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17-10-2008, 03:37 AM
scorp, in many ways as much as i am unhappy about the current stats of the co, i am pleased that, there is not much further continued down movement.

anyways, lets hope more than tungsten comes from this mob~!

true mate. i would love to see some more up days. it still amazes me that people are selling parcels of 5000 and 10000 shares at these prices.

i think if nothing else in our favour, that management are cunning and will eventually snag us something.

18-10-2008, 01:38 AM
a Canadian company cans tungsten project in US...costs and turmoil
-Golden Predator Mines Inc. (TSX:GP) is cutting costs and delaying the mill startup at its Springer tungsten redevelopment in northwestern Nevada, citing "events in global financial markets over the past weeks and months."

What chance do URA have?

still, nice expensive holidays for management coming up. Gotta ask yourself why they cant do something near home with the limited cash.

Kate likes to visit eatern europe, & often :D

Must have a pretty good duty free booze cabinet by now

18-10-2008, 03:27 AM
a Canadian company cans tungsten project in US...costs and turmoil
-Golden Predator Mines Inc. (TSX:GP) is cutting costs and delaying the mill startup at its Springer tungsten redevelopment in northwestern Nevada, citing "events in global financial markets over the past weeks and months."

What chance do URA have?

still, nice expensive holidays for management coming up. Gotta ask yourself why they cant do something near home with the limited cash.

Thats like comparing Perilya with OZL... just because they mine the same stuff doesnt mean their costs are the same... compare WOW with the local cornerstore on how much they pay for their goods...

please... wait till we see what we are dealing with before we all jump off a cliff...

the markets would be alot calmer if evereyone stopped acting like every little thing is the end of the world... you watch, people will need energy and new housing and oil and food across the world, and after this crisis... MORE people will still need the same things and MORE of it...

18-10-2008, 10:18 AM
jumping off cliffs, end of the world:D - thats a pretty far fetched reaction scorp

it not starting up a mill! not a resource in the ground, I would say that is a fact worth noting

I think the reality is, its just a distraction whilst they wait for something to happen with the uranium and an excuse not to wind the whole mess up.

meanwhile $1m pa gets burnt on salaries and overseas expenses

and doing business in the US just got a whole lot more expensive at $ .68!

i hear the resource in the ground is quite good. worth more than the other projects at the moment, because Uran STILL!!!??? don;t have these...

I'm pretty sure that with the outlook for tungsten, which is very good indeed, that if the resource is ANYTHING AT ALL the company will deserve (will they get?) a huge re rating... as i said there are farms worth more than Uran now

Winding up the company would be ridiculous.. they still have cash in the bank and still have alot of POTENTIAL projects... I am sure the directors, although havent made the best decisions so far, are not as pessimistic as some people out there...

18-10-2008, 12:45 PM
i hear the resource in the ground is quite good. worth more than the other projects at the moment, because Uran STILL!!!??? don;t have these...

I'm pretty sure that with the outlook for tungsten, which is very good indeed, that if the resource is ANYTHING AT ALL the company will deserve (will they get?) a huge re rating... as i said there are farms worth more than Uran now

Winding up the company would be ridiculous.. they still have cash in the bank and still have alot of POTENTIAL projects... I am sure the directors, although havent made the best decisions so far, are not as pessimistic as some people out there...

All stocks are curently getting trashed...and alot of these stocks have great fundamentals.

Sooner or later alot of these other stocks will come down to 3-4 cents. This may be an opportunity for some to swap their URA shares with something else.

And who said the crash was a bad thing!!!

Anyway, we should now hope that URA foccuses on Tungsten...this commodity has alot more potential than uranium. In case you havent noticed, all uranium stocks are finished.

Have a look at PDN's and WHE's share prices for confirmation.

18-10-2008, 04:28 PM
agreed... but what would their market cap be if the bears werent destroying the world?

can be said about any stock. look at RIO...

pinpointing one stock in this environment is basically a waste of time...

18-10-2008, 04:34 PM
Hey, if you want to have a look at a Tungsten Producer - check QOL


They have spent at least $25m to get their project up and running, and have just shipped their first load - first Tungsten export from Oz in 20 years

guess what the MC is -------> $9m, very recently just $6.6m

and they dont lose 40% on the exchange rate, its in QLD

The exchange rate can also work in Uran's favour.

When Uran start producing what is the exchange rate to convert from $US to $AU?

18-10-2008, 04:35 PM
agreed... but what would their market cap be if the bears werent destroying the world?

can be said about any stock. look at RIO...

pinpointing one stock in this environment is basically a waste of time...

Have we been renamed Turan? :D

Until then, Uranium is still very much our focus, especially in Ukraine...

The Tungsten is a sideshow & will be flicked off when the markets go bull again...

Having bought it on the cheap, they will want to fob it off for a few mill & obtain cheap capital

Remember it wasn't that long ago that any piece of dirt within 1,000 miles of a BHP tenement was being IPO'd for a few million :rolleyes:

Uranium (U308) meanwhile has dropped to $US46/lb (~$A67/lb), the drop in the USD/AUD FX rate (approx 0.68) has kept the $A price steady.

The whole sector reminds me of ZINC, those still around when the metal prices turn will do alright.

19-10-2008, 09:03 PM
Have we been renamed Turan? :D

Until then, Uranium is still very much our focus, especially in Ukraine...

The Tungsten is a sideshow & will be flicked off when the markets go bull again...

Having bought it on the cheap, they will want to fob it off for a few mill & obtain cheap capital

Remember it wasn't that long ago that any piece of dirt within 1,000 miles of a BHP tenement was being IPO'd for a few million :rolleyes:

Uranium (U308) meanwhile has dropped to $US46/lb (~$A67/lb), the drop in the USD/AUD FX rate (approx 0.68) has kept the $A price steady.

The whole sector reminds me of ZINC, those still around when the metal prices turn will do alright.

Agree with you totally Shasta, however, Uranium doesnt seem to be getting us anywhere. I would rather a project where there may be some light at the end of the tunnel, coz at the moment we have got nothing confirmed...

hey... if the ukraine or any other U deposits become a reality i will be over the moon... but at this stage the only project we "actually have" is the tungsten project...

I don't care as i have said earlier, what the project... just make us some money... pretty simple when you break it down...


19-10-2008, 11:17 PM
probably the opposite if they keep true to form.:D

My main point was, if you can buy a producer in OZ for near 30% of the expenditure of the mine cost itself with 2 years of hard work to get it there and its local!

What chance do URA have of making it work in this environment and what is their experience in regard to this.

reality now is

Scorp said
"I don't care as i have said earlier, what the project... just make us some money... pretty simple when you break it down..."

you have got to be joking


How have you determined that Uran is finished?

Why do you assume a producer like QOL is a better investment than URAN? Based on my research QOL could become insolvent within a few months.

20-10-2008, 12:20 AM
and URA is better with NOTHING? I dont follow you at all, QOL are producing, ie they are about to get at least something back for their efforts

and because you can now buy "stuff" in the ground cheaper than in a lot of cases cash backing in cold hard cash and listed investments on ASX, TSX etc
and buy a producing tungsten mine on your own doorstep with now much more favourable forex terms for 30% of cost.

why do you honestly think URA can do it with virtually no money in this environment

you are just kidding yourselves now

would you stump up more $$ for URA to develop a tungsten mine? really?
because they will need funds a least 10x current market cap to develop something like Wolfram in the US.

I havent even seen one comment on costs to get this deposit up and producing yet you jump to this conculsion

"When Uran start producing what is the exchange rate to convert from $US to $AU?"

thats why Im saying you are out of touch with reality regarding this uran "saviour"

if they dont get a uranium project soon, theyre toast. Forget tungsten
QOL has recently become a producer and the share price has plummeted by 50%. URA has nothing and during the same period, the SP has increased by 20%.

So which is a better stock?

20-10-2008, 12:49 AM

this guy wont be happy till he sees Uran de-list... i would hate to be that negatively driven towards one stock.

could work out... could not... no good sitting there saying theres no chance over and over again. we get your point mate...we know where you stand... why constantly dwell on it?

holders post here about what they think may be happening and try to peice it altogether.

dont understand why someone would try to constantly downramp something over and over again, based on his own speculation.. WITH NOTHING TO GAIN FROM IT...

anyways... i hope the tungsten project is worth something, and the U mines in the Ukraine aren't far off from some news... if this isnt the case, then there is really nothing i can do about it besides sell my shares... or hold onto em... its pretty simple.

20-10-2008, 05:05 PM
Shasta, have you given your list of questions to anybody that is going to the AGM?

I hope somebody is going to go and voice the DEEP concerns of the poor performance (ZERO actually).

I know many of you are sick of me going on and on like I do, but I swear to god that I would and will kill these CON management in my own good day and time.

Can somebody that is going to the AGM please express to the Board, why some of their shareholders want to actually kill them. I wonder if they are bright enough to work it out.

On that note and now that I seem to be officially out of the loop for being a crack pot, I guess I will piss off now and leave you Lads and Ladies to talk about Tungsten which is complete BullSh#t.

Death to Uran Management, and its LIES, DECEPTION AND FRAUD.

Bye Bye all~!

20-10-2008, 05:22 PM
Shasta, have you given your list of questions to anybody that is going to the AGM?

I hope somebody is going to go and voice the DEEP concerns of the poor performance (ZERO actually).

I know many of you are sick of me going on and on like I do, but I swear to god that I would and will kill these CON management in my own good day and time.

Can somebody that is going to the AGM please express to the Board, why some of their shareholders want to actually kill them. I wonder if they are bright enough to work it out.

On that note and now that I seem to be officially out of the loop for being a crack pot, I guess I will piss off now and leave you Lads and Ladies to talk about Tungsten which is complete BullSh#t.

Death to Uran Management, and its LIES, DECEPTION AND FRAUD.

Bye Bye all~!


No i havent passed them on yet (Ellroy, you confirmed as going?)

I will send the questions via email to Kate before the meeting.

I will also mention a group of shareholders formed them & are wanting some clear cut explanations on a few matters.

They better not focus on the Tungsten or mention it at the AGM, that would only enrage me!

If we can't get the Ukraine deposits JORC before the options expire, i say we put a motion to the board to buy $A1m worth of PDN shares & do some research on how a real U producer operates. :D

20-10-2008, 06:39 PM

No i havent passed them on yet (Ellroy, you confirmed as going?)

I will send the questions via email to Kate before the meeting.

I will also mention a group of shareholders formed them & are wanting some clear cut explanations on a few matters.

They better not focus on the Tungsten or mention it at the AGM, that would only enrage me!

If we can't get the Ukraine deposits JORC before the options expire, i say we put a motion to the board to buy $A1m worth of PDN shares & do some research on how a real U producer operates. :D

Shasta - I was hoping to go but it could be a too costly exercise right now.
I only have three questions- can you add if not already in there please.

1. How does the company intend to stay solvent?

2. Given that you collectively, (Board and Management) have achieved none of your stated aims, why should the market and shareholders believe anything you say in the future.

3. Following on from this, given that you have achieved nothing, why should you retain your current positions?

Its a disgrace that a full two years on from the famous statement of production in July (07), we have a bit of scrap metal without much left in the kitty to develop it. I'd love to think they can turn it around - BUT -----

Cheers, A

20-10-2008, 09:55 PM
Good Questions Archer, and those are the type of questions that need to be asked with a HardBall voice.

Shasta, from memory, Ellroy will be going however I wonder if he will recording it again?(will you ellroy?)

Not sure if its better to give them the list of Q!?s before the meeting so they can think of Gimmicky Answers (again). But that is up to you Shasta.

Lets ALL not forget to Vote also.

I have just Faxed my Vote of NO for 2 and 3 and why dont we get a choice to vote for 1.???? Those @sswholes are all take take take and that has got to end.

20-10-2008, 10:01 PM
They better not focus on the Tungsten or mention it at the AGM, that would only enrage me!

Shasta to be honest with you, I can see and hear it already, they will use this to try to scape goat themselves from progress in the Ukraine.

To me, this is another Carrot and they should not be allow to alleviate themselves from the Ukraine and its current appeared failure.

Its a disgrace that a full two years on from the famous statement of production in July (07), we have a bit of scrap metal without much left in the kitty to develop it.

Those were very good questions (Shasta add them to the list) and that is the exact predicament many of us are in BECAUSE of EXACTLY that.

To me, this should not go unpunished. One way or another, Some day , some time or another either in this life or the next.

20-10-2008, 10:13 PM
Shasta - I was hoping to go but it could be a too costly exercise right now.
I only have three questions- can you add if not already in there please.

1. How does the company intend to stay solvent?

2. Given that you collectively, (Board and Management) have achieved none of your stated aims, why should the market and shareholders believe anything you say in the future.

3. Following on from this, given that you have achieved nothing, why should you retain your current positions?

Its a disgrace that a full two years on from the famous statement of production in July (07), we have a bit of scrap metal without much left in the kitty to develop it. I'd love to think they can turn it around - BUT -----

Cheers, A

I'll add them to the list, but i'm trying to keep emotive statements out of it, so may adjust the wording accordingly. (I will address the issue of shareholder dissatisifaction)

If it's to have any effect it must remain constructive & give them ample opportunity to explain things.

The cloak of secrecy must come off & be replaced by accountability & communication.

The problem with Uran is for every question they answer they raise two more questions in the process, it's currently been run like a private company, & that MUST change.

BTW - i will post the questions in here BEFORE i send them, so we have a final chance to put together a constructive document...

Drillfix - I know your angry & hurting, so let me put your frustration into words for you ;)

20-10-2008, 10:21 PM
Here are the questions i have so far, i'm yet to go back thru the thread for others but don't want to simply duplicate them.

1. What Uranium projects are Uran actively pursuing outside Discovery Minerals leads? (We have had "left field" countries like USA & Africa mentioned in the past with no explanation?)

2. Given the share price slump, how do the Board/Management intend on getting the options converted, is this a Board priority given the level of cash reserves?

3. Are there any restrictions on Uran's Board/Management from purchasing shares at present? I believe it would help sell the "Uran story" if Management were seen to be supportive of the company, especially in the eyes of your shareholders.

4. We have never had an adequate explanation on why the projects involving Rozna & Pribram have gone cold. The latest presentation makes no mention of them (yet the website still shows Rozna?).

5. If Uran is working on a agreed timeframe with Vostgok re the 3 Ukraine deposits, how come this information cannot be made public? (Uran obviously can't disclose non JORC figures!)

6. Can the company provide an update/clarification on the consortium bid for Novoconstantinovskoye. (Research shows this deposit was transferred to VostGok back in the 1990's)

7. Can the company elaborate on the reasons for meeting with Kazatomprom in Sept 09?

8. Does Uran believe Purple Communications are doing an effective job, in providing Uran with any tangible value with regards to investor presentations & the quarterly reports?

9. What is Uran's "game plan" in the Czech Republic to foster relationships with the Brzkov locals & to lobby the Govt to support Uranium mining?

10. Should Uran fail to overturn the on-going appeals in Czech Republic, what "Plan B" does Uran have with regards to it's on-going discussions with Diamo & Uran's involvement in the Czech Republic.

20-10-2008, 10:41 PM
Drillfix - I know your angry & hurting, so let me put your frustration into words for you ;)

Shasta, I have been Mr. NiceGuy, Mr. Patient, Mr. CoolWait and Faith for long enough.

This board will never change, when you say:

The cloak of secrecy must come off & be replaced by accountability & communication.

yes, I agree, they should and this is what we should see replaced, but we will not IMO.

This is the very thing that drove Satori to leave, to burn out, to lose heart and soul from this Creature of humans called uran management. Emotional as that may sound, I see no difference from them being the Cruel Type, the Mean type and the Type of human that actually Hurts other humans knowingly and then use talk and ignorance to justify what has went wrong.

here is my question.

11. Kate and Pat, which side of the head would you prefer to take a bullet?

no more mr. nice guy, and although you lot are more collect than me, I urge EVERYBODY not to think or do what I want, but to Not Be Mr or Miss Nice Shareholder.

Hard Questions with no bullsh#t answers is expected, and if we do not get answers then some type of justice will catch up with them (one day) with or without my help.

20-10-2008, 11:27 PM
Shasta, I have been Mr. NiceGuy, Mr. Patient, Mr. CoolWait and Faith for long enough.

This board will never change, when you say:

yes, I agree, they should and this is what we should see replaced, but we will not IMO.

This is the very thing that drove Satori to leave, to burn out, to lose heart and soul from this Creature of humans called uran management. Emotional as that may sound, I see no difference from them being the Cruel Type, the Mean type and the Type of human that actually Hurts other humans knowingly and then use talk and ignorance to justify what has went wrong.

here is my question.

11. Kate and Pat, which side of the head would you prefer to take a bullet?

no more mr. nice guy, and although you lot are more collect than me, I urge EVERYBODY not to think or do what I want, but to Not Be Mr or Miss Nice Shareholder.

Hard Questions with no bullsh#t answers is expected, and if we do not get answers then some type of justice will catch up with them (one day) with or without my help.

Your a straight up kind of guy Drillfix...

So surely straight between the eyes looking at them execution style i would have thought. :cool:

I want answers to some hard direct questions, we pay these folk to do a job, & part of that means answering your shareholders.

Also the Directors need to realise they are answerable to us, there shareholders, not just the Discovery folk!

Kate's performance (or lack thereof) is for the Board to deal with.

The Board's performance (or lack thereof) is ours!

If Kate doesn't answer my questions, i'll forward them to Pat Ryan with a please explain.

We aren't mushrooms, & nor should we be treated as such :(

21-10-2008, 12:40 AM
Hi all, just a quick message, yes I am going (it's next Wednesday right?), yes I will be recording it, and yes I am happy to answer questions. I intend to formulate some more as well in the next few days which I will put up when they're done (though I think shasta may already have them covered). Got a conference going on atm and a pile of prac reports to mark tonight, out tmw night as well so I prolly won't be on for the next couple of days.

21-10-2008, 01:11 AM
If Uran goes into administration before shareholders have a chance to vote on the Discovery option I assume that Discovery 'retains' the rights in Ukraine, CR etc. Is this correct? Uran shareholders need to make sure after spending millions of $ that Uran sharholders have the 'rights' to these deposits.

Is this part of Discovery's master plan?

21-10-2008, 01:18 AM
Shasta- Once again you have kept a level head, and provided us all with the perfect questions that need to be answered.

I doubt they will answer these, but i would love nothing more to have my curiousity laid to rest with answers from the board. i mean for ****s sake, we deserve answers.

I hope that you and Drill and others havent mistaken my recent posts as "lettin them off lightly" because beleive me when i say, i have alot riding on this. i just feel that positive thinking and a level head is needed in times like this, especially when being a shareholder in a company like this.

As i have said many times before, i can only hope that they pull off... something... otherwise Uran will literally take me down with it. And i have always been prepared for the worst, but that still doesnt mean that i want it to happen...

cheers again shasta, and i hope we all get some answers next week. i am using my votes to vote no...

good luck everyone!!

21-10-2008, 01:27 AM
If Uran goes into administration before shareholders have a chance to vote on the Discovery option I assume that Discovery 'retains' the rights in Ukraine, CR etc. Is this correct? Uran shareholders need to make sure after spending millions of $ that Uran sharholders have the 'rights' to these deposits.

Is this part of Discovery's master plan?

That is the master question and a Suspicion rightly planted into uran shareholders who are left only wonder what is in the minds of kate hobbs and co.

I will do my part to answer that cotik. (maybe not the answer you want though).

Should this be the case then I warn ANYBODY involved in Discovery to watch their back too as eventually each one of them ONE DAY will Perish suspiciously, again this is Should they try to cash in on exhausted Uran Shareholders.

I am exhausted, I am near broke, I cant feel no more pain than I already do and and can only gain peace or some joy when I fully know some type of justice prevails upon this mob (again, should that be the case).

21-10-2008, 01:50 AM
Shasta- Once again you have kept a level head, and provided us all with the perfect questions that need to be answered.

I hope that you and Drill and others havent mistaken my recent posts as "lettin them off lightly" because beleive me when i say, i have alot riding on this.

Yes thank god for shasta and being level headed in these current turbulant times. As I have also said before, this Mob don't deserve such shareholders like all of us who over the years have been understanding and supportive. It honestly makes me nearly cry at times thinking how such FINE and Wonderful persons here have been taken for the ride of their lives from these Non Human beings on this board whom have no passion or compassion for these such wonderful people.

Scorp, I others dont mistake you as letting this board off lightly, on the contrary, this company doesnt deserve to have the honour to have you on the top 20. I am the one who is now Pro Active and the NOT Mr.NiceGuy No more. I realise I must come across like a nut cracker because I feel pain of other types, and I realise that in this instance and these markets we ALL feel pain, and badly.

My simple point is that this co, board, management have had their time, their chance.

I like you and many are interested in what they are going to say, do, or try to say at this AGM.

My point is this punt has been one in a life time, its all or nothing.

We have been lied to, We have been played, We now as shasta says, need the board to have one chance at Honesty, being simple, straight shooters.

My point here is that if this goes belly up, then People WILL Die, somewhere, sometime and when they least expect it. That will be the final Protocol that this board, co, management never knew that they had. AND, should the compass also point to Discovery being part of some orchestrated failure then they too will inherit this same Protocol of justice over eventual circumstances.

I know it is not nice, proper or even very pleasant to hear, but the bottom line is that, regardless of their status, somebody has to pay and be Accountable in some shape or form, End of Story.

21-10-2008, 02:14 AM
If Uran goes into administration before shareholders have a chance to vote on the Discovery option I assume that Discovery 'retains' the rights in Ukraine, CR etc. Is this correct? Uran shareholders need to make sure after spending millions of $ that Uran sharholders have the 'rights' to these deposits.

Is this part of Discovery's master plan?

i highly doubt it... anything is possible... but i doubt they would be that sinister...

there are easier ways to make dirty money if that was the type of people running the show.

heads up everyone. something will come along eventually

21-10-2008, 08:52 AM
If Uran goes into administration before shareholders have a chance to vote on the Discovery option I assume that Discovery 'retains' the rights in Ukraine, CR etc. Is this correct? Uran shareholders need to make sure after spending millions of $ that Uran sharholders have the 'rights' to these deposits.

Is this part of Discovery's master plan?

Uran owns ~9% of Discovery, so there is a safeguard (albeit not a great one).

I also believe you are right Cotik, Uran's rights to the deposits hang on the Discovery Minerals deal going through. (SP3 may know this?).

Not sure how i can word this to Kate, without letting the cat out of the bag that shareholders know there game!

Ellroy - if you don't mind i'll formulate the questions over the weekend, are you happy to take these to the meeting?

Perhaps we should ambush them & not give them the questions before hand!

21-10-2008, 12:57 PM
geez someone wanted to get out... 250,000 pushed the price down that much...

21-10-2008, 03:59 PM
geez someone wanted to get out... 250,000 pushed the price down that much...

Yes, and that someone doesnt get to vote now with 300,000+ shares

But then, if someone here bought them that is another 300,000+ shares for voting against this Regime~!

21-10-2008, 04:38 PM
This thread continues to scare me when I click on it. I don't get why you guys are playing with this toxic waste when a bear market is offering up single digit P/E ratios and chunky yields on decent companies.

Do you have a pain fetish or something?

21-10-2008, 04:54 PM
This thread continues to scare me when I click on it. I don't get why you guys are playing with this toxic waste when a bear market is offering up single digit P/E ratios and chunky yields on decent companies.

Do you have a pain fetish or something?

No just an understanding of the company, it's potential, & Eastern Europes reliance on energy (with a nuclear focus).

Question, how many Uranium PRODUCERS are on the ASX?

Answer: 3 BHP, RIO (via ERA) & PDN

How many explorers 100+, & most are light years away from production

Uran has uranium deposits in Ukraine & could be producing within 2 years

Besides Uran doesn't have any debt :D

21-10-2008, 05:13 PM
Surely you've figured out though that all you're doing is paying for Kate's international travel?

This is a bull market ponzi scheme and we ain't in a bull market anymore.

21-10-2008, 05:28 PM
Surely you've figured out though that all you're doing is paying for Kate's international travel?

This is a bull market ponzi scheme and we ain't in a bull market anymore.

Yup we've worked that out, now we wanna do something about it!

This probably is a dead fish, but you never know...;)

21-10-2008, 05:54 PM
for me its too deep... would love to trade into other stuff, but the only stock that could give me the returns i am after is Uran... IF!!!!???? they can get their act together.

people still underestimate the potential...

but it would seem that we have all overestimated management...

21-10-2008, 06:47 PM
Hi guys,
I can only get small abstract but may be able find more detail later - whether this is a new statement or not I don't know but was reported in CBW 20 10 08
I have no idea if Uran can still figure or not. :confused:


forward sales of tungsten looking good though - may someone will buy that piece of dirt for a nice sum to be returned to the shareholders in a buyback LOL! :p A

21-10-2008, 07:03 PM
back in the day i remember something about diamo not being able to fund extra mining themselves or somethin? does anyone else remember something like that. shasta?

22-10-2008, 12:25 AM
back in the day i remember something about diamo not being able to fund extra mining themselves or somethin? does anyone else remember something like that. shasta?

Scorp, they have resources or funds to drill up to existing or little more depth where they are at. Should they wish to continue deeper/wider/longer etc etc then they will need more money/technology/efficiency and potential partner and this is where uran started doing a barn dance and ended up playing follow the yellow brick road.

Since then the info previously posted by Archer (thankyou) still says the same thing as it said before. What will come of it who knows, but to me it is like the people at the dinner table have not had much to say so they go back over the same old dribble or potential and fishing for a potential return of information, from somebody, somewhere, sometime.

Whether they get any interest or no is another thing.

IMO, they should get somebody very well connected or mafia type and put a gun to their head and tell them to just sign the Freakin Documents.

The other misunderstanding (again) IMO, is that because Uran are seen as an Australian potential mining uranium company, people there think we are like BHP and come in and take over their country, their ways and have plenty of muscle and cash to get anything we want.

Little do they know we are not even a pimple on the @rse of BHP or RIO and do not wish to rock the boat of any company, country or township. I think not enough has been portrait into the telling of story in the native tongue to enable us to sound modern, Safe, Cautious and the new Smart way of doing things.

Instead, we have a board of greedy and lazy Executives whom dont care if a deal gets done or not.

Therefore, which I repeat again, whom should Die if this Saga or Diversion doesn't get explained, moved forward in the right direction., But thats just my opinion, which I am sure you all are sick of.

22-10-2008, 02:40 AM
here is my question.

11. Kate and Pat, which side of the head would you prefer to take a bullet?

Now that is an excellent example of a 'dilemma' - a much misused word today but you've nailed it drillfix.

If Uran goes into administration before shareholders have a chance to vote on the Discovery option I assume that Discovery 'retains' the rights in Ukraine, CR etc. Is this correct? Uran shareholders need to make sure after spending millions of $ that Uran sharholders have the 'rights' to these deposits.

Is this part of Discovery's master plan?

Well spotted cotik. I know others have already picked up on this and some think it is too way out there but I would expect this to be a very feasible scenario, and must have at least been given consideration by the Board, damn it.

Thanks Shasta, Scorp57, Archer, and all for the questions effort.

Shasta, your No. 5 question could be (or as a question on its own) : 'Is the review of the data for the Ukraine deposits making good progress and is a contemporaneous drilling program, permissions, plus necessary equipment happening to enable immediate action upon completion of that data review ?'

.......or if you prefer, how about something simple and direct like, 'As in the Czech Republic, are we now stuffed in the Ukraine also ?, i.e. is our money dead, deceased, no longer breathing, carked, 6 feet under, ****ed ?' :eek: (apologies any children but this is adult stuff).

These people have proved to be non-communicative for too long. The questions need to be wriggle proof but I fear some obscure rule will be invoked to side step them. But perhaps I've become too cynical / paranoid - only thanks to their own behaviour.

Cheers all (I try to keep a smile :)).

22-10-2008, 10:04 AM
In regards to the Ukraine, unless there is government stability URA CANNOT move forward. The situation in Ukraine is outside Kate's control atm.

In case you havent noticed the country is currently in a mess...and for URA to commence the FS, they need Cabinet approval.

Im not suggesting the Ukraine projects are dead, but what I am saying is that developments could be delayed by a few more weeks/months/years

22-10-2008, 10:27 AM
In regards to the Ukraine, unless there is government stability URA CANNOT move forward. The situation in Ukraine is outside Kate's control atm.

In case you havent noticed the country is currently in a mess...and for URA to commence the FS, they need Cabinet approval.

Im not suggesting the Ukraine projects are dead, but what I am saying is that developments could be delayed by a few more weeks/months/years
According to the following link its not a matter of "if" but "when". Despite the political turmoil in Ukraine, nuclear energy/uranium mining is high on their agenda.


22-10-2008, 12:28 PM
thats actually the best news i have heard regarding URA in along time... ukraine need to start pulling their Uranium out of the ground ASAP and our 2 deposits would be top of the list i am sure!

just need the parliament to settle down. ****! i wish they would hurry up!!!

22-10-2008, 12:41 PM
i just wanted to say...

As a long term holder i can see both sides of the story and just wanted to say that some people may be correct regarding the "minnows" going bust especially in this environment...

But i just wanted everyone to understand this. The delay with URA is regarding the Ukrainian government not being able to stay stable for more than 10 minutes...

The projects are URA's but they need cabinet to sign off on them. A little hard when there is no cabinet right?

So in my view it is still a matter of 1) they go bust over time(at least they have no debt which is a huge plus side in this environment)

or 2)They can ride it out untill the ukraine government can get its act together and sign off on the project.

i am sure no one would disagree that "IF" Uran got the Ukraine projects, we would see the SP multiples of what it is now... us holders will just have to hope they can get it together

22-10-2008, 05:29 PM
According to the following link its not a matter of "if" but "when". Despite the political turmoil in Ukraine, nuclear energy/uranium mining is high on their agenda.


Sp3, what Uran need to do is challenge them and tell them to Put up or Shut up.

Kate and board need to stop being such lame, shy, puppy business people and start connecting to mafia IMO.

I want them (mafia) onboard, and OUR board OFF, and perhaps on the sidelines as they cant negotiate toilet paper these people.

The only way to move forward it by yelling, screaming, getting media involved and blackmail the F#$%ers into listening and opening their eyes.

Financial crisis or not, if they say its high on their priorities that is only talk, lets see THEM move it forward and actually demonstrate they mean what they say because they are doing what they say. ACTION and not words.

But if OUR board are gonna sit around because they enjoy silence, silence = more work or waiting = more pay = Frustrated Shareholder = P#ssed Off SH, = Shareholders with Guns = Shareholders with Rocket launchers = NO BOARD, NO BUILDING = NO Salary to pay :D :p :D get it???:rolleyes: :eek:

22-10-2008, 05:42 PM
According to the following link its not a matter of "if" but "when". Despite the political turmoil in Ukraine, nuclear energy/uranium mining is high on their agenda.


Nice find SP3 ;)

Ukraine needs to start mining Uranium to send to Russia for enrichment.

Where is it going to mine it from, & who has deposits over there?

VostGok have the massive "Novok" deposit, but they will need to look to smaller advanced deposits to start with.

If this isn't good news for Uran then what the hell is?

22-10-2008, 06:18 PM
Nice find SP3 ;)

If this isn't good news for Uran then what the hell is?

Yes exactly and it is a nice find Shasta, and again, well done Sp3.

But this now Adds another Question to the Shasta List.

12. With the above link stating what is has, WTF has the board nothing to say, share or communicate with shareholders as that is a perfect opportunity to say something.

Or you are better to find out what exact question is best asked Shasta..lol :D

I am good with threats not questions.

And ever since I have stopped playing mr. Nice guy I choose to Shoot First, ask questions later.

Hobbs, your fired, then your dead. OUT, next.
Ryan, your fired too you ole fart, you already nearly dead and your OUT, next
The rest of the board, get off your azzes, as your dead, Fired and OUT, NEXT.

Which leaves us happy crack pots to set up our own regime or negotiate with more effective communication~! ummm :rolleyes:

22-10-2008, 06:40 PM
Yes exactly and it is a nice find Shasta, and again, well done Sp3.

But this now Adds another Question to the Shasta List.

12. With the above link stating what is has, WTF has the board nothing to say, share or communicate with shareholders as that is a perfect opportunity to say something.

Or you are better to find out what exact question is best asked Shasta..lol :D

I am good with threats not questions.

And ever since I have stopped playing mr. Nice guy I choose to Shoot First, ask questions later.

Hobbs, your fired, then your dead. OUT, next.
Ryan, your fired too you ole fart, you already nearly dead and your OUT, next
The rest of the board, get off your azzes, as your dead, Fired and OUT, NEXT.

Which leaves us happy crack pots to set up our own regime or negotiate with more effective communication~! ummm :rolleyes:

This is an excellent link provided you can read czech. It has recently been updated with lots of documents...but it is in czech.

Also interesting to see that there was a conference last week dedicated to Pribram-was Uran present?


22-10-2008, 06:53 PM
This is an excellent link provided you can read czech. It has recently been updated with lots of documents...but it is in czech.

Also interesting to see that there was a conference last week dedicated to Pribram-was Uran present?

www.diamo.cz/en (http://www.diamo.cz/en)

And for those of us who can't?

Damn google won't translate czech either

I signed up for that Czech forum, SP3 - but have lost the website/link.

Can you post/PM it to me again, cheers

22-10-2008, 09:20 PM
This is an excellent link provided you can read czech. It has recently been updated with lots of documents...but it is in czech.

Also interesting to see that there was a conference last week dedicated to Pribram-was Uran present?


Was uran present??? No, I dont believe so, they have no money to travel no longer.

Plus it appear they have been out to Lunch for the past 2 years, or so it seem~!

22-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Was uran present??? No, I dont believe so, they have no money to travel no longer.

Plus it appear they have been out to Lunch for the past 2 years, or so it seem~!


Kate apparently raided the snack box money to get over to Kazakhstan in Sept, i don't know exactly when that was, so it's entirely possible she was in the Czech Republic as well, anyone actually know?

BTW, I assume since we haven't heard anything, we will probably only get a brief statement in the quarterly.

Another MOU anyone? :confused:

22-10-2008, 09:46 PM

Kate apparently raided the snack box money to get over to Kazakhstan in Sept, i don't know exactly when that was, so it's entirely possible she was in the Czech Republic as well, anyone actually know?

Well there is another Question for ya Shasta.

13. WTF were you doing over there Hobbs???

add that one to the Cart as well :rolleyes:

22-10-2008, 09:50 PM
Well there is another Question for ya Shasta.

13. WTF were you doing over there Hobbs???

add that one to the Cart as well :rolleyes:

I'm not going to ask the questions i already know the answer to, (otherwise i should be on the URAN payroll lol), we will get an update in the quarterly, which means Kate didn't come away with a 100,000T deposit ready to mine :D


22-10-2008, 09:55 PM
which means Kate didn't come away with a 100,000T deposit ready to mine :D


Then what did she come away with?

A case of the clap from humping poor radioactive peasants who have already mined out old soviet mines?

We should STILL be entitled to know, I dont care if she Humps radio active peasants, but put it in the Quarterly with or without pictures so Uran SHAREHOLDERS know exactly WTF is going on. (and all do$h accounted for)

It is this type of Secret Uran society way that makes their own shareholders want to kill them.

22-10-2008, 10:07 PM
Then what did she come away with?

A case of the clap from humping poor radioactive peasants who have already mined out old soviet mines?

We should STILL be entitled to know, I dont care if she Humps radio active peasants, but put it in the Quarterly with or without pictures so Uran SHAREHOLDERS know exactly WTF is going on. (and all do$h accounted for)

It is this type of Secret Uran society way that makes their own shareholders want to kill them.

I don't know what Kate came away with (if anything), but ASX disclosure rules would mean Uran would have to make an announcement, if there was anything "material" in the pipelines.

Would be nice, even if not material to have some updates on the website.

I don't believe for a minute they are all sitting around doing nothing, but here is yet another opportunity "lost", to inform there shareholders of there current activities.

How nice would it be to read either via the company website, (or heaven forbid a market announcement), that Kate was in Kazakhstan to discuss the previously signed & agreed MOU, as well as other potential Uranium opportunities within Kazakhstan?

If they have the majors over there for the big deposits, what are they doing with the waste?

Uran has some experience re Pribram in that area, perhaps an opportunity?

Kazakhstan aren't as incompetent as the Czech's, but a few million URA shares to the right people & ya never know ;)

22-10-2008, 11:50 PM
They obviously underestimated the sovereign risk they so strongly warned us about in their recent reports...

eyes on the prize guys... thats what its all about.

23-10-2008, 05:50 PM
They obviously underestimated the sovereign risk they so strongly warned us about in their recent reports...

eyes on the prize guys... thats what its all about.

Just scanning thru our favourite company's website & something caught my eye...

"Uran’s rights in Czech Republic, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and USA are subject to its right to acquire Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, a company associated with Mrs Kate Hobbs"

This was directly under the Company Overview!!!!

Nothing we didn't already know, or is it?

What's going on in the USA that is covered by Discovery but not Uran*?

That means all we have some permits to tender for in Bulgaria & a greenfields Tungsten project.

Basically, it tells me piss off Kate & she'll take the lot with her & her Discovery mates. (Contacts, staff & all, incl the snack box money :D)

Here's the fine print stuff...

Uran owns 8 or 9% of Discovery Minerals (a deal was done with MK), but Kate could mop up 90% & take out the Uran holding as a minority.

I'm going to ask what measures are in place to recover costs incurred to date by Discovery Minerals leads (Approx $1.5m from memory?), should the option NOT go ahead, for any reason.*

* = new questions raised & added to the list.

23-10-2008, 06:00 PM
Updated questions to be sent through to Kate Hobbs...

I'm sending Kate the email tonight, anything not answered by her reply, or the upcoming quarterly can be redirected at the AGM.

1. What Uranium projects are Uran actively pursuing outside Discovery Minerals leads? (We have had "left field" countries like USA & Africa mentioned in the past with no explanation?)

2. Given the share price slump, how do the Board/Management intend on getting the options converted, is this a Board priority given the level of cash reserves?

3. Are there any restrictions on Uran's Board/Management from purchasing shares at present? I believe it would help sell the "Uran story" if Management were seen to be supportive of the company, especially in the eyes of your shareholders.

4. We have never had an adequate explanation on why the projects involving Rozna & Pribram have gone cold. The latest presentation makes no mention of them (yet the website still shows Rozna?).

5. If Uran is working on an agreed timeframe with Vostgok re the 3 Ukraine deposits, how come this information cannot be made public? (Uran obviously can't disclose non JORC figures!)

6. Can the company provide an update/clarification on the consortium bid for Novoconstantinovskoye. (Research shows this deposit was transferred to VostGok back in the 1990's)

7. Can the company elaborate on the reasons for meeting with Kazatomprom in Sept 09? (I presume there will be an update in the September Quarterly?)

8. Does Uran believe Purple Communications are doing an effective job, in providing Uran with any tangible value with regards to investor presentations & the quarterly reports?

9. What is Uran's "game plan" in the CzechRepublic to foster relationships with the Brzkov locals & to lobby the Govt to support Uranium mining?

10. Should Uran fail to overturn the on-going appeals in CzechRepublic, what "Plan B" does Uran have with regards to it's on-going discussions with Diamo & Uran's involvement in the CzechRepublic.

11. Accordingly to Diamo sources, there was a recent conference in the CzechRepublic regarding Pribram, did anyone attend this on Uran’s behalf?

12. On the Uran website, under “Company Overview” it states the various projects are subject to the right to acquire Discovery Minerals, this also includes the USA, but I’m not aware of any announcements or discussions regarding any Uranium projects in the USA. Are you able to clarify this?

13. Are there any measures in place for Uran to recover the costs incurred to date, associated with the Discovery Minerals leads, should the option to acquire NOT go through for any reason?

23-10-2008, 07:10 PM
The questions are great.

I bet they will be surprised that shareholders know that much about the company, and i also bet that KH will be caught a little off guard by how carefully we are all watching.,..

that is how it should be. they are there for us...just like governments... they serve us, not the other way around...

23-10-2008, 07:23 PM
The questions are great.

I bet they will be surprised that shareholders know that much about the company, and i also bet that KH will be caught a little off guard by how carefully we are all watching.,..

that is how it should be. they are there for us...just like governments... they serve us, not the other way around...

I've emailed Kate before & got a reply, so have sent the email off, along with an extra question regarding whether or not they are replacing Ross Kennedy with another independent director.

I make it my business to know a company inside out BEFORE i buy into them!

I have taken the emotion out of the questions, & not slatted there performance, as it is counter productive to my communication with Kate.

They are aware of there shareholders concerns, slagging them off achieves little, & i want some honest answers to some genuine questions/concerns.

23-10-2008, 08:06 PM
exactly. in fact slagging them off, often, can make people not want to achieve for you

23-10-2008, 08:16 PM
exactly. in fact slagging them off, often, can make people not want to achieve for you

BTW, i'm enjoying baiting our "friend" on the other channel :D

Introduce a few facts & it goes all quiet!

23-10-2008, 08:40 PM
have you signed these questions yourself ? Are they to be asked again at the meeting ?
Do you want a number of signatories ? I suggest that numbers speak but that it is vital they know we are not just crack pot investors will throw books and thenn go away and just whinge on the net. They need to know we are active investors who are prepared to convert options IF the prize can be obtained and also vote with feet if not. A

23-10-2008, 09:12 PM
have you signed these questions yourself ? Are they to be asked again at the meeting ?
Do you want a number of signatories ? I suggest that numbers speak but that it is vital they know we are not just crack pot investors will throw books and thenn go away and just whinge on the net. They need to know we are active investors who are prepared to convert options IF the prize can be obtained and also vote with feet if not. A

I have asked these in my own capacity as a shareholder, either the questions will be answered in the quarterly, or i should hopefully get a reply before the meeting.

I've put a fair bit of research into the questions & haven't criticized them at all, so hopefully im not written off as a crack pot!

I'm hoping the questions will be answered & therefore not required at the meeting, as it diverts attention away from the main business at the AGM.

23-10-2008, 10:49 PM
good point archer- i would gladly sign...

shasta- yeh the other idiot just likes to argue. he must have been burnt bad... oh well he is helpin to keep the hype alive... any publicity is good publicity as they say

24-10-2008, 01:34 AM
Good work shasta. They cover everything that I was going to ask. Will you post the answers if you get a response?

24-10-2008, 12:27 PM
Good work shasta. They cover everything that I was going to ask. Will you post the answers if you get a response?

You can also include the following question.

Given that the Ukraine currency has recently plummeted, does that mean that mining in Ukraine now becomes cheaper than before? Wouldnt the Ukraininians be bending backwards to allow foreign investment into their country?

24-10-2008, 12:57 PM
Good work shasta. They cover everything that I was going to ask. Will you post the answers if you get a response?

I received a brief message back informing me i will get a response when Kate is back in the office fulltime.

SP3, You might want to sent that question to Archer to forward on?

24-10-2008, 09:36 PM
Hi Everyone

Quarterly out



24-10-2008, 09:45 PM
Hi Everyone

Quarterly out



Heres the full ann


24-10-2008, 09:48 PM
i dont mind it...

biggest obstacle= ukraine government...

so close...

24-10-2008, 09:55 PM
i dont mind it...

biggest obstacle= ukraine government...

so close...


We know that "Discovery Minerals" have a certain contact over there...

Keep the patienta ;)

24-10-2008, 10:08 PM

We know that "Discovery Minerals" have a certain contact over there...

Keep the patienta ;)
Given the current climate wrt the share market/financial crisism URA is better off doing nothing atm so the company can preserve their cash. The crisis in Ukraine is doing us a favour by delaying the projects. Whether Uran announces an acquisition or not, the share price will not be affected

24-10-2008, 10:20 PM
Given the current climate wrt the share market/financial crisism URA is better off doing nothing atm so the company can preserve their cash. The crisis in Ukraine is doing us a favour by delaying the projects.

I still hold the view that we may get a left field announcement from Ukraine or Czech-even if it means we get a 10% interest in a project. If this was ever going to happen it will happen now.

Funny how there was NO mention in the quarterly about the trip to Kazakhstan...

Left field SP3, well i'm thinking it's from Kazakhstan, but nice to see some progess in Ukraine.

24-10-2008, 10:24 PM
true, We will be able to ride the URA bull once again i am sure... just keep the patience.

geez those 5 and a 1/2 cent shares are looking mighty cheap now...

just sick of the delays, but hey, its the old big risk VS big reward thing... we have all been patient so far...

i was quite happy with the fact that they are preserving cash, and still have almost 2million in the bank...

things dont seem so bad at this stage

24-10-2008, 10:39 PM
true, We will be able to ride the URA bull once again i am sure... just keep the patience.

geez those 5 and a 1/2 cent shares are looking mighty cheap now...

just sick of the delays, but hey, its the old big risk VS big reward thing... we have all been patient so far...

i was quite happy with the fact that they are preserving cash, and still have almost 2million in the bank...

things dont seem so bad at this stage

I accidently deleted my last post but thanks Shasta for copying it before I deleted it.

The left field could be either Rozna or Novok - forget Kazak.

I think Uran will need to devise a strategy on how they propose to to lift the share price so that the options can be in the money before they expire worthless. Maybe the left field will be dlayed until Feb/Mar to get maximum impact.

This is probably the key theme that needs to be raised at the AGM.

24-10-2008, 10:43 PM
I accidently deleted my last post but thanks Shasta for copying it before I deleted it.

The left field could be either Rozna or Novok - forget Kazak.

I think Uran will need to devise a strategy on how they propose to to lift the share price so that the options can be in the money before they expire worthless. Maybe the left field will be dlayed until Feb/Mar to get maximum impact.

This is probably the key theme that needs to be raised at the AGM.

SP3 - check my earlier posts re questions to Kate

I've already addressed the issue of the options

24-10-2008, 10:45 PM
yes, mining becomes cheaper with Oz$

earnings do not - isnt that your ultimate aim?

All uranium transactions/sales are done in US $$$ currency-not Ukraine currency.

24-10-2008, 11:00 PM
All uranium transactions/sales are done in US $$$ currency-not Ukraine currency.

Hopefully this post contains my Uran spreadsheet....:rolleyes:

SP3 is right the $US46/lb U308 price = $A76/lb

Bugger it didn't work...

Anyone who wants a copy post in here

25-10-2008, 03:37 PM
can whoever goes to the agm take an audio recording of it and post it up somewhere?

would love to know what the hell happened there

25-10-2008, 04:29 PM
Here is a question for the agm.

Discovery received $200K from Uran for the initial option to acquire Discovery Minerals and in return Uran gained an 8% stake in Discovery. This implied a value of $2.5M for Discovery Minerals. Since Uran had now spent in excess of $2.5M pursuing Discovery leads in Ukraine, CR, Kaz etc is it reasonable to assume that Uran now holds 100% of Discovery?

25-10-2008, 07:35 PM
Here is a question for the agm.

Discovery received $200K from Uran for the initial option to acquire Discovery Minerals and in return Uran gained an 8% stake in Discovery. This implied a value of $2.5M for Discovery Minerals. Since Uran had now spent in excess of $2.5M pursuing Discovery leads in Ukraine, CR, Kaz etc is it reasonable to assume that Uran now holds 100% of Discovery?


Uran could have acquired a shell company for $250. Why did we pay $2.5M? Discovery was meant to hand over the projects to Uran in Dec 2006...why has Uran extended the deadline just to suit Discovery. imo Discovery has now defaulted and Uran should not be required to issue them any shares once these deposits are acquired by Uran.

26-10-2008, 03:28 PM
it would seem that discovery only exists on paper... really paying out kate hobbs by buying discovery... thats all...

26-10-2008, 03:35 PM
it would seem that discovery only exists on paper... really paying out kate hobbs by buying discovery... thats all...

Remember though Discovery Minerals "introduced" Uran to Joe C & Tomas Vana, not to mention the consultant over in Ukraine...

They have provided some value, just no where near the amount Uran has spent on them!

26-10-2008, 11:56 PM
good point. but we are literally paying the whole bill, yet discovery will get some slice of the POTENTIAL profits... oh well at this stage i will be happy if there are profits haha..

i got new positive feelings towards this after the quarterly... my instincts are usually pretty correct...and they are telling me that something is on its way

27-10-2008, 04:17 AM
Here is a question for the agm.

Discovery received $200K from Uran for the initial option to acquire Discovery Minerals and in return Uran gained an 8% stake in Discovery. This implied a value of $2.5M for Discovery Minerals. Since Uran had now spent in excess of $2.5M pursuing Discovery leads in Ukraine, CR, Kaz etc is it reasonable to assume that Uran now holds 100% of Discovery?

Yet again, Good Question cotik and yes Shasta, Add that to the list for perhaps Ellroy who will be going along.

Although Cotik,
I thought Discovery had 80 Million shares issued and that Uran had 8 Million of those shares, so would that not mean Uran had 10% of Discovery rather than 8% ???

Food for thought so just in case the questions needs to be fine tuned.


Uran could have acquired a shell company for $250. Why did we pay $2.5M? Discovery was meant to hand over the projects to Uran in Dec 2006...why has Uran extended the deadline just to suit Discovery. imo Discovery has now defaulted and Uran should not be required to issue them any shares once these deposits are acquired by Uran.

Yes Sp3 very true,they could have acquired a shell co and then only paid consultant fees when needed rather than ongoing costs that have led to Nothing so far.

Defaulted is an understatement and I agree fully that NO SHARES be issued.

If anything, it has still COST US (uran shareholders) dearly.

This whole Discovery thing has been Smoke and Mirrors and its something that has not worked as plan for Kate.

I and others here do feel that those set of events need fully explained and RESOLVED, PUT TO BED and be set aside OUT OF THE WAY, so only Uran Ltd can deal, focus, move forward on so called Opportunities, Projects and Whatever BS they have fed us thus far.

Will we get an Answer to Cotik's question here on this, or any of the questions Shasta previously asked or is asking???

Time will tell but still alot of Answers Required here folks~!

27-10-2008, 04:34 AM
scorp, you are without doubt a baised fool

but as long as you #feel# good luck, all the best with "instincts"

youll need them

will the last one turn the lights out on URA:D

something is on the way alright - darkness

A "bAIsed" fool? ok mate... your the real genius on these forums...

Drillfix- Discovery would appear to be smoke and mirrors, but as others have pointed out, we have also gained good contacts from the company...

fat lot of good they have gotten us so far, but better to be in with a chance, than nothing at all.

27-10-2008, 04:42 AM
scorp, you are without doubt a baised fool

but as long as you #feel# good luck, all the best with "instincts"

youll need them

will the last one turn the lights out on URA:D

something is on the way alright - darkness

Still got $1.9m in the snack box, we'll be right for a wee while longer

27-10-2008, 03:50 PM
Still got $1.9m in the snack box, we'll be right for a wee while longer

Ukraine is in some financial trouble, perhaps they will now speed up foreign investment in there country?

IMF approves $US16.5bn loan for troubled Ukraine

WASHINGTON - The International Monetary Fund says it has reached an agreement with Ukraine on a US$16.5 billion ($28.77 billion) loan to help the country out of its financial predicament.

IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn says the Sunday agreement between an IMF staff mission to Ukraine and the government there still has to be approved by the IMF board.

Ukraine is struggling to keep its financial system afloat amid the global economic crisis. It is hurting from a fall in the price of steel, its main export, and by a steep drop in the value of its currency, the hryvna.
The IMF agreed to a similar, $21 billion loan to Iceland after that country's banking system collapsed.

28-10-2008, 05:50 PM
Ukraine is in some financial trouble, perhaps they will now speed up foreign investment in there country?

IMF approves $US16.5bn loan for troubled Ukraine

WASHINGTON - The International Monetary Fund says it has reached an agreement with Ukraine on a US$16.5 billion ($28.77 billion) loan to help the country out of its financial predicament.

IMF managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn says the Sunday agreement between an IMF staff mission to Ukraine and the government there still has to be approved by the IMF board.

Ukraine is struggling to keep its financial system afloat amid the global economic crisis. It is hurting from a fall in the price of steel, its main export, and by a steep drop in the value of its currency, the hryvna.
The IMF agreed to a similar, $21 billion loan to Iceland after that country's banking system collapsed.

Someone needed to pick up some milk & bread from the dairy on the way home... 4,760 traded @ 3.4c, a nearly 40% drop doesn't look good, but its only $160!

28-10-2008, 05:58 PM
Someone needed to pick up some milk & bread from the dairy on the way home... 4,760 traded @ 3.4c, a nearly 40% drop doesn't look good, but its only $160!

Probably done on purpose to show them at the AGM.

I hope the board start talking or get shot, one or the other~!

28-10-2008, 06:13 PM
Probably done on purpose to show them at the AGM.

I hope the board start talking or get shot, one or the other~!

Is anyone going to the AGM to ask questions? or are they going to get off scott free ?
I would have BUT now can't afford to take time off work to fly from QLD to WA - such is Uran life! well - actually total market thing - everything down so can't waste the cash.

shasta did you get a reply at all to your questions?

Ouch its a nasty one today. How many sent in proxies ? Not much can be done about anything now - we just have to stay afloat and chill. :) A

28-10-2008, 08:14 PM
well... well.... well... Its been a while.... Several of you have changed your tune on this stock.... can you hear me strat.... You reckon? I have always said this was/is a highly speculative all or nothing play with extreme risk.

oh....oh.... oh... and by the way
theres no tuning problems here. My pitch is excellent :p

prat :rolleyes:

28-10-2008, 08:40 PM
nah they will be ok... :) i have inside information that they arent worried haha

28-10-2008, 09:11 PM
shasta did you get a reply at all to your questions?

I'd like to know as well Arch. Don't want to look like an ass at the AGM tomorrow by asking q's that have already been answered.

28-10-2008, 10:05 PM
I'd like to know as well Arch. Don't want to look like an ass at the AGM tomorrow by asking q's that have already been answered.

No answer folks, despite Kates' brief email saying she would reply on Monday. :(:confused::mad:

Perhaps these can be asked at the AGM, Ellroy (perhaps mention the email she received from Brendan was a collective effort).

Basically the quarterly answers very little of my questions...

28-10-2008, 10:28 PM
Ellroy- we will be thinkin of you tomoro mate. good luck, and get as much info as you can!!!

28-10-2008, 10:33 PM
No answer folks, despite Kates' brief email saying she would reply on Monday. :(:confused::mad:

Perhaps these can be asked at the AGM, Ellroy (perhaps mention the email she received from Brendan was a collective effort).

Basically the quarterly answers very little of my questions...

Tell ya what,

Ellroy, how about logon here in the morning or before you set off to go to the AGM and we can do a last minute double check to see if Shasta got a morning reply (just in case).

Also, please double check your (mp3) batteries , loosen up your polker face and keep the Crisps on the other side of the recorder..lol :D

Just some thought for last minute fine tuning. Will you be logging on later on tonight a few times to double check any last minute stuff also?

Also, (again) just wish to let you know your efforts are genuinely appreciated Ellroy, good work. And you too for the questions Shasta~!

Fingers crossed for a little, even just a little bit of information that can shine some light on this what can be considered grim situation.

Cheers for now~!

28-10-2008, 10:45 PM
Check on all accounts dF.

28-10-2008, 10:47 PM
Tell ya what,

Ellroy, how about logon here in the morning or before you set off to go to the AGM and we can do a last minute double check to see if Shasta got a morning reply (just in case).

Also, please double check your (mp3) batteries , loosen up your polker face and keep the Crisps on the other side of the recorder..lol :D

Just some thought for last minute fine tuning. Will you be logging on later on tonight a few times to double check any last minute stuff also?

Also, (again) just wish to let you know your efforts are genuinely appreciated Ellroy, good work. And you too for the questions Shasta~!

Fingers crossed for a little, even just a little bit of information that can shine some light on this what can be considered grim situation.

Cheers for now~!

Remembering we in NZ are a couple of hours ahead,...

I'll check first thing & whilst i may be out tomorrow, i'll have net access at some point, what time is kickoff?

Ellroy - as well as the 13 questions (i posted a page or so back), i asked if Ross Kennedy was to be replaced with an independent director.

28-10-2008, 11:31 PM
Kickoff is at 10:30am WST.

28-10-2008, 11:36 PM
Kickoff is at 10:30am WST.

Perth is 5 or 6 hours behind us, so i'll check in well before the AGM starts

28-10-2008, 11:59 PM
1:30 p.m for all you sydney and eastern siders...

29-10-2008, 01:29 PM
1:30 p.m for all you sydney and eastern siders...

Just checked email, no reply :(

29-10-2008, 02:09 PM
i would say she is too busy psyching herself up for the verbal beating she is about to get...

hopefully they have some good re-assuring news today...

29-10-2008, 02:13 PM

29-10-2008, 02:14 PM
i would say she is too busy psyching herself up for the verbal beating she is about to get...

hopefully they have some good re-assuring news today...

mmmmm maybe not.....

29-10-2008, 02:27 PM
besides thomas schrimpf (which by the way i think is a good thing) we already knew all that. nothing new, and as i have said, at least we know where we stand...

will have to ride out the financial storm just like everybody else... however, whilst waiting, things can develop, that would have been otherwise wasted in a bearish market such as this.

not all gloom and doom

29-10-2008, 04:10 PM
besides thomas schrimpf (which by the way i think is a good thing) we already knew all that. nothing new, and as i have said, at least we know where we stand...

will have to ride out the financial storm just like everybody else... however, whilst waiting, things can develop, that would have been otherwise wasted in a bearish market such as this.

not all gloom and doom

Those presentations were pretty par for the course, looking forward to Ellroy's comments....

The same person who sold at 3.4c yesterday has dumped the remainder of there 90,000 order at 3.1c, obviously they want out at any price.:confused:

29-10-2008, 04:26 PM
i managed to sneak down to the agm, pretty depressing affair :(

The Shrimpf obviously had the proxies against him hence the resignation today.

Ukraine - On Hold until some sort of political stability returns

Czech republic - Nothing going on. Hopeful that there may be an election soon, with a resulting new environmental minister.

Kazak - Nothing going on here,

Bulgaria - Applications lodged, nothing since

So the major discussion was on the Tungsten. Looking at Jorc drilling around June next year.

When asked about the options " they'll be putting in all efforts possible to get them into the money"

I asked about extending the expiry date, they said this isnt possible, however they can explore other options, ie assume this means 1 option for every 1 lapsed option held, Pat "Mumbles" Ryan said this would be something they would have to look

The exploration manager was positive, especially about the tunsgten. Apparently the deposit slopes upwards hence depth isnt too much of an issue. Expecting significant silver and copper grades as well.

Pat Ryan couldnt answer a question without splattering and stuttering, he really is hopeless.

Elroy got through some of Shasta's qustions. I assume he'll post answer on here shortly

Discovery Option expires on the 30/6/09. Although the costs incurred if the option lapses cant be recovered, my understanding is that any project acquired after this date will be entirely Urans, hence no shares would need to be issued to discovery.

Will post anymore if I remember.

Funniest one of the day was when Elroy asked about the directors buying shares, Kate referred to her and pat picking up a couple at 40c. But her main excuse was that it was too hard for directors to sell at a latter date without upsetting shareholders. LOL!

Expect some news soon on uranium prospects in the US

29-10-2008, 05:27 PM
Thanks for going and posting this - its doesn't sound too good - A

29-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Thanks for going and posting this - its doesn't sound too good - A

Am looking forward to Ellroy's comments, lol i asked Kate about the US & for some clarification...

Discovery clearly has something over there...:confused:

Nice to see our Tungsten expert "Tomas" over here!

29-10-2008, 05:53 PM
Hi all,

As juggernauts wrote, it was a pretty depressing affair. The purse strings are being tightened. The board now consists of only Kate, Pat and Wolf, and there are no plans in the short term to replace them. It was stated that they would look to add someone again at next years AGM. They are also looking to sublet office space, some staff have been cut, and people have taken pay cuts. I asked about the options, they stated that it will be difficult to get them in the money given the current turmoil in the Ukraine and the world in general, but they are working hard to do what they can. I suspect that they won’t be in the money by the expiry date (just my read on the situation, esp given the current market conditions).

As far as the different projects, I would put only Ukraine on the radar. They are pushing this as far as they can but need the Cabinet of Ministers to sign off on any agreement. As there is currently no Cabinet, nothing can be signed off so there’ll be no mining on any of the deposits in the immediate future. I asked about Novok, forget about it IMO. The Ukrainians need to sort themselves out before anyone is interested (apparently the big boys such as Areva and Cameco aren’t interested, given the current political situation).

Czech Republic is in a holding pattern, they’ve done everything they can with the current government in place. There may be new elections soon and it appears that the Greens won’t get a seat at all, which bodes well for us. Pribram was deemed to be non-viable (from reading between the lines they planned to use it as a good will gesture to get into other assets) and Kate stated that she was aware that another company has since looked at it and weren’t interested. I think their interest in Rozna has diminished given its current condition. I gather the outlay required to improve the mine, which is required to increase the amount of ore mined per year, would be too great. Kate is far more interested in Brzkov and the Liberec region.

Forgot Kazakhstan. They are less organized and in more turmoil than the Ukrainians. Shasta, I didn’t ask what the meeting was about in September, but I suspect it was to amicably “end” the agreement (I’m sure the agreement is still in place, they just aren’t working on anything with the Kazakh’s).

They are waiting on Bulgaria, but apparently it is also moving slowly and they don’t expect things to move quickly.

So, as juggernauts stated, the interest in the immediate future has turned to the Finley basin. They are quite excited by what they’ve got. The plan is to prove it up as far as they can then look for a JV partner. Tungsten is the focus, but they are also looking to mine the base metals as well. The great thing about a lease in the US is that once it’s granted you can’t lose it, and aren’t required to perform any work on it. So they can go at a rate that the money allows. Obviously in this case they will be working on it as quickly as possible to prove it up. Phil (head geo) stated that they will start drilling in July, which should take 6-8 weeks. They will be able to use this data to define a JORC compliant resource. They can’t start sooner because the US is now going into winter, and given the location everything will be covered in snow. So they need to wait the winter out, clear some access roads, then get started.

Another positive was that Kate stated they are actively seeking U opportunities in the US. They are only interested in licenses that have been granted, as getting a license awarded on an area can take a couple of years. It did sound like they were going to acquire something "soon" (for some reason I've got a feeling it'll be before the end of the year, but that's just my gut feeling). So watch this space I guess.

I asked about them buying shares to instill confidence, they said they would look at it. I suspect it isn’t going to help in the short term though, so they would unlikely do it.

Juggernauts has basically covered the cost recovery thing if the Discovery option doesn’t go through. My understanding is that Uran would not be able to recover the costs incurred (my guess is that they were expecting this to go through a LONG time ago).

So there we have it folks. In the short term, we are a tungsten company. Let’s hope the Ukrainian situation sorts itself out quickly, or that the Czech’s go to the polls soon and out the Greens!! I did record it but you’ll need to give me some time to get it sorted out and online, been crook for the past few days and have some work to catch up on.

If anyone has got any other q's in the meantime I'm happy to answer them.

Cheers, E.

29-10-2008, 06:04 PM
Hi all,

As juggernauts wrote, it was a pretty depressing affair. The purse strings are being tightened. The board now consists of only Kate, Pat and Wolf, and there are no plans in the short term to replace them. It was stated that they would look to add someone again at next years AGM. They are also looking to sublet office space, some staff have been cut, and people have taken pay cuts. I asked about the options, they stated that it will be difficult to get them in the money given the current turmoil in the Ukraine and the world in general, but they are working hard to do what they can. I suspect that they won’t be in the money by the expiry date (just my read on the situation, esp given the current market conditions).

As far as the different projects, I would put only Ukraine on the radar. They are pushing this as far as they can but need the Cabinet of Ministers to sign off on any agreement. As there is currently no Cabinet, nothing can be signed off so there’ll be no mining on any of the deposits in the immediate future. I asked about Novok, forget about it IMO. The Ukrainians need to sort themselves out before anyone is interested (apparently the big boys such as Areva and Cameco aren’t interested, given the current political situation).

Czech Republic is in a holding pattern, they’ve done everything they can with the current government in place. There may be new elections soon and it appears that the Greens won’t get a seat at all, which bodes well for us. Pribram was deemed to be non-viable (from reading between the lines they planned to use it as a good will gesture to get into other assets) and Kate stated that she was aware that another company has since looked at it and weren’t interested. I think their interest in Rozna has diminished given its current condition. I gather the outlay required to improve the mine, which is required to increase the amount of ore mined per year, would be too great. Kate is far more interested in Brzkov and the Liberec region.

Forgot Kazakhstan. They are less organized and in more turmoil than the Ukrainians. Shasta, I didn’t ask what the meeting was about in September, but I suspect it was to amicably “end” the agreement (I’m sure the agreement is still in place, they just aren’t working on anything with the Kazakh’s).

They are waiting on Bulgaria, but apparently it is also moving slowly and they don’t expect things to move quickly.

So, as juggernauts stated, the interest in the immediate future has turned to the Finley basin. They are quite excited by what they’ve got. The plan is to prove it up as far as they can then look for a JV partner. Tungsten is the focus, but they are also looking to mine the base metals as well. The great thing about a lease in the US is that once it’s granted you can’t lose it, and aren’t required to perform any work on it. So they can go at a rate that the money allows. Obviously in this case they will be working on it as quickly as possible to prove it up. Phil (head geo) stated that they will start drilling in July, which should take 6-8 weeks. They will be able to use this data to define a JORC compliant resource. They can’t start sooner because the US is now going into winter, and given the location everything will be covered in snow. So they need to wait the winter out, clear some access roads, then get started.

Another positive was that Kate stated they are actively seeking U opportunities in the US. They are only interested in licenses that have been granted, as getting a license awarded on an area can take a couple of years. It did sound like they were going to acquire something "soon" (for some reason I've got a feeling it'll be before the end of the year, but that's just my gut feeling). So watch this space I guess.

I asked about them buying shares to instill confidence, they said they would look at it. I suspect it isn’t going to help in the short term though, so they would unlikely do it.

Juggernauts has basically covered the cost recovery thing if the Discovery option doesn’t go through. My understanding is that Uran would not be able to recover the costs incurred (my guess is that they were expecting this to go through a LONG time ago).

So there we have it folks. In the short term, we are a tungsten company. Let’s hope the Ukrainian situation sorts itself out quickly, or that the Czech’s go to the polls soon and out the Greens!! I did record it but you’ll need to give me some time to get it sorted out and online, been crook for the past few days and have some work to catch up on.

If anyone has got any other q's in the meantime I'm happy to answer them.

Cheers, E.

I have a question, re Ukraine

They were reviewing the data, so where's it all at?

Is it just the Ukraine Cabinet to approve the details of the JV with VostGok that Uran is waiting on?

Do we have all 3 sets of data, i recall 2 but not the receipt of the 3rd.

Appreciate you raising these Ellroy, & at least they were acknowledged!

29-10-2008, 06:15 PM
My understanding is that 2 set of data have been reviewed.

Ukraine still has a cabinet and government is still working......business as usual in Ukraine according to my information, so I am not sure what Kate is talking about.

Thanks juggernauts and Ellroy80 for your reports, greatly appreciated.

29-10-2008, 06:17 PM
the data that they have been provided and reviewed by the Ukranians was said to be pretty limited, not the full drill logs, so they still have no idea how much drilling would be reqd

29-10-2008, 06:20 PM
Despite the sentiment, i actually liked the tungsten part of the presentation...

if realised it could add 47c per share! JV partner would be a great help!! depends who can hang on till then...

thanks to everyone who posted bout the AGM...

lets remember that there are very few companies across the world whose AGM's have been positive recently...

The sky is not falling in... just gonna take time. i like the US U prospects too... a left field ann. sure would be handy soon

cheers everyone

29-10-2008, 06:22 PM
I have a question, re Ukraine

They were reviewing the data, so where's it all at?

Is it just the Ukraine Cabinet to approve the details of the JV with VostGok that Uran is waiting on?

Do we have all 3 sets of data, i recall 2 but not the receipt of the 3rd.

Appreciate you raising these Ellroy, & at least they were acknowledged!

Thanks Ellroy, good work once again.

My understanding is that the Cabinet of Ministers has not been dissolved. Why are they taking long to finalise the documents before it is submitted to Cabinet? Im not sure if elections will be held in Ukraine. There are new developments every day.

29-10-2008, 07:06 PM
Yeah my understanding is only what has been stated in the Sept quarterly (i.e. they have reviewed what data they've got, but they are waiting for more). This wasn't covered in any more detail. Maybe URA envisage that by the time the terms of the JV have been finalised and written up, the Cabinet will no longer exist??? How much longer is it in place anyway?

I might give the office a call in the next day or two. Note that Kate is currently hobbling around on crutches (recent hip replacement), which might explain the no reply that you got shasta.

BTW as juggernaut pointed out, PR is really a muppet. Mumbled and stumbled through the whole thing. At least Kate and Phil know what they're talking about.....

29-10-2008, 07:10 PM
thanks Ellroy - great work .
well I suppose at least Tungsten and USA are more stable than U and FSU.
sad to lose the other dream but I guess we have. They have simply got to get something else into this company before the options die - otherwwise I the whole thing will dies as well. I reckon they know this and lets hope have been doing smarter work in the US than in Ukraine and Czech. A

29-10-2008, 09:57 PM
thanks Ellroy - great work .
well I suppose at least Tungsten and USA are more stable than U and FSU.
sad to lose the other dream but I guess we have. They have simply got to get something else into this company before the options die - otherwwise I the whole thing will dies as well. I reckon they know this and lets hope have been doing smarter work in the US than in Ukraine and Czech. A

All we got is a Tungsten project which wont be worked on until July next year and a couple of small ukrainian projects which may never get off the ground. Other than that we have nothing else to occupy ourselves.

Uran might as well shut the office for 8 months to save on overheads and make all staff go on unpaid leave until then.

To maximise our investment I suggest we invest our remaining funds into undervalued stocks (not uranium) so by the time we need to access the money, it will have doubled.

What do others think?

This is our only hope to recover from this mess we are in.

There are bargains everywhere atm.

This is a genuine proposition.

29-10-2008, 10:22 PM
I agree sp3, take $1M and put on a company that is cash flow positive and is undervalued, they will probably at least double their money in the next six to twelve months.....unfortunately it's isn't going to happen unless we take control.

29-10-2008, 10:32 PM
All we got is a Tungsten project which wont be worked on until July next year and a couple of small ukrainian projects which may never get off the ground. Other than that we have nothing else to occupy ourselves.

Uran might as well shut the office for 8 months to save on overheads and make all staff go on unpaid leave until then.

To maximise our investment I suggest we invest our remaining funds into undervalued stocks (not uranium) so by the time we need to access the money, it will have doubled.

What do others think?

This is our only hope to recover from this mess we are in.

There are bargains everywhere atm.

This is a genuine proposition.

I'm interested to hear more detail - not exactly sure what you mean . /Uran use its funds to buy cheap stock or individuals ? A

29-10-2008, 10:46 PM
I'm interested to hear more detail - not exactly sure what you mean . /Uran use its funds to buy cheap stock or individuals ? A

Uran should withdraw $1M and buy shares in a company such as JML, RIV, or (as underdog suggested) PPP. Surely these companies share prices will double in the next 6-12 months....then URA can sell out and have an extra million $$$$$'s in the bank.

But I have a better idea.

Given that URA has valued the Tungsten in ground value at the equivalent of 47c/share, why dont we now put the company up for sale for half of that...and we should demand that Discovery buy us out (given they put us in this mess we are in). Im sure everyone would be happy to sell out at 23.5c if they could.

Anyone want to call an EGM to put up either option 1 or option 2 for a vote?

29-10-2008, 10:48 PM
Uran use it's funds to buy cheap stock. many stock would have cost 4 or 5 times the current price a few months ago. Uran could turn $1M in to at least $2M in the next twelve months. Make sense to me, why not get the money really working.

29-10-2008, 10:59 PM
Uran and a few other small uranium companies need to look at merging their funds and projects before it is too late for some companies running low on cash.

The problem is egos and pride get in the way of doing what is best for shareholders.

Drillfix you still around mate. Hope he not on this way to Perth!

29-10-2008, 11:29 PM
all good ideas... Geez especially in these times, everything seems futile. I think alot of investors (not just in Uran) are starting to realise that they're money, wont come back by tomoro. What a mess...

Uran, is finally being honest with us shareholders, and it isnt a particularly rosey picture, especially short term, but surely others besides me, can see that not all hope is lost?

What if the tungsten ends up being a great investment by the company? ok they're not drilling it till next july, but if they conserve cash, and the world economy sorts itself out by then, arent we still in with a chance?

what if the US Uranium prospects occur? what if Ukraine gets it act together and signs off on the deal?

I know the directors didnt make out like it is going to happen soon, but surely they are just sick of promising and never delivering?

Am i the only one who thinks all is not lost? Feel free to crucify me, but it seems like another case of wait or throw in the towel.

Oh also, with the state of the markets, i wouldnt be to sure that anything in 12 months will double. who knows where we will be...

29-10-2008, 11:36 PM
Have yall been drinking tonight?
Sell the Tungsten project? Have yall missed whats been going on over the last month or two. Its probably worth less than they paid for it.

47c a share based on what? the word of Uran management?

Force the company to draw down what cash they have left and play the stock market?

This is a wind up, Right?:D

30-10-2008, 12:04 AM
i think its just a group of very disgruntled shareholders strat...

i just hope time can heal these wounds... there are some very intelligent people in this bunch, who have all been done over in a big way, thats why i keep posting positive msgs...

Huang Chung
30-10-2008, 12:06 AM
You could do a lot worse than going after tungsten, that's for sure.

Grade of .7 is, on face value quite good, but they do seem to be short on details. Funding the exploration program also seems to be an issue they will need to address in the near term.

If you haven't seen it already, I started a tungsten thread some time ago, which might give you some background info on the metal, if you are so inclined.

PS...what's the bet that there's a change in the company's name sometime within the next 12 months?

30-10-2008, 12:40 AM
Another thanks for you Ellroy.

I've only skimmed over the responses - just not worth me wasting more time but I gather Kate has once again got away with not revealing exactly what has been achieved in the Ukraine. So we're still in the dark, feelings ranging from anything (good) could happen any day from SP3 (hope I've understood that correctly SP3 ?) to there is no cabinet....nothing can happen.

Possible U deal in the US, shortly ? Are we being completely gullible as usual ? Astonishing, where there is the merest whiff of hope, human's have noses as powerful as dogs for sniffing out..........dogs :eek:.

At least the company is cutting costs severely.

At first thought, SP3's idea looks good (splash out a million bucks on the roulette wheel, ahh, share market). But I'm now so cynical that I don't particularly care a fig either way except that if there is continued volatility for six months, an investment might not move at all ? Even after twelve months, the death of even a butterfly in Timbuktoo might utterly shatter, crush, smash, devastate, annihilate any gains ? All ears to be persuaded otherwise.

Sorry, rather negative so I'll stop here. Actually I have to make one trip away shortly (at my expense, and not for pleasure) so that's not adding to my humour. While away (next week to Nov. 18) will try and check in on this site but doubt I'll respond (so it's not because I'll be in Perth;)).

Sincerely do hope for success though really have lost my energy over this one, but hoping like hell for those with options (& for company's sake) that by some miracle they do get over the line.


30-10-2008, 12:49 AM
You could do a lot worse than going after tungsten, that's for sure.

Grade of .7 is, on face value quite good, but they do seem to be short on details. Funding the exploration program also seems to be an issue they will need to address in the near term.

If you haven't seen it already, I started a tungsten thread some time ago, which might give you some background info on the metal, if you are so inclined.

PS...what's the bet that there's a change in the company's name sometime within the next 12 months?

Fair call. at this stage, i dont think holders care anymore... just want SOMETHING...

What if world economic conditions get better over the next 6-12months... the tungsten project could, if worthy, get funding right? is it really that far fetched?

30-10-2008, 01:22 AM
Thanks Ellroy and JN for the your efforts and feedback regarding the Uran AGM, it is much appreciated although what could be called anticipated BOGUS communication from the company which no matter how honest this mob try to be.

Drillfix you still around mate. Hope he not on this way to Perth!

I am still here Cotik, and have read many of the comments here.

You guys dont need to hear what I feel like as I am sure you know.

I want HEADS to ROLL, I WANT Bullets lodging into heads, I want these people who call themselves the Board, OFF THE FRIKIN BOARD.

Why am I not surprised, to feel or say that we have been taken, Conned, Rippped, Mislead or even self mistakenly been unobservant is an Understatement.

I agree with the Dont do anything statements and put the money into MONEY MAKING companies to make money.

As others have said, We need these JOKERS off the board.

What about the performance of these individuals or these collective WannaBe's????

Lets make the current GEO the Chairman, Secretary, CEO and GEO all in one, that will save money. Reshuffle the other DEAD WOOD off or OUT, and then make money with the money.

This one folks has fukd me over big time.

I dont care about things like going to jail for murder because personally, there are street thugs out there with more class and respect than these LEGAL criminals.

Anyway, thats how I feel.

Also, was I the only voted NO, or did these Turkeys decide not to count my votes AGAIN ??? Hard to tell aint it.

i dont think holders care anymore... just want SOMETHING...

Death to URAN MANAGEMENT, that for me is something enough (at least) for me.

Some wont agree, but then Im not asking you all to agree, Im just sharing with you what I would like to see.

Also, the take the MILLION and make money with it is a great Idea, except, SACK the board, and let a Pro make the deals with the money to slowly rebuild Shareholders Wealth, if such thing is possible with such stains and tarnish of this company.

30-10-2008, 07:45 AM
Thanks Ellroy and JN for the your efforts and feedback regarding the Uran AGM, it is much appreciated although what could be called anticipated BOGUS communication from the company which no matter how honest this mob try to be.

I am still here Cotik, and have read many of the comments here.

You guys dont need to hear what I feel like as I am sure you know.

I want HEADS to ROLL, I WANT Bullets lodging into heads, I want these people who call themselves the Board, OFF THE FRIKIN BOARD.

Why am I not surprised, to feel or say that we have been taken, Conned, Rippped, Mislead or even self mistakenly been unobservant is an Understatement.

I agree with the Dont do anything statements and put the money into MONEY MAKING companies to make money.

As others have said, We need these JOKERS off the board.

What about the performance of these individuals or these collective WannaBe's????

Lets make the current GEO the Chairman, Secretary, CEO and GEO all in one, that will save money. Reshuffle the other DEAD WOOD off or OUT, and then make money with the money.

This one folks has fukd me over big time.

I dont care about things like going to jail for murder because personally, there are street thugs out there with more class and respect than these LEGAL criminals.

Anyway, thats how I feel.

Also, was I the only voted NO, or did these Turkeys decide not to count my votes AGAIN ??? Hard to tell aint it.

Death to URAN MANAGEMENT, that for me is something enough (at least) for me.

Some wont agree, but then Im not asking you all to agree, Im just sharing with you what I would like to see.

Also, the take the MILLION and make money with it is a great Idea, except, SACK the board, and let a Pro make the deals with the money to slowly rebuild Shareholders Wealth, if such thing is possible with such stains and tarnish of this company.

I jokingly said Uran should spend $1m on buying PDN shares a while back, & now we are revisiting the idea...:rolleyes:

Perhaps some Coal shares (like NHC) where there is likely to be an above average return on investment (Yield 10%+) & due for a 75c per share FF dividend in Nov 09.

There 17.7% holding in AOE will get re-rated on the basis on the BG/QGC offer, plus they have there own port infrastructure for Coal.

Maybe this idea is worth gaining traction & putting to Uran?

30-10-2008, 02:06 PM
Perhaps some Coal shares (like NHC) where there is likely to be an above average return on investment

Well, at least the name (New Hope Corportation) sounds appropriate.

On another note, we can see T. Schrimpf got 1,250,000 Options expiring July 2011, with a bit of luck for Thomas hopefully by 2011 his options will be in the money.

As some have said, him leaving is not good but then what is the point on having David Beckham on your Team if your not going to play him (ever)???

30-10-2008, 03:53 PM
whats the point of having beckham in your over 35's div 9 weekend team (any company) when you are playing against manchester united(the bears) for the last 12 months haha

30-10-2008, 04:01 PM
whats the point of having beckham in your over 35's div 9 weekend team (any company) when you are playing against manchester united(the bears) for the last 12 months haha

hey now cooking with gas scorp! ROFL. I going to have myself a little fantasy of a silver Christmas - all trimmed up on the tungsten tree. A

30-10-2008, 04:50 PM
Scorp, to be positive about matters and to have a good sense of humour in times like these can be a very good thing.

But in all honestly, to feel Financially Raped and left feeling totally Misled up the garden path of Doom to me is far from funny.

Each of us here have a certain amount of exposure to this stock and as much as we are all hurting from this, (unless you bought in the last week etc) some us are going to be more burned than others. Some of us will have less tollerance than others as you probably can understand.

Now I dont expect people to feel as bad as me, nor do I feel they should think lik eme and feel like doing what I WOULD LIKE TO DO to these F#&rs.

Sitting around posting Anger statements and threats to management aint gonna do much I know, but then neither is laughing about it, IMO.

30-10-2008, 06:08 PM
being negative will do absolutely nothing...

being positive at least makes me not want to commit suicide, and also prevents me from making more stupid decisions...

money is important but its not as important as life itself. i try to not let it ruin my existence when there is alot of other great stuff out there and many things that one can achieve besides just financial glory.

if it makes you feel better drillfix, i put most of my money in Uran, averaging down and am worth a slight fraction of what i was... it has even affected my day trading, as my portfolio value is just a glimmer of what it used to be...

but i wont let it ruin my life, because i beleive it will come good eventually, and if it doesnt, i will start again, with some important lessons learnt.

30-10-2008, 06:54 PM
actually the more negative you get the worse mistakes you make! true in life, true in sport, true in any performance and true in investing. Not that we should all go around being fatuous jolly knobs when its inappropriate either but - hey its all a balance. A

30-10-2008, 07:26 PM
actually the more negative you get the worse mistakes you make! true in life, true in sport, true in any performance and true in investing. Not that we should all go around being fatuous jolly knobs when its inappropriate either but - hey its all a balance. A

We don't have much choice really, like Scorp says now in the toughest time we gotta stay firm, anyone wanting to bail out at the 12 month lows & with no volume or support, will get next to nothing. :(

Maybe on hearing some "firm" news re U308 in USA there will be a spike, but nothing is guaranteed!

The faithful can accummulate some cheap shares meantime ;)

30-10-2008, 07:59 PM
We don't have much choice really, like Scorp says now in the toughest time we gotta stay firm, anyone wanting to bail out at the 12 month lows & with no volume or support, will get next to nothing. :(

Maybe on hearing some "firm" news re U308 in USA there will be a spike, but nothing is guaranteed!

The faithful can accummulate some cheap shares meantime ;)

URA will bounce. Make no mistake. In the past week, many traders have made a killing on other stocks - me included. I have watched the URA share price fall and have not bothered to buy any because I know that it can fall even further and I will be able to pick up more shares in the future cheaper.

I imagine other traders are doing the same as I am-hence why URA doesnt seem to have any buyers.

Despite being only 2.5c today, I think there are hundreds of other better investments than URA at the moment-hence why I didnt even bother taking out the 2.7c seller on the close.

Given all the doom and gloom announcements from URA in the last couple of days, the market now believes URA is finished. I DISSAGREE.

Our turn will come next year imo-so in the meantime cheer up.

I think the share price will not move much atm until the political situation in Ukraine is resolved. So if you want to get in before URA announces anything I sugest you all follow the Ukraine news closely. But you never know, they can always announce a left field project.

31-10-2008, 03:35 AM
URA will bounce. Make no mistake. In the past week, many traders have made a killing on other stocks - me included. I have watched the URA share price fall and have not bothered to buy any because I know that it can fall even further and I will be able to pick up more shares in the future cheaper.

I imagine other traders are doing the same as I am-hence why URA doesnt seem to have any buyers.

Despite being only 2.5c today, I think there are hundreds of other better investments than URA at the moment-hence why I didnt even bother taking out the 2.7c seller on the close.

Given all the doom and gloom announcements from URA in the last couple of days, the market now believes URA is finished. I DISSAGREE.

Our turn will come next year imo-so in the meantime cheer up.

I think the share price will not move much atm until the political situation in Ukraine is resolved. So if you want to get in before URA announces anything I sugest you all follow the Ukraine news closely. But you never know, they can always announce a left field project.

absolutely agree.

Underdog- you entertain me, but i do not agree... everyone is getting a lesson in sharemarket 101 at the moment... as i am sure you are... dont point fingers unless you have made a killing in the stockmarket in the last 12 months... which i am absolutely sure you havent...

31-10-2008, 04:22 PM
The faithful can accummulate some cheap shares meantime ;)

It appears some of the so called faithful are slowly releasing their shares, or so it seems.

Why people/shareholders are not jumping on Airplanes to fly over to WA to pump LEAD in the heads of management is beyond me.

Look what we got now, a trickle, a trap, a long wait for Bull**** that may or may not ever happen.

Sure its OK for those Who Trade and have other stocks. You guys/gals can take the losses a little more on the chin.

Some of us are now facing Extinction (compliments of Uran Management).

Sure, some of you understand my anger, upset, frustration, but you can only see it with the hand of cards you have played, which is far better than my current hand.

Anyways, there I guess there ain't really much to say here no more is there as the it plain and clear to see that we have all been fukd over~~!

31-10-2008, 05:28 PM
It appears some of the so called faithful are slowly releasing their shares, or so it seems.

Why people/shareholders are not jumping on Airplanes to fly over to WA to pump LEAD in the heads of management is beyond me.

Look what we got now, a trickle, a trap, a long wait for Bull**** that may or may not ever happen.

Sure its OK for those Who Trade and have other stocks. You guys/gals can take the losses a little more on the chin.

Some of us are now facing Extinction (compliments of Uran Management).

Sure, some of you understand my anger, upset, frustration, but you can only see it with the hand of cards you have played, which is far better than my current hand.

Anyways, there I guess there ain't really much to say here no more is there as the it plain and clear to see that we have all been fukd over~~!

Whilst im not buying/trading anything at present (& havent in months), im still holding just URAO, at a much bigger loss than i would like....:o

There's no liquidity in the options & no volume to sell into ...

I'm holding until options expiry (May 09) & will convert them if in the money, or will let them lapse...

Let's hope for some substantial news before years end...

31-10-2008, 09:28 PM
Im so glad scorp, have a relaxing weekend mate

having shares in oil and CSG has been good this year and like a few in this sector have been doing relatively ok since my portfolio highs in June and they are recovering fast. I certainly havent experienced any losses like URA.

I am trading now and am back fully invested over the last month.

URA is a loosing battle, but unfortunitely there is absolutely no volume to sell into, catch 22...but surely there are better options out there as I suggested in CSG/OIL. Sell on any spike

AOE, PPP, PES from here

even my tungsten alternative has put on 33% (QOL) whilst URA lost another 40%

We can't blame Uran for the Ukraine political situation, which is holding back the potentially big Uranium projects for Uran (The non JORC estimates for the 3 deposits is between 9,500 - 11,500t).

Funny link between U308 & Oil, both hit highs well above $100 & have fallen back considerably...

Uranium needs high oil prices to become part of the alternative energy options...

They kinda go hand & hand!

31-10-2008, 10:33 PM
Drillfix, my words are probably not very welcome here as I don't currently hold URA, I did hold URAO at one stage if I remember correctly and made a small loss at the time on the options.

I understand how you are all feeling now, why because Ive been there myself...

Why? Because I was Told a company was unbelievable fundamental value, I was a newby at the time (still am really) and I believed what this guy on share trader told me in his emails. I checked out the company's and yes it all made sense what he was saying.So I brought in and watched my money get flushed away.

I have sat here in the background banging my head against a wall in anticipation of your pain on this thread and many many others threads here.

Its just so obvious that the share price was going to fall further that I posted a number of posts on the URA thread begging you to sell and start again with a proper investment plan, but I pulled those posts quickly, thinking who am I to interfere.

Drillfix I'm on my second bottle of wine, but I think you can move on from here and make money from the market, but only once you realize it wasn't just managements fault (URA) it was also your own fault, your lack of management lead to your losses.

You have yourself to blame, accepting some fault is progress to a new start, the market is very leveraged, one requires very little capital to start again.

What you do need is a understanding of the complex dimensions of the market place.

I'm always here to help others, as Ive been burnt myself.

AA (I may pull this post)


It's ok to not like Uran, but this thread has alot of knowledge on the company, it's prospects, it's downfalls & everything in between.

It's not like a CSG company where the sheep blindly follow the leader, it's about risk v reward, it amuses me somewhat when "rookies" (not aimed at you) come on here & tell the Uran shareholders how to invest etc...

Some of the posters here are top 20 holders, & i suspect in other companies as well, Uran plays a part of there portfolio & everyone here understands the risks.

There is alot going against Uran at the moment...

1. Ukraine political situation (Not Uran's fault)

2. Bear Market (Nope, can't blame em either)

3. Credit crunch (No one is getting funds, certainly not the specs!)

4. Price of U308, has come off it's $US138/lb highs, to under $US50/lb

5. Alternative Energy's day in the sun is still to come...

Yet URA remains a "potential" multi-bagger, especially at these levels.

There is no liquidity in either the heads or options, so anyone wanting in or out in a hurry moves the market...

It's about patience & not taking the eye of the prize...

PDN was once a few cents & hardly anyone paid any attention to it!

31-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Shasta, everyone has there intended ways to success.
I don't not... like Uran, I don't care for any company listed on the share market, I don't fall in love, I don't hate... in fact I brought MIN today and I don't even know what they do???
But sure as hell ILL make money, because I know when to buy, but mostly when not to hold.
Is that what investing is about? making money?
and the methods which make it?


Yup your dead right, but the likes of Phaedrus & those using TA arent the only ones that do...:D

Phaedrus put up a one sided argument about my ADY purchase...

Didn't mention i made 200% in 6 weeks & got in before any TA signal!

I don't know if i could ever invest into something i didnt know, but if your a momentum trader...:confused:

Uran could fall over tomorrow, & it wouldnt effect me, yes i would would lose some capital, but i have 20 - 50 stocks on close watch at any one time to switch into...

BTW, I do use "limited" TA, & have used this credit crunch to stay on the sidelines & revise my investment strategy, even though trading has given me the best results over the last 12 months...

Maybe i'm emotionally invested in Uran, or perhaps i just believe they will bring there projects into production eventually (like say NZO 2/3 years ago?).

I lost over 10k on the heads, no biggie, i might lose that again on the options, again i'll survive...:D

"When you lose, never lose the lesson" :)

Huang Chung
31-10-2008, 11:09 PM
Yup your dead right, but the likes of Phaedrus & those using TA arent the only ones that do...:D

Phaedrus put up a one sided argument about my ADY purchase...

Didn't mention i made 200% in 6 weeks & got in before any TA signal!

I don't know if i could ever invest into something i didnt know, but if your a momentum trader...:confused:

Uran could fall over tomorrow, & it wouldnt effect me, yes i would would lose some capital, but i have 20 - 50 stocks on close watch at any one time to switch into...

BTW, I do use "limited" TA, & have used this credit crunch to stay on the sidelines & revise my investment strategy, even though trading has given me the best results over the last 12 months...

Maybe i'm emotionally invested in Uran, or perhaps i just believe they will bring there projects into production eventually (like say NZO 2/3 years ago?).

I lost over 10k on the heads, no biggie, i might lose that again on the options, again i'll survive...:D

"When you lose, never lose the lesson" :)

Warren Buffet would say something like....when you buy a share, you become a part owner of a business.

All businesses will over time go though ups and downs. All that is different with the businesses we buy into (listed companies and trusts) is that, everyday, we can see what someone is willing to pay for a slice of the business, and what someone is prepared to let their share go for. This is the fuel for the technical analysts and some of them can use this publicly available information to their advantage. It doesn't mean, however, that those not going down that route have not seen the light, or are necessarily at a disadvantage, it's just they look at their investments in a different manner.

31-10-2008, 11:17 PM
I don't think this is about TA or FA both can work really good, it about Investment/Trade management.

I think theirs this belief that a investor is different to a trader .... BIG NO! Investors need Management of execution just as Traders do.

Investment management is everything.

I have this saying, Its not what you buy it how you manage the trade.

Its more important when you sell than what you buy.


As for TA , its a very vast subject , billions of different ways to apply it, billions of different ideas and techniques I'm very short term, Phaedrus method's are more passive and longer term, I'm more aggressive in my trading. Phaedrus holds stock for many years riding the primary trend. I seek out, extreme reversals, or short breaks above resistance. Totally different... cheese and chalk

Im quite sure many have made good money trading URA, it's volatile & used to have some volume!

It's been beaten & left for dead like most other companies outside the ASX300...

31-10-2008, 11:54 PM

One thing I forgot to mention from the AGM was that U is still being sold by most producers at the contract price (~90-95), not the spot price.

31-10-2008, 11:59 PM

One thing I forgot to mention from the AGM was that U is still being sold by most producers at the contract price (~90-95), not the spot price.

Is that the 3 month rate? (ie, Contract & Delivery?)

01-11-2008, 01:13 AM
Im so glad scorp, have a relaxing weekend mate

having shares in oil and CSG has been good this year and like a few in this sector have been doing relatively ok since my portfolio highs in June and they are recovering fast. I certainly havent experienced any losses like URA.

I am trading now and am back fully invested over the last month.

URA is a loosing battle, but unfortunitely there is absolutely no volume to sell into, catch 22...but surely there are better options out there as I suggested in CSG/OIL. Sell on any spike

AOE, PPP, PES from here

even my tungsten alternative has put on 33% (QOL) whilst URA lost another 40%

CSG? look at my signature...

Huang- You make an excellent point... i bought into this company hoping to reap the rewards of their potential projects ONE DAY... That day hasnt come yet... it may never come... but if it does i will be a part of it...in a big way...

If it doesnt? take the loss, and move on...

02-11-2008, 02:29 AM
Is that the 3 month rate? (ie, Contract & Delivery?)

Don't know mate.

02-11-2008, 03:46 AM
Drillfix, my words are probably not very welcome here as I don't currently hold URA, I did hold URAO at one stage if I remember correctly and made a small loss at the time on the options.

I understand how you are all feeling now, why because Ive been there myself...

I'm always here to help others, as Ive been burnt myself.

AA (I may pull this post)

AA, Thanks for your words all the same as I can appreciate and understand them easy enough, however alternatively, when one no longer cares about life itself then other things besides Trading, Making money, or Investing take a back seat.

Some of these corporate profiles who think they can walk off into the sunset like nothing happened, or Oh Well, thats the way it goes and Ce La Vie, etc etc may think they have the World or its Laws to protect them.

Well, there are new morals in this lifetime which either will tell or show an eventual story what happens when you Cheat, Lie or Mislead.

Yes, its all my fault, yes I am stupid, for choosing to believe a HUMAN BEING, and thus for making MY decision to invest nearly all my money in this very potential company with HORRIFIC SHONKY MANAGEMENT who fail to communicate effectively shareholders which contributes to its Misleading ways, so with what value is left, how can you build a something with something you dont have????????

I will let a few processes of current shareholders potentially use their gifted brains to establish and execute some type of plan which fully has my support however Failing that, I dont mind going after these Pricks who Cheat, LIE and Mislead prior or before I my time is due or called upon.

Other than that, Not much choices here, not much money, and not much patience left, yet I am all ears to hear privately what could be done regarding what can be called a current (saga) crisis.

Not my place to discuss or debate all day about the use of TA, FA and Trading itself as I understand its use, application and purpose. In fact, I have many PDF's on the subject and there is the whole Internet as a library for a resource. Doesn't mean much if what is being said to you is a lie though is it?

Anyway, I am glad to hear that you got back on your feet to fight another day.

02-11-2008, 09:02 PM
Not much choices here, not much money, and not much patience left, yet I am all ears to hear privately what could be done regarding what can be called a current (saga) crisis.

Accept that all of your $$ is gone. Hold on to your stock and give it about about a 5% chance of doing a miracle rebound, but otherwise just accept that it's gone

Wake up early, go to the gym, eat healthy, study books on investment or anything else that you're passionate about, live awesomely

You seem like a smart person, give yourself a couple of years you'll come out of this better then you went in.

04-11-2008, 12:25 AM
this may sound ridiculous, but it was good to see some green today! 200,000 shares is a bit for URA too :)

04-11-2008, 02:50 PM
True Dat!
DrillFix your a great guy with a great heart, believe in yourself and yes you will come back better then you went in, there's always misleading people in life and we all get caught at some stage but that's what gives us the experience to move forward, mistakes...

Don't worry about the people who have mislead you, for you have gained wisdom at a fair price, the universe has a way of handling those people, therefore its not your job, just smile and move on.

Think positively have faith in yourself and your future, A positive mindset will lead to happyness.


Hey Drillfix,

Sorry to hear your lost in URA.

We've all been through our good times and bad times and learn a good lesson from it. Most posters in here will not post there bad experience, but I can assure you most of them have made substantial losses in their days. I ve also made some bad investments this year... eg: DPC and TEX.. ouch!

Chin up and stay strong to fight another day. When the going gets tough the tough gets going and become stronger.

As Absolut would say, stay positive.

04-11-2008, 03:37 PM
FMe - one of the directors has bought some on market ! $844 worth ! A

04-11-2008, 04:25 PM
FMe - one of the directors has bought some on market ! $844 worth ! Aand he paid 2.5c for them. Nothing like seeing management destroy the SP of the company they run and then buy up shares eh? Whats more $800 worth. Why bother?

Its a bit like that kick in the side of the head you get when you are already face down in the dirt.

what a W#!$%r

06-11-2008, 11:19 AM
One request to the long suffering Uran holders......don't sell 'them' your shares cheap.

I am not saying don't sell, but think about the price you ask.

06-11-2008, 06:03 PM
One request to the long suffering Uran holders......don't sell 'them' your shares cheap.

I am not saying don't sell, but think about the price you ask.


Did you say that Kate stated at the AGM that they were now pursuing uranium opportunities in the US?

Maybe this is the reason why?


06-11-2008, 06:07 PM
One request to the long suffering Uran holders......don't sell 'them' your shares cheap.

I am not saying don't sell, but think about the price you ask.

50c per option might pry a few out of my hands...

Other than that, they won't be getting any of mine!

06-11-2008, 11:36 PM
Im quite sure youll be keeping them all

no worrys there:D

thats the annoying thing about a public forum... people that only annoy others, still post even though no one cares about or wants there input.

oh Underdog... will you ever learn?

07-11-2008, 02:33 PM
Kazakhstan and china to mine Uranium together. Thats our uranium!!!!


And some interesting reading in regards to the future of the U Price. Hopefully we can get somethin up and running before the price runs again...


07-11-2008, 04:21 PM
look - I've been thinking for a while - and I know some others on here have nominated Yogi Bear for CEO - but I reckon a Gordson Ramsay job would be the best idea - clean up the kitchen, get 'em working EFFICIENTLY, good communication(ie let's have some!) , let the non-performers go, improve the service, fresh local produce, paint a polish and all in all - a turn around! If the USA can go from Bush to Obama -Uran can - welll ----- A

07-11-2008, 06:56 PM
look - I've been thinking for a while - and I know some others on here have nominated Yogi Bear for CEO - but I reckon a Gordson Ramsay job would be the best idea - clean up the kitchen, get 'em working EFFICIENTLY, good communication(ie let's have some!) , let the non-performers go, improve the service, fresh local produce, paint a polish and all in all - a turn around! If the USA can go from Bush to Obama -Uran can - welll ----- A

Is Kate aware that the Ukraine government wants to boost foreign investment and energy??????????


"Citing experts, Yushchenko said gross domestic product was expected to show a maximum growth of 6% for 2008.

He claimed that this meant Ukraine's economy has significant reserves of security. He invited banks and companies in G7 countries to invest in Ukraine. He named banking as offering the best opportunities for foreign investment and argued that energy is also a promising sector for foreign capital to head into."

08-11-2008, 12:27 AM
oh please, please get a life scorp, have you completely lost your humour???
obviously someone holding out for 50c on the options is hoping for a miracle beyond this solar system

my advice, take the $10k at 3.1c and buy back a 2c later (if you must)

C'mon UD you want a few shares/options on the cheap, fess up...:D

Given the amount of FA i do on this site, you should know i know Uran inside out...

08-11-2008, 12:34 AM
ok ok, im the buyer


can I join the club now I at least have the intention of buying.........

on the other hand, I prefer your new research much better;)

hows that PNA looking

URA will actually do alright if the price of Uranium doesnt skyrocket...

A few URA or URAO in the portfolio wouldn't be a silly idea...

PNA, well that depends on the price of Copper :confused:

08-11-2008, 12:41 AM
mate, youre not serious

I have a truckfull of SRL and PNA before I ever touched URA

Id rather have a toe in TOE through MEP at a major discount...or OZL which I hold again

OZL trades 2 up 1 down....in again.....great trading stock right now.

Uranium is the next "big thing" in alternative energy, & unlike the spec boom only those who can produce U308 will prosper...

URA is well placed to beat 99% of those listed on the ASX...

Especially at these levels, it's a buy, seriously...

I agree SRL & PNA are better bets...

You gotta have one "pet project" in the portfolio that offers mega bagger potential...

Your punt on OZL has come when zinc & copper prices aren't flash!

08-11-2008, 01:24 AM
OZL is a beautiful thing right now
Im back in at ave 93, (bought twice today)

at least there is significant volume.

Id rather invest in oz based U308 potential (as i mentioned TOE) there has always been too many risks and unknowns in URAs territory....

hence they end up with a tungsten hole in the good ol US

I really thing URA will go broke before they deliver, especially if they proceed with $$ in the US...up in smoke.

god, these were 16c how long ago?

OZL has been a great punt, check the daily swings lately...so predictable

I know all about OZL i bought in at $2.10 & bailed out at $2...

Zinc sh*t itself & Copper is doing a great job of following it!

Buy a few URA under 5c & join in on the party when the Ukraine JV details are announced :D

You know you want to

08-11-2008, 01:42 AM
ok ok, im the buyer


can I join the club now I at least have the intention of buying.........
You were already in the club.;)
This thread wouldnt be the same without you. You are to this thread what Zed was to the thread on HC.:D

08-11-2008, 01:48 AM
You were already in the club.;)
This thread wouldnt be the same without you. You are to this thread what Zed was to the thread on HC.:D

This thread is also the 2nd most moderated thread just behind NZO...:eek:

08-11-2008, 02:29 AM
Underdog- i know all about OZL... i was once an owner of both ZFX and PEM in the zinc running days... bought ZFX years ago at 8, watched em hit 21 and sold at 16... bought PEM at 2.70 watched em hit 5.80 and sold at 4.10... market conditions helped...

OZL was the equivelent of $7 at one stage and are now 90c... that is not amazing in my books.

your tryin to shred us apart on this thread, but you are involved with many a dog yourself... because at the moment EVERYONE IS...

thats all i'm sayin. i have a good sense of humour, but i dont like some arrogant nerd acting like he is the s*&t, and everyone else is an idiot in a market like this...

the investing community is copping it collectively... this includes you, so stop acting like a pompus hero... no one is impressed i assure you.

08-11-2008, 02:58 AM
i sure hope you never get the chance.

i'm glad you saved it... it does say alot about me.

It says loud and clear that "i hate pretentious ****ers."

08-11-2008, 03:05 AM
i wish the internet had tone of voice... i am calm, but dont mind telling you what i think about you.

the man who plays with fire then gets upset when he gets burnt is truly an idiot. you cant stir things up forever and not expect any backlash?

the URA thread is a depressin enough place lol without the likes of you here tryin to rub all our noses in it time after time.

Your intentions are clearly not good with an agenda like that, but you continue to act like i am doing wrong by you...

Don't start s#@t, and s$#t wont come your way. simple as that.

08-11-2008, 03:24 AM
mate, i have been following your posts for a long time, and in all fairness alot of it is subjective criticism, which is totally valid... just saying a company sux isnt a bad thing, its your opinion and your entitled to it...

but there are alot of posts where you are blatantly trying to tell us how hopeless we are and should brace ourseleves to lose our dough because we invested in this we are idiots blah blah blah... not constructive at all, and if your going to elude to such things, then you are clearly going to step on peoples toes.

not sure about the above quote and we are starting to really detract form the thread now, but i am not complaining about getting burnt if thats what you mean... i am still positive about URA's potential much to the dismay of many such as yourself.

and i stand by my comments from earlier, you are a pretentious w$#ker... others reading this may think i am out of line and have carried on a bit much with all of this (although i have thoroughly enjoyed it) but i am sure that they would all agree with me deep down about your character.

cheers and i will only post about the topic at hand which is URA from here on.

08-11-2008, 07:52 AM
give it up guys

08-11-2008, 02:50 PM
good point. but we are literally paying the whole bill, yet discovery will get some slice of the POTENTIAL profits... oh well at this stage i will be happy if there are profits haha..

i got new positive feelings towards this after the quarterly... my instincts are usually pretty correct...and they are telling me that something is on its way

scorp, you are without doubt a baised fool

but as long as you #feel# good luck, all the best with "instincts"

youll need them

will the last one turn the lights out on URA:D

something is on the way alright - darkness

i said i wasnt gonna post anymore on this, but just one last one... above is where you have aimed insults my way when i wasnt even engaging you in a discussion. there are many more incidents than just this one.

i knew the above quote was mine, just didnt get your point, because well... there wasnt one.

as i said you are aclearly a nerd :) who is now getting upset.

i'll say it again, dont start s#$t, and s@#t wont come your way. now enough of this.


Crypto Crude
08-11-2008, 04:20 PM
dont worry about it scorp...
underdog has upset many posters...
its not just you...
peace out to underdog and your good self...

08-11-2008, 06:05 PM
all good mate :)

i enjoy a bit of "discussion" sometimes is all. cheers to all

11-11-2008, 03:54 AM
10 November 2008 | 16:40

Tymoshenko to help miners, metallurgists and builders

The Cabinet of Ministers is going to adopt a range of key draft bills to prevent financial crisis in metallurgic, construction and agrarian industries.
The Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko said that today, opening the Cabinet session, ForUm's correspondent informs.

According to the PM, the Cabinet to adopt key draft bills on each industry which can suffer from financial crisis in order to prevent crisis in these industries.

"The government will unite experts in all industry in order to combine efforts and prevent negative consequences of the crisis," Tymoshenko said.

She also noted that for this political stability and consolidation are necessary.


11-11-2008, 05:11 AM
10 November 2008 | 16:40

Tymoshenko to help miners, metallurgists and builders

The Cabinet of Ministers is going to adopt a range of key draft bills to prevent financial crisis in metallurgic, construction and agrarian industries.
The Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko said that today, opening the Cabinet session, ForUm's correspondent informs.

According to the PM, the Cabinet to adopt key draft bills on each industry which can suffer from financial crisis in order to prevent crisis in these industries.

"The government will unite experts in all industry in order to combine efforts and prevent negative consequences of the crisis," Tymoshenko said.

She also noted that for this political stability and consolidation are necessary.


Straight up Sp3, Do you honestly believe for one second that what the Ukrainians say will make a even a slight difference to or for Uran????

Sp3, I dont see the relevance to whatever the Ukrainians do, do you honestly think that because the Ukrainians say something they will do it? Fat chance as we have been waiting over 3 years of this type of bollocks whilst being cheered on by KH.

Meaning, how is that going to matter to Uran or what exactly is the likes of Kate Hobbs whom is steering this sinking ship going to do about what the Ukrainians say, I cant see her doing or reacting to anything what they say can you??

Our reality here in Australia is shareholders whom have been told a pack of lies or fairy tales by Uran Management and the focus has totally changed only so they can keep their jobs and their spin going except this time its tungsten as we all know.

Some go along with it, some dont, some have sold out, some will eventually sell out. Some maybe, just maybe will eventually buy in, but only on the instance that previous Load Of Bollocks becoming a little more "Clear" or "Transparent" or "REAL" perhaps even Crystal Clear backed up by Action which is more than what it currently is. (zero action and all little talk).

Anyways, at least I must say thankyou for your efforts Sp3, but it is Uran we are talking about here, and Kate Hobbs doing the negotiations which is IMO what the REAL problem is here is, and has been, all the time. :rolleyes:

Simple problem with simple answer, Off with her head is what I say~!

11-11-2008, 09:18 AM
10 November 2008 | 16:40

Tymoshenko to help miners, metallurgists and builders

The Cabinet of Ministers is going to adopt a range of key draft bills to prevent financial crisis in metallurgic, construction and agrarian industries.
The Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko said that today, opening the Cabinet session, ForUm's correspondent informs.

According to the PM, the Cabinet to adopt key draft bills on each industry which can suffer from financial crisis in order to prevent crisis in these industries.

"The government will unite experts in all industry in order to combine efforts and prevent negative consequences of the crisis," Tymoshenko said.

She also noted that for this political stability and consolidation are necessary.


good find. i sure hope they sort their crap out and get on with the job soon

11-11-2008, 10:00 AM
good find. i sure hope they sort their crap out and get on with the job soon

On another note (news just in) the Ukraine President has given in and is now ready to postpone early elections indefinitely and is ready to accept a new coalition government.

It looks like the Czech's will hold elections before Ukraine-from Uran's perspective, we really need the Czech Greens voted out, and based on the recent Senate elections, its very likely imo.

11-11-2008, 01:01 PM

It would be great to get the Ukraine situation sorted out and the FS started, and to get some work done in the CR if the Greens get the boot. However, cash is obviously an issue and I think URA will struggle to get it given the current global climate. Any ideas on how they are going to raise what they need to get the ball rolling on multiple fronts if all of the pieces finally fall into place? Getting the options into the money is obviously a start. Farmouts??

Cheers, E.

11-11-2008, 01:23 PM

It would be great to get the Ukraine situation sorted out and the FS started, and to get some work done in the CR if the Greens get the boot. However, cash is obviously an issue and I think URA will struggle to get it given the current global climate. Any ideas on how they are going to raise what they need to get the ball rolling on multiple fronts if all of the pieces finally fall into place? Getting the options into the money is obviously a start. Farmouts??

Cheers, E.


Uran has adequate funds to conduct the FS in the Ukraine. Even if the FS is favourable, I doubt mining will commence before the end of 2009. By then I expect the credit crisis to have improved. Im confident that should the FS be favourable, the share price will rise significantly - thus ensuring the options are in the money.

In relation to the Cz, I would expect Uran to form jv partnerships with other mining companies to conduct exploration/mining etc.

11-11-2008, 01:34 PM

Uran has adequate funds to conduct the FS in the Ukraine. Even if the FS is favourable, I doubt mining will commence before the end of 2009. By then I expect the credit crisis to have improved. Im confident that should the FS be favourable, the share price will rise significantly - thus ensuring the options are in the money.

In relation to the Cz, I would expect Uran to form jv partnerships with other mining companies to conduct exploration/mining etc.

I wonder how hard it would be to say make a rights issue of 50m @ 10c, to raise $5m...

Surely the likes of PDN would be interested? (grab 20m shares & sit on 19.99% like they are with DYL?)

I'd be interested in a rights issue, assuming the FS stack up

Crypto Crude
11-11-2008, 04:57 PM
Id sell a bunch of lose papers, connect a desk and chair, name a company...
Id package the deal for half a million...
PDN might prefer my offer...
and its discounted heavily to your suggestion shasta...

Crypto Crude
11-11-2008, 05:02 PM
what is the biggest asset Uran have...
stationary account?... petty cash?

11-11-2008, 05:07 PM
You're ruthless Shrewdy!

I wont comment, as I may have the honour of having not one, but two ASX companies that I hold go belly up this week! At least URA script may still have a value come Friday.

11-11-2008, 06:17 PM
what is the biggest asset Uran have...
stationary account?... petty cash?

Biggest asset is between 9,500 - 11,500t of U308 in Ukraine over 3 deposits.

Cash would be the 2nd biggest...(Last quarterly was $A1.9m)

The Tungsten project in the US might be worth something in a bull market

The snack box currently holds $A12.10 :D

Crypto Crude
11-11-2008, 07:35 PM
I was just being cheeky shasta....
s***** put me up to it...

11-11-2008, 10:14 PM
You're ruthless Shrewdy!

I wont comment, as I may have the honour of having not one, but two ASX companies that I hold go belly up this week! At least URA script may still have a value come Friday.Really Serpie?:eek: Which ones?

11-11-2008, 10:18 PM
what is the biggest asset Uran have...
stationary account?... petty cash?
.^scIts a hard road staying keen on this one mate. I suspect their single biggest asset might be SP3

12-11-2008, 01:32 AM
Cotik hasnt lost all hope, just frustrated.

Shasta i think the Tungsten may surprise you.

but you are right 3 deposits in Ukraine are a signature away...maybe too far away?

nah they will get there in the end. URA till death guys! haha!

12-11-2008, 08:34 AM
Really Serpie?:eek: Which ones?

PM'd you Strat. My apologies to URA enthusiasts for the irrelevant column inches here.

12-11-2008, 10:18 AM

well I totally agree for once, this is now becoming debatable no?

now that cotik has lost all hope:D

and drillfix is just plain angry:mad:

go SP3....ALL hope is riding with you nowHey UnderDog,
I take it by the :mad: at the top of your post you aint happy about being in agreement with me :D :p
even though the sentiment behind the notion will be completely different.

So what has become debatable that wasnt before?

12-11-2008, 10:24 AM
PM'd you Strat. My apologies to URA enthusiasts for the irrelevant column inches here.


Until such time as the Ukrainians sign off & Uran announce the JV details with VostGok, everything is fairly irrelevant with Uran!

The wait is getting to a few here :rolleyes:

12-11-2008, 12:30 PM

Until such time as the Ukrainians sign off & Uran announce the JV details with VostGok, everything is fairly irrelevant with Uran!

The wait is getting to a few here :rolleyes:

Like I said yesterday though Shasta, at least the URA share still has a value.
The first of mine went down today. MRX in VA. Anyone want to swap URA shares for MRX shares? Or toilet paper for MRX shares for that matter!

12-11-2008, 12:36 PM
Like I said yesterday though Shasta, at least the URA share still has a value.
The first of mine went down today. MRX in VA. Anyone want to swap URA shares for MRX shares? Or toilet paper for MRX shares for that matter!

That joins MRX with VRE & MON in adminstration...

Lets not even think of the MON connection to URA :mad:

12-11-2008, 09:42 PM
That joins MRX with VRE & MON in adminstration...

Lets not even think of the MON connection to URA :mad:


You left out MAL - another Kiernan connection.

12-11-2008, 09:49 PM

You left out MAL - another Kiernan connection.

He's still sniffing around in TTY, AZC, ALE, & IRL that i know of :(

12-11-2008, 10:03 PM
He's still sniffing around in TTY, AZC, ALE, & IRL that i know of :(

Im aware of those companies. MAL recently went into receivership.

Crypto Crude
12-11-2008, 10:36 PM
serpie-Anyone want to swap URA shares for MRX shares? Or toilet paper for MRX shares for that matter!

are you trying to say that URA shares are toilet paper..?

13-11-2008, 05:55 PM
Im aware of those companies. MAL recently went into receivership.


Michael Kiernan is back in the saddle :mad:

13-11-2008, 05:57 PM

Michael Kiernan is back in the saddle :mad:

Now that w@nker needs to be shot, bang, right between the eyes, no questions or answers required.

Have a nice day ;)

13-11-2008, 06:00 PM
Now that w@nker needs to be shot, bang, right between the eyes, no questions or answers required.

Have a nice day ;)

You're not wrong there, a snake oil merchant has more credibility!

13-11-2008, 06:18 PM
is it legal to leave a corporate path of destruction behind you as you keep joining other companies?

hmmm i guess capitalism does have some flaws.

13-11-2008, 06:21 PM
is it legal to leave a corporate path of destruction behind you as you keep joining other companies?

hmmm i guess capitalism does have some flaws.

It would take ASIC/ASX/Affected Shareholders ages to form a legal case, so nothing would preclude him meantime...:(

Remember MON>TTY>IRL had some weird funding arrangements & directors resigned all over the shop...:confused:

Crawley Investments still owns over 4m shares in URA...

Just watched on the news a big scrap in the Ukraine Parliament, more turmoil!

14-11-2008, 12:36 PM
500,000 order at 3c.

haha if ever i have wished for insider trading and someone knowing somethin that we dont, now is the time that it would be most handy!!

14-11-2008, 02:03 PM
Someone put up a buy for 500K shares @ 3c...only lasted for about 10 minutes........then 1 hour later Kelgild Pty Limited put up all their shares for sale @ 3.9c - which only lasted for about 3 minutes.

I wonder if they have heard of the term "manipulation"???

14-11-2008, 05:24 PM
i still cant understand how people would be selling large quantities at these prices...

Y bother? even if you bought vast amounts at low prices like 6c you would still be 50% down? just strange to me...

14-11-2008, 05:31 PM
i still cant understand how people would be selling large quantities at these prices...

Y bother? even if you bought vast amounts at low prices like 6c you would still be 50% down? just strange to me...

3 cents is better than zero cents.

How much cash do URA have in the bank?

14-11-2008, 05:33 PM
3 cents is better than zero cents.

How much cash do URA have in the bank?

$1.9m as at 30 Sept

14-11-2008, 05:39 PM
yeh i guess it belongs there. there cash burn will virtually stop for at least the moment, so 4c is about right.

if cash starts to burn one would hope that it is because of projects being finalised.

far out, i would not wish these market conditions on anyone ever again... absolutely gut wrenching! URA or not...

14-11-2008, 05:40 PM
and MC now $1.5m

so does it go on the undervalued to NET cash NTA list:D

so roughly cash = 4cps

Dont forget the 21m options due May 09 (18.04c strike price :eek:)

I'll add URA to the list ;)

14-11-2008, 10:40 PM
Dont forget the 21m options due May 09 (18.04c strike price :eek:)

I'll add URA to the list ;)

Red Alert - Crawley Investments "infecting" another company...


MK seems hellbent to keep feathering his nest despite the ruins he leaves in his wake!

18-11-2008, 12:56 AM
The Ukraine President is having talks with political factions today to create a new coalition government.

So it looks like early elections wont be held anymore.

18-11-2008, 02:35 PM
Im so glad scorp, have a relaxing weekend mate

having shares in oil and CSG has been good this year and like a few in this sector have been doing relatively ok since my portfolio highs in June and they are recovering fast. I certainly havent experienced any losses like URA.

I am trading now and am back fully invested over the last month.

URA is a loosing battle, but unfortunitely there is absolutely no volume to sell into, catch 22...but surely there are better options out there as I suggested in CSG/OIL. Sell on any spike

AOE, PPP, PES from here

even my tungsten alternative has put on 33% (QOL) whilst URA lost another 40%


Are you still telling everyone to sell URA and buy QOL?

I hope you took profits before it crashed today!!!

So far down 54% and falling.

18-11-2008, 04:52 PM
hey, perhaps URA can rescue QOL with all their new tungsten knowledge and experience:D

QOL M.C now just over URA cash

was under $2m this morning

$25m of plant and cap costs now going for $2mill

With Tomas Vana onboard (ex Timex Zdice, Czech Republic), URA actually do have alot of experience with Tungsten, as did our ex Director Ross Kennedy (was with VML, another tungsten company).

20-11-2008, 09:08 AM
With Tomas Vana onboard (ex Timex Zdice, Czech Republic), URA actually do have alot of experience with Tungsten, as did our ex Director Ross Kennedy (was with VML, another tungsten company).

With all the commodities heading south, interesting to see the U308 spot rate up $5 to $US53/lb.

Haven't read any article that explains the rise...:confused:

20-11-2008, 11:59 AM
anyone have idea what they do at the uran office now that they've placed all the projects on hold?

chess, backgammon, monopoly??

20-11-2008, 12:05 PM
anyone have idea what they do at the uran office now that they've placed all the projects on hold?

chess, backgammon, monopoly??

Plenty of activity in the snack box?

I assume they are reviewing the 3rd set of data, as the Ukraine political situation looks a little brighter at the moment?

20-11-2008, 03:30 PM
Who's buying atm? Volume has been reasonable for the last couple of days.

20-11-2008, 05:16 PM
anyone have idea what they do at the uran office now that they've placed all the projects on hold?

chess, backgammon, monopoly??

Dont know, I sent a pistol in on hope that they would play russian roulette :D...lol

I agree with a statement as mentioned by some here previously.

The company should do nothing, and invest what money there is to MAKE money so when we go to do something more, we then HAVE money.

This tungsten move is "cr@polla" imo

We need serious moves, progress and information for shareholders regarding the Ukraine IMO, the spin this management gives is non convincing and they dont seem to be effective in actually Managing this company (again IMO).

So I hope they do play RR to kill the time (pardon the pun). :rolleyes:

20-11-2008, 05:26 PM
Dont know, I sent a pistol in on hope that they would play russian roulette :D...lol

I agree with a statement as mentioned by some here previously.

The company should do nothing, and invest what money there is to MAKE money so when we go to do something more, we then HAVE money.

This tungsten move is "cr@polla" imo

We need serious moves, progress and information for shareholders regarding the Ukraine IMO, the spin this management gives is non convincing and they dont seem to be effective in actually Managing this company (again IMO).

So I hope they do play RR to kill the time (pardon the pun). :rolleyes:

Good to see Drillfix thinking outside the square on cost cutting measures :D

20-11-2008, 07:32 PM
anyone have idea what they do at the uran office now that they've placed all the projects on hold?

chess, backgammon, monopoly??My guess would be pretty much the same as they have been doing for the last couple of years :(

20-11-2008, 10:51 PM
Dont know, I sent a pistol in on hope that they would play russian roulette :D...lol

I agree with a statement as mentioned by some here previously.

The company should do nothing, and invest what money there is to MAKE money so when we go to do something more, we then HAVE money.

This tungsten move is "cr@polla" imo

We need serious moves, progress and information for shareholders regarding the Ukraine IMO, the spin this management gives is non convincing and they dont seem to be effective in actually Managing this company (again IMO).

So I hope they do play RR to kill the time (pardon the pun). :rolleyes:

I don't think it's worth them investing the money in much atm. Prolly cash only I'd suggest. Everything else is too volatile IMO.

That's besides Ukraine and Tungsten of course (and maybe picking up some U tenements in the US!!).

21-11-2008, 12:24 AM
anyone have idea what they do at the uran office now that they've placed all the projects on hold?

chess, backgammon, monopoly??

On a typical day:

- Writing new CV
- Playing world of warcraft
- Making posts to URA thread on sharetrader.co.nz

21-11-2008, 08:30 AM
On a typical day:

- Writing new CV
- Playing world of warcraft
- Making posts to URA thread on sharetrader.co.nz

Thats a big call to make, saying someone on the thread is connected to the company.

Wanna come clean & name them?

Forum rules means any "insider" would require clearance with the powers that be...

small fish
21-11-2008, 09:59 AM
i think the first 2 gave away the fact he was joking :)

22-11-2008, 01:39 AM
Slowly but surely they will get there...eventually.


22-11-2008, 09:09 AM
SP3 How slowly & surely remember none of us will be here in the year 2099

22-11-2008, 12:36 PM
If those morons in the Ukraine can get there act together, we can get the JV signed off and get to work...

i would say they will put their cabinet back together before 2099... well i hope so anyways.

22-11-2008, 01:56 PM
I did read that, entirely

can you please honestly point to the positive part for URA



Uran has their hands tied at the moment because they cant commence the feasibility study or lodge the draft jv agreement to the cabinet due to all the political issues etc. A new Cabinet will be formed as soon as the new coalition government is re-established. In order for Uran to commence the feasibility study they need the Cabinet to give consent for the jv to be formally established.

22-11-2008, 04:57 PM
WA uranium mining still a long way off
November 21, 2008 - 10:50PM

Claims the West Australian government's lifting of a ban on uranium mining could see its yellow cake being dug up within three years are unrealistic, industry sources say.

The end of the ban was well flagged by the Liberal party which formed a coalition government with the Nationals after the September state election to snatch government from staunchly anti-uranium former premier Alan Carpenter.

The political union sparked a flurry of optimistic announcements by uranium exploration juniors, which has now slowed to a trickle.

Energy and Minerals Australia (EMA) remains bullish, saying it can expedite the development of its Mulga Rock project.

But DJ Carmichael head of research Paul Adams says while the new state government's decision came earlier than expected and was helpful, it didn't mean most projects were going to be expedited.

"There is an opportunity to now, with renewed vigour, pursue the development of these projects.

"Having said that ... four years is a long time in politics and anything could happen."

"Do investors see that as a potential risk? They should."

Mr Adams said EMA had a fair chance of success but others would find it "very tough" to get projects up while access to capital remains tight.

"EMA plan to be in production by 2013 but say it can be done in three years.

"That ... would be unrealistic."

This view is shared by Robert Wrixon, managing director of Uranio Ltd, which on Thursday broadened its portfolio to coal in Madagascar and is eyeing further acquisitions of uranium projects in WA.

"I very much doubt anyone is going to have a uranium mine and a processing plant in operation (in WA) by the time the next election comes around," Dr Wrixon said.

He said it was possible Labor could return to power after the next state election in 2012 and it was also even possible they could become pro-uranium converts in the meantime.

Opposition leader Eric Ripper was pressured by federal resources minister Martin Ferguson this week to drop his opposition to uranium mining.

Mr Adams said WA Labor's anti-uranium mining stance was "ultimately untenable" because it was at odds with federal Labor's position.

Even if the Ripper-led party does an about-face, Dr Wrixon said risks remained for uranium mine developments.

"Do you get your processing plant so advanced that you have it half built (when the election comes) and then if it gets shut down, you've lost a huge amount of money?" he said.

"You could make a huge counter-claim against the government and that would encourage whatever government is in there not to shut you down.

"You always run the risk they say `tough luck'."

Also, Dr Wrixon said the state government's mining and exploration application approvals process had a backlog of some 1,400 old applications.

So it could take some time before new mining applications are processed.

"It just adds to the delay."

What does this mean for investors?

Mr Adams said only uranium projects owned by major companies - such as BHP Billiton Ltd's Yeelirrie and Cameco/Mitsubishi's Kintyre - were likely to get into production.

Mr Adams also said he expected "six to 12 months of carnage" in the junior uranium exploration space as the credit crisis took its toll on companies with little cash reserves.
However, Toro Energy Ltd, which is half owned by OZ Minerals Ltd, was also likely to succeed because it was "realistic", he added.

Toro managing director Greg Hall said juniors with a major joint venture partner or connections with nuclear utility companies were best positioned.

Toro was advanced, being the first junior uranium explorer to define a JORC resource and conduct an economic pre-feasibility study for its WA project, Lake Way/Centipede, Mr Hall said.

EMA is yet to define an initial resource at Mulga Rock that is compliant with Australia's mineral reporting code, JORC, and has so far relied on historical data.

Mr Hall said Toro aimed to be in production by 2012, with the approvals process taking two years or 18 months at the soonest.

"The broker market or general market don't want to hear that its going to be five years before you get into production," he said.

"But we don't want to disappoint the market.

"It's unbelievable what some people say.

"There are still too many people who don't know this business that are out there making these (fast-tracking) claims, and its disappointing."

Mr Adams said another major issue the uranium sector faced was a lack of technical expertise.

After the yellowcake price tanked in the 1980s, many uranium mines were shut down around the world, so much of the sector's experts retired and very few new workers were trained up.

"It's an issue that will remain," Mr Adams said.


Not really relevant to Uran i'm afraid Underdog, especially as the article relates to Australian Uranium mining.

Uran has a JV agreement with VostGok (ultimately owned by the Ukraine Govt, via the Ministry for Fuel & Energy) who own the Zheltye Vody Uranium processing plant in Ukraine.

These aren't "greenfield" projects either, they have been drilled before & there is old soviet data available on them, hence the reason Uran only wants "advanced projects".

There is more drilling to do to be able to report a JORC resource, & potentially increase the known reserves in the immediate area.

No issues with selling the stuff either, Ukraine already has an agreement with Russia to send Uranium there for enrichment, & to bring it back & use in it's own Nuclear reactors, so Uran would be selling to the Ukraine Govt.

SP3 has correctly informed the thread of where it's all at, we simply require the Ukraine cabinet to sign off on the JV agreement.

The political uncertainty in the Ukraine, is also a potential stumbling block

26-11-2008, 02:16 AM

26-11-2008, 02:34 AM
On a typical day:

- Writing new CV
- Playing world of warcraft
- Making posts to URA thread on sharetrader.co.nz

Ok so the consensus is SFA (means their not doing much for those less internet savy)

maybe to keep them busy through the summer we could give them some work to keep them from going crazy,

ive got a heap of ironing that needs doing, and my lawn badly needs a mowing, from the experience in Pribram there good at cleaning up crap, so they'll be able to walk your dog while your at work, any takers?

28-11-2008, 03:44 PM

Sp3, that link is slow to open and then gives:

The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

What the message should say is the Ukraine is unavailable please try again Later, much later or Much Much Much Later.

Guys, is this share price falling because of SFA part of the Big Plan of uran.

Is this what Kate Useless Hobbs and Pat FN Ryan do for a living????

What do you do Kate and Pat, ANSWER= WE WAIT, + WAIT until there is nothing left.

I took a couple of weeks of this site to feel better and I kinda did, but then as soon as we speak about Uran I suddenly feel like polishing guns (again).

Anyways, not much to talk about really except how we have waited & waited and how we are getting Shafted by the month.

Speaking of which (gettting shafted).
What exactly is going to happen to these OPTIONs ??? Totally out of the money with a management with NO PLAN to create Salvation for those of us whom have invested heavily in them.

Thanks KATE, thanks PAT, btw, why is PAT RYAN still in the chair, get the old fart out, he is doing Ziltch.

28-11-2008, 06:28 PM
Sp3, that link is slow to open and then gives:

The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

What the message should say is the Ukraine is unavailable please try again Later, much later or Much Much Much Later.

Guys, is this share price falling because of SFA part of the Big Plan of uran.

Is this what Kate Useless Hobbs and Pat FN Ryan do for a living????

What do you do Kate and Pat, ANSWER= WE WAIT, + WAIT until there is nothing left.

I took a couple of weeks of this site to feel better and I kinda did, but then as soon as we speak about Uran I suddenly feel like polishing guns (again).

Anyways, not much to talk about really except how we have waited & waited and how we are getting Shafted by the month.

Speaking of which (gettting shafted).
What exactly is going to happen to these OPTIONs ??? Totally out of the money with a management with NO PLAN to create Salvation for those of us whom have invested heavily in them.

Thanks KATE, thanks PAT, btw, why is PAT RYAN still in the chair, get the old fart out, he is doing Ziltch.

The options are a worry, but there's 6 months to go & god forbid the Ukrainians could get there sh*t together within that time frame...:confused:

We have been "shoulder tapped" to expect something to do with Uranium in the USA "this year" (hence my question to Kate about it), so all is not lost yet Drillfix...

Of course the options could well be a slow death...

I hold a few too :(

Crypto Crude
28-11-2008, 08:26 PM
I remember you saying that you sold all you heads to buy the options...
um.... both are trending to zero, so its either here nor there eah...
what you reckon...
both dead in the water...?

28-11-2008, 08:41 PM
We have been "shoulder tapped" to expect something to do with Uranium in the USA "this year"

Shasta, the problem here is Management. I wouldnt believe, ONE WORD and yest again ONE WORD that this management or Kate Hobbs says.

U in the good Ole USA is not going to be a company maker, breaker, shaker or anything.

Its another carrot with more promises and bullsh#t spun amongst the current lack of TRUTH or performance, progress, whatever.

Continual disappointment and grief is all this company has ever brought its shareholders, hence my previous call for their heads on a platter~!

Crypto Crude
28-11-2008, 08:50 PM
how much money does URA have left?

28-11-2008, 09:08 PM
how much money does URA have left?

$1.9m at last quarter, & they have introduced cost cutting measures to conserve it

Crypto Crude
28-11-2008, 09:17 PM
hummm hummm...
so Uran have enough cash for 1 quarter and abit... considering that the current quarter is 2 months in... Id say URA have 4 more months and then the company goes under...
Company will probably file for chapter 11 before options expire...
Major announcement required...

selling at 2.5c for heads looks like a good deal from this end.....

30-11-2008, 01:14 PM
hummm hummm...
so Uran have enough cash for 1 quarter and abit... considering that the current quarter is 2 months in... Id say URA have 4 more months and then the company goes under...
Company will probably file for chapter 11 before options expire...
Major announcement required...

selling at 2.5c for heads looks like a good deal from this end.....

I don't know where you get your cash burn figures from SC, but they seem a bit different to mine.
Anyhow...........things aren't looking very flash for option holders like me, no matter which window I look through.
I still believe those holding the heads will have something positive re Ukraine before the company goes broke.
I''ve pretty much accepted I've lost the money I put into the options. Only a miracle could save them now. As a top ten holder that stings a little, but that was the gamble I took over that time, and things could quite easily have gone the other way with a bit of luck and I'd be floating around the Kimberley in a new boat.
Still holding other stocks which are doing OK, so it's not all bad.
Be nice to have a free beer for every option though, or some consolation prize like that.

02-12-2008, 01:03 AM
Always hope Juqu.

Ukraine still remains in our sights, just not sure how long it will take. Hopefully before the options expire. Would be good in both regards if they could get the options in the money. SP would be higher, and secondly, more money to continue moving forward!

02-12-2008, 12:03 PM
Thought some might find this article interesting - basically pretty encouraging for U investors - PDN is well mentioned - http://business.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081130.wuranium1130/BNStory/Business/?page=rss&id=RTGAM.20081130.wuranium1130
For URA it will all depend on continuing to plug away at the Ukraine and getting real savvy with the limited fiunds remaining I'm also hoping the option holders are considered! Cross fingers for all of us. :) A

16-12-2008, 01:17 AM
This thread seems to have fallen a sleep or slipped into the grave, or so it seems.

I criticise Management and it falls on Deaf ears.

Folks, dont just take my word for it, click on the link below and listen to the world and its view. Kate Hobbs needs a mentor, Pat Ryan needs to be only needed, when needed and should be paid as such accordingly, as should all uran staff, board, management.


Scorp, you are right, Ukraine still remains in our sights, but MANAGEMENT need to be proactive and stop sitting around Waiting.

Take the bull by the horns and give it direction. or get out the guns and put this management out of its misery.

16-12-2008, 09:06 AM
Drill, very talented. Would these skills be just what URA are lacking.
Best wishes to all, Broz.