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01-01-2011, 10:25 PM
whoops, I made a typo on the year. It was Sep 2008 not 2009. Back then the price was about 4 times what it is now and it had recently been a helluva lot higher. My point was that to be in the top 20 at that stage was definitely not small time.

But anyway, I would love to see URA over 10c soon too. I've still got about 20k which I bought at 20c. I keep them to remind myself what a fool I was not to sell when they kept going down.

If the price does keep going up and I can recoup a good chunk of my money I will count myself extremely lucky, not wise in the slightest. A smart investor would never had held onto his shares through that massive share price crash URA had from mid 2007 to mid 2010 let alone average down.

I'm going to sign off and go back to nursing my hangover - happy new year to you all and good luck to us URA shareholders in 2011 :-)

Cant agree with that either... I averaged down and am now in a great position. Investment is about making $$$, and that is exactly what averaging down has achieved for me, so to say it isnt wise I feel is proven to be wrong by the stuation I currently find myself in, in comparison to if I had just held onto the few that I bought @50c for example...

03-01-2011, 10:23 AM
Don't you get it Scorp - we don't believe you as it has been proven that your full of it.

Your mindless ramping has no usefull information in them just countless posts of this dog going 3 or 4 bagger or even worse back to previous highs of $1.60.

03-01-2011, 02:51 PM
Don't you get it Scorp - we don't believe you as it has been proven that your full of it.

Your mindless ramping has no usefull information in them just countless posts of this dog going 3 or 4 bagger or even worse back to previous highs of $1.60.

Useful nformation would include me posting snippets from the announcements and what they could mean, and also telling people the SP was way too low around 1.5c was also useful as the SP is now 3.6c and is almost 150% up from there.

Zed at the end of the day sticks and stones etc and I don't know you personally nor do I really worry about the things you say to me... All I know is that my value keeps rising as URA's SP does, and thats all that matters to me... So whether you are saying I am an idiot or ramper etc or not, I am making more and more $$$ and thats what really matters to me...

Hell... I must be doing something right?

03-01-2011, 07:43 PM
Useful nformation would include me posting snippets from the announcements and what they could mean, and also telling people the SP was way too low around 1.5c was also useful as the SP is now 3.6c and is almost 150% up from there.

You forgot the countless buy calls you made from when the share price was above 35c all the way down to 1.5c
Selective memory eh Scorp.

03-01-2011, 09:12 PM
I'm bored of you Zed... Just watch the SP...

06-01-2011, 01:29 PM
URA FLYING!!!!!!!!!! FPO'S 4C! URAOA 1.1C!!!

both on huge relative volume!!! Phaedrus could you do a chart for me??? and give me your thoughts on URA from a technical standpoint?>

zed wrong again! ohhhhh thats gotta hurt!!!

06-01-2011, 04:37 PM

zed wrong again! ohhhhh thats gotta hurt!!![/QUOTE]

I've calling this a dog since it was above 60c all the way down to the measley 3 or 4c it trades at today. Saved a lot of investors good money.

You on the other hand have been calling this a buy since it was above 35c. Cost a lot of investors good money.

Ramping and selective memory seem to be your trademark Scorp.

Your ethics disgust me by constantly ramping and trying to get newbies to prop up your savaged URA shares.

You - Kate Hobbs & Micheal Kiernan are all cut from the pile of ----!

06-01-2011, 04:45 PM
I've calling this a dog since it was above 60c all the way down to the measley 3 or 4c it trades at today. Saved a lot of investors good money.

You on the other hand have been calling this a buy since it was above 35c. Cost a lot of investors good money.

Ramping and selective memory seem to be your trademark Scorp.

Your ethics disgust me by constantly ramping and trying to get newbies to prop up your savaged URA shares.

You - Kate Hobbs & Micheal Kiernan are all cut from the pile of ----!

Cheers Zed! Thanks for the well wishes! :D

06-01-2011, 05:36 PM
My pleasure

06-01-2011, 05:40 PM
My pleasure

The pleasure's all mine! Hope your enjoying the SP rising as much as I am! Would seem all my ramping is paying off huh? And my sinister ways of forcing people to buy shares is benefiting me at this stage! Poor helpless souls with no choice that they are...

06-01-2011, 06:34 PM
Zed, you are not Drilly as well are you??.

Just a reminder, gains on the way up is more rewarding than buying URA at $1. In actual fact, even buying at $1 would be down 96% whereas re-buying at 1.5 cents would have been a 160% gain. Godspeed to everybody and good luck.

06-01-2011, 07:37 PM
Zed, you are not Drilly as well are you??.

Just a reminder, gains on the way up is more rewarding than buying URA at $1. In actual fact, even buying at $1 would be down 96% whereas re-buying at 1.5 cents would have been a 160% gain. Godspeed to everybody and good luck.

There we go someone who understands maths! I was down heaps when I first started buying, but now after accumulating so much near the lows, I am doing really well from URA! I cant understand how some people cant fathom this??

06-01-2011, 07:48 PM
What the??

Just to put your math in complete perspective fellas. Anyone who rode it down to 4c from a dollar at a loss of 96% would require a gain of 2500% to get their money back.

The thing about averaging down ( and no offence intended Scorp. Im sure you know that anyway ) is most seem to do it in stages. Thing is. One is better accept the mistake ( you get out at a high level ) cut your losses and re enter when it has bottomed and is on the way up again.
This way its not gambling and not about making ones self feel better. If it never bounces you are safe. If it does bounce you get more for your money.

06-01-2011, 07:57 PM
What the??

Just to put your math in complete perspective fellas. Anyone who rode it down to 4c from a dollar at a loss of 96% would require a gain of 2500% to get their money back.

The thing about averaging down ( and no offence intended Scorp. Im sure you know that anyway ) is most seem to do it in stages. Thing is. One is better accept the mistake ( you get out at a high level ) cut your losses and re enter when it has bottomed and is on the way up again.
This way its not gambling and not about making ones self feel better. If it never bounces you are safe. If it does bounce you get more for your money.

Absolutely agree. The problem with certain ways of thinking is that people assume the amounts of shares purchased at certain prices...

As I have said earlier someone had a go at me for buying shares at 30c. Guilty as charged however said shares were 20,000. 6k it cost me. I accumulated 1 million @ or very near to 1.5c to put it in perspective + I am in the top 20 list for the URAOA options which werent even listed back then. What was big money for me as a younger investor in 2006/07 is little money now compared to what I have invested in the markets. Just because I was saying to buy around 20c or under 10c back then doesnt mean that I was adding to my stockpile. IN fact I didnt buy any shares in URA for all of 2009 and most of 2008 as I recall. Did a hell of a lot of buying in 2010.

Also, my signature hasnt been updated for a long time but I do own other shares. Some of which are listed in my "soon to be holding" section. Some may see MRU in there which I have had in that list for about 9 months now. Hell of a pick!

06-01-2011, 08:08 PM
Well. theres too much of "havin a go" at people on this thread I reckon. Im just havin my say on the principal and have no interest in the personal details. At the end of the day Im just happy if you come out on top. I got burned by URA but I dont take it personally. After posting the chart for you today I could see no reason for not having another go other than
(a) Im a bit late now.
(b) like what I have already better and have no cash.

07-01-2011, 02:04 AM
Well. theres too much of "havin a go" at people on this thread I reckon. Im just havin my say on the principal and have no interest in the personal details. At the end of the day Im just happy if you come out on top. I got burned by URA but I dont take it personally. After posting the chart for you today I could see no reason for not having another go other than
(a) Im a bit late now.
(b) like what I have already better and have no cash.

absolutely Strat! I think that there are better investments out there than URA, however in comparison to how far it fell, there are only a handful of stocks IMO that have the capacity to jump out of the gates like URA "could" if things went right. Having watched it fall and alot of my early money fall with it, I realised that I wasnt going to get a 10 bagger out of say Woolworths or CBA etc... but URA if they could turn it around could easily get back to 20c or even more! Hence why I started buying truckloads when they were 3c and under and then purchased heaps when they were 1.5c.

So my point has always been that there are way safer and more secure companies to invest in on the market, but for me having suffered losses like I did, URA was one of the only ones that could bounce back like I needed to to recoup the money that funnily enough it had taken from me in the first place!

It has gone from 1.3c to 4.1c today without even looking like its in its stride. just steady rises on decent volume. If it was to spike on big news and the market chased it, it would be over 20c without a doubt IMO.

Thanks very much for the chart today Strat by the way! I posted it on HC to highlight the run that it is having.


07-01-2011, 02:07 AM
IN fact I didnt buy any shares in URA for all of 2009 and most of 2008 as I recall.


I don't like being pedantic but the inconsistencies in your posts do annoy me. You say you don't recall buying for most of 2008 and that you were a small time investor but a quick scroll through some of the old posts paints a different picture:

From Jan 2008
nah in all honesty, i hold a large amount of URA...

Feb 2008:

i consider my holding to be of a fairly decent size and i never got the jitters even at 13c!

March 2008 (share price was around 20c):
i have a large holding but have averaged down to a decent price... so i am only in the red by a few cents, but it translates to alot of money...

April 2008:
i have been fortunate to average down to an average of 27c on a rather large parcel..

June 2008:

i bought gradually on the way down and when the **** hit the fan, i accumulated heavily. alot of my holding was purchased sub 23c and alot of that was sub 20c...

June 2008:

...lets hope i have got it right with URA. been holding my first lot for about 18 months now, but have been contiually buying...my approach was right IMO because i never dived in... i bought a parcel, then the SP fell substantially, so i would buy small parcels untill the lows of 16c... hence my average... was hard to do, but i am very glad i did now...

June 2008:

...i have bought a fair chunk in the past week or so, under 10c and i got the parcel at .055 haha.

October 2008:

all of us complain about the SP falling, but why would new investors buy shares in Uran when all they read/hear about is how much of a terrible company it is...

By talking down the company we are talking down our SP and its costing us all money...

... if this company goes broke, it will near taje me down with it

As i have said many times before, i can only hope that they pull off... something... otherwise Uran will literally take me down with it...

if it makes you feel better drillfix, i put most of my money in Uran, averaging down and am worth a slight fraction of what i was... it has even affected my day trading, as my portfolio value is just a glimmer of what it used to be...

but i wont let it ruin my life, because i beleive it will come good eventually, and if it doesnt, i will start again, with some important lessons learnt.

December 2010... lessons learnt?

Cant agree with that either... I averaged down and am now in a great position. Investment is about making $$$, and that is exactly what averaging down has achieved for me, so to say it isnt wise I feel is proven to be wrong by the stuation I currently find myself in

07-01-2011, 02:34 AM
Hi Soulman,

No, be assured, Zed and Me are not the same person, though we sure do agree about certain principles that surround this company though.

I am glad that people can make money out of stocks or the market, but to continually read or watch some folks brag about it gets a bit much. Cant they just shut the F up and enjoy whatever they are doing without continually typing with Caps Lock on all the time.

Some folks do will not invest in Uranium companies because of they believe differently and that is their choice. Regardless of how money one can make out of this stock, I will not support or invest in a company which CEO is incompetent and corrupt. And ultimately if justice were to prevail she should be in Prison for Corporate Fraud. But that is a concern I take when making decisions unlike others hence I do not subscribe to the supporters view of this company.

Of course this does not mean that this dog of a company cant turn a few bucks for people if they choose to take such a risk. Simply put, it just means they couldn't care less that the CEO of Uran is a career criminal whom should be locked up in jail and only makes a living from dangling carrots to naive people whom cant see her tactics.

07-01-2011, 02:45 AM

I don't like being pedantic but the inconsistencies in your posts do annoy me. You say you don't recall buying for most of 2008 and that you were a small time investor but a quick scroll through some of the old posts paints a different picture:

No worries Corran,

Your not being pedantic mate. Of course they are inconsistent, its one story after the other or post after post with nothing but Greed and Hype with every 0.001 cent move in the share price.

Why cant he just back off for a couple of days or weeks as its like having to put up with some pervert that keeps trying to pull himself off in front of everybody regardless what they think, feel or believe. I mean really, I wish him all the best with his investments but its a bit much when its continually over the top.

Thats enough from me or I might get banned again for speaking the truth.


07-01-2011, 05:02 AM
Corran that was truely a great bit of research of Scorps old posts.

I'm stoked that more of us are exposing this fraud.

07-01-2011, 09:07 AM
Also, my signature hasnt been updated for a long time but I do own other shares. Some of which are listed in my "soon to be holding" section. Some may see MRU in there which I have had in that list for about 9 months now. Hell of a pick!

"Soon to be holding" equates to "just looking thanks". If you were in a womens lingerie shop, you would be arrested mate.:eek2:

07-01-2011, 10:44 AM
"Soon to be holding" equates to "just looking thanks". If you were in a womens lingerie shop, you would be arrested mate.:eek2:

Hoping for another run today!

I thought a large parcel was more than what it was back in the day as I look back now. Large parcels back then were measley in most people's books but I thought they were large as to me, they were large at the time. I didnt realise there were people on the forum who bought in lots of hundreds of thousands of $$$.

But anyways, you can sift through as many of my posts as you like... it wont stop my positivity and will power to succeed with this stock.

Drill - I didnt even bother reading your posts mate! Would rather spend my time doing something worthwhile!

Cheers everyone! Heres to URA @ Over 10c soon!

07-01-2011, 10:46 AM
"Soon to be holding" equates to "just looking thanks". If you were in a womens lingerie shop, you would be arrested mate.:eek2:

AS I SAID - I didnt updatemy sig for ages. I held 5 of the stocks in the soon to be holding list. Just never updated my sig...

07-01-2011, 10:51 AM
Corran that was truely a great bit of research of Scorps old posts.

I'm stoked that more of us are exposing this fraud.

Zed - You should go through more of my old posts! I'm sure there is more conflicting posts in there somewhere! Let me know what you find!


07-01-2011, 11:28 AM
Here you go for all the fans of Uran and Kate Hobbs! Heres an ANN. from this morning!

6 January 2011
Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company, African Asian
Mining Development Limited, whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.
Uran’s participation in the Joint Venture is subject to completion of due diligence within 3 months,
which will include field mapping, geophysical surveys and drilling as announced on 29 December
2010. Exploration is likely to commence within the next week.
The properties include 5 large-scale prospecting licences (“LPLs”) in the Kabwe, Mansa and
Serenje areas, and 2 small scale mining licences (“SPPs”) in the Mansa area. Mining of
manganese has been carried out in 2010 on one of the SPPs and has exposed a number of
manganese reefs at or close to surface.

07-01-2011, 12:15 PM
Another carrot for the donkeys IMHO

As Drilly said i hope some can make some coin out of this dog but make sure your stop loss is 5% below the support line.

07-01-2011, 12:27 PM
Another carrot for the donkeys IMHO

As Drilly said i hope some can make some coin out of this dog but make sure your stop loss is 5% below the support line.

Does it not change the game completely when they have in their posession and released to market some preliminary drill results from the grants ridge project? Wasnt the whole carrot/donkey thing directly related to the fact that they never actually had any land under their possession and never drilled a single thing?

Things are very different now... Its quite an obvious and distinct difference too!

07-01-2011, 12:30 PM
6 January 2011

(ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of $800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.

Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company, African Asian Mining Development Limited, whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of manganese projects in Zambia.

Yes read closely Uran wannabe's.

How typical of this company, gets deals, and only for an Option to Acquire and it has not actually Acquired anything yet.

Always close and appears to be looking, doing and about to make something but never seems to make it across the line.

Oh, except with raised money at 0.022c whereby no wonder the SP has risen. To whom may I ask??? Did existing holders get this, Nope, no one bar of it.

Makes perfect sense to me and the tactics of KH or Uran though.

07-01-2011, 12:37 PM
Another carrot for the donkeys IMHO

As Drilly said i hope some can make some coin out of this dog but make sure your stop loss is 5% below the support line.

IMO you are correct Zed, another Carrot alright, or another Kate Hobbs magic trick whereby she turns something into Nothing (eventually).

I believe in a magic trick, it is the Part called "The Prestige".

Wait for it and it will come. Now this is a Half arsed Uranium company in the US and a newly formed Manganese Explorer in Africa.
Oh and let us not forget about the Tungsten that NEVER gets talked about nor goes anywhere except to some Juno Minerals that Kate set up for another Carrot only to be "missing in action", or money tied up and never used.

That is what I call good Management Kate, keep people guessing all the time, move the goal posts and pile the suckers up.

Also agree Zed, I hope people make the dosh on this one, but dont fall in love with this dog.

07-01-2011, 12:40 PM
Things are very different now... Its quite an obvious and distinct difference too!

Scorp, things are always different, and thats the point mate.

Why are they different though?

Simple and honest answer and truth is Scorp, Because they are never successful at previous exploration or projects.

Change the management on this company and I would be with you on this, but until then, its just another trick, diversion, story to keep the spin in action and executives of Uran Paycheck coming in. Thats all, nothing more, nothing less.

07-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Holders have had so many chances to aquire shares through placements already... and cheaper than 2.2c.

Grants Ridge etc is under Uran stewardship so different story to the Ukraine etc...

This option to aquire only relies on Urans Due Dilligence, and if they see fit they will move ahead after preliminary drilling.

I like it. Whether others do or not is up to them.

07-01-2011, 01:01 PM
Whether others do or not is up to them.

Agreed ~ !

07-01-2011, 01:16 PM
Glad we agree on something.

People always have the choice to like something or not. I am happy to do some marketing for the company as I always do, and post about a company that I am invested in. So much malice flung my way for being positive about this company it really is amazing... I have never experienced anything like it, and if anything it inspires me/motivates me to see the company and SP succeed!

Peoples comments on a public anonymous forum will not stop me, and they can say as the wish, and if nothing else, they are actually helping me get my message across.

Zed for example is great on HC because he adds more posts to the URA thread which I am almost single handedly keeping alive...

Keep it coming fellas!

07-01-2011, 01:24 PM
Yes Scorp, you would be surprised how much one can agree on.

Though, I wouldn't be too keen on making the company or the SP succeed. I say this because its the Market that chooses and not you, I, or that witch of a woman who runs the show, Kate Hobbs.

Time and truth eventually do prevail and we get left looking back and wondering the things we write today.

Anyhow, I will say though, This company now has the benefit of riding on the coat tail of 2 sectors, rather than one, and thats as far as it goes for the time being.

07-01-2011, 01:50 PM
Yes Scorp, you would be surprised how much one can agree on.

Though, I wouldn't be too keen on making the company or the SP succeed. I say this because its the Market that chooses and not you, I, or that witch of a woman who runs the show, Kate Hobbs.

Time and truth eventually do prevail and we get left looking back and wondering the things we write today.

Anyhow, I will say though, This company now has the benefit of riding on the coat tail of 2 sectors, rather than one, and thats as far as it goes for the time being.

It has more than that IMO.

Also the SP is succeeding which means the market is choosing for it to. You can also tell from the volumes.

Run baby run!

07-01-2011, 02:18 PM
Also the SP is succeeding which means the market is choosing for it to. You can also tell from the volumes.

Its still early days though Scorp, success is not measured by in a few days or a week.

Still good to yield some of Zed's wise advice and "Be Careful" and use stops if you must. Though stops wont do much should the ball drop.

Right now anybody who is buying is buying speculation still. They do not completely know what awaits them. Hence the term, Punt.

07-01-2011, 03:53 PM
Its still early days though Scorp, success is not measured by in a few days or a week.

Still good to yield some of Zed's wise advice and "Be Careful" and use stops if you must. Though stops wont do much should the ball drop.

Right now anybody who is buying is buying speculation still. They do not completely know what awaits them. Hence the term, Punt.

Check out the 100's of other "punt" stocks on the market doing well. This is the point, you are buying to try get in before all the future possibilities are confirmed and hence priced in.

You are right it is indeed a punt!

Good luck to anyone having a punt on this one! I think it is looking like a cheap punt with bigger possibilities than it ever has... but hey thats me.

07-01-2011, 05:13 PM
URA is in a strong, accelerating uptrend, but those that have made large profits on this stock should nevertheless have an exit strategy in place. No uptrend lasts forever. Here are a few suggestions that some of you might find useful.

SELL on :-

A break of the latest confirmed trendline (Green)
A break below a 34 day Exponential moving average (Blue)
A break below the OBV trendline (Green)
A break below the Trailing Stop (Red) The one shown here is based on the stock's Average True Range, but those that do not have access to this indicator need not worry - a simple 14% trailing stock is every bit as good, maybe even better.

There are many ways to use a selection of indicators such as these. Holders of a nervous disposition might sell the lot just as soon as any one of these indicators fires. Others, perhaps those holding large numbers of URA, might sell 1/4 of their holdings as each indicator is triggered. The very, very Bullish might perhaps delay selling until all of these indicators have fired.

Holders should not be at all surprised at today's price weakness. Observe yesterday's Bearish Divergence, when the stock made higher highs while the RSI(14) made lower highs. See how last time this happened (in November) it was followed by obvious shareprice weakness.

Of course, no Oscillator/Price divergence should be acted on in isolation, but they generally give excellent signals - for example, see how well the Bullish Divergence identified the exact bottom way back in June. The shareprice was making lower lows, but the RSI(14) was making higher lows as highlighted by the light green lines.


07-01-2011, 05:24 PM
Thats a chart you can take home to your Mama Scorp

07-01-2011, 05:25 PM
Thanks Phaedrus!

I am hoping more news can give us the next leg up! I do however heed your warnings. Will keep an eye out!

10-01-2011, 06:36 PM
The current support line looks to be at about 3.2c
If the share price drops below 3c i would bail out.

URA will need more than carrots to keep the share price moving upwards.

Cheers Zed

11-01-2011, 10:07 AM
Yes read closely Uran wannabe's.

How typical of this company, gets deals, and only for an Option to Acquire and it has not actually Acquired anything yet.

Always close and appears to be looking, doing and about to make something but never seems to make it across the line.

Oh, except with raised money at 0.022c whereby no wonder the SP has risen. To whom may I ask??? Did existing holders get this, Nope, no one bar of it.

Makes perfect sense to me and the tactics of KH or Uran though.

"Option to Acquire"

Me thinks ive seen that before, last time it cost shareholders $200k for nothing

11-01-2011, 11:49 AM
"Option to Acquire"

Me thinks ive seen that before, last time it cost shareholders $200k for nothing

Yes Shasta, you have, in fact we all have. I must say you are one of the few readers/observers whom seem to read peoples posts thoroughly.

To me, and Zed will agree with me obviously, this should probably read or be treated as "Carrot to Follow".

19-01-2011, 01:55 PM

URAOA UP 37.5%!!! Enjoy!

21-01-2011, 12:12 AM
Support line now at 3.4c

Yes I do agree with you Drill about the carrots.

21-01-2011, 02:32 AM
Support line now at 3.4c

Yes I do agree with you Drill about the carrots.

I hope you guys are enjoying missing out on the rise... So many chances to get in and make $$$.

Be weary by all means, but the SP is rising... interest is rising... the market is watching.... Traders are trading it...Heavy volumes... so many positives at the moment and all you guys have still is negativity...

People sometimes have motives of others failing the way they have... and fair enough to warn new investors of the risks, but new investors investing in spec Uranium mining junior micro explorers should know the risks anyways...

Its going to keep on rising...

21-01-2011, 03:39 AM
Last time I heard, there are plenty of other stocks out there to trade, so no body is missing out at all.

So some traders are trading this so now the stock shows some gains, so what. Last time I heard, other stocks were also making money.

You see Scorp, we all dont have to be trading Uran because you believe we should, and then comment like we missing out and should be trading it when meanwhile we get our gains from elsewhere. I mean c'mon dude, easy does it.

Just remember there are heaps of other stocks out there too, with better management, with better fundamentals, and better Technicals too. So lets not get into a slinging match about this, that or the next thing, because it will do you, me, zed or anybody reading here any good.

But good luck while the going seems good, I guess after years and years of Lies and Nothing, it would have to move along eventually, even be it on the back of more of Spin that Kate Hobbs (aka Friend of Archer 747 Liar and queen of deception) which is famous for using words that mean or never bare fruit of any kind, yet it all sounds promising, dont it.

Pitty its the end result everytime that is the killer and a killer for new investors whom are completely unaware of KH and her ways.

How this company is going to sustain in the US and Africa is beyond me, but will give Kate more excuses to continue at what she is good at, creating a Carrot that diverts Lies into appearing she is keeping busy.

Anyhooo, good luck with your new carrot and dont forget, plenty of other carrots to also follow out there which actually deliver.

21-01-2011, 11:12 AM
Last time I heard, there are plenty of other stocks out there to trade, so no body is missing out at all.

So some traders are trading this so now the stock shows some gains, so what. Last time I heard, other stocks were also making money.

You see Scorp, we all dont have to be trading Uran because you believe we should, and then comment like we missing out and should be trading it when meanwhile we get our gains from elsewhere. I mean c'mon dude, easy does it.

Just remember there are heaps of other stocks out there too, with better management, with better fundamentals, and better Technicals too. So lets not get into a slinging match about this, that or the next thing, because it will do you, me, zed or anybody reading here any good.

But good luck while the going seems good, I guess after years and years of Lies and Nothing, it would have to move along eventually, even be it on the back of more of Spin that Kate Hobbs (aka Friend of Archer 747 Liar and queen of deception) which is famous for using words that mean or never bare fruit of any kind, yet it all sounds promising, dont it.

Pitty its the end result everytime that is the killer and a killer for new investors whom are completely unaware of KH and her ways.

How this company is going to sustain in the US and Africa is beyond me, but will give Kate more excuses to continue at what she is good at, creating a Carrot that diverts Lies into appearing she is keeping busy.

Anyhooo, good luck with your new carrot and dont forget, plenty of other carrots to also follow out there which actually deliver.

Looking Fwd to seeing todays/next weeks actions! Cant wait to see the latest announcements!

URA and URAOA looking great! Well done to anyone who has bought in recent months, you are killing it.

25-01-2011, 01:05 AM
Can someone shed some light on the elevated volume on this? Is the ship leaking again? 42mill in vol. last week is a bit out of the ordinary for this one....

25-01-2011, 03:36 AM
Well Frank, seems like plenty of traders jumping on board this doggy atm, so as much as its going up, eventually they will find out that Kate Hobbs does not cut it, and that their money is tied up until news comes out, which therefore means, you will witness one, two, three sellers all inpatient from no movement or further gains a trader expects.

Then if still no news, out of this comes a sell off to test support, but rather than a slow gradual walk to the door, comes a herd of traders who thought there was going to be a life changing rally on their hands to only find out the way the ANN was worded. So hence a herd will run for the door bringing the price back down.

On the other hand, if some solid concrete news comes in with some solid fundamentals regarding this new manganese projects then there could be the rally they have waited for, only to sell off into the news. So thats what people are waiting for, some news to sell their stock into.

I have noticed now on Hot Popper, that Archer has now even bought in, well HAaaaa! There you have it.

That will probably be a buy sign as she is Katie Hobbles fancy good handy friend who everybody will then email her and ask her what she knows or what Kate is saying. She no doubt will act stupid as she does, but what people dont know is, because of she is a friend of KH, people get a trust feeling, they dont realise that behind the scenes they are becoming complacent and over invest in this stock that has never produced not one bean except Carrot after Carrot.

Like last time, when Archer buys in, the circle starts again, and the stock could rally, because people have bought the hype and dream only to later discover, the ones like Scorp who have ridden out the good and bad times only survive, as well as the likes of Archer who is also on a mission to spread the peace word of potential for this dog of a company.

You should know from last time Frank the risk in this stock is extreme and though its ok for those who are Quick and take profits on set targets, but on the flip side it will be very painful for those who have not been around the block on this stock and are left wondering what went wrong, or how did things go wrong.

In Brief, that's how Kate Hobbs makes her living, she is not a CEO, she is a crimial in a suit who throws out carrots because legally she can get away with it and be protected to some degree by corporate law.

Nice way to make a living really, just tell fairy tales and make people believe there is an actual company that cares and will deliver.

Funny thing about the whole deal here is, if the company, shareholders, who ever, could only just get RID OF KATE HOBBS, then the fundamentals and market would re-rate uran by at a minimum of 50% or on news of kate leaving the stock would probably double, without any projects.

Heck it that was the case, I would even trade it, but I would rather trade something with more solid management and prediction.

No doubt, every one has their opinion about what may happen, and many folks continue to overlook the past which is also fair enough, but then they will fail to see its not the past which is the problem, is the future, its the same Management from the past spinning a newer carrot.

Same old management dogs, with newer flees from a different paddock, yet the belief system for the newbs cannot see to this depth.

But who knows, some body will make some dollars on this if they have not already, but then there are lots of companies on the ASX and NASDAQ to make money on....lol.

25-01-2011, 01:29 PM
Can someone shed some light on the elevated volume on this? Is the ship leaking again? 42mill in vol. last week is a bit out of the ordinary for this one....

FrankEd - Huge things happening for this company ATM! MC still $9 million. They have just aquired some huge Manganese opputunities in Zambia. Check the recent announcements. The whole market is watching and alot of the traders getting in as the recent announcements are too good for it not to move. Not to mention the USA uranium prospects aswell.

Heaps changing fundamentally for URA. DYOR! Its gaining momentum!

25-01-2011, 01:35 PM
FrankEd - Huge things happening for this company ATM! MC still $9 million. They have just aquired some huge Manganese opputunities in Zambia. Check the recent announcements. The whole market is watching and alot of the traders getting in as the recent announcements are too good for it not to move. Not to mention the USA uranium prospects aswell.

Heaps changing fundamentally for URA. DYOR! Its gaining momentum!

They certainly seem to change focus & location a bit!

Must burn thru the cash having there HQ in Perth, & projects in the US & now Africa (Zambia)

The travel costs & associated expenses were huge when they were pursuing Uranium projects in eastern europe

Quarterly cashflow statement will be interesting, to see how much cash is spent on wages & admin costs v drilling related costs

25-01-2011, 02:21 PM
They certainly seem to change focus & location a bit!

Must burn thru the cash having there HQ in Perth, & projects in the US & now Africa (Zambia)

The travel costs & associated expenses were huge when they were pursuing Uranium projects in eastern europe

Quarterly cashflow statement will be interesting, to see how much cash is spent on wages & admin costs v drilling related costs

Shasta - Have you seen the Manganese projcts announcement? Could be in production soon and cash flow positive. Some great manganese projects connected to and around their prospects and their JV partner AAM helping them get it off the ground receiving more shares if milestones and targets are reached.

Lookin good for at least a short term trade IMHO!

Long term who knows what will happen with any spec company, but short term this looks huge!

25-01-2011, 02:36 PM
Shasta - Have you seen the Manganese projcts announcement? Could be in production soon and cash flow positive. Some great manganese projects connected to and around their prospects and their JV partner AAM helping them get it off the ground receiving more shares if milestones and targets are reached.

Lookin good for at least a short term trade IMHO!

Long term who knows what will happen with any spec company, but short term this looks huge!

No i haven't, so ill do some research on it, im tracking a list of around 10 - 15 low EV resource companies & many have Mn projects, i'll suss out the grades & compare them

25-01-2011, 03:12 PM
No i haven't, so ill do some research on it, im tracking a list of around 10 - 15 low EV resource companies & many have Mn projects, i'll suss out the grades & compare them

No worries. The grades are said to be between 55% and 70% MNo2 from memory. Also I see alot of conflicting reports on pricing of managanese ore.

Some valuations have URA's latest project capable of earning $120 million a year... others report possible of $2.4 milliona year... hopefully it is the first one, however even if its the latter there is still heaps of room for the SP to rocket!

Cheers Shasta - as always any input you can give would be much appreciated!

25-01-2011, 03:22 PM
No worries. The grades are said to be between 55% and 70% MNo2 from memory. Also I see alot of conflicting reports on pricing of managanese ore.

Some valuations have URA's latest project capable of earning $120 million a year... others report possible of $2.4 milliona year... hopefully it is the first one, however even if its the latter there is still heaps of room for the SP to rocket!

Cheers Shasta - as always any input you can give would be much appreciated!

I wont pretend i know anything about Manganese, but will post some comparisons to see where Uran fits within its Mn peers

25-01-2011, 04:57 PM
Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company,Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company, African Asian
Mining Development Limited, whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia., whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.

If I had $$$$ in this dodgy dog ( history backs me on that statement ) or was thinking of investing in it I would be finding out who African Asian
Mining Development Limited is and how legit this carrot is.

Bet no one can come up with anything solid.

Heard this sort of carrot many times from this mob about joint ventures in foriegn lands in which you can't research into.

They fizzled into nothing after the initial pump.

25-01-2011, 06:12 PM
Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company,Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company, African Asian
Mining Development Limited, whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia., whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.

If I had $$$$ in this dodgy dog ( history backs me on that statement ) or was thinking of investing in it I would be finding out who African Asian
Mining Development Limited is and how legit this carrot is.

Bet no one can come up with anything solid.

Heard this sort of carrot many times from this mob about joint ventures in foriegn lands in which you can't research into.

They fizzled into nothing after the initial pump.Just had a pretty good dig around.

Not a sausage.

25-01-2011, 07:52 PM
Thanks Strat

Hopefully for holders this one comes through but as usual I have serious doubts because of Kates history.

The number 1 company cheerleader should be able to enlighten everyone i'm sure.

How about it Scorp

25-01-2011, 09:22 PM
Thanks Strat

Hopefully for holders this one comes through but as usual I have serious doubts because of Kates history.

The number 1 company cheerleader should be able to enlighten everyone i'm sure.

How about it Scorp

Waiting for more announcements and accumulating on weakness. Zed you can continue on your way and sometimes I wish I had as much free time as someone like you to post so much on a thread about a stock that I dont hold... You keep trying to dig up the dirt and let me know how you go...

25-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Waiting for more announcements and accumulating on weakness. Zed you can continue on your way and sometimes I wish I had as much free time as someone like you to post so much on a thread about a stock that I dont hold... You keep trying to dig up the dirt and let me know how you go...

I'll translate Scorps response.

I have no idea who or what African Asian Mining Development Limited are, as long as they come through as i'm hanging by my proverbial balls on this mutt.

25-01-2011, 11:09 PM
I'll translate Scorps response.

I have no idea who or what African Asian Mining Development Limited are, as long as they come through as i'm hanging by my proverbial balls on this mutt.

a) could sell out now and be ahead...
b) They are a private company like discovery minerals which there is little to no public info available...
c) not worried about your opinion ZED. Makes no diff to the SP or company... nor does mine for that matter...

25-01-2011, 11:53 PM
I wont pretend i know anything about Manganese, but will post some comparisons to see where Uran fits within its Mn peers

From the junior explorers on my "low EV resource list" looking at those companies with Mn projects, here are the Mn ranges ive seen mentioned within there anns, GMM (~21-48%) GES (~20-60%), AXE* (~44%) & WCN (~28%), but thats an adjoining permit).

So anything above 50% looks great, 25-49% looks ok, below 25%, not so flash (thats just my opinion!), Uran's grades based on historic drilling are quite good

*AXE has a great presentation with background info on Manganese (I know nothing about Mn!)


From my web sources Manganese goes for around $US3,000 per ton

Huang Chung
26-01-2011, 12:33 AM
My understanding is that anything around 40% manganese, and you're looking at a direct shipping ore. Lower than this, and you'll probably need to beneficiate the ore to make it saleable. You'd have to look at the specific metallurgy to see what sort of beneficiation would be required.

(I've been picking up a few Shaw River Resources <SRR> over the past week. Looks to be quite an interesting manganese play. Spun out of Atlas Iron, with Atlas retaining at 45% stake. AGO acting as big brother as well, if you check out their Otjo project acquisition.)

Huang Chung
26-01-2011, 12:36 AM
From the junior explorers on my "low EV resource list" looking at those companies with Mn projects, here are the Mn ranges ive seen mentioned within there anns, GMM (~21-48%) GES (~20-60%), AXE* (~44%) & WCN (~28%), but thats an adjoining permit).

So anything above 50% looks great, 25-49% looks ok, below 25%, not so flash (thats just my opinion!), Uran's grades based on historic drilling are quite good

*AXE has a great presentation with background info on Manganese (I know nothing about Mn!)


From my web sources Manganese goes for around $US3,000 per ton

Shasta, aren't they referring to magnesium, not manganese?

26-01-2011, 02:28 AM
Shasta, aren't they referring to magnesium, not manganese?

Yes of course, oops

Scorp, ignore the reference to AXE, i got confused with wrong metal (see i really dont know anything about Manganese!)

26-01-2011, 04:17 AM
Well no doubt that kate hobbs good mate and servant the one we all know as "Archer" will like that stock AXE.

Perhaps she can get a job sucking people into that stock too..LOL

Back to projects though, there are some genuine rather important questions that still have gone unanswered. Some which Zed has already asked.

1. Who exactly is this company African Asian Mining Development Limited (AAMD) (besides a private company) As in who are the CEO or managers and what is the address, is it a PO box address that Kate Hobbs has setup? Did she know or have anything to do with the company prior?

2. Why would they give Uran an interest in the project compared to trying to get a major involved, or a company with proven track experience at both running projects or a company that is more stable both financially and technically capable? Seems strange for uran who cant even complete USA drilling with Uranium to now suddenly be involved in Africa, they do not have the man power to do such or run all these so called projects efficiently, which means, one may flow better than the other, but the money on the other project is being un-resourceful and thus, eventually badly managed.

3. On the company website, there is still information with projects about Czech Republic, Pictures of miners in Eastern Europe, I with a company statement of their mission "To acquire, define, develop and mine Uranium deposits". Well, the mission is side tracked, yet again, why are they doing this, because they see a short term "Kate Hobbs type Opportunity". Yet she is so bad at managing projects, people, shareholders, you name it, she is bad, so why not ask the Hard Deep Questions about EVERY thing. So this question is about the misguided mission statements that are publically been seen by many on the internet on the companies website.

So these are 3 simple questions that dont really add up (as yet) but to speculate and see people counting the chickens to value this company at this stage is a complete Joke in my opinion, because simply put, how can anybody or investor trust Kate Hobbs or the company, when everything they have done previously has not added up, so why is this any different?? Because there is a new breed of freshly cashed up investors out there who want to have a punt? Maybe so, but this does not change the "What Really Is the truth about the past, present and future".

Anybody who can give an answer has not learned anything from the past.

Making money from a stock because it has fresh meat and a new carrot in front of it is quite easy, heck I could even buy a small swag again if ramp it without concern to what my belief system is, but I wont, though trading it for one day on momentum could be a profitable option, if one is quick enough and remembers not to fall in love with the spin that will not add up correctly in the future.

They could have the whole of Africa, with Kate being the Queen of Sheeba, and she still would find a way to screw it up, because that seems to be what she is best at, making something sound like a wonderful thing, only to have the bag pulled over her head, but if that happens, it means that shareholders have the bag pulled over there head too, as what happened the last time. And rather Kate Hobbs coming out and cutting the losses and actually telling shareholders outright, she played it like a bad piano, and went into denial, and to this day still has not apologised or been accountable.

So question 4 is, why do people think she will be accountable for this new project? Be it that holders still dont fully know what they are getting into besides the nice sounding spin that may encourage them to take the risk (again, yes again, and history will repeat).

Remove the Management of this company and you have a re rating without any projects, remove the management and get somebody in with proven experience and transparent in not only negotiations but dialogue to shareholders and this company would be multiples of where it is now, so therefore, IMO, it is for this reason alone that the company will fail as it has never achieved anything yet to this day or writing this post.

26-01-2011, 04:49 AM
Yes of course, oops

Scorp, ignore the reference to AXE, i got confused with wrong metal (see i really dont know anything about Manganese!)

All good! Cheers anyways!

Uran failed previously due to political situations and politcians that were obstacles they could not overcome... No politics as a problem yet in either USA or Zambia... Secondly they never actually aquired any of the former Porjects in Europe... The USA IS OURS!!!

Zambia IS OURS if they deem fit after due dilligence which is a no brainer.

Its really simple if you look at it. Check out what posters on other forums are saying... This actually looks good compared to the blue sky of the past. URA never actually HAD anything in the past...

Completely different ball game now, and just like a ball game it needs to be played differently... Those dwelling on the past too much are playing the game with an old team and old strategy...

26-01-2011, 11:34 AM
New carrot - same ball game IMO

26-01-2011, 11:38 AM
New carrot - same ball game IMO

I'll reserve judgement & see if they do get the Zambian Manganese project up & running, but having "right to acquire" projects are high risk!

26-01-2011, 08:47 PM
Uran failed previously due to political situations and politcians that were obstacles they could not overcome...

Completely different ball game now, and just like a ball game it needs to be played differently... Those dwelling on the past too much are playing the game with an old team and old strategy...

Wrong again,

Uran failed because Kate Hobbs failed, its who you know not what you know. Why did another company (I forget the name) go over there and regardless of situation or political stability and setup shop and start doing business? Why do they do that, but Uran cannot.

Politics failing only aids to the excuse of Kate Hobbs failure, which anybody can agree, would have been a hard test to pass but again, why can another company do it, yet Uran cannot????


Its not a completely different ball game, its the same game, just a different venue. The main player here is the same as the last time, and that is what the problem is. I keep saying it, many keep dismissing it, but I in fact know that Kate Hobbs is not a competent CEO to do brings things into fruition.

Give it time and then watch her fail, then you will see some excuse or another, but will it be political, tribal, zulu problems or whatever she can muster up as the probelm, it will never be her fault, as she only sits on her arse and expects things to get brought to her for little effort.

Same game, same player, different venue, with different potentials, but in the long run, you wait and see, same outcome.

Who cares what new people say or think, they will say anything to get the price up just so they can say Good Luck with your investment, I am now OUT due to blah blah blah.

Just you watch, musical chairs and believe me when I say, the music is going to stop, so enjoy it while its there to be enjoyed.

26-01-2011, 09:00 PM
I'll reserve judgement & see if they do get the Zambian Manganese project up & running, but having "right to acquire" projects are high risk!

Absolutely Shasta, completely high risk, with wording like that it, "the right to".

The right to bag Kate Hobbs for life, the right to, the right to, how about the Wrong too, as this is just another Paraphrasing which the one and only Kate Hobbs uses when she wants to sound like its sewn up.

Remember the word Protocol ??? I am sure Kate used this word because it sounded good and she could impress people.

There is Nothing about that word previously that did do anything, or solve anything, for Her, or for Uran Shareholders. Yet the Kate Hobbs used it to only cloak things up or do divert anything she could not answer previously, it basically was a Smoke Screen word she kept pulling out and then she would hope shareholders would be convinced everything was Ok, because it was in the Protocol.

Shareholder: Hey Kate, when in the world are these projects actually going to go into production, I thought you said this year?

KateHobbs: Thats what we had targeted for as a possibility, yet as we bound by a "Protocol" further developments could be known to us any time.

Shareholder: Ummmm, Yeah right, so this means this is still happening yes?

Kate Hobbs: Absolutely so, in fact, so much so that once matters have progressed we can virtually be assured of acquiring more projects.

Shareholder? Ummmm, yes ok, so does that mean there will be a "Protocol" for that too?

Kate Hobbs: The Protocol will be the same for everything.

//end none-sense

Anyway, I think thats what people or readers or potential investors should look out for in these announcements because Uran seem to always eventually sell something that is usually too good to be true, thus using such words, or wording, paraphrasing etc.

Good on ya for pointing this out there Shasta.

New carrot - same ball game IMO

I agree Zed, New Carrrot, same players.

Huang Chung
26-01-2011, 10:50 PM
"A 40%Mn product currently carries an approximate in-situ market value of US$240/t (using US$6/DMTU)." (Sept 2010)


Uran seem to be using MnO2, rather than straight Mn when talking grades. I would imagine the straight Mn grades would be somewhat lower. Might be worth checking out.

27-01-2011, 10:31 AM
Here is a selection of half a dozen indicators that gave good entry signals into URA and should also provide useful Sell signals when the time comes.

Note the rising volume (green dotted line) when URA was in a short-term uptrend. This is Bullish. Note the falling volume (magenta dotted line) while URA is in its current short-term downtrend. This too is Bullish. See how the underlying "medium-term" uptrend is still intact, and has in fact accelerated.

See how the MSI Buy signals were no better than any of the conventional indicators shown here. Its sole advantage is that there is no need to select a time period appropriate to the stock in question.


27-01-2011, 10:35 AM
Here is a selection of half a dozen indicators that gave good entry signals into URA and should also provide useful Sell signals when the time comes.

Note the rising volume (green dotted line) when URA was in a short-term uptrend. This is Bullish. Note the falling volume (magenta dotted line) while URA is in its current short-term downtrend. This too is Bullish. See how the underlying "medium-term" uptrend is still intact, and has in fact accelerated.

See how the MSI Buy signals were no better than any of the conventional indicators shown here. Its sole advantage is that there is no need to select a time period appropriate to the stock in question.


Thanks Phaedrus much appreciated! Would you mind if I posted this on other forums? I wont untill I receive your reply! Cheers.

So at this stage we are expecting the next leg up or (hopefully not) the trendline to break and move towards the downside?

27-01-2011, 11:57 AM
Post it wherever you like, Scorp.

We are not "expecting" anything. We are simply monitoring the uptrend with a view to selling when it weakens or ends. No-one has got any idea how long this uptrend will run or when or where or how it will end. The only certainty is that it will end. This is reactive TA. Trend following. I make no attempt at predictions - I used to, but found that my mine were no better than anyone elses.

Rotella put it well when he said "Technical analysis is the study of past market behaviour to determine the current state or condition of the market".
See? No expectations.

27-01-2011, 01:14 PM
Post it wherever you like, Scorp.

We are not "expecting" anything. We are simply monitoring the uptrend with a view to selling when it weakens or ends. No-one has got any idea how long this uptrend will run or when or where or how it will end. The only certainty is that it will end. This is reactive TA. Trend following. I make no attempt at predictions - I used to, but found that my mine were no better than anyone elses.

Rotella put it well when he said "Technical analysis is the study of past market behaviour to determine the current state or condition of the market".
See? No expectations.

Excellent, and understood.

ATM this is a buy and in a strong uptrend... so untill that changes it is safe to stay in or buy... Pretty simple to follow and I like it! Will monitor closely and once again cheers!

27-01-2011, 01:36 PM
Excellent, and understood. ATM this is a buy and in a strong uptrend... so until that changes it is safe to stay in or buy...No - not at all. URA is a not a Buy, Scorp. It is a Hold. Neither is this a "safe" point to buy - the safest time to buy is when you get Buy signals.

All the indicators shown here are specifically tailored to monitoring the uptrend. They are not there to identify good entry points for those that want to add to their URA holdings, and will not provide any more buy signals. Those were triggered in October of last year. If you are looking for advantageous entry points in a stock that is in an established uptrend, you need to use an entirely different suite of indicators such as fast oscillators.

Within the current "medium-term" uptrend, URA is in a short-term downtrend. There is no way you will get any Buy signals so long as URA is heading South.

27-01-2011, 01:40 PM
Haha~! Scorp, you not only posted Mr.P' chart, but you also used his commentary and then gave him No Credit for it...LOL

Guess you will to add another post giving a warning to those who read this :P

Trick is, to know when the sell signals are coming.

To me, it doesn't matter as it will depend on what Kate Hobbs says in the next ann, or whatever news she puts forth. If the wording is has a cloak and dagger phrasing to it the price will fall, it there are some actual facts with compete transparency then it may actually hold whatever gains it has had so far and continue.

But knowing the Monster Hobbs, she will try with her wording to make it sound like Utopia and Paradise with icing on top.

27-01-2011, 02:17 PM
Haha~! Scorp, you not only posted Mr.P' chart, but you also used his commentary and then gave him No Credit for it...LOL

Guess you will to add another post giving a warning to those who read this :P

Trick is, to know when the sell signals are coming.

To me, it doesn't matter as it will depend on what Kate Hobbs says in the next ann, or whatever news she puts forth. If the wording is has a cloak and dagger phrasing to it the price will fall, it there are some actual facts with compete transparency then it may actually hold whatever gains it has had so far and continue.

But knowing the Monster Hobbs, she will try with her wording to make it sound like Utopia and Paradise with icing on top.

Iposted a thankyou to Phaedrus 30 seconds after the first post... You should call off the hounds when trying to attack me. I am growing weary of it... and you are wasting your time.

Thanks again Phaedrus!

27-01-2011, 02:19 PM
No - not at all. URA is a not a Buy, Scorp. It is a Hold. Neither is this a "safe" point to buy - the safest time to buy is when you get Buy signals.

All the indicators shown here are specifically tailored to monitoring the uptrend. They are not there to identify good entry points for those that want to add to their URA holdings, and will not provide any more buy signals. Those were triggered in October of last year. If you are looking for advantageous entry points in a stock that is in an established uptrend, you need to use an entirely different suite of indicators such as fast oscillators.

Within the current "medium-term" uptrend, URA is in a short-term downtrend. There is no way you will get any Buy signals so long as URA is heading South.

This is a safer time one would think whilst in an uptrend than if the chart was red though right? If I wanted to accumulate, what would I do? Buy now and if the sell triggers occur then sell? I fugure a strong uptrend is as safe as its going to get?

27-01-2011, 02:47 PM
Stop twisting words Scorp
As Phaedrus correctly called " Within the current "medium-term" uptrend, URA is in a short-term downtrend. There is no way you will get any Buy signals so long as URA is heading South".

27-01-2011, 02:52 PM
I would say there is no such thing as a safe bet when it comes to Uran, and I would also say, you are not qualified to say that it is, but you will do as you please anyway. Yet readers beware.

Plus nobody has dogs chasing after you scorp, its just another day whereby I say something as I see it, no more, no less.

I would have thought with when posting the chart in the first instance, that you would have said at least a "Thankyou courtesy of Mr.P from ST" or something like that.

With regards to another post following that, well I dont sit on the Uran thread all day or if once a week if that to be concerned about what this company does or does not do.

I do however hangout and sit here on ST most of the day, so if you have anything useful to actually post, I would glad to be honest with you about it.

27-01-2011, 03:00 PM
Stop twisting words Scorp
As Phaedrus correctly called " Within the current "medium-term" uptrend, URA is in a short-term downtrend. There is no way you will get any Buy signals so long as URA is heading South".

Zed, scorp is on another planet at most times.

He cannot seem to listen to you, or me, as well as Mr.P, as he misses ALL the words and phrasing that was used.

No wonder he seems to think people attack him, when actually we are only voicing the other side of his view. Yet that is till unacceptable to him.

Scorp, the only dog that is set upon you is the dog you are invested in...lol And that's a pretty big Woofer~!

27-01-2011, 03:26 PM
I would say there is no such thing as a safe bet when it comes to Uran, and I would also say, you are not qualified to say that it is, but you will do as you please anyway. Yet readers beware.

Plus nobody has dogs chasing after you scorp, its just another day whereby I say something as I see it, no more, no less.

I would have thought with when posting the chart in the first instance, that you would have said at least a "Thankyou courtesy of Mr.P from ST" or something like that.

With regards to another post following that, well I dont sit on the Uran thread all day or if once a week if that to be concerned about what this company does or does not do.

I do however hangout and sit here on ST most of the day, so if you have anything useful to actually post, I would glad to be honest with you about it.

Thats exactly what I did you fool, hence why you have just wasted 3 long and annoying posts whinging about something that is incorrect... Any more stuff you want to whinge about that is incorrect?

You and ZED teaming up is extremely laughable... and the funny thing is that if I sold out of ANY stock Let alone URA I wouldnt read posts about the company anymore let alone waste my time everyday posting! I love how you try to have a go at me every chance you get because I follow and talk positively about a stock that has brought you so much misery... Its not my fault you lost your $$$. How many times do I have to say it???

I really wish you didnt lose your $$$ I truly do... Not for your sake, but for my own sake so I wouldnt be subjected to your annoying, ridiculous & neurotic nonsense all the time... ahhh life would be great!

27-01-2011, 03:39 PM
If I wanted to accumulate, what would I do? Buy at any short-term Buy signal as per the green arrows plotted below.

I figure a strong uptrend is as safe as its going to get? Yes, but within that uptrend there are good and bad places to buy. The idea is to buy when the stock is at or near the lower edge of its trend channel. This minimises risk and maximises profits.

This is as much as I can do for you Scorp - you are on your own now. Good luck!


27-01-2011, 03:57 PM
Scrop, if you going to makes posts getting all defensive, then at least get them right.

I dont know Zed from a Bar of soap and he dont know me, with the exception of I wished I had listed to him ages ago on HC.

Zed, besides HC, do you know me?
And are we teaming up to beat up scorp?

Or is it his standard way of deviating from truth and reality and continue to be paranoid that his dog stock has actually the chance of one day falling over which scares the crap out of him?

Sure I wish I had listen to Zed ages ago, but thats in the past. I completely agree with Zed now though, as I am sure he agree's with me, so the only thing left is your Paranoia Scorp.

Get over it.

ps: no you did not give credit on your 1st post on HC you stupid twat.

You seem to appear to make yourself out like you are the one who was posting it the 1st time. Hence my post soon after.

27-01-2011, 03:57 PM
Buy at any short-term Buy signal as per the green arrows plotted below.

Yes, but within that uptrend there are good and bad places to buy. The idea is to buy when the stock is at or near the lower edge of its trend channel. This minimises risk and maximises profits.

This is as much as I can do for you Scorp - you are on your own now. Good luck!


Cheers Phaedrus! As always its much appreciated!

27-01-2011, 03:58 PM
Scrop, if you going to makes posts getting all defensive, then at least get them right.

I dont know Zed from a Bar of soap and he dont know me, with the exception of I wished I had listed to him ages ago on HC.

Zed, besides HC, do you know me?
And are we teaming up to beat up scorp?

Or is it his standard way of deviating from truth and reality and continue to be paranoid that his dog stock has actually the chance of one day falling over which scares the crap out of him?

To be honest, he seems like a young chap. I wish he would just grow up a bit more and maybe trying spending some of that money he boasts about continually. Perhaps even get out of hist mums house and cut loose for a while. Even shout himself to a trip to the brothel or something as I cant imagine him having a girlfriend playing witness to his uran obsession.

Sure I wish I had listen to Zed ages ago, but thats in the past. I completely agree with Zed now though, as I am sure he agree's with me, so the only thing left is your Paranoia Scorp.

Get over it.

Getting called Paranoid by a mental patient! Thats rich! (<<<something you certainly are not)

I know I didnt in the first post which was an accident that was rectified within 30 seconds. Let it go you sook! Honestly! You're embarrassing yourself and everyone who is reading this exchange!

27-01-2011, 04:07 PM
Getting called Paranoid by a mental patient! Thats rich! (<<<something you certainly are not)

I know I didnt in the first post which was an accident that was rectified within 30 seconds. Let it go you sook! Honestly! You're embarrassing yourself and everyone who is reading this exchange!

There is no point in discussing anything with you as You cannot hear anybody but your own voices Scorp.

Grow up mate~!

27-01-2011, 04:13 PM
There is no point in discussing anything with you as You cannot hear anybody but your own voices Scorp.

Grow up mate~!

I dont know about you but I only have 1 voice. You must have a few different voices in your head by the sounds of it.

If you had of not had a dig at me about my post on HC etc we would not be arguing right now. You should learn to keep your thoughst about others to yourself occasionally if you dont want it to be dished back to you. very simple...

I wouldnt care if you never posted on this topic - I wouldnt have a go at you because I honestly dont care about your opinion or constant whinging in the slightest (even though it is a nuisance) except when it is aimed at me directly, then you will hear about it back.

If you want to bag URA go ahead - just dont mention my name or direct any comments at me and you can say as you please. We might put forward different opinions about the company and thats fine but leave me out of it.

I dont post on this topic to read your comments as to me they are a complete waste of time and arent bringing anything to the table except therapy for a very troubled soul.

Post away if you must but if its directed at me its coming straight back at you.

27-01-2011, 04:34 PM
Always on the defensive Scorp.

Goes to show that your only true talent is Ramping a stock or Insulting People, which I must say you are 1st class at.

27-01-2011, 04:44 PM
Always on the defensive Scorp.

Goes to show that your only true talent is Ramping a stock or Insulting People, which I must say you are 1st class at.

Who insulted who first in this exchange? You like to have a dig untill you get a bite then you start to sook like you are a defenseless helpless vitcim...

Takes 2 to tango my friend. And I never tango unless someone else starts its first by aiming something at me. Go see your post after me and Phaedrus were having a discussion about the stock.

You are stupider than I thought if you cannot see that...

27-01-2011, 04:54 PM
Can someone please tell me what HC is? Another stock forum I presume? Thanks

27-01-2011, 04:56 PM
Can someone please tell me what HC is? Another stock forum I presume? Thanks



27-01-2011, 05:17 PM
You are stupider than I thought if you cannot see that...

I never thought there was such a word, am I wrong about this too? Just like Kate Hobbs, just like URA, just like, ummmm...YOU~!

One day you will chill TFO scorp.

Plus you should not be insulted about previous posts, you were upset that I pulled you up on giving credits, when I read you had not done.

Then, I add some other observations, which is due to this being a Forum, remember?

Dont know who would tango with you, maybe Archer would, she would suit your type of personality and investing.

27-01-2011, 05:20 PM
I never thought there was such a word, am I wrong about this too? Just like Kate Hobbs, just like URA, just like, ummmm...YOU~!

One day you will chill TFO scorp.

Plus you should not be insulted about previous posts, you were upset that I pulled you up on giving credits, when I read you had not done.

Then, I add some other observations, which is due to this being a Forum, remember?

Dont know who would tango with you, maybe Archer would, she would suit your type of personality and investing.

Uh huh... taking Aim at Archer now - a female who is just an existing investor in Uran... thats her only crime(sarcasm) yet you crucify her every chance you get. I think you should grow up. You worry me... honestly... You have problems mate!

27-01-2011, 05:41 PM
Always getting things wrong Scorp, you know, you will become famous for being "wrong".

If I am wrong, I tend to admit it at least..

You see Archer as an investor in Uran, when she is a Personal Friend and Informant to the one and only Kate Hobbs.

Dont worry, Kate Hobbs thinks your a darling scorp, as would any fat arsed CEO with plenty of your dosh to travel around the world with.

A real pitty that you cannot see the relationship though, but you will play the Hero role like you always do to save the damsel in distress.

27-01-2011, 05:48 PM
You have problems mate!

There you go again, saying things like you are qualified, and a financial advisor too, anything else you care to give advice?

For a man who cannot even spell or use words correctly, I believe your schooling is incomplete.

27-01-2011, 06:03 PM
There you go again, saying things like you are qualified, and a financial advisor too, anything else you care to give advice?

For a man who cannot even spell or use words correctly, I believe your schooling is incomplete.

C'mon you two, stick to bagging the company not each other.

You are allowed differing opinions, but please don't drag Sharetrader down to HC level

BTW, i find the Manganese project rationale a little hard to understand.

The reason for the Zambian project was to acquire it for short term cashflow when in production, to fund the uranium projects in the US, so they wouldnt have to keep going to the market & dilluting the shares.

They only have 285m FPO's, if they were approaching a billion shares i'd be more wary.

I'll wait & see how Zambian Manganese project goes, but i'm looking to ACB for uranium exposure

27-01-2011, 06:11 PM
Getting called Paranoid by a mental patient! Thats rich! (<<<something you certainly are not)

Shasta, Uran, Kate Hobbs, Scorp the fanboy are all too hard to work out or understand.

After reading back at insult after insult from Scorp, I am now sick to death of his insults and insecurity.

I am being baited bit by bit, and outwitted by a kid who needs his @SS Kicked, So Scorp, regardless of what condition I have, you better hope that we never meet, else your get URANUS kicked good time and properly like you mumma should have done years ago.

Now run off to your Hot Copper community you spoilt brat as there you can ramp all you want to those who are gullible.

27-01-2011, 06:16 PM
Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company,Exploration to Commence on Zambian Near-Production Manganese Projects
Uran Limited (ASX: URA) is pleased to announce the successful completion of its capital raising of
$800,000 via the issue of 36,363,635 million shares at an issue price of $0.022 per share with one
free attaching option exercisable at 8 cents by 13 July 2012.
Uran has entered into a Heads of Agreement with a private South African company, African Asian
Mining Development Limited, whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia., whereby it has an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.

If I had $$$$ in this dodgy dog ( history backs me on that statement ) or was thinking of investing in it I would be finding out who African Asian
Mining Development Limited is and how legit this carrot is.

Bet no one can come up with anything solid.

Heard this sort of carrot many times from this mob about joint ventures in foriegn lands in which you can't research into.

They fizzled into nothing after the initial pump.
Back on track

I'm still hoping someone has been able to find out anything about this African Asian Mining Development Limited

I've exhausted all my searches without being able to find diddly squat on it.

27-01-2011, 06:33 PM
drilly, we have had this conversation before. now thats enough. just let him go. rightly or wrongly he believes in what he is saying. he has that right. come on over to ndl we insantiy reigns. smile. we still love you!

27-01-2011, 06:53 PM
Back on track

I'm still hoping someone has been able to find out anything about this African Asian Mining Development Limited

I've exhausted all my searches without being able to find diddly squat on it.

Zed, I was gonna say no luck hey, but as you already know, Anything to do with the way of Kate Hobbs operates is not meant to be transparent.

Same with the reporting of so called grades, not the normal standard and easy to work out so they can be compared which is part of the trick Uran do each and every time, with every project. Anybody else notice that? I mean its all the time. Its like they are meant to deceive if anything.

Same with the company and this so called new deal. Last time is was the Ukraine (Huge Failure), next its Tungsten with a subsidiary of Uran that holders have paid for, yet not heard a Nickel or Dime report from. Then whilst in the US with yet more U projects that do not do anything, and you cannot get the correct Measurements in grades that are not standard to Australia, (yet again to deceive) and now this time in Africa, with yet again grades that are not reported in line with others but to their own Uran way, which IMO is a country where you dont just do business, but you better know someone too, or else the bagman will nail you.

If anybody out there in the whole WORLD knows anything about that company African Asian Mining Development then it would be good to know something and to be shown, where, who, when and why at the same time.

Saying that, it does not look like anybody can though, which is a shame, the untold story that everybody loves to believe (again).

Feel free to post this on HC to see if anybody can prove up some evidence other than the Rampers or Experts whom are talking about how cheap the stock is or how many dollars its worth, even before they can prove any actual facts, as usual.

But no matter what, you are right Zed, At the end of the day this its just another Uran Carrot for the mob to suck on. Primarily designed for new born investors waiting to lose their do$h.


ER, no worries, already moving forwards.

27-01-2011, 07:28 PM
Drill I think between us we have more cred than any ramper trying to suck newbies in.
We both don't stand to make diddly squat out of this dog and only want to warn newbies of Kates forked tongue.
Newbies who like extreme risk please put in your stop loss and I hope you are disiplined enough to bail when it breaks support.
Best of luck if you can make some $$$$ out of it.

27-01-2011, 07:39 PM
Drill I think between us we have more cred than any ramper trying to suck newbies in.
We both don't stand to make diddly squat out of this dog and only want to warn newbies of Kates forked tongue.
Newbies who like extreme risk please put in your stop loss and I hope you are disiplined enough to bail when it breaks support.
Best of luck if you can make some $$$$ out of it.

Your not wrong there Zed.

Better yet, why dont these newbs just invest in a real company that actually continues to grow, give timely results and report both effectively and completely transparent.

Plenty of them out there to choose from thats for sure.

27-01-2011, 07:40 PM
ob1kinobi Another definition of Hot Copper Rampers Paradise

27-01-2011, 10:21 PM
Thanks for that!

31-01-2011, 06:45 PM
Phaedrus I respect your charting skills and i'm keen to hear how you read URA's chart now that it seems to have broken support.

Cheers Zed

31-01-2011, 09:01 PM
Cash in the kitty at the end of the quarter is 552k

Estimated expenditure for the next quarter is 650k

You do the sums because this don't stack up. :confused:

Yet another capital raising about to happen? :scared:

31-01-2011, 09:44 PM
URA seems to have broken support.URA's last support was at 3.2 cents (magenta line) so no, it hasn't broken support yet.
Of course, if it does, that would constitute a Sell signal.

URA has been heading steadily South since the Price/Volume climax on the 19th. (These often mark significant turning points). This slide has triggered multiple Sell signals that began last Friday. You can see that not all indicators featured here have fired as yet. This is quite normal in that these are all different classes of indicator with different sensitivity levels.

There are many ways to handle signals from multiple indicators. If you are a "strong" holder of URA (one who believes the story) you might well delay selling until every single indicator has turned. If you are a "weak" holder of URA (one who has reservations as to the fundamental worth of the stock) you might dump the lot just as soon as the very first indicator fires. If you hold large numbers of URA, you might sell 1/10 of your holding as each indicator is triggered. If you are a staunch fundamentalist and consider TA to be useless, you will ignore all of these signals - you probably ignored all the Buy signals as well!


31-01-2011, 10:16 PM
Thanks Phaedrus

3.2c it is.

15-02-2011, 08:58 PM
The support line at 3.2c has well and truly been breached.
Parachutes on for those that listened to Scorp because this ain't stopping until it hits 2c flat.
10 bagger. Rolfamao

Cheers Zed

16-02-2011, 04:13 AM
Hi Zed,

I think what has happened is, many new investors into Uran failed to understand that after such previous news what then follows is the limited communication from the company and its ceo Kate Hobbs, who will say nothing about anything, until she and only she is good and ready.

The "new many investors" probably now realised that this is not a fast transaction or trade, and that each week that passed is money elsewhere is being made so hence the slow march towards the door along with the broken support and the sp and trend now headng downwards.

Of course, these new investors are many from HC and this will be one stock that Treasure Hunter and his faithful followers may have wished they yielded the warnings.

Who knows though, will news eventually come out and give the market what it wants to hear? Or will this be just another long wait, then wait and then more waiting only for Kate Hobbs to clarify something she should have clarified in the beginning announcements that lengthy delays could be encountered.

If Uran want the price of the stock to Double 100% in value straight of the bat, then all they need to do is get rid of Kate Hobbs and the price will run harder than any other announcement they have given. (besides the Production in July BS they previously sucked people in with). But unfortunately for shareholders, that is just not going to happen, unless they Vote Her Out completely.

16-02-2011, 06:49 AM
Hi Zed,

I think what has happened is, many new investors into Uran failed to understand that after such previous news what then follows is the limited communication from the company and its ceo Kate Hobbs, who will say nothing about anything, until she and only she is good and ready.

The "new many investors" probably now realised that this is not a fast transaction or trade, and that each week that passed is money elsewhere is being made so hence the slow march towards the door along with the broken support and the sp and trend now headng downwards.

Of course, these new investors are many from HC and this will be one stock that Treasure Hunter and his faithful followers may have wished they yielded the warnings.

Who knows though, will news eventually come out and give the market what it wants to hear? Or will this be just another long wait, then wait and then more waiting only for Kate Hobbs to clarify something she should have clarified in the beginning announcements that lengthy delays could be encountered.

If Uran want the price of the stock to Double 100% in value straight of the bat, then all they need to do is get rid of Kate Hobbs and the price will run harder than any other announcement they have given. (besides the Production in July BS they previously sucked people in with). But unfortunately for shareholders, that is just not going to happen, unless they Vote Her Out completely.

Hi Drill
Your right about the share price doubling if they dump Hobbs.
Unfortunately a lot of new donkeys bought and followed the new manganese carrot and will probaly hold until they finally realise this carrot ain't going anywhere.

16-02-2011, 12:13 PM
Well Zed, I think the trick here for any new Holder is make a rule and a tough one which is:

If the Story changes (even in the slightest) then SELL
If the Management does not work to a time schedule on time (with in reason) SELL
If the wording is not complete diction Fact of action, meaning not open to backward interpretation, then SELL
(meaning words being used such as IF, COULD, rather than WILL, ARE, HAVE etc)

Reads the story in full and you can see the wording is open to saying, this can go anywhere, but only god knows when.

Ahh well, at least in the URAN part 1 story you gave the flag calling to those.

16-02-2011, 01:43 PM
This leopard won't change it's spots and will continue to lure newbies and fools into their web of big dreams and no delivery.

16-02-2011, 01:46 PM
Dont you just love this company.

Capacity to issue equity securities has been Exceeded:

The company has exceeded its capacity to issue equity securities without security holder approval under lising 7.1 by 36,275,538 Million shares.

Now Kate Hobbs you already believe the world is yours to do as you please, lets see how shareholders appreciate the fact that you gave half the Company away @ 2.2c

Well done, that is one heck of an expensive Carrot and one that will see the fate of this company either move forward or the final nail in the coffin.

Good luck to holders and dont forget to seek for complete Transparency behind this deal with all the loop holes open for all to see.

ps: Check out the pic in the presentation just given on page 11, and see the illusion being issued. Why dont they use wide scale picture? because there is nothing else there too see, thats it, a little processor with a small pile of rocks which were dug by hand by the looks of things. :P

17-02-2011, 03:06 AM
Well Zed, I think the trick here for any new Holder is make a rule and a tough one which is:

If the Story changes (even in the slightest) then SELL
If the Management does not work to a time schedule on time (with in reason) SELL
If the wording is not complete diction Fact of action, meaning not open to backward interpretation, then SELL
(meaning words being used such as IF, COULD, rather than WILL, ARE, HAVE etc)

Reads the story in full and you can see the wording is open to saying, this can go anywhere, but only god knows when.

Ahh well, at least in the URAN part 1 story you gave the flag calling to those.

The only reliable aspect of URA is to trade it purely based on TA, the FA just doesnt stack up - too many issues with the personnel running/directing the company.

All the new projects may bring in new shareholders, but the cash burn & constant change of direction means URA hasnt learnt from past mistakes

17-02-2011, 03:34 AM
Of course you are right Shasta.

But try telling that to a bunch or cashed up Newbie wanna be dreamers on HC who have never lost a stack in their life.

IMO, you cant. Of course, Zed can, and does by reading it over there, but I cant post so I just ignore most of the ravings in that place.

But all in all, and really. Its a classic aint it? I mean as you say, the sudden change in direction, the new promises and dreams for those unaware that the only thing this accomplishes is to give the old Hag or Queen of Uran a life that she has been kept accustomed to at the expense of both previous shareholders, but now Milking out new ones to continue her Legal, yet very Criminal type lifestyle.

A Career Criminal she is, and she still should be pulled up for her utter Lies and Deceptive breeches against what could be found in corporate law if you read far enough.

Anyway, there is nothing really to debate about this stock except the fact that the company is a sham and the management completely incompetent. Anything else is just fairy tales IMO.

I also notice there is still no sign of Archer? I wonder why? Or perhaps she bagged herself a new Hot Copper fool for 2011. You never know with these associates of Hobbs. They all seem to think a like and support each other regardless of what damage they have previously done to others.

17-02-2011, 05:59 AM
Of course you are right Shasta.

But try telling that to a bunch or cashed up Newbie wanna be dreamers on HC who have never lost a stack in their life.

IMO, you cant. Of course, Zed can, and does by reading it over there, but I cant post so I just ignore most of the ravings in that place.

But all in all, and really. Its a classic aint it? I mean as you say, the sudden change in direction, the new promises and dreams for those unaware that the only thing this accomplishes is to give the old Hag or Queen of Uran a life that she has been kept accustomed to at the expense of both previous shareholders, but now Milking out new ones to continue her Legal, yet very Criminal type lifestyle.

A Career Criminal she is, and she still should be pulled up for her utter Lies and Deceptive breeches against what could be found in corporate law if you read far enough.

Anyway, there is nothing really to debate about this stock except the fact that the company is a sham and the management completely incompetent. Anything else is just fairy tales IMO.

I also notice there is still no sign of Archer? I wonder why? Or perhaps she bagged herself a new Hot Copper fool for 2011. You never know with these associates of Hobbs. They all seem to think a like and support each other regardless of what damage they have previously done to others.

I dont bother with Hotcopper these days, too much dribble to filter thru, i do my own research & prefer to discuss stocks on here

But im always keeping a close eye on Uran/Kate in case Discovery Minerals ends up being worth something down the track

17-02-2011, 05:05 PM
Good stuff Shasta, you never know with this shonky management.

Ok on a more of a Technical note now, and no doubt Scorp will be pleased that many traders on HC seem to be making the bounce happen so in which the Hourly Chart (among a few) is working in the favour of adding traders to the Trade so to speak.

Here is a hourly chart with a couple of buy signals being MACD positive histogram, and signal line crossover which also would be drawing traders to this trade/dog stock.


Even the daily has shown divergence in the Williams %R breaking upwards so looks like the stock could go for a bit of a run now.

I would put a target of up to 3.2c and possibly 3.6c on this, but it may be that the stock may rise to the 60 day ema and bounce back down so should it fail to break and hold that, then I am afraid its back into the Bone Yard~!

Now regardless of TA, the management of this stock will never change. Get rid of those cronies , and then you will see some real action. IMO

17-02-2011, 05:17 PM
Good stuff Shasta, you never know with this shonky management.

Ok on a more of a Technical note now, no doubt Scorp will be pleased that many traders on HC are making the bounce happen so now the Hourly Chart is working in the favour of adding traders to the Trade so to speak.

Here is a hourly chart with a couple of signals being MACD positive histogram, and signal line crossover.


Even the daily has shown divergence in the Williams %R breaking upwards so looks like the stock could go for a bit of a run now.

I would put a 3.6c target back on this, but should it fail to break and hold that, then I am afraid its back into the Bone Yard~!

Now regardless of TA, the management of this stock will never change. Get rid of those cronies , and then you will see some real action. IMO

I wouldnt touch URA with a 40 foot barge pole Drilly TA wise or new personnel, i'm still embarrassed that i got it so wrong with Uran, especially those who bought in on the back of my bullish posts at the time.

I've never experienced before such inept management, that grossly mislead & deceived there shareholders to the extent they did...

"Production by July...", "$5 per share on 1 project..." - i was sucked in like a flock of birds into a jet engine...

What charting software are you using?

17-02-2011, 05:32 PM
I hear ya Shasta, and your experience most of the time seems to fall on deaf ears. It seems the HC chain gang in the DT thread over there love the stock to death, but they love any stock to death for a day or a week providing they feel the can skim a few dollars from it to feather their own nests.

Yes, that was the biggest CON that I have ever been a victim to. I am sure if you go through and read the Corporate Charter word for word and with the evidence both a meetings (AGM') and recorded onto Mp3 audio, along with the cr@p that has already been published, you will find grounds for some type of dismissal or crime to some degree.

I guess I better not go there with this conversation no longer Shasta, otherwise, I eventually just start flying off the handle (again) and I dont wish to put my energy there in that space.

With regards to charting, I use quite a few platforms at various times for various instruments. Some use realtime such as TWS or NinjaTrader or Multicharts which I wish to eventually get a license for and for EOD I use ProRealtime which i used to pay for data but since they have stopped ASX realtime feeds for whatever reason. The chart previously just posted was TWS from IB.

17-02-2011, 05:44 PM
I hear ya Shasta, and your experience most of the time seems to fall on deaf ears. It seems the HC chain gang in the DT thread over there love the stock to death, but they love any stock to death for a day or a week providing they feel the can skim a few dollars from it to feather their own nests.

Yes, that was the biggest CON that I have ever been a victim to. I am sure if you go through and read the Corporate Charter word for word and with the evidence both a meetings (AGM') and recorded onto Mp3 audio, along with the cr@p that has already been published, you will find grounds for some type of dismissal or crime to some degree.

I guess I better not go there with this conversation no longer Shasta, otherwise, I eventually just start flying off the handle (again) and I dont wish to put my energy there in that space.

With regards to charting, I use quite a few platforms at various times for various instruments. Some use realtime such as TWS or NinjaTrader or Multicharts which I wish to eventually get a license for and for EOD I use ProRealtime which i used to pay for data but since they have stopped ASX realtime feeds for whatever reason. The chart previously just posted was TWS from IB.

I used to be able to copy & paste the ASX & Direct Broking charts into my posts, cant do this anymore, what am i doing wrong?

17-02-2011, 05:52 PM
If you used to be able to do that, then there has something that has changed with this site being you may need to go to your preferences and see if you can Turn On HTML posting fully on. (though I am not sure about that).

Or you may just need to click the Go Advanced and try it that way.

Failing that, you may need to consult the Web Guy and say: "dude, what has happened, I cant post my charts by pasting images in" and then ask him to enable the feature, but this may have been turned off to prevent BOTs and a whole bunch of other associated risks that sites can face by having such features enabled for everybody or to certain security levels.

Or I guess you can just use the attach /display link feature if its available by right clicking your image after its displayed on the other site, and then choosing copy link location, and then pasting that into the HTML >> INSERT IMAGE <<< button which is part of the HTML advanced function.

Hope this helps

17-02-2011, 08:00 PM
If you used to be able to do that, then there has something that has changed with this site being you may need to go to your preferences and see if you can Turn On HTML posting fully on. (though I am not sure about that).

Or you may just need to click the Go Advanced and try it that way.

Failing that, you may need to consult the Web Guy and say: "dude, what has happened, I cant post my charts by pasting images in" and then ask him to enable the feature, but this may have been turned off to prevent BOTs and a whole bunch of other associated risks that sites can face by having such features enabled for everybody or to certain security levels.

Or I guess you can just use the attach /display link feature if its available by right clicking your image after its displayed on the other site, and then choosing copy link location, and then pasting that into the HTML >> INSERT IMAGE <<< button which is part of the HTML advanced function.

Hope this helps

Cheers i think its the HTML setting thats the issue

17-02-2011, 09:22 PM
Cheers i think its the HTML setting thats the issue

No worries Shasta, hope that helps so while I am here, may as well test it out, and what a no better thread to test stuff out being the Uran thread to see if stuff works or not. :eek2:

I dont think its working Shasta, cant paste stuff in, and the Image add button only seems to insert a Link.

Time to call the administrator and while your there tell him there is a defective CEO of URA getting away with everything but murder.

Huang Chung
26-02-2011, 12:09 AM
Anybody listen to Kate Hobbs' BRR presentation today?

Actually didn't sound too bad.......


26-02-2011, 03:47 AM
Anybody listen to Kate Hobbs' BRR presentation today?

Actually didn't sound too bad.......


Hi Huang,

Yes mate, listened to the Kate Hobbs spin merchant speak her babble.

IMHO, its just a pep talk trying to enhance the existing Carrot, trying to make a carrot taste and appeal to be sweeter.

She talks about how many shares are being traded, and how new investors may be inclined to believe the spin.

She also keeps using the word PRODUCTION as if she is going to be there overseeing that company will be raking it in, when the ultimate truth is Kate Hobbs has never brought anything into production in her life, and there are still many unknown variables and unknowns about many things regarding this Carrot which is dangled in front of shareholders again.

Overall, I would like to be proved wrong and actually see something unfold for those who may actually be lucky to to get some gains from any future hype, but the sad part is, usually Management or CEO's continue with whatever ways they have always used which bring the same results which be in this case, eventual Failure, and the Story Changes.

There is still so much to look at like what is under the bonnet of this used car/vehicle found on the side of the road in Africa.

Last time, this happened (as we all know) there was little to no Transparency, I encourage anybody investing in this stock to find out what questions need to be asked and what actually pure Facts can be brought to the table in order to make a proper investment decision rather than a PUNT or RAMP.

As it will be the Facts that will bring the company and its shareholders, value and wealth, unlike the previous Lies and Deception.

But yes, the carrot looks sweeter however I too would like to hear thoughts from those who both know and can present facts, and not just by ramping their belief system or speculated guessing where by everything keeps continuing on to be MAYBE all the time.

PURE FACT and FIGURES always welcome. Along with who exactly are these partners Kate or Uran are dealing with in great detail, and if not, why is there no detailed information, names, dates, quantity, previous history and connections and accomplished achievements.

26-02-2011, 04:52 AM
Anybody listen to Kate Hobbs' BRR presentation today?

Actually didn't sound too bad.......


huang - I did and liked it. Alot on the horizon.

You will soon realise like I did that you cant discuss this stock and have a positive view on Sharetrader unfortunately.

Come discuss it on hotcopper with some level headed investors.


26-02-2011, 11:30 AM
Heres another one Scorp. Sorry its late.

Will this one end up on HC?:p

03-03-2011, 01:39 PM
No it didn't.
He will only post charts that show an upward trend or breakout so he can ramp the hell out of it.
A URA chart that's nose diving won't get a mention.

03-03-2011, 04:19 PM
No it didn't.
He will only post charts that show an upward trend or breakout so he can ramp the hell out of it.
A URA chart that's nose diving won't get a mention.

LOL, funny that hey zed.

If one was upfront about whatever stock they hold they should always view from the perspective of others, and others charts.

In other words, what is so wrong with the flip side of the coin, or is it really that bad?

Zed, I notice that neither you nor I, did or had to say a one word about this stock to only see it fall on its arse again.

But then I guess you dont have to do or say anything regarding this company, as leader Kate Hobbs is already programmed to fail.

Hopefully for the sake of others she can prove you or me wrong zed, but the word Lucky would have to take on a whole new meaning.

We can see a new Uran Secretary has arrived as the old one (sex pistols sid vicious) Sam has hit the road? Now if a company was that good or appealing, one would think that no matter how busy you are with others, you would still hang around for a piece of the action? But nope apparently not by the looks of things.

Might throw up an EOD chart over the weekend and see what laughs there are to have :P

04-03-2011, 12:25 PM
The downward trend in the chart continues and newbies that bought in are now begining to find out about the CARROTS & DONKEY syndrome that Kate & Co have used so many times to suck fresh fools in.

We have all been there before - that's why we warn newbies of this company's tricks so they don't feel the pain that we did Drilly.

04-03-2011, 12:45 PM
Ain't that the truth Zed,

In fact what people also dont fully understand is that the pain can linger on for many many years.

Its ok for the ones with deep pockets or whom had a rich mummy or daddy to give them their wealth and to correct their mistakes, but for your honest working class man, the mark of Scum like Kate Hobbs leaves her corporate Criminal scar on some of us for life, and I mean LIFE.

And it is that LIFE, the newbies should really think about as its 50 times harder to crawl back out of the hole we dug for ourselves on such promises of these CARROTS.

Onto the TA side of things, the Carrot dreamers will be pleased to know that Technically the stocks MACD daily signal line should be crossing over about next week, say Mon or Tues onwards and the buy signals will come for those who Technically trade it.

Saying that, its best to make sure that there is also a break of the 60EMA line which unfortunately has crossed the 13EMA, which is 13EMA is also about to cross down pas the 150EMA.

What does this mean? Well, it means the stock will try to break past 3c+ and if it doesn't hold that then its back down the water slide of the falling 13EMA.

Will post a chart if asked to show this commentary.


10-03-2011, 12:20 PM
Well as much as I hate the management of this company and all fundamentals put a side, I will speak with judgement and with Technicals only

The URA chart is actually a buy atm, with the daily MACD giving a perfect signal line crossover on a Low part the negative cycle along with the timing of the MACD histogram going Positive to match.

Adding to this, the Parabolic SAR also as of today has started indicating a new up trend which will last for lord knows how long, or I guess until the market finds out that Hobbs is completely full of it or that holders/traders get to know the company and the delays that can occur, who knows, anything can happen I guess.

The stock needs to hold above 3.2c and then over the next few days, Test, Break and Hold above 3.6c and then whenever needs to test and break 4.2c to stay in the game.

Should the stock fail to break 3.6c and hold then its back down the rabbit hole for this dog and its dubious Management that will say anything to anybody providing it feathers there own bed.

Good luck trading if you like risk.

10-03-2011, 02:43 PM
URA is certainly looking stronger at the moment, but I would be extremely loathe to ascribe any importance to any MACD signal. This is a very poorly performing indicator, particularly so with URA. Backtesting over 4 years the MACD has triggered 39 buy signals (marked by green arrows) with only 9 of these entries being profitable. In other words, it is wrong 77% of the time. Not good odds!


10-03-2011, 03:01 PM
Well yes very good point there Phaedrus, though in many ways, I was reflecting it for more of a traders perspective who will not be holding for long and some short term gains.

Actually, I also emphasised that on the needing to test 4.2c and stay above that, which if one was drawn then would appear to break a Oblique falling resistance line showing some form of breakout along with other indicators potentially supporting this (should it ever happen of course).

But yes great point indeed.

11-04-2011, 07:44 PM
Here you go Scorp. A chart for HC
URA is turning out to be quite a good trading stock eh?
Looks like last week was the time the get out again.

28-04-2011, 05:27 PM
Surprised no-one's posted here yet, given today's ann's. Seems like the manganese project will take off.

FWIW, I still hold, and still lurk and read the posts here.

28-04-2011, 05:50 PM
Surprised no-one's posted here yet, given today's ann's. Seems like the manganese project will take off.

FWIW, I still hold, and still lurk and read the posts here.

Hi Ellroy, how are ya mate and good to hear from ya.

Nobody posts here because there all the bollocks and ramping is over on HC.

Nothing wrong with solid facts and figures though, with Uran now taking the Prime drill rig which sits on a back of a truck that is in transport on its way to Africa has got me laughing my head off. How professional are these clowns. I can see them trying to run this on a shoe string budget but the CEO has not plans to prove up JORC and just wants to start selling the stuff when she dont actually or factually know what is "exactly" there.

As long as there are new investors who are gullible wanna be shareholders she will continue to have her pockets filled regardless of what carrot she dangles.

One can only guess that if the mini drill rig has left the US then forget about whatever U projects were there as they must have been dogs anyway.

So now its a make or break guess for KH and I must say she has a great deal of Nerve selling another Production Carrot. But what is the bet that something just leading up to that production happens and that also then Fizzles into ZERO with the exception of yet another LIE and broken promise of shareholders dreams.

Uran = 10 Bagger in Reverse and it still has not hit rock bottom yet, all be it some may make a few bucks for a short term ride upward.

Good luck to anybody who dares to play hot potato with this stock.

A part from that Ellroy, its great to see ya mate, and I hope you can recover some funds form this one.

Huang Chung
28-04-2011, 08:58 PM
Just been reading HC Drilly.

Boy...zed, scorp and co sure get fired up :eek2:.

Great entertainment! :t_up:

29-04-2011, 02:24 AM
Hi Huang,

Yeah mate, entertaining indeed, and better there on HC than here I reckon, otherwise I eventually feel the need to also join in.

I dont mind the facts when they actually exist but there are so many Rampers on Hot Copper who suddenly have become experts in Uran and who know it all, but those are the sorts or types who only seek to feather their own pockets from people who dont know any better.

Heck sure, good on those who make a few bucks out of Uran, but NOTHING in this world can change the fact that Kate Hobbs is nothing but a career criminal in a suit and sells fairy tales to unsuspecting people who choose to risk or buy the story.

Keep it real and IMO, any fairy tales then leave them on HC where folks enjoy them.

30-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Hi Drill Huang and everyone else.

Yep been battling the the new breed of fools that are about to get fleeced by Kate & Co

Five minutes into a company they know nothing about and they carry on like SP3 used too.

Give them time ( and some bandaids ) and they will be licking there wounds like we all did before.

Scorp continues his dribble day after day hoping to get his $$$$ back but he's missing good stocks like LYC and my old time favourite PNA.

Hope you are all well and your stocks are pumping.

By the way - don't forget the old stock market saying " GO AWAY IN MAY "

It is so true.

Cheers Zed

30-04-2011, 11:00 PM
Hi Zed, good to see ya mate.

Keep up the battle on HC to keep some of these rampers in line.

No harm in some of them having a punt for the sake of a punt thats fair enough. But when they act like they know it all and think everything has change they are completely out of touch from reality.

You make a very significant point over there in one of your posts regarding the Ann regarding a resource and the timing of raising capitol.

Any fool would see the odds would be against them when KH cant even work out that it would be better to raise money at Twice or Triple the potential level of SP than to raise it at another Low ball offering.

Problem is, the fools cant see it and take your advice, nor can they work out the logic of "What it means".

But each to their own, and let them have a punt, but tell them to put a lid on it as there is nothing different and there is no New Uran whilst Kate Hobbs involved as she is the Daughter of the Devil out to steal in a legal way with no accountability and corporate BS system to protect her.

Keep them honest mate, way ta go again.

26-05-2011, 01:09 AM
Looks like the newbies that ranted and raved at what a buy URA was are now realising that they've been taken to the cleaners.
Drill results - JORC - contracts - mining in June --- Reckon i've heard this story before eh Drilly.

Betcha Scorps clenching at the moment.
Headed for sub 2c IMO

26-05-2011, 03:39 AM
Looks like the newbies that ranted and raved at what a buy URA was are now realising that they've been taken to the cleaners.
Drill results - JORC - contracts - mining in June --- Reckon i've heard this story before eh Drilly.

Betcha Scorps clenching at the moment.
Headed for sub 2c IMO

Hi Zed,

Your not wrong about many getting taken to the cleaners, History is repeating and the Production Carrot has been played again by Hobbs only to see a new breed of folks whom believe it is different,

I see you have been trying to at least show some salvation by warning some of them Zed, but it seems that only a few choose to listen, and the Majority seem to have it in their heads that this promise by Hobbs actually means something.

Very surprised that some whom I wont mention, that even whom have Red icons next to username on HC seem to defend the stock, and have themselves convinced it will be different, and yet its always different this time, because this time they have bought in so it must be different...LOL What a Joke.

From me , to them, all I can say is that its very Real, the previous Losses that others have encountered by the Lies and Deception that Miss Kate Hobbs has previously spun. Its very REAL that people actually have lost their House, their Marriage, and their Kids to a certain degree and all because this CEO of a cheesy company called Uran, can get away with telling stories to the public whom part with their money because this CEO misleads them in such a way that corporate law allows them to get it wrong and thus not accountable.

It is fair to say that people investing should know the risks, but yet it is not fair by where such a CEO can make up any story, sell it, take money, get paid by these investors, which then the story never unfolds or completely falls a part to the point where people both lose faith, money, belief and feel completely betrayed by a people whom only make a living from deception and delivering Zero, Nothing.

The only other thing besides criminals in suits I can compare KH and the Uran gang is to that of some Terrible sounding rock band that keeps taking bookings yet never actually seem to perform the gig for whatever reason suits at the time, be it Delays, Issues with Equipment, Issues with Other Parties or Issues within the company or band itself.

Anyway zed, good to see you keeping the rampers in check. Hopefully someday something can happen so at least some of them can get out of the stock with the pants still on.

02-09-2011, 10:24 AM
Looks like the thread name may need to be changed. Finally starting to look promising.
Goodbye finally to KH.

02-09-2011, 11:40 AM
It doesn't matter about the name of the Company Scrappy.

What problems come with this company besides the complete and utter BS is the complete and utter Ramping.

URA will NEVER be a nice pet stock to talk about here as far as I am concerned.

As far as Kate Hobbs is concerned, I hope she gets run over by a truck as both she and her good friend whom is the sucker magnet who is known as Archer 747 on Hotcopper are still one of a kind and will start up another Venture to attract suckers.

Mining and making money. Yeah right. No Feasibility, no nothing, just straight into digging up dirt in hope of flogging it off.

Who are there customers, where are the contracts, how much Factual proven resource do they actually "really have"?

Not a professional outfit by any means and IMO, which are led by Cheer Leaders on Hotcopper called 5hareholder on Hotcopper whom has a red heart so must be right no matter what nobody says (yeah right, as if). Oh and lets not forget about the one and only super Cheer boy Scorp.

IMHO, the company is still a Joke in Motion with unprofessional practices being exhibited.

02-09-2011, 11:54 AM
Looks like the thread name may need to be changed. Finally starting to look promising.
Goodbye finally to KH.

Why do i get the feeling the final "slap in the face" is still to come when Kate focuses on her other "business interests"

Tungsten, Manganese etc, to me was no more than a smoke screen to be seen doing "something" followed by a presentation & the obligatory capital raising.

Whats the bet Discovery Minerals is her next venture, given all its costs were subsidised by URA holders & the "rights" to there permits were never transferred, despite URA paying $200k & all the related DM admin costs (for a while other DM shareholders were on payroll/consultants).

Kate Hobs & URA's auditors should be held accountable, if Discovery Minerals ever commercialise the eastern european uranium permits

02-09-2011, 12:03 PM
Why do i get the feeling the final "slap in the face" is still to come when Kate focuses on her other "business interests"

Tungsten, Manganese etc, to me was no more than a smoke screen to be seen doing "something" followed by a presentation & the obligatory capital raising.

Whats the bet Discovery Minerals is her next venture, given all its costs were subsidised by URA holders & the "rights" to there permits were never transferred, despite URA paying $200k & all the related DM admin costs (for a while other DM shareholders were on payroll/consultants).

Kate Hobs & URA's auditors should be held accountable, if Discovery Minerals ever commercialise the eastern european uranium permits

Because Shasta, that is exactly what that witch of a woman KH is going to do.

And anybody whom comes to this forum talking about URA and its XYZ without answering those questions to me should also be shot, tagged and bagged because this is not OK for KH or anybody to think that she is gonna walk off scott free into the sunset.

What a joke hey, Her other business interests? Like the ones she means that are kept secret or the ones that are non transparent and which previous URA holders have paid dearly for, with their Lives, Marriages, Relationships and Super.

02-09-2011, 02:57 PM
Why do i get the feeling the final "slap in the face" is still to come when Kate focuses on her other "business interests"

Tungsten, Manganese etc, to me was no more than a smoke screen to be seen doing "something" followed by a presentation & the obligatory capital raising.

Whats the bet Discovery Minerals is her next venture, given all its costs were subsidised by URA holders & the "rights" to there permits were never transferred, despite URA paying $200k & all the related DM admin costs (for a while other DM shareholders were on payroll/consultants).

Kate Hobs & URA's auditors should be held accountable, if Discovery Minerals ever commercialise the eastern european uranium permits

I think you might be right on the money Shasta

13-10-2011, 03:24 PM
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Heres my 2c worth which is just what the Market thinks too. Worth 2c :scared:

13-10-2011, 04:24 PM
LOL. Nice one Strat. Definitely worth 2c. Maybe 2.1 by the closed with that nice drawing of the crab.

13-10-2011, 04:33 PM
LOL. Nice one Strat. Definitely worth 2c. Maybe 2.1 by the closed with that nice drawing of the crab.Shave another cent off and itd be a crab shell. With a market cap of 2.5m. Not a bad shell either with Kate gone etc?

13-10-2011, 06:00 PM
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Heres my 2c worth which is just what the Market thinks too. Worth 2c :scared:

Haahaaaa Strat you always have a way with charts and pictures.

I would have thought URA would have been worth more allowing shareholders to throw Mud Pies at 50 bucks shot at Kate Hobbs face.

Better still make it 100 and will throw a cricket ball~!

23-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Classic chart there Strat - LOL

24-10-2011, 01:47 AM
Classic chart there Strat - LOL

Hi there Zed, good to see ya there bud.

I also see the odd post on the URA thread trying to keep a few dreamers feet on the ground.

Why not join us in other threads with All Ords discussion thread, up trending stocks threads plus a few others that our good pal Shasta creates.

Your views are always welcome and always good to read some views in your posts.

ps: The URA manganese project with No Jorc and just dig it up and sell it type professionalism hey..LOL What a joke. I continue to see folks whom feel that there is a huge future there, meanwhile Kate Hobbs still has so much accountability for past failures that her exit with still holding and being issued millions of shares/options is another complete joke, when Prison is the place she should be, IMHO.


25-10-2011, 10:38 AM
The URA manganese project with No Jorc and just dig it up and sell it type professionalism hey..LOL What a joke. I continue to see folks whom feel that there is a huge future there, meanwhile Kate Hobbs still has so much accountability for past failures that her exit with still holding and being issued millions of shares/options is another complete joke, when Prison is the place she should be, IMHO.


Hi Drill - totally agree with your post as it is so easy to see the dreamers lining up to get milked again.
I probably wont take you up on the All Ords thread as I'm fairly busy these days.

I would also be too tempted to dabble again and i'm one of the lucky ones that was able to recover from the GFC raping we all got.
I've been lucky that my coal town properties have exploded in value and rents and i have a lot of other developments going on now because of that.

I will re-enter the markets after the next GFC which I believe will happen after the market hits ( wait for it ) the 13 - 14000 point on the All Ords. Sounds like a stretch but previous highs have usually been doubled after a market collapse.

I hope you have recovered from the GFC and Kate

Cheers Zed

25-10-2011, 12:12 PM
Hi Drill - totally agree with your post as it is so easy to see the dreamers lining up to get milked again.
I probably wont take you up on the All Ords thread as I'm fairly busy these days.

I would also be too tempted to dabble again and i'm one of the lucky ones that was able to recover from the GFC raping we all got.
I've been lucky that my coal town properties have exploded in value and rents and i have a lot of other developments going on now because of that.

I will re-enter the markets after the next GFC which I believe will happen after the market hits ( wait for it ) the 13 - 14000 point on the All Ords. Sounds like a stretch but previous highs have usually been doubled after a market collapse.

I hope you have recovered from the GFC and Kate

Cheers Zed

Good stuff there Zed, and well done on the country properties.

Still haven't quite recovered from the Kate Hobbs lies and deception nor the URA con that unfortunately corporate law seems to protect, as I basically lost everything with the exception of a little which only just keeps me in the game to rebuild, but I am getting there.

I find its all about surviving this and should or when bull markets return then life will be much more easy.

Let us know when your re-entering the market :)


ps: on hc, good on ya for giving stick to Mr Red Heart 5holder or whatever his name is.
So you know, I only read on HC but give plenty of thumbs up to you and thumbs down to Red Heart brown noses.

Keep up the good work Zed, and by any chance should you happen to hear of or see Archer747 ask her how much did Kate H actually rout from Uran over her years as she being a good friend of the Hobbs monster would know. Plus what people fail to see is that, Uran was a success for KH and she will walk away with bags full for doing absolutely NOTHING except take share holders past and presents money. The easiest job in the world. Just open your mouth and Lie to shareholders is what Uran is all about, yet new idiots cant see that.

25-10-2011, 01:10 PM
"Zed writes on hc": Straight to production with no JORC and no sales contracts.

LOL, a complete joke is it not, and for whatever reason, people just cannot see that desperate measures require desperate statements or actions which obviously this is.

Yet it seems to be aimed at and then sucked up to people whom do not really understand the actual profession, but rather gullible people who will believe anything whom wish to do nothing but gamble and take a leap of faith with their money.

Again, well posted zed~!

30-10-2011, 12:07 AM
Yeah mate it's amazing how gullible the the cheerleaders are.
This leopard hasn't changed it's spots it's just going to change it's name and milk the dreamers for more $$$$$.
Scorp is starting to get very SOOKY LAH LAH on HC now. Understandable after all these years of trying to drum up support only to see his hard earned $$$$$$ get flushed down the toilet.
I only drop in now and then these days - that is why I'm a bit slow to reply Drill.

06-11-2011, 09:46 AM
Hi everyone,

I still check in occasionally to see what's going on with this dog. I still hold - no point in selling out now!! Anyway, looks like we're getting out of uranium and into manganese, without a JORC defined resource, what a joke!!!

For those of you who think Hobbsy will have luck in the Czech Republic, you might want to go here http://www.wise-uranium.org/upeur.html#CZ and search for Urania. I'm guessing they'll be battling the environmentalists for a long time.

For those who are interested, I'm still living in the US. The sentiment here is that things are still recovering, and it's going to take a while to do so. FWIW.


06-11-2011, 02:55 PM
Hi everyone,

I still check in occasionally to see what's going on with this dog. I still hold - no point in selling out now!! Anyway, looks like we're getting out of uranium and into manganese, without a JORC defined resource, what a joke!!!

For those of you who think Hobbsy will have luck in the Czech Republic, you might want to go here http://www.wise-uranium.org/upeur.html#CZ and search for Urania. I'm guessing they'll be battling the environmentalists for a long time.

For those who are interested, I'm still living in the US. The sentiment here is that things are still recovering, and it's going to take a while to do so. FWIW.


Hey Ellroy,

Great to hear from you again mate and thanks for the info on the state us the US at present from somebody on the ground.

Are you investing in any US stocks at all or Aussie stocks still? Would be very interested to hear what your up to.

LOL, I also agree regarding Uran getting out of U and into manganese without a JORC defined resource. Another Uran Spin even with the new management that quick will turn into a bad joke for current carrot followers as that very statement is the writing on the wall so to speak of when to exit a stock (probably on its 1st thrust up if it can manage that) to GET OUT OF URAN.

I myself like many am still licking my wounds in trying to get back on my feet which is, and has been, a long hard road.

Hope you are keeping well & that life is treating you good after all your previous hard work and efforts to reap the rewards that you rightfully deserve.

Y'all come back now, ya hear :)

06-11-2011, 03:11 PM
I only drop in now and then these days - that is why I'm a bit slow to reply Drill.

No worries Zed, and keep up the good work on HC trying to lead the blind to the light and keeping the HC Heart Ramper honest ie: 5hareholder whom seems always have an answer and always this time its different, so the gullible just follow path of the highest ramper.

Also, as Ellory has pointed out with this dog having NO JORC,a real classic to read so many newb's are cashing in their chips before such mock production begins. A joke indeed and the writing is on the wall for all to see (if they can).

Cheers again Zed~!

07-11-2011, 01:22 PM
Also note the late Revised Appendix 5B and Revised Quarterly from last week.

I think they will need to revise the quarterly again as they say they omitted a competent person statement from the quarterly and now they added "The information was reviewed by Ms Kate Hobbs"

Well that to me is a MISTAKE, she is a incompetent person.

Also, Uran Limited to be renamed to Kaboko Mining Limited. What a Jokoko~!

Trying to rename the thing company or adventures is like re-branding the Snake Oil they spin.

30-11-2011, 06:34 PM
I think this thread can now be officially closed or deleted, take your pick~!

To those who dont know, it marks the end of the BS era for URA and Kate Hobbs, yet the company and its ways still IMO remain the same.

Which of course is, full of it, full of lies and deception with plenty of carrots for shareholders to not invest, but to HOPE over.

On HC the name has change also, the new name is now KABOKO MINING LTD (asx code KAB)

Can any readers please remember to avoid this stock like the plague as there is nothing but Rampers and Hype Merchants whom post on Hot Copper so please give the Rampers a Thumbs Down continually.

Zed, well done for saving as many as you can and good luck trying to tame or keep the Rampers Honest which is an impossible task so top effort and thumbs up as always from me to your posts here and on HC.


ps: did you know Kaboko is a frickin Chinese Cabbage? How much of a lame name change is that. Describes the company accurately IMO, except Carrot would have been better, but Cabbage is no doubt from the same dirt and nothing but a vegetable for investors whom are yet to be fleeced.

Carrot Mining or Cabbage Mining is all the same as it = Kaboko Mining Ltd aka KAB


Adding to the deception is the closure of the previous Uran Website which now states:

Kaboko Mining (formerly Uran Limited) is an Australian-based company focused on developing its manganese assets in Zambia, southern Africa.

Kaboko has several projects, including the Chowa Open Pit which commenced production of manganese in August 2011. The company is also carrying out exploration and development at a number of other projects throughout Zambia, with the objective of bringing them to production over the coming years.

In addition, the company has uranium projects in New Mexico, USA.

This website is currently under construction, with the new Kaboko Mining website to be revealed by end of Q4 2011.

Yeah right, and so the CON process starts all over again.

Warning to All Investors, avoid this stock like the plague as the lack of Transparency, or accountability and facts that never appear will potentially deceive you all whom venture into this cavern of False Hope.

Caution, Caution, Caution, and there are MUCH better, Transparent and up front companies out there than this transformed flee bitten rodent.

A copy of the older Uran Website is also available for those who are interested should you wish to use for any outstanding legal action against that mob of legal hoods as too are some recorded Audio files of the Uran AGM's as far back to MK shooting his price target deceptive figures.

30-11-2011, 06:54 PM
I am pleased you are pleased Drilly, now we can all stop banging around on here.

30-11-2011, 07:08 PM
I am pleased you are pleased Drilly, now we can all stop banging around on here.

Not really pleased H2 as to me the fight still continues on HC under the new KAB thread which I dont post on.

I am pleased to see this thread potentially ended or closed or deleted, but will continue like Zed, to warn people of any dealings with this new Cabbage Mob called KAB.

We all have lost money at some stage either currently or before in trading or investing as you know H2.

Yet, when it comes some particular company directors actually Lying or Deceiving investors as a career, then the matter will never be at rest until justice is served, IMO.

New thread = same story with continuation of the debate or battle if need be~!


Well, they have completely taken down the previous Uran Website, and I mean completely wiped it as in gone.

That alone stands as confession of even the current (lack of facts or disclosure) and previous disclosures and facts.

Why have I not been prosecuted for words and phrases that I used against Kate Hobbs here on this site?

The answer is, it will bring herself up towards the media and with all the facts that I have to back up my words, she would probably have to give evidence against herself in a future potential lawsuit to prove the claims were not true, this is why.

Has anybody actually wondered about that? The whole process has been nothing short of Bank Robbery except on innocent investors with the perpetrators at the end, just walking off into the sunset like nothing happened.

30-11-2011, 08:34 PM
Well I can't disagree or agree with you, but good luck with it Drilly.

cheers mate.:)

30-11-2011, 08:49 PM
Where is our mate Scorp these days??

Huang Chung
30-11-2011, 09:14 PM
Maybe there's a select group on HC who could be referred to as the Cabbage Patch Trolls.....

01-12-2011, 02:50 AM
Well I can't disagree or agree with you, but good luck with it Drilly.
cheers mate.:)

Thanks for your kind wishes H2 :)

Where is our mate Scorp these days??

Who knows but no doubt he is one of the Cabbage Posse over there on the Hot Ramper site helping conduct the cheer squad.

Maybe there's a select group on HC who could be referred to as the Cabbage Patch Trolls.....

Yep Huang there sure is. The new believer brigade whom completely disrespect the past pain and advice of others so they can try to buy the low and feather their own pockets first before their departure.

5hareholder is one of them, so certain he is with his red heart and Herd of sheep that follow. Unfortunately it is the herd that will end up paying in the long run.

Quite a few others to also name but its quite plain to see, just look at the Fan Boy posts, its always different now because they have more at stake, or they now are invested. Yet the company has not or does not even care about JORC, just get on with it is what they think. Complete amateur methods by management who can spin any story they wish to gullible shareholders, IMO.

04-12-2011, 02:40 AM
Hey Zed,

By the way if you are out there still reading, excellent post on HC regarding Reflections over the past 12 months.

Hopefully it will keep the Hi 5 club and Red Heart Brigade in order and speculators aware of the complete Sham such an investment in it would be.

Well done to you and keep up the good work~!

05-12-2011, 01:55 AM
Thanks Drilly

The ASX is utterly useless in protecting the public from these sort of scam artists so I will keep trying. Must say back in 2007 - 2008 I had some ding dong battles with veryhairy but he is now well and truly a good ally on HC now.
The new breed of rampers on the URA/KAB thread are just like the rest before them - sitting on large loses and trying to get some poor fool to pump up the price.
Hope 2012 is a good one for you mate.

07-12-2011, 02:53 AM
Hey Zed,

Dont forget to remind all those Carrot chasers on HC that the company name shares the exact meaning of a Chinese Cabbage which is a Kaboko.

Typical really ain't it.

Hope your 2012 is also a good one bud :)