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16-12-2008, 06:33 PM
Drill, very talented. Would these skills be just what URA are lacking.
Best wishes to all, Broz.

What Uran is lacking (aside from funds), is the Ukraine political situation to sort itself out & for cabinet to approve the JV details with VostGok.

Not sure even some "gun" leader could do any better at the moment!

17-12-2008, 01:20 AM
agree drillfix... i think they are at a deadend at the moment, and hopeless as they have been, management have managed to f*#k up at the worst possible time...

as i have said whilst good companies are getting put through the cleaners, this poorly run company have been treated the same as everyone else...

WE WILL however be lucky if one day things go in our favour, because we will be starting from the bottom with everyone else... whereas if the bear didnt ruinthe world, URA would be falling to pieces on its own with others around it outperforming...

one more thing.,.. i never thought i would be happier holding URA than i was when i held zfx (OZL) but OZL looks like they are in real trouble! hell at least URA never had anything to start with... OZL have all of ZFX and OXR's projects and they are still staring down the barrel of the gun!


KEEP THE FAITH. As soon as you sell out, the price will rise... its the way of the world...

24-12-2008, 02:54 AM
Hi fella's,

So is anybody here or anywhere going to try to have another crack at convincing Kate to step out of her shell or aid her in convincing her that there is something better to do than just waiting, or hoping.

From what I have heard, NOW, is the pristine time to make moves, endevours or push forward and close a deal of some kind in Ukraine as you guys have said.

FFS somebody crack out the whip, vaseline and give this woman some excitment of some kind, as long as it makes her ride her high horse back over there to drag a deal across the line, even if it kicks and screams while dragging it (the deal).

Has anybody been in touch?
Is there any communication going on behind the scenes?
When and Where is the next part of negotiations? Its been the problem all the time that negotiations continue, why cannot they be finalised once and for all?

So many questions as usual, never any answers, this thing stinks as usual and Hope is not a good enough reason to hang in there.

Chances are alot of the folks here that have since sold out are just laughing at posts like this and understandably so.

I hope you all sent at least a nice strong letter of abuse along with potential conflict claims to ASIC voicing your previoius concerns etc.

Anyways, another late night, another sh%t year, xmas and new year all compliments of KH and PR.

Who also is the Million buyer at 2.1 cents coming and going? Looks like they cant make up their mind if they are in or staying out.

Either way and at these prices I dont think it matters anymore.

Anyways, thats my late night BS for the night.

24-12-2008, 11:27 AM
Hi fella's,

So is anybody here or anywhere going to try to have another crack at convincing Kate to step out of her shell or aid her in convincing her that there is something better to do than just waiting, or hoping.

From what I have heard, NOW, is the pristine time to make moves, endevours or push forward and close a deal of some kind in Ukraine as you guys have said.

FFS somebody crack out the whip, vaseline and give this woman some excitment of some kind, as long as it makes her ride her high horse back over there to drag a deal across the line, even if it kicks and screams while dragging it (the deal).

Has anybody been in touch?
Is there any communication going on behind the scenes?
When and Where is the next part of negotiations? Its been the problem all the time that negotiations continue, why cannot they be finalised once and for all?

So many questions as usual, never any answers, this thing stinks as usual and Hope is not a good enough reason to hang in there.

Chances are alot of the folks here that have since sold out are just laughing at posts like this and understandably so.

I hope you all sent at least a nice strong letter of abuse along with potential conflict claims to ASIC voicing your previoius concerns etc.

Anyways, another late night, another sh%t year, xmas and new year all compliments of KH and PR.

Who also is the Million buyer at 2.1 cents coming and going? Looks like they cant make up their mind if they are in or staying out.

Either way and at these prices I dont think it matters anymore.

Anyways, thats my late night BS for the night.

I havent had any communication with Kate in a while, but will enquire about the USA Uranium project, Kate previously hinted at.

If we don't get it by year's end, i'll ask, but at a guess the fact we havent heard anything as yet most likely means there's nothing to say, & it's likely been put on the backburner.

Archer - have you spoken to/seen Kate of late (how's her hip injury?)

Drillfix, despite this year being a disaster for Uran (one after another), i'm tempted to buy some heads in the new year & wait & see what transpires.

Surely the Ukraine situation will improve in the new year, when the Govt reconvenes?

27-12-2008, 06:29 AM
Surely the Ukraine situation will improve in the new year, when the Govt reconvenes?

Hi Shasta,

This always seems to be the/a/potential hope that never ever seems to unfold Good and Proper, the way it should do, or better than expected, as it just cannot seem to cross the line.

This company has made a living out of so called "Negotiations"

Well its time to tell them to stop the Fn around and grab the bull by the horns and start completing negotiating and start Feasing or Rapid Finalising matters.

These options now have 5 months.

Where is Kates brain, where is the drive, passion and determination that is needed to move this across the line in the last minutes.

There will be MANY people that will be BADLY affected by options expiring worthless, let alone the many that have left or abandoned any dialog on forums such as this due to the loss of belief in this company and have moved on accrodingly.

Saying this, its not a pretty picture.
Its ok for those who have other profits or realestate, or a business of some kind to be able to write off such loss.

For some of us, it is not just a big black hole that we either accept or dont accept. For some of us, there is No Tax to write off, not profits from other stocks or Realestate to offset capital gains or losses.

With regards to buying more Uran FPO, you either still have faith of that dealings will transpire or you have spare Dosh to make a loss or small profit on depending how the market gods gift the ASX or U sector in general.

Anyways, whatever you buy is up to you as you know, but I thought you were out of the market or staying out? or are you reckoning it is time to get back in?

Sorry for sounding so negative, (seems like nothing has changed hey) but I find no pleasure the way this company has cotinually lied and led many up the garden path. IMO, they should be executed, beheaded, or thrown to the bottom of the ocean whilst tied with bricks to their hands and feet.

Thats my nice story for the evening anyways.

Lets see what develops though heay....ROFLMAO yeah right~!

27-12-2008, 06:20 PM
Hi Shasta,

This always seems to be the/a/potential hope that never ever seems to unfold Good and Proper, the way it should do, or better than expected, as it just cannot seem to cross the line.

This company has made a living out of so called "Negotiations"

Well its time to tell them to stop the Fn around and grab the bull by the horns and start completing negotiating and start Feasing or Rapid Finalising matters.

These options now have 5 months.

Where is Kates brain, where is the drive, passion and determination that is needed to move this across the line in the last minutes.

There will be MANY people that will be BADLY affected by options expiring worthless, let alone the many that have left or abandoned any dialog on forums such as this due to the loss of belief in this company and have moved on accrodingly.

Saying this, its not a pretty picture.
Its ok for those who have other profits or realestate, or a business of some kind to be able to write off such loss.

For some of us, it is not just a big black hole that we either accept or dont accept. For some of us, there is No Tax to write off, not profits from other stocks or Realestate to offset capital gains or losses.

With regards to buying more Uran FPO, you either still have faith of that dealings will transpire or you have spare Dosh to make a loss or small profit on depending how the market gods gift the ASX or U sector in general.

Anyways, whatever you buy is up to you as you know, but I thought you were out of the market or staying out? or are you reckoning it is time to get back in?

Sorry for sounding so negative, (seems like nothing has changed hey) but I find no pleasure the way this company has cotinually lied and led many up the garden path. IMO, they should be executed, beheaded, or thrown to the bottom of the ocean whilst tied with bricks to their hands and feet.

Thats my nice story for the evening anyways.

Lets see what develops though heay....ROFLMAO yeah right~!

In this market you are right to sound negative, there's a alot of it around!

I'll see what the Dec quarterlies look like before i start buying ANYTHING.

I still have faith in Uran i actually like there concept, but boy is it frustrating as a shareholder to see the SP erode to nothing.

I'm only holding URAO at the moment & will require some volume to sell them, so for now i'm holding them & in my head have written them off already, as im not trading anymore, im investing only!

Like you i could well be down the toilet come June, should the options expire worthless.

Buying the heads is no more than a punt, but i do know Uran well & the risk v reward under 3c is maybe worth it (I may or may not buy them :confused:)

I've often wondered what would happen to the Ukraine protocol, should URA go into administration, would Discovery Minerals take it over?

As always there are far more questions than answers regarding Uran, & i will be in touch with Kate early in the new year & will report back my findings...

Elsewhere I see plenty of opportunities in the 1st half of 2009, & expect the market recovery process will start sometime in the 2nd half of 2009 (Just my opinion of course!).

I like a few companies at the moment, & see 2009 as a year to position oneself for an expected upswing in 2010 & beyond.

AGG - Gold (5m/oz per year) & Uranium Producer
AIX - Infrastructure Fund (I'm very keen on Infrastructure)
AOE - Coal Seam Gas (+ some conventional oil)
NHC - Coal, Port Infrastructure, & plenty of cash in the bank
LNC - UCG/GTL - Coal-to-gas, gas-to-liquid play
CXC - Silver producer (for when silver has its run ;))
KIL - Another undervalued Port/Infrastructure fund
NZO - Oil & Gas + Coal via PRC. (Oil to double in 2009?)
PNA - Copper producer (only when Copper starts rising above $US1.80/lb)
SRL - Coal, & a host of other base metal projects (Possible corporate activity in relation to it's SAR holding?)

As my "system" only allows me to hold 5 companies max at a time, the top 4 or 5 are my priority, the rest depend on individual circumstances.

31-12-2008, 07:32 PM
Will only spend a couple of minutes here as it's New Year's Eve and I want to end the year in a reasonable mood.

I checked out the Uran website a week ago and noted that under 'projects' one can no longer access 'Ukrine Deposits'. Now this may just be the fault of my computer (protecting me from a stinker) and I can't even be bothered wasting a further 60 seconds confirming this is still the case today - anyone know what's going on ? I'll send an email to the company once I've got NY out of the way but I'm not ruining my last weekend of hols before I'm back at the grindstone.

Possibly winding things down on the sly ? In which case we're in the toilet just waiting for the final flush.

Some serious thinking for me - press the sell button and at least get some beer money ? - in fact, the few nickels I'll gain will allow me to improve my position in a company or two that are making progress.

Cheers, and really do hope 2009 is not a horror year for any of us,

31-12-2008, 07:48 PM
Will only spend a couple of minutes here as it's New Year's Eve and I want to end the year in a reasonable mood.

I checked out the Uran website a week ago and noted that under 'projects' one can no longer access 'Ukrine Deposits'. Now this may just be the fault of my computer (protecting me from a stinker) and I can't even be bothered wasting a further 60 seconds confirming this is still the case today - anyone know what's going on ? I'll send an email to the company once I've got NY out of the way but I'm not ruining my last weekend of hols before I'm back at the grindstone.

Possibly winding things down on the sly ? In which case we're in the toilet just waiting for the final flush.

Some serious thinking for me - press the sell button and at least get some beer money ? - in fact, the few nickels I'll gain will allow me to improve my position in a company or two that are making progress.

Cheers, and really do hope 2009 is not a horror year for any of us,

It's just you i'm afraid, all is well on the Uran website...:rolleyes:

There's just no volume in URA, & i can't even remember when URAO last traded!

I'm not selling my options, they can lapse or if the SP is north of the strike price i'll convert.

I may buy some heads depending on whether Uran tells us about the US Uranium project/deal, & what value it actually offers shareholders, if any.

02-01-2009, 02:20 PM
good to see some positivity finally with the SP.

i still stand by my statements that if they can get something material before 09 is out, the SP should still run.

hang in there y'all, it feels like alot of the negativity is starting to be behind us

02-01-2009, 02:23 PM
good to see some positivity finally with the SP.

i still stand by my statements that if they can get something material before 09 is out, the SP should still run.

hang in there y'all, it feels like alot of the negativity is starting to be behind us

Someone is wanting to mop up the sell side, 5 trades at the same time looks like 5 sellers & 1 buyer to me.

Ok, fess up who is it? :D

02-01-2009, 04:40 PM
I checked out the Uran website a week ago and noted that under 'projects' one can no longer access 'Ukrine Deposits'. Now this may just be the fault of my computer (protecting me from a stinker)

Cheers, and really do hope 2009 is not a horror year for any of us,

Hi Furii,

Yeah website and page still accessible.
Uran has signed a series of Protocols with the State Enterprise VostGOK, which has historically been responsible for all uranium development and mining in Ukraine. The Protocols have been prepared under the supervision of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine.

The Protocols set out terms under which Uran may enter into a Joint Venture over two sedimentary uranium deposits in the Dnipropetrovsky region of Ukraine. Feasibility studies and pilot ISL extraction have previously been completed over the deposits, however Uran will carry out a final feasibility study and carry out any further work needed to declare a JORC resource. The review of technical data by Uran commenced in the May 2008.

The deposits are in a region hosting a number of uranium mines as well as processing facilities owned by VostGOK, with excellent existing infrastructure.

Uran and VostGOK will form an unincorporated joint venture to mine the deposits following a positive result from the feasibility study.

Discussions are also underway on possible participation by Uran in a number of other uranium exploration and mining projects in Ukraine. Uran has undertaken to prepare a proposal on participation in a consortium to acquire a 50% interest in the Novoconstantinovskoye underground mine, which has been stated by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy to contain 104,000 tonnes U (125,000 tonnes U3O8).

Uran has retained Mr Anatoliy Bakarzhiyev as a consultant. Mr Bakarzhiyev was for 22 years Head of KirovGeology, the state body responsible for exploration and definition of minerals deposits in Ukraine. He is now an Advisor to the Minister for Natural Resources and on the committee developing methods to meet the Strategic Plan to increase uranium production by 800%. Mr Bakarzhiyev resides in Kiev.
__________________________________________________ __

Uran still cant explain this load of crap fully.

Meaning the highlighted part about retained Anatoliy Bak etc etc as consultant.

If he is and has been a consultant, getting paid by our money, then why still no results??
Answer= because its all BS

He resides in Kiev, he is on a committee and he still can hit the ball with the baseball bat.

I guess Hobbs is sitting around waiting for a phone call from some of these people.

Anyways Furii, cheers for now mate, I hope you are at least keeping well and that these Mob actually can turn a stone (at least one) for this 2009 year.

Some small volume and movement today to whoooo the gallery, pitty the SP cant make it back up to 10 cents so I can then consider taking a loss.

02-01-2009, 07:20 PM
give it time drill...

me thinks if it gets to 10c it will go alot futher... "if"...

03-01-2009, 05:33 PM

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://atominfo.ru/news/air5570.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=6&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522uran%2Blimited%2522%26start%3D10 %26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26sa%3DN%26as_qdr%3Dm

I think a couple of recent buyer are looking at the possibility that Uran may still get % of the action here. They are going to need $$$$$ and like it or not a JV with a foreign company is very likely.


http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&u=http://novynar.com.ua/worldabus/46217&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=8&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522uran%2Blimited%2522%26start%3D10 %26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26sa%3DN%26as_qdr%3Dm

03-01-2009, 06:03 PM

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://atominfo.ru/news/air5570.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=6&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522uran%2Blimited%2522%26start%3D10 %26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26sa%3DN%26as_qdr%3Dm

I think a couple of recent buyer are looking at the possibility that Uran may still get % of the action here. They are going to need $$$$$ and like it or not a JV with a foreign company is very likely.


http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=uk&u=http://novynar.com.ua/worldabus/46217&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=8&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522uran%2Blimited%2522%26start%3D10 %26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26sa%3DN%26as_qdr%3Dm

Thanks for the links, nice to see Uran getting a mention (they havent forgotten us yet!)

Cotik - With Gazprom shutting off the gas to Ukraine, will this hinder any agreements between Ukraine & Russia re the enrichment of Uranium?

I've always thought Russian involvment would hurt Uran's chances, but it now seems a fading relationship between Russia/Ukraine may also prove to be problematic.

Any thoughts?

03-01-2009, 06:23 PM

Ukraine and Russia need each other. It is just a love /hate relationship.

Ukraine need energy (gas/uranium etc) and Russia need access to the Black Sea through the Crimea. With +30% of the Ukrainian population ethnic Russian, it is almost impossible to for Ukraine to write Russia out of the equation.

It would make sense for Uran and ARMZ to JV in CZ and Ukraine IMO. The JV could be extended to Elkon and Australia, we just need a CEO and Uran Board that really can make things happen.

Let's see what 2009 brings.

03-01-2009, 06:29 PM

Ukraine and Russia need each other. It is just a love /hate relationship.

Ukraine need energy (gas/uranium etc) and Russia need access to the Black Sea through the Crimea. With +30% of the Ukrainian population ethnic Russian, it is almost impossible to for Ukraine to write Russia out of the equation.

It would make sense for Uran and ARMZ to JV in CZ and Ukraine IMO. The JV could be extended to Elkon and Australia, we just need a CEO and Uran Board that really can make things happen.

Let's see what 2009 brings.

Lets get the Ukraine Govt on the same page first!

I'm intrigued by the comment re Rozna, they are already at level 22 & level 23 was very encouraging (from the link you supplied).

Does our best chance hinge on whether they go below the 24th level or not? (As part of Uran's "favoured partner" comment)

If they are intent on extending the life of mine from 2012 to 2015, surely that means they will go deeper, especially in light of the 23rd level findings?

03-01-2009, 09:19 PM
Thanks shasta and drillfix - I thank God or something for small mercies (have just checked out the Uran site again via my computer and the only barrier it hits is that of the 'Ukraine Deposits'. The chances of that...no comment). And thanks for the optimism scorp, I'll attempt to regain some of that.

Good to be reminded of other deals by Cotik. I guess that 2012 will sneak up on us in a flash - only problem is that I'm a mere mortal and have to hope I still have a few marbles left by 2015.

Finally was good to see some action on Friday. Shasta, I'll fess up that it......wasn't me. Of course, I'm sure that purely on current sp we have all been tempted to grab more but as for me, I simply can't afford any further burning. Over the past couple of months when I have found a few extra dollars I've put it into 2 stocks that are currently cheap (plenty of room, and highly likely, to have capital gain) and paying dividends. Sadly, Uran can't compete with that and there is no communication via the website - even just confirmation of a heartbeat would be reassuring.

Thanks all, Furii.

04-01-2009, 03:06 AM
cotik- good to see that the world still moves ahead, even though the markets would suggest that the world ended over the last 12 months.

feels like the bear is startin to go away, and with a little luck and some timing, this may yet still be a great performer... perhaps one of the best...

oh and for the critics etc i said "may be" and "perhaps"... before everyone crucifies me.

i would be scooping up the little FPO's on sale if i had any free cash at all, at these prices URA "could" be the bargain of a lifetime.

15-01-2009, 01:01 PM

Looks like we are now off to New Mexico.......

Train leaving sometime in February.



15-01-2009, 02:46 PM
ALL ABOARD!!!!!!!!! I have waited so long to see something like this!

Again, it starts in Feb, but damn i am excited! I am glad i averaged down too, there is jack all FPO'S for sale!

fingers crossed for everyone and good luck holders. hopefully they don't dissapoint us again :)

Crypto Crude
15-01-2009, 02:53 PM
10k turnover...
Even I coulda pumped this puppy...
sorry to say, but the biggest warning signs are when a company diversifys away from the reason why you got in....
could be different this time...
doubt it...

15-01-2009, 02:56 PM
bah... couldnt care less. A project is all i have been after with this company. i want to be part of a cheap Uranium company, and this may well be our chance. I think alot of people don;t beleive anything they say, and perhaps with good reason, but turning a blind eye every time when there are developments is as wise as walking through life with your eyes closed...

hopefully for us, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

15-01-2009, 03:56 PM
bah... couldnt care less. A project is all i have been after with this company. i want to be part of a cheap Uranium company, and this may well be our chance. I think alot of people don;t beleive anything they say, and perhaps with good reason, but turning a blind eye every time when there are developments is as wise as walking through life with your eyes closed...

hopefully for us, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Good post scorp - my sentiments entirely A.

15-01-2009, 06:55 PM
Good post scorp - my sentiments entirely A.

5 years BEFORE a FFS :confused:

Good grief...

Wake me up when Ukraine comes alive :D

15-01-2009, 07:50 PM
More promises and no delivery?

Will they need to raise capital?

Why are they global when there is no revenue? Who is gonna fund all the traveling and jet setting lifestyle of management?

Sorry to shatter your dreams, but this looks more like a nightmare.

15-01-2009, 08:10 PM
More promises and no delivery?

Will they need to raise capital?

Why are they global when there is no revenue? Who is gonna fund all the traveling and jet setting lifestyle of management?

Sorry to shatter your dreams, but this looks more like a nightmare.

In answer to your points Dr.

Yes, they will need to raise some capital, but not straight away.

This ann won't get the option money due in May, so Kate & co have more work to do.

Us mug shareholders are currently funding the trips overseas, however Uran has cut costs & limiting operations where possible.

No, not a nightmare either, just more "potential" in the future.

Ukraine will set Uran alight, everything else is a distraction & in the future.

Uranium will likely be back in vogue in 2010/2011, by then Uran will either be producing Uranium in Ukraine, or will have changed focus & become a Tungsten explorer.

I'm still in for the ride, high risk v high reward & i'm going no where ;)

15-01-2009, 08:59 PM
i'm not as cynical as you guys obviously...

my part of the company is worth more with something tangible, than dreams and heresay...

if this comes through then i dont care.

its not about when, its about if...

"if" this is the real deal, then bring it on. screw pipe dreams and talk. i like real and tangible.

"if" this is tangible, then i am as happy as larry.

15-01-2009, 09:17 PM
i'm not as cynical as you guys obviously...

my part of the company is worth more with something tangible, than dreams and heresay...

if this comes through then i dont care.

its not about when, its about if...

"if" this is the real deal, then bring it on. screw pipe dreams and talk. i like real and tangible.

"if" this is tangible, then i am as happy as larry.

For someone who has been "pro" Uran for a long time now, i don't mean to come across so dispondent or cynical. :o

Ukraine got me in & that's the company maker, while Ukraine is on the agenda i'll remain in for how ever long it takes!

I won't convert my options or participate in any capital raisings unless Ukraine is a goer though, i'm afraid. :(

15-01-2009, 09:42 PM
all good shasta, wasn't having a dig, and as i said previously Ukraine is the big kahoona... but it is also like trying to negotiate with a bunch of monkeys, and i for one loathe bad business practices...

are Uran guilty of this? yes. but my money is tied up in this company, and any steps they can take to insure that my money is secure is more than welcomed from me.

i loved the announcement and hope to see some... hell... ANY progress at all!!!

15-01-2009, 09:51 PM
all good shasta, wasn't having a dig, and as i said previously Ukraine is the big kahoona... but it is also like trying to negotiate with a bunch of monkeys, and i for one loathe bad business practices...

are Uran guilty of this? yes. but my money is tied up in this company, and any steps they can take to insure that my money is secure is more than welcomed from me.

i loved the announcement and hope to see some... hell... ANY progress at all!!!

For those of you who have previously contacted Uran, i see Katy (Kate's EA) has emailed us the ann, a nice touch :cool:

15-01-2009, 09:55 PM
theres an air of confidence about it this time. thats why i liked it. confidence is everything, and if the directors can finally feel free to announce things, then we are onto something

15-01-2009, 11:08 PM
theres an air of confidence about it this time. thats why i liked it. confidence is everything, and if the directors can finally feel free to announce things, then we are onto something

yes the language and the style is different, the web page is up in conjunction with the ann - and they contacted us - kind of different for Uran. Maybe just a glimmer, but none the less - it is not their usual maybes. A

16-01-2009, 02:13 AM
IMO lets face, once you know we got Trash Management, you always got it.

This may "appear to be something", but IMO, its just another carrot.

Just something so they can say, we actually have a project and now this justifiy's Kates travel addiction at the expense of holders (again).

Sure Ukraine to come off in the first place would have been the ticket (potentially).

The honest cold hard fact is that either YOU OR ME could have gone over there and bargained for it for even cheaper with some contacts we know.

YOU OR ME could jump on a plane flying economy and probably got the project for Half that price, with half those terms.

Again, Im sorry to sound negative but this management SUCK, they are useless and I dont TRUST or BUY anything they EVER say as they should be in JAIL for Misleading shareholders.

I think I would rather see them hang from a rope than to actually succeed, but then thats just me, but Im a shareholder too, and unfortunately a holder of many options that will probably expire worthless.

Too much talk of faith and and not enough FACT of the damage that has previously Rotted this company with its LIES and Deception.

Good luck to holders in making gains with this let alone getting our money back but its gonna take more than something that ANY joe blow can do to get the sp or options back in the money.

16-01-2009, 03:45 AM
drillfix- i understand your position, however i will say this...

your money is tied up with Uran, so you have 2 choices.

1)get behind them and be encouraged by what they accomplish


2) be negative and bag them... watch your money dwindle or perhaps they surprise you...

i cant see any beneficial gain from point 2...

you can continue to say that its a carrot or you can beleive that we are onto something. either way it wont change the outcome.


16-01-2009, 01:00 PM
Hi All

Looks like we picked another tunsten project.

IMO its starting to look like they purchasing projects for maybe an upcoming capital raising?

Any thoughts anyone?



16-01-2009, 01:14 PM
more good news! keep it coming...

seems they were sick of bangin their heads on a brickwall and have started chasing projects that don't require dealing with imbociles...

if the Ukraine comes on board soon aswell, as i expect it will, we will be looking at a huge upswing IMO

16-01-2009, 01:21 PM
oh and without being overly dramatic, i am enjoying the sell side... its almost non existent.

Huang Chung
16-01-2009, 01:27 PM
Looks like URA is preparing for life after Ukrane.

Agree, looks like a buttering up of shareholders prior to a capital raising. It would be nice if they could find one really high potential project and channel their exploration efforts in that direction.

16-01-2009, 01:28 PM
to survive this company needs a cap raising - or maybe what would be better would be an injection of private capital - whichever - its now getting the good together to be able to survive and put our options in the money by May - neither of which looked even remotely possible 2 days ago. ;) I want Uran and its current management to do well - if they do - we do. A

16-01-2009, 01:31 PM
Looks like URA is preparing for life after Ukrane.

Agree, looks like a buttering up of shareholders prior to a capital raising. It would be nice if they could find one really high potential project and channel their exploration efforts in that direction.

i agree totally, however i will settle for the 3 projects in the US to start with tho. all of a sudden we are on par with other companies that have projects and things in the ground that we can say are ours and we can mine! feels great!

the other plus is that other said companies have a much larger market cap than us, and perhaps debt/ other hassles.

i dont feel like i am holding the biggest dog on the ASX anymore. what a releif.

16-01-2009, 01:32 PM
to survive this company needs a cap raising - or maybe what would be better would be an injection of private capital - whichever - its now getting the good together to be able to survive and put our options in the money by May - neither of which looked even remotely possible 2 days ago. ;) I want Uran and its current management to do well - if they do - we do. A

i agree 100% as usual Archer :)

16-01-2009, 05:11 PM
Well its all great to be and feel positive but in some ways I think you are missing the/my/some points.

As an example, you guys think to have more of these so called projects (tungsten) is more and better. My point is that its off the bleeding track here, my point is that we are not a company inline with "whatever" the companies mission statement is.

The companies mission statement seems to be "whatever" it suits at the time.

My/the/another point here is that this management are trying to be seen doing something good correct? Well the truth is they cant do ONE thing good or proper and finalise it professionally, let alone more "off the bleeding" track stuff ontop.

Do you see what and why I am on about?

I know I come across as a madman to you all, but the points and the signs are all there for us to see staring us in the face. What you see is good, what I see is not so good (from a sign post point of view).

Back to it, this management are trying to do 2 things at once and Ukraine has fallen over in their (OUR) face and now management are trying to be seen to be busy.

Why cant they pickup a project here in Australia? Pretty soon there will be bargains for the taking as there will be some companies falling over left, right and centre, but Naahhh, Kate has to travel to the other side of the world always to pickup a project, or to be seen picking one up.

Is she sick of rooting Euro/Ukrainian/Czech men or something, perhaps she likes to root yanks now. Or maybe she is just trying to stick to the Mission Statement again by having all projects oversea's.

Anwyays, what I am happy about Scorp is your happy, I am still not convinced by this Dodge Ball management, but its your and others investment too and I understand that and your entitled to your opinion as others are too.

Lets now wait and see if there can be a 3rd carrot in the making, or if they can revive that previous Ukrainian carrot which was why and how many of us got sucked in here in the first place.


16-01-2009, 05:44 PM
Sure looks like, feels like, and sounds like yet another 1st step to nowhere to me :(

Huang Chung
16-01-2009, 06:28 PM
Well its all great to be and feel positive but in some ways I think you are missing the/my/some points.

As an example, you guys think to have more of these so called projects (tungsten) is more and better. My point is that its off the bleeding track here, my point is that we are not a company inline with "whatever" the companies mission statement is.

The companies mission statement seems to be "whatever" it suits at the time.

My/the/another point here is that this management are trying to be seen doing something good correct? Well the truth is they cant do ONE thing good or proper and finalise it professionally, let alone more "off the bleeding" track stuff ontop.

Do you see what and why I am on about?

I know I come across as a madman to you all, but the points and the signs are all there for us to see staring us in the face. What you see is good, what I see is not so good (from a sign post point of view).

Back to it, this management are trying to do 2 things at once and Ukraine has fallen over in their (OUR) face and now management are trying to be seen to be busy.

Why cant they pickup a project here in Australia? Pretty soon there will be bargains for the taking as there will be some companies falling over left, right and centre, but Naahhh, Kate has to travel to the other side of the world always to pickup a project, or to be seen picking one up.

Is she sick of rooting Euro/Ukrainian/Czech men or something, perhaps she likes to root yanks now. Or maybe she is just trying to stick to the Mission Statement again by having all projects oversea's.

Anwyays, what I am happy about Scorp is your happy, I am still not convinced by this Dodge Ball management, but its your and others investment too and I understand that and your entitled to your opinion as others are too.

Lets now wait and see if there can be a 3rd carrot in the making, or if they can revive that previous Ukrainian carrot which was why and how many of us got sucked in here in the first place.


Unfortunately, I think you are right on the money Drilly....

16-01-2009, 06:44 PM
Unfortunately, I think you are right on the money Drilly....


I know you're not a madman, & your concerns are still very valid.

Scorp sees the potential (as we all once did!), & i see Ukraine as our only viable option to fulfill the Uran "concept" (Rozna is only a 5% chance IMO), of being a Uranium producer.

Having said that we'll probably get given an operational U mine from Kazakhstan now! (Go on Uran spite me!)

I invested into Uran specifically because i wanted exposure to a near term Uranium producer, & i liked Ukraine's potential, kinda off the radar but with bigger reserves than previously thought, & they needed foreign money!

I had a decent holding in DYL around the same time, i sold them all to buy more URA because of the "story" at the time, they both still could come good despite the SP maulings...:rolleyes:

Taking a hit/loss on the URA FPO's wasn't a pleasant experience, & i'm likely to write off the same again on the options...

Part of me says any projects they can get cheaply & turn a profit on is beneficial for shareholders, but surely Uranium in Eastern Europe is still the key focus.

The Tungsten project can be spun off when the bull market returns, & having a foot in the USA can't hurt, so long as it doesn't cost much nor distract Uran from the main prize, UKRAINE...

BTW, Im happy to travel to Kiev & "butter up" Yulia if it will help the cause!

16-01-2009, 07:25 PM
Isn't Borat from Kazakhstan, apparently Kazakhstan are the largest exporters of Potassium.

Has anyone seen the movie.... Borat?


Yup very funny, but probably not a good indication of the country...

Doing business over there is "somewhat dodgey", some foreign currency into a swiss account, & a mercedes for the politicians wife & you might just seal the deal...

16-01-2009, 08:32 PM
The companies mission statement seems to be "whatever" it suits at the time.

drill i do not think your a mad man, and to be honest alot of the time i feel just as angry towards this company/state of affairs as you do, but perspective is the key to the world.

i have quoted a particular line that you stated above. for me, it feels as if the ukraine/czech etc will never happen due to absolute stupidity on their part, and if there is nothing we or kate or god himself can do to change that, then i applaude kate and the Uran team for trying something different. GET ASSETS instead of WRAPPING UP THE COMPANY.

Guys and girls, pardon my french but i will be f*&ked if i am going to watch my money (and beleive me it is alot for me, almost everything i had) dwindle and dissapear.

the aim of the game is simple. MAKE MONEY OFF YOUR MONEY.

i dont care if Uran turns into a pizza parlour "just dont let my money dwindle"

and in my eyes, they are taking the right steps, and swiftly might i add to chnge direction...

life doesnt work out the way we want it to all the time, and this time it didn't, and always in these cases you must roll with the punches and make decisions.

and thats exactly what kate and co have done, and i couldnt be happier with them.

being invested in URA used to make me look like a joke, and they are slowly(hopefully) on the way to turning that around.

cheers everyone and once again good luck to all. goodness knows we have been through hell and back!!

17-01-2009, 05:51 AM
AA- i have much respect for you and what you do. i have learnt alot from your posts and appreciate any insight you can give us.

thankyou for backing me. I am sure that no holder wants to lose there money, and thats why i keep the hope alive. If they succeed then so do i!


17-01-2009, 01:03 PM
thanks for the chart mate. obviously as you said volume is light, but an increase none the less. hopefully, we can see some people coming on board and a more respectable SP.

I think the company already looks more respectable (drill, i only mean on a project basis haha) and hopefully they can back it up this time, which in the USA shouldn't be a problem!

cheers again

19-01-2009, 06:15 AM
Well, scorp and AA, I appreciate and respect your thoughts towards the company and the situation.

As much as it is just sooo obvious that I am Angry (more than angry) as everybody can tell, it is still good to be able to vent or drive a point through and for that point to be acknowledged.

As it has been previously said, its about making money. But then, that is my problem.

I am only trying to find my feet, I am badly scarred by this company and it is nearly got me in full ruin.

I only wish to try to make some gains in some way, some time, but I have very VERY little left to Attempt any more tries at things, or other stocks.

Its ok for others here and different threads to talk about where one should or shouldnt be, but when has to take a medication everyday and play witness to what can be seen another turn of the wheel, one can only be suspicious.

Investing is not to be taken emotionally I know, but when the potential for Jailable offences take place (by spoken words of the ceo) then it brings on outrage. When one watches directions change and previous actions not clarified or justified then again, it brings on outrage.

We all dont need to be on medication to feel outrage or very upset about totally mislead about what our investment involved.

Its kinda like getting on a bus to Sydney and ending up in Darwin and wondering WTF or HTF did I get here, or on a plane to Japan and ending up in South Africa, again, WTF is going on here and how did this happen.

I have been cool for a while now, so I drop in, I sit and read, and watch the events that unfold with this company. But as TIME RUNS OUT and each month that passes creates options which potentially expire worthless, I wonder what actual plan this management have, and I dont seem to share the same confidence as you guys, and I dont see what has been announced recently a Plan to get these options back in the money.

Hence, this will wash me up big time as it will with many others too.
I have No recovery or big funds to re-adjust some investment strategy because simply put, it will be the end the line and of investing for me.

Anyways, glad to see some here have already bailed and left this sad state of affairs, or potential affairs and moved on. They have taken it on the chin ok and I feel that it is something they did NOT deserve, as they have, were, misled up the garden path like me, you and others here but I hope from whatever they salvaged for what its woth, that they still have something to rebuild and may everything they hope and wish for, be sure to come their way.

19-01-2009, 08:59 AM
i beleive that Kate's intentions were good, but she made statements too early to begin with, and had trouble, especially in those countries, of pulling off what she had hinted at...

hene why eventually they stopped saying anything at all.

secondly, i am not glad for those that have bailed and taken a loss on the chin. no one wants to see fellow investors lose, and perhaps they bailed too early on this one and at the worst possible time in history too?

not only that but it drove the SP down for the rest of us. and "some" out of anger or to spite the company> what does that acheive?

having said all that, i realise that everyone has their own reasons for buying and selling, and i don;t pretend to know everyones circumstances, but i think in the long run, holders will still be rewarded.

hang in there drill.

19-01-2009, 01:26 PM
Hi all,

It may not be the project we were hoping for (i.e. Ukraine), but we do FINALLY have something that we can work on. They will actually be able to do some mining!! The great thing about the areas that have been obtained is that they will be able to be worked on all year, unlike Finley Basin.

Hopefully they come through with the goods in Ukraine. In the meantime, lets be happy we have something in an area that has low sovereign risk, including a stable political climate!!

Cheers, E.

19-01-2009, 05:06 PM
Hi all,

It may not be the project we were hoping for (i.e. Ukraine), but we do FINALLY have something that we can work on. They will actually be able to do some mining!! The great thing about the areas that have been obtained is that they will be able to be worked on all year, unlike Finley Basin.

Hopefully they come through with the goods in Ukraine. In the meantime, lets be happy we have something in an area that has low sovereign risk, including a stable political climate!!

Cheers, E.

Oh c'mon people, 2 years ago we were wondering whether Rozna or Ukraine would be our first project, & now we have some "greenfields" exploration targets in the USA, at least 5 years away from production?

And we are meant to be happy? :(

First of all Uran management came out & said they would conserve capital during the credit crisis (& while the Ukraine simmers down etc), & now we are throwing away more money at non core projects? :confused:

I also note Uran's website has a new strategy supposedly...:(

Uran Limited is a dedicated uranium company.

We focus on nations which are significant current or historic producers of uranium, with substantial past uranium exploration.

Our targets include: operating or closed uranium mines: identified resources or reserves: drilled mineralisation adjacent to or on strike from these.

We find good national partners who have strong knowledge of local uranium exploration and production.
Sovereign risk is important to the Company. We research it thoroughly prior to entry into a country, and monitor it carefully during our activities there.
NB, The Eastern Europe focus has loooonnngggg gone, WTF? :(

Under "Projects" & in order:

1. USA (They are pumping hard the new "exploration" project)
2. Czech Republic (God knows why, they will NEVER get anything there!)
3. Ukraine (Strangely enough it only rates as 3rd, Why?)
4. Bulgaria (We may have had funds to bid on the tenders has management not squandered it on non core exploration projects, therefore it's a dead duck IMO)

No Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan (remember the MoU & the supposed trip due?)

I am going to contact Pat/Kate with a "please explain" email.

I feel Kate owes it to shareholders to come clean on just where things are "realistically" at, as we have had no announcements about a change of focus in Eastern Europe, & if we have been mislead, i'm afraid the ASX & ASIC need to be involved, especially in light of the previous MD's comments, & the bullish comments made by Kate & Pat since.

I have a nagging thought in my mind, Discovery Minerals wants Uran to fail, to pick up the Uranium projects, & leave Uran holders with Juno Minerals (ie, Tungsten).

Has everyone forgotten Uran are meant to have & be reviewing the data on the 3 Ukraine deposits?

We don't need the Ukraine cabinet formed to read/translate/review the data, & it's a given we would want to go ahead as the targets were meant to contain in excess of 10,000,000/lbs of U308! (I calculate a NPV of >$A618m* to Uran, using a WACC of 12%)

* As per my updated spreadsheet & based on multiple assumptions. (Happy to resend this spreadsheet to URA/URAO holders)

Nb, U308 has dropped this week $US2 to $US51/lb = approx $A75/lb.

19-01-2009, 06:02 PM
shasta- they reviewed the data long ago. Uran's side of the deal is done and more than willing to go forward. They cant get anything going as far as the Ukrainians go. so whats the point?

and we all wonder why they have changed focus...???????

if the people you are dealing with, never actually "deal" with you, then what can you do? i say forget those idiots for now and get some value up somewhere else.

say for instance the magical date that the ukrainians get their act together is april 11th 2010(obviously hypothetical)... why would we all sit on our hands untill then, when we can be out acheiving other things as a company and getting more assets???? proper assets not pie in the sky wishful garbage...

i pray for nothing more than the ukraine to go ahead,and as i said, Uran is ready to go, but in the meantime, we can sure as hell have some risk management and diversification.

it really astounds me certain peoples attitudes on this matter. and i'm not having a dig at anyone, but would you guys really rather lose your $$$ just to spite the Uran board?

19-01-2009, 06:26 PM
shasta- they reviewed the data long ago. Uran's side of the deal is done and more than willing to go forward. They cant get anything going as far as the Ukrainians go. so whats the point?

and we all wonder why they have changed focus...???????

if the people you are dealing with, never actually "deal" with you, then what can you do? i say forget those idiots for now and get some value up somewhere else.

say for instance the magical date that the ukrainians get their act together is april 11th 2010(obviously hypothetical)... why would we all sit on our hands untill then, when we can be out acheiving other things as a company and getting more assets???? proper assets not pie in the sky wishful garbage...

i pray for nothing more than the ukraine to go ahead,and as i said, Uran is ready to go, but in the meantime, we can sure as hell have some risk management and diversification.

it really astounds me certain peoples attitudes on this matter. and i'm not having a dig at anyone, but would you guys really rather lose your $$$ just to spite the Uran board?

Scorp i know you are putting on a positive spin, but...

Why did you buy into Uran in the first place then?

I did for the Uranium deposits in Ukraine (originally there were 2, now 3), there was also a "very slim" chance we could get in on Rozna.

That's what excited the market to have URA trading above $1.60 (i think the high was $1.75 from memory?), when U308 was going crazy.

Now, if Uran have reviewed the data & are only awaiting approval from Ukraine don't you think that is "market sensitive", & we should have been told this?

Perhaps URA should apply for "trading halt" to clarify the situation, or & i know this will sound drastic, but maybe apply for suspension from trading until the Ukraine officials have an outcome (GGG did this & i believe it's SP skyrocketed on relisting with a positive outcome).

Just remember, we collectively as shareholders are funding the following;

1. All of Discovery Minerals costs, yet we aren't told of what they are pursuing.

2. Juno Minerals - meant to be self funding, but guess who is picking up the tab?

3. Uran's Board/Managment & staff overheads

4. All the exploration cost "committments" from these new projects (& i use the terms "projects" loosely)

...and yes, even blind freddie can see the capital raising coming :rolleyes:

What exactly is going to get Uran the options money, other than Ukraine?

Or do we face a capital raising of say 100m x $0.02 (to raise $2m) + some 20c 2011 options attached?

19-01-2009, 09:38 PM
Scorp i know you are putting on a positive spin, but...

Why did you buy into Uran in the first place then?

I did for the Uranium deposits in Ukraine (originally there were 2, now 3), there was also a "very slim" chance we could get in on Rozna.

That's what excited the market to have URA trading above $1.60 (i think the high was $1.75 from memory?), when U308 was going crazy.

Now, if Uran have reviewed the data & are only awaiting approval from Ukraine don't you think that is "market sensitive", & we should have been told this?

Perhaps URA should apply for "trading halt" to clarify the situation, or & i know this will sound drastic, but maybe apply for suspension from trading until the Ukraine officials have an outcome (GGG did this & i believe it's SP skyrocketed on relisting with a positive outcome).

Just remember, we collectively as shareholders are funding the following;

1. All of Discovery Minerals costs, yet we aren't told of what they are pursuing.

2. Juno Minerals - meant to be self funding, but guess who is picking up the tab?

3. Uran's Board/Managment & staff overheads

4. All the exploration cost "committments" from these new projects (& i use the terms "projects" loosely)

...and yes, even blind freddie can see the capital raising coming :rolleyes:

What exactly is going to get Uran the options money, other than Ukraine?

Or do we face a capital raising of say 100m x $0.02 (to raise $2m) + some 20c 2011 options attached?

everyne knows they received the data ages ago... they said at the AGM that the ukraine government was stopping us from proceeding. we all know that...

so whats healthier for us as holders/investors/traders?

suspension from trading? so no one can buy or sell, for god knows how long? or value adding projects bein added to our companies portfolio?

I AGREE WITH EVRYTHING THAT YO GUYS ARE SAYING HERE! No doubt about it, we got done over and things didnt work out. you are all 100% right and we all know that!

but, its in the past, and complaining about it wont change a thing. dont cry over spilt milk... its spilt! its over! go get some more milk, or if you have no cash, go get some cash to get some more milk!

i am very dissapointed with how things turned out with Uran untill now, but i was writing off most of my hard earnt $$$ untill a week or 2 ago. now it seems that we may indeed once again have our money earning us money. when will that be? who knows... but whenever it is, it is better than NEVER...

20-01-2009, 02:58 AM
Agree with scorp on this one Shasta. I also want Ukraine to come through with the goods, but it seems the Ukrainians just can't sort themselves out. Until that happens I think the Ukraine is going nowhere. Might as well set out to acheive something else, instead of sitting around idle, waiting for something to happen.

20-01-2009, 01:38 PM
Agree with scorp on this one Shasta. I also want Ukraine to come through with the goods, but it seems the Ukrainians just can't sort themselves out. Until that happens I think the Ukraine is going nowhere. Might as well set out to acheive something else, instead of sitting around idle, waiting for something to happen.

URA - Quarterly Out


I'm not happy they are ramping the USA exploration targets & downplaying Ukraine.

Maybe i'm just grumpy :o

RIP - Ross Kennedy

20-01-2009, 02:06 PM
hey at least they are being honest? we know where we stand now.

new mexico looks the goods. hopefully the czech ministers change around at their next election

20-01-2009, 04:46 PM
The issue here is that the greens field projects should have happened 3 years ago and they would be near term production projects by now.

Due to the greed of a few on the Board the Discovery option was pursued at the expense of EVERYTHING else. Unfortunately Discovery Minerals 'get rich' quick scheme didn't pan out and that is why we are where we are now. The problem we have as Uran shareholders is that we have spent around $6M on something we STILL do not own.

It is time to exercise the Discovery Minerals option (with new terms of course). The Directors (Pat and Wolf) have a responsibility here that they need to act on. The option is expiring in a few months and nothing would be more painful for Uran shareholders than to see the CZ and Ukraine deals come through later this year, only to see Discovery Minerals selling the project to another ASX listed company.

I encourage ALL Uran shareholders to write to the two Directors above before it is too late.

20-01-2009, 04:53 PM
The issue here is that the greens field projects should have happened 3 years ago and they would be near term production projects by now.

Due to the greed of a few on the Board the Discovery option was pursued at the expense of EVERYTHING else. Unfortunately Discovery Minerals 'get rich' quick scheme didn't pan out and that is why we are where we are now. The problem we have as Uran shareholders is that we have spent around $6M on something we STILL do not own.

It is time to exercise the Discovery Minerals option (with new terms of course). The Directors (Pat and Wolf) have a responsibility here that they need to act on. The option is expiring in a few months and nothing would be more painful for Uran shareholders than to see the CZ and Ukraine deals come through later this year, only to see Discovery Minerals selling the project to another ASX listed company.

I encourage ALL Uran shareholders to write to the two Directors above before it is too late.

I'll send something through tonight, but want it to go to Pat Ryan rather than Kate. Has he got a different email than the normal Uran one?

Cotik - Could you PM me his email

20-01-2009, 06:12 PM
You must realise, that anything addressed to Pat or Wolf will be sent on to Kate anyway - but that is not such a bad thing -
on another issue, at least with cap raising in sights - they will NEED to push up the share price - think about it and where it fits in with your plans - all of you - :) A

20-01-2009, 06:50 PM
You must realise, that anything addressed to Pat or Wolf will be sent on to Kate anyway - but that is not such a bad thing -
on another issue, at least with cap raising in sights - they will NEED to push up the share price - think about it and where it fits in with your plans - all of you - :) A

I noticed that previously, what was sent to Pat was forward to Kate.

Archer, i'm not going to have a go, i've always been constructive in my dealings with Kate, as a result she does reply! (Btw, Have you contacted Kate recently on any of these issues?)

But Cotik has a valid point, we should be receiving further equity in Discovery Minerals based on expenditure to date.

I believe Uran is entitled to at least 90% of Discovery Minerals.

20-01-2009, 07:08 PM
I noticed that previously, what was sent to Pat was forward to Kate.

Archer, i'm not going to have a go, i've always been constructive in my dealings with Kate, as a result she does reply! (Btw, Have you contacted Kate recently on any of these issues?)

But Cotik has a valid point, we should be receiving further equity in Discovery Minerals based on expenditure to date.

I believe Uran is entitled to at least 90% of Discovery Minerals.

Indeed - but I doubt we'd get 90% ! I usually get replies - the line has recently been that they won't spend any more money on Ukraine - at present - they think the financial crisis will spark political unrest I believe and destabilise the counrty further. VostGok seems to be a real problem in its own right reading through the quarterly. Hope its all going OK in the land of the long white ... A

02-02-2009, 06:19 AM
We talk about Discovery, yet for the life of me what exactly is this going mean or do when its discovery that has already sucked the life and expense out of Uran Shareholders already?

Yet another month passes, which brings us to another month of being closer to Doom for some.

Yes Yes, I know, be positive and hope that this MOB of incompetant management may actually do some magical stuff to get the options in the money, yet I just cant see that as its always only been hot air and carrots.

IMO, both Hobbs and Ryan, SHOULD BE SHOT and prefereably with the same bullet to save on funds, now that would be a huge savings.

Thats my update folks, so keep your chin up and have a good week.

03-02-2009, 09:49 PM
We talk about Discovery, yet for the life of me what exactly is this going mean or do when its discovery that has already sucked the life and expense out of Uran Shareholders already?

Yet another month passes, which brings us to another month of being closer to Doom for some.

Yes Yes, I know, be positive and hope that this MOB of incompetant management may actually do some magical stuff to get the options in the money, yet I just cant see that as its always only been hot air and carrots.

IMO, both Hobbs and Ryan, SHOULD BE SHOT and prefereably with the same bullet to save on funds, now that would be a huge savings.

Thats my update folks, so keep your chin up and have a good week.



Do you still subscribe to the daily prague? what exactly is the article saying about uranium mining? is it back on the agenda?

03-02-2009, 11:41 PM


Do you still subscribe to the daily prague? what exactly is the article saying about uranium mining? is it back on the agenda?

Hi SP3 and others still following - yes I still subscribe to the PDM - the article states that the Czech Govt and Diamo - headed by Jiri Jez - can't do the diacritics here sorry - and even Industry and Trade Minister - our friend Riman - are moving to get the Straz/Hamr deposits moving again.
Diamo has presented a formal plan and Riman concedes that U mining is no longer a taboo subject given the current economic environment, the profitablity cf the 90's of mining and selling to Russia. I don't think Uran will have lost touch here - although no further funds will have been wasted to this point on CR negotiations.
Yes my eyes popped out of my head when I found this tonight! But no breath holding mind. A

04-02-2009, 12:24 AM
well at least its not a negative. you never know, strange things happen to peoples ego's when everyone is struggling... perhaps they might concede that they need help. guarantee that Uran will be at the forefront of their minds if nothing else...

04-02-2009, 09:20 AM
CZK80B is about A$6B.

http://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=cs&u=http://ekonomika.ihned.cz/c3-33738770-001000_d-ve-strazi-je-pod-zemi-uran-za-500-miliard-korun&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%2522Uran%2BLimited%2522%26hl%3Den%26 lr%3D%26rlz%3D1T4DAAU_en-GBAU266AU266%26as_qdr%3Dd

04-02-2009, 12:13 PM
a little analysis - CR has been very slow to realise their need to upgrade their raw material input into the nuclear industry. They have always recognised the need for nuclear power. The green party and perhaps the manner of Uran's early negotiations led to a stalemate. Rozna would cost a packet to develop and in the article cotik has posted you can see that there is so far nil sig beyond the 24th level.

Importantly , Diamo have really grasped the economic significance of the ISL method that Uran was offering to employ elsewhere. This has been a worry to the Greens - but its looks as if the wheel has turned. This maybe too late for us , i don't know.
Uran have kept things open with the czechs, (and we get two mentions in the interview( but essentially the cash has been attrited soviet seige style. Whether a company with zip cash left in todays financial climate can be a genuine consideration is now the moot point.
Here's hoping for massive results in Feb from USA then a cap raising with little effective dilution , and we're still in the game for the big one. A

04-02-2009, 12:24 PM
HN: It is between the candidates and the Australian Uranium Limited, which it once - unsuccessfully - for investment in exploration has negotiated with the Czech government? Kdo jsou další zájemci? Who are the other candidates?

Uran Limited má zájem pořád a jsou tu i další silné skupiny. Uran Limited has an interest and are still here and other powerful groups. Byli tu Američané i Rusové, ale my preferujeme domácího partnera. They were the Americans and Russians, but we prefer the domestic partner

04-02-2009, 07:15 PM
HN: It is between the candidates and the Australian Uranium Limited, which it once - unsuccessfully - for investment in exploration has negotiated with the Czech government? Kdo jsou dal?í zájemci? Who are the other candidates?

Uran Limited má zájem po?ád a jsou tu i dal?í silné skupiny. Uran Limited has an interest and are still here and other powerful groups. Byli tu Ameri?ané i Rusové, ale my preferujeme domácího partnera. They were the Americans and Russians, but we prefer the domestic partner

thanks archer

10-02-2009, 07:43 PM
I am still holding this company at a lost looks like its on the way down again 3.5 just about taken out then 3 cents

10-02-2009, 11:05 PM
I am still holding this company at a lost looks like its on the way down again 3.5 just about taken out then 3 cents

I'm sure Uran are busy collating assay results in the USA, ready to feed to the market, with the anticipated capital raising to follow...:(

The Uranium market may be recovering from its bottom, but Uran needs a "bolter" out of the blue to get kick started again...

I've always been quite negative about the Czech Republic (& rightly so to date), but there's always the chance we could get a "left field" ann from there...

I don't follow the Czech situation anymore however, bit like the Ukraine both seem to be in hibernation mode...

11-02-2009, 12:34 AM
no buyers/ no sellers... this is one, where u will have to either wait for the story to unfold or sell for 3c...

and i aint sellin for 3c...

11-02-2009, 07:03 PM
Regardless of what happens to the shareprice, one cannot subtract just how each member of the board badly needs a Pick Axe lodged though the back of their heads.

Anyways, gotta cover all the perspective events here and not just the ones the may, or maynot come.

16-02-2009, 01:30 PM
JV confirmed!

16-02-2009, 01:35 PM
JV confirmed!Thats good news Scorp. Pitty its too little too late for option holders

16-02-2009, 01:40 PM
i agree. although still 3 months to pull out a rabbit. anything could happen between now and then.

16-02-2009, 02:14 PM
i agree. although still 3 months to pull out a rabbit. anything could happen between now and then.

one thing about rabbits - they certainly multiply- so maybe its a lucky analogy.
Am holding my options still, but have logically given up on them, but will always take a rabbit or three if they're on offer. Come on Uran last 3 months now ;) - A

16-02-2009, 05:41 PM
one thing about rabbits - they certainly multiply- so maybe its a lucky analogy.
Am holding my options still, but have logically given up on them, but will always take a rabbit or three if they're on offer. Come on Uran last 3 months now ;) - A

Here's the full ann...


The heads go up 11%, & the options drop 50%...:confused:

If the options become a 100 bagger from here, i'll get my money back :rolleyes:

16-02-2009, 06:57 PM
All I see is incompetence and grasping for straws with what appears to be last minute efforts to raise the shareprice in what appears to be a SNAFU market.

Kel Edwards retired from the position of Secretary replaced by 2 part timers which will probably cost more than one, and give less focus than one. Guess we just need to put on our blind folds and pretend that it wont cost more or that the finacial control is under control hey?

Can I get a job with mob so I can then try to swindle both mine and others frigging money back due to options potentially and probably expiring? Probably not due to the fact that I am too honest and I am not full of sh#t compared to these LIARs.

Your a disgrace Kate Hobbs and you better just watch your back once these options expire.

Where is my Pick Axe or better still, my sawn off so I can at least apply for the position or get some satisfaction.

16-02-2009, 07:09 PM
All I see is incompetence and grasping for straws with what appears to be last minute efforts to raise the shareprice in what appears to be a SNAFU market.

Kel Edwards retired from the position of Secretary replaced by 2 part timers which will probably cost more than one, and give less focus than one. Guess we just need to put on our blind folds and pretend that it wont cost more or that the finacial control is under control hey?

Can I get a job with mob so I can then try to swindle both mine and others frigging money back due to options potentially and probably expiring? Probably not due to the fact that I am too honest and I am not full of sh#t compared to these LIARs.

Your a disgrace Kate Hobbs and you better just watch your back once these options expire.

Where is my Pick Axe or better still, my sawn off so I can at least apply for the position or get some satisfaction.

I'm very interested to know how Kate thinks she can get the options in the money before 24 May 2009?

I'd bleat on about my losses, however i know others on here have suffered more...:(

An expensive lesson for me (again!) :o

16-02-2009, 07:55 PM
I'm very interested to know how Kate thinks she can get the options in the money before 24 May 2009?

:oId be surprised if KH is concerned about that at all Shasta

16-02-2009, 08:10 PM
Id be surprised if KH is concerned about that at all Shasta

That's kinda my point, i have money "at risk", she doesn't!

She's still getting well paid, seemingly to "hold the fort" & do bugger all!

I mean we are looking at, maybe some Aerial 3D scans in 2010...:confused:

FFS in 2011/12, production in 2015 (when the next Uranium boom has been & gone!).

I just dunno anymore...

16-02-2009, 08:45 PM
i guess the only thing that could be of assistance is that KH is Uran's largest shareholder. i am sure she would rather see the price at $5 than 2c... perhaps this is what she is working towards.

i agree about timelines Shasta, but many of the other U hopefuls on the ASX would have similar timelines and in regions where they cant mine the stuff anyways...

ok before everyone takes my head off, I DO REALISE that this isnt why we invested in Uran... but that is gone for now, we have to look ahead and not backward. the market has started us off from scratch, and the company is basically starting their projects from scratch, with the other projects still possibilities for "left field"

heads up guys, we are still in there.

if i wasnt invested in this company, i would be interested now based on grants ridge and low market cap

16-02-2009, 08:54 PM
i guess the only thing that could be of assistance is that KH is Uran's largest shareholder. i am sure she would rather see the price at $5 than 2c... perhaps this is what she is working towards.

i agree about timelines Shasta, but many of the other U hopefuls on the ASX would have similar timelines and in regions where they cant mine the stuff anyways...

ok before everyone takes my head off, I DO REALISE that this isnt why we invested in Uran... but that is gone for now, we have to look ahead and not backward. the market has started us off from scratch, and the company is basically starting their projects from scratch, with the other projects still possibilities for "left field"

heads up guys, we are still in there.

if i wasnt invested in this company, i would be interested now based on grants ridge and low market cap

We were meant to be mining & in production by now!

In fact Michael "The Snake" Kiernan said we would be in two countries (meaning Ukraine & Czech Republic)

God knows how he sleeps at night :mad:

16-02-2009, 09:05 PM
I'm aware its a bit late to really make much difference and that you are all very aware of this already but sometimes you have to abandon ship!

I sank with Macmin last year and had my head in the sand thinking it couldn't get any worse and must improve... then it got put into liquidation.... i'm not going to make that mistake again.

16-02-2009, 09:10 PM
I'm aware its a bit late to really make much difference and that you are all very aware of this already but sometimes you have to abandon ship!

I sank with Macmin last year and had my head in the sand thinking it couldn't get any worse and must improve... then it got put into liquidation.... i'm not going to make that mistake again.

I wrote off my "investment" in URAO along time ago, fearing only a miracle would see the options converted.

I'm not paying $18k to convert them, i'll let them lapse & lose the lot...

$0.10c to $0.001 is quite a fall!

99% wealth destruction & the company doesn't give a ****!

16-02-2009, 10:29 PM
shasta i totally agree with you! thats why i invested in the first place! unrealistic goals in a country with extreme sovereign risk and now we are all suffering fot it.

Kiernan sleeps well i'll bet in his waterfront mansion on top of a pile of money. OUR F*#KING MONEY!!!!

the point still remains that i am invested heavily in the heads, and i want progress. i will take this kind of progress compared to no progress.

if the drill results are good etc i may be able to retrieve some $$$ still, and i would prefer that to the other option.

cheers guys.

16-02-2009, 10:46 PM
but that is gone for now, we have to look ahead and not backward.

Scorp, what exactly is there to look forward to?

Why I ask is that some of us here were, are, have been top 20 holders of options.

As you know once these are expired, so does whatever value you had on them.

In my case its $65,000 worth of nothing but anger only to witness an INCOMPETANT bi#tch runnin the show with last minute Carrots hoping somebody is stupid enough to take interest the Co when clearly the only record THEY SHOULD HAVE is a JAIL RECORD.

I dont feel as clever as some who "got out" or "have other" resources and funds to claim it back on tax.

More importantly I can certainly sympathise and consider those whom have "more invested" more than myself, and although they do not behave as I do perhaps they have other avenue's or ways to write this so called capitol loss off. And that is something which I do not have.

That pig of man called MK will also get his own and I am hoping there is somebody that is both more healthy and angry than me to blow that MFer up.

I swear some of these CEO's and Board Members whom open their mouth need their frigging heads lopped off.

Anyways Scorp, Im not having a go at you mate, you are positive and for your investment and headspace that is cool, but for some of us, the reality here is we are not looking forward to these options expiring and what Bull Sh#t we get fed in the meantime just doesnt cut it in these type of markets and nor would they if the markets were good also IMO.

16-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Scorp, what exactly is there to look forward to?

Why I ask is that some of us here were, are, have been top 20 holders of options.

As you know once these are expired, so does whatever value you had on them.

In my case its $65,000 worth of nothing but anger only to witness an INCOMPETANT bi#tch runnin the show with last minute Carrots hoping somebody is stupid enough to take interest the Co when clearly the only record THEY SHOULD HAVE is a JAIL RECORD.

I dont feel as clever as some who "got out" or "have other" resources and funds to claim it back on tax.

More importantly I can certainly sympathise and consider those whom have "more invested" more than myself, and although they do not behave as I do perhaps they have other avenue's or ways to write this so called capitol loss off. And that is something which I do not have.

That pig of man called MK will also get his own and I am hoping there is somebody that is both more healthy and angry than me to blow that MFer up.

I swear some of these CEO's and Board Members whom open their mouth need their frigging heads lopped off.

Anyways Scorp, Im not having a go at you mate, you are positive and for your investment and headspace that is cool, but for some of us, the reality here is we are not looking forward to these options expiring and what Bull Sh#t we get fed in the meantime just doesnt cut it in these type of markets and nor would they if the markets were good also IMO.

Ouch no wonder you are pissed off. If you lost most of the value in one tax year I would think long and hard about whether you could justify being a trader and therefore claim that loss.

Just my 2c but depends on your fact situation and intentions of course.

17-02-2009, 01:00 AM
Ouch no wonder you are pissed off.

Yeah, but whats even more worse is that there are others that have lost more, much much more.

Its sickening when these rats, wearing suits, open their mouths and previously spoke sh#t about how far negotiations are, which is basically another form of LIE, or when in fact they Knowingly spoke of such WITHOUT actually KNOWING. Pure Sickening.

Either Corruption or Incompetance to its textbook meaning.

DrillFIX Hey! this is where im at
You might become one of the first to meet AA , Where do you live?

Im climbing Mt Ngauruhoe this weekend, Join us\
I know where your at,But lets climb above boundaries.

AA - absolut - "ADVANCE"

Hi AA,

Sorry mate, my condition doesnt allow me to walk around the block were I live let alone climb a mountain, so sorry about that, as I must have to pass.

17-02-2009, 01:05 AM
[QUOTE=drillfix;243888]Scorp, what exactly is there to look forward to?


either that or sell... take your .01 of a cent and be done with it.

for the record, i have lost more than you on Uran to date...and it is pretty much all i have too. but there is always hope and the possibility of progress.

you can either beleive that there is hope, or sell, learn a horrible lesson and forget Uran exists.

17-02-2009, 03:36 AM
Scorp, I can only say I honestly feel for your current losses. I am not against you here and I do admire your determination with "belief" and for those holding the FPO then there certainly should be belief.

I dont need to tell you what you should do with your circumstances and I know many here would like me to just sell and "go away", but its not that simple.

You see, its kinda like the FPO holders get to also walk the plank like the option holders with the only difference being, the FPO holders get to hold on to the end of the plank while the option holders get dumped into the shark pool to vanish either a quick or slow death of thier holdings.

You may have a more cool approach to what current losses you are undergoing but the option holders of this company certainly can only feel Duped, and as it stands, I am sure you know what I mean in saying so.

17-02-2009, 08:42 AM
Ish you have a join date of 2003 and only 16 posts since then,

WTF so you have been watching this comedy show since 2003?


Thats right, although you could say I had a sabbatical of sorts.

Pleased to make your acquaintance.

17-02-2009, 12:20 PM
i understand drill... beleive me i do.

17-02-2009, 02:38 PM
2009 Investor roadshow out

Why invest in Uran ?

New Grants Ridge project provides exposure to previously mined uranium projects in stable ‘mining‐friendly’area.

Shallow high‐grade mineralisation likely to yield good results from drilling planned for autumn 2009.

Surrounded by historic mining and current NI 43‐101 resources, at least 2 projects in permitting to commence mining.

Cheap entry to premium uranium mining belt.

Also provides exposure to two prospective tungsten deposits in USA.

Company has only 51 million shares on issue.

Highly experienced team with expertise in uranium exploration, mining, finance, and environmental management. ????????????????????????????????

17-02-2009, 02:54 PM
i agree. although still 3 months to pull out a rabbit. anything could happen between now and then.

guess what scorp :) you were right on the money - rabbit is out of the hat - there's a Bunny Pit - see page 11 of the investor Presentation! :) A

17-02-2009, 04:56 PM
guess what scorp :) you were right on the money - rabbit is out of the hat - there's a Bunny Pit - see page 11 of the investor Presentation! :) A

today's announcement basically implies that there will be a capital raising.

the question is ...

at what price?...and

how many shares will they issue?

given the current conditions and Uran's poor track record to date, I wouldnt be surprised if they did a capital raising at 1.5c and issued something like 500M shares.

ps. I no longer hold....I sold out several months ago.

17-02-2009, 06:38 PM
today's announcement basically implies that there will be a capital raising.

the question is ...

at what price?...and

how many shares will they issue?

given the current conditions and Uran's poor track record to date, I wouldnt be surprised if they did a capital raising at 1.5c and issued something like 500M shares.

ps. I no longer hold....I sold out several months ago.

Here's the full ann


SP3 - Hope you got out of ESI with your shirt as well...:confused:

Nice to see you posting on the U.R.A.N* thread

URAN is an acronym for "U Really Are Nutters" :D

We need a support group :(

17-02-2009, 08:49 PM
this is the only time i can remember anything positive coming out of Uran's headquarters that wasnt just a pipe dream, and no one except me and Archer has anything positive to say? not even about some buy depth beggining to re-appear?

come on guys, its not all bad... hell if some people get interested the options "MIGHT" and i stress might, come good?

read the investor presentation, its actually pretty good for a micro cap, "IF" you havent been burnt already...

cap raising shmap raising... as long as they are still afloat, we will live to fight another die!

17-02-2009, 08:54 PM
guess what scorp :) you were right on the money - rabbit is out of the hat - there's a Bunny Pit - see page 11 of the investor Presentation! :) A

haha yeh, it seems they have pulled a bunny out. great news! any news is great news! make me some money!!!!!!!!

17-02-2009, 09:07 PM
haha yeh, it seems they have pulled a bunny out. great news! any news is great news! make me some money!!!!!!!!

Tell me where i'm to get excited with a current option price of $0.001?

Mate i got mine at ~$0.10...(thankfully only 100k of them :rolleyes:)

I figured after burning a ~$10k loss on the heads, i thought at least the options would see some action before expiry on 24 May 2009.

I'm now down yet another $10k on the options...:o

Whilst i should be locked in a padded cell & never released for this "insane" belief/backing of Uran's concept, i never foresore a total change on focus away from Ukraine.

We now have at best, a greenfield's uranium exploration spec company, with a 2nd rate tungsten project thrown in for good measure.

My faith & positivity about Uran went down along with my net worth.

Ask Drillfix, it's hard not to get overly emotive when you are suffering real losses :mad:

I'll live to fight another day, i'm just sympathetic towards those who are sitting on larger losses & with no real "silver lining" in sight.

I feel sick to my stomach to think people may have bought into URA based on what i posted...:(

17-02-2009, 10:09 PM

You did Shasta.

However I do not have anything near in it as other people though. Although I am still tossing up to average down.....or not.

On the bright side of things this is an opportunity for Uran to show the Ukrainians and the other countries we wish to participate in that as a company that we do have good people who know how to manage a project. Nothing will sell ourselves better then proven results.

Countries like Ukraine do eventually come good, might take a few years, decades but if Uran can hang around, who knows.

Personally I think the lesson here is although options offer great leverage they do carry a lot more risk and unfortunately for a lot of holders here the risk at the end of the day rang true.



Disc: Hold Uran (Heads)

17-02-2009, 10:35 PM
Well folks, not too sure exactly what to call this. Roadshow, Carrot, Hope or just another day of time bought with a PDF relaesed to the ASX.

As Sp3 has kindly pointed out, the question here is how many shares will they need to put on offer and at "how much".

To answer that question accurately that answer would depend on what plan the company has.

Plan A:
If KATE HOBBs chooses to do the presentation, I dont think there will be anybody who will believe, trust or have faith in what she is trying to say or do, so therefore if there is a raising, it will be a HEAP of shares on offer at a low price, which will dilute the company like a glass of cordial.

Plan B:
If management hire a reputible talker, PR manager, or somebody with MORE credibility then they have a effective way of influencing the source they are trying to convince and thus increasing the SP and hopefully less dilution.

I of course would vote for B. due to the fact that with Kate Hobbs previous hip replacement she will be walking round like an injured dog trying to convince people to part with their dear hard earned.

Also, this thing with the Tungsten is also IMO potentially dragging resources, time and money which we dont have. It also breaks the focus of the company being an actually U explorer/potential near term producer (carrot joke). A mine that cant be mined or drilled 6 months of the year is not where we should have our money.

This also creates more questions about the other company being setup for a potential spinoff when we are not even over the current status, dealings, and DEBACLE of Discovery which many know previously still remains not fully answered (transparency).

I guess what I mean is why do battle on more fronts than you have to or that you are capable of?

IMO, Kate Hobbs needs to put her boots and be more hands on in the field or on a side position on the board and then to replace her with somebody that has more credibility, with connections, stamina and drive.

To think I actually made it through a post with saying s#$t :rolleyes:

17-02-2009, 10:48 PM
I hope nobody here rewards their bad management by supporting any cap raising in hope things will 'come good'.

There are much better shares to get into at the moment which makes it a bad idea from a opportunity cost point of view as well..


17-02-2009, 10:55 PM
Countries like Ukraine do eventually come good, might take a few years, decades but if Uran can hang around, who knows.

Hi Coruba,

Some of us here unfortunately dont have decades to see if Kate Hobbs was telling the truth or not from her previous Bold Statements regarding the Ukraine.

True about the risk of options that is a fair call, but then look at the reasons and history these so called of Bold Statements from the CEO and previous Chairman of this company. It kinda makes it hard to to deal when you get LIED to and left feeling cheated due to Careless Bold Statements that catch people Hook, Line and Sinker, makes it a little More than Unfair dont ya think?

And thats the problem with these CRIMS in suits, they get to say cr%p and then walk away like nothing happened.

Hence agree with Shasta re: it's hard not to get overly emotional

Meaning when you come very close to Losing your money based on these Crims wearing suits.

And now they want to raise more money????? LOL, what a Joke.

If they delivered ONE project that they said they were going to do previously we wouldnt all be in this mess.

Anyways, I am just Venting again and not specifically debating with you so please dont take offence.

Whether to average down or not would depend totally on your circumstances and what exposure to other stocks/sectors you already have.

17-02-2009, 11:37 PM
guys... i feel for the option holders, and trust me i am close to losing everything if they dont come through with something.. and its alot of $$$ but let me explain from this perspective...

Uran had a good idea. Kate explained their plans, perhaps prematurely when they were only in the "idea" stage...(forget MK he is literally a crook but he's gone move on)

They encountered delays, and poor business people who told them one thing but did the opposite (czechs, ukrainians etc)

Once this happened they stopped telling the market what was happening because of the risk of being proven wrong again with poor dealings.

then shareholders start saying they are too secretive, and they dangled carrots etc, which they did dont get me wrong...but them going quiet was a result of previous mistakes.

They persisted with the plan, but to no avail. they werent out to screw us, coz as i have said, kate is the largest shareholder, and she screwed her own value in many ways too.

incompetence? yes. but perhaps not purposely.

things became worse till they realised, they either throw in the towel, or go in another direction. does that make any of us happy? well definately not option holders.. but let me put it to you this way.

The ukraine and czech would not be happening any quicker whether they chased the projects in the states or not.

Perhaps the blame is on us for investing in such a blue sky company. no one had a gun to our heads guys! we are all responsible for our own actions.

and i am saying this to you all now as a friend and fellow shareholder who wants the best for all of us.

We either support these projects and hope it can come good, whilst also hoping that the others come through too (ukraine etc) OR!!!! we all lose!!! its as simple as that.

all the whinging in the world will not give us ur money back. and us constantly downramping our own company will not help either!

So you guys choose. and once again! I AGREE WE ALL GOT SCREWED, BUT IN A WAY WE SCREWED OURSELVES!!!


17-02-2009, 11:39 PM
I hope nobody here rewards their bad management by supporting any cap raising in hope things will 'come good'.

There are much better shares to get into at the moment which makes it a bad idea from a opportunity cost point of view as well..


Ish- this is not a shot at you, but thats just an opinion.
Things may come good... and this "could" be a great stock to get into. time will tell

18-02-2009, 02:35 AM
Perhaps the blame is on us for investing in such a blue sky company.

Sorry Scorp, I dont subscribe to your view there.

Some blame yes, all of it, No Way~!

You see, I have stated and claimed all along that because Kate Hobbs is Naive, the that mens we all are Naive.

Were is the accountability here? Previous statements which have been swept under the carpet and only a "oooppssss I maybe should not have said that" which gets spoke in private but never to the shareholders.

This means hope or the experiencing delays, excuses get given to shareholders, and again, all because SHE is NAIVE, which means we are Naive.

Now had she came out and and spoke the truth and spoke words of WE DONT KNOW then investors would have the choice back then to get out and same themselves a sh#t heap of money or better still, get to ethically choose what the correct decision is.

You have your view and I respect that, but then I have mine, I feel DUPED like many others that have come and gone.

My view as you know is that she is a frigging witch, put on this earth to cheat people, regardless of whether she realises it or not.

18-02-2009, 07:39 PM
Scorp57 share price is where it was in October last year 4.5 cents and uran has got alot more going for it now than what they had last year

18-02-2009, 11:56 PM
Scorp57 share price is where it was in October last year 4.5 cents and uran has got alot more going for it now than what they had last year

Market is lower... SP movements in the last 3 months are highly irrational and volatile.

I agree it has alot more going for it now, and it is starting to look like possible value.

13-03-2009, 06:28 AM
Well, who wants to buy 1,484,700 options @ $0.001 ?

Anybody with money to throw away?, perhaps feel good about investing in a LIE, a misleading previous statement or an incompetant persons past confidence?

Time is running out for option holders and there is nowhere, and now we cant even give the darn things away.

Many here would just like this thread of illusion to just go away, but yet there are many here or many that were here that carry a scar whom which are burned badly by this one, including myself.

What a B#tch of a Lie, from a dirty B#tch of a CEO and Board that should be JAILED or Hung regardless of what the current climate is.

13-03-2009, 06:53 AM
Well, who wants to buy 1,484,700 options @ $0.001 ?

Anybody with money to throw away?, perhaps feel good about investing in a LIE, a misleading previous statement or an incompetant persons past confidence?

Time is running out for option holders and there is nowhere, and now we cant even give the darn things away.

Many here would just like this thread of illusion to just go away, but yet there are many here or many that were here that carry a scar whom which are burned badly by this one, including myself.

What a B#tch of a Lie, from a dirty B#tch of a CEO and Board that should be JAILED or Hung regardless of what the current climate is.

Jeez Drill...I don't usually read this thread but I hope you didn't pay to much for all those options! My condolences on your loss.

13-03-2009, 10:46 PM
Well, who wants to buy 1,484,700 options @ $0.001 ?

Anybody with money to throw away?, perhaps feel good about investing in a LIE, a misleading previous statement or an incompetant persons past confidence?

Time is running out for option holders and there is nowhere, and now we cant even give the darn things away.

Many here would just like this thread of illusion to just go away, but yet there are many here or many that were here that carry a scar whom which are burned badly by this one, including myself.

What a B#tch of a Lie, from a dirty B#tch of a CEO and Board that should be JAILED or Hung regardless of what the current climate is.

Not me, i'm down the potty again with URA/URAO :(

16-03-2009, 03:46 AM
Not me, i'm down the potty again with URA/URAO :(

Hi Shasta, hey did you (or anybody else) ever get a reply from previous emails to questions that you had witten up?

As usual, silence, nothingness and no information to build on what carrots have been put in place to look as to be busy while the economic global financial crisis is upon us.

Wonder if showman, juqu, furii are still around? Not that there is anything to say or input to gain from reading these threads no more.

Coporate, thanks for you condolences. Im sorry to you and others if what you have read here at times seems somewhat untasteful, but its been nothing but pure hell with this mob, and I am very much in favour of corporate hanging, whereby CEO's and board members of certain companies get strung up at an AGM/EGM for misleading and failing to inform what could be said, unlikeliness of success towards certain projets/negotiations and carrots that previously have been promoted.

16-03-2009, 11:53 AM
Hi Shasta, hey did you (or anybody else) ever get a reply from previous emails to questions that you had witten up?

As usual, silence, nothingness and no information to build on what carrots have been put in place to look as to be busy while the economic global financial crisis is upon us.

Wonder if showman, juqu, furii are still around? Not that there is anything to say or input to gain from reading these threads no more.

Coporate, thanks for you condolences. Im sorry to you and others if what you have read here at times seems somewhat untasteful, but its been nothing but pure hell with this mob, and I am very much in favour of corporate hanging, whereby CEO's and board members of certain companies get strung up at an AGM/EGM for misleading and failing to inform what could be said, unlikeliness of success towards certain projets/negotiations and carrots that previously have been promoted.

After some brief correspondence with another member/URA sufferer, i decided against it.

Note, URA in the half year accounts has written down it's investment in it's Discovery Minerals 9% shareholding to just $A19.

So we the Uran shareholders have pumped valuable shareholder funds into a great big black hole, with no mechanism to recover these costs, & still with no absolute rights to the various Uranium leads in Eastern Europe should they ever come off :confused:

$A19 x 11 = $A209 (total value attributable to Discovery Minerals).

Perhaps it's high time to pay a nominal $500 & secure FULL rights to the Ukraine deposits, & all the other Discovery leads.

Would give me a slither of hope that this mob listens to its shareholders

17-03-2009, 03:24 AM
Hi drillfix,

Still surviving but nothing to 'say or input'....will only raise the blood pressure but do appreciate those who do have the energy / focus to keep an eye on this.

I've sold the majority of my heads. The few cents plus the crooked sixpence I got for them have turned into a few dollars in my reinvestment over the past couple of months.

I still have a handful of URA heads, mainly as a kind of 'kick my backside' reminder of my stupidity. Unless these things hit $5 min (and in pretty quick time) there'll be no pulse from me over URA.

BTW, Kate is a speaker at the 2009 U paydirt conference today (March 17) in Adelaide. Ironic that she's getting 15 minutes of speaking time re. Grants Ridge, New Mexico. Unbelievable but have to give her credit for not stopping banging her head against a brick wall.

17-03-2009, 09:38 AM
hopefully she will do whatever it takes to drum up support... and i mean... WHATEVER...

17-03-2009, 09:59 AM
hopefully she will do whatever it takes to drum up support... and i mean... WHATEVER...Sing maybe.

An old Manhatten Transfer Number perhaps?

17-03-2009, 02:20 PM
strat- i was thinking something to do with her mouth HA HA HA AHA AHAHAHAHA!

19-03-2009, 05:35 AM
Good to see some humour here, but regardless she has already done that one scorp, excpet far worst and what should be a jailable offence of a thing than that of what you are maybe referring to.

Good to see ya pop in Furii, and yup, the Alien had 15 minutes of speaking time to talk about new carrot's in a presentation to actual people who probably are shaking their heads thinking, what about the poor b@stards that are going to do their money for investing in the first load of sh#t.

Anyway, I hope you are keeping well mate and that there is some light somewhere in some tunnel for you.

All I gotta say is that she creature better not show her ugly face in over here in QLD or she will have more than a hip replacement to deal with.

The end of may is coming fast, or so it seems. IMO, the CEO and Chairman should be Jailed, or assasinated, simple as that.

Over and out~!

small fish
29-03-2009, 10:43 PM
Have any holders completed any off-market transfer forms for ASX listed stocks? Im looking to realize the losses before the end of financial year, and just want to confirm whether the date of purchase on the form becomes the actual date I can use for the accounts or if it will be a date the forms are processed in Australia?


30-03-2009, 06:45 PM
Have any holders completed any off-market transfer forms for ASX listed stocks? Im looking to realize the losses before the end of financial year, and just want to confirm whether the date of purchase on the form becomes the actual date I can use for the accounts or if it will be a date the forms are processed in Australia?



Are you a tax resident in NZ or Australia?

NZ cutoff for tax selling is tomorrow, in Australia it's 30 June.

Not sure why you are wanting to do an off market transfer, simplist way to achieve what you want is to sell them on market...

Otherwise it is when your broker processes the transaction & the shareholding details are registered.

That crystalizes your loss for tax purposes, especially for an individual where a "cash" transaction must take place.

Dodgey off market forms to related parties, can result in gift duties/deemed dividend issues if you're not careful.

BTW, I'll be letting my URAO options expire in May, i'm not paying $18k to convert $100 worth of options!

07-04-2009, 11:33 AM
I am sure Kate is watching how things progess with Twiggy. I wonder how well she is sleeping?

07-04-2009, 11:45 AM
I am sure Kate is watching how things progess with Twiggy. I wonder how well she is sleeping?Hi Dave,

07-04-2009, 01:46 PM
Hi Strat,

Andrew Forrest.

Have a read up on the latest media reports about the poo he's in and then think about the statements made by Uran. ie "Strategic alliance with Integra"

07-04-2009, 01:55 PM
Thanks Dave

07-04-2009, 03:11 PM
Exactly Dave,

And then add a few other things she has also said.

I wonder if she was wearing a balaclava when she said them? :rolleyes:

Anyways, good to see your still here mate.

Hi Strat,

Andrew Forrest.

Have a read up on the latest media reports about the poo he's in and then think about the statements made by Uran. ie "Strategic alliance with Integra"

07-04-2009, 08:46 PM

I get knocked down but I get up again, I get knocked down but get up again , your never going keep me down!


I get knocked down but I get up again, I get knocked down but get up again , your never going keep me down!

I get knocked down but I get up again, your never keep me down....I get knocked down but get up again , your never going keep me down!!!

I get knocked down but I get up again, I get knocked down but get up again , your never going keep me down!



There's no phoenix arising from the ashes of this train wreck i'm afraid...

Just a string of broken promises, & dreams...:(

07-04-2009, 09:32 PM
I think you missed the point shasta,

If you have a bad run no matter what company it was, learn from it and soldier on, after taking the hit, "get up again" and move on stronger.

Money comes and money goes but experience sticks.

I was looking at the first company I ever purchased today, i was advised by my broker that it was the bees knees, and to buy it ASAP.

It declined in share price value from the very point I entered, around $2.50 and he talked me into entering again at $2.30 (based on very good Fundamentals?) with more money, it declined ever since (Even throughout the Bull Market!) and today trades at around 8c lol, I took many many hits after that by following other peoples advice, its a much harder road than many might think but learning the share market is possible, you just have to keep getting up after getting knocked down, soon you learn to avoid the situations which get you knocked down. I have been dead and buried before, but I arose from the ashes, if I can so can others.


I've had losses before & will again i'm sure (hopefully not!), but if ADY highlighted my greed & complacency, surely my loyalty & blindness has been an expensive lesson with URA & URAO...:o

I'll recoup those losses & have rehashed my strategy as a result, to ensure i don't fall into the same trap down the line.

I know the point you were trying to make, but many people on here lost far more than i did, & perhaps don't have the time/funds to "bounce" back.

I feel for them, especially in light of how bullish i had been, although it was largely based on my research & contact with Uran, in many cases i was passing on what i was told, & now it has shown to be false...

Some of the misleading comments made by past & present management of Uran warrant further investigation IMHO.

My first ever share purchase was Tasman Properties, before they merged with Seabil (Now known as Transtasman Properties), thats a blast from the past!

08-04-2009, 09:03 AM
The advice you guys (and others) give on this website is invaluable to the likes of myself and numerous others I am sure. It never ceases to amaze me how freely a lot of people give their advice and share their own research.

What is absolutely clear though - to anyone joining up and involving themselves in ST - is that you must DYOR and while advice is given with the best intent it will not always be right (for a myriad of reasons) - any moves you make are yours alone.

Just wanted to say thanks and while I can understand you are a bit bummed Shasta the help you provide a lot of people is very much appreciated.

08-04-2009, 10:30 AM
[QUOTE=shasta;250344]I've had losses before & will again i'm sure (hopefully not!), but if ADY highlighted my greed & complacency, surely my loyalty & blindness has been an expensive lesson with URA & URAO...:o

I'll recoup those losses & have rehashed my strategy as a result, to ensure i don't fall into the same trap down the line.

I know the point you were trying to make, but many people on here lost far more than i did, & perhaps don't have the time/funds to "bounce" back.

I feel for them, especially in light of how bullish i had been, although it was largely based on my research & contact with Uran, in many cases i was passing on what i was told, & now it has shown to be false...

Some of the misleading comments made by past & present management of Uran warrant further investigation IMHO.

Hi Shatsa - and others - you're right - the statements made by the CEO of this company have been misleading -both those made publicly and those made to individual shareholders in reply to questions. I don't think ASIC would be interested though, Australia only cuts down its tall poppies.
Where we all went wrong, i believe now, is in not taking our exit notices from the 'Director selling then quitting' . we all broke a cardinal rule in investment against fundamental company analysis by not getting out then. Surely, after this the SP would gone down - we could all have got out and sat on the sidelines and kept a watch for an announcement of real substance But that's so long ago now and it was still a very bull market. Silly us. Now I'm stacked with 200K worthless options and about 66 k shares worth ****e.
The percentage loss in truly staggering and i ask myself all the time why the hell could I not have acted more rationally. However, onwards and upwards and clawing back elsewhere. Cheers,and best wishes. A

Crypto Crude
08-04-2009, 05:31 PM
AA you are very humble in your defeats...
you are right, shasta is totally researched, and sometimes it does not pull through off information at that time...
I fell into the trap with AKK...Austin Exploration....
it had all the ann's and fundamental reasons to catapult it 5 to 10 bagger.... Then mangement seemed tp turn faulty (ie without updates),
I felt that something was not quite right... I let it slide back from 40c to almost 20c trading it down and got out for good then...
most others held from 40c to 2c....

I was lucky to see it early with all the posting on HC...
now 4cents and a dead duck...
not because of its projects, but because of its management...
management is so so so important....

if you learn one thing, you learn that and that alone...

you are all right...
everyone gets delt a bad investment at some stage...
its how you react to that bad investment that sets your future...

as for me, im holding on for riches...
yeah hharrrggghhhh....

17-04-2009, 08:19 PM
A little off topic, but no doubt fairly applicable to a lot of people here.

I (unfortunatley) own some options in this awesome company. As most are aware they are about to expire.

My question is: If the options expire and i don't exercise then my loss is 'x' amount. Can i claim that 'x' amount as a loss with the upcoming tax return and offset that loss with any profits i make from trading? Someone mentioned to me recently that i may not be able to use that loss to offset any profits as i never really 'owned' anything.


17-04-2009, 08:30 PM
A little off topic, but no doubt fairly applicable to a lot of people here.

I (unfortunatley) own some options in this awesome company. As most are aware they are about to expire.

My question is: If the options expire and i don't exercise then my loss is 'x' amount. Can i claim that 'x' amount as a loss with the upcoming tax return and offset that loss with any profits i make from trading? Someone mentioned to me recently that i may not be able to use that loss to offset any profits as i never really 'owned' anything.


You can claim the loss, if you are "trading", but not as an investor.

21-04-2009, 03:18 PM
URA have taken a paint scraper to Armijo. Had a bit of a read and it looks like the ladder and the shovel were left at the office. Probably no roof rack on Kates Merc.

21-04-2009, 05:13 PM
URA have taken a paint scraper to Armijo. Had a bit of a read and it looks like the ladder and the shovel were left at the office. Probably no roof rack on Kates Merc.


No folks this isnt the ann Kiernan promised that would send URA to $5 on 1 one project alone...

It's some fluff from a greenfields explorer :mad:

21-04-2009, 11:54 PM
How does this company get away with it.

Your right Strat, paint scraper indeed.

To think, they probably will try to justify another Half Million for doing it too. Only to say they will go back again and do some more.

This is a fine example of yet another corrupt dodgy australian company that ONLY makes a living from Scamming shareholders in anyway they can.

Back to bullets in the back of the head, well I change my mind, I hope that bitch of a nasty piece of work Kate Hobbs takes one right between the eyes, so perhaps the company can then start a LEAD mine and take out the lease on her brain.

Needless to say options expire in now Less than One Month, and still no accountability for previous bull****.

If I ever set eyes on that stinking bitch, Im choosing, Im going to jail~!

24-04-2009, 12:29 AM

"this is where oppurtunity cost kills. read my earlier posts about being tied up in URA otherwise i would have bought...

look at the date, and look at where EXT was at that time.


29-04-2009, 01:31 PM
up nearly 100% today....someone liked that ann..
Another 500% and i might recoup my losses.

29-04-2009, 02:01 PM
up nearly 100% today....someone liked that ann..
Another 500% and i might recoup my losses.

HaaaaHaaaa, KH seemed to have borrowed a bigger step ladder along with another set of roof racks.

Just wait for the sell off then back down it goes.

Yeah scrappy, nearly there mate, 500% more will help some of us just maybe.

Of course the stupid b#tch forgot to Add/state at the end of the Announcement:

Results from further sampling will be at the end of May (including)
When the options expire by all the poor Options Holders of this MUTT company lose all their money for the BS influenced by KH

But KH will never omit to that fact and still should be Jailed.

29-04-2009, 05:58 PM
Starting to look like someone has more money than brains.

At least there is money out there, but not enough to take out the options of course, but then who wants to throw away doe, anyone?

Another 500% then I can buy that new KH rocket launcher that I always wanted for Xmas :rolleyes:

29-04-2009, 06:02 PM
OMG, I dont belive it, just noticed somebody does have money to throw.

UROA...LOL what a trip, and good luck to the insider, if there is such luck.

ASIC, where are you?

29-04-2009, 08:50 PM
OMG, I dont belive it, just noticed somebody does have money to throw.

UROA...LOL what a trip, and good luck to the insider, if there is such luck.

ASIC, where are you?

Here is the outstanding ann that rocketed URA up 90% today...:rolleyes:


Drilly - it's high grade, so they might be in production by 2050....:mad:

I'd be 74 then, time ain't on my side...

Exercise the options? (Yeah right) :mad:


URA Management should be lined up & shot, one by one if they think i'm going to pay $18k for 100k worthless options currently worth $100.

No ASX "please explain" either, what do the ASIC actually do?

29-04-2009, 09:07 PM
Well yall Im feeling very lucky lol.

Got rid if my URA today and only 66% down :o

Thats 33% more than I was expecting yesterday :D

29-04-2009, 09:18 PM
URA Management should be lined up & shot, one by one if they think i'm going to pay $18k for 100k worthless options currently worth $100.

No ASX "please explain" either, what do the ASIC actually do?

Hi Shasta,

They should be shot regardless, (except the Office gal and Geo)

Agree, still no ASIC or ASX eyeballing this dodgy MOB, perhaps someone could phone them.

And to see how LAME these actual announcement are, no effort, no real persuasion to promote the company. Just little or only the very little information requiired.

Back to transparency, accountability and being upfront? Still none.

At least those buying believe something is up, although, easy come will soon turn into easy go.

That was also going to be my next question to this enthused discussion group being:

When are these shonky MFrs going to go into production?

Well, production in our lifetime is probably NIL as Kate Hobbs is a cheat and liar and am so very confused and dissapointed that some people I know actually give and make excuses for her actions, that have cost many dearly

I myself will be paying for this one probably for the rest of my life and it extends further than that, being it has also cost me my health, my love, friendships, potential opportunities etc etc and the list keeps going on.

Anyways, yeah I know, I will get over it. The only time that will happen is when I read that Kate Hobbs has been run over by a truck or shot by terrorists, in which case I will applause.

I hope your keeping well mate as well as other burned holders or burned to be holders.


30-04-2009, 04:00 PM
Well yall Im feeling very lucky lol.

Got rid if my URA today and only 66% down :o

Good on ya Strat, and that must be like a little pressie for ya.

Hope you dont hold any options though, you might get Kate Hobbs with a strap on device trying to rip your pants off as she is doing with other holders.


What will be in it, how much Do$h they got.

I suppose that will depend on how much a step ladder, 4wd, Airfare and Hotels cost. Yet the wicked b#tch from the west will probably make it out to be exuberant to justify a glorious carrot yet again.

Can anybody actually see this shonky MFr's actually raising money? I try but it hard without seeing more pain. They will need it to feed the wild imagination of a stuckup managing director IMO.

At least its nice to see the co hitching a ride on the tail coat of the sector as its about the only thing going for it or for those who wish to play dungeons and dragons in Kates Fantasy world as a Managing Driector.

30-04-2009, 04:54 PM
Bugger me, heres that carrot Drillfix lol


Its got shiny pictures, a brokers endorsement and everything. :eek:

Anyone care to guess how far away the next issue of shares and options is?

30-04-2009, 05:11 PM
Shiney indeed Strat,

Quarterly out now, all 3 + 1/2 pages of it.

$896,000 left in the kitty with but with Kate needing a new strap on that will downgrade to $500,000.

I see they still have the audacity to keep raving about the Czech Republic.

"Uran considers these circumstances favourable for grant of the applications at some time"

I mean really folks, WTF is that meant to mean???
To me, it means KH has NFI WTF is going on, yet she continually tries to sell something she is unsure about.
And its that sort of $hit that has led MANY people to financial ruin, including even more ruin that I have preivously mentioned.

Always a waiting game with these Criminals, only to try to pull the blindfold over new fresh MEAT.

So to those who read, enter at your own risk and beware that this dog company is run by a dog on heat, desperate to suck in anybody they have for whatever they can get from them.

30-04-2009, 06:01 PM
sold all the shares i had bought for 7 cents last year i didn't think i was going to get my money back i even made a small profit 10k back in my account cool my holdings was only worth $2k at the begining of the year

30-04-2009, 06:07 PM
Well done Paul, good stuff mate!

This gives me some joy, to hear or even hope that not everybody is suffering from the LIES of that Witch KH.

30-04-2009, 07:32 PM
And now its the Kate talks Sh#t show on channel boardroom radio:

Sounds like she is sitting in her car that shareholders bought her.

Always saying words IF, should, could, and hopefully, potentially etc etc
but never says WILL, CAN and all the needed words.

What carrot salewoman.

So you know, you can send her a message on BRR at the bottom of her ugly fat face.

Please send you abuse with regards of previous shareholders.

It has made my day as I already have told her what she is.

01-05-2009, 03:27 PM
Seems like everybody is either out of this, or just plain not interested in this stock no more.

No comments on if anyone actually believes the Wicked With of the West on BRR?

May as well change the name of this thread to the Drillfix down and out club where membership costs you your life to join :rolleyes:

01-05-2009, 03:34 PM
I don't think it is a reflection on the stock, I suspect the fact your every post contains deranged hatred that borders on psychotic tends to scare away potential posters.

01-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Hey this would be a funny thread :D - if it wasnt soooo tragic :(

01-05-2009, 04:01 PM
I don't think it is a reflection on the stock, I suspect the fact your every post contains deranged hatred that borders on psychotic tends to scare away potential posters.

I guess you have a point there SD, but being crucified at the expense of you know who is neither a pleasureable experience. People who have abandoned this stock have something to rebound/rebuild and dont care to comment no longer, this too I understand so its not all just me, although once again, I agree my expressions towards that particular MD could be considered very distasteful.

Although, see actually made a rational post to you without being rude ;)

Hey this would be a funny thread :D - if it wasnt soooo tragic :(

I also agree dragon, and I actually do with I had something to laugh about.

It actually is probably even funny, but then thats always when its "other guy" and never us.

01-05-2009, 04:38 PM
drillfix - what I don't get is the level of anger, and comments about the CEO ruining your life and stuff? This is - and always was - a penny dreadful punt. How can taking a small punt on a gambling stock impact on your life?

I've had more than one 100% loss on the sharemarket, but by definition such risks need to be managed with diversification and risk weighting. Kate Hobbs can't do that for you.

01-05-2009, 06:20 PM
drillfix - what I don't get is the level of anger, and comments about the CEO ruining your life and stuff? This is - and always was - a penny dreadful punt. How can taking a small punt on a gambling stock impact on your life?

I've had more than one 100% loss on the sharemarket, but by definition such risks need to be managed with diversification and risk weighting. Kate Hobbs can't do that for you.

I understand everybody has losses SD

The reason why you dont understand is because there are other circumstances also about me that you dont know, although some others do know, and understand. The impact has its toll taken on all levels.

Kate Hobbs cant do that so true, but then, she cannot even be honest in the first place. As much as people may see my posts as being Bad, but it will never be as bad as what as she does and may I add does for a living, which is Mislead people, whether she knows it, understands it or not. But I am not going to argue with you about this as you are addressing me, and my anger in which case, Yes I am angry, I F#cked up, It hurts and it hurts more way than just one (financially).

Anyways, if my posts have bothered you then I am sorry, but I am not sorry for being angry, but at least I have the curteousy to say sorry unlike Kate Hobbs who has no soul, empathy or care for her previous actions.

And that I am sure, many people know and would back my statements as I am not here to joke but wish I was.

01-05-2009, 06:28 PM
Seems like everybody is either out of this, or just plain not interested in this stock no more.

No comments on if anyone actually believes the Wicked With of the West on BRR?

May as well change the name of this thread to the Drillfix down and out club where membership costs you your life to join :rolleyes:

"The first rule of fight club. is that you dont talk about the fight club"

Us Uran sufferers don't like the reminders :(:mad:

01-05-2009, 06:50 PM
drillfix - what I don't get is the level of anger, and comments about the CEO ruining your life and stuff? This is - and always was - a penny dreadful punt. How can taking a small punt on a gambling stock impact on your life?

I've had more than one 100% loss on the sharemarket, but by definition such risks need to be managed with diversification and risk weighting. Kate Hobbs can't do that for you.


It's not quite that cut & dried, for some of us it wasn't a "small punt" :eek:

Uran went as high as around $1.70 during the U308 bull run, & had a market cap around $75m at one point!

Urans' past & present directors/executives have made some outlandish comments like the now infamous "in production by July 2007".

Now we all can get a little emotionally invested & bullish at times, but for a "near term Uranium producer" with signed protocols on 3 uranium deposits* in Eastern Europe (namely Ukraine) & "favoured partner" status in the Czech Republic on Europes only operating Uranium mine (Rozna), we were feed info along the lines of "we are awaiting final sign off" etc...

* The 3 deposits were non JORC but good previous Soviet data (which included drilling) indicated around 10m/lb's recoverable

In short we were sold a lemon, & the final insult was the then MD's son selling down (shortly before we found out that Rozna was on hold/no go).

Uran was formerly a nickel exploration company, & that project was sold for a pittance, when the Uranium projects were "on the cusp" of being finalised.

Now, not that long ago & with minimal funds Uran's exec's set up Juno Minerals a non uranium subsidiary, wasting valuable funds IMO.

Uran never came out & told it shareholders that it was effectively walking away from Eastern Europe (which WAS it's sole focus to begin with) & started buying into greenfield tungsten projects in the USA!

Now with a capital raising in the wind, they have again secured another greenfield project in the USA, but this time Uranium.

Uran's point of difference & what attracted so many into the stock was it's Board/Mgmt's concept of securing advanced deposits & getting into production before 95% of the other Uranium explorers...

We have now come full circle, & Uran is merely a spec explorer.

Had we been sold this story at the start, none of us would have touched it.

I held other U stocks during the hype as well as URA, namely DYL, & UNX (indirectly thru GDM, who are now IXR).

03-05-2009, 08:46 PM

It's not quite that cut & dried, for some of us it wasn't a "small punt" :eek:

Exactly Shasta.

Speaking of which have you listended: http://www.brr.com.au/event/57309

IMO, history repeating and you can hear what appears to me is desperation.

At least you get to message the witch and tell her your thoughts.

08-05-2009, 02:18 PM
each day i am less in a hole and can see more and more daylight. keep going!!!!

08-05-2009, 03:17 PM
each day i am less in a hole and can see more and more daylight. keep going!!!!

Same here Scorp...Im amazed its going up.

08-05-2009, 04:40 PM
im not. good results the other day...

everyone must remember that not all investors know/care about the old story... they will buy in on the new story, and thats all i care about... people buying...

10-05-2009, 03:19 PM
not all investors know/care about the old story... they will buy in on the new story, and thats all i care about...

Thats part of the problem with this world today Scorp, nobody cares about nobody anymore.

I hope that you can do well out of this mutt though Scorp and never look back as you say.

Problem here though is as you know, that it was the Old Story that many previously invested.
Problem here is that alot of $$$$ are tied up in those Lies and Deception of the previously and misleading "old story".

It was the old story and its investors/suckers who believed the Witch of the West who has changed her tune. What assurance if any will she give that she will deliver on this one, as in the recent audio Talk that she gave from her car that shareholders bought her, always using words like , IF, WHEN, COULD and never uses IS, WILL, (like we will be in production in july 07).

Never in my life have will I invest in such Shonky Management the proves nothing but Incompetence.

I am pleased for some here or there that got out with what losses that are classed as minimal, but there are plenty of Old Story folks such as myself, Shasta, Furii and many others whom will potentially have to endure a rugged life due to the Kate Hobbs Cr@p.

Most already know this as its been said over and over again, but perhaps why the shareprice remains LOW compared to many also means that at least some do know what this pathetic management are like.

And needless to say, this stock only seems to ride on the coat tail of the sector hence so does management and holders.

So back to caring.

Who cares what I say or think ehhh? who cares what anybody who got burned thinks, feels, says, does when trying to get back on their feet?

Nice world ehhh~!

11-05-2009, 09:25 AM
we all got burnt real bad.
only way to get out of it is new investors buying in.

continue your posts etc drill, but you are making it harder on yourself to get out of trouble.

i like the new story, and think the stock looks cheap, if they can continue...

15-05-2009, 12:31 AM
10 days of countdown left for the inevitable vaporisation of the cursed UROA

Scorp, there is "No Way Out" when it comes to the options, and this is unfortunate for me which I am heavily invested (sucked in should I say).

No sorry, no accountability, no nothing, just plain slience.

Anyways, I know, who cares.

Saying that, I WILL rebuild slowly and get it right (and hopefully more often).

If the only way out is for new investors to come in then good luck to you and anybody else that wants out from this pack of incompetant w@nkers.

First thing I will buy when I get some sort of recovery is a Long range rocket launcher which will pin point Kate Hobbs and give her a spiratual lesson in loss.

To think there are actual Friends of hers that come and also read these threads. Well, all I can say is dont know what kind of human being can be a friend of that SLAG of a woman.

Good night for now and good luck to all inverstors in this dogstock, which will always run last in the pack.

17-05-2009, 01:37 PM
The countdown continues.

7 Days until annihilation/vaporisation of UROA with compliments of Kate Hobbs.

17-05-2009, 02:22 PM
The countdown continues.

7 Days until annihilation/vaporisation of UROA with compliments of Kate Hobbs.

Monday would be a good time to announce Rozna has been handed to Uran, or that the Ukrainian's have gifted them the Zheltye Vody processing plant, & all Uranium production rights in that country... :D

Short of that happening*, us option holders are screwed...:(

Quote from Dumb & Dumber "One in a million, So you're saying i've got a chance..." :eek:

* There is zero chance of this happening, this post is nothing more than a piss take!

17-05-2009, 02:41 PM
LOL, yes shasta, it will be nothing short of a frigging MIRACLE to turn the options back around into the money.

As it has been said, once this has all been "done and dusted" I think I may go on one of these TV shows like Today Tonight or a current affair and tell my sad, morbit, pathetic story to explain how I GOT FLEECED to the general pubic which may help them.

Perhaps I will try ASIC and a few other authorities first and see what they say about my story or accusations against Kate Hobbs and her competence level, or should that be incompetence level. :rolleyes:

I remember previously on HC a few times with a few saying how much of smart cookie Kate Hobbs is or was. Well, she is, she has managed to empty my pockets for UROA for the tune of over $65,000 plus what loss may still occur with URA Fpo.

Smart is not the word, Smart B#tch would be closer to the phrase.

I was gonna say, lets see if there is a GOD whom can intervien, but then how can he intervien when the daughter of the Devil Himself is running Amuk.

Ahh well, 7 days to see what higher powers exist isnt long.

17-05-2009, 02:52 PM
I hate to be a broken record, but options are extremely risky. Options in an aspiring uranium play? You simply don't get any riskier.

A single options play - if you're young, aggressive and liquid - should be 5% max of a portfolio. Absolutely MAX, and even 5% is more than I'd recommend to most people. Personally, I would never consider having more than 5-8% of my portfolio in options, and that would be spread amongst several options. In reality though, I've never had close to 5-8% in options and usually hold one or two at most.

A holding of more than 1-2% of a portfolio in URA options is highly irresponsible in my opinion.

Are you sure it was Kate Hobbs being greedy?

17-05-2009, 03:02 PM
LOL, yes shasta, it will be nothing short of a frigging MIRACLE to turn the options back around into the money.

As it has been said, once this has all been "done and dusted" I think I may go on one of these TV shows like Today Tonight or a current affair and tell my sad, morbit, pathetic story to explain how I GOT FLEECED to the general pubic which may help them.

Perhaps I will try ASIC and a few other authorities first and see what they say about my story or accusations against Kate Hobbs and her competence level, or should that be incompetence level. :rolleyes:

I remember previously on HC a few times with a few saying how much of smart cookie Kate Hobbs is or was. Well, she is, she has managed to empty my pockets for UROA for the tune of over $65,000 plus what loss may still occur with URA Fpo.

Smart is not the word, Smart B#tch would be closer to the phrase.

I was gonna say, lets see if there is a GOD whom can intervien, but then how can he intervien when the daughter of the Devil Himself is running Amuk.

Ahh well, 7 days to see what higher powers exist isnt long.

It all started off with all the promise & blue sky investors were looking for, especially Uran's point of difference, go after producing, or advanced Uranium projects, during the U308 hype/bull run.

What has entailed is a sad story of deception, lack of accountability, muted communication, conflict of interests, misjudgement, & secrecy
(over the Discovery Minerals deal).

All a far cry from Michael "The Snake" Kiernan's bold & brash $5 a share prediction.

To date the ASX/ASIC has turned a blind eye/deaf ear to the outrageous comments made by past & present management.

Had they come out & reported a NON JORC resource, they would have been giving a ticking off, yet somehow a company can materially mislead it's shareholders over the same sovereign risk they ensured us didn't exist!

Keep an eye on Uran's demise (all current & former shareholders), if it's ever found out Uran was a scam/smoke screen to fund Discovery Minerals & management end up with the Ukraine deposits, we will need to act.

By all rights Uran should own these rights, having paid for them & having funded ALL the costs to date.

Uran's management/board then saw fit to make an "impairment" adjustment in the accounts, effectively writing off all costs to date, by writing down the value of it's 9% Discovery holding.

Uran expensed the costs, but in hindsight these should have been capitalised against the value of Uran's asset in Discovery Minerals.

Had they treated this as a loan/debt, we could have written off the debt in exchange for equity, or quite simply acquire Discovery Minerals & therefore all the Uranium rights with it.

I can take the $ value loss on this "Investment", but not a screw job!

17-05-2009, 03:44 PM
Are you sure it was Kate Hobbs being greedy?

Hi SD,
Not saying she is greedy, Im saying she is a Liar, a Cheater and Misleading.

As Shasta has kindly spent the time to explain in more depth than I am capable of, I wont go into it, but I and probably many who were in it will agree strongly with Shasta, which he has kindly given insight.

There is ALOT more to add to Shasta's summary.

Kate Hobbs is in Print and on the record actually speaking and saying alot of the stuff she has said.

Its quite a big list of BS that she has given.

Having said that, I will agree with your education on maybe what "one should do" with regards to how to stack a portfolio. Although it always seems to be after the fact when one chooses to attempt to yield the advice of others regarding this, meaning which I will consider should I ever have the resources to attempt again.

I WILL try to rebuild correctly, but that does not make Kate Hobbs correct for what she and her board have done, which is what this dicussion is about which again as Shasta has so kindly made the effort to point out.

18-05-2009, 02:37 PM
Forget the countdown, as its gone.

Trading Status: Suspended

All I got to say is,


Shasta, your right, we may need to keep a thorough eye on this Discovery Cr@p to see what plans this Witch has got going in the background.

I would not put it past this woman to go into even further SHADEY methods just to scrape a dollar.

Personally, I would rather just have her Terminated and start living again.

20-05-2009, 09:26 PM
Forget the countdown, as its gone.

Trading Status: Suspended

All I got to say is,


Shasta, your right, we may need to keep a thorough eye on this Discovery Cr@p to see what plans this Witch has got going in the background.

I would not put it past this woman to go into even further SHADEY methods just to scrape a dollar.

Personally, I would rather just have her Terminated and start living again.

Hope this is good for a chuckle, a true story ;)

ASB Securities rang me to advise my 100k URAO were up for conversion, & that i may not wish to convert them as they were 20c each (i corrected her & said they are actually 18.04c, due to the GTE spin off!).

I politely said i'll let the ~$100 worth ($0.001 market value?)
of options lapse, instead of paying $18k for shares ultimately worth around $7k...

She seemed a little more sympathetic when i said the options had already cost me $10k!!!

I shan't touch options again :confused:

21-05-2009, 03:36 AM
Hi Shasta,

You mean you actually got the luxury of a phone call? Wow!

But that was from your broker and not from the dogpound Uran HQ.

In fact they sent out nothing except an asx notice like it never happened.

Couple of weeks back I got a letter from Mosaic Oil stating about expiring option and what, when, why and How. Not as much invested in these as had in Uran but the process was professional.

Kate Hobbs the slut gives No Explanation, No Sorry, No Alternatives, No nothing as I have raved on about.

Seems the font in my last message is pretty big, think I will take out a Bill Board on the Perth Freeway with the same sign, wonder how much it will cost??

29-05-2009, 03:43 PM
As usual, everything else has bolted leaving this Mutt of a company falling.

Where are these big results Kate Knobbs? She is probably still dreaming them up to what might sound good.

Wish this Kate Hobbs bi@atch would just go to Prison and eat Pu$$y.

29-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Hi Drillfix,
You might want to consider the implications of posting some of this stuff on the net. I feel for ya and Id hate for another pile of crap to come rolling your way

Crypto Crude
29-05-2009, 04:00 PM
Drill Fix,
you somehow need to find it in you, and move...
If you went all in at the spec end of the market, then you have to be prepared that these unfortunate events happen at times...
Its not all Kates fault, you have to take some responsibility for holding in a long term down trend, and not selling out...
There was writing on the wall a few times...

Remember when the directors son Sold out?
you ignored it... and other signals...

you have probably abused this stock for most of the way down... you stood and watched it...

so maybe being burnt now is better, so in time, you wont have so much blind faith, and im sure it will make you a better investor next time around....
Shasta has done well, and has got some good picks going on... A more defensive path, with big growth chance to boot...

im not sure your position drillfix... just save a few hundred a week... and in no time new opportunities will arise...

and Wish you all the best...

29-05-2009, 04:40 PM
Hi Drillfix,
You might want to consider the implications of posting some of this stuff on the net. I feel for ya and Id hate for another pile of crap to come rolling your way

Hi Strat,

Impliations, of what, that I hate Kate Hobbs and I wish she were DEAD..lol

There are no implications mate, except if she ever sets eyes on me will be the last time she will see this planet, but Hopefully Nature will take her away from me first so I can Cheer and start to feel better for myself.

Plus, after dealing with the likes of her and living the consequences, there is Nothing on this planet that will be worst that can come from it.

You see the Suits in any shape or form dont scare me, in fact, it is them that should watch their backs, and I mean it, so a few course words towards them will not go any further than here (unfortunately).

Anyways, I do wish you well and thankyou for your concern.

29-05-2009, 04:49 PM
Drill Fix,
you somehow need to find it in you, and move...

There was writing on the wall a few times...

Remember when the directors son Sold out?
you ignored it... and other signals...

and Wish you all the best...

Hi SC,

Mate, I am moving on, but that will never take my anger away from the Witch that I belive will die within 3 years, be it from Nature or whatever.

I did see the warning signs,
I did, protest to the believers and call it out LOUD to them previously on HC and I got Barred for doing it.

Oh no, they were not wrong and kept seeing, advising, calling it different, so either which way drillfix goes, he is a lunatic right.

And even when the shareprice was falling, What happend to this CONSORTIUM and all the rest of the sh#t???, They Played us, they could not come to the fact that previous QUESTIONs that were asked got ignored and/or LIED TO some of the folks here.

Doesnt that count for anything that maybe I am right and will continue to be right regardless of how angry I am with Uran Scum??

Doesnt matter anyways SC.

I will take a while to recover but I will NEVER let this scum sucking woman in a suit get away with what Destruction she has done. And its not just me, there are others out there too who are just as angry as me.

Anyways, I will get over it ok, it will take time, but that doesnt mean that posting about them shonky Mother F@ckers is a bad thing. IMHO~!

29-05-2009, 06:53 PM
Hi SC,

Mate, I am moving on, but that will never take my anger away from the Witch that I belive will die within 3 years, be it from Nature or whatever.

I did see the warning signs,
I did, protest to the believers and call it out LOUD to them previously on HC and I got Barred for doing it.

Oh no, they were not wrong and kept seeing, advising, calling it different, so either which way drillfix goes, he is a lunatic right.

And even when the shareprice was falling, What happend to this CONSORTIUM and all the rest of the sh#t???, They Played us, they could not come to the fact that previous QUESTIONs that were asked got ignored and/or LIED TO some of the folks here.

Doesnt that count for anything that maybe I am right and will continue to be right regardless of how angry I am with Uran Scum??

Doesnt matter anyways SC.

I will take a while to recover but I will NEVER let this scum sucking woman in a suit get away with what Destruction she has done. And its not just me, there are others out there too who are just as angry as me.

Anyways, I will get over it ok, it will take time, but that doesnt mean that posting about them shonky Mother F@ckers is a bad thing. IMHO~!

It's a bitter pill to take, but we were screwed over, & even though we should have had stop losses in place, ultimately we were sold a story supposedly with the fundamentals all in place awaiting a signature here & there & off we go. :rolleyes:

Strat's right Drilly, we have to be a little careful what we say on a public forum, but likewise Board members & Management MUST also be accountable on what they say.

I feel for you, as you suffered more than i, & i do understand your frustration & anger, its a natural reaction to being "screwed over" & not in the nice way :D.

My URA & URAO losses pretty much covers my ADY "tax problem", & i'm back in the game with an energy/alternative energy focus.

I'll make up the URA losses by Xmas investing/trading in energy stocks, it's a big motivation for me...

BTW, When Uranium heads north again i'll be backing PEN again ;)

29-05-2009, 08:11 PM
Hi Strat,

Impliations, of what, that I hate Kate Hobbs and I wish she were DEAD..lol

There are no implications mate, except if she ever sets eyes on me will be the last time she will see this planet, but Hopefully Nature will take her away from me first so I can Cheer and start to feel better for myself.

Plus, after dealing with the likes of her and living the consequences, there is Nothing on this planet that will be worst that can come from it.

You see the Suits in any shape or form dont scare me, in fact, it is them that should watch their backs, and I mean it, so a few course words towards them will not go any further than here (unfortunately).

Anyways, I do wish you well and thankyou for your concern.Im only afraid of suites when I have to wear one:D.
Thing is, some of your posts could have the cops knocking on your door followed by the Lawyers. While Im sure it wouldnt come to anything it could end up costing you more money. Imagine how you would feel having to get a lawyer to fight a lawyer while in a round about way having to pay for em both ( yours and hers which you/we have paid for already ) :eek:

01-06-2009, 01:31 AM
Thing is, some of your posts could have the cops knocking on your door followed by the Lawyers.

For the benefit of all other readers of this horrid stock with dreadful management, I posted this link in another thread created by shasta.


You see, the Lawyers or cops wont be knocking on my door, but rather it will be on a cell door of Kate Hobbs as you can hear her incriminating herself with her own lyrics/misleading statements. Music is complimentary of me.

This is only ONE small bit of evidence which there is much, much, much more misleading statements that one could provide, if and when required.

Anyways, enjoy the tune, Im sure some have already heard it previously.

01-06-2009, 02:12 PM
For the benefit of all other readers of this horrid stock with dreadful management, I posted this link in another thread created by shasta.


You see, the Lawyers or cops wont be knocking on my door, but rather it will be on a cell door of Kate Hobbs as you can hear her incriminating herself with her own lyrics/misleading statements. Music is complimentary of me.

This is only ONE small bit of evidence which there is much, much, much more misleading statements that one could provide, if and when required.

Anyways, enjoy the tune, Im sure some have already heard it previously.

Pat Ryan obviously has no faith in URA's future, a measley 10k options & he let them lapse...


01-06-2009, 04:05 PM
Exactly Shasta,

He never has been there for any reason other than a FREE RIDE at the expense of shareolders.

Little did he know that it was on the worst train in the world.

But then again, he probably did know and doesnt care anyways as long as he gets his FEE for doing NOTHING.

Just another maggot that should be lined up next to Kate Hobbs and SHOT, IMO~!

03-06-2009, 08:32 PM
Exactly Shasta,

He never has been there for any reason other than a FREE RIDE at the expense of shareolders.

Little did he know that it was on the worst train in the world.

But then again, he probably did know and doesnt care anyways as long as he gets his FEE for doing NOTHING.

Just another maggot that should be lined up next to Kate Hobbs and SHOT, IMO~!


URA makes a placement to some unsuspecting "mugs"...

Good news is they have 5 years to complete the feasibility study...

Near term producer, my a$$ :mad:

03-06-2009, 09:21 PM
I will be participating. The biggest risk for this company was running out of money... This solves that problem, and those of us who wish, can watch the results come in, and perhaps even one day watch Uran become a Uranium producer.

I am sure Shasta and others that if you still help FPO's (which i don't blame you for not holding by the way) you would prefer them to take this path, than fold... It's simply common sense...

03-06-2009, 10:07 PM
Scorp, do you like throwing good money after bad? or do you actually realise that you are primarily supporting Kate Hobbs in the way she has become accustomed?

It wouldnt be so bad if these Shonkers actually told the truth now and then but by the look of things, the market already knows about these Dodgy MFers.

So big question is, why buy them at 3 cents when you will eventually get them for 1 cent? Perhaps eventually even 1/2 half a cent.

I would rather foreit all my money and watch that b#tch DIE. At least this would give me great pleasure. Hope she gets waisted by some accident which causes her great pain just before she takes her last breath.

03-06-2009, 10:26 PM
I will be participating. The biggest risk for this company was running out of money... This solves that problem, and those of us who wish, can watch the results come in, and perhaps even one day watch Uran become a Uranium producer.

I am sure Shasta and others that if you still help FPO's (which i don't blame you for not holding by the way) you would prefer them to take this path, than fold... It's simply common sense...

I shan't be touching URA again...

Kate Hobbs gets the forum warning like Michael Kiernan companies does.

To avoid at all costs

03-06-2009, 10:31 PM
I shan't be touching URA again...

Kate Hobbs gets the forum warning like Michael Kiernan companies does.

To avoid at all costs

Here Here Shasta.

But dont you really mean:

avoid at all costs

Oppss, I meant:

Avoid at All Costs

03-06-2009, 10:34 PM
Here Here Shasta.

But dont you really mean:

avoid at all costs

Oppss, I meant:

Avoid at All Costs

There are snake oil merchants & Nigerian letter scams with more ethics behind them :D

03-06-2009, 10:41 PM
There are snake oil merchants & Nigerian letter scams with more ethics behind them :D


Indeed there are Shasta. Perhaps Kate should go raise money laying on her back, would probably make more than the frigging placement.

03-06-2009, 10:55 PM

Not having a go at you mate, but previously, you said that with the options out of the way this company would be less Diluted.

Well, as it turns out, the Dilution cost to this company now Mulitplied badly over what would have been the need for Honest Disclosure gone wrong.

6.654 Million Shares to Sophisticated Suckers
58.687 Million Shares to Ordinary Suckers
29.343 Million Free Options to Ordinary Suckers attached 1 for 2 subscribed.

Now lets forget the options although, How IRONIC, Free options and probably coded the famous URAO (again) when Shasta, You, Me and God knows how many others PAID DEARLY for something they are giving away free. WHAT A JOKE.

So, Moving on, we then have a around 65 Million Shares for a grand total of 1.96 Million Dollars.

Now, If the company was honest, made prorgress and had the options in the money worth converting, they would have over 3.3 Million Dollars and over 1/3rd Less Dilution.

Anyways, its basic, its obvious and certainly not worth debating it but it is easy and clear to see, if it smells like a CONN then thats what IT-SHE-THAT thing URan has called a CEO. Just a con Lady in a suit.

03-06-2009, 10:58 PM
Scorp, do you like throwing good money after bad? or do you actually realise that you are primarily supporting Kate Hobbs in the way she has become accustomed?

It wouldnt be so bad if these Shonkers actually told the truth now and then but by the look of things, the market already knows about these Dodgy MFers.

So big question is, why buy them at 3 cents when you will eventually get them for 1 cent? Perhaps eventually even 1/2 half a cent.

I would rather foreit all my money and watch that b#tch DIE. At least this would give me great pleasure. Hope she gets waisted by some accident which causes her great pain just before she takes her last breath.

The exact response i expected... Keep hating Drill, I am sure you are acheiving alot through your hatred...

The results from new Mexico, seem to be the truth so far to me... And it comes down to my investment in this company. Simply want to see my money again... Not trying to be a cowboy trying to change the world, or dictating how things should be, because life happens, and you deal with it... It wont go the way you want it to...

Shasta - Totally understand where you are coming from. At least you present your argument with sense and a level head, and rightfully so. I wouldnt expect you to touch URA again, but as i said earlier, "IF" you still held FPO's, my guess is that you would rather this than the company folding. Nothing more nothing less...

03-06-2009, 11:00 PM

Not having a go at you mate, but previously, you said that with the options out of the way this company would be less Diluted.

Well, as it turns out, the Dilution cost to this company now Mulitplied badly over what would have been the need for Honest Disclosure gone wrong.

6.654 Million Shares to Sophisticated Suckers
58.687 Million Shares to Ordinary Suckers
29.343 Million Free Options to Ordinary Suckers attached 1 for 2 subscribed.

Now lets forget the options although, How IRONIC, Free options and probably coded the famous URAO (again) when Shasta, You, Me and God knows how many others PAID DEARLY for something they are giving away free. WHAT A JOKE.

So, Moving on, we then have a around 65 Million Shares for a grand total of 1.96 Million Dollars.

Now, If the company was honest, made prorgress and had the options in the money worth converting, they would have over 3.3 Million Dollars and over 1/3rd Less Dilution.

Anyways, its basic, its obvious and certainly not worth debating it but it is easy and clear to see, if it smells like a CONN then thats what IT-SHE-THAT thing URan has called a CEO. Just a con Lady in a suit.

The company had no progress, try as they might... so getting the options in the money never happened... thats reality. Thats what happened, and no one can change it now... Its that simple.

03-06-2009, 11:08 PM
The exact response i expected... Keep hating Drill, I am sure you are acheiving alot through your hatred...

Scorp, I am starting again and Im startin from scratch.

I dont carry the so called hatred you see in this thread to others and others in other threads. Just Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan, but primarily Kate Hobbs will be hated for the rest of my living life.

You seem to have a lot of funds tied up in this one Scorp, so may I ask you, are you going to the AGM, if, where and when that comes up?

How about anybody else? I think there are only 3 of us here that read these threads anyways.

03-06-2009, 11:16 PM
you would be surprised how many people read this thread and any other...

No i am not going to the AGM. it wont do me any good... as i have said all i can do is hope that they can keep going and acheive something... otherwise it will cost me alot of money too... In which case i would be just as annoyed as you and Shasta beleive me, but I am in a diff boat, and it over till the company says it is, so i am with this till the end, or till i get my money back.

My own fault, but as i said, thats life...

03-06-2009, 11:22 PM
No worries Scorp.

But hey, go easy on yourself hey, after all, its not ALL your fault and there is plenty of evidence of that.


Dont know whether Ellroy still drops in and reads here, but I wonder if he still holds and will be going to the AGM.

I might go to the AGM for a bit of a Laugh, other than that it may be a Real Blast :rolleyes:

The Big Ease
04-06-2009, 12:00 AM
it depresses me to think how much longer this thread has to run....


04-06-2009, 12:08 AM

Please, Dont get depressed mate :rolleyes:

You are missing some other aspects from your list.

The Comedy,
The Script,
The Actors,
The Awards,
The weak getting strong again and moving forward at some stage~!

The list goes on, but if anything, just be glad its not you hey :p

04-06-2009, 12:19 AM
Ive already made a lil start on trying to rebuild, its a slow process.

Hey AA, did you get my PMs, I sent them a while ago?

The Big Ease
04-06-2009, 12:33 AM

Please, Dont get depressed mate :rolleyes:

You are missing some other aspects from your list.

The Comedy,
The Script,
The Actors,
The Awards,
The weak getting strong again and moving forward at some stage~!

The list goes on, but if anything, just be glad its not you hey :p
au contraire.
I have lost on other stocks and quite big too.

I guess everyone deals with it differently. I just learn my lessons and move on. Allowing one investment to dominate my emotions is not very productive. Just have to learn to put things in their place in history.

I have also learned that revenge seeking emotive behaviour actually does nothing to further my prospects or change my situation. It actually exacerbates your pain because it becomes a focus of your being.

Anyhow, just my two cents. I'll be back in six months and will probably say something similar again...

But I don't mean to be rude when I say you need to get over it. Good luck with the process.

04-06-2009, 12:48 AM
Dont worry TBE, every little thing, gonna be alright.

All we gotta do now is focus and double our investments 7 times consecutively :rolleyes:

In meantime, sit back and enjoy the show ;)

04-06-2009, 12:54 PM
Sp starting to move!!!

04-06-2009, 01:40 PM
Sp starting to move!!!
yep -some bites there to get positioned alright . Sad to say I think some folk on here might actually be disappointed :confused: to see it go up! A

04-06-2009, 02:11 PM
I agree Arch, but thats not for us to worry about... We can only look after our own interests as we are responsible for our own actions.Thats what the market is all about! Good luck, hope it keeps going!

04-06-2009, 03:42 PM
Sad to say I think some folk on here might actually be disappointed :confused: to see it go up! A

Really, And whom just that might be then?

04-06-2009, 03:51 PM
Sounds like you pair should get a room or something, then you dont have to worry about what others worry about. Shezzzz :rolleyes:

Truth is, just wait for the sell off once placement is completed now that the company is 50% diluted and all for a measly 1.7 Million. :mad:

Also, WTF got the US$150,000 finders Fee I wonder???? Its the B#tch Witch of the West at it again.

Anyways, as you say the co lives to fight another day, but one day there will be Billions of shares and zillions of options and the Co will be worth, how much? :rolleyes:

04-06-2009, 05:20 PM
cross that bridge "if" we come to it...

04-06-2009, 05:43 PM
cross that bridge "if" we come to it...

my major concern today is that those assays are not exactly going to set the SP alight ! They needs something else to release to market to encourage uptake of the offer. A

04-06-2009, 05:45 PM
Fair call.

The previous results were well received. More of the same would be welcome in the future.

04-06-2009, 06:34 PM
my major concern today is that those assays are not exactly going to set the SP alight ! They needs something else to release to market to encourage uptake of the offer. A

At least your honest, unlike Kate Hobbs

Seems to me the company commits like an act of Desperation making the Assay Results on the same day.

Also WTF are these guys talking about Notice to Option Holders:


They must be talking about the other 23.625 Million Unlisted Options which expire July 31 / 2010 which surely only belong to them??? or Who??

You see, more unanswered questions, the way of the Hobbs, the way of Uran Limited Shonky MF incorporated.

The only way these guys seem to make money, is by sucking folks like you, me, everybody they can into their Vision, Projects, and BS.

Look at what the front Page of their website says:

Uran Limited is a dedicated uranium company.

We focus on nations which are significant current or historic producers of uranium, with substantial past uranium exploration.

Our targets include: operating or closed uranium mines: identified resources or reserves: drilled mineralisation adjacent to or on strike from these.

We find good national partners who have strong knowledge of local uranium exploration and production.

Sovereign risk is important to the Company. We research it thoroughly prior to entry into a country, and monitor it carefully during our activities there.

I mean REALLY folks, wtf is that. Sovereign risk is important to the Company. HAAAAAA. BullSh@T Kate.

What have the company done with over 7 Million dollars of previous raised cashed up money???
NOTHING, (or at least shareholders got nothing, Kate Got Holidays and ?????)

What have investors got from Ukraine (Sovereign Risk yeah right Kate).
NOTHING, (or at least shareholders got nothing, Kate Got Holidays and ?????)

Bunch of hypocrites, LIARS and Cheating scoundrels wearing Suits.

And now you nice people reading this believe something is gonna come from this company???

They need to do something alright, They need to go to JAIL is what the NEED to do.

04-06-2009, 06:53 PM
And for the record, this company is Deceptive, full of Deceit, which is led by Kate Hobbs should be difined just like the dictionary says:

de⋅ceit /dɪˈsit/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [di-seet] Show IPA
–noun 1. the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating: Once she exposed their deceit, no one ever trusted them again.
2. an act or device intended to deceive; trick; stratagem.
3. the quality of being deceitful; duplicity; falseness: a man full of deceit.

1225–75; ME deceite < AF, OF, n. use of fem. of deceit, ptp. of deceivre to deceive

1. deception, dissimulation. 1, 3. Deceit, guile, hypocrisy, duplicity, fraud, trickery refer either to practices designed to mislead or to the qualities that produce those practices. Deceit is the quality that prompts intentional concealment or perversion of truth for the purpose of misleading: honest and without deceit. The quality of guile leads to craftiness in the use of deceit: using guile and trickery to attain one's ends. Hypocrisy is the pretense of possessing qualities of sincerity, goodness, devotion, etc.: It was sheer hypocrisy for him to go to church. Duplicity is the form of deceitfulness that leads one to give two impressions, either or both of which may be false: the duplicity of a spy working for two governments. Fraud refers usually to the practice of subtle deceit or duplicity by which one may derive benefit at another's expense: an advertiser convicted of fraud. Trickery is the quality that leads to the use of tricks and habitual deception: notorious for his (or her) trickery in business deals.

Antonyms: (the reverse)
3. honesty, sincerity.

Yet Kate cannot do theAntonyms of the above can she.

So no matter which way you SLICE THE CAKE, you have a fraudulant liar at the Helm of this company and why in the world would anybody want to invest in that.

04-06-2009, 08:32 PM
We get your point Drill.

We knew where you stood along time ago...

04-06-2009, 10:04 PM
We get your point Drill.

We knew where you stood along time ago...

Yeah it's time to shut the f^ck up on this issue Drill, this horse should be flogged no more.

04-06-2009, 10:12 PM
Yeah it's time to shut the f^ck up on this issue Drill, this horse should be flogged no more.

That's not helpful coming on the thread with that either...:rolleyes:

URA could do well to check up on WCU, who are in USA, Utah (good god the "weird" state :rolleyes:) but soon to be in U308 production on a small scale...

If URA's future is in the USA for Uranium (& Tungsten), instead of exploring with nonsense 5 years to do a feasibility, why not follow the WCU lead & start off on a small scale?

Disc: Nil URA, Nil WCU

04-06-2009, 10:34 PM
Speaking of other U companies UNO up 150% in 2 days :eek:

Shasta do you have a list of ASX U companies I can chart?

04-06-2009, 10:39 PM
That's not helpful coming on the thread with that either...:rolleyes:

URA could do well to check up on WCU, who are in USA, Utah (good god the "weird" state :rolleyes:) but soon to be in U308 production on a small scale...

If URA's future is in the USA for Uranium (& Tungsten), instead of exploring with nonsense 5 years to do a feasibility, why not follow the WCU lead & start off on a small scale?

Disc: Nil URA, Nil WCU

Would be nice Shasta. Perhaps this was the easiest/cheapest lead they had?

If only they didn't waste so much time/money in those politically unstable countries, maybe we would be in a different position...

I guess the only advantage is that Uran still are at rock bottom, so if they ever do become successful or cash generating, then investors really are getting a chance to get into a cheap U explorer in a stable country where U mining is allowed.


04-06-2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah it's time to shut the f^ck up on this issue Drill, this horse should be flogged no more.

Who are the f are you Rev, the Flog police. :rolleyes:

Now let me correct you here, its a Dog, not a Horse, and for some of us, it will be flogged for long as some of us have an opinion about it, or can be convinced otherwise.

I only speak the truth as nasty as it may sound., So, dont like it? Simple, dont read the thread mate, its as easy as that.

04-06-2009, 11:03 PM
URA could do well to check up on WCU, who are in USA, Utah (good god the "weird" state :rolleyes:) but soon to be in U308 production on a small scale...

If URA's future is in the USA for Uranium (& Tungsten), instead of exploring with nonsense 5 years to do a feasibility, why not follow the WCU lead & start off on a small scale?

Good advice Shasta, and at least WCU are serious about being a U company rather than riding the Tail Coat of the sector.

Speaking of which, Strat, I had a list of U stocks that I think Tibbs from HC posted a while back, or it may have been sandybeaches.

Whatever the list it will now will be quite old, but I have a JPEG of a whole heap too, would you like me to PM it to you? Its not complete but plentiful nonetheless.

04-06-2009, 11:25 PM
Here ya go STRAT and others, a list of ASX U stocks.

Hope this is helpful, some may have seen this before elsewhere.


Now back to Kate Hobbs, B#tchN ..:D

04-06-2009, 11:39 PM
Here ya go STRAT and others, a list of ASX U stocks.

Hope this is helpful, some may have seen this before elsewhere.


Now back to Kate Hobbs, B#tchN ..:DThanks Drillfix. I will let you know if I find anything exciting

Huang Chung
05-06-2009, 12:24 AM
Like it or not, at least URA is finally starting to act like a regular junior exploration company.....you know, actually getting some leases and going out to see what they can find.

Until they started picking up some leases in the US, this company seemed to be like some sort of Corporate Henry Kissinger, zipping around the world, looking oh so important, rubbing shoulders with world leaders, but apparently not knowing nor caring which end of a drill goes into the ground.

05-06-2009, 01:44 AM
Like it or not, at least URA is finally starting to act like a regular junior exploration company.....you know, actually getting some leases and going out to see what they can find.

Can agree a little there with you Huang, but make no mistake that this is their Trick and always has been> to be seen like they are doing something.

As I said previously, what this company actually does professionally is they ride the tail coat of the industry. They are seen like they are doing something and can even report with Assay results that they are doing, but will it EVER actually add up to anything compared to what REAL U companies do or achieve??? I think not.

Sure good on them for "appear to be trying", but in a world of REAL people whom have Waken Up to the Cheaters, it will take alot more than wearing a mask and dancing around the stage to convince some of us, as we have been there and done that.

Of course, time will tell, and I feel the New Investor Blood coming into this stock will find out what playing Hot Potatoe does when the music stops.

Impersonators pretending to be seasoned business people is what they are, nothing more, nothing less.

05-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Like it or not, at least URA is finally starting to act like a regular junior exploration company.....you know, actually getting some leases and going out to see what they can find.

Until they started picking up some leases in the US, this company seemed to be like some sort of Corporate Henry Kissinger, zipping around the world, looking oh so important, rubbing shoulders with world leaders, but apparently not knowing nor caring which end of a drill goes into the ground.

Couldnt agree more.

05-06-2009, 01:50 PM
Huge buyers appearing!!!

05-06-2009, 02:01 PM
Your not wrong there Scorp, over 3 Million churned over before lunch.

Doesnt seem to be your usual retail type buys or sellers either, looks as if somebody is actually trying to take a stake in Co which means once they qualify they can dump again (to whom though) and get their shares for free if the price will hold up.

Smart idea if you got the money and the balls I suppose.

05-06-2009, 02:06 PM
As a holder, I am very saddened to see this stock performing so poorly as well. I feel your pain drillfix, but I made a decision a while ago that I will hold on to this stock until it goes insolvent. If not, will hold and hope and pray that maybe in 5 years time it will deliver something; gold, uranium or whatever Hobbs want to do.

With regards to today's action, of course I am happy to see it happening and I hope this is for something more than just institutions or someone trying to pump and dump.

05-06-2009, 02:20 PM
I feel your pain drillfix, but I made a decision a while ago that I will hold on to this stock until it goes insolvent.

****, i'm a relative newbie to this game, but i've learned to try and observe others cockups and learn from them as i learn from my own.

That and a bit of reading and listening to wise words has convinced me that discipline is the key factor in succeeding in the long run. There are too many girls to kiss in this market for you to need to hang on to dogs.

I know a ton of people who are going to get burned hard in the next bear because they're going to think the game is easy after making a motza in the next couple of years.

"The market doesn't care what you think you know"

05-06-2009, 02:53 PM
With regards to today's action, of course I am happy to see it happening and I hope this is for something more than just institutions or someone trying to pump and dump.

Hi Junior, yes mate I sure hope you, me and whatever others who are at a loss can get something back from this, so stick to your guns there.

With regards to buying, I dont think its a case of pump, but at some stage there will be a dump. Right after the qualifying date which seems the obvious time.

Basically, its Mathematical Greed. But it takes money to keep this momentum up, sure there are some smaller guys playing the same game, although it will be interesting to see where the sp goes after that date.

There seems to be little sellers atm, so if we reverse the cycle later after the qualifying date, it will mean little buyers and huge selling depending on what more news or value this company can project. Or, as I say, if the U sector moves then this Co will hitch a ride on the Tail Coat.

Im still trying to work out, Which Option Holders does apply to the following Ann:

The unlisted options? The employee Options? The Options they hold?
Or the options that previouly expired?

You see what I mean though dont you? That gets its own ann/letter yet it is expected that people should know, while the amount of info clarifying such information is what I define: Poor

Anyways, lets hope many get their dosh back and it would be a miracle if this co can start to play Ethical and Accountable towards its so called business matters.

05-06-2009, 03:53 PM
F#&k all available now!!!! 7.8c and rising!!! Keep going!!!

05-06-2009, 04:03 PM
Happy for ya scorp, although appears that games being played and not sure which one is the cat, or the mouse.

Crypto Crude
05-06-2009, 04:03 PM
Go you Good thing...
thanks for your list of U stocks...

05-06-2009, 04:07 PM
Happy for ya scorp, although appears that games being played and not sure which one is the cat, or the mouse.

cheers. good to see some movement finally! what a releif! games bein played is better than stagnation :)

05-06-2009, 04:09 PM
Go you Good thing...
thanks for your list of U stocks...

No worries there SC

Although, how about a heads up on some of the ones you find ready to rock. ;)

05-06-2009, 04:13 PM
cheers. good to see some movement finally! what a releif! games bein played is better than stagnation :)

For some it dont get better, buy at 6c sell at 8c make 25% and then get half price discount for your entitlements (if you bought 6c) plus a 1 for 2 free option Thrown In the deal.

For some, it dont get any better I guess.

Starting convince myself to get involved now, Anybody good for a fast 10K loan? :P

05-06-2009, 04:17 PM
drill- i would recommend "avoid" for you mate! :P

Couldnt take the backlash if the company failed!

05-06-2009, 04:26 PM
LOL scorp, you forgot to turn your caps lock on "AVOID" for me alright :D

Just when I thought the sellers were exhausted, but nope, they are back for the end of the day sell off.

Speaking of which, Its gonna be interesting to watch after the cutoff date has passed. Hot Potatoe while trying to get out the door could tumble out of control, depending who has been buying. Insto's will/could calibrate that though and play both sides making it monkey in the middle instead, but time will tell.

05-06-2009, 11:43 PM
Speaking of other U companies UNO up 150% in 2 days :eek:

Shasta do you have a list of ASX U companies I can chart?

Yes i do....

Check your PM :D

09-06-2009, 01:35 PM
No worries Scorp.

But hey, go easy on yourself hey, after all, its not ALL your fault and there is plenty of evidence of that.


Dont know whether Ellroy still drops in and reads here, but I wonder if he still holds and will be going to the AGM.

I might go to the AGM for a bit of a Laugh, other than that it may be a Real Blast :rolleyes:

I still read occasionally and still hold (and would consider the placement if I wasn't out of the country) but won't make it to the AGM for at least the next couple of years. I've got a better chance of checking out the leases in the USA ;).

09-06-2009, 02:22 PM
I still read occasionally and still hold (and would consider the placement if I wasn't out of the country) but won't make it to the AGM for at least the next couple of years. I've got a better chance of checking out the leases in the USA ;).

Hey Ellroy, good to see ya mate.

In the good 'ole' US of A hey, how does the economy seem to you over there, is it as bad as they have made out in the media?

Anyways, great to see ya here again and look forward to hearing some more.

Hopefully this Mob of a company can actually deliver something eventually besides what little it has done with its previous track history.

09-06-2009, 11:10 PM
Whats everybody's thoughts on whether the recent off will be fully subscribed or does anybody feel there will be a shortfall of great significance???

Anybody, care to share on how this will play out.

I am wondering from a time of last year when Satori was commenting on Discovery sitting back in the background and probably waiting ready for a moment like this, to scoop up the whole Shebang for penny or two, but in this case, 3c.

I wonder if this is part of the Kate Hobbs Plan and way of things. :rolleyes:

10-06-2009, 12:36 AM
I am guessing most shares will be taken up... i positioned myself to buy as many as i have rights to. I am sure there are many others cosidering the turnover of the last 3 days.

10-06-2009, 12:59 AM
Maybe so there Scorp, but although, whom is selling all this stock to provide for the buyers?

Would be interesting to see a recent Top 20 list, thats fersure.

Seems Archer has gone all quiet again, perhaps its she dumping all her shares into the market :p

10-06-2009, 09:27 AM
i sold a chunk for example...

10-06-2009, 12:36 PM
Maybe so there Scorp, but although, whom is selling all this stock to provide for the buyers?

Would be interesting to see a recent Top 20 list, thats fersure.

Seems Archer has gone all quiet again, perhaps its she dumping all her shares into the market :p

No - i haven't totally dumped - betting each way - cautious with URA but keeping a foot in the door so to speak.
Can see much better opportunities out there - BMN once through its SPP, UNX, WME , MRU - although this has had a good run it could have further to go although slower. Then there's the IO smallers that may attract Chinese investment now that BHP and Rio have linked up. REs also - good place to park. We got be real careful all round folks - market has done well since March and could trend sideways a while. Not the time to be sinking a lot of cash. Only my opinion - better to read the tea leaves probably. Charts are a lot more reliable than fundamentals in this phase of the market. A

10-06-2009, 01:01 PM
Just kidding Arch, though thanks for the market commentary.

i sold a chunk for example...

a Chunk? a chunk of say overall 3.5 million? over the past week?

Now we have XE status, we have only 2 so called interested buyers at 1 cent above the issue?

One has to wonder exactly just how Dodgey this mob/Co really are.

I guess that the actual volume done for the year now hey.