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16-09-2008, 02:42 AM
Hi all,

Still lurking and keeping an eye on the thread. I noticed an interesting name in today's ann. Anyone know who Triana Holdings Pty Ltd and/or Zoloto Mines Ltd are?

Cheers, E.

PS. To all the long termers, got some good news today - I'm a doctor!! The PhD got passed :D.

CONGRATS Ellroy - well done! You must be mightly glad to have finished the marathon. Hard work, patience and persistence (plus a high IQ) do pay dividends . Now its onwards and upwards . terrific news.
Zoloto - Russian mining Co - sharing digs with Uran, Triana - welll take your pick - either www.trianaenergy.com - into all things new in energy - or a register of non-profit organisations in the states. I'll take the former - don't want to think anything to do with a charity! ;) Cheers, A

16-09-2008, 02:48 AM
Hi all,
Still lurking and keeping an eye on the thread. I noticed an interesting name in today's ann. Anyone know who Triana Holdings Pty Ltd and/or Zoloto Mines Ltd are?

Cheers, E.

PS. To all the long termers, got some good news today - I'm a doctor!! The PhD got passed :D.

Hi Ellroy, good to see you mate and CONGRATs on all that hard work finally paying off. :)

Also, good question, dont know who Triana Holdings are or Zoloto Mines, but using google it shows:

24 Jun 2008 ... TRIAMA HOLDINGS PTY LTD ACN 130 634 990. will change to a public company limited by. shares. The new name will be ZOLOTO MINES LIMITED


Triama in 2004 I beleive from reading went into Liquidation at some point and not much known since (from google again)

Anyways, hope that helps and again, Congrats on your previous efforts.

Keep visiting Ellroy or should we say Dr.Ellroy ;)

,which in turn would encourage holders to convert as opposed to selling as a tax loss
and ura missing the opportunity to raise $3.6m. Hope that makes sense.

Yes Smokey, it does make sense, but just a little paranoid and on edge with these mungrels. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they held information for only their own benefit.

I just think they are leaving it late in the chapter or cutting it close (too close) for words when it comes to forming a game plan or something that current shareholders can see as a Strategy that is 100% and yet to be seen.

Anyways, good to see you here posting here smokey and I respect your views also~!

16-09-2008, 11:34 AM
Hi all,

Still lurking and keeping an eye on the thread. I noticed an interesting name in today's ann. Anyone know who Triana Holdings Pty Ltd and/or Zoloto Mines Ltd are?

Cheers, E.

PS. To all the long termers, got some good news today - I'm a doctor!! The PhD got passed :D.

Hey Ellroy, were you at the Convention Centre last night? I was there, only watching though.

Well done mate!

16-09-2008, 12:58 PM
Hey Ellroy, were you at the Convention Centre last night? I was there, only watching though.

Well done mate!

Good stuff Ellroy ;)

URA ann out - Expansion of Finlay Basin Tungsten Project


16-09-2008, 03:44 PM
Good stuff Ellroy ;)

URA ann out - Expansion of Finlay Basin Tungsten Project

Small wait for the ann to be available!

I'd say that's the last of the cash about to go on the bbq

I don't know how much aeromagnetics cost but what they are planning with their piddly amount of cash reserves will just about empty the bank. If they don't announce a green light in Ukraine soon how the hell are they going to raise some bucks (which now seems imperative imo).

16-09-2008, 05:26 PM
hmmm did someone mention Range Resources:p

the undeniable kings of rorting

but Uran sure as shyte aren't far behind

no idea if they'll pull anything off :p but if they do I expect the sp to keep dropping in line with Discovery's deteriorating value and hence enable them to collect the same number of shares coz you can bet your boots imo (keeping in mind these guys have a vested interest to look after themselves before shareholders) Discovery's share issue will be based on the sp prior to any project green light announcements.

From my info Arch, the only director who stands to benifet from any discovery deal is Kate Hobbs. The rest of them will do better for themselves if they keep any deals with discovery to a minimum value.

16-09-2008, 05:39 PM
From my info Arch, the only director who stands to benifet from any discovery deal is Kate Hobbs. The rest of them will do better for themselves if they keep any deals with discovery to a minimum value.

well, Kate's pulling the strings so nuff said.

16-09-2008, 06:04 PM
URA ann out - Expansion of Finlay Basin Tungsten Project


WTF is Kate Hobbs doing here folks??????????

Throwing our money AWAY, that is what she is doing and better still on a Project that has got ZERO to do with Uranium.

She needs her head checked, she needs to be VOTED out, she needs SACKED and classified as Incompetent or something, I dont know, give her some tablets or something to make her see.

Im Sick of this company and its Bull****, many here simply cant get out at these prices (not wise) and to sit around and watch a LUNATIC like Kate Hobbs destroy this company really hurts badly.

FFS Kate, get your head checked before someone puts some LEAD in it~!

16-09-2008, 06:13 PM
WTF is Kate Hobbs doing here folks??????????

Throwing our money AWAY, that is what she is doing and better still on a Project that has got ZERO to do with Uranium.

She needs her head checked, she needs to be VOTED out, she needs SACKED and classified as Incompetent or something, I dont know, give her some tablets or something to make her see.

Im Sick of this company and its Bull****, many here simply cant get out at these prices (not wise) and to sit around and watch a LUNATIC like Kate Hobbs destroy this company really hurts badly.

FFS Kate, get your head checked before someone puts some LEAD in it~!

It's not helping to get 2 anns in 2 days, seeing the red mark next to URA & it NOT being an update on the Ukraine deposits.

Anyone heard from the company of late?

The initial review of the data must surely be nearly completed?

URA have to make the decision to proceed, before Ukraine officials even ratify VostGok's licence to mine.

Update time please Kate :rolleyes:

Huang Chung
16-09-2008, 09:52 PM
I'd say that's the last of the cash about to go on the bbq

I don't know how much aeromagnetics cost but what they are planning with their piddly amount of cash reserves will just about empty the bank. If they don't announce a green light in Ukraine soon how the hell are they going to raise some bucks (which now seems imperative imo).

Here's the latest cashflow report from Tungsten explorer Vital Metals (VML), who are drilling out a reasonably sized tungsten prospect in North Qld.

Sorry to say, but $2m will hardly get the barbie started.......


16-09-2008, 10:20 PM
you cant be serious Satori or dont have access to depth, which I doubt

1 8,000 0.085
4 81,500 0.080
1 10,000 0.075
1 185,000 0.051
1 100,000 0.050

so you think a "bigger holder" ...what with some $10k of stock:D would be willing to sell and drive the price down another 37.5% to the next huge support level of .051

a "big" buyer wanting less than $10k of URA.

get off the grass man

Whether or not Satori has or hasn't got access to live data/actual depth, you should well know that most "activity" is off screen, & changes constantly while the market is open.

URA is extremely illiquid, & very tightly held with very few shares available at any one time.

It is also highly speculative!

Why we have a constant stream of posters coming on this thread & telling us what we already know, puzzles me, don't they have better stocks to talk about & enlighten us with?

News flash, we know the risks & accept them!

If people want to discuss/debate URA by all means do so, a bit of research & keeping to the facts will even get you some credibility here!

Enough of the low content posts :mad:

16-09-2008, 10:21 PM
Hi Satori/Others,
Agree fully with your comments. Where the hell,and how are uran going to raise more working capital from, whilst chasing this wild goose. It's years away from production ,if ever. How much can you dilute an 8 cent share without without total discent from current holders. Are these people living in the real world or are the just plain dumb?? Maybe UKraine deals haven't met expectation or there are further lenghty delay ahead.Whatever the reasons
shareholders are entitled to some form of announcement/explaination as todays ann. certainly appears to be move of desperation,especially if read in conjunction with yesterdays financial report. Can someone explain this because i'm at a loss.

16-09-2008, 10:35 PM
Hi Satori/Others,
Agree fully with your comments. Where the hell,and how are uran going to raise more working capital from, whilst chasing this wild goose. It's years away from production ,if ever. How much can you dilute an 8 cent share without without total discent from current holders. Are these people living in the real world or are the just plain dumb?? Maybe UKraine deals haven't met expectation or there are further lenghty delay ahead.Whatever the reasons
shareholders are entitled to some form of announcement/explaination as todays ann. certainly appears to be move of desperation,especially if read in conjunction with yesterdays financial report. Can someone explain this because i'm at a loss.


Poor results, no Ukraine project updates = must be seen doing something...

The Tungsten is IMO another smoke screen like Bulgaria was...

Also with the AGM coming up, dissatisified shareholders & Executive "free options" don't usually go down well together. :mad:

I would have thought Uran's priorities would be as follows:

1. Complete data review & announce JV to proceed re Ukraine deposits

2. Secure funds (especially the option money) to get JORC resource completed & relocate certain staff to Kiev/Ukraine, start mining...

3. Sort out the Discovery Minerals deal (fiasco?)

4. Look for an alternative listing, AIM/TSX to secure further funds for further development & possible involvement in "Novok" (i have to be optimistic!)

5. Review all other options incl, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan etc
10,0001.... Finlay Basin Tungsten Project!!!!!!!

16-09-2008, 11:13 PM

Poor results, no Ukraine project updates = must be seen doing something...

The Tungsten is IMO another smoke screen like Bulgaria was...

Also with the AGM coming up, dissatisified shareholders & Executive "free options" don't usually go down well together. :mad:

I would have thought Uran's priorities would be as follows:

1. Complete data review & announce JV to proceed re Ukraine deposits

2. Secure funds (especially the option money) to get JORC resource completed & relocate certain staff to Kiev/Ukraine, start mining...

3. Sort out the Discovery Minerals deal (fiasco?)

4. Look for an alternative listing, AIM/TSX to secure further funds for further development & possible involvement in "Novok" (i have to be optimistic!)

5. Review all other options incl, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan etc
10,0001.... Finlay Basin Tungsten Project!!!!!!!


The next major milestone re Ukraine is to establish the jv. However the jv wont proceed unless the cabinet approves it. As you know this is the major hurdle for Uran at the moment.due to the political situation.

Hence why they are focussing on Tungsten atm.

16-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Hi all,

Thanks for your kind words. Archer, I'm not so sure I have a high IQ, given that I own URA shares!! Dave, wasn't me last night. I assume you went to a graduation ceremony? I only got the word yesterday that I have passed so no pieces of paper yet. It appears that I will miss my ceremony as I will be in tungsten ville when the next one is scheduled to occur ;).

Hmm well things aren't looking so good atm on the URA front. Be nice to hear where they are going to get more money from in the current climate!! I hope they don't put their hand out this year, there's no way they are getting any more bloody free options!!! Let's just hope that Kate has a trick or two up her sleeve......

SP3, I thought the Ukraine still had a cabinet? Apologies if I am misinformed, I have not been able to keep up with the current situation recently.

17-09-2008, 12:03 AM
Hi all,

Thanks for your kind words. Archer, I'm not so sure I have a high IQ, given that I own URA shares!! Dave, wasn't me last night. I assume you went to a graduation ceremony? I only got the word yesterday that I have passed so no pieces of paper yet. It appears that I will miss my ceremony as I will be in tungsten ville when the next one is scheduled to occur ;).

Hmm well things aren't looking so good atm on the URA front. Be nice to hear where they are going to get more money from in the current climate!! I hope they don't put their hand out this year, there's no way they are getting any more bloody free options!!! Let's just hope that Kate has a trick or two up her sleeve......

SP3, I thought the Ukraine still had a cabinet? Apologies if I am misinformed, I have not been able to keep up with the current situation recently.

Yes Ellroy there were a few people receiving their PHDs last night. Thought you might have been one.

Where are URA going to get money from? There is still plenty of finance available in the mining world, if they can secure the assets they should be able to get money.

17-09-2008, 12:12 AM
Tymoshenko collapse of the coalition believes "a storm in a glass of water"

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko considers the declaration on the cessation of existence of the coalition in the Verkhovna Rada "storm in a glass of water." She assured that the Government will work for a long time.
This is the Prime Minister said at the presentation of the draft state budget-2009. "Today has not very nice political events. But I want to assure you that the Government will work a long time, to work successfully. This is a storm in a glass, and we are doing normal business that need throughout the country" - said Prime.
As reported, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that the coalition of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and Our Ukraine bloc - the People's self-defence ceases to exist.
Parliamentary faction BYuT announced the beginning of consultations with all politsilami on forming a new coalition. But NU-NA and Kompartiya refused to participate in them.

Now that the collapse of the Orange Coalition has been formally recognized, I believe there are 30 more days for the ByUT to form a new coalition with other parties.

Yanukovych is, for my way of thinking, very conspicuous by his absence. Normally a very outspoken frontman for the POR, he's been very very quiet lately. Either he's lost his voice, or he knows exactly what's going to happen.
Perhaps a coalition between Tymo's mob and the POR was preordained before this crap even started.

17-09-2008, 12:49 AM
Yanukovych is, for my way of thinking, very conspicuous by his absence. Normally a very outspoken frontman for the POR, he's been very very quiet lately. Either he's lost his voice, or he knows exactly what's going to happen.
Perhaps a coalition between Tymo's mob and the POR was preordained before this crap even started.

imo it's a given blondie will form a coalition with the other Victor then they'll definitely conform to the will of Russia. I think the chances of a Westerner digging up uranium are now very remote given the political sensitivity that comes with this element. TVEL will be the big winners imo.

17-09-2008, 03:59 AM
imo it's a given blondie will form a coalition with the other Victor then they'll definitely conform to the will of Russia. I think the chances of a Westerner digging up uranium are now very remote given the political sensitivity that comes with this element. TVEL will be the big winners imo.

Uran was able to sign protocols with both factions of government in the Ukraine....so it doesnt really matter which party is in control.

17-09-2008, 05:30 AM
Uran was able to sign protocols with both factions of government in the Ukraine....so it doesnt really matter which party is in control.

In control they may be Sp3, However by making moves on Tungsten in teh USA is not what I call being part of something that is in control.

Nobody here honestly knows what Kate's game here is. Is she going to succeed in the Ukraine with these so called projects? I honestly think not, but would love to be proven otherwise.

We really need her to either put up (deliver a result/outcome), or get her to stand aside. :mad:

How can anybody follow the logic of this Female Bull**** artist. Put quite simply she has conned us all and a Tungsten update is a CLEAR INDICATION to how things are going in the Ukraine~!

17-09-2008, 01:13 PM
Uran was able to sign protocols with both factions of government in the Ukraine....so it doesnt really matter which party is in control.

the point is blondie is in control now and is leaning more and more to Russia (imo she's doing what ever it takes to become president)

Russia is developing a renewed distaste for the west and will apply plenty of pressure to keep the west out

I really do believe it's game over and I reckon management know it but will keep an iron in the fire (or at least make it appear so) so they don't specifically have to announce it

the really sad part is the tungsten is 300m down. Of all the land and commodities on earth they had to pick a bucket of crap. It's probably consistent with their capabilities though.

17-09-2008, 05:42 PM
so say uran doesnt secure a deal in Ukraine which as every day goes by seems more and more likley, where to then for uran in the next 6 - 12 months

17-09-2008, 05:47 PM
so say uran doesnt secure a deal in Ukraine which as every day goes by seems more and more likley, where to then for uran in the next 6 - 12 months

It won't be around in its current form in 12 months time, unless it gets the Ukraine deposits up & running...

I'd imagine the same way Uran evolved from Nickel to Uranium, it would turn to Rare Earths in Outer Mongolia or something... :D

17-09-2008, 05:57 PM
It won't be around in its current form in 12 months time, unless it gets the Ukraine deposits up & running...

I'd imagine the same way Uran evolved from Nickel to Uranium, it would turn to Rare Earths in Outer Mongolia or something... :D

Yes Uran is full of surprises,:rolleyes: or full of something....?:)

17-09-2008, 05:58 PM
Just out of interest. Anyone here actually been to the Uran offices?

Am starting to wonder if they are in the 3rd bedroom in someones house

17-09-2008, 06:55 PM
Just out of interest. Anyone here actually been to the Uran offices?

Am starting to wonder if they are in the 3rd bedroom in someones house

I think their offices are in some seedy back street. Other tenants of the building include communist sympathiser organisations and brothels.:)

17-09-2008, 08:09 PM
I think their offices are in some seedy back street. Other tenants of the building include communist sympathiser organisations and brothels.:)

actually a bit on the typical Perth posh style - kinda wish they'd spend less on their premises. :rolleyes: A

17-09-2008, 10:00 PM
Just out of interest. Anyone here actually been to the Uran offices?

They have a very nice office right across the road from Norilsk Nickel in West Perth. :)

17-09-2008, 10:11 PM
COTIK- What was your thread on hotcopper in regards to CTP DEAL about?

17-09-2008, 10:26 PM
COTIK- What was your thread on hotcopper in regards to CTP DEAL about?

My mistake...sorry.

18-09-2008, 10:46 PM
My mistake...sorry.

U308 has had it's first drop in spot price in a while.

Down $2.50 to $US62/lb...

Hope this isn't reflective of where Uranium is heading!


18-09-2008, 11:43 PM

Best to keep an eye on the Tungsten price I think .....

Uran dont do uranium ;)

Hey Fella's,

I think we should be all appealing Kate's decision to prove a resource for Tungsten.

She is throwing away our money in Days where Money is scarce?

Why drill up and prove up a resource when we have little money???????

If she does this I will buy a gun and shoot her myself, but I would prefer she just wake up and RETHINK what exactly she is doing.

I would rather give the money to a Model Looking babe that knows how to talk and flash Ass at the male Ukrainian politicians who are supposed to be negotiating, this way we can speed up things as far as negotiating and get more YES to our questions. Much better plan IMO.

It is crucial we stop her so how can we stop her from doing this??? (waisting money on tungsten).

18-09-2008, 11:59 PM
Hey Fella's,

I think we should be all appealing Kate's decision to prove a resource for Tungsten.

She is throwing away our money in Days where Money is scarce?

Why drill up and prove up a resource when we have little money???????

If she does this I will buy a gun and shoot her myself, but I would prefer she just wake up and RETHINK what exactly she is doing.

I would rather give the money to a Model Looking babe that knows how to talk and flash Ass at the male Ukrainian politicians who are supposed to be negotiating, this way we can speed up things as far as negotiating and get more YES to our questions. Much better plan IMO.

It is crucial we stop her so how can we stop her from doing this??? (waisting money on tungsten).


what's wrong with spending a few hundred thousand dollars to prove up a resource when you can then sell it for a few million?

19-09-2008, 12:35 AM
Good stuff Ellroy ;)

URA ann out - Expansion of Finlay Basin Tungsten Project


Kate must be sick of flying around first class in planes, shes decided she wants to go on a helicopter ride for the survey.

In her view they got a bargain with this tenement, and would be looking to acquire more to package together for a float. How would they get a float off the ground in this market I have no idea.

As for pribram these are on hold till other czech projects are granted.

and Bulgaria keep track of Monaro Mining's (MRO) applications in the tender...they manage to keep their shareholders slightly informed.

19-09-2008, 03:58 AM

what's wrong with spending a few hundred thousand dollars to prove up a resource when you can then sell it for a few million?

Whats wrong you say Sp3? Did you miss the action of Down Hill Slalom today/yesterday???

Where do you see the world being economically once Uran has spent the dosh and fully proven this resource?

It may have been a good idea like 2 or so years ago but in a world that is transforming into a Global Garage Sale as we speak, I just cant see tungsten panning out to be a company maker in this current and future economic climate, can you?

Time certainly will tell, so unless you know something that I dont then I continue to call this a Side Show and money spent where we dont need to and only play that card when we have the money.

Some folks says, the board know whats happening, or this may make some money eventually in one way or another, or even say what ever you want BUT, As soon as a company goes against its own Mission Statement (what ever that is or was) and as far as I am concerned, this is a Warning Bell (ding, ding, ding, ding). IMO.

The other thing Sp3 is, what makes you certain they can pull that deal (tungsten) off anyways, they cant even complete something which they set out to do years ago. Why can this be so special now, in times like now, in a climate like this. Odd's are not good if you ask me.

Heck you have a Casino in a city close to you dont you? At least Red or Black can give you a quick answer but do we really need another project with Kate Hobbs thinking or trying assume how things will turn out? and of course, after she has spent OUR MONEY?

Tungsten is wasting our time and money and is a get out of gaol card for a management team that have taken 2 years and multi millions of $$$ to secure a $173,000 third rate Tungsten project.

Shame Uran Shame!

Damn right it is Satori, in fact a crying same to see such ca$h blown.

I don't like the part where we don't even get a say in this.

Also, agree that deep down its to be seen doing something hence an attempt to obtain a Get out of jail Free Card.

This company is getting Cheesy by the week/month, not just because of the falling share price but more so, the lack of information and disclosure as you know.

Does anybody actually know when we will hear something with regards to updates on WHY WE INVESTED in the first place.

Again, I will repeat myself, I think we should Hire a Well Educated Hooker/Looker who can NEGOTIATE and thus get a few deals signed, make a bit of money and have some fun with some Ukrainian and Czech politicians at the same time. But oh yeah, they don't get paid unless they succeed, which means motivation is inspiration.

Enough is Enough.

Either Kate or the board know something that we do not, or they are just accustomed to Arrogance and couldn't care less, because they are still getting paid whether they succeed or not, in which case takes me back to Bullets, lets get a Silver Tenement also so we can Pop a few Ware Wolves~!

19-09-2008, 10:11 AM
Whats wrong you say Sp3? Did you miss the action of Down Hill Slalom today/yesterday???

Where do you see the world being economically once Uran has spent the dosh and fully proven this resource?

It may have been a good idea like 2 or so years ago but in a world that is transforming into a Global Garage Sale as we speak, I just cant see tungsten panning out to be a company maker in this current and future economic climate, can you?

Time certainly will tell, so unless you know something that I dont then I continue to call this a Side Show and money spent where we dont need to and only play that card when we have the money.

Some folks says, the board know whats happening, or this may make some money eventually in one way or another, or even say what ever you want BUT, As soon as a company goes against its own Mission Statement (what ever that is or was) and as far as I am concerned, this is a Warning Bell (ding, ding, ding, ding). IMO.

The other thing Sp3 is, what makes you certain they can pull that deal (tungsten) off anyways, they cant even complete something which they set out to do years ago. Why can this be so special now, in times like now, in a climate like this. Odd's are not good if you ask me.

Heck you have a Casino in a city close to you dont you? At least Red or Black can give you a quick answer but do we really need another project with Kate Hobbs thinking or trying assume how things will turn out? and of course, after she has spent OUR MONEY?

Damn right it is Satori, in fact a crying same to see such ca$h blown.

I don't like the part where we don't even get a say in this.

Also, agree that deep down its to be seen doing something hence an attempt to obtain a Get out of jail Free Card.

This company is getting Cheesy by the week/month, not just because of the falling share price but more so, the lack of information and disclosure as you know.

Does anybody actually know when we will hear something with regards to updates on WHY WE INVESTED in the first place.

Again, I will repeat myself, I think we should Hire a Well Educated Hooker/Looker who can NEGOTIATE and thus get a few deals signed, make a bit of money and have some fun with some Ukrainian and Czech politicians at the same time. But oh yeah, they don't get paid unless they succeed, which means motivation is inspiration.

Enough is Enough.

Either Kate or the board know something that we do not, or they are just accustomed to Arrogance and couldn't care less, because they are still getting paid whether they succeed or not, in which case takes me back to Bullets, lets get a Silver Tenement also so we can Pop a few Ware Wolves~!

Some here are missing the point.

Tungsten was a very cheap buy. Assuming we spend a few hundred thousand $$$$$$$$ developing the asset and then putting it up for sale to make a profit, isnt that a smart move?

What's wrong with that?

19-09-2008, 11:57 AM
Which idiot wants to sell on open?

let me give you a clue....wait 1 second after Uran opens and you make yourself at least an extra $700 and you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares!

19-09-2008, 01:48 PM
Which idiot wants to sell on open?

let me give you a clue....wait 1 second after Uran opens and you make yourself an at least an extra $700 and you wonder why people so broke buying and selling shares!

Obviously they have no idea how the pre open system works.

19-09-2008, 06:36 PM
emails are being replied too, maybe if you ask the right questions.

19-09-2008, 06:41 PM
Which idiot wants to sell on open?

let me give you a clue....wait 1 second after Uran opens and you make yourself at least an extra $700 and you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares!

This is a financial index rally, not mining specs rally. URA didn't join the party in this rally.

"you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares"

You people have very interesting quotes. Overconfident? Arrogant? Ignorance? Deadly sins my friend. Are you fellows just out of Uni having a go at shares. Then obviously you are punting. No one buying blue chips? Going broke is the easiest thing you can do buying URA. It will happen alright. Not just you, many others will go broke every now and then. That's your lessons. The market charge a high price for your education. They are called losses.

19-09-2008, 07:10 PM
This is a financial index rally, not mining specs rally. URA didn't join the party in this rally.

"you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares"

You people have very interesting quotes. Overconfident? Arrogant? Ignorance? Deadly sins my friend. Are you fellows just out of Uni having a go at shares. Then obviously you are punting. No one buying blue chips? Going broke is the easiest thing you can do buying URA. It will happen alright. Not just you, many others will go broke every now and then. That's your lessons. The market charge a high price for your education. They are called losses.

Soulman, there are people with PHDs, experienced investors etc. posting on this thread. Just because many here have not been posting on ST for a long does not mean they are new to the market.:)

19-09-2008, 07:19 PM
This is a financial index rally, not mining specs rally. URA didn't join the party in this rally.

"you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares"

You people have very interesting quotes. Overconfident? Arrogant? Ignorance? Deadly sins my friend. Are you fellows just out of Uni having a go at shares. Then obviously you are punting. No one buying blue chips? Going broke is the easiest thing you can do buying URA. It will happen alright. Not just you, many others will go broke every now and then. That's your lessons. The market charge a high price for your education. They are called losses.

You're very aware of your self importance aren't you hotshot?

Care to share with us your pedigree for which we should be so grateful for?

Newsflash people on this thread actually own shares other than URA!

19-09-2008, 07:45 PM
This is a financial index rally, not mining specs rally. URA didn't join the party in this rally.

"you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares"

You people have very interesting quotes. Overconfident? Arrogant? Ignorance? Deadly sins my friend. Are you fellows just out of Uni having a go at shares. Then obviously you are punting. No one buying blue chips? Going broke is the easiest thing you can do buying URA. It will happen alright. Not just you, many others will go broke every now and then. That's your lessons. The market charge a high price for your education. They are called losses.

I'm really sorry soulman but I didn't see the sign, BLUE CHIPS ONLY.

I would rather be a deadly sinner and carry a loss on URA than be a cry baby holding BLUE CHIPS!

19-09-2008, 08:12 PM
wow, I wish I had a PHD so I could lose another 12.5% on a rally day :D

Soulman, you are waisting your time, this is a club not a thread.

This stock has gone so far down, none of these guys are gonna sell, simple.

Its red or black with the lot

They dont take the company or managers seriously anymore, so neither should you regarding any comments here;)

Even a complete moron could see the rally was in the FINANCIAL SECTOR, last i looked it up Uranium wasn;t apart of this.

Is there a full moon or something? :rolleyes:

19-09-2008, 08:22 PM
If you are gonna get all uptight, get your facts right too

maybe too much hair in your eyes? full moon and all:D

just one example for you fella

CSG sector....% gains in bold:cool:

VPE 0.200 0.210 0.205 0.030 17.140 0.190 0.205 0.190 540,518
VPEO 0.079 0.085 0.079 0.001 1.280 0.079 0.079 0.079 12,875
BOW 0.250 0.270 0.250 0.020 8.700 0.250 0.275 0.250 184,727
ODN 0.050 0.074 0.078 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0
MPO 1.110 1.200 1.200 0.130 12.150 1.050 1.200 1.030 926,683
SHG 2.800 2.890 2.860 0.120 4.380 2.750 2.860 2.660 4,925,674
ORG 16.000 16.020 16.000 0.120 0.760 16.000 16.090 15.700 6,005,726
AOE 2.940 3.000 3.000 0.330 12.360 2.750 3.000 2.730 5,523,548
QGC 4.300 4.390 4.390 0.290 7.070 4.320 4.390 4.170 5,771,673
MEL 0.630 0.640 0.640 0.040 6.670 0.610 0.650 0.595 201,272
CXY 0.110 0.120 0.115 0.010 9.520 0.105 0.115 0.105 6,073,508
ESG 0.420 0.450 0.450 0.035 8.430 0.430 0.460 0.425 2,596,490
LNC 4.830 5.000 5.000 1.110 28.530 4.100 5.000 4.100 6,221,718
AJL 6.000 6.300 6.300 0.420 7.140 6.080 6.300 5.610 443,350
PES 1.400 1.440 1.400 0.040 2.940 1.385 1.450 1.385 160,959
PESO 1.010 1.200 1.150 0.150 15.000 1.150 1.150 1.150 5,000
BUL 0.230 0.235 0.235 0.025 11.900 0.240 0.245 0.225 868,259
RPM 0.185 0.190 0.190 0.000 0.000 0.190 0.190 0.190 2,000
MOS 0.100 0.105 0.105 0.007 7.140 0.100 0.105 0.099 550,300
GPP 0.110 0.175 0.175 0.025 16.670 0.160 0.175 0.150 31,554

Hair in my eyes isnt an issue these days im afraid :D

Of course this rally only really recouped the previous few days losses!

19-09-2008, 08:39 PM
wow, I wish I had a PHD so I could lose another 12.5% on a rally day :D

Soulman, you are waisting your time, this is a club not a thread.

This stock has gone so far down, none of these guys are gonna sell, simple.

Its red or black with the lot

They dont take the company or managers seriously anymore, so neither should you regarding any comments here;)


I dont have a PHD, not smart enough. Some here do though.;)

19-09-2008, 09:59 PM
You people have very interesting quotes. Overconfident? Arrogant? Ignorance? Deadly sins my friend. Are you fellows just out of Uni having a go at shares. Then obviously you are punting. No one buying blue chips? Going broke is the easiest thing you can do buying URA. It will happen alright. Not just you, many others will go broke every now and then. That's your lessons. The market charge a high price for your education. They are called losses.

Uran is a spec stock, unfortunately in every bull market people who have no idea about shares are attracted to the market in the hope of making quick profits. They usually finish in the spec end of the market.

It is very sad that many of these 'new investors' have no idea about capital management and usually go broke when the bull stops running.

I invested in Uran in the full knowledge that it was a spec stock and I may not see any return from this investment. I am a full time trader and I make a very good living from the market. I have been in and around the market for many many years.

It is time for some people that have sold this stock and made a loss to move on or get help....seriously, life is too short.

Best of luck with your next investment.

19-09-2008, 10:11 PM
Which idiot wants to sell on open?

let me give you a clue....wait 1 second after Uran opens and you make yourself at least an extra $700 and you wonder why people go broke buying and selling shares!

Can't you all see my comment is on the quote of the one named Cotik. You all must be insulted or being too sensitive to my comment. You don't hold URA Cotik?

Here goes again....Cotik said in his/her message that easy money and easy money.....and how can you go broke buying and selling shares. There is no such things as easy money is my general response. I am not pointing at URA or Cotik per se, just saying only amateur say easy money and sharemarket comes together. In a bull run yes, but not in a crisis like this, unless you are shorters.

I got specs as well, FMS and even I regard ORG as specs.

I wished you all well but I do get fired up when people use sharemarket and easy money in the same sentence.

19-09-2008, 10:30 PM
Uran is a spec stock, unfortunately in every bull market people who have no idea about shares are attracted to the market in the hope of making quick profits. They usually finish in the spec end of the market.

It is very sad that many of these 'new investors' have no idea about capital management and usually go broke when the bull stops running.

I invested in Uran in the full knowledge that it was a spec stock and I may not see any return from this investment. I am a full time trader and I make a very good living from the market. I have been in and around the market for many many years.

It is time for some people that have sold this stock and made a loss to move on or get help....seriously, life is too short.

Best of luck with your next investment.

That response Cotik tells me you are a seasoned campaigner. I do wished you good luck with your investment.

I suffer the same fate as all share investor. We all make mistakes. I ain't a hot shot Shasta, just giving my comment and hope it help in your future, give or take.

I certainly learned a lot from AA and Phaedrus post.

19-09-2008, 10:50 PM
That response Cotik tells me you are a seasoned campaigner. I do wished you good luck with your investment.

I suffer the same fate as all share investor. We all make mistakes. I ain't a hot shot Shasta, just giving my comment and hope it help in your future, give or take.

I certainly learned a lot from AA and Phaedrus post.

Making mistakes is part & parcel of learning. :(

I've sold out of all specs & have rehashed my entire strategy, this market volatility has actually helped me refocus.

Phaedrus charts only what he wants you to see (ie, half the real story), so i wouldn't rely on anyone else's TA...

I still hold URAO for sentiment reasons, just cos :p

19-09-2008, 11:35 PM
Interesting to note that the gallery has changed

Bulgaria has popped up and pilbram is still there?

19-09-2008, 11:36 PM
Nice to see some very happy faces :)

19-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Interesting to note that the gallery has changed

Bulgaria has popped up and pilbram is still there?

...and shock horror even the Finlay Basin Tungsten Project even gets a photo :D

20-09-2008, 01:59 AM
That response Cotik tells me you are a seasoned campaigner. I do wished you good luck with your investment.

I suffer the same fate as all share investor. We all make mistakes. I ain't a hot shot Shasta, just giving my comment and hope it help in your future, give or take.

I certainly learned a lot from AA and Phaedrus post.

Hey Soulman and Underdog, do you guys have VIP invites to the Sing GP next weekend? It would be good to catch up for a chat and learn how it all works. :rolleyes:


20-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Making mistakes is part & parcel of learning

Phaedrus charts only what he wants you to see (ie, half the real story), so i wouldn't rely on anyone else's TA...

I totally agree. If you have to rely on someone else drawing lines on a chart to make your investment decisions then forget it. Its just not that easy.

20-09-2008, 09:49 PM
Hi Folks

We are still getting this "I told you so" "You people should" etc etc.

Those who are outside looking in let me give you a tip:

"Its not about you"

Now that might be hard to understand, but as many here realise this has become a discussion amongst seasoned campaigners re Uran. We aint here selling this...some of us are doing the opposite! I encourage people to move away from it.

Mistakes have been made here by some of us. I am one. But some of us trade fundamentals...or more to the point, on fundamental 'information' that was, as far as many of us were concerned, very clear 'information' that was communicated any number of times.

It didnt come to pass. Naive? Perhaps.

You get that.

Clearly, very clearly, imo management are not competent. Thats a concern as im invested here.
Uranium miner turns tungsten miner after 2 years of hot air.

Ive made 3 bad calls in the last 5 years. 2 I got out of, 1 with a profit, the other with a loss.

The other one was Uran. I was seduced by Kate Hobbs' (thats a worry in itself!) rhetoric and promises/forecasts of production in 2007 in several countries. 'Logic' told me in that sort of market I only need 1 project to come off.......it didnt. In fact, none of them did.

Such was the vague commentary and accountability of management here that many of us sought info via the internet looking up various sites getting enough info to validate our resons to 'stick with the program'

That was a mistake, for me at least.

Its hard for others 'out there' to understand this. Technically its easy. It drops below a point you sell. But with a low cap company pioneering into CIS regions the market cap kept me in it.

Going back into 2007 though, I was ready to get out around the EGM in May. I had had enough of Hobbs silent mode and the companies less than competent comments around Rozna and its Discovery issues.

Michael Kiernan encouraged me to stay on. His $5-$10 comments and his "Done and dusted by December 2007" comments told me I was still on the right track. He left the company weeks later...
When this time came around, it was the same time that the Ukraine Government had been established (18 December 2007 from memory)

All of a sudden 2008 was looking much much stronger. We knew what we had in Ukraine and we were led to believe it was "weeks away"

Add Osecna Kotel developments, Pribram trial mining hopes, Rozna still in the frame 'allegedly', plus our September MOU in Kazakhstan and the reasons for me to stay on were clear. VERY clear.

This company has had a habit of 'leading on' its shareholders then going quiet or changing direction. Evidenced many times, none moreso than the UEPL Juno move into Tungsten!!!

What a shock (to me) that was.

Hobbs and Ryan have not said any of their negotiated projects have ended or been trashed.

Many of us continue to hold in the belief that somewhere in this company is the semblance of something half decent, ethical and accountable...but importantly COMPETENT in finalising these 'negotiations' so shareholders like many of us here can make a few $$$.

For those constantly moving in with I told you so's or you shouldve done this please just bother some other thread with your 'wisdom' will you.
Its about your need to be heard or to be seen important...not your concern for others. Its obvious.

Deep deep down you all are more than likely trying to convince yourselves more than anyone else.
Mate my comment was general. Not specific to URA please reread Shastas entire post. It was directed at someone but no one who contributes to this thread?

20-09-2008, 10:21 PM
Mate my comment was general. Not specific to URA please reread Shastas entire post. It was directed at someone but no one who contributes to this thread?

Satori merely copied your post in replying, i doubt he directed it at you.

Satori plays the ball not the man ;)

What's your interest in Uran, by the way?

For someone relatively new it's an extremely risky introduction!

21-09-2008, 09:17 AM

Your comments are made on this thread. I dont visit other threads here on this site. Therefore your comments are what I see. I was speaking generally as well. I read the last few days posts and didnt look at the names posting them.

You are either here or you are not. What is it? You are either interested in contributing to the 'Uran' thread or you are not.

The content is what I was commenting on. Many of us are tiring of those coming in and telling us how to, or how we should have managed our Uran trade/investment.

I dont recall anything you have posted as being anything that suggests you know all that much about 'Uran'

You are either here to contribute to Uran or to merely 'comment' and pass 'judgement' on those contributing here.

That would lead me to think you were here as a 'critic' perhaps. I dont believe anyone here is in need of a 'critic' are they?

Might try it myself...now lets see..

H2so4 or sulphuric acid is also known as ;

'Oil of vitriol'

Vitriol is also defined as;
1. language expressing bitterness and hatred


Need I go on? ;)

No. I am more than happy to leave as I have no intention of posting a long explanation or entering into a lengthy argument, (life is too short).

You seem intent on misinterpretating my comments.

For every other poster looking at this thread please refer back to my previous two comments and the one of shasta's, before satori jumped in, and judge for yourself.

I would link the comments but I don't know how?:eek:

21-09-2008, 11:44 PM
emails are being replied too, maybe if you ask the right questions.

Yeah, I have heard that some replies are given. Out of four emails, I've only had one replied to, and that turned out to be a rote reply sent to all (many months ago).

My latest question was on August 31. It was simple, polite, and along the lines of a verification of something that URA has announced. No reply to date. More recently I have asked that their email system be set-up to give an automatic acknowledgement that emails have been received ; this company is a black hole for me....their arrogance only stokes the conspiracy theories of holders paying to fatten their already broad backsides.

Thanks to all the regulars who post ; is a struggle at times to keep my blood below boiling point. I'll try to keep a grip on things through October but as always, management simply need to keep us informed. Come November and if still nothing but tourist snaps, will need to unleash drillFix :) for a weekly (for example) persuasion session :D. There's nothing like a stick to concentrate the mind (and only needs to be 60 seconds and not even with raised voices. I'm a very reasonable man). It's been all carrots so far ; spoiled rotten.

22-09-2008, 02:21 AM
Yeah, I have heard that some replies are given. Out of four emails, I've only had one replied to, and that turned out to be a rote reply sent to all (many months ago).

My latest question was on August 31. It was simple, polite, and along the lines of a verification of something that URA has announced. No reply to date. More recently I have asked that their email system be set-up to give an automatic acknowledgement that emails have been received ; this company is a black hole for me....their arrogance only stokes the conspiracy theories of holders paying to fatten their already broad backsides.

Thanks to all the regulars who post ; is a struggle at times to keep my blood below boiling point. I'll try to keep a grip on things through October but as always, management simply need to keep us informed. Come November and if still nothing but tourist snaps, will need to unleash drillFix :) for a weekly (for example) persuasion session :D. There's nothing like a stick to concentrate the mind (and only needs to be 60 seconds and not even with raised voices. I'm a very reasonable man). It's been all carrots so far ; spoiled rotten.

Hi Furii,

I understand exactly how you feel and where your at.

Some have said to me a few times, why don't I just call the company or send them an email?

So I then think to myself sure why not, how about somewhere along the lines of:

Hi Kate, how are things progressing in Ukraine? and, Oh, and WTF is it with this Tungsten project when I thought we were gonna be a potential U producer? OH & by the way, why you treat your shareholders like sh#t? and are you aware that some us want to knock you off. Regards, DF. :rolleyes:

I cant quite see me or anybody getting a reply from that type of communication, but that is how exactly I feel ATM unless they can prove otherwise which means Ive got nothing except ruin and poverty to look forward to thanks to these corporate scum bags. :mad:

Disappointment is an understatement here and if there is a so called LORD somewhere, someplace, sometime, then lets see him create a miracle or work his/her magic with this stock and for just ONCE. But then even that too is getting crazy to even suggest or think. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I honestly would like to post more positive thoughts and have a more healthy and rational contribution of dialog to add here, but how can this be so when the very people we have put our belief in, trust in, money in and time and effort in, appear to have completely let us down.

Enough from me again, over and out~!

23-09-2008, 05:26 AM
I get the feeling there's no chance these two will kiss and make up

a pro-Russian coalition coming up I'd say

Ukraine PM accuses president of ‘madness’

Agence France Presse

KIEV: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko on Sunday accused President Viktor Yushchenko of "madness," Interfax news agency reported, sharpening a bitter war of words between the former allies.

Yushchenko, who earlier this month pulled his party from Tymoshenko's governing coalition, on Saturday accused the prime minister of "treason" for putting her own interests ahead those of the state.

Asked about the accusation, Tymoshenko said: "I consider this is already madness.... It is even embarrassing to comment," Interfax reported.

She then accused Yushchenko of "total inadequacy," the news agency said.

Tymoshenko also denied Yushchenko's accusation that her party, the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, was failing to enter talks to re-establish their alliance, dubbed the "democratic coalition" by the country's media.

"It seems to me that the person who is now the country's president is simply looking for the reasons not to return to the democratic coalition", she said.


23-09-2008, 06:30 PM
I get the feeling there's no chance these two will kiss and make up

a pro-Russian coalition coming up I'd say

Ukraine PM accuses president of ‘madness’

Well Arch on a brighter note (if there is such thing) reading some of the news at least there are not mortar exchanges (Mogadishu) going off, Nor are there Marriott Hotels being blown up (Pakistan) so the Capers with these 2 in Ukraine are probably insignificant in the bigger picture of things one could think :rolleyes:

24-09-2008, 12:43 AM
Well Arch on a brighter note (if there is such thing) reading some of the news at least there are not mortar exchanges (Mogadishu) going off, Nor are there Marriott Hotels being blown up (Pakistan) so the Capers with these 2 in Ukraine are probably insignificant in the bigger picture of things one could think :rolleyes:

too true, df, it could always be worse

my tip for the coalition seems to be coming together. This would have to be preferable to going to the polls again. Pro Russia coming up. Yushchenko soon to relegated to a whimper in the corner.

Ukraine Security Council head on possible coalition in parliament

23.09.2008, 08.31

KIEV, September 23 (Itar-Tass) - The secretary of the Ukrainian Security Council, Raisa Bogatyryova, does not rule out a parliamentary coalition of the Party of Regions, the Yulia Timoshenko Bloc and the Communist Party.

Meanwhile, problems that these political forces call important for them are not considered. She listed as an example accusations that President Viktor Yushchenko is allegedly boosting the country’s integration into NATO.

She reminded the audience that the president was just carrying out the law adopted under former President Leonid Kuchma with participation of the same political parties that are now represented in parliament, and offered interested politicians to change the law, pledging that it will be implemented, including by the Security Council.


24-09-2008, 01:17 AM
Drillfix and other holders,

I have received a reply (with concern that my emails had somehow slipped through their system :rolleyes:).

Nevertheless, the reply answered my question and more. It was to the point and very satisfactory. But it remains frustrating that URA gives so little away in the public domain.

I continue to hold, however as has been posted, the political scene is reaching a flashpoint - and Russia is on the prowl. Damn it, damn it, damn it. But I'll try and take your positive angle drillfix (not yet so lawless that there are bombings, and the big picture more significant than the 'big two').

Archbald, from what I understand I agree that the coalition seems to be coming together (preferable to going to the polls again). However, how many more tortuous turns are there likely to be ? If not, perhaps we'll now run up against mundane excuses such as school holidays (or was that Czech ?), parliamentary 3 month recess, etc. Time keeps leaking away. My positive spin would be that Uran can keep doing what it needs to regarding processing of data ; perhaps when that's done and dusted the political and business situation will also be ready :) Has to be before the options date - this is not for the faint hearted (I am, but also obstinate, stubborn.....and plain stupid :( ).

Cheers, Furii

24-09-2008, 02:02 AM
Drillfix and other holders,

I have received a reply (with concern that my emails had somehow slipped through their system :rolleyes:).

Nevertheless, the reply answered my question and more. It was to the point and very satisfactory. But it remains frustrating that URA gives so little away in the public domain.

I continue to hold, however as has been posted, the political scene is reaching a flashpoint - and Russia is on the prowl. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

Cheers, Furii

Hi Furii,
Thanks for letting us all here all know.
I am pleased that you have received a reply and that your questions and More were answered.

As you say though, this thing about giving little away to the public domain is nothing short of a scandalous. And it should not be this way, but it is, and basically, that sucks.

Dont know if it will make any difference if Russia is on the prowl or not, or as some here before have said, it shouldn't matter which one keeps or holds power, although that remains to be seen which then takes us to the continual problem of:

How many more tortuous turns are there likely to be ?

Probably lots, but it would be a lot more clear and less painful if this management could just communicate to the public domain for the either good or bad and I find it Absurd that a company does not know its position on where is stands in negotiations regardless of the political climate. It goes to show what they Have or Have Not achieved IMO.

Need to have somebody qualified to negotiate here, somebody that knows how to either get a simple YES or NO and if so WHEN, and we know WHY, simple as that.

Move over Kate Hobbs, because you cant cut it, and that is Obvious~!

24-09-2008, 05:44 AM
where are all the scintillating posts about this goer ? surely someone has posted more recently than 26/8 ! ! ! ! or ? ?

24-09-2008, 05:46 AM
ah ! found them ! ! ! ta drillfix . you ok ! ! there must be something going on behind the scenes , or did zed have it right all along !

25-09-2008, 04:27 AM
a glimmer of hope I guess - surely they'll use domestic uranium :confused:

Ukraine to build two new nuclear reactors from 2010
Written by newsmaker
Ukraine's state-run atomic energy company Energoatom is to start construction of two new nuclear reactors from 2010 at the Khmelnitsky power station in the west of the country.

The ministry, quoting remarks by Energy Minister Yuri Prodan during a visit to the plant, said authorities wanted to ensure 'smooth financing' for the project, which will bring to 17 the number of reactors operating in the ex-Soviet state.

It gave no details of costs or financing, but said the reactors would be brought on stream by the end of 2016.

Twenty-two years after the fire and explosion at the Chernobyl power plant, the world's worst civil nuclear accident, few in Ukraine question the need to rely on and expand the use of nuclear power.

Ukraine's four stations, with a capacity of 13,835 megawatts, account for 46.4 percent of all electricity produced.

The Khmelnitsky station's first reactor went on stream in 1987 in Soviet times, while the second, left unfinished for many years amid post-Soviet financing difficulties, was completed in 2004 with help from the European Union.

Both are 1,000-megawatt pressurised water reactors.

The RBMK reactor that exploded at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986, found to contain many design faults, is no longer produced in the former Soviet Union.


25-09-2008, 02:22 PM
a glimmer of hope I guess - surely they'll use domestic uranium :confused:

Ukraine to build two new nuclear reactors from 2010
Written by newsmaker
Ukraine's state-run atomic energy company Energoatom is to start construction of two new nuclear reactors from 2010 at the Khmelnitsky power station in the west of the country.

The ministry, quoting remarks by Energy Minister Yuri Prodan during a visit to the plant, said authorities wanted to ensure 'smooth financing' for the project, which will bring to 17 the number of reactors operating in the ex-Soviet state.

It gave no details of costs or financing, but said the reactors would be brought on stream by the end of 2016.

Twenty-two years after the fire and explosion at the Chernobyl power plant, the world's worst civil nuclear accident, few in Ukraine question the need to rely on and expand the use of nuclear power.

Ukraine's four stations, with a capacity of 13,835 megawatts, account for 46.4 percent of all electricity produced.

The Khmelnitsky station's first reactor went on stream in 1987 in Soviet times, while the second, left unfinished for many years amid post-Soviet financing difficulties, was completed in 2004 with help from the European Union.

Both are 1,000-megawatt pressurised water reactors.

The RBMK reactor that exploded at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986, found to contain many design faults, is no longer produced in the former Soviet Union.


Whilst thats potentially promising, the price of U308 has dropped another $US4 to $US58.

By the time Uran announce the Ukraine details, hopefully the price of Uranium will be on the up :rolleyes:


25-09-2008, 05:19 PM
geez we ar really coppin it. i bought some before at .071

is there no one willing to buy even at .055?

25-09-2008, 05:40 PM
now someone take out that 10c seller!!! haha

25-09-2008, 10:57 PM
Dear oh dear

Market cap now 3 mil

and still not a word from these clowns

Wouldnt be surprised if they dont even announce when the recievers come in.

26-09-2008, 01:15 AM
strat- management are an absolute disgrace when it comes to informing the market and other things i agree...

i just wanted to make an observation though, and this isnt aimed at anyone...

the current market conditions lead everyone to beleive that when a stocks share price falls substantially that the company is going into receivership... not the case IMO

whether the markets were bullish or copping a flogging like they are, URA would still be doing the same business behind the scenes regardless of what the SP was...

in fact they would have probably told as little in a bullish market as they have in this market, so SP i feel isnt related to them going broke... just **** management not keeping the market updated and the market selling companies like BNB down to pennies let alone URA...

just wanted to add that... oh and i took out the .055 seller today too aswell as a chunk of the .071

26-09-2008, 01:39 AM
strat- management are an absolute disgrace when it comes to informing the market and other things i agree...

i just wanted to make an observation though, and this isnt aimed at anyone...

the current market conditions lead everyone to beleive that when a stocks share price falls substantially that the company is going into receivership... not the case IMO

whether the markets were bullish or copping a flogging like they are, URA would still be doing the same business behind the scenes regardless of what the SP was...

in fact they would have probably told as little in a bullish market as they have in this market, so SP i feel isnt related to them going broke... just **** management not keeping the market updated and the market selling companies like BNB down to pennies let alone URA...

just wanted to add that... oh and i took out the .055 seller today too aswell as a chunk of the .071

The only time ANY company cares about the share price is just prior to a capital raising....obviously URA isnt considering any capital raisings at the moment.

Today we probably saw more buyers appear out of the woodwork than any other day within the past 3 months. Maybe this could be the turning point. Tomorrow if someone buys just 1 share, the share price could rise by 66%. It goes to show how volatile this stock is.

26-09-2008, 03:00 AM
Wouldnt be surprised if they dont even announce when the recievers come in.

STRAT, LOL, you got a good point there, and I agree re-Lame Management that have an Avocado as a brain. But I also agree with Scorp here and his insight into current markets.

Now, if Uran actually came out and put all the so called food on the table with regards to Data, Projects, Agreements and had them all signed and sealed and delievered visible for the ASX Market to read, I wonder how much interest would come our way with a reflection on the share price? I would probably say, Not Much Really, especially in this current climate.

As another example, look what news AGS just put out today:

I mean, whats the deal there, they decide to mine the Four Mile project and the price gets trashed from 90 cents to 70c or 68c. So I say again, whats the deal there?? Simply put, it doesn't seem to make any difference what a company announces because if the market is in a panic or worried state then everything suddenly becomes unloved as you probably know.

26-09-2008, 03:05 AM
The pro western coalition and the Lytvin block have agre
ed to form a new coalition government in Ukraine. My sources tell me that the agreement will be signed on Monday 29 September.

Surely this is great news for Uran.

I wonder if Kate will announce this to the market via the ASX.

26-09-2008, 03:15 AM
Hi Sp3, where you been at dewd?

Still driving around in looking to buy pizza late at night and posting with your Smart Phone to share forums to lunatics like me and a few others ;)

Maybe this could be the turning point. Tomorrow if someone buys just 1 share, the share price could rise by 66%. It goes to show how volatile this stock is.

Turning point??, Hmmm, I dont know if I really choose those particular words but if you mean there is a New Low being made each week then I would say, Yes there is a New Low being made each week :rolleyes:

I agree though that increases can occur significantly with any small trades though. Who is selling though??

is it Berenes Nominees Pty Ltd?? or is it Karema Capital??

26-09-2008, 03:18 AM
The pro western coalition and the Lytvin block have agre
ed to form a new coalition government in Ukraine. My sources tell me that the agreement will be signed on Monday 29 September.

Surely this is great news for Uran.
I wonder if Kate will announce this to the market via the ASX.

It sure would make her look busy if she did Sp3 :p

Plus, if it all equals good then it may restore a TAD of confidence back into this stock and it really could do with that, thats fer sure~!

Are you sources gun carrying beard types the drive around in volvo's though? :rolleyes:

26-09-2008, 03:20 AM
STRAT, LOL, you got a good point there, and I agree re-Lame Management that have an Avocado as a brain. But I also agree with Scorp here and his insight into current markets.

Now, if Uran actually came out and put all the so called food on the table with regards to Data, Projects, Agreements and had them all signed and sealed and delievered visible for the ASX Market to read, I wonder how much interest would come our way with a reflection on the share price? I would probably say, Not Much Really, especially in this current climate.

As another example, look what news AGS just put out today:

I mean, whats the deal there, they decide to mine the Four Mile project and the price gets trashed from 90 cents to 70c or 68c. So I say again, whats the deal there?? Simply put, it doesn't seem to make any difference what a company announces because if the market is in a panic or worried state then everything suddenly becomes unloved as you probably know.


AGS's announcement did not excite the market because the market had already factored in that mining would take place...so nothing new there. The negative aspect of the announcement was that they still need to get government approvals...and...mining wont commence for another 15 months.

26-09-2008, 03:30 AM
It sure would make her look busy if she did Sp3 :p

Plus, if it all equals good then it may restore a TAD of confidence back into this stock and it really could do with that, thats fer sure~!

Are you sources gun carrying beard types the drive around in volvo's though? :rolleyes:


Yes, im on my smartphone, but Im not driving around pizza parlours anymore...I can no longer afford to eat (because of this investment):)

My source is from a Ukrainian news feed...which I subscribe - hence I cant post here atm.

26-09-2008, 03:31 AM

AGS's announcement did not excite the market because the market had already factored in that mining would take place...so nothing new there. The negative aspect of the announcement was that they still need to get government approvals...and...mining wont commence for another 15 months.

Fair enough,
Although, I remember Uran were going to Commence Mining and be into Production within 8 months once.

15 months compared to the wait and goose chase we have had is like a picnic, so I thought that would still had been good news for them but anyways, it was just meant to be an example of the current market climate, thats all~!

26-09-2008, 03:35 AM
I can no longer afford to eat (because of this investment):)

Welcome to ClubDrillfix, would you like a glass of swamp water to go with that toasted Rat for your order Sir...lol :eek:

26-09-2008, 03:41 AM
Welcome to ClubDrillfix, would you like a glass of swamp water to go with that toasted Rat for your order Sir...lol :eek:

btw, i've now lost 5 kilo's in 1 month...so I guess there are positives with this sick investment:)

26-09-2008, 08:39 AM
i just wanted to make an observation though, and this isnt aimed at anyone...
Sure Scorp, I wasnt implying they were in that kind of trouble yet..... Yet:rolleyes:
Moreover that I wouldnt be surprised IF they got to that point that they would more than likely lock the doors, go home and not bother to inform anyone. It was a comment on their typical performance rather than the actual circumstances.

26-09-2008, 11:36 AM
Strat- totally understand and as i said i wasnt aiming it at anyone, i just wanted to make that point, not only bout URA but any stock in this environment. if i make any money trading today i'll take out mr 10c... its only 800 bucks...

SP3- thanks for the constant research we all really appreciate it :)

Crypto Crude
26-09-2008, 02:31 PM
5000 posts shasta,
A true legend...

26-09-2008, 06:15 PM
5000 posts shasta,
A true legend...

Cheers Shrewd, i've got a good chunk of those on here too, yet it's the 2nd worse investment i've ever made* (IT Capital was the worst, it then became Sealegs).

* This could also turn out to be the best, if/when Ukraine gets going :rolleyes:

Huang Chung
26-09-2008, 07:58 PM
Welcome to ClubDrillfix, would you like a glass of swamp water to go with that toasted Rat for your order Sir...lol :eek:

Drilly, you really crack me up :).

26-09-2008, 09:29 PM
5000 posts shasta,
A true legend...

Yes indeed SC, a big round of applause for Shasta and his efforts :D

Cheers Shrewd, i've got a good chunk of those on here too,
* This could also turn out to be the best, if/when Ukraine gets going :rolleyes:

Way ta go Shasta, although werent you previously only an option holder?

Either way, good on both you and Scorp for mopping up, now dont be going out selling them in a hurry ok..lol :D

Drilly, you really crack me up :).

Hi Huang,
I am pleased to have been some reading enjoyment for some for a change :p

26-09-2008, 09:33 PM
Yes indeed SC, a big round of applause for Shasta and his efforts :D

Way ta go Shasta, although werent you previously only an option holder?

Either way, good on both you and Scorp for mopping up, now dont be going out selling them in a hurry ok..lol :D

Hi Huang,
I am pleased to have been some reading enjoyment for some for a change :p

I only sold URA to buy URAO = better leverage :D

27-09-2008, 12:42 AM
Uran management should get a real serve at the AGM. Theres just no excuses for their insipid performances over the last 2 years.

Any shareholder that thinks the market is the primary reason for the companys state needs to look at this investment over the life of the company and critical errors of judgement and mismanagement that have happened here.

Hi Satori,

Agreed mate, all that plus more. I think they should get strung up or hung or made to walk the plank into tank of flesh eating fish.

But then being realistic, they should not issue themselves with OPTIONS or Shares, NONE, ZIP, ZERO. Simpley because they do not deserve them.

What happens if they do get them though???

Who is going to be there to STOP this or potentially divert this?????

I am sure some sort of VETO needs to be done but exactly how does one go about this??

With regards to the market being the primary reason for the decline, well there is a Half Truth in this and the situation is a double edged sword and can be felt over numerous stocks and sectors, IMO.

We need this management to demonstrate that their negotiations are heading towards fruition, (not the Tungsten) and hopefully by the time the AGM comes up, they will have something to at least say or speak of, because if they do not, then What is going to happen here???

Everybody here can probably agree that so far to date, things are not good nad what has been Said, Done, and Achieved has been FAR FROM ADEQUATE from an investors point of view. We can all agree that this has or is one of the Roughest investment times to be in, along with being invested in one of the Roughest Investments, WHICH, still could potentially deliver some of the blue sky which why we first invested. yet the amount of blue sky variable expectation is probably now also different.

27-09-2008, 02:06 AM
turning this into a billion share plus company that will eventually get back to where it is now with a 20:1 consolidation.

Who wants to bet these b...tards are well on the way to this?

Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan...and not forgetting the Kiernan connection here, are all responsible for misleading investors into this company with their promises of production in 2007 in several countries.

They have failed miserably on just about every conceivable performance indicator.

The Drillfixs, the Furiis etc etc I empathise with you. Im in your boat. We make our investment decisions and we have to accept that we ourselves have decided to invest in this...and stay in it. Some of us are in a fair bit of discomfort because of this.

It doesnt excuse though the inept and underhanded and totally unethical approach that this management team have taken here and how they have strung along investors and shareholders to stay in this.

They have let their shareholders down and frankly dont give a damn either way about it.


I dont believe it will get to the point where the Co will dilute matters to a Billion shares.

Why do I say that or how do I know this?

Well, simply put if push comes to shove, then I will take matters into my own hands by then. That is, if things manage to get that far without any real progress or achievements and they need create a living out of cheating investors.

Many will disagree I know, but you see, many here also know how much pain I suffer everyday either with or without having a Uran investment and I have said it before, I am near or close or reaching the end of my tether.

In the meantime, I am going to play it cool, but as I have said previously at one stage, IF this MOB don't deliver and believe they are going to walk away into the sunset and pretend Oh Well, Such as Life or Whatever - Whatever then that will be the time were I will trade my Life for ALL of theirs no worries whatsoever~!

Anyways, lets hope it doesn't come that.

The other thing is MK with his Monarch Gold has taken my sister for over $100+ Grand along with many others that I know and probably many that some of you know so then, I wonder what his REAL plans are.

Where is ASIC on this?? Where is the Legal system or ASX?? they report to ASIC and they are a Fn JOKE.

The amount of PRINT and bold statements that were sent out to shareholders to convince them to remain in, or to invest more was massive, encouraging and somewhat VERY influencial.

Where are the government either current or previous??? They are are Joke.

The truth about everything, is GOVERNMENT full stop are a Fn JOKE.

GOVERNMENT itself and its ways are OUTDATED, we live on a system based on Hundreds of years ago which is NON are not intouch with Todays problems.

It makes me sick late at night watching Politicians in the so called Government House cracking jokes at each other and laughing and cheering, to think they actually get paid to do that is Sickening.

We then see them on TV Everyday and the MEDIA continually has nothing else to report except one politician BAGGING the other because that is his/her jobs, Its sick , It should be stopped, Changed, Altered, REDESIGNED.

Like many here, I am hanging on (Just), and unlike many, I dont have much of backup plan. Don't know what is going to happen but there is one thing for sure, who ever is going to this upcoming AGM, you better tell this MOB that if they are not serious about running a company or talking to its shareholders about what Achievements is HAS or is going to Have, then they better start to prepare. :rolleyes:

Anyways, thats my soap box speech for the night~!

Huang Chung
27-09-2008, 10:14 AM

Check out the chairman's report that I've just posted on the Hydrotech thread.....this is the sort of 'warts and all' update you need from the URA leadership.

27-09-2008, 10:28 AM
Just out of interest.
What is managements stake in this company when looking at the top 20 on the share register?

Seems to me this thread gets more and more emotional as time slides by.

Perhaps its time for you lot to band together and throw your weight around if thats a possibility

27-09-2008, 10:48 AM
Lets hope Uran dont do a placement cos its coming sub 10 cents and most likely closer to 5 cents....OR LESS.

Whats that mean?

20 million shares to raise $1 million. Its sickening to think that in 6-18 months this could be a 500 million + shares on issue company struggling along as an 'explorer' picking up 'green' early stage projects and still needing serious $$$ to get them to anywhere near development stages.

So unless we see some real developments here re uranium production look forward to a company continually diluting the bejesus out of this and turning this into a billion share plus company that will eventually get back to where it is now with a 20:1 consolidation.

Who wants to bet these b...tards are well on the way to this?

Kate Hobbs and Pat Ryan...and not forgetting the Kiernan connection here, are all responsible for misleading investors into this company with their promises of production in 2007 in several countries.

They have failed miserably on just about every conceivable performance indicator.

The Drillfixs, the Furiis etc etc I empathise with you. Im in your boat. We make our investment decisions and we have to accept that we ourselves have decided to invest in this...and stay in it. Some of us are in a fair bit of discomfort because of this.

It doesnt excuse though the inept and underhanded and totally unethical approach that this management team have taken here and how they have strung along investors and shareholders to stay in this.

They have let their shareholders down and frankly dont give a damn either way about it.

Theyve demonstrated this time and time again folks.

Just in response to Drillfix, i'm now just an option holder which won't entitle me to vote at the AGM (unless i convert early & i'm NOT going to).

Just a thought only those holding FPO's can vote, although collectively here i'm imagine we have enough numbers to make a strong point!

27-09-2008, 12:51 PM
i'l gladly chuck in my 300,000 votes worth

27-09-2008, 03:15 PM
i'l gladly chuck in my 300,000 votes worth

It all depends if voting is conducted via "show of hands" or via a "poll".

27-09-2008, 07:51 PM
Satori- i must admit that i have always urged everyone to stay calm and to some degree i still do in regards to what is happening behind the scenes,

however i totally agree with you about management and their handling of our investments.

absolutely appalling as far as investor relations goes... i for one would just like to know what is happening. some sort of an update./.. anything at all.

i am doing my best to keep the SP from falling below 5c butthere will be a day when i wont have anymore cash to mop up those low sellers with. bought 30,000 on thursday, but somne of that money came from my investment in VPE, and to be honest i am not happy selling a great company like VPE for URA...

Our luck can change quick smart with URA if they ever actually get us that ANN that we are all waiting for! fingers crossed. i hope all of you can continue to hang in there with me. its a good little community we have here, just **** people running the company haha

28-09-2008, 12:10 AM
How about we do an audit and see how much influence we have as a group here. I understand some people may not wish to disclose the number of share that they are holding, that's fine.

May be we could PM someone and they could come up with a total number.

What do you think?

28-09-2008, 12:10 PM
Hi Cotik

Im happy to disclose my name and holdings if it will be used for an organised and orchestrated push to get this company to listen.

I'd strongly suggest others do the same now folks. This has gone beyond all timelines and projects have fallen by the wayside. Like Cotik I understand the issue here of disclosing your holdings/personal details.

Ponder this though; You may not have any holdings in this company if something isnt organised shortly.

Cotik I do not want to disclose my name/holdings on any website.

I'd suggest a designated person (and I am VERY happy to have you do this as you may well be the largest holder here) collects this info via an email or PM as you suggest.

With the AGM not far off its imperative something is done...NOW!


Good idea.

300K FPO.
100K Options.

28-09-2008, 02:52 PM
300k fpo
0 options

28-09-2008, 04:23 PM
Just an up date on the shares we have between us so far:

fpo 1,920,542
options 2,038,500

six people have responded so far.

28-09-2008, 04:38 PM
20k shares, 30k options, all worth SFA!!!

small fish
28-09-2008, 05:25 PM
Hi everyone, Uran aside I hope your all doing ok.

90,000 Options

Accepted a while ago Iv'e most likely done my dough on these.

28-09-2008, 06:12 PM

40,000 fpo.
900,500 options.

Don't ask me why.

28-09-2008, 06:32 PM
Sh1t alot of option holders!

28-09-2008, 07:25 PM

38500 fpo

Huang Chung
28-09-2008, 08:09 PM
Stuff the AGM, you've probably go enough clout to meet the rules for calling an EGM, where you can put up your own proposals for the removal and appointment of directors!

28-09-2008, 10:24 PM
Okay I will nominate Bindy Irwin as MD and Marcel Marceau as Chairman then :)

lol....do you think Marcel will have more life in him than the current Chairman?

The AGM would be like Weekend at Bernies.

28-09-2008, 11:31 PM
52,950 fpo

29-09-2008, 08:30 AM
Just out of interest.
What is managements stake in this company when looking at the top 20 on the share register?

Seems to me this thread gets more and more emotional as time slides by.

Perhaps its time for you lot to band together and throw your weight around if thats a possibilityGeez,
Ive started a revolt :eek::D

29-09-2008, 12:46 PM
How about we do an audit and see how much influence we have as a group here. I understand some people may not wish to disclose the number of share that they are holding, that's fine.

May be we could PM someone and they could come up with a total number.

What do you think?

Hi people.

I have 150kfpo and 150k options.

I note the company mentioned in its August presentation that data review was delayed but commencing August. Does anyone know whether this has commenced ?

29-09-2008, 01:13 PM
10k heads (seems like nothing at these levels but it was when i first got them :(!!)

no oppies

29-09-2008, 01:43 PM
seller of 5000 at .07 haha. is that person serious? you would lose half of it in brokerage...

29-09-2008, 03:45 PM
Stop The Bus

Page 3 of the AGM proxy Ann. (at the bottom)

"Snap-shot" Time
The company may specify a time, not more than 48 hours before the meeting, at which a "snap-shot" of shareholders will be taken for the purpose of determining shareholder entitlements to Vote at the meeting.

The Company's Directors have determined that all shares of the Company that are quoted on the ASX at 10:30 WST on 27 October 2007 shall, for the purpose of determining voting entitlements at the Annual General meeting, be taken to be held by the persons registered as holding the shares at that time.

WTF is going on here, this is like management Stacking the DECK of cards in their favour to which ever way suits them.

This IMO, is yet another NOT a Good Sign from these Pack of F...n @sswholes

That means all this lets count the votes are not going to cut it because they are taking or counting the register as of Last Year and not NOW or last month, Quarter etc etc.

29-09-2008, 04:15 PM
Stop The Bus

Page 3 of the AGM proxy Ann. (at the bottom)

"Snap-shot" Time
The company may specify a time, not more than 48 hours before the meeting, at which a "snap-shot" of shareholders will be taken for the purpose of determining shareholder entitlements to Vote at the meeting.

The Company's Directors have determined that all shares of the Company that are quoted on the ASX at 10:30 WST on 27 October 2007 shall, for the purpose of determining voting entitlements at the Annual General meeting, be taken to be held by the persons registered as holding the shares at that time.

WTF is going on here, this is like management Stacking the DECK of cards in their favour to which ever way suits them.

This IMO, is yet another NOT a Good Sign from these Pack of F...n @sswholes

That means all this lets count the votes are not going to cut it because they are taking or counting the register as of Last Year and not NOW or last month, Quarter etc etc.

Here's the full ann...


29-09-2008, 04:38 PM
Here's the full ann...


Hi Shasta,

I realise the full ann, but my point was the bottom of Page 3 where by Uran can state which point in time to make which votes count.

Do you or anybody else here not think that is relevant or an issues to what we have been doing (posting) over the past couple of days, can anyone see how this will or can affect us (shareholders).

To me, this is another Uran Management vs Uran Shareholders stunt, or a Us and Them Stunt~!

29-09-2008, 04:50 PM
at 10:30 WST on 27 October 2007 shall, for the purpose of determining voting entitlements at the Annual General meeting

I think you will find it is a typo, should be 2008.

29-09-2008, 04:59 PM
I think you will find it is a typo, should be 2008.

Hi Cotik, well, I sure hope it is a typo as its stuff like that only adds to create a sense of mis-trust which more than probably already exists to various degrees between uran managements communication and shareholders.

29-09-2008, 05:15 PM
Hi Cotik, well, I sure hope it is a typo as its stuff like that only adds to create a sense of mis-trust which more than probably already exists to various degrees between uran managements communication and shareholders.Hi Drillfix,
They cant backdate the share register other than what is a reasonable time to collect the data. Anyone buying a few days before on on the day of the AGM may not get a vote but the list must be current.

Mind you if they did I would have more votes than I do now,:p

Crypto Crude
29-09-2008, 08:49 PM
Hey can someone please tell me what '32M lbs U3O8.' is worth?
from a U and resource bunny...

29-09-2008, 09:39 PM
Hey can someone please tell me what '32M lbs U3O8.' is worth?
from a U and resource bunny...

32,000,000 x $US58/lb = $US1,856,000,000 (assume 100% recoverable?)

Shrewd - $US58 is the current spot rate.

You'd wanna know how much would be processed each year, opex, capex etc

PS, I have an URA spreadsheet that outlines what there targets could be worth

29-09-2008, 09:53 PM
Just an up date on the shares we have between us so far:

fpo 2,655,557
options 3,359,000

Crypto Crude
29-09-2008, 11:52 PM
Im just having alook at AGS...

30-09-2008, 12:06 AM
shrewd - i have been following a little co called PEN exploring in the US

They plan to set up an ISL operation once reserves and permitting is behind them. To get to the point, they claim that operating costs for an ISL project will be around $20 per pound - thats starting a project from scratch.
AGS have much higher grades than PEN and they have beverly next door which can do some of the final processing for them so I would expect AGS operating costs to be lower then PENs

disc. hold AGS & PEN

Crypto Crude
30-09-2008, 12:15 AM
Thanks Mick... I remember awhile back JBmurc was telling me about PEN and ive never forgotten about it, and then theres those PENO's... one cent long dated... oh baby...... Ok, So far I have PEN, AGS, and BLR...
I am going to start up a few thread as this is perhaps not the right place to talk about these unrelated stocks...

30-09-2008, 12:38 AM
I am going to start up a few thread as this is perhaps not the right place to talk about these unrelated stocks...

Hi SC, I editid my post and moved it into your new started U thread out of courtesy for URA readers respectively, hope that helps~!

01-10-2008, 12:57 PM

Is there anyway to open the Annual Report on the web site?
Keeps throwing me to 2007.


01-10-2008, 02:43 PM
Looks like this is one for the grandchildren!!

"Uran anticipates completing final feasibility
studies, including confirmatory drilling, over two of these projects
in 2010."

Page 3.

01-10-2008, 02:51 PM
Looks like this is one for the grandchildren!!

"Uran anticipates completing final feasibility
studies, including confirmatory drilling, over two of these projects
in 2010."

Page 3.2010:eek:
So they should be mining by say what? 3010

Starting to get the horrid sinking feeling that we all might owe Zed an apology :eek::eek::eek::eek:

01-10-2008, 04:03 PM
So they should be mining by say what? 3010

Starting to get the horrid sinking feeling that we all might owe Zed an apology :eek::eek::eek::eek:


Please DO NOT read the annual report (everyone take your blood pressure pills first!)

I knew something wasn't right when Uran "proudly" highlighted the "W" on the cover page. :mad:

"W" being of course the chemical symbol for Tungsten... :mad:

Production by July 07, is now maybe 2020 (when the Uranium market will be $US1/lb & over supply :()

FFS in 2010 is a f**king joke & i'm not impressed.

They could find a piece of dirt tomorrow & mine it quicker!

Can someone please tell me how exactly these deposits are "advanced", when it will take 2 years to even do the FFS!

I could learn Russian from scratch & translate the data quicker myself!

My options are now another likely "tax write off" for my 2009 tax return, as was my FPO's :mad:

01-10-2008, 05:10 PM
Extended timeline is dissapointing. However, we have received our answers about the data review. it says it was completed in august and they have let the ukraine know that they wish to carry out feasibility studies. thats something IMO because i was under the impression taht they would be reviewing the data forever or perhaps were lying and couldn get there hands on it.

tungsten project could still generate $$$ if what they say is true and they got it for a song. it seems to have some valuable resources in the ground.

dont ask me how, but if any of this can generate wealth for us shareholders over the long term i will be happy. yes i would love to see the SP at $2 right now but that aint gonna happen.

we may still be in with a chance over time though.

just my 2 cents, i know alot (especially shasta, sorry mate) are unhappy with this annual report, and so am i to some extent, but at least we know that the company is still doing.... well.... something i guess. as long as the shares arent worth 0, we are always in with a chance

01-10-2008, 05:24 PM
Extended timeline is dissapointing. However, we have received our answers about the data review. it says it was completed in august and they have let the ukraine know that they wish to carry out feasibility studies. thats something IMO because i was under the impression taht they would be reviewing the data forever or perhaps were lying and couldn get there hands on it.

tungsten project could still generate $$$ if what they say is true and they got it for a song. it seems to have some valuable resources in the ground.

dont ask me how, but if any of this can generate wealth for us shareholders over the long term i will be happy. yes i would love to see the SP at $2 right now but that aint gonna happen.

we may still be in with a chance over time though.

just my 2 cents, i know alot (especially shasta, sorry mate) are unhappy with this annual report, and so am i to some extent, but at least we know that the company is still doing.... well.... something i guess. as long as the shares arent worth 0, we are always in with a chance

If only there was an ounce of accountability here (Satori mentions this all the time), & they actually came out & told us what was going on & the likely timeframes from the outset, we may be more supportive...

To make statements about "producing by July 07" & still not be in production in 2010, needs some serious ASIC investigation IMO.

Delays happen in the resource game, but being mislead by Management shouldn't.

My biggest fear (& no not my own holding) but, where to from here...:confused:

Are we expected to remain like mushrooms for the next 2 years & pour more $$$ into Kate's frequent flyer program? (2 years to do what?)

We have options due to expire in around 6 months time & what on the horizon. I mean Ukraine WAS our near term opportunity!!!!

I invested into Uran on the basis that the Ukraine deposits were advanced enough that Uran would beat 95% of Uranium hopefuls into production.

If we use 2010 as a guide (& how can we be expected to take any "guidelines" from the company seriously), then this was not an advanced project, & others will comfortably beat us.

On that scorecard we have failed miserably :(

01-10-2008, 05:28 PM
Ick sh!t.

If it was a 'screaming buy' at 20c, what would it be now?

I'm off to pinch some milk money in preparation for the upcoming poo and fan connect.

It's all about tungsten from here on in Ladies.

01-10-2008, 06:00 PM
still alot of projects... i dont read it as nothing before 2010, but that was the timeline set for ukraine. who knows if political instability can improve, maybe somethin may happen.

i'm in for the long haul.

01-10-2008, 06:02 PM
sympathy to all

all over red rover imo

at what price will they do a cap raise?

will be pretty damned low if at all. The tungsten is very deep and the current funds sure as hell won't cover it keeping in mind all the first class tickets that come first

2010!!! the board's cred is officially dead. I hope Jr's enjoying his house in Margeret River - clearly the only winner out of this debacle

01-10-2008, 06:16 PM
still alot of projects... i dont read it as nothing before 2010, but that was the timeline set for ukraine. who knows if political instability can improve, maybe somethin may happen.

i'm in for the long haul.

What projects before 2010 Scorp?

Kazakhstan - They had a meeting in Sept apparently (did we hear about it, did it happen?)

Bulgaria - We have no money for the tenders, forget it

Uzbekistan - Have probably never heard of Uran

Czech Republic - The constant appeals are the Czech's polite way of saying "thanks, but no thanks"

Rozna - Yup it's there & operational, again "no thanks"

Pribram - God, don't get Satori & i started on that...:mad:

Africa - Well who believes ANYTHING Kiernan says...:(

USA - Well we now know that was the "tungsten" :(

Ukraine - Forget "Novok" & we may one day get to do something with the 3 small deposits (btw, how long until Kate retires?)

Australia - Uran has a top secret piece of dirt, somewhere (aye Cotik ;))

Further Discovery Leads = um well who knows, we get told nothing :confused:

01-10-2008, 06:21 PM
i agree with everything you just said shasta. i am just saying that i will hold out for one of these projects to happen one day...

i wont sell out at 7c **** that... so its either 0 or $$ for me...

who knows... its almost 2009 already? hahahaha

01-10-2008, 06:31 PM
i agree with everything you just said shasta. i am just saying that i will hold out for one of these projects to happen one day...

i wont sell out at 7c **** that... so its either 0 or $$ for me...

who knows... its almost 2009 already? hahahaha

May as well do the same, already have a nice tax loss from the FPO's :(

01-10-2008, 06:34 PM
look on the bright side. i am sure you sold out better than 7c? haha could buy em back cheaper ;)

01-10-2008, 06:40 PM
look on the bright side. i am sure you sold out better than 7c? haha could buy em back cheaper ;)

lol @ bright side...:D

Hear the joke about the mug who sold URA FPO's to buy URAO's :D

Twas me :(:o:rolleyes:

01-10-2008, 06:52 PM
u know i been tryin to buy that seller at 10c at all day but westpac wont let me, i think its too much of a price jump or somethin. weird.

bah... the fpo's will still come good in time IMO. even if they became a tungsten miner haha market cap at 4 mill is still ridiculous no matter how u look at it.

time will tell guys.

maybe they are tryin to do like maquarie now, and paint a dissapointing picture so then they can impress when they deliver ahead of schedule? ahahaha ;)

01-10-2008, 06:59 PM
If only there was an ounce of accountability here (Satori mentions this all the time), & they actually came out & told us what was going on & the likely timeframes from the outset, we may be more supportive...


To make statements about "producing by July 07" & still not be in production in 2010, needs some serious ASIC investigation IMO.

Bring it on. It fact, FkIT, Bring out the Hang man and Noose these Scammers in Suits.

Delays happen in the resource game, but being mislead by Management shouldn't.

Again, EXACTLY, some here can grin, bare it, walk away or stay and be upset and ride out something that may or may not happen.

Some of us here as you all probably know are on the line, hanging off a cliff with these Unprofessional Con Artists playing games and not really Caring about what DAMAGE they have caused others. I mean REAL damage, with Read Issues because of what they have said and what they have done.

Ohh, and what they have done is MISLEAD PEOPLE.

If I had it my way, I wouldnt hesitate putting a Bullet in each of their heads to shut them up once and for all..

My biggest fear (& no not my own holding) but, where to from here...:confused:

Buy Guns, get Ammo and pop Liars in suits is the new way of the Modern Day, you just wait and see it come into fashion.

We have options due to expire in around 6 months time & what on the horizon. I mean Ukraine WAS our near term opportunity!!!!

We have been played like a fiddle, end of story and simple as that.

I invested into Uran on the basis that the Ukraine deposits were advanced enough that Uran would beat 95% of Uranium hopefuls into production.

Me to, and like many, I told a heap of people too and they are in this as well based on Kates MOUTH.

On that scorecard we have failed miserably :(

We havent failed (AS YET) we just haven t Succeeded. :rolleyes:

01-10-2008, 07:10 PM
i'm in for the long haul.haha Scorp, Im 46yo.
Reckon I dont have enough years left to see this one mature :rolleyes:

01-10-2008, 07:20 PM
Guys, give it two to three week and then let's have a chat.

Not over by a long shot IMO, but DYOR.

Much more than you and I know of that I am sure.

I would buy more, but I think I would have to launch a t/o bid...lol :D

01-10-2008, 07:23 PM
Guys, give it two to three week and then let's have a chat.

Not over by a long shot IMO, but DYOR.

Much more than you and I know of that I am sure.

I would buy more, but I think I would have to launch a t/o bid...lol :D


You have more at stake that the rest of us, but unless something came out of the Kaz talks, i'm at a loss to see where Uran's heading...:confused:

01-10-2008, 07:29 PM
i can see where they are heading... just gonna be a longer journey than expected... uhh.... again haha

strat- true mate. :) lets hope you get some joy out of these guys one day.

did anyone notice the new 100,000 bidder at .061? someone obviously didnt think the report was too bad? hey i guess if you are new to URA and havent been through all the **** that we long termers have been, that URA would look cheap? just an idea

01-10-2008, 11:59 PM
u know i been tryin to buy that seller at 10c at all day but westpac wont let me, i think its too much of a price jump or somethin. weird.

bah... the fpo's will still come good in time IMO. even if they became a tungsten miner haha market cap at 4 mill is still ridiculous no matter how u look at it.

time will tell guys.

maybe they are tryin to do like maquarie now, and paint a dissapointing picture so then they can impress when they deliver ahead of schedule? ahahaha ;)

If you bid 10c during pre-open, your broker will allow you to place the order.

02-10-2008, 12:32 AM
Looks like they are putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.

All we need now is a signed deal.


Tymoshenko Bloc Agrees For OU-PSD Conditions To Form Parliamentary Coalition
(13:53, Wednesday, October 1, 2008)

Ukrainian News Agency

The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc faction at the Verkhovna Rada agrees for conditions of the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense bloc faction to form the parliamentary coalition.

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has announced this at a press conference.

"All the steps they [OU-PSD] proposed we accept... all conditions, ultimatums, arm-screwing," she said.

As to Tymoshenko, the main conditions proposed by the OU-PSD is abolition bills on state service and referendums, passed in the first reading, joint formation of agenda, common coordinated position on Georgia, taking into consideration President Viktor Yuschenko's remarks to five vetoed laws.

The premier stressed that the BYT made this step to avoid accusations of it as the instigator of blocking work of the Verkhovna Rada.

She does not rule out that even with the BYT's acceptance of theses conditions, the OU-PSD will later put some other ultimatums.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, on September 22, chairman of the OU-PSD faction Viacheslav Kyrylenko on behalf of the Our Ukraine People's Union party presented program principles for creation of new coalition with the Lytvyn Bloc and Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc factions.

Before the OU-PSD political council passed program principles for coalition building of three blocks: protection of the state sovereignty, democracy and the European choice.

These principles include: condemning Russia's aggression against Georgia, priority of Euro-Atlantic integration, abolition of deputy immunity, adjustment of the national legislation to comply with the Europena Union laws.

The parliamentary coalition of the BYT and the OU-PSD factions broke apart on September 16.

02-10-2008, 03:28 AM
Soooooooo, WTF happened to the FS study taking 6-9 months?! :mad:

02-10-2008, 02:51 PM

Yes...what did happen to that?

If you recall we have audio evidence that Kate Hobbs AND Pat Ryan have both stated the operation was a 6-9 month time period here.

Kiernan also talked this up as walk in today start tomorrow and his infamous statements of ;

"Done and dusted by Xmas..2007"

This bunch of 'individuals' care nothing for what they have said or stated in the past. They do not care about their shareholder base, they do not care about the fact they are 'again' and 'still' the bottom of their sector.

Theres no passion here or want to disclose basic information.

This has been smoke screens and mirrors, and as a shareholder who invested on THEIR comments, I want answers.

Would be good if some others here followed my lead.

Too many here accept whatever is fed to them by this company and find a way to support it.
Ive found enough inconsistencies here to have no faith in the current team.

Change is necessary at Uran and its starts with the Managing Director and the Chairman.

These people need to be replaced and people with professionalism, accountability and a genuine interest in 'the business' and its people...its shareholders, need to be employed.

why change the board now? They are nearly broke with only spin for which to raise cash on. In this market they'll never find anyone willing to speculate especially in light of their abysmal performance thus far. You can bet your bottom dollar this mob are mud amongst all brokerages.

02-10-2008, 02:51 PM
Satori- I only appear to be supporting what's going on here because i must. Things have been managed poorly, but if shareholders are going to stay as shareholders (and i am) then we must beleive that something good can come from all of this.

Things havent gone to plan whatsoever thus far and i agree with you about everything you have said about management, but we are in too deep now, and must beleive that after delays or political unrest, or WHATEVER is holding our projects back is overcome, that our company can work this into shareholder value.

I would rather be annoyed now but satisfied somewhere in the future, than throw in the towel now, and be dissapointed forever.

There is always hope, and sometimes it comes when things look their bleakest.

I still thought the annual report showed some signs of life, so for me that was something.

And besides the skeptics views out there, i do beleive that the tungsten project was aquired for next to nothing, and could also create value. Not Uranium... ok fair call, but its a tangible project and if it one day generates revenue well then that is a positive in my books.

If i could make the AGM i would love to give the board a peice of my mind, but i cant make it. if anyone goes, can they please give us an account of what happened?

02-10-2008, 03:02 PM
URA sounds abit like ADY.

You guys should pound the managements door and demand answers. Seek legal action if needed.

It smells and it aint my BO.

02-10-2008, 04:11 PM
AGM coming up and it looks like not very many people are going. :eek:

Satori: as a shareholder who invested on THEIR comments, I want answers

Ain't that the god darn truth.

Looks like this Prick of a management team may get off yet another year unscaved.

With all the previous Vote counting what are we going to Vote for or Against here on this one????

I think VOTE NO for remuneration and these bastards get ZERO for their efforts. They don't even deserve the pay packet they get at present.

Here is what I vote for.
Do their Job, get the current projects across the Line in Ukraine and then I promise I wont Shoot them. Meaning, succeed and you live, fail and you will Live to Regret it, Thats my Deal or offer to these Bastards~!

02-10-2008, 04:27 PM
Did you buy some today Scorp?

back up to 10c:eek:

02-10-2008, 04:32 PM
If i could make the AGM i would love to give the board a peice of my mind, but i cant make it. if anyone goes, can they please give us an account of what happened?

Scorp, you are a champion the way you support this company and in all honestly this company does not deserve your support as goes with the many fine folk and supportive investors here, this Team, doesnt deserve sh#t in my opinion.

The other thing is, if you cannot make the AGM then I suggest you issue what ever questions you have to Shasta as he has a List of Questions (you still got that shasta?) that is for the AGM.

Also, Ellroy usually goes to each every AGM and we get a recording of it. If you heard all the previous recordings, then you will have heard all the previous LIES and Deception that has been thrown at us.

Ok, they may not be lies or deception but everything they have told us just HAS NOT happened, which to me equals the same thing, Lies and Deception.

Therefore my questions are simple. :rolleyes:

And why have you led us up the garden path for all this time?
Do you not care for your shareholders well being?
Everything said so far has not unfolded, why is this so?
Are the management complete Scum Bags or is it just the way they are dressing?
How long are the board going to remain being Scum Bags?

02-10-2008, 04:53 PM
STRAT- indeed i did, but only a measley 4000. someone else bought all the rest? someone actually wanted in, and as i said if you had never invested in URA prior to now, where they are up to would be compelling at these prices. i am surprised more people arent buying in. even just to have a punt.

i have bought a fair chunk in the past week or so, under 10c and i got the parcel at .055 haha.

Drill- Shasta knows all the right questions as far as i am concerned. i will leave the question asking in his capable hands.

you know after all of this, i still cant help but feel there may be something brewin behind the scenes. just a feeling i get, but obviously companies aren't made on feelings...

or are they?...


02-10-2008, 05:29 PM
For all those new to Uran, here is a brief of the company in 2 minutes flat.

Uran when they first done the deal

Then Uran play the time game always waiting

Uran pretend they hear your thoughts and concerns, but still do not.

The company then stand waiting for news yet little is seen

The company still realise they have nothing from all the money they have spent

Fighting between shareholders and management

More deals are bing made yet again althought this time tungsten

Uran prepares for the AGM

Angry shareholders attend the AGM

AGM discussion and shareholders still do not get heard

Board ducks from books, questions and in general, reality

Banks take away some shareholders houses

More shareholders attend the AGM

Accountability justice department searches out the scammers

The board run for cover as they know they have nothing thus far

Are they on the job napping or sleeping?

Having failed with everything thus far the board get overwhelmed

So lets see What happens Next? in this book of mystery, Who knows?

Huang Chung
02-10-2008, 08:28 PM
Drilly.....interesting avatar.

Hasta la vista, baby. :)

02-10-2008, 10:23 PM
just had a huge wake up call... just did alot of research on BMN. there resource is absolutely huge, and will begin production (hopefully) in 2011.

the market has sold them down to next to nothing in comparison to what they were too. same with AGS and WHE being sold down. EVERYTHING has been substantially sold down.

sure we are dissapointed with URA management, but i am starting to think that the SP would suck regardless of what happened.

only benefit for us i guess is the market cap. if something ever does pull off, and the market stops tanking then we may be in the money at some stage. i feel a little bit more comfortable holding this right now...

Huang Chung
02-10-2008, 10:38 PM
just had a huge wake up call... just did alot of research on BMN. there resource is absolutely huge, and will begin production (hopefully) in 2011.

the market has sold them down to next to nothing in comparison to what they were too. same with AGS and WHE being sold down. EVERYTHING has been substantially sold down.

sure we are dissapointed with URA management, but i am starting to think that the SP would suck regardless of what happened.

only benefit for us i guess is the market cap. if something ever does pull off, and the market stops tanking then we may be in the money at some stage. i feel a little bit more comfortable holding this right now...

The difference being, of course, that BMN have a REAL project, whereas URA is essentially smoke and mirrors.......

03-10-2008, 02:57 AM
huang- true. couldnt agree more. but you missed the point... BMN have the goods IMO but have still copped a hiding...

made me feel less pissed off. actually i would be heaps more annoyed if i was a BMN holder... which i hope to be soon. EXT too...

Huang Chung
03-10-2008, 09:53 AM
huang- true. couldnt agree more. but you missed the point... BMN have the goods IMO but have still copped a hiding...

made me feel less pissed off. actually i would be heaps more annoyed if i was a BMN holder... which i hope to be soon. EXT too...

Scorp, what I was trying to say was, if both shares are beaten down, isn't it better to hold the one that has a real project?

03-10-2008, 01:55 PM
not necesarily mate. I mean, obviously it has its advantages but it also gives us some advantages too.

in this market we are all equal, which gives URA time to sort out a "real" project.

in a normal market, others like BMN would be firing and we would still be in the doldrums hence why i feel sorry for their shareholders.

i guess its all perspective...

03-10-2008, 09:32 PM
in this market we are all equal, which gives URA time to sort out a "real" project.

If URA are to sort out a real project, they'll need the funds from option holders exercising their rights.

If drilling and feasibility is going to take another 18 months/two years, then obviously the data for the three deposits was vastly inferior to what they were expecting to see. Not exactly filling option holders with immense quantities of enthusiasm.
However, if KH can get the JV sorted, it would be a huge plus. Perhaps a slice of Novok confirmed................ although it would need to be a good slice for me to be pulling my cheque book out next year.

Last throw of the dice for KH I reckon. If she doesn't have something when she gets back this time, it could curtains. I'm not expecting anything out of CR, Bulgaria, Kazak or anywhere else for that matter. It's Ukraine or nothing for the option holders. Unless, like Shasta, (I think), mentioned.......maybe a reduction in the exercise price.

03-10-2008, 10:01 PM
If URA are to sort out a real project, they'll need the funds from option holders exercising their rights.

If drilling and feasibility is going to take another 18 months/two years, then obviously the data for the three deposits was vastly inferior to what they were expecting to see. Not exactly filling option holders with immense quantities of enthusiasm.
However, if KH can get the JV sorted, it would be a huge plus. Perhaps a slice of Novok confirmed................ although it would need to be a good slice for me to be pulling my cheque book out next year.

Last throw of the dice for KH I reckon. If she doesn't have something when she gets back this time, it could curtains. I'm not expecting anything out of CR, Bulgaria, Kazak or anywhere else for that matter. It's Ukraine or nothing for the option holders. Unless, like Shasta, (I think), mentioned.......maybe a reduction in the exercise price.

"when she gets back"

from where? when?

The annual report stated clearly that Uran has completed a brief review of data re 2 of the deposits...not 3...AND they would like to do a more detailed review in 2008. To me, this can only mean the results were encouraging and further work is expected to be performed this year.

On another note, it looks like the Ukraine coalition will be re-established again.

03-10-2008, 10:32 PM

"when she gets back"

from where? when?

The annual report stated clearly that Uran has completed a brief review of data re 2 of the deposits...not 3...AND they would like to do a more detailed review in 2008. To me, this can only mean the results were encouraging and further work is expected to be performed this year.

On another note, it looks like the Ukraine coalition will be restablished again.

Agreed.....Good news re the coalition SP3, although there are no certainties when it comes to Ukrainian politics. Things definitely looking up on that front though.

As far as the data for the deposits goes, I think most of us were under the impression it would be more or less complete............ as in definitive and trustworthy. Perhaps a small amount of infill and confirmatory drilling required to bring the deposits up to JORC standard. Well, that was my impression anyhow.

"Encouraging", is often how an exploration company describes it's first few drill holes, when they get a sniff of something they're looking for. A few months ago, (probably longer than that), I thought I could smell the yellowcake all the way from Ukraine.

Now I'm not being totally negative for URA here SP3, just feel a bit sqeamish for the option holders, (misery loves company?).
When I chose to buy options instead of the heads, it was because of the leverage. I never believed things would drag on this long. Unfortunately, I may have made a poor decision. That was my choice at the time/s and take full responsibility.
I still think that in the long run they will get the Ukraine project/s off the ground. There's a better chance of that happening if they can get the option holders to exercise.

04-10-2008, 01:54 AM

05-10-2008, 12:16 PM

The new coalition will be formed on Tuesday 7th October.

06-10-2008, 02:07 AM
Thought I'd avert my eyes from this site for one week. Actually, was away from Weds. thru Fri. which helped. Anyhow, it really is bl00dy punishing tuning into Uran info (courtesy of shareholders, not 'management'). Never thought I was into S&M ;) but after looking over the Annual Report now tempted to seek out some establishment, for gentleman :rolleyes:, and see if I can't at least experience pleasure (so I understand ;) ) from pain.

Re the Ann. Report, it's all been well written about by the faithful here and summed up as no accountability. I can't get to any meetings but somehow it's got to be put into the thick skulls of those running this outfit, that they run it with accountability / follow their own 'mission-type' statements. How simple is that ? Does it need to be expressed in another language ? Is there need for some sort of redemial education ? (after all, the papers are full of the failing ed. standards).

Some have suggested that there might be some unexpected announcement. Always is that chance but we've been saying that month after month after month after month, and is now year after year. Pathetic. Beginning now, how about management simply stepping up and telling us how it is. Holders will just have to suck it up or sell out. Again, simple.

Meanwhile, I hold, expect nothing for a couple of years except that I hope this company is still around then to finally sign a deal.

Cotik, a mere drop, I have 104k FPO.

The above is all a bit of a rave but feeling sick as well as blood boiling.

Thanks (might not look at this thread for another week for my sanity).

06-10-2008, 09:38 PM
Hello to all holders

Furii I read posts like yours and its clear the company is completely out of touch (and has always been) with its shareholder base and its responsibilities.

It is unfortunate that this current market enables incompetent management teams to come up with excuses for their lack of performance or acquisition of projects.

I would encourage you or anyone here not to build your expectations on an 'unexpected' announcement. You know the score. You said as much.

You see this team has had a golden opportunity to create shareholder wealth and to create a company that stands for decent and transparent ethical communications.
'This team', the combination, the dynamic here is/are infected with procrastination and indecision. Its an indicator of incompetence.
Poor shareholder relations are 'another' indicator of incompetence.
The inability to not only negotiate with companies/countries, but on a much smaller scale, the inability to do the same with the common shareholder.

Their inability to sustain and nurture RELATIONSHIPS is evident with broken down communications and drawn out negotiations that point to an inability to successfully negotiate. The company does not have the capacity/intelligence/work ethic to make connections as to 'why' they are falling short.

Of course they may not concern themselves with such questions or in fact even be aware of them...this in itself is feasible and 'again' reflects incompetence.

To say they have failed doesnt tell the story; failure denotes an element of 'effort' or endeavouring to meet these outcomes. So on that front they havent appeared to have even tried.

This is a team of 'individuals' splintered by a dual approach (Discovery/Uran) and motive to securing projects.
Their 'scattergun' approach has lacked substance and real and tangible business connections. The proof is in the failed/stalled negotiations. The disappearance and no explanation of Pribram being an obvious example.

Alas the entire team is tainted. The 'bad apple' or apples have infected the Uran company, its brand, its vision.

Does anyone at Uran deserve to stay based on their own efforts and endeavours to really make a difference...to really do what the company said it would?

Will Thomas Schrimpf be the scapegoat? Ironically perhaps the one person who may deserve a fair go may well be that man himself.
I wont be voting to get rid of him.

Lets hope amid the anger and disappointment that there is a level headed approach to retain those people worthy of retention.

We can be sure though that both Hobbs and Ryan would not survive a vote by shareholders. They have had ample time to 'demonstrate' their capabilities and 'attitude'
Both have fallen short. They know this.
Expect both to 'get out' or stand down 'before' that time would come. All in the name of maintaining an 'image' 'resume' and 'reputation'

We are talking 'individuals' here folks. This is clear.

They care little about the company they draw a very decent salary from or their shareholder base. Evidence is there for all to see.

PS I am still 'invested' here (oxymoron if ever there was one;) and hope that the company turns this around.


Have you received any further replies?

06-10-2008, 11:04 PM

In the interests of objectivity and fact I emailed Kate Hobbs on 22 September with 4 questions. It was a follow on from previous emails that were not addressed/responded to appropriately...or at all.

1 week later on 29 September I emailed 10 companies in the mining sector to request information.

Kate Hobbs has a 1 week start on them.

The result after a week?

8 replies from 10 companies. 1 was uncontactable. So 1 out of 10 didnt respond.

Need I say more?

The AGM is in 3 weeks time.

What can i say, i mean that's disappointing to put it mildly, & if they aren't getting a JORC resource until 2009/10, that would give them plenty of time to answer shareholder emails i would have thought!

When i think of the funds i've tied up with Uran (now & in the past, not so much now due to the ever decreasing SP :(), when i look and see other well run companies cheap as chips, ie PNA, SRL, TSE i start to feel sick...

I still have the list of questions & will continue to add to them

I do intend sending them before the AGM, but will see what other "issues" transpire in the meantime

06-10-2008, 11:42 PM
Hi folks,

Well, is anybody actually going to the AGM???

Doesn't appear to be anybody going with the exception of Ellroy who I believe said he was going (Ellroy are you going to record still?).

I guess this means they will have easy street again, and that sucks.

when i look and see other well run companies cheap as chips, ie PNA, SRL, TSE i start to feel sick

Shasta, I also know that feeling very well and that is not good. In fact it sucks and doesn't seem like there is much we can do about it, or is there???

Will Thomas Schrimpf be the scapegoat? Ironically perhaps the one person who may deserve a fair go may well be that man himself. I wont be voting to get rid of him.

Satori, what is Thomas Schrimp doing for this company??? I mean, isnt he meant to be our man on the ground?? What exactly is his job or what or how does his position with Uran do for the company???

Not trying say he doesnt do anything but from what results we have, we STILL HAVE NOTHING from a a point of view from years ago, So why have somebody else on the board.

In Fact, why even have a Chairman, or a secratary, why not let Kate run the show herself the way she has been running (into the ****n ground).

This company Stinks, it hurts many or most of us here, and what the F can we do about it except post on message boards to each other to show how HURT we are and that aint much fun.

06-10-2008, 11:43 PM
Dont give up Shasta...thats what these guys hope for..they hope you are as inadequate and hopeless as what they are.

Keep with it. Pressure is building. The AGM should see some shareholder dissent I would think.

Its your $$$.

Totally agree re PNA. Real pro's. Yep, its easy to feel sick when your shares are going down and the company you invested in doesnt return your communications or answers your questions.

I'm holding options only now & have "mentally" written them off, but will keep them up to expiry date & see what happens...

I mean perish the thought even the heads needs a 250%+ increase to get above the 18.4c conversion price! :eek:

I'm struggling to see where ANY value is coming from between now & the end of May, but who knows what other "left field" anns we are likely to get?

Wouldn't put it past them to offer all scrip for PEM :D

Imagine that Management "dream team", the real destroyers of wealth on the ASX!

06-10-2008, 11:56 PM
The above is all a bit of a rave but feeling sick as well as blood boiling.

Thanks (might not look at this thread for another week for my sanity).

Hey Furii, we are all with you mate and many here all in the same boat.

Anger is not a word that can describe such existence of an unhappy Uran Shareholder. Some here are more cool, calm and collect and seem to have a few options or plans with other stocks however it still does not by no means mean they are happy with current management nor their ways.

What can be done here??? These no good for nothing Scumbags better not think for one second that they will walk off into the sunset like nothing has happened or think they are exempt from future ramifications either personal or legal. IMO

07-10-2008, 12:58 AM
In all sincerity I dont know how Hobbs and Ryan can draw a salary here and feel good about it.

Agreed, shocking is an understatement, Highway Robbery would be more appropriate.

"Its all too hard. Its the market. Its the Ukraine, Its the Czechs, its its its....'out there' its 'away from' us."

Agreed Again, its always something else, always an excuse and Never is it them or their ability to deliver.

As you say, I am sure they love this market climate as due to it giving them excuses or reason to classify it as in LINE with sector performance.

What can be done though, how can we stop them drawing a Wage, Salary, income???

I know how I could permanently stop them but I too will choose to wait and see until after the AGM to see what develops.

Can Anybody here actually believe or feel anything will come before this AGM???

07-10-2008, 10:09 PM
Agreed, shocking is an understatement, Highway Robbery would be more appropriate.

Agreed Again, its always something else, always an excuse and Never is it them or their ability to deliver.

As you say, I am sure they love this market climate as due to it giving them excuses or reason to classify it as in LINE with sector performance.

What can be done though, how can we stop them drawing a Wage, Salary, income???

I know how I could permanently stop them but I too will choose to wait and see until after the AGM to see what develops.

Can Anybody here actually believe or feel anything will come before this AGM???

40,000 traded today folks at the hefty price of 6.7c, a new low for Uran!


07-10-2008, 10:36 PM
AGM is getting closer.

I hear that Kate likes music; she might open the AGM with her version of this:


If Uran have anything to announce in the next while, we need the markets to stabilize a little first or it will have no impact on the sp.

I reckon I will need to sell all my Uran shares to pay for the trip to Perth if I am going to the AGM. :rolleyes:

07-10-2008, 10:42 PM
AGM is getting closer.

I hear that Kate likes music; she might open the AGM with her version of this:


If Uran have anything to announce in the next while, we need the markets to stabilize a little first or it will have no impact on the sp.

I reckon I will need to sell all my Uran shares to pay for the trip to Perth if I am going to the AGM. :rolleyes:

There's no truth in the rumour Drillfix has asked for some "Rage against the Machine" & there song "Bullet in the Head" :D

NZ to Perth would require a million or so shares for a trip :eek:

07-10-2008, 11:38 PM
Hi Folks

I am moving on from both this site and Hotcopper....and tonight will unsubscribe from both.
Having been a member here for only a short period of time (Hotcopper for nearly 8 years) i'd just like to thank everyone here, not just the Hotcopper crew that came over, but the existing community here as well. Great to be a part of the NZ crew :)

Its been good, but time to move on. Clearly our investment and our management team have not performed. Pointless 'for me' to continue with the 'same old same old'

Thanks all for your camaraderie and support.

All the best everyone! :)


Sorry to hear that, the Uran sufferers club is a unique elite club :D

Do check in & watch for updates won't ya?

I will be sending the questions pre AGM & may post the reply as i believe us shareholders deserve to know whats going on...

08-10-2008, 12:09 AM
Satori- I am sorry to hear that. I have enjoyed your thought out analysis of management, and i think we would all agree that you hit the nail on the head numerous times.

I still beleive that one day (no idea when) we will have our 15 minutes... but depends how many of us can hold on for that long.

Its been depressing watching friends on this forum (Shasta, yourself and others like Ozelectro) lose faith in their investment, and an investment like this really can leave a sour taste in your mouth for a long time.

i just hope there will be some light at the end of the tunnel for us one day.


08-10-2008, 12:23 AM

Yushchenko is playing games again..........Will he cut off his nose to spite his face? And in doing so put democracy in Ukraine back another two or three years.

08-10-2008, 12:25 AM

Yushchenko is playing games again..........Will he cut off his nose to spite his face? And in doing so put democracy in Ukraine back another two or three years.

Yes he is playing games, the idiot simply doesn't have the numbers to defeat Tymoshenko, it's all about ego's over there.

Scorp - Rightly or wrongly im in this for the long haul, or until the people in white coats come & take me away... :eek:

08-10-2008, 02:58 AM
Its been good, but time to move on. Clearly our investment and our management team have not performed. Pointless 'for me' to continue with the 'same old same old'

Thanks all for your camaraderie and support.

All the best everyone! :)

Satori, sheez mate, do you mean you are now officially OUT of uran as in was that you who sold out today?

Or do you mean you just wont read, post or interact anymore either here and on HC?

To me, this is very sad news. I and most others have always Agreed with you on 120% on most of your posts and to me, you are a straight shooter and call it as you see it, no more, no less and I think you cant get any more fair than that and its a total shame that this b@stard management have worn you out.

It is also an absolute CRIME from this managements comments in the past and a total Shame that they cannot, nor probably will not be flexible at all with recognising its shareholder base.

For what it is worth, it has been an absolute pleasure to read your posts, feedback and many years of input into this and other stocks. I hope you can at least some stage take the time to post in to say g'day as I am sure many of us here would still take pleasure in reading any more thoughts or posts you may wish to share, should you ever have the inclination.

Cheers for now Satori, All the best~!

08-10-2008, 05:43 AM
Hi Folks

I am moving on from both this site and Hotcopper....and tonight will unsubscribe from both.
Having been a member here for only a short period of time (Hotcopper for nearly 8 years) i'd just like to thank everyone here, not just the Hotcopper crew that came over, but the existing community here as well. Great to be a part of the NZ crew :)

Its been good, but time to move on. Clearly our investment and our management team have not performed. Pointless 'for me' to continue with the 'same old same old'

Thanks all for your camaraderie and support.

All the best everyone! :)

good luck to you, satori

another decent bloke walking with a limp curtesy of Uran (aka Kate with a strap-on) :eek:

small fish
08-10-2008, 06:22 PM
Its disappointing to see you moving on Satori, you have been a huge contributor to the discussion and i always enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck to you. Stay cool.

09-10-2008, 02:54 AM
AGM is getting closer.

If Uran have anything to announce in the next while, we need the markets to stabilize a little first or it will have no impact on the sp.

I reckon I will need to sell all my Uran shares to pay for the trip to Perth if I am going to the AGM. :rolleyes:

Hi Cotik,

Well, so far there doesnt appear to be anybody going to the AGM.

Ellroy, are you still going at all?

Should this be the case is whereby nobody is going, then this company will have a field day with no questions.

Should that be the case then the next time somebody actually speaks to ANYBODY of this company called URAN then can you please tell these Lame Fu%k#rs that they just better Learn How to dodge bullets because ONE DAY, sometime, somewhere, and when they least expect it, their Reward or gift from certain shareholders that no longer have anything anymore so time to REPAY them to clear this so called BALANCE of unpaid debt to shareholders whom have lost STACKS.

On that note, I too think I will stop posting now that most have gone quiet or have nothing to report.

This company has gone to sh#t and led most of us up the garden path with no accountability, and for that I curse them and their ways. They are NOT SORRY that they have Bleed this company dry with ZERO results.

Bunch of useless skin and bones that should not be allow to exist on this planet IMO~!

09-10-2008, 06:01 AM
Yep I'm still going along to the AGM. More worried about the Aussie dollar atm though!!! :(

09-10-2008, 09:55 AM
Yep I'm still going along to the AGM. More worried about the Aussie dollar atm though!!! :(
No-one should be focussing on specific stocks atm. It is irrelevant what companies report on atm. The focus should be on the DOW/ASX index, the world economy and the credit crisis.

I honestly hope Uran does not announce any news for at least another 2-3 months.

09-10-2008, 09:58 AM
No-one should be focussing on specific stocks atm. It is irrelevant what companies report on atm. The focus should be on the DOW/ASX index, the world economy and the credit crisis.

I honestly hop Uran does not announce any news for at least another 2-3 months.

yeh good point if we actually do get a good ann in the next few months the market will just throw it out the window anyway

09-10-2008, 03:32 PM
Yep I'm still going along to the AGM. More worried about the Aussie dollar atm though!!! :(

Hi Ellroy, good stuff mate, I am glad somebody is going. (recording it?)

No-one should be focussing on specific stocks atm.

Sp3, I tend to care about the AGM, and about these DoushBags called Management that are going to Draw a WAGE or Salary.

Dont you care about that? Regardless of current climate, these Mongrels DO NOT DESERVE one cent for what they have done or achieved.

Besides global financial market meltdowns, we have URAN and the Uran Management which tell a story clear as MUD.

IMO, this should not be rewarded, applauded or given any thumbs up as they have or do Uran Shareholders no good what so ever.

The evidence is clear to see of Managements lack of ability and I would LOVE to be proven wrong~!

yeh good point if we actually do get a good ann in the next few months the market will just throw it out the window anyway

Hi Remy,
Fair enough, but then some INFORMATION about where we are or where we are going may certainly help shareholders.

Hence why Satori has left, all he wanted was some Information, something that this company doesnt want to give out to its shareholders, and that of course is US.

09-10-2008, 04:42 PM
people in this market are desperate.

Selling 40K shares for a little over $2K...what can you say? :eek:

09-10-2008, 05:03 PM
and before anyone asks, no it wasnt me scooping them up today ;)

09-10-2008, 05:12 PM
people in this market are desperate.

Selling 40K shares for a little over $2K...what can you say? :eek:

cotik, we could say,

Maybe they know something that we dont? (highly unlikely though) but then maybe thats why they sold?

Perhaps they found a better place to Park 2 Grand? Small change for some I know, but significant nonetheless for some.

and before anyone asks, no it wasnt me scooping them up today ;)

Ok Scorp, if it wasn't you scooping then was it you selling? :rolleyes: :confused:

09-10-2008, 06:26 PM
people in this market are desperate.

Selling 40K shares for a little over $2K...what can you say? :eek:


You paid 2k for a first class ticket to Perth? :eek:

09-10-2008, 08:26 PM
I see that they are having a conference concerning mining at pribram..Anyone have any idea if Uran will be there. October 14th and 15th? i think this is right....cant read czech.


09-10-2008, 10:04 PM
I see that they are having a conference concerning mining at pribram..Anyone have any idea if Uran will be there. October 14th and 15th? i think this is right....cant read czech.


Interesting post Scrappy, cheers.
To answer your question, from what I am led to believe, the answer is, No~!

I think the Czech's have played Uran like a fiddle so therefore, Uran Shareholders get played until there is no catgut left on the bow :rolleyes: or so it seems~!

09-10-2008, 10:19 PM
nah wasnt me selling. i would never sell URA at these prices even though i bought some cheaper 0.055.

as i have said many times, i will go under with this company but i will not sell now, its ridiculous. would never forgive myself if they one day got a project up and running... which i still think they will (even if it is in 2056 haha)

09-10-2008, 10:29 PM
nah wasnt me selling. i would never sell URA at these prices even though i bought some cheaper 0.055.

as i have said many times, i will go under with this company but i will not sell now, its ridiculous. would never forgive myself if they one day got a project up and running... which i still think they will (even if it is in 2056 haha)

No worries Scorp.

Its not such a bad thought or way/method if at one stage of your trading you actually have some profit.

For some of us here that are overweighted in this stock and either had it as a primary investment, it is a nightmare on elmstreet on Steroids.

Too many times we have waited on a so called Project which as you know that the company has previously talked up.

As others say, its not a good time to announce anything, which I can agree, but then like you and others here, I would still like to KNOW or be updated to WTF is going on.

I would give them points or some credibility for Honesty and accept whatever the problems maybe alot easier.

Half the time, I feel like I have been LIED to and Deceived, which hence makes me want to put a bullet in one of their heads.

09-10-2008, 10:31 PM
I see that they are having a conference concerning mining at pribram..Anyone have any idea if Uran will be there. October 14th and 15th? i think this is right....cant read czech.


I'd love to know the "real story" re Pribram, have we formally passed it up?

Or more likely, got told to sod off & don't so cheeky (the Czechs don't like our lowball offers, funny that!)

Knowing what Diamo is like, if there's a buck to be made they'll do it themselves & Drillfix is right, the Czechs have stuffed us around...

We should have done business the "Eastern" way & offered them a few million options each (as an incentive to push the projects thru), ok it's not best practice, but to get a "tangible & profitable project", I'm happy to turn a blind eye :D

09-10-2008, 10:39 PM
We should have done business the "Eastern" way & offered them a few million options each (as an incentive to push the projects thru), ok it's not best practice, but to get a "tangible & profitable project", I'm happy to turn a blind eye :D

Here here,

Adding to that, I would rather the Mafia come on board too so at least we can have some efficiency and this way, anybody steps out of line, BANG, they delay a meeting or have some Bullsht excuse, BANG, or What, you never passed that resolution for mining, Tough, BANG. Efficiency works, politics do not (or not that well).

Lets diversify and invest in gun running and become Lords of War, Why not, look what has happened to all these Suit and Tie type people walking away with Billions, BANG, BANG, BANG get each and every one of them and bring them back down to where the real party is here in Down and OutsVille~!

09-10-2008, 10:44 PM
I'd love to know the "real story" re Pribram, have we formally passed it up?

Or more likely, got told to sod off & don't so cheeky (the Czechs don't like our lowball offers, funny that!)

Knowing what Diamo is like, if there's a buck to be made they'll do it themselves & Drillfix is right, the Czechs have stuffed us around...

We should have done business the "Eastern" way & offered them a few million options each (as an incentive to push the projects thru), ok it's not best practice, but to get a "tangible & profitable project", I'm happy to turn a blind eye :D

All they need to say is Yes or no.....But nothing on the subject just a photo. Uranium down again $49 . These sort of prices might even help us.......Wishful thinking not that they would tell us.

10-10-2008, 02:31 AM
I'd love to know the "real story" re Pribram, have we formally passed it up?

Or more likely, got told to sod off & don't so cheeky (the Czechs don't like our lowball offers, funny that!)

Knowing what Diamo is like, if there's a buck to be made they'll do it themselves & Drillfix is right, the Czechs have stuffed us around...

We should have done business the "Eastern" way & offered them a few million options each (as an incentive to push the projects thru), ok it's not best practice, but to get a "tangible & profitable project", I'm happy to turn a blind eye :D

I remember reading somewhere a few months ago that the CR produced about 10% of its yellowcake from waste dumps over the last twelve months. Don't know if it was from Pibram or not though................I'll try and track down the article.
Perhaps they just ran with the project themselves.

10-10-2008, 07:45 PM
Despite Ukraine having elections again, there is still a good chance that Cabinet may approve the deal before a new Parliament is formed.

According to the latest news, the Cabinet is still in full swing up until a new government is formed.

I understand from previous announcement from Uran that the Cabinet needs to endorse the commencement of the FS.

10-10-2008, 08:52 PM
Thanks SP3, I wasn't aware they were still going to function. Hopefully they can get it approved and signed off.

I'll be happy if they dont ann anything at the moment though....

10-10-2008, 11:06 PM
Thanks SP3, I wasn't aware they were still going to function. Hopefully they can get it approved and signed off.

I'll be happy if they dont ann anything at the moment though....


I read it in the Ukraine Forum website (dated 9/10/08).

11-10-2008, 01:15 AM

11-10-2008, 01:33 AM
I know everyone is feeling pain atm due to perceived lack of progress/development and the share price but there is a bright side.

The critical factor for small caps such as Uran is to survive this current crisis. To survive, Uran needs to demonstrate they have the capacity, financially (ie cash in the bank) to perform their planned work. With only about $2M cash Uran can do very little at the moment (without having to raise more funds)...and lets face it, under these conditions, it would be difficult to raise any funds.

This may explain why Uran has pushed the FS to 2010. Its not necessarily the case but they have to say that in the annual report to prevent being pulled up by ASIC.

im sure once Uran signs the deal to commence the FS (and they are in a better position to raise some cash) the timeline will no doubt be brought forward.

The bright side is that Uran will survive this crisis because they are not under any pressure to develop any project at the present moment - given their lack of funding.

I believe our time will come next year.

Hang in everyone.

11-10-2008, 01:46 AM
im sure once Uran signs the deal to commence the FS (and they are in a better position to raise some cash) the timeline will no doubt be brought forward.

I believe our time will come next year.

Hang in everyone.

Sp3, with no disprespct, our time seems to always be coming next year, and then the next and next etc etc

Timelines being No Doubt being brought forward is also surely speculatively speaking and a unknown factor with assumption.

The first step to Uran actually being able to raise money is to at least communicate more effectively with its shareholders. ALSO, coming out and being HONEST rather than Naive would be a good place to start.

Last but not least, the STORY must fully ADD UP properly with no IF, ANDs or BUTs, so unless they can spell it out, Be Honest and start explaining themselves to the current market (in the future and now), this company is dead meat ready for the slaughter.

I still have a slither of hope here, but unless HOBBs fully gets her sh#t together here and starts shooting it straight, I only see doom or rock bottom, IMO~!

But on the other hand, I am happy to also be convinced otherwise.

11-10-2008, 01:58 AM
I agree.

Unfortunately Uran must mothball development until this financial crisis is over. That will probably mean giving almost all staff a 12 month unpaid holiday.

They must not spend their cash at this stage, as it will be impossible to replace.

The good news is that inflation and commodity prices will probably pick up in 12 months and Uran's project should be able to be brought on line at little expense.

11-10-2008, 02:06 AM
I agree.

Unfortunately Uran must mothball development until this financial crisis is over. That will probably mean giving almost all staff a 12 month unpaid holiday.

They must not spend their cash at this stage, as it will be impossible to replace.

The good news is that inflation and commodity prices will probably pick up in 12 months and Uran's project should be able to be brought on line at little expense.

What about a pay cut or minimal salary, as no need to give the board/management any salary for what can be classified as WAITING. Wouldnt you agree?

Although wages and salary is less than the big Knobbs whom have taken millions in salary, this is one of the reasons why so many companies and such Markets are in the sh#t at present, Greed and continual offerings has Bled this system.

Meanwhile the back of the common person is broken (truth) and what faith is left remains in the actions of those whom we already have put faith into to decide whether they wish to play it straight or keep moving these imaginary goal posts.

11-10-2008, 02:09 AM
Sp3, with no disprespct, our time seems to always be coming next year, and then the next and next etc etc

Timelines being No Doubt being brought forward is also surely speculatively speaking and a unknown factor with assumption.

The first step to Uran actually being able to raise money is to at least communicate more effectively with its shareholders. ALSO, coming out and being HONEST rather than Naive would be a good place to start.

Last but not least, the STORY must fully ADD UP properly with no IF, ANDs or BUTs, so unless they can spell it out, Be Honest and start explaining themselves to the current market (in the future and now), this company is dead meat ready for the slaughter.

I still have a slither of hope here, but unless HOBBs fully gets her sh#t together here and starts shooting it straight, I only see doom or rock bottom, IMO~!

But on the other hand, I am happy to also be convinced otherwise.


I have stopped blaming Hobbs for the mess we are in. Its the Ukraine politicians and beaurocrats that have misled us and have delayed progress. The Ukrainians are the most inefficient people I have ever witnessed.

The same can be said about the Czech's too.

Nothing has gone our way since we got involved with Uran.
The only project that has run smoothly is Tungsten...and that is because Uran has not had any dealings with Governments.

ps. Continuously bagging management is not doing your investment any favours.

11-10-2008, 02:34 AM

I have stopped blaming Hobbs for the mess we are in.

ps. Continuously bagging management is not doing your investment any favours.

Sp3, whats with the Thumbs down? I fully blame Hobbs, that is my choice as it is your choice to not blame her.

To be able to distinguish between her being accountable is simple.

I have said it previously, IF SHE IS NAIVE, then we are NAIVE.
If the Ukrainians pull the hat over her head, they pull it over our head.

See when Uran first done the deal conceptual image for reference.

Continuously bagging management is not about getting favours or have favours done, its about TRUTH.

Management Could Have and Should Have been VERY more clear about the risks in which when they first talked this up.

They then talked about risk with laughter, speaking like investing in Australian U tenements were more a laugh and risk than over in these CIS countries.

We have already been over that previously so no need to create a replay of the story.

Looking back, certain words and sentences should have been used by management and were not due to them being NAIVE and over confident.

Anyways, lets not start to debate the IF, AND or MAYBEs about management here as IMO they are scumbags and have done YOU, ME and EVERYBODY here no favours. Except of course, to those who want to buy in at 5 cents.

11-10-2008, 03:28 AM
Drillfix- with all due respect, i understand where you are coming from, but i agree with SP3 about us not helping out our investment by bagging out management.

all of us complain about the SP falling, but why would new investors buy shares in Uran when all they read/hear about is how much of a terrible company it is...

By talking down the company we are talking down our SP and its costing us all money...

Take a look at AGS since they announced that they were going to mine Uranium. Case in point.

Uran or not... we are all going to have to have patience from now on.. with all of our investments not just this one...

11-10-2008, 04:08 AM
Uran or not... we are all going to have to have patience from now on.. with all of our investments not just this one...

Scorp, understandably and agree across that its across the board.

I have no agenda here except that I would actually go a bit more easy on this management if they actually were a bit more Honest and Upfront.

You see, to me its a bit more than just a money thing here, it gets to the point where it starts to potentially become a life and death thing. A Deceptive cunning Liar type thing from which I do not enjoy being led up the garden path.

Anyways, its ok, not to worry. Drillfix will just have to wait yet another year with chronic pain so only MAYBE, just MAYBE this company can stop playing hostage to a political outcome.

Depending on which pair of shoes stand in there isn't really that much of a choice now really is there.

11-10-2008, 12:25 PM
For all we are disappointed in progress to date - Uran is still afloat :D - there still is some cash at bank and it is not about to be wasted in this environment. OK we bagged the tungsten - but this was so cheap and relatively so easy to turn into an on-sellable item that it just might prove the salvation of Uran during this credit freeze and recovery period. :) Believe it or not I am looking to buy a bit more in the coming week or two! :cool: SP3, I really do agree with you re the Ukrainians - their political intrigues, manipulativeness (witness them insisting on Uran announcing the invitation to submit JV proposal for Novok -) and unwieldy beaurocracy is just, :rolleyes:, pathetic. IF WE ALL KEEP OUR HEADS WE'LL ALL SURVIVE THIS PERIOD. :) A

11-10-2008, 12:36 PM
i understand drillfix. if this company goes broke, it will near taje me down with it, so i understand that there is alt at stake, all i am sayin is we arent helpin the situation... crappy management or not.

Archer- i agree if i was to look positively at the situation. i beleive we may still ride this situation out and come up with... well... something.

i wouldnt be as worried if the SP was in the teens. too low and no buy depth is what worries me.

11-10-2008, 12:51 PM
scorp - there's no real buy depth in many places - but if the G7 and the SWF meetings in New York this weekend manage to get credit rolling again, although things will take some time to recover at least the rot will have stopped and SOME buyers will appear. Then after things have stabilised and (dreaming maybe) Uran do have something to release to the market, it will be just what the market was looking for! It would take a really huge buyer to get this back to even 30c - but imagine (dare we ?) if a SWF decided to gobble or Areva thought - we'll just move in here - AS I said, maybe dreaming - but then it keeps me saner than having nightmare scenarios playing through my mind constantly - Plus there are always opportunities in disasters - depends entirely on the resilience and resourcefulness we choose to access peppered with a good bit of luck - S**T it can get tough though! Best wishes to all holders . A

11-10-2008, 04:14 PM
The SWF really are the key to recapitalising the markets IMO. They will act in the coming week I believe. It was OK while the problems were in US and western Europe, but now the oil price and industrial output in China is turning down those with the cash will buy to save their own skin.

I am not sure the SWF would be interested in Uran (May be Russian via a back door), but Uran will feel the benefit. I know that there are many people preaching the end of the world type of scenarios for the world economies and others saying it will be a very slow recovery, but they really don't understand how the SWF could change this situation very quickly IMO.

It really is not in anyone’s interest to see a return to the situation of western Europe in the 20's and 30's. We would be talking political change.

Uran needs to watch spending very closely. I think the Board could take at least half their directors fee in shares for a start.

11-10-2008, 05:40 PM
Uran needs to watch spending very closely. I think the Board could take at least half their directors fee in shares for a start.

Now you are talking my language.

Lets also not forget, Kate Hobbs is NOT A NEGOTIATOR

It is her sloowww Naive way that has also helped us get bogged down in these so called negotiations IMO.

Cotik, you once mentioned that somebody with the native tongue and way should be doing the negotiations.

That is the very sort of thing that what we should be voting for at the AGM.

Show of hands for Kate to Shut the FU or say Eyeeeeeee~!


11-10-2008, 06:10 PM
Agreed - they will not let it get that far - Third Reich, then WW2 was the result of all that then the Iron Curtain. Plus one hell of lot more.
A very good idea for the Board to take directors' fees in stock at this point - and all travel needs to be cut back to economy class and OS hotels down a star or two . I guess they are locked in to a lease in the West Perth offices - but a razor could be effectively taken to that with just a small move down the street. Just read on the other site that the last bastion (in front of gold) will one day be non-perishable food . Might slip out and load up on the Baked Beans and start hoarding water. A

11-10-2008, 08:37 PM
fingers crossed for the weekend then. need things to at least stabalize, and our money to start acheiving something tangible for us. the company is worth almost nothing now, and it could be multiples of this with anything tangible at all...

just need to stop wasting time.

there are alot of stocks out there that are in the teens now or like URA under 10c but you gotta remember, all of those companies would have more than 50 million shares on issue... many more.

thats what i always liked about this stock (before all of this happened) you can own a substantial amount of the company... just gotta hope that the amount doesnt end up being worthless.

cheers guys, hang in there.

11-10-2008, 10:55 PM
Uran needs to watch spending very closely. I think the Board could take at least half their directors fee in shares for a start.Hi Cotik,
At 5c how many shares would they take pa? That would wind me up more than the inativity they seem to display month after month.

Havent been to this thread for a while but it seems to be getting a tad toxic. Shame to see what looks like some of this once tight knit community taking their frustration out on each other but kind of agree with SP3 regarding Drillfix's posting.

Drillfix. Please dont be offended as I know and understand where you are coming from but you are starting to sound like a broken record. Its fairly clear we wont see any action from this crowd this side of Christmas. Dont let this thing eat you up mate.

11-10-2008, 11:07 PM
Hi Cotik,
At 5c how many shares would they take pa? That would wind me up more than the inativity they seem to display month after month.

Havent been to this thread for a while but it seems to be getting a tad toxic. Shame to see what looks like some of this once tight knit community taking their frustration out on each other but kind of agree with SP3 regarding Drillfix's posting.

Drillfix. Please dont be offended as I know and understand where you are coming from but you are starting to sound like a broken record. Its fairly clear we wont see any action from this crowd this side of Christmas. Dont let this thing eat you up mate.

We'd bloody better see some action before Xmas or else i'll be campaigning for an EGM & for heads to roll...:mad:

Jesus we have remained loyal & patient long enough, either Uran gets on with the projects, or comes clean about there involvement.

Not good enough in my book, for them to draw a fat salary & not finalise the negotiations that started well over a year ago.

I'm interested in what Uran intends to do to ensure the option money is converted, because that IMHO is the only way they can raise any funds in this market.

Uran is lucky to have such loyal (misguided?) shareholders & there best bet to raise funds is to show current holders where the future value is & get the options in the money before May 09.

If the options arent in the money significantly by then, i'll let mine lapse & walk away...

Huang Chung
11-10-2008, 11:24 PM
You may well have the clout for an EGM and get some heads rolling, but I do wonder....if you get rid of the board, is there anything of URA left?

Why would all these CIS types still be interested in dealing with URA? What then could Uran bring to the table?

Curious to know.....

12-10-2008, 12:00 AM
You may well have the clout for an EGM and get some heads rolling, but I do wonder....if you get rid of the board, is there anything of URA left?

Why would all these CIS types still be interested in dealing with URA? What then could Uran bring to the table?

Curious to know.....

I'd want the Chairman Pat Ryan gone, & Kate Hobbs to step away from a Board role & purely focus on being the CEO. (ie, more accountability)

Kate is the problem though, she is a major shareholder in Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, which has a conflict of interest with Uran IMO.

Urans leads are thru Discovery Minerals (where other Uran Mgmt have Discovery share holdings).

The whole deal is shrouded in secrecy which isn't helping anyone.

Discovery Minerals is a paper tiger, until Uran secures a deal which will then trigger the Discovery option whereby they effectively gain control over Uran. (Being 50%+ which would invoke a takeover i presume?)

It's the dual purpose the CEO has & the perception that those in Discovery aren't seen to align themselves with Urans holders & the fact the leads are from a non listed entity that we don't get the same info other ASX listed companies do.

It urks the shareholders cos we are fitting the bill for ALL the Discovery leads & associated costs!

12-10-2008, 03:54 AM
imo it's not management's fault. Well, they may be muppets but the politicians are absolute children and have really hamstrung progress. What the hell sort of a dick would you have to be to fire a judge coz you didn't get what you want:

Battle over early election decree in Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine: Ukrainian elections officials on Saturday refused to start preparations for early parliamentary elections after a court suspended a presidential decree, amid a deepening struggle for power between the president and prime minister.

President Viktor Yushchenko earlier this week ordered parliament dissolved and set the vote for Dec. 7, following the collapse of his pro-Western coalition with estranged Orange Revolution ally Premier Yulia Tymoshenko.

But Tymoshenko, who is determined to retain her job and avoid the third election in as many years, has vowed the vote will not take place.

Kiev's District Administrative Court suspended Yushchenko's decree ordering the vote while it considers an appeal by Tymoshenko's party, Central Election Commission spokeswoman Zoya Sharikova told The Associated Press.

Yushchenko's office, however, said the order had no authority since Yushchenko fired the judge before he made the ruling.

Tymoshenko ally Volodymyr Pilipenko said that firing the judge was "an act of despair" on the part of the president.

"The court ruling has been handed down and the election process cannot begin," he said.

Tymoshenko and Yushchenko have turned into bitter rivals ahead of the 2010 presidential vote. Their shaky alliance collapsed last month after Tymoshenko moved to trim presidential powers. Yushchenko also accused Tymoshenko of selling out to the Kremlin and betraying efforts to join NATO by failing to condemn Russia's August war with Ukraine's ally Georgia.

Speaking on a popular television talk show Friday, Tymoshenko said the country could not afford an election and that parliament would not pass the necessary legislation.

The deepening political turmoil bodes ill for this ex-Soviet republic, whose economy and banking system are already severely shaken by the global financial crisis.


12-10-2008, 04:21 AM
Kate is the problem though, she is a major shareholder in Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, which has a conflict of interest with Uran IMO.

Urans leads are thru Discovery Minerals (where other Uran Mgmt have Discovery share holdings).

Shasta, which other Uran directors apart from Kate Hobbs have Discovery share holdings?

12-10-2008, 05:58 AM
Uran ain't the problem - Ukraine is staring oblivion in the eye. Grab any cash you can imo.

Financial crisis: Countries at risk of bankruptcy from Pakistan to Baltics
A string of countries face the risk of "going bust" as financial panic sweeps Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, raising the spectre of a strategic crisis in some of the world's most dangerous spots.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Last Updated: 7:55PM BST 10 Oct 2008

Nuclear-armed Pakistan is bleeding foreign reserves at an alarming rate leading to fears that it could default on its loans.

There are mounting fears that Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Argentina could all now slide into a downward spiral towards bankruptcy, while western banks exposed to property bubble across Eastern Europe have seen their share price crushed.

The markets are pricing an 80pc risk that Ukraine will default, based on five-year credit default swaps (CDS) – an insurance policy on a country being able to pay its debts.

The country's banking system has begun to break down after years of torrid credit growth; its steel mills are shutting as demand collapses; and the political crisis is going from bad to worse.

President Viktor Yushchenko dissolved parliament this week in a dispute that risks bitter conflict with the country's Russian bloc. Diplomats fear Moscow could be drawn into the crisis – or even use it as a pretext to occupy territory in a replay of the Georgia invasion this summer.

Ukraine's government seized Prominvestbank this week, suspending payments to creditors. It closed the Kiev stock market, which has fallen 73pc this year.

Emerging market stocks have been tumbling since their peak in October, when investors were still betting that rising stars such as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) were now strong enough to shake off a US crisis. That illusion has been shattered.

The International Monetary Fund said it is mobilising a "rapid-fire" fund worth several hundred billion dollars to stop a domino collapse across the developing world.

The trigger for the latest round of capital flight has been the lightning implosion of Iceland. BNP Paribas warned clients yesterday that the island is heading for "sovereign default" with contagion risks for other economies that have been living beyond their means on foreign credit.

Hungary had to intervene yesterday to prop up its markets following a run on country's biggest lender OTP. The Budapest bourse fell 13pc. The treasury had to scrap a bond auction.

The most new mortgages in Hungary are in Swiss francs, leaving the homeowners facing a vicious squeeze as the forint plunges against the franc.

In Pakistan, the rupee has fallen to an all-time low. Standard & Poor's downgraded the country's sovereign debt to near write-off levels of CCC-plus. The central bank's foreign reserves have fallen to $4.7bn (£2.73billion).

"The danger of default is hovering," said Professor Kaisar Bengali from Karachi University.

"Pakistan may not be able to re-pay its debt or import anything," he said, adding that the country cannot assume that it will be bailed out for strategic reasons.

Default risk on Kazakhstan's top banks has risen to 70pc as property bubble bursts in the former Soviet republic and reliance in foreign credit comes back to haunt.

The country has mortgaged its future to oil prices, which crashed below $80 a barrel yesterday as the whole nexus of commodities (except gold) buckled in a wave of forced selling.

Analysts warn that it is leading indicator for what could happen if Russia if crude falls much further.

12-10-2008, 06:51 AM
We'd bloody better see some action before Xmas or else i'll be campaigning for an EGM & for heads to roll...:mad:

Jesus we have remained loyal & patient long enough, either Uran gets on with the projects, or comes clean about there involvement.

Not good enough in my book, for them to draw a fat salary & not finalise the negotiations that started well over a year ago.

If the options arent in the money significantly by then, i'll let mine lapse & walk away...

Shasta, when it comes to communicating, you have typed out what I am also thinking, concerns and Frustrations. Well Done and Thankyou~! It is a relieve to hear somebody that relates and more to the point, expresses themselves well and without offending others. (unlike me, in which I am sorry)

I'd want the Chairman Pat Ryan gone, & Kate Hobbs to step away from a Board role & purely focus on being the CEO. (ie, more accountability)

Kate is the problem though, she is a major shareholder in Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd, which has a conflict of interest with Uran IMO.

Urans leads are thru Discovery Minerals (where other Uran Mgmt have Discovery share holdings).

The whole deal is shrouded in secrecy which isn't helping anyone.

Again Shasta, AGREED, more of my EXACT concerns.

Now with regards to others here thinking, yeah yeah yeah, Drillfix, bloody broken record saying the same thing over and over again. Well, I may sound like a broken Record, but I dont care. I am ANGRY , I am MAD :mad:, I am UPSET, I am pissed OFF.

AGM coming up and here we all are still stuck in a whole.

Listen to the concerns of Shasta, that is all I ask.

People here agree with Sp3 on a previous issue surrounding Kate and some when and why factors. Well, I also can Agree too with that, but then lets not forget HOW or WHY we got into this PICKLE of situation.

Folks, its not because of me or my ways of poor choice of words, It is because of that NAIVE lump of woman called Kate Hobbs. But some who read can say that makes discussion more balanced, for the good or bad, IMO.

With regards to the Ukraine going broke.

I thought they were already broke???
Property in Ukraine and Uranium Energy requirements are 2 separate things IMO.

Anyways, more food for thought~!

12-10-2008, 03:09 PM
With regards to the Ukraine going broke.

I thought they were already broke???
Property in Ukraine and Uranium Energy requirements are 2 separate things IMO.

Anyways, more food for thought~!

they were never flush but this is a whole new ball game

who do they go cap-in-hand to for help? Russia.....with a "we now own you" attached. Their independence is in question imo. If Russia can offer financial security the people will welcome them back with open arms - after all, the majority of the people in Ukraine are still pro Russian and their current leaders haven't achieved ANYTHING.

12-10-2008, 04:10 PM
they were never flush but this is a whole new ball game

who do they go cap-in-hand to for help? Russia.....with a "we now own you" attached. Their independence is in question imo. If Russia can offer financial security the people will welcome them back with open arms - after all, the majority of the people in Ukraine are still pro Russian and their current leaders haven't achieved ANYTHING.

It seems like you spend more time on Uran than Kate Hobbs. At least Kate has a vested interest....what's your agenda?

12-10-2008, 04:22 PM
archbald, I agree with you and it is true what you say, but what exactly is different than a week, month, quarter, half year, year or 5 years ago???

Besides the global economic meltdown, this country is the same. The many news articles saying this, that and the next thing all mean and show the same thing.

Anyways arch, my point here is, Ukraine is neither here nor there and where it goes or ends up, nobody really knows. That seems to be the way it has always been be it be pro-russian or pro-western, its just the nature of the beast IMO.

12-10-2008, 08:56 PM
they were never flush but this is a whole new ball game

What is it with Uran and ex shareholders? Must be a medical term for it “uran Syndrome”?

Sorry, but some people really do need to get a life.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding of FSU countries IMO.

I am not sure what your agenda here is but at least do some real research on Uran and how they will fund their projects before posting rubbish.

12-10-2008, 08:57 PM
As always, lots of posts to catch up with over the past week. On a day-to-day look, things are now a complete mess in every direction. For someone like Satori who analyzes (did :() thoroughly, with only 24 hours in a day, all too much I would guess.

For all we are disappointed in progress to date - Uran is still afloat :D - there still is some cash at bank and it is not about to be wasted in this environment.............IF WE ALL KEEP OUR HEADS WE'LL ALL SURVIVE THIS PERIOD. :) A

I'm reduced to putting my faith in you now Archer :confused: - should be the Board :mad: Cranking up the broken record, we know KH has been to the Ukraine recently (back yet, or is that top secret also ?). Can't they put such little snippets of info on the website ? The URA Board would make terrific spies - could be dropped into Afghanistan / Pakistan and have Bin Laden rooted out in no time and then back to Perth for a cupper before sundown and nobody would be any the wiser (imagine what Ryan could achieve - truly the invisible man).

Anyways arch, my point here is, Ukraine is neither here nor there and where it goes or ends up, nobody really knows. That seems to be the way it has always been be it be pro-russian or pro-western, its just the nature of the beast IMO.

Drillfix, I get the feeling that when 'The Bear' (Russia) wants to, they'll just wrap their paws around any of those CIS countries and 'welcome' them back to the Mother Country :D. Of course, the Europeans will stamp their little trotters and squeal about the law / UN, and crack other jokes. This time around the US will be impotent also.

But, no doubt those sort of scenarios have been discussed this weekend among the G20 (? or whatever meeting it's been) and a massive collective (welcome comrades :eek:....) effort will be made to stave off an implosion in that area of the world.

Happy nightmares all, cheers.

12-10-2008, 09:37 PM
Archbald, I have just read preceding posts more carefully since I posted and I see you have done the Russian analysis...hat tip to you.

12-10-2008, 09:40 PM
Shasta, which other Uran directors apart from Kate Hobbs have Discovery share holdings?

No other Uran directors that i know of (directly)

But Joe C & Tomas Vana, are Discovery Minerals shareholders

Without the Discovery Minerals option i gather we wouldn't have there services/contacts :confused:

12-10-2008, 10:15 PM
they were never flush but this is a whole new ball game

who do they go cap-in-hand to for help? Russia.....with a "we now own you" attached. Their independence is in question imo. If Russia can offer financial security the people will welcome them back with open arms - after all, the majority of the people in Ukraine are still pro Russian and their current leaders haven't achieved ANYTHING.

I agree Archbald. Russia's 4bln loan to Iceland last week suggests to me they have the money and the motivation to extend their influence. We are teetering on the edge of a systematic financial system meltdown which, if it eventuates, will bring down countries. We'll see how it plays out but I fear that some sovereign states will not be so indepedent once the dust settles.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding of FSU countries IMO.

I am not sure what your agenda here is but at least do some real research on Uran and how they will fund their projects before posting rubbish.

Contik - I would appreciate a constructive post about why you disagree. Thanks...

13-10-2008, 03:08 AM
What is it with Uran and ex shareholders? Must be a medical term for it “uran Syndrome”?

Sorry, but some people really do need to get a life.

Your post shows a complete lack of understanding of FSU countries IMO.

I am not sure what your agenda here is but at least do some real research on Uran and how they will fund their projects before posting rubbish.

go to buggery and take your arrogance with you :mad:

I have no agenda other than sharing an interest and offering an opinion, only that it's averse to those that offer positives based on their own crap. I believe in what I post and if helps someone else to come to a conclusion about whether to buy or not then I am pleased to have offered my two bob's worth. Anyone that's delusional enough to think I'm trying to downramp to get in cheaper really does have head stuck up arse.

Good day and good luck to those without blinkers and can appreciate all views.

13-10-2008, 05:42 AM
Good day and good luck to those without blinkers and can appreciate all views.

Dont worry too much about it Archbald, I appreciate all views.

In one hand I want to buy a pistol and put a few clips of bullets into Kate Hobbs.

In the other hand I want to push her into the hands of russian mobsters to Pimp her out for the next 20 years to pay back some of the losses many of us here are sitting on...:rolleyes:

We now live in are both tense and fragile times and not only for Uran, but many stocks as economic madness surrounds everything which then only leaves us all with which is the best choice of philosophy we like to hear.

Lets see what comes around this week. Probably nothing (as usual) but I think some of the points that Shasta has recently made are MOST NOTABLE for discussion yet I am still not sure exactly what we can do about it, as always.

Anyways, Cmon guys, Im the one here on this thread that is meant to be off the planet.

Lets all polish our revolvers and chill it on out while we wait for the AGM ;)

13-10-2008, 01:27 PM
Uran ain't the problem - Ukraine is staring oblivion in the eye. Grab any cash you can imo.

Statements like that show how ignorant you are.

You have obviously never step foot in any FSU and have no idea what these people have been through...none.

Pity you never took the time in the 90's to see what life was really like for these people and that was nothing compared to the 1930’s. To suggest they are now staring oblivion in the face is crazy, you have no idea what you are talking about.

I hope you and your family never have to go through anything like these people did in the 30’s or 90's, because believe me you would not survive.

I suggest you cash in a few shares and go and see what the real world is like. Nothing that happens to these people in the future will ever compare to what happened to them in the 1930's and later in the 1990's.

You have no idea how most people live in the FSU outside the major cities...sad.

You statement is an insult to all Ukrainians, crazy to say the least.

13-10-2008, 03:33 PM
Statements like that show how ignorant you are.

You have obviously never step foot in any FSU and have no idea what these people have been through...none.

Pity you never took the time in the 90's to see what life was really like for these people and that was nothing compared to the 1930’s. To suggest they are now staring oblivion in the face is crazy, you have no idea what you are talking about.

I hope you and your family never have to go through anything like these people did in the 30’s or 90's, because believe me you would not survive.

I suggest you cash in a few shares and go and see what the real world is like. Nothing that happens to these people in the future will ever compare to what happened to them in the 1930's and later in the 1990's.

You have no idea how most people live in the FSU outside the major cities...sad.

You statement is an insult to all Ukrainians, crazy to say the least.

since we are on the subject of ignorance, I said Ukraine ie the financial system, not the people, and if you had comprehended the connection to my previous posts we'd not be here exchanging salvos. From what I understand the people will always do it tough as there doesn't appear to be a middle class over there: haves and have nots by the looks of things.(Fair enough I left it open to ambiguity which is my fault and will be more careful in future. I'll also accept the choice of oblivion was definitely too sensationalist and retract it). I realise full well they have done it tough and are doing it tough and they have my deepest sympathy and my point is about Uran: they will not (imo) have any joy in Ukraine as things currently stand which seems to be a precursor for the next couple of years at least (especially with all the egotists running the show....imo). Do you think Uran will still be operating in a couple of years? I don't (imo) which is why I said get what cash you can by selling Uran scrip before it becomes worthless (imo). Geez, my bro-in-law's options got down to $500 worth but he still sold coz $500 is better than $0.

As for future posting, I'll join Satori and bugger off. Good bye and good luck and no ill will towards any of you.

15-10-2008, 02:12 AM
without focusing on the negativity, i hope we can all take a breather and get along again...

TUNGSTEN- just wanted to say that i have been looking at Tungsten and it looks like a great metal! good outlook for the future, and a hell of alot better than U at the moment...

could it be we and the market have totally missed the potential of tungsten for our company due to hatred towards the past management and secrecy issues etc?

after some research i am startin to feel alittle more confident, would just like to know more about the actual deposit... some say it cant be real coz they got it too cheap? hopefully it is THAT good! :)

15-10-2008, 02:57 AM
without focusing on the negativity, i hope we can all take a breather and get along again...

TUNGSTEN- just wanted to say that i have been looking at Tungsten and it looks like a great metal! good outlook for the future, and a hell of alot better than U at the moment...

could it be we and the market have totally missed the potential of tungsten for our company due to hatred towards the past management and secrecy issues etc?

after some research i am startin to feel alittle more confident, would just like to know more about the actual deposit... some say it cant be real coz they got it too cheap? hopefully it is THAT good! :)

Righto, new homepage :

Turan Limited is a dedicated tungsten company.

We focus on nations which are significant current or historic producers of tungsten, with substantial past tungsten exploration.

Our targets include: operating or closed tungsten mines: identified resources or reserves: drilled mineralisation adjacent to or on strike from these.

We find good national partners who have strong knowledge of local tungsten exploration and production.

Sovereign risk is important to the Company. We research it thoroughly prior to entry into a country, and monitor it carefully during our activities there.

There done :), QED. What's more we holders actually have an area of dirt, not just an MOU.

Let's get to it KH & co :rolleyes:

15-10-2008, 12:18 PM
Righto, new homepage :

Turan Limited is a dedicated tungsten company.

We focus on nations which are significant current or historic producers of tungsten, with substantial past tungsten exploration.

Our targets include: operating or closed tungsten mines: identified resources or reserves: drilled mineralisation adjacent to or on strike from these.

We find good national partners who have strong knowledge of local tungsten exploration and production.

Sovereign risk is important to the Company. We research it thoroughly prior to entry into a country, and monitor it carefully during our activities there.

There done :), QED. What's more we holders actually have an area of dirt, not just an MOU.

Let's get to it KH & co :rolleyes:

Very witty Furii - good to see you've still got your sense of humour - and just think the possibilities are endless - think Gold - Guran, Copper - Curan, Silver - Suran, -Rare Earths - Ruran (bit hard to say that one). Oh its marvellous -could morph repeatedly -or better still clone and spin off /demerger . I'm seeing the big picture here (or just the mirage maybe!) :) A

15-10-2008, 12:33 PM
haha it was a simple transformation Furii... didnt take very long.

bring on anything, as you said, as long as its niot just an MOU.

15-10-2008, 12:49 PM
haha it was a simple transformation Furii... didnt take very long.

bring on anything, as you said, as long as its niot just an MOU.

Anyone remember Cotiks post saying wait a couple of weeks?

Well around 2 weeks time we get the Sept quarterly, BUT during September Uran/Kate was meant to have a meeting in Kazakhstan...

Wonder what was discussed, anyone receive any feedback?

16-10-2008, 06:15 PM
who bought the last sneaky 10,000 today? bout time we saw an up day!! haha :)

16-10-2008, 06:37 PM
hi folks,
interesting day.
well here i am typing you all a one handed post due to the fact i just had an operation on my hand yesterday (http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_surgery.html) which the other week I found out was called Dupuytren's Contracture (http://www.dupuytren-online.info/index.html) except unlike like the picutue which looks like i am giving the uran board the finger (lol), my Contracture was in my pinky finger on my left hand, which kinda makes it tricky to play guitar at times.

while i was there i should have asked for brain surgery for holding a stack of these uran options, that of which, what is exactly going to happen to them, i hope we can get some info how the company plans on getting these in the money.

Shasta, i know some of your last posts shed the concern light on this among couple of other serious issues too.

get this for a laugh, and for what its worth my other gp said i had trigger finger. little does he know deep down inside i do have that, and i am still hoping to eventually hear something from this lame@ss management regarding projects (besides tungsten carrots).

anyways, this hurts typing so i wont bore you all with my lower case 1-2 finger typing and other required back surery that is also needed.

can somebody swat this management in the back of the head for me verbally while i heal, cheers ;)

16-10-2008, 06:46 PM
who bought the last sneaky 10,000 today? bout time we saw an up day!! haha :)

scorp, in many ways as much as i am unhappy about the current stats of the co, i am pleased that, there is not much further continued down movement.

anyways, lets hope more than tungsten comes from this mob~!