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13-11-2007, 09:29 AM
I am holding mine, I am happy to wait 1-2 more years if I have to. Eventhough the current returns are minimal, I am happy to wait to hopefully get some positive announcement. I believe it will happen if we are patient enough, but will test us though.

13-11-2007, 03:33 PM
Joining those 'other bulls' and running Shasta!?

Hmmm am sooooooooo tempted, have been reading the Uran presentation from the AGM out today, & much of the same stuff from last year!

I seriously did not expect them to go into an AGM with NOTHING...

The height of great arrogance IMO.:mad:

Yes, ive sold down but not completely out!

When i compare URA to ADY, the management are a disgrace.

Fair call, im no longer a raging bull though, they need to secure & announce Ukraine before my sentiment will change, let alone the market!

13-11-2007, 08:52 PM
i interpreted the chairmans address as basically saying that the Ukraine will go ahead once the beaurecratic tape is lifted and although it is a slow process it is only a matter of time...

good enough for me... $15 million dollar company still with that much potential... haha it makes me laugh... i can be patient for years if i have to. i'm not goin anywhere...

13-11-2007, 09:09 PM
i interpreted the chairmans address as basically saying that the Ukraine will go ahead once the beaurecratic tape is lifted and although it is a slow process it is only a matter of time...

good enough for me... $15 million dollar company still with that much potential... haha it makes me laugh... i can be patient for years if i have to. i'm not goin anywhere...


Kate was saying back in October 2006, its just a matter time, signed by Dec 06, & in production by July 2007!

Discovery, ah yes well, they won't get as many shares now, funny that they havent done anything to earn them, so no EGM in Dec = more slippage, & i doubt they will meet my extremely generous personal deadline of 31 March 08.

Karilyn Farmer is able to provide JORC figures under the JORC code, so why havent they, the secrecy laws & declassification were released months ago?

Oh yes, the protocol we actualy signed is now no more than a trumped up MOU.

Pity Uran didnt see fit to disclose this stuff earlier. :eek:

13-11-2007, 09:12 PM
maybe so, but eventually, something will work out, where the company wont be valued at %15 million dollars anymore...

i dont care how long it takes, and all the other crap can keep happening and not impressing investors in the short term, but eventually it will come good. time will tell

13-11-2007, 09:40 PM
I agree with you Scorp. I am happy to wait too. May take 1 year, may take 2. I have waited over a year now, might as well.

13-11-2007, 09:45 PM
maybe so, but eventually, something will work out, where the company wont be valued at %15 million dollars anymore...

i dont care how long it takes, and all the other crap can keep happening and not impressing investors in the short term, but eventually it will come good. time will tell

If they don't come up with something soon the company will be worth less than $15m...

And at there current burn rate, they'll need more cash just to pay the salaries...

I dont have a short term view in Uran, ive believed in the concept during 2007, but when you invest in a company based on some rather large "promises" & some bold deadlines, & they don't deliver, you are entitled to ask the hard questions of them & receive answers, not excuses.

I laugh when i think a 10c increase in SP gets the ASX/ASIC's attention & a speeding ticket, yet a 80% slide in share price doesn't incur a single query.

Reading comments from the AGM, Pat Ryan did himself no favours & Kates style rubs everyone up the wrong way...

What is going to hold up the SP in the near term?

13-11-2007, 11:18 PM
I let a chunk go today. I believe the AGM if nothing else has served to demonstrate the time line we were all hoping for is no longer likely. Its seems apparent to me they will not have a deal by march and lucky to be a producer next year. While some of you have said you are happy to wait I for one dont want my money sitting idol or worse, depreciating for that length of time. The time it takes to realize capital gain is as important if not more than the size of the gain its self.

14-11-2007, 12:12 AM
Yeah, well it's the fact that funds could be being deployed elsewhere.

I would most likely have been in BOW if it hadn't been for URA.

Bugger that.

14-11-2007, 12:21 AM
Yeah, well it's the fact that funds could be being deployed elsewhere.

I would most likely have been in BOW if it hadn't been for URA.

Bugger that.BOW? :eek: seaosh I feeeeeel your pain. I missed it too:(

14-11-2007, 01:15 AM
fair enough, and i can understand everyones point of view. but let me just say again, i am holding...

shame about BOW, but possibly not too late yet.

17-11-2007, 10:19 PM
fair enough, and i can understand everyones point of view. but let me just say again, i am holding...

shame about BOW, but possibly not too late yet.

Well the good oil from those over in HC says the Ukraine Govt & ministers will be sworn in on/around Friday 23rd November.

The presidential decree that halted the formation of Ukratomprom has been overturned & Ukratomprom is now legally operational again.

With the right people now about to formally be sworn in & the last stumbling block seemingly removed, can we now expect an announcement late Nov/Dec?

Things can now move much quicker & we could hear sooner than we think.

Suggest those wanting to buy/top up do so this week just in case.

Might look to buy back those i sold if the SP doesnt hold above 30c...:eek:

18-11-2007, 10:54 AM
Shasta, good to finally hear some positivite news and even better to hear that you might get on board again. Fingers crossed, maybe some news before Christmas and if this snowball (even though its the wrong season!!) starts rolling, who knows it will take us to.

Q: Would this be a case where it would be difficult for URAN to get these eastern european countries to let them mine their mines, and if one country decides to let them in, will be a matter of time before the others join up as well?

18-11-2007, 12:31 PM
if this snowball (even though its the wrong season!!) starts rolling, who knows it will take us to.

It's winter in the Ukraine, Junior

18-11-2007, 02:03 PM
Shasta, good to finally hear some positivite news and even better to hear that you might get on board again. Fingers crossed, maybe some news before Christmas and if this snowball (even though its the wrong season!!) starts rolling, who knows it will take us to.

Q: Would this be a case where it would be difficult for URAN to get these eastern european countries to let them mine their mines, and if one country decides to let them in, will be a matter of time before the others join up as well?

Junior i only ever sold DOWN, i've NEVER been out of Uran, & vented my frustration with Uran taking nothng to the AGM.

In the cold light of day i may have overreacted & may buy back what i sold.

As for your question, Ukraine is thought to be the 10th biggest U producer in the world (although they do not disclose tonnage/grades, so could well be bigger), & the 2 protocols with Uran are the FIRST ever with a foreign company over Uranium, so the process has had to go to the highest level, and as you would have read, the secrecy provisions have largely been dropped.

Why Uran, quite simply the CIS countries are not allowed under EU law/there own constitution, to finance such projects themselves.

Many of the old closed mines & previously drilled exploration targets, didnt have the infrastructure in place & projects stopped, due to a low Uranium price at the time.

If we take Rozna as an example,

Rozna currently is Europes only operational U mine, & even this was due to close as the Uranium price at the time made exploration too expensive.

Now, Uran has made proposals to these CIS countries on utilising Australian "know how" & technologies to improve the recoverability factor & to assist with further exploration drilling to increase the known resource, using newer technology than was available in the 1970/80's.

With the Ukraine once we are in the door, we will get more projects as our relationship with Ukratomprom will mean we will partner them on more small to medium deposits (approx 2000T - 10000T in size id imagine).

We have the same kind of agreement/protocol being formed with Kazatomprom, the Kazakhstan Uranium agency, which leans to "other" projects down the line.

The whole gist of Uran really, is to go for the smaller size deposits that the big international players arent interested in & work in with the Govt agencies via JV's to sell back to the Govt & not the spot market!

Bold & brash, & no one else thought to do it like Uran, kinda why i liked them, the "little aussie battler" attitude, which will ultimately beat all other exploration companies into production...

I'll be picking URA in the 2008 comp...:D

18-11-2007, 09:02 PM
good to hear shasta.

the thing with a newly formed government is that i am sure they have alot of other worries, which means the URAN agreement may be well delayed, and already has been, but that's how it is, and like i have said many times, there is no way in the world, that i would not hold on and wait for it to rocket. it could be any day now... it could still be a while, who knows, but i am quietly confident it is comming...

18-11-2007, 09:04 PM
It's winter in the Ukraine, Junior

You're right sparrow, maybe the snow ball will roll then. Fingers crossed.

18-11-2007, 09:50 PM
good to hear shasta.

the thing with a newly formed government is that i am sure they have alot of other worries, which means the URAN agreement may be well delayed, and already has been, but that's how it is, and like i have said many times, there is no way in the world, that i would not hold on and wait for it to rocket. it could be any day now... it could still be a while, who knows, but i am quietly confident it is comming...

Any day, well im picking from Monday 26th onwards is where the volume will start increasing in anticipation...

As i see it, there are now no reasons stopping Ukratomprom & Uran from signing & announcing the JV?

Scorp - Dont worry about the Govt, we needed Ukratomprom up & operational & we have that.

The Orange Coalition is PRO Uranium, so no worries there!

19-11-2007, 09:21 PM
good to hear mate.

oh and i just wanted to officially crown you a genius, because of BOW. i missed out coz i sat on my hands, and wouldnt sell ZFX for $14.50 based on principal. what a joke...

19-11-2007, 09:23 PM
good to hear mate.

oh and i just wanted to officially crown you a genius, because of BOW. i missed out coz i sat on my hands, and wouldnt sell ZFX for $14.50 based on principal. what a joke...

Plenty more like that...;)

20-11-2007, 06:40 PM
Plenty more like that...;)

DOW drops & so do we, 25c ouch :eek:

On the upside i bought back some "cheap" Uran shares today :D

21-11-2007, 12:15 AM
haha same shasta. i was the 25.5c order. another huge chunk... but hey we are getting close i feel.

hey lucky we jumped out of PEM huh? was a good call in the end. since i said i was bearish on the zinc price it has fallen at least another 20%...no good for my ZFX but i am gettin rid of em... i know though that as soon as i do they will get taken over or somethin haha thats always the way.

The Big Ease
21-11-2007, 04:35 AM
lots of cheerleading going on in this thread.
to the point where some posters are "rationalising" the company's performance against their previously stated expectations, despite nothing new from the company itself. how long does one hold out for "the" girl to show up at a party, when there are so many others to dance with?

there are so many red flags from this company and only hope on the other side of the ledger.
who is to say that 'hope' is not worth 15 cents instead of 25 cents?

21-11-2007, 10:06 AM
Fair comments and Im out completely now, breaking even. I can tolerate the risk and appreciate the potential upside but the key point and you have made it is missing out on another to dance with. First chunk I let go of a few weeks back went into MHL which as luck would have it has been a good move. That said I will be keeping a close eye on the URA ball as best as one can with it being a secret ball and virtually invisible. Finger at the ready :D

21-11-2007, 06:12 PM
Fair comments and Im out completely now, breaking even. I can tolerate the risk and appreciate the potential upside but the key point and you have made it is missing out on another to dance with. First chunk I let go of a few weeks back went into MHL which as luck would have it has been a good move. That said I will be keeping a close eye on the URA ball as best as one can with it being a secret ball and virtually invisible. Finger at the ready :D

What, i say again, what? :eek:

I just looked up the definition of stupidity, & it said "who ever nearly sold me some Uran at 22c today!"

We are but a few days away & people are selling?????:confused:

Have bought back all i sold + a few more

Scorp - looks like its just us on this train :cool:

21-11-2007, 06:19 PM
lots of cheerleading going on in this thread.
to the point where some posters are "rationalising" the company's performance against their previously stated expectations, despite nothing new from the company itself. how long does one hold out for "the" girl to show up at a party, when there are so many others to dance with?

there are so many red flags from this company and only hope on the other side of the ledger.
who is to say that 'hope' is not worth 15 cents instead of 25 cents?

Fair not there The Big Ease...

This cheerleader has an excellent understanding of Uran, its people, & it's strategy in the CIS...i know the risks & am happy to take them.

Im in for Ukraine & Ukraine alone, the rest is a bonus for 2009 onwards.

Kate's not in Australia...:D

21-11-2007, 06:40 PM
What, i say again, what? :eek:

I just looked up the definition of stupidity, & it said "who ever nearly sold me some Uran at 22c today!"

:cool:I didnt sell em that cheap :eek: and the first and biggest chunk went into MHL at 3.2:D

21-11-2007, 06:48 PM
Good work Strat. I always want to buy stocks like that, not in huge amount of course. I guess I just have to do a bit of research on them.

I saw the post on RAU. Has gone 10 fold since Jul/Aug this year. What a sweet return for those in the know. I envy those that have bought and hold.

21-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Good work Strat. I always want to buy stocks like that, not in huge amount of course. I guess I just have to do a bit of research on them.

I saw the post on RAU. Has gone 10 fold since Jul/Aug this year. What a sweet return for those in the know. I envy those that have bought and hold.Dont envy anyone mate, people tend to post their success and not bother to mention their bad picks, me included. The ones you miss those like RAU, BOW and KAL are a perfect opportunity to study why you missed em and with a bit of work and luck you might get on the next one that goes off. I am learning and leaning more and more towards charting which is a wonderful graphic display of herd ( "herd" my Macdunk word for the day ) behaviour.

As to “in the know” there is a lot of luck involved too. High risk penny stocks can burn ya just as easy so you wouldn’t want to put your house on it. For me its just a bit of fun

21-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Good work Strat. I always want to buy stocks like that, not in huge amount of course. I guess I just have to do a bit of research on them.

I saw the post on RAU. Has gone 10 fold since Jul/Aug this year. What a sweet return for those in the know. I envy those that have bought and hold.


You realise you are already staring one of these "multibaggers" in the face?

When Uran goes into a TH, forget buying sub $1 once Ukraine is announced...

21-11-2007, 07:15 PM
How long do ya recon I have got Shasta to buy em back? :D I sold em at 28.5 by the way

21-11-2007, 07:39 PM
How long do ya recon I have got Shasta to buy em back? :D

Um thats the big question isnt it?

I'd be buying this week, we could hear something as early as Monday?

I'll be reading the Ukraine news in the weekend to see if theres anything mentioning Ukratomprom, as i believe there is a meeting due for this Friday.

I have a birthday coming up next week & who knows Uran may give me an early present!

21-11-2007, 08:26 PM
Shasta- i am still on board the train, but i am somewhat alarmed by the volume increase and sell of today. i am hoping there is nothing behind it, but having said that, i will never sell URA till i get my return on them. i dont care how long it takes...

i hope you are right about the announcement soon, however as i said, if it aint soon i dont care. its just annoying watching it fall and fall is all...

oh and i dont see it as a case of when is the pretty girl gonna turn up while there are others to dance with, because form my experience, you always jump out just before she arrives, and the other one you dance with ends up being the same old ordinary girl, or she leaves...

21-11-2007, 08:50 PM
Shasta- i am still on board the train, but i am somewhat alarmed by the volume increase and sell of today. i am hoping there is nothing behind it, but having said that, i will never sell URA till i get my return on them. i dont care how long it takes...

i hope you are right about the announcement soon, however as i said, if it aint soon i dont care. its just annoying watching it fall and fall is all...

oh and i dont see it as a case of when is the pretty girl gonna turn up while there are others to dance with, because form my experience, you always jump out just before she arrives, and the other one you dance with ends up being the same old ordinary girl, or she leaves...

See the sudden 2c drop just before the close?

Someone is parked up at 18c & is trying to manipulate the SP to drop to get them!

Whether its legal or not is questionable, but its a great tree shaking exercise just hope its a genuine buyer...

I don't understand it myself, its crazy selling when the AGM itself spells it out!

Senior Management will be relocated when...? :eek:

Disc: Shasta only dances with pretty girls :D

21-11-2007, 10:07 PM
All these conspiracy theories on the price action.

If someone really knew a deal was in the bag I doubt they'd be worried about a cent here or there.

21-11-2007, 10:22 PM
All these conspiracy theories on the price action.

If someone really knew a deal was in the bag I doubt they'd be worried about a cent here or there.

Good point, though i can see the logic of not wanting to show your hand early & push up the price...

Lets face it the 500k+ turnover today was large for Uran, but a mere blip elsewhere & it wouldnt take that much to wipe the entire sell side out!

Nothing to leak, as the fact Kate is overseas is already known.

Perhaps she's in the CR, then on to Ukraine?:confused:

The outcome of the meeting we are waiting for, hasnt happened yet!

21-11-2007, 10:39 PM
You have a point on the relatively heavy volume.

But price movement for the day was down. Doesn't look especially hopeful.

Though wouldn't say it was that negative either. Price just seems to be bobbing about pretty aimlessly. Maybe drifting down since AGM, though not in a major way so far.

21-11-2007, 10:54 PM
You have a point on the relatively heavy volume.

But price movement for the day was down. Doesn't look especially hopeful.

Though wouldn't say it was that negative either. Price just seems to be bobbing about pretty aimlessly. Maybe drifting down since AGM, though not in a major way so far.

Lets see from todays trading...

- 40 trades (av size approx 13,000)

- 527,775 shares traded

- Last trade 22.5c (after market close)

- VWAP was 23.46c

From a technical aspect, the attempt to manipulate the SP down below VWAP didnt work, as the trades were too small.

So it appears just a few smaller holders bailing on no info since the AGM, i mean goodness it was only 9 days ago! :D

21-11-2007, 10:59 PM
my instinct tells me your right. and after all of this shasta, it has given you a chance to buy more and cheaper. couldn't be better.

i still think the chairmans address was good, and he was trying not to say too much, but he gave alot of hints....

basically the jist was "its gonna happen, but just need extreme patience"

21-11-2007, 11:46 PM
The Chairmans address gave me the impression it was months away. Say the second 1/4 next year at the earliest

The Big Ease
21-11-2007, 11:58 PM
What, i say again, what? :eek:

I just looked up the definition of stupidity, & it said "who ever nearly sold me some Uran at 22c today!"

We are but a few days away & people are selling?????:confused:

Have bought back all i sold + a few more

Scorp - looks like its just us on this train :cool:thats exactly what im talking about. last week you were lamenting the the absence of an announcement prior to the agm, which you were certain would occur. you began questioning if it would ever occur! suddenly your certain its only a matter of days?? are you a bi-polar fortune teller? :p

you may be right one day, but its surely a matter of a broken watch eventually telling the right time, if for nothing but a brief moment. i see this stock as a bit of a flutter. good luck to all who hold.

22-11-2007, 02:39 AM
Not sure about URA Shasta. Too expensive for me. Only the penny dreadful I might punt one of these days.

Strat, penny dreadful stock can burnt you 100% max but it can give you 1000% return as well. Worth the risk but of course not the house.

I agree with the Big Ease. You all have fallen in love with a broken promise. Of course you might be right one day. Anyway, I can go to their corporate office for you guys if you want. I believe URA are based in my neighbourhood in Perth WA.

22-11-2007, 07:57 AM
I can go to their corporate office for you guys if you want. I believe URA are based in my neighbourhood in Perth WA.That would be great Soulman, Any on site feedback would me most welcolme and appreciated:D

22-11-2007, 06:37 PM
thats exactly what im talking about. last week you were lamenting the the absence of an announcement prior to the agm, which you were certain would occur. you began questioning if it would ever occur! suddenly your certain its only a matter of days?? are you a bi-polar fortune teller? :p

you may be right one day, but its surely a matter of a broken watch eventually telling the right time, if for nothing but a brief moment. i see this stock as a bit of a flutter. good luck to all who hold.

For all you know i may have bi-polar? :eek:

Anyways, i will again restate the fact i am expecting Uran to announce something regarding Ukraine soon.:cool:

I thought they would release this prior to the AGM & may have gotten a tad upset that it didnt happen to my timeline (Theres the bi-polar again!).

I didnt realise the Ukraine elections wouldnt have a clear "winner" & didnt allow for the delay in forming the coalition, this is now sorted.

Soulman - Ring Uran & ask to speak to Kate, oh wait shes not there! (Imagine Joe is with her?)

By all means go talk to Thomas Schrimpf, our Operations Manager - once we have a project he'll be sent to the Ukraine.

Would appreciate any feedback you could provide

22-11-2007, 10:06 PM
2nd quarter is fine with me.

i am quite happy to be involved with a company that can start mining uranium in any number of european countries. potentially the next paladin in my view...and i was there for that ride too...

may not happen, but gotta be part of it to reap rewards...

22-11-2007, 10:11 PM
2nd quarter is fine with me.

i am quite happy to be involved with a company that can start mining uranium in any number of european countries. potentially the next paladin in my view...and i was there for that ride too...

may not happen, but gotta be part of it to reap rewards...

Cant believe again we saw 22c today (i nearly got some), but nice to see a green day for a change, & confirms my thoughts someone was playing with the SP on Wednesday...

I have stated many times this quarter will define Uran (1 Oct - 31 Dec).

I'm happy to stick it out & wait for Ukraine until the end of March 08.

I'm expecting something to come out of the CR before then too.

23-11-2007, 03:48 PM
OK. In the city. I might just curiously head in their office one day when I am in the city.

23-11-2007, 06:30 PM
[QUOTE=shasta;174131]confirms my thoughts someone was playing with the SP on Wednesday....[/QUOTE

Got to agree with you Shasta after watching this share for a few days. E.G. today - price was at 27 then someone sold a piddling quantity at 25.5 then 23.

Not the first time this has happened.

23-11-2007, 09:19 PM
Agreed sparrow, and someone bought a tiny quantity to raise the price from 22c early last week..

someone is manipulating it to make a few easy grand.

24-11-2007, 07:15 PM
Agreed sparrow, and someone bought a tiny quantity to raise the price from 22c early last week..

someone is manipulating it to make a few easy grand.


From Ozelectro (H/C)

http://news.monstersandcritics.com/europe/news/article_1375982.php/Ukraines_parliament_meets_for_first_session_no_coa lition_formed

Ukraine's parliament meets for first session, no coalition formed

Nov 23, 2007, 17:01 GMT

Kiev/Moscow - The Ukrainian parliament met Friday for the first time since early elections were called to resolve the country' persistent political turmoil, but the meeting was overshadowed by a new quarrel.

Lawmaker Yulia Tymoshenko's, one of the leaders of the Orange Revolution, left the hall in protest at statements by a deputy of President Viktor Yushchenko's faction, Ukrainian Interfax news agency reported Friday.

Almost two months after the elections, it remained unclear when the new parliament, which was adjourned after barely two hours, will form a government.

The two pro-Western parties that lead the 2004 Orange Revolution - Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defence bloc and Bloc Yuliya Tymoshenko - won enough votes to muster a slim majority of 228 out 450 parliamentary seats and were expected to form a coalition Friday.

But discussions were suspended after eight deputies refused to sign the coalition contract, which may be too weak to secure either the appointment of a new prime minister or the election of a new parliament speaker soon.

Yushenko personally urged Tymoshenko on Friday to include politicans from Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich's party of the Regions in planning the new government. However ,she rejects a collaboration with opponents from the Orange Revolution era.

Yanukovych is constitutionally required to resign before the newly-elected parliament, but deep divisions in Ukraine's Rada point to further wrangling in the nation long mired by political conflict.

? 2007 dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Simply put, the Ukrainian parties have 30 days to form a coalition, & another 30 days to form a government, else they go BACK to the polls!

Ukratomprom cannot legally sign off any protocol until the Government is formed.

Expect the SP to go sub 20c this week.

Good top up opportunity IMO

24-11-2007, 11:26 PM

From Ozelectro (H/C)

http://news.monstersandcritics.com/europe/news/article_1375982.php/Ukraines_parliament_meets_for_first_session_no_coa lition_formed

Ukraine's parliament meets for first session, no coalition formed

Nov 23, 2007, 17:01 GMT

Kiev/Moscow - The Ukrainian parliament met Friday for the first time since early elections were called to resolve the country' persistent political turmoil, but the meeting was overshadowed by a new quarrel.

Lawmaker Yulia Tymoshenko's, one of the leaders of the Orange Revolution, left the hall in protest at statements by a deputy of President Viktor Yushchenko's faction, Ukrainian Interfax news agency reported Friday.

Almost two months after the elections, it remained unclear when the new parliament, which was adjourned after barely two hours, will form a government.

The two pro-Western parties that lead the 2004 Orange Revolution - Our Ukraine-People's Self-Defence bloc and Bloc Yuliya Tymoshenko - won enough votes to muster a slim majority of 228 out 450 parliamentary seats and were expected to form a coalition Friday.

But discussions were suspended after eight deputies refused to sign the coalition contract, which may be too weak to secure either the appointment of a new prime minister or the election of a new parliament speaker soon.

Yushenko personally urged Tymoshenko on Friday to include politicans from Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich's party of the Regions in planning the new government. However ,she rejects a collaboration with opponents from the Orange Revolution era.

Yanukovych is constitutionally required to resign before the newly-elected parliament, but deep divisions in Ukraine's Rada point to further wrangling in the nation long mired by political conflict.

? 2007 dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Simply put, the Ukrainian parties have 30 days to form a coalition, & another 30 days to form a government, else they go BACK to the polls!

Ukratomprom cannot legally sign off any protocol until the Government is formed.

Expect the SP to go sub 20c this week.

Good top up opportunity IMO

Thanks for this news, will hold off.

I think there is good short term potential for minor trades on this stock as it is so volatile but has support around the 20c mark

26-11-2007, 06:28 PM
Thanks for this news, will hold off.

I think there is good short term potential for minor trades on this stock as it is so volatile but has support around the 20c mark

In a twist of irony the potential coalition parties want a session to be held tomorrow (Ukraine time), to form the coalition...

This could still take up to another 30 days to form a Govt, but just shows things could happen quicker than we think...

Have read alot of conflicting news out of the Ukraine though!

Uran up to 28.5c at one point today, before closing up 2c to 25c.

Very positive considering & my order wasnt touched...

Bought more ADY instead :D

28-11-2007, 08:34 PM
nice little rise today boys...
not bad volume too.

28-11-2007, 08:49 PM
nice little rise today boys...
not bad volume too.

Now to get it up to my average cost of 35c! :eek:

29-11-2007, 08:36 PM
Now to get it up to my average cost of 35c! :eek:

Hmmm more manipulation going on...:(

Off Stockness, re todays trading

18 trades, 230,600 volume (av trade 12,811)

Closing SP 26c, VWAP 28.82c

1,452 shares ($378) were sold on the close 2c below market, hmmm :confused:

Whats the point of an early close to "match" market orders, when they allow these transactions?

Someone wants to cap the SP, but isnt buying, surely this isnt legal?

...Oh forgot to add in we have a coalition now, so they have until 29 December to form a Govt, & have the Ministers sworn in or its back to the polls (very unlikely IMO).

Once the Govt has sworn in its Ministers, Ukratomprom can finally sign off the protocol.

Kates back early December from an undisclosed country(s), so i would expect she has put pen to paper & we are now awaiting the Ukrainians...

That aside we should get the ann this year, & im expecting something else to be annouced as well. (Most likely Pibram).

We have had a few false starts, so please DYOR

30-11-2007, 12:41 AM
somethin is happenin with the SP. Very annoying.

The ukraine is gonna be something i am talking about at New years i am sure of it Shasta.

01-12-2007, 02:09 PM
somethin is happenin with the SP. Very annoying.

The ukraine is gonna be something i am talking about at New years i am sure of it Shasta.

You had better brush up on your Czech as well then!

Perhaps some words you can introduce to your conversations :D

In Situ Leaching (“ISL”)
Zheltye Vody

I recently obtained the only 1.5L magnum of Veuve Clicquot available in Wellington.

It will remain refrigerated until the words "Trading Halt" appear on my screen.

Remember, to hear from the Ukraine before New Years would take a lot of things to go "smoothly", someone that doesnt happen with Uran!

But as we have all seen, who knows with Uran, a left field ann could come at anytime!

01-12-2007, 06:48 PM
I had no idea multi bagger was Czech. What does it mean in english? Let me guess, multi bagger? :D

04-12-2007, 06:48 PM
I had no idea multi bagger was Czech. What does it mean in english? Let me guess, multi bagger? :D

Am now sitting down with a wine to settle down after coming home & seeing a red asterisk next to URA on my ASX watchlist...:eek:

I thought Xmas had come early :eek:

But alas, it wasnt the TRADING HALT i had hoped for :(

04-12-2007, 07:34 PM
Hopefully it wasn't the Veuve Clicquot you opened by accident Shasta!! Just told my wife and she want's a bottle for Christmas.

04-12-2007, 07:40 PM
Hopefully it wasn't the Veuve Clicquot you opened by accident Shasta!! Just told my wife and she want's a bottle for Christmas.

Not at all - that comes out when the Ukraine ann does!

Just a pinot gris, a rather nice one i might add :D

Might pay to grab a bottle, & keep it on ice around that time?

We may have something to celebrate! :eek:

04-12-2007, 07:50 PM
Not at all - that comes out when the Ukraine ann does!

Just a pinot gris, a rather nice one i might add :D

Might pay to grab a bottle, & keep it on ice around that time?

We may have something to celebrate! :eek:

I'll drink to that one. Good luck. ;)

04-12-2007, 08:28 PM
haha you almost gave me a heart attack shasta!! bring on Ukraine!! Hopefully Santa is working on that deal... he knows it will be the best christmas present that any of us have ever had!!!

04-12-2007, 08:44 PM
haha you almost gave me a heart attack shasta!! bring on Ukraine!! Hopefully Santa is working on that deal... he knows it will be the best christmas present that any of us have ever had!!!

Ukraine, Pribram, Rozna, Brzkov, Veznice, Polna, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, im not fussed which comes first!....

Huang Chung
04-12-2007, 09:02 PM
Ukraine, Pribram, Rozna, Brzkov, Veznice, Polna, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, im not fussed which comes first!....

Geez you fellas have some exotic tastes! :)

04-12-2007, 09:11 PM
Geez you fellas have some exotic tastes! :)

Should get some Czech beers in case we get Pribram first!

Not worthy of a $200 magnum of Veuve!

HC - You mean in shares, celebratory toasts?

Huang Chung
04-12-2007, 09:19 PM
I don't drink what I can pronounce.

Don't you know Queenslanders spell beer as XXXX.

04-12-2007, 09:49 PM
I don't drink what I can pronounce.

Don't you know Queenslanders spell beer as XXXX.

Can remember drinking plenty of XXXX years ago in the Gold Coast, prefer Carlton Cold/Coopers for the Aussie brews.

Coming from the cultural & nations capital of NZ, being Wellington, & growing up in the wine area (Hawkes Bay), it would be a shame to not take advantage of the local cruisine!

BTW - I love the Barossa Valley (SA) Red wines - mmm shiraz :p

HC - I actually cellar wine as well as indulging, hence my interest in MGW just wont be buying yet...

We will all have reason to celebrate once the Ukraine Govt is formed officially during December.

It removes the last hurdle to formally signing the JV with Ukratomprom.

With just some further validation drilling to do (to JORC compliance, with FS already done), the 2 deposits we have the JV on, can be producing in around 6 months at Zheltye Vody.

I'm picking the JORC will be for at least a 5000T resource (11m lbs) over the 2 deposits.

The SP should retest & beat previous highs ($1.60+) when announced & comes out of the "Trading Halt", so thats a 5 bagger from these levels.

I don't think a measley $200 bottle of champers is unwarranted!

06-12-2007, 08:55 PM
Ok, so the World Wide Web tells us Kate is currently in the Czech Republic, can anyone translate Czech (i dont mean google & translate, but actually read it).

I have a link ex Timex Zdice Sro that seemingly refers to Brzkov, Polna, Veznice etc.


Would imagine either it's the official decline for Brzkov, or the rejection of the appeal.

Uran had support from Diamo & other Govt agencies in applying for those applications, so perhaps Kate is there for the appeal?

She is due back soon (next week?) so we should find out, as early as tomorrow?

I'm hoping she stopped off at Pribram on the way...

07-12-2007, 09:08 AM
Ok, so the World Wide Web tells us Kate is currently in the Czech Republic, can anyone translate Czech (i dont mean google & translate, but actually read it).

I have a link ex Timex Zdice Sro that seemingly refers to Brzkov, Polna, Veznice etc.


Would imagine either it's the official decline for Brzkov, or the rejection of the appeal.

Uran had support from Diamo & other Govt agencies in applying for those applications, so perhaps Kate is there for the appeal?

She is due back soon (next week?) so we should find out, as early as tomorrow?

I'm hoping she stopped off at Pribram on the way...

I can't read Czech but as a holder of Uran I'm intrigued, so spent a while on various translation sites. My best guess at what it says is this:

Calla uvítala rejects the survey for uranium within Vysočině.
Australian company Uran Limited through it's agent Timex Zdice fall short...

Of course this is only my best guess so could be wrong. Here's hoping I am....

08-12-2007, 11:27 PM
I can't read Czech but as a holder of Uran I'm intrigued, so spent a while on various translation sites. My best guess at what it says is this:

Calla uvítala rejects the survey for uranium within Vysočině.
Australian company Uran Limited through it's agent Timex Zdice fall short...

Of course this is only my best guess so could be wrong. Here's hoping I am....

Hi Corran

Welcome onboard the Uran train in Ukraine :D

I do believe what ever the article is, it can't be good for Uran, especially whilst the CR have the current environment minister in Govt.:confused:

He alone has the power to allow/disallow these applications, despite this being against the wishes of the Govt & other officials in other "Energy" agencies.:eek:

Basically our involvement in the CR realistically has to be Pribram.

Reasons why i believe Pribram offers us the best hope:

- Pribram has a large resource of nuclear waste material "lying around"

- Uran has "offered" in partnership with Diamo to clean this up.

- Locals would be employed by Diamo thereby creating support (Uran actually has the support of the locals)

- The CR has acknowledged the waste is a problem & needs removal

- The gravel by-product of crushing the waste can be sold, offsetting transport costs, making for a small but highly profitable project.

- As we have been in negotiations with the CR for some time, this would prove invaluable PR for Uran, ie "Clean up, Employ, Sell to State".

For Uran the key is in the closed mine at Pribram, if the CR gave us the go ahead for the Nuclear Waste, we would likely get involvement in the mine to produce Uranium for the State & provide further employment opportunities for the locals.

BTW the CR thru Diamo is looking at re-opening old mines given the surge in U308 pricing.

11-12-2007, 04:43 PM
Well after a long time lurking Im on board for the ride.
Hopfully good news to come.
Thanks for the thread with all the info, speculation.
Go you good thing!

11-12-2007, 06:37 PM
Well after a long time lurking Im on board for the ride.
Hopfully good news to come.
Thanks for the thread with all the info, speculation.
Go you good thing!

Welcome onboard Hector!

Interesting times ahead...

11-12-2007, 07:05 PM
Manipulation! Fraud ! Distortion ......................

Right on cue, our friend came in at the death and "created" a sale of a handful of shares at 1.5 cents below the market.

Wish the TAB were taking bets on him doing this every day, we could win a fortune

11-12-2007, 07:29 PM
Manipulation! Fraud ! Distortion ......................

Right on cue, our friend came in at the death and "created" a sale of a handful of shares at 1.5 cents below the market.

Wish the TAB were taking bets on him doing this every day, we could win a fortune

I hope who ever is doing it, sods off soon no ones falling for it & selling to them, & they aint hitting any stop losses on the way either!

Funny the trade was a cross, how dodgey is that!

3 trades, 22,548 shares traded & VWAP 26.32c & a measley $5935 turnover.

Hardly worth the effort?

11-12-2007, 08:43 PM
welcome aboard my friend. i am envious of people who are just buying now, because i have been buying parcels over the last 6 months and am close to averaging out at these prices, but would have loved to have grabbed alot more at these prices all at once...

11-12-2007, 08:53 PM
welcome aboard my friend. i am envious of people who are just buying now, because i have been buying parcels over the last 6 months and am close to averaging out at these prices, but would have loved to have grabbed alot more at these prices all at once...

Here here have managed to "average down" from $1.09 to $0.35...

Am either going to make a killing, or look very stupid...:confused:

11-12-2007, 09:35 PM
I am not too sure about your perceive manipulation trade. 10,000 shares equal $100 a cents movement. Not much profit for that effort and minus $30 for both trade, which equal $60.

If it was 50,000 or 100,000 shares traded ($500 to $1,000 profits a cent movement), then it would be more meaningful.

11-12-2007, 09:57 PM
I am not too sure about your perceive manipulation trade. 10,000 shares equal $100 a cents movement. Not much profit for that effort and minus $30 for both trade, which equal $60.

If it was 50,000 or 100,000 shares traded ($500 to $1,000 profits a cent movement), then it would be more meaningful.

I believe someone is delibrately selling below market price right on the close to try & flush out some stop losses & spook holders.

Wonder what this person(s) agenda is, to buy more "cheaper", or to try & create a stir & dump there stock into it?

Why would anyone bother when theres no liquidity, & risk detection?

13-12-2007, 07:53 PM
Damn unlisted employee share options nearly gave me a heart attack!

2nd time i've seen the asterisk next to URA in the portfolio & not knowing what the ann was!

Meanwhile it seems like things are progressing nicely over in the Ukraine, we should have confirmation of a Govt in the next few hours!

13-12-2007, 10:59 PM
yeehaw!!! bring it on!!!

13-12-2007, 11:06 PM
yeehaw!!! bring it on!!!


You may also like to know Uran have been hitting the news in the CR.

Pribram & Brzkov to be specific.

Seems Uran is drumming up support with the locals & would compensate them for allowing a mining permit.

The Czech Republic & Ukraine are seemingly both on for 2008! :eek::eek::eek:

14-12-2007, 12:08 AM
thats exactly right shasta.

don;t forget kazakhstan! Could well have 3 projects in motion in 2008!

16-12-2007, 05:33 PM
any word on the government shasta?

16-12-2007, 05:59 PM
any word on the government shasta?

Looks like it is set for Tuesday 18th December, the last effort had a glitch & didnt quite get the numbers.

Apparently this has been "sorted"!

16-12-2007, 09:33 PM
excellent *mr burns voice*

18-12-2007, 06:16 PM
excellent *mr burns voice*

Nothing yet from the Ukraine (well that i know of), but it seems someone has pushed the SP up wanting in!

19-12-2007, 02:53 PM
Any news on the Ukraine govt yet? I got in last week at an avg or just under 25c. Looks as if someone is buying up this week but chart indicators are not giving any clear signals. Have URA at around 10% of my total holdings (cash included) so heres hoping for some good news!

21-12-2007, 06:02 PM
Any news on the Ukraine govt yet? I got in last week at an avg or just under 25c. Looks as if someone is buying up this week but chart indicators are not giving any clear signals. Have URA at around 10% of my total holdings (cash included) so heres hoping for some good news!

Yup & its all good, as far as Uran is concerned.

Yulia was elected PM (Very good for Uran) & the officials have been named (incl the new head of Ukratomprom), so we are awaiting formal "approval" of it, then the signatures! :eek:

Things are moving in the right direction now & faster than we think.

Ann could come anytime...:D

I note many have picked URA in the 2008 comp, why?

24-12-2007, 12:26 AM
Should be an interesting day when trading starts...:confused:

I'll give some odds as i see it:

5% we get an ann today & go into a Trading Halt (re Ukraine or Pribram)

20% we get either of the above anns before end of 2007

>95% we get the Ukraine ann by end of January 2008

<5% chance we will suffer further delays beyond this...

Am expecting some momentum in volume & SP regardless.

27-12-2007, 12:35 PM
Should be an interesting day when trading starts...:confused:

I'll give some odds as i see it:

5% we get an ann today & go into a Trading Halt (re Ukraine or Pribram)

20% we get either of the above anns before end of 2007

>95% we get the Ukraine ann by end of January 2008

<5% chance we will suffer further delays beyond this...

Am expecting some momentum in volume & SP regardless.

It seems from reading H/C that Ukratomprom has been officially deregistered & the previous decree overturned.

Now, normally this would be a bad thing having a state agency wound up, except Uran has already signed the protocol with VostGok :eek:

Am expecting things to proceed quite rapidly from here...:D

Now to buy some more :cool:

28-12-2007, 12:57 PM
Just cant stay away. lol. Got back on board URA this week fellas. :eek::D.

28-12-2007, 07:42 PM
Just cant stay away. lol. Got back on board URA this week fellas. :eek::D.

After all "timing is everything"....:D

Enjoy the ride...

04-01-2008, 07:03 PM
I have emailed the company to the attention of Pat Ryan or Kate Hobbs asking for an update on the Ukraine political situation.

I mentioned to them that on the 17th Oct they saw fit to update the website with the details of the Ukraine elections re the "Orange Coalition" with the inference being that this was good for Uran (PRO Uranium Govt etc).

I have asked if we will get an update in the December Quarterly, or if they will update the website to inform shareholders of the progress (or otherwise).

As it stands Ukratomprom is due to be "reformed" under a different structure, which still includes VostGok & the Ministry for Fuel & Energy.

We still need ALL 3 to sign off...

Katy the receptionist has told me Kate is back next Monday & will pass on the email to her.

Will post any reply i get...

I get the feeling things are going on behind the scenes but the ink isn't yet dry enough...:confused:

04-01-2008, 07:06 PM
Hi Shasta, Have you read todays ann


04-01-2008, 07:46 PM
Hi Shasta, Have you read todays ann


This was hinted at in the last quarterly, so the formal rejection & appeal was expected.

Interesting point for me was the fact Diamo & the Minister of Trade made submissions in favour of Uran.

This tells me the CR is alive & well, & we could yet get projects there, especially Rozna when they decide to upgrade it.

10-01-2008, 06:36 PM
Well we have some more subtle developments of late...

Karilyn Farmer has left Uran (she was our exploration manager & joined ex CSM) & has gone to Areva, however its because she is getting married & going to live in France.

She has been removed off the Uran website...

Importantly we have a Czech language version option on the Uran website, begs the question why?

A few months back Wolf was doing some "roadshows" over in the CR, perhaps Diamo wanted it?

Am still confident of getting THAT ann during January. :eek:

10-01-2008, 06:47 PM
Hi Shasta,
The next month is going to be very interesting indeed and not just for URA. My only concerns are. Many stocks are not moving on anns the way they have in the past and there seems to be often more action leading up to rather than off anns. The second thing is the state of affairs in the USA which has a very real potential to put a major damper on everything even more so than over the last 3 months .

19-01-2008, 11:29 PM
yes would be interesting if there was an announcement how the market would react, but i am pretty sure URA would still be re-rated very favourably. perhaps just not as much as if the markets were still running also...

21-01-2008, 04:32 PM
yes would be interesting if there was an announcement how the market would react, but i am pretty sure URA would still be re-rated very favourably. perhaps just not as much as if the markets were still running also...

URA sliding down with the rest of the market, currently around 17 - 18c.

Scorp - you been buying any?

With Kate Hobbs due to fly back to the Czech Republic & Ukraine at the end of the month, lets hope she takes her favourite pen with her :D

We should get some updates on Bulgaria & Kaz in the December quarterly, & the fact its not out yet, tells me they have plenty in it!

Not long to go...;)

21-01-2008, 05:50 PM
:DAre you trying to ramp this thing back over 20c Shasta?:D

That wont help me with my low ball order

21-01-2008, 06:08 PM
:DAre you trying to ramp this thing back over 20c Shasta?:D

That wont help me with my low ball order

Not at all i have read various articles out of the CR & Ukraine that give off subtle hints about further involvement for Uran (over & above what we are currently negotiating for)

In one article 18 companies were mentioned regarding Ukraine, only 3 were named, Areva, Uran & another whose name escapes me...:eek:

If i wasn't home injured & on ACC, i'd be buying Uran at these levels safe in the knowledge we arent too far away from hearing about Ukraine.

The quarterly is due out anytime & should provide an indepth update on where we are at.

Keeping the patienta :cool:

21-01-2008, 08:00 PM
Actually Shasta, URA is one of the best performer today. No movement equal sweetness.

21-01-2008, 08:49 PM
Actually Shasta, URA is one of the best performer today. No movement equal sweetness.

Haha I like they way you think there Soulman. I thought I got in at a cheap price, won't be buying more even at these levels though. I think I've got as much URA as I can without loosing too much sleep atm. Becides there are a lot of bargins out there right now... Have just topped up with BUR for one.

Will await news from kate but won't hold my breath for now.

21-01-2008, 09:05 PM
shasta, blew all my dough on BOW, but if i can find someone that will margin lend me for URAN i would be buying thousands! haha.

nah in all honesty, i hold a large amount of URA and at these levels its easy to get scared,but as i have always maintained, i know that one day they will come good and be the major uranium player in the ASX after PDN and ERA.

the question is how long will we have to wait...

21-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Haha I like they way you think there Soulman. I thought I got in at a cheap price, won't be buying more even at these levels though. I think I've got as much URA as I can without loosing too much sleep atm. Becides there are a lot of bargins out there right now... Have just topped up with BUR for one.

Will await news from kate but won't hold my breath for now.

Please don't hold your breath on Uran else you'll turn :(

Keep the patienta, we shall be rewarded soon...

21-01-2008, 09:30 PM
heres the way i see it.

2008 lose 30% perhaps on URA
2009 Even still may lose on URA,
2010 possibly, up 300-400%
2011 onwards sky is the limit...

obviously these are just totally random numbers, and we could in fact see huge gains next week i dont know, but must keep in the back of your mind, that eventually if the projects come off, we are all wealthy men, in possibly the most exciting uranium company around...

IF being the operative word....

21-01-2008, 09:38 PM
heres the way i see it.

2008 lose 30&#37; perhaps on URA
2009 Even still may lose on URA,
2010 possibly, up 300-400%
2011 onwards sky is the limit...

obviously these are just totally random numbers, and we could in fact see huge gains next week i dont know, but must keep in the back of your mind, that eventually if the projects come off, we are all wealthy men, in possibly the most exciting uranium company around...

IF being the operative word....

Um, lets have less of the "IF" & more of the "WHEN", please!

You know as well as i do, we have the 2 deposits in Ukraine signed up, however until the Ukraine Govt sorts its s&&* out & stops mucking around with there Nuclear agencies, ie reforming Ukratomprom - Uran's JV cant announce it (not JORC for a start).

The Ukrainians do not want to have to rely on the Russians for any nuclear energy, after continually being screwed over with the gas price etc..

Once we get the announcement & go into a trading halt, things will progress very quickly over there, remembering Ukraine has not had protocols & JV's on Uranium deposits with foreign companies before!

PS, Havent had a response to my email as yet...

21-01-2008, 11:24 PM
thats what i mean... so much potential, just waiting for the red tape to clear...

but once it does, the sky really is the limit. imagine a company announcing reserves and saying that they can start mining early 2009, and still being valued at $15 million? i would say times that by at least 20...

at least...

22-01-2008, 05:52 AM
guys.... I'm afraid I don't share your absolute confidence that URAN is a sure thing. As I holder I hope you're right but I don't have much confidence in URAN's management aside from their ability to burn cash and keep us in the dark.

It's been more than 8 weeks since the last announcement. Even with the red tape, you'd think that with projects in at least 5 countries, at least some of which are supposed to be imminent, they would have something tangible to report in that time.

Directors and Management have shown scant respect to shareholders. Their inability to do the little things (like reply to e-mails and keep their website updated) speaks volumes to me. IMO, there is little or no transparency in most things they do, including the discovery deal. They have delivered nothing. We as a company have nothing.

Eventually, in the not too distant future, they will need to raise capital again and unless they have something tangible that the market values I don't like their chances.

I still hold (albeit a fairly small part of my portfolio) URA as if they can pull off a decent deal we should see many multiples of the shareprice. Hopefully your prediction of 95% certainty of an announcement in January comes off Shasta !

22-01-2008, 04:09 PM
I see URA in the low teens for a while yet.

Not a holder as I don't buy specs stock but I like to read threads for ideas.

22-01-2008, 04:12 PM
guys.... I'm afraid I don't share your absolute confidence that URAN is a sure thing. As I holder I hope you're right but I don't have much confidence in URAN's management aside from their ability to burn cash and keep us in the dark.

It's been more than 8 weeks since the last announcement. Even with the red tape, you'd think that with projects in at least 5 countries, at least some of which are supposed to be imminent, they would have something tangible to report in that time.

Directors and Management have shown scant respect to shareholders. Their inability to do the little things (like reply to e-mails and keep their website updated) speaks volumes to me. IMO, there is little or no transparency in most things they do, including the discovery deal. They have delivered nothing. We as a company have nothing.

Eventually, in the not too distant future, they will need to raise capital again and unless they have something tangible that the market values I don't like their chances.

I still hold (albeit a fairly small part of my portfolio) URA as if they can pull off a decent deal we should see many multiples of the shareprice. Hopefully your prediction of 95&#37; certainty of an announcement in January comes off Shasta !


Management has stated they have enough funds to revise the feasibility studies on the 2 deposits to JORC standard (else ASX wont allow the ann) & operating costs, currently they have around $4.5m.

Once they sign the deal technical staff, ie Thomas Schrimpf (& others) will be relocated to Ukraine to reduce expenses.

I agree the Discovery deal is a huge bone of contention with shareholders, as this was to go to an EGM in December on the basis we had secured the Ukraine deposits & had sign off on the JV protocol.

Due to the fact Uran has funded all costs incurred by Discovery Minerals, the deal will be reduced accordingly & they will get less shares than the 103m previously mentioned.

As for my 95% prediction, well i believe the Ukraine Govt is now on holiday so this may slip into February, although Kate is due back there soon.

I have to be honest & say i do not know what the delay is at present, Ukraine has formed a Govt, & all ministers have been sworn in.

Kate has personally meet the new minister for energy & fuel, & the protocol signed with VostGok has been validated, so what else we need to do is unknown to me!

We just have to wait a bit longer...:confused:

22-01-2008, 07:44 PM

Management has stated they have enough funds to revise the feasibility studies on the 2 deposits to JORC standard (else ASX wont allow the ann) & operating costs, currently they have around $4.5m.


$4.5m was what they had at the end of the September 2007 quarter. It's going to be a fair bit less than that now....

22-01-2008, 08:06 PM

$4.5m was what they had at the end of the September 2007 quarter. It's going to be a fair bit less than that now....

It costs money to fly the entire technical team to the Czech Republic & Ukraine, among other CIS destinations...

I doubt they were all there on holiday either. :D

Wolf did some roadshows in the CR on how Uran can "clean up" Pribram & how using ISL they can safely extract Uranium from Brzkov without disturbing the environment (which is the villagers main concern).

I also believe Uran had suggested some kind of "royalty" for the locals, to bolster the support they have from Diamo.

They should have around $4m left when we get the Dec quarterly :cool:

22-01-2008, 10:33 PM
hopefully they can announce something sooner rather than later...

although we may be in for the long haul now...

i envy the people getting URA at these prices...

22-01-2008, 10:45 PM
hopefully they can announce something sooner rather than later...

although we may be in for the long haul now...

i envy the people getting URA at these prices...

If Uran heads further south tomorrow, i may dump OEL meantime & buy more. (Should have a month or so to buy them back)

I disagree & think we are getting close to the ann, i simply cannot find any further reason why the deal can't be signed off!

Im very interested in what the quarterly has to say...

I'm expecting "news" anyday, however in Uran time, thats :confused:

22-01-2008, 10:53 PM
exactly my point.

we should have had an announcement earlier that would have at least saved us from 14c URA...

but if we get one soon it will still see us rise... a shining star in an otherwise red market...

23-01-2008, 08:31 PM
not happy about the price tanking later in the day...

it hit 21c and it felt good for an hour or 2 hahaha...

23-01-2008, 08:46 PM
not happy about the price tanking later in the day...

it hit 21c and it felt good for an hour or 2 hahaha...

What will you be like when Uran goes into a Trading Halt, knowing it will sail past $1? :D

23-01-2008, 09:29 PM
Shasta, you seems to like trading halt. You know that trading halt can signified bad news as well, like we are out of cash and can't get license to operate. We need to raise capital at 8 cents per share from sophisticated investor to fund our operation and pay our wages since we are not producing any revenue....etc...etc...

Just a thought.

23-01-2008, 09:54 PM
Hi guys. I hope you guys are right re: announcement. Its definitely due and the management seems incompetent and it p*sses me off. Just a question, is there a chance this company will go under completely?

23-01-2008, 10:05 PM
There is a chance any company can go under. That is the risk you take with business and investing and why returns tend to be higher than sticking the cash in a term deposit - you need to be compensated for taking risk on every investment and losing some of your money on occasion.

In the instance of URA they have no cash flow, little capital and require a positive conclusion to some of the concepts they are pursuing in order to deliver extra value to shareholders. Time is their enemy thanks to cash burn and dilution of your existing interests or catastophic loss the risk you are taking against that time equation. Unfortunately unlike a business say in retail or manufacturing - average or so-so returns are unlikely. You will win or you will lose.

During a resources boom it is difficult to sell the concept that start up mining companies destroy more value than they create and penny stocks are the norm rather than the exception. While the potential rewards are there the risks are far higher than this thread would indicate.

23-01-2008, 10:11 PM
Shasta, you seems to like trading halt. You know that trading halt can signified bad news as well, like we are out of cash and can't get license to operate. We need to raise capital at 8 cents per share from sophisticated investor to fund our operation and pay our wages since we are not producing any revenue....etc...etc...

Just a thought.

Your right, i could be completely wrong of course!

Lets hope i'm not though, & relax URAN HAS CASH.

To be only the 4th Uranium Producer on the ASX will not be hard to raise funds, & management have previously stated an AIM listing was likely.

Trust me, Kate & Pat are aware of the need to secure a project ASAP, & with both the CR & Ukraine looking to expand there "U" production our "relationships" & persistence with Diamo & VostGok, will be repaid.

Thing is, you either believe they can pull this off, or you shouldnt invest in Uran!

It's extreme high risk v extreme high reward.

I'm 95% convinced Kate's next trip at the end of the month will be to officially sign off the Ukraine JV deal & perhaps something in the CR?

Stay tuned...

23-01-2008, 10:48 PM
Hi guys. I hope you guys are right re: announcement. Its definitely due and the management seems incompetent and it p*sses me off. Just a question, is there a chance this company will go under completely?Halebop summed it up to perfection. My perspective is a simple one. In terms of my net worth my share market portfolio is small and a plaything. The profile of the stocks I choose are high risk and I play short term. My aim is to win big and in short time. Sometimes I do extremely well and other times I bomb big but if I lost the lot tomorrow it would not impact on my life to any significant degree. I will stick my neck out and say for the most part the bigger the portfolio the more conservative/sensible the investor/trader. Makes sense eh? No one wants to loose an amount of money that will change his or her life significantly for the worse. If you are new at this and Im no old hand myself my advice would be only buy high risk stocks if loosing the lot isnt gonna break you. Stats say the conservative investors win out in the end significantly more than mug punters like me. Dunno if they have more fun though


23-01-2008, 11:26 PM
URAN could be quite easily the worst investment i have ever made, however it could quite easily be the best investment too.

i dont see a problem with capital raising for more cash. heaps of companies do it, and seeing as alot of projects in this world (be they mining or any other type) can take alot of time, i dont mind being a part of it...

its easy to get fed up andthrow in the towel, but if you beleive something has potential, you should wait it out and stay untill that potential is either realised or given up on...

thats all aspects in life, and i beleive URAN could be the next great company...

so instead of buying them like everyone else at $10 i'll buy them now...

but also instead of everyone else not losing money onthem, i may well do that too...

24-01-2008, 09:28 PM
URAN could be quite easily the worst investment i have ever made, however it could quite easily be the best investment too.

i dont see a problem with capital raising for more cash. heaps of companies do it, and seeing as alot of projects in this world (be they mining or any other type) can take alot of time, i dont mind being a part of it...

its easy to get fed up andthrow in the towel, but if you beleive something has potential, you should wait it out and stay untill that potential is either realised or given up on...

thats all aspects in life, and i beleive URAN could be the next great company...

so instead of buying them like everyone else at $10 i'll buy them now...

but also instead of everyone else not losing money onthem, i may well do that too...

Well articulated there Scorp, i believe in the Uran concept & Management (although they do try ones patience & sanity!) & back myself to have made an "educated" investment after much research & from the contact i have had with Uran & other shareholders.

I no its a tough ask to expect people to accept a PDN comparison, but how many snubbed PDN (& even SMM to a degree) when they were "penny dreadfuls?".

I'm envious of anyone that has bought into Uran on the basis of the posts on this thread < 20c.

Fundamentally NOTHING has changed with Uran, & all of the avenues they have been pursuing are still potentially viable.

It's always been about Ukraine for me, the 2 deposits on an estimated 5,000T resource is just the start IMO.

Things appear to be warming up in the Czech Republic & Uran look set to play a small part in the Uranium industry, with the Pribram project looking the most likely.

We may get the December quarterly tomorrow, as Kate has left Perth today off to the CR & Ukraine.

24-01-2008, 10:06 PM
exactly, and lets not forget the kazakh's aswell...

fundamentally there is alot possible there... zero of it has been factored into the share price...

25-01-2008, 04:52 PM
exactly, and lets not forget the kazakh's aswell...

fundamentally there is alot possible there... zero of it has been factored into the share price...

Interesting link that SP3 on H/C has found...


Should this not be disclosed to the ASX?

Hmmm, Brzkov would set the URA SP rocketing if this article is correct.

Remembering Brzkov is a 5,000 - 6,000T target, or roughly the same as the Ukraine deposits!

25-01-2008, 05:02 PM
Should this not be disclosed to the ASX?

If control/OWNERSHIP is news then absolutely

Problem is the page is a sample which by definition implies the data may not be factual. Sites selling data usually use out of date rather than false data when giving samples/examples

25-01-2008, 05:21 PM
If control/OWNERSHIP is news then absolutely

Problem is the page is a sample which by definition implies the data may not be factual. Sites selling data usually use out of date rather than false data when giving samples/examples

Even if the data is correct the U308 resource is not JORC so the ASX would not allow it anyway.

Mind you Uran could be suspended from trading until it is JORC :confused:

An interesting development none the less, with Kate Hobbs heading over there as we speak.

25-01-2008, 08:19 PM
shasta, i just got excited...

i am going to buy a chunk more next week...

although it doesnt look that reliable as a source, i have been meaning to get some sub 20c shares...

29-01-2008, 11:56 AM
and still the little girl waits.........

Finally an ann and its only ...............

Applications for Exploration Permits


29-01-2008, 01:04 PM
and still the little girl waits.........

Finally an ann and its only ...............

Applications for Exploration Permits



This is good news on a few fronts.

1. Diamo & the Ministry for Trade & Industry have supported Uran's application.

2. Under the Czech's mining agreements, acceptance of an exploration license gives automatic permission to mine.

I see this as a pay off for Uran's perserverence in the CR.

Remembering Diamo are the key agency to deal with in the CR & despite the snail pace progress, there support is crucial to obtaining any project.

I would expect Uran to move into the 20's on this ann, as a precursor to the quarterly due in the next few days.

Oh, & Kate is over in the CR at the moment, coincidence or not?

The Big Ease
30-01-2008, 05:51 AM
probably just getting a full view of prague before the tourists flock to the old town square. i hear charles bridge is a sight to see through the morning mist this time of the year. :P

31-01-2008, 02:17 PM
probably just getting a full view of prague before the tourists flock to the old town square. i hear charles bridge is a sight to see through the morning mist this time of the year. :P

Quarterly out & seemingly the focus is purely on the Czech Republic :eek:

From what has been said, Ukraine appears to be a certainty, at least in Uran's eyes which is encouraging, despite the ambiguous assumptions.

Interesting that Uran's relationship with Diamo (the CR agency we need to be onside with) has improved since Timex Zdice has been removed.

Having Tomas Vana onboard Uran & his connection to Timex Zdice was obviously a "conflict" in the eye of the Czechs.

Remember folks Uran is the only foreign company Diamo are dealing with & whilst it isnt mentioned, i'm picking our chances of having involvement in Rozna have gone back up. :cool:

Pribram trial mining looks set to go ahead, especially as again Diamo are involved & again looking to work with Uran.

I doubt we will have the funds to bid in the Bulgarian tenders, so i would think this is a 2009 > possibility at best.

Kazakhstan still lurking in the background, & has always been the potential "bolter" from left field, again i see this as a 2009 > opportunity.

My predictions for what they are worth...:D

1. Ukraine to be announced in the next 6 weeks...

2. Uran to secure a JV project with Diamo in the Czech Republic this quarter. (Brzkov maybe, or the other earlier permits?)

3. The Pribram trial to proceed into production (next quarter)

4. By the end of the 3rd quarter, we will have a JV with Diamo on Rozna, with the view of extending the mining operations to full capacity.

5. Something else out of "left field", ie Kazakhstan?

6. We won't hear anymore about Uzbekistan - this appears dead

7. Towards the end of 2008 we should have a JV with Diamo re Oscena etc, & may have to find a farm in partner (Areva?) to assist with the costs

8. Discovery Minerals deal to be included this quarter, ending 31 March.

Uran is a strong buy sub 20c IMO.:cool:

Please DYOR :)

07-02-2008, 11:19 PM
Some more subtle hints coming from Uran headquarters at present...

Kate is currently in the Czech Republic drumming up support with the local villagers, esp how they will be employed, & compensated for the mining "inconvienence", & how Uran's know how & technology will not disturb the area being mined.

The push seems to be around Brzkov in particular & Uran are playing the "if we dont mine it, some larger DONT CARE company will", following on from Wolf's roadshows over there last year.

Diamo & The Ministry for Trade & Industry are right behind Uran's applications, which IMO can only be instrumental in getting JV projects over there.

NB, The last quarterly went into great detail on the new applications!!!

Uran has changed there website again, firstly they have translated it into Czech (why?)

Rozna has been "demoted" down the page again, with Brzkov again in the headlights.

Pribram has not been mentioned & therefore i don't believe it's a core focus anymore.

We will find out more in around 6 months when the enlarged trial produces some meaningful results.

All in all, Uran (along with Diamo & the Ministry for Trade & Industry) appear very closeknit, & the Czech Govt is wanting to step up Uranium mining.

Will Uran (the only foreign company dealing with Diamo) get over the line, with the first mover advantage, lets hope so - I'm betting on it.

Look out for THAT* ann, again i believe it's coming in February, & i'm picking we will get a left field ann from the Czech Republic soon, given the amount of time Kate is spending over there...

* = Ukraine

Please DYOR

08-02-2008, 12:13 AM
yeh- just need a project in cement and the SP will quickly move the other way... in a big way.

just hopin the SP doesnt retreat too far.

08-02-2008, 10:45 AM
yeh- just need a project in cement and the SP will quickly move the other way... in a big way.

just hopin the SP doesnt retreat too far.

13.5c seems to have been the bottom...

Sell orders in > $1 :D

Before then i'm not selling any!

08-02-2008, 07:02 PM
13.5c seems to have been the bottom...

Sell orders in > $1 :D

Before then i'm not selling any!

Closed today at 18c, yes i know the volume is practically nil, but check the sell side, compared to the buy depth building.

Anyone wanting in will have to pay for any decent size parcel.

No one seemingly wants to sell, why? :cool:

08-02-2008, 07:42 PM
Closed today at 18c, yes i know the volume is practically nil, but check the sell side, compared to the buy depth building.

Anyone wanting in will have to pay for any decent size parcel.

No one seemingly wants to sell, why? :cool:

I don't think that meant anything Shasta. Small movement in SP don't mean anything. There is nothing to move URA. No market sensitive profit announcement, no cash flow, no dividends and just blue sky. A permit to mine does not mean the project are feasible and also cost blowout a possibility. The current market condition could spells the end for specs stock as specs stock was only hot during the bull run, just like the tech boom.

08-02-2008, 08:00 PM
I don't think that meant anything Shasta. Small movement in SP don't mean anything. There is nothing to move URA. No market sensitive profit announcement, no cash flow, no dividends and just blue sky. A permit to mine does not mean the project are feasible and also cost blowout a possibility. The current market condition could spells the end for specs stock as specs stock was only hot during the bull run, just like the tech boom.


Yes, Uran is treated as a spec, BUT it is NOT an explorer where shareholders & the market eagerly await the quarterly & every single drill result.

Uran is different.

Why, because it DOES NOT need to do FS on the Ukraine deposits, they are already done!

What IS required, is merely some validatory drilling to bring the previous FS to JORC standard.

We arent a RIO/PDN/ERA - that wants control & responsibility of ownership of projects, we are wanting JV's with Govt agencies wanting Uran's "Know How".

And we do have the knowledge, go czech the Uran management/board & there credentials & tell me why AREVA poached Karilyn Farmer (also ex CSM with MK).

The 5,000T JV with VostGok is worth a cool $A1b for the project, & we are the FIRST FOREIGN company to have ANY protocols over Uranium in the Ukraine.

We are also the ONLY FOREIGN company DIAMO are dealing with.

Get this, without Diamo's support NO ONE can mine Uranium in the Czech Republic.

Before you come on this thread treating Uran in contempt, make sure you know your facts & the company better than those you challenge.

08-02-2008, 08:32 PM
there have been spec stocks since markets began, and there always will be...

true, at this time of uncertainty, spec stocks are copping a hiding, but a retreating SP doesnt mean the company isnt advancing. SP is a reflection of sentiment, and sentiment is bad at the moment.

its easy for the nay sayers to talk negative things because us investors that hold stocks like URA are copping a hiding, but no one is a rocket scientist here, its just bad sentiment and bad timing.

those that can weather the storm will come out on the other side of the bull run and ride it for another wave.

i look forward to it whenever it may be. and i look forward to URAN's announcements whenever they may be too :P

08-02-2008, 10:56 PM
I don't think that meant anything Shasta. Small movement in SP don't mean anything. There is nothing to move URA. No market sensitive profit announcement, no cash flow, no dividends and just blue sky. A permit to mine does not mean the project are feasible and also cost blowout a possibility. The current market condition could spells the end for specs stock as specs stock was only hot during the bull run, just like the tech boom.

Right on regarding your URAN comments in my opinion Soulman....

Personally I think there'll always be some great spec companies out there, it's just that picking the winners will become a helluva lot harder than it has been (especially when compared to the dot com mania of the late 1990's).

08-02-2008, 11:08 PM
its just bad sentiment and bad timing.

sure, the last 10 months haven't been kind to most Uranium stocks, but a large part of Uran's share price disaster is due to their inability thus far to deliver (anything!!!) after promising so much.

08-02-2008, 11:13 PM
One $500 trade can move the price 25&#37; and it means nothing. There really is no point trying to read anything into the daily price movements. If and when news comes then and only then will we know wether this play was a wise one or not. Shasta knows this company as well as any and better than most and does not see any option other than a successful out come. I recon the odds are more like 1 in 3.

Corran, I think picking good specs is as much luck as good management but the odds are about the same in any market though one should be looking even closer at their funding in times like these.

08-02-2008, 11:27 PM
One $500 trade can move the price 25% and it means nothing. There really is no point trying to read anything into the daily price movements. If and when news comes then and only then will we know wether this play was a wise one or not. Shasta knows this company as well as any and better than most and does not see any option other than a successful out come. I recon the odds are more like 1 in 3.

Corran, I think picking good specs is as much luck as good management but the odds are about the same in any market though one should be looking even closer at their funding in times like these.

Just wait until Uran does what no other company has in the Czech Republic & Ukraine, we may even see a major on the share register IMO.

Areva saw fit to steal Karilyn Farmer (actually she left for France for love), but they did poach her :mad: (Even though she was our exploration manager??????)

Did any of you even know about this?

Didnt think so....:confused:

If you don't know Uran or the risks involved, don't post here & for god sakes go buy a U spec that will never mine a lb of U308, & get excited about no name management digging holes with your well earned $$$

Of course all the johnny come latelys are Uranium experts & know how long it takes to mine the deep low grade crap that no major wants...


Anyways thats my rant for the night :D

08-02-2008, 11:31 PM
Corran, I think picking good specs is as much luck as good management but the odds are about the same in any market though one should be looking even closer at their funding in times like these.

Hi Strat -- I disagree the odds are the same in any market... whats the saying, a rising tide lifts all boats?

it was obviously much easier to pick a 10 bag tech stock in 1999 than it was in 2001. It was much easier to pick a winning U spec stock in 2005 then it was in the latter half of 2007.

08-02-2008, 11:33 PM
Did any of you even know about this?

Of course..... you're not the only one who does research

08-02-2008, 11:37 PM
Of course..... you're not the only one who does research

By all means feel free to contribute to this thread & impart the said knowledge.

I have my fair share of knockers, but seemingly no one else posts anything of any substance, other than the typical "look at the SP" drones.

PDN was once sub 20c...

08-02-2008, 11:50 PM
Hi Strat -- I disagree the odds are the same in any market... whats the saying, a rising tide lifts all boats?

it was obviously much easier to pick a 10 bag tech stock in 1999 than it was in 2001. It was much easier to pick a winning U spec stock in 2005 then it was in the latter half of 2007.Hi Corran, Yes a rising tide can lift all boats that dont have a holed hull :D and the percentages are better in a bull market but in a random 300 spec stocks the number of potential winners is about the same in any market I recon.

09-02-2008, 12:03 AM
By all means feel free to contribute to this thread & impart the said knowledge.

I have my fair share of knockers, but seemingly no one else posts anything of any substance, other than the typical "look at the SP" drones.

PDN was once sub 20c...

whenever anyone posts anything slightly critical of URAN you get defensive and give the post the royal thumbs down. I don't claim to being the Oracle on URAN, I'm just simply pointing out that you're not the only one who does research.

I believe in the potential of the URAN business model. Going on the results to date, I think the odds are 1 in 5 that current management can deliver. Management have made outlandish promises they failed to deliver, they fail to keep shareholders informed, they keep on putting their fingers in more pies to deflect attention away from their failure to delivery anything, the Discovery-URAN relationship is murky at best, the whole business with MK and Jnr was appalling, they don't bother responding to e-mails, they don't appear to have any contingency measure (or desire) to put a floor under a disasterous share price, they have the gall to ask for more options when they haven't delivered anything, etc, etc.

I was lucky enough to buy in at 19.5 and sold most of my holdings at 27.5 so am content to leave the rest and wait and see.

09-02-2008, 12:07 AM
whenever anyone posts anything slightly critical of URAN you get defensive and give the post the royal thumbs down. I don't claim to being the Oracle on URAN, I'm just simply pointing out that you're not the only one who does research.

I believe in the potential of the URAN business model. Going on the results to date, I think the odds are 1 in 5 that current management can deliver. Management have made outlandish promises they failed to deliver, they fail to keep shareholders informed, they keep on putting their fingers in more pies to deflect attention away from their failure to delivery anything, the Discovery-URAN relationship is murky at best, the whole business with MK and Jnr was appalling, they don't bother responding to e-mails, they don't appear to have any contingency measure (or desire) to put a floor under a disasterous share price, they have the gall to ask for more options when they haven't delivered anything, etc, etc.

I was lucky enough to buy in at 19.5 and sold most of my holdings at 27.5 so am content to leave the rest and wait and see.

Fair points...

Uran's management haven't delivered...YET

All prospective avenues are still under negotiation, & we haven't missed out on anything as yet.

It's merely a waiting game now

09-02-2008, 12:08 AM
Yup all true except the odds:D:D:D

But I think Shastas post was aimed at me ;)

09-02-2008, 12:26 AM
whenever anyone posts anything slightly critical of URAN you get defensive and give the post the royal thumbs down. I don't claim to being the Oracle on URAN, I'm just simply pointing out that you're not the only one who does research.

I believe in the potential of the URAN business model. Going on the results to date, I think the odds are 1 in 5 that current management can deliver. Management have made outlandish promises they failed to deliver, they fail to keep shareholders informed, they keep on putting their fingers in more pies to deflect attention away from their failure to delivery anything, the Discovery-URAN relationship is murky at best, the whole business with MK and Jnr was appalling, they don't bother responding to e-mails, they don't appear to have any contingency measure (or desire) to put a floor under a disasterous share price, they have the gall to ask for more options when they haven't delivered anything, etc, etc.

I was lucky enough to buy in at 19.5 and sold most of my holdings at 27.5 so am content to leave the rest and wait and see.

I think Corran, the true believer in URA wished/dreamed that URA can get to that $1.60's again but remember that URA get that high before because of daytrader. Daytrader are wounded and out of action now and never want a part in margin call anytime soon.

The reason why they don't response to email is because they can afford to have a secretary or that the secretary have too much on their plate to answer questions from shareholders.

The reason for options is because that form part of their pay packet as URA can't afford to pay top dollar.

With the time Kate spent in CR, she's loving spending URA's cash and one of these days URA will have to ask shareholders for money. That spells trouble in this market environment.

I haven't done research on URA because I have never been a shareholder but this thread gave me an entry point in basic information.

09-02-2008, 12:33 AM
I think Corran, the true believer in URA wished/dreamed that URA can get to that $1.60's again but remember that URA get that high before because of daytrader. Daytrader are wounded and out of action now and never want a part in margin call anytime soon.

The reason why they don't response to email is because they can afford to have a secretary or that the secretary have too much on their plate to answer questions from shareholders.

The reason for options is because that form part of their pay packet as URA can't afford to pay top dollar.

With the time Kate spent in CR, she's loving spending URA's cash and one of these days URA will have to ask shareholders for money. That spells trouble in this market environment.

I haven't done research on URA because I have never been a shareholder but this thread gave me an entry point in basic information.

Who lends URA on margin?

Katy Adcock (Kate Hobbs EA) is always there & will forward on any emails, it's not her job to answer shareholder questions!

PM me if you want her mobile #

Last quarterly showed we had $3.9m in the kitty

Plenty of trips to the CR left for Kate :D

09-02-2008, 01:16 AM
The reason why they don't response to email is because they can afford to have a secretary or that the secretary have too much on their plate to answer questions from shareholders.

When a company is 'too busy' to reply to shareholder enquiries, that is a big warning sign in my opinion. I've e-mailed CEO's of different companies I hold shares in a couple of times and always received a personal (and informative) reply directly from them within 48 hours.

For me, senior management making the time to reply in a timely manner is a sign of respect to shareholders and integrity.....

09-02-2008, 01:27 AM
No one lend URA on margin. Just a point in general.

Shasta, I hope URA does well for you and others. I guess all investors want their share to do well. That's why we buy them in the first place.

09-02-2008, 02:01 PM
When a company is 'too busy' to reply to shareholder enquiries, that is a big warning sign in my opinion. I've e-mailed CEO's of different companies I hold shares in a couple of times and always received a personal (and informative) reply directly from them within 48 hours.

For me, senior management making the time to reply in a timely manner is a sign of respect to shareholders and integrity.....


To be fair, Uran doesnt have a large management/technical team & all of them have been travelling alot over the last 2 - 3 months.

I agree companies like ADY answer shareholders much quicker, but i'd rather have Kate over in the CR talking to Diamo, & in the Ukraine with VostGok than answering my nagging emails :rolleyes:.

Soulman - I truly believe in this concept Uran has & after talking to the company i'm quite happy with there progress.

They can't say much, which tells me they aren't "allowed" to.

No one likes seeing the SP drift south more than i, but for the believers it represents a buying opportunity IMO.

It's frustrating for all shareholders, but one trading halt could change all that, & it could come at anytime...

09-02-2008, 05:13 PM
Hi Shasta, I have been reading this thread for ages and have often wondered what URA has to offer the agencies it is working with in the CR and Ukraine.

In your most recent posting you said "To be fair, Uran doesnt have a large management/technical team & all of them have been travelling alot over the last 2 - 3 months."

What expertise does Kate/URA actually bring to Diamo and VostGok? Why are these agencies bothering with URA at all?

I enjoy your posts and enthusiasm and hope it all comes good for you.

09-02-2008, 11:58 PM
Hi Shasta, I have been reading this thread for ages and have often wondered what URA has to offer the agencies it is working with in the CR and Ukraine.

In your most recent posting you said "To be fair, Uran doesnt have a large management/technical team & all of them have been travelling alot over the last 2 - 3 months."

What expertise does Kate/URA actually bring to Diamo and VostGok? Why are these agencies bothering with URA at all?

I enjoy your posts and enthusiasm and hope it all comes good for you.

Uran's management & connections are quite substantial ...

Kate Hobbs, Managing Director
Ms Kate Hobbs was previously Managing Director of Hindmarsh Resources Ltd, a substantial uranium exploration company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Ms Hobbs was a founder and Executive Director of Austminex Ltd, a gold exploration company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. She has worked as a uranium exploration geologist with the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Agip Nucleare, and Noranda (now Falconbridge). Ms Hobbs is a Board member of the Australian Nuclear Association.

Ross Kennedy, Director
Mr Ross Kennedy has extensive experience in mineral exploration and management, including in uranium. He was Chairman of Paladin Resources Ltd during mine planning for the Langer Heinrich uranium mine, and is Chairman of Energy Metals Ltd, a listed uranium exploration company. He was responsible for uranium exploration in Northern Territory and South Australia, for CRA Exploration Pty Ltd (now Rio Tinto), and was Exploration Director for Resolute Mining during the definition of the Valhalla uranium deposit. He has been a founding Board member of numerous ASX-listed mining companies including Resolute, Marymia Exploration, Astro Mining, and Jindalee Resources Ltd. Mr Kennedy was awarded the Gibb Maitland Medal by the Geological Society.

Wolf Martinick, Director

Dr Wolf Martinick is a environmental scientist with extensive experience in uranium mining, including responsibility for environmental management for Ranger and Nabarlek mines, and the rehabilitation of Rum Jungle and Mary Kathleen uranium mines. He was responsible for preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for Olympic Dam mine, and was involved in environmental management of the Kintyre, Lake Way, and Koongarra uranium projects. Dr Martinick is Chairman of Weatherly International Limited, an AIM-listed company with large copper mining and smelting interests in Namibia and Zambia. He was a founding Director of Basin Minerals Limited, and is a Director of Sun Resources NL, an oil and gas exploration company listed on the ASX.

Thomas Schrimpf, Operations Director
Thomas Schrimpf is a mining engineer with more than 20 years of operational and consulting experience in the mining industry. He has extensive experience in supervision and design of underground mining operations, contract management, cost analysis and due diligence studies. Since 2000 he has worked as Principal Consultant (Underground Mining) with SRK Consulting, based in Brisbane and Perth. He worked on and managed projects in Australia, China, PNG, Spain, Russia and Germany. Mr Schrimpf started his career in the German underground metalliferous mining industry, was involved with the due diligence of resource projects and industrial companies in the privatised sectors of East Germany and was construction supervision engineer for German company DBE at an underground exploration site for an underground nuclear HAW-Q waste reposit

Joseph Cucvara,
International Business Development Adviser
Mr Joseph Cucvara has 45 years experience in mineral exploration and management within Australia, Central Europe and the CIS. Mr Cucvara was the manager in charge of the definition of the Ben Lomond Uranium Mine in Queensland, Australia, for Minatome from 1978 to 1981. For the last 20 years he has been at the forefront in establishing business relations in mining and mining technologies between Australia and Russia, the former Soviet Republics and countries of Central Europe. He speaks fluent Russian and Czech.

Tomas Vana , Manager Geological Services Czech Republic
Dr Vana is a geologist with over 30 years experience in economic geology and geological mapping in Czech Republic, including definition of the Kasperske Hory gold-tungsten deposit, and the Kasejovice gold-zinc copper tungsten deposit. Dr Vana is the head of geological consultant firm Timex Zdice sro.

And our contacts...

Uran has retained Mr Anatoliy Bakarzhiyev as a consultant to assist it in its negotiations. Mr Bakarzhiyev was for 22 years Head of KirovGeology, the state body responsible for exploration and definition of minerals deposits in Ukraine.
He is now an Advisor to the Minister for Natural Resources and on the committee developing methods to meet the Strategic Plan to increase uranium production by 800&#37;. Mr Bakarzhiyev resides in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Not to mention we are the only foreign company dealing with Diamo in the Czech Republic & the only foreign company to EVER sign a Uranium protocol with VostGok in the Ukraine.

Our former Chairman, Michael Kiernan has experience in the Ukraine through his old CSM connections (albeit it wasnt in Uranium), & our exploration manager, Karilyn Farmer was poached by Areva who have also been mentioned sniffing about in the Ukraine.

Kate Hobbs, Joe Cucvara & Tomas Vana are all apart of Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, where all Uran's leads have come from in the Czech Republic & Ukraine

Pretty good credentials i would have thought?

10-02-2008, 01:11 PM
here here!

Shasta has a wealth of knowledge on this company and he is right, the model is great. just too much red tape over there slowin us down... it will come.

15-02-2008, 03:37 PM
here here!

Shasta has a wealth of knowledge on this company and he is right, the model is great. just too much red tape over there slowin us down... it will come.

I see a post from Hotcopper, that Tony Schoer MD of Pluton Resources (ASX:PLV), has mentioned buying into Uran, after following it for a while.

He has great communication skills, so will be interesting having him as a shareholder & what (if any) impact he has on Uran's management.

I've often wondered what the hell "Purple Communications" do for Uran.

I'd say diddly squat, but what would i know...;)

15-02-2008, 08:24 PM
yeh still nothin. cant wait for an announcement of some description!!!!

15-02-2008, 09:50 PM
yeh still nothin. cant wait for an announcement of some description!!!!

The formation of Nuclear Energy Ukraine (the agency that's superceeded Ukratomprom) is meant to happen within 2 weeks, depending on which foreign source you use...

Frustrating i know, but don't take your eye off the prize :cool:

16-02-2008, 07:36 PM
well that is good news. Just need the company to move out of the totally speculative "they cant pull off anything stage" to the "project underway, this is whats happening next quarter" stage...

once that happens we will be laughing, and a great company will be born. patience is hard at times like this but i am still keeping the faith.

i still love the idea of being part of a company that has overseas uranium mining prospects underway and booked to a schedule.

ohhhh how i wait for that day!!! lets hope its sooner rather than later!

16-02-2008, 10:12 PM
well that is good news. Just need the company to move out of the totally speculative "they cant pull off anything stage" to the "project underway, this is whats happening next quarter" stage...

once that happens we will be laughing, and a great company will be born. patience is hard at times like this but i am still keeping the faith.

i still love the idea of being part of a company that has overseas uranium mining prospects underway and booked to a schedule.

ohhhh how i wait for that day!!! lets hope its sooner rather than later!

The good thing about "Nuclear Energy Ukraine" (NEU) Govt agency, is that Kate Hobbs actually meet the Minister in charge of it BEFORE he was "officially" sworn in.

Most of our dealings have been with the Ministry for Fuel & Energy, & VostGok, who also form part of the new Nuclear Energy Ukraine.

Just think of this 3 pronged process similar to a political process, whereby;

1. You get the local Govt authorities on side with your proposal

2. You get the relevant person from the political party in power onside

3. With the support of the above 2, you get the Govt (& relevant agencies) on side...

Uran are effectively awaiting the official formation of "NEU", so we are at stage "3", although it could be one signature away for all we know!

BTW, Check out the buy to sell ratio, all good IMO no one wants to sell at these levels, & to buy a decent chunk (say 100k), you really do have to take out the sell side...

Am watching the news from the Ukraine closely.

18-02-2008, 03:33 PM
sellers seem to have left...sell depth a bit odd?

18-02-2008, 03:49 PM
sellers seem to have left...sell depth a bit odd?LOL. Odd hardly describes it :eek:
Do you get the feeling someone knows something we dont


For a company known for saying nothing it would seem they sure have told someone something :D

18-02-2008, 05:35 PM
O_o Hmm been interesting to watch this today to say the least...

18-02-2008, 05:39 PM
O_o Hmm been interesting to watch this today to say the least...At 29c and up 81% the next 20 minutes will be riveting :D

and no speeding ticket either. Mind you it might take URA a few weeks to respond to speeding ticket anyway:p

18-02-2008, 05:44 PM
At 29c and up 81% the next 20 minutes will be riveting :D

and no speeding ticket either. Mind you it might take URA a few weeks to respond to speeding ticket anyway:p

Speeding ticket are usually issued after the close or the next morning.

Good luck to holders.

18-02-2008, 05:51 PM
Finally! Lets hope there is something behind this....

18-02-2008, 06:04 PM
Sorry guys slightly off topic but a co that sits the same is TGS (tiger )
Got a speeding ticket a few days ago came back with no reason for rise or trading halt .......... yet low and behold today ...... TRADiNg HALT

18-02-2008, 06:10 PM
Sorry guys slightly off topic but a co that sits the same is TGS (tiger )
Got a speeding ticket a few days ago came back with no reason for rise or trading halt .......... yet low and behold today ...... TRADiNg HALTI hope that is very on topic. Time will tell :D

18-02-2008, 06:10 PM
That is something I've been thinking about, for example say this today was caused by a leak (hypothetical) what happens if they suddenly announce some big news? Is there an investigation or something?

Crypto Crude
18-02-2008, 06:21 PM
URA up 60%
URAO up 90%....
somethings up...
Is it time to sell? I dont know, Im asking...

18-02-2008, 09:33 PM
They received their speeding ticket and the usual reply was sent back...no ann to be announced.......

18-02-2008, 10:13 PM
Id settle for the money, The sure thing, like they say, better a bird in the hand, then two in the bush.

AAOne things for sure AA if an announcement doesnt come out fairly shortly the price will slip back pretty quick.

Im still holding out for the bag though:D

18-02-2008, 10:17 PM
One things for sure AA if an announcement doesnt come out fairly shortly the price will slip back pretty quick.

Im still holding out for the bag though:D

Hmmm anyone reading the last 30 pages of this thread & my posts in particular should be able to work out whats coming...

18-02-2008, 10:38 PM
i am glad with the progress but i will beleive somethin material when i see it!

good luck to all! especially me and shasta haha

18-02-2008, 10:47 PM
The good thing about "Nuclear Energy Ukraine" (NEU) Govt agency, is that Kate Hobbs actually meet the Minister in charge of it BEFORE he was "officially" sworn in.

Most of our dealings have been with the Ministry for Fuel & Energy, & VostGok, who also form part of the new Nuclear Energy Ukraine.

Just think of this 3 pronged process similar to a political process, whereby;

1. You get the local Govt authorities on side with your proposal

2. You get the relevant person from the political party in power onside

3. With the support of the above 2, you get the Govt (& relevant agencies) on side...

Uran are effectively awaiting the official formation of "NEU", so we are at stage "3", although it could be one signature away for all we know!

BTW, Check out the buy to sell ratio, all good IMO no one wants to sell at these levels, & to buy a decent chunk (say 100k), you really do have to take out the sell side...

Am watching the news from the Ukraine closely.

Two days ago....:D

18-02-2008, 11:00 PM
shasta i have been with you on this one for a long time. and as i have said previously, you have a wealth of knowledge on this company and many others...

i'm not sure if all of this will amount to anything at all, or if the SP will just start to drift lower again, but i wanna say that i have appreciated your research etc on this company.

18-02-2008, 11:34 PM
shasta i have been with you on this one for a long time. and as i have said previously, you have a wealth of knowledge on this company and many others...

i'm not sure if all of this will amount to anything at all, or if the SP will just start to drift lower again, but i wanna say that i have appreciated your research etc on this company.

Thanks, i never get tired of hearing that, my pleasure :D

Momentum start today when Tony Schoer (MD of PLV) lifted his buy order (he had bought 3,000 @ 14c yesterday & wanted 100k) & he took out the sell side, sensing the momentum a fair few traders jumped in.

An MD of another company saw fit to buy in, just shows what might happen if our board/management also saw fit to back the company :confused:

Just look at the # of posts on Hotcopper, & from those i'm in touch with no one seems to be selling!

What's driving this behind the scenes is simple, UKRAINE.

From the last quarterly...

"The political impasse in Ukraine was resolved with the appointment of a majority government, paving the way for exploration to commence on the Novogurevskoye and Surskoye uranium projects."

19-02-2008, 01:40 PM
URA up 60%
URAO up 90%....
somethings up...
Is it time to sell? I dont know, Im asking...
.^scBack down to 18c. Yes Shrewdy you should have sold em:D

19-02-2008, 02:35 PM
Back down to 18c. Yes Shrewdy you should have sold em:D

I dont believe Shrewd bought back in...

Big ups to him if he did & traded the spike.

We had a sucker rally & have seemingly fallen back with no support.

I reckon we will see a few of these before we get an ann, so may start trading Uran again...;)

As always please DYOR

19-02-2008, 04:25 PM
Fascinating to watch though Shasta. I was glued to the screen yesterday, flicking between the buy / sell action and the accompanying commnetary on HC.
I was surprised it held 26 last night. I thought that as soon as the 100k+ at 29 was sold into that it would tumble, but it held on ok.
I think that "Showman" would've enjoyed his time in the sun. Certainly lived up to his name, and we also saw how winding up the punters on HC can pump an SP very quickly.

Plus's for URA yesterday:
- Looks like it's found a bottom at around 14-15c. Shouldn't see those levels again, and shouldn't breach them without disastrous news.
- The lack of sellers, even at 60-70-80% gains for the day suggests that it's very tightly held at these levels. Long termers aren't easily tempted.

I don't know if I'd call it a sucker rally - with no change in fundamentals. Day traders vs a tight register will result in some pretty violent swings.

It also proved that the speeding tickets, and the required company responses, are a joke. Everyone could see what was going on, so why bother with the formalities.

Exciting times for URA. Scary to think how the SP will react with positive news.

19-02-2008, 04:54 PM
Fascinating to watch though Shasta. I was glued to the screen yesterday, flicking between the buy / sell action and the accompanying commnetary on HC.
I was surprised it held 26 last night. I thought that as soon as the 100k+ at 29 was sold into that it would tumble, but it held on ok.
I think that "Showman" would've enjoyed his time in the sun. Certainly lived up to his name, and we also saw how winding up the punters on HC can pump an SP very quickly.

Plus's for URA yesterday:
- Looks like it's found a bottom at around 14-15c. Shouldn't see those levels again, and shouldn't breach them without disastrous news.
- The lack of sellers, even at 60-70-80% gains for the day suggests that it's very tightly held at these levels. Long termers aren't easily tempted.

I don't know if I'd call it a sucker rally - with no change in fundamentals. Day traders vs a tight register will result in some pretty violent swings.

It also proved that the speeding tickets, and the required company responses, are a joke. Everyone could see what was going on, so why bother with the formalities.

Exciting times for URA. Scary to think how the SP will react with positive news.

Best comparison i can think of, is that Uran will do what GGG did, when we get the Ukraine green light.

19-02-2008, 05:12 PM
. Scary to think how the SP will react with positive news.Serpie if thats scary then I would be quite happy to frightened to death by the stocks I hold on a regular basis.:D

Shasta, Im guessing but I recon Shrewdy is holding a few. I seem to vaguely recall some coment from him around the time the 08 Comp picks were due in.

19-02-2008, 05:16 PM
Serpie if thats scary then I would be quite happy to frightened to death by the stocks I hold on a regular basis.:D

Shasta, Im guessing but I recon Shrewdy is holding a few. I seem to vaguely recall some coment from him around the time the 08 Comp picks were due in.

Wouldnt rule out the fact SC has some...

Maybe it's the Macdunk factor, thats turned him into a sly dog :cool:

Seems we have a wee bit of volume going through & holding onto 20c

PS, Am loving Vince tinkering with your ID's, very amusing :D

19-02-2008, 06:25 PM
Shrewd always pretty open with his disclosure. I don't think he's holding any URA.

You can change your own ID's Shasta. Time for another change for me I think.

19-02-2008, 06:33 PM
PS, Am loving Vince tinkering with your ID's, very amusing :DSure look what he has done to mine now :D

19-02-2008, 08:50 PM
haha i knew it was too good to be true...

but at least we know that there are a stack of people waitin to pounce if we ever do get some good news! the SP could potentially sky rocket on some large news.

19-02-2008, 09:45 PM
haha i knew it was too good to be true...

but at least we know that there are a stack of people waitin to pounce if we ever do get some good news! the SP could potentially sky rocket on some large news.

Just a false start i'm afraid Scorp.

The optimist in me says we held onto 2c of the 10c gain :D

The pessimist says we lost 80% of it today...:(

The realist says, just wait for the big one :eek:

Remember we will be producing in Ukraine within 6 - 9 months of starting!

Could still be in production this year...

I wanna know who are the fools that sold sub 20c :confused:

19-02-2008, 09:58 PM
its amazing how much some people panic...

i consider my holding to be of a fairly decent size and i never got the jitters even at 13c!

19-02-2008, 10:05 PM
its amazing how much some people panic...

i consider my holding to be of a fairly decent size and i never got the jitters even at 13c!


I'm not worried in the slightest about the SP at present!

Perhaps this may explain part of the rise...


Nice account of Kate's visits to the Czech Republic

20-02-2008, 05:14 AM
are you guy's not worried at all the Uran will run out of cash?

20-02-2008, 08:53 AM
At current burn rates they've got about 5 quarters of cash left, but of course if activity increases, then burn increases.

20-02-2008, 10:13 AM
plus they can always capital raise. not many shares on issue. would rather them capital raise then go into debt or de-list

20-02-2008, 01:43 PM
plus they can always capital raise. not many shares on issue. would rather them capital raise then go into debt or de-list

Uran have just under 21m options that expire May 09 - @ around 18c they should get about $4m from exercising these.

20-02-2008, 09:04 PM
Uran have just under 21m options that expire May 09 - @ around 18c they should get about $4m from exercising these.

Its now crystal clear what Uran have acheived in the Czech Republic...

Posted today on the Uran website.


Enjoy! :D

20-02-2008, 09:35 PM
Its now crystal clear what Uran have acheived in the Czech Republic...

Posted today on the Uran website.


Enjoy! :D

SP impact prediction?

Crypto Crude
20-02-2008, 09:45 PM
thanks for the link....
very interesting article...
its a good read alright...

20-02-2008, 09:56 PM
thanks for the link....
very interesting article...
its a good read alright...
.^scI love the Uran and $ signs on the first page :D
Either of you fellas care to translate the rest for me???:eek:

Hell just skip strait to the Juice. ie Exploration or Going Concern

20-02-2008, 10:10 PM
Try this one fellas:


Uran has shown interest in being part of a joint venture at the mine, run by Diamo subsidiary GEAM Doln&#237; Rož&#237;nka, but all its approaches have been rebuffed. “They came with an offer of poor distinction in which we saw no advantages for the Czech side but only for them,” said Zbyšek Sochor, director of the Department of Mining of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO). “They offered an improvement in the quality of mining processes that actually meant they were indoctrinating us about extraction methods which we have known about for 40 years. We are not a banana republic here,” he added.

How is that positive? What am I missing here? And why did URA use the Czech language version on their website rather than the english version? Help please?

PS - The English translation of the title "Uran se Vraci" is "Critical Masses".

20-02-2008, 10:25 PM
Try this one fellas:


Uran has shown interest in being part of a joint venture at the mine, run by Diamo subsidiary GEAM Doln&#237; Rož&#237;nka, but all its approaches have been rebuffed. “They came with an offer of poor distinction in which we saw no advantages for the Czech side but only for them,” said Zbyšek Sochor, director of the Department of Mining of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO). “They offered an improvement in the quality of mining processes that actually meant they were indoctrinating us about extraction methods which we have known about for 40 years. We are not a banana republic here,” he added.

How is that positive? What am I missing here? Help please?

First of all thats an old article!

Sorry for my sick sense of humour that link is all in Czech, & i don't have all night to try & get it translated on the Czech Forum im on.

Serpie, back in November Wolf was over in the CR doing roadshows on how Uran would mine these deposits using new methods/technology that does not destroy the landscape, a major issue for the protesters.

Kate has been there & back many times over the last 3 months to try & find favour with the local authorities where Uran/Diamo intend to mine.

Uran has put forward various proposals where the local councils/authorities get "paid" for each permit granted, with locals to be employed as well as Uran funding/sponsoring various schemes in those regions.

There has been a fair bit of protesting by most of the villagers against the mining, but Uran & Diamo are finding favour with the Ministry for Trade & Industry (who like Diamo are supporting Uran's applications).

Disregard that nonsense that the Ministry for Trade & Industry rebuffed Uran/Diamo's proposal, they told them to appeal the rejections & re-submit them!

Uran have stated to these villagers ..."If we don't mine this with Diamo, someone else will eventually & the villagers will get nothing, & the landscape will be ruined, & the waste won't be safely transported etc..."

I know Kate has come across quite arrogrant in some of these interviews, but she does have a point.

The Czech Republic want self sufficiency with there energy needs, & will need "outside help".

Uran are still the only foreign company that has established links with Diamo & working together with them.

I can only see this as ultimately playing into Uran's favour.

As for the SP impact, probably nothing until the article is translated!

Joseph Cucvara speaks fluent Czech, he should be guiding the website translation!

20-02-2008, 10:37 PM
Article in CBW is dated 18/02/08 on the CBW site, and 20/02/08 on the URA site.
That's pretty much hot of the press.

And the comment:
"Jakub Kašpar, a spokesman for the MŽP, said the ministry’s officials are taking full account of the “disapproving attitude” of villages. “It is very important to us,” he said. “It was the unambiguously negative attitude of the villages that was one of the reasons why we declined the application last year,”

suggests that it's a current document.

It also says:
“The only chance a company interested in such mining has is to convince locals. They must get them on their side,”

and goes on to say:

Polná Mayor Jindřich Skočdopole said that last fall he declined an offer of a meeting from Uran. “I consider the matter closed, there’s no space for negotiation,” he added. The prospect of Uran bringing jobs is not even attractive, Skočdopole said, because there is almost no local unemployment. He also cautioned that the historical feel of the town could be destroyed by such commercial projects. “Yes, they offer money, but not everything should be sold for money. We gave the same ‘no’ to wind power plants. Nobody can convince me, I stand behind my people,” he concluded.

Again, what am I missing?

20-02-2008, 10:54 PM
Article in CBW is dated 18/02/08 on the CBW site, and 20/02/08 on the URA site.
That's pretty much hot of the press.

And the comment:
"Jakub Kašpar, a spokesman for the MŽP, said the ministry’s officials are taking full account of the “disapproving attitude” of villages. “It is very important to us,” he said. “It was the unambiguously negative attitude of the villages that was one of the reasons why we declined the application last year,”

suggests that it's a current document.

It also says:
“The only chance a company interested in such mining has is to convince locals. They must get them on their side,”

and goes on to say:

Poln&#225; Mayor Jindřich Skočdopole said that last fall he declined an offer of a meeting from Uran. “I consider the matter closed, there’s no space for negotiation,” he added. The prospect of Uran bringing jobs is not even attractive, Skočdopole said, because there is almost no local unemployment. He also cautioned that the historical feel of the town could be destroyed by such commercial projects. “Yes, they offer money, but not everything should be sold for money. We gave the same ‘no’ to wind power plants. Nobody can convince me, I stand behind my people,” he concluded.

Again, what am I missing?

The whole ambiguity of it all, that article was posted at the bottom of the original article!

There are both positive articles & negative articles (driven by protesters) out on the web, some sites only show what they want to!

Why would Uran put a negative article on there website, & only in Czech if it wasn't a positive sign for Uran?

I mean how many articles have i posted on here off the web, which DONT appear on the Uran website?

Get this, DIAMO cannot fund mining & exploration itself, as it's against there own constitution/laws, so they WILL require outside help.

You must give Uran (& in particular Kate Hobbs) credit for sticking with the Czech Republic so long, no wonder NO OTHER FOREIGN companies want in.

Too much red tape & Diamo know that, im starting to wonder why Uran even bothers with them...

Should Uran leave, other companies will come in & profit from Uran's ground work so you can see the dilemma here?

The Czech authorities are cutting off there own nose to spite themselves by not seeing the potential, win-win-win scenerio.

By the way Polna is not Uran's primary target Brzkov is, & the grounds the applications were rejected on initially appear illegal, & contrary to there own energy policies. (BTW, Brzkov is meant to contain 7,500T of U308)

Uran has spent a considerable amount of time & resource over there (remembering this is a Discovery Minerals lead), & Tomas Vana from Timex Zdice sro has the connections, supposedly!

Anyway forget the Czech Republic, the real action is in Ukraine, where VostGok & the Ministry for Fuel & Energy actually WANT Uran's involvement & assistance...

All the work Uran is doing in the CR re Pribram (the Nuclear Waste Trial), is merely a PR exercise, showing they actually want to help the Czech's preserve there enviroment unlike there past Governments that dumped the material pretty much on the side of the road!

20-02-2008, 11:46 PM
ahhh its killin me! i'm tellin ya right now, that if these guys just say that one of their projects is confirmed and goin ahead even a JV the SP will rocket!!!

i just wanna watch lift off!!! sick of all this czech translating and yadda yadda yadda.... just give us the details!! haha

20-02-2008, 11:52 PM
ahhh its killin me! i'm tellin ya right now, that if these guys just say that one of their projects is confirmed and goin ahead even a JV the SP will rocket!!!

i just wanna watch lift off!!! sick of all this czech translating and yadda yadda yadda.... just give us the details!! haha

I'm really only interested in the Ukraine articles, as thats where we will be producing Uranium from in 2008, NOT the Czech Republic (at least i dont think so).

As soon as i know anything (or find out anything from Vostgok, Min of Fuel & Energy or Nuclear Energy Ukraine), i will let you know!

PS, Uran already have 2 deposits in Ukraine & have been actively working with VostGok on other deposits + old closed mines, so don't rule out further projects in the Ukraine.

25-02-2008, 09:31 PM
Just a wee update for the hardcore faithful...

Today, 14 February, the head of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Yuri Prodan said that within two weeks the Government would decide on the establishment by the "Nuclear Fuel Ukraine."

"Today drafted on the establishment of state" Nuclear Fuel Ukraine "... I think that for two weeks, we will take this decision," - said the minister.

Yuri Prodan said that the statute of "Nuclear Fuel Ukraine" will clearly the main purpose of its establishment, and the impossibility of alienation of the property.

According to the Minister, work is under way also in agreement and the elimination of state Ukratomprom."By" Ukratompromu "there is a presidential decree and the Cabinet, and today is a normal procedure for the elimination" - said Mr. Prodan.


Given tomorrow is the 26th, & two weeks from the 14th (Ukraine time), is the 29th here, it looks like we will finally hear this week about the outcome.

Kate has already meet the Director & Deputy Director of the now "Nuclear Energy Ukraine", so i'm expecting some buy interest leading up to this news being released.

Perhaps in March we will get the news we have been waiting for & we can start work with VostGok (our JV partner).


Fingers crossed the Government/Coaliation doesn't fall over...

25-02-2008, 10:53 PM
fingers crossed shasta. bought more today!!!!

missed out on ady tho...spewin

26-02-2008, 03:56 PM
fingers crossed shasta. bought more today!!!!

missed out on ady tho...spewin


Clear some room in your PM inbox. :cool:

26-02-2008, 08:31 PM
shasta; I'm looking for a U308 stock at the moment, can you give me a brief summary of the current challenges faced by URA and the potential upside if they overcome these? I take it there was some kind of gov approval required which never came through and this adversely impacted upon the s/p? There is so many pages in this thread and you are the resident guru for URA/ADY, just chasing some clarification if you would be willing mate. Thanks

26-02-2008, 09:17 PM
shasta; I'm looking for a U308 stock at the moment, can you give me a brief summary of the current challenges faced by URA and the potential upside if they overcome these? I take it there was some kind of gov approval required which never came through and this adversely impacted upon the s/p? There is so many pages in this thread and you are the resident guru for URA/ADY, just chasing some clarification if you would be willing mate. Thanks

Certainly, there are only 3 producers listed on the ASX & everyone is looking for the 4th.

The brief :D (Sorry a short one won't do justice to the background!)

Uran is different & vastly misunderstood, IT IS NOT AN EXPLORATION COMPANY, it is seeking advanced Uranium projects!

Late 2006 Uran signed a protocol over 2 deposits in the Ukraine, with VostGok & The Ministry of Fuel & Energy. (VostGok being a 50/50 JV partner)

Uran was & still is, the ONLY foreign company to gain a protocol over Uranium in Ukraine (& not just an MOU either).

As this was all new to the Ukraine Govt, they had to "feel" there way through the protocol at the highest level.

Due to political uncertainly (when Ukraine didnt have a Govt from Apr 07 - Oct 07) things kinda went on hold with no official authority able to sign off.

The "caretaker" Govt formed "Ukratomprom" to handle all of Ukraine's energy needs, so they changed the goal posts on Uran & we had to deal with it. (More delays!)

Now the elections are over & have a coalition thats governing Ukraine, they have decreed that the formation of Ukratomprom was illegal & it has now been deregistered. (VostGok still handles Uranium mining though).

Now, they want to rejig the whole structure of Ukraines energy needs, & have formed a new entity called "Nuclear Energy Ukraine", to now handle all of the Ukraine's energy needs.

I posted earlier that the formation of "Nuclear Energy Ukraine" was stated on the 14th Feb to take two weeks to complete which should mean this week.

As i understand it, this is the final & only remaining impediment to having the official sign off for the 2 deposits.

The tonnage, grades, depth, & details of the original feasibility studies (done back in the 1970's) were classified, but have since been de-classified, Uran know what they are but cannot say...YET.

We are lead to believe the 2 deposits are likely to contain some 5,000T U308 (equivalent to 11m lbs or roughly $A1b IGV).

There needs to be some validatory drilling to get the reserves to JORC standard before any ASX announcement can happen. VostGok has drills available, & actually owns them!

What the SP may do, on receiving the official sign off ann?

Well, i'll say Uran (currently at 19c = Market Cap $10m ish), will fly past $1 on the first ann, & before we even get the finer JV details!

At $1, thats a market cap of $50m undilluted, for a company that could become a producer in 6 - 9 months? :eek: (Not 3-4 years like in Australia)

After that who knows, we will be heavily dilluted by the Discovery Minerals deal, plus a likely AIM listing to fund the project.

Conservatively, i've heard U companies get valued at around $US30/lb based on JORC reserves, so that would have Uran @ $300m+ market cap.

The upside from further deposits & a higher U308 price make the potential multiples scary...

If you are after a current producer look at PDN.

If you want one of the better 2nd tier explorers check out AGS or BMN

I still believe Uran will surpass all the other ASX listed U explorers & became the 4th listed producer.

No wonder i'm so bullish on it! :cool:

Please DYOR :)

26-02-2008, 10:30 PM
i also like WHE and EXT but URA is my clear favourite and have nothing whatsoever factored into their price.

if they come through with something, they will be many multiples of what they are now...IF...

26-02-2008, 10:50 PM
i also like WHE and EXT but URA is my clear favourite and have nothing whatsoever factored into their price.

if they come through with something, they will be many multiples of what they are now...IF...


Replace the "IF's" with "WHEN" please...:cool:

27-02-2008, 12:31 AM
haha i just didnt want to sound too confident for those reading it who arent used to risk...

everyone on here knows damn well that i beleive very strongly in this company. and my belief truly is that its a case of WHEN not IF...

hopefully its sooner rather than later.

actually the best thing about this stock, is the amount of possible projects and developments down the line... the market is basically pricing this stock as if it cant pull any projects off and never will...

my theory?

1 announcement that will blow the minds of investors, and everyone will want to jump on board the "NEXT BIG THING" and then all the projects and announcement to follow afterwards...

the next PDN in my opinion.

is that better Shasta?

27-02-2008, 12:50 AM
haha i just didnt want to sound too confident for those reading it who arent used to risk...

everyone on here knows damn well that i beleive very strongly in this company. and my belief truly is that its a case of WHEN not IF...

hopefully its sooner rather than later.

actually the best thing about this stock, is the amount of possible projects and developments down the line... the market is basically pricing this stock as if it cant pull any projects off and never will...

my theory?

1 announcement that will blow the minds of investors, and everyone will want to jump on board the "NEXT BIG THING" and then all the projects and announcement to follow afterwards...

the next PDN in my opinion.

is that better Shasta?

Comparing URA to PDN is unfair....

Why cap URA at a mere $5b :D:D:D

We have many leads in Ukraine outside of the 2 deposits we already have.

The Czech Republic has appeared back on the radar, much to my surprise (Rozna anyone?)

And yet we have Kazakhstan, Bulgaria & Uzbekistan as the "wildcards".

BTW - A quiz test

When did we last hear ANY progress going on in Uzbekistan? :confused:

Integra Group were meant to be our lead over there? :confused:

Crypto Crude
02-03-2008, 12:22 PM
did you hold onto your free shares in Great Western Exploration?

02-03-2008, 01:13 PM
did you hold onto your free shares in Great Western Exploration?

Naw, i sold them back in June at 35c

A pitiful return on Uran though!

02-03-2008, 04:20 PM
sold mine for 28c

02-03-2008, 04:27 PM
sold mine for 28c

I see they are now at 9c!

Like Uran a very ugly chart :eek:

04-03-2008, 10:52 PM
Huh? It's pretty much in pretty much the same position it's been at all year as far as I can tell (minus the frenzy after showman purchased -- although IMO this just emphasises how many people are watching the stock). And of course it's got it's token 3c gap between buyers and sellers, so it's not as if people are dumping at these low prices (and of course it's not as if anyone is buying them either). But as I said over at hotcopper in regards to one poster's sudden change in sentiment: things are certainly in no worse shape now than they were 6 or so months ago (unless, of course, you factor time in....). IMO things are a bit better than last year, the Ukraine political situation is getting a lot better (the government situation there can hardly be blamed on Uran -- although they really should have known how things work there and informed shareholders), and we have had a couple of articles out of CR talking about Uran meeting with locals and discussing the mines.

But this is just my opinion, and I didn't buy in anywhere close to the $1.5 or where ever it spiked up to on the comments made, and I really did just buy as an educated gamble, and at the time I was 'fine' to have the share go to a couple of dollars or become worthless.

05-03-2008, 12:33 AM
I'd agree its no worth shape. It was an awful risk/reward proposition back then too. :p

05-03-2008, 10:03 AM
Shares are tightly held.
The low share price yesterday resulted in sales of just $16,000??? I might have that wrong but it wasnt much.

Beware the bear uberspec :D

05-03-2008, 10:17 AM
Shares are tightly held.
The low share price yesterday resulted in sales of just $16,000??? I might have that wrong but it wasnt much.

Beware the bear uberspec :DTightly held to a degree but there are also a lot of long term holders that are so far in the red selling may seem pointless.
Bad news could see the price below 10c but just a sniff of good news and it will be 30c again. Solid news and............
My average price is around 19.5c and Im not worried about loosing my shirt at all.

05-03-2008, 10:27 AM
Im with you STRAT

05-03-2008, 05:28 PM
Im with you STRAT

Just wait for the Ukraine ann, & watch Uran hog the limelight once again.

There are many "buyers" off screen waiting for it.

05-03-2008, 07:36 PM
Just wait for the Ukraine ann, & watch Uran hog the limelight once again.

There are many "buyers" off screen waiting for it.

Good, Im getting sick of Baked Beans.:)

05-03-2008, 08:09 PM
Good, Im getting sick of Baked Beans.:)

I've still got a 1.5L magnum of Veuve Clicquot in the fridge awaiting the said "Ukraine" ann.

Me thinks i'll be opening it THIS month :eek:

05-03-2008, 08:17 PM
i'm with strat. i have a large holding but have averaged down to a decent price... so i am only in the red by a few cents, but it translates to alot of money...

seeing this one skyrocket will see me sky rocket too haha. but i am patient and still beleive that eventually we will be seeing production.

hopefully once again, shasta is right about this month!

05-03-2008, 08:31 PM
I've still got a 1.5L magnum of Veuve Clicquot in the fridge awaiting the said "Ukraine" ann.

Me thinks i'll be opening it THIS month :eek:

A DB would do me. Who drank the Moet?

05-03-2008, 08:36 PM
A DB would do me. Who drank the Moet?

Tisk Moet?

Naw, Veuve is the cat's biscuits i tell ya!

Scorp - My "timing" is based on the email i received from Kate :cool:

05-03-2008, 08:46 PM
Tisk Moet?

Naw, Veuve is the cat's biscuits i tell ya!

Scorp - My "timing" is based on the email i received from Kate :cool:

Shasta, what was in said email? :)

05-03-2008, 09:00 PM
Tisk Moet?

Naw, Veuve is the cat's biscuits i tell ya!

Scorp - My "timing" is based on the email i received from Kate :cool:

Ill keep something special for the ann.:D

05-03-2008, 09:11 PM
Shasta, what was in said email? :)

As you will know Kate can't email me & tell me things that have not been released to the ASX.


As a sharetrader exclusive from the "horses" mouth so to speak...

Dear Brendan

In response to your note in January, I did not respond to this because
there were some issues which I could not discuss at that time.

As you note that there was not a lot about Ukraine in the Quarterly,
because things are at a "delicate stage". We are seeing some positive
developments which I truly hope to be able to talk about in March.

It is also encouraging that the new Ukrainian Prime Minister, Yulia
Tmyoshenko, has asked investors to make direct contact with her office
if they have 'difficulties' progressing projects in Ukraine, so they are
obviously keen to see the economy grow.

I do not like having to be so restrictive with what we says to
shareholders re Ukraine, but I do think that the projects will go ahead,
and we do have an explicit agreement that we will not make public
comments unless signed off on by both sides.


Kate Hobbs

I shouldn't post email replies without permission so "mums" the word!

05-03-2008, 09:29 PM
March could be shaping up to be a good month for me In spite of my fears of re entering ADY too early coming to fruition

05-03-2008, 09:35 PM
WOW........ that sounds...lets say positive ;)

05-03-2008, 09:50 PM
March could be shaping up to be a good month for me In spite of my fears of re entering ADY too early coming to fruition

Currently Uran has NO support & just a few scared sellers exiting at whatever they can get...

The SP will keep inching lower until Uran make an announcement ...

We are due the outcome for the Czech Republic initial rejections at anytime, although i'm not so bullish about them as i am Ukraine.

05-03-2008, 11:31 PM
screw it. we have waited this long... i'll wait forever if i have to.

05-03-2008, 11:36 PM
screw it. we have waited this long... i'll wait forever if i have to.

Thats the spirit Scorp!

Even if its just you & i left holding the baby...:D

05-03-2008, 11:37 PM
We are due the outcome for the Czech Republic initial rejections at anytime, although i'm not so bullish about them as i am Ukraine.Mmmmm, a bad ann would be a disaster for the SP Im thinking

05-03-2008, 11:42 PM
mate the SP is already a disaster...

it can get worse yes,. but untill we get a great ann we wont see this stock lift...

the thing in our favour is that a good ANN could be just around the corner... it could also be a long way off... but if you're in for the long haul, eventually you will be able to reap the rewards.

05-03-2008, 11:47 PM
thanks for posting the e-mail Shasta.... fingers crossed we get at least one really positive announcement soon...

I guess anyone wanting to exit URA before the end of March for tax reasons will need to start selling very soon, trying to sell any volume when there's no support for URA won't be pretty.

But for those who are in for the long haul I guess there should be cheap shares to pick up end of March (of course positive news would change that!).

05-03-2008, 11:48 PM
but if you're in for the long haul, eventually you will be able to reap the rewards.

I reckon that should be "eventually you might be able to reap the rewards."

05-03-2008, 11:51 PM
mate the SP is already a disaster...

it can get worse yes,. but untill we get a great ann we wont see this stock lift...

the thing in our favour is that a good ANN could be just around the corner... it could also be a long way off... but if you're in for the long haul, eventually you will be able to reap the rewards.
Hi Scorp,
I Agree and I was thinking two things.

When stocks spike its from the current market price and a SP of say 5c for example would spike lower than the same company with the same FA value spiking from 22c.


I could buy quite a few if they were 5c:D

05-03-2008, 11:54 PM
thanks for posting the e-mail Shasta.... fingers crossed we get at least one really positive announcement soon...

I guess anyone wanting to exit URA before the end of March for tax reasons will need to start selling very soon, trying to sell any volume when there's no support for URA won't be pretty.

But for those who are in for the long haul I guess there should be cheap shares to pick up end of March (of course positive news would change that!).

I might email Kate & query the lack of information & developments from Uzbekistan.

Integra Group was meant to be our lead over there (along with Discovery Minerals, ie 50/50).

I'd imagine the snail pace that the Uzbekistan Govt runs on means Uran may get to talk to them in 2010!

It could come off the website if they realistically aren't in with a show, in the short - mid term.

Seems they are difficult to work with & any progress will be real slow...

12-03-2008, 04:46 PM
There is an announcement out fellas :eek:

Looks like the ASX are having a careful read before posting it :eek:


12-03-2008, 04:52 PM
Finally some assurances from URAN management.. for what they're worth :)
Now if it is all go why haven't they started the FS yet????

12-03-2008, 06:40 PM
Finally some assurances from URAN management.. for what they're worth :)
Now if it is all go why haven't they started the FS yet????

If that ann doesn't spell it out, god knows what will! :confused:

The feasibility studies & data previously done on those deposits is good.

Uran/VostGok just need to do some validatory drilling to report a JORC resource else the ASX won't allow it.

There now appears to be NOTHING in the way of this...

I'm expecting a series of announcements now :cool: