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12-03-2008, 07:48 PM
Sorry Shasta that ann spells F All..
I agree with Sman in regards "for what its worth"
The ann uses phrases like
which indicate
is reported to have asked
to draft and submit
we are informed
If they are going to use vague , open ended assurances like this then surely they should have been doing this every week for as long as this post has been going rather than now.
I sincerely hope the Co takes off due to yourself and other members interests but like 6 months ago and probably in another 6 to 12 mnths we will be still waiting and I will be reposting this message

I hope I am proved wrong and you can gloat till the waikato cows come home

12-03-2008, 08:02 PM
Sorry Shasta that ann spells F All..
I agree with Sman in regards "for what its worth"
The ann uses phrases like
which indicate
is reported to have asked
to draft and submit
we are informed
If they are going to use vague , open ended assurances like this then surely they should have been doing this every week for as long as this post has been going rather than now.
I sincerely hope the Co takes off due to yourself and other members interests but like 6 months ago and probably in another 6 to 12 mnths we will be still waiting and I will be reposting this message

I hope I am proved wrong and you can gloat till the waikato cows come home

VostGok will obtain the licenses & we are working with them...

Ok, so it's not so obvious to those that perhaps don't know the history but the reappointment of the General Director is IMO a big step forward.

I actually see this ann as a precursor to more involvement in the Ukraine in JV's with VostGok.

It wasn't a price sensitive announcement, & therefore i believe there is more to come, & soon.

12-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Hi Shasta
I see the reappointment of the General Director as a negative
Is that not same old same old (enjoying lunches with Ms Hobbs)
Would it not be better to have someone new and motivated to push this thru?

Welcome to Suntland

12-03-2008, 08:35 PM
Hi Shasta
I see the reappointment of the General Director as a negative
Is that not same old same old (enjoying lunches with Ms Hobbs)
Would it not be better to have someone new and motivated to push this thru?

Welcome to Suntland

He was in charge when the protocol was first signed, can only be good.

Remember there were significant political hurdles put in the way back late in 2006, then Ukraine didn't have a legal government for 6 months...:(

These hurdles no longer remain. :eek:

VostGok is part of the new entity, "Nuclear Fuel Ukraine", & the original protocol has been preserved.

The ann could have been presented much clearer, though it's nice to see Kate responds to shareholders calls/emails asking for updates!

13-03-2008, 12:49 AM
perhaps a sign that more information will start to flow and we are not too far away from progress now.

any other company would see this kind of announcement as a waste of time, but the fact that they have submitted this to the asx shows that it truly has been a great hurdle which now has been overcome...

workin with the same people in charge is very positive. means all the small talk is out of the way. straight down to business.

fingers crossed!

13-03-2008, 01:32 PM
perhaps a sign that more information will start to flow and we are not too far away from progress now.

any other company would see this kind of announcement as a waste of time, but the fact that they have submitted this to the asx shows that it truly has been a great hurdle which now has been overcome...

workin with the same people in charge is very positive. means all the small talk is out of the way. straight down to business.

fingers crossed!


This kind of announcement is not Uran's style.

I believe several shareholders (including myself) have asked Kate for an update to be announced, or posted to the website.

Get ready for some more anns

The Big Ease
13-03-2008, 02:29 PM
geez i hope this one works out for you guys.

13-03-2008, 02:35 PM
geez i hope this one works out for you guys.

Cheers, am sitting on a large paper loss, though i still believe we have Ukraine under wraps & we will hear more shortly.

Uran certainly is high risk v high reward.

The whole U sector still seems out of favour (look at BLR, WHE etc).

If Uran doesnt secure & commence mining on a project by say end of June, we will end up having more dillution with another rights issue or SPP.

The cash burn for such a small spec is unreal! :confused:

14-03-2008, 03:42 PM
Uran's HY report is out today...


Nothing earth shattering in it, although a small summary of the countries Uran has been talking to.

My take on them...

1. Ukraine - This holds by far the most promise, & i see more projects in there sights as things will progress quickly over there now.

2. Czech Republic - Pribram looks like its a disappointment, we seem to be enbroiled in an anti nuclear/uranium mining battle with the people of Brzkov, Polna etc re permits.

Rozna is a distant possibility, only IF Diamo want to drill below 1200m...

Uran has a great working relationship with Diamo (the equivalent of Ukraine's VostGok), yet we are still awaiting some more positive moves over there.

3. Bulgaria - These permits are "up for tender", clearly Uran doesn't have the funds to effectively "buy" these deposits. I doubt Uran will pursue these...

4. Kazakhstan - Not alot being said at present, & i see this as a 2009 possibility. Still holds promise IMO, just not a priority. Down the track i believe we will secure small, yet meaningful projects.

5. Others...

These include: Uzbekistan, Africa*, USA, & Australia - all been talked about during 2007, yet no progress or explanations.

* - Michael Kiernan let slip about Africa at a EGM, this still to this day has NOT been adequately explained.

- Uzbekistan - We have been told things over there are going at snails pace, & with our strategic partner Integra doing nothing, this looks a dead duck.

- Africa - Aside from Kate Hobbs having a long term "professional" association with Paladin's John Borshoff, i can't see what Uran were doing over there, unless they did have a look at Namibia. Another dead duck IMO.

- USA/Australia - so far away from there core focus these are not dead ducks, they're fossils!

Please DYOR - the above is my summation only, based on my research, & contact with Uran's management.

16-03-2008, 02:54 PM

Who owns Discovery? I know that Kate Hobbs has "an interest" but do we know what the shareholding of this company is?

I see that the official option for URA to acquire Discovery lapsed in February 2007 (which is great because the $100k handout to retain the option was a disgrace) but there looks to still be some sort of MOU between the two companies.

Do we need to watch both URA and Discovery, or is Discovery a dead duck?

Also (sorry for all of the questions but you are the person for any URA queries) who heads up Discovery?

16-03-2008, 03:04 PM

Who owns Discovery? I know that Kate Hobbs has "an interest" but do we know what the shareholding of this company is?

I see that the official option for URA to acquire Discovery lapsed in February 2007 (which is great because the $100k handout to retain the option was a disgrace) but there looks to still be some sort of MOU between the two companies.

Do we need to watch both URA and Discovery, or is Discovery a dead duck?

Also (sorry for all of the questions but you are the person for any URA queries) who heads up Discovery?

I will post separately the shareholders of Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd :cool:

Uran actually already owns 9% of Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd.

Uran paid the $100k to keep the option open & that has "satisfied" the agreement.

There will need to be an EGM held to approve of the transaction, & Uran has been paying the Discovery Minerals expenses to date, so there is to be a "deduction" for the costs incurred to date.

Discovery is still the lead into Ukraine, & i believe we need to finalise the deal with Discovery to ensure Uran gets the Ukraine deposits.

(This will go ahead, the only variable is how many shares in Uran, that Discovery will get)

I would vote in favour of the Discovery deal, so long as it represents value for Uran shareholders & they don't get greedy, ie wanting 50%+ of Uran.

All good questions actually Serpie, no worries with digging this up for you.

16-03-2008, 03:11 PM
I will post separately the shareholders of Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd :cool:

Uran actually already owns 9% of Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd.

Uran paid the $100k to keep the option open & that has "satisfied" the agreement.

There will need to be an EGM held to approve of the transaction, & Uran has been paying the Discovery Minerals expenses to date, so there is to be a "deduction" for the costs incurred to date.

Discovery is still the lead into Ukraine, & i believe we need to finalise the deal with Discovery to ensure Uran gets the Ukraine deposits.

(This will go ahead, the only variable is how many shares in Uran, that Discovery will get)

I would vote in favour of the Discovery deal, so long as it represents value for Uran shareholders & they don't get greedy, ie wanting 50%+ of Uran.

All good questions actually Serpie, no worries with digging this up for you.

Thanks to Drillfix (H/C) :D

ACN: 117 643 802
ABN: 14 117 643 802
Type Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
Registration Date 20/12/2005
Next Review Date 20/12/2008
Status Registered
Locality of Registered Office North Perth WA 6006
Jurisdiction Australian Securities & Investments Commission

No changes to Discovery since 15/11/2006 :eek:

Jaguar Enterprises Pty Ltd (J Toby) GULFX LTD (GLX)
Firestar Holdings Pty Ltd
Natalie Anne Millar
Jason David Millar
Claire Elizabeth Millar
Aveley Rose McCann
Giselle Hobbs (Relation to Kate?)
Northgold Pty Ltd entekenergy.com.au
Joseph Cucvara
Uran Ltd
Buckland Capital Pty Ltd ??? also on google Barra Resources Ltd
Catherine Mary Hobbs (Catherine = Kate)
Tomas Vana
Olga Bubnikova
Timex Zdice (Associated with Tomas Vana)

Directors are C Hobbs and Jack Hugh Toby

I have highlighted those i know who have a "Uran connection".

I'd have to pay the ASIC/Australian Companies office to get individual holdings, but Kate Hobbs has a big chunk of Discovery Minerals.

Question for others - does anyone else know who the others are? :confused:

16-03-2008, 07:23 PM
Thanks for that Shasta.
I've been following the discussion on the other site regarding the Discovery tie in. Obviously if URA can secure projects independently of Ddiscovery it will be a lot cleaner.
URA seems reluctant to go below 15c, which makes it interesting as a prospect. Seems to have formed a solid base.

16-03-2008, 07:36 PM
Thanks for that Shasta.
I've been following the discussion on the other site regarding the Discovery tie in. Obviously if URA can secure projects independently of Ddiscovery it will be a lot cleaner.
URA seems reluctant to go below 15c, which makes it interesting as a prospect. Seems to have formed a solid base.


You sound like your ready to step in & buy a few :D

Now is as a good a time as any :confused:

I'm expecting more news re Ukraine during March.

16-03-2008, 09:52 PM
I've actually owned URA before Shasta.

I bought a small parcel at 69c, and sold a week later at 59c. So I've been watching it, and reading all of the URA threads, for a long time.

I'm trying to work out which piece of news is the one to watch for. I don't know if it's going to come, but if it does I'd like to be able to recognise it.

I couldn't see anything in the latest update that was a clear indication that any particular project was being advanced by URA. There was plenty of information regarding evolving political situations in the various Eastern European countries, but not a lot that said (to me) that Uran were any closer to securing rights to partake in any near term projects.

I think that you've always said that URA will take off following a bolt from the blue, so the upside, if it comes, will be significant, if only in the short term.
I'm trying to work out what the chance of that upside is, while also trying to work out where the SP floor is.

You know this stock better than any of the regular posters on ST, so you probably know which piece of news will trigger any recovery. I'm watching closely to I can see if I can pick it as well. Until then I'll just keep lurking I think.

16-03-2008, 10:06 PM
I've actually owned URA before Shasta.

I bought a small parcel at 69c, and sold a week later at 59c. So I've been watching it, and reading all of the URA threads, for a long time.

I'm trying to work out which piece of news is the one to watch for. I don't know if it's going to come, but if it does I'd like to be able to recognise it.

I couldn't see anything in the latest update that was a clear indication that any particular project was being advanced by URA. There was plenty of information regarding evolving political situations in the various Eastern European countries, but not a lot that said (to me) that Uran were any closer to securing rights to partake in any near term projects.

I think that you've always said that URA will take off following a bolt from the blue, so the upside, if it comes, will be significant, if only in the short term.
I'm trying to work out what the chance of that upside is, while also trying to work out where the SP floor is.

You know this stock better than any of the regular posters on ST, so you probably know which piece of news will trigger any recovery. I'm watching closely to I can see if I can pick it as well. Until then I'll just keep lurking I think.

Forgot you did hold...:eek:

I posted my email response from Kate Hobbs on this thread a while back.

The "vibe" from Uran is that the Ukraine situation is "imminent", i am following the Ukraine situation closely with regards to the formation of "NFU" or Nuclear Fuel Ukraine. This has be formed to the best of my knowledge?

What i don't know is where or how VostGok fits into the NFU structure, & whether that is yet another cause for delay.

Trust me this is one frustrating "investment" :confused:

19-03-2008, 03:56 PM
Forgot you did hold...:eek:

I posted my email response from Kate Hobbs on this thread a while back.

The "vibe" from Uran is that the Ukraine situation is "imminent", i am following the Ukraine situation closely with regards to the formation of "NFU" or Nuclear Fuel Ukraine. This has be formed to the best of my knowledge?

What i don't know is where or how VostGok fits into the NFU structure, & whether that is yet another cause for delay.

Trust me this is one frustrating "investment" :confused:


Is that you with the 400k cap @ 34c? :D

19-03-2008, 04:39 PM
URA holding tight on its support level of 30c.

Strat - to introduce a bit of balance, should it fail support, next level is a very sad looking 21c!

My claim i would buy everything under 30c was in jest based on the fact support should hold!

Will give Uran til 31 March 2008 to get sorted, else i'll be selling & utilising the losses against trading profits to date...

Shasta, you have been holding this one for a long time now while it's still not closer to any news. It's almost 31/03/08 so are you selling or holding & keeping your fingers crossed?


19-03-2008, 07:19 PM
Shasta, you have been holding this one for a long time now while it's still not closer to any news. It's almost 31/03/08 so are you selling or holding & keeping your fingers crossed?



Im not looking to sell by 31 March now, in fact i'll extend that out until after the Ukraine situation is resolved (one way or another).:confused:

I thought it would have been sorted by now, with the new Govt formed.

The delay is with the Ukraine Govt forming it's new "Nuclear Fuel Ukraine" agency, to handle all of it's energy needs, & i'm unsure how VostGok fits into this new agency (if it does at all?).

The protocols already signed will be preserved, so we should get some news when all the right agencies are operational.

When that is, i don't know - could be tomorrow, next week, next month, next quarter??? :confused:

19-03-2008, 08:14 PM
haha nah shasta, thats not me at 34c. the price will have to be alot higher for me to part with mine...

once again, i'm in for the long haul.

19-03-2008, 09:39 PM
haha nah shasta, thats not me at 34c. the price will have to be alot higher for me to part with mine...

once again, i'm in for the long haul.Glad to see less emotion on this thread at least. The disciples on ADY are about ready to hand Shasta over to the Romans and we all know how that ends :D

19-03-2008, 09:45 PM
Glad to see less emotion on this thread at least. The disciples on ADY are about ready to hand Shasta over to the Romans and we all know how that ends :D

This polar bear will soon be extinct, & i don't mean global warming :eek:

19-03-2008, 09:51 PM
This polar bear will soon be extinct, & i don't mean global warming :eek:I recon so. At this rate you might have less friends than Sectasurfa by the end of the week:eek:

19-03-2008, 11:21 PM
dont worry shasta. its not like u have a gun to anyones head makin em buy ADY or URA for that matter.

and to be honest i think your amount of research is almost worthy of a fee.

so people who get annoyed by your positiveness should perhaps take a good look at themselves. if ADY or URA hit the big time in the future (i beleive both will eventually) then alot of people will owe you an apology.

19-03-2008, 11:30 PM
dont worry shasta. its not like u have a gun to anyones head makin em buy ADY or URA for that matter.

and to be honest i think your amount of research is almost worthy of a fee.

so people who get annoyed by your positiveness should perhaps take a good look at themselves. if ADY or URA hit the big time in the future (i beleive both will eventually) then alot of people will owe you an apology.

Why would i buy something i wasnt bullish on?

Duh :D

Scorp - Nobody owes me anything, when i first joined Sharetrader there were many more posters that provided there research for all & sundry.

One by one they got sick of being labelled "rampers" & disappeared.

Now very few offer any indepth research, it just amazes me those who do, still get it in the neck...:confused:

Let's hope Kates over in the Ukraine with her favourite pen :eek:

20-03-2008, 12:56 AM
Scorp - Nobody owes me anything, when i first joined Sharetrader there were many more posters that provided there research for all & sundry.

One by one they got sick of being labelled "rampers" & disappeared.

Recall those days - it was a clash of styles, I think. Those who did their research behind the scenes and preferred to give a small heads up now and then and those who preferred to put it all out there. As many times as possible.

You will find a couple of examples of the former on one of the Paladin threads about here somewhere.

20-03-2008, 01:13 AM
well whoever was "ramping" paladin ended up being the biggest genius the world has ever seen haha.

if only i knew that ramper before i missed my chance.

i actually dabbled in PDN when they were $1.60 and sold at $2.50... oh my if only i had held on...

20-03-2008, 11:12 AM
well whoever was "ramping" paladin ended up being the biggest genius the world has ever seen haha.

if only i knew that ramper before i missed my chance.

i actually dabbled in PDN when they were $1.60 and sold at $2.50... oh my if only i had held on...

There was noone ramping PDN early on - you can go back over the thread and see who gave the heads up in the first place.

25-03-2008, 06:07 PM
There was noone ramping PDN early on - you can go back over the thread and see who gave the heads up in the first place.

Uran dissapoints again with yet another "left field" announcement. :mad:


Tungsten in the USA, WTF? :confused:

If Uran are wasting what precious little cash they have left, i can only assume they have enough to start drilling the Ukraine deposits?

We need that Ukraine ann & soon, in this market Uran won't be able to raise squat without a project secured.

I will not participate in any SPP, or rights issue unless Ukraine is secured.

I'm amazed Uran was green today (small volume), although it was up before the ann.

25-03-2008, 07:35 PM
Uran dissapoints again with yet another "left field" announcement. :mad:


Tungsten in the USA, WTF? :confused:

If Uran are wasting what precious little cash they have left, i can only assume they have enough to start drilling the Ukraine deposits?

We need that Ukraine ann & soon, in this market Uran won't be able to raise squat without a project secured.

I will not participate in any SPP, or rights issue unless Ukraine is secured.

I'm amazed Uran was green today (small volume), although it was up before the ann.

Agree with you Shasta...to spend money on something thats not uranium or in europe seems odd if not stupid....are they starting to clutch at straws..who knows....maybe they have something ready to go in Ukraine? lets just hope so.

25-03-2008, 07:58 PM
Could be the beginning of the end as we know it as far as UrA goes
How on earth do they get presented with some tin pot (sorry tungsten pot) deal in the US and then go ahead and accept.
Wait amonth or two then when there is still nothin happening ....
change of directors with a new focus on tungsten and low and behold its URA but not as we knw it captain.
Happened to me with AXM , not that Im complaining (long time holder at 11c and now 1.00)

Welcome to Suntland

25-03-2008, 08:05 PM
Could be the beginning of the end as we know it as far as UrA goes
How on earth do they get presented with some tin pot (sorry tungsten pot) deal in the US and then go ahead and accept.
Wait amonth or two then when there is still nothin happening ....
change of directors with a new focus on tungsten and low and behold its URA but not as we knw it captain.
Happened to me with AXM , not that Im complaining (long time holder at 11c and now 1.00)

Welcome to Suntland

Remember Uran's previous life was as "Great Western Exploration" a Nickel company!

Kate has said this is NOT a diversion from Uran's Uranium focus, so she had better deliver good news on Ukraine before she "enhances shareholder value" any further...lol

Huang Chung
25-03-2008, 08:31 PM
Hmmmm, why would a cash poor company set up a tungsten subsidiary if the U side of things was ready to rock and roll??

Bit sus on the tungsten side of things to. The reported average grade of 0.7% WO3 is pretty damn good these days. Australian companies that are developing various tungsten projects in Qld, KI and elsewhere are looking at average grades of less than 0.5% WO3. China is apparently mining tungsten at grades of less than 0.2% WO3.

In view of the very strong tungsten price and looming supply shortages, it seems strange that one of the more 'tungsten focused' players wouldn't have snapped these leases up months ago if they had any real merit.

There again, stranger things have happened.

25-03-2008, 09:11 PM
Hmmmm, why would a cash poor company set up a tungsten subsidiary if the U side of things was ready to rock and roll??

Bit sus on the tungsten side of things to. The reported average grade of 0.7% WO3 is pretty damn good these days. Australian companies that are developing various tungsten projects in Qld, KI and elsewhere are looking at average grades of less than 0.5% WO3. China is apparently mining tungsten at grades of less than 0.2% WO3.

In view of the very strong tungsten price and looming supply shortages, it seems strange that one of the more 'tungsten focused' players wouldn't have snapped these leases up months ago if they had any real merit.

There again, stranger things have happened.

LOL - welcome to Uran HC!

25-03-2008, 09:27 PM
tungsten eh?:rolleyes:

Vince we need a new smilie. One that frowns sarcasticly and turns its head from side to side

25-03-2008, 09:28 PM
tungsten eh?:rolleyes:

Vince we need a new smilie. One that frowns sarcasticly and turns its head from side to side

Can we get one banging its head against a brick wall?

If i could find one it would be my avatar :D

25-03-2008, 09:32 PM
i think some of u r missing the point.

yes its weird... very weird, but hey anything that can create wealth for the company will possibly create wealth for shareholders...

as long as the SP goes up i dont give a ****... as long as it gets there eventually

am i happy with the ann? no... is it a negative one tho? no...

25-03-2008, 09:32 PM
Can we get one banging its head against a brick wall?

If i could find one it would be my avatar :Dhttp://www.aussiestockforums.com/forums/images/smilies/banghead.gif like this? Copy and paste it;)

Huang Chung
25-03-2008, 09:32 PM
If you had to pick a mineral to diversify into, tungsten is a pretty good choice. Whether URA have the skills to pick the right project and develop it, who knows. :confused:

25-03-2008, 09:35 PM
i think some of u r missing the point.

yes its weird... very weird, but hey anything that can create wealth for the company will possibly create wealth for shareholders...

as long as the SP goes up i dont give a ****... as long as it gets there eventually

am i happy with the ann? no... is it a negative one tho? no...A good ann maybe but you dont turn down a dusty side road unless the highway ahead is blocked. Hope this is not the case

25-03-2008, 09:37 PM
seems to me that URA have a habit of trying to capitalise quickly on trends... "trying to" being the operative phrase... i sure that one of these days they do capitalise...

like i said, if they hit $1 because their tungsten resource is that amazing etc etc i wont care... as long as they get there eventually

25-03-2008, 09:38 PM
i wouldnt jump to any conclusions... maybe they are waiting for things to materialise and got offered this on the side and had the time to work it out...

u just never know. best to go with what we know than speculate further... especially with this stock hahahaha

25-03-2008, 09:42 PM
i wouldnt jump to any conclusions... maybe they are waiting for things to materialise and got offered this on the side and had the time to work it out...

u just never know. best to go with what we know than speculate further... especially with this stock hahahaha

Tomas Vana (ex Timex Zdice) has tungsten experience & i believe Wolf has too.

Strange ann - but maybe its viable?

It's now down to one key fact.

Do you believe in Kate Hobbs or not? http://www.aussiestockforums.com/forums/images/smilies/banghead.gif

25-03-2008, 09:43 PM
It was the last straw for me I am afraid. I sold the last of my URA today, it was only a small parcel, some trader bought it and put it straight back on market for 1.5 cents more that I sold it for. Made me laugh.

25-03-2008, 09:49 PM
The announcement just seemed to desperate to me, like they have been trying to find something that will work out for them. I hope it all works out for holders I will reassess in a few weeks.

25-03-2008, 09:53 PM
It was the last straw for me I am afraid. I sold the last of my URA today, it was only a small parcel, some trader bought it and put it straight back on market for 1.5 cents more that I sold it for. Made me laugh.


Im amazed more others didnt sell out on the back of this ann, its a real head scratcher, & even someone as bullish as i am has been left wondering where does this leave Uran?

Kate says it's not a diversion, but it looks & smells like one to me...

I also thought the applications for Bulgarian permits, were to divert attention away from Rozna/Ukraine.

I still believe we have Ukraine secured, & it seems alot of noise coming out of the Czech Republic suggests Uran might have a shot at Rozna, as Diamo basically have no funds.

Will see what tomorrow brings, hell the market might like it???

25-03-2008, 10:04 PM
Yeah I agree Shasta. The other thing I was thinking is that to release todays ann now probably means that what we have been waiting for is not coming in the next couple of weeks, or surely they would have waited.......... with the state of the markets I would prefer to sell into the strength (there was a little today). It could of course go into pre-open tomorrow with the ann of the year but I get the feeling I'll have time to reassess my position.

Good luck to you, I value your contributions to the forums.

25-03-2008, 10:16 PM
Yeah I agree Shasta. The other thing I was thinking is that to release todays ann now probably means that what we have been waiting for is not coming in the next couple of weeks, or surely they would have waited.......... with the state of the markets I would prefer to sell into the strength (there was a little today). It could of course go into pre-open tomorrow with the ann of the year but I get the feeling I'll have time to reassess my position.

Good luck to you, I value your contributions to the forums.

Thank Hoags.

Re timing, Uran CANNOT sit on the Ukraine ann, as soon as its signed it must be released under ASX rules (they wont allow any NON JORC figures though), so i expect a series of anns in the lead up.

The issue is, there is a particular clause that prevents either party from making ANY statements until the JV is jointly signed. (Kate has previously said this)

Now the JV will be with VostGok, but i do not know how VostGok fits within the new Nuclear Fuel Ukraine.

Formerly VostGok was a branch within Ukratomprom & this agency was recently dissolved. :confused:

VostGok is still continuing, but in what capacity?

The Tungsten project seems to be a good excuse for a cash raising IMO.

25-03-2008, 10:33 PM
shasta- i cant help but feel that you are quickly jumping to negative conclusions...

you may be right. but hell the nay sayers that say they will disolve this company soon may be right. the people who say they may be the next PDN may be right... no one knows.

i cant see how this ann damages anything. it could be something they are pursuing to use up the spare time they have from sittin around waiting for the ukraine gov to get off their **** and sign off on things... again who knows?

all i know is what we are told. will all the U projects fall thru? maybe. have they fallen thru? not that we know of... are they gonna fall thru? notthat we know of...

lets focus on what we know... rather than worst case scenarios. let all the usual nay sayers do that.

25-03-2008, 10:50 PM
shasta- i cant help but feel that you are quickly jumping to negative conclusions...

you may be right. but hell the nay sayers that say they will disolve this company soon may be right. the people who say they may be the next PDN may be right... no one knows.

i cant see how this ann damages anything. it could be something they are pursuing to use up the spare time they have from sittin around waiting for the ukraine gov to get off their **** and sign off on things... again who knows?

all i know is what we are told. will all the U projects fall thru? maybe. have they fallen thru? not that we know of... are they gonna fall thru? notthat we know of...

lets focus on what we know... rather than worst case scenarios. let all the usual nay sayers do that.


You know my style & i am naturally going to be bullish on what i buy into.

Uran has frustrated it's shareholders by being the worst performing U stock during the initial bubble.:(

They float off the Nickel to "focus" on Uranium, now tungsten?

(I will confess right now, i dont know the first thing about Tungsten!)

Uran signed a protocol in Dec 06, & its now Mar 08 & the FS haven't commenced yet? :confused:

We have so many other U avenues (Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan & those we have never been told about, ie Africa, USA, & Australia), yet Uran changes tact, midstream? :confused:

We don't have $200k to blow on a "hunch" & the market won't stump up more cash, for Kate & Co to "surprise" us further with more left field anns.

Uran's point of difference is/was its first mover advantage in Ukraine, & the Czech Republic.

I sincerely hope Kate & Co haven't taken there eye off the ball here...

There are others waiting in the wings if Uran fails & walks away...

25-03-2008, 10:58 PM
yes but like i have said so many times, if they are waiting on another countries' government officials then there really is nothing that they or anyone can do...

working with overseas people (esp in a place like ukraine with a newly formed government) would be near impossible... if they take there sweet ass time, they do...theres nothing we can do about it.

i am sure that if it was as simple as signing the dotted line it would have been signed along time ago and we would all be rich... obviously they are waiting diplomatically for the other side to get their **** together, and are possibly treading on thin ice and dont want to crack it.

so i ask, why cant they exploit another great and cheap oppurtunity if it is handed to em on a silver platter? it only creates oppurtunity. screw the cash burn... they are gonna burn cash weather we like it or not... they can go into debt for all i care... i just want one of their projects to work out...

the guys on HC forums make good points.


simple as that.

by the way Ukraine will be soon and at least in the next few months in my opinion. then the market can buy into that and the tungsten junkies can aswell. i dont care...as long as they buy it.

25-03-2008, 11:22 PM
yes but like i have said so many times, if they are waiting on another countries' government officials then there really is nothing that they or anyone can do...

working with overseas people (esp in a place like ukraine with a newly formed government) would be near impossible... if they take there sweet ass time, they do...theres nothing we can do about it.

i am sure that if it was as simple as signing the dotted line it would have been signed along time ago and we would all be rich... obviously they are waiting diplomatically for the other side to get their **** together, and are possibly treading on thin ice and dont want to crack it.

so i ask, why cant they exploit another great and cheap oppurtunity if it is handed to em on a silver platter? it only creates oppurtunity. screw the cash burn... they are gonna burn cash weather we like it or not... they can go into debt for all i care... i just want one of their projects to work out...

the guys on HC forums make good points.


simple as that.

by the way Ukraine will be soon and at least in the next few months in my opinion. then the market can buy into that and the tungsten junkies can aswell. i dont care...as long as they buy it.

With Yulia as PM (dig her hairdo will ya?) Ukraine is opening up to the idea of privatisation or public/private JV's.

Ukraine wants to join NATO, & is hellbent on securing there own energy needs, preferably without being held to ransom by Russia.

(Sidenote: Research how Russia screwed Ukraine over its imported Gas)

This is the best & most stable period Uran have had to deal with Ukraine, so whats the hold up?

26-03-2008, 12:18 AM
i dont know but i am sure there is one. otherwise i would be buying mansion on the central coast of nsw right now haha

26-03-2008, 05:08 PM
i dont know but i am sure there is one. otherwise i would be buying mansion on the central coast of nsw right now haha

We get a fair chunk of Rozna & @ $2, you can :D:eek::D

Ukraine may only add $1 - $1.50, sorry :(

26-03-2008, 08:31 PM
haha $1.50 is plenty mate. if URA hit $1.50 i will be flying over to have some moet with you

26-03-2008, 09:08 PM
haha $1.50 is plenty mate. if URA hit $1.50 i will be flying over to have some moet with you

Don't be going cheap just cos the AUD/NZD is on your side! :D

I expect a magnum of Veuve Clicquot, nothing less :p

The good aspect on Rozna at the moment is that Diamo have less funds than Uran does!

"We are the favoured partner", ring any bells?

27-03-2008, 01:57 AM
it sure does. let me just ringthe bottle shop and tell em to order that magnum haha. something is commin.

27-03-2008, 06:40 PM
Shasta does Uran have any ties with State nuclear company UkrAtomProm.
Found this article today.

Ukraine to sign deals with U.S. to gain nuclear independence
18:12 | 26/ 03/ 2008

KIEV, March 26, (RIA Novosti) - Kiev will sign deals with U.S. firms on March 30 on supplies of nuclear fuel, and on equipment deliveries paving the way for Ukraine's own enrichment capability, the energy minister said on Wednesday.

Ukraine, which relies almost entirely on Russia for its nuclear fuel imports, has stepped up efforts in recent years to diversify supplies amid rising prices and energy disputes with Russia.

Yuriy Prodan told a Cabinet meeting that contracts would be signed with Westinghouse Electric Company on nuclear fuel supplies from 2010, and with Holtec International for deliveries of equipment for nuclear fuel production.

The deal with Holtec comes despite concerns in Washington over Ukraine's plans to develop nuclear fuel production technology, which could potentially be diverted to weapons programs. Although there is little likelihood of Ukraine seeking nuclear weapons, the U.S. and other countries are wary of allowing states to set an awkward precedent by launching uranium enrichment.

Ukraine, which generates almost half its electricity from four nuclear plants with a total of 15 reactors, buys almost all its nuclear fuel from Russia's TVEL Corporation.

The strong level of energy dependence on Russia, which also has almost total control over Ukraine's natural gas supply, prompted President Viktor Yushchenko to announce plans in January 2006 to create nuclear fuel production facilities.

The decision was sparked by a fuel price hike by TVEL in late 2005, and a natural gas debt row with Russia's state gas giant Gazprom at New Year 2006, during which Russia turned the taps off to Ukraine.

Kiev's drive to diversify nuclear fuel imports had begun several years earlier. In 2005 the South Ukraine plant began using fuel supplied by Westinghouse, which is now owned by Japan's Toshiba, in line with a 2000 contract.

State nuclear company UkrAtomProm, formed last year, is expected to oversee the design and construction of a nuclear fuel production facility in Ukraine.

27-03-2008, 07:10 PM
Shasta does Uran have any ties with State nuclear company UkrAtomProm.
Found this article today.

Ukraine to sign deals with U.S. to gain nuclear independence
18:12 | 26/ 03/ 2008

KIEV, March 26, (RIA Novosti) - Kiev will sign deals with U.S. firms on March 30 on supplies of nuclear fuel, and on equipment deliveries paving the way for Ukraine's own enrichment capability, the energy minister said on Wednesday.

Ukraine, which relies almost entirely on Russia for its nuclear fuel imports, has stepped up efforts in recent years to diversify supplies amid rising prices and energy disputes with Russia.

Yuriy Prodan told a Cabinet meeting that contracts would be signed with Westinghouse Electric Company on nuclear fuel supplies from 2010, and with Holtec International for deliveries of equipment for nuclear fuel production.

The deal with Holtec comes despite concerns in Washington over Ukraine's plans to develop nuclear fuel production technology, which could potentially be diverted to weapons programs. Although there is little likelihood of Ukraine seeking nuclear weapons, the U.S. and other countries are wary of allowing states to set an awkward precedent by launching uranium enrichment.

Ukraine, which generates almost half its electricity from four nuclear plants with a total of 15 reactors, buys almost all its nuclear fuel from Russia's TVEL Corporation.

The strong level of energy dependence on Russia, which also has almost total control over Ukraine's natural gas supply, prompted President Viktor Yushchenko to announce plans in January 2006 to create nuclear fuel production facilities.

The decision was sparked by a fuel price hike by TVEL in late 2005, and a natural gas debt row with Russia's state gas giant Gazprom at New Year 2006, during which Russia turned the taps off to Ukraine.

Kiev's drive to diversify nuclear fuel imports had begun several years earlier. In 2005 the South Ukraine plant began using fuel supplied by Westinghouse, which is now owned by Japan's Toshiba, in line with a 2000 contract.

State nuclear company UkrAtomProm, formed last year, is expected to oversee the design and construction of a nuclear fuel production facility in Ukraine.

Yes, however Ukratomprom is being dissolved & Nuclear Fuel Ukraine is being formed to take its place...

Uran are working closely with VostGok, the actual Govt agency in charge of Uranium mining.

Yulia had recently pronounced that those experiencing delays in getting projects up & running to contact her office directly in an effort to fast track Ukraine's stated policy of energy self sufficiency.

Nice work to find the link, i'm amazed to here Ukratomprom is still operational?

27-03-2008, 07:22 PM
Yes, however Ukratomprom is being dissolved & Nuclear Fuel Ukraine is being formed to take its place...


Thought that was the case...gets a bit confusing when you can't understand the lingo.


27-03-2008, 07:32 PM
Thought that was the case...gets a bit confusing when you can't understand the lingo.


That was stated on the Ukraine Govt website as a decree!

So maybe there has been a change of mind?

Either way, its not an operational matter that concerns Uran as far as im concerned.

Notice the tree shaking exercise today, & the buy depth returning?

Crypto Crude
28-03-2008, 11:15 AM

28-03-2008, 01:39 PM
who the chick in your avatar


Yulia Tymoshenko - Ukraine's PM :cool:

Shrewd - lol @ GF :D

28-03-2008, 02:13 PM
Yulia Tymoshenko - Ukraine's PM :cool:

Shrewd - lol @ GF :DI thought it was Princess Laya :o

Crypto Crude
28-03-2008, 02:14 PM
shasta-Yulia Tymoshenko - Ukraine's PM

Tell Ukraines PM to give me a PM...

28-03-2008, 02:24 PM
Tell Ukraines PM to give me a PM...

She only "courts" those with Uran shares Shrewd :D

I dont know why Uran doesnt "gift" Yulia 5m shares in an act of "good faith" :D

28-03-2008, 07:25 PM
Annoucement: Yulia will meet with Uran's largest shareholder


Announcement: New largest shareholder, Mr. S. Crude

28-03-2008, 08:29 PM
haha if she gives us what we need in Ukraine, i will fly over there, and give her what she needs...

haha i'm not sure exactly what that is but it sounded good hahaha.

28-03-2008, 11:54 PM
haha if she gives us what we need in Ukraine, i will fly over there, and give her what she needs...

haha i'm not sure exactly what that is but it sounded good hahaha.

Just to clarify things, Uran DOES NOT require any input from the Govt to commence the FS on the 2 deposits.

It's up to VostGok to secure the license(s) for this...

PS, Yulia's hot, if she needs "buttering up", i'll travel to Kiev :D

07-04-2008, 11:48 AM
All go for URA in the Ukraine by the look of this mornings announcement. Payday for holders?

07-04-2008, 12:00 PM
Looks like about half the sell depth will be taken out at open.

07-04-2008, 12:16 PM
All go for URA in the Ukraine by the look of this mornings announcement. Payday for holders?I think the odds of this coming good as per our chat on the way to the Airport at the weekend may require adjustment :D

07-04-2008, 12:27 PM
I'd had a few mate, so details are a bit vague. I think I remember saying that URA was a sure thing, and you should've bought as many as you could last week. Does that sound right?

Well done to those who have kept the faith.

Crypto Crude
07-04-2008, 12:32 PM
back to even in the comp with URA now... wish I could change picks...
what a ride...
Im glad URA has blown upwind... Shasta does deserve it...

Crypto Crude
07-04-2008, 12:41 PM
Where has he gone?
Its not like him to not post when something real big is happening...

07-04-2008, 12:42 PM
I'd had a few mate, so details are a bit vague. I think I remember saying that URA was a sure thing, and you should've bought as many as you could last week. Does that sound right?

Well done to those who have kept the faith.Yeah, that sounds about right lol :D

07-04-2008, 12:45 PM
back to even in the comp with URA now... wish I could change picks...
what a ride...
Im glad URA has blown upwind... Shasta does deserve it...
.^scI agree he does deserve a win here. He had Computer problems last week. Maybe this is still an issue

07-04-2008, 12:47 PM
I'd had a few mate, so details are a bit vague. I think I remember saying that URA was a sure thing, and you should've bought as many as you could last week. Does that sound right?

Well done to those who have kept the faith.

Well well well...:D


Crypto Crude
07-04-2008, 12:48 PM
He had Computor problems
sounds like you got computer problems too...

07-04-2008, 12:53 PM
sp is bombing check it out!! don't buy that new pair of socks just yet.


Traders have been watching Uran from the sidelines & there will be some profit taking, so expect a few retracements, followed by more buy depth/interest.

BTW - Novoconstantinovskoye is meant to be a huge resource, wow :eek:

07-04-2008, 12:54 PM
sounds like you got computer problems too...
.^scShouldnt that be "looks like you have computer problems too...." :p

Crypto Crude
07-04-2008, 01:10 PM
Eye eye captain strat...:)
whats your plan of attack shasta...?
'sounds' to me like further news is going to follow up this announcement with details of a contract and conditions of a JV... Uran have little negotiation power here, and I bet they will sign a deal under any terms... possibility of a bung deal perhaps?

07-04-2008, 01:15 PM
Eye eye captain strat...:)
whats your plan of attack shasta...?
'sounds' to me like further news is going to follow up this announcement with details of a contract and conditions of a JV... Uran have little negotiation power here, and I bet they will sign a deal under any terms... possibility of a bung deal perhaps?

The 2 deposits* already covered under the original protocol are meant to contain around 5,000T Uranium or approx 11m lbs.

* (Novosurskoye & Gurevskoye)

This ann is good, but there will be more to come, especially when the FS are complete & Uran can announce a JORC reserve.

This will make URAN the 4th Uranium producer on the ASX, as we have the Zheltye Vody Uranium processing plant available thru VostGok.

As for the proposal on Novoconstantinovskoye (say that 10 times quickly Shrewd!), read the link below :eek:

http://www.uranlimited.com.au/documents/ASX%20Ukraine%20181206.PDF (http://www.uranlimited.com.au/documents/ASX%20Ukraine%20181206.PDF)

Im not selling a single share, until a JORC resource is announced, but if we get a slice of the action on that HUGE deposit, i'll buy more!

07-04-2008, 02:57 PM
i don't think the market will really react to the share price... you predicted $1 + for this annoucement, but it looks like a 1 cent plus.

I think people are fed up with uran... also the uranium market is tanking... look at it spot price $71 and dropping....Who predicted this ann would mean a SP of $1.:eek::eek::eek:

07-04-2008, 03:10 PM
shasta post #299

"You realise you are already staring one of these "multibaggers" in the face?

When Uran goes into a TH, forget buying sub $1 once Ukraine is announced.."
I should really let Shasta reply but there is no trading halt and this ann is a "we have the go ahead" ann. This is not an "its in the bag" ann.
The number one point is the risk factor in this spec has diminished substantially today

07-04-2008, 03:15 PM
i don't think the market will really react to the share price

What does that mean? Very cryptic.

The SP shot up 46% on the announcement. That's a pretty good reaction.

I think that most of todays action was due to traders who have very little knowledge of URA, nor of the relevance or otherwise of the annoucement.
The problem was that small traders were buying parcels of 10k - 15k and putting them straight back on again at 5c more than they paid for them. Once things settled down then the traders were stuck with them, and so the selling pressure starts again, suppressing the SP.

Anyone who thinks that this is good news for URA will be accumulating over the next couple of days once the hype dies down. They wouldn't be buying on open today. Watch the "smart money" at the end of the day for an indication of where it's going.

All casual observations and IMHO of course.

07-04-2008, 03:52 PM
shasta post #299

"You realise you are already staring one of these "multibaggers" in the face?

When Uran goes into a TH, forget buying sub $1 once Ukraine is announced.."


I had typed a long reply & lost it, as im having some computer problems.

Let me show you why i believe the $1+prediction will come to fruition.

I did post earlier saying this would be the FIRST ann of a series.

We need the ann that outlines the figures, tonnage, grades, depth etc along with a JORC resource before we can expect a big spike upwards.

Allow me to highlight what i believe the deal will contain.

Lets assume the JORC resource for the 2 deposits is 5,000T U308

Thats 11,000,000lbs & the spot U308 market rate is currently @ $US71

We know that the Uranium will be sold to the Ukraine Govt at a small discount to the prevailing market rate, so i'm going to assume 10%.

($US71 x 10%) = say $US65 & using a FX rate (AUD/USD @ 0.90)

11,000,000 x ($US65/0.90) = $A794m

The gross value of the 11m lbs = approx $A800m (nice round figure)

Lets assume the following:

1. It will take 5 years to process the 5000T, ie 1,000T per year
2. The JV is 50/50 - Uran/VostGok
3. Capex & Opex could be reduced by way of VostGok/Govt assistance?**
4. Uran will be required to fund the estimated $US25m* Capex to get its 50% share of the JV.

*I think Uran mentioned the $US25m figure a while ago.

(** We know VostGok has drills available & processing will be at Zheltye Vody which VostGok controls)

Using these assumptions, thats ($A800m/2 = 400m/ 5yrs = $80m p.a)

Thats the gross revenue, lets say 50% of that are costs, so $40m p.a

Lets say Uran has 100m shares fully dilluted (50m + options & non listed options).- rough estimate i know!

Lets say that Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd get 100m shares, so thats 200m. (Highly doubtful they will get more than 50m, but lets run with it)

Lets say Uran raises the $25m (min) via an AIM listing/Placement/SPP

I'll "assume" Uran having released all JORC figures to the ASX, places another 100m shares (between 25c* & 50c??? - to get a min $US25m).

This would mean Uran have around 300m on issue (as an example)

For simplicity lets say Uran drain another $A10m on overheads & other opportunities.

If we extrapolate this out, we have:

Uran NPBT of $30m (not sure of tax losses c/fwd, ill ignore it for now!)

Earnings per share = 30m/300m = EPS 10c x PE 10 = Share price $1 on a Market Cap of $300m.

(Ive tried to use conservative figures here!)

No listed Uranium producer around the world has a market caps less than a $A billion, but this is a small project to start with.

I would think $300m is reasonable given i've seen valuations use a rough $US30/lb for JORC resources (which would be 11m X $US30 /FX 0.90 = $A366m)

Note, all these figures are MY assumptions only, please DYOR.

Now that i've put this out in the open, feel free to pull it apart! :D

07-04-2008, 03:58 PM
Hi Shasta,

Been holding this share for about 18 months now. Finally some good news. The current price of uranium is US71 at the moment and this should increase come end of the year.


If this is true, I think your share price calculation may be too low!!!!

07-04-2008, 04:21 PM
Hi Shasta,

Been holding this share for about 18 months now. Finally some good news. The current price of uranium is US71 at the moment and this should increase come end of the year.


If this is true, I think your share price calculation may be too low!!!!

I too am bullish on the U308 price heading back north of $US100/lb, perhaps even retesting previous highs ($US138/lb - from memory?).

Just needs the markets to settle down & Uranium to come back into favour, which it will eventually. (Greenies dont like coal, yet wont commit to nuclear energy, the hypocrites!).

Im picking the SP will spike BEFORE any dillution, so yes there is plenty of upside in my valuation.

If the $A falls v the $USD we could also benefit, but the reverse applies!

Remember at 25c the undilluted market cap is circa $A13m, & we have just been given the green light on a project potentially worth $100's millions to Uran.

The ann today also highlights what i've been saying for a while, this project could lead to further involvment in the Ukraine with VostGok.

07-04-2008, 06:21 PM
Do you think this stock could ever reach $10 - $20 per share... is so what kind of timeframe....

I'd have thought that's a bit like asking "what happens when I get to the edge of the universe - what lies beyond?!"

07-04-2008, 06:23 PM
LOL, yeah lets not get ahead of ourselves. I think someone on HC said IF we become the preferred partner and we get a bunch (i.e. ones we don't have a clue about atm) of projects we MIGHT see $10. But, yeah, your questions is so arbitrary it's almost like me randomly picking a stock and asking if it will get to 10-20.

So lets just wait for some feasibility studies and then get some figures which can be reported to the ASX.

And then wait until we're doing some digging

And then see what happens ;D

07-04-2008, 08:22 PM
Good to see something has started. Next 2 months should see some good gains like today. As long as the Government stays together and accepts the deal. From the ann its still not set in stone. But it looks bloody positive.:)

07-04-2008, 09:16 PM
ok...nice response. very interesting.

Do you think this stock could ever reach $10 - $20 per share... is so what kind of timeframe....

We might get to $10 if the Czech's gave us ROZNA, lol

You must remember Uran will be heavily dilluted, & the more projects we get the more funds we will require.

Going back to my valuation at say 300m shares x $10 - $20 = $A3 - 6b Market cap. (similar to PDN, so not impossible?).

In reality lets just get the JORC resource & mine the stuff & get to $2 & see if VostGok wants our involvement in other projects...

Uran isnt capitalised big enough to go after the larger deposits.

At present i doubt they could entertain thoughts of deposits larger than 10,000T, without the need for a farm in partner/major.

I can see a potential farm in partner in Areva, if any large projects came along, given they "poached" Karilyn Farmer off Uran.

07-04-2008, 10:43 PM
very pleasing announcement. i will be buying tomoro for sure. MC of $13m haha what a joke.

always has been. i have been buying small parcel under 20c for a while now and i am so glad i did. what a story to tell my grandkids one day.

nothing "is in the bag" yet... but i would say that the bag is open and waiting.

more ANN's and this will rocket. the day the resource comes out and the absolute guarntee of it going ahead is announced, there will be no holding back.

shasta is correct about dilution, so we will see what happens with that, but i mean, think about the potential, and all the other possible projects including the tungsten!!!

could once again be the most exciting stock on the asx very shortly. actually... starting today. i must say i am surprised about the SP. i would expect closer to 50c. but hey we will watch it go up from here. good luck everyone and well done to those of us who held on. especially shasta!!

07-04-2008, 11:05 PM
OK, some have had too many sugary drinks today eh?
Settle down fellas :D

07-04-2008, 11:13 PM
OK, some have had too many sugary drinks today eh?
Settle down fellas :D

She's been a lomg time coming Strat, let us savour this "progress" a little longer...

As i said before, this is merely the start of things to come...

07-04-2008, 11:20 PM
She's been a lomg time coming Strat, let us savour this "progress" a little longer...

As i said before, this is merely the start of things to come...By all means savour away. I am and whats more, Im looking forward to the day when you can gloat for weeks but talk of $10 to $20 by a few others may be a tad premature :D

07-04-2008, 11:40 PM
$10-$20 would be many years off in my opinion if at all.

but for now, i just think that things are starting to happen, and eventually the market will realise that this is the next aussie uranium producer and it will be a sleeping giant that is awoken.

if you look at all the other possible projects too. even if they secure 1 or 2 of those over time also... plus the deposit shasta is talking about is massive supposebly!!!

all my own opinion, but could be the next PDN in my opinion. i have said that before

07-04-2008, 11:53 PM
$10-$20 would be many years off in my opinion if at all.

but for now, i just think that things are starting to happen, and eventually the market will realise that this is the next aussie uranium producer and it will be a sleeping giant that is awoken.

if you look at all the other possible projects too. even if they secure 1 or 2 of those over time also... plus the deposit shasta is talking about is massive supposebly!!!

all my own opinion, but could be the next PDN in my opinion. i have said that before

Probably should have posted the link on todays ann earlier!

http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20080407/pdf/318fmpv029r2y7.pdf :cool:

Toulouse - Luzern
08-04-2008, 08:59 AM
Congratulations Shasta

Just read the ann that you posted and yesterdays graph looks great

gapped up and plus 28% on higher volume

What happens next?

is the trajectory up and away from here?

I see that URA spiked to 32 in Feb ...

Toulouse - Luzern
08-04-2008, 09:20 AM
Hi Shasta,
I have quietly re-read the thread and 18 Feb was spectacular ...

08-04-2008, 10:04 AM
If my memory serves, that big spike was because a large buyer entered the market (PLV's CEO), and this caused a bit of a frenzy, I guess. So it wasn't based on any new developments like this one is.

08-04-2008, 05:46 PM
Fizz has dissipated today. Am glad I didn't succumb to temptation yesterday.
It seems that market is realising it could be a long journey from a high-level pow-wow, with polite nodding all round, to actually mining the stuff.
Was anything actually signed at this meeting, e.g. binding Heads of Agreement?

08-04-2008, 05:52 PM
Fizz has dissipated today. Am glad I didn't succumb to temptation yesterday.
It seems that market is realising it could be a long journey from a high-level pow-wow, with polite nodding all round, to actually mining the stuff.

It's JUST the beginning, Uran already know what the deposits contain, & the previous FS data is meant to be good. (It's likely contain around 5,000T IMO).

All that is required for the FS to be completed is some verification drilling to be able to announce a JORC resource.

I expect a series of anns in a relatively short span during April/May.

This could result in Uran being in production within 6 - 9 months ie, late 2008/early 2009, still WELL in front of 99% of the wanna-be U explorers.

Colin - We have received sign off on the Protocol & will operate under mining license(s)awarded to VostGok. We will receive more info on the finer details of the JV, contract terms in future anns.

Thats what the market is waiting for!

small fish
08-04-2008, 09:43 PM
Nice analysis Shasta. Indeed a lot of perceived risk has been removed now so will be looking to add a few more, maybe i'll even manage a profit on this one.

08-04-2008, 09:56 PM
Nice analysis Shasta. Indeed a lot of perceived risk has been removed now so will be looking to add a few more, maybe i'll even manage a profit on this one.

Cheers Smallfish

Just don't sell too early, the fun has only just started...

The market is still awaiting to hear from Kate as to why she's been in the Czech Republic so much...(might have to wait for the quarterly, if no ann)

I gather she isnt there just sight seeing unless Diamo are showing her around ROZNA???

small fish
08-04-2008, 10:18 PM
Yes it certainly going to be a difficult days trading when its announced a deal is signed and feasibility is to commence. One can only hope there is enough info to get the share to the dollar region. My average price on URAO is about 70 cents and i would prefer not to have to weigh up the merits of 50 cents based on this news, as many other stale bulls would be also. After seeing your investment lose 90%, to get out breakeven would be regarded as a win in my books.

08-04-2008, 10:56 PM
the thing that is hard for me, is knowing when to sell. because the story is only just beginning now. i have been fortunate to average down to an average of 27c on a rather large parcel. but even over 30c, i wouldnt be interested unless the whole story fell to bits...

i keep saying it again and again. this could well fall through or the market may not appreciate the story... but i still beleive that if all goes to plan and they do start up a U project in the next year or 2 the SP will be many multiples of where it is now. its just simple maths.

our biggest enemy, is URAN not fulfilling... again.

fingers crossed. i feel alot more comfortable holding these now, and will continue to accumulate at these levels.

08-04-2008, 11:36 PM
Hi AA,
My average is 21c.
Im completely relaxed and sober:D

PS I recon BUR will have its day in the sun

09-04-2008, 08:24 AM

I feel your pain on BUR, but it's a very different fundamental animal than URA.

BUR has $4M in the bank, a revenue stream for the next 12 months (from wells that are already producing) of $12M, and a market cap of $10M.
(I've been avoiding working out my average cost on BUR, but have just done it and come to 17.76c - ouch for a 10.5c stock!)

URA has the potential to have a market cap of many multiples of it's current level if it hits the jackpot, but has no revenue stream in place to underwrite the SP.

I personally think that the risk/reward with URA is much higher, but the recent development, and the support for URA at around 15c has reduced the risk greatly.
I would see strong support for URA now in the low 20's which makes it even more attractive.

Your points about buying in the downtrend, and using technical indicators alongside fundamentals, are an excellent ones. My technical ability is pretty limited at this stage, so I'm always asking techie friends what they are seeing.

small fish
09-04-2008, 12:36 PM
AA, definitely lessons to be learnt, like using a STOP loss, but they have there own set of problems. The main issue and driver of the Uran shareprice up to this point are issues in the ukraine which is out of our control. Is not as though management have failed in several areas.

Crypto Crude
09-04-2008, 01:50 PM
I totally believe that what happened to BUR was a market thing...
TEX and BUR didnot double in SP for no reason at all...
they are companies with high success rates and positive NPV projects which take time...
Ive got a mad list of oil stocks that have been trashed and havenot recovered...
At the spec end of the oil sector, there arenot many that have held strong throughout this whole market downturn... The market has picked up, but the specs havenot...
These sorts of stocks (TEX, BUR) could not stand up to market volatility and continue to get trashed, even after recent discoveries...
If I was going to have a punt, I would invest in URAO...
All the action is before expiry, why not leverage yourself abit further...
Im probably going to watch this one only...or just not tell anyone and sneak a few...

09-04-2008, 03:31 PM
If I was going to have a punt, I would invest in URAO...
All the action is before expiry, why not leverage yourself abit further...
Im probably going to watch this one only...or just not tell anyone and sneak a few...
.^scI gave this serious consideration Shrewdy. Something worth considering is that URA have a very good reputation for NOT delivering on time :eek:
Ive stuck with the heads

09-04-2008, 03:36 PM
Advice wanted here shrewd, I want to average down, but should I buy more? What happens if I want to sell and don't have the timeframe to do it over without dumping on low liquidity?

AA ( Disc average BURO cost 10c Arrrr!!)

(options don't expire till aug 2010 .. (another reason for me buying when i did)

Less concerned about my BUR holding.

)Hi AA does this mean you dont see a recovery in the BUR sp for another 2 1/2 years? I think their day in the sun will come before that however Im by no means as well informed regarding BUR as you fellas.

09-04-2008, 04:25 PM
If I didn't see a recovery... I would not be holding... under any circumstances.

Fundamentally I love it, and yes i see good times for BUR.

But I'm no clairvoyant, therefore I view my prepared action of attack using both sides of the coin. If the market goes my way or if doesnt... that way I get the best result for the given market circumstance.

My real purpose of using BUR & BURO on this thread is as an example for education, I'd like to prevent others from making my past mistakes as many on this forum are new to the share market.

Id like them to make good of there choices, as I myself was mislead when I started.

Hi AA,
Good points and kind of you too.

URA is an all or nothing spec play for me and I havent been on board for the ride down from the top. Its spikes are fairly predictable so its not a bad trading stock either.
There will be posters on this thread who have the same view point as I have and also others viewing it from a different vantage point but Im sure all see it as an all or nothing spec play. In its current state URA does not have any of the fundamental merit BUR has.

I would feel a lot more comfortable holding BURO over URAO

09-04-2008, 07:14 PM
Hi AA,
Good points and kind of you too.

URA is an all or nothing spec play for me and I havent been on board for the ride down from the top. Its spikes are fairly predictable so its not a bad trading stock either.
There will be posters on this thread who have the same view point as I have and also others viewing it from a different vantage point but Im sure all see it as an all or nothing spec play. In its current state URA does not have any of the fundamental merit BUR has.

I would feel a lot more comfortable holding BURO over URAO


I pretty much agree with all your points:

As you will know, i've been bullish on Uran for a while now (Ukraine has been the carrot dangled in front of them since late 2006!).

The fundamentals of Uran havent changed at all, just the political landscape has now moved in there favour...

Uran is extremely high risk v potential high reward, ie a multi-bagger potential from these levels.

For me it all comes down to whether or not you believe in Kate Hobbs & Co to get the job done?

I've done a ton of research on Uran, & am happy with the risks...

I've had enough communication with Uran to be happy with the direction they are going...:cool:

PS, Im quite confident we will be getting more than just Ukraine projects.

Crypto Crude
10-04-2008, 01:25 PM
AA-Advice wanted here shrewd, I want to average down, but should I buy more? What happens if I want to sell and don't have the timeframe to do it over without dumping on low liquidity?
Absolut Advance,
The only way to average down is to buy more... Im not totally sure of your current circumstances but it sounds like yourve got enough...
Should you buy more?
Ive followed BUR with one eye ever since Serpie and me ran a competition to see which out of BUR or TEX would double first... he won...
Its probably time I rummage around, make use of myself and look into the company abit further.....
I will report back soon on the appropriate thread...
good day....

10-04-2008, 05:33 PM
Absolut Advance,
The only way to average down is to buy more... Im not totally sure of your current circumstances but it sounds like yourve got enough...
Should you buy more?
Ive followed BUR with one eye ever since Serpie and me ran a competition to see which out of BUR or TEX would double first... he won...
Its probably time I rummage around, make use of myself and look into the company abit further.....
I will report back soon on the appropriate thread...
good day....

Nice wee nudge today with Uran currently up 5.5c to 29.5c.

No one wanting to step up & pay up, & no one wanting to drop there price to sell, classic mexican standoff.

Good buy depth returning throughout the 20's so maybe 30c+ on the cards tomorrow?

Why didnt the 27c orders take out 28c?

10-04-2008, 06:26 PM
Great to see URA with a bit of good news. Hope it continues and holders are rewarded for their heroic perseverance!

10-04-2008, 06:29 PM
Great to see URA with a bit of good news. Hope it continues and holders are rewarded for their heroic perseverance!

I spoke too soon :confused:

Someone decided to take the 27c & run!

Hector the real news we are still awaiting!

10-04-2008, 07:09 PM
I spoke too soon :confused:

Someone decided to take the 27c & run!

Hector the real news we are still awaiting!

Still holding ady shasta?

10-04-2008, 07:45 PM
Still holding ady shasta?


Um...er isn't Uran & Otto doing well :D

10-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Just for you ;)

7 April 2008

Agreement to Proceed in Ukraine

Meetings were held in Kiev on 3rd and 4th April with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, at which a plan was agreed to carry forward evaluation and development of the Novogurevskoye and Surskoye uranium projects. A timetable for completion of data exchange, data review, and finalisation of a joint venture activity agreement has been established.

The political situation in Ukraine has stabilized with the appointment late in 2007 of a new Government. The Government has strongly expressed its intention to encourage foreign investment in uranium exploration and mining. The Minister has issued a decree ordering the Ministry to prepare the conditions for such foreign investment and these conditions have been sent to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval. Uran Limited expects to receive and accept the conditions during April 2008.

The ministry has been authorised to expedite implementation of Uran’s interests under a previously announced protocol. Which allows Uran to complete a final feasibility study of the Novogurevskoye and Surskoye uranium projects. If the study is positive Uran and state uranium mining enterprise VostGOK will form an unincorporated joint venture to mine the deposits.

The parties plan to complete the exchange of technical information, and to finalise the joint venture activity agreement for Novogurevskoye and Surskoye, in April and May 2008. This will be followed by a visit to Australia by senior representatives of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and VostGOK.

Discussions are also underway on possible participation by Uran in other uranium exploration and mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large under ground Novoconstantinovskoye uranium mine.

10-04-2008, 08:45 PM
Just for you ;)

7 April 2008

Agreement to Proceed in Ukraine

Meetings were held in Kiev on 3rd and 4th April with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, at which a plan was agreed to carry forward evaluation and development of the Novogurevskoye and Surskoye uranium projects. A timetable for completion of data exchange, data review, and finalisation of a joint venture activity agreement has been established.

The political situation in Ukraine has stabilized with the appointment late in 2007 of a new Government. The Government has strongly expressed its intention to encourage foreign investment in uranium exploration and mining. The Minister has issued a decree ordering the Ministry to prepare the conditions for such foreign investment and these conditions have been sent to the Cabinet of Ministers for approval. Uran Limited expects to receive and accept the conditions during April 2008.

The ministry has been authorised to expedite implementation of Uran’s interests under a previously announced protocol. Which allows Uran to complete a final feasibility study of the Novogurevskoye and Surskoye uranium projects. If the study is positive Uran and state uranium mining enterprise VostGOK will form an unincorporated joint venture to mine the deposits.

The parties plan to complete the exchange of technical information, and to finalise the joint venture activity agreement for Novogurevskoye and Surskoye, in April and May 2008. This will be followed by a visit to Australia by senior representatives of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and VostGOK.

Discussions are also underway on possible participation by Uran in other uranium exploration and mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large under ground Novoconstantinovskoye uranium mine.

Thanks for that Strat :cool:

10-04-2008, 09:35 PM
thanks strat and shasta i reall y appreciate that.

good news all round. looking forward to more of it. at this stage, there is no chance of me parting with any of my holdings. if it spikes above 50c i may offload a few but even that would be hard consideringthe possibilities. i see alot of upside from here.

11-04-2008, 12:19 PM
finally made an inital purchase of URA today, have been putting off all week now, kicking my self for not getting in on it early this week.. hopefully ive brought just before she blows open :cool:

11-04-2008, 12:34 PM
finally made an inital purchase of URA today, have been putting off all week now, kicking my self for not getting in on it early this week.. hopefully ive brought just before she blows open :cool:

Plenty of time to get in Remy, i doubt we will get the details of the JV etc until May.

Uran will fly when the size of the deposits are known & are to JORC standard

11-04-2008, 04:04 PM
Hi Shasta,

Wondering if you can give us a summary of what needs to happen from now for Uran to get JV on the deposits. Also potentially what can stop us from being successful. I know this is a bit of a silly question, it's like how long is a piece of string, but I just want to know in general terms what is Uran's chances of getting JV on the deposit. Thank you.

11-04-2008, 04:32 PM
Hi Shasta,

Wondering if you can give us a summary of what needs to happen from now for Uran to get JV on the deposits. Also potentially what can stop us from being successful. I know this is a bit of a silly question, it's like how long is a piece of string, but I just want to know in general terms what is Uran's chances of getting JV on the deposit. Thank you.

Do you mean the deposits we already have (under the protocol), or the large deposit Uran has been invited to make a proposal on? (Please dont ask me to spell those deposits, see earlier posts!)

Uran & VostGok will have commenced (or be about to start) drilling the 2 smaller deposits to verify the size of the resource to JORC standard.

NB, They arent drilling assay holes like an explorer, but shoring up the resource to JORC standard, this won't take very long at all.

Then we should get all the finer details on the terms of the JV, as well as the tonnage, grades, depth etc. I'm expecting this all to happen by the end of May, but should be sooner IMO.

Regarding the existing protocol, Uran will be sucessful, albeit on a small production scale, this is however JUST the start.

On the large deposit Uran has been invited to make a proposal on, well this is huge & would put Uran on par with say Paladin, as the size of this deposit is supposed to be 50,000 - 100,000T.(111m - 222m lbs) :eek:

Uran will need to find other equity partners to fund the 50% (assume VostGok the other 50%). Uran's best bet to secure this project is to retain a 15 - 20% stake & farm out say 30 - 35% in exchange for a free carry to BFS*.

* Bankable Feasibility Studies

The mere fact Uran has been "invited" to make a proposal does not indicate they will get this project (especially given the size of it), but it does look good for future JV's with VostGok.

Uran's first mover advantage & persistence looks like it may finally pay off in Ukraine.

11-04-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for that shasta.

I was asking for the deposits that we have under the protocol ie. the smaller ones. Wondering what sort of tonnage are we looking at for these deposits? It's great to see some interest back in this stock again. As I said previously, happy to hold for 2 years if I have to. Will not sell, unless they go bankrupt!!!

Personally, I am not sure if URAN will get the large deposits. It's too big and think they would give it to the bigger boys. But then again, I live to hope that they can pull it off!!!

An interesting read as well.

http://news.monstersandcritics.com/business/news/article_1398907.php/Australian_ore_extraction_firm_to_develop_uranium_ in_Ukraine

11-04-2008, 05:00 PM
Thanks for that shasta.

I was asking for the deposits that we have under the protocol ie. the smaller ones. Wondering what sort of tonnage are we looking at for these deposits? It's great to see some interest back in this stock again. As I said previously, happy to hold for 2 years if I have to. Will not sell, unless they go bankrupt!!!

Personally, I am not sure if URAN will get the large deposits. It's too big and think they would give it to the bigger boys. But then again, I live to hope that they can pull it off!!!

PS: Novogurevskoye and Surskoye are the big deposits??? What is the name of the smaller deposit??

The tonnage on the two smaller deposits (that you have correctly named above) is likely to be IMO around 5,000T, or 11m lbs.

Novoconstantinovskoye is the large deposit. (Cant you tell by its name :D)

Uran may/may not get this project, but they won't "give it away" either.

I'm assuming that VostGok will do 50/50 JV's, with the other party(ies) having to fund the Capex.

On smaller deposits say < 10,000T the "U" majors won't be interested in JV's, however Uran is, & we have the working relationship with VostGok.

Notice from the recent ann, VostGok & co are coming to Australia!

11-04-2008, 05:03 PM
On the large deposit Uran has been invited to make a proposal on, well this is huge & would put Uran on par with say Paladin, as the size of this deposit is supposed to be 50,000 - 100,000T.(111m - 222m lbs) :eek:
Hi Shasta,
I read that to mean the consortium is vying for 50&#37;, not Uran alone so no % stated. See below

Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the large under ground Novoconstantinovskoye uranium mine.

Huang Chung
11-04-2008, 06:30 PM
Shasta....at the risk of asking you to repeat yourself, can you detail exactly what Uran has to offer the Ukranians (et al)?

Is it skills in mining, project management, plant design, processing, etc. Do they have current employees with these skills? (and I'm not talking about the Board here). I seem to recall they lost their geo recently.

I'm struggling to see why a tiny company from Oz holds the key, when countries of the former Soviet Union would (I imagine) have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to U, not to mention a host of Western producers.

11-04-2008, 07:40 PM
Shasta....at the risk of asking you to repeat yourself, can you detail exactly what Uran has to offer the Ukranians (et al)?

Is it skills in mining, project management, plant design, processing, etc. Do they have current employees with these skills? (and I'm not talking about the Board here). I seem to recall they lost their geo recently.

I'm struggling to see why a tiny company from Oz holds the key, when countries of the former Soviet Union would (I imagine) have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to U, not to mention a host of Western producers.


Ok, excluding the Directors, ie Ross Kennedy (ex Paladin) & Wolf's environmental mining background.

Uran's management!

Kate Hobbs is apart of the Australian Nuclear Association & has a Uranium exploration background.

Tomas Vana is ex Timex Zdice (theres your Czech angle), & Joe Cucuvara has decades of business experience in the countries Uran are looking at.

Don't forget Michael "The Snake" Kiernan has previous Ukraine connections via CSM.

Have a look at some of the consultants they have onboard (esp the Ukrainian fella).

Basically what Uran has to offer is mostly under wraps via Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, its there connections that paved the way, i dont know all the people involved in Discovery Minerals so cant tell you about it.

Uran intends to use ISL mining, so its not rocket science for the Ukrainians/Czechs/Kazaks etc to utilise the technology.

Despite this the Czechs have a poor recovery rate with Rozna & have left nuclear waste "lying" around in Pribram...(lack of funds?)

Remember these CIS/EU countries cannot fund Uranium exploration/mining themselves as per there constitution so they need foreign investment.

The U majors, BHP etc arent interested in non controlling stakes in small deposits, & selling at a discount to these Governments, however Uran is!

Uran is the only foreign company to obtain a protocol over Uranium deposits in Ukraine, all thanks to our consultant!

Ask yourself, why is no one else interested in the Czech Republic?

Uran has a good relationship with Diamo (CR), same as they do with VostGok (Ukr), so its us having the right people to get a foot in the door.

These Governments want self sufficiency with there energy needs & won't sell/give up large Uranium deposits for a major to sell into the open market

This whole concept "sold" me into Uran, they are different to all the other U explorers & have the first mover advantage i guess!

Proofs in the pudding, so they havent achieved much as yet...

Huang Chung
11-04-2008, 09:08 PM
Cheers Shasta.;)

11-04-2008, 09:33 PM
there isnt much selling at the moment. so i would imagine alot of it is a few traders makin a few small $$$. my guess is, if we get another ANN that confirms things even more, or if we get the resource, these offers in the 20's wont last too long.

i think alot of people stil thinkin the SP will go lower so they can scoop some up. which is still possible, but not as likely this time.

my advice (DYOR) would be if you arent holding and want a piece of the action, your time may be running out to get in. at these levels anyways.

again i could be wrong. DYOR.

11-04-2008, 09:47 PM
Cheers Shasta.;)


You looking at buying some?

A Uranium & Tungsten play, lol :D

Huang Chung
11-04-2008, 09:57 PM

You looking at buying some?

A Uranium & Tungsten play, lol :D

Mate, as you know, I'm up to my eye-balls in tungsten! :D

I'll be keen to see if URA can now start making a few runs.

12-04-2008, 02:08 AM
Thought this might be of interest, I know there are a lot of us very bullish about this stock, but this is a translated version of an article that was written in Ukranian shows that we don't have it easy.

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://pro-consulting.com.ua/news/2008/04/10/avstralijtsy_obogas__16295.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=6&ct=result&prev=/search&#37;3Fq%3Duran%2Blimited%26start%3D10%26hl%3Den %26lr%3D%26sa%3DN%26as_qdr%3Dd

3DdThe company Uran Ltd (Australia), together with "VostGOKom" is going to develop two uranium deposits in the Dnepropetrovsk region. She said that the agreement should be signed in the coming month. The experts were not inclined to see for the future of these statements, but suggest that the intentions of themselves can only benefit both sides.
Минтопэнерго Uran Ltd and the company in meetings April 3-4, agreed the outline of the study, evaluation and development Novogurevskogo Surskogo and uranium deposits. This Uran Ltd said that the agreement on a joint "with the DPP East mining and coal washing plant" the development will be signed in April-May 2008, during the visit of representatives of Ministry of Fuel and Energy "and" VostGOKa. At the same time, to discuss the participation of the parties in the Australian uranium and other research projects in Ukraine. At this time, Uran Ltd is preparing a proposal for participation in the development Novokostiantynivka (Kirovohrad region.), And hopes to share in 50%.
"On the part of the Australian company it is a very bold statement," - said the Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Yuri Nedashkovsky. He also said that negotiations with Uran Ltd albeit occurred, but at the highest ministerial level were not. Department of Nuclear Energy and the nuclear industry from the agency declined to comment.
Uran ltd in December 2006, signed a protocol of cooperation with the DPP and the "Eastern" reported readiness to begin work on Novogurevskom Surskom fields and even last year, but before an agreement on joint action case never came. The company is unprofitable, and its losses grow: in 2005, they amounted to $ 261.2 thousand, in 2006 - $ 352.6 thousand Despite this, she declares ambitious goal - to develop uranium deposits in the former Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. But after the recent statements about the company's cooperation with Ukraine, which occupies sixth place on the stocks of uranium and zirconium in the world, Uran Ltd shares on the Australian stock exchange, according to Bloomberg, rose by 23% - to $ 0.24.
Experts believe that Australians are unlikely to be able to realize their ambitions. Most likely, these varied demonstration of the search for potential partners would use the Ukrainian side in negotiations with the Russian company TVEL "rising" about nuclear fuel. According to the data of "Energoatom", in the past year, its value has risen by 30%, and in 2008 is projected - by 20%. Given the interest of the Russian side in our uranium holdings, it could become an additional trump card in the upcoming pogodba price of the resource. Among other foreign companies to develop uranium deposits in recent times has also shown a strong interest "KazahAtomProm", in summer 2007, purchased a 10% stake in Westinghouse - an American company, which "Energoatom" signed a contract for the supply of nuclear fuel (630 TVS).
Market analysts point out that, in a way, Ukraine highly profitable competitive conditions created around its uranium deposits, and this advantage should be as used government. As previously reported "and" director of the Institute of Energy Research Konstantin Borodin: "The dynamics of the price of uranium enables him to anticipate the value of annual growth of at least 30% over the next ten years. Uranium production has not kept pace augmented for the construction of new nuclear power plants in the world. Consequently, in the coming years is expected deficit uranium concentrate in the marketplace. " These factors should encourage Ukraine to increase production of uranium and accelerate their own production of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants.

14-04-2008, 12:14 PM
Wow you're all over the show, mate.

one minute you're so optimistic you're asking about when this stock will get to $10-20, the next minute you're saying everyone should dump?

Some of the comments are a bit worrying especially the deputy minister for fuel and energy saying that it was a bold statement to try and get 50&#37; of that new mine. However (someone correct me if I'm wrong), WE had never even heard of anything to do with this mine until they mentioned they were looking at it, so AFAIK it wasn't one of the things we were expecting (was it?).

Also the article doesn't really make much sense, they seem to hinge this being an ambitious goal on the losses the company has been making, even though these losses were incurred to try and get a project like this one. Then they mention some Russian company which I'm not sure how it relates? Possibly it was lost in translation: Experts believe that Australians are unlikely to be able to realize their ambitions. Most likely, these varied demonstration of the search for potential partners would use the Ukrainian side in negotiations with the Russian company TVEL "rising" about nuclear fuel.

14-04-2008, 12:30 PM
Some of the comments are a bit worrying especially the deputy minister for fuel and energy saying that it was a bold statement to try and get 50&#37; of that new mine. However (someone correct me if I'm wrong), WE had never even heard of anything to do with this mine until they mentioned they were looking at it, so AFAIK it wasn't one of the things we were expecting (was it?).
.You are dead right there Axion. This is something new.

As to the overall sentiment behind the article ( not easy to define as the translation is poor ) the comment about URAs financial status made me wonder about the agenda behind the article too. I would like to know where it was sourced from

14-04-2008, 12:45 PM
You are dead right there. This is something new.

As to the overall sentiment behind the article ( not easy to define as the translation is poor ) the comment about URAs financial status made me wonder about the agenda behind the article too. I would like to know where it was sourced from

Uran have a protocol which the Ukrainian Government have signed & will honour.

I wouldn't pay to much attention to that article, Yulia Tymoshenko DOES NOT want the Russians playing any part of Ukraines drive for self sufficiency.

Yes, the undertaking for a proposal on the large U deposit is new, maybe VostGok thinks Uran can get partners in on this for them?

But, why would Uran do this unless they either had the support of VostGok or had been "invited" to do so?

Remember part of the reason the Czechs arent so accommodating is due to Uran's low ball & considered "insulting" offer for Rozna.

Please remember there are alot of articles written by protesters against ANY U mining, so they do come across as bias.

Many of these protester groups 'go away", when given is money.

14-04-2008, 12:57 PM
I have decided to pull out with a 40% loss.

14-04-2008, 01:10 PM
I have decided to pull out with a 40&#37; loss.We all have to accept our mistakes from time to time and pull the plug but Im somewhat bewildered by your timing Deano

14-04-2008, 01:21 PM
I have decided to pull out with a 40% loss.


No one would be using a 40% stop loss, so why the need to sell?

If you need the funds or have other targets, then i wish you well.

As Strat said, now is simply not the time to be selling Uran.

In fact you dont have long before you wont get any under 30c again.

Please DYOR

14-04-2008, 01:38 PM

In fact you dont have long before you wont get any under 30c again.

lol at everyone jumping on the bandwagon...

if thats still the case, looks like some good buying oportunites today

14-04-2008, 07:17 PM
I wouldn't pay to much attention to that article, Yulia Tymoshenko DOES NOT want the Russians playing any part of Ukraines drive for self sufficiency.


Correct Shasta...I would be very surprised if russia took any part in Ukraines drive towards self sufficiency...They are not exactly on good terms especially after they got stopped from entering into NATO.

Also to dump your shares now seems crazy....Not everthing you read is the truth especially when the press is involved.

14-04-2008, 09:49 PM
uberspec says: re-reading this...... I would say there goes URAN. Probably a good to to jump ship and cut your losses.

I notice everyone has been very quiet after the recent post... I guess the news is sinking in.
Yesterday 10:34 PM
uberspec says ok... this is a really bad sign for investors.............

haha they are the funniest posts i have ever read. its a poorly translated article from god knows where, and you think that we should all jump ship just when the ukraine agreement has been honoured? haha you are kidding yourself.

40% loss now? cant say i understand your timing but hey, good luck., u may prove us all wrong.

i still cant beleive people are dumping this company. read the announcements. its as simple as that. then look at the market cap. doesnt get much simpler.

15-04-2008, 12:01 AM
read the announcements. its as simple as that. .That would be announcement as in the singular, right Scorp? Theyre not all that big on informing the market down at URA:D:D:D

The Big Ease
15-04-2008, 12:30 AM
perhaps some of you can read up on russia's bargaining tactics.

15-04-2008, 02:24 PM
perhaps some of you can read up on russia's bargaining tactics.

The Big Ease

You will be well aware then of how Russia once cut Ukraines gas, over an unpaid bill.

Ukraine realised they were getting screwed with increasingly high gas prices from the Russians & thats why the PM has instructed Parliament to pave the way for self sufficieny, they simply do not want to be held to ransom by the Russians ever again.

Since then, the Ukraines have NO trust with the Russians

Nb, Ukraine has now been admitted into the NATO

15-04-2008, 10:38 PM
nah i meant announcements as in plural.

sure highly speculative but i like what i read. i like the kazakh ann from a while back and like the exploration permits and even the tungsten ann.

plenty to keep an eye on. IMO now is the worst time to sell. if i was going to i would have late last year. but def not after the ukraine ann. this baby could just be heating up

16-04-2008, 10:15 AM
nah i meant announcements as in plural.

sure highly speculative but i like what i read. i like the kazakh ann from a while back and like the exploration permits and even the tungsten ann.

plenty to keep an eye on. IMO now is the worst time to sell. if i was going to i would have late last year. but def not after the ukraine ann. this baby could just be heating up


Whilst we know there are further anns to come (Uran have already spelt that out), it all depends IMO how they release them & what publicity they can generate. (ie, we want a Trading Halt)

I dont have much confidence in Purple Communications to do the job.

small fish
16-04-2008, 08:48 PM
Management need to release a bit of a blinder to flush out all the stale bulls, and lets face it there is a big dose of them. If it doesn't have much substance we'll probably spike up and then everyone will start to bail. I too have little confidence in purple communications based on the history, but to fair they have not had a lot to work with. I for one will be looking to sell all my original oppies, would love 60 cents but I feel the best we can expect is 150% gain on the heads so hopefully the share price will build in anticipation.

17-04-2008, 02:46 PM
Management need to release a bit of a blinder to flush out all the stale bulls, and lets face it there is a big dose of them. If it doesn't have much substance we'll probably spike up and then everyone will start to bail. I too have little confidence in purple communications based on the history, but to fair they have not had a lot to work with. I for one will be looking to sell all my original oppies, would love 60 cents but I feel the best we can expect is 150% gain on the heads so hopefully the share price will build in anticipation.

Smallfish & others

To my mind Kate has done her job, now its up to Pat Ryan to do his.

Does anyone know why he was appointed?

To raise funds!

Thats his job & what we need from here is;

1. A price sensitive ann explaining the terms of JV contract with VostGok

2. Ann with tonnage, grades, depth etc & JORC resource

3. Ann highlighting the potential value, along with investor/broker presentations

4. By then we should have the interest required for a capital raising, i hope they dont do a placement. (Perhaps AIM/TSX listing?)

I hope Uran are proactive & get Purple Communications to head up an extensive marketing/awareness campaign.

How they do the above will impact the potential upside in Uran, if its not done right first time, the market may largely overlook Uran.

We should get a brief update in the quarterly but it wont help the SP.

18-04-2008, 08:38 PM
glad someone bought back up today. finished flat. good enough for me.

whats your timeframe for more ann.s shasta?

22-04-2008, 02:25 PM
glad someone bought back up today. finished flat. good enough for me.

whats your timeframe for more ann.s shasta?

lol as i dont work for Purple Communications i dont know.

We are due some news out of the Czech Republic most likely this week, this should be separate from the quarterly.

Re Ukraine - we could get more news anytime???

Of course don't rule out more leftfield anns....:rolleyes:

Knowing what Uran are like, they'll probably announce they have a JV in a Goldmine :D

22-04-2008, 02:29 PM
lol as i dont work for Purple Communications i dont know.

We are due some news out of the Czech Republic most likely this week, this should be separate from the quarterly.

Re Ukraine - we could get more news anytime???

Of course don't rule out more leftfield anns....:rolleyes:

Knowing what Uran are like, they'll probably announce they have a JV in a Goldmine :D

I heard rumours they were in negotiations with NASA for a JV to mine some moon rock.

22-04-2008, 03:00 PM
I heard rumours they were in negotiations with NASA for a JV to mine some moon rock.mmmm, transport of the ore could prove costly and unreliable.

24-04-2008, 12:33 PM
waiting for annoucements from URA is like watching paint dry.........Paint tends to dry much faster :rolleyes:

24-04-2008, 12:45 PM
waiting for annoucements from URA is like watching paint dry.........

Uran is not for the impatient!

I've been waiting since Jan 07 for the Ukraine ann!

All good things for those who wait!

Keep up the patienta folks...

We may get the quarterly today, & have some nice reading for the long weekend!

29-04-2008, 05:41 PM
Threads been abnormally quiet.

No comments on quarterly anyone?

29-04-2008, 06:02 PM
Threads been abnormally quiet.

No comments on quarterly anyone?Havent seen it. It wasnt up on Direct Broking half an hour ago which is the last time I looked.

29-04-2008, 07:45 PM
Ohh uberspec....almost clever - but falling over at the finish line.

29-04-2008, 09:17 PM
we already oknw everything in there. although there was some great hints about multiple uranium projects in the ukraine.

30-04-2008, 01:40 PM
we already oknw everything in there. although there was some great hints about multiple uranium projects in the ukraine.

Ok so the market is still skeptical on Uran & rightly so.

The ann was good without containing the finer details i'd like to see.

Don't get why the SP is falling, who is selling? :confused:

Scorp - as always its nice to see someone else has joined the dots in re Ukraine.

VostGok & Uran are working together on more than just the 2 deposits we know about...

IMO its only a matter of time until we learn about "other" projects.

I'd be happier if Uran walked out of the Czech Republic now, it must be the most hostile environment to work with in the Western World!

Its no wonder NO ONE ELSE wants in there, the Environmental Minister is a law unto himself & not even the majors will get projects there...

Funny thing is, Diamo WANTS Uran to keep trying, why?

Am looking forward to the next ann due out in May.

URA currently at 21c, but for how much longer? :rolleyes:

30-04-2008, 01:50 PM
URA currently at 21c, but for how much longer? :rolleyes:Mmm. URA would be quite tradeable if it wasnt for the fact they are so unreliable at keeping to any kind of timeline. I tend to jump in and out of the stocks I hold but unfortunately URA is only predictable in hindsight and when it does go for a little run usually for no real apparent reason Im left afraid of jumping off just in case the big one comes out just after. Its also a bit too iliquid to play with but pehaps if I had treated URA the same way I have treated NSL I could made some coin. Down to break even again for me :(

30-04-2008, 01:58 PM
Mmm. URA would be quite tradeable if it wasnt for the fact they are so unreliable at keeping to any kind of timeline. I tend to jump in and out of the stocks I hold but unfortunately URA is only predictable in hindsight and when it does go for a little run usually for no real apparent reason Im left afraid of jumping off just in case the big one comes out just after. Its also a bit too iliquid to play with but pehaps if I had treated URA the same way I have treated NSL I could made some coin. Down to break even again for me :(

I dont trade Uran for that very reason, they have a habit of leftfield anns when no one expects them.

They also tend to disappoint on anns that have previously been flagged.

I know Uran are aware that shareholders do not like the way they present there anns.

I have been reassured by Kate, this is something they have taken onboard.

I expect the series of anns in relation to the Ukraine JV, will be "managed" in such a way as to gain massive exposure...

They know they have one chance to do this right & awaken the market!

30-04-2008, 02:03 PM
my average on uran is 28c :( i know its a lot better than some of you people on here but hopefully next month will be well over the 30c mark for us shareholders

30-04-2008, 02:07 PM
my average on uran is 28c :( i know its a lot better than some of you people on here but hopefully next month will be well over the 30c mark for us shareholders

My average is still 36c, even after buying more at 19c a while back!

Im not fazed, we get the green light in Ukraine & we will be north of $1 in a heartbeat...

We have a market cap somewhere around $A12m, with just over $3m cash.

The multibagger "potential" is scary :eek:

30-04-2008, 02:12 PM
its because this 'TURD' called uran LTD is just struggling to be a floater... it looks this turd is about to hit the bottom of the bowl.Thats a very emotional response there Uberspec. Your posts do tend to be hard left or hard right with no in between. Perhaps all or nothing plays are not for you.

30-04-2008, 02:34 PM
Thats a very emotional response there Uberspec. Your posts do tend to be hard left or hard right with no in between. Perhaps all or nothing plays are not for you.

As ive said many times on this thread, Uran is extreme high risk, v potentially high reward, BUT only for those who are patient!

For those who have joined the dots already, you know what lies ahead...

Alot of the mystery surrounding Uran will be revealled this quarter IMO.

As always please DYOR :)

small fish
30-04-2008, 06:17 PM
Mmm. URA would be quite tradeable if it wasnt for the fact they are so unreliable at keeping to any kind of timeline. I tend to jump in and out of the stocks I hold but unfortunately URA is only predictable in hindsight and when it does go for a little run usually for no real apparent reason Im left afraid of jumping off just in case the big one comes out just after. Its also a bit too iliquid to play with but pehaps if I had treated URA the same way I have treated NSL I could made some coin. Down to break even again for me :(

Pretty much sums up why we rode this down from the highs. This will also be an issue after this next announcement, with my average URAO 45c do i take some off the table knowing there could be another announcement at anytime which I think will get it really moving.

Shasta you mention Uran and Kate are aware shareholders are unhappy with the release of their announcements, this is music to my ears, hopefully this can be rectified shortly.

30-04-2008, 08:19 PM
21c SP is puzzling to me. i mean i can understand a slight bit of skepticism but the market is still factoring in that the company will be insolvent soon at this market cap.

has no one read any of the announcements? nothing is 100% confirmed but it is close enough one would think that people would be buying into this story at such a low price.

the only reason i am not buying more is because i am carrying large losses on certain other stocks, and only just bought RPM which i am more than happy with. especially my timing (origin takeover etc etc)

but again, URA is a no brainer to me. buy now, and in time, whether it be tomoro or the end of the year, the return on your money will be incredible. its as if the rest of the market is blind. isnt anyone else even curious?

obviously this is my opinion and you should DYOR but read the ukraine announcement again people.

if that isnt worth more than a $12 million market cap, i will never know what is.

there are IT companies going no where with a larger market cap, than this highly probable uranium PRODUCER. seems simple black and white stuff to me.

30-04-2008, 08:38 PM
21c SP is puzzling to me. i mean i can understand a slight bit of skepticism but the market is still factoring in that the company will be insolvent soon at this market cap.

has no one read any of the announcements? nothing is 100% confirmed but it is close enough one would think that people would be buying into this story at such a low price.

the only reason i am not buying more is because i am carrying large losses on certain other stocks, and only just bought RPM which i am more than happy with. especially my timing (origin takeover etc etc)

but again, URA is a no brainer to me. buy now, and in time, whether it be tomoro or the end of the year, the return on your money will be incredible. its as if the rest of the market is blind. isnt anyone else even curious?

obviously this is my opinion and you should DYOR but read the ukraine announcement again people.

if that isnt worth more than a $12 million market cap, i will never know what is.

there are IT companies going no where with a larger market cap, than this highly probable uranium PRODUCER. seems simple black and white stuff to me.Hi Scorp. I think you need to consider the SP along with the volume being traded. Fact is no body is really buying or selling. The last spike could be put down to internet chat sites alone. There are only a few people playing and I suspect as time lines get extended people give up or get scared off.

This is not a no brainer. Its an all or nothing spec play and the odds of it going pear shaped are very high. Bottom line is they need a deal and without it the price will wander from 15c to 30c and back again on a turnover of a few thousand shares.

30-04-2008, 09:12 PM
21c SP is puzzling to me. i mean i can understand a slight bit of skepticism but the market is still factoring in that the company will be insolvent soon at this market cap.

has no one read any of the announcements? nothing is 100% confirmed but it is close enough one would think that people would be buying into this story at such a low price.

the only reason i am not buying more is because i am carrying large losses on certain other stocks, and only just bought RPM which i am more than happy with. especially my timing (origin takeover etc etc)

but again, URA is a no brainer to me. buy now, and in time, whether it be tomoro or the end of the year, the return on your money will be incredible. its as if the rest of the market is blind. isnt anyone else even curious?

obviously this is my opinion and you should DYOR but read the ukraine announcement again people.

if that isnt worth more than a $12 million market cap, i will never know what is.

there are IT companies going no where with a larger market cap, than this highly probable uranium PRODUCER. seems simple black and white stuff to me.

The share market are not meant to be as simple as black and white. Otherwise, we will all be millionaires. For every losers, there are winners and so forth. So, money are being transferred from every transaction. Every holder of a company stock always see blue sky with their purchase. That's why they purchase it in the first place.

And when they sell a stock, they want to see it go down. If they go against their decision, they go on tilt. The very aim is to ignore these common sins. It happens and the market is always right at the time.

30-04-2008, 09:28 PM
For every losers, there are winners and so forth. So, money are being transferred from every transaction.

the market is always right at the time.

The share market isn't a zero sum game. Everyone can be made better off (assuming in general the market goes up). (e.g someone buys share for $1, sells at $2, that persons a 'winner', but that doesn't make the buyer a 'loser', since the stock could continue to increase.)

Meh, I'm being taught this efficient market hypothesis stuff at the moment, and I find it hard to believe. You're essentially saying the market can't be beaten, so what are you doing here?

Huang Chung
30-04-2008, 10:42 PM
Meh, I'm being taught this efficient market hypothesis stuff at the moment, and I find it hard to believe. You're essentially saying the market can't be beaten, so what are you doing here?

Amazing that they're still peddling that rubbish.....it was all the rage when I did my finance subjects in the early 80s. Would have thought our tertiary institutions would have moved on by now.

Warren Buffett once said... "I'd be a bum on the street with a tin cup if the markets were always efficient."

30-04-2008, 10:51 PM
Haha. I actually think a lot of academics disagree with it (Personally I can't see how any thinking person can agree with it), but the problem is that it has woven itself into the basis of other theory.

Just like how in economics every model assumes the people in it are acting 100&#37; rationally. Even though this doesn't happen.

I think they rule Warren out by saying he's a "black swan" event. I tread an essay by Warren completely destroying EMH. It was mainly him profiling other value investors who have consistently beaten the market. He then states that if he is a black swan, why are all the people he grew up with black swans too. Which obviously goes against the definition of black swans.

01-05-2008, 12:24 AM
Hi Scorp. I think you need to consider the SP along with the volume being traded. Fact is no body is really buying or selling. The last spike could be put down to internet chat sites alone. There are only a few people playing and I suspect as time lines get extended people give up or get scared off.

This is not a no brainer. Its an all or nothing spec play and the odds of it going pear shaped are very high. Bottom line is they need a deal and without it the price will wander from 15c to 30c and back again on a turnover of a few thousand shares.

i disagree with the no brainer part. i beleive it is a no brainer, i just think that the market is ignoring the stock. for what reason i have no idea. this stock has alot more to offer than it did when it was $1.50. sure things were said at the time, butthings are becoming much more real now...

and not even a decent spike, or gradual upswing... i am not saying markets are perfect or blah blah blah. but hell, i have the right to question what i beleive to be ridiculous. and i think this is ridiculous. if this stock ever runs, i will be proven right.

if they fall off the map, well then hey i will eat my words. hold me to that

01-05-2008, 02:13 AM
i disagree with the no brainer part. i beleive it is a no brainer, i just think that the market is ignoring the stock. for what reason i have no idea. this stock has alot more to offer than it did when it was $1.50. sure things were said at the time, butthings are becoming much more real now...

and not even a decent spike, or gradual upswing... i am not saying markets are perfect or blah blah blah. but hell, i have the right to question what i beleive to be ridiculous. and i think this is ridiculous. if this stock ever runs, i will be proven right.

if they fall off the map, well then hey i will eat my words. hold me to that

I don't think the share price is ridiculously low at all.... URAN don't own anything of value, they don't generate any revenue, they've got a history of not delivering on promises. Their transparency and attitude towards shareholders is poor.

Sure, they've got potential and what looks to be imminent projects, but given their history the market needs something tangible before we're going to see a big increase in the shareprice.

I hold URA and I bought quite a bit more after the recent announcement re Ukraine but it's still a very risky play IMO.

The Big Ease
01-05-2008, 05:19 AM
Amazing that they're still peddling that rubbish.....it was all the rage when I did my finance subjects in the early 80s. Would have thought our tertiary institutions would have moved on by now.

Warren Buffett once said... "I'd be a bum on the street with a tin cup if the markets were always efficient."

couldnt agree more!

01-05-2008, 09:59 AM
i disagree with the no brainer part. i beleive it is a no brainer, i just think that the market is ignoring the stock. for what reason i have no idea. this stock has alot more to offer than it did when it was $1.50. sure things were said at the time, butthings are becoming much more real now...

and not even a decent spike, or gradual upswing... i am not saying markets are perfect or blah blah blah. but hell, i have the right to question what i beleive to be ridiculous. and i think this is ridiculous. if this stock ever runs, i will be proven right.

if they fall off the map, well then hey i will eat my words. hold me to that
Hi Scorp,
Just so we are on the same wave length from the git go a "No Brainer" Implies there will be a guaranteed positive outcome and the reasons for this are obvious to anyone.

Do you agree thats what a no brainer is?

The market is ignoring the stock as you say and that alone proves its not a no brainer. The company is further along than it was when it was $1.50 but at that time the SP was spiking on speculation and the belief that MK was telling the truth. He wasnt and the market is hard on companies with a history that includes not telling the truth. Yes I know it is open to debate whether it was lies or misguided enthusiasm but the market perceives it as the former IMO.

How can you say you will be proven right if the stock runs? Thats the same as saying that a flipped coin always lands heads and never tails then flipping a coin and if it lands heads you are proven right.

The bottom line IMO is URA is perceived as a dog by the market and Corran summed up the reasons why nicely. Only a real deal will change that. Im playing the chance they can pull it off but have no illusions about their chances.

Im still lookin for that elusive no Brainer by the way and if I find one that doesnt involve insider knowledge ( not that anyone is likely to share that with me )I will let you know.

01-05-2008, 01:38 PM
Amazing that they're still peddling that rubbish.....it was all the rage when I did my finance subjects in the early 80s. Would have thought our tertiary institutions would have moved on by now.

Warren Buffett once said... "I'd be a bum on the street with a tin cup if the markets were always efficient."Forget efficient, I reckon the market behaves more like a teenager in love :D

01-05-2008, 02:31 PM
I don't think the share price is ridiculously low at all.... URAN don't own anything of value, they don't generate any revenue, they've got a history of not delivering on promises. Their transparency and attitude towards shareholders is poor.

Sure, they've got potential and what looks to be imminent projects, but given their history the market needs something tangible before we're going to see a big increase in the shareprice.

I hold URA and I bought quite a bit more after the recent announcement re Ukraine but it's still a very risky play IMO.


You have raised a very valid point, Uran actually does have something of value, its just the market perception is always going to be skeptical until it sees JORC figures & cashflows...

The 2 Uranium deposits are worth mega bucks to Uran.

The Tungsten subsidiary, is merely a Plan "B" should the Uranium plays fold.

BTW, Uran are aware of there poor communication, expect to see a vast improvement in this in the future.

01-05-2008, 09:59 PM
Hi Scorp,
Just so we are on the same wave length from the git go a "No Brainer" Implies there will be a guaranteed positive outcome and the reasons for this are obvious to anyone.

Do you agree thats what a no brainer is?

The market is ignoring the stock as you say and that alone proves its not a no brainer. The company is further along than it was when it was $1.50 but at that time the SP was spiking on speculation and the belief that MK was telling the truth. He wasnt and the market is hard on companies with a history that includes not telling the truth. Yes I know it is open to debate whether it was lies or misguided enthusiasm but the market perceives it as the former IMO.

How can you say you will be proven right if the stock runs? Thats the same as saying that a flipped coin always lands heads and never tails then flipping a coin and if it lands heads you are proven right.

The bottom line IMO is URA is perceived as a dog by the market and Corran summed up the reasons why nicely. Only a real deal will change that. Im playing the chance they can pull it off but have no illusions about their chances.

Im still lookin for that elusive no Brainer by the way and if I find one that doesnt involve insider knowledge ( not that anyone is likely to share that with me )I will let you know.

STRAT firstly i would like to say that alot of this is just difference of opinion. so i dont want to put forward my opinion as if it is fact.

to me a no brainer doesnt mean a guarantee. and as i said, for me URA is a no brainer. obviously we have different ideas on what that is. Risk? yes? potential? yes? market has ignored all that URA has announced. i can see alot of upside from here, whilst the rest of the market continually sells this stock down to nothing, whilst in MY OPINION an announcement should be imminent. And i beleive that an announcement is on its way (as i have been lead to beleive by management and previous ann.s) thats what makes it a no brainer. you cannot have a company that pulls off what they are about to (again i am beleiving that they will) with a market cap like this.

Me being proven right cannot be compared to flipping a coin... flipping a coin is a 50/50 gamble. no education... no announcements or guidance. and no progressive reports, and no valuation. just 50/50. URA's announcements thus far and there potential is something that i cannot ignore... and i find it amazing that the rest of the market still does. therefore people who continually say this stock will fail blah blah or it deserves a market cap of $12 million to this day(i mean really come on) will only be right if URA fails. people such as SHASTA and myself will be right if they pull off whatthey say they are in the process of acheiving.

again all MY OPINION. The market is a law unto itself, and i understand that. But that doesnt mean that i have to agree with it.

01-05-2008, 10:15 PM
STRAT firstly i would like to say that alot of this is just difference of opinion. so i dont want to put forward my opinion as if it is fact.

to me a no brainer doesnt mean a guarantee. and as i said, for me URA is a no brainer. obviously we have different ideas on what that is. Risk? yes? potential? yes? market has ignored all that URA has announced. i can see alot of upside from here, whilst the rest of the market continually sells this stock down to nothing, whilst in MY OPINION an announcement should be imminent. And i beleive that an announcement is on its way (as i have been lead to beleive by management and previous ann.s) thats what makes it a no brainer. you cannot have a company that pulls off what they are about to (again i am beleiving that they will) with a market cap like this.

Me being proven right cannot be compared to flipping a coin... flipping a coin is a 50/50 gamble. no education... no announcements or guidance. and no progressive reports, and no valuation. just 50/50. URA's announcements thus far and there potential is something that i cannot ignore... and i find it amazing that the rest of the market still does. therefore people who continually say this stock will fail blah blah or it deserves a market cap of $12 million to this day(i mean really come on) will only be right if URA fails. people such as SHASTA and myself will be right if they pull off whatthey say they are in the process of acheiving.

again all MY OPINION. The market is a law unto itself, and i understand that. But that doesnt mean that i have to agree with it.Its cool Scorp. I was just chewing the fat and trying to rationalize your post. Not trying to convert you or anything. Hell, we are both making the same play.;)

01-05-2008, 10:38 PM
agreed. we both want the same outcome.

i think i am just sick of the type of people that want to talk about Fortescue after it hit $80 a share, but wouldnt touch them when they were $2 a share. same company with the same future. sure things could have gone wrong along the way but these people say "oh damn i could have bought those at $2... i was going to i swear"

rubbish. i think people should put their money where there mouth is and i hope the day comes where i can say that i beleived in URAN for 2 years, and stuck with the story then was rewarded.

thats all i want. thats what i want for all my fellow URA holders and beleivers.

STRAT and Shasta i hope that day comes soon. i have a feeling about MAY. could be BIG!!!

02-05-2008, 12:54 PM
agreed. we both want the same outcome.

i think i am just sick of the type of people that want to talk about Fortescue after it hit $80 a share, but wouldnt touch them when they were $2 a share. same company with the same future. sure things could have gone wrong along the way but these people say "oh damn i could have bought those at $2... i was going to i swear"

rubbish. i think people should put their money where there mouth is and i hope the day comes where i can say that i beleived in URAN for 2 years, and stuck with the story then was rewarded.

thats all i want. thats what i want for all my fellow URA holders and beleivers.

STRAT and Shasta i hope that day comes soon. i have a feeling about MAY. could be BIG!!!

Have you been in contact with Kate?

I too reckon May holds some goodies instore for Uran...

02-05-2008, 12:56 PM
Have you been in contact with Kate?

I too reckon May holds some goodies instore for Uran...

Didnt see the ann out, seems i may have been wrong about the Czech Republic.

This is positive for Uran, lets hope Diamo keeps supporting them!

02-05-2008, 01:16 PM
Didnt see the ann out, seems i may have been wrong about the Czech Republic.

This is positive for Uran, lets hope Diamo keeps supporting them!
Seems someone at URA has been listening with regard to getting info into the public arena ;)

The bit that made me laugh was the fact it took Westinghouse 8 years to negotiate a deal. And we thought URA were slow :D

02-05-2008, 01:21 PM
Seems someone at URA has been listening with regard to getting info into the public arena ;)

The bit that made me laugh was the fact it took Westinghouse 8 years to negotiate a deal. And we thought URA were slow :D

The 2nd part re Ukraine is worth reading a couple of times...

I'd actually ignore the 1st bit re Czech Republic, thats not going to happen short term.

02-05-2008, 05:36 PM
Huh? What's negative about the announcement?

The only negative bit from what I can see is that it took another company 8 years to get anywhere.

Or.. maybe I'm missing someone and I'm tired from my back-to-back exams and assignments this week.

uberspec, stop being so hyperbolic with your replies (in both direcections). It's not 18c and sinking, infact the current bid is above 18c.

02-05-2008, 05:45 PM
wow, the market didn't like the ann.... 18c and sinkingMate, 160k shares traded. A more accurate assessment would be the market ignored that ann.

02-05-2008, 10:31 PM
Found this article concerning the Czech Republic.

Czech town knocks back Aussie uranium company PRINT FRIENDLY EMAIL STORY
PM - Thursday, 24 April , 2008 18:46:00
Reporter: David Weber
MARK COLVIN: A town in the Czech Republic has rejected an Australian mining company's request to explore for uranium.

The Pribyslav Town Council has turned down the request from Uran, despite its offer of a cash incentive.

Uran had been trying to gain local support, after the Environment Ministry turned down the company.

David Weber reports.

DAVID WEBER: Uran has applied for exploration permits for an area near Pribyslav, which is believed to hold rich uranium deposits.

Uran's Managing Director Kate Hobbs says the Czechs have experienced Soviet-style operations, which led to considerable environmental damage.

KATE HOBBS: The old mining practices in the North of the country left quite significant environmental problems and there still are very large waste dumps of quite radioactive material remaining which are huge expense for the government to rehabilitate and make safe.

So yes, I can understand their wariness. Uran is taking the view that this is a long term process that will require a lot of community consultation and education and we are carrying that process out and have been doing for nine months.

DAVID WEBER: And the proposal is for some finance to be going to the town council?

KATE HOBBS: It's not exactly finance. You'll find it's very common, especially in areas where you're working close to communities that mining companies make contributions to communities and that's all we've done. We've given them a set of outlines of how we would work with communities and it covers a lot more than money.

It covers how we would consult with them on traffic and noise and dust abatement and things like that. But it also envisages a fairly small actually community contribution during exploration and a still fairly modest one during mining.

DAVID WEBER: What are some of the disturbances that the people of Pribyslav could be facing?

KATE HOBBS: In the Czech Republic we wouldn't be doing any trenching. We would envisage doing diamond drilling to infill existing there and as most people in Australia would know that's a fairly short-term process; you go in, you do your drilling, you cap it, cover it, recede it and when you go away really there's little or no evidence that you've been there in agricultural and grazing land.

But the people in the Czech Republic aren't as familiar with this process and when uranium mining was carried out at Brzkov in the past, there was no consultation and no reassurance, so they are once bitten twice shy.

DAVID WEBER: What principles is Uran guided by in a situation like this; the local laws of the land or Australian standards?

KATE HOBBS: We will always meet the local laws but we think that in many cases Australian standards are higher and where they are, we undertake to meet Australian standards, or indeed best practice.

DAVID WEBER: Uran also has interests in the Ukraine.

It's one of several companies based in Australia either looking for or exploiting uranium deposits in former Soviet republics, and in Africa.

Kate Hobbs says South America is also promising a bright future for Australian miners.

KATE HOBBS: In beginning this company my view was that not only was Australia high sovereign risk for uranium but that, the largely very early stage exploration ground for uranium tended to be expensive too for what it was. So we thought there was a much better return for our dollar in some other parts of the world. Now this is not necessarily a strategy that's readily understood by the Australian investor.

DAVID WEBER: So it might even be the case that if uranium mining was allowed for instance in Western Australia, the opportunities are better overseas?

KATE HOBBS: You've only got to look at the success that Paladin's having in Namibia and in Malawi and I think there will be more other such successes. One of the most exciting areas for uranium at the moment is in South America in the Macusani region.

But I think that Ukraine has a great story to unfold in uranium. They have some extremely large resources, which are partly defined and in some cases fully defined.

DAVID WEBER: The uranium price is high at the moment, is Australia missing out?

KATE HOBBS: Well Australia is the world's second-biggest producer of uranium, the question is could we and should we be producing more now? My view is yes, I think it's our opportunity to contribute to a cleaner form of energy.

I think that the really high uranium prices in this cycle might stand up for perhaps 10 years and I think things that aren't in production then will start to experience price falls as probably many more mines will come on line.

DAVID WEBER: The Managing Director and founder of the Uran company Kate Hobbs speaking to David Weber in Perth.

02-05-2008, 10:34 PM
"But I think that Ukraine has a great story to unfold in uranium. They have some extremely large resources, which are partly defined and in some cases fully defined".

I Like this part of the Article :)

02-05-2008, 11:24 PM
"But I think that Ukraine has a great story to unfold in uranium. They have some extremely large resources, which are partly defined and in some cases fully defined".

I Like this part of the Article :)Hi ScrappyO,
Yeah , Ive read that. I think there is a link to it a little further back down the thread. Dont hold me to that though I may have seen it somewhere else.

05-05-2008, 09:29 PM
absolutely ridiculous. boys... i am gonna buy what people will sell me under 20c tomoro.

may ann is imminent. just a shame we are gonna start from this point... again. instead of early 30's...

05-05-2008, 10:24 PM
yeh agreed, making a pretty big loss on uran atm my gut feeling tells me these are going for a song but i cant afford to loose any more $$ incase they do you to 12-15c

05-05-2008, 10:33 PM
yeh agreed, making a pretty big loss on uran atm my gut feeling tells me these are going for a song but i cant afford to loose any more $$ incase they do you to 12-15c

The Czech news is old, & was found on the internet before Uran bothered to release it.

Forget the Czech Republic in the short term, Ukraine is the company maker.

If you go back & read the last few anns re Ukraine, notice the pattern?

Scorp - i wish i had more funds, Uran sub 20c is a screaming buy :eek:

08-05-2008, 11:51 PM
Hello to Shasta, scorp57 and others

I wish to share with you some news that has come to my attention. I do not intent to post this on any other forum.

Next month, there will be a uranium conference in South Australia.


The following topic sounds interesting doesnt it?

Novokonstantinovskoye Metasomatite Type Uranium Deposit
Y Bakarzhiyev

Now, according to Uran's announcement dated 23 August 2006 (see link)


Uran has appointed a Mr A Bakarzhiyev (I gather Y Bakarzhiyev is blood related to A Bakarzhiyev) as a consultant to assist in negotiations.

Do you think Kate has anything to do with organising this presentation at the conference...and if so, why?

Will Uran secure an interest at Novok before this conference?

Has anyone checked to see if Kate is currently in Australia or overseas at the moment?

Food for thought.

09-05-2008, 01:00 AM
Hey SP3.

good spot on that link! your research reminds me of Shasta's invaluable insight into what this company has to offer.

sounds very interesting and i am sure that one day all these connections will be made between uran and these uranium deposits and the people they have working for them.

just gotta keep the faith.

oh one question for you all.

If the Ukraine projects get confirmed and secured, will the market still ignore Uran?

09-05-2008, 01:24 AM
"If the Ukraine projects get confirmed and secured, will the market still ignore Uran?"


I hope not!!

It all depends how Uran sell these projects. Will they announce both at the same time or individually? Will they provide details about the deposits? Will they give timeframes when developments will take place such as commencement of Feasibility Studies, mining etc.? Will they advise the market how much its going to cost Uran to develop these deposits and HOW they intend to fund these deposits? Will they mention Discovery and how many shares will be issued? Will they mention the joint venture arrangement terms with Vostgok? Will they do roadshows following the acquisitions? Will the media jump the bandwagon and promote these acquisitions?

As you can see scorp57, it all depends how much information they release to the market at the time of announcement that will determine the impact the announcement will have on the share price.

I doubt Uran will detail all the above in one announcement...

In all honesty, I dont believe Uran will be ignored once they have a tangible project....particularly a project/s that are imminent production opportunities.

I dont know how the market will react initially, but I am confident that once all the details are announced, and the green light is given to mine the deposits, then I expect a serious re-rating.

09-05-2008, 10:21 AM
Hello to Shasta, scorp57 and others

I wish to share with you some news that has come to my attention. I do not intent to post this on any other forum.
. Welcome SP3,but I have to ask what did we do to earn this privilage? :eek:

09-05-2008, 10:49 AM
Uran's website is currently down... I do remember they mentioned officials from Ukraine would be visiting Australia later in the year. Perhaps this will be timed to co-incide with the conference. If so an announcement can only be 1-2 months away max.

09-05-2008, 01:20 PM
"If the Ukraine projects get confirmed and secured, will the market still ignore Uran?"


I hope not!!

It all depends how Uran sell these projects. Will they announce both at the same time or individually? Will they provide details about the deposits? Will they give timeframes when developments will take place such as commencement of Feasibility Studies, mining etc.? Will they advise the market how much its going to cost Uran to develop these deposits and HOW they intend to fund these deposits? Will they mention Discovery and how many shares will be issued? Will they mention the joint venture arrangement terms with Vostgok? Will they do roadshows following the acquisitions? Will the media jump the bandwagon and promote these acquisitions?

As you can see scorp57, it all depends how much information they release to the market at the time of announcement that will determine the impact the announcement will have on the share price.

I doubt Uran will detail all the above in one announcement...

In all honesty, I dont believe Uran will be ignored once they have a tangible project....particularly a project/s that are imminent production opportunities.

I dont know how the market will react initially, but I am confident that once all the details are announced, and the green light is given to mine the deposits, then I expect a serious re-rating.

Hi SP3

Nice to have you on this forum, will certainly raise the bar, having you over here!

I posted a while back that Uran really only has one shot at getting it right with the release of future details re Ukraine.

If its "managed" properly for maximum impact, with roadshows, investor presentations etc, then i expect a serious re-rate.

I'm just not overly confident that Purple Communications will get it right!

09-05-2008, 01:23 PM
Hello to Shasta, scorp57 and others

I wish to share with you some news that has come to my attention. I do not intent to post this on any other forum.

Next month, there will be a uranium conference in South Australia.


The following topic sounds interesting doesnt it?

Novokonstantinovskoye Metasomatite Type Uranium Deposit
Y Bakarzhiyev

Now, according to Uran's announcement dated 23 August 2006 (see link)


Uran has appointed a Mr A Bakarzhiyev (I gather Y Bakarzhiyev is blood related to A Bakarzhiyev) as a consultant to assist in negotiations.

Do you think Kate has anything to do with organising this presentation at the conference...and if so, why?

Will Uran secure an interest at Novok before this conference?

Has anyone checked to see if Kate is currently in Australia or overseas at the moment?

Food for thought.

Sounds like Kate might be drumming up support for future funds to mine the deposit!

10-05-2008, 01:49 AM

The Ukrainians will be coming to Australia next month...I assume they will be attending the conference as well.


Im fed up spoon feeding the Uran thread on HC with information/analysis etc. Apart from about 5-6 regular posters, the rest are non-contributors who just want to receive information and not provide any. After reading some of the posts on this site, I found this community friendlier than HC and better educated.

I think the uranium sector id about to turn the corner. I have a watchlist of about 28 uranium stocks, and today 18 finished up, 5 were steady and the remaining 5 finished in the red.

10-05-2008, 12:22 PM

Im fed up spoon feeding the Uran thread on HC with information/analysis etc. Apart from about 5-6 regular posters, the rest are non-contributors who just want to receive information and not provide any. After reading some of the posts on this site, I found this community friendlier than HC and better educated.

.So Datsun 240zed finally wore you down eh? Although he made some fair and valid points from time to time he so much reminds me of a friends annoying toy dog which relentlessly nips at the heels of anyone who goes to visit. I suspect if you stop posting on HC he will come looking for you

Perhaps you could entice some of the other contributors over with you

11-05-2008, 02:47 AM
So Datsun 240zed finally wore you down eh? Although he made some fair and valid points from time to time he so much reminds me of a friends annoying toy dog which relentlessly nips at the heels of anyone who goes to visit. I suspect if you stop posting on HC he will come looking for you

Perhaps you could entice some of the other contributors over with you

No. Not at all. I am just tired of preaching to the converted on the URA thread. Unless URA makes an announcement, new investors will not read the URA thread - hence its pointless repeating the same story over and over again.

11-05-2008, 10:25 AM
This is an interesting little company. Currently it is too risky in my books, but have it on my watch list and waiting on the sideline. Thanks for the good posts.

Crypto Crude
11-05-2008, 04:21 PM
you are a legend...
retire from HC and post here...

12-05-2008, 01:03 AM
The following is a post from "Satori" from HC which was posted today on the general uranium thread. I think it is an excellent summary of where to from here.
SP3 and others

Uran is a little more than a 'darkhorse'

This month expect developments and news of acquisitions in Ukraine.
Next month in June the Uranium conference may be a further catalyst for shareprice appreciation once the Novok presentation is delineated....particularly if Uran announces developments on that front before the conference.

A market cap of around $10 million with at least 2 deposits in Ukraine with around 5000 K of uranium earmarked for production within 6-9 months of acquisition suggests a higher valuation....much higher.

Add to that the current consortium Uran is hoping to arrange for the Novok mine in Ukraine at least 20 times bigger than the 2 above projects and you have a serious opportunity to be catapulted into the realms of producer within the next 12 months.
On top of that, in Ukraine alone, 'other' opportunities are in the mix for Uran.

For those looking for a cheap entry into the uranium market (and a 10 million market cap for a company negotiating in at least 6 countries suggests its cheap) Uran is worth further investigation and research.

Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, US, Czech are all countries Uran is focusing on....particularly breaking into Czech where it clearly has longer term networks and connections and first mover advantages and 'favouritism' with current negotiations.

Imo the best smaller entry re potential % gains in 2008...and...with real relationships and acquisitions focused on advanced projects and near term production opportunities.

Uran has had a hard road the last 12 months inparticular with a number of delays/political impediments.
Management are yet to promote this and to delineate details.
With projects on board shortly, management are intent to hit the circuit.

However one mustnt overlook the pioneering efforts Uran has made into the ex Soviet countries in gaining important networks and real opportunities to gain an incumbent position in an industry where barriers to entry are only going to get harder.

In other words, its an opportunity for those looking for real speculative plays with real production possibilities....

at a price that doesnt value current negotiations and imminent acquisitions in Ukraine.

An opportunity.

12-05-2008, 05:30 PM
The following is a post from "Satori" from HC which was posted today on the general uranium thread. I think it is an excellent summary of where to from here.
SP3 and others

Uran is a little more than a 'darkhorse'

This month expect developments and news of acquisitions in Ukraine.
Next month in June the Uranium conference may be a further catalyst for shareprice appreciation once the Novok presentation is delineated....particularly if Uran announces developments on that front before the conference.

A market cap of around $10 million with at least 2 deposits in Ukraine with around 5000 K of uranium earmarked for production within 6-9 months of acquisition suggests a higher valuation....much higher.

Add to that the current consortium Uran is hoping to arrange for the Novok mine in Ukraine at least 20 times bigger than the 2 above projects and you have a serious opportunity to be catapulted into the realms of producer within the next 12 months.
On top of that, in Ukraine alone, 'other' opportunities are in the mix for Uran.

For those looking for a cheap entry into the uranium market (and a 10 million market cap for a company negotiating in at least 6 countries suggests its cheap) Uran is worth further investigation and research.

Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, US, Czech are all countries Uran is focusing on....particularly breaking into Czech where it clearly has longer term networks and connections and first mover advantages and 'favouritism' with current negotiations.

Imo the best smaller entry re potential % gains in 2008...and...with real relationships and acquisitions focused on advanced projects and near term production opportunities.

Uran has had a hard road the last 12 months inparticular with a number of delays/political impediments.
Management are yet to promote this and to delineate details.
With projects on board shortly, management are intent to hit the circuit.

However one mustnt overlook the pioneering efforts Uran has made into the ex Soviet countries in gaining important networks and real opportunities to gain an incumbent position in an industry where barriers to entry are only going to get harder.

In other words, its an opportunity for those looking for real speculative plays with real production possibilities....

at a price that doesnt value current negotiations and imminent acquisitions in Ukraine.

An opportunity.

We must be due some news ex Czech Republic soon, ie outcome of Brzkov + the other appeal & Pribram?

Still its whats happening in the Ukraine the market is waiting for.

Cant believe there are still sellers around the 20c mark.

12-05-2008, 07:47 PM
Things are hotting up in Uzbek. This development is a breakthough for foreign investors (including Uran). Im not suggesting Uran will acquire anything but atleast the Uzbek government is now welcoming foreign mining companies into their country.


12-05-2008, 07:54 PM
Things are hotting up in Uzbek. This development is a breakthough for foreign investors (including Uran). Im not suggesting Uran will acquire anything but atleast the Uzbek government is now welcoming foreign mining companies into their country.


Nice find SP3

I kept telling Satori not to forget about Uzbekistan!

Hopefully its not as bad as Kazakhstan to do business in

12-05-2008, 09:25 PM
its a good read.

i would hope that kate has already been well aware of this or perhaps even was part of the conference.

Uran are innovative enough to jump on an oppurtunity like that.

I still think the market is waiting for some solid progress untill they trust URA again.

OR.... perhaps the market is cynical of "the market" appreciating Uran's future developments?
i mean as Shasta said, there is still a seller at 21c? we could possibly get news any day now, and someone is still willing to sell their Uran shares for 20c?

i have more faith in the company, than the market on this one.

12-05-2008, 09:26 PM

Kate has never said that Uzbek was written off. All she's said is that things are moving slowly. Maybe this is the breakthrough. I wonder if she will be going to Uzbek...currently she is overseas, but not sure where.

Maybe Integra may also get involved in Uzbek?

It appears that Uzbek is just as advanced as Ukraine in terms of foreign investment in mining.

12-05-2008, 10:05 PM
I don't know if you've all seen this as it is old news, I came across it today whilst researching other minerals:


Looks like other auzzie companies are getting a slice of Ukraine resources (KOR:gold). Not quite the same as uranium in regards to public acceptance etc. but shows the Ukraine is def open to forigen investment in small projects.

12-05-2008, 10:20 PM
I don't know if you've all seen this as it is old news, I came across it today whilst researching other minerals:


Looks like other auzzie companies are getting a slice of Ukraine resources (KOR:gold). Not quite the same as uranium in regards to public acceptance etc. but shows the Ukraine is def open to forigen investment in small projects.

Nice find Sman

Since the election Ukraine have opened up to foreign investment, but they are still feeling there way thru there own legislation & developing policies on there own minerals.

Uran got in there first, & thats where our advantage lies...

SP3 - I always thought of Uzbek as plan "b" or 2009/10 possibility.

If Integra is still operating then perhaps this may still be a viable lead?

Anyone actually know where Kate is?

The Big Ease
13-05-2008, 06:43 AM
i have said my piece about this thread and i do wish you guys well, sincerely.
but it seems to me that this stock always seems to be 18 months away from something, without ever nailing anything.

my point being; have you guys thought about how much longer you are willing to persist holding URA if it doesnt deliver financial results? are you willing to hold out until 2009/2010 in the absence of a signed commercial deal ratified by the govt?

thats alot of time to tie up your capital when youve got tremendous near term opportunities elsewhere.

like i said, i do wish you guys well. just curious about your outlook and patience.

13-05-2008, 07:14 AM
i have said my piece about this thread and i do wish you guys well, sincerely.
but it seems to me that this stock always seems to be 18 months away from something, without ever nailing anything.

my point being; have you guys thought about how much longer you are willing to persist holding URA if it doesnt deliver financial results? are you willing to hold out until 2009/2010 in the absence of a signed commercial deal ratified by the govt?

thats alot of time to tie up your capital when youve got tremendous near term opportunities elsewhere.

like i said, i do wish you guys well. just curious about your outlook and patience.Actually my patience is wearing very thin indeed. So in answer to your question, not much longer.

13-05-2008, 09:33 AM
i have said my piece about this thread and i do wish you guys well, sincerely.
but it seems to me that this stock always seems to be 18 months away from something, without ever nailing anything.

my point being; have you guys thought about how much longer you are willing to persist holding URA if it doesnt deliver financial results? are you willing to hold out until 2009/2010 in the absence of a signed commercial deal ratified by the govt?

thats alot of time to tie up your capital when youve got tremendous near term opportunities elsewhere.

like i said, i do wish you guys well. just curious about your outlook and patience.

I bought into Uran purely for the Ukraine projects (ie the fundamentals).

Until these change, then i am happy to sit & wait.

Any issues or problems with securing the project & im gone at a loss :(

13-05-2008, 12:08 PM
like i said, i do wish you guys well. just curious about your outlook and patience.

My patience is getting a bit thin, but I don't think we can explicitly blame them for Ukraine's political situation for most of last year. Although, as I've said before, they should have known there were likely to be problems, and they shouldn't have been so optimistic off the bat.

13-05-2008, 12:59 PM
Looking a bit more at KOR (Small gold project in Ukraine) it seems they have faced similar delays in the Ukraine as URA and the shareprice has followed a similar path. They forecast mining to commence around Sept-Oct '07 and now (7-8 months later) are only just finalising details of the venture. Not looking to commence mining until late this year now. It appears delays have been faced with all in the Ukraine and by the sounds of it the poor management at KOR have not helped much either.

13-05-2008, 08:34 PM
the way i see it, the SP's were running hot when they were production hopeful, then took a battering.

now we are once again hopeful and the SP haven't moved. good oppurtunity to buy into URA for the 6-9 months.

things will get sorted eventually. could be any day now.

Shasta, do u know if Kate is in Ukraine at the moment?

13-05-2008, 09:16 PM
the way i see it, the SP's were running hot when they were production hopeful, then took a battering.

now we are once again hopeful and the SP haven't moved. good oppurtunity to buy into URA for the 6-9 months.

things will get sorted eventually. could be any day now.

Shasta, do u know if Kate is in Ukraine at the moment?

No, & i don't think she's going just to Ukraine either.

Think she might be off to the Czech Republic too, will try to confirm this

15-05-2008, 12:37 AM
The following article is a new development and in my opinion a VERY SIGNIFICANT development for Ukraine.

Anyone willing to join the dots?

Apr. 28, 2008Print | E-mail | Home Russia, Ukraine to Agree on Nuclear Fuel by Year-End
Russia plans to complete by this year-end the negotiations with Ukraine under the new 15-year contract for the nuclear fuel supplies to the nuclear plants of the country, said Rosatom Deputy General Director Nikolay Spassky.
“Current contracts expire in 2010. The procedure for shaping a new contract is underway. It is the question of 15-year contract,” Spassky told the reporters on Monday.

Asked about the approximate date of completing negotiations with Ukraine, the official said that they hope to do it by this year-end but it could be longer actually.

15-05-2008, 01:33 AM
Refer to the following extract to get an idea how to value a company based on just 2.6K tonnes of uranium. Based on the 2 ukraine projects alone, URA is expected to have atleast 5K tonnes assuming they have 50% interest.

"Under the deal, KEPCO plans to secure a 50 percent stake in the Beck mine owned by Yellowcake Mining Corp, which has proven reserves of 5,000 tonnes of uranium and estimated reserves of 10,000 tonnes.

Over the weekend, a state-run nuclear company owned by KEPCO also signed a contract to secure 2,600 tonnes of uranium from Uzbekistan between 2010 and 2016, valued at about $400 million."


15-05-2008, 10:44 AM

As you know I have spent hundreds of hours on researching Uran over the last two years. I now believe I have full picture of what may be coming, it certainly will have the WOW factor and the corresponding impact on the share price if I am even half correct.

Here is a list of the type of company Uran should be keeping in six months time.


15-05-2008, 12:32 PM

Welcome to the friendly community. I think the NZ community will appreciate at least 2 of Uran's top 10 holders posting on this site.

I also believe that WOW factor will surprise everyone.

15-05-2008, 02:49 PM
No, & i don't think she's going just to Ukraine either.

g'day Shasta,

Indeed, yes you are correct, I have heard also that this trip will be a Multi-tour type visit.

Lets hope we finally get/hear something Concrete to nail this one up on the wall once and for good~!

15-05-2008, 03:11 PM
Geez Shasta you must be wettin yourself with the latest members on this thread LOL

Good Luck Holders

15-05-2008, 04:18 PM
Geez Shasta you must be wettin yourself with the latest members on this thread LOL

Good Luck HoldersExcellent there is now no reason for me to log onto HC ever again:D

15-05-2008, 05:14 PM
Geez Shasta you must be wettin yourself with the latest members on this thread LOL

Good Luck Holders

I think all those holding/following Uran should be appreciative to have the likes of SP3 & Cotik posting on here.

SP3 - I've previously worked some figures on this thread for what 5,000T or 11m lbs would be worth....

When you think Uran's on a market cap below $15m, the upside potential is scary :eek:

15-05-2008, 05:17 PM
g'day Shasta,

Indeed, yes you are correct, I have heard also that this trip will be a Multi-tour type visit.

Lets hope we finally get/hear something Concrete to nail this one up on the wall once and for good~!

Nice to see you back Drillfix, hope all is well.

The quarter ending 30 June is shaping up as a big one for Uran, especially in relation to Ukraine.

Scorp - There are a few more now in the same boat as us, having waited so long for the Ukraine situation to unfold!

15-05-2008, 05:19 PM
I keep joining the dots on this one from different directions and I get the same result.

A MC of $10M with almost $3M cash is now really crazy, anyway I am happy to keep adding to my collection.

Think I'll need a holiday after all this, coldest inhabited place on Earth sounds good.

15-05-2008, 05:20 PM
I keep joining the dots on this one from different directions and I get the same result.

A MC of $10M with almost $3M cash is now really crazy, anyway I am happy to keep adding to my collection.

Think I'll need a holiday after all this, coldest inhabited place on Earth sounds good.

That wouldn't be below the 24th level in the Rozna mine would it? :D

15-05-2008, 05:21 PM
Hope my comment wasnt taken the wrong way Shasta.
I think it is a testimony to this site that serious , knowledgable cross over.
My worry is the tripe follows
One for Vince aye

Welcome to Suntland

15-05-2008, 05:29 PM
Hope my comment wasnt taken the wrong way Shasta.
I think it is a testimony to this site that serious , knowledgable cross over.
My worry is the tripe follows
One for Vince aye

Welcome to Suntland

I'm familar with those seemingly in the know, any sign of rubbish & i'll get Vince involved :D

Certainly wasn't taken the wrong way...

I'm very bullish on Uran & nice to have some more onboard!

15-05-2008, 05:32 PM

Wrong way, I think it is getting warmer that deep.

I think you might need to re do you calcs in a couple of weeks. At the end of the day the blue sky on this stock could be worth more than the projects that are announced. :cool:

Where did the oppie seller go, I was just about to add to that 67K I picked up earlier?

15-05-2008, 05:56 PM

Wrong way, I think it is getting warmer that deep.

I think you might need to re do you calcs in a couple of weeks. At the end of the day the blue sky on this stock could be worth more than the projects that are announced. :cool:

Where did the oppie seller go, I was just about to add to that 67K I picked up earlier?

My last calculations were on post #618 for those that are interested.

First sign of any firm figures & i'll rehash them.

15-05-2008, 10:09 PM
Excellent there is now no reason for me to log onto HC ever again:D


Hi Strat,

Some of us have been suspended from HC and for the most pathetic reason.

As you probably know, I got suspended for Sassing the mods.

Although I did "sas" them, I couldnt figure out why I got Suspended 2 times which really upset me whilst I was on some far out medication. I then realised that a mod called Blues Dog suspended me again the second time because I had something written in my profile.

So in short, I was protesting using my Signature, but then totally forgot that I had another comment in protest in my profile, and it was that which BD suspended me.

(+ getting suspended for 21 days after a suspension of 14 days is RIDICULOUS, imo).
(there are to many other axxwholes who do much worst and get only 3 days in the can, very sick/Unfair moderation)

A total misunderstanding which is only a One Way street with "that site" which totally sux.

Anyways, not much happening in the URA thread over there anyways.

Perhaps somebody should Jog on over there and tell Satori to come on over here :D

Apart from that, I still am VERY unhappy the way this company (uran) have treated its shareholders, so it better bloody deliver, and soon so fingers X on this one~!

15-05-2008, 10:12 PM
shasta- It's nice to know that there are others out there that can read between the lines, and peice it all together. It amazes me how much information we have been given (either by URAN or yourself/sp3/satori/cotik etc), and even tothe point of having timelines of when announcements should be (although i don;t know if they will stick tothem haha) and still a MC of $11 million???????????

Boggles the mind it really does. I truly hope we can get to a point where we can say to others "You didn't think the SP would stay under a dollar for long did you?"

AHHHH how i wait for that day. Patience is the key, and not losing sight of what "WAS" possible, but is "NOW" probable as far as the Ukraine is concerned.

The greatest thing IMO if they can secure the 2 Ukraine projects, is watching the SP rise BUT also watching the other projects and developments over time unfold. I have said for a long time now, that one day, this company has the potential to be a truly great stock that many people will want to be a part of. I will be happy to be somewhat of a pioneer having bought over the last 18 months or so (i realise there are others that have been buying for much longer)

again it could all fall through blah blah blah. Let's not think about that unless it happens...

15-05-2008, 10:33 PM
this company has the potential to be a truly great stock that many people will want to be a part of.

Hi Scorp,

IMO, a truly great stock in my view actually must have Truly Great Management, which I feel this stock lacks as it has always lacked complete transparency and complete information or disclosure due to the many previous hush hush circumstances it has found itself in.

Other than that, it will be a truly great trade for those who either have waited long enough and eventually get the reward they sought, or for those whom timed its sensitive news down to a tee and get the quick hit IN/OUT reward.

Unfortunately, like many here, I am one of the 1st types...:rolleyes:

15-05-2008, 10:44 PM
same here, but my average is close to breakeven at these levels. a couple of cents...

potential in the future would mean that i couldnt part with my entire holding even if it raced to $1.

i would probably sell half and make a killing and let the other half go and watch the company (hopefully) blossom.

i agree with you bout management, but they can still prove us wrong if something is secured and they can spend more time informing us rather than trying to negotiate in foreign countries...although the latter is probably much more beneficial for us all anyways...

we shall see.

15-05-2008, 11:48 PM

Hi Strat,

Some of us have been suspended from HC and for the most pathetic reason.

As you probably know, I got suspended for Sassing the mods.

Although I did "sas" them, I couldnt figure out why I got Suspended 2 times which really upset me whilst I was on some far out medication. I then realised that a mod called Blues Dog suspended me again the second time because I had something written in my profile.

So in short, I was protesting using my Signature, but then totally forgot that I had another comment in protest in my profile, and it was that which BD suspended me.

(+ getting suspended for 21 days after a suspension of 14 days is RIDICULOUS, imo).
(there are to many other axxwholes who do much worst and get only 3 days in the can, very sick/Unfair moderation)

A total misunderstanding which is only a One Way street with "that site" which totally sux.

Anyways, not much happening in the URA thread over there anyways.

Perhaps somebody should Jog on over there and tell Satori to come on over here :D

Apart from that, I still am VERY unhappy the way this company (uran) have treated its shareholders, so it better bloody deliver, and soon so fingers X on this one~!Hi Drillfix.
Satori would be the last one standing :D Poor guy, theres nothin worse than waking up in the garden to find everyone else has left the party :eek:

I dont know much about HC but from what I have seen I reckon if they adopted moderation lets say, similar to ASF they would have 90&#37; of their membership either banned or standing on the naughty mat in the corner.

Anyway, anyone want to lay a wager on how long it takes Datsun 240z to turn up here? :D:D:D

Oh, and welcome all you ex copperites.

16-05-2008, 12:21 AM

Some of us came over to this site to discuss URA...not flame other posters. We definitely did not come here to discuss non URA related matters.

I think your last few posts have been very dissapointing.

16-05-2008, 11:57 AM
for those not up to speed here is something for you from earlier this Year.

As sp3 said join the dots you still have a few days....may be.


Uranium resources and mining

Ukraine has modest recoverable resources of uranium - 90,000 tU according to IAEA Red Book and 131,000 tU according to the Energy Ministry.

The Vostochny Uranium Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise (VostGOK) produces up to 800 tonnes of uranium per year - around 30% of the country's requirements. This is at two sites - Ingulska and Smolino - at Zholtye Vody in Dnepropetrovsk region. The main undeveloped deposits are Safonovskoye and Mikhailovskoye in Kirovograd region.

Ukraine is giving priority to boost uranium production and this involves opening the way for foreign investment. It expects to be producing 1400 tU/yr by 2010 and fully satisfy its domestic demand of about 2000 tU/yr by 2013.

The Novokonstantinovsk uranium project is being developed independently of VostGOK by the Novokonstantinov uranium development company, to produce up to 2500 t/yr by 2020. First production is expected late in 2008. Late in 2006, and reiterated in mid 2007, Russia's new Uranium Mining Company (UGRK) said it was keen to invest in developing the project.
In December 2006 Australian-based Uran Ltd agreed with Ukraine's Department of Fuel & Energy and VostGOK to carry out a feasibility study for ISL mining of the Surskoye and Gurevskoye uranium deposits in the east of the country, near VostGOK's existing operations.

Ukraine also has Zirconium resources.

16-05-2008, 12:25 PM

I havent as yet worked out why Diamo will be presenting at the International Uranium conference in SA next month. Have you?

The topic will be...

"The Czech Uranium Industry and the Environment
P Vostarek "

It might be worth attending.