There are many UnAnswered Questions.
There always have and seems there always will.

This thread can and sure does get very frustrating to say the least for both readers and posters, so because at times this thread completely off the rails it becomes difficult to distinguish some of the Hard Core Facts and the IF, WHEN, WHO, WHERE and We Know Why, but not How Much $ type stuff.

Anwyays, just trying to clarify that some of us would go if we could, and some of us want Clarity as I am sure both Readers and Posters alike would like to see some of that.

Off topic,
Look at some of the other stocks being CSG stocks or Coal, Iron ore, whatever.

Some of these stocks also have been played like a Piano and where are all the so called Hard Core believers that antipcipate thier 10 bagging??

They got cash out waiting for the FALLS like today or this week.

In short, they have ramped to death their stocks and now sit out waiting.
Not much fun for a long term investor though is it.
Probably be better being more of a day trader in the current or upcoming climate IMO.
But as previously stated, SURELY at somestage all of this must Change for ur, Uran, or basically Kate Hobbs etc etc.
When , who knows, give me a crystal ball and I will tell you~!

G'day Drill and others

It seems like there is so much hope, yet so many unanswered questions.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if these guys don't do a deal, they have nothing.

I'm still not sure why Uran is a 'must have' company for anyone to deal with....I really struggle to see what they bring to the table that others can't / won't. I also wonder if the questions about management so often expressed here, have manifested themselves with their potential partners in eastern Europe?

04-07-2008, 12:10 AM

04-07-2008, 12:28 AM
G'day Drill and others

It seems like there is so much hope, yet so many unanswered questions.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if these guys don't do a deal, they have nothing.

I'm still not sure why Uran is a 'must have' company for anyone to deal with....I really struggle to see what they bring to the table that others can't / won't. I also wonder if the questions about management so often expressed here, have manifested themselves with their potential partners in eastern Europe?

Uran because they are prepared to put their balls on the line and have a go. Eventually persistence will pay off.

As far as I am aware, no other uranium company would get their foot in the door in Ukraine or Czech.

Huang Chung
04-07-2008, 12:40 AM
Uran because they are prepared to put their balls on the line and have a go. Eventually persistence will pay off.

As far as I am aware, no other uranium company would get their foot in the door in Ukraine or Czech.

SP3....but why??

Surely a better capitalised company with heaps of in house expertise would be a better partner.

04-07-2008, 12:42 AM
SP3....but why??

Surely a better capitalised company with heaps of in house expertise would be a better partner.

Uran have the connections.

04-07-2008, 12:59 AM
G'day Drill and others

I really struggle to see what they bring to the table that others can't / won't.

Hi Huang,

Some good questions and I can relate to why you and others may think that.

Of course, some of the answers to this may seem a little odd or off beat but lets try some. However I am not the full expert here and others may answer them better. Also bare in mind that we are dealing with FSU governments and not some ordinary other country or Company/Corporation.

Simply put, Uran brings:

its ability to demonstrate patience
its ability to work with secrecy issues
its Australian Knowledge of U mining
its Access to raising capital if and when needed.
its Australian methods and techniques of U mining
its Australian safety standards and implementations of mining
its Not As Greedy as other Corporations or Companies (easy partnering)

These are just some examples of pretty factual statements however some of the above have also brought much frustration to both current and potential investors alike. :rolleyes:

Can you imagine some other Bigger companies that like a bull in a china shop only demand wish to take rather than Work with, share. Its no wonder why some western type companies cannot be seen or fully trusted and to many there, Trust is a thing that is earned and not just given, IMO, so with all this time that has passed, and the patience that has been shown is constant, but wearing a little thin without some Actual Information to give back to shareholders.

Anyways, I hope that helps or is a reasonable answer to what could be seen as an easy or easy but slightly complex question of yours. :)

04-07-2008, 12:59 AM
SP3....but why??

Surely a better capitalised company with heaps of in house expertise would be a better partner.


Because Uran is well connected via Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd (a private company). It would appear the people behind Discovery have links with government officials in Ukraine and Czech.

04-07-2008, 01:04 AM
SP3....but why??

Surely a better capitalised company with heaps of in house expertise would be a better partner.


Dont forget, in some other way its like this, just because a software program needs to be built, it doesnt have to be built by Microsoft.

If Uran get the go ahead, do you know how easy it will be to raise funds when all the early complexities get ironed out?

Are you aware on how many people will BET or INVEST on definite thing once everything is Explained and Summed up.
(all the Cats guts and stuff as you once put it...lol).

Getting money is not the problem here, getting over the hurdles and the finalised figures, deals, grades, volumes to the market is the problem at present. Once we get that we will be on our way, and so will the Ukrainians. :)

Huang Chung
04-07-2008, 01:29 AM

Dont forget, in some other way its like this, just because a software program needs to be built, it doesnt have to be built by Microsoft.

If Uran get the go ahead, do you know how easy it will be to raise funds when all the early complexities get ironed out?

Are you aware on how many people will BET or INVEST on definite thing once everything is Explained and Summed up.
(all the Cats guts and stuff as you once put it...lol).

Getting money is not the problem here, getting over the hurdles and the finalised figures, deals, grades, volumes to the market is the problem at present. Once we get that we will be on our way, and so will the Ukrainians. :)

Cheers guys. It is not my intention to down ramp, merely to point out some things that I see as issues. I'm not convinced, but that's just me...you guys are far, far, far more familiar with the story and the players than I am.

You are all obviously people of conviction, which has to be admired. I hope your conviction is handsomly rewarded someday. :)

04-07-2008, 01:46 AM
Cheers guys. It is not my intention to down ramp, merely to point out some things that I see as issues.

You are all obviously people of conviction, which has to be admired. I hope your conviction is handsomly rewarded someday. :)

Huang, as I said in a previous post: Its not what you say, its how you say it that counts.

You state your case well and direct without attempt to insult or dismay which many here will certainly listen and appreciate your opinion regardless of whether you agree with us or not, which is the whole point of a Balanced Debate as HaleBop previously pointed out.

Thank you also for your thoughts towards our prosperity as I honestly say most of us here can do with a break on this front, and regardless of market conditions or sentiment of Uranium.

Cheers for your participation in this thread (again)~!

ps: once we get some plentiful Uran Profit money or get some handsome reward from our convictions, perhaps we can all come and join in on some of these other threads to further or create some New Convictions, Lord knows, I bet there are many readers out there who also hope the same for us too :D

04-07-2008, 02:10 AM
Cheers guys. It is not my intention to down ramp, merely to point out some things that I see as issues. I'm not convinced, but that's just me...you guys are far, far, far more familiar with the story and the players than I am.

You are all obviously people of conviction, which has to be admired. I hope your conviction is handsomly rewarded someday. :)


Just because the share price is in a down trend it doesnt necessarily mean that the company is useless and cant close a deal.

The main reasons (apart from macro) why the market cap is so low is because Uran has not yet EFFECTIVELY sold the story to the investment community, Uran has failed to achieve milestones on time, Uran is dealing in unfamiliar countries, and sadly, Uran is perceived by the market as a shell company.

However, once Uran announces that they will be mining in at least 3 deposits, every man and his dog will want to be part of this company.

The difference is you either get in now and enjoy a 10 - 20 bagger (potentially) or get in after they announce all the deals and earn a 1 - 2 bagger.

04-07-2008, 05:06 AM

You are right Uran has done no promotion for over 18 months now.

I reckon if Mark Smyth was MD of Uran, unlike current management he'd be ramping hard (like he is with Cityview) and we'd be sitting at 50c+.

Our time will come.

04-07-2008, 02:56 PM

I reckon if Mark Smyth was MD of Uran,

LOL OZ, now that is funny :D

Kinda like a hidden personality of Kate and is waiting to be unleashed. Hobbs/Hyde scenario :eek:

04-07-2008, 04:08 PM
Satoris big prediction!


I know boats!

Satori, LOL :D

We just only got around to putting out the fire and here you are trying to light it up again..lol

I know boats...LOL classic.

People mistake Uran for a ship or a boat when in actual fact, its a submarine~! :rolleyes:

04-07-2008, 04:31 PM
URA a possible bull market hype GEM, do the holders of URA hold anything else? seems the most discussed company on share trader?

I've held RWD, MAK and CDS over the last few weeks, but see URA as having the greatest leverage by far, and that is why it takes up the majority of my portfolio.

04-07-2008, 04:35 PM

You are right Uran has done no promotion for over 18 months now.

I reckon if Mark Smyth was MD of Uran, unlike current management he'd be ramping hard (like he is with Cityview) and we'd be sitting at 50c+.

Our time will come.

not likely: MS is a joke and so is CVI and I'd avoid both like the plague. He's about as good as MK: another friggin' joke

04-07-2008, 04:41 PM
not likely: MS is a joke and so is CVI and I'd avoid both like the plague. He's about as good as MK: another friggin' joke

You missed my point. Smyth is the biggest ramper I've come across. If he was at Uran, we'd be sitting a lot higher than 15c. The market is too gullible.

Look at the delays of their oil permits (announced in 2006 and still haven't got them), yet check their market cap and how he manages to ramp the company in announcements and BRR interviews.

04-07-2008, 05:11 PM
You missed my point. Smyth is the bi
ggest ramper I've come across. If he was at Uran, we'd be sitting a lot higher than 15c. The market is too gullible.

Look at the delays of their oil permits (announced in 2006 and still haven't got them), yet check their market cap and how he manages to ramp the company in announcements and BRR interviews.


I agree. Kate has done only 1 BRR interview and that caused the SP go from 45c to 1.68c. Imagine if Kate did what Smythe does and went on BRR on a weekly basis....we would be all retired by now.

04-07-2008, 05:18 PM
Satori, LOL :D

We just only got around to putting out the fire and here you are trying to light it up again..lol

I know boats...LOL classic.

People mistake Uran for a ship or a boat when in actual fact, its a submarine~! :rolleyes:Submarine you reckon drillfix? I suppose that is very covert but I was thinkin more along the lines of a barge without a motor and most definitely with out a fog horn:D

04-07-2008, 05:52 PM
Anyone know when KH is coming back from ukraine?


I agree. Kate has done only 1 BRR interview and that caused the SP go from 45c to 1.68c. Imagine if Kate did what Smythe does and went on BRR on a weekly basis....we would be all retired by now.

04-07-2008, 05:59 PM
Anyone know when KH is coming back from ukraine?

Not until she has signed off on the 3 deposits :D

04-07-2008, 06:03 PM
Not until she has signed off on the 3 deposits :D

As funny as it may sound Shasta, one of these days I think she will surprise us all. :rolleyes:

ooppsss, lets change that to, One of these days she BETTER surprise us all :D

04-07-2008, 07:20 PM
Not until she has signed
off on the 3 deposits :D


Your post is incorrect. Kate is not currently in Ukraine for that reason.

She is over there to expedite the release of all the technical data so that Uran can complete their review regarding the 3 deposits. Depending on the outcome of the review and any further work that may be required will set the basis for the jv agreement.

I expect the jv to be signed after October at the earliest.

04-07-2008, 07:46 PM
You missed my point. Smyth is the biggest ramper I've come across. If he was at Uran, we'd be sitting a lot higher than 15c. The market is too gullible.

Look at the delays of their oil permits (announced in 2006 and still haven't got them), yet check their market cap and how he manages to ramp the company in announcements and BRR interviews.

I see your point re he's a shameless ramper but I reckon the market is much wiser to his wiley ways hence the current sp

05-07-2008, 02:25 AM
Depending on the outcome of the review and any further work that may be required will set the basis for the jv agreement.

I expect the jv to be signed after October at the earliest.

And in the meantime, if we dont get any news about anything, I think we will honestly see below 10 cents here Sp3. (on no news).

Should further falls become apparent, or we experience this then I can only say that we have the Worst management in on the ASX or close to it.

Accountable the board feels Not or even tries to.

But then we have already heard and talked about this previously.

Times are hard, or so it seems, and it doesnt seem to be getting any easier.

It is time to Fleece this Management and shake them up so they actually remember what position they hold or are sworn to.

They seem to be on a Free Ride on the back of Uran shareholders which funds are becoming VERY depleted.

Maybe its just my medication, but I dont think so~!

05-07-2008, 12:37 PM
As a disclaimer I had to get out a couple of weeks ago due to needing money... am looking at perhaps getting back in, we'll see.

However, on your note in regards to management Drillfix, I still have no idea why the shareholders voted through the issuance of options and other such things to the board when nothing had changed all year in regards to deals (at the AGM, or wherever it happened early this year/late last year). )Although, I guess average shareholders might not hold enough shares to make a difference in the votes. )

And I remember after the meeting everyone was like "XXX knows we're not happy since we had to vote twice for him to get his options", and yet nothing much has changed (afaik).

I also remember that on HC before the meeting everyone said they'd be asking the hard questions, and satori had written up a huge list of very good questions, and IIRC all that came back from the meeting was that it was very placid and not much happened except for zed who got a bit abusive.

Or maybe I'm being a bit gung-ho about taking it to the board/management since I've been re-reading Daniel Loeb's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Loeb) letters... :P

05-07-2008, 02:44 PM
And in the meantime, if we dont get any news about anything, I think we will honestly see below 10 cents here Sp3. (on no news).

Should further falls become apparent, or we experience this then I can only say that we have the Worst management in on the ASX or close to it.

Accountable the board feels Not or even tries to.

But then we have already heard and talked about this previously.

Times are hard, or so it seems, and it doesnt seem to be getting any easier.

It is time to Fleece this Management and shake them up so they actually remember what position they hold or are sworn to.

They seem to be on a Free Ride on the back of Uran shareholders which funds are becoming VERY depleted.

Maybe its just my medication, but I dont think so~!


Not exactly true.

October is just a guess. It could be earlier or it could be after October.

Prior to a jv agreement being executed Uran will be releasing several market sensitive announcements relating to the 3 deposits.

By then we will know that the technical data has been reviewed and deemed adequate, FFS would have been completed, grades, tonnages would have been determined etc. Hopefully by then Uran would have sold the story to the investment community and given timelines about production startup.

Hopefully by then the SP wont still be in the teens:)

05-07-2008, 10:01 PM
October is just a guess. It could be earlier or it could be after October.

I am glad its just a guess, I was assuming that if we had no Data or info from the company, it would not look good to the market, or current shareholders.

Prior to a jv agreement being executed Uran will be releasing several market sensitive announcements relating to the 3 deposits.

By then we will know that the technical data has been reviewed and deemed adequate, FFS would have been completed, grades, tonnages would have been determined etc.

If we get Grades or Tonnage that the market can know, all we need then is WHEN with some sort of timeline, this would make a WORLD of difference, rather than only being figures known in Kate's Brain only.

Hopefully by then Uran would have sold the story to the investment community and given timelines about production startup.

I hope so too, in fact some sort of Timeline along with Grades and Tonnage would be a HUGE factor in selling the story. In Fact without it, this does the SP and shareholders no good, as Again, all the info will be in Kate's Brain rather than the market where the information should be.

05-07-2008, 10:09 PM
I am glad its just a guess, I was assuming that if we had no Data or info from the company, it would not look good to the market, or current shareholders.

If we get Grades or Tonnage that the market can know, all we need then is WHEN with some sort of timeline, this would make a WORLD of difference, rather than only being figures known in Kate's Brain only.

I hope so too, in fact some sort of Timeline along with Grades and Tonnage would be a HUGE factor in selling the story. In Fact without it, this does the SP and shareholders no good, as Again, all the info will be in Kate's Brain rather than the market where the information should be.

SP3 - My earlier comment re the 3 deposits was with tongue firmly in cheek, apologies to anyone that was mislead! :(


I've taken all the figures that have been released to the public, & "assumed" some of my own to compile a spreadsheet on Uran...

I did this very thing for a gold junior im following (CGT), & the CEO has restated some of my figures i gave him in there recent releases :eek:

Perhaps i can assist Purple "Non" Communications :D

If anyone would like a copy of my spreadsheet PM me your email details.

I will continue to refine my figures as more get released to the market.

05-07-2008, 10:29 PM
As a disclaimer I had to get out a couple of weeks ago due to needing money... am looking at perhaps getting back in, we'll see.

Bet your glad you did get out, I got more in at 21 cents and feel a little low at the fact the price keeps sinking, but we need News, with Grades and Tonnage with a Timeline, which hopefully we may eventually get.

However, on your note in regards to management Drillfix, I still have no idea why the shareholders voted through the issuance of options

And I remember after the meeting everyone was like "XXX knows we're not happy since we had to vote twice for him to get his options", and yet nothing much has changed (afaik).

I was not there and as a matter of Fact, I did FAX through my vote against any of them getting anything. Yet for whatever reason, it did not show up in the Voting Results. Perhaps Pat Ryan can explain that, but then that is chasing another little ghost of the past, and I can honestly say, I was VERY angry about that an it has gone on with very little discussion and I was close to contacting ASIC about some of the previous operation and communication of this company, and yet again, I have given them the benefit of the doubt.

Adding to this, that particular AGM was attended by very FEW shareholders compared to the previous EGM where Kate never even appeared although there was many here that attended which also caught out MK by surprise, but thats another thing.

satori had written up a huge list of very good questions

I still have that list on a file somewhere, I can re-Publish it here if needed or we can locate it on HC by search. I wonder how many of those questions are all crossed off and how many remain. (would be a good project).

Or maybe I'm being a bit gung-ho about taking it to the board/management since I've been re-reading Daniel Loeb's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Loeb) letters... :P

LOL, love it, effective shareholder activism

Nothing wrong with being Gung-Ho. Personally speaking, if I were more FIT both physically and mentally then I would have some pretty big words and phrases for this board, however as I have previously stated:
Its not what you say, it is the way that you say it that counts~!
It is like giving some thoughts akin to the Horse and water, But like a horse to water, the horse must want to drink the water. So does this management IMO~!

Also, after a set duration of time, without any numbers, scores, runs or points on the board to be counted, simply put, the perception of the company gets totally dismissed and everything after that point gets viewed by the market as Incognito, or something there abouts to it as everybody already knows.

05-07-2008, 10:35 PM
SP3 - My earlier comment re the 3 deposits was with tongue firmly in cheek, apologies to anyone that was mislead! :(

Shasta, your alright mate.

My jumping up and down recently was from being wacked on tablets and reading SP3's post and believing that we wouldnt hear anything until October2008+ from the company.

I agree and expect some results before the end of July2008, in which case if it were October and Kate Hobbs doesnt release any news my thoughts were that the shareprice will not stand up to this, current level. Adding the unknown factor about MK and his current situation also, I would suspected a deep fall on only Silence from the company. :rolleyes:

BTW, yup, I will PM you with my email for that spreadsheet, Good work, and cheers Shasta, thankyou~! :)

05-07-2008, 10:43 PM
Shasta, your alright mate.

My jumping up and down recently was from being wacked on tablets and reading SP3's post and believing that we wouldnt hear anything until October2008+ from the company.

I agree and expect some results before the end of July2008, in which case if it were October and Kate Hobbs doesnt release any news my thoughts were that the shareprice will not stand up to this, current level. Adding the unknown factor about MK and his current situation also, I would suspected a deep fall on only Silence from the company. :rolleyes:

BTW, yup, I will PM you with my email for that spreadsheet, Good work, and cheers Shasta, thankyou~! :)

Just think if Uran are reviewing & translating the data on 3 deposits & have to also do the same on the large Novok project, then perhaps it MIGHT take until October - lol

I can see the ASX querying..."How many zero's" :D

05-07-2008, 11:26 PM
Just think if Uran are reviewing & translating the data on 3 deposits & have to also do the same on the large Novok project, then perhaps it MIGHT take until October - lol

Yes shasta, its not a case of IF, as we all know that they ARE doing this now and a the new Geo dude is over there now doing this Translation of data, Although not too sure if they are undertaking Novok at this present time.

Or at least I was imagining we would get some news from these 3 projects sooner than later Prior to anything else.

Hey, thanks for the spreadsheet.
Although, not sure what discovery's take or outcome will be here, but I am sure you are being too generous in your calculation on that one.
(5 million would have been mine and thats being generous giving them that as a consulting/introduction fee etc etc)

But then, Discovery actually opens up a different can of worms to how many or how much.
My thoughts are its a conflict of interest and it is no way to run a business or company when the CEO of one is paid to do the work in the interest of its shareholders and not her own interests.

It seems that Kate is getting paid to negotiate with Kate and the remaining 50%, thus it seems to be that the SP runs in Favour of Discovery and Kate when the Shareprice is kept down (LOW) as they will seem to gain more.

For the benefit of ANY shareholders, we need the share price as HIGH as possible so we have less dilution, but I HONESTLY wonder if this is why kate hobbs shows her true colours and players her cards with Information this way only to of benefit to HER when the time comes or the closeness of Succeeding initial goals.
(she better watch out for conflict of interest here, imo).

But as I said ages ago, I dont care if Uran sp goes ballistic, its the dealings and the way of these dealings that Transparent to all shareholders that counts. Look at the situation MK is in now with MON. Lets hope it doesnt come to Kate being with her back against the wall on deals with Ukrainians, Uran Shareholders and the ASX and ASIC.

Keep it Clean Kate, show transparency and ethics towards your shareholders and you will prevail. Simple as that. Any other way leads to Doom~!

Shasta, I know you already know all this anyways, so I guess I am just airing out my feelings or thoughts on this. Thanks for listening, and yes thanks for the spreadsheet.

Oh, forgot, depending on TSX/AIM listing.
I would have thought that you were too generous on your list price there, as I would have thought $1 - $2 would have been a more realistic price especially if something transpires from Tonnage and Grades accordingly.

05-07-2008, 11:28 PM

As I have said previously, a jv will ONLY be signed if Uran and Vostgok both agree to mine the 3 deposits.

At the moment Uran has SECURED these deposits from preditors, if that's what you're worried about. Further, Vostgok does not have the resources to mine these deposits alone.

Uran is currently in the box seat.

As long as the data is legitimate and the deposits are economically viable, then Uran will mine them.

Although these projects are 18 months behind schedule, the process really commenced in April 2008.

Within a few weeks/months, Uran WILL be a new company and WILL be taken seriously by the market.

I have written to Pat Ryan recently expressing my dissapointment with their performance. I received an encouraging reply.

As Tony said recently, 2008 will be the year for Uran. I tend to agree.

05-07-2008, 11:31 PM
Yes shasta, its not a case of IF, as we all know that they ARE doing this now and a the new Geo dude is over there now doing this Translation of data, Although not too sure if they are undertaking Novok at this present time.

Or at least I was imagining we would get some news from these 3 projects sooner than later Prior to anything else.

Hey, thanks for the spreadsheet.
Although, not sure what discovery's take or outcome will be here, but I am sure you are being too generous in your calculation on that one.
(5 million would have been mine and thats being generous giving them that as a consulting/introduction fee etc etc)

But then, Discovery actually opens up a different can of worms to how many or how much.
My thoughts are its a conflict of interest and it is no way to run a business or company when the CEO of one is paid to do the work in the interest of its shareholders and not her own interests.

It seems that Kate is getting paid to negotiate with Kate and the remaining 50%, thus it seems to be that the SP runs in Favour of Discovery and Kate when the Shareprice is kept down (LOW) as they will seem to gain more.

For the benefit of ANY shareholders, we need the share price as HIGH as possible so we have less dilution, but I HONESTLY wonder if this is why kate hobbs shows her true colours and players her cards with Information this way only to of benefit to HER when the time comes or the closeness of Succeeding initial goals.
(she better watch out for conflict of interest here, imo).

But as I said ages ago, I dont care if Uran sp goes ballistic, its the dealings and the way of these dealings that Transparent to all shareholders that counts. Look at the situation MK is in now with MON. Lets hope it doesnt come to Kate being with her back against the wall on deals with Ukrainians, Uran Shareholders and the ASX and ASIC.

Keep it Clean Kate, show transparency and ethics towards your shareholders and you will prevail. Simple as that. Any other way leads to Doom~!

Shasta, I know you already know all this anyways, so I guess I am just airing out my feelings or thoughts on this. Thanks for listening, and yes thanks for the spreadsheet.

Oh, forgot, depending on TSX/AIM listing.
I would have thought that you were too generous on your list price there, as I would have thought $1 - $2 would have been a more realistic price especially if something transpires from Tonnage and Grades accordingly.

Given the fact i'm a raging bull regarding Uran, i thought my figures were conservative to say the least.;)

I had fully dilluted the shares on issue to around 222m (thats 4 times the current figure), but my EPS of 15c x say a P/E of 10 = a sp of $1.50 & market cap of $333m - probably not too far off the mark :confused:

05-07-2008, 11:47 PM
At the moment Uran has SECURED these deposits from preditors, if that's what you're worried about.

No Sp3, thats not what I am worried about.

I guess if I am worried about something, it is the SILENCE we get from Uran, For long periods of time.

Apart from that and as you can see, the Discovery issue always lurks in my mind but I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

I guess it is way better to be conservative than trying to be exact and or thus disappointed so I will go with your figures on that~!

05-07-2008, 11:55 PM
No Sp3, thats not what I am worried about.

I guess if I am worried about something, it is the SILENCE we get from Uran, For long periods of time.

Apart from that and as you can see, the Discovery issue always lurks in my mind but I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

I guess it is way better to be conservative than trying to be exact and or thus disappointed so I will go with your figures on that~!


Mate, don't worry about Discovery Minerals, they will get what they get, but it will only be after we have had a serious re-rating, & if it's unfair we can vote them down at the EGM.

Kate can't vote (conflict of interest) & our independent directors must do whats best for ALL shareholders...

I used to work for PricewaterhouseCoopers, & they will do a good job of reviewing the so called agreement with Discovery.

I'm happy we won't get screwed over...

06-07-2008, 12:29 AM
I used to work for PricewaterhouseCoopers, & they will do a good job of reviewing the so called agreement with Discovery.

I'm happy we won't get screwed over...

I never knew that Shasta,

But I am glad you have previously worked for them and that you are confident we dont take the US HomeBuyer Position/Stance...lol

So if your confident, then I can say I now Gain Confidence on that frontier.

Cheers mate~!

06-07-2008, 03:22 PM

Mate, don't worry about Discovery Minerals, they will get what they get, but it will only be after we have had a serious re-rating, & if it's unfair we can vote them down at the EGM.

Kate can't vote (conflict of interest) & our independent directors must do whats best for ALL shareholders...

I used to work for PricewaterhouseCoopers, & they will do a good job of reviewing the so called agreement with Discovery.

I'm happy we won't get screwed over...

:) shasta - you've just made a whole lot of people feel a bit easier. As long as we can vote down anything unfair - I really don't think they are out to do us down but at the end of the day they will get what they can I'm sure and we have to try to get what we can. :) Its just a pity they are not very good at communication but perhpas that will change soon too. A

06-07-2008, 03:48 PM

:) shasta - you've just made a whole lot of people feel a bit easier. As long as we can vote down anything unfair - I really don't think they are out to do us down but at the end of the day they will get what they can I'm sure and we have to try to get what we can. :) Its just a pity they are not very good at communication but perhpas that will change soon too. A

A truely independent opinion is when an independent consultant is engaged by a 3rd party. As long as Uran arranges an idependent consultant there will always be an element of biasm.