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16-05-2008, 12:25 PM
Anyone like to suggest the NovoK consortium members?

1. Uran (40%)
2. ??
3. ??
4. ??
5. ??

I think I have the other four but I will offer them later when I hear what others think.

16-05-2008, 12:36 PM

I havent as yet worked out why Diamo will be presenting at the International Uranium conference in SA next month. Have you?

The topic will be...

"The Czech Uranium Industry and the Environment
P Vostarek "

It might be worth attending.

Osecna-Kotel is my guess. I think it close to a done deal with Diamo that will probably involve Rozna. They have started drill at Rozna in the last month and will have to make a decision about extending past 2008 soon. Same problem as before for Diamo no $$, miners face losing their jobs and that is never good for politicians. Longer term than Ukraine and the new project area I would think.

16-05-2008, 12:43 PM
1. Uran 40%
2. Wildhorse 2%
3. Armz 4%
4. Mega Uranium 2%
5. Uranium One 2%

16-05-2008, 01:02 PM
I can't see ARMZ/Tenex living with 4%, hope I am wrong.

What do we get from these consortium members is the real question. Free carry or access to new projects. I think it will be the new projects that Kate will want.

1. Uran (40% of consortium, 20% of project)
2. ARMZ/Tenex (40%)
3. EME (5%)
4. Macusani Yellowcake (10%) or CTS (10%)
5. Brinkley Mining PLC (5%)

16-05-2008, 01:07 PM

I didnt express the others as a % of 100.


1. Uran 40%
2. Wildhorse 10%
3. Armz 30%
4. Mega Uranium 10%
5. Uranium One 10%

16-05-2008, 01:10 PM

I didnt express the others as a % of 100.


1. Uran 40%
2. Wildhorse 10%
3. Armz 30%
4. Mega Uranium 10%
5. Uranium One 10%

What do Uran get from 2,4,5? Free carry I would guess.

16-05-2008, 01:19 PM
What do Uran get from 2,4,5? Free carry I would guess.

I estimate that the consortium will need to raise about US$50M in order for the project to be developed. Unless Uran is greedy, they will probably need to invest some dollars into this project...but the ultimate scenario would be a free carry from 2, 4, and 5.

16-05-2008, 01:26 PM
I really can't see Uran giving WHE a leg up into Ukraine unless Kate has secured ALL the project that she wants in Ukraine first. I would guess Ross Kennedy would be push EME.

16-05-2008, 01:29 PM
Maybe WHE so Uran can get their foot in the door in Hungury?

16-05-2008, 01:35 PM

The main problem I have with this site is that it is difficult to navigate around the site...as it contains many threads which can become confusing.

You may want to practice using the "display modes" tab to assist you in navigating between threads, as some of our posts are all over the place.lol

Maybe some of the regular posters could give us a crash course how to use this site.

16-05-2008, 02:30 PM

The main problem I have with this site is that it is difficult to navigate around the site...as it contains many threads which can become confusing.

You may want to practice using the "display modes" tab to assist you in navigating between threads, as some of our posts are all over the place.lol

Maybe some of the regular posters could give us a crash course how to use this site.User CP / edit options / thread display options ;)

failing that

There I go, off topic again :D

16-05-2008, 04:46 PM
as some of our posts are all over the place.lol

What do you mean? All of your posts are in this thread from what I can see.

[edit - Oh, you mean you're used to just having 1 page for a whole thread?]

16-05-2008, 07:46 PM

IAEA Uranium Group Members
Vladimir M. PAVLENKO

Looks like Anatoliy and Yuriy also worked together at KirovGeology. As SP3 mentioned could be blood-related to. I checked out the AusIMM conferenced but had no idea the Czechs and Ukraine were going to be there. Thanks for the heads up. A signing over here in Aus during June would be awesome.

16-05-2008, 08:09 PM
[url] A signing over here in Aus during June would be awesome.

Hi Oz, I see your busy chasing those oppies still :P

Hey, I would have thought that while Kate was away, doing a singing over there would have been better. As this would lock away any uncertainty or mixed chit chat from other companies before a signing over here. Dont ya think?

Anyways, lets hope its not too far off regardless of where it gets signed, as we have been kinda saying this for the past year +

16-05-2008, 08:20 PM
G'day Drilly.

I wouldn't mind some options but instead will probably just buy the shares if I don't get hit.

My info is due diligence currently being completed with likely final signing over here in June. If it's signed this month even better!

16-05-2008, 10:54 PM


Isnt it amazing. Uran's market cap is only $11M. Its possible that Uran will be acquiring deposits any day now valued upwards of $400M and yet the market doesnt give a rats.

For some reason the market has either not read the recent Ukraine announcements or believes that Uran is talking tales. I tend to thik the latter.

Go figure!

Strat, Thanks for the links.

18-05-2008, 03:53 AM
I'm really struggling to find get the arrows straight on this site - but in answer to an earlier question by cotik - would think Ross Kennedy has got to figure in the equation - but fail to see the benefit for URA in an association with WHE.
I also would not count out Crawley just on the basis of funds and past history. Of course I'm usually mostly off target and totally misguided so DYOR.
And -Hi - dF, cotik, Sp3, Shasta, Oz, Axion, Strat and anyone else I've injudiciously overlooked from over the seas ;) A

18-05-2008, 10:52 AM
I don't think it will look too good with the Ukrainians if Uran get a free carry on NovoK so I would imagine other behind the scene deals where Uran get access to other projects is the likely outcome.

Mega Uranium may be used by Kate to regain access to some of the old HRM projects in SA, especially around Honeymoon, so I guess as you say sp3 that puts uranium1 in the frame. ARMZ/Tenex would have to be a starter (this will offer long term stability to the project even if the Government changes in Ukraine), which may offer great things for Uran.

One or two other smaller players will probably be included if it suits Uran, we will know soon. At least Kate has Uran structured correctly this time so the like of Mega cannot do a t/o unless the price is right.

Patience is required with this stock, a trait that many investors unfortunately lack today. Real value will still probably take three to five years on this stock IMO.

18-05-2008, 02:06 PM
Maybe WHE so Uran can get their foot in the door in Hungury?

Interesting possibility there, does anyone actually know if Hungary has ever been spoken of by Uran? (I cant find any official release)

Not that i would want to see WHE given a leg up, i'm sure Uran wouldn't mind there cash for a free carry!

18-05-2008, 03:44 PM
I don't think it will look too good with the Ukrainians if Uran get a free carry on NovoK

I agree here cotik, it wont look too good for Uran if this is what they wish to do. In some ways, its either participate or get out of the way and let those who are Keen and Able, imo.

Also hi Archer,
yes at times it appears that the speculative speaking (posts) are back which could mean we are getting a little too far in front of ourselves here + when we haven't even locked-nailed down the the 2 other smaller projects officially as yet.

IMO, what we need here first is some official ASX announcement(s) that is:

1. Clearly written
2. Shows some history to why (from past up to now in brief)
3. * Shows some sort of Grades % + Tonnage + Price so folk can do the math *
4. Do not MIX news (segregate) but still apply point 2 if needed.

This way, there will be more news to give which will act like fuel to the sp and the companies marketing ability/plan. It also means if there is a 2nd or 3rd ann etc, it will add to momentum + confidence being built to the market.

Thus the picture of the WHO, WHERE, WHEN + WHY and more importantly HOW MUCH can be seen in the portrait of this companies story more clearly IMO~!

18-05-2008, 04:56 PM
Interesting possibility there, does anyone actually know if Hungary has ever been spoken of by Uran?

The people I have spoken to don't find anything too exciting in what WHE have.

18-05-2008, 05:19 PM

What do you mean by "real value"?

$500M - $1B market cap?

What about a realistic value in 12 months?


I guess too early to place a valuation atm but in 3 months I believe we will have a good idea where Uran will be placed.

18-05-2008, 06:25 PM
Hello everyone

Seems as though many have tracked across the Tasman to be relieved of the scourge. Have been scouring the latest from all and seems some very interesting discussion. I am anticipating soem news very shortly which will light up these very discussions.

Shall be very interesting to compare to the many attempts at putting values on this company. Will make comment once I have had a chance to digest all the speculation.

The wait is nearly over.

18-05-2008, 07:00 PM
Welcome Guttedsquid

I am expecting a few more to join us and then we have a full squad:)

I agree with your sentiment. Its either now or never for Uran. I would be dissapointed if Uran did not acquire 2 and possibly 3 near term production opportunities within the next few weeks.

The Novok project if acquired will send the share price into orbit...

18-05-2008, 07:20 PM

What do you mean by "real value"?

$500M - $1B market cap?

What about a realistic value in 12 months?



Very difficult to put a value on a company when we officially have nothing, but a peer valuation is probably best.

If uran get even one project in Ukraine, it is no use working out in ground values etc as the "blue sky" would be worth at least this amount and probably more. So any calculation done on this basis would need to be nearly doubled IMO.

The following MC are undiluted and do not take into account the cash holding (which for some eg WHE is about $20M from memory). I am not comparing Uran directly with any of these companies, but it gives us an idea of potential.


PDN $3.3B

Other Uranium explorers

AGS $340M
DYL $277
BMN $243M
EXT $217M
TOE $136M
EME $81M
WME $55M
WMT $65M
WHE $43M
PEN $38M
URA $11M

If Uran is a producer in the next 12 months it is probably going to have MC somewhere north of $350M.

For full value when some of potential major project would come online in +3 years, well you get the idea

18-05-2008, 07:37 PM
Thanks Cotik

From my perspective if Uran has only 2.5K tonnes of uranium reserves, that equates to a valuation of about $400M. Based on the hints that Uran has released to the market, that's a given once Uran acquires the 2 deposits in Ukraine...and that's only a conservative figure. Uran could be targetting 5K tonnes...and just imagine if we throw Novok into the mix.

18-05-2008, 08:13 PM
this stock always makes me excited thinking of the potential.

hopefully not too much longer to wait. as i have said earlier if they can confirm at least the 2 JV projects and release maybe some grades etc etc i think the momentum will begin in straight upwards fashion...

adding other projects to the mix would basically make URA the hottest stock on the ASX IMO. The Novok mine could not be ignored. because even if the rest of the market doesnt jump on it i know that all of us would snap up what is left of the sellers quick smart haha!

19-05-2008, 12:57 PM
So much going on and no knows or cares!

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=cs&u=http://aktualne.centrum.cz/ekonomika/domaci-ekonomika/clanek.phtml%3Fid%3D605126%26tro5504_1_0&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2B%2522uran%2BLimited%2522%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26as_qdr%3Dd

I have never given too much weight to Czech deposits, but does anyone else think through their research that a JV with ARMZ/ Diamo and Uran is about to take place in Czech Republic?

From Uran's web site:

".......the Australian company Uran Limited, specialized in investments to new uranium projects in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, has already filed a request for a uranium resources exploration certificate."

So much happening and we know so little and the rest of the market knows nothing at all.

Tsunami coming I feel, you have been warned!

19-05-2008, 01:22 PM
So much going on and no knows or cares!

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=cs&u=http://aktualne.centrum.cz/ekonomika/domaci-ekonomika/clanek.phtml%3Fid%3D605126%26tro5504_1_0&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2B%2522uran%2BLimited%2522%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26as_qdr%3Dd

I have never given too much weight to Czech deposits, but does anyone else think through their research that a JV with ARMZ/ Diamo and Uran is about to take place in Czech Republic?

From Uran's web site:

".......the Australian company Uran Limited, specialized in investments to new uranium projects in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, has already filed a request for a uranium resources exploration certificate."

So much happening and we know so little and the rest of the market knows nothing at all.

Tsunami coming I feel, you have been warned!

Nice find there Cotik!

I too have always been a little skeptical about Diamo wanting Uran in a JV, especially in one of Uran's recent media releases where Kate mentions Diamo may want to explore/mine a certain deposit themselves.

If they can secure the same kind of relationship with Diamo, that they have in Ukraine with VostGok, then it's a bit more than a possibility.

Thats the key IMO, just how strong is the Uran/Discovery/Diamo link?

19-05-2008, 02:00 PM
Uran has requested for a certificate?

Cotik, That implies that permits/approvals etc will not be required. Also, why would Uran publish that information if they wern't certain of receiving the certificate? What would be the implications of being in possession of the certificate? I wish Uran can come out and spell out in PLAIN ENGLISH what they were up to these days...the subtle hints on their website and vague announcements via the ASX is killing me:)

Shasta...are you still watching ESI? This stock will become the next best thing after URA.

19-05-2008, 02:16 PM
I think this is in relation to Osecna-Kotel and the JV will go ahead, it's just a matter of time and deals with Diamo and probably ARMZ and what Uran get access to in exchange.

Rozna is very likely IMO, but it will be on Uran's terms as there are many $$ required to upgrade the mine.

Diamo/Discovery relationship is very strong, but the Environment Ministry has been a problem.

19-05-2008, 02:24 PM
So much happening and we know so little and the rest of the market knows nothing at all.

Tsunami coming I feel, you have been warned!

Cotik, I dont mean to sound negative here but isnt this why many folk are still skeptical of Uran?? Meaning because they still dont understand what exactly it has, or what it might have or eventually have?

(because so much happening [apparently] yet even shareholders dont fully know)

As Sp3 says, I wish the Kate or the company could just come out and spell it out, and in simple plain english will do.

Tsunami? I just wish the market could participate incrementally each day or week and gain a little more understanding about what they believe they are investing in, that would do me. But either way, I dont mind ~!

19-05-2008, 02:25 PM
Haha I like this bit:

"Mining companies, however, does not just go away. Přinejmenším ne bez boje. At least not without a fight."

So Kate certainly appears to be very persistant.

Uran/TIMEX is mentioned in a lot of articles on that site. No other companies from what I can gather.

19-05-2008, 04:17 PM
Uran has requested for a certificate?

Cotik, That implies that permits/approvals etc will not be required. Also, why would Uran publish that information if they wern't certain of receiving the certificate? What would be the implications of being in possession of the certificate? I wish Uran can come out and spell out in PLAIN ENGLISH what they were up to these days...the subtle hints on their website and vague announcements via the ASX is killing me:)

Shasta...are you still watching ESI? This stock will become the next best thing after URA.

Yes, im still watching...

ESI has doubled over the last 3 or 4 days...

I picked ESI in the ASX Share Comp as 1 of my 5 picks.

I like CLQ as well (see the thread i started on it).

Just don't know what to sell to buy ESI, certainly won't be URA!

19-05-2008, 05:28 PM
Thanks for the welcoming guys n gals.

And thanks to the URAO seller at 13.5c! ;)

19-05-2008, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the welcoming guys n gals.

And thanks to the URAO seller at 13.5c! ;)

Hi Oz,

Good stuff, that URAO seller was dancing around like a Ballerina and doing the UP down UP down the price thing for a couple of days there.

Hopefully we can roll the dice and shoot straight from this point on.

19-05-2008, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the welcoming guys n gals.

And thanks to the URAO seller at 13.5c! ;)

Nice to have the HC crew over here Oz!

Any problems navigating around the site just post on the Uran thread & one of the regulars will direct you!

19-05-2008, 05:53 PM
Nice to have the HC crew over here Oz!

Any problems navigating around the site just post on the Uran thread & one of the regulars will direct you!

We need Satori over herej too, can somebody on HC send him a post card.

19-05-2008, 06:13 PM
We need Satori over herej too, can somebody on HC send him a post card.I can if you like. Well I would if I could, that site is so hard to navigate:p. Cant find the postcard or PM section :confused:

19-05-2008, 06:15 PM
We need Satori over herej too, can somebody on HC send him a post card.

have done so drilly;)
and thanks shasta for the offer of help - i'm needing it - just a simple aussie girl you know -used to straight forward flaming sites. guess I'll get used to the way it runs and the polite company. only two weeks and the boss will be back - I wonder how many projects up./ Two plus the consortium done, an update from Czech and one other further east is my guess. A

19-05-2008, 06:22 PM
have done so drilly;)
and thanks shasta for the offer of help - i'm needing it - just a simple aussie girl you know -used to straight forward flaming sites. guess I'll get used to the way it runs and the polite company. only two weeks and the boss will be back - I wonder how many projects up./ Two plus the consortium done, an update from Czech and one other further east is my guess. A

Lets not forget our newly found Tungsten project :D

19-05-2008, 06:25 PM

ESI should settle about 12c over the next few weeks before the big announcement in a couple of months.

Everyone notice the accumulator at 23.5c today? Hopefully that person will be joining us on this forum very soon:)

19-05-2008, 07:58 PM
Hi all!

I must admit sp3, It did cross my mind that someone was accumulating today!

As I do more and more research on this one, Uran seems to be looking better and better :)

19-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Welcome aboard Satori!

Now who was that accumulator on the shares today SP3? I'm still chasing some more options but glad I managed to snap some up today.

19-05-2008, 09:14 PM
Satori- Good point indeed about Kate and Uran being more cautious.

After what the shareholders have been through with pie in the sky remarks a while back by MK, it is pretty obvious to me that the reason we don't hear any information is because they will not announce ANYTHING untill it is virtually confirmed or on the verge of being so.

Thats why i find it ridiculous that after the ukraine ann in april the SP still slumped??? i have total confidence that something is on its way. the only thing is, will it meet the deadlines?? probably not... i dont care if it does or doesnt. just secure the projects for goodness sake so we can all open some bubbly!!!

i am telling you guys too, if you threw Rozna and the novok consortium in with the 2 ukraine deposits that we already supposebly have, the MC would be in the 100's of millions if not billions. would just take time for the market to educate itself on what having these mines would mean...

19-05-2008, 09:16 PM
i also noticed some movement today on WHE? could be related???

19-05-2008, 09:19 PM
Satori- Good point indeed about Kate and Uran being more cautious.

After what the shareholders have been through with pie in the sky remarks a while back by MK, it is pretty obvious to me that the reason we don't hear any information is because they will not announce ANYTHING untill it is virtually confirmed or on the verge of being so.

Thats why i find it ridiculous that after the ukraine ann in april the SP still slumped??? i have total confidence that something is on its way. the only thing is, will it meet the deadlines?? probably not... i dont care if it does or doesnt. just secure the projects for goodness sake so we can all open some bubbly!!!

i am telling you guys too, if you threw Rozna and the novok consortium in with the 2 ukraine deposits that we already supposebly have, the MC would be in the 100's of millions if not billions. would just take time for the market to educate itself on what having these mines would mean...


I think some of those following Uran, thought we would get the BIG Ukraine ann up front....

This was never even hinted at, in fact i'm much happier if they announce a series of updates with a large publicity campaign attached.

This should happen soon, & when VostGok Reps etc come to Australia i'm expecting nothing less than a media circus.

Purple Communications will get one crack at it IMO

19-05-2008, 09:22 PM
perhaps they should hire Corey to do it? hahaha

19-05-2008, 09:22 PM

Many of the uranium stocks were up today, so I wouldn't base any connection between URA/WHE based on today's trading.

Just going through the quarterly:
'Discussions are underway on participation by Uran in other substantial uranium
mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has also undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large underground Novokonstantinovskoye uranium mine.'

Just how many deposits are they looking to get their hands on! :eek:

19-05-2008, 09:35 PM
Just how many deposits are they looking to get their hands on! :eek:

I think there will be at least four in the medium term, but I would be happy with one:rolleyes:

19-05-2008, 09:40 PM

On my u watchlist, 35 stocks from 54 finished UP today. The U sector has picked up this month. I dont believe there is any correlation between WHE's share price and Uran.


To achieve AGS's market cap Uran just needs 2.5K tonnes of uranium from a deposit. Based on the 2 Ukraine deposits alone, I would be surprised if the amount of Uranium doesnt exceed 5K tonnes for Uran's share of the project.

Cant believe the market isnt prepared to buy into Uran even at 12M market cap.

19-05-2008, 09:50 PM

On my u watchlist, 35 stocks from 54 finished UP today. The U sector has picked up this month. I dont believe there is any correlation between WHE's share price and Uran.


To achieve AGS's market cap Uran just needs 2.5K tonnes of uranium from a deposit. Based on the 2 Ukraine deposits alone, I would be surprised if the amount of Uranium doesnt exceed 5K tonnes for Uran's share of the project.

Cant believe the market isnt prepared to buy into Uran even at 12M market cap.

I take it you believe there to be approx 10KT in those two deposits?

I always thought this would be around 5KT, & that Uran would get 50%, ie there share would be 2.5KT?

I can't recall a figure higher than 5K being mentioned?

19-05-2008, 10:03 PM
Uran has announced that they are initially targetting 5K tonnes in Ukraine. That implies that the 2 deposits are at least 10K tonnes.

19-05-2008, 11:23 PM
I just want to say that this site is awesome. Since last Friday there have been over 1000 reads of the URA thread alone. Further, the URA thread accounts for over 50% of the total number of posts/reads under the ASX forum. That is an amazing stat. I never thought URA had such a big NZ following.

19-05-2008, 11:49 PM
Does this mean they already have funding for the development and any potential partners would need to bring something else to the table (experience, connections etc..)? Can be a bit hard to tell what is fact and what is simply Journo's mixing the facts up.

"Ukraine has decided to begin development of the Novokonstantinovsk uranium field in the Kirovograd Region, according to the regional administration's press office. More than USD 280 million has already been allocated for the purpose, the office said."

The one thing I would like an update on is the Pribram waste trials #2. I know it seems like a small fish in the scheme of things but they must have some news. What ever happened to the 2,000T of waste that was too HOT to even process?

They must have at least $100M worth of uranium sitting there in the two hot dumps which could help fund further development and 'look environmentally friendly'. (10,000,000 tonnes/15,000T sample*175T'active' waste sample@2% gives 2.3ishM pounds of uranium - sell @ $50US net of costs)

19-05-2008, 11:50 PM
I just want to say that this site is awesome. Since last Friday there have been over 1000 reads of the URA thread alone. Further, the URA thread accounts for over 50% of the total number of posts/reads under the ASX forum. That is an amazing stat. I never thought URA had such a big NZ following.

Whilst the Uran thread gets read alot (probably cos when i post at night it appears near the top of the thread), but you may be looking at the views on the Uran thread & comparing them to the total number of actual posts on the ASX forums?

Despite that, the thread is getting alot more views & i can only assume it's those reading the new contributors to the site!

Glad you like the site, as you can see i've been here a while.

Bout time some more people knew who my avatar was! :D

Crypto Crude
20-05-2008, 12:04 AM
how come all off a sudden half a dozen HC posters have turned up... all of them have never posted before!
looks pretty dodgey to me...:p.. just kidding...

I emailed Uran for the first time ever last week...
Today I got an email from Katy Adcock...
I got an apology for late reply, I was told that Kate will be back next week and I will hear from Kate then...

Theres lots of energy on this thread...
I hope all you drum up some support on ST, you all sound pretty convincing...
I will watch at this stage and See what serpie does...
more recently we talked about another potential dual play, DYL came up at the NC...Damn...
Can someone check UXA out for me... DO you watch that one SP3?,
Mini U, most of its permits in Olympic damn area, prolific region...
Am I onto something..?

You waiting till 16cents or maybe not at all?

Crypto Crude
20-05-2008, 12:07 AM
I am no way ever going to tip this stock off as a buy...
Watching with interest...
This would be dabble money only
cheers Shasta and the new gang...

20-05-2008, 12:59 AM

Forget about u companies exploring in Australia. Unless they are producing, or about to produce in the next 2-3 years, they are going nowhere.

The only reason we are all so excited about Uran is because we are led to believe that Uran will become a producer within the next 6-9 months...given that there are only 8-10 other companies worldwide classified as producers you can imagine how Uran will be perceived once they announce they will be producing.

20-05-2008, 01:04 AM
I am no way ever going to tip this stock off as a buy...
Watching with interest...

If you dont fully know about the potential of this stock then I dont blame you for not Tipping it as a Buy.

Many of us here (albeit new to ST) have been in for Ages on this one, we have waited, we have been through ups, and back downs and all arounds.

For those who are just wanting to have a punt like they would with any stock that is fine however, some of us here are pretty heavily invested.

When we and the market eventually gets Confirmation of News from the Ukraine and whatever else that could fall from the sky, I would imagine some readers here would then soon enough wish they dug a little deeper to obtain larger position size, once evidence of such awaited news comes our way.

Anyways, I guess we could say that about alot of stocks out there as its all about timing and seeing value, the right trend and hopefully the payday just around the corner if one is lucky :P

20-05-2008, 02:13 AM

Russia and Ukraine will soon be developing uranium together. See article below. Do you think Uran will be the link between the 2 countries from a technical perspective?

29-04-2008 18:03 Ukraine and Russia to cooperate in nuclear fuel production
As was aired by Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko following the 3rd meeting of the Committee on Economic Cooperation of the Ukraine-Russia Interstate Commission Yushchenko-Putin, Ukraine and Russia may start cooperation in joint development of the uranium and zirconium fields.
"We'll surely have cooperation to produce a nuclear fuel. The matter concerns both joint participation in the nuclear fuel center and joint uranium and zirconium production," she stressed.

20-05-2008, 11:08 AM

Exactly, Uran are there to keep the politics out of the commercial deal. Good for us since now both sides of politics in Ukraine will be supportive and therefore sovereign risk is greatly reduced. Plus I think doors are opening for Uran in new areas.

At the end of the day it's a win win win. I keep researching the potential in the new regions it is absolutely massive. I think they realise what Kazatomprom has achieved and will want to go one better, Cameco have a seat at the table already.

We may not hear anything other than Ukraine for a while, so we will need more PATIENCE for the full story to unfold.

20-05-2008, 12:40 PM
Serpie, You waiting till 16cents or maybe not at all?

There's not enough gaps in the buy and sell depths at the moment, although both sides are pretty thin.

And at 24c it's got a 50/50 chance of going either up or down in a hurry, depending on news. As I dont know enough about the timing of any news I'll stay away. The problem, as I see it, is that Kate has disappointed so many times that she can't have many lives left.
If the next bit of news is bad, it could be pretty destructive for URA.

I've wasted good trades on both CTS and DYL in the last couple of weeks because I was being too cautious. Maybe URA will be the next one I miss!

Strat has a good balanced knowledge of URA. I'd ask him before I did anything.

20-05-2008, 01:04 PM
There's not enough gaps in the buy and sell depths at the moment, although both sides are pretty thin.

And at 24c it's got a 50/50 chance of going either up or down in a hurry, depending on news. As I dont know enough about the timing of any news I'll stay away. The problem, as I see it, is that Kate has disappointed so many times that she can't have many lives left.
If the next bit of news is bad, it could be pretty destructive for URA.

I've wasted good trades on both CTS and DYL in the last couple of weeks because I was being too cautious. Maybe URA will be the next one I miss!

Strat has a good balanced knowledge of URA. I'd ask him before I did anything.


To be perfectly honest, NO-ONE knows what Uran's next move will be or WHEN anything will be announced. If they did, they would not be posting anything on discussion forums. All I can say is that Kate has a habit of surprising the market...and one other thing, she keeps news very close to her chest. I doubt if any employees at Uran would be aware of what is about to be announced.

20-05-2008, 02:54 PM

This site mentions Uran...but cant open the link. The heading sounds interesting. ie, "Uran servicing Russian and US businesses..."


20-05-2008, 03:20 PM
Kate keeps news very close to her chest.

Welcome to ST SP3, and all of the other immigrants from HC. A pleasure to have you here.

URA has been one of the most fascinating threads on this board for the last couple of years, and no doubt the story will continue to unfold before our eyes.

A provacative question for you:
Does Kate really keep news close to her chest, or would it be fairer to say that there really hasn't been any news of consequence of late?
I'd say when there is news she'll be shouting from the rooftops.

20-05-2008, 03:51 PM
Welcome to ST SP3, and all of the other immigrants from HC. A pleasure to have you here.

URA has been one of the most fascinating threads on this board for the last couple of years, and no doubt the story will continue to unfold before our eyes.

A provacative question for you:
Does Kate really keep news close to her chest, or would it be fairer to say that there really hasn't been any news of consequence of late?
I'd say when there is news she'll be shouting from the rooftops.


Kate never gives away any news prior to it being released. An example of this was last month when she announced that the Ukraine government had given the green light re the 2 projects. Prior to this announcement there were hardly any trades.


Do you think Uran may also have something to do with Westinghouse? I ask this because why did Uran bother to mention Westinghouse in the last announcement. Maybe, the Ukrainians, the Russians, Westinghouse are all linked...and possibly Uran is the missing link at this stage in this love triangle.

20-05-2008, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the welcome Serpie, where do we cue up to take out citizenship...lol :D

A provacative question for you:
Does Kate really keep news close to her chest, or would it be fairer to say that there really hasn't been any news of consequence of late?
I'd say when there is news she'll be shouting from the rooftops.

Yes serpie, that question is a very sound question and I have probably dwelled over for at least over the past year so IMO the question is warranted.

Many holders here would think it would be fair to say, if it is going to happen it is going to happen before the start of July (some say end of may/early june).

Time is running thin and we are getting just so close to the Make or Break line, so I guess time will be the speaker of Fact or Fiction~!

20-05-2008, 04:05 PM

Do you think Uran may also have something to do with Westinghouse?

I have no link with Uran and Westinghouse at this stage. I think it was more to do with the Ukrainian government now making decisions, but who knows.

It was a strange announcement at first reading.

20-05-2008, 04:15 PM
I thought I might as well join in too lol. G'day Drillfix and others.

Not too long now, it seems to be a very long month waiting for Kate to come back. Lets hope she is in a position to tell us what we are wanting to hear as soon as she arrives back in country.

20-05-2008, 04:15 PM

Ukraine to sign deals with U.S. to gain nuclear independence
18:12 | 26/ 03/ 2008

KIEV, March 26, (RIA Novosti) - Kiev will sign deals with U.S. firms on March 30 on supplies of nuclear fuel, and on equipment deliveries paving the way for Ukraine's own enrichment capability, the energy minister said on Wednesday.

Ukraine, which relies almost entirely on Russia for its nuclear fuel imports, has stepped up efforts in recent years to diversify supplies amid rising prices and energy disputes with Russia.

Yuriy Prodan told a Cabinet meeting that contracts would be signed with Westinghouse Electric Company on nuclear fuel supplies from 2010, and with Holtec International for deliveries of equipment for nuclear fuel production.

The deal with Holtec comes despite concerns in Washington over Ukraine's plans to develop nuclear fuel production technology, which could potentially be diverted to weapons programs. Although there is little likelihood of Ukraine seeking nuclear weapons, the U.S. and other countries are wary of allowing states to set an awkward precedent by launching uranium enrichment.

Ukraine, which generates almost half its electricity from four nuclear plants with a total of 15 reactors, buys almost all its nuclear fuel from Russia's TVEL Corporation.

The strong level of energy dependence on Russia, which also has almost total control over Ukraine's natural gas supply, prompted President Viktor Yushchenko to announce plans in January 2006 to create nuclear fuel production facilities.

The decision was sparked by a fuel price hike by TVEL in late 2005, and a natural gas debt row with Russia's state gas giant Gazprom at New Year 2006, during which Russia turned the taps off to Ukraine.

Kiev's drive to diversify nuclear fuel imports had begun several years earlier. In 2005 the South Ukraine plant began using fuel supplied by Westinghouse, which is now owned by Japan's Toshiba, in line with a 2000 contract.

State nuclear company UkrAtomProm, formed last year, is expected to oversee the design and construction of a nuclear fuel production facility in Ukraine.

I posted this article a while back it seems everyone is linked somehow

20-05-2008, 04:48 PM
Strat has a good balanced knowledge of URA. I'd ask him before I did anything.
Serpie, pretty much everyone here knows more about URA than I do. In particular Shasta and all the new members from HC. I have suspected that Archer might be Kate for some time ;) :D:D:D

I see it as a high ( very high ) risk play and the market is more or less totally disinterested. As soon as someone wants a 100k or wants to sell a 100k the price moves 30%. We are back at 24c cause some one wanted in the other day. The SP is where it is because URA have disappointed time and time again with failure to come good on promises and failure to disclose. There may well be good reason for the later but the market doesnt see it that way IMO.
When they pull a rabbit out of their hat it will be too late to get in. The reward has the potential to be huge and the down side comparatively limited in my view. ( my average is 21c ) Of course this depends on the size of ones holding and mine is modest. Another year of the same and the SP will be around 10c but if they pull off just one deal.........................:eek:

PS I think you were on the money with your question. There has been no news cause there is no news. Purple are a huge dissapointment too but if the news is good enough no marketing will be required.

20-05-2008, 04:50 PM
I thought I might as well join in too lol. G'day Drillfix and others.

Not too long now, it seems to be a very long month waiting for Kate to come back. Lets hope she is in a position to tell us what we are wanting to hear as soon as she arrives back in country.

Welcome Dave

Nice to have the "whole set" onboard.

Wouldn't ASX disclosure requirements mean as soon as Kate has something in the wind it needs to be disclosed, ie before she returns?

20-05-2008, 05:05 PM
Dave, yes mate good to see you and welcome on board here.
I agree and Im sure hope your right with regards to the timing~!


I have suspected that Archer might be Kate for some time ;) :D:D:D

LOL, Strat that is the funniest thing I have heard in a while..lol :D

Maybe kate is a twin & Archer is the good twin & Kate is the evil twin running the company to eventually start a new world order :eek: lol, But naahhhhh, I dont think so. :rolleyes:

With regards to your other comments, I say well spoken really. I didnt really know how to put it into such words but you did well at that so well done~!

20-05-2008, 05:17 PM
Welcome Dave

Nice to have the "whole set" onboard.

Wouldn't ASX disclosure requirements mean as soon as Kate has something in the wind it needs to be disclosed, ie before she returns?

Uran might already be in possession of sensitive information. In terms of releasing it, it might be that the Board first needs to approve it. Hence it makes sense to release any deal once Kate returns to Perth.

Not everyone from HC is here yet. Still waiting for a few more to get their registration approved.

20-05-2008, 05:38 PM
How bl##dy hard is it to pick up the options these days! :mad:

20-05-2008, 05:41 PM
sorry mate, I think I have most of them and I intend to convert them next year when the fpo are $$ from here.

20-05-2008, 05:57 PM
sorry mate, I think I have most of them and I intend to convert them next year when the fpo are $$ from here.

Im with ya on that cotik.

I dont have no were near as many as you would but I dont plan to let them go as I would probably sell the FPOs to pay for the conversion of oppies.

Actually, while we are at it, how does that work for Tax.

say you have a couple of hundred thousand options and then you hold them for a not quite a year but say 8 months.

If you convert them to FPO and then sell some say 6 months later, does this enable the seller to a CGT adding the time of both holding the option>converting to FPO> add hold time to over a year for both> then sell ????

Whats the story here?

Also, Oz, yes mate its difficult to accumulate the options thats fer sure.
I dont wish to make it difficult for you to buy or anything and I guess as time goes by it is only going to get worst to get a hold of them as it will be closer to the Make or Break status of the co, IMO~!

20-05-2008, 05:59 PM

If you cant pick up any options now, what hope have you got after the announcement?

These options are one of the most tightly held I have ever seen in a long time.

I think after the announcement/acquisitions most option holders will be exercising their options so I assume there will be even less offered for sale in the near future.

Imo you have 2 choices. Either get out of Uran because they wont acquire anything or load up because they will acquire something significant.

But then again, you are now better off buying the heads as the heads are trading at a massive discount against the options.

20-05-2008, 06:03 PM

If you cant pick up any options now, what hope have you got after the announcement?

These options are one of the most tightly held I have ever seen in a long time.

I think after the announcement/acquisitions most option holders will be exercising their options so I assume there will be even less offered for sale in the near future.

Imo you have 2 choices. Either get out of Uran because they wont acquire anything or load up because they will acquire something significant.

But then again, you are now better off buying the heads as the heads are trading at a massive discount against the options.

Was just going to say that, near the market close each day there are plenty of Uran heads on offer, especially for someone wanting to accummulate a position.

Sure there's not alot without pushing up the price, but thats a good thing at the moment, i wouldn't be selling!

20-05-2008, 06:04 PM
DF and Cotik,

Picked up just under 45,000 at 14c ... so no more whinging from me as I'm just about set. :p

20-05-2008, 06:06 PM

If you exercise the options your CGT date takes effect from the date of exercise...not the date of purchasing the options. However if you sell the options then the CGT applies from the date of purchase of the options.

20-05-2008, 06:22 PM

I wanted total unit exposure so for me options were definitely preferred, even if that meant paying a premium.

Now holding over 150k ops so ready for any news that may come our way.

20-05-2008, 06:29 PM

If you exercise the options your CGT date takes effect from the date of exercise...not the date of purchasing the options. However if you sell the options then the CGT applies from the date of purchase of the options.

Thanks sp3,

But then, what happens if you held a swag of options for over a year and then converted them.

Surely you woudnt have to wait another 12 months to get a CGT discount???

I always thought the time factor accumulated between purchase, conversion and then sale, but then I am unsure~!

20-05-2008, 06:32 PM
DF and Cotik,

Picked up just under 45,000 at 14c ... so no more whinging from me as I'm just about set. :p

Good stuff Oz~!
Will be interesting as time passes to see if we get news or whether folks will be doing any Tax dumping as we move closer to July. (tax time).

20-05-2008, 07:01 PM
Thanks sp3,

But then, what happens if you held a swag of options for over a year and then converted them.

Surely you woudnt have to wait another 12 months to get a CGT discount???

I always thought the time factor accumulated between purchase, conversion and then sale, but then I am unsure~!

To be honest I don't have a clue, but just from common sense I'd say of course you have to wait another year to get rid of the CGT (or whatever your setup is over there)

An option is just something you buy that gives you the right to buy the security, you don't actually have it. So when you exercise you get the share and then the time starts from then. (and obviously you 'lose' the cgt discount from holding the options for a year if you exercise rather than sell them)

20-05-2008, 07:21 PM
To be honest I don't have a clue, but just from common sense I'd say of course you have to wait another year to get rid of the CGT (or whatever your setup is over there)

An option is just something you buy that gives you the right to buy the security, you don't actually have it. So when you exercise you get the share and then the time starts from then. (and obviously you 'lose' the cgt discount from holding the options for a year if you exercise rather than sell them)

Axion, I realise what an option is however, notice when you exercise your options, your not actually buying on market are you. I mean, they dont actually come with a Contract Note like when you buy an FPO do you, so this is why i wonder this.

As you and many know, all you need to do is fill out a form and send in a cheque or in somecases do a direct deposit. The rest happens automatically and in 7 days whatever, they appear in your account as URA rather than URAO

I thought that as long as the original contract note of your holding (the option to buy) would still be the PROOF of original purchase, or, I thought that the amount taxable would be the value of X that was payable to convert them, and the rest would be CGT reduction if held for over 12 months.

Surely somebody on this forum would either know or be a resident Accountant or somebody who has walked this path of this particular situation. :rolleyes:

Cotik, maybe I wont convert ALL my options after all so I will put a Option Conversion Pending sticker on the situation atm~! :confused:

20-05-2008, 07:32 PM

Axion is correct. To claim for the CGT discount, the 12 month rule applies from the exercise date. So you need to hold your shares for 12 months after you exercise. A way around this would be to sell your options before May 2009 and then you would qualify for the discount.

20-05-2008, 07:45 PM
How do you start a poll?
I think with this being such a popular thread ( albeit with few contributors but plenty of viewers )
We could have somethin like a) is this ramping
b) no it is not
c) good read but not objective enuff
d) there will be an ann soon

Welcome to Suntland

20-05-2008, 08:12 PM
Hi Satori
Im not tryin to attack you guys but it seems one way traffic and whilst lots of people read the thread I would suggest they have little to offer due to you guys digging up all the snippets.
My problem is the fact it makes such positive reading any newbie would read this thread and b in like a flash (which months ago would be a disaster)
Please dont say DYOR because most info is here and the way people talk about "Kate" u would think she is a sister.
I hope the stock skyrockets for u guys but if everyone has left HC due to negativity from others would it not be better to privately email each other rather than continue to hype it to us mere mortals
Man that took 10 minutes of 1 touch typing LOL

Welcome To Suntland

20-05-2008, 08:13 PM
Hi Suntboy

Add (e) to that list perhaps?

(e) = All the above ;)


The answer is that many on this thread will represent in main the "typical" Uran shareholder, those who got in late 2006/early 2007 during the Uranium hype, where the Ukraine deposits & Rozna were "just around the corner".

If we have held on this long (based on those old fundamentals) then no point selling now when we are so close to knowing the outcome of Ukraine & finding out just what did we sign & the finer details.

For those looking for an entry just before the ann, good luck. :confused:

I've always assumed we would get a TH & that would kill off any chance to get in before the details/figures are known.

If we don't get the TH first, then those with a finger on the trigger may just get in, before the market wakes up, although theres not alot of shares on offer without pushing the SP up anyway!

I think back to what GGG did, as the best "probable" indicator of what "may" happen to Uran, post the main announcement.

Suntboy - Either you believe URA will pull off Ukraine & then further deals, or you view URA as a high risk spec & stay out if the high risk isn't your thing.

IMHO Ukraine is just the start...

But lets all wait & see :rolleyes:

20-05-2008, 08:24 PM
Gday Shasta ....it is high risk but I do not mind that (love a punt )
but I would be interested in you guys (who are the regular posters ) thoughts on the downside of all this.
If there is no ann soon do we wait another fortnite, month etc
the way the market has turned lately surely your money would be better off in somethin else (OEL ESI ) and comeback later better funded.
It appears to a layman that all u guys r in so deep now u are to scared to quit in case it runs

Welcome to Suntland

20-05-2008, 08:30 PM
It appears to a layman that all u guys r in so deep now u are to scared to quit in case it runs

I've actually only just re-entered Uran over the last two weeks after having made money elsewhere (MAK, RWD, ELK and BAUO)

I wouldn't have bought back in if I thought things weren't going to happen soon.

20-05-2008, 08:33 PM
Cool Cool
Have to put it twice so the message is long enuff
May I ask why u got out?

20-05-2008, 08:38 PM
Gday Shasta ....it is high risk but I do not mind that (love a punt )
but I would be interested in you guys (who are the regular posters ) thoughts on the downside of all this.
If there is no ann soon do we wait another fortnite, month etc
the way the market has turned lately surely your money would be better off in somethin else (OEL ESI ) and comeback later better funded.
It appears to a layman that all u guys r in so deep now u are to scared to quit in case it runs

Welcome to Suntland

Not at all, i'm happy to sit on my holdings, like i am doing with ADY.

The downside is what we have had all year, just check the chart!

The last ann spelt it out...we have the green light in Ukraine :eek:

My post #618 in this thread shows the potential upside, & as for the downside for a company with a market cap of $12m with $3m cash?

The Tungsten option remains a Plan "B", & there are other Uranium projects Uran are chasing in the Czech Republic, + others.

No one knows when any ann will be released, or what Uran have up there sleeve (they are known for left field anns!)

OEL & ESG are doing very well for me, interesting you mention ESI, that is another URA type stock!

20-05-2008, 08:42 PM
Suntboy- 2 things here...

firstly, the posters on this thread all have common beleif in Uran and often sound bewildered by the SP after all the info that we know, and how close we are to an ann. sure these are our OPINIONS but they are what we have concluded from the information gathered. no one is forced to agree with it...i can't see everything as positive either. read some of Satori's posts on HC and you will see. Management has stuffed up on so many occasions and that is probably why the SP is still where it is. IMO that is why we never recieve any updates anymore unless they are 100% confirmations on exactly what has transpired, because they dont want to get thrown to the fire again and again. Diplomacy can be a bitch...

Secondly, it is impossible to say at this stage that money would be better re-invested somewhere else for now... i mean heck we should of got an ann by now, and it could well be tomoro.

pulling out now, waiting and trying to time your re-entry could and would be possibly the stupidest thing a trader or investor could do at the moment and could well cause you to miss the biggest boat around.

just my opinion.

20-05-2008, 08:48 PM
Hi Shasta
yeah like your good self ESI is one of my 5 picks
Cant really put them in the same basket as URA although they are both green one way or another LOL
But still does not really answer the question of should u not have sold , invested elsewhere and come back.
Or why not do it tommorrow?
When will the TH come?

20-05-2008, 08:55 PM
Gday Scorp
know tomorrow never comes LOL

20-05-2008, 09:01 PM
Thankyou for your reply Satori , very honest and sincere.
My wish tonight was to try and get a little Evenisity (Suntland talk for levelability)
I am in a similar boat (altho further down the track) with LYC and will see them to the end

Goodnight from Suntland

20-05-2008, 09:03 PM
Gday Shasta ....it is high risk but I do not mind that (love a punt )
but I would be interested in you guys (who are the regular posters ) thoughts on the downside of all this.

Hi Suntboy,

With no disrespect to you, It makes me laugh sometimes when I see folk talk about the downside.

What is the downside of all of this???

Well, give or take 7 cents, currently the downside to all this is NOW, it is the downside for us (the long term holders) so we are living it as we speak.

You see, most of us bought in alot higher that current prices, we are living the downside and if there is anymore downside, I think it wouldnt matter to us as we are already there and there really only is one way left and the Egg Timer is ticking.

(ps: of course further downside when the full market correction was taking place)

And of course, basically this thread has been re-inforced with most of the HC uran holders which if it wasn't for our good friend Shasta, most of us wouldnt be here so its good in someways as HC was like trying to talk in a night club compared to this place ST is more of a place like a nice Cafe or thereabouts :D

20-05-2008, 09:09 PM
Hi Drilly
No disrespect taken , My mission in life is to make people laugh ...... or at least myself

20-05-2008, 09:46 PM
20 May 2008
PRAGUE - Industry Minister Martin Riman and CEZ <CEZPsp.PR>
board member Vladimir Hlavinka to attend a forum on the future
of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic at 1200 GMT.

20-05-2008, 09:57 PM
20 May 2008
PRAGUE - Industry Minister Martin Riman and CEZ <CEZPsp.PR>
board member Vladimir Hlavinka to attend a forum on the future
of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic at 1200 GMT.

Oz, Got a link for that?

20-05-2008, 10:02 PM
Yeah mate.


20-05-2008, 10:27 PM

That's at least good progress. However, Riman and CEZ are in favour of Nuclear Energy. I would have liked to have seen the Environment Minister also attend the forum. He is the one that needs to change his stance on Nuclear Energy.

21-05-2008, 01:53 AM
G'day everyone,

Managed to find you all finally, I wondered where everyone had gone to as HC has been very quite lately!! Must say I like this site much more than HC, it's much easier to read and post.

Looks like there's been some interesting discussion going on and I did some reading last night to try and catch up. Plenty of iron's in the fire as always with URA, hopefully one will come up good!! One thing that I am still not clear on - why would the Ukraine be interested in URA taking part in Novoconstan.? Here we have a small uranium player with no deposits (well not officially anyway) being asked to take part in a MAJOR deposit. Obviously I won't be complaining if they get the go ahead, but it's got me a little miffed. Really the only thing that I can come up with is what cotik and SP3 have already suggested - URA will act as a moderator of sorts.

BTW I came across this article last night http://www.sherpatv.it/media/17120/C_2_media_17120_oggetto.pdf. Russians certainly are keen on Novoconstan., I can see why UGRK may be involved in the consortium.

Archer, in regards to your comment "and one further east", how far east were you thinking? A little or a lot?

Cheers, E.

21-05-2008, 02:46 AM
Hi Ellroy, welcome onboard here, I hope you are keeping well.

Somebody better tell Bwana too or else he will feel like the only one left on HC posting in uran :eek:, however I dont have his details.

Oh, and of course there is also Juqu, Emmi, archbald, Furii, lc2006, KingRichard, sam11212, apples, Showman (although he dont post now) and probably a few others.

Yes there is lots of good discussion yet some of it probably sounds too good to be true to the some of the regulars here from suddenly having to read the many views of a migrated community from one board to another.

With regards to URA and Novoconstan.

Surely the Ukrainians fully understand that Uran have stood the test of time of both patience and persistance. So not only will the Ukers trust them, they also understand that a Uran is smaller flexible player that will not be too pushy. So patience, No Power Trips and also controllable with access to connections and funding if and when required is the only reason I see why they would get such access to Novoconstan.

Catch ya later on~!

21-05-2008, 02:15 PM

could this be the catalyst for Uran to break into Czech Republic?

21-05-2008, 02:21 PM

I wonder if Uran will attempt to takeover Diamo. Apparently, Diamo is up for sale.

Interesting development!!

21-05-2008, 02:56 PM
I'm here Drillfix...........good to see you're "back in business". I've been away for a bit so have lot's of catching up to do. Need to learn how to use this site also.
Dave, I doubt we'll be opening the Bolli on Friday, but there's plenty of Coronas here and the Champagne wont be too far down the track.

21-05-2008, 03:13 PM
I'm looking forward to next month as when the Ukrainians visit Australia they will be able to tell us the size/grades of the two deposits. I also feel the final sign-off will be in June when they visit. And then...?

Promotion, promotion, promotion!

21-05-2008, 03:33 PM
I wonder if Uran will attempt to takeover Diamo. Apparently, Diamo is up for sale.
Interesting development!!

The Czech government will certainly want to add value to Diamo before any sale if possible.....wonder how they may do that?:confused:

As I have been saying for sometime, Diamo is broke, that is why they approached Uran back in 2006.

21-05-2008, 03:41 PM
Juqu, that will have to do for the time I guess. I went to about 5 different bottlos in Singapore airport the other day and couldn't find a single bottle of Bolli> Whats gone wrong with the world? lol

Yep, I think we might have to wait a week or two before we get an update. Bit of a pitty, Broome would have made a nice setting for another celebration (besides yours). Might have to make another trip.

21-05-2008, 07:09 PM
anyone seen this yet - Uranium mining to commence 2008 novok. :)
Read this very carefully - Cheers, A

extract from steelguru.com
May 21, 2008

''Uranium ore mining to start at Novokostiantynivske deposit
According to Mr Yuriy Prodan Fuel and Energy Minister the Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, it is planning to start in 2008 the extraction of uranium ore at the Novokostiantynivske deposit in Kirovohrad region.

The effort will be encouraged by settlement of the question on the purchase of uranium ore by national nuclear energy generation company Energoatom from the Eastern ore dressing plant which in the minister's words will be decided during a month.

The plant has now stopped the export of uranium ore because of unfavorable situation in external markets. Prices on spot contracts reduced, and sometimes do not even cover extraction spending.

Novokostiantynivske deposit is believed to be Europe's biggest. Ukraine's uranium industry is based on big reserves of ores which are mainly located in Kirovohrad region.''

21-05-2008, 07:12 PM
anyone seen this yet - Uranium mining to commence 2008 novok. :)
Read this very carefully - Cheers, A

extract from steelguru.com
May 21, 2008

''Uranium ore mining to start at Novokostiantynivske deposit
According to Mr Yuriy Prodan Fuel and Energy Minister the Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, it is planning to start in 2008 the extraction of uranium ore at the Novokostiantynivske deposit in Kirovohrad region.

The effort will be encouraged by settlement of the question on the purchase of uranium ore by national nuclear energy generation company Energoatom from the Eastern ore dressing plant which in the minister's words will be decided during a month.

The plant has now stopped the export of uranium ore because of unfavorable situation in external markets. Prices on spot contracts reduced, and sometimes do not even cover extraction spending.

Novokostiantynivske deposit is believed to be Europe's biggest. Ukraine's uranium industry is based on big reserves of ores which are mainly located in Kirovohrad region.''

Nice find Archer, i've highlighted the best bit :D

If they want to export it they won't need Uran, but....

21-05-2008, 07:41 PM
Please elaborate.

Archer - good find.

Kate - the shareholders are eagerly awaiting a favourable outcome...please dont dissapoint us.

21-05-2008, 07:48 PM
''Uranium ore mining to start at Novokostiantynivske deposit
According to Mr Yuriy Prodan Fuel and Energy Minister the Fuel and Energy Ministry of Ukraine, it is planning to start in 2008 the extraction of uranium ore at the Novokostiantynivske deposit in Kirovohrad region.

Yes, nice find indeed Archer.

Sounds wonderful that they are planing on starting "this year" 2008 however the question remains, does this mean Uran will be part of this mining for ore process??

There is so much on the IF, AND, OR front that I think that it makes conversation loose yet exciting but still Non Exact however, it would be wonderful to have ONE thing that in not so many words, Comes Through for URA.

I would imagine once this first project(s) step is taken, the real show will begin.

Here is hoping it comes when we all least expect it. How about tomorrow with a TH to start the day?? :eek: Now that would please anybody~!

OH, Hi there Juqu, glad to see ya onboard. Tell the others we will send out a welcoming party to greet them on once they get here...lol :D

21-05-2008, 07:52 PM
Please elaborate.
.Yeah Shasta, please do :D

21-05-2008, 07:56 PM
Please elaborate.

Archer - good find.

Kate - the shareholders are eagerly awaiting a favourable outcome...please dont dissapoint us.

I thought Uran's philisophy was to sell to the CIS Govt's (ie Ukraine) at a discount to the spot price, as part of there own energy self sufficiency requirements...

Any excess U308 would likely be stock piled to meet growing internal demand (remembering Ukraine has stated many times it does not want Russian involvement, especially after the Russians screwed Ukraine over gas access a while back).

If they want to sell it on the open market, why would they need Uran's assistance?

I would imagine if they change their policy of self sufficency (& sell into the open market), then somehow the Russians will be involved.

I see Russian involvement as a bad thing for Uran.

21-05-2008, 09:29 PM
I thought Uran's philisophy was to sell to the CIS Govt's (ie Ukraine) at a discount to the spot price, as part of there own energy self sufficiency requirements...

Any excess U308 would likely be stock piled to meet growing internal demand (remembering Ukraine has stated many times it does not want Russian involvement, especially after the Russians screwed Ukraine over gas access a while back).

I see Russian involvement as a bad thing for Uran.

Shasta, I thought that too and to my knowledge, that is still the plan unless we have not been told and there are changes unknown to all.

Your not wrong about the Russians ripping off the Ukrainians over Gas, I still believe they currently are doing that.

Not too sure of the exact status of Russia and where Uran fit into negotiations.

Anyways, here is some food for thought.
Here are some articles from a snapshot BACK IN TIME sometime ago of some Russian intention just before Uran came in on the scene, which makes for some interesting reading all the same:


Interview with top managers
«An Integration Under the Uranium Projects»
"Economic Policy" magazine, No. 18, October 2005

Anton Badenkov
Vice-President, JSC TVEL
This summer Russian TVEL Corporation announced its readiness to study the issues related to the investments in the Ukrainian uranium deposits. In June the TVEL delegation headed by Ivan Kamenskykh, the Deputy Director of the RF Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) has examined "Novokonstantinovskoye" deposit and has been left satisfied with the qualification level of the Ukrainian specialists and the state of the equipment. Anton Badenkov, Vice-President of TVEL Corporation has told about its plans in his brief interview to our magazine.
- What is the interest of the Corporation in the Ukrainian uranium deposits connected with?

- Firstly, with the fact that these deposits as well as the Eastern ore mining and processing combine in the Soviet period were part of the structure of the Ministry of Medium Machinery and had close cooperative relations with current Russian industry's enterprises. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia has left with rather few proven uranium deposits, so we are interested in a closer integration. Secondly, we have been talking for a long time about the integration of Russian and Ukrainian enterprises working in the field of nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) for the mutual benefit of the two countries' economies, including the creation in Ukraine of the NFC elements. During the visit this issue has also been discussed.
- On what terms would TVEL like to invest in "Novokonstantinovskoye" deposit?

- It is too early to discuss it for the time being. In the first place it is necessary to prepare an appropriate legal basis and to determine the possibility of investment itself as the deposit is included in the list of strategically important facilities. As soon as these issues become clear we will start discussing the investment terms. The ball currently is in the Ukrainian side. The deposits themselves as regards their climate, location, uranium contents look more attractive than many Russian or Kazakh. The only problem is the cost-effectiveness. There were preliminary negotiations held with the Ukrainian authorities, during which TVEL's participation in the development of nuclear fuel cycle elements in Ukraine have been discussed. Other projects haven't been discussed so far.
- Is there any work in progress regarding the problem of changing the terms of fresh nuclear fuel supplies to Ukraine (considering an unprecedented increase in the world prices of uranium)?

- We are acting within the framework of the contract, signed in 1997 after TVEL had been announced the winner of the international tender for nuclear fuel supply conducted in Ukraine. With regard to our long-term partner relations with NAEC "Energoatom" we grant to the Ukrainian party the most favorable trade partnership terms even regardless of the substantial increase in the world prices for uranium.
- What is your forecast on the dynamic of uranium prices (under long-term contracts) within the next few years?

- The prices under long-term contracts are currently growing. For the last two years they have increased from USD 25 to USD 75 per kilogram. They will keep on growing in the future due to many reasons, including the deficit of organic raw materials and growth of world oil prices. According to the international experts' estimates, uranium mining is currently profitable. The prices will stabilize after the market's saturation.
- How does TVEL assess the Ukraine's efforts to diversify the supplies of fresh nuclear fuel (FNF), meaning among others its cooperation with Westinghouse?

- The problem concerning the supplies from Westinghouse to Ukraine is, in my opinion, somewhat exaggerated. A tender on the supplies was never announced and the deliveries took place within the framework of the technical assistance from the US government. In fact we are speaking about a humanitarian aid. In any case I feel sure that common sense and economic feasibility will be the main factors governing Ukraine's choice of the fuel supplier.
- In what direction is the work being conducted aimed at improving the quality of Russian-made FNF supplied to Ukraine?

- This year the State nuclear regulatory committee of Ukraine has approved a decision on operating TVSA-type nuclear fuel at 11 units of Ukrainian NPP's. The operation of these types of fuel assemblies makes it possible to improve the reactors' reliability, to perform fuel re-loadings rarely, to increase burn up depth and to enhance efficiency of fuel cycles. As a result all these factors and many others improve economic indicators of Ukrainian NPP's operation. At the same time the TVSA design has an extensive potential for further development which will be able to ensure 5-6 year fuel cycles and as a result to improve economic effectiveness of Ukrainian NPP's. At the NPP's operating TVSA - type nuclear fuel which has an enhanced operation life and stable design it is planned to introduce maneuvering modes - a necessary element of efficient operation of any NPP. The Joint Commission of NAEC "Energoatom" and JSC TVEL has been working in this direction for over two years. Unit 2 of Khmelnitsky NPP has been chosen and has already passed the phase of "experimental approval of fuel maneuverability". Currently an experimental-industrial operation of this mode is being prepared after which the commercial operation of fuel in maneuvering mode will become possible. In the near future a contract with NAEC "Energoatom" is going to be signed on the introduction of fuel maneuvering modes at Ukrainian NPP's.
- What does TVEL think about the prospects of Russian-Ukrainian-Kazakh joint venture, which till now haven't been functioning yet?

- JSC "Joint Russian-Ukrainian-Kazakh Venture in Production of Nuclear Fuel" besides of JSC TVEL is composed of JSC National Atomic Company "Kazakhprom" (Kazakhstan) and State Property Fund of Ukraine. An effective functioning of a joint venture depends on the activities of al of its members. This summer a trilateral meeting was held at which a position was elaborated on the development of integration in the field of nuclear fuel cycle. A working plan has been set up which is going to be implemented.
- Is it feasible for Ukraine to develop its own nuclear fuel cycle? At what elements of NFC do you think the attention should be focused?

- Talking about NFC elements in Ukraine, these are first of all the development of uranium and zirconium products as well as components-production. In these fields a joint work is under way.

Interview by Irina Dubrova
("Energy Policy of Ukraine" magazine, No. 10, 2005.)

21-05-2008, 09:35 PM
And because the other post only lets you do 150000 characters I had to do 2 posts to add this.

Again this is a snapshot back in time and only shows the previous intentions with Russian involvement etc etc, so please dont treat it like gospel but maybe we can see something in it that will aid our upcoming event/possibilities:

Interview of Anton Badenkov, Vice President of JSC TVEL, to the Czech Radio

Correspondent Jana Klusakova, "Radiojournal" Program, December 11, 2005

Interviewer (Jana Klusakova, further on – JK): I have first learned about TVEL Corporation in connection with the 4-th "Russian Culture in Czech Republic" Program. JSC TVEL for the second time running has been its generous sponsor. In late November – early December 2005 I was among the few Czech journalists who visited the Moscow Headquarters of this holding, incorporating fifteen enterprises of Russia's fuel and energy industrial complex. Thanks to a special permit we were able to visit some of till recently top secret production facilities of "Elemash" enterprise (JSC MSZ) – the manufacturer of fuel assembles for nuclear power reactors. The plant is located 70 km far from Moscow in the town of Electrostal. You will hear a more detailed story about this town in the program of Vladimir Kroc "Around the World Upside Down" on Tuesday. In Moscow I have managed to interview Anton Badenkov, a 39-year-old commercial director of JSC TVEL. What was your way to the post of Vice President of TVEL Corporation?

Guest (Anton Badenkov, further on – AB): It was a rather unusual one as I hadn't studied nuclear physics. Instead I graduated from the Moscow State University in 1992 with a specialization of Economics and the knowledge of two foreign languages – Chinese and English. I have also got an additional education in Finance by correspondence, sold coal and other goods. The times were rather hard in the early 1990s. We haven't received any payments at all, just exchanging goods. Later I became a Vice President of "First Russian Bank". Among about a thousand and a half Russian banks we hold approximately the 100th place. Then I was offered a job in JSC TVEL because they were looking for a commercial director. Due to my experience in the foreign trade I was given this job. I have also managed to work a short time as a Deputy Minister of atomic energy but after the ministry had been re-organized into ROSATOM, I returned to JSC TVEL.

JK: Do you consider the occupation of a Vice President of JSC TVEL's a peak of you career?

AB: I am rather young to speak about a peak in my career. I love this job, it gives me many positive emotions, it is a dynamic and interesting work and I don't want to leave it. I am responsible for the sales of nuclear fuel to all our enterprises, as well as for providing all materials and equipment, I am also solving the customs' problems and marketing issues – that's quite enough for me.

JK: Is there anything like industrial espionage in the global 21st century?

AB: Of course there is. And it will not disappear either in the 21st or in the 22nd century. It is just changing its forms because nowadays we can talk freely about many subjects. We are aware that the problems unlikely to be resolved within one country require the arrangement of international projects. The example of such kind of cooperation is the development of a new type of nuclear reactor by the specialists of several countries. Nevertheless, we still think that we have some good ideas which are worth being kept for ourselves. It is quite obvious that the others are showing their interest in these ideas but I wouldn't have called it immediately an industrial espionage. No detective novel episodes with night-time adventures and stealthy photographing of secret documents really take place, we just try to penetrate into the way of thinking and predict the actions of our counterparts. And so it is.

JK: TVEL Corporation is launching cooperation with China. Are you afraid of the matters that we have been just talking about?

AB: We are no longer afraid, because in my opinion the Chinese are not only aware of our projects in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes but also of the ones developed in other countries, France for example. Some technological problems related to China did emerge, but first, we have an agreement framework, and second, there are technological problems that China will not be able to solve with our products in its territory. This applies to Russia, but also to other countries cooperating with China. I think that as time goes by we will put in order our relations and bring it to the level of current Russia-Japan ties. Japan has also started with the acquisition of licenses but today the quality of their products is often higher than that of the countries which had sometimes sold them the license.

JK: Do your Chinese colleagues know that you speak Chinese?

AB: Yes they do, but I don't remember how they learned it. Perhaps, I do know. I remember only that it was not me who told them about it, it doesn't matter now who did, but sometimes we really have nice talks.

JK: Every sixth reactor in the world operates TVEL-manufactured fuel. What are your Corporation's ambitions? How many more such reactors should be?

AB: The number of such reactors may increase in 2007 and may be in the coming year, I am not going to mention the exact country, but probably you know the answer. As for the foreign experts, they believe that from the world's 440 operating reactors we can supply fuel for 150.

JK: Are you implying about a tender on fuel supplies for Temelin NPP announced recently? What is it that makes Russian TVEL better than American Westinghouse?

AB: We have been manufacturing VVER type reactors for almost fifty years. They make PWR type reactors. We are good in dealing with our technology, as they are with theirs. To put it bluntly, Russian-made fuel is better for Russian-made reactor, this is my simple argument for an average citizen.

JK: Does Czech Temelin NPP represent for Russian TVEL company just one of many plants that you are going to supply with fuel, or is there another reason for you being interested in it?

AB: First, every client is important for us, and we are trying to meet all of his requirements. But frankly speaking, yes, Temelin NPP is of a special interest for us because it is our reactor that we have never supplied with fuel.

JK: This is Czech Radio on the air, and we are pleased to introduce the guest of "Radiojournal" broadcast Mr. Anton Badenkov, commercial director of Russian TVEL Corporation. You know, yesterday the specialists of "Elemash" Plant which manufactures fuel assemblies were so enthusiastic about your successes in all spheres of production. Do you have any problems at all?

AB: Everyone has problems. I mean everyone who is doing his work. Our problems are of global character. We should make a principal decision on future prospects of nuclear power industry and then start solving together a lot of problems that we face. And all the problems arise from the fact that the world community cannot yet clarify its attitude to nuclear power industry. Thus we know what to expect in the future. We need to normally draw a plan for the next twenty years. When the world community does accept the relevance of nuclear power industry, its safety and irreplaceability for the economy, then we will get rid of 90% of our problems. As for the remaining ten percent it will be our job and we will be pleased doing it. Don't feel any doubts about it.

JK: At the "Elemash" fuel manufacturing plant, that we have already mentioned, the managers told us a lot about the social welfare benefits that the workers have. They have a longer vacation, a lower pension age, a health-resort treatment, various extra payments, and so on and so forth. But the toilets in the workshop, where everyone goes with a dosimeter, are really in a sad state. They do not have not only remote sensing faucets but even paper towels and toilet paper. This is a petty thing but nevertheless…

AB: This is really a petty thing but a principal one. One famous scientist used to tell me that the state of an enterprise can be determined by the state of its toilets, if they are clean and have paper, than the state of the enterprise is good. May be they have shown you a bad workshop because "Elemash" does have toilets like that of a good hotel. As for the unpleasant fact you've mentioned we will look into it and make necessary improvement.

JK: Mr. Badenkov, how can you characterize the present social system of Russia?

AB: This is a complex problem. I haven't got time to study it. Formerly, it was much easier – you could answer the way it was written in the text-book. I would better tell you what we are striving for. It is a market-based model of democratic state. To formulate the definition is the task for philosophers, if I had a year or half-a-year to study the books and publications, I would answer your question, but I am not ready now.

JK: Rosatom must be an important element of Russia's defense system.

AB: It doesn't look like that judging from the number of personnel, but from the point of view of the weapons' gravity – it is. Defense industry is always a powerful one in any country.

JK: Your office is situated in a huge Rosatom building on Ordynka Street. How are the TVEL's fifteen corporate enterprises related to Russia's defense?

AB: We have got some orders, but not very important ones. Besides, this is not my sphere of business, I am not a nuclear physicist, and neither does it have anything to do with commerce. I cannot be selling nuclear bomb, can I?

JK: Don't you want to become the one who can?

AB: It cannot be sold in principal. It is absolutely unfeasible in Russia, and abroad it is also impossible to sell nuclear bombs.

JK: What can you tell us about the relations between TVEL and the Kremlin? Does the Kremlin help you in some way?

AB: It should be noted that we are selling not consumer goods. Some political interests do exist, as well as interstate relations, geopolitics and so on. Therefore, such contacts are indispensable not only with the Kremlin but with other important state bodies, the White House of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for instance. We respect the Kremlin and I hope this feeling is mutual.

JK: Many people in the Czech Republic do not trust nuclear power industry. Can you avail yourself of the opportunity and relay your message to them through Czech radio?

AB: It would be better if you know the truth about nuclear power industry. There is a good example of Dukovany NPP where I have been recently. They are organizing the tours of the plant, including those for the pupils of the schools. They have a chance to learn what the NPP looks like and how does it work. The best solution will be visiting an NPP and talking to Czech experts. I hope people will believe them.

JK: In late April there will be the 20-th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy. Who is responsible for it? Was it found out?

AB: It is difficult to say, I am not a specialist, but the prevalent opinion is that it is a human factor which is to blame. At that time I didn't work in nuclear industry so it’s rather difficult for me to come to know.

JK: Can anything like that happen again?

AB: That extraordinary tragedy has lead to a huge progress in the whole system. If you imagine that NPPs are to be built in the countries paying traditionally exceptional attention to the problems of environment and safety, in Finland for example, than you will see that there is a confidence that Chernobyl will never happen again. But one must not forget Chernobyl like one must not forget about greenhouse effect. It is early December and I don't remember any such winter in Russia. It is six degrees above zero. Such a disaster can also become reality if we don't make a proper decision. This disaster is so close that you can see it out of your window. It is a climate changing.

JK: People say that Russia is going to pay its debts to the West with energy. Is it true?

AB: As far as I know we pay our debts with money and with goods. I think it is not a bad idea.

JK: Mr. Badenkov, Are you proud of being Russian?

AB: I believe, it is a normal feeling of every human being who was born in this country irrespective of the past. We have a great cultural heritage, therefore, I am certainly proud of being Russian. Otherwise why should I've been working for my country in this Corporation?

JK: Today I have introduced to you in my broadcast from Moscow Mr. Anton Badenkov, commercial director of TVEL Corporation, specializing in uranium mining and enrichment and also in manufacturing nuclear fuel. The questioner has been Jana Klusakova, Jan Schmidt and Petr Isha were also present, you have also listened to the songs of Vladimir Visotsky. Our program is over.

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http://www.redorbit.com/news/business/815096/ukraine_plans_to_boost_uranium_production_75_in_3_ yrs/index.html

Ukraine Plans to Boost Uranium Production 75% in 3 Yrs
Posted on: Thursday, 25 January 2007, 21:00 CST

KYIV. Jan 25 (Interfax) - Ukraine plans to boost uranium mine production 75% from 800 tonnes to 1,400 tonnes per year in the next three years in order to keep nuclear electricity prices down, Fuel and Energy Ministry Yury Boiko said in a TV interview.

"We have a 10-year plan of action, but uranium production can be increased to 1,400 tonnes in as little as three years," Boiko said.

Boiko said in December that Ukraine was only mining 30% of the uranium it needs at the Vostochny or Eastern mining complex (VostGOK) based in Zheltye Vody, Dnipropetrovsk region.

VostGOK develops the Vatutinskoye, Tsentralnoye and Michurinskoye deposits in the Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovohrad regions, where 50%- 60% of the reserves have already been depleted. Ore is processed in Zheltye Vody.

Plans aired in March 2006 to boost uranium ore extraction 120% by 2010 and 400%-520% by 2020 are linked with the development of the Novokonstantinovskoye field in the Kirovohrad region.

(c) 2007 Daily News Bulletin; Moscow - English. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

Source: Daily News Bulletin; Moscow - English

21-05-2008, 11:14 PM
Hey all,

its 2006 here. Thanks for the invite here. Good to see all of you here. DrillFix! How have u been? Long time no see.

21-05-2008, 11:20 PM
Hey all,

its 2006 here. Thanks for the invite here. Good to see all of you here. DrillFix! How have u been? Long time no see.

Welcome LC

Good to have you over here, reunited with the rest of the crew.

21-05-2008, 11:44 PM
Hey all, its 2006 here. Thanks for the invite here. Good to see all of you here. DrillFix! How have u been? Long time no see.

Hi LC, wonderful to see you mate.

I have been ok, although the real truth is my whole body is still absolutely killing me everyday as usual however, I am hoping to have an operation this year.

As you know I got booted from HC from a simple misunderstanding (an accident) but they wont listen to reason at all and since then I have watched many people get AXED for very simple little small unwarranted matters :mad:. Totally pathetic really. Actually, HC should be ashamed of some of its Moderators (SS Nazi's) as some they themselves are not the full quid, but that is another story. :rolleyes:

Anyways, great to see you onboard~! :)

22-05-2008, 12:13 AM

I love your new nic..

Very clever.

22-05-2008, 01:31 AM

I wonder if Uran will attempt to takeover Diamo. Apparently, Diamo is up for sale.

Interesting development!!

Thanks for this link SP3. It's (DIAMO) only worth $65 mill, wonder why URA don't just get it over and done with and put up the cash? Also explains the fairly low bid for Rozna.


could this be the catalyst for Uran to break into Czech Republic?

Wonder if Kate is attending?

22-05-2008, 02:00 AM

Diamo is currently drilling at Rozna. I would think they will want to add value before they sell the company. This is probably the main reason why Uran's bid was rejected last year. Its all political...too hard to read the situation at the moment.

22-05-2008, 01:58 PM
Hi Satori,

Wow, Monster post, that would have taken me all morning and afternoon to think about let alone type (and I type fast). :D lol

Tell me, do you type this stuff at the top of your head when you post??? :eek:

Anyways, Great post, good perspective and well done~! :)

22-05-2008, 02:33 PM
Satori, well done for the top of your head perspective posting, I think that is an art in its own. Also thanks for your kind words about my posting but I have only posted a History lesson and my feelings in brief.

Im sure many will watch closely for any indicator that might mean a Novok deal and I am sure we will see a spike "IF" it comes off on that particular project.

In the meantime, I too am basically just wanting to get across the line with the orginal 2 projects in Ukraine which as you say is "what they have promised for 2 years."

It would be good just to get that out of the way and finalize negotiations and show that development of the project is near/measured/active and of value so the market can see for themselves.

It also then will make me feel good (as I am sure it will everybody) that our investment is unfolding, and the patience has been worthwhile and not only financially will we be better off but to REGAIN confidence for the effort and Risk we all have taken. To have that brushed aside and moving on from that point will be a great feeling.

But lets not jump the gun here, we have walked up the garden path many times before, many times sure that we are around the corner, many times we have started to toot our horns to only find out that we had to WAIT more, and more and more which also has taken its toll on many (including me big time).

Anyways, to cut a long story short and as somebody else has spoke previously,
"If its going to happen for Uran at all, it is going happen by the end of June"

I cant remember where I saw that or who wrote it but I agree with it strongly, however I also agree with what Cotik has previously said but worded differently, being that, to bare the seasoned fruit of Uran fully it may be a 2 or 3 year investment.

22-05-2008, 04:49 PM
Hey guys,

Looks as though Uran is doing something with their website.

The homepage gets forwarded to http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/

All the files on the Uran website are now in the 'old' directory.


22-05-2008, 04:58 PM
So based on the above I feel we may get a new website shortly (to go along with a signed deal). That's just my gut feeling.

22-05-2008, 05:28 PM
So based on the above I feel we may get a new website shortly (to go along with a signed deal). That's just my gut feeling.

Maybe translating it into Ukraine/Russian for our new playmates @ VostGok? :D

22-05-2008, 07:11 PM
So based on the above I feel we may get a new website shortly (to go along with a signed deal). That's just my gut feeling.

Hi Oz,

I sure hope your right on that one. I wonder who is doing their website???

If its the previous mob then I wouldnt be too excited, if there is some new and I mean NEW thinking applied to a NEW website then maybe they do have something to say, or better still, something they NEED to say.

Announcement tomorrow or Monday?? Anybody care to guest :eek: looks like somebody did a quick Top Up today.

22-05-2008, 07:44 PM
I think before Uran can sign an agreement with the Ukraine government to commence the FS the Cabinet of Ministers need to ratify the foreign investment conditions formalised by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy.

To my knowledge, this has not occured yet. I do understand that the concept of foreign investment has been approved in principle by Parliament, but this specific decree has yet to happen.

Has anyone spoken to Uran regarding this...this process seems to be the only impediment that I can think of.

22-05-2008, 11:11 PM

bwana says hello but cant open an account here - he got rejected for some reason.

There are at least 3 others that also cant open an account. I have PM admin. but no response.

22-05-2008, 11:33 PM

bwana says hello but cant open an account here - he got rejected for some reason.

There are at least 3 others that also cant open an account. I have PM admin. but no response.

I'll send Vince (Admin) a PM & see if he can't sort this out

23-05-2008, 12:05 AM
I'll send Vince (Admin) a PM & see if he can't sort this out

Good stuff Sp3 and Shasta, and in advance good on ya Vince. Would be good to catch up with the rest of the gang thats fer sure. :)

With regards to the house of Ukraine politics, I thought Yulia said she would take care of all the Delays or Bottlenecks that have previously occurred and it would only be a couple of crossed T's and dotted i 's ???

23-05-2008, 05:15 AM
I havent as yet worked out why Diamo will be presenting at the International Uranium conference in SA next month. Have you?

The topic will be...

"The Czech Uranium Industry and the Environment
P Vostarek ".

It looks like Vostarek is the Environmental Manager for DIAMO and will be presenting under the Health, Safety and Environment category at the AusIMM conference.

23-05-2008, 09:47 AM

Why would Diamo be presenting health and safety? Have you seen photos of Rozna's underground mine? Its third world standards imo.

There is some hidden agenda I believe but I havent worked it out yet.

23-05-2008, 11:46 AM
Hi Oz,

I sure hope your right on that one. I wonder who is doing their website???

If its the previous mob then I wouldnt be too excited, if there is some new and I mean NEW thinking applied to a NEW website then maybe they do have something to say, or better still, something they NEED to say.

Announcement tomorrow or Monday?? Anybody care to guest :eek: looks like somebody did a quick Top Up today.

I'm guessing it's the same mob that did the current website. No decent web designer would be silly enough to direct a company's website to .....com.au/old

23-05-2008, 04:22 PM

The article above highlights the increasing tensions in the Ukrainian political arena. This for me is still the biggest cloud hanging over our chances. Hopefully kate can get all the ducks in a row in the very near future, before the sh#@ hits the fan.

23-05-2008, 05:16 PM
The article above highlights the increasing tensions in the Ukrainian political arena. This for me is still the biggest cloud hanging over our chances. Hopefully kate can get all the ducks in a row in the very near future, before the sh#@ hits the fan.

Hi Juqu,

That actual article really points out the continuation of the obvious anyways.

Meaning, as we all know, the Russians have been UPPING the price of Gas back to the Ukraine, its only sensible for Ukraine or the politics to stamp out this type of deal or method/agreement as it is not in Favour for Ukraine.

Although it looks like fighting and stuff, it isnt. Its YULIA standing her ground and saying enough is enough and that it cant and wont happen like this anymore.

Again, Meaning, why allow that sort of deal just so the Russians can turn around and try to BlackMail the Ukraine with present ongoing type Antics?? lol Crazy I know so I agree with Yulia on this one, enough is enough, Ukraine Gov has changed and these people are no longer going to play stupid to the world and to the previous controllers.

So overall, I do not think this will have any serious side affects for Uran and their movements and plans, IMO~!

23-05-2008, 05:21 PM

imo this is excellent news for Uran because it demonstrates that the Cabinet of Ministers is in favour and supports production sharing agreements with Industry. Isnt this the breakthrough that Uran has been hoping for? ie to not only gain the support from Ministerial departments but also the Cabinet of Ministers.

23-05-2008, 05:27 PM

The Russians will play a major role in supply and production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine. They need each other.

23-05-2008, 05:47 PM
Vanco Energy Co was used by Russian interests to gain a back door entry to Ukraine’s oil and gas. This is exactly what Tymoshenko will stamp out, the back door deals for Russian interests, especially in the energy sector.

This is why Uran will play a role in NovoK, with the Ukrainians, ARMZ and others, energy security is vital to Ukraine.

Some people know what is coming, the rest of us will find out shortly.
The web designers know, so they are part of the inner circle.


23-05-2008, 06:07 PM

The Russians will play a major role in supply and production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine. They need each other.

My worst fear is that any Russian involvement in Ukraines Nuclear Energy drive for self sufficiency, will mean the end of Uran's involvement in the Ukraine.

I may well be wrong, but surely having the Russians around WON'T help Uran?

23-05-2008, 06:19 PM
My worst fear is that any Russian involvement in Ukraines Nuclear Energy drive for self sufficiency, will mean the end of Uran's involvement in the Ukraine.

I may well be wrong, but surely having the Russians around WON'T help Uran?


Take one guess why Kate has been overseas for 3 weeks?

23-05-2008, 06:19 PM
Yes cotik, thats kinda what I was pointing out to Juqu.

The Russians will play a major role in supply and production of nuclear fuel in Ukraine. They need each other.

Sp3, I think Ukraine want Less or Little to do with Russian politics/biz as possible, I dont think they need each other.

Take a look at the announcement dated: May 2nd

It states that Westinghouse Sweden to do Fuel Fabrication, so pay a little more to somebody else to cut or narrow the channels with Russia (Tvel I think) who used to do it.

From the Ann dated: 7th of April.
We now have one week left to the so called announce the Finalised Joint venture with VotGOK. (Notice how it says Uran rather than Discovery)

Surely one can presume that if things are on track, we should hear word of Grades, Tonnage, and a whole bunch of other Equation variable figures that will allow us or the market greater insight?

I am not counting on it being announced in the week however things have previously gotten much more efficient over there so I cant see no reason why (besides the previous shocking record) not keeping to a new way of business and forcast.

Anyways, as always, fingers and toes crossed.

23-05-2008, 06:23 PM

Take one guess why Kate has been overseas for 3 weeks?

No idea where she is, if i knew i could make an "educated guess?"

Is she in the USA to pay for the Tungsten project? :rolleyes:

Shes had plenty of seeming "fruitless" trips for over a year, so why are we to assume this one is any different?

Proofs in the pudding & i'll believe things when i see it in black & white (& hopefully a nice colourful presentation to follow!).

23-05-2008, 06:30 PM
Surely one can presume that if things are on track, we should hear word of Grades, Tonnage, and a whole bunch of other Equation variable figures that will allow us or the market greater insight?

Drilly, Kate said at the AGM last year that Uran could not disclose grades and tonnage to the market because it is not yet JORC-compliant. She said she was hoping to get Ministry of Fuel and Energy representatives over to Australia. If they and VostGOK are coming over in June, hopefully they can tell the market all about the size and grades of the deposits at the AusIMM conference and also to the media.

23-05-2008, 06:50 PM
Drilly, Kate said at the AGM last year that Uran could not disclose grades and tonnage to the market because it is not yet JORC-compliant. She said she was hoping to get Ministry of Fuel and Energy representatives over to Australia. If they and VostGOK are coming over in June, hopefully they can tell the market all about the size and grades of the deposits at the AusIMM conference and also to the media.

Unfortunately Kate & Uran don't have that luxury of holding it back until then.

As soon as Kate & the Directors know the outcome & everythings signed, it MUST be disclosed to the ASX.

Might mean Uran goes into a Trading Halt until a JORC resource is known.

Didn't GGG have to do this?

23-05-2008, 06:57 PM
drillfix and shasta

read the following carefully...

29-04-2008 18:03 Ukraine and Russia to cooperate in nuclear fuel production
As was aired by Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko following the 3rd meeting of the Committee on Economic Cooperation of the Ukraine-Russia Interstate Commission Yushchenko-Putin, Ukraine and Russia may start cooperation in joint development of the uranium and zirconium fields.
"We'll surely have cooperation to produce a nuclear fuel. The matter concerns both joint participation in the nuclear fuel center and joint uranium and zirconium production," she stressed.

Russia wants to sign nuclear fuel contract with Ukraine in 2008
15:53 | 28/ 04/ 2008

MOSCOW, April 28 (RIA Novosti) - Russia plans to complete talks on a new contract for nuclear fuel supplies to Ukraine for 2010-2025 later this year, Russia's deputy nuclear chief said on Monday.

Russia will supply all nuclear fuel for Ukrainian power plants until the end of 2010.

"The current contracts expire in 2010. A new 15-year contract is being drafted," Nikolai Spassky told reporters, adding that the Rosatom nuclear corporation expects to complete talks with Ukraine later this year.

He said the new contract should reflect market conditions.

Ukraine, which relies almost entirely on Russia for its nuclear fuel imports, has stepped up efforts in recent years to diversify supplies amid rising prices and energy disputes with Russia.

Ukraine's nuclear power utility Energoatom signed a contract in March with the U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Company on fuel supplies for its nuclear power plants in 2011-2015. The U.S. fuel costs 25% more than Russia's.

In 2005, Westinghouse supplied the Soviet-built South Ukraine plant with a set of fuel rod assemblies, which were used in the reactor core in conjunction with Russian fuel rods for a trial period.

The strong level of energy dependence on Russia, which also has almost total control over Ukraine's natural gas supply, prompted President Viktor Yushchenko to announce plans in January 2006 to create domestic nuclear fuel production facilities.

The decision was sparked by a fuel price hike by Russian corporation TVEL in late 2005, and a natural gas debt row with Russia's state gas giant Gazprom at New Year 2006, during which Russia turned the taps off to Ukraine.

23-05-2008, 07:15 PM
drillfix and shasta
read the following carefully...
29-04-2008 18:03 Ukraine and Russia to cooperate in nuclear fuel production

Sp3, I understand and have certainly already read that article.

But look at the date April 29 2008.

Now as I wrote below, look at the Uran ann dated May 2, 2008.

Its like the Ukrainians have gone off to a Western source of Westinghouse in Sweden to get enrichment done and not the Russians.

It kinda conflicts doesnt it??

Or perhaps they agree to make it sound like they are going to do what you say but in all intentions and honesty, maybe they are not...lol

Which paper was that article ?? a Pro Russian paper or pro Ukrainian one??


Shasta, I agree about: ""fruitless" trips for over a year, so why are we to assume this one is any different?"

It shouldnt be, but I believe things have sped up over there and I am hoping these new events are serious enough to seen as full actions that bring, positive outcomes for a change.


Oz, yes thanks for that as its a good reminder of what previously was said, your on the ball more than me as you have a great memory :D

Lets do hope they put all the food on the table so to speak either before or at this convention coming in june.

23-05-2008, 07:55 PM
What is Kate doing? I'm not exactly sure but something similar to Henry Kissinger during 1973 would be close to the mark. If you are too young; Google Yom Yippur and OPEC embargo.

Ukraine don't want to cut off relations with Russia in regard to nuclear energy, they just want a balanced approach, so they are not 100% dependant on Russia.

Anyway all is about to be revealed, so we will have little to do:(

23-05-2008, 08:05 PM
What is Kate doing? I'm not exactly sure but something similar to Henry Kissinger during 1973 would be close to the mark. If you are too young; Google Yom Yippur and OPEC embargo.

Ukraine don't want to cut off relations with Russia in regard to nuclear energy, they just want a balanced approach, so they are not 100% dependant on Russia.

Anyway all is about to be revealed, so we will have little to do:(

Instead of all the countless assumptions, researching for snippets, the hypothetical valuations & blue sky potential...

Having some solid figures etc will allow us to make some more informed comparisons & valuations..

You kidding me, getting this info is just the start...:eek:

We'll all probably overlook it & start assuming on the next project(s) :D

23-05-2008, 08:21 PM
What is Kate doing? I'm not exactly sure but something similar to Henry Kissinger during 1973 would be close to the mark. If you are too young; Google Yom Yippur and OPEC embargo.

Ukraine don't want to cut off relations with Russia in regard to nuclear energy, they just want a balanced approach, so they are not 100% dependant on Russia.

Anyway all is about to be revealed, so we will have little to do:(

We will have little to do - yep - no more scratching through Ukrainian, Czech, Baltic, Bulgarian and Russian news items. How the dickens are we going to get through the days ithout our fix ? I will miss all the intrigue the guess work - and hopefully we will be able to put a nice little profit into the next research project ! - can't imaging it will be so colourful though. LOL A

23-05-2008, 10:05 PM
Instead of all the countless assumptions, researching for snippets, the hypothetical valuations & blue sky potential...

Having some solid figures etc will allow us to make some more informed comparisons & valuations..

Shasta, what I think is a little Suss is, if there is so much blue sky potential and rockets getting ready to be lit, why are there many lots of sellers, many of 20K but some are 50,000 and 60,000 FPO up for grabs.

I wonder:
Surely these people just dont care and want out? :rolleyes:
Surely these people just dont believe the company will finally deliver? :eek:
Surely somebody else has something to say about this...LOL :p

23-05-2008, 10:29 PM
(HC allanl) nice to see ura community back onboard again, thanks sp3 for inviting me was wondering where is everyone gone to!!! now zed327 is a lonely man!!

i spoke to ura today kate and her team is due back next tuesday. hopefully they bring back the good news.... cant wait

23-05-2008, 10:31 PM

there will always be sellers. even if uran announced mutiple acquisitions in one announcement.

24-05-2008, 11:02 AM
Thankkyou Sp3 for redirecting me to sharetrader...I am Kingrichard on hotcopper but chose another name for sharetrader (don't ask)...I have not sold one single share in URA and look forward reading all the great posts from the regulars here...Drillfix I trust things are looking up for you !

24-05-2008, 11:11 AM
Thankkyou Sp3 for redirecting me to sharetrader...I am Kingrichard on hotcopper but chose another name for sharetrader (don't ask)...I have not sold one single share in URA and look forward reading all the great posts from the regulars here...Drillfix I trust things are looking up for you !Hi Marie,
Sorry couldnt resist and have to ask, does this mean the King is a bit of a Queen? :eek::D

24-05-2008, 04:00 PM
Drillfix I trust things are looking up for you !

Hi KR - MC, welcome over to this site, and great to see you :)

Sorry to say but things for me wont be exactly looking up until Uran finally deliver and unfortunately, as much as I am optimistic about what may or could happen in the near term, I openly admit that I still suffer badly every single day just like before.

To ease my pain, I just watch the news and think about these poor people laying under a pile of badly made buildings in China and others in Burma from such storms just past. I then see myself somewhere in amongst the spectrum in life and say hmmmm Life? It certainly could be way better, but then it could also be way more **** too.

Anyways, sorry to bore you all with all the philosophy of a trouble life :D

I sure do hope things are fine and that you are well and doing fine KR.

btw, STRAT KR - MC = he :rolleyes:

24-05-2008, 11:08 PM
The recent Energy Forum apparently was used as a vehicle to encourage foreign investment in Ukraine's energy sector. Apart from oil and gas (which dominated discussions) they also discussed nuclear energy.

I assume Uran would have been well represented at the forum.

Lets hope the Cabinet of Ministers sign off on the foreign investment conditions very soon.

24-05-2008, 11:22 PM
Strat (LOL) just thought I would keep you guessing on that one...When Uran pulls a big deal off I intend to knight you all for being such loyal shareholders (with the exception of the one hmmmmmmmmmm.) Go Kate!

25-05-2008, 01:11 AM
Hi Folks

5 trading days till end of the month.

An update is warranted by end of the week...with or without developments. The April/May comments re acquiring Ukraine projects being the reason obviously.

I might add that there are a few 'other' updates i'd like;

MOU in Kazakhstan. Been 9 months or thereabouts? Hmm think I want some progress reports there Uran.
Bulgarian apps. Ditto.
Uzbekistan is still being listed on the website. Its been over a year and nothing there. Again, an update is warranted.
Czech, particularly Rozna and Pribram. Not good enough particularly on this front. Im still bewildered on the comments re time waiting for mining permits re Pribram...12 months after it was known.

And... (as if i'd overlook it;)

The situation on Novok. The reason why Uran would even mention it. The connection (if any) with the upcoming conference next month.

We are at an interesting and exciting stage.


Uran have had an 'easy' run in 2008 imo. The Ukraine Govt being finalised 18 Dec 2007 created a positive expectation and a bit of a breather for the company....
Pat Ryan confident (in an email to me) in the second week in January that Ukraine projects would be delivered in 'weeks'...hmmm.

The Czech applications and Osecna Kotel developments 'again' have taken a bit of the heat off Uran...

We started the year full of promise of a much better year with Ukraine imminent, Bulgarian applications and the Kaz MOU. We were expectant on Pribram as well.

So far our elusive and oft silent management have managed to avoid the blow torch in 2008 due to these 'expected developments'

Well....news for you Uran, Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan....

With June fast approaching 'I' expect you to 'get with the program' and start updating us FULLY on these projects.

That means whats happening NOW...NOT several months ago.

Dont get me wrong folks, i'm a happy chappy re the future here...thing is though imo management have been a bit 'relaxed' re keeping us informed on what 'was' or 'were' 'important' developments 'last year'

Kate and Co are back Tuesday eh?

Lets hope some of us 'welcome them home' ;)

PS The shareprice should be hit home to them. It may have settled somewhat, but it and the market cap are a disgraceful representation of what potential this company has, and what negotiations this company has been involved in.

No excuse imo. PR non existent. Management accountability...although improved (as it was at shocking levels before) is still way below where I expect it to be.

We all know here the company hasnt had a project to hang their coats on or perhaps start doing the very things I expect and we all hope for.

Make no mistake though folks, the time is approaching fast where this management team will show us their true colours and their 'work ethic' in real terms.

The numerous overseas trips and journeys all around the globe need further clarification.

I agree Satori

Uran has created a reputation of coming out with left field announcements, exciting the market in the process, and then going all silent. This has become an apparent pattern.

I have a feeling the next announcement will be the ONE we have been patiently waited for 18 months.

25-05-2008, 02:16 AM
5 trading days till end of the month.

The April/May comments re acquiring Ukraine

the time is approaching fast where this management team will show us their true colours

The numerous overseas trips and journeys all around the globe need further clarification.

I also agree on all accounts Satori.

An update is warranted by end of the week, as Uran stated that there would be an update in/by April/May comment so I too would expect NO LESS to that extent.

And yes, one would feel with the many trips specifically the last one being of significant importance to developments, so some justification to shareholders or markets so I like many will be hoping that this will be THE ONE~!

URAO Options now have 364 days left before Expiry

Just thought I would add that in for a Significant Point to be added to dicussion.

25-05-2008, 10:38 AM
URAO Options now have 364 days left before Expiry

Just thought I would add that in for a Significant Point to be added to dicussion.Hi Drillfix,
This is a very significant point. Although it would seem we are on the cusp of something big there is every chance we could be in exactly the same position a year from now. The big deal has been just around the corner for some time. All things considered they are pretty damn expensive.

25-05-2008, 01:49 PM




25-05-2008, 02:54 PM
This article was dated Jan 08, Its an overview of Ukraine's Nuclear Situation.
Some may have read it already.


25-05-2008, 03:06 PM

May I suggest you dont lecture Kate how to announce news to the market because she may get offended and not take any notice. Conversely, do not patronise her either. The best approach would be to find a medium...she may listen. You may also consider emailing purple communications and giving them advice as well. I understand that all URA's announcements are proofread/developed by Purple Communications.

I will do the same too.

25-05-2008, 03:42 PM




Thanks for the links SP3, intriguing reading.

I like the bit in the first link, "it's 5 minutes to midnight", the Czechs are now doing far more than just talking about Nuclear Energy...

Seems the two biggest issues are what Uran are trying to address:

1. The EU produces 40,000 cubic metres of Nuclear waste a year, & the Czechs are worried about how the waste is disposed of.

2. The Liability issues if anything goes wrong (& the Czechs aren't wanting to burden there taxpayers with the costs).

How does Uran factor in all this?

1. The Pribram trial has hopefully shown the Czechs that waste can be handled & disposed of safely, & can also be refined into a profitable by-product.

2. By having Public/Private/Govt JV's (like Uran are looking to do with Govt agencies), the risks can be carried by the public companies & there shareholders rather than that countries taxpayers.

So how does this equate to a win-win situation for say Uran?

The Czech/Ukraine Govt for example awards Uran a 50&#37; JV...

Get the public company to fund the Capex (no taxpayer burden & the Govt gets a free carry), perhaps receives some "assistance via loans".

The Govt gets its Uranium supply at a discount to market prices (yet remains profitable for public companies to be involved).

The public company's assume the liability of any accidents, restoration, environmental impact, mining problems etc

By including locals in the planning/consultative stage, & perhaps offering incentives for local Govt support, employment to locals & contributions to local groups...

I believe this is pretty much the "Uran approach".

Let's hope it pays off.

26-05-2008, 12:40 PM
Uranium price could hit $US105/lb by September
Market interest in Australian-listed uranium stocks has continued to wane but a positive sign ahead is a prediction by Sydney-based research group Resource Capital Research that the uranium price may elevate by September to $US105 per pound.

Author: Ross Louthean


Respected Australian Research Group Resource Capital Research (RCR) said the uranium price has been on a cartwheel having achieved $US210 in the second quarter of 2007 and a low in the third quarter of last year of $US70/lb and indicators suggest the market expectation is for an uranium price of $US105/lb by this September.

A study on the March 2008 quarter showed that the capitalisation of Australian companies with more than one uranium prospect - 263 companies - was down over March but down 27% over the past three months and down 12% over the past 12 months.

This compares with a selection of 285 Canadian companies with one or more uranium projects, up 11% over the past month, down 1% over the past 3 months, and down 16% over the past 12 months.

RCR's principal, John Wilson said the junior end of the market has been disproportionately hurt by the sub-prime market fall out and earlier than expected peak in the uranium price.

However, juniors are making solid progress advancing through important project milestones. "Of particular note is the number of companies and projects in Namibia, elsewhere in Africa and Australia that continue to announce new resources or project studies," he said.

The study said global uranium production in 2007 was 107 million lb U3O8, up from 103 M lb in 2006, an increase of 4Mlb U3O8 and "short of industry expectations."

Kazakhstan reported uranium production of 7,827t U3O8 in 2007, up 25.7% on 2006. A new sulphuric acid plant at Balkhash with a capacity of 1.2 Mtpa is expected to be operational in mid 2008.

Planned and proposed new nuclear power reactors worldwide continue to increase. From early 2007 to this January there was an increase of 93 reactors to 315 reactors -- an increase of 42% in 12 months.

China announced plans this month to increase its target for installed nuclear power capacity to 60 GWe by 2020, up from a 40 GWe target previously, and 120-160 GWe by 2030. The country currently has 11 nuclear reactors in operation generating 8.6 GWe, and 116 reactors planned or proposed.

On the global corporate side issues included:

· More delays to commissioning of Uranium One's Dominion mine in South Africa, with a contributing factor being power supply issues which have hit the country and equipment breakdowns. Production in 2008 is now expected to be 3.15 M lb U3O8 which follows previously revised production cuts to 4.6 M lb (from 7.4 M lb). Forecast production for 2009 has been cut to 6.8Mlb U3O8.

· Cameco announced it had successfully plugged Cigar Lake, which has potential to produce ~7.5kt pa U3O8from or after 2011.

· The Trekkopje heap leach uranium project in Namibia is targeting a July commissioning, subject to Areva securing a firm power supply agreement with NamPower. (UraMin production target is 8.5 M lb pa).

· Junior and mid cap companies continue to advance new projects. Equinox Resources (ASX: EQN) is expected to release its updated feasibility study for a standalone uranium plant at Lumwana, Zambia; African Energy Resources (ASX: AFR) is expected to release a PFS for its Chirundu uranium project in Zambia in Q2; Contact Uranium (ASX: CTS) may announce a significant upward revision to its resource base at Corachapi in Peru next quarter)/

· An enhanced scoping study is expected at Bigrlyi in Australia's Northern Territory (owned 53% by Energy Metals (ASX: EME) while Extract Resources (ASX: EXT) expects to announce an initial resource at Ida Dome in Namibia) by mid year.

25/05/08 10:10 (View) Back

26-05-2008, 12:54 PM
Government of Ukraine endorses priorities in economic cooperation with Russia
Source: Government of Ukraine
Published Saturday, 26 April, 2008 - 11:58

Story tools
Print this articleEmail to a friendYour feedbackThe Cabinet endorsed a list of priorities in economic cooperation with Russia.

The priorities, in particular, include expansion of cooperation, in particular of mutually beneficial trade with taking into consideration the WTO norms and rules without exemptions and restrictions, a joint entering the markets of the third countries and enhancement of production cooperation in high tech sectors.

A more detailed list of priorities for activities of sub-commissions, included into the Committee on Economic Cooperation of the Ukrainian-Russian Interstate Commission, says about concluding long-term agreements on supplies and transit of natural gas, on ensuring Ukraine's participation in activities of the International Uranium Enrichment Center, a joint serial production of passenger regional airplanes AN-140, АN-124-100 and АN-148.

26-05-2008, 01:15 PM

26-05-2008, 03:50 PM
Interesting links there Sp3.

But nonetheless, it looks like the U sector is moving again, and without Uran, so it seems (again).

I am confident something will be delivered soon however I sure do hope with the early April announcement keeps to its word (5 days till the end of May).

26-05-2008, 04:27 PM

I think you will get your announcement, but it might only be the FS will start on Novogurevskaya and Surskaya at a given date.

It might give the % split and the term of feasible but I don't think we will get much else before the Adelaide conference and the road show.

I hope I'm wrong, but Uran is flying under the radar and might be for a while yet. When we hear about an AIM or TSX listing you will know that things are moving.

Patience will be rewarded........eventually:cool:

26-05-2008, 04:50 PM
I think you will get your announcement,

Cotik, dont you mean "Our" :D

Patience is part of my middle name (along with insanity :eek:and pain :o)\

Besides the When part of the announcement, I wonder if Uran will surpise us with its Wording or Marketing (PR), would be good to see some tell tale signs of improvement in that department too, IMO~!

26-05-2008, 05:59 PM
What make you think I'm still holding this dog of a stock drillfix?......only joling:D

Let hope for a TH tomorrow.

26-05-2008, 06:01 PM
What make you think I'm still holding this dog of a stock drillfix?......only joling:D

Let hope for a TH tomorrow.

We are all assuming it wasnt you exiting Uran today, with 9,300 shares :D

26-05-2008, 06:06 PM
We are all assuming it wasnt you exiting Uran today, with 9,300 shares :DI put some up for sale today Shasta but nobody wanted them :D:eek::D

26-05-2008, 06:13 PM
No were near enough on the bid for me to exit, even if I wanted to.

I'm happy to hold for a few years yet and if things work out may be some insto will eventually buy most of them off me if Uran is not taken over before :cool:

I things work out I should be able to buy a small caribbean island, otherwise I have enough contract notes to keep warm for one winter.

26-05-2008, 06:17 PM
We are all assuming it wasnt you exiting Uran today, with 9,300 shares :D

Glad to see a good sense of humour in still holding these ole doggies, and so it was you dumping Cotik...LOL

Request to the Admin (vince) to put a Woof Woof icon, or some sort of Tail Wag Icon in the posting Smilies :p

Yes a TH :eek: would make my Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year etc etc :)

26-05-2008, 06:17 PM
No were near enough on the bid for me to exit, even if I wanted to.

I'm happy to hold for a few years yet and if things work out may be some insto will eventually buy most of them off me if Uran is not taken over before :cool:

I things work out I should be able to buy a small caribbean island, otherwise I have enough contract notes to keep warm for one winter.Hi Cotik,
That almost sounds like a win/win situation.

PS I put up 20k @98c lol
Just in case something happened while I was away from the PC today
http://www.dogandponysound.com/smile/horsebeat.gif Couldnt find a dog Drillfix. Will this do?

26-05-2008, 06:44 PM
PS I put up 20k @98c lol
Just in case something happened while I was away from the PC today

Well I’m pleased that there wasn’t a big announcement today and you came back to find the share price starting with $5..... :eek:

26-05-2008, 06:58 PM
Well I’m pleased that there wasn’t a big announcement today and you came back to find the share price starting with $5..... :eek:

I just keep thinking of the "GGG" situation, when it came out of it's Trading Halt (up over 500% on the day!).

26-05-2008, 06:59 PM
Well I’m pleased that there wasn’t a big announcement today and you came back to find the share price starting with $5..... :eek:lol, Me too. Thats not too likely though

26-05-2008, 07:37 PM

When the bull run starts again its going to last longer than 5 minutes this time. It doesnt matter if Uran doesnt go along with the current mini run....because when Uran announces acquisitions the whole market will jump on board and push the share price $1+.

No-way in the world will I be selling any shares pre-acquisition...even if other better opportunities come to my attention.

26-05-2008, 10:07 PM
Found this snippet on a czech website it was translated.Dated april18th 08

Australian dollars for Czech uranium
The Australian Uran Limited mining company is offering Vysočina municipalities millions of crowns if they desist from preventing the company’s search for uranium.
The Australian-based Uran Limited wants to open a large uranium mine in the Vysočina. At the current time, mining is performed only in one mine in the CR, which is operated by the Diamo state-owned company. The efforts of the Australians are entering their closing phases these days. Representatives from the company and the Ministry of the Environment will present municipalities from the Havlíčkův Brod and Jihlava districts with the plans to search for uranium deposits at a session to be held in Jihlava.
The company needs the consent of the municipalities in order to ensure that the Ministry of the Environment cannot prevent the company’s activities.
If the Australians are permitted to search for the deposits, the municipalities will not be able to prevent its subsequent mining, as they will no longer be participants to the proceedings for permits.
Billions Underground
Over 5,000 tons of uranium can be found in the area of Přibyslav, Polná and Jemná, with another 6,000 tons around nearby Brzkov. Its value is equal to almost 40 billion crowns. The Ministry of the Environment did not however allow the company to perform research activities in Brzkov and the company has filed an appeal against this decision.
Uran Limited is an Australian company that invests in the uranium industry in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Bulgaria. In addition to the CR, it is also interested in the Ukraine and other countries of the former Eastern Bloc.
“We are now trying to explain that the research is not damaging to the representatives from the municipalities in order to obtain their consent,” explains Uran Limited spokesperson Jan Vlček. The research, which is valued at up to 500 million crowns will last four years. According to him, mining could start in eight to ten years. The company already requested permission to research these deposits last year. This was however denied by the Ministry of the Environment as the company did not have the consent of all the municipalities that are in the area. The Australians have now changed their tactics. They are now offering the municipalities 50 thousand dollars (approx. 800 thousand crowns) annually for their consent to the research.
In the event that mining does actually start, they are offering ice that amount plus an obligatory 5% of all the profits earned on the mined ore.
Representatives from the municipalities will be presenting their opinions on the company’s plans next week. The negotiations will also involve the acceptance of a financial contribution, ‘We will be discussing the acceptance of 50 thousand dollars for our agreement to the research,” Přibyslav mayor Jan Štefáček.
The Ministry of the Environment will be able to state its mind after the municipalities. “Proceedings for permits to perform research mining are currently underway for all three applications. We anticipate that a decision will be issued by the end of April,” confirmed ministry spokesman Jakub Kašpar for this newspaper.
Czechs also helping with the search
The Australian company is now working in cooperation with Czech experts in the Vysočině. They should also help with researching the uranium deposits.
" Timex Zdice is closely connected with our company’s activities. Its employees are our geological consultants," according to Kate Hobbs, Uran Limited’s executive director.
The state-owned Diamo might also receive some money from the Vysočina’s uranium. As the only mining enterprise in the CR, it operates the Rožná mine close to Dolní Rožínky. It mines approx. of 300 tons of pure uranium annually. It also operates an ore processing plant.
The Australians will need this kind of a facility. According to director Jiri Jeze, the company would charge approx. 800 crowns for each kilogram of processed uranium

26-05-2008, 10:23 PM
Found this snippet on a czech website it was translated.Dated april18th 08

Australian dollars for Czech uranium
The Australian Uran Limited mining company is offering Vyso?ina municipalities millions of crowns if they desist from preventing the company?s search for uranium.
The Australian-based Uran Limited wants to open a large uranium mine in the Vyso?ina. At the current time, mining is performed only in one mine in the CR, which is operated by the Diamo state-owned company. The efforts of the Australians are entering their closing phases these days. Representatives from the company and the Ministry of the Environment will present municipalities from the Havlí?k?v Brod and Jihlava districts with the plans to search for uranium deposits at a session to be held in Jihlava.
The company needs the consent of the municipalities in order to ensure that the Ministry of the Environment cannot prevent the company?s activities.
If the Australians are permitted to search for the deposits, the municipalities will not be able to prevent its subsequent mining, as they will no longer be participants to the proceedings for permits.
Billions Underground
Over 5,000 tons of uranium can be found in the area of P?ibyslav, Polná and Jemná, with another 6,000 tons around nearby Brzkov. Its value is equal to almost 40 billion crowns. The Ministry of the Environment did not however allow the company to perform research activities in Brzkov and the company has filed an appeal against this decision.
Uran Limited is an Australian company that invests in the uranium industry in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Bulgaria. In addition to the CR, it is also interested in the Ukraine and other countries of the former Eastern Bloc.
?We are now trying to explain that the research is not damaging to the representatives from the municipalities in order to obtain their consent,? explains Uran Limited spokesperson Jan Vl?ek. The research, which is valued at up to 500 million crowns will last four years. According to him, mining could start in eight to ten years. The company already requested permission to research these deposits last year. This was however denied by the Ministry of the Environment as the company did not have the consent of all the municipalities that are in the area. The Australians have now changed their tactics. They are now offering the municipalities 50 thousand dollars (approx. 800 thousand crowns) annually for their consent to the research.
In the event that mining does actually start, they are offering ice that amount plus an obligatory 5% of all the profits earned on the mined ore.
Representatives from the municipalities will be presenting their opinions on the company?s plans next week. The negotiations will also involve the acceptance of a financial contribution, ?We will be discussing the acceptance of 50 thousand dollars for our agreement to the research,? P?ibyslav mayor Jan ?tefá?ek.
The Ministry of the Environment will be able to state its mind after the municipalities. ?Proceedings for permits to perform research mining are currently underway for all three applications. We anticipate that a decision will be issued by the end of April,? confirmed ministry spokesman Jakub Ka?par for this newspaper.
Czechs also helping with the search
The Australian company is now working in cooperation with Czech experts in the Vyso?in?. They should also help with researching the uranium deposits.
" Timex Zdice is closely connected with our company?s activities. Its employees are our geological consultants," according to Kate Hobbs, Uran Limited?s executive director.
The state-owned Diamo might also receive some money from the Vyso?ina?s uranium. As the only mining enterprise in the CR, it operates the Ro?ná mine close to Dolní Ro?ínky. It mines approx. of 300 tons of pure uranium annually. It also operates an ore processing plant.
The Australians will need this kind of a facility. According to director Jiri Jeze, the company would charge approx. 800 crowns for each kilogram of processed uranium

This is old news. No longer relevant.

26-05-2008, 10:28 PM
Found this snippet on a czech website it was translated.Dated april18th 08

According to director Jiri Jeze, the company would charge approx. 800 crowns for each kilogram of processed uranium

You know,
800.00 CZK = 52.3877 AUD

Doest really look like much room for any profits with the spot price where it is today~! :confused::confused:

26-05-2008, 10:42 PM
You know,
800.00 CZK = 52.3877 AUD

Doest really look like much room for any profits with the spot price where it is today~! :confused::confused:


Uranium isnt going to be sold at spot price. It will be sold at a contract price. The current contract price is around $90 whereas the spot price is currently $60. Only 5% of uranium is sold via the spot market.

26-05-2008, 10:44 PM

Uranium isnt going to be sold at spot price. It will be sold at a contract price. The current contract price is around $90 whereas the spot price is currently $60. Only 5% of uranium is sold via the spot market.

Quite correct SP3, there is no way the Czechs or Ukrainians will expose themselves to the market price, only to see it rise to beyond $US100/lb to around $US150lb (as i think it get to in 2009)

26-05-2008, 11:17 PM
Re the article, it has been on the Uran website for some time, but thanks for posting anyway.

Processing costs are only AUD$52kg/AUD$23lb.

26-05-2008, 11:51 PM
Re the article, it has been on the Uran website for some time, but thanks for posting anyway.

Processing costs are only AUD$52kg/AUD$23lb.

If ERA can make a profit selling uranium at $25lb then I would presume URA should make a profit if they sell uranium at $85lb.

27-05-2008, 02:41 AM
I dont recall seeing this article before...despite being 3 weeks old. Reading between the lines, it looks like Hamr will be re opened...

My understanding is that Hamr is already a declared deposit so approval from the Environment Minister should not be required.

New plant to accelerate reclamation after uranium mining
By ČTK / Published 7 May 2008

RSS feeds

Straz pod Ralskem, May 6 (CTK) - Construction of a plant for mother liquors processing, aimed at cutting the time needed to clean up an area damaged by uranium mining in Straz pod Ralskem in northern Bohemia, was launched Tuesday.

The cleanup of the 27 square-kilometre area was originally expected to cost Kc100bn and to take 100 years. Thanks to new technologies, it will take 30 to 40 years and will cost some Kc40bn, Industry and Trade Minister Martin Riman told journalists Tuesday.

Construction of the plant, which will be of key importance for the project, will cost some Kc2bn and costs of the first stage, which started Tuesday, will reach Kc1.154bn.

Supplier for the second stage is also already begin looked for.

Jiri Jez, CEO of state-owned company Diamo, said 4.5 million tonnes of sulphuric acid and other chemicals have to be processed.

"There is no similar acid lagoon in the whole world," Jez conceded.

Uranium was mined in the locality between 1967 and 1996.

"During that time, 15,000 tonnes of uranium were produced with the use of chemicals and further 10,000 tonnes by deep mining in Hamr, which represents roughly a quarter of the Czech Republic's total output," Jez said.

Growing demand has raised uranium price from Kc600 to Kc4,000 per kilogramme and so renewal of mining in the area is being considered.

Estimates indicate there are 115,000 tonnes of uranium ore in the Straz - Hamr area, which in current prices represents Kc400bn - Kc500bn.

This story is from the Czech News Agency (ČTK).

27-05-2008, 11:19 AM
A few things around that don't get posted sp3 ;)

Ukraine to create nuclear fuel corporation
KYIV. (Interfax) - The Ukrainian government has passed a resolution on the creation of a state nuclear fuel corporation, Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan told reporters on Wednesday.

The Ukratomprom concern will be dissolved, he said.

The new corporation will comprise the Vostochnyy Uranium Mining Works, a new enterprise being set up on the basis of the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit, the Smoly state-owned enterprise, the Dniepr Pipe-Making Plant and the Research and Design Institute for Industrial Technology.

The Zirconium state-owned enterprise may also merge into the corporation after being reorganized, Prodan said.

He added that the reorganization may be completed by the end of June 2008.

The aim of the nuclear fuel corporation will be to organize the production of fuel for nuclear power plants and develop components of the nuclear fuel cycle.

27-05-2008, 11:52 AM
.....Novokonstantinovskaya with a further increase of production capacity to 2.5 mn tons of ore per annum.

From Uran's annual Report Novokonstantinovskoye with an average grade of0.12% U3O8.

Well the maths isn't difficult.....3000tpa of U3O8 and that was before Uran show them a few tricks to increase production and new mining techniques.

Uran % of that?? Share price target?? more than 25c is my guess :D

27-05-2008, 11:54 AM
A few things around that don't get posted sp3 ;)

Ukraine to create nuclear fuel corporation
KYIV. (Interfax) - The Ukrainian government has passed a resolution on the creation of a state nuclear fuel corporation, Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan told reporters on Wednesday.

The Ukratomprom concern will be dissolved, he said.

The new corporation will comprise the Vostochnyy Uranium Mining Works, a new enterprise being set up on the basis of the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit, the Smoly state-owned enterprise, the Dniepr Pipe-Making Plant and the Research and Design Institute for Industrial Technology.

The Zirconium state-owned enterprise may also merge into the corporation after being reorganized, Prodan said.

He added that the reorganization may be completed by the end of June 2008.

The aim of the nuclear fuel corporation will be to organize the production of fuel for nuclear power plants and develop components of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Thanks Cotik

It looks like Novok will be finalised by 30 June. However given the Uranium conference is in 3 weeks time (and there will be a presentation on the Novok deposit) I would assume a resolution re the consortium bid would be resolved before the Conference.

27-05-2008, 12:15 PM
I'm sure Uran would not promote NovoK until the deal was done, so it just a matter of when it is announced. As you say the next three weeks is most likely.

27-05-2008, 12:31 PM
Besides Novogurevskoye, Surskoye and Novokonstantinovskoye I think the fouth deposit Uran would be interested in is Michirinskoye.

I am sure we will hear more in the next few weeks, because I would imagine that Uran would like to do all the financing together.

27-05-2008, 01:33 PM
Besides Novogurevskoye, Surskoye and Novokonstantinovskoye I think the fouth deposit Uran would be interested in is Michirinskoye.

I am sure we will hear more in the next few weeks, because I would imagine that Uran would like to do all the financing together.

Not got much of a chance with these names and my keyboard skills (extreme lack of) so will have to dub them Novogi, Surski, Novoki and Michi - otherwise I'll be in a real mess. But I'm practising them all real hard so I can keep up over the next three weeks. Golly have you seen that buy side today - its overwhelming - no-one go for coffees LOL A

27-05-2008, 02:46 PM
Not got much of a chance with these names and my keyboard skills (extreme lack of) so will have to dub them Novogi, Surski, Novoki and Michi - otherwise I'll be in a real mess. But I'm practising them all real hard so I can keep up over the next three weeks. Golly have you seen that buy side today - its overwhelming - no-one go for coffees LOL A

Archer, I dont think its lack of keyboard skills.

I think its the X-skoye factor, :eek: and the two mines that start with N turn into tongue twisters for me. Throw in a few panadine and try to speak these mines words and people start to look at me funny like there is something more wrong with me...LOL :D

Anyways, its all good.

Not long to go now folks so bring on the info-Ann that sets some deals into Concrete/Stone for the company and its shareholders once and for all.

I wonder where or what part Uran will play in all this. After all it is a Corporation that is being formed hear. Very Western, Very Business, Very world serious isnt it~!

27-05-2008, 03:13 PM
Not too hard when the names are broken up

Novo = New

skoye (ukrainian) skaya (Russian) is the female ending (sounds nicer than ski (male))

K in Russian could be translated to a K or c in English, so we have the different spelling of Novokonstantinovskaya, Novokonstantinovskoye, Novoconstantinovskaya and Novoconstantinovskaya

so what we have left is:


Archer, I know you already know, but incase anyone else is interested.

27-05-2008, 03:33 PM
Not too hard when the names are broken up

Novokonstantinovskaya, Novokonstantinovskoye, Novoconstantinovskaya and Novoconstantinovskaya


Ok Cotik, now close your eyes, get a glass of water and take 8 Panadine and 1 Valium and then try to say it..LOL :D

Archer knows that you know, that you know that Archer knows, that You know that Archer knows that you and Archer knows that you both know :confused: :eek: :D :)

27-05-2008, 03:56 PM
Another thing,

Where did Mr.-I-want-to-buy-100,000-FPO Go ???

He wanted them yesterday but today they changed their mind?? Hmmm~! :rolleyes:

27-05-2008, 04:11 PM
:eek: who are the silly folk selling options now - I wonder - they obviously don't know that we know ;) that they don't know what we know.:p A

27-05-2008, 04:11 PM
Drill, I took the 20,500 this morning to round me off to where I want to be.

27-05-2008, 05:11 PM
Drill, I took the 20,500 this morning to round me off to where I want to be.

Hi Dave,
Ahh, so that was you doing a top up on the oppies, and dont ya just hate the having non rounded numbers....lol :D

As you know, there is only 362 days remaining to either buy, sell, excercise/convert them. Which obviously makes the the expiry date May 24, 2009.

Yes there is somebody out there that doesnt know what Cotik knows that you know that you know that cotik knows, or something like that :p

27-05-2008, 07:10 PM

The article above highlights the increasing tensions in the Ukrainian political arena. This for me is still the biggest cloud hanging over our chances. Hopefully kate can get all the ducks in a row in the very near future, before the sh#@ hits the fan.


The following article (see link) explains why the contract was cancelled.


27-05-2008, 08:25 PM
From 7th April announcement:

'Discussions are also underway on possible participation by Uran in other uranium exploration and mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large underground Novoconstantinovskoye uranium mine.'

Based on past rejections in Czech Republic and the resulting effects on the share price, did they really have to include the second sentence? Unless ...

27-05-2008, 09:54 PM
Oz, perhaps it is mentioned so then Uran can be seen as being BUSY as once upon a time both Satori, myself and others have pointed out in the past.

In some ways, we are still waiting for Uran Management to shut us up once and for all by delivering something CONCRETE that will carry enough weight to jerk the share price back well over $1.00+ and allow the market to re-rate or re-appraise the company value and its endeavors.

At least thats my take on:

did they really have to include the second sentence

27-05-2008, 10:59 PM
Has anyone ever noticed this before?

From http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/projectsOverview3.html:

Uran has also entered into a Protocol for Ukraine which sets out terms under which Uran may enter into a Joint Venture over certain uranium deposits in the Dnipropretrovsky region, including both sedimentary deposits amenable to In-Situ Leaching (ISL) and underground mines.

27-05-2008, 11:00 PM

I hate to imagine how much capital raising Uran will need to raise to fund the development of these project. My guess is upwards of $100M. But that wont concern me because by then the share price will be trading $2+.

But first we need to secure the first project...just so the shareprice can form a base to build upon. Lets hope the bottom is $1.

It would be a great time to announce an acquisition now...partucularly with the uranium sector picking up momentum. The u bulls will be all over Uran if that was the case.

27-05-2008, 11:04 PM

I think 'these days' Urans 'business' looks like paying off for long term shareholders like ourselves.
The $1+ regions now look probable...not just possible anymore. Ukraine is now 'unquestionably' the major focus with what appears to be a number of projects in various stages of negotiation and acquisition.

1 project acquisition should, as another poster on HC recently stated, build in some blue sky as the market will see the value in potential projects.

To think we are trading at these low levels suggests perhaps the best time to pick a few up.
Novok consortium took even more risk out of this...and added multiples of potential value to boot.

The market has not picked up on it yet.

Any sniff...yes just a sniff ...of Novok deal and we will shoot past $1 because $1 will mean nothing re valuation for a major project that Uran will have perhaps 20-25% of.

First things first though, the 2 Ukraine projects should take us close to $1...and probably beyond that based simply on the value of those 2 projects alone AND the promise of more to come in Ukraine (let alone 6 or more other countries)..and of course the big daddy Novok.

We have 3 days left in May for Uran to update us on their promise of Ukraine project acquisition in April and May..

And you know what?

I couldnt give a toss about that at all. The timeframe now is of no consequence to me like it was in 2007.
As ive stated recently, its about acquisitions now and value adding and a market wake up to what this company is on the brink of.

Put simply none of us know the upside here. We may be undershooting it.

If you look at most of our comments we arent saying Novok will be more than 20-25% or the 2 projects will be more than 50%.

MK did say $5-$10 on 1-2 projects. Ive never agreed with that as I always thought it sounded 'out there'.

BUT..this guy was the Chairman, he is a major investor here, and he does know his stuff....regardless of what many of us may think about his motives or methods.


You may be happy with some "slippage" of timeframes but if Kate comes out and states them, she should deliver on it.

It's these things that the market picks up on, & like you used to say it's that extra 1% that makes the difference.

Until Uran's Management show they can deliver what they promise & within "acceptable" timeframes, it's unlikely the market will pay a premium for the "blue sky potential", that we all know exists.

Exciting thing is we could get the company making announcement at anytime! :eek:

27-05-2008, 11:19 PM
i agree with satori... as long as the projects come i am happy. have waited this long... can wait longer... few $100,000 will taste just as good tomoro or in 3 months...

27-05-2008, 11:22 PM

Most companies that I have researched have rarely met deadlines...

examples include: NDO back in 2004 said that Galoc will be brought into production by 2006...still havent produced a barel of oil.
NDO also announced in 2006 that West Linipacan will be brought into production...2 years later...not a boo. NDO back in 2006 stated that Cool Energy will be listed on the ASX...to this stage, not a word...NDO also stated in 2006 that they will be acquiring ROD fields which would be brought into production within 6 months....to this stage nothing has happened. Now...have a look at NDO's share price and market sentiment. Do you get my drift?

Other examples include ESI, ELK, CCI, CVI. All these companies have promised alot and delivered very little...but the market has valued these more than their current fundamentals would suggest.

As Satori said. One project and then blue sky potential will be built into the share price.

27-05-2008, 11:31 PM

Agree re timeframes and accountability. I guess what im saying is that I just want value added. Uran have never been good at delivering on time..or in some cases at all (Kaz/Uz/)

But it just gets down to $$ now for me. We are close to major developments.

I think many of us can get good outcomes out of this....but patience 'may' be required.

June could be the month where we get acquisitions and $1 plus regions...or it may be later.

Ive waited long enough to wait some more.

But yes, Uran must come out 'this week' and state where they are at. Not to appease impatient shareholders...but to deliver on their own projected timeframes and explain the current situation..

Of course that might be to state an acquisition.

One thing is for sure though;

June onwards will bring us some monumental news and developments. Particularly in and about Ukraine and I think other areas as well.

Czech for example could throw up Rozna or 'another' closed mine like a Hamr for example.

Don't get me wrong i've held since Jan 07 & am in no rush to sell anytime soon, if it slips another month i'm not too bothered by it!

My issue is that the "market" is getting impatient, & it's reflected in the current shareprice...

SP3 - Fair point, i do realise Uran's not the only company that hasn't delivered on time, although ADY is even worse!

27-05-2008, 11:50 PM

We have been in a similar amount of time. I dont think the current shareprice reflects impatience by the way..as it is getting stronger imo.

However its the not knowing, the no news that holds it back...considerably.

2007 was the time to get angry.

2008 is the time to get smart, get focused and get some $$.

BUT....we are perhaps all getting ahead of ourselves.

We are still waiting for those developments....

If the market believed the previously declared timeframes were credible, you'd see the SP moving in anticipation (knowing re Ukraine etc).

Right now anyone wanting in or out in a hurry is pushing the SP around.

It's time for Kate to get some runs on the board :rolleyes:

27-05-2008, 11:55 PM
My issue is that the "market" is getting impatient, & it's reflected in the current shareprice...

Yes shasta, Satori, and others,

Many of us here have all feel like we have been in the Sin Bin or penalty box for a year or URA blues. Punishment for being overconfident and believing what can be seen as Kates ignorance (back then) IMO.

The market is impatient and I agree it will be reflective in what can be seen as a Speculative Sharepirce, not a ReRated exact value shareprice.

Saying this, the market doesnt forget either. Hence why we are at where we are.

As we all can agree though, This can all change with one, just one CONCRETE bit of information to be taken positively and explained so the market can easily get up to speed with what Uran Ltd is all about. :rolleyes:

Who knows what lays ahead for all markets (doom, some gloom perhaps) but anyways, this is just another day, in the week, of a month, in a year of the market.

27-05-2008, 11:56 PM
If the market believed the previously declared timeframes were credible, you'd see the SP moving in anticipation (knowing re Ukraine etc).

Right now anyone wanting in or out in a hurry is pushing the SP around.

It's time for Kate to get some runs on the board :rolleyes:

Shasta, I will make a quick post on this one.


28-05-2008, 12:19 AM
A few things around that don't get posted sp3 ;)

Ukraine to create nuclear fuel corporation
KYIV. (Interfax) - The Ukrainian government has passed a resolution on the creation of a state nuclear fuel corporation, Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan told reporters on Wednesday.

The Ukratomprom concern will be dissolved, he said.

The new corporation will comprise the Vostochnyy Uranium Mining Works, a new enterprise being set up on the basis of the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit, the Smoly state-owned enterprise, the Dniepr Pipe-Making Plant and the Research and Design Institute for Industrial Technology.

The Zirconium state-owned enterprise may also merge into the corporation after being reorganized, Prodan said.

He added that the reorganization may be completed by the end of June 2008.

The aim of the nuclear fuel corporation will be to organize the production of fuel for nuclear power plants and develop components of the nuclear fuel cycle.

The bolded section is nice to see, fits in nicely with the recent ann re: setting up a consortium.

28-05-2008, 12:37 AM
Some old news from December 2007 that I think may be relevant regarding the Novok. consortium.

In Mintopenergo explained that since East GOK is in the list of objects that are banned, not only privatized, but korporatizirovat, the company will work with investors on a treaty on joint activities. "Thus, the law will be respected and East GOK get the necessary investment," the high-ranking source in the ministry. He said that the department is now considering 18 proposals from prospective applicants for the joint development of uranium deposits of Ukraine, among them "feel" (Russia), Areva (France), Uran (Australia), as well as companies from Canada and South Korea.

The "feel" confirmed that the negotiations, but declined to comment more. Get comments Areva and Uran yesterday failed. One of the conditions for joint activities between East and kompaniyami-investorami GOK is their financial participation in the extraction of uranium.

28-05-2008, 12:58 AM
Thanks oz. Eighteen different proposals, hopefully URA's was chosen!

28-05-2008, 01:22 AM
Thanks oz. Eighteen different proposals, hopefully URA's was chosen!


Ofcourse Uran has been chosen. They already have the 2 projects. Also, 18 proposals doesnt necessarily mean that there are 18 companies who have shown an interest...it could also mean that there may be only 3 companies who have each lodged 6 proposals...or 2 companies with 9 proposals each.

28-05-2008, 01:38 AM

Ofcourse Uran has been chosen. They already have the 2 projects. Also, 18 proposals doesnt necessarily mean that there are 18 companies who have shown an interest...it could also mean that there may be only 3 companies who have each lodged 6 proposals...or 2 companies with 9 proposals each.

I thought the quote was specific to Novok., though it doesn't specify that after a re-read. My bad.

28-05-2008, 01:45 AM
Here is the full article...

Ukraine will send investors on uranium


In Europe's largest producer of uranium ore-East GOK-decided to bring 260 million hryvni to development in the year 2008. The company reported that negotiates with a number of investors about the signing of an agreement on joint action in ore extraction. The project will enable early as 2015, fully ensure Ukraine uranium, the experts believe.

PEs' East IMOC plant "is the only enterprise in Ukraine mining and processing of uranium ore. Produces 3.3% of the world's uranium production. The 35% provides the country's demand for raw materials in the production of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants.

Bazovy East GOK Alexander Grebenyuk said that considering a proposal from several companies on the joint production and processing of uranium ore. The company is interested in attracting investments to increase production capacity expansion ore and processing it into uranium concentrates. For this plant has been turned into "Ukratomprom" (from the end of 2006 GOK is goskontsern) and the DPP "The management business, built on the basis of uranium ore deposits Novokonstantinovskogo" with a request to return the subjugation of East GOK Novokonstantinovskoe deposit. "This will open the way for the extraction of uranium ore at the field as early as 2008," said Grebenyuk.

In Mintopenergo explained that since East GOK is in the list of objects that are banned, not only privatized, but korporatizirovat, the company will work with investors on a treaty on joint activities. "Thus, the law will be respected and East GOK get the necessary investment," the high-ranking source in the ministry. He said that the department is now considering 18 proposals from prospective applicants for the joint development of uranium deposits of Ukraine, among them "feel" (Russia), Areva (France), Uran (Australia), as well as companies from Canada and South Korea.

The "feel" confirmed that the negotiations, but declined to comment more. Get comments Areva and Uran yesterday failed. One of the conditions for joint activities between East and kompaniyami-investorami GOK is their financial participation in the extraction of uranium.

According Grebenyuka, investing only in the renovation of production facilities GOK in 2008, should be about 260 million hryvnias. This year, Ukraine is planning to invest in East GOK 150 million hryvnias, yet 100 million hryvni in the development Novokonstantinovskogo uranium ore deposits. Next year, East GOK plans to retain the production of uranium ore at the level of this year, about 830 tonnes in 2009, increasing to 900 tons, and in 2010, to 1000 tons per year.

According to the committee on TAC Verkhovna Rada Vladimir V convening Bronnikova, the project will have already declared to 2015, fully ensure Ukraine uranium. "But in order to carry out this task require investment of at least $ 100 million a year, and for the development of off-site Novokonstantinovskogo uranium ore deposit required more than 1.5 billion hryvnias," Bronnikov said.

28-05-2008, 02:47 PM
Pat Ryan has previously been involved in a consortium:

Mr Ryan was the driving force behind a consortium which purchased regional WA airline Skywest from the administrators of Ansett Airlines in 2001. He was Chairman of Skywest from 2001 until its takeover by Singapore-based CVC in late 2004

28-05-2008, 09:57 PM
I understand that Kate has returned to Perth. I would imagine she would now be very clear on timeframes re commencement of FFS, funding requirements, jv arrangements and commencement of mining. Obviously the final signing off has not yet taken place because Uran would be obliged to announce it to the market. Its likely however that Uran could announce to the market at any time the details re timeframes etc even prior to any final signing off of the execution agreement.

Good luck to all holders.

28-05-2008, 10:16 PM
I understand that Kate has returned to Perth. I would imagine she would now be very clear on timeframes re commencement of FFS, funding requirements, jv arrangements and commencement of mining. Obviously the final signing off has not yet taken place because Uran would be obliged to announce it to the market. Its likely however that Uran could announce to the market at any time the details re timeframes etc even prior to any final signing off of the execution agreement.

Good luck to all holders.

Are you thinking she may have a signed document that requires Pat's sign off (or another Director) before sending to the ASX?

28-05-2008, 10:28 PM
One way or another, if she is back, she should give an update of some sort.

This SuXs,
c'mon Kate Hobbs or Pat Ryan, spit it out and let the market know WTF this company has or is going to have.

Starting to sound like the same ole crap, over and over and YES, over again :rolleyes:

28-05-2008, 10:33 PM
Are you thinking she may have a signe
d document that requires Pat's sign off (or another Director) before sending to the ASX?


In short, no.

I would imagine Uran has already signed agreements with the Ministry re commencement of FFS, JV arrangements, funding requirements, commencement of mining etc. BUT the final execution agreement to undertake all of the above has not taken place because the Cabinet of Ministers must first ratify foreign investment pertaining to the energy sector.

In other words, the agreements I mentioned previously are conditional subject to final sign off. I envisage the Energy Ministry will sign off but first they need the clearance from the Cabinet of Ministers.

I expect this to be finalised before 18 June.

29-05-2008, 04:08 AM
Besides Novogurevskoye, Surskoye and Novokonstantinovskoye I think the fouth deposit Uran would be interested in is Michirinskoye.

I am sure we will hear more in the next few weeks, because I would imagine that Uran would like to do all the financing together.

You could be right about Michirinskoye Cotik.

Novokonstantinovsk project
Ukraine is to begin operating an industrial unit to develop the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit with Russia's corporate participation primarily to secure the needs of domestic nuclear power plants. The move is envisioned as an revised version of a development strategy for Ukraine's atomic energy sector for the period until 2030. It has already been submitted to the government for consideration. The document envisions starting to develop the lower levels and continuing to develop the Vatutinsky and Michurinsky uranium deposits and other such fields with the corporate participation of domestic and foreign investors primarily to replenish the state reserves of uranium concentrate and to sell excess amounts. (Interfax Aug. 20, 2007)

29-05-2008, 09:44 AM
You could be right about Michirinskoye Cotik.

Novokonstantinovsk project
Ukraine is to begin operating an industrial unit to develop the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit with Russia's corporate participation primarily to secure the needs of domestic nuclear power plants. The move is envisioned as an revised version of a development strategy for Ukraine's atomic energy sector for the period until 2030. It has already been submitted to the government for consideration. The document envisions starting to develop the lower levels and continuing to develop the Vatutinsky and Michurinsky uranium deposits and other such fields with the corporate participation of domestic and foreign investors primarily to replenish the state reserves of uranium concentrate and to sell excess amounts. (Interfax Aug. 20, 2007)


You could be right. I would be satisfied if we only acquired the initial projects. Novok would be a bonus and

29-05-2008, 09:45 AM
You could be right about Michirinskoye Cotik.

Novokonstantinovsk project
Ukraine is to begin operating an industrial unit to develop the Novokonstantinovskoye uranium ore deposit with Russia's corporate participation primarily to secure the needs of domestic nuclear power plants. The move is envisioned as an revised version of a development strategy for Ukraine's atomic energy sector for the period until 2030. It has already been submitted to the government for consideration. The document envisions starting to develop the lower levels and continuing to develop the Vatutinsky and Michurinsky uranium deposits and other such fields with the corporate participation of domestic and foreign investors primarily to replenish the state reserves of uranium concentrate and to sell excess amounts. (Interfax Aug. 20, 2007)


You could be right. I would be satisfied if we only acquired the initial projects. Novok would be a bonus and Mich would guarrantee my retirement before 40.

29-05-2008, 11:08 AM
If the consortium is accepted for NovoK then I would expect the same consortium to develop at least one other major deposit in Ukraine, probably Michirinskoye.

At the end of the day everyone wins. SP3 I hope we all do well out of this eventually, people often forget that Kate is Uran's largest shareholder. Unlike many others she will not be able to exit on the first spike in the share price, she needs to create real wealth for Uran.

29-05-2008, 04:56 PM
If the consortium is accepted for NovoK then I would expect the same consortium to develop at least one other major deposit in Ukraine, probably Michirinskoye.

At the end of the day everyone wins. SP3 I hope we all do well out of this eventually, people often forget that Kate is Uran's largest shareholder. Unlike many others she will not be able to exit on the first spike in the share price, she needs to create real wealth for Uran.

Lets not forget Michael Kiernan who openly talked about $5 - 10 per share, still has some 4m shares in Uran too.

Maybe he's that sure of it, he's waiting til it hit $5 to grab his $20m? :cool:

29-05-2008, 05:27 PM
Lets not forget Michael Kiernan who openly talked about $5 - 10 per share, still has some 4m shares in Uran too.

Shasta, so true, but then look what he has done to Monarch Gold and all of his smoke screens and mirrors with TTY and IRL and MON.

Its like a game of pick the peanut from 3 moving cups. :confused:

As much as MK has said that previously, I am beginning to totally doubt anything that man says, and with good reason. :eek:

Thank God he is no longer chairman, but speaking of which, our current chairman MR.-THE-SILENT-ONE (Pat Ryan) who was all previously all ready steady go to take the reins is now just a Sit and Wait type guy. I dont see his excitement, I dont hear Public Relations with either little or complex expressions of situation analysis here, I see somebody getting paid to sit on the sidelines and WAIT just like you or me sitting and waiting. :rolleyes:

Anyways, sorry guys and gals, enough of my ranting~!

29-05-2008, 06:05 PM
it could be worse........


Well actually, it could be worst.

You see MON was MKs baby and look what he had done to it, he has picked it up and totally Drowned it, pulled it back out and then DILUTED the crap out of it. No way to treat a company (his baby) let alone its shareholders.

Anyways, you are right about the fact that the link to the news of that horrible person who needs to be jailed and put in a mental institution for life.

29-05-2008, 06:51 PM
20 months, should be 20 years imo

back to uran, last day tomorrow for the may announcement which was promised =/

29-05-2008, 07:00 PM
20 months, should be 20 years imo

back to uran, last day tomorrow for the may announcement which was promised =/

Wouldn't hold your breath ...

29-05-2008, 07:39 PM
Wouldn't hold your breath ...

LOL, Yes you tell em shasta, Otherwise they might just turn BLUE~! :D

29-05-2008, 07:58 PM
maybe they're running on the Eastern Orthodox calendar and end of May will be half way through June :confused: still wouldn't hold your breathe or turn around either - anything could happen with this stock - even just for once - something they've predicted! A

29-05-2008, 07:58 PM
Just because Uran may not announce anything by tomorrow it doesnt mean that agreements have not been negotiated this month. It could mean that Uran isnt allowed to announce anything yet to the market.

If this is the case, an update on the status should be considered by Uran...at least as a courtesy.

29-05-2008, 08:01 PM
If this is the case, an update on the status should be considered by Uran...at least as a courtesy.

Just might be good PR for them too. no pun intended A

29-05-2008, 09:31 PM
This article has popped up on the uran site under media coverage

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/mediaCoverage/MiningAlert_AttorneyAdandNuclearPoliciesWorldNucle arNews_29-5-08.pdf

29-05-2008, 11:56 PM
It looks like the process has commenced.

[11:45] Fuel And Energy Ministry Starts Liquidation Of Ukratomprom


30-05-2008, 02:00 AM
Thanks for the updates ScrappyO and sp3.

I also noticed Phill Schiemer has been added to the website. http://www.uranlimited.com.au/old/corporateProfiles3.html

30-05-2008, 08:16 AM
Last day of the month fellas :eek:

I will be away from my PC today but to be honest Im not holding my breath here. Never the less Shasta and SP3 Ive pulled any sell orders below $1 just in case:D.

30-05-2008, 09:07 AM
Patience people, just a couple more weeks and everything will be revealed...:cool:

Time lines are always going to slip a little.

30-05-2008, 09:44 AM
On another subject, I've noticed a few companies have recently jumped on the Tungsten bandwagon - including MAK.

I just thought I should mention this.

I dont expect an announcement today btw. But would be very concerned if nothing was announced before the 18th June.