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12-03-2010, 03:35 PM
why cant they release the info first thing monday rather than late today??

12-03-2010, 04:31 PM
why cant they release the info first thing monday rather than late today??

Aotea, its anyones guess.

My reasoning to why the "could" release it late afternoon is because they have a history of doing so late, on a Friday. But then, that was the old Uran, so as I say, anybody's guess really, but either way if today the it will have to be Monday, in which they could have issued it on a Green Market day rather than an Unknown? Day on monday, and if its a Red Day, due to US or other markets down, then this will make the effect of the news also down, or less impact.

Regardless, I remain always in the opinion that, they have NFI how to run a company let alone run news.

But fingers crossed for all holders that its good.

12-03-2010, 05:28 PM
i would say monday morning?

The buy/sell side is based on someone with 10,000 shares = $340 i wouldnt base my whole life on that order...

whoever was in the know, got in the 2 prior days before the trading halt. a few million were bought up.

12-03-2010, 05:38 PM
Maybe at the closed tonight so investors/traders have all weekend to digest. First thing Monday morning would be much saner. All in all, if the drill result is positive or negative is anyone's guess. It's a coin toss.

12-03-2010, 06:15 PM
It's a coin toss.

Ok soulman, heads good, tails bad, which one you care to choose?

Knowing Uran, the coin will probably get stuck on its side, in a crack, on the ground or the floor. :P

12-03-2010, 06:18 PM
Drill, it might as well landed right in the middle. You got vested interest?

12-03-2010, 06:29 PM
Drilly, can we have 'heads' please...

12-03-2010, 06:33 PM
Yes I am holding. But its not like I'm in the top 50 holders list or anything, or I've been holding longer than I care to remember.

One would think, even with the law of luck or gravity that there would be some eventual probability come into play by now.

Bar far this would have to be the worst investment of my lifetime, as it probably has been for many.

12-03-2010, 06:35 PM
Drilly, can we have 'heads' please...

No prob Aotea, if were up to me and most other holders, the coin would be heads every time.

Unfortunately, we are not managing the company though, as you know currently the resident witch is in control.

12-03-2010, 06:51 PM
Worst investment varied from person to person. I would classified the worst investment as when a coy go broke and goes into administration. Share price drops to ZERO. My god I had quite a few experience with that. When I first started in in early millenium, I had a couple dot coms that went to bubkus. Then the GFC, I got one (MFS) and two that I sold prior to them get to zero (AFG @ 37 cents and BNB @ $1.38). Lessons were great. In reality, I made plenty with CIY (also went down the toilet), made plenty with RCD (former AFG) and made a few MFS prior to their downfall. The instant grats shielded me from their debt problem.

Back to URA, let's hope it's a good one.

12-03-2010, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the words Soulman, a very informative post one for many to reflect on, whom have not been through such moments in time.

Speaking of dotcom's, at that time late 90's I had a company that nearly got listed myself (internet based). Now I dont wish to go into here, but the short of it is, back then after having read a stack of prospectus of "certain" companies which added to the making of a bubble, I instantly knew something was not right and declined to be listed.

Having survived that I feel like a total goose after what has happened to me with this mob.

Yep, back to URA, my hope is at least holders can enjoy the benefit of the chart being out of the Technical Basket case to onwards and upwards.

Who knows, if the co can actually make something of their US project then, all the better for current and future holders.

12-03-2010, 07:37 PM
I have interest in URA too. For this FY, URA is my worst investment yet. Never made a bob on URA and losing dosh on them straight away. No instant grats there. The main psychology of trading and investing is instant grats IMO. When we invest, most people want to see result straight away. Waiting is just too boring. We want everything now. Unless your capital is too small to see results immediately, then that's where long term comes into it. Fear and greed comes after IG. I had an IG with Telstra yesterday (buy Wed, sell Thurs) and I loved it but being semi-experience (still learning), I am not falling in love with TLS at all.

15-03-2010, 12:26 PM
I see no-one has the stomach to comment on the drilling results....Im giving up on these dogs, and putting the certificate in the drawer for the kids. It might buy them a few crates of beer when they go to uni...

15-03-2010, 12:42 PM
What can one say Aotea, except that many what could be called negative posts and bad mouthing from myself and Zed who also visits here have been going on about this Deceptive CEO of this Sh#t Can company called Uran.

Sure, we have tried to give them the benefit of the doubt many times, but time after time, it only proves to many she is a Con Woman trying to play businessman at the cost of shareholders and people whom invest in this perception company.

Now results,

Cr@p, and total Cr@p, what else is there to say. Only Kate Hobbs would buy something only she perceives to be a bargain. She did the same thing with Ukraine and she has done the same thing in the USA. She bought a Melon, a dog. And for that very reason, it means she is Gullible, so therefore, Uran shareholders are Gullible.

You get what you pay for in this world and there are No free lunches. This stock has cost me more than I care to remember and no longer live in hope with this mob as the outcome was the flip of a dice.

Personally, Kate Hobbs should be in a woman's correctional facility. She is a con woman, she is a criminal working in a legal business mushroom.

End of story.

Well, that's my wrap and I dont have a nicer way to put it.

15-03-2010, 12:42 PM
well - I'll have a crack Arotea - these results are not as good as expected but are not bad. Once again management has told the story like its a total dud. The only hope now for this company is a new board and new management - but I won't be around to see it. A

15-03-2010, 01:00 PM
Can only agree 100% about a board change, but only if that includes the Jailing of the current CEO.

IMHO, I encourage ALL shareholders to write to Kate Hobbs and the company about whatever disappointment you have or encountered.

Too many times does nobody say anything and the Evil one just keeps doing whatever she does, and she will do it to others too, could be your brother, mum, sister, friend or some stranger who is a nice person.

By stating your thoughts it will help Kate Hobbs understand why she should be held in a mental institution.

15-03-2010, 04:48 PM
Drill and others - Just like i said on hotcopper, i didn't mind the results, but absolutely hated the way they were presented...

Presentation is everything, and when results are downplayed like that, what does the company expect the market is going to do?

15-03-2010, 05:05 PM
Drill and others - Just like i said on hotcopper, i didn't mind the results, but absolutely hated the way they were presented...

Presentation is everything, and when results are downplayed like that, what does the company expect the market is going to do?

Scorp, as you know, I agree 100%. In fact, this was my primary concern leading up to this very day. But then, its always been a marketing problem with the added touch of a Woman CEO whom think she is a man, whom thinks she knows better, whom is FAR FAR out of touch with reality most of her woken day.

The witch of URA has NFI, none whatsoever. She couldn't get laid most of her life so she has to fuk over the company to get some satisfaction in life.

Im out now fully out and left only holding some worthless options which maybe one day come into the money from some reason.

I have posted here before that NEVER EVER trust this woman, she is the devils daughter or some near relative not far off.

Good luck to anybody actually believe this company has promise, as your gonna need it, Lots of it.

With any luck, Kate Hobbs will get accidentally run over by a bus, and then watch the share price run, BOOM, up up and away.

15-03-2010, 08:53 PM
Scorp, as you know, I agree 100%. In fact, this was my primary concern leading up to this very day. But then, its always been a marketing problem with the added touch of a Woman CEO whom think she is a man, whom thinks she knows better, whom is FAR FAR out of touch with reality most of her woken day.

The witch of URA has NFI, none whatsoever. She couldn't get laid most of her life so she has to fuk over the company to get some satisfaction in life.

Im out now fully out and left only holding some worthless options which maybe one day come into the money from some reason.

I have posted here before that NEVER EVER trust this woman, she is the devils daughter or some near relative not far off.

Good luck to anybody actually believe this company has promise, as your gonna need it, Lots of it.

With any luck, Kate Hobbs will get accidentally run over by a bus, and then watch the share price run, BOOM, up up and away.

Why spend $$$ searching for Uranium and drilling etc, if when you find it you are just gonna focus on the negatives and destroy your investors investment with a few phrases???

So much damage done, by poor PR it astounds me...

They found U in the ground and significant and impressive Vanadium aswell... any other companies SP would have spiked today. "Significant Vanadium discovered aswell as Uranium" etc etc...

THIS SHOULD BE A JOYOUS DAY FOR US.... Thats whats so dissapointing!

I wish I was doing PR for this company. Same facts over the last year or so presented from a different perspective and more transparency, and the SP would be on its way to where it should be...

15-03-2010, 11:10 PM
Why spend $$$ searching for Uranium and drilling etc, if when you find it you are just gonna focus on the negatives and destroy your investors investment with a few phrases???

Scorp mate, please dont take this the wrong way buddy, but I am not sure you just dont quite get it.
As to why spend $$$, well, Kate Hobbs uses the company to make a living, that is her Gig, that is the way of the KH parasite whom uses the system, company and the protection from Corporate law whilst being seen to be keeping busy whilst under the umbrella of the company.

I think you get the point about that Kate could not care less what shareholders think or say. She is a con woman, but with regards to the results, IMO they are not all that great Scorp.
Think about it, if they were good, or even average to be expected results they market would have bought up the stock. But it didn't, the heavey dumping is confirmation of that.
Now, if we had what PEN had, but without all the PEN shares (billion ++) then there would be a company worthwhile investing in, but its not so I guess no need to start a fantasy of what we would like uran to be.

No need for me to go on about this company the way I do, because it serves no purpose no more. I still would love for Kate Hobbs to get run over by a Bus, but now I will let Nature of the World take its course, or better still the legal system where by Corporate Law can shake out the Dweeds of the bogus companies.

Scorp, I wish it were you who is on the board for this company, because they need it, they would need you. But thats also my point, if somebody who cares was on the board, their Gig would be up, and they will not allow that.

What will take for the Full Resignation of the board?:, basically SHOOT, KH, PR and Any other Uran Board Member? If I had it my way, thats exactly what would happen, but this MOB are nothing but SCUM dressed up in suits. Nothing more, nothing less.

15-03-2010, 11:58 PM
What will take for the Full Resignation of the board?:, basically SHOOT, KH, PR and Any other Uran Board Member? If I had it my way, thats exactly what would happen, but this MOB are nothing but SCUM dressed up in suits. Nothing more, nothing less.

Fully agree with that statement Drill.

Well that blew the chance of a reversal.
I hope no one backed up the truck last week.

16-03-2010, 12:23 AM
Fully agree with that statement Drill.

Well that blew the chance of a reversal.
I hope no one backed up the truck last week.

Hi Zed,

Yes, with all the chances in the world Uran get, they cant just seem to get it right, which basically tells the story Continuously that "something has never been right".

A real pitty really, as for a while, even from a TA stand point I was hoping that the stock could break out of its Death Spiral but instead we got "so called news".

Lots of selling means lots of buying though. The best thing that could happen to this stock now is, if who ever has accumulated recently knows how to drive a stock and then distribute. Maybe not this week but this year, so holders who feel left stuck holding this Mutt, can have some small profit or exit strategy at some stage.

Have been trying to even give the benefit of the doubt to this stock off and on for a while now, but even that has become a chore now, or a further disappointment.

17-03-2010, 10:21 AM
The share price needs to hold above the previous low of 2.1c or it's anybody's guess were it will stop.

My guess is 1c

Can't see to many more capital raising's being successful the way the last lot of investors got burnt.

Bad news travels.

I wonder if Kates gunna produce another carrot to prop this dieing dog.

17-03-2010, 11:45 AM
Carrots are Kates method of survival Zed, without them, she cannot maintain the way she makes a living. Which is NOT creating wealth for shareholders.

No doubt the carrot will come from the other project there in the US. She cant find good grades NOR can bring value to the company, although what Kate Hobbs does seem to manage to successfully do is strip fine good grades in stripping dosh for the pockets of shareholders. Which has included me, for many years.

Anyway, no need to put the boot into this company as it is quite capable of doing this to themselves which KH has down to a fine art.

17-03-2010, 04:49 PM
Haaaaa, check this out, ura Intraday volume char, just so fashionable :P http://i39.tinypic.com/3008vgh.png

Looks like the Bots are now part of the equation. They cant get any humans to buy it, may as well get an insto with a Bot script running over it for a few days hey.

Check it out:

Trade of URA occuring onWednesday, 17 Mar 2010

Time Price Volume Value Condition
02:42:07 PM 0.027 410 11.07 XT
02:40:07 PM 0.027 390 10.53 XT
02:38:07 PM 0.027 380 10.26 XT
02:36:08 PM 0.027 370 9.99 XT
02:34:07 PM 0.027 360 9.72 XT
02:32:07 PM 0.027 340 9.18 XT
02:30:07 PM 0.027 330 8.91 XT
02:28:07 PM 0.027 330 8.91 XT
02:26:07 PM 0.027 310 8.37 XT
02:24:08 PM 0.027 300 8.10 XT
02:22:07 PM 0.027 300 8.10 XT
02:20:07 PM 0.027 290 7.83 XT
02:18:07 PM 0.027 270 7.29 XT
02:16:07 PM 0.027 270 7.29 XT
02:14:07 PM 0.027 270 7.29 XT
02:12:07 PM 0.027 250 6.75 XT
02:10:07 PM 0.027 250 6.75 XT
02:08:07 PM 0.027 230 6.21 XT
02:06:07 PM 0.027 240 6.48 XT
02:04:07 PM 0.027 220 5.94 XT
02:02:07 PM 0.027 220 5.94 XT
02:00:07 PM 0.027 210 5.67 XT
01:58:07 PM 0.027 210 5.67 XT
01:56:07 PM 0.027 190 5.13 XT
01:54:07 PM 0.027 200 5.40 XT
01:52:07 PM 0.027 180 4.86 XT
01:50:07 PM 0.027 180 4.86 XT
01:48:07 PM 0.027 180 4.86 XT
01:46:07 PM 0.027 170 4.59 XT
01:44:07 PM 0.027 170 4.59 XT
01:42:07 PM 0.027 160 4.32 XT
01:40:07 PM 0.027 150 4.05 XT
01:38:07 PM 0.027 160 4.32 XT
01:36:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
01:34:07 PM 0.027 150 4.05 XT
01:32:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
01:30:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
01:28:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
01:26:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
01:24:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
01:22:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
01:20:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
01:18:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:16:07 PM 0.027 110 2.97 XT
01:14:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:12:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:10:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:08:07 PM 0.027 110 2.97 XT
01:06:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:04:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:02:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
01:00:07 PM 0.027 110 2.97 XT
12:58:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:56:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:54:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:52:07 PM 0.027 110 2.97 XT
12:50:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:48:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:46:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:44:07 PM 0.027 110 2.97 XT
12:42:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:40:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:38:07 PM 0.027 120 3.24 XT
12:36:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
12:34:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
12:32:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
12:30:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
12:28:07 PM 0.027 130 3.51 XT
12:26:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
12:24:07 PM 0.027 150 4.05 XT
12:22:07 PM 0.027 140 3.78 XT
12:20:07 PM 0.027 150 4.05 XT
12:18:07 PM 0.027 150 4.05 XT
12:16:07 PM 0.027 160 4.32 XT
12:14:07 PM 0.027 160 4.32 XT
12:12:07 PM 0.027 170 4.59 XT
12:10:07 PM 0.027 170 4.59 XT
12:08:07 PM 0.027 170 4.59 XT
12:06:07 PM 0.027 180 4.86 XT
12:04:07 PM 0.027 190 5.13 XT
12:02:07 PM 0.027 190 5.13 XT
12:00:07 PM 0.027 190 5.13 XT
11:58:07 AM 0.027 200 5.40 XT
11:56:07 AM 0.027 210 5.67 XT
11:54:07 AM 0.027 210 5.67 XT
11:52:07 AM 0.027 220 5.94 XT
11:50:07 AM 0.027 220 5.94 XT
11:48:07 AM 0.027 240 6.48 XT
11:46:07 AM 0.027 230 6.21 XT
11:44:07 AM 0.027 250 6.75 XT
11:42:07 AM 0.027 250 6.75 XT
11:40:07 AM 0.027 260 7.02 XT
11:38:07 AM 0.027 270 7.29 XT
11:36:07 AM 0.027 270 7.29 XT
11:34:07 AM 0.027 290 7.83 XT
11:32:07 AM 0.027 290 7.83 XT
11:30:07 AM 0.027 300 8.10 XT
11:28:07 AM 0.027 310 8.37 XT
11:26:07 AM 0.027 310 8.37 XT
11:24:07 AM 0.027 330 8.91 XT
11:22:07 AM 0.027 340 9.18 XT
11:20:07 AM 0.027 360 9.72 XT
11:18:07 AM 0.027 370 9.99 XT
11:16:07 AM 0.027 390 10.53 XT
11:14:07 AM 0.027 400 10.80 XT
11:12:07 AM 0.027 420 11.34 XT
11:10:07 AM 0.027 450 12.15 XT
11:08:07 AM 0.027 460 12.42 XT
11:06:07 AM 0.027 490 13.23 XT
11:04:07 AM 0.027 510 13.77 XT
11:02:07 AM 0.027 530 14.31 XT
11:00:07 AM 0.027 560 15.12 XT
10:58:07 AM 0.027 590 15.93 XT
10:56:07 AM 0.027 610 16.47 XT
10:54:07 AM 0.027 650 17.55 XT
10:52:07 AM 0.027 680 18.36 XT
10:50:07 AM 0.027 710 19.17 XT
10:48:28 AM 0.026 110,000 2,860.00 XT
10:48:28 AM 0.026 303,439 7,889.41
10:48:07 AM 0.026 740 19.24 XT
10:46:07 AM 0.026 780 20.28 XT
10:44:07 AM 0.026 810 21.06 XT
10:42:07 AM 0.026 850 22.10 XT
10:40:07 AM 0.026 890 23.14 XT
10:38:07 AM 0.026 930 24.18 XT
10:36:07 AM 0.026 970 25.22 XT
10:34:07 AM 0.026 1,010 26.26 XT
10:32:07 AM 0.026 1,060 27.56 XT
10:30:07 AM 0.026 1,100 28.60 XT
10:28:07 AM 0.026 1,140 29.64 XT
10:26:07 AM 0.026 1,190 30.94 XT
10:24:07 AM 0.026 1,250 32.50 XT
10:22:07 AM 0.026 1,290 33.54 XT
10:20:07 AM 0.026 1,340 34.84 XT
10:18:07 AM 0.026 1,390 36.14 XT
10:16:08 AM 0.026 1,400 36.40 XT
10:14:07 AM 0.026 1,370 35.62 XT
10:12:07 AM 0.026 1,350 35.10 XT
10:10:07 AM 0.026 1,320 34.32 XT
10:09:05 AM 0.026 10,881 282.91 XT

22-03-2010, 01:47 PM
A major holder is still dumping - notice the volume numbers ending with 253 or 747

Trade of URA occurring on Monday, 22 Mar 2010

Time Price Volume Value
10:50:43 AM 0.025 83,253 2,081.33
10:50:43 AM 0.025 16,747 418.68
10:38:00 AM 0.025 183,253 4,581.33
10:38:00 AM 0.025 16,747 418.68
10:26:05 AM 0.025 183,253 4,581.33
10:26:05 AM 0.025 16,747 418.68
10:13:27 AM 0.025 80,000 2,000.00
10:09:25 AM 0.025 103,253 2,581.33
10:08:53 AM 0.025 46,747 1,168.68
10:08:53 AM 0.025 53,253 1,331.33
10:08:53 AM 0.025 100,000 2,500.00
High Low
0.091 0.023
Last traded time

Last 20 Trades | All Trades | Download

22-03-2010, 02:41 PM
Why am not surprised Zed, I guess its a case of which one or which one(s).

Not that it really even matters anyway, but anybody got access to view of the register?

26-03-2010, 05:16 PM
AGM went well apparently.

Presentation looks good considering the recent sell-off which I still think is overdone if you are not a jaded long termer...

heres the presentation


26-03-2010, 05:18 PM
AGM went well apparently.

Presentation looks good considering the recent sell-off which I still think is overdone if you are not a jaded long termer...

heres the presentation


I like the part about the Czech Republic.

I am going to do some research into their elections etc...

26-03-2010, 05:21 PM
I like the part about the Czech Republic.

I am going to do some research into their elections etc...

Cant help but to notice the huge volumes on URA today :P

Darn, I thought there would have been some book slinging at this agm but no luck I guess.

Prez to me seems like the same Cr@p they have always given, same spin, same mundane promises or dialoge, nothing new except the shareholders I reckon.

Good luck to them as they will NEED IT.

26-03-2010, 05:26 PM
I like the part about the Czech Republic.

I am going to do some research into their elections etc...

Elections in May with new raw material policy coming into play...

I always love a long shot! A long shot with MASSIVE Odds at that!!

26-03-2010, 06:03 PM
I always love a long shot! A long shot with MASSIVE Odds at that!!

So do I scorp, but when it comes to Kate Hobbs long, it becomes death do us part, which is a bit too long for me.

Let alone to always find out in the long haul, that the story was never ever straight up in the first place. You dont know if that is for real of part of KH's fantasy being lived out as a CEO of a uranium company.

Good luck all the same mate with that one mate, I hope your right, as I am still left holding these worthless options.

07-04-2010, 04:59 PM
another strange day with strange volume... up 12% on volume... for seemingly no reason...

Haha this stock is mental, but glad to see it on the up at any rate.

07-04-2010, 05:17 PM
another strange day with strange volume... up 12% on volume... for seemingly no reason...

Haha this stock is mental, but glad to see it on the up at any rate.

Scorp, there always is a reason why something moves sometimes.

In this case, it is (IMO) coat tail riding.

The other thing is, someone bought, which knocked W%R over the 80 lower line which is good.

It needs to break past and hold 3c for anything to happen for upward TA potential, FA wise, same ole, same ole.

Here is a chart:



28-04-2010, 03:09 PM
Serious problems for the share price now as the support line is being pierced.

As usual Kate & Co are doing thier usual ----------NOTHING!!!!!

28-04-2010, 03:48 PM
Serious problems for the share price now as the support line is being pierced.

As usual Kate & Co are doing thier usual ----------NOTHING!!!!!

That will be the Oblique support Zed, as the major 2c horizontal support still in tact although tested.

Yep, KH doing what she is good at "nothing".

Testing day today, but one would have thought the poor holders holding this stock may have an eventual bounce on pure technical grounds.

I would post a chart but to be honest, dont have the energy to post a chart for this dog of company.

Would be good to see someone buy up the stock cheap just so they can vote Kate Hobbs and the rest of the cronies on the board "OUT"

28-04-2010, 03:54 PM
this is officaly the worst investment i have ever made, sold today with a 91% loss, should of got out at 7c... ahh well you learn from your mistakes... good luck to all holding.

28-04-2010, 11:43 PM
Drill - You would be disgusted by how many oppies I own now :D

been accumulating alot on the weakness... and will continue to do so.

Czech government change coming in May... Even if it bounces a little I'll be ready and waiting for it.

Good Luck to all.

28-04-2010, 11:57 PM
Drill - You would be disgusted by how many oppies I own now :D

been accumulating alot on the weakness... and will continue to do so.

Czech government change coming in May... Even if it bounces a little I'll be ready and waiting for it.

Good Luck to all.

Scorp, for your sake I hope that something comes of it. Its a pretty brave stint to add to a losing position but if it works out, you will be laughing.

Top 10 Option Holder, our very own Scorp, so hey how about convert all those option and then vote Kate out of her position :P

29-04-2010, 12:40 AM
Scorp, for your sake I hope that something comes of it. Its a pretty brave stint to add to a losing position but if it works out, you will be laughing.

Top 10 Option Holder, our very own Scorp, so hey how about convert all those option and then vote Kate out of her position :P

I'll secound that Drill

Scorpe your a much braver man than me - hope it works out.

29-04-2010, 09:23 PM
Yeh 4 sure, but I'm not saying I'm waiting for it to get to previous highs... FPO's $1.60 etc etc blah blah

I'm sayin that the options for example, buying @ 0.005... its not hard to see em at 5c for example... thats huge return no matter how you look at it...

Seen URA bounce 1000 times... CR elections etc, more drilling, there is surely room in the future to see the oppies at higher than 0.005c its as simple as that...

When it does, I will be well positioned...

"Will You?" *Picture of uncle sam* haha

04-05-2010, 01:00 PM
Support has broken again and new lows are the order of the day.
Only 266k left in the kitty and Kates spending that quicker than Ivana Trump in a jewelry shop.
How much longer can this dog survive because i doubt there's enough fools left out there to have another capital raising.

05-05-2010, 12:03 AM
Yeh slight bounce off support, but not in a good way... i am surprised no one is dumping the options tho... i am sitting there with my order haha but cant get it filled... if the FPO's get cheaper i'll just buy them instead...

anything out of the CR will see a bounce, and i dont wanna miss it... CSG taking a hit etc, and focus back on uranium... Uran just need to stop being the worst company in the world... which im not sure they are capable of... but if they do bounce i am taking advantage this time... missed out 1000 times before...

06-05-2010, 04:45 PM
Capital Raising - again!!!!!!

Now who's gunna be fool enough to give Kate and Co more spending money?

Now valued at 1.5c

Bejesus this is one horribly run company with the ethics of Henry Lee Lucas

06-05-2010, 05:46 PM
Capital Raising - again!!!!!!

Now who's gunna be fool enough to give Kate and Co more spending money?

Now valued at 1.5c

Bejesus this is one horribly run company with the ethics of Henry Lee Lucas

URA really is on life support now, & how much of the raised funds will be used for "working capital" & how much for drilling or development?

I looked back at my initial purchase price of $1.09 back in Jan/Feb 2007, & think what a drawn out saga & in over 3 years nothing tangible STILL!

Disc: Nil Held

06-05-2010, 10:06 PM
4 sure, they keep finding investors though.

I continue to average down, and will participate in the rights issue. My old buy in prices are just a memory now... only need Uran to clear a few cents and i'll be back in the ball game...

Terrible company, with unrealistic goals, However if they got even a sniff of any of em (not saying they will follow them through) the traders would have a field day for at least 1-2 days... especially starting off at 1.5c

Meh, next bounce, unless its based on CR or somethin, I will be out of there, but I will have recouped most if not all my $$$

Good luck to all.

06-05-2010, 10:25 PM
4 sure, they keep finding investors though.

I continue to average down, and will participate in the rights issue. My old buy in prices are just a memory now... only need Uran to clear a few cents and i'll be back in the ball game...

Terrible company, with unrealistic goals, However if they got even a sniff of any of em (not saying they will follow them through) the traders would have a field day for at least 1-2 days... especially starting off at 1.5c

Meh, next bounce, unless its based on CR or somethin, I will be out of there, but I will have recouped most if not all my $$$

Good luck to all.

At least they still have a reasonable number of shares on issue, & if they can get enough funds to drilll some more, hopefully some decent U308 grades will be good enough for a future presentation & further capital raising for a JORC resource.

I've been going thru a few uranium companies as, its the one metal/mineral resource that hasn't taken off.

I quite like ACB as my U308 pick, then probably FTE (who have Areva with a stake in them) remember URA lost a geologist to Areva a while back.

Still keep half an eye on Uran, mainly to make sure theres no smoke & mirrors going on with Discovery Minerals.

They ever walk away from URA & take Discovery Minerals private there will be a class action lawsuit against past & present directors & mgmt

10-05-2010, 05:02 PM
URA - Favourable Developments in the Czech Republic


Interesting turn of events?

10-05-2010, 05:42 PM
very favourable mate!

Good timing to co-incide with the new government who will be pro- mining and pro foreign invetment!

Could be a multi bagger from here if things work out... especially from 2c!

Uran will be closely watched now IMO and if they can avoid dissapointing the market like they always do, then there may be hope for us yet...

11-05-2010, 02:03 PM
Favourable Developments in Czech Republic
A recent decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (“SAC”) in Czech Republic has overturned
a decision of a lower court refusing applications for exploration permits in Czech
Republic. The reasons for this decision potentially create a significant precedent regarding
applications for exploration permits covering three known uranium deposits in Czech Republic,
which Uran has a right to acquire 100% through its rights over Discovery Minerals Ltd.
These applications are under appeal following their rejection by the Prague Municipal Court
(“PMC”). The primary grounds for rejection of the applications were that:-
 Mining for uranium is contrary to the Czech Raw Materials Policy;
 The deposits are fully defined by past drilling and that no further exploration is
 The applications were not supported by the local communities (except at Plouznice
where the application was supported in writing by the community).
In a decision which may have significant implications for Uran’s applications, a recent ruling by
the SAC has overturned the PMC’s rejection of applications by Czech company Altenberg s.r.o
for exploration permits to allow exploration for gold and polymetallic ores.
Altenberg’s applications had also been opposed by the Ministry for Environment on the grounds
that they did not comply with the Raw Materials Policy. Gold mining, unlike uranium mining, is
specifically prohibited by the Czech Raw Material Policy.
In its decision the SAC made the following findings:-
 Geological exploration and mining are two distinct processes which must be assessed
 Applications for geological exploration may not be rejected solely on the grounds that
the eventual mining is contrary to the State Raw Materials Policy;
 To reject an application for geological exploration, the Ministry must claim that the
eventual mining would be contrary to a public interest;
 The public interest must be substantiated by the Ministry;
 The public interest may be a matter such as preservation of nature or countryside,
protection of endangered species, or that is in the public interest that there are no
further major impacts into the countryside.
Clearly this is very positive for Uran’s applications as it removes the principal ground, reliance
on the Raw Materials Policy, used to reject our applications.

The company is preparing submissions to the PMC citing the decision of the Supreme
Administrative Court.
A new Raw Materials Policy has been prepared which is likely to be submitted to a new
Government following elections to be held on 28 and 29 May 2010. It is thought likely that the
new Raw Materials Policy, if approved, will be more favourable for mineral exploration and
Czech Uranium Projects
Uran has, through its right to acquire 100% of Discovery Minerals Ltd, applications for 6
exploration permits over 3 previously drilled uranium deposits in 2 areas of Czech Republic.

Huang Chung
11-05-2010, 03:58 PM
The URA thread is just not the same without Drilly's colourful posts...

11-05-2010, 04:03 PM
i really thought he would be back by now. hope he ok

11-05-2010, 04:18 PM
The URA thread is just not the same without Drilly's colourful posts...

Zed is still here to remind us all that we were lemmings lead off the cliff (well i was one of them!)

I lost enough $$$ on URA & URAO to have an axe to grind, but i'm more interested to see what Uran do with Discovery Minerals.

17-06-2010, 03:36 PM
Wow, some positive movement and volume through today on some half decent results.
Did anyone analyze the drill intercepts? Lookin OK so far...

What did everyone else think?

17-06-2010, 03:58 PM
Wow, some positive movement and volume through today on some half decent results.
Did anyone analyze the drill intercepts? Lookin OK so far...

What did everyone else think?

URA - Exploration Update/Drill results


Some reasonable grades there, nothing to get too excited about - weird they use feet as a measurement, most companies use metres.

So this looks like a poor attempt to make them stand out to shareholders.

The cynic in me says this was an attempt to stop the share price slide, & try to convey they are still actively drilling etc

17-06-2010, 04:16 PM
Yeh for sure you're probably right.
But thats what good companies do, unlike Uran, try to update the market to stop the SP falling into a lull... in factthey should have done something sooner...

Oh well, I dont feel so bad about those that i got at 1.5c now... but time will tell.

Hey some decent results... at least they werent a disaster I guess

17-06-2010, 04:25 PM
Yeh for sure you're probably right.
But thats what good companies do, unlike Uran, try to update the market to stop the SP falling into a lull... in factthey should have done something sooner...

Oh well, I dont feel so bad about those that i got at 1.5c now... but time will tell.

Hey some decent results... at least they werent a disaster I guess

Sure if they can better those grades with deeper drills, & over a decent size area then they should be able to raise some more capital to drill the permit for a maiden JORC resource

18-06-2010, 11:32 AM
I like the Czech Republic and Discovery Minerals take-over focus. It's back on their radar and perhaps some behind the scenes stuff going on that they beleive may result in some progress.

The deposits that they have lodged appeals over are historically huge mines and any sort of progress in this department would be exponentially a multibagger IMO

I'm in

16-07-2010, 11:59 AM
Quarterly out, Very encouraging results at Rick Claims have resulted in the company shifting focus basically to these specific claims!
Exciting and tangible results for once!
Check out the drill results, it looks like they may actually b onto something of a decent size and very high grade!

Glad I participated in the rights issue now.

Shasta - I am definately in the top 20 now haha

16-07-2010, 04:03 PM
Quarterly out, Very encouraging results at Rick Claims have resulted in the company shifting focus basically to these specific claims!
Exciting and tangible results for once!
Check out the drill results, it looks like they may actually b onto something of a decent size and very high grade!

Glad I participated in the rights issue now.

Shasta - I am definately in the top 20 now haha

I hope your unwavering loyalty is rewarding Scorp

I see Kate Hobbs emailed the quarterly out to all the past & present shareholders, as least she put some effort in to get the results noticed.

Disc: Nil held (Lost just over $10k on the heads, & also lost $7k on the options, to date my two biggest losses!)

22-07-2010, 11:20 PM
Shasta - I saw the Presentation released today.

Their main objective is to get Drilling done ASAP and get JORC resource announced to the market.

I am liking all this. Feels like I am invested in a U explorer now, Not a company full of clowns and spin doctors. If U can geta run going, Uran may just be poised to be worth more than 1.5c haha

22-07-2010, 11:39 PM
Shasta - I saw the Presentation released today.

Their main objective is to get Drilling done ASAP and get JORC resource announced to the market.

I am liking all this. Feels like I am invested in a U explorer now, Not a company full of clowns and spin doctors. If U can geta run going, Uran may just be poised to be worth more than 1.5c haha

I had a look thru the presentation...

URA now a $3m market cap!

I dont like the use of "feet" rather then metres for the assays results this can be misleading when comparing to other U explorers, the grades are low & the mineralisation is quite thin, although to be fair it is quite shallow, which will make the drilling cheaper & quicker.

No mention of Ukraine, or Discovery Minerals & only a passing mention on the last page of the Czech Republic & the Tungsten projects

Going to be touch & go whether they can get enough meaningful drill results to promote another capital raising down the track.

Good to see Wolf is still there, he is key to Uran doing any business in the Czech Republic

The Uranium sector is still ticking along directionless, as the U308 spot price hasn't moved from around ~$US41/lb

I still prefer the likes of ACB, PEN, FTE & WWI in the Uranium exploration category

23-07-2010, 01:04 PM
I like this part: Oh and the new section discovered at Rick Claims is not that low grade Shasta? Some of it seems pretty decent, and as you said Cheap to extract.

Ground Penetrating Radar survey carried out over SE part of Section 30 (limited by depth of cover).
Radon survey planned for 2010.
Geological mapping underway.
Application for drill permit has commenced.
Drilling will test 11 targets within the project area, and confirm historic holes.
Estimation of a 43-101 resource is underway. This will be convertible to JORC following drilling.

26-07-2010, 01:22 PM
Good to see the Directors participated in the righst issue.

Hit a top of 1.9c today. Good return for anyone who purchased at 1.5c in the rights issue.

Its not a party yet though. Lets see how Rick Claims shapes up. Looking good IMO

26-07-2010, 05:53 PM
High volume today! Decent buy orders building too!

29-07-2010, 12:34 PM
2.1c. Now.

40% return for those who participated in the rights issue now with 4 days.

I guess some new investors interested in the low market cap and new drilling etc about to begin.

05-08-2010, 03:23 PM
I like the Czech Republic and Discovery Minerals take-over focus. It's back on their radar and perhaps some behind the scenes stuff going on that they beleive may result in some progress.

The deposits that they have lodged appeals over are historically huge mines and any sort of progress in this department would be exponentially a multibagger IMO

I'm in

Hey folks, wow seems like a lifetime ago all this sh#t was going on.

News out and I was wrong, looks like Pat Ryan after all these years proves he has a Pulse, sheez, I'm Amazed.

Scorp, I honestly I do wish you all the best with this one. IMO, you are gonna need it.

I guess if you want a bottom of the barrel type company then this has got to be it.

I see Kate's good friend Archer747 is no longer here, what ever happened to her one wonders?
Probably drumming up fresh meat for the grinding machine for KH no doubt...lol

Anyway, I would have thought something may have changed with this company since my last post, but like the first time, I was wrong.

05-08-2010, 07:20 PM
Hey folks, wow seems like a lifetime ago all this sh#t was going on.

News out and I was wrong, looks like Pat Ryan after all these years proves he has a Pulse, sheez, I'm Amazed.

Scorp, I honestly I do wish you all the best with this one. IMO, you are gonna need it.

I guess if you want a bottom of the barrel type company then this has got to be it.

I see Kate's good friend Archer747 is no longer here, what ever happened to her one wonders?
Probably drumming up fresh meat for the grinding machine for KH no doubt...lol

Anyway, I would have thought something may have changed with this company since my last post, but like the first time, I was wrong.

Drilly, i hope your blood pressure is ok...(sit down when you read this!)

URA - Termination of Agreement to Acquire Discovery Minerals


That's right folks, URA past & present holders have finally been shafted (& not in a good way)

URA retains 8.5%, WTF?

We paid $A100,000 twice to keep the option open, & have spent millions on their behalf & for what?

My contention has always been the money spent should have been converted to equity, & by now URA would own 100% of Discovery Minerals.

The fact that URA's accountants wrote down the investment to a nominal amount defeats the purpose, there was & still is considerable value in the Ukraine, Czech & USA permits owned by Discovery Minerals

Not to mention all there consultants picking up a tidy little number whilst working with Uran.

I feel more anger to Uran/Discovery Minerals for this announcement, than all the money i lost on URA/URAO

Given the URA shareholders money spent on Discovery Minerals, Uran should by rights have acquired Discovery Minerals.

The independent directors are a ****ing disgrace for allowing this to happen.

My prediction: URA low on cash, Kate Hobbs walks & all of a sudden Discovery Minerals is awarded the Ukraine/Czech permits

Huang Chung
05-08-2010, 07:29 PM
You've been on the money (figuratively speaking) with this one, Shasta.

05-08-2010, 07:36 PM
You've been on the money (figuratively speaking) with this one, Shasta.

I'm not overly happy i predicted it, to be honest - this really stinks, & after URA did a capital raising with the presentation still hinting at the Czech Republic.

We have all been taken for a ride, & Kate Hobbs can walk away from URA now, as she a majority shareholder in Discovery Minerals

How on earth the independent directors can look at shareholders in the eye at the AGM will be interesting.

Whilst they have changed focus to Uranium in the USA (in Utah), the Discovery Minerals link was always a potential company maker sometime down the track after the Czech elections etc (when the Minister for the Environment, "a greenie" was ousted).

Now i fear the company is dying a slow death, & those running the show can walk & join Discovery Minerals.

Might be worth an email to the independent directors, ASX & ASIC - this stinks & should be investigated!

05-08-2010, 07:59 PM
Agree with you shasta especially your prediction.

"My prediction: URA low on cash, Kate Hobbs walks & all of a sudden Discovery Minerals is awarded the Ukraine/Czech permits"

05-08-2010, 09:46 PM
I am glad to see Pat Ryan has ceased pouring money into this nonsense.

Was good as blue sky, but has been a false hope for the last few years.

I would like to see them concentrate their cash on the US permits where there is U in the ground and get on with it, which seems like what they are doing...

Shasta - I agree it all stinks and it always has, but I am glad to see the end of it, and by the looks of it, the market is too!

So much cash burned for nothing! At least they will stop throwing good money after that nonsense.


05-08-2010, 11:29 PM
I am glad to see Pat Ryan has ceased pouring money into this nonsense.

Was good as blue sky, but has been a false hope for the last few years.

I would like to see them concentrate their cash on the US permits where there is U in the ground and get on with it, which seems like what they are doing...

Shasta - I agree it all stinks and it always has, but I am glad to see the end of it, and by the looks of it, the market is too!

So much cash burned for nothing! At least they will stop throwing good money after that nonsense.


If you think i'm gunna let this just happen, no way - im taking this further

06-08-2010, 12:21 AM
Please do Shasta!

We need someone who can talk the talk and take action. They have gotten away with squandering $$$ and smoke and mirrors for too long!

As I said I am happy they will no longer be paying another companies wages, and paying for another companies future successes.

But I think the way this whole saga has played out has been one big joke!

KH being a shareholder of Discovery absolutely stinks to high heaven too! And this should be looked into deeper... Much deeper!

06-08-2010, 12:53 AM
If you think i'm gunna let this just happen, no way - im taking this further

Hi Shasta,

Absolutely and yes way mate & so you, me, everyone we know who has been involved with Uran flea bag in the past should also be involved in following this up.

There has NEVER been any clarity over this Discovery crap since day one, except that Kate Hobbs was selling like a New York hot dog stand while a hockey game was being played.

Even to see Kate Hobbs go to jail and see Justice prevail within corporation law will be enough to make me content.

Junior company with a Junior Scam of the century fleecing shareholders. I cannot emphasise enough how far back this Devil in Prada KH has put me back with her spin and Lies. To this day, I am still struggling.

06-08-2010, 01:59 AM
Hi Shasta,

Absolutely and yes way mate & so you, me, everyone we know who has been involved with Uran flea bag in the past should also be involved in following this up.

There has NEVER been any clarity over this Discovery crap since day one, except that Kate Hobbs was selling like a New York hot dog stand while a hockey game was being played.

Even to see Kate Hobbs go to jail and see Justice prevail within corporation law will be enough to make me content.

Junior company with a Junior Scam of the century fleecing shareholders. I cannot emphasise enough how far back this Devil in Prada KH has put me back with her spin and Lies. To this day, I am still struggling.

My personal circumstances mean i cant do much myself, but i have alot of wealthy friends who will back me

I will send the independent directors an email, & i will tell them if i dont get a satisfactory answer i will pursue the ASX/ASIC

If i have to sue Kate Hobbs to ruin her i will, i saw this coming along time ago & the independent directors better have indemnity insurance cos there is no way im letting this **** slide by, i owe it too all the people that invested in URA on the back of my research.

Stay tuned this aint over by a long shot

Huang Chung
06-08-2010, 09:17 AM
Drilly....good to hear from you.

I've mised your entertaining posts over the last few months.

06-08-2010, 11:15 AM
My personal circumstances mean i cant do much myself, but i have alot of wealthy friends who will back me

I will send the independent directors an email, & i will tell them if i dont get a satisfactory answer i will pursue the ASX/ASIC

If i have to sue Kate Hobbs to ruin her i will, i saw this coming along time ago & the independent directors better have indemnity insurance cos there is no way im letting this **** slide by, i owe it too all the people that invested in URA on the back of my research.

Stay tuned this aint over by a long shot

Shasta - Please chase this up! I will send them an email demanding answers about where all the money went, and why we do not own discovery by default. I urge all holders to do the same. Shake em up a bit and find the truth!

If we dont get satisfactory answers guys, then Shasta will surely get to the bottom of it.

Just think of all the cash burnt... makes me sick, and as I said, I am glad they will no longer be throwing good money away like this...

Perhaps Pat Ryan had enough of it aswell?


06-08-2010, 02:30 PM
Shareprice and Options Flying!!
Options up 50% today. Someone knows something? Or happy Discovery deal is off... Either way market is waking up to URA the last 2 days on semi decent volume!

Huang Chung
06-08-2010, 03:56 PM
Maybe the market thinks Uran and Kate may soon be parted?

06-08-2010, 04:07 PM
Maybe the market thinks Uran and Kate may soon be parted?

Good point! I would see it as a positive move. If someone else took over, they could just get on with it and prove up this resource in the US.

06-08-2010, 06:42 PM
Drilly....good to hear from you.

I've mised your entertaining posts over the last few months.

Hi HC, as always great to see and hear from you.

Hey with regards to this woof hound bit of dogpile stock called Uran, no doubt if Miss I Hate Hobbs left or departed, then this stock would double up in price within no time at all.

As I have said in my other colourful posts on numerous occasions, she should be in Jail, not running around the planet acting like a CEO.

I wish I had listened to you with your numerous picks HC, would have saved me and others a lot of hard earned funds.

07-08-2010, 10:49 AM
Thats criminal.

Dont let it go

Everyone who holds stock needs to make as much noise as they can.

The more noise you make and the more of you that make noise, the more likely you will be heard.

09-08-2010, 11:36 AM
Continuing its upward trend this morning by the looks of it!
Big buyers coming in, for the URAOA options too!

I reckon someone knows somethin we dont...

If KH is gonna walk or get the sack, URA will be 5c+ easy IMO (I hope she does. Worst CEO I have ever seen)

The Uravan project (which is larger than Grants Ridge Uranium project) should have due dilligence completed on it by now with a green light aswell...


09-08-2010, 11:40 AM
Oh and Phaedrus or AA or any other chartists, would you be so kind to chart URA for us?

Many thanks in advance.

09-08-2010, 12:29 PM
Hi Scorp. Looks alright eh?

09-08-2010, 12:41 PM
Hey Strat.

Cheers mate! Yeh looking good, Lets hope the company can do something positive to keep the momentum going. If we had a proper CEO in charge that could progress the US prospects and market them properly and stop burning cash, The Co. would be over 10c again instanty IMO.

It really is time for KH to step aside and let us get on with it...

09-08-2010, 12:56 PM
Hey Strat.

It really is time for KH to step aside and let us get on with it...Perhaps that is her plan. Reckon she will take as much of URA as she can carry bundled under her arms as runs out the door though.

Or drag it along behind her in a trolley called Discovery :mad ;:

09-08-2010, 01:18 PM
Yeh thats right.

She shows no urgency whatsoever and is so blaze about results etc.

If someone came in with the right attitude and marketed what was going on in the US there would be a re-rating for sure. Im not saying the company is amazing, but they have vast U prospects in the most "Uranium-Mine-friendly" state in the whole of the USA.

Get on with the drilling and let the market know whats goin on. Get us at least some dignity back.

The SP was sitting just over a cent and KH couldnt care less... Its ridiculous! Time to go!

11-08-2010, 10:30 PM
Yeh thats right.

She shows no urgency whatsoever and is so blaze about results etc.

If someone came in with the right attitude and marketed what was going on in the US there would be a re-rating for sure. Im not saying the company is amazing, but they have vast U prospects in the most "Uranium-Mine-friendly" state in the whole of the USA.

Get on with the drilling and let the market know whats goin on. Get us at least some dignity back.

The SP was sitting just over a cent and KH couldnt care less... Its ridiculous! Time to go!

Still working through some finer details before i send Uran's independent directors a "please explain" email (i will repost in here)

But i see step 1 of the Kate Hobbs leaving Uran plan (& run off to Discovery Minerals) is taking place...


Kate - didnt participate in the right issue, so here's the person running the show & not getting the cheque book out!

I guess if you were about to abandon ship, you'd be selling not buying, & how sneaky can you be when ya not an SSH you dont have to disclose it.

Watch for large parcels on the sell side, any buyers out there might be picking up Kate's!

11-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Still working through some finer details before i send Uran's independent directors a "please explain" email (i will repost in here)

But i see step 1 of the Kate Hobbs leaving Uran plan (& run off to Discovery Minerals) is taking place...


Kate - didnt participate in the right issue, so here's the person running the show & not getting the cheque book out!

I guess if you were about to abandon ship, you'd be selling not buying, & how sneaky can you be when ya not an SSH you dont have to disclose it.

Watch for large parcels on the sell side, any buyers out there might be picking up Kate's!

Shasta, also take note of the KH signature and the capacity as Trustee. Which also means she is hiding behind the protection of a Trust. A typical power play at work here so no matter what happens you cannot get her, only what little objects she personally possess.

It is very unclear and undefined what she has actually done in that recent release, bought, sold, acquired or dumped. Does she still hold, does she not hold, what where her previous holdings, and what are they Now??? So many Kate C Hobbs bullsh#t tactics here at work.

No doubt she will dump whatever she has with the bad stains of Uran and the company will only be left as a Shell company with a couple of cheezy U projects in the US.

Dont forget about the other Cloak and Dagger company JUNO, what capacity does she have here with the Tungsten, so many questions and no actual clear answers on what plans, what ownership and what plans will benefit current shareholders.

Typical Perth type of a SHE wannabe HE corporate w@nk at work here.

Sue the ass off her for all the misleading statements that has cost many Dearly.

Production in July is a classic, along with fat @SS burger eating previous chairman MK along with his comments on $5.00 a share.

Dont forget, its all on Audio from the recorded previous AGM's that Elroy had kindly recorded, and which I had also made into a song.

They are available to you also should you wish to take extracts of the False comments, along with statements in littered in previous ASX announcements over the years.

Good luck with that buddy and let us know if you need a hand.

12-08-2010, 01:51 AM
Shasta, also take note of the KH signature and the capacity as Trustee. Which also means she is hiding behind the protection of a Trust. A typical power play at work here so no matter what happens you cannot get her, only what little objects she personally possess.

It is very unclear and undefined what she has actually done in that recent release, bought, sold, acquired or dumped. Does she still hold, does she not hold, what where her previous holdings, and what are they Now??? So many Kate C Hobbs bullsh#t tactics here at work.

No doubt she will dump whatever she has with the bad stains of Uran and the company will only be left as a Shell company with a couple of cheezy U projects in the US.

Dont forget about the other Cloak and Dagger company JUNO, what capacity does she have here with the Tungsten, so many questions and no actual clear answers on what plans, what ownership and what plans will benefit current shareholders.

Typical Perth type of a SHE wannabe HE corporate w@nk at work here.

Sue the ass off her for all the misleading statements that has cost many Dearly.

Production in July is a classic, along with fat @SS burger eating previous chairman MK along with his comments on $5.00 a share.

Dont forget, its all on Audio from the recorded previous AGM's that Elroy had kindly recorded, and which I had also made into a song.

They are available to you also should you wish to take extracts of the False comments, along with statements in littered in previous ASX announcements over the years.

Good luck with that buddy and let us know if you need a hand.

That ann shows the %age she owns of the company has reduced/being dilluted as she didnt take up her rights (almost no shares bought on market by Kate)

Always makes it easier to sell to the market & shareholders when ya buying yourself

Anyway my main plan of attack is to email the Board (the independent ones) about the following:

1. Uran paid the $100k Discovery option once (to acquire the ~8% in DM), was another $100k paid , if so what did Uran receive in return? (Why couldn't the original deal be concluded within the first timeframe, ie the deal could have been achieved with a sliding scale on the price*).

* Where the final price can be determined on conclusion of a signed deal

Who independently approved & signed off on the deal where Uran shareholder funds were to be used for DM business, without such clauses as the funds were to be repayable, or able to be converted into equity into DM. (especially given the conflict of interests)

2. Does Uran have an analysis available on all the ("DM") related costs to date (if not, the company accountant should compile this), im pretty sure they have mentioned the figures before though, & given all the funds spent, what IP & data** does Uran own, & what access does DM have to this?

** Vice versa

3. How come the Board & company accountants saw it fit to write down the value of DM (yes, i know about IFRS standards) to a nominal amount, If DM is "worthless", then why is Uran walking away from DM, those contacts could one day prove valueable?.

What information did the Uran auditors receive from DM's accountant, about the company's a/c's (was there ever a full share valuation done?)

If DM's valuation is worthless, then shouldn't the $100k paid be enough to acquire the whole company? (Given theres nothing tangible)

In any event Kate Hobbs or other staff leave Uran to work with DM, what restraints of trade are in place, who physically holds the data?

12-08-2010, 03:03 AM
If DM's valuation is worthless, then shouldn't the $100k paid be enough to acquire the whole company? (Given theres nothing tangible)

In any event Kate Hobbs or other staff leave Uran to work with DM, what restraints of trade are in place, who physically holds the data?

Shasta I agree with you on all accounts here, plus many many more that still are left over unanswered questions that still not have been asked or answered.

We all know that Discovery stinks, always has, it always will. There has continually been a conflict of interest with Kate Hobbs direct involvement, and of course, negotiations.

Personally, I would be giving a Tip Off to ASIC of this potential stench of which may soon play out to a kind of level of embezzlement as this Witch will try to get as much as she can in anyway she can. She always wants a free lunch at the expense of somebody else, and I mean ALWAYS, but I know you already know this.

12-08-2010, 06:27 PM
Shasta I agree with you on all accounts here, plus many many more that still are left over unanswered questions that still not have been asked or answered.

We all know that Discovery stinks, always has, it always will. There has continually been a conflict of interest with Kate Hobbs direct involvement, and of course, negotiations.

Personally, I would be giving a Tip Off to ASIC of this potential stench of which may soon play out to a kind of level of embezzlement as this Witch will try to get as much as she can in anyway she can. She always wants a free lunch at the expense of somebody else, and I mean ALWAYS, but I know you already know this.

I'll give the Uran independent directors the first chance to deal with this, then the ASX & finally ASIC.

Michael Kiernan isnt out of the woods yet either!

31-08-2010, 08:36 PM
Anyone seen this afternoons announcement about terminating KH employment contract?

Can anyone clarify for me?

The way I read it, is that she has a 12 month notice of termination period so Pat Ryan is giving her notice now as it is too much of a liability to keep her on such lengthy termination terms. After 12 months they will re-negotiate her contract to have more normal lengths of "notice of termination"... does this sound right?

Is this all just a tech way of saying we wanna get rid of her but have to wait 12 months so we are starting this process ASAP???

31-08-2010, 08:49 PM
Hi Scorp,
Thats how I read it too...

12 more months...can URA last that long?

31-08-2010, 08:54 PM
Anyone seen this afternoons announcement about terminating KH employment contract?

Can anyone clarify for me?

The way I read it, is that she has a 12 month notice of termination period so Pat Ryan is giving her notice now as it is too much of a liability to keep her on such lengthy termination terms. After 12 months they will re-negotiate her contract to have more normal lengths of "notice of termination"... does this sound right?

Is this all just a tech way of saying we wanna get rid of her but have to wait 12 months so we are starting this process ASAP???

URA - Ann


Basically means she is riding out her time before running off with Discovery Minerals (reading between the lines)

Take this notice as a precursor to her renegotiating an "early exit"

Huang Chung
31-08-2010, 08:57 PM
Seems pretty weird to me.

My take is that she must have a contract with the company for considerably more than 12 months (you might find some details in an old ASX release). Sounds like the board wants to option to terminate her, but isn't necessarily wanting to take up that option. By giving a 'without cause' termination now, she would be gone in 12 months, but the company WILL seek to negotiate a new employment contract before the 12 months is up.

I'm not a lawyer, but that's what it seems like to me.

31-08-2010, 08:59 PM
Seems pretty weird to me.

My take is that she must have a contract with the company for considerably more than 12 months (you might find some details in an old ASX release). Sounds like the board wants to option to terminate her, but isn't necessarily wanting to take up that option. By giving a 'without cause' termination now, she would be gone in 12 months, but the company WILL seek to negotiate a new employment contract before the 12 months is up.

I'm not a lawyer, but that's what it seems like to me.

Kate won't be around in 12 months, i think thats pretty clear

I should add i havent let her off yet either, just want to do this the right way so i dont get sued in the process!

31-08-2010, 09:31 PM
Shasta - I love your work! You have the full backing of all URA shareholders, New and Old!

I hope you are right and she does choose to exit ASAP! The company has a feeling of wanting to get rid of her so they can start to behave like a proper company but can't with her at the helm.
If she runs off to Discovery I have no doubt that she will just waste their $$$ like she has wasted ours, with no progress. At least Pat Ryan may get these deposits in the USA up and running quicker and more efficiently.

Thats what I hope anyways... If we can be a 10c SP instead of a 1c SP sort of deal...

KH is surely a laughing stock throughout the mining community in AUS?

01-09-2010, 05:52 PM
Seems pretty weird to me.

I'm not a lawyer, but that's what it seems like to me.

Hi HC,

Your not a lawyer I know, but your a great stock picker HC, and if seems weird to you, this to me it seems way more than weird.

Also how typical to release such ann at 3:14PM within the last hour of market so it just slips past most as in to avoid time spent in market which gives it a feel of total avoidance.

Kate won't be around in 12 months, i think thats pretty clear

I should add i havent let her off yet either, just want to do this the right way so i dont get sued in the process!

Good stuff Shasta,

Why would anybody let Kate Hobbs off, after all, she is the Master of deception who instigated this mockery with the protection of trusts and smoke and mirrors.. She has told nothing but lies and it would appear her sole purpose on top of drawing a wage regardless of success.

She should be hung, drawn and quartered if you ask me, but then most here already know how I feel about this witch.

Dont forget to use the Audio Sound tracks, the boardroom radio comments and previous anns that have been issued all over these years to add to whatever suit you can create.

Thats what I hope anyways... If we can be a 10c SP instead of a 1c SP sort of deal...

KH is surely a laughing stock throughout the mining community in AUS?

Darn right Scorp, KH is in my complete opinion is nothing short of the devil's advocate. She wont care if she is laughed at as she never has listened or notices anybody anyway.

Personally I would not calculating a "what if" share price scenario based on the the KH witches involvement, as this Co has been nothing but disastrous.

I also notice ARCHER is no longer a member here, funny that hey~! I wonder which fool is being played right now by her?. Once upon a time, I thought I knew and trusted Archer (hotcopper Archer 747) but as it turns out, she will put KH before any friendships to You, Me, or Anybody whom she happens to meet on an internet forum let alone even becoming a close as she distances herself once she finds her next associate/friend/boyfriend or whomever and is a closet supporter of Kate Hobbs to the very end and yet you will never get a straight answer from her regarding this as she too is also like Kate Hobbs (to some degree) but I wont go into that here.

Anyway folks, I hope your all keeping well.

Cheers for now!

01-09-2010, 07:43 PM
Hi HC,

Your not a lawyer I know, but your a great stock picker HC, and if seems weird to you, this to me it seems way more than weird.

Also how typical to release such ann at 3:14PM within the last hour of market so it just slips past most as in to avoid time spent in market which gives it a feel of total avoidance.

Good stuff Shasta,

Why would anybody let Kate Hobbs off, after all, she is the Master of deception who instigated this mockery with the protection of trusts and smoke and mirrors.. She has told nothing but lies and it would appear her sole purpose on top of drawing a wage regardless of success.

She should be hung, drawn and quartered if you ask me, but then most here already know how I feel about this witch.

Dont forget to use the Audio Sound tracks, the boardroom radio comments and previous anns that have been issued all over these years to add to whatever suit you can create.

Darn right Scorp, KH is in my complete opinion is nothing short of the devil's advocate. She wont care if she is laughed at as she never has listened or notices anybody anyway.

Personally I would not calculating a "what if" share price scenario based on the the KH witches involvement, as this Co has been nothing but disastrous.

I also notice ARCHER is no longer a member here, funny that hey~! I wonder which fool is being played right now by her?. Once upon a time, I thought I knew and trusted Archer (hotcopper Archer 747) but as it turns out, she will put KH before any friendships to You, Me, or Anybody whom she happens to meet on an internet forum let alone even becoming a close as she distances herself once she finds her next associate/friend/boyfriend or whomever and is a closet supporter of Kate Hobbs to the very end and yet you will never get a straight answer from her regarding this as she too is also like Kate Hobbs (to some degree) but I wont go into that here.

Anyway folks, I hope your all keeping well.

Cheers for now!

Unless Archer is a defence lawyer, she'll be of no use to Kate Hobbs

The ann may have been delayed, but it didnt get past Sharetraders's resident trainspotter! ;-)

28-09-2010, 04:41 PM
Anyone see the Annual Report out today?

Pat Ryan leaving the board after the AGM in October. And it looks like they divested the tungsten assets?

Some interesting grades and developments, but they really need to get on with it!

Shasta - I am in the top 20 for options but not the top 20 for FPO's :D

28-09-2010, 05:00 PM
Anyone see the Annual Report out today?

Pat Ryan leaving the board after the AGM in October. And it looks like they divested the tungsten assets?

Some interesting grades and developments, but they really need to get on with it!

Shasta - I am in the top 20 for options but not the top 20 for FPO's :D

I saw that, ya mad!

What a cheek they wrote off the 8.5% Discovery Minerals asset down to $0. This isn't some goodwill being amortised, we paid the $100k!

If there is no value in Discovery Minerals then $100k paid, should own ALL the shares in Discovery Minerals, whether there is any value in the leads, is up to Uran to unlock, not for Kate & her mates after she bails like a rat off a sinking ship!

28-09-2010, 06:25 PM
I dont get it at all... what a waste of $$$ honestly... Same with the Tungsten...

Although heres one for you...
If we got a new MD that could get things happening it could potentially put a rocket under the SP??? am i right??

I agree with you though Shasta I must be mad to be that deep in! I was still a fair way off with the FPO's top 20 haha :D

Poorly run company but there is hope for us yet! Some fresh blood might shake it all up!


18-10-2010, 01:34 PM
Shasta - What do you make of Pat Ryan cancelling his plans to retire this year and opting to lead the company into 2011?

Perhaps a little bit of pride on his behalf, considering his resume is very impressive up untill Uran... Maybe he wants to leave with the company in a little better shape than it is now?

Or perhaps he wants to get rid of Kate Hobbs first then retire?

Either way I like it.

19-10-2010, 02:17 PM
Anyone got any ideas why Its moving so much today?

Could my prediction about Pat Ryan ousting Kate Hobbs come true?

Good drill results?

Uravan project being signed off on??? Anything???

19-10-2010, 05:20 PM
[B]Acquisition of New Mineral Claims, Mesa Montanosa Area, New Mexico[/B
]Uran has pegged claims over two Sections of 1 square mile each (totalling 518 hectares) close to the Mesa
Montanosa Project in the Grants District of New Mexico, USA. Mesa Montanosa forms part of the Grants Ridge Joint
Venture in which Uran is earning a 65% interest from Canadian company Uranium Energy Corporation (“UEC”).
The new claims are held 100% by Uran, and cover areas of previous uranium mining to the north and north-east of
Mesa Montanosa.
Mineralisation is in the Poison Canyon Member of the
Morrison Formation which overlies the Todilto Limestone.
This was one of the most productive units for uranium
mining in New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah.
Mines in this unit in the Grants area include the Jackpile,
which produced over 46 million lbs U3O8 @ 0.24% and
was the world’s largest open-pit uranium mine at the
time; the Marquez which produced about 3.7 million lbs
@ 0.26%; San Mateo which produced 2.8 million lbs @
0.17%; and Poison Canyon (adjacent to Mesa
Montanosa) which produced 1 million lbs @ 0.23%.
The mineralised stratum is not at great depth, generally
about 90-200 metres.
Section 18
Section 18 lies north of Mesa Montanosa, immediately to
the north of the Hope and Poison Canyon Mines. Drilling
prior to 1958 of 140 holes was carried out in the eastern
half of the section; most were drilled in the extreme SE
half of the section and defined the Gossett ore body.
About 166,000 lbs @ 0.21% U3O8 was mined from
Poison Canyon sandstones at the Gossett. The average
mined grade was reported to initially be 0.54% U3O8.
Drilling at Gossett defined a body of continuous highgrade
uranium mineralisation about 300 metres in length
at fairly shallow depth, with results as follows: 14’ @ 1,800 ppm U3O8
33’ @ 1,600 ppm
10’ @ 1,400 ppm
10’ @ 3,500 ppm
8’ @ 2,500 ppm
16.5’ @ 1,100 ppm
10’ @ 2,000 ppm
10’ @ 2,600 ppm

12-11-2010, 02:15 PM
In breakout Territory now... @ 2.9c Up stacks this week!
Anyone going to the AGM today? Traders starting to have little nibbles of it again IMO.
Good luck to me (the only holder left haha)

12-11-2010, 02:25 PM
Anyone going to the AGM today? Traders starting to have little nibbles of it again IMO.

Hi Scorp how are ya mate, miss me?

This shouldn't be an AGM they are having, it should be a Corporate Watchdog investigation. Though perhaps Zed can make it along and I will buy him a beer this time if he can HIT the KH target :P

With regards to the sp, as you and I both know, this is just riding the coat tail of the sector. Nothing more, nothing less.

And to be completely honest, if Kate Hobbs was ejected from this company "completely" the sp would actually double on the news.

Said before, and will say it again. the company should have gave her he boot years ago for misleading shareholders. How she still sits in the co today amazes me.

I mean, what has this company actually done (Except evaporate money)???? Answer: They get paid to fleece the company they are meant to serve.

Criminals, is exactly what they are, nothing more, nothing less.

12-11-2010, 02:43 PM
Missed you mate!

Yes I agree about KH. But I also think Pat Ryan is trying to get something going for shareholders now too as he has chosen to stay on for another year... hopefully to get some results from the Mesa Montanesa project...

I dont care if the SP is riding the coat tails of the sector... for those of us who bought truckloads at the lows, it doesnt really matter what is driving the price... as long as it is rising it is giving some comfort and reward to us holders.

Keep riding I say!

12-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Shasta - What do you make of Pat Ryan cancelling his plans to retire this year and opting to lead the company into 2011?

Perhaps a little bit of pride on his behalf, considering his resume is very impressive up untill Uran... Maybe he wants to leave with the company in a little better shape than it is now?

Or perhaps he wants to get rid of Kate Hobbs first then retire?

Either way I like it.

Sorry Scorp my computer died & ive just caught up with the thread.

Reading between the lines Pat's change of plans are clearly to stay to ensure a smooth transitional period after Kate, afterall it wouldnt look good with him bailing so soon after Kate.

Pat does have a decent background & im sure he would want to leave Uran in good hands & on a pathway to production with real assets.

Im more interested to see what the "Discovery Minerals" faction of Uran does.

It seems as if Pat has ruled a line through the past actions & is more interested in progressing Uran's US based Uranium projects, which is commendable i guess.

I'm watching what Kate does, cos Uran by rights should own ALL Discovery Minerals data, we have paid for it!

12-11-2010, 04:03 PM
Hi Shasta, how are ya mate.

Hey, dont you mean JUNO Minerals? I thought Discovery was nothing more than a KH paper airplane that went up in smoke?

12-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Sorry Scorp my computer died & ive just caught up with the thread.

Reading between the lines Pat's change of plans are clearly to stay to ensure a smooth transitional period after Kate, afterall it wouldnt look good with him bailing so soon after Kate.

Pat does have a decent background & im sure he would want to leave Uran in good hands & on a pathway to production with real assets.

Im more interested to see what the "Discovery Minerals" faction of Uran does.

It seems as if Pat has ruled a line through the past actions & is more interested in progressing Uran's US based Uranium projects, which is commendable i guess.
I'm watching what Kate does, cos Uran by rights should own ALL Discovery Minerals data, we have paid for it!

Yes I agree Shasta.

I think he is setting her up to be terminated and wants to stay on and complete the job. Not only that but he is getting on with New Mexico and I have never seen Uran sticking to a timeline like this before. They said they would get data in Novemeber etc and did! I'm shocked!

Company can definately be worth more than 3c from here... how much more? That is up to Pat Ryan (not KH)

Uranium bull in full swing again by the looks of it and Uran poised to reap the benefits as far as the market is looking anyways. I like thius part of the presentation.
Large amounts of reliable historical drill and mine results from Homestake and other miners has been obtained and forms an outstanding basis for follow-up and infill drilling. These drill and assay results would cost tens of millions of dollars to obtain by new work.
A review by Homestake in 1980 of previous exploration in the area outlined numerous zones which Homestake classified as uranium resources remaining in situ. Uran has obtained copies of these maps.
Ongoing research and exploration continues to identify further areas of highly prospective shallow uranium mineralisation in the immediate area.

Anyways, good luck to all. Might even be good for a short term trade!

12-11-2010, 04:45 PM
Records obtained for about 700 historic drill holes, showing widespread high-grade uranium at shallow depths (generally 30-80 metres).

12-11-2010, 04:58 PM
Drilling in 2011 is likely to confirm previous high-grade intercepts and to extend known mineralisation.
The Grants projects represent an outstanding opportunity due to the vast amounts of existing data, numerous past mines, high-grade nature of the deposits, simple mineralogy, and low sovereign risk.
The expanded claim area around Mesa Montanosa provides the opportunity to define sufficient material to support at least a 5 year mine life, if exploration results are favourable. Material may also be sourced from waste dumps at Armijo.

13-11-2010, 03:03 PM
Hi Shasta, how are ya mate.

Hey, dont you mean JUNO Minerals? I thought Discovery was nothing more than a KH paper airplane that went up in smoke?

Your not wrong there Drilly, but Discovery Minerals owned the "rights" to the Ukraine, Kazakhstan & Czech Republic permits. Even if they never eventuate into anything tangible, my contention is that Uran having paid $200k to secure them, should by rights own all the shares in Discovery Minerals.

What annoys me is that the Uran auditors wrote down the value of the Uran ~8.5% holding in Discovery Minerals to ZERO.

If it meets the accounting IFRS of being worth "nothing", then what do Discovery Minerals shareholders have to gripe about by giving the rights to Uran?

If they are deemed to be worth anything, then the Uran investment needs to reflect this.

More smokes & mirrors, but im onto it!

13-11-2010, 06:20 PM
What annoys me is that the Uran auditors wrote down the value of the Uran ~8.5% holding in Discovery Minerals to ZERO.

If it meets the accounting IFRS of being worth "nothing", then what do Discovery Minerals shareholders have to gripe about by giving the rights to Uran?

If they are deemed to be worth anything, then the Uran investment needs to reflect this.

More smokes & mirrors, but im onto it!

I hear ya Shasta, smoke and mirrors alright, that's all Uran has ever been.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, as you say, Uran Auditors doing whats right for KH and stuff shareholders, regardless of the fact that we paid for it severely.

Maybe KH can start a new company called Karma Minerals and then she will truly get whats coming to her :P

15-11-2010, 01:53 PM
5 Little indians sitting smoking a peace pipe
2 resigned or got the sack so the other 3 can smoke more.

Now there is 3 little indians smoking whatever in the Uran Teepee.

To be perfectly honest, I think they got rid of the wrong 2, should have been KH and PR, then it would be a fresh Co.

No doubt this is Kates idea of Saving money is to ditch people who were acting as manikins for the company to save dollars.

Dont ya just love it though, they bring out the news of the ditching right when they also give a AGM presentation.

Plus, in the Overview on page 2 on the last point.

Applications for drill permits are being lodged in November to allow drilling in Montanosa in the first half of 2011 (Kate probably means June 2011)

I I mean, What a load of Crap,

What this means is that Kate Hobbs is buying time so she does her usual sweet F all.

How much effort has it been to attend 1 AGM a year and then to pickup the phone and fax in some applications (which are not exactly lodged as yet).

And then Only to be Paid MORE than the Prime Minister of Australia for feeding shareholders bull****.

Honestly folks.

Scorp, you will nearly be a top 20 Holder. Tell me mate, when you gonna turn up to an AGM and shoot that BiAtCh.

In the meantime, Kate will keep busy on ways to how to dilute the company :t_down:

15-11-2010, 02:12 PM
5 Little indians sitting smoking a peace pipe
2 resigned or got the sack so the other 3 can smoke more.

Now there is 3 little indians smoking whatever in the Uran Teepee.

To be perfectly honest, I think they got rid of the wrong 2, should have been KH and PR, then it would be a fresh Co.

No doubt this is Kates idea of Saving money is to ditch people who were acting as manikins for the company to save dollars.

Dont ya just love it though, they bring out the news of the ditching right when they also give a AGM presentation.

Plus, in the Overview on page 2 on the last point.

Applications for drill permits are being lodged in November to allow drilling in Montanosa in the first half of 2011 (Kate probably means June 2011)

I I mean, What a load of Crap,

What this means is that Kate Hobbs is buying time so she does her usual sweet F all.

How much effort has it been to attend 1 AGM a year and then to pickup the phone and fax in some applications (which are not exactly lodged as yet).

And then Only to be Paid MORE than the Prime Minister of Australia for feeding shareholders bull****.

Honestly folks.

Scorp, you will nearly be a top 20 Holder. Tell me mate, when you gonna turn up to an AGM and shoot that BiAtCh.

In the meantime, Kate will keep busy on ways to how to dilute the company :t_down:

Not concerned bout that.

Only interest is the Uranium bull market mixed with drill results and the potential of these new prospects etc. You must remember this is a micro now... dont need anything amazing for the SP to rocket as the company is currently valued at nothing.


25-11-2010, 03:20 PM
ready to pop! has gone from 2.2c to 2.9c in 2 days :D

25-11-2010, 06:17 PM
ready to pop! has gone from 2.2c to 2.9c in 2 days :DLooks like 2.9 may be a bit of a barrier Scorp

25-11-2010, 06:19 PM
and it might be an idea to step back so as to take in the big picture too

25-11-2010, 06:43 PM
and it might be an idea to step back so as to take in the big picture too

Might also pay to see psychiatrist after investing in this company too. :eek2:

Well, in all honesty its good to see it stay above the 200ma for more than 2 days which the last time was approximately 12 months or so ago.

Could even be a temporary be a mini double tops :t_down:

The things is as scorp says, its moved alot in 2 days, but the 13ema still is yet to cross the 200 so until that time, I would not be getting too excited but I am pleased if anybody has taken some profits from the recent micro run.

25-11-2010, 08:17 PM
Might also pay to see psychiatrist after investing in this company too. :eek2:

Well, in all honesty its good to see it stay above the 200ma for more than 2 days which the last time was approximately 12 months or so ago.

Could even be a temporary be a mini double tops :t_down:

The things is as scorp says, its moved alot in 2 days, but the 13ema still is yet to cross the 200 so until that time, I would not be getting too excited but I am pleased if anybody has taken some profits from the recent micro run.

Apparently my Psychiatrist recorded me mumbling about $5 a share on one project, or $10 on two, i was put in the unit shortly there after...

Well done to anyone (Scorp?) who profits from Uran, my most expensive "lesson" in all my time in the markets!

26-11-2010, 01:48 PM
Apparently my Psychiatrist recorded me mumbling about $5 a share on one project, or $10 on two, i was put in the unit shortly there after...

Well done to anyone (Scorp?) who profits from Uran, my most expensive "lesson" in all my time in the markets!

Definately starting to look good Shasta!

Strat - The close yesterday @ 3c and the buy side building is very encouraging IMO... also a couple of people on Hotcopper saying that they have friends etc that have been telling them about URA alongthe grapevine and are taking postitions...

Put it this way... I have never seen URA in this kind of shape (MARKET PERCEPTION WISE) since before MK started touting about $5 a share etc...

If it can continue to run then people who invested around 1.5c will have huge smiles on their faces... I for one bought a truckload at 1.5c in the right issue etc... pretty close to average price now...

26-11-2010, 03:12 PM
Thats great Scorp. Ive been hoping you would do OK out of all this

26-11-2010, 03:40 PM
If it can continue to run then people who invested around 1.5c will have huge smiles on their faces... I for one bought a truckload at 1.5c in the right issue etc... pretty close to average price now...

Scorp, unlike many of us who got caught out, if you can escape this dog with your pants still on then fantastic, but if you get hooked in thinking that this will be another shining star again I will ask you kindly to please, think again.

May I ask, is that your big sell order there at 3c ?

26-11-2010, 05:54 PM
Scorp, unlike many of us who got caught out, if you can escape this dog with your pants still on then fantastic, but if you get hooked in thinking that this will be another shining star again I will ask you kindly to please, think again.

May I ask, is that your big sell order there at 3c ?

I beg to differ... If it can get some good drill results then it can easily be a shining star once again...

No I havent got anything for sale... only buy orders for URAOA Sitting there

26-11-2010, 07:12 PM
I beg to differ... If it can get some good drill results then it can easily be a shining star once again...

No worries then Scorp, though I would hardly say shining star, but rather, small blip on some radar in hula land~!

The last attempt of drilling with a small rig on a Ford Truck though seems a bit Juvenile though dont ya think. Be it even if it was surface drilling that came up with very little or nothing, I sure hope the next project comes up with something so that at least any shareholder knows they where the money is going.

Though who really knows where the previous money went or had gone. Perhaps the days Kate Hobbs rolling dice and paying for male escorts in vegas are drawing to a close. Just like all the FSU country escorts (ie Ukraine, CR) with Operas whilst visiting cities being a tourist whilst trying to come across like she is doing something, or giving off the appearance that she is being busy, whilst all along its Fairy Tales being bought and sold.

Who knows with this mob, but there is one thing for sure, the Co would be Far Far better off with Kate Hobbs involvement, as that is a costly mistake no matter which country or company she goes to. And no doubt while she still has strong supporters of the likes or Archer747 being a good friend of hers, no wonder she feels so confident to continue to spin stories. Criminal on the Loose is more what I am led to believe, as the old days, will "never" just go away or be forgotten.

Hope you triple your money though so you can exit the dog once and for all!

26-11-2010, 07:38 PM
I beg to differ... If it can get some good drill results then it can easily be a shining star once again...

No I havent got anything for sale... only buy orders for URAOA Sitting there

A different beast, but not following the original concept of only going after advanced resource defined projects & old existing mines

They have joined the ranks of uranium explorers, & so drill results & news flow will push things along. (I do wish they would use metres not cm in there results!)

Most of those burnt from the past will be off the share register licking there wounds, (probably still in therapy!)

I am picking 2nd half of 2011 & 1st half of 2012 will see a dramatic rise in the spot U price & a renewed focus on uranium, the sheer number of reactors proposed & in development shows there is going to be a shortfall in the supply of uranium.

They cant keep using old nuclear warheads forever, they will run out & i presume the Russians won't hand them all over to the US anyway!

I still follow many companies in the uranium sector, but Uran is near the bottom, i prefer ACB, PEN, FTE & THX

Huang Chung
26-11-2010, 09:19 PM
The last attempt of drilling with a small rig on a Ford Truck though seems a bit Juvenile though dont ya think. Be it even if it was surface drilling that came up with very little or nothing, I sure hope the next project comes up with something so that at least any shareholder knows they where the money is going.

I presume you're referring to some picture posted somewhere Drilly.

Sounds like an auger to me....completely ligitimate way of cheaply doing a large number of shallow soil samples. Results, can help work out if there are any interesting anomalays worth sicking an RC rig on.

26-11-2010, 11:21 PM
I presume you're referring to some picture posted somewhere Drilly.

Sounds like an auger to me....completely ligitimate way of cheaply doing a large number of shallow soil samples. Results, can help work out if there are any interesting anomalays worth sicking an RC rig on.

See drill - We understand your pain and hatred for Uran... beleive me I feel it alot! However hatred and sour feelings will not change what a company does or does not do...

Its quite simple and always has been... they either find Uranium that impresses the market and we go up!...
or... they find nothing and we stay where we are...

The advantage of such a beaten down stock is that they can bounce like crazy even if it is in a very very short time frame, and holders like me who have accumulated at the bottom for so very long, are not facing the old average prices of years of old... My average price is actually pretty close to the market price now, so for me when Uran runs up I am actually getting excited coz it adds to my value in a huge way!

As I said I understand your pain, but your hatred of the company and directors wont affect the market reaction if they discover something... alls that will happen is that the SP will rocket... Investors are either a part of that run up (or stagnation if they dont find anything) or they are not... its that simple... I dare say your hatred will probably stop you from your one chance of actually making money out of this company as it will cause you to not touch it when in fact you should have....

It already has if you take into consideration the rights issue at 1.5c. I bought 400k... all of which had doubled as of yesterday...anyone who has bought in the last few months is killing it by the way... Uran is prob one of their best performers...

Life and timing work in mysterious ways my friend

27-11-2010, 02:49 AM
Sounds like an auger to me....completely ligitimate way of cheaply doing a large number of shallow soil samples. Results, can help work out if there are any interesting anomalays worth sicking an RC rig on.

Hi HC, yes I understand this, Auger, truck, whatever. But the results usually speak as you know, but yet again, Kate H. Buys another melon and totally blows shareholders and the Co's funds (yet again). Nothing new about Uran Striking out with bad decisions and demonstrating incompetence as that is all we have ever been shown from no matter what this flea bitten dog does. All run and courtesy of Kate Hobbs of course.

As I said I understand your pain, but your hatred of the company and directors wont affect the market reaction if they discover something... alls that will happen is that the SP will rocket... Investors are either a part of that run up (or stagnation if they dont find anything) or they are not... its that simple... I dare say your hatred will probably stop you from your one chance of actually making money out of this company as it will cause you to not touch it when in fact you should have....

It already has if you take into consideration the rights issue at 1.5c. I bought 400k... all of which had doubled as of yesterday...anyone who has bought in the last few months is killing it by the way... Uran is prob one of their best performers...

Life and timing work in mysterious ways my friend

Scorp, as I have already said, Mate I am pleased for you no matter what happens here. I disagree Uran is a best performer, a late performer maybe, but thats all.

You dont understand my pain, you may think you do, but honestly, you cannot. I am not one to try to pick bottoms like you, as much as it maybe called timing for you, to me its way too much like gambling, especially with this company.

We dont need to debate whether Kate Hobbs is competent, as we both can agree, she has not. She has done nothing for this company ever since "SHE" started it. It has been one lie after the other, with Nothing actually produced, gained or proven to be worth something for shareholders both Old and New.

You are buzzing on a recent rally that if it doesn't get its facts together soon and keep them coming, then both Technically and Fundamentally this rally WILL fail yet again, and you will be back to near placement prices, unless it rides only on the vapours and tail coat of the sector as it has done already.

But your right about the market though, it will believe what it likes, but rumours and facts about the market stop alot of companies from moving forward, especially the Dog Stocks run by Shonky Management who only LIE for a living to get both your and other shareholders money. That is the trick, that is the Gig, that is the method applied to running a company which is supported by shareholders and the sooner you realise this the better for your sake, and for potential investors who are yet to feel the pinch.

Unlike you, I am not as fortunate as you in respect to both money/funds my circumstances are completely different. I feel you fortunate to have money to buy any stock and your style and my style of investing are two different although our goals maybe similar.

Perhaps if Kate Hobbs was not part of this company and there was a name change, and a more professional, competent CEO came into the company to actually use their brain, I would certainly look at this. But I cannot because how in the world can you trust her or the company when they only seem to Fail all the time? And Fail with EVERYTHING~! This is a simple Honest, Truthful question. I am not bagging the co by saying what I have said, as it is the Truth, 100%, and both you and I know it, as does many other readers who have been here and done this.

To finish off this conversation, are you aware how much people "really" got hurt by all this?? I know many think and say they do, but let me tell you this. Because of Kate Hobbs lies and deception be it "the old uran" (its still the same really). There is a fella here not too far away whom had a business, whom had quite a nice house apparently, had a nice Mrs. and Kids.

But because of this people like Kate Hobbs, this person Lost the House, Lost the Mrs (and kids) closed his business and now from what I have heard lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and now I cant even say if he is alive or not. But you say you know and understand when its all courtesy of smoke, mirrors, lies and deception from the CEO of Uran, Miss Kate Hobbs.

Now let me tell you, after hearing about that story, I care less about myself than hearing that story.

People say get over it, move on, forget about it. Well, I have, and I try, but I can never forget about it. It has plagued me with some of my investing so yes this is true, but I am not going to invest in something that has already destroyed me (again) As if I haven't had enough punishment already. But again, unlike you, I dont have the funds to risk putting money in and then waiting and hoping for the best or some sort of luck from this dog. This is a luxury I do not have Scorp, but again, good on you to be able to last this long.

Perhaps the price is rising because another cap raising is on the way (again) so they will need to try to get the price up, who knows, it seems they always need money, they always need to be seen doing something, they always seem to be trying to make something of cheap bad calls or projects and they keep striking out. The only thing that ever seems to happen is Kate Hobbs keeps herself in a job by doing this. For a Fat Butted ugly woman whom cannot even sing (so her mate ARCHER 747 says) she sure knows how to scam her self a career with other peoples hard earned bucks, and that my friend is exactly what she is good at, in fact, a complete expert at it.

So, I have no say over what you do with your money or investments Scorp, and I think you know either way I still wish you the best.

Huang Chung
03-12-2010, 08:34 PM
Kit Carson??


04-12-2010, 09:45 PM
Kit Carson??


Funny that, I seem to know that name Kit Carson.

But with regards to the project or whatever deal Kate Hobbs has done, no doubt she is trying her luck on trying to get a project that actually has Uranium.

OR one could also say, Kate is trying to be seen being busy by acquiring another project in the US.

What has happened to the other projects?
what is the status?
when will they drill or mine more?
when will there be results?
what do these results equate to?
and how much has she blown on them?
and what return can shareholders expect from previous efforts?

As zed always states (and god he was right) Just another Uran Carrot.

It would be more believable had it been somebody else that issued the Ann.

LOL Perhaps it was Kates good friend Archer 747 who picked the project for Kate, who knows with this mob.

Thanks for the update HC.

04-12-2010, 11:25 PM
After a further read of that ann, there seems to be some nice intercepts there and could prove to be an effect ann, but yet still lacks some info.

As in it says, Uran has Acquired 100% ownership of Kit Carsen from UEC which does not form part of the Grants Ridge JV, so will be a seperate project. Now are they going to advise how much for, or what is the deal $$$ behind this transaction, like how much, and how will it be paid for, and how does this affect the dilution of the company along with all the previous questions I also asked.

As I said, what they have, or could have doesn't worry me, but the Administration and Management this company and projects does.

Sounds like the time of year Uran enjoy issuing Ann's. Kinda like seasonal. Gotta watch them and their anns, wording, actions etc etc.

09-12-2010, 10:36 PM

Board room radio. Very exciting stuff going on at Uran and I honestly cant beleive I am saying that!

A large anomoly discovered by the Radon Survey in Grants Ridge that has not previously been drilled or mined, drawing alot of Urans attention. In this particular province one would think that it would be at least a small U deposit that hasnt been harvested at all...

Secondly the new Kit Carson project which is 100% owned by Uran having 10's of millions of $$$ worth of drill logs and results already aquired for a few thousand $$$ off the previous miner. Some grades are up to 1.09% U308!!!

Market Cap for Uran is $6 million.

10-12-2010, 12:13 AM

Board room radio. Very exciting stuff going on at Uran and I honestly cant beleive I am saying that!

Neither can I scorp, but thats ok~!

Secondly the new Kit Carson project which is 100% owned by Uran having 10's of millions of $$$ worth of drill logs and results already aquired for a few thousand $$$ off the previous miner. Some grades are up to 1.09% U308!!!

Where exactly has uran published this info Scorp? The last ann was missing complete details on how much things would cost, and all the other relevant details as I previously posted, as its like a game of hide and seek.

10-12-2010, 10:44 AM

Board room radio. Very exciting stuff going on at Uran and I honestly cant beleive I am saying that!

A large anomoly discovered by the Radon Survey in Grants Ridge that has not previously been drilled or mined, drawing alot of Urans attention. In this particular province one would think that it would be at least a small U deposit that hasnt been harvested at all...

Secondly the new Kit Carson project which is 100% owned by Uran having 10's of millions of $$$ worth of drill logs and results already aquired for a few thousand $$$ off the previous miner. Some grades are up to 1.09% U308!!!

Market Cap for Uran is $6 million.

I hate to dampen your spirits, but Uran i see are still using feet, not metres in there reporting, & they only drilled 87 holes!

Are they that deseparate for news to keep the share price up?

OK, they have 93 previous drill logs, but they only have plans for 100 more RC drills?

They will need alot more cash to complete a more comprehensive drilling program before they are anywhere near ready to talk about a resource

On the positive side, acquiring new projects on the cheap provides URA holders with some hope, especially the JV with UEC

I still prefer the likes of ACB & PEN in the Uranium sector & see 2011/12 as "Uraniums time to shine"

10-12-2010, 11:59 AM
I hate to dampen your spirits, but Uran i see are still using feet, not metres in there reporting, & they only drilled 87 holes!

Are they that deseparate for news to keep the share price up?

OK, they have 93 previous drill logs, but they only have plans for 100 more RC drills?

They will need alot more cash to complete a more comprehensive drilling program before they are anywhere near ready to talk about a resource

On the positive side, acquiring new projects on the cheap provides URA holders with some hope, especially the JV with UEC

I still prefer the likes of ACB & PEN in the Uranium sector & see 2011/12 as "Uraniums time to shine"

Hi Shasta,

i put this one in the same box as ADY--crap only the ceo at ady got done as i recall, so theres hope Drillfix.

10-12-2010, 12:10 PM
Hi Shasta,

i put this one in the same box as ADY--crap only the ceo at ady got done as i recall, so theres hope Drillfix.

Thanks Ron,

Perhaps Kate Hobbs and the director of ADY can get together and start a company called CON, at least it will be upfront and have full transparency from the start.

Maybe even Kates friend Archer 747 can get a position on the board this time :p

10-12-2010, 12:39 PM
Drill - I find your constant bagging of Archer unwarranted and unecesary.

She was very informative for us all and even in the end sold out due to being disheartened and dissapointed in the company...

Shasta - I understand this and agree, however the glimpse of hope of many different U deposits is still quite enough to get a micro's SP running hot in the hottest sector going around.

KH - May be hopeless but geologically she seems to know what she is doing (no matter how slow and blaze she is) and also seems to be able to pull off some great JV partners and recognise and find great value when it comes to certain deals like Grants ridge or the new Kit Carson project. (OBVIOUSLY NOT ANY OF THE PREVIOUS DEALS OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS!!!!)

I am looking at Uran as if I am just jumping on board now, and it is exciting! As I said holders that participated in the last rights issue (I bought a motza!) have had great returns on their money...

Its all about perspective.

10-12-2010, 12:48 PM
Thanks Ron,

Perhaps Kate Hobbs and the director of ADY can get together and start a company called CON, at least it will be upfront and have full transparency from the start.

Maybe even Kates friend Archer 747 can get a position on the board this time :p

Good to see you've still got a sense of humour Drilly lol

10-12-2010, 12:54 PM
Scorp, as much as you like to believe that you know may know Archer, so informative, so caring and got burned like the rest of us yeah? Well lets just leave it at that hey scorp as, I say, you have "No Idea", and I know that may sound difficult for you to believe because all the crap you have read in the past, but I assure you that I do know different.

Now your looking at Uran like your just jumping onboard now? And its all about perspective?

Scorp, oh my! The last thing I want to do is offend you Scorp and I truly wish you well with that, but have you not learnt anything from this company? (Or should I say, the management of this company?).

Good luck with this and its magical Transparency Ride which will take you to god knows where.

10-12-2010, 01:01 PM
Scorp, as much as you like to believe that you know may know Archer, so informative, so caring and got burned like the rest of us yeah? Well lets just leave it at that hey scorp as, I say, you have "No Idea", and I know that may sound difficult for you to believe because all the crap you have read in the past, but I assure you that I do know different.

Now your looking at Uran like your just jumping onboard now? And its all about perspective?

Scorp, oh my! The last thing I want to do is offend you Scorp and I truly wish you well with that, but have you not learnt anything from this company? (Or should I say, the management of this company?).

Good luck with this and its magical Transparency Ride which will take you to god knows where.

It has been great luck so far! I doubled my money on a truckload of shares already and am well up on my options too! So there ya go. Your experience is different to mine, and your arrogance and agrressiveness makes it hard for me to be compassionate with you...

Archer was a nice person. I used to talk to her privately through email also. I would also like to add that she is a nicer person than you so I will defend her if the likes of you is the one trying to have a go at her... she is not responsible for your investment in Uran. You are... stop looking foir scape goats.

As for anything else... Meh I dont care what you say. I will keep posting the news etc as I see fit so that other potential investors (Like the ones who could have/did buy at 1.5c or under) and they would be loving it!

No point crying over spilt milk. One of the best sayings of all time. I may not be happy about Urans past performance, but my despair will not get my money back. Doesnt get any simpler than that.

Good luck to anyone who doesnt just want to whinge all the time and wants to have a go! Real potential here to make some $$$! Hell I already have!

10-12-2010, 01:14 PM
Funny that, I seem to know that name Kit Carson.

But with regards to the project or whatever deal Kate Hobbs has done, no doubt she is trying her luck on trying to get a project that actually has Uranium.

OR one could also say, Kate is trying to be seen being busy by acquiring another project in the US.

What has happened to the other projects?
what is the status?
when will they drill or mine more?
when will there be results?
what do these results equate to?
and how much has she blown on them?
and what return can shareholders expect from previous efforts?

As zed always states (and god he was right) Just another Uran Carrot.

It would be more believable had it been somebody else that issued the Ann.

LOL Perhaps it was Kates good friend Archer 747 who picked the project for Kate, who knows with this mob.

Thanks for the update HC.

Was'nt Kit Carson the guy who led the indians on THE LONG WALK to the reservation and starvation?

10-12-2010, 01:30 PM
scorp57.If you can make good profits from dodgie buggars good luck to you.
Drill,Thank you for the warnings.Some years ago a friend of mine made a bit of a fool of himself trying to warn a very aggressive poster who was ramping Bridgecorp.
I think the positive is that you both take the time to post your views.Certainly makes for better informed readers.

10-12-2010, 01:39 PM
scorp57.If you can make good profits from dodgie buggars good luck to you.
Drill,Thank you for the warnings.Some years ago a friend of mine made a bit of a fool of himself trying to warn a very aggressive poster who was ramping Bridgecorp.
I think the positive is that you both take the time to post your views.Certainly makes for better informed readers.

No worries Percy.

And yes there is always 2 sides to the coin.

Unlike zed whom we all know, difference with me is that I am not trying to stop people investing, but I wished I had listened to him thats for sure.

10-12-2010, 02:01 PM
It has been great luck so far! I doubled my money on a truckload of shares already and am well up on my options too! So there ya go.

Good luck to anyone who doesnt just want to whinge all the time and wants to have a go! Real potential here to make some $$$! Hell I already have!

So this is not about Uran, is it scorp, its about making money. This I can agree with and good on you.

But making a trade, doubling your money is a good thing if you have the patience and risk tolerance with this stock.

Yet a trade is FAR different than actually knowing what the facts are, which is a flee bitten dog company with Sh#t management. Simple as that.

You traded the dog and you won, I traded the dog and lost, so what, and yes its in the past.

You sit here making this out to be the best thing since sliced bread, and also act like the Who's Who Police like your the authority of good people.

Meaning you claim you know Archer and that she is a nice person because you contacted her via emails and PMs? Well, I am disagreeing with you, and for the last time will say you do not know her. You know Archer more than you know Kate Hobbs, so which part of the Lie do you actually know? The one you have money invested or the one you dont?

If fact why not send Archer an email and give her my kind regards and blow her a few kisses while your at it, perhaps you can get her to re-invest in Uran, but yet I doubt that she would, as she "does" know Kate Hobbs very well. Well enough to stay out of Uran, but it goes further than that, as in she would go to the extent of dumping her boyfriend so she can remain friends with Kate Hobbs and still not own shares so what does that tell you? But you would already know that because you know her so well right?

One of these days after you take your money out of this company and invest it into a REAL company, that is well managed. And then after you take that blindfold off your head, you will look back and say, how did I manage to pull that one off.

10-12-2010, 02:30 PM
So this is not about Uran, is it scorp, its about making money. This I can agree with and good on you.

But making a trade, doubling your money is a good thing if you have the patience and risk tolerance with this stock.

Yet a trade is FAR different than actually knowing what the facts are, which is a flee bitten dog company with Sh#t management. Simple as that.

You traded the dog and you won, I traded the dog and lost, so what, and yes its in the past.

You sit here making this out to be the best thing since sliced bread, and also act like the Who's Who Police like your the authority of good people.

Meaning you claim you know Archer and that she is a nice person because you contacted her via emails and PMs? Well, I am disagreeing with you, and for the last time will say you do not know her. You know Archer more than you know Kate Hobbs, so which part of the Lie do you actually know? The one you have money invested or the one you dont?

If fact why not send Archer an email and give her my kind regards and blow her a few kisses while your at it, perhaps you can get her to re-invest in Uran, but yet I doubt that she would, as she "does" know Kate Hobbs very well. Well enough to stay out of Uran, but it goes further than that, as in she would go to the extent of dumping her boyfriend so she can remain friends with Kate Hobbs and still not own shares so what does that tell you? But you would already know that because you know her so well right?

One of these days after you take your money out of this company and invest it into a REAL company, that is well managed. And then after you take that blindfold off your head, you will look back and say, how did I manage to pull that one off.

Boo hoo honestly.

I dont care about your problems with this stock or anything else for that matter. I am here to discuss a company that is exploring for Uranium that I have invested in.

Your ranting is absolutely annoying and you make this thread an intolerable place for us to discuss the actual stock. I dont care about your personal gripes. Only what the company is up to.

Having a go at someone personally like Archer when she is not even here to defend herself is the act of a coward.

Honestly have this thread mate. You and I are the only ones who read it anyways. And I am sick of reading your nonsense.

Enjoy seeing me make big $$$ out of this one, and also kicking yourself because if you werent so close minded you could be making money too.

This is the last I will comment on this matter so keep rubbishing on if you want to... you will only be talking to yourself.

10-12-2010, 02:34 PM
scorp57.If you can make good profits from dodgie buggars good luck to you.
Drill,Thank you for the warnings.Some years ago a friend of mine made a bit of a fool of himself trying to warn a very aggressive poster who was ramping Bridgecorp.
I think the positive is that you both take the time to post your views.Certainly makes for better informed readers.

Percy - Of course you can. You can lose on blue chips also. Its up to the investor and their intelligence and perspective. Very simple.

My point is very simple. Uran from THIS POINT IN TIME actually look undervalued in the sector they are in and what they have in regards to potential.

Everyone constantly sooking about the money they lost in the past is exactly that... its in the past. Whinging will not affect the future endeavours of the company or the SP so your either on board or you are not. Only 2 choices...

10-12-2010, 02:55 PM
Is that how you deal with your denial Scorp, you need to bragg about your money?, dont you know that you only do that to get defensive? And if you have to be defensive, this means you are insecure, and if you are insecure, you will eventually fall on your face. It just hasn't happen to you yet., Mr. Big.

You go on about Uran like is something, when its not.

What exactly is it? Well simply put, its nothing, never has been and never will be.

Being completely honest, can you us tell us what this company has actually achieved (besides so called projects that will never be mined)?

I will tell you, Uran have achieved ZERO, come to think of it, they have NEVER achieved anything. Yet they keep telling people they will though, and that is the sucker punch you just cannot see, because YOU are too busy trying to fleece the next guy whom comes along so you can BRAGG about it. How pathetic is that.

You are only lucky enough to make money off the next stupid punter that comes along.

You call getting projects in the US achievements. But did you know any clown with $$$ could buy a U project in the US and say they are gonna drill it and mine it. Even with the money you have sank into this dog you could have bought the permits and rights outright. But NO, you think we need Uran to do it. What a Crock.

Wake up scorp and stop boasting about how your successful trades on dog stocks do you well, let alone pretending that you know Fat woman who you send emails to. Guess you will eventually find out the hard way.

Good luck with that hey~!

10-12-2010, 04:37 PM
Hi Shasta,

i put this one in the same box as ADY--crap only the ceo at ady got done as i recall, so theres hope Drillfix.

I made good money on ADY (Phaedrus kindly illustrated my greed when i gave back some of the profits), as for Uran i got burnt on both the heads & options, so i have an axe to grind, but that was my fault for not sticking to my system, i cant & dont blame Uran for my losses.

I still think Kate Hobbs could pull something off, my beef with Uran is the secrecy over the Discovery Minerals deal, there IS value in those permits, even if it takes a few years to come to fruition (even if there isnt any value Uran should own the rights given they have paid all the costs!)

As its a private company, they potentially have the rights to participate in the Rozna mine in the Czech Republic, not too mention advanced projects in Ukraine

The whole saga was meant for Uran to acquire Discovery Minerals & therefore own the rights (several of those with shares in DM, ended up with consultant roles for Uran).

When Kate leaves, will she team up with the other Discovery Minerals shareholders & list that company (via a back door listing?)

I'd be stunned if that happened, but most people who got into URA initially have been & gone, & the newcomers may not be aware of the past history relating to this transaction (even Uran's auditors saw fit to write off the "investment" in Discovery Minerals, which surprised me)

I can take losing, but not being screwed over!

10-12-2010, 04:46 PM
I can take losing, but not being screwed over!

Excellent post Shasta, and that speaks for me as well.

Its the never ending battle with people like Scorp though who dismiss people like you and me and simply keep saying "get over it".

Well, we are over it, the event has come and gone, but as you so wisely put it above, being screwed over and losing are 2 different things.

Again, well said.

10-12-2010, 05:15 PM
Excellent post Shasta, and that speaks for me as well.

Its the never ending battle with people like Scorp though who dismiss people like you and me and simply keep saying "get over it".

Well, we are over it, the event has come and gone, but as you so wisely put it above, being screwed over and losing are 2 different things.

Again, well said.

I wont knock Scorp for his involvement with Uran, he knows the risks & i hope he makes plenty, he deserves it

10-12-2010, 06:46 PM
I am looking at Uran as if I am just jumping on board now, and it is exciting! As I said holders that participated in the last rights issue (I bought a motza!) have had great returns on their money...

Its all about perspective.

That's exactly the way you should view any investment. Past costs are sunk and you should always be forward looking when valuing an asset. It's sometimes difficult to recognize this and although this may conflict with TA, when prices go down, it's actually more attractive to acquire fundamentally sound stocks than when prices go up. This is the principle Buffett, Graeme et al use(d) and its makes rational sense (more of a long term perspective however).

I recommend a few people read these. It's from wiki, which some say isn't accurate but it's better than what I can explain.

Behavioral Economics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_economics)

I have no knowledge on Uran. But Scorps thinking to me is correct in that we should be forward looking.

10-12-2010, 07:12 PM
Wow, someone/s woke up from the wrong side today...

I did 2/2 bad trade on URA. Big loss really for this specs but I think the management of URA maybe has changed a little and they might get lucky and strike it this time. Good luck to holders.

10-12-2010, 08:35 PM
I have no knowledge on Uran. But Scorps thinking to me is correct in that we should be forward looking.

UU, I beg to differ. If you have no knowledge of Uran, how can you justify your statement, because somebody else says so?

Or perhaps what makes Scorps thinking correct? Is it because maybe he has not learnt his lesson the 1st time round and maybe needs to learn it again? Or cash in on at the expense of others to make it ok?

10-12-2010, 08:41 PM
Wow, someone/s woke up from the wrong side today...

I did 2/2 bad trade on URA. Big loss really for this specs but I think the management of URA maybe has changed a little and they might get lucky and strike it this time. Good luck to holders.

Sorry to hear that soulman, but I agree, Ditch the management and its a completely new ball game. Get rid of Hobbs and it will transform the company into something that maybe one day "achieves something".

10-12-2010, 09:52 PM
Sorry to hear that soulman, but I agree, Ditch the management and its a completely new ball game. Get rid of Hobbs and it will transform the company into something that maybe one day "achieves something".

She can go once Uran secures the Discovery Minerals "rights" that they used SHAREHOLDERS cash to purchase

11-12-2010, 09:50 AM
UU, I beg to differ. If you have no knowledge of Uran, how can you justify your statement, because somebody else says so?

Or perhaps what makes Scorps thinking correct? Is it because maybe he has not learnt his lesson the 1st time round and maybe needs to learn it again? Or cash in on at the expense of others to make it ok?

I don't need to have any knowledge of Uran to know that you should always be forward looking when fundamentally assessing an asset.

Read the behavioral finance page and you will see what I mean.

If Scorp believes a corner has been turned and 'forward looking' the company is attractive, then why not stay in it? That is the point I'm getting at. If management are the issue and they haven't changed..then I wouldn't be looking to stay around. If they have found a large deposit that has promise, then it might change things. You have to weigh things up as they stand now...not 2 years ago.

I don't know what you mean about cashing in at the expenses of others sorry. This is the stock market and people trade with each other everyday profiteering/losing at each trade.

11-12-2010, 10:06 AM
I always try to avoid directors with history.....history repeats itself,because no one was listening the first time........We learn from history that we do not learn from history.
I also note all the dodgie buggars from 87 crashed again in the GFC. Pettervick,Hawkins,etc.
I appreciate posters who bring directors' with history to my notice.I can then decide to play Russian Roulette if I want to.
I found there was a thread on NZ bad directors.I note a lot are ex MPs.!!!!!

11-12-2010, 10:36 AM
I agree Percy. But sometimes, just sometimes companies change...cough cough VPE.
Uran is not the type of company I would invest in...but Scorp has every right of bringing the attention of a fundamental shift in the company if he wants to. Good luck to him to make some dollars as it looks like it has been a long and hard ride so far.

11-12-2010, 11:20 AM
I made good money on ADY (Phaedrus kindly illustrated my greed when i gave back some of the profits), as for Uran i got burnt on both the heads & options, so i have an axe to grind, but that was my fault for not sticking to my system, i cant & dont blame Uran for my losses.

I still think Kate Hobbs could pull something off, my beef with Uran is the secrecy over the Discovery Minerals deal, there IS value in those permits, even if it takes a few years to come to fruition (even if there isnt any value Uran should own the rights given they have paid all the costs!)

As its a private company, they potentially have the rights to participate in the Rozna mine in the Czech Republic, not too mention advanced projects in Ukraine

The whole saga was meant for Uran to acquire Discovery Minerals & therefore own the rights (several of those with shares in DM, ended up with consultant roles for Uran).

When Kate leaves, will she team up with the other Discovery Minerals shareholders & list that company (via a back door listing?)

I'd be stunned if that happened, but most people who got into URA initially have been & gone, & the newcomers may not be aware of the past history relating to this transaction (even Uran's auditors saw fit to write off the "investment" in Discovery Minerals, which surprised me)

I can take losing, but not being screwed over!

Great post and couldnt agree more! I rarely disagree with Shasta because he speaks the truth with facts to back it up but accepts resposibility for his decisions/actions.

He also wouldnt be annoyed with me if I made money out of this one just because he lost on it. Hell I lost on it too!

Shasta - The discovery deal/CR was one of the most dissapointing and bewildering things I have ever seen as far as a companies gross incompetence and disregard for holders. No question.

I am simply trying to look forward. Good luck all.

11-12-2010, 11:29 AM
I don't need to have any knowledge of Uran to know that you should always be forward looking when fundamentally assessing an asset.

Read the behavioral finance page and you will see what I mean.

If Scorp believes a corner has been turned and 'forward looking' the company is attractive, then why not stay in it? That is the point I'm getting at. If management are the issue and they haven't changed..then I wouldn't be looking to stay around. If they have found a large deposit that has promise, then it might change things. You have to weigh things up as they stand now...not 2 years ago.

I don't know what you mean about cashing in at the expenses of others sorry. This is the stock market and people trade with each other everyday profiteering/losing at each trade.

Couldnt have said it better myself. How many people cashed in at the expense of myself? Arent we buying and selling to make money? I dont do it for the stimulation my fingers get by typing in my orders to the computer. This is trading... I think some people are in the wrong game...

Also might I add, that you nailed it on the head. I update when the company announces something and relay my hope and optimism that this current update may be a turning corner and they may be on to something.

No one has a gun to anyones head to buy or sell stocks. And if they do buy stocks isnt the point to make $$$???

Uran SP extremely low. But prospects in comparison to the past are high. Market taking notice, increase in volume and Chart looking great! Looks like a buy to me...

11-12-2010, 12:24 PM
I have made good money on shasta's picks,SRZ,and have brought into DGR and MLM. Shasta pointed out MLA.When I looked at it I saw Tom Hartigan was chairman.As I lost money on Eiffel Technologies Ltd,where he was chairman, I have not brought, but put on my watch list as Eiffel was a very poorly run company.I am watching MLA, and time will tell if histoy repeats itself or not.But I will be most careful,and read their finnancials with a critical eye,before buying.I posted my views,and trust people can understand why I posted it.I know I appreciate warnings.I also appreciate posters bringing turn arounds new information to my attention.

steve fleming
11-12-2010, 02:14 PM
Well enough to stay out of Uran, but it goes further than that, as in she would go to the extent of dumping her boyfriend so she can remain friends with Kate Hobbs and still not own shares so what does that tell you?

Wow,drama....sounds like it could be straight from a home and away episode....although, don't think i have ever heard share-trading ever mentioned on h&a....hope you weren't caught up in any of this df.

Anyway, it would be great if everyone in the market and in particular directors were honest and respectable citizens....the reality is they are not.

Trust no-one and take the attitude that all Directors are out to screw you.

Cash flow reports don't lie , drilling results don't lie, JORC's don't lie, so best to try and use "reported facts" to make up your investment decision rather than the empty words of Directors.

PS - lost money on URAO as well....in fact think i actually started the original URA thread a few years ago.

11-12-2010, 10:07 PM
Wow,drama....sounds like it could be straight from a home and away episode...

Trust no-one and take the attitude that all Directors are out to screw you.

Cash flow reports don't lie , drilling results don't lie, JORC's don't lie, so best to try and use "reported facts" to make up your investment decision rather than the empty words of Directors.

PS - lost money on URAO as well....in fact think i actually started the original URA thread a few years ago.

Your not wrong there Steve, and sorry to hear that you got Jibbed on the options, many also have as you probably know.

Agree about the cash flow and drilling reports, JORC etc. All the Facts that one needs to aid in making decisions. Problem with Uran though as you know is "they never seem to have any of that", but they keep talking about it, promising, never delivering, experiencing delays, always a slip up and yet the years keep passing by and there still ain't nothing there. Kinda what Percy was talking about with History Repeating!

Also regarding Directors, good approach to take. Point well noted.

If management are the issue and they haven't changed..then I wouldn't be looking to stay around. If they have found a large deposit that has promise, then it might change things. You have to weigh things up as they stand now...not 2 years ago.

I don't know what you mean about cashing in at the expenses of others sorry. This is the stock market and people trade with each other everyday profiteering/losing at each trade.

UU, so you know,
The story since has also slightly changed, but the management has not, and thats part of the problem. You could give the CEO of Uran a gold mine with Poured Gold ready to sell and bank, and she would find away to turn it into silver thus vaporising value for shareholders.

Also, the Management of Uran are the exact issue, and primarily Kate Hobbs. Its not a personal or emotional thing, but I do know what incompetence is as do others and I can confirm that woman is totally incompetent as a CEO. Maybe as a GEO she may do ok, but thats it as far as that goes, imo.

With regards to scorp making money, well good on him. And I do mean it. Yet because I do not share his views towards the company and is not aware that I also know a few other things that he obviously is not aware of, he defends himself by talking up how much money he has made from this venture with uran and bagging me for not being in like him or believing in what the company, again like him.

But using the size of the pocket to preach yet bury your head in the sand at the same time to avoid what "could eventually be destruction" whilst trying to attract others (so he can sell to them) to me, is also Lame and Irresponsible. Keep[ that nonsense for Hot Copper if your gonna do that, but dont try to pull the bag over other peoples heads like we should also bite the same hook that left so many people with a foul taste.

Back to investing though, if you, he (scorp) or anybody else can take the money and run, then good on you, I wish you all the best. But dont try to rub it in the burns of what the lies of this company have done and use that to rise yourself above the ground you walk on. (ay scorp).

I always try to avoid directors with history.....history repeats itself, because no one was listening the first time........We learn from history that we do not learn from history.

Very wise words there Percy and I agree that we will see other newcomers repeat the process of the Carrot chase all over again, same ole, same ole etc.

12-12-2010, 01:07 AM
interesting thread, much more balanced than when I first started following Uran (on Hotcopper) a few years ago when Zed was pretty much the only one voicing any doubt on the Uran hype!

Like most people who bought in a few years ago Uran cost me some money. It was a fairly expensive lesson as to why I need to stick to my exit strategy and not hold in a long term downtrend. I was the one to blame for not sticking to my system and I wouldn't rule out buying in again although, given Uran management's history of smokes and mirrors, it's highly unlikely.

13-12-2010, 12:39 AM
With regards to scorp making money, well good on him. And I do mean it. Yet because I do not share his views towards the company and is not aware that I also know a few other things that he obviously is not aware of, he defends himself by talking up how much money he has made from this venture with uran and bagging me for not being in like him or believing in what the company, again like him.

But using the size of the pocket to preach yet bury your head in the sand at the same time to avoid what "could eventually be destruction" whilst trying to attract others (so he can sell to them) to me, is also Lame and Irresponsible. Keep[ that nonsense for Hot Copper if your gonna do that, but dont try to pull the bag over other peoples heads like we should also bite the same hook that left so many people with a foul taste.

Back to investing though, if you, he (scorp) or anybody else can take the money and run, then good on you, I wish you all the best. But dont try to rub it in the burns of what the lies of this company have done and use that to rise yourself above the ground you walk on. (ay scorp).

Head in the sand? You have no class at all as a person. You have a dig at so many people personally and whinge and complain and if someone retaliates they are a terrible person.

You are honestly an embarrassment to yourself and hardly anyone here would take your constant dribble seriously, that is if they do in fact read it properly (doubt it).

My opinion is my opinion and you are saying that I choose to fleece people or post false info etc blah blah blah. to mislead people???? My point is that if people watched my posts when I was saying to participate in the rights issue have doubled there money? URA's SP has had many rises and falls and investors COULD HAVE made heaps of money if they were wise and had some balls...

So dont give me your nonsense about me being irresponsible with my recommendations... You talking people out of making money because you are personally jaded at a company is irresponsible. Keep embarrassing yourself mate. This is an internet forum and I can go all day long!

I am sure people with half a brain who read what I actually post and then read what you are implying of me would disagree. You're assumptions are pathetic and so are you.

13-12-2010, 04:44 AM
Good post scorp, defensive as always. Take your profits whilst you can. Thats all I have to say. But dont use that to slander others, like you do.

Also please, dont ramp about how good Uran is, when they clearly have delivered nothing, and I mean nothing. And chances are they never will either.

I just post the facts, and so did Zed previously, and its funny how he was right. But many people never liked him much because of the way he way he said it, not so much what he said. But all this is just history repeating.

Uran will have their little run on the tail coat of the industry which you can claim your fame, but that will never change the fact its a complete dog which only YOU seem to continually waffle on about, just like your superman defence of Archer whom you dont know from a bar of soap, yet you preach like you do know from a few emails. Get Real is all I am saying, and this seems very hard for you.

Good luck and dont forget to dump your stock and take your profits. After all, this will give you more gloating power.

13-12-2010, 01:55 PM
Good post scorp, defensive as always. Take your profits whilst you can. Thats all I have to say. But dont use that to slander others, like you do.

Also please, dont ramp about how good Uran is, when they clearly have delivered nothing, and I mean nothing. And chances are they never will either.

I just post the facts, and so did Zed previously, and its funny how he was right. But many people never liked him much because of the way he way he said it, not so much what he said. But all this is just history repeating.

Uran will have their little run on the tail coat of the industry which you can claim your fame, but that will never change the fact its a complete dog which only YOU seem to continually waffle on about, just like your superman defence of Archer whom you dont know from a bar of soap, yet you preach like you do know from a few emails. Get Real is all I am saying, and this seems very hard for you.

Good luck and dont forget to dump your stock and take your profits. After all, this will give you more gloating power.

Uran hit 3.2c today. Huge gain from last weeks low of 2.2c.

Another great piece of investment advice from Drill fix everyone! Round of applause.

13-12-2010, 02:00 PM
Good post scorp, defensive as always. Take your profits whilst you can. Thats all I have to say. But dont use that to slander others, like you do.

Also please, dont ramp about how good Uran is, when they clearly have delivered nothing, and I mean nothing. And chances are they never will either.

I just post the facts, and so did Zed previously, and its funny how he was right. But many people never liked him much because of the way he way he said it, not so much what he said. But all this is just history repeating.

Uran will have their little run on the tail coat of the industry which you can claim your fame, but that will never change the fact its a complete dog which only YOU seem to continually waffle on about, just like your superman defence of Archer whom you dont know from a bar of soap, yet you preach like you do know from a few emails. Get Real is all I am saying, and this seems very hard for you.

Good luck and dont forget to dump your stock and take your profits. After all, this will give you more gloating power.

Your constant singling out and "Having a go" at other posters personally has caused this. I never posted anything about you personally untill you started to post about myself and other posters. Like your opinion on us as people is even worth reading anyway? Posting the facts of what the company is currently up to is what I am about. Talking about your mysery from the past for the last 4 years and bagging those who wish to look subjectively at the current goings on is what you're about?

I wont tolerate it. Say what you will, because as I said it is nonsense and goes against the tone of the entire rest of the Sharetrader community where there is at least some sort of intellect displayed no matter what peoples opinions are.

However if you want to have a go at me, I am not going to just take it from some moronic jaded fool.

13-12-2010, 02:16 PM
come on guys. thats enough of the personal slagging from both of you.

if you wanted to we cld arrange a transtasman boxing match. i wld pay to see that. and also on the card wld be tricha vs phadreus, shredie vs macdunk. quite a good idea really. years ago i thought abuot promoting a sprinting competition to see who was the fastest over 100m in league, rugby etc. this was spurned by me saying christian cullen was no doubt the fastest. anyways, whose up for a bit of fisticuffs then.....

****. forgot to finish my story. anyway, now they hold such running events.

and.....now that they have announced holograms will be real, my 8 yeard old is re-watching star wars to see what else he can look fwd! have i taken this subject far away off point now????/?

13-12-2010, 02:18 PM
And skol vs. the goldies :-)

13-12-2010, 02:22 PM
Look scorp, you are a complete Plonker, and also I too have had it with you and your scallywagger ways.

How many times must I say this, I am glad you or whom ever makes money on any stock, including this one.

But as this stock is a mutt with flea's, NOTHING will ever change that, not even your rampings on how big your pockets are.

Some poor sucker probably bought your stock today and is now at a loss, thanks to you, but you dont care about that dont you. Providing the money goes into Your Pocket, you are happy to sit and Ramp about a company that has NEVER ACHIEVED anything in its history and thats a FACT. to only feather your own nest, because you were brave enough to buy the so called LOW. To me that is pure luck. You obviously dont realise how close they came to closing shop and the risk you imposed on yourself.

Here is a tip: Trade the stock, make your money, then keep you mouth shut. Should if and when the company can actually "Also" show something for its Millions of Dollars of shareholders money actually going to prove something or gets rid of Archers friend that dyke CEO, then you can also flaunt the fundamentals.

Others (newbs) should be aware that this stock also trades like a dog, sometimes the price can explode, and then you may wish to chase it, you then get in and then 5 minutes later, you are at a LOSS again down 20% and then nobody wants to buy the stock because reality sets in and one remembers its a DOG with Flea's.

You then sit on your stock, hoping that scroopy scorp may talk it up either here or on hot copper. The price of U keeps climbing and the sp of the company is riding on the Coat Tail of the industry (not because what is has achieved), The price may go higher and then does, you decided to take some money off the Table, HOWEVER, you go to put your order in and then you notice that the sp has dropped back down again, so you leave your order. You then keep dropping your order. You then will be back at a loss because you didnt click sell within 1 minute and you dont have Direct Access as some of the Dog Pound controllers do.

So, moral of the story is that there is no story with Uran, only Fast quick profits, which everybody loves, but now because Scorp has bought bucket loads on the Low of URA, he believes everybody should joiin in for the quick buck. I do not tell people to buy in or sell. I only post an opposite view to scorp on the actual truth of this company which he does not fully know, or perhaps even care about.

Who cares if this stock hits 5c, my point is, any idiot can make money in this market, but some are faster than others, some are not, some choose to pick stocks that actually have something (JORC, Proven Grades,) or Management that do not LIE whereby your investment will be a lie also (if you are not quick enough).

There you go scorp, now stop being a plonker and blaming others for your lack of faith in URA management. Just trade the dog and make money ok~!

Just remember there are far more and Better Bets out there than this one.

13-12-2010, 02:30 PM
see. this is fun. we cld use it as a funraising event for something.... i imagine phadreus to be six foot tall with a big black beard and drinks mountain dew. no offence intended. it wld be worth going just to see these people!

13-12-2010, 02:39 PM
come on guys. thats enough of the personal slagging from both of you.

ER he only difference here is Scorp is doing most of the slagging, and I am slagging the Company (uran and management).

A true Uran die hard, "will say anything" providing it only fits into their own belief system or reality. I am sure he is in Love with Archer as he seems to also know her really well now after a few exchanged emails. :P

13-12-2010, 02:47 PM
ER he only difference here is Scorp is doing most of the slagging, and I am slagging the Company (uran and management).

And how's that working out for you Drilly?

Let it go dude.;)

13-12-2010, 02:48 PM
Play nice everyone :)

13-12-2010, 02:51 PM
hey, where the great thumbs up comments re my boxing match...im slinking back to hotcopper where all my rampy mates give me the two thumbs.

13-12-2010, 02:54 PM
Look scorp, you are a complete Plonker, and also I too have had it with you and your scallywagger ways.

How many times must I say this, I am glad you or whom ever makes money on any stock, including this one.

But as this stock is a mutt with flea's, NOTHING will ever change that, not even your rampings on how big your pockets are.

Some poor sucker probably bought your stock today and is now at a loss, thanks to you, but you dont care about that dont you. Providing the money goes into Your Pocket, you are happy to sit and Ramp about a company that has NEVER ACHIEVED anything in its history and thats a FACT. to only feather your own nest, because you were brave enough to buy the so called LOW. To me that is pure luck. You obviously dont realise how close they came to closing shop and the risk you imposed on yourself.

Here is a tip: Trade the stock, make your money, then keep you mouth shut. Should if and when the company can actually "Also" show something for its Millions of Dollars of shareholders money actually going to prove something or gets rid of Archers friend that dyke CEO, then you can also flaunt the fundamentals.

Others (newbs) should be aware that this stock also trades like a dog, sometimes the price can explode, and then you may wish to chase it, you then get in and then 5 minutes later, you are at a LOSS again down 20% and then nobody wants to buy the stock because reality sets in and one remembers its a DOG with Flea's.

You then sit on your stock, hoping that scroopy scorp may talk it up either here or on hot copper. The price of U keeps climbing and the sp of the company is riding on the Coat Tail of the industry (not because what is has achieved), The price may go higher and then does, you decided to take some money off the Table, HOWEVER, you go to put your order in and then you notice that the sp has dropped back down again, so you leave your order. You then keep dropping your order. You then will be back at a loss because you didnt click sell within 1 minute and you dont have Direct Access as some of the Dog Pound controllers do.

So, moral of the story is that there is no story with Uran, only Fast quick profits, which everybody loves, but now because Scorp has bought bucket loads on the Low of URA, he believes everybody should joiin in for the quick buck. I do not tell people to buy in or sell. I only post an opposite view to scorp on the actual truth of this company which he does not fully know, or perhaps even care about.

Who cares if this stock hits 5c, my point is, any idiot can make money in this market, but some are faster than others, some are not, some choose to pick stocks that actually have something (JORC, Proven Grades,) or Management that do not LIE whereby your investment will be a lie also (if you are not quick enough).

There you go scorp, now stop being a plonker and blaming others for your lack of faith in URA management. Just trade the dog and make money ok~!

Just remember there are far more and Better Bets out there than this one.

I didnt bother reading this ignorant dribble, however I saw the part about a "poor person who bought some stock off of me today"??? haha mate you shouldnt be posting about the stock market, if you dont understand how buying/selling/trading works, let alone investing in it! How dare someone trade a stock to a willing buyer for a profit! SHAME ON US ALL! You're a joke! Simple as that!

All the other stuff you wrote... meh Not worth reading.

13-12-2010, 03:18 PM
I didnt bother reading

No, its not that you didn't read, you did not understand, your warped imagination tends to miss the actual point.

But you tend to do that (miss the point) frequently dont you. Many of the idiots in this easily make money, obviously you are one of them, but does not mean you can hold a proper conversation together.

Now Scorp, if you could just stop being a Plonker for a couple of posts, we may actually see somebody who cares about the Fundamentals of this dog appear.

In previous posts, you are not just talking about me, you are talking about many people who have fronted up and acknowledge their loss and even on so called quick trades.

My point (not that you care for points or facts) is that there are far better stocks out there to trade, IMHO. So can you please just stop being a dick for a while now. (probably not)

13-12-2010, 03:37 PM
Play the man not the ball please,

Sorry STmod, but should that not be play the Ball not the man? LOL

13-12-2010, 05:19 PM
Ok, the thread is getting a little out of hand, if the personal jibes keep on i'll lock the thread!

Play the ball not the man please, i dont wish to get involved, but any further abuse by anyone & i will act accordingly.

Sounds great! Lets talk about the company and not anyone personally. Perhaps I should start another URA thread where I can post the market updates without getting ridiculed constantly or hearing about how the CEO should be shot in the head etc?

Cheers MOD - Will play nice.

13-12-2010, 05:25 PM
Sounds great! Lets talk about the company and not anyone personally. Perhaps I should start another URA thread where I can post the market updates without getting ridiculed constantly or hearing about how the CEO should be shot in the head etc?

Cheers MOD - Will play nice.

Only problem with that is you would not be able to talk about the company much without actually either telling a Lie or to confirm that management completely sux and the company is a Melon which walks like a dog.

I think it would be best if you stuck to the Technicals scorp, but only of course, if your capable of doing that.

13-12-2010, 05:47 PM
Only problem with that is you would not be able to talk about the company much without actually either telling a Lie or to confirm that management completely sux and the company is a Melon which walks like a dog.

I think it would be best if you stuck to the Technicals scorp, but only of course, if your capable of doing that.

Yes like saying they have a new anomoly at Kit Carson project? Or the Grants Ridge claims sound exciting after all the dissapointments of the past etc etc? Or posting excerpts from the latest releases or presentations? How dare I post such false material???

Shooting the CEO in the head Because she is a witch that put a gun to your head and made you lose your money is much more factual. My apologies...

13-12-2010, 06:03 PM
Sounds like you need a gun to your head instead of Kate, after all, she is the one that now happens to have "your money" which you probably got given to you by your mummy or someone on your 21st birthday or something like that.. lol

Smart arse!

13-12-2010, 06:04 PM
Yes like saying they have a new anomoly at Kit Carson project? Or the Grants Ridge claims sound exciting after all the dissapointments of the past etc etc? Or posting excerpts from the latest releases or presentations? How dare I post such false material???

Shooting the CEO in the head Because she is a witch that put a gun to your head and made you lose your money is much more factual. My apologies...

Whilst i tend to agree with Drilly, especially about there poor Management (which promotes such inept drill result reporting), at least Uran have acquired some decent dirt on the cheap, in an area known for past uranium production.

Its a different beast now, with a different focus/direction, its gone back & started from scratch as a uranium explorer, a far cry from its initial concept which was designed to beat 99% of explorers into production.

The current U308 spot price is improving all the time (& has along way to go IMHO), but Uran needs to change they way they report there drill results, at least use meterage so we are able to better compare them to other explorers.

Hopefully along with some better high grade results (at relatively shallow depths) the market will back Uran to raise further capital to fund a major drilling campaign, with a view of a JORC resource within say 6 months, if they can proceed to pre-feasibility & scoping studies within 12 months, hopefully they could be in production in 18 - 24 months, alot of IF's & BUTS in there, but time isnt the main issue, money is.

If they could sell this to the market, i might even be interested again ;)

Any uranium company that isn't in production by 2014, will likely miss the boat (& most of the real gains) as the supply deficit gets closer to meeting demand

13-12-2010, 06:19 PM
Drill, what ever happened to your exit post a few months back? You explained how your illness had taken it's toll, you felt responsible for the friends and family who'd lost money at your recommendation and you'd had enough, couldn't be bothered commenting anymore and wished everyone a fond farewell... why'd you come back?

Hey Scorp, good to hear you walking the talk and not getting emotionally involved with a stock or it's history and just banking profits when they appear.

Pig, dog, mongrel...who cares what she's called... 2.2 to 3.2c still meets the objective doesn't it?

13-12-2010, 06:25 PM
... why'd you come back?

Whats it to you Rev? or why exactly would you like to know?

13-12-2010, 06:33 PM
If they could sell this to the market, i might even be interested again ;)

Any uranium company that isn't in production by 2014, will likely miss the boat (& most of the real gains) as the supply deficit gets closer to meeting demand

Shasta, I guess you can then count Uran out of this race to production. Repeated incompetence of the CEO has shown time after time, no matter what the deal was or is currently, that she is not capable.

Or basically, I disagree that they would be in the race as there are far better managed U companies out there than this mob.

I will agree that yes they have projects, they of course do not have a JORC though as we both know, and the time to get one seems to always continually drag out into delays, problems, or innuendo that only buys time for CEO Hobbs to pass the buck for her incompetence.

Saying all that, I will say if they actually could completely wipe Kate Hobss out of the Picture, then, and only then the company "would" stand a fighting chance. But not whist she drives.

Again, folks can call me a down ramper or whatever they like, but I only call it as it see it, nothing more, or nothing less.

13-12-2010, 06:51 PM
Not my business at all Drill, and the question was kind of rhetorical.

Just seems odd when you made such a big deal of it, got a good show of hands wishing you well - I guess we all thought you were on to bigger and better things..?

Anyway, all the best.


13-12-2010, 07:11 PM
Drill, what ever happened to your exit post a few months back? You explained how your illness had taken it's toll, you felt responsible for the friends and family who'd lost money at your recommendation and you'd had enough, couldn't be bothered commenting anymore and wished everyone a fond farewell... why'd you come back?

Hey Scorp, good to hear you walking the talk and not getting emotionally involved with a stock or it's history and just banking profits when they appear.

Pig, dog, mongrel...who cares what she's called... 2.2 to 3.2c still meets the objective doesn't it?

Exactly the point. I just wantto discuss the progression ofthe stock and my trading.

Not chemically in-balanced psychological problems. I would go to the mental health forums if that was my objective.

Shasta - I agree. I have condemned Uran in the past, but they are like a racehorse. If you back em and they are a sure thing but lose, its your fault for backing them.

I beleive they are shaping up now for at least a chance for potential investors to make $$$ off whether it be a day trade or whatever is not my concern. As I said people who bought last week have great returns and a different perspective than say Drillfix has. Its that simple.

13-12-2010, 07:34 PM
Not my business at all Drill, and the question was kind of rhetorical.

Just seems odd when you made such a big deal of it, got a good show of hands wishing you well - I guess we all thought you were on to bigger and better things..?

Anyway, all the best.


Thanks for clarifying that Rev.

There are quite a few reasons why I left which it then turned into more of a break, which was fantastic.

I dont know about bigger or better things, but there were things that were very different & more challenging things which required my full attention and focus. As I could not afford to slip (or at least very much).

Truth is, I have been over the "Uran Thing" for quite some time. Yet many here still seem to post as if it still is a big deal for me, when in not so many words, its more of a bigger deal for them.

I actually did miss part of the social side of this site was another reason for my return, and yes some say they missed me, but without a doubt I know some here still wish that I were still gone.

Dont get me wrong, this does not mean that I will disagree with everything about Uran, meaning if one technically says something about the stock, the chart will not lie, and I will view the chart for what the TA says it is.

With regards to fundamentals of the stock, this seems to be where wires are getting crossed, IMO

This is exactly where the slagging matches start to present themselves and comments about my pockets are bigger than yours or your losses are greater than mine type of talk, which is complete non-sense.

But back to basics, cheers Rev I wish you all the best too!

13-12-2010, 07:38 PM
Scorp, get over it please. Log off the computer and call your mummy to tell her you profit report please.

And ease of some of the comments which you choose to use, because in internet forums, its called Baiting, and Flaming.

I try to be rational and all you do is continue acting like the spoilt mummy child that you are, Kiddo, get over it.

13-12-2010, 08:07 PM
Thanks for clarifying that Rev.

There are quite a few reasons why I left which it then turned into more of a break, which was fantastic.

I dont know about bigger or better things, but there were things that were very different & more challenging things which required my full attention and focus. As I could not afford to slip (or at least very much).

Truth is, I have been over the "Uran Thing" for quite some time. Yet many here still seem to post as if it still is a big deal for me, when in not so many words, its more of a bigger deal for them.

I actually did miss part of the social side of this site was another reason for my return, and yes some say they missed me, but without a doubt I know some here still wish that I were still gone.

Dont get me wrong, this does not mean that I will disagree with everything about Uran, meaning if one technically says something about the stock, the chart will not lie, and I will view the chart for what the TA says it is.

With regards to fundamentals of the stock, this seems to be where wires are getting crossed, IMO

This is exactly where the slagging matches start to present themselves and comments about my pockets are bigger than yours or your losses are greater than mine type of talk, which is complete non-sense.

But back to basics, cheers Rev I wish you all the best too!

I think you take yourself too seriously. I doubt anyone here cares if Uran was a big deal or not for you. We are here to discuss the company. Quite frankly I would prefer if you didnt post your nonsense on this thread and clutter it up for all those who want to know what the company is up to. Not your personal dramas etc. THIS is where the wires are getting crossed.

Lets start a Drillfix whinge thread and leave it all in there instead ay?

P.s Just called my mummy and she is very happy with my profit report thank you.

13-12-2010, 08:28 PM
scorp57: have the profits been taken. There is no profit until it is in the bank. Remember this Dog has fleas & this cat has been bagging URA from back in the days of the original thread. If I remember correctly started by the supposedly great G Stolwyk. Maybe good for a quick day trade. But as I am an investor would not touch it with a Bargepole.

13-12-2010, 08:31 PM
I think you take yourself too seriously. I doubt anyone here cares if Uran was a big deal or not for you. We are here to discuss the company. Quite frankly I would prefer if you didnt post your nonsense on this thread and clutter it up for all those who want to know what the company is up to. Not your personal dramas etc. THIS is where the wires are getting crossed.

Lets start a Drillfix whinge thread and leave it all in there instead ay?

P.s Just called my mummy and she is very happy with my profit report thank you.

You just cant help yourself can you Scorp. Seems like you want me to disrupt you or something.

But I dont, I will just tell the truth, which is:

Uran has the worst management in the world! (or close to it)
Uran has never actually had a proven resource and probably never will!
Uran will never go into production of any kind, not ever!
Uran even with whatever existing projects will ride the coat tail of the sector, thats all.
Scorp has over invested in Uran and will try to sell you his load as he wishes to profit from you, Enter at your own risk.
Scorp has completely falling in love with his stocks and is nothing but a complete and utter W@nker.

And the list can go on, and on, and on.

13-12-2010, 08:35 PM
scorp57: have the profits been taken. There is no profit until it is in the bank. Remember this Dog has fleas & this cat has been bagging URA from back in the days of the original thread. If I remember correctly started by the supposedly great G Stolwyk. Maybe good for a quick day trade. But as I am an investor would not touch it with a Bargepole.

Hi Possum,

Dont tell the truth to scorp mate, he just cannot take that sort of stuff. If you post those type of negative veiws more than 3 times then he will forever bag you and make you out to be a downramper.

Scorp does not have the money in the bank, he is not that smart. He probably is over invested and really needs to learn a big tough lesson. And I honestly hope he gets one, because some people just wont wake up until they get one. And he, it itching for one.

Anyway, I am glad to know there are some wise folks out there who can see both sides of the coin clearly Possum, good on ya!

13-12-2010, 10:03 PM
Hi Possum,

Dont tell the truth to scorp mate, he just cannot take that sort of stuff. If you post those type of negative veiws more than 3 times then he will forever bag you and make you out to be a downramper.

Scorp does not have the money in the bank, he is not that smart. He probably is over invested and really needs to learn a big tough lesson. And I honestly hope he gets one, because some people just wont wake up until they get one. And he, it itching for one.

Anyway, I am glad to know there are some wise folks out there who can see both sides of the coin clearly Possum, good on ya!

Drilly, you & i both got burnt with URA/URAO - i didnt suffer any where as much as you did, but we both got an axe to grind with past & present Mgmt.

Scorp is free to trade/invest in Uran as he sees fit, the issue shouldnt be a personal slagging match between the two of you, by all means slag off the company, ill join you every time doing that, for me once trust is broken it cant be fixed, but the Uran we invested into is NOT the Uran of today, ok Kate is still running the show, but the focus has changed.

I understand your anger & resentment, i really do, i have had very few losses in the markets & to suffer like i did with Uran (& i know people bought into it cos of my posting) i still feel embarassed that i could get it so wrong.

Scorp can ramp the pants of it (Hotcopper style even) if he wants, i have no issue with that, ive outlined my concerns over the way they report there drill results, which is at odds with all other uranium explorers on the ASX, but thats for individual investors/traders to decide, not us.

Uran is still very high risk, with no JORC reserves, no cornerstone shareholders & not much cash, & Mgmt, well we dont need to say much there...

I wouldn't want to see the thread closed or moderated. so lets stick to the facts & leave personal attacks out of it, you both make valid points

14-12-2010, 11:50 AM
scorp57: have the profits been taken. There is no profit until it is in the bank. Remember this Dog has fleas & this cat has been bagging URA from back in the days of the original thread. If I remember correctly started by the supposedly great G Stolwyk. Maybe good for a quick day trade. But as I am an investor would not touch it with a Bargepole.

Thats for your trading style and your perspective though. "Maybe" good for a day trade... ok so there is money to be made possibly? Thats like saying "Maybe" good for a long term investment from here.

Neither I nor you knows for sure. I think they are heading in the right direction. Some people think their opinion is fact. This is a problem.

14-12-2010, 11:59 AM
You just cant help yourself can you Scorp. Seems like you want me to disrupt you or something.

But I dont, I will just tell the truth, which is:

Uran has the worst management in the world! (or close to it)
Uran has never actually had a proven resource and probably never will!
Uran will never go into production of any kind, not ever!
Uran even with whatever existing projects will ride the coat tail of the sector, thats all.
Scorp has over invested in Uran and will try to sell you his load as he wishes to profit from you, Enter at your own risk.
Scorp has completely falling in love with his stocks and is nothing but a complete and utter W@nker.

And the list can go on, and on, and on.

Uran has the worst management in the world! (or close to it) Your opinion not the truth.

Uran has never actually had a proven resource and probably never will! First half truth. Second half your jaded opinion once again. not a fact.

Uran will never go into production of any kind, not ever! Definition of an opinion. No where near fact. Just pure heresay.

Uran even with whatever existing projects will ride the coat tail of the sector, thats all. Surprise surprise another opinion not a fact! But hopefully this one comes true because investors will make $$$. Thats is the purpose of trading shares on the stock exchange in case some of you were unaware.

Scorp has over invested in Uran and will try to sell you his load as he wishes to profit from you, Enter at your own risk. INvested by my own will and increased my holding as I saw value. Not like you old mate where KH put a gun to your head and made you invest and lose your money. The stock market like poker machines, should re-imburse people when they lose their money, because people arent aware of the risks. PFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! !!!!!!

Scorp has completely falling in love with his stocks and is nothing but a complete and utter W@nker. Only the second part of this is the truth haha (the ****er part is true!) The rest is an OPINION yet again!

Drill - If you want to only post the facts about Uran. Then I suggest you learn the difference between your opinion and a fact. As soon as you do this, we can get back on topic with this thread.

Fact - Uran Are supposed to be doing another Radon survey followed by drilling. <<<< See? Thats sort of thing.

14-12-2010, 12:39 PM
Fact - Uran Are supposed to be doing another Radon survey followed by drilling.

Ok, so that may be a fact, but another survey? You can't even tell me when! Because Kate Hobbs doesn't tell you when, does she!

Ok followed by drilling...LOL Again, WHEN, tell me when, sometime in Q? in the Year? Yeah, sometime then.

You see, you always believe everything Kate Hobbs says or writes in a fricking announcement. But if you actually read these things properly Scorp, you will find there are ALWAYS more questions than answers.

Zed was right, until actual FACTS are there, these are only Carrots designed to impress the likes of you and others who believe anything they read.

Until then, its all smoke and mirrors, Just like Shasta says with whatever results they may show, they always use non Metric. Why is this so?? Its because she cannot be arsed converting them?? Or perhaps she just wants people to believe the results are better than what they are Not, which is good.

Even a Kid from primary school can check a webpage and use a calculator to convert numbers, I mean really WTF is this?

You can gauge how much work Kate Hobbs has done just by looking at her Fat Arse, meaning she does nothing but spend yours and investors money scorp on air-plane rides and rolling Dice in Vegas along with hiring Male escorts as no man in the world would even touch her in flesh so she writes that off as expenses too, and You Pay.

You just cant see it, thats all.

14-12-2010, 01:22 PM
Ok, so that may be a fact, but another survey? You can even tell me when! Because Kate Hobbs doesn't tell you when, does she!

Ok followed by drilling...LOL Again, WHEN, tell me when, sometime in Q? in the Year? Yeah, sometime then.

You see, you always believe everything Kate Hobbs says or writes in a fricking announcement. But if you actually read these things properly Scorp, you will find there are ALWAYS more questions than answers.

Zed was right, until actual FACTS are there, these are only Carrots designed to impress the likes of you and others who believe anything they read.

Until then, its all smoke and mirrors, Just like Shasta says with whatever results they may show, they always use non Metric. Why is this so?? Its because she cannot be arsed converting them?? Or perhaps she just wants people to believe the results are better than what they are Not, which is good.

Even a Kid from primary school can check a webpage and use a calculator to convert numbers, I mean really WTF is this?

You can gauge how much work Kate Hobbs has done just by looking at her Fat Arse, meaning she does nothing but spend yours and investors money scorp on air-plane rides and rolling Dice in Vegas along with hiring Male escorts as no man in the world would even touch her in flesh so she writes that off as expenses too, and You Pay.

You just cant see it, thats all.

Fact - Uran Are Supposed to be doing another Radon survey followed by drilling. <<<< See? Thats sort of thing. Whether they do or not is a different story. But they are SUPPOSED to! That is a fact and that is what we know!

It started in December. I suggest you listen to the boardroom radio interview. Alot of the stuff you have questioned me on is actually in there, so if you had done your research you would already know this. You are Blindly criticising these days. Shoot first ask later sort of deal...

The other comments directed at me yet again well... they are for you and your kleenex box to work out...

14-12-2010, 02:15 PM
Well Well hasn't this little thread fired up!

Drill i completely agree with you about Scorp in that as soon as you attack the company he attacks you.
Had this happen constantly on HC for the first 2 years of posting about how much of a dog this company is.
SP3 -Satori-Archer-Shasta-Veryhairy & countless others attacked me for attacking the bloody obvious shortcomings of Uran and Kate.
Classic case of attempting to protect his investment over history and proven facts.
As far as his gloating goes i for do not believe for one moment he has constantly bought on the way down as he claims because only a complete and utter dick would be that foolish.
I believe was just hoping to show some support while it was tumbling down.

Drill just do what you do best and keep warning newbies about the terrible management and it's history and just let Scorp make a fool out himself by attacking yourself-me or anyone that threatens his investment.

Cheers Zed

14-12-2010, 04:29 PM
Far Cannel
Have I stumbled onto a tween chat site by accident or what? :scared:

14-12-2010, 04:42 PM
Fact - Uran Are Supposed to be doing another Radon survey followed by drilling. <<<< See? Thats sort of thing. Whether they do or not is a different story. But they are SUPPOSED to! That is a fact and that is what we know!

Well, somebody I know was SUPPOSED to win Lotto last week, but the NEVER DID, thats what Uran also does.

You see, this is what I mean Scorp, you hear and read and then believe everything that Fat Arsed CEO says all the time. Thats where you are going wrong.

You would never "ever" make a good journalist due to the fact your questions and methods of proofing things are just so no up to par.

Yes of course it seems like I shoot first and ask later, but I dont. I listened to the Hobbit on BRR and it only left me wondering WTF, there is no EXACT anything about this except the fact that it exists. There are no actual concise timeline of information that could Wow anybody there.

You see Scorp, unlike you, I got very used to listening to Kate Hobbs and Uran word their material or anything that was stated

Unlike you who has heard things once or twice, I have used Kate Fat Arse Hobbs in recording a song and I listened to her Queen Fairy Tail voice many many times.

It came to my attention that EVERYTHING with Uran, they only used words as follows:

HOPING (as always)

and the old time one which we dont hear is the word "Protocol" (bet everyone was sick to death of that word)

Again, always NO Achievements.

With regards to new projects, well yes, I did listen to that BS and if that is why you invest in a company, then honestly.

Past various mines at various depths, I dont know, sounds too not on the same level if you know what I mean (if your mining). Sounds more like a good excuse for Kate to potentially twist the story when ever it suits bad judgement in things.

Another point also mentioned by someone here before is Also, why in the WORLD would some company just give away something that is of no use to them?

1. Because they know their is nothing there for the taking and or investment
2. Because they are being nice, and Kate thought this would make her sound busy, and keep investors interested what pathetic efforts have been completed thus far.

IMO, something to that calibre or scale that is just handed over to the Hobbs monster, HAS NO VALUE!

And so what, Uran want to drill it anyway because it buys HER and THEM time to continue in business, and NOT Value for Shareholders, that is the difference.

14-12-2010, 04:50 PM
Far Cannel
Have I stumbled onto a tween chat site by accident or what? :scared:

my dad use to tell me to go and stand in the far queue. it took me ages to finally get it. then i said it at intermediate and got sent home. and once i called my friend a mongrel and my mum sent to my room to miss out on guy fawks and he got to light all mr crackers. remember tom thumbs and double happys? my kids just look at me when i say those magic words now....

14-12-2010, 04:52 PM
and on that subject my father used to say it was "fut'. "oh, thats no good, look at it, the wole things fut". so i took that to school as well and the teacher just thought i kept saying the other as in **** over and over. must have thought i had a speech impediment. why am i reminiscing so much, and why has my spelling gone to pack???

14-12-2010, 04:53 PM
Well Well hasn't this little thread fired up!

Drill i completely agree with you about Scorp in that as soon as you attack the company he attacks you.
Had this happen constantly on HC for the first 2 years of posting about how much of a dog this company is.
SP3 -Satori-Archer-Shasta-Veryhairy & countless others attacked me for attacking the bloody obvious shortcomings of Uran and Kate.
Classic case of attempting to protect his investment over history and proven facts.
As far as his gloating goes i for do not believe for one moment he has constantly bought on the way down as he claims because only a complete and utter dick would be that foolish.
I believe was just hoping to show some support while it was tumbling down.

Drill just do what you do best and keep warning newbies about the terrible management and it's history and just let Scorp make a fool out himself by attacking yourself-me or anyone that threatens his investment.

Cheers Zed

If it makes you feel better to be dellusional then thats ok... Making a fool out of myself by making money out of a company? I dont see the connection? Must be jaded talk again. You lost heaps, but how dare I talk positively about a company that I am now beggining to make good $$$ off... shame on me... potential investors have had the oppurtunity to do like I did and buy bucket loads at 1.5c and even lower. SP now 3c. Pretty simple maths.

Drill - Cant be bothered reading your stuff. I guess it is Scorp = an idiot or Scorp = this or that etc... Thats ok I'm not worried what a jaded bi-polar fool thinks of me. Go ahead...

BACK ON TOPIC! - I like Urans prospects now and have doubled my money on alot of FPO's and am doing well with URAOA too.

IMO there is more for this stock to run, and those that want to make $$$ can with Uran now. IF they do is up to them and the decisions they make. Just like they would have if they bought last week and sold this week. Market definately taking a look at URA now.

You guys can keep warning whoever you like about the past etc. Thats fine, but As I have demonstrated, you are also costing potential investors money... SO YOU'RE WHINGING IS NOT WITHOUT FAULT.

I can make an opposite argument when I hear you guys whinging because thats all you have both done for 2 years. You lost money... and hate the company for it. OK I get that. I hated the company too when it cost me heaps of my hard earned. But I got on with it. Now I am making money from it, so you talking in absolutes is incorrect. Money can and HAS been made here whether you're jaded souls like it or not.

14-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Well Well hasn't this little thread fired up!

Drill i completely agree with you about Scorp in that as soon as you attack the company he attacks you.
Had this happen constantly on HC for the first 2 years of posting about how much of a dog this company is.
SP3 -Satori-Archer-Shasta-Veryhairy & countless others attacked me for attacking the bloody obvious shortcomings of Uran and Kate.
Classic case of attempting to protect his investment over history and proven facts.
As far as his gloating goes i for do not believe for one moment he has constantly bought on the way down as he claims because only a complete and utter dick would be that foolish.
I believe was just hoping to show some support while it was tumbling down.

Drill just do what you do best and keep warning newbies about the terrible management and it's history and just let Scorp make a fool out himself by attacking yourself-me or anyone that threatens his investment.

Cheers Zed

Hi Zed, Good to see ya!

Yeah, sometimes there is nothing you can tell somebody, when they do not want to hear it, let alone believe it.

Whilst, I would agree that if Kate Hobbs had nothing to do with the company and a CEO with competence and experience jumped in the drivers seat, then the story, would be, could be and probably should be Very Very different. But its not and seems totally unlikely while a people walk around with bags over their heads and Kate Hobbags runs the show.

Even discussing only the Technicals would be a much better conversation or dialog, but whilst hearing nothing but garbage come out from the CEO is just risky dangerous and not to forget boring.

Hope all your investments are treating you well.


14-12-2010, 04:56 PM
If it makes you feel better to be dellusional then thats ok... Making a fool out of myself by making money out of a company? I dont see the connection? Must be jaded talk again. You lost heaps, but how dare I talk positively about a company that I am now beggining to make good $$$ off... shame on me... potential investors have had the oppurtunity to do like I did and buy bucket loads at 1.5c and even lower. SP now 3c. Pretty simple maths.

Drill - Cant be bothered reading your stuff. I guess it is Scorp = an idiot or Scorp = this or that etc... Thats ok I'm not worried what a jaded bi-polar fool thinks of me. Go ahead...

BACK ON TOPIC! - I like Urans prospects now and have doubled my money on alot of FPO's and am doing well with URAOA too.

IMO there is more for this stock to run, and those that want to make $$$ can with Uran now. IF they do is up to them and the decisions they make. Just like they would have if they bought last week and sold this week. Market definately taking a look at URA now.

You guys can keep warning whoever you like about the past etc. Thats fine, but As I have demonstrated, you are also costing potential investors money... SO YOU'RE WHINGING IS NOT WITHOUT FAULT.

I can make an opposite argument when I hear you guys whinging because thats all you have both done for 2 years. You lost money... and hate the company for it. OK I get that. I hated the company too when it cost me heaps of my hard earned. But I got on with it. Now I am making money from it, so you talking in absolutes is incorrect. Money can and HAS been made here whether you're jaded souls like it or not.

By the way you are both helping me because this is good publicity for my beloved Uran. Cheers

14-12-2010, 04:56 PM
hey, scroll up dear reader and read my posts. they are getting lost.......

14-12-2010, 04:58 PM
Hi Zed, Good to see ya!

Yeah, sometimes there is nothing you can tell somebody, when they do not want to hear it, let alone believe it.

Whilst, I would agree that if Kate Hobbs had nothing to do with the company and a CEO with competence and experience jumped in the drivers seat, then the story, would be, could be and probably should be Very Very different. But its not and seems totally unlikely while a people walk around with bags over their heads and Kate Hobbags runs the show.

Even discussing only the Technicals would be a much better conversation or dialog, but whilst hearing nothing but garbage come out from the CEO is just risky dangerous and not to forget boring.

Hope all your investments are treating you well.


Talk about the technicals then???????? They look great in comparison to the past!!!

14-12-2010, 04:59 PM
gee, i don't ever remember seeing a thread go quite so vitriolic. i really hope this doesn't set a precedent for sharetrader.

apart from some spleen venting, i don't see much good coming from this. except, potentially, evilroy's boxing matches.


14-12-2010, 05:03 PM
gee, i don't ever remember seeing a thread go quite so vitriolic. i really hope this doesn't set a precedent for sharetrader.

apart from some spleen venting, i don't see much good coming from this. except, potentially, evilroy's boxing matches.


Hi jdg,
Nope, it doesn't and it will not. Just check all the other threads.

You will see its only Uran, because here its seems to be Kill or Get Killed~! :)

14-12-2010, 05:03 PM
hey, scroll up dear reader and read my posts. they are getting lost.......

They are not getting lost.We are waiting for you to get to high school,so we can find out how far you got with Sally Williams behind the bike sheds?

14-12-2010, 05:05 PM
Talk about the technicals then???????? They look great in comparison to the past!!!

Ok scorp, thankyou, you are talking now.

So, tell me about them, why exactly do you believe they look great?

I will tell you what I reckon after I finish a few other things.

14-12-2010, 05:08 PM
percy, great. well in high school there was no sally williams. but i do believe in general girls have got a lot more forward. i was going to say dirty but thought that might offend.

i am really slutted none of you guys have suscribed to my pay per view channel for the boxing. if i did organise, who wld come and how much for a ticket. and how come no one said yeah, i thought of those match racing sprints too. im hopping back to hop potter when i am better appreciated.

i tried to invent a new person "rampy ramp ramp" but apparently you can only have one active id or username????

14-12-2010, 05:11 PM
i am really slutted none of you guys have suscribed to my pay per view channel for the boxing.

i sent my cheque in the mail.

kate hobbs must have stolen it.


14-12-2010, 05:13 PM
i sent my cheque in the mail.

kate hobbs must have stolen it.


oh touche JDG! made me laugh out loud that did.

14-12-2010, 05:13 PM
i sent my cheque in the mail.

kate hobbs must have stolen it.


jdg, Kate never stole it mate, she passed it on to her people in Discovery, whom she also owns 70% or something of :P

14-12-2010, 05:18 PM
drill. seriously brother. i think you have made the point you wanted to. you cant always be angry, its not healthy. i dont know scorp, but we are all entitled to our views/positions (no sex jokes) etc. sometimes we dont always agree. thats just how it is. you cant keep battling the evil forces in the hope they will leave the dark side. just accept that he has a difference of opinion. and leave this thread. and start posting me some charts. or nudie ladies. or sign up for the fight for strife.

14-12-2010, 05:27 PM
What makes you think that I am angry ER, I dont feel angry, therefore I am not angry.

Sure scorp is entitled to his view, nobody should dismiss this. Its quite simple really, on most things about Uran, he does not agree with me, and I do not agree with him.

So please ER, why not tell him that stuff you told me and direct that at him as to why you have posted it to me, like its my problem will only make matters worst, although I can understand he probably is a mate of yours or something.

I accept him for whom he is, but he and others do not accept me for who I am. Funny that ehh~!

But only on this thread it seems.

14-12-2010, 05:30 PM
drill. seriously brother. i think you have made the point you wanted to. you cant always be angry, its not healthy. i dont know scorp, but we are all entitled to our views/positions (no sex jokes) etc. sometimes we dont always agree. thats just how it is. you cant keep battling the evil forces in the hope they will leave the dark side. just accept that he has a difference of opinion. and leave this thread. and start posting me some charts. or nudie ladies. or sign up for the fight for strife.

Here here! I am entitled to be positive about this stock without someone aiming their criticisms at me personally. If you do You will get it straight back!

Look at your actual posts and see how much of it is hate filled sometimes bordering on psychotic dribble.

I may ramp but thats because I beleive in the stock having the ability to make $$$. And I put my money where my mouth is. We know how much you hate the stock but honestly enough is enough. Let us discuss the stock and what the company is up to. Nothing more nothing less. If you have a hate filled point to make, then make it... But once or twice at the most is enough. Not a billion. Completely over-ridden the thread with trash.

Once you took aim at me or anyone else personally then you are going to get it back at you. simple. I wont sit here and let a raving lunatic belittle me. No way- no how.

If you want to discuss the stock and current goings on then the floor is all yours...

14-12-2010, 05:32 PM
I can't ever recall a donkey following a carrot for so long without any reward but a spanking.

Go figure

14-12-2010, 07:35 PM
Scorp57 & Drillfix on holiday for 48 hours...

14-12-2010, 07:55 PM
Scorp57 Are all your gains off URA on paper or In your Pocket. You talk about 2 years for this Company. Where I think of over at least SIX years when it was being ramped to high heaven. I have not lost any money on URA as I could see it was being pumped for a Dump. This is the impression I am getting from it now. Do not be caught with it when the Music Stops. Were you one of the people pushing PRC on the NZX. The music stopped on this one in a Big Way & it was a better investment than URA ever was. But PRC still went Woof Woof

20-12-2010, 05:45 PM
Scorp57 Are all your gains off URA on paper or In your Pocket. You talk about 2 years for this Company. Where I think of over at least SIX years when it was being ramped to high heaven. I have not lost any money on URA as I could see it was being pumped for a Dump. This is the impression I am getting from it now. Do not be caught with it when the Music Stops. Were you one of the people pushing PRC on the NZX. The music stopped on this one in a Big Way & it was a better investment than URA ever was. But PRC still went Woof Woof

been in for over 3 years now, but bought small parcels at higher prices on the way down (nothing over 50c) then massive parcels under 2c, not to mention free URAOA options and cheap ones on top also.

3c today! Hoping it stays around this level for the new year. Also hopingthe Uranium bull gets into full flight again next year!

Looking forward to hearing more about this large "Anomoly" in the new year also.

20-12-2010, 07:00 PM
Scorp 57 so you have not taken any profits yet then

21-12-2010, 02:18 PM
Scorp 57 so you have not taken any profits yet then


21-12-2010, 03:14 PM
Come on you lot....we all know Hobbs is a mutt, but lets keep on topic please. I used to enjoy reading this thread, and now its just a yawn.
We all want the same thing- cash and loads of it. So lets talk about the stock and keep the personal bs out of it..

well, thats my ten cents worth anyway. cheers and have a great xmas!

21-12-2010, 03:45 PM
Come on you lot....we all know Hobbs is a mutt, but lets keep on topic please. I used to enjoy reading this thread, and now its just a yawn.
We all want the same thing- cash and loads of it. So lets talk about the stock and keep the personal bs out of it..

well, thats my ten cents worth anyway. cheers and have a great xmas!

Finally someone talking some sense!

23-12-2010, 01:40 PM




23-12-2010, 03:08 PM
Trading halt pending release of a material transaction or drilling results...

Could be juicy!

23-12-2010, 03:24 PM
Trading halt pending release of a material transaction or drilling results...

Could be juicy!

Whatever it is, looks like its been leaked & the market likes it!

23-12-2010, 03:39 PM
Whatever it is, looks like its been leaked & the market likes it!

Hell yeh! I actually think someone has been in the know for a little while now... anything under 3c got scooped up in a huge way for the last few weeks!

29-12-2010, 11:53 AM
Hell yeh! I actually think someone has been in the know for a little while now... anything under 3c got scooped up in a huge way for the last few weeks!

no wonder the market liked it before it got announced!

Uran Limited (ASX: URA) has entered into an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.
The properties include 5 large-scale prospecting licences (“LPLs”) in the Kabwe, Mansa and
Serenje areas, and 2 small scale mining licences (“SPPs”) in the Mansa area. Mining of
manganese has been carried out in 2010 on one of the SPPs and has exposed a number of
manganese reefs at or close to surface.
Substantial manganese mining is being carried out adjacent to, and extending right to the
boundary of the other SPP by UK-based Genesis Procurement company. Genesis is reported to
have stated that it is currently producing about 48,000 tonnes of manganese ore from its 3 mines
in Zambia, with ore grading between 45 – 63% MnO2.

29-12-2010, 12:15 PM
no wonder the market liked it before it got announced!

Uran Limited (ASX: URA) has entered into an option to earn a 51% interest in a number of
manganese projects in Zambia.
The properties include 5 large-scale prospecting licences (“LPLs”) in the Kabwe, Mansa and
Serenje areas, and 2 small scale mining licences (“SPPs”) in the Mansa area. Mining of
manganese has been carried out in 2010 on one of the SPPs and has exposed a number of
manganese reefs at or close to surface.
Substantial manganese mining is being carried out adjacent to, and extending right to the
boundary of the other SPP by UK-based Genesis Procurement company. Genesis is reported to
have stated that it is currently producing about 48,000 tonnes of manganese ore from its 3 mines
in Zambia, with ore grading between 45 – 63% MnO2.

Definately some that like it alot! I think the share placement to AAM Has held it back! But wont forever...
Shasta - Hypothetically, if they pull this off and a deposit in the US, what could this potentially mean for the company???

29-12-2010, 12:35 PM
Hey Scorp. heres a couple of pics for ya. A horrid one followed by a nice one.

29-12-2010, 12:48 PM
Hey Scorp. heres a couple of pics for ya. A horrid one followed by a nice one.

Thanks Strat! I truly count myself lucky because of the direction the company is now facing! Could have been alot worse, but as I have said many times, they are actually shaping up to be an impressive company with a now very impressive portfolio for a micro!

Keep those positive charts coming and cheers!

31-12-2010, 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by POSSUM THE CAT
Scorp57 Are all your gains off URA on paper or In your Pocket. You talk about 2 years for this Company. Where I think of over at least SIX years when it was being ramped to high heaven. I have not lost any money on URA as I could see it was being pumped for a Dump. This is the impression I am getting from it now. Do not be caught with it when the Music Stops. Were you one of the people pushing PRC on the NZX. The music stopped on this one in a Big Way & it was a better investment than URA ever was. But PRC still went Woof Woof


been in for over 3 years now, but bought small parcels at higher prices on the way down (nothing over 50c) then massive parcels under 2c, not to mention free URAOA options and cheap ones on top also.

3c today! Hoping it stays around this level for the new year. Also hopingthe Uranium bull gets into full flight again next year!

Looking forward to hearing more about this large "Anomoly" in the new year also.


Post 19 of this thread by Scorp

SC- I can totally understand where you are comming from.

I have watched URA since early december and never bought in. i never buy a stock that is booming, that is just how i operate. however if you bought at 1.4 i understand your frustration with said stock.

i waited and bought a few at 50c,

then alot more at 34c and then yesterday a hell of a lot more at 30 c.

i think that there isnt too much downside for me so i am in a different position. had i bought at highs i would definately be hanging myself right now haha.

i just think there is alot of potential and none of it at all is factored into the current SP.


Scorp your bragging here about making back your huge losses on URA are now exposed as lies. :D
Your still trying to make back your losses by sucking in newbies to pump up the price so you can get out. :mad ;:

As for the company - Kate has brought out a new carrot for for the New Year to keep the donkeys following. :t_down:

Sure the chart looks promising but it did when it got back to 9c awhile back before plummiting below 1c

31-12-2010, 06:34 PM
Keep those positive charts coming and cheers!Sorry Scorp. I dont make em, I only report em. Its up to Kate and Co to keep em coming. Good luck. Gotta go and drink a gallon of water now in prep for a rowdy night :D

31-12-2010, 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by POSSUM THE CAT
Scorp57 Are all your gains off URA on paper or In your Pocket. You talk about 2 years for this Company. Where I think of over at least SIX years when it was being ramped to high heaven. I have not lost any money on URA as I could see it was being pumped for a Dump. This is the impression I am getting from it now. Do not be caught with it when the Music Stops. Were you one of the people pushing PRC on the NZX. The music stopped on this one in a Big Way & it was a better investment than URA ever was. But PRC still went Woof Woof



Post 19 of this thread by Scorp

SC- I can totally understand where you are comming from.

I have watched URA since early december and never bought in. i never buy a stock that is booming, that is just how i operate. however if you bought at 1.4 i understand your frustration with said stock.

i waited and bought a few at 50c,

then alot more at 34c and then yesterday a hell of a lot more at 30 c.

i think that there isnt too much downside for me so i am in a different position. had i bought at highs i would definately be hanging myself right now haha.

i just think there is alot of potential and none of it at all is factored into the current SP.


Scorp your bragging here about making back your huge losses on URA are now exposed as lies. :D
Your still trying to make back your losses by sucking in newbies to pump up the price so you can get out. :mad ;:

As for the company - Kate has brought out a new carrot for for the New Year to keep the donkeys following. :t_down:

Sure the chart looks promising but it did when it got back to 9c awhile back before plummiting below 1c


I was a small time investor back then and a hell of lot (for me at the time) @ 30c was 20,000 fpo's. $6k.

I bought 500,000 in the rights issue alone @ 1.5c and bought some more on market for this price for example.

Also my investment strategy changed as I grew...

ALSO! I could go back over a million posts and find some of you telling people not to buy only to have the SP Double etc etc...

Ahh Zed you will never change... I am having a great run with URA now and its only just begun! Bring on the new year and heaps of $$$!

31-12-2010, 09:03 PM
I was a small time investor back then and a hell of lot (for me at the time) @ 30c was 20,000 fpo's. $6k.

Hi Scorp - you said (on HC) that you were one of the top 20 URA shareholders way back in early September 2009 so you can't have been that small time (at least in comparison to me!!). To be in the top 20 at that stage you had to have about a million shares.

01-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Yep Just about every secound post this ramper has ever put up here he has been bragging about buying more stock.
Even at the bleakest times he was still supposed to be buying more stock when the company had not much money left and looked very much like the adminastrators would be calling.
Just a false ploy to show support for the stock & i don't for one minute believe he has been buying 5% of what he has claimed.
Some people are very ethical in calling thier investment a dog when it is a dog.
Then there is Scorp

01-01-2011, 07:59 PM
Hi Scorp - you said (on HC) that you were one of the top 20 URA shareholders way back in early September 2009 so you can't have been that small time (at least in comparison to me!!). To be in the top 20 at that stage you had to have about a million shares.

Sep 2009 the SP was close to what it is now and I had accumulated heaps over a long period. If one was to do the maths, I would need at least 1 million fpo's to be entitled to 500,000 in the rights issue at 1 for 2... So I cannot understand what you are getting at? I did have a million...

Secondly small time when I started buying @50c and 30c etc... was much earlier on... I am in the top 20 now for the options, but not the fpo's I dont believe but not far off...

Cant wait to see this over 10c soon!

01-01-2011, 09:30 PM
Sep 2009 the SP was close to what it is now and I had accumulated heaps over a long period. If one was to do the maths, I would need at least 1 million fpo's to be entitled to 500,000 in the rights issue at 1 for 2... So I cannot understand what you are getting at? I did have a million...

Secondly small time when I started buying @50c and 30c etc... was much earlier on... I am in the top 20 now for the options, but not the fpo's I dont believe but not far off...

Cant wait to see this over 10c soon!

whoops, I made a typo on the year. It was Sep 2008 not 2009. Back then the price was about 4 times what it is now and it had recently been a helluva lot higher. My point was that to be in the top 20 at that stage was definitely not small time.

But anyway, I would love to see URA over 10c soon too. I've still got about 20k which I bought at 20c. I keep them to remind myself what a fool I was not to sell when they kept going down.

If the price does keep going up and I can recoup a good chunk of my money I will count myself extremely lucky, not wise in the slightest. A smart investor would never had held onto his shares through that massive share price crash URA had from mid 2007 to mid 2010 let alone average down.

I'm going to sign off and go back to nursing my hangover - happy new year to you all and good luck to us URA shareholders in 2011 :-)