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11-06-2008, 06:10 PM
No announcement RE more failed Czech appeals yet. If they have been rejected this is market sensitive info and needs to be disclosed even if it is not 'convienent' at the moment.

'Receive and accept conditions in April' ?

It would only take a 200k sell would decimate the buy side - cash backing must be < 10c now.

Still intrigued with their website renovations though, why go to the trouble of shifting the website to the 'old' folder. Any computer geeks out the know how to access webpages which aren't indexed? If they have uploaded any progress on the 'new' site perhaps you can hack it?

- Still holding but maybe not for long.

They have fixed the old glitch (sorry for the conspiracy theory folks) when you signed up for updates on the website the projects disappeared except Ukraine & Czech Republic, always thought that was weird. :eek:

Meantime Uran are probably gearing up to showcase there newly acquired tungsten project...:D

Cotik - any chance of the cat sneaking out of the bag on the Aussie deposit (shhhh we aren't meant to know that!)

11-06-2008, 06:17 PM
Uran will have a booth at the conference in Adelaide, so if there is a positive announcement in the next couple of day I will get along, anyone going to join me?

If not I will try and get as much info as possible when I get to see management face to face.

11-06-2008, 06:20 PM
Uran will have a booth at the conference in Adelaide, so if there is a positive announcement in the next couple of day I will get along, anyone going to join me?

If not I will try and get as much info as possible when I get to see management face to face.

I'd go if Uran signed a deal. How much are student tickets?

11-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Cotik - any chance of the cat sneaking out of the bag on the Aussie deposit (shhhh we aren't meant to know that!)

Well if you know something really worth knowing, its isn't reflected in the SP :) Well only 8 days to go until we will find out something... If someone does go would you mind taking a photo of the Uran Ltd exhibit... I'll put it as my desktop, usually seems to help company SP's when I do that... Its currently go a pick of 'Salar Del Rincon' and look what happened to ADY :)


11-06-2008, 06:34 PM
After communication with the company several weeks ago, it has been my understanding that due diligence was to take place in April and May, and the formal signing will take place when the Ukrainians arrived in Australia in mid-June.

Nothing to me suggests that this has changed.

Perhaps i need to highlight this post once again, for the doubters...:cool:

11-06-2008, 06:47 PM
After communication with the company several weeks ago, it has been my understanding that due diligence was to take place in April and May, and the formal signing will take place when the Ukrainians arrived in Australia in mid-June.

Nothing to me suggests that this has changed.

Perhaps i need to highlight this post once again, for the doubters...:cool:

If Kate is trying to 'showcase' the signing in Auz/at the conference it may be a good PR move but it is a very risky one IMO. Do they not have pens in Ukraine? What do Uran Ltd have here to show the Ukrainians? Only thing I can think of is the Ukrainians want PR of their own i.e. showing they are now 'open for buisness' to foreign investors...

11-06-2008, 07:03 PM
perhaps they may be showcasing all their rejection letters...LOL SP3, That could be quite a large pile of paper. Guess the exibit will be in the carpark then :rolleyes:
I suspect Smallfish may be onto something and the exibit if pertaining to what they thought would be in the bag by now may get pulled. Hope not.

Geeze, back to break even today. If ever there was a stock I should have traded over and over but was too afraid to cause of what was just around the corner this is it. In the last 6 months one wouldnt have even been required to watch it close just sell @ 25 and put a buy order back in at 20. Im gonna blame you fellas lol. ( probably dont need to say so but just in case, only kidding ). The HC thread and now this one always leaves one with the feeling, any day now, any day now.

Oh well, we might all be jumping for joy in a week or so

11-06-2008, 07:06 PM
LOL SP3, That could be quite a large pile of paper. Guess the exibit will be in the carpark then :rolleyes:
I suspect Smallfish may be onto something and the exibit if pertaining to what they thought would be in the bag by now may get pulled. Hope not.

Geeze, back to break even today. If ever there was a stock I should have traded over and over but was too afraid to cause of what was just around the corner this is it. In the last 6 months one wouldnt have even been required to watch it close just sell @ 25 and put a buy order back in at 20. Im gonna blame you fellas lol. ( probably dont need to say so but just in case, only kidding ). The HC thread and now this one always leaves one with the feeling, any day now, any day now.

Oh well, we might all be jumping for joy in a week or so

Are the Ukrainians in Oz yet, is it mid June yet?

Nope, keep the patienta :D

11-06-2008, 08:03 PM
I have communicated with the company today and am reassured. Tonight I will sleep easier. A

11-06-2008, 08:13 PM
Good to hear Archer. It amazes me who would sell the shares at 21c and the options at 10c at this stage of the game.

I won't be sleeping easy tonight ... finance law exam 9am tomorrow :(

11-06-2008, 08:16 PM
Good to hear Archer. It amazes me who would sell the shares at 21c and the options at 10c at this stage of the game.

I won't be sleeping easy tonight ... finance law exam 9am tomorrow :(

good luck with them oz A

11-06-2008, 08:19 PM
I also have had word. 'Just a booth' in Adelaide, not planning to make any presentions/releases in the near future. Also a conference coming up in July in Perth...

11-06-2008, 08:20 PM
I also have had word. 'Just a booth' in Adelaide, not planning to make any presentions/releases in the near future. Also a conference coming up in July in Perth...

What's that one SMan - I could get to that. A

11-06-2008, 08:31 PM
Haven't figured out that one yet, could be the Australian Earth Sciences Convention - July + Perth?

11-06-2008, 08:43 PM
Thanks Arch.

What?? No releases any time soon?

11-06-2008, 09:08 PM
relax guys & girls we will get positive announcement soon next few days so top up now. am not going to say much anymore. i spoke to kate recently after she arrived back from oversea. She "quoted am more relax than a few months back, we are not afraid of other company talking to the ukrainian reps regarding the NOVK deposit it took us over 12 months negotiation"
Just calm down please!!!

Cheers dragon on fire soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Arch.

What?? No releases any time soon?

11-06-2008, 11:35 PM
relax guys & girls we will get positive announcement soon next few days so top up now.

Hi allan, I nearly forgot who you were there for a minute.

Sometimes its a bit difficult when the climate is like Melbourne or thereabouts.

Meaning, Its cool, its ok, its bad, its terrible then No its Ok and so on.

I am glad you are ok with things, but until there is some news and everybody here has that same news including the market, I just cant help it, I am up in the air until I actually see that announcement.

Again, it seems that many are relaxed and its just one of these things where at times some of us feel like we have been played like a piano for the past 2 years and it is just so difficult to relax this time of year and without any further information.

Anyways, thanks for your perspective as it also gives a calming effect so cheers for that~!

12-06-2008, 12:03 AM
dragons post is a great one.

be warned. shares around 20c only for so long folks...we have been saying that forever... yes... but it appears to be getting more true by the day. one day (even if it is november 14th i dont give a ****) these prices will look ridiculous. simple as that...

12-06-2008, 12:13 AM
dragons post is a great one.

be warned. shares around 20c only for so long folks...we have been saying that forever... yes... but it appears to be getting more true by the day. one day (even if it is november 14th i dont give a ****) these prices will look ridiculous. simple as that...

Some of us are in no rush, huh Scorp? :cool:

12-06-2008, 01:28 AM
I guess there is no rush providing we soon enough get some details.

I am fine with everything providing that at some stage this company brings it all together right on track, giving proper Disclosure and updates via ASX and the management gives accountability towards what goals or achievements is has either obtained or not. :rolleyes:

Its easy to imagine that knowing we have tangible projects then I can see the point of No Hurry and Relax everything is cool. But were not quite there yet until it has Officially unfolded IMO~!

As satori says too, there is only One Week left, I am sure it will pass rather quick or just as quick as the other weeks so hopefully we will hear and have something to show for this.

12-06-2008, 04:29 PM
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.....

You've waited over two years for a major development in Uran and someone is now selling for 20.5c!! hello!! :p

Would have to be worth waiting at least a week.

12-06-2008, 04:58 PM
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.....

You've waited over two years for a major development in Uran and someone is now selling for 20.5c!! hello!! :p

Would have to be worth waiting at least a week.

Nice levels to be topping up at :D

12-06-2008, 04:58 PM
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.....

You've waited over two years for a major development in Uran and someone is now selling for 20.5c!! hello!! :p

Would have to be worth waiting at least a week.

LOL cotik, (Twas the night before).

I dont think it was somebody that has held for over a year. I mean surely as you say to not wait for the last week of HOPE for something is just not caring full stop.

Or perhaps whoever does care but does see an opportunity somewhere else, which I think is more the case.

I guess many of us see opportunity everyday - everywhere however, with this particular investment for some of us, we has waited a very long period of time and we either need REWARDED soon, or we need a Slap on the back of the head to wake our selves up.

BTW, I just bought another 20,000 on Credit Card.
(Thanks to the seller at .21c)

Looks like it is either Success or Suicide for me, I just don't give a F no more.

Get Rich or Die trying~!

12-06-2008, 05:05 PM
Nice levels to be topping up at :D

Looks like there is a seller at 21 cents who just wants out plain and simple.

I aint got no more cash credit or anything.

I wonder though, if somebody bought another 20K @.21c would there then be another 20K show up again then again and again???

12-06-2008, 05:13 PM
LOL cotik, (Twas the night before).

I dont think it was somebody that has held for over a year. I mean surely as you say to not wait for the last week of HOPE for something is just not caring full stop.

Or perhaps whoever does care but does see an opportunity somewhere else, which I think is more the case.

I guess many of us see opportunity everyday - everywhere however, with this particular investment for some of us, we has waited a very long period of time and we either need REWARDED soon, or we need a Slap on the back of the head to wake our selves up.

BTW, I just bought another 20,000 on Credit Card.
(Thanks to the seller at .21c)

Looks like it is either Success or Suicide for me, I just don't give a F no more.

Get Rich or Die trying~!

So getting rich it is then :D

12-06-2008, 05:21 PM
So getting rich it is then :D

YUP, you got it shasta, No more poor ole me.

Looks like who ever is selling at .21c has an account with Commsec as it was a crosstrade.

Hmmm, Sp3 are you still with Commsec?

Which one of you guys are tax dumping?? C'mon, own up~!

12-06-2008, 05:33 PM
the 'new' site perhaps you can hack it?

- Still holding but maybe not for long.

SMan, is that you getting out at .21 cents? :eek:

Btw, so you know there is a good program called Site Ripper that can do what you requested above. I believe it uses brute force ripping technology so depending on what server and permissions, that may just be the proggie you need see what the new site (if being built online) says :rolleyes:

12-06-2008, 05:41 PM
SMan, is that you getting out at .21 cents? :eek:

Btw, so you know there is a good program called Site Ripper that can do what you requested above. I believe it uses brute force ripping technology so depending on what server and permissions, that may just be the proggie you need see what the new site (if being built online) says :rolleyes:

Not yet, will wait until the 'market' looks more positive before unloading.. URA is one of my more 'stable' stocks today.

I'll let you know if my website research uncovers anything ;)

12-06-2008, 07:32 PM
YUP, you got it shasta, No more poor ole me.

Looks like who ever is selling at .21c has an account with Commsec as it was a crosstrade.

Hmmm, Sp3 are you still with Commsec?

Which one of you guys are tax dumping?? C'mon, own up~!


Yes Im still with comsec but only use it for quick turnaround trades so I can buy shares on credit. I definitely dont use it for its trading platform to view stock prices. For checking prices and announcements I use NAB.

12-06-2008, 07:57 PM

I wouldn't recommend Site Ripper, I just accidently ended up with half the ASX site on my laptop.. oops. Didn't uncover anything on the Uran site its only the 'old' stuff loaded at the moment.

12-06-2008, 09:12 PM
Source: http://unian.net/eng/news/news-256184.html

Energoatom signs uranium supply contract
[12.06.2008 12:07]

Ukraine`s state-owned nuclear generator, Energoatom, has signed a long-term contract with the Eastern Ore Dressing Combine (VostGOK) for the supply of uranium concentrate, according to World Nuclear News.

Under the terms of the agreement, between 2008 and 2018, VostGOK will supply its entire uranium concentrate production - some 800 to 900 tonnes annually - to Energoatom for use in the fabrication of fuel for use in Ukrainian nuclear power reactors.

Energoatom said, "the signing of the contract provides an opportunity in the long term for the guaranteed supply of up to 30% of the raw material needs for the fabrication of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants, as well as creating favourable conditions for sustainable operation of enterprises as it will avoid adverse effects of unforeseen price fluctuations that characterise the world uranium market."

The agreement was signed under the framework of the regulation on "Energy Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030" signed by the cabinet in March 2006. The strategy foresees Ukraine increasing its own production of uranium concentrate to become self-sufficient in meeting the needs for fuel of its nuclear power plants.

In March 2008, US-based Westinghouse agreed to supply nuclear fuel to three Russian-designed power reactors in Ukraine. The company will supply a total of 630 nuclear fuel assemblies to the three VVER-1000 pressurized water reactors at the South Ukraine nuclear power plant. Until now virtually all nuclear fuel has been supplied by Russia`s TVEL. Nuclear power provided 48% of Ukraine`s electricity in 2007.

TVEL signed a contract in January 2007 with Energoatom for the supply of fuel for Ukraine`s nuclear power plants in 2007. The contract was signed by TVEL`s acting president, Anton Badenkov, and the president of Energoatom, Andrey Derkach, during a meeting in Moscow. Derkach stated that Energoatom "views TVEL as a key strategic partner for long-term supplies of nuclear fuel to Ukrainian nuclear power plants."

The meeting also discussed possible cooperation in the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly establishing a facility in Ukraine during 2008 to fabricate nuclear fuel components for Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Ukraine has 15 nuclear power reactors at four nuclear power plants (Khmelnitski, Rovno, South Ukraine and Zaporozhe), all operated by Energoatom. All the units are Russian VVER types, two being 440 MWe V-312 models and the rest the larger 1000 MWe units - two early models and the others V-320s. In 2007, 48% of Ukraine`s electricity was produced by its nuclear plants.

12-06-2008, 09:20 PM
Source: http://unian.net/eng/news/news-256184.html

Energoatom signs uranium supply contract
[12.06.2008 12:07]

Ukraine`s state-owned nuclear generator, Energoatom, has signed a long-term contract with the Eastern Ore Dressing Combine (VostGOK) for the supply of uranium concentrate, according to World Nuclear News.

Under the terms of the agreement, between 2008 and 2018, VostGOK will supply its entire uranium concentrate production - some 800 to 900 tonnes annually - to Energoatom for use in the fabrication of fuel for use in Ukrainian nuclear power reactors.

Energoatom said, "the signing of the contract provides an opportunity in the long term for the guaranteed supply of up to 30% of the raw material needs for the fabrication of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants, as well as creating favourable conditions for sustainable operation of enterprises as it will avoid adverse effects of unforeseen price fluctuations that characterise the world uranium market."

The agreement was signed under the framework of the regulation on "Energy Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030" signed by the cabinet in March 2006. The strategy foresees Ukraine increasing its own production of uranium concentrate to become self-sufficient in meeting the needs for fuel of its nuclear power plants.

In March 2008, US-based Westinghouse agreed to supply nuclear fuel to three Russian-designed power reactors in Ukraine. The company will supply a total of 630 nuclear fuel assemblies to the three VVER-1000 pressurized water reactors at the South Ukraine nuclear power plant. Until now virtually all nuclear fuel has been supplied by Russia`s TVEL. Nuclear power provided 48% of Ukraine`s electricity in 2007.

TVEL signed a contract in January 2007 with Energoatom for the supply of fuel for Ukraine`s nuclear power plants in 2007. The contract was signed by TVEL`s acting president, Anton Badenkov, and the president of Energoatom, Andrey Derkach, during a meeting in Moscow. Derkach stated that Energoatom "views TVEL as a key strategic partner for long-term supplies of nuclear fuel to Ukrainian nuclear power plants."

The meeting also discussed possible cooperation in the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly establishing a facility in Ukraine during 2008 to fabricate nuclear fuel components for Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

Ukraine has 15 nuclear power reactors at four nuclear power plants (Khmelnitski, Rovno, South Ukraine and Zaporozhe), all operated by Energoatom. All the units are Russian VVER types, two being 440 MWe V-312 models and the rest the larger 1000 MWe units - two early models and the others V-320s. In 2007, 48% of Ukraine`s electricity was produced by its nuclear plants.


Uran should be able to fulfill the first 5 - 6* years of that deal!

* Based on ~5000T U308 :D

12-06-2008, 11:09 PM
According the announcement posted by Oz...........the contract is long term and has been designed to avoid the adverse effects of unforseen price fluctuations that characterise the world uranium market.
My take on the U market is that we will see prices much higher than the current levels by the end of 2008. I wonder what price Vostgok has agreed to sell their uranium at?
This will be critical for Uran if /when they get a deal.

12-06-2008, 11:13 PM
According the announcement posted by Oz...........the contract is long term and has been designed to avoid the adverse effects of unforseen price fluctuations that characterise the world uranium market.
My take on the U market is that we will see prices much higher than the current levels by the end of 2008. I wonder what price Vostgok has agreed to sell their uranium at?
This will be critical for Uran if /when they get a deal.


Uran has already stated that any off take arrangements with VostGok/Ukraine Govt will be at a discount to the prevailing spot rate.

Uran may benefit from a rising price, but we won't get the stated market price.

This was highlighted a long time ago.

12-06-2008, 11:41 PM

Uran has already stated that any off take arrangements with VostGok/Ukraine Govt will be at a discount to the prevailing spot rate.

Uran may benefit from a rising price, but we won't get the stated market price.

This was highlighted a long time ago.

I'm aware of what Uran have said in the past Shasta, but it would be very interesting to know the nuts and bolts of this sales deal between VostGok and Energoatom. It is generally accepted the spot price for U is considerably lower than any of the newer contract prices organised recently.
Kitco are showing $59/lb as the spot price at the moment.
I know the Olympic Dam and Ranger mines are stuck with a contract price of around $20/lb, but that's their own problem.
Hypothetically speaking of course...........I'm not sure it's a good thing for Uran to base any future sales on the spot price. Just for a moment, (a dream perhaps), lets assume they've got a deal done for two small deposits and a slice of Novok.............Given all the talking that would have had to take place over the last two years to get this, perhaps they have reassessed the sales details and made some agreed changes to prior sales arrangements. If they have these deals almost in the bag, (remember I'm talking hypothetically), then their standing might be higher with VostGok than what people think.

13-06-2008, 02:17 AM
[12.06.2008 10:16]

PM of Ukraine states about integrity of Democratic Coalition

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko calls statements about break-up of the Democratic Coalition a provocation. She announced answering the journalists’ questions at a press conference on Thursday, according to the government’s press-office. “As regards statements of two deputies who say they have left the Democratic Coalition I want to say that it is pure provocation,” Yulia Tymoshenko emphasized.

She noted that the Coalition is formed not by separate deputies but by the parliamentary factions. According to Yulia Tymoshenko, today the Coalition comprises 228 people’s deputies “and no provocation actions change the Democratic Coalition’s composition until one of the factions adopts a decision on leaving the Coalition and those papers written by two strange deputies from legal point of view are useless and won’t be taken into legal consideration”.

Yulia Tymoshenko is also confident that there are no legal grounds today for holding pre-term parliamentary elections. “The Democratic Coalition of 228 deputies exist, the Government operates with good economic showings and I see no constitutional, no some other grounds for snap elections,’ the PM of Ukraine stated.

13-06-2008, 06:37 AM
Excellent news Sp3.

After 36 hours travel its good to hear some good news!

13-06-2008, 09:42 AM
Excellent news Sp3.

After 36 hours travel its good to hear some good news!


Good to know you had a safe trip.

Not long to go now. In less than 120 hours (MAX) we will find out about the 2 deposits in the Ukraine. Not sure if the jv partnership has been finalised but we should find out about the specifics re the deposits.

13-06-2008, 10:47 AM
For those thinking of selling in the next few days (and I am not saying don't) just think about this:

Discovery shareholders basically used GWE (now Uran) as a back door listing. Uran is all about Discovery anything else has been an afterthought.

Discovery shareholders need to add REAL and SUSTAINABLE value to Uran if they are to have any longer term financial reward. They will not be allocated any shares until later this year (at best), that means that the people running this company will not want the share price to peak until they can achieve maximum financial benefit, whether that be by selling Uran shares (More than 18months away at least) or arranging an acceptable t/o of Uran down the track (most likely).

A decision to buy and sell is a personal one, but don't lose sight of the bigger picture as the game is about to begin. ;)

13-06-2008, 11:30 AM
Ukraine update out!!! possibly 3 depostis... reviewing data prior to drilling for JORC resource.

13-06-2008, 11:49 AM
The initial three deposits will be have a life of about five years and we now know that there is approximately 3.5+2.5+3.5 = 9.5kt of U3O8 and Uran will have at least 50%.

Extraction rate of 78% would give Uran conservatively an output of about 700tpa of U3O8 (believe me they are being very conservative here) even before NovoK etc.

Not bad for a company with a MC of around$10M

13-06-2008, 12:20 PM
The initial three deposits will be have a life of about five years and we now know that there is approximately 3.5+2.5+3.5 = 9.5kt of U3O8 and Uran will have at least 50%.

Extraction rate of 78% would give Uran conservatively an output of about 700tpa of U3O8 (believe me they are being very conservative here) even before NovoK etc.

Not bad for a company with a MC of around$10M

This is the beginning folks - we will all be amazed what gets added to this now. Nice to feel vindicated! Happy day everyone and happy b'day drilly. A

13-06-2008, 12:42 PM
Awesome news.

From an old article I posted a few days ago:

To involve sandstone uranium deposits in operation the performance of the following works is
(1) Complete development of Safonovskoe (43m), Sadovoe (25m) and Surskoe (7m)
deposits for mining,
(2) Complete exploration of Novogurievskoe (39m) and Chervonoyarskoe (12m) deposits,
carry out prospecting of Krinichanskoe (48m), Khristoforovskoe (15m), and Elenovskoe
(47m) occurrences and evaluation of Khutorskoe (42m) and Petromihaylovskoe (8m)
(3) Conduct complex of laboratory and field geo-technological tests on ISL sites within
typical deposits using different ISL technologies with the objective to choose the main
effective one according to uranium recovery and ecological requirements.

Looks like there are plenty of deposits left for Uran to acquire in Ukraine.

13-06-2008, 12:50 PM
Awesome news.

From an old article I posted a few days ago:

To involve sandstone uranium deposits in operation the performance of the following works is
(1) Complete development of Safonovskoe (43m), Sadovoe (25m) and Surskoe (7m)
deposits for mining,
(2) Complete exploration of Novogurievskoe (39m) and Chervonoyarskoe (12m) deposits,
carry out prospecting of Krinichanskoe (48m), Khristoforovskoe (15m), and Elenovskoe
(47m) occurrences and evaluation of Khutorskoe (42m) and Petromihaylovskoe (8m)
(3) Conduct complex of laboratory and field geo-technological tests on ISL sites within
typical deposits using different ISL technologies with the objective to choose the main
effective one according to uranium recovery and ecological requirements.

Looks like there are plenty of deposits left for Uran to acquire in Ukraine.

With those sort of depths, who needs a drill!! You can extract the yellowcake with a shovel.

13-06-2008, 01:05 PM
(1) Complete development of Safonovskoe (43m), Sadovoe (25m) and Surskoe (7m)
deposits for mining,


It looks like they want to develop 2 of the 3 deposits. I wonder when that may be? 6 months???

13-06-2008, 01:10 PM
Great announcement for us!! Believe it or not, I actually dreamt last night that there were not one but two price sensitive ann's on the way. I was shocked to find one when I checked the ASX this morning!! Not sure if there is another on it's way or not, but let's hope there is and that it's positive!

So what we know now is:

1) Review of the two previously announced deposits has finally begun
2) A third has officially been added into the mix
3) Uran may acquire interest in "a number of other substantial uranium projects" in Ukraine (including Novok)
4) A feasibility study has already been carried out on Safon by the Ukrainians, which I assume means that it is also close to production.

Just a couple of other tidbits/questions:

By my calculations, these deposits are worth $US 300 million to Uran. This is assuming that they contain 9500t of uranium, Uran get a 50&#37; interest in all deposits, yields are 80%, and we sell the uranium back to the Ukrainians at a price of $US 40/lb. Like cotik said, not bad for a MC of $10M. EDIT: You've probably realised I've used very conservative numbers ;).

Anyone know what will be required to bring these deposits up to JORC compliance? (i.e. does the drilling pattern need to be 50m x 50m? I may be way off track here but I don't have a clue, hence the question).

Who's the clown that sold the oppies at 11 cents :p

Have a great day all, got a feeling it's going to be a good one.

PS. Carn the Eagles!!! :)

13-06-2008, 01:49 PM

I'd presume they would want them all developed.

I wonder if we'll close even, or maybe in the red today?

13-06-2008, 01:52 PM

I'd presume they would want them all developed.

I wonder if we'll close even, or maybe in the red today?


I pressume all 3 WILL be developed. Two of them could be developed this year if all goes well.

13-06-2008, 01:56 PM

I wonder if we'll close even, or maybe in the red today?

If we do close in the red today - it will only because the general market is so spooked that people are pulling out into cash - they're running scared but not of Uran anymore. :D A

13-06-2008, 02:07 PM
If we do close in the red today - it will only because the general market is so spooked that people are pulling out into cash - they're running scared but not of Uran anymore. :D A


The market doesnt concern me anymore whether it buys the Uran story or not. When I decide to sell in a couple of years, not only will I be making a decent capital gains, but I would have also earned some dividends.

13-06-2008, 02:08 PM
Guys and Gals,

I am happy with the announcement, as we know, it even gives us an Extra project with even more Extra's to follow.

Saying that, there are 3 things that I REALLY dying to see which is:

1. A stamped + signed agreement shown to the market that the agreement for all the previous is set in stone.

2. The converted data into Digital format (book pen to binary) to give us a JORC compliant resource after and with independent external audit and infill drilling.

3. Exact dates or time lines for each project with costs and targets so the market can also see how and where things are progressing.

Again the announcement out today is good but IMO, it still does not bring closure to many questions that have been previously asked, this just shines a bit more light on them.

Doesn't look like the market or sellers care about the Ann for all that matter.

I wonder if Uran will bring out another Ann with more information.
When exactly will Uran have the evidence or stamps of approval of these deals being set in stone?

IMO. The market wants to know when will Uran be in Production and how much production will it be able to churn through in a year for X amount of years.

I think Kate is scared of saying anything about production since the last time she opened her mouth regarding this.

ps: Thanks Archer

13-06-2008, 02:11 PM

Last time I spoke to the company, which was several weeks ago, they expected to sign-off the deals when the Ukrainian officials come over in mid-June.

13-06-2008, 02:15 PM
but I would have also earned some dividends.

How exactly do you know that Sp3, Are you not basing your thoughts on assumption IMO ??

13-06-2008, 02:24 PM

Last time I spoke to the company, which was several weeks ago, they expected to sign-off the deals when the Ukrainian officials come over in mid-June.

Oz, I am sure they might exactly just do that, but will they Actually Announce this though, make it market sensitive and sell it like the best caught fish in the market?

They may announce it, but for some reason, Uran are not good sales people and are very WEAK at Public Relations IMO.

Back in 2006, the "Production in July 2007" story made the shareprice ROCKET as we know.
It seems Kate is scared to make type of statement with no words like PRODUCTION being spoken anywhere, YET, it is the exact word that Mr.Market wants to hear. :rolleyes:

I am not asking Uran to talk up the stock for anything which it is Not, however I am asking them to start Dressing the Cake a little and start using words the Market understands.

We can convince ourselves easily because we all know the story.

Only some in the market know the story, and IMO, the Story needs to be summarized and RETOLD in such a way the Market takes FULL interest so Uran can then be compared to its PEERS and rated more effectively. Rather than sitting like a Penny WOOF WOOF with unconvincing News or Story.

Really, the company needs a PRO to Talk the Talk and thus Uran can Walk the Walk.

But first we need these signatures and JORC data first and then a PRO to talk the talk IMO.

13-06-2008, 03:04 PM
Oz, I am sure they might exactly just do that, but will they Actually Announce this though, make it market sensitive and sell it like the best caught fish in the market?

They may announce it, but for some reason, Uran are not good sales people and are very WEAK at Public Relations IMO.

Back in 2006, the "Production in July 2007" story made the shareprice ROCKET as we know.
It seems Kate is scared to make type of statement with no words like PRODUCTION being spoken anywhere, YET, it is the exact word that Mr.Market wants to hear. :rolleyes:

I am not asking Uran to talk up the stock for anything which it is Not, however I am asking them to start Dressing the Cake a little and start using words the Market understands.

We can convince ourselves easily because we all know the story.

Only some in the market know the story, and IMO, the Story needs to be summarized and RETOLD in such a way the Market takes FULL interest so Uran can then be compared to its PEERS and rated more effectively. Rather than sitting like a Penny WOOF WOOF with unconvincing News or Story.

Really, the company needs a PRO to Talk the Talk and thus Uran can Walk the Walk.

But first we need these signatures and JORC data first and then a PRO to talk the talk IMO.


refer to cotik's post: he's spot on imo and they are doing their level best to not increase the sp: it's all about discovery getting its fill first.

all in all though the future looks pretty good for the co and shareholders:D

13-06-2008, 08:37 PM

refer to cotik's post: he's spot on imo and they are doing their level best to not increase the sp: it's all about discovery getting its fill first.

all in all though the future looks pretty good for the co and shareholders:D

Archbald, I agree that the future looks bright as todays Ann is a clear signal that we will obtain more information with further great anns to come, which will be even better and better as time goes on.

However, I disagree with the SP being where it is due to Discovery.

The reason I say this, is because simply the Market is not going to wait or worry what discovery thinks or does. If the Market wants in, it will buy in, simple as that. Or if the Market wishes to sell, it will sell, simple as that.

If Uran were able to publish JORC compliant Grades, Volume/tonnage and Costs, along with Signed % of signed projects, timelines to production and Cat guts (as MC says). Then I am sure the SP would be well over a ONE or TWO dollars at a minimum which still would be cheap compared to its peers as you know .

Anyways, I am still hungry for Grades and Timelines, and especially a JORC which would be a RAPID start to the companies accelerated climb in SP.

Again, I would like to see these smaller projects also sewn up and put up our sleeves as this will then look real good and also be an Accomplishment for the company prior to wrapping up the bigger projects IMO.

I still feel there a lot of conflict of interest surrounding discovery and Kate H, always have and always will. If we wish to use Discovery as excuse to why the shareprice is flat then there is also something far wrong with the co and it fully does not make sense beside the facts of We talk about things which are not fully Factual thus we speculate these reasons, which IMO is not an answer but rather a guess.

I am happy to be wrong, I just need the proof, thats all.

13-06-2008, 09:30 PM
Archbald, I agree that the future looks bright as todays Ann is a clear signal that we will obtain more information with further great anns to come, which will be even better and better as time goes on.

However, I disagree with the SP being where it is due to Discovery.

The reason I say this, is because simply the Market is not going to wait or worry what discovery thinks or does. If the Market wants in, it will buy in, simple as that. Or if the Market wishes to sell, it will sell, simple as that.

If Uran were able to publish JORC compliant Grades, Volume/tonnage and Costs, along with Signed % of signed projects, timelines to production and Cat guts (as MC says). Then I am sure the SP would be well over a ONE or TWO dollars at a minimum which still would be cheap compared to its peers as you know .

Anyways, I am still hungry for Grades and Timelines, and especially a JORC which would be a RAPID start to the companies accelerated climb in SP.

Again, I would like to see these smaller projects also sewn up and put up our sleeves as this will then look real good and also be an Accomplishment for the company prior to wrapping up the bigger projects IMO.

I still feel there a lot of conflict of interest surrounding discovery and Kate H, always have and always will. If we wish to use Discovery as excuse to why the shareprice is flat then there is also something far wrong with the co and it fully does not make sense beside the facts of We talk about things which are not fully Factual thus we speculate these reasons, which IMO is not an answer but rather a guess.

I am happy to be wrong, I just need the proof, thats all.


Excellent post and I agree with you 100%.

The market is very confused about the significance (or insignificance) of the protocols. The market is not treating the protocols as contacts. The market is viewing the protocols are MOU's which they are not. The protocols are leagally binding documents. Basically (for those that aren't aware) the protocols detail the conditions regarding the terms of the execution agreement.

In other words, when Uran completes their DD on these deposits and is satisfied with the results, then Uran WILL have the choice to either sign the execution agreement or walk away.

In terms of timeframes, the execution agreement could be finalised in a very short time frame (even before they complete the JORC compliance.

ps. I mentioned dividends in my earlier post because I am speculating that Uran will be earning big bucks from several deposits in a couple of years time.

13-06-2008, 09:41 PM
The reports below are old news but the time frame will give us some idea of what we are looking at.

plans to boost uranium output 120% between 2006 and 2010

I know their time line may have slipped a little but the increase by 2010 is still possible through the ISL deposits and we now know that Uran will probably have a 50% share or more. I think Uran will be aiming to increase current uranium production by about 200% in 2010, that would see Uran producing about 800 t pa of uranium.

We still need more detail by the picture is looking a little brigher.

Ukraine to achieve self-sufficiency in uranium by 2013

Ukraine is planning to become self-dependent in terms of uranium supplies for its operating nuclear power plants by boosting annual production of this metal from the current 800 tonnes to 2,500 tonnes between 2007 and 2013, the republic's Fuel and Energy Ministry told RBC. The target is to reach an output level of 5,900 tonnes of uranium per year in 2014-2025, and 6,400 per year in 2025-2030. (RBC June 15, 2007)

Ukraine to double uranium production by 2010; five-fold increase envisaged by 2020

Ukrainian state company Vostochny Uranium Ore Mining (Vostochny GOK, Dnepropetrovsk region) plans to boost uranium output 120% between 2006 and 2010, increasing the level of uranium it provides to Ukrainian nuclear power stations to 71% from 32%. Pyotr Kuch, a senior engineer at Vostochny GOK, announced the forecast at a nuclear fuel cycle elements conference in Dneprodzerzhinsk. "The long-term uranium production plan envisages an almost five-fold increase in 2020 with the approval of the Novokonstantinovsk uranium field project," he said. Improving the Novokonstantinovsk field project could mean a 520% increase in production, which will meet Ukrainian nuclear power requirements and enable uranium to be exported, he added.
However, due to insufficient state budget funding, it will be necessary to raise off-budget funds. (Interfax Mar 21, 2006)

13-06-2008, 09:51 PM
The market is very confused about the significance (or insignificance) of the protocols. The market is not treating the protocols as contacts. The market is viewing the protocols are MOU's which they are not. The protocols are leagally binding documents. Basically (for those that aren't aware) the protocols detail the conditions regarding the terms of the execution agreement.

In other words, when Uran completes their DD on these deposits and is satisfied with the results, then Uran WILL have the choice to either sign the execution agreement or walk away.

It would have made more sense if they had used the word OPTION rather than PROTOCOL when they did the translation.

Who did the translation..........a Discovery shareholder. :rolleyes:

I wonder what difference that would make to the sp?

13-06-2008, 10:30 PM
It would have made more sense if they had used the word OPTION rather than PROTOCOL when they did the translation.

Who did the translation..........a Discovery shareholder. :rolleyes:

I wonder what difference that would make to the sp?


Someone needs to tell Kate/purple communications to explain in plain english the definition of the term "protocol".

If Uran had not used the word "protocol" but replaced it with "agreement" I am sure today the share price would have hit 40c.

13-06-2008, 10:38 PM
It would have made more sense if they had used the word OPTION rather than PROTOCOL when they did the translation.

Who did the translation..........a Discovery shareholder. :rolleyes:

I wonder what difference that would make to the sp?

Good question(s),

And YES, I feel it would make a HELL of a difference to the share price.

Why? Well the market is all about Perception. The choice of words that is being given out so far are not really full of Action Words, nor do they really issue any command or direction with a most of what they are saying, or trying to say for that matter.

Uran can be its own worst enemy when it comes to public communications. And it was ever since Kate started kicking herself over the Production in July episode that she has become too cautious, and even probably Over Cautious.

Even when they use Purple Communications it doesn't matter nor is it any better as what usually is being said is still very Vague to some degree.

The company needs to use the services of a very specific individual.

That somebody, will be able to back track, put it all together, reassemble it and present it as it should be. It would also include messages that are influential and simple to understand. Which, in layman's terms, gives direction and action to potential investors. Currently the messages don't do this.

As you say which is a perfect example, the use of the word protocol. This is not a European Investor community we are dealing with here. We are listed on the ASX and thus need to be seen and understood accordingly both influencing and communicating perfectly with its both current and potential investors.

Hmmmm, not sure if the above makes sense, but if you look and read many or alot of company Announcements, you will see the many degree's of communication and under the many potential circumstances.

I read some news from Wild Horse Energy (whe) explaining to the market and its shareholders the reasoning of why its shareprice had fallen and what actions and measures where in place.

I thought it was rather well done and noticed a quite a few companies DID use this type of procedure as standard operating procedure with communications to its shareholders and markets. That is one of many examples.

Uran I am sure will get better and from strength to strength incorporate a new standard in its communications. But like many here, I cant wait for that to happen so we can move on to the next level.

13-06-2008, 10:51 PM

If you want to see promotion at its best, look no further than NDO.

Every price sensitive announcement they make has has adjectives in their headline. They blow their own trumpet bigtime and they do investor presentations on a regular basis.

All the above works very well for them...just have a look at their share price.

From next year NDO will be earning the same revenue as URA and yet NDO's MC is 50 times more than URA's.

Go figure!

13-06-2008, 11:15 PM

If you want to see promotion at its best, look no further than NDO.

Every price sensitive announcement they make has has adjectives in their headline. They blow their own trumpet bigtime and they do investor presentations on a regular basis.

All the above works very well for them...just have a look at their share price.

From next year NDO will be earning the same revenue as URA and yet NDO's MC is 50 times more than URA's.

Go figure!

Well well wel, just got home & what a nice ann to greet me...:eek:

If this doesnt spell it out to the general market whats about to happen, then god knows what will...:confused:

Bring on the grades & finer details & lets start digging :D

13-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Bring on the grades & finer details & lets start digging :D

Welcome home shasta,

Yes I believe that is also what the market is wanting / needing / dying to hear.

Sp3, Yes NDO has a bit of a marketing machine. Although I dont exactly want for Uran to reach status of a corporation like McDonald's...lol

As we say, some proper wording to help or influence Australian investors would be a great start, thats for sure~!

13-06-2008, 11:40 PM
The market also needs to be educated about Ukraine and their democratic government.

The market has no idea who vostgok is and who they represent.

They dont realise that Uran's agreements are in partnership with the Ukraine government...not a commercial entity.

If that's not reassurance then I dont know what is.

14-06-2008, 12:04 AM
The market also needs to be educated about Ukraine and their democratic government.

The market has no idea who vostgok is and who they represent.

They dont realise that Uran's agreements are in partnership with the Ukraine government...not a commercial entity.

If that's not reassurance then I dont know what is.

Tell that to Vanco SP3...........

But seriously SP, what you said in your post was pretty much exactly what I told Dave1968 a bit earlier when he was voicing his disgust with the lack of appreciation for such a good announcement. (I think travel makes him grumpy)
Most people wouldn't know where the Ukraine is, let alone even heard of VostGok before. If they have heard of the Ukraine it's probably because they caught some snippet at the end of the news on SBS..........something about the government on the brink of collapse.
I'm also firmly in agreement with Drillfix We need the numbers.....................BIG TIME!
People will be forced to sit up and take notice if they have proof of agreement, and confirmation of deposit sizes and grades.
All in good time................Kate says they are working very hard on the data, and that's the next step.

14-06-2008, 12:05 AM
The market also needs to be educated about Ukraine and their democratic government.

The market has no idea who vostgok is and who they represent.

They dont realise that Uran's agreements are in partnership with the Ukraine government...not a commercial entity.

If that's not reassurance then I dont know what is.

Well doesn't Uran have the best stage possible at the upcoming Uranium conference to announce the relationship with VostGok & highlight what is planned.

I'm guessing that whilst not JORC compliant yet, Uran are able to talk more freely about whats going on now?

14-06-2008, 12:44 AM
I'm guessing that whilst not JORC compliant yet, Uran are able to talk more freely about whats going on now?

I agree Shasta.

In many ways, I see it like a band of some sort.

Meaning, some of them go away and make a hit or two oversea's and nobody in australia know who they are until they are Re-INtroduced to their own country by somebody else.

Back to the Grades or the Numbers.

As Juqu has said, people will take no notice but someday suddenly they will because they get to go U x .05% x T = $xxxxx etc etc whatever. And then they will say, WOW, look at this undervalued company man, compare it to ERA or PDN or whatever and how did I miss this.

That is the sort of thing which will go on.

Dave is right with his feelings and I relate to why he feels that way as I think we all do but in our own way.

The game will change once we get the Numbers and the Math is there to crunch along with the interpretation of an Australian version of AGREEMENT DONE and EXECUTED to the value of $$$$$, many folk wont care where it is to some degree providing the Math works out and they realise the time to buy is now.

14-06-2008, 04:25 AM
Ukraine has enough uranium ore fields to supply energy with own resources - Premier Yulia Tymoshenko

12.06.2008 | 16:20 | Ukrinform print version

Ukraine has enough uranium ore fields to supply energy with own resources, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said on a working visit to Zaporizhia region.

"We have to present a renewed plan on energy development to be elaborated not just in Kyiv, but in regions. We are now supplying ourselves [energy sources] by 30 percent. This is due to squalor of atomic industry. 12 uranium fields are being explored now, each of them may supply us with fuel for 50 years," Yulia Tymoshenko stressed.

She also said that the Cabinet means to boost electric energy output at APP by 122 percent till 2010.


14-06-2008, 04:34 AM
Nice little article SP3.


14-06-2008, 04:42 AM
Advertisement - Gold and Minerals Gazette (July)



14-06-2008, 04:58 AM
I suspect Safonovskoye will be brought into production next.

"Ukraine currently produces approximately 30% of its own uranium requirements through the Vostochny Uranium Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (VostGOK). The mining occurs at two sites, Ingulska and Smolino, at Zholtye Vody in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Main undeveloped uranium deposits are located at Safonovskoye and Mikhailovskoye in Kirovograd region."


14-06-2008, 10:50 AM
Haha likewise.

First order of business. Sack Purple Com:cool:
Congrads all you die hard URA supporters and hopefuls (and me:D). There is finally light at the end of the tunnel and it would appear your faith will soon be vindicated. Lord knows you have waited long enough.

I must say though I have never seen such a severe case of wasted marketing opportunity as was displayed yesterday. What does Purple do other than URA's anns? I suspect the rest of their business may consist of mailbox junk mail drops or logo ballpoint pens.

14-06-2008, 02:42 PM
Hi Satori,
Pehaps Im being somewhat harsh on Purple but Uran need to sell themselves. The Market turns at the drop of a hat and carefully crafted ASX announcements are often all that is required to get the ball rolling. It is in their interest and ours to have a higher share price and getting the job done is not enough, not that that side of things has been going all that well either. Lets hope Marketing is going to be kicked up a notch or 20 starting at the Exhibition.

14-06-2008, 02:46 PM
Uran will be in the July edition of the Gold and Minerals Gazette, as well as the uranium conference this week. Hopefully 'promotion' picks up from here...

14-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Uran will be in the July edition of the Gold and Minerals Gazette, as well as the uranium conference this week. Hopefully 'promotion' picks up from here...Hi Oz,

"On the Cover" :eek:

Now that would be a step in the right direction :D

PS on the subject of marketing ones self, just lookin at your Avatar and thats one of the worst comb overs Ive seen in a while :p

14-06-2008, 02:57 PM

DONT put it all on Purple Communications. Theres been too much 'hand passing' here with Uran.
Purple Comms are ordinary at best. Uran has been less than that relative to its peers.
Until Uran DEMONSTRATES what it has..both in deposits AND Management we will continue to get second rate announcements released to second rate marketers.

I TOTALLY agree with you re the marketing here. Could you imagine for example a Cairns (or any half decent MD withsome passion) from IGR with this portfolio and opportunity?


And frankly i'd give him 5 million shares just to come on board!

That said I do comprehend Urans precarious and sensitive position re Ukraine and other negotiations...but surely someone in the mix can do much, much better than the stuff they are releasing.
Yesterdays announcement did have some excellent news so i am not overlooking that by the way.

I say this 'generally' and I am being critical here only to point out what Uran arent doing, what they should be doing and what its costing us.

Heres an example re accountability, consistency and respect for shareholders:

Recent announcements mentioned any number of projects including Ukraine.

Where was Novok in this announcement? Just a mention of the 'progress' here. Remembering Uran are masters of INFORMATION giving particularly with leading, some might say misleading comments...particularly on the timeframes involved. Ive given examples of this before.
Their announcements are littered with information that may 'appear' to be giving the indication of 'current' action when in actual fact one could come to the conclusion that it is anything but that.

Im a stickler for language and a bit pedantic I admit. But the record is on the board with Uran. They havent demonstrated their ability (yet) to deliver a project and definitely not deliver on timelines.

Where was an update on Czech, inparticular Osecna Kotel and the recent developments..?

Kazakhstan MOU 9 months ago?

Pribram? Yeah remember that? Thats the project that was all set up for a trial mine if you recall. Seems its gone a tad quiet with no updates for monrhs..AND...it appears in their last reference to it someone didnt apply for the permit BEFORE they decided to 'potentially' proceed with the operation.


Thats the stuff im talking about. Wheres the planning? Wheres the updates? The reasons for not applying for the licence as soon as trial mining began?

I could go on and believe me it isnt my intention here to create havoc. It is my intention to point out glaring flaws and inadequacies in Urans reporting, their accountability to shareholders re 'Why' on their negotiations.

Not enough of that.

All that aside its looking great for the future, but they are managing my money and frankly they need to be much more communicative, transparent and passionate about what they are doing.

Urans information exercises have cost us re the sentiment of this company.
The market doesnt believe them to a point of not even caring anymore.

Anyone can release INFORMATION.

Until that information is acquired assets it will stay in the realms of the world of possibilities.
Weve had two years of a dozen possibilities. The booms over. The market needs real tangible information that means $$$$.

Strat re the wasted opportunity I take it you are talking about Novok?

Totally agree mate.

That project 'sounds' massive. With the conference barely a few days out one would hope that 'something' is done here to start the process of the media/PR/Broker coverage that would be VERY interested in a near term project of that magnitude..

Particularly if a small company with a market cap of just 11 million or so was about to grab an interest.

Work to do.

The believers here know what could happen. As for those watching or questioning personally I dont care too much about their interest. Uran is exhausted via the usual chat sites...many just dont see this as an option.

Fully understandable.

Time for the wider market to get the picture :)


I think it is unreasonable to have expected URA to have mentioned NOVOK in yesterday's announcement. It appears URA is still yet to apply for the Novok project otherwise URA would have said so.

Obviously since the last announcement nothing further needs to be announced re Novok.

14-06-2008, 04:11 PM
Ukraine needs Uran's $$ to pay the people who lost money during the financial crisis. Wonder which political party these people will vote for at the next election?

The privatisation programme is needed to subsidise the government’s programme to repay
lost Soviet-era savings to millions of citizens. The programme, which began in January, so far has
limited payments to UAH 1,000 (about $200) per savings account holder.
An upbeat Ms Tymoshenko appeared unfazed and
vowed to continue the repayment programme. “Although
the State Property Fund has failed to raise a single penny,
through our joint efforts we expect we will be able to cover
the revenue gap,” she said


14-06-2008, 04:48 PM
Ukraine needs Uran's $$ to pay the people who lost money during the financial crisis. Wonder which political party these people will vote for at the next election?

The privatisation programme is needed to subsidise the government’s programme to repay
lost Soviet-era savings to millions of citizens. The programme, which began in January, so far has
limited payments to UAH 1,000 (about $200) per savings account holder.
An upbeat Ms Tymoshenko appeared unfazed and
vowed to continue the repayment programme. “Although
the State Property Fund has failed to raise a single penny,
through our joint efforts we expect we will be able to cover
the revenue gap,” she said


Uran gets it done without the need for bribes!


USD 5 million – the largest detected bribe in Ukraine

The main department of the Crimean MIA detained the head of the Partenyts'kyi village council (Big Alushta) and the deputy of the council while receiving the bribe exceeding USD 5 million. Head of MIA Yuriy Lutsenko stated a press today in Simferopol.

According to him the officials extorted money for 2 land plots with total area 17 hectares.

‘For 17 hectares, they extorted a bribe at USD 6.8 million, USD 5.2 million were to be misappropriated and USD 1.6 million – officially paid on the account of the Partenyts'kyi village council,’ said the minister.

Journalists could see the withdrawn dollars at the press-conference, guarded by Berkut officers.

Lutsenko said it was the largest detected bribe in the practice of Ukrainian militia. Previously, said the minister, the first place held the bribe in the Dnipropetrovs’k region (USD 3 million).


14-06-2008, 05:16 PM
I've now skimmed the JORC code and have a better understanding of what it encompasses. I thought it would be quite descriptive in the requirements of announcing a JORC compliant resource, but on face value it is quite open. In my interpretation it is quite similar to NATA requirements (which I have a better understanding of), in that it is quite open and involves a lot of crossing t's and dotting i's.

So I'm still a little confused as to what will be required to bring these deposits up to a JORC compliant level. It appears to me that it will probably involve more paperwork than drilling. Can anyone in the know (maybe Dave?) indicate if this assumption is correct? If so, it is quite exciting as I imagine it would involve Uran doing the majority of the work over here, which should be easier than doing a significant amount of drilling in the Ukraine. This correlates well with the suggested time-to-production figures.

cotik, I found your comment about Discovery a couple of pages back interesting and certainly agree with you that it is in their best interest to keep the share price down. I'm wondering if Uran are going to wait until they have some success in the Czech Republic before heavily promoting themselves (and before the Discovery acquisition goes through), as Discovery apparently did a significant amount of work there previously. This would give them (Discovery) more leverage in obtaining their requests from Uran shareholders. Thoughts? Hopefully this isn't the case as it obviously is bad for us.

On the plus side the Academy of Science's review of the CR energy requirements is due this month and review of the relevant mining laws are expected this year so hopefully things can speed up in the CR.

14-06-2008, 05:52 PM
I've now skimmed the JORC code and have a better understanding of what it encompasses. I thought it would be quite descriptive in the requirements of announcing a JORC compliant resource, but on face value it is quite open. In my interpretation it is quite similar to NATA requirements (which I have a better understanding of), in that it is quite open and involves a lot of crossing t's and dotting i's.

So I'm still a little confused as to what will be required to bring these deposits up to a JORC compliant level. It appears to me that it will probably involve more paperwork than drilling. Can anyone in the know (maybe Dave?) indicate if this assumption is correct? If so, it is quite exciting as I imagine it would involve Uran doing the majority of the work over here, which should be easier than doing a significant amount of drilling in the Ukraine. This correlates well with the suggested time-to-production figures.

cotik, I found your comment about Discovery a couple of pages back interesting and certainly agree with you that it is in their best interest to keep the share price down. I'm wondering if Uran are going to wait until they have some success in the Czech Republic before heavily promoting themselves (and before the Discovery acquisition goes through), as Discovery apparently did a significant amount of work there previously. This would give them (Discovery) more leverage in obtaining their requests from Uran shareholders. Thoughts? Hopefully this isn't the case as it obviously is bad for us.

On the plus side the Academy of Science's review of the CR energy requirements is due this month and review of the relevant mining laws are expected this year so hopefully things can speed up in the CR.


From my limited knowledge of JORC compliance requirements, it involves a comprehensive assessment of data. Similar to NATA, the data needs to have been determined by use of standadised and certified procedures.

Its possible, than URA may not need to perform any further drilling if the data is considered adequate. The review process could be a very simple process (if the documentation is in order) or a comprehensive one if the documentation is inadequate. Its also possible that Uran could still perform drilling so that they could increase the resource estimates if they feel that the previous explorers
did not perform a satisfactory assessment.

Another point to note is that a jv with Vostgok could potentially take place even if the JORC compliance isnt finalised. I believe that if Uran's DD gets all the ticks, then the execution agreement will be signed.

14-06-2008, 10:13 PM
my view re JORC is that most likely just about all the figures are there - the Soviets were quite diligent in this I believe - what has been missing is a 'competent person' in the eyes of our code being given acess to the data to sign off on. Now that's happenening it may be quite close. A:)

14-06-2008, 10:26 PM
In brief with regards to marketing, share price and Discovery.

Firstly, all we need is the Grades/Volumes and math to get the JORC underway and then the SP will take care of itself, along with confirmations set in Stone.

When the recent ann talks about data converting into Digital. I can only assume that they read data from Book and then update the info into a Database or table structure, perhaps even a just spread sheet.

Thus it will be data converted from static page to Digital (ASCII) which then will allow for copy, paste, publish in a variety of formats as you can imagine.

It would also allow for simulating the information into certain types of programs (design or for mining) as you could imagine.

We badly need this JORC as you can imagine, and one can only assume that it will be written in a language other than english, thus it will need interpretation.

The last announcement contained good info although is INCOMPLETE, once the market can see Stone Deals and a JORC with some approx timeline /per project and we are looking at very different share price.

I guess if it is Discovery Holders that are selling out and keeping the SP down then surely we would see a different Top 20 in due time. I cant see why they would worry about selling when Discovery they havent really done anything (Not that I can see) for Uran to date.

There is so much to be said that this company needs, that you would need to employ somebody just to keep all the things in check, and to make sure they continue to be kept in check.

I wonder what exactly is going to be said at the SA U conference surrounding the Novok and how much is going to be spoken about how Uran and its role is being a part of this???

Cotik, was the last announcement good enough news for you that you will be going across to attend and see exactly what is happening here????

14-06-2008, 10:28 PM
my view re JORC is that most likely just about all the figures are there - the Soviets were quite diligent in this I believe - what has been missing is a 'competent person' in the eyes of our code being given acess to the data to sign off on. Now that's happenening it may be quite close. A:)

Archer, wouldnt they need a native reader/speaker to be there along with a Uran person to keep in check what the figures are?

Or is the new Geo uran hired a bit of a native speaker/reader??? :p

14-06-2008, 11:38 PM
In brief with regards to marketing, share price and Discovery.

Firstly, all we need is the Grades/Volumes and math to get the JORC underway and then the SP will take care of itself, along with confirmations set in Stone.

When the recent ann talks about data converting into Digital. I can only assume that they read data from Book and then update the info into a Database or table structure, perhaps even a just spread sheet.

Thus it will be data converted from static page to Digital (ASCII) which then will allow for copy, paste, publish in a variety of formats as you can imagine.

It would also allow for simulating the information into certain types of programs (design or for mining) as you could imagine.

We badly need this JORC as you can imagine, and one can only assume that it will be written in a language other than english, thus it will need interpretation.

The last announcement contained good info although is INCOMPLETE, once the market can see Stone Deals and a JORC with some approx timeline /per project and we are looking at very different share price.

I guess if it is Discovery Holders that are selling out and keeping the SP down then surely we would see a different Top 20 in due time. I cant see why they would worry about selling when Discovery they havent really done anything (Not that I can see) for Uran to date.

There is so much to be said that this company needs, that you would need to employ somebody just to keep all the things in check, and to make sure they continue to be kept in check.

I wonder what exactly is going to be said at the SA U conference surrounding the Novok and how much is going to be spoken about how Uran and its role is being a part of this???

Cotik, was the last announcement good enough news for you that you will be going across to attend and see exactly what is happening here????


Discovery isnt selling because Discovery dont have any shares to sell (apart from Kate). Its just that there are no buyers stepping up.

What we need right now is for Uran to sign a jv with Vostgok re the 3 projects and then for Kate to go to UK, US, and possibly ASIA to promote URA to different investors. The Aussie market is naive when it comes to identifying and investing in multi baggers.

All you have to look is the register to see how many overseas investors have never heard of Uran.

It is a shocker of a register from a foreigner investors point of view. The Aussie market may probably get on board once the share price is above $2.

15-06-2008, 02:25 AM
Discovery isnt selling because Discovery dont have any shares to sell (apart from Kate). Its just that there are no buyers stepping up.

I agree on that for sure.

But then why are no buyers stepping up? Here are 3 or 4 easy simple reasons.

1. Because its just about Tax Time, and folks are plain reluctant. (time of year)

2. Because folk just dont believe the story yet, or want JORC /confidence.

3. Others waiting for better TA uptrend, others for further confirmations of the fundementals.

4. A mixture of the above along with broker and institution reviews or re-ratings

Just food for thought IMO, time will strengthen all of the above.

15-06-2008, 03:39 AM
I agree on that for sure.

But then why are no buyers stepping up? Here are 3 or 4 easy simple reasons.

1. Because its just about Tax Time, and folks are plain reluctant. (time of year)

2. Because folk just dont believe the story yet, or want JORC /confidence.

3. Others waiting for better TA uptrend, others for further confirmations of the fundementals.

4. A mixture of the above along with broker and institution reviews or re-ratings

Just food for thought IMO, time will strengthen all of the above.


Buyers would consist of fundamentalists and speculators.

A fundamentalist would not touch URA at this stage because URA has no fundamentals (ie tangible assets).

A speculator is hesitant at the moment because of several reasons. They need more boxes ticked, they dont trust Uran will sign any deals due to no track record, they dont trust the Ukraine government, concerns about future capital raisings, lack of information to make a decision, are worried about the market in general, the sector is not in vogue, the share price is in a slump etc.

If yesterday's announcement occured 12 months ago the share price would now be $1.50+.

Im not too concerned though. Once the deposits are signed off and approval to commence development is granted the share price will be multiples of current levels.

Huang Chung
15-06-2008, 10:51 AM
A speculator is hesitant at the moment because of several reasons. They need more boxes ticked, they dont trust Uran will sign any deals due to no track record, they dont trust the Ukraine government, concerns about future capital raisings, lack of information to make a decision, are worried about the market in general, the sector is not in vogue, the share price is in a slump etc.

Hi guys....SP, I think you've nailed it. I'd imagine they'd have to take on tonnes of debt as well. In this environment, it might be hard to come by, especially for such a small company trying to take on so much in what many would still consider a less than prime part of the world in investment terms.

Just my 2c worth.

15-06-2008, 11:10 AM
I do not see a problem raising debt for an energy creation venture (once the ink is dry and the figures finalised) - its a no brainer. For anything else, yes you would most likely be correct. Anyway its a good omen that Sir Paul McCartney performed in Kiev yesterday. A

15-06-2008, 02:36 PM
I do not see a problem raising debt for an energy creation venture (once the ink is dry and the figures finalised) - its a no brainer. For anything else, yes you would most likely be correct. Anyway its a good omen that Sir Paul McCartney performed in Kiev yesterday. A

I agree Archer,

Once the goodies come through being Grades and Volume and contracts in stone then there should be nothing stopping this and especially being an energy related venture.

Also, why call it debt? After all, after the deals are done and the grades/JORC is there thus an increased SP, wouldn't the Co just do a AIM listing in London, and then if needed more funds to bring home the bacon for a supersize me mine then just do a TSX listing in toronto?

I thought thats what raising money was all about, so you dont need to go to banks and debt, and if there were, production wouldnt be that far off so its not like any income stream wouldnt be coming back in a short time (meaning years) wouldnt it??

Huang, once we get our JORC are you not going to join our tea party here?
or do you still believe this is too Hot Potato type of stock? lol

15-06-2008, 02:36 PM
I do not see a problem raising debt for an energy creation venture (once the ink is dry and the figures finalised) - its a no brainer. For anything else, yes you would most likely be correct. Anyway its a good omen that Sir Paul McCartney performed in Kiev yesterday. A


I agree. URA could easily raise $1B as long as the project/s are valued 3 times that amount. However if they tried to raise that amount for exploration then they would have no chance.

Also, I am 100% confident the Ukrainians will sign the execution agreements with Uran because if they didnt have any intentions to do so they would not have given any data to Uran to review and bring back to Australia.

15-06-2008, 02:53 PM

I agree. URA could easily raise $1B as long as the project/s are valued 3 times that amount. However if they tried to raise that amount for exploration then they would have no chance.

Also, I am 100% confident the Ukrainians will sign the execution agreements with Uran because if they didnt have any intentions to do so they would not have given any data to Uran to review and bring back to Australia.

Very good point SP3.

It took them long enough to de-classify the data, before handing it over...

One gets the impression there is a rather long "feeling out" process you must go thru to get the Ukrainians trust, respect & ultimately involvement in there projects.

I suspect the Russians screwing them over gas caused this.

15-06-2008, 03:04 PM

Also, I am 100% confident the Ukrainians will sign the execution agreements with Uran because if they didnt have any intentions to do so they would not have given any data to Uran to review and bring back to Australia.
now debt raising to advance the projects will be good for the EV hence SP.
there will be dilution anyway along the way so what will be needed is to crack on and get some earnings . This is best financed through debt raising.:)

Anyone care to run a book on the SP by this Xmas? My guess is $2.70
Anyone else?

Oh dear I'd better get off here and go do something really necessary and boring like housework! :mad: LOL. A

15-06-2008, 03:07 PM
now debt raising to advance the projects will be good for the EV hence SP.
there will be dilution anyway along the way so what will be needed is to crack on and get some earnings . This is best financed through debt raising.:)

Anyone care to run a book on the SP by this Xmas? My guess is $2.70
Anyone else?

Oh dear I'd better get off here and go do something really necessary and boring like housework! :mad: LOL. A

How about guessing the Market cap instead?

15-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Also, I am 100&#37; confident the Ukrainians will sign the execution agreements with Uran because if they didnt have any intentions to do so they would not have given any data to Uran to review and bring back to Australia.

Agree SP3, it's a mere formality.

Archer, the SP at the end of the year is anyone's guess. Like satori states, there's so much going on with Uran that anything could happen. What if we acquired something in the CR before the year's out? Bulgaria? Kazakhstan? Another left field ann? I'll be happy with anything over $2. If we acquire an interest in Novok I think we'll be well over that. But I'll have a crack and being the naive eternal optimist that I am I'll say $3.50.

Enjoy the housework (good day to be inside!) :).

15-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Some people seem to think that Friday’s announcement by Uran was a little ho hum. How wrong they are.

After negotiating for over two years with Vostgok and Ministry of Fuel and Energy in Ukraine the ball has finally land in Uran’s court. How fast we progress from here will be largely determined by the speed that Uran is able to process, analyse and interpret the data that they have been given.

No one should have any doubt about the quality of the technical data that Uran has received from the Ukrainians. Remember this data was largely compiled in Soviet times when uranium was classified as a strategic national resource and the very existence of the country may have depended on the accuracy of the geological report. If anything they will be conservative in their estimations; much better for your superiors to be pleasantly surprised in Soviet times than grossly overestimated the resource and find yourself spending the rest of your days rotting in a gulag.

Even though we don’t have a JORC resource for the three deposits, it is safe to assume that at least the amount of uranium that has been stated (+9.5Kt of U3O8) is in place. We know that Uran plan to mine Ukrainian ISL deposits over the next five to six years and I would assume that Uran will want to maximise production in the early years if possible. As a comparison the Beverly mine in SA is using ISL to produce about 1Kt pa from a resource of about 22Kt and will be mined over 15 to 30 years.

Funding will not be a problem and will probably be a combination of debt and equity, what ratio and what amount is unclear at this stage but we have estimates through our research and we know the calibre of people on the Uran Board and the Discovery connection in this area. Raising the funds is not a risk at this stage.

Politically Ukraine has not been that stable over the last few years and therefore many would view this as the greatest risk to Uran. BYUT and Party of Regions don’t agree on too much but they have a similar focus when it comes to the need for Ukraine to have energy independence and in particular the direction of nuclear energy. IMO if the worst happened politically in Ukraine then Uran would be delayed but the agreements would remain valid and the uranium deposits would eventually be mined by Uran.

Once the Ukraine door has been opened by Uran other project will follow, it’s just a matter of time. When you look at CNP, ABC, BNB etc or other uranium hopefuls that have the added risk of actually finding a commercial resource to mine then the risk isn’t too bad in Uran land.

15-06-2008, 04:25 PM
A most excellent post Cotik.

We need to get you on the board, please say yes and all of us here will put forward the motion.

All those here in favour say Eye~! :p

15-06-2008, 04:57 PM
Great post cotik. dF - eye!! LOL.

15-06-2008, 09:26 PM
Is there any chance the uranium conference this week will be a forum where Uran will be looking to get partners on board for the Novok consortium?

Or would you think the partners in the consortium have already been finalised?

15-06-2008, 09:28 PM
Hi Oz,

"On the Cover" :eek:

Now that would be a step in the right direction :D

PS on the subject of marketing ones self, just lookin at your Avatar and thats one of the worst comb overs Ive seen in a while :p

Ohhh come off it STRAT!

Leave the poor bugger alone... don't you realise he cops it every day from his mates! The last thing he needs is for random people on the internet like yourself shooting him down! :p

15-06-2008, 09:30 PM
Is there any chance the uranium conference this week will be a forum where Uran will be looking to get partners on board for the Novok consortium?

Or would you think the partners in the consortium have already been finalised?

I doubt they would announce there partners in that forum, unless they had made an announcement to the market.

Also no use putting it out there & risk losing it.

I'd rather they stayed "mum" about it until the ink has dried...

15-06-2008, 09:33 PM
What I mean is, could it be a forum where Uran try to get partners on board?

I'm not suggesting Uran would announce partners at the conference... I'm suggesting they might not even have any partners yet.

15-06-2008, 09:42 PM
What I mean is, could it be a forum where Uran try to get partners on board?

I'm not suggesting Uran would announce partners at the conference... I'm suggesting they might not even have any partners yet.

Personally i'd like the shareholders to learn about all this, before the Conference attendees by way of a market ann.

I'd imagine Uran would have a good idea of who they would like to invite into the consortium, so i'd imagine there's plenty going on in the background.

However, could the VostGok/Ukraine officials be coming over here to size up & perhaps shortlist those Uran may have already mentioned to them?

Cotik/SP3 - posted a while back some possible partners, can anyone remember if any of them are attending the conference?

15-06-2008, 09:47 PM
great posts satora, sp3 and cotik.. things seem to be looking up round here all of a sudden, lets hope she blows open in the next week or two

A most excellent post Cotik.

We need to get you on the board, please say yes and all of us here will put forward the motion.

All those here in favour say Eye~! :p


15-06-2008, 10:47 PM
Is there any chance the uranium conference this week will be a forum where Uran will be looking to get partners on board for the Novok consortium?

Or would you think the partners in the consortium have already been finalised?

I wouldn't have thought it was up to Uran to "get" partners on board. I would think the consortium is probably made up of companies or organisations that have been invited in by the Ukrainians. After all, it is their deposit.
I'm thinking there will be a reasonably strong Russian involvement, (although I'm not sure if this would be a good thing.......yet!). Maybe the token Canadian?
I think we'll find out shortly, hopefully on the 19th.

Just my opinion of course.

15-06-2008, 10:49 PM
Hi all,

am confuse here why sp didnt rally with positive news announced last Friday. Some talked about company doesn't know how to market/promote.
I dont think so, they are not DAMP!! IMO they want to keep the SP down. I dont know why, they could have announce the good news 2 weeks ago when SP rally to .27 cents..
Someone please explain.

Regardless what the current SP is i am sure long term holders will be rewarded.


DONT put it all on Purple Communications. Theres been too much 'hand passing' here with Uran.
Purple Comms are ordinary at best. Uran has been less than that relative to its peers.
Until Uran DEMONSTRATES what it has..both in deposits AND Management we will continue to get second rate announcements released to second rate marketers.

I TOTALLY agree with you re the marketing here. Could you imagine for example a Cairns (or any half decent MD withsome passion) from IGR with this portfolio and opportunity?


And frankly i'd give him 5 million shares just to come on board!

That said I do comprehend Urans precarious and sensitive position re Ukraine and other negotiations...but surely someone in the mix can do much, much better than the stuff they are releasing.
Yesterdays announcement did have some excellent news so i am not overlooking that by the way.

I say this 'generally' and I am being critical here only to point out what Uran arent doing, what they should be doing and what its costing us.

Heres an example re accountability, consistency and respect for shareholders:

Recent announcements mentioned any number of projects including Ukraine.

Where was Novok in this announcement? Just a mention of the 'progress' here. Remembering Uran are masters of INFORMATION giving particularly with leading, some might say misleading comments...particularly on the timeframes involved. Ive given examples of this before.
Their announcements are littered with information that may 'appear' to be giving the indication of 'current' action when in actual fact one could come to the conclusion that it is anything but that.

Im a stickler for language and a bit pedantic I admit. But the record is on the board with Uran. They havent demonstrated their ability (yet) to deliver a project and definitely not deliver on timelines.

Where was an update on Czech, inparticular Osecna Kotel and the recent developments..?

Kazakhstan MOU 9 months ago?

Pribram? Yeah remember that? Thats the project that was all set up for a trial mine if you recall. Seems its gone a tad quiet with no updates for monrhs..AND...it appears in their last reference to it someone didnt apply for the permit BEFORE they decided to 'potentially' proceed with the operation.


Thats the stuff im talking about. Wheres the planning? Wheres the updates? The reasons for not applying for the licence as soon as trial mining began?

I could go on and believe me it isnt my intention here to create havoc. It is my intention to point out glaring flaws and inadequacies in Urans reporting, their accountability to shareholders re 'Why' on their negotiations.

Not enough of that.

All that aside its looking great for the future, but they are managing my money and frankly they need to be much more communicative, transparent and passionate about what they are doing.

Urans information exercises have cost us re the sentiment of this company.
The market doesnt believe them to a point of not even caring anymore.

Anyone can release INFORMATION.

Until that information is acquired assets it will stay in the realms of the world of possibilities.
Weve had two years of a dozen possibilities. The booms over. The market needs real tangible information that means $$$$.

Strat re the wasted opportunity I take it you are talking about Novok?

Totally agree mate.

That project 'sounds' massive. With the conference barely a few days out one would hope that 'something' is done here to start the process of the media/PR/Broker coverage that would be VERY interested in a near term project of that magnitude..

Particularly if a small company with a market cap of just 11 million or so was about to grab an interest.

Work to do.

The believers here know what could happen. As for those watching or questioning personally I dont care too much about their interest. Uran is exhausted via the usual chat sites...many just dont see this as an option.

Fully understandable.

Time for the wider market to get the picture :)

Huang Chung
15-06-2008, 11:07 PM
I read the announcement Friday morning, and put a buy order in at 22c, thinking the share price might go for a bit of a run.

Missed out by half a cent, but pulled the order when I saw the price start to trickle back down, on little volume.

The market certainly wasn't getting excited this time around.

15-06-2008, 11:19 PM
I read the announcement Friday morning, and put a buy order in at 22c, thinking the share price might go for a bit of a run.

Missed out by half a cent, but pulled the order when I saw the price start to trickle back down, on little volume.

The market certainly wasn't getting excited this time around.

The Australian market has been "educated" that only a JORC resource matters.

Wait til those numbers are announced & then URA will fly.

15-06-2008, 11:40 PM
Just a coincidence, but a little ironic that on the 19th June, in Hall 1, at the AusIMM Uranium conference, will be found Anatoliy Bakarzhiyev giving a spiel about Novok and possibly Uran's involvement,............while in Hall 2 a few guys will be giving a talk on resource estimates for insitu leach uranium deposits and reporting under the JORC code.

I for one, wouldn't mind being in both..................

16-06-2008, 01:02 AM
I wouldn't have thought it was up to Uran to "get" partners on board. I would think the consortium is probably made up of companies or organisations that have been invited in by the Ukrainians. After all, it is their deposit.
I'm thinking there will be a reasonably strong Russian involvement, (although I'm not sure if this would be a good thing.......yet!). Maybe the token Canadian?
I think we'll find out shortly, hopefully on the 19th.

Just my opinion of course.


You've got me thinking.

Lets dissect the announcement by Uran re the Novok consortium proposal.

"Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large underground..."

Does this mean that:

1. Uran will source partners to hopefully participate in a consortium?

2. Have the partners been determined and Uran is preparing a proposal?

3. The Ukraine government has asked Uran to prepare a proposal?

Items 2 and 3 appear to be the most likely.

I have no idea what will be presented on the 19th re the Novok deposit, but surely questions will be raised and Uran will be approached by other mining companies...appears that its going to be a closed shop!!

16-06-2008, 01:15 AM
I have no idea what will be presented on the 19th re the Novok deposit, but surely questions will be raised and Uran will be approached by other mining companies...appears that its going to be a closed shop!!

Closed shop??

I thought Cotik was going to go down as he asked if anybody else was going to go down.

Anybody going to attend?? Cotik, you still thinking or going to attend?

16-06-2008, 01:28 AM

You've got me thinking.

Lets dissect the announcement by Uran re the Novok consortium proposal.

"Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large underground..."

Does this mean that:

1. Uran will source partners to hopefully participate in a consortium?

2. Have the partners been determined and Uran is preparing a proposal?

3. The Ukraine government has asked Uran to prepare a proposal?

Items 2 and 3 appear to be the most likely.

I have no idea what will be presented on the 19th re the Novok deposit, but surely questions will be raised and Uran will be approached by other mining companies...appears that its going to be a closed shop!!

"Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large underground.....".......

To me this means that Urans proposal was to give them the oportunity to participate as part of a consortium that would eventually own 50%.

The Ukrainians, ie VostGOK, would be keeping 50% for themselves.

If there is no other players in the consortium, (highly unlikely), then Uran will get 50%.

I don't know if the rest of the consortium has been finalised, but given how Kate was burned on the 'ol "production in July" statement, I don't think she'd have mentioned Novok unless she was fairly certain Uran's participation was rubber stamped. Tone of communications tend to confirm this.

16-06-2008, 01:43 AM
Closed shop??

I thought Cotik was going to go down as he asked if anybody else was going to go down.

Anybody going to attend?? Cotik, you still thinking or going to attend?


"Closed shop" as in the partners that are going to participate in the consortium have been determined...it had nothing to do with the conference.

16-06-2008, 02:15 AM
Some good discussion happening here.

Now wouldn't it be ideal if Uran signed a deal on Novok. before it had to raise money for production of the smaller deposits.

Would certainly help us regarding limiting dilution.

16-06-2008, 02:22 AM
Some good discussion happening here.

Now wouldn't it be ideal if Uran signed a deal on Novok. before it had to raise money for production of the smaller deposits.

Would certainly help us regarding limiting dilution.


It looks like Uran will be trying to acquire as many projects all at once so that they could arrange a one off capital raising/dual listing.

16-06-2008, 02:23 AM

"Closed shop" as in the partners that are going to participate in the consortium have been determined...it had nothing to do with the conference.

Sp3, but how exactly do we know who the partners are??, and what % Percentages % they and we will have?? and when and where with, who and What % will come and when do some of us think this will be announced???

Bit of a brain twister that one but I think you know what I mean...lol

Do we or uran know?? I cant remember reading anything~!

16-06-2008, 02:24 AM
Yep, I agree SP3.

16-06-2008, 02:40 AM
Yep, I agree SP3.


Are you a Collingwood supporter?


This is the mystery of this stock. We are given very little information and we make mountains out of it. Lets hope Kate gives us the news we want to hear very soon.

16-06-2008, 02:46 AM

Haha nah mate, I follow the Eagles (though I must admit am losing interest). Also don't mind supporting the Dockers, Tigers, Dees and the Blues.

16-06-2008, 02:55 AM

It looks like Uran will be trying to acquire as many projects all at once so that they could arrange a one off capital raising/dual listing.

Will make it easier it get the Discovery option across the line too!

16-06-2008, 03:02 AM
Will make it easier it get the Discovery option across the line too!

If Uran's share price is $5 by then, Discovery can have anything they want.

16-06-2008, 10:45 AM
Closed shop??

I thought Cotik was going to go down as he asked if anybody else was going to go down.

Anybody going to attend?? Cotik, you still thinking or going to attend?


I probably will not attend, as I don't think the information that I would gained could justify the $4K and two days out of the office.

I think I have a fair idea of what is going on, I am just missing a couple of pieces from the puzzle, but I can still see the big picture.

Thanks for the support with getting on the Board; it would be great to finally get the last two pieces. ;)

16-06-2008, 02:23 PM
I see URA announced Appeals lodged over Exploration Permits in Czech Republic today. Anyone here holding out much hope on this one?

16-06-2008, 03:52 PM
Uran would have to be one of the most depressing stocks to watch.

Any chance of it actually going up for once? :confused:

16-06-2008, 03:55 PM
I see URA announced Appeals lodged over Exploration Permits in Czech Republic today. Anyone here holding out much hope on this one?

Im not really holding my breath for Czech applications or appeals.

Every since it was announced (kinda by accident) it has brought nothing but plague to the share price and the companies announcement or news.

I do believe however, that over time, something good will come out of all this persistence and thus bring reward eventually once the CR sorts itself out which it appears to be doing.

STRAT, the main focus here is Ukraine (especially for me).

By the looks of things, somebody is wanting out, and wanting out no matter what the outcome of Ukraine or CR is. Obviously a Tax Time exit plan for somebody. :rolleyes:

I wonder though, is it somebody here that we all know??? (who are you seller?). :confused:

Cotik, no worries about the board suggestions. Still waiting for many more Eye's to be posted from folks here though...lol :p

16-06-2008, 03:58 PM
Uran would have to be one of the most depressing stocks to watch.

Any chance of it actually going up for once? :confused:

Yes Oz, your not wrong about that.

Its even more depressing taking tablets to ease the pain....lol

Uran should put a disclaimer on the bottom of their announcements.

(this stock is boring to watch or trade, enter at own risk) :D

16-06-2008, 03:58 PM
I see URA announced Appeals lodged over Exploration Permits in Czech Republic today. Anyone here holding out much hope on this one?


Assuming the Czech government eventually allows U mining, Uran will be in the box seat to make a claim over these deposits given they the appeals process will be delayed until the policy over no uranium is overturned.

It now makes sense why Uran made these applications knowing that that had very little chance of success. Im sure other u hopefuls will be pursuing these deposits once the government changes their position, but unfortunantely for them Uran would prevent them from making any successful claim.

16-06-2008, 04:22 PM

I probably will not attend, as I don't think the information that I would gained could justify the $4K and two days out of the office.

I think I have a fair idea of what is going on, I am just missing a couple of pieces from the puzzle, but I can still see the big picture.

Thanks for the support with getting on the Board; it would be great to finally get the last two pieces. ;)


Do you want to share what the big picture is? Any ideas what the last two pieces might be? Quick... before I die of boredom!

16-06-2008, 04:30 PM

Anyone going to Conference?

And has anyone asked/requested Uran present a transcript of the Novok discussion?

I was thinking of heading to the conference as i'm an AusIMM member and live in Adelaide. However, i'm not sure that there would be all that much gained from the conference. KH isn't going to say something that hasn't already been or is about to be announced - she knows as well as anyone not to mislead/say anything without the asx..

I guess i could still head along.. If there were some pressing questions that validate me taking a day off work.

16-06-2008, 04:34 PM
Hi FrankEd,

IMO it's not so much what Kate says, but what the Ukrainians say on Novok. that will be interesting.

16-06-2008, 04:39 PM

Do you want to share what the big picture is?

We all know the big picture; mid sized near term uranium producer, with an appropriate MC.

Any ideas what the last two pieces might be?

Yes ,but I need to make sure before I say anything. ;)

16-06-2008, 04:41 PM
I was
thinking of heading to the conference as i'm an AusIMM member and live in Adelaide. However, i'm not sure that there would be all that much gained from the conference. KH isn't going to say something that hasn't already been or is about to be announced - she knows as well as anyone not to mislead/say anything without the asx..

I guess i could still head along.. If there were some pressing questions that validate me taking a day off work.


Kate doesnt have to say anything. The Ukrainian reps possibly could. What we want to know (from the presentation) is the size of the Novok deposit, cost to develop the deposit, when production is expected to commence and whether an Aussie miner will have an interest.

If you can have a one on one with the Ukrainian people that would be even better.

16-06-2008, 04:49 PM
Yes ,but I need to make sure before I say anything. ;)

Let us know when you do! ;)

16-06-2008, 05:02 PM
I guess i could still head along.. If there were some pressing questions that validate me taking a day off work.

Hi Frank,

You are sure right about what Kate will say and wont say.

But as Oz has pointed out that counts is:

"but what the Ukrainians say on Novok. that will be interesting"

Yes, that will be interesting.

By any chance, if you happen to go there, would you have an Mp3 recorder or phone that will record for up to an hour?

If so, I got plenty of webspace and ability to publish the audio version if you capture it and wish to share for all the others here to have a listen. ;)

Anyways, thanks for letting us know and either way, please keep us posted to what exactly gets spoken if you do.


16-06-2008, 05:24 PM
Hi Frank,

You are sure right about what Kate will say and wont say.

But as Oz has pointed out that counts is:

Yes, that will be interesting.

By any chance, if you happen to go there, would you have an Mp3 recorder or phone that will record for up to an hour?

If so, I got plenty of webspace and ability to publish the audio version if you capture it and wish to share for all the others here to have a listen. ;)

Anyways, thanks for letting us know and either way, please keep us posted to what exactly gets spoken if you do.


Be interesting to hear if the Ukrainians refer to Uran as there partner :confused:

Weird how the market totally ignores the good news, but sells down URA on the Czech rejections, as if these weren't already known.

Uran really do need to start promoting there activities in Ukraine!

DF - eye :D

16-06-2008, 05:28 PM
Down 13% now

16-06-2008, 05:32 PM
Be interesting to hear if the Ukrainians refer to Uran as there partner :confused:

Weird how the market totally ignores the good news, but sells down URA on the Czech rejections, as if these weren't already known.

Uran really do need to start promoting there activities in Ukraine!

DF - eye :D

Shasta, anybody who checks back through the announcements will see how anything to do with the CR has plagued this company. As I said before though, it WILL eventually pay off, however and all so stupid as it may be, its the mud that gets slung or perceived along the way that hurts the company along the journey.

I really do think it is Tax Selling time for some people. I mean, just look at the sell side. Now they were already there before this announcement so and they were also there before the other announcement (not as much but still there nonetheless). So with certainty I will say somebody wants out for Tax Reasons regardless of the Blue Sky that we all so badly want to see unfold.

Your also right about what Uran needs to do, yet there is pages of it on this forum over the past week or so even, so I wont even get onto that subject....lol

Another EYE, good one. Nearly there cotik, a few more to go :D

16-06-2008, 05:32 PM
What we want to know (from the presentation) is the size of the Novok deposit, cost to develop the deposit, when production is expected to commence and whether an Aussie miner will have an interest.

Where is what I think:

+105,000 t of U3O8 (not JORC)

Cost will be much less than many expect.

Q1 2010


16-06-2008, 05:40 PM
Down 13% now

Obviously some have decided that it is time to move on if the company is not prepare to sell itself at this stage.....too many other opportunities I guess.

16-06-2008, 05:49 PM
Obviously some have decided that it is time to move on if the company is not prepare to sell itself at this stage.....too many other opportunities I guess.

Yes cotik, other opportunities everywhere.

Anybody reckon it could be MK selling from his MON (monarch gold) muck up?

There are alot of people who will have nothing to do with him providing he is involved with any company, so maybe this ADDs to the slide or lack of confidence. Meaning because he is involved some folk are outta here type thing.

Just a thought~!

16-06-2008, 08:47 PM
What we want to know (from the presentation) is the size of the Novok deposit, cost to develop the deposit, when production is expected to commence and whether an Aussie miner will have an interest.

If you can have a one on one with the Ukrainian people that would be even better.

I've just looked at the program and it turns out the Novok presentation is on Thursday, at 3:50 - i might try to get there just for that


Unfortunatley i don't have anything that could record for an hour. I'll try take as much down...

Now i just have to get hold of someone from AusIMM....

16-06-2008, 11:30 PM
Hi FrankEd

A few points re note taking the discussion..

Size of deposit?
Value of deposit?
Consortium details including 'when' a consortium would be given green light or when it would be accepted. That is a timeframe to the deal.
How many partners for consortium and what %?
When will it start production?
What costs to get it to production?

Questions if at all possible:

Re novok any of the above.
Is Uran 'seriously' in the mix for this project, or is this 'consortium bid' merely a tender process for dozens of other hopefuls?
Is Uran a serious contender?

Other questions re deposits already clarified.

Is the original Soviet data excellent? If so does that mean JORC could be done quickly? If so what timeframe?
Is the 6-9 months till production feasible?

A few questions there mate. Mostly obvious but something to think about :)

Good questions Satori

Im not sure if they will be addressing those questions. I think the presentation will be technically based and in a language that only a geo will understand.

Frank, you may get some of these questions answered if you could catch up with the presenter one-on-one after the presentation.

17-06-2008, 01:30 AM
Here's an article on Czech if anyone is interested:

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/documents/Ceskenoviny.cz%20-%20Ministry%20of%20Environment%20Rejected%20Applic ations%20for%20Uranium%20Mining%20at%20Liberec%20R egion.pdf

17-06-2008, 01:29 PM
Here's an article on Czech if anyone is interested:

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/documents/Ceskenoviny.cz%20-%20Ministry%20of%20Environment%20Rejected%20Applic ations%20for%20Uranium%20Mining%20at%20Liberec%20R egion.pdf

Hi Oz,

Seems like nobody is interested.

Looking at the action today with Uran on the market, it also seems like nobody is interested. Ahhh well. :rolleyes:

17-06-2008, 03:39 PM
Good questions Satori

Im not sure if they will be addressing those questions. I think the presentation will be technically based and in a language that only a geo will understand.

Frank, you may get some of these questions answered if you could catch up with the presenter one-on-one after the presentation.

I agree with that... i recently attended the sampling conference in perth (i'm an engineer in the sampling industry)... a lot of that was about metallurgical accounting, some of which went straight over my head.

Unfortunately i wont be able to make the conference (sorry!), i rang AusIMM this morning and they want $550 just to attend Thursday... Not worth it IMO.

I was just thinking about "popping in" because that would have been easy to do at the Perth conference, but as this is uranium based there is security (thats what i was told by AusIMM).

Sorry guys!

17-06-2008, 03:48 PM
I agree with that... i recently attended the sampling conference in perth (i'm an engineer in the sampling industry)

Excellent stuff Frank, perhaps we can get you on the crew of Uran for a decent swag of options perhaps? Ready to fly to Ukraine? :eek:

but as this is uranium based there is security (thats what i was told by AusIMM).

Sorry guys!

AHHH Shuks, tell ya what, how about we get you black coat, Hat, sunnies and we can arrange the back door to be opened up at exactly 12 midday.. :D

Thanks for the thought anyways Frank, I and many here totally understand and appreciate any participation on this thread anyways.


17-06-2008, 04:01 PM

Just put on a suit, act confident and follow everyone else as they walk into the auditorium:)

17-06-2008, 04:40 PM
Just got home to see URA/URAO the worst performing stocks once again on my watchlist of 25 stocks. It really is pathetic and depressing. Sorry for my whinging, but this really is a f'n joke.

17-06-2008, 04:46 PM
Just got home to see URA/URAO the worst performing stocks once again on my watchlist of 25 stocks. It really is pathetic and depressing. Sorry for my whinging, but this really is a f'n joke.

Oz, your not alone, I rarely go out very much, but I did today and only to come back to this.

Somebody wants out, PLAIN AND CLEAR.

Why dont they just get it over with and just dump the crap and move on.

Lets see a 11 cent shareprice so those who extra pockets can pick them up cheap.

Very depressing indeed Oz so dont worry about your whinging, I am here and all ears and know exactly how you feel, and I am sure Many Others are also feeling the same.

Maybe somebody knows something we dont?? Thats another situation all together.

Make ya wonder though doesn't it??

I just want to know, IS IT GOING TO HAPPEN FOR THIS STOCK, Yes or No?

If Yes, WHEN if No then WHY or if Yes or no, WHY AND WHEN...lol

17-06-2008, 04:53 PM
Just got home to see URA/URAO the worst performing stocks once again on my watchlist of 25 stocks. It really is pathetic and depressing. Sorry for my whinging, but this really is a f'n joke.


The buyers are not stepping up. Only a handful of sellers but that's enough to make the share price look vulnerable. There have been a few buy orders being pulled today making the situation look even worse. The whole Uranium sector is suffering...not just Uran. But Uran imo is probably the worse of the lot, followed by WHE.

Im not sure what needs to happen to change the sentiment. At this stage even an acquisition may not be enough to change the sentiment. Unless Kate goes out and promotes Uran to Insto's the share price will still hover around 20c, even with projects on board.

Has anyone asked Kate why she chose to exhibit Uran at the conference this week? Whoi is her target audience? How is she going to measure whether the promotion is going to be successful? Will she be exhibiting the share price chart?

Fck if I know what is going on!!

17-06-2008, 05:11 PM
Only reason it's going down is because I have stopped buying :rolleyes:

Hold tight, don't get shaken out yet.

Unfortunately Kate has lost all credibility in the market and it will take an extraordinary effort to get it back, she has had some shocking advice, but even worse; she listened.

17-06-2008, 05:14 PM
What amazes me is that this is the closest Uran has been to production and yet the share price is trading close to an all time low.

This is unexplainable.

I know there are still risks with this stock, but name me any other stock that isnt? Even BHP and RIO carries risks!!!

Why isnt anyone interested in Uran?

The market obviously believes the recent announcements are fictitious...there is no other explanation.

17-06-2008, 05:19 PM

The buyers are not stepping up. Only a handful of sellers but that's enough to make the share price look vulnerable. There have been a few buy orders being pulled today making the situation look even worse.

So very true Sp3.

But who exactly are the sellers? Is there anyway to see an updated Top 20?

Also, your right about the exhibit, what exactly is Kate going to exhibit and why?

As I have said before, I sure hope this conference is not a case of:
Bring the Chicken Coupe to the Wolf's Den

We need to get some runs on the board here and where are our confident management to buy shares that are falling???

They will not, they seem to not give a F about a falling shareprice.

I feel like an absolute dork buying in at .21 cents but then I bought in because I believed that something is going to happen.

I bought in more because I thought management would actually have something to say about achievements of projects, with Grades, Volumes and Concrete Signed Deals.

Maybe I have sucked myself in again.

8 buyers for 177,566 units 34 sellers for 739,160 units with no end in sight.

Tax time and selling sure.

17-06-2008, 05:22 PM
she has had some shocking advice, but even worse; she listened.

Not exactly sure what you are meaning by this cotik.

Shocking advice from whom and what advice? and why hasn't the market known about this?

17-06-2008, 05:25 PM
Not exactly sure what you are meaning by this cotik.

Shocking advice from whom and what advice? and why hasn't the market known about this?

Ask yourself who is calling the shots at Uran???

17-06-2008, 05:26 PM
So very true Sp3.

But who exactly are the sellers? Is there anyway to see an updated Top 20?

Also, your right about the exhibit, what exactly is Kate going to exhibit and why?

As I have said before, I sure hope this conference is not a case of:
Bring the Chicken Coupe to the Wolf's Den

We need to get some runs on the board here and where are our confident management to buy shares that are falling???

They will not, they seem to not give a F about a falling shareprice.

I feel like an absolute dork buying in at .21 cents but then I bought in because I believed that something is going to happen.

I bought in more because I thought management would actually have something to say about achievements of projects, with Grades, Volumes and Concrete Signed Deals.

Maybe I have sucked myself in again.

8 buyers for 177,566 units 34 sellers for 739,160 units with no end in sight.

Tax time and selling sure.


Keep the patienta (i know its frustrating)

Very soon we will be kicking ourselves for NOT buying more around 21c.

As for the current 18c, am weighing up selling VIR & buying more :D

17-06-2008, 05:31 PM

Keep the patienta (i know its frustrating)

Very soon we will be kicking ourselves for NOT buying more around 21c.

As for the current 18c, am weighing up selling VIR & buying more :D

We all know this stock will be $2+ (if and only if) the 3 projects are acquired. This could happen in 1 week or 1 year, but it will happen.

We we cant understand is why isnt the rest of the market taking notice?

Surely you dont have to be a Rhode Scholar to work that out!!!

17-06-2008, 05:31 PM

Keep the patienta (i know its frustrating)

Very soon we will be kicking ourselves for NOT buying more around 21c.

As for the current 18c, am weighing up selling VIR & buying more :D

LOL, yes shasta you are right :D

Not that much TA comes into this but the good news is, there are Higher LOWs and Not Lower LOWs, meaning that this stock is still in an uptrend would you believe :p

But all the same, its just the yearly cycle doing its thing and its the same every year for the many stocks out there, although some seem to be in flavour and escape such punishment. :rolleyes:

ps: I did buy more at .21 just previously.

17-06-2008, 06:01 PM
[QUOTE=drillfix;207118]LOL, yes shasta you are right :D

But all the same, its just the yearly cycle doing its thing and its the same every year for the many stocks out there, although some seem to be in flavour and escape such punishment. :rolleyes:

This is a ghastly time in the cycle and very volatile because of the world situation. Only when Uran has the agreements signed with all the figures availabe to the market will anyone have the balls to step up. There's one big seller ATM - he's not taking too much of a wacking at these prices either I stongly suspect.

Re the trade exhibit - reckon it will just be lots more pictures like on the web, new ones of Ukraine (if they're allowed ) and a laptop display of the company with recent anns. Lots of trade displays are less than impressive and its only my surmising. But I've stopped getting excited about it. I want the figures from the exploration geo.
Close your eyes and hold tight folks . A

17-06-2008, 06:09 PM
Not that much TA comes into this but the good news is, there are Higher LOWs and Not Lower LOWs, meaning that this stock is still in an uptrend would you believe :p

.Hi Drillfix,

You reckon ? :eek:

and wait till tomorrow when that close of 18c is tacked on the end:(

and yes, I was thinkin of buying a few more lol :rolleyes:

Tony S
17-06-2008, 07:00 PM
Hi guys and gals!

I finally made it over to sharetrader! Hope you are all well...especially you drillfix.....

Bad day to be talking Uran, seems nobody believes the projects are any closer?

Regards to all,


17-06-2008, 07:17 PM
Hi everybody..the share price sucks alright....My accountant is pressuring me to tax loss sell so I guess others are in the same situation.

17-06-2008, 07:27 PM
Hi guys and gals!

I finally made it over to sharetrader! Hope you are all well...especially you drillfix.....

Bad day to be talking Uran, seems nobody believes the projects are any closer?

Regards to all,


Welcome aboard Tony.

If only I was cashed up right now...I would be swallowing up all the sell orders under 25c.

Tony S
17-06-2008, 07:33 PM
Thanks SP3, I was busy all day today so didn't pick any up. Will do so tomorrow though.

It looked today like someone selling at market probably for the tax loss or whatever. It was a strange way to sell, he/she should have gotten a better price than they did. It happened in a few stocks today like MOY knocked down 21% with a sell at market....only to see the price finish unchanged for the day! Not a sensible way to sell unless you are happy with the tax loss!

It may be that there will be a few URA bargins up until June 30, then maybe a run in early July?

Hope things are well.

Cheers, Tony.

17-06-2008, 07:43 PM
Hi Drillfix,

You reckon ? :eek:

and wait till tomorrow when that close of 18c is tacked on the end:(

and yes, I was thinkin of buying a few more lol :rolleyes:

Hi Strat,

I was only looking at a rough chart from the top of my head. Meaning if it can hold above .17 cents then everything is cool, if it finishes or breaks that on the end of day then we are back to the THRIFT shop to pickup or fill our bags full of URA, in which case, I imagine there will be plenty of folk shopping or ready to pickup a bargain or two. :rolleyes:

17-06-2008, 07:47 PM
Hi guys and gals!

I finally made it over to sharetrader! Hope you are all well...especially you drillfix.....

Bad day to be talking Uran, seems nobody believes the projects are any closer?

Regards to all,


Hi Tony,
Great to see you on board here, and yes bit of a funny selling type day it was.

Body is still totally killing me along with this Uran sell off which never helps but apart from that, at least I am alive nonetheless.

Hope to see you around with many more posts :)

Tony S
17-06-2008, 07:49 PM
Cheers drillfix, yes I intend to post on URA a fair bit, and thank God there is no PLV thread over here!!!

Regards, Tony.

17-06-2008, 07:49 PM

It will be interesting to see how Uran promotes themselves at the uranium conference tomorrow and Thursday. Im not sure who their target audience will be but I hope they impress the delegates and media with their future projects.

I wonder how Kate is planning to entertain the Ukrainians who are here right now attending the conference.

17-06-2008, 07:50 PM
Hi everybody..the share price sucks alright....My accountant is pressuring me to tax loss sell so I guess others are in the same situation.

Hi marieclaire,

Hope you've got a stack of gains to write off to recover these losses :)
and I also sure hope that your not in the Top 20 holders :eek:

Tony S
17-06-2008, 07:55 PM

It will be interesting to see how Uran promotes themselves at the uranium conference tomorrow and Thursday. Im not sure who their target audience will be but I hope they impress the delegates and media with their future projects.

I wonder how Kate is planning to entertain the Ukrainians who are here right now attending the conference.

I suppose Kate's main target audience will be the Ukrainians themselves! This would be a pretty decent junket for them and I hope Kate & Co are wining and dining them well!

I can't help but feel having the Ukrainians here is a very good sign.

Cheers, Tony.

17-06-2008, 08:10 PM
Drill ...not in the top 20 lol...I am not selling just explaining the dynamics at the moment.Great time to accumulate if you are a believer!;)

17-06-2008, 08:12 PM
I suppose Kate's main target audience will be the Ukrainians themselves! This would be a pretty decent junket for them and I hope Kate & Co are wining and dining them well!

I can't help but feel having the Ukrainians here is a very good sign.

Cheers, Tony.

Hi Tony

Nice to have you onboard ST :D

Hope Kate & Co have been seen with some "funny talking suits" around the Barossa Valley, that couldn't hurt our chances surely.

Tony S
17-06-2008, 08:30 PM
Hi Tony

Nice to have you onboard ST :D

Hope Kate & Co have been seen with some "funny talking suits" around the Barossa Valley, that couldn't hurt our chances surely.

Hi shastra, thanks for the welcome.

I agree a little hospitality may work wonders!

Cheers, Tony.

17-06-2008, 08:41 PM
Hi guys and gals!

I finally made it over to sharetrader! Hope you are all well...especially you drillfix.....

Bad day to be talking Uran, seems nobody believes the projects are any closer?

Regards to all,


Good to see you here Tony,
I have just spent a week or so entertaining the Magot over here.......you can imagine how good that was for my liver. He tells lots of stories when he's drunk, but I wont repeat them here.
Hope to hear lots more from you on this thread.

Tony S
17-06-2008, 08:45 PM
Good to see you here Tony,
I have just spent a week or so entertaining the Magot over here.......you can imagine how good that was for my liver. He tells lots of stories when he's drunk, but I wont repeat them here.
Hope to hear lots more from you on this thread.

Thanks juqu, a week with magot!! I'd say your ears are in as bad shape as your liver!

Cheers, Tony.

17-06-2008, 08:45 PM
I have just spent a week or so entertaining the Magot over here.......

Juqu, LOL :D , who is the Magot and why do you have to entertain him??

17-06-2008, 09:06 PM
Ask yourself who is calling the shots at Uran???

Pat Ryan?
Michael Kiernan?

AFAIC I thought Kate was running the show? :confused:

17-06-2008, 09:11 PM
Here's an article on Czech if anyone is interested:

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/documents/Ceskenoviny.cz%20-%20Ministry%20of%20Environment%20Rejected%20Applic ations%20for%20Uranium%20Mining%20at%20Liberec%20R egion.pdf

Thanks oz. Was a little disappointing to see Jiri Jez state that Ralsko (I assume this is Straz pod Ralskem ?sp, which I think it the same as Hamr) would be re-opened in 20 years time. Hopefully it means that it will be open in 20 years time, but would've been re-opened much earlier!

Anyway it seems that Uran can't do much more in the CR with the current environment minister in place, not in regards to new deposits anyway. Like satori said, an update on Rozna and Pribram would be nice, as these aren't new as such.

17-06-2008, 09:11 PM
Pat Ryan?
Michael Kiernan?

AFAIC I thought it was Kate who was running the show? :confused:

You're pretty close Ellroy.

17-06-2008, 09:57 PM
You're pretty close Ellroy.

Given the main areas of our focus at present (Ukraine & Czech Republic), i'll assume its Discovery factions running the show?

After watching Borat again (god knows how many times now?), got me thinking, Kazakhstan has conveniently been forgotten for some time now.

Why, cause its NOT a Discovery lead...

What i don't understand is Uzbekistan, another Discovery lead that has been "archived" :confused:

17-06-2008, 10:04 PM
Juqu, LOL :D , who is the Magot and why do you have to entertain him??

Hi DF,
Magot is an old friend of Mine and Tony's. He came over to Broome for a break. Loves a Corona, (or twenty), and is a true blue large as life aussie character.

17-06-2008, 10:07 PM
Given the main areas of our focus at present (Ukraine & Czech Republic), i'll assume its Discovery factions running the show?

I think you're right shasta, but I'm guessing it's one Discovery shareholder in particular.

17-06-2008, 10:08 PM
Given the main areas of our focus at present (Ukraine & Czech Republic), i'll assume its Discovery factions running the show?

After watching Borat again (god knows how many times now?), got me thinking, Kazakhstan has conveniently been forgotten for some time now.

Why, cause its NOT a Discovery lead...

What i don't understand is Uzbekistan, another Discovery lead that has been "archived" :confused:

Why aren't Discovery shareholders buying shares on-market? Either they know the stock is a dud or they are confident they will get their 100M shares allocation-so why bother.

Hope its not the former!!!!!!

17-06-2008, 10:11 PM
Why aren't Discovery shareholders buying shares on-market? Either they know the stock is a dud or they are confident they will get their 100M shares allocation-so why bother.

Hope its not the former!!!!!!

So lets narrow it down, i assume Tomas Vana is our ticket into Czech Republic (via Discovery) & Joe C re Ukraine?

Am i getting warmer? ;)

17-06-2008, 10:18 PM
So lets narrow it down, i assume Tomas Vana is our ticket into Czech Republic (via Discovery) & Joe C re Ukraine?

Am i getting warmer? ;)

You're as cold as the ukraine weather shasta.

17-06-2008, 11:54 PM
if you can be bothered


18-06-2008, 12:11 AM
Hi DF,
Magot is an old friend of Mine and Tony's. He came over to Broome for a break. Loves a Corona, (or twenty), and is a true blue large as life aussie character.

Don't suppose Magot's initials are WA and he just got married?
I used to work for the same company he does in Broome if so...

18-06-2008, 12:49 AM
Don't suppose Magot's initials are WA and he just got married?
I used to work for the same company he does in Broome if so...

I've just sent you a PM Frank................

18-06-2008, 01:27 AM
lets hope so ... so the Greens can get kicked out!!


18-06-2008, 02:11 AM
lets hope so ... so the Greens can get kicked out!!


Heh I read this the other day SP3 and was thinking the same thing myself. If the Greens weren't part of the coalition we wouldn't have a problem!

18-06-2008, 02:16 AM
Heh I read this the other day SP3 and was thinking the same thing myself. If the Greens weren't part of the coalition we wouldn't have a problem!

The Greens occupy only 6 seats...the rest of the coalition occupy 94. I dont believe they will give the Greens the Environment portfolio should they form Government again.

18-06-2008, 02:20 AM
Heh I read this the other day SP3 and was thinking the same thing myself. If the Greens weren't part of the coalition we wouldn't have a problem!

The Greens are falling apart in CR - the only drawback is that the dark greens will take over the party. Despite all his bluster, Bursik is touchable, a known quantity. It will take more time in CR but the pressure is really on them to come up with the nuclear goods. Best to expect this one later rather than sooner but one never knows. Uran's fortunes will rise or fall on the Ukraine not CR.
Someone asked about Uzbek before - forget it -disorganised autocracy - just not what you want to deal with if you're a foreign company. We need Ukraine - Novogi, Surski, the new one (s) and Novoki. Wonder what's happening with tungsten - at least its in a country with minimal sovereign risk . A

18-06-2008, 04:03 AM
Best to expect this one later rather than sooner but one never knows. Uran's fortunes will rise or fall on the Ukraine not CR.

I agree Archer, plus Uran only seems to inherit grief from the CR and the market seems to bash Uran for it like it was the only thing that matters.

If at any time the CR does come good, well then that will be a bonus only, IMO~!

18-06-2008, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone,
Im very new to this trading game and i bought some Uran a few weeks ago just for fun, but alas fun it has not been!
Even after a 'good' announcement the sp has continued to drop... Any ideas about how low it can go?? Im pretty sure theres no point selling now but hey..

18-06-2008, 09:42 AM
Hi everyone,
Im very new to this trading game and i bought some Uran a few weeks ago just for fun, but alas fun it has not been!
Even after a 'good' announcement the sp has continued to drop... Any ideas about how low it can go?? Im pretty sure theres no point selling now but hey..

The SP should be trading above 60c atm but its not to be. I noticed a few buy orders getting pulled yesterday so that suggests that there is abit of manipulation going on atm.

I wouldnt worry too much...not long to go before the agreements are signed which should put a rocket under the share price-hoping anyway:)

18-06-2008, 10:26 AM
Hi Guys

3 projects in Ukraine. 50% more at that, and double the uranium.

Value there? Of course. Always has been. And relative to Urans position, much much more value.


The reason this is being held back is not for the 'benefit' of Uran holders. Its for the 'benefit' of Discovery holders.

There is no logical reason not to go ahead with this NOW.

Uran has footed the bills and shareholders 'in Uran' have taken the hits.

And yes, i'm not happy with the state of the share price or the companys management of it or their vague esoteric ethereal non committal announcements!!!!

Someone call an astrologer, a psychic and John Edwards will ya?

We'd get much more sense and direction from that trio than what weve been given here for sometime.

Wake up Uran. Wake up Kate Hobbs..and..

Someone get Pat Ryan out of that self induced coma hes been in since day 1 :)

We are being taken on a little ride folks and will be dropped off when 'Discovery' determine the best possible entry point.

And 'major holders' in Discovery happen to be in a position of a very real conflict of interest.

Whos working for shareholders?

Who is working for their own self interests?

Time to refocus.

I was of the understanding the acquisition of Discovery will only come about after an independant review of all the data which Uran are currently going through. If PWC, (I think they are doing it), agree that the information points to value, then it will go ahead, provided shareholders approve it.

I don't believe the acquisition is being "held back" as you say. Proceedure must be followed.

18-06-2008, 12:22 PM
Hi everyone,
Im very new to this trading game and i bought some Uran a few weeks ago just for fun, but alas fun it has not been!
Even after a 'good' announcement the sp has continued to drop... Any ideas about how low it can go?? Im pretty sure theres no point selling now but hey..

Hi Oli welcome to the House of Pain. How low can the sweet Uan chariot go?
We don't know but we all know it won't take us home until the Ukraine is finalised with hard data. Will slip day by day until then. Not many newbies interested yet and most long termers been here so long we're just hanging on regardless. :) Good luck. A

18-06-2008, 05:45 PM
cheer up things could be worse!

There might be a couple of deposits that we haven't heard about yet!!

Ukraine has enough uranium ore fields to supply energy with own resources - Premier Yulia Tymoshenko

12.06.2008 | 16:20 | Ukrinform print version

Ukraine has enough uranium ore fields to supply energy with own resources, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said on a working visit to Zaporizhia region.

"We have to present a renewed plan on energy development to be elaborated not just in Kyiv, but in regions. We are now supplying ourselves [energy sources] by 30 percent. This is due to squalor of atomic industry. 12 uranium fields are being explored now each of them may supply us with fuel for 50 years," Yulia Tymoshenko stressed.
She also said that the Cabinet means to boost electric energy output at APP by 122 percent till 2010.

18-06-2008, 05:57 PM
Hi everyone,
Im very new to this trading game and i bought some Uran a few weeks ago just for fun, but alas fun it has not been!
Even after a 'good' announcement the sp has continued to drop... Any ideas about how low it can go?? Im pretty sure theres no point selling now but hey..

Hi Oli,

Yes its never much fun when you see a SP of a co dropping after what should be seen as good news.

How low can it go?? Well, that depends on the news or Lack of news for that matter, however if we look at the 52 week Low it is 12.5 cents, and that was when the markets were smashed back in January 08.

Will it go lower?? IMO, I dont think so, Why?, well due to the anticipated acquisition(s) and announcement of Grades from Data the company has been given this should see us moving UP not Down after the information is released and then further UP after that which then done by another audit review.

Anyways, hang in there and make it fun as this is why you bought in is it not?
Do some further research, ask questions here and send management questions and post back what type of replies you get. But I will say at least let them get the data processed and then fire questions IMO.

Satori is right also, this is getting frustating.

And 'major holders' in Discovery happen to be in a position of a very real conflict of interest.

Damn right it is, I dont care what anybody says and even when things do go right with this company, I feel (THEY) those people should be very careful on how they proceed or ask or declare certain things that equates to Greed, as that could be seen (THEM) as digging themselves into a deeper whole. And especially as Uran Shareholders have basically footed the the bill here to a large extend. IMO.

There has always been little care for shareholders or so it seems and that in itself is sickening.

The company really needs to gets some Runs on the Board, and lets start with the original 2 or perhaps 3 projects set in stone with all JORC/Data for the market to see, complete with timeline. That will do for a Start~!

18-06-2008, 06:03 PM
Don't worry Df when I am on the Board there will be some changes ;)

Tony S
18-06-2008, 06:15 PM
Don't worry Df when I am on the Board there will be some changes ;)

LOL....likewise cotik.....I reckon we would know how to entertain the Ukranians!

18-06-2008, 06:30 PM
Don't worry Df when I am on the Board there will be some changes ;)

Cotik, and I honestly cannot wait.

Is everybody else reading this? How exactly can we put this motion forward to the board, is there a certain form we need to download from ASIC the company to put forth such a movement?

Perhaps our Silent Chairman can explain a bit more on that front, and this way we can gauge his co-operation to forgive willingly or would he get defensive?

Some may think, well, what is this all about?

And the answer to that is: to create an addition to the board that will enable the company to act with more constant and ongoing, Transparency, Honesty, Accountability with respect to shareholder and market information and communication.

Plus lots lots more ;)

18-06-2008, 06:34 PM
Cotik, and I honestly cannot wait.

Is everybody else reading this? How exactly can we put this motion forward to the board, is there a certain form we need to download from ASIC the company to put forth such a movement?

Perhaps our Silent Chairman can explain a bit more on that front, and this way we can gauge his co-operation to forgive willingly or would he get defensive?

Some may think, well, what is this all about?

And the answer to that is: to create an addition to the board that will enable the company to act with more constant and ongoing, Transparency, Honesty, Accountability with respect to shareholder and market information and communication.

Plus lots lots more ;)

Im sure we shareholders could ask for the motion to be put forward at the AGM.

From there shear numbers would dictate getting Cotik on board.

18-06-2008, 06:43 PM
Im sure we shareholders could ask for the motion to be put forward at the AGM.

From there shear numbers would dictate getting Cotik on board.

Agree shasta, but then doesnt it go by how many shares are we each voting with???

I do know, if I buy another small parcel of shares, and then convert my options, then I too will be another one here in the Top 20. But how many exactly would we need to get the motion across the line?

Tony S
18-06-2008, 06:50 PM
Agree shasta, but then doesnt it go by how many shares are we each voting with???

I do know, if I buy another small parcel of shares, and then convert my options, then I too will be another one here in the Top 20. But how many exactly would we need to get the motion across the line?

df, when was the last Top 20 released? Was it the one in last years annual report? I would have thought that there may be a lot of changes to the Top 20 since the price has languished this calendar year. No. 20 last year had only about 260,000 if I recall correctly. I would expect a number much higher than that would be needed to get into the Top 20 now.

Cheers Tony.

18-06-2008, 07:00 PM
df, when was the last Top 20 released? Was it the one in last years annual report? I would have thought that there may be a lot of changes to the Top 20 since the price has languished this calendar year. No. 20 last year had only about 260,000 if I recall correctly. I would expect a number much higher than that would be needed to get into the Top 20 now.

Cheers Tony.

Hi Tony,
Here is what I think is the last one available.

Yes, you dont need squillions to get into the top 20 (especially at todays SP), but the number may be higher now, not exactly sure though.
Nonetheless, it would be good to see an updated list.
How many one needs to hold to be in the top 20 will depend on the amount that the Top 20 have acquired or disposed IMO~!

Here is the Top 20 Holders list as at 18 January 2008

Ordinary shares

1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131
2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
4 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
5 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 763,000
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 628,131
7 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500
8 Tarmel Pty Ltd 550,000
9 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631
10 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 500,000
11 ANZ Nominees Limited 477,245
12 Mr D Connelly 449,560
13 Mr J H Beasy 400,000
14 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 399,500
15 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679
16 Mr K J Hunter 310,679
17 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 306,785
18 Kelanco Pty Ltd 300,000
19 Kelgild Pty Limited 284,726
20 Little Tagon Pty Ltd 261,131

Total FPO 18,596,829

Listed Options

1 Karema Capital Pty Ltd 2,074,700
2 Berenes Nominees Pty Ltd (Super Fund) 1,939,000
3 Mr S N Scothern 625,000
4 Berenes Nominees Pty Ltd 599,000
5 Mr M F Hickey 575,000
6 Mrs E Scothern 416,000
7 Bell Potter Nominees Pty Ltd 400,000
8 Samson Exploration NL 400,000
9 Guritali Pty Ltd 350,000
10 Tarmel Pty Ltd 342,000
11 Ms J N Young 300,000
12 Seeley Auto Electrical Pty Ltd 288,600
13 KCS Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd 250,000
14 Kelmar Nominees Pty Ltd 250,000
15 Little Tagon Pty Ltd 250,000
16 Mr W Tuckett 250,000
17 Mr R L & Mrs J Bennett 243,000
18 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 220,000
19 Mrs C E Haldane 219,000
20 Mr M H McPhail 210,000

Total Listed Options 10,201,300

Unlisted Options

1 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 10,000,000
2 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 10,000,000
3 Little Tagon Pty Ltd 1,250,000
4 Mr P E Ryan 1,250,000
5 Martinick Investments Pty Ltd 1,250,000
6 Mr K T Schrimpf 1,250,000
7 Fleubaix Pty Ltd 625,000
8 KCS Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd 625,000
9 Kelmar Nominees Pty Ltd 625,000
10 Mr J Cucvara 500,000

Total Unlisted Options 27,375,000

Employee Share Option Plan 600,000 (NOW INCREASED since previous Anns).


18-06-2008, 09:32 PM
unless there's some time period you have to hold your stock before you become a legitimate top twenty holder, I'd say that list is well out of date.
I agree with others.............I reckon it would look completely different if they released a current one.

18-06-2008, 10:27 PM
unless there's some time period you have to hold your stock before you become a legitimate top twenty holder, I'd say that list is well out of date.
I agree with others.............I reckon it would look completely different if they released a current one.

Hi Juqu,

Yes, that list is 6 months old. I would say it will look completely different.

Especially when shares were being bought at 12.5 - 14 cents or up to 20 cents. And with options expiring in less than 12 months, the list will yet change again and thus the Bar being raised.

Yet regardless of top 20, I hope the company get its finger out and stops taking TIME for granted that the markets will be all Rosey and Positive. By the sounds of things, things may even just toughen up.

Which means, even when things get set in concrete with JORC, the AIM or TSX may not be interested in buying a into a uranium Junior depending on how bad things go, or, can get.

Kate and the Uran board need to honestly get up to speed with world economics and Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.

Time may not be a luxury that Uran get given, thus it will need to upgrade its communication skills so it can talk about these type of matters to its potential Ukrainian or Czech Republican partners.

Still wondering what Kate is going to talk about or promote, and/or as Sp3 says, how to gauge what the promotion has done and what effect it will have for Uran???

18-06-2008, 10:31 PM
Hi Juqu,

Yes, that list is 6 months old. I would say it will look completely different.

Especially when shares were being bought at 12.5 - 14 cents or up to 20 cents. And with options expiring in less than 12 months, the list will yet change again and thus the Bar being raised.

Yet regardless of top 20, I hope the company get its finger out and stops taking TIME for granted that the markets will be all Rosey and Positive. By the sounds of things, things may even just toughen up.

Which means, even when things get set in concrete with JORC, the AIM or TSX may not be interested in buying a into a uranium Junior depending on how bad things go, or, can get.

Kate and the Uran board need to honestly get up to speed with world economics and Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.

Time may not be a luxury that Uran get given, thus it will need to upgrade its communication skills so it can talk about these type of matters to its potential Ukrainian or Czech Republican partners.

Still wondering what Kate is going to talk about or promote, and/or as Sp3 says, how to gauge what the promotion has done and what effect it will have for Uran???

At the very least, she should have a ton of holiday snaps from all her trips overseas...

Might be a "Travel to Ukraine" promo :D

18-06-2008, 10:54 PM
I see Kate Hobbs Super Annuation Fund is a significant Share Holder. So I would imagine she will make sure things come right by the time she retires :D

How old is Kate by the way???

Please tell me she turns 65 in 3 months :p

18-06-2008, 11:08 PM
I see Kate Hobbs Super Annuation Fund is a significant Share Holder. So I would imagine she will make sure things come right by the time she retires :D

How old is Kate by the way???

Please tell me she turns 65 in 3 months :p

Here's a photo of Kate with her new venture :D

http://images.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tuxedojunction.org.au/images/soprano.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tuxedojunction.org.au/about2.htm&h=209&w=350&sz=13&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=XXeLct5kHhkXeM:&tbnh=72&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkate%2Bhobbs%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa% 3DN

18-06-2008, 11:13 PM
Here's a photo of Kate with her new venture :D

http://images.google.co.nz/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tuxedojunction.org.au/images/soprano.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tuxedojunction.org.au/about2.htm&h=209&w=350&sz=13&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=XXeLct5kHhkXeM:&tbnh=72&tbnw=120&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dkate%2Bhobbs%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa% 3DN Damn, I will be retiring before any of those big bottom ladies. Which one is she and what the hell is she smiling about?

18-06-2008, 11:15 PM
Damn, I will be retiring before any of those big bottom ladies. Which one is she and what the hell is she smiling about?


Bottom photo & shes in thr back row...

Found an interesting little snippet whilst searching around, may solve a query from last night's posts?

"I don't think a lot of people outside the industry appreciate how advanced the uranium exploration work was in the Soviet era," she says. "It is openly available now, and across the old Eastern bloc are some of the world's top uranium mines."

The Hobbs plan is being played out through Uran, the company of which she is managing director. It is involved in the initial acquisition of prospecting rights in Ukraine , Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan . The work was aided by geologist Joe Cucvara who is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian and who has worked on uranium projects in Australia and central Europe .

"We're not a grassroots explorer," Hobbs says. "We're only interested in projects which are close to production and in which we have a close association with the government of the country in which we're working."

18-06-2008, 11:46 PM
"I don't think a lot of people outside the industry appreciate how advanced the uranium exploration work was in the Soviet era," she says. "

I don't think a lot of Company MDs inside the industry appreciate how much the market and its shareholders depend on information to make informed decisions...LOL

Soprano's hey? The gangster series, or singers? LAHHHHHHH LAHHHHHH~!

Strat, Back row, rar Right, (I think).

19-06-2008, 12:18 AM
Hahaha yep that's her. Maybe a few of us should go along to one of their performances?

19-06-2008, 12:25 AM
New website guys:


Time to check it out! :D

19-06-2008, 12:28 AM
From the website:

Discussions are also underway on possible participation by Uran in a number of other uranium exploration and mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the Novoconstantinovskoye underground mine, which has been stated by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy to contain 104,000 tonnes U (125,000 tonnes U3O8).

19-06-2008, 12:41 AM
Top 20 also updated as at 1 June:


Isn't it convenient that the new website was up before tomorrow's Novok. talk?

19-06-2008, 01:54 AM
New website guys:


Time to check it out! :D

Nice find oz! Finally we have a decent website. A few things that I found interesting (other than the Novok figure):


Reserves were stated to be mined out in 2008, although following rises in the price of uranium Diamo has stated that reserves may be sufficient to 2011 at the current low rate of production

So it appears that DIAMO may go it alone at Rozna for a while yet :(.

Company Overview

Uran’s rights in Czech Republic, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and USA are subject to its right to acquire Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, a company associated with Mrs Kate Hobbs.

USA pops up again. We don't have any U deposits there though! (don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the tungsten)


There are 10 operating uranium mines in the Chu-Sarysu Province, with 6 at an advanced stage of development

These figures relate only to reserves in current production areas, there are other well defined deposits such as the Kosachinskoie deposit, a hydrothermal gneiss with measured, indicated and inferred resources of 100,000 tonnes U at an average grade of 0.1% U.

Obviously there's a lot of opportunities in the short term here.


Whilst Uran Limited considers Uzbekistan to have considerable potential to explore and mine both sedimentary and hard-rock uranium deposits, the company has decided that the political environment is currently too difficult to justify continuing efforts. We retain our contacts and will review our involvement in the event of a modernisation of the government and regulatory environment.

Guess that explains where Uzbek currently sits.

So Ukraine is definately at the top of the list at the moment, I'm sure Uran know this and are concentrating on it and working hard to get it to an economic stage. CR, while interesting, may as well be forgotten about until a new environment minister is in place. Anything could come out of Kazakhstan and Bulgaria, and forget about Uzbek. Just MHO.

19-06-2008, 01:57 AM
G'day Ellroy,

I agree with your comments.

Also interesting to see the latest Sharetrader member entering the top 20. Good stuff.

19-06-2008, 02:00 AM
Top 20 also updated as at 1 June:


Isn't it convenient that the new website was up before tomorrow's Novok. talk?

Oz, good one, we were only just asking about this today.

If there are any mistakes on my comparison table below, just take note and I will edit it:

To make it easy for folks to talk about the difference, I have split it up with the New and Old list to compare.

The top position = the NEW Top 20 JUNE 2008
The one Below that = the OLD Top 20 JAN 2008
and the bottom with the Old and New accordingly.


Top 20 Holders as at 1 June 2008
Top 20 Holders as at 1 JAN 2008
Change is holdings

1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131
1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131

2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131

3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000

4 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
4 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000

5 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 800,000
10 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 500,000
+ 300,000

6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 603,131
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 628,131
- 25,000

7 Tarmel Pty Ltd 586,092
8 Tarmel Pty Ltd 550,000
+ 36,092

8 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500
7 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500

9 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 513,000
5 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 763,000
- 250,000

10 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631
9 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631

11 ANZ Nominees Limited 417,535
11 ANZ Nominees Limited 477,245
- 59,710

12 Mr J H Beasy 400,000
13 Mr J H Beasy 400,000

13 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 399,500
14 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 399,500

14 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 389,000
17 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 306,785
+ 82,215

15 Kelgild Pty Limited 384,726
19 Kelgild Pty Limited 284,726
+ 100,000

16 Mr A Schoer 340,000

17 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679
15 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679

18 Mr K J Hunter 310,679
16 Mr K J Hunter 310,679

19 Mr Pheng Lao 304,052

20 Mrs J N Young 300,000

12 Mr D Connelly 449,560

18 Kelanco Pty Ltd 300,000

20 Little Tagon Pty Ltd 261,131

Total 18,683,78
Total 18,596,829

So then, what do you folks make of the changes, would explain somewhat of who was selling or buying etc etc~!

Which was taken from this:

Top 20 Holders as at 1 June 2008
Ordinary Shares

1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131
2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
4 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
5 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 800,000
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 603,131
7 Tarmel Pty Ltd 586,092
8 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500
9 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 513,000
10 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631
11 ANZ Nominees Limited 417,535
12 Mr J H Beasy 400,000
13 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 399,500
14 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 389,000
15 Kelgild Pty Limited 384,726
16 Mr A Schoer 340,000
17 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679
18 Mr K J Hunter 310,679
19 Mr Pheng Lao 304,052
20 Mrs J N Young 300,000

Total 18,683,78

And for those who wish to compare with 6 months ago:

As at 18 January 2008
Ordinary shares

1 The Kate Hobbs Superannuation Fund 4,041,131
2 Crawley Investments Pty Ltd 4,011,131
3 Jindalee Resources Limited 2,542,000
4 HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSI ECSA 1,000,000
5 Merrill Lynch (Australia) Nominees Pty Ltd 763,000
6 M&K Korkidas Pty Ltd 628,131
7 Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 557,500
8 Tarmel Pty Ltd 550,000
9 Mr R J & Mrs T J Poli 502,631
10 J H Beasy & Associates Pty Ltd 500,000
11 ANZ Nominees Limited 477,245
12 Mr D Connelly 449,560
13 Mr J H Beasy 400,000
14 Lone Wolf Investments Pty Ltd 399,500
15 Kent Hunter Pty Ltd 311,679
16 Mr K J Hunter 310,679
17 Mr R D & Mrs L Grubissa 306,785
18 Kelanco Pty Ltd 300,000
19 Kelgild Pty Limited 284,726
20 Little Tagon Pty Ltd 261,131

Total FPO 18,596,829

19-06-2008, 02:29 AM
BTW ladies and gents, FWIW I think things are slowly but surely improving. The last two announcements were certainly more positive and now we have the new website too!

19-06-2008, 02:30 AM
the web site is a definite improvement.
interesting to see who has been selling though! A

19-06-2008, 02:44 AM
the web site is a definite improvement.
interesting to see who has been selling though! A

have a look below, but then that doesnt explain who has the sell orders stacked in the 0.20 up range but will compare the current and previous top 20 selling for the past 6 months.

With regards to the website, yes it is an approvement (Using PHP Scripting), Stupid menu on the left though and the colour GREEN?? Are they trying to win points with Greenies or something??

I was hoping that the stupid Flash banner they use would say Next U Producer.
But it still says its mission is to Acquire Advanced Uranium Projects.
We have heard that story since the beginning so IMO, nothing has changed with Web Info.

Looks like they have a Gallery installed on the site, but it is empty with still NO pictures, perhaps kate has to unload her digital camera photo's up to the site.

Site is ready in time for the U conference but still doesn't give me the confidence I need as i was hoping on hearing or reading about Signed Deals and Grades, but I guess the market needs to hear that first.

I still see they have that stupid picture of Tomas Vana, I mean, they really need to honestly do put in the effort if they are trying to say or sell something dont ya think?? I mean Cmon, why do a new website if you dont give a **** about updating it properly.


Uran do not have the LUXURY of all the time in the world and we need shareholders to remind them of this, Honestly~!

19-06-2008, 02:59 AM

Agree with you completely, but IMO Uran just doesn't have the data/info to supply that to the market. We know that they aren't going to announce anything about the current deposits in the Ukraine until they have a JORC compliant resource so unless we get a left field ann we're just going to have to sit tight and wait.

I wonder if the data on Novok. is JORC compliant?

19-06-2008, 03:28 AM
Agree with you completely, but IMO Uran just doesn't have the data/info to supply that to the market. We know that they aren't going to announce anything about the current deposits in the Ukraine until they have a JORC compliant resource so unless we get a left field ann we're just going to have to sit tight and wait.

Well, Ellroy, the new GEO is over there now doing that now, or so we are told.

Frank, would you know roughly how long it would take translate data that was written in a book / log and convert it manually into a Database on a computer??

I have my estimates, and the answer would be, it depends how thick the book is...LOL

I wonder if the data on Novok. is JORC compliant?

Ellroy, I would think Not actually. Because there it is something to do with the JORC code practice or standard. It needs to be converted and then a proceedure to double check a few drill holes again and then have a 3rd party consultant to verify it as like the other data we are going through.

But then, I am not a Geo nor a consultant so I only assume the Old Russian ways would not be JORC compliant unless there is more info to make this so.

Tony S,
There is your new Top 20 with comparisons buddy~!

No doubt we will see you in spot number 4 next year after option the conversion.

19-06-2008, 01:00 PM

Is there a quick way to download or copy (electronically) the old web site before it is taken down?


19-06-2008, 01:06 PM
If the site is still online there's a program called HTTrack which will copy everything on a website to your computer. It's very easy to use, you just put in the address and where you want to save it and it'll just download everything.

19-06-2008, 01:16 PM

Is there a quick way to download or copy (electronically) the old web site before it is taken down?



19-06-2008, 01:26 PM
Top 20 also updated as at 1 June:


Isn't it convenient that the new website was up before tomorrow's Novok. talk?

The novok talk is today...

19-06-2008, 01:28 PM
If the site is still online there's a program called HTTrack which will copy everything on a website to your computer. It's very easy to use, you just put in the address and where you want to save it and it'll just download everything.

Thanks I'll give it a try. :)

19-06-2008, 01:30 PM
Well, Ellroy, the new GEO is over there now doing that now, or so we are told.

Frank, would you know roughly how long it would take translate data that was written in a book / log and convert it manually into a Database on a computer??

I have my estimates, and the answer would be, it depends how thick the book is...LOL

Tony S,
There is your new Top 20 with comparisons buddy~!

No doubt we will see you in spot number 4 next year after option the conversion.

Yes tend to agree - how long is the book! Give me the job and i might be able to change some numbers!!

19-06-2008, 01:36 PM
If the site is still online there's a program called HTTrack which will copy everything on a website to your computer. It's very easy to use, you just put in the address and where you want to save it and it'll just download everything.

Axion, great program and as always, Open Source too, always the best~!

Works a treat - site coming down now as I type although Im sure I did this before but the old site stashed on one of my other computers :rolleyes:

Cotik, you should use that program if you want the site

although if you want to add all the PDFs from the old site add +*.pdf to the collection of things you want.
(dont forget to add +*.doc also)

Looks like somebody Xtranfering 400 options, is that you cotik?

19-06-2008, 01:45 PM
Axion, great program and as always, Open Source too, always the best~!

Works a treat - site coming down now as I type although Im sure I did this before but the old site stashed on one of my other computers :rolleyes:

Cotik, you should use that program if you want th esite

although if you want to add all the PDFs from the old site add +*.pdf to the collection of things you want.

Looks like somebody Xtranfering 400 options, is that you cotik?

Yep, just moved a few, no point pay more tax than I need to. :)

Not sure this program likes Vista, anyway I will try again later.

19-06-2008, 01:51 PM
Yep, just moved a few, no point pay more tax than I need to. :)

Not sure this program likes Vista, anyway I will try again later.


Did you try


19-06-2008, 01:57 PM
Yep, just moved a few, no point pay more tax than I need to. :)

Not sure this program likes Vista, anyway I will try again later.

Did you download the Zip file version 2nd from the top on the downloads section.

I am using it with Vista now (although it doesn't say Vista on that site).

If you have Winzip installed, just right click the zip, mouseover Winzip> extract to here

And then that wil add a folder, you then dont need to install it as it is a self running program once you run the WinHTTrack.exe located in the httrack folder

The options.
Is that just from one Acc to another? good one. ;)

I wish actually had Tax that I needed to write off :rolleyes:

19-06-2008, 01:57 PM
The novok talk is today...

I know FrankEd.

19-06-2008, 02:03 PM

Did you try


Thanks sp3

I would just like a copy in case it is taken down.

19-06-2008, 02:05 PM
Did you download the Zip file version 2nd from the top on the downloads section.

I am using it with Vista now (although it doesn't say Vista on that site).

If you have Winzip installed, just right click the zip, mouseover Winzip> extract to here

And then that wil add a folder, you then dont need to install it as it is a self running program once you run the WinHTTrack.exe located in the httrack folder

The options.
Is that just from one Acc to another? good one. ;)

I wish actually had Tax that I needed to write off :rolleyes:

Thanks, I will try after lunch.

19-06-2008, 04:01 PM
Thanks, I will try after lunch.

Good stuff.

Thought I would grab the new site too, even though its written in PHP which doesnt matter as I can run that on a thumbdrive with Apache.

Also thought I would grab the new site too while I was at it.

So you know, the old site is about 40 Meg in size or 50 Meg on Disk, which inlcludes all the pdfs and docs.

ps: dont forget to add .PDF and or .Doc etc in case the program doesnt grab them.

19-06-2008, 04:16 PM
Good stuff.

Thought I would grab the new site too, even though its written in PHP which doesnt matter as I can run that on a thumbdrive with Apache.

That's about as clear as purple communications!! Don't worry I get the general idea. :cool:

19-06-2008, 04:19 PM
Someone just bought some shares from the RIGHT HAND side (ask).......unbelievable!

19-06-2008, 04:23 PM
That's about as clear as purple communications!! Don't worry I get the general idea. :cool:

LOL, sorry about that cotik.

Just finished them both.
(you can also set the speed to download quicker if needed).

There is also an error log which shows which ones couldn't be completed.

On a different note:

Look at WHE ann today, they got grades and results from their project in Hungry but looks like the market doesnt really give a HOOT or Care one bit as its nearly breaking new 52 week Lows on such a day what appears to be good news.

Im wondering, is this what we have to look forward to is some grades from Ukraine and then new 52 week Lows once we get some JORC ???

I hope not, and as Satori has mentioned which I agree with, Uran need to stop using words that say or mean nothing or takes no action.

I know WHE (wildhorse) is a different company (same sector) but I am really worried that Uran will be LA DA DA about making information effective when making it available.

Anybody else notice this or worried about the same thing as the above???

19-06-2008, 04:30 PM
Someone just bought some shares from the RIGHT HAND side (ask).......unbelievable!

ASK ~!
Ask what Cotik?

Buying below .20 is cheap as chips but then with Tax Selling people start to get crazy because it comes with this time of year I guess.

19-06-2008, 04:34 PM
How long until Uran's share price is greater than WHE? Hard to believe that their MC was > $400M recently.

They are a long way from production and at the end of the day that is what will count. How fast the $$$ come in.

Hopefully Uran will be producing uranium next year. I would expect to see consolidation in this sector in the next 12 months. If Uran can jump to the front of the queue I think Kate would look at cherry picking the best of the rest.

19-06-2008, 04:53 PM
How long until Uran's share price is greater than WHE? Hard to believe that their MC was > $400M recently.

They are a long way from production and at the end of the day that is what will count. How fast the $$$ come in.

Yes, so very true cotik. :)

I guess I just probably worry too much but with Uran it is an easy thing to do, at least from a present day perspective. What worries me the most is that a good bulk of my holding is the Options and without the Exact Market sentiment changing on this stock, the Sand in the Time Glass is running out if you know what I mean. ( - minus 11+ months and counting). :eek:

Many here must be in the same boat so I guess Im not alone on that front~! :rolleyes:

19-06-2008, 05:41 PM
Yes, so very true cotik. :)

I guess I just probably worry too much but with Uran it is an easy thing to do, at least from a present day perspective. What worries me the most is that a good bulk of my holding is the Options and without the Exact Market sentiment changing on this stock, the Sand in the Time Glass is running out if you know what I mean. ( - minus 11+ months and counting). :eek:

Many here must be in the same boat so I guess Im not alone on that front~! :rolleyes:


Shareprices only move forward when Institutions decide to buy. At this stage Ins. have not heard of Uran because Kate has never sold the story to Instos. When she does Im sure we'll find out.

Hopefully that process got kickstarted today.

19-06-2008, 06:25 PM
I recall over on HC when TonyS said he was going to buy shares his integrity was brought into question.

The publication of the Top 20 by Drillfix recently puts to rest that accusation once and for all.

Thanks Tony for showing support in the manner you have - at the time things certainly looked bleak so an investment of that magnitude took some kahunas

We trust that your investment is a worthwhile one for all our sakes

Tony S
19-06-2008, 07:32 PM
I recall over on HC when TonyS said he was going to buy shares his integrity was brought into question.

The publication of the Top 20 by Drillfix recently puts to rest that accusation once and for all.

Thanks Tony for showing support in the manner you have - at the time things certainly looked bleak so an investment of that magnitude took some kahunas

We trust that your investment is a worthwhile one for all our sakes

That was a nice thing to say, thanks ingvestor.

I am still accumulating URA and have been since the updated Top 20 because I still can't believe this company has a market capitalisation of almost nothing.There are mining companies listed on ASX that, IMO, have NO CHANCE of ever making a cent of revenue and they are 10, 20 times bigger than URA.

It will only take a confirmed project or two for Uran to take off IMO and that means multiples of where it is now. On top of that people are correct I think that U is become more favourable again.

I can understand that it is difficult to do business in Eastern Europe and it is important to build relationships and trust.

I trust Kate and Co have been building those relationships. Also URA are looking at advanced projects...no, they are not JORC, but that doesn't mean the U is not there. We know it is there, and presumably, can be mined at a profit.

Just one project will make us all happy (or happier!) campers IMO, and when we dip our toe into one project I believe others will follow. It would make sense that the hardest project to get is the first one.

I would think 2008 is going to be a very good year for URA holders.

Cheers, Tony.

19-06-2008, 07:37 PM

WHE's announcement although positive, is not what the market would be looking at for short term gains.

For Uran to get a spike we need an announcement/s to state that Uran has formed a jv partnership with Vostgok to develop uranium projects. Once this is announced, the speculators will drive the share price even further. In order to consolidate there after Uran will need to release details re costs, production rates, etc. The sooner production commences the quicker the share price will rise to its true valuation (whatever that may be)...hopefully +$400M fully diluted.

However, should we also acquire Novok, then I expect the market cap to be inexcess of $1B (fully diluted)-assuming Uran's interest is at least 10%.

The bottom line is that Uran will only get back to $1 in the short term if Uran convinces the market that they will be producing uranium within 12 months.