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22-08-2008, 10:06 PM
It would be nice if they answered our current emails...

I'm in Wellington, NZ so won;t be attending the AGM.

Would Tony S possibly collate the list & raise the points?

Im not sure if Tony will fly to WA from Melbourne (4 hour flight) to attend the AGM. He appeared comfortable with developments up until a fortnight ago. Its best for WA residents to attend. The cost to fly from Melb to Perth including accomodation is equivalent to about 30K Uran shares....hard to justify the trip imo.

22-08-2008, 10:08 PM
Im not sure if Tony will fly to WA from Melbourne (4 hour flight) to attend the AGM. He appeared comfortable with developments up until a fortnight ago. Its best for WA residents to attend. The cost to fly from Melb to Perth including accomodation is equivalent to about 30K Uran shares....hard to justify the trip imo.

Fair enough, those from Perth or nearby put your hands up!

22-08-2008, 10:13 PM
Melb to Perth including accomodation is equivalent to about 30K Uran shares...

Well, 10,000 URA at market would be at a discount .12 cents = $1200

flight return would be say 600, room in motel 600 ??? pretty expensive.

Sp3, are you related to Kate with your bean counting? :D

22-08-2008, 11:30 PM
Well, 10,000 URA at market would be at a discount .12 cents = $1200

flight return would be say 600, room in motel 600 ??? pretty expensive.

Sp3, are you related to Kate with your bean counting? :D


Business class flight is over $1K.

22-08-2008, 11:51 PM

Business class flight is over $1K.

LOL sp3, one way or two?

I mean, what is wrong with just normal class? but I guess each to their own hey~!

22-08-2008, 11:56 PM
LOL sp3, one way or two?

I mean, what is wrong with just normal class? but I guess each to their own hey~!

Would you wanna fly cattle class to Kiev? :D

If Perth wasn't a million miles away, i'd loved to have gone

Never been to the Aussie West Coast (Perth etc)

23-08-2008, 12:01 AM
LOL sp3, one way or two?

I mean, what is wrong with just normal class? but I guess each to their own hey~!

dont forget accomodation for 2 nights, and wining and dining Kate etc....as well as Archer:)

23-08-2008, 12:02 AM
much better ways to spend your time Shasta than listen to excuses for 2 hours for a cookie and tea for 2

I dunno Perth is about a thousand times warmer than Wellington & i'm sure the coffee is decent over there? :confused:

23-08-2008, 12:07 AM
I dunno Perth is about a thousand times warmer than Wellington & i'm sure the coffee is decent over there? :confused:


Dont be surprised if they have the AGM in Kiev. That way, no-one will be able to attend.

23-08-2008, 12:26 AM

Dont be surprised if they have the AGM in Kiev. That way, no-one will be able to attend.

So long as VostGok & the Ministry for Fuel & Energy attend...;)

23-08-2008, 12:30 AM
dont forget accomodation for 2 nights, and wining and dining Kate etc....as well as Archer:)

Well how about you Sp3, are you going this time.

Dont you have many questions that you want to ask or get answers to? I am sure you do, but then of course the choice is yours.

Anybody else flying over or attending from perth at least???

23-08-2008, 01:08 AM
Well how about you Sp3, are you going this time.

Dont you have many questions that you want to ask or get answers to? I am sure you do, but then of course the choice is yours.

Anybody else flying over or attending from perth at least???


I'd rather go to the EGM instead. imo the EGM will be the most important meeting to attend.

23-08-2008, 01:10 AM

I'd rather go to the EGM instead. imo the EGM will be the most important meeting to attend.

Put my proxy in for ZERO shares for Discovery :D

23-08-2008, 01:34 AM

I'd rather go to the EGM instead. imo the EGM will be the most important meeting to attend.

Well, yes I understand that and probably can agree also, but to me, Every meeting is an Important one, especially if we get a chance to get Answers to the many Questions that many of the shareholders here and everywhere will have for management.

If we cant get and questions answered then there may be No Chance that we dont even get an EGM if things continue the way the have been or are. Unless of course, you know or feel differently about the current affairs that I or others here do~!

23-08-2008, 03:32 PM
Ukraine And Canada Intend To Develop Energy Cooperation

Ukraine and Canada intend to develop energy cooperation.
This follows from a statement made by the presidential press service.
On Wednesday President Viktor Yuschenko and the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine Daniel Caron discussed fulfillment of agreements reached during V. Yuschenko's visit to Canada.
The Canadian Ambassador assured the president that Canada reaffirms its support to Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and will apply its efforts for Ukraine to join to the NATO Membership Action Plan in December. As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Ambassadors of Germany Hans-Juergen Heimsoeth, of Canada Daniel Caron, of the Republic of Korea Park Ro-Byug, and of France Jacque Fore assumed their offices.

Does Uran have any friends in Canada?

Another story re the coalition? (thankfully the numbers don't stack up)

Yanukovych Speaking For New Coalition In Rada

Viktor Yanukovych, leader of the Party of Regions faction in Verkhovna Rada, considers it necessary to form a new coalition at Rada.
He said this at a briefing on Friday.

He is speaking for strengthening coalition forces and withdrawing non-professional members.
"That is why, we need a new coalition. People's deputies will decide what it will look like by holding political consultations", he thinks.

However, talks are not being held at Rada about a new coalition, he said.
But there are ongoing consultations to this effect, he added.

Yanukovych also criticized the government for having created an unstable economic situation in the country. As Ukrainian News reported, Marek Sivets, a vice president of the European parliament, considers the coalition between the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense Bloc Faction and the Party of Regions more effective.

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko thinks attempts to dissolve the Cabinet of Ministers aim at creating a coalition between the Party of Regions and the Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense Bloc Faction.

Petro Symonenko, leader of the Communist Party faction, called on the Party of Regions faction in July to announce alleged creation of a new coalition.

On July 11 Verkhovna Rada rejected to express no-confidence in the Cabinet of Ministers. The resolution on no-confidence in the government was voted by 174 deputies with 226 required.

25-08-2008, 03:30 PM
Anybody else flying over or attending from perth at least???

I'll be going again dF.

25-08-2008, 03:58 PM
I'll be going again dF.

Good stuff Ellroy we all here know we can count on you.

Doesn't seem to be much interest in build a Question List in this thread though~!

Doesnt anybody in this thread got any questions?


1. Kate, it is an overall consensus that most shareholders feel you have led them up the garden path with your Hot Air with undelivered promises or statements thus far, Will any of what you have said come into fruition and is so WHEN? :mad:

2. Pat Ryan, What and Why are you part of this board as Chairman? and
what EXACTLY do you do for this company? and if you do, then WHEN are you going to do something? :mad:

3. Kate and Board, why involve a the company with a side show project consisting of Tungsten in the USA, when this clearly breaks the companies focus and resources aiming at Uranium Assests? :mad:

and the list goes on and on etc etc :rolleyes:

ps: Louisville Slugger is a perfect choice from previous memory Ellory :D

25-08-2008, 04:08 PM
Dig up the list Satori put together for last years AGM (none of which (AFAIK) ended up being asked at the meeting), it's almost all still relevant I'd imagine.

25-08-2008, 04:16 PM
Dig up the list Satori put together for last years AGM (none of which (AFAIK) ended up being asked at the meeting), it's almost all still relevant I'd imagine.

Actually, thats not a bad idea at all Axion, but I am not sure exactly if there was one made up or not for last years AGM. I will have a check though.

Does anybody else have "that so called list" by any chance?

25-08-2008, 05:29 PM
I actually have a Louisville Slugger 'TPX' bat in my garage...

25-08-2008, 05:33 PM
I hope these folks don't mind me reposting... I don't think they will but thought I should preface my post with this... :p

I have a feeling there was some more posted, but HC's search sucks and fortunately google found me one post and then I went back on the URA forum's archives and found two other threads which happened in September/October.

Satori (on HC - http://www.hotcopper.com.au/post_threadview.asp?fid=1&tid=549274#2156624)
"Hi Folks

This has been quiet for the last month due in part to many of us being 'sedated'..or is that comforted by Urans market updates.

Fact is, 1 month out we are yet to seal a deal regardless of mine, or anyone elses positive outlook for the future.

So lets start this again eh with the intent to put the focus back on 'tangibles' and unanswered..or not even thought of questions.

This is an important and crucial time for the company. The AGM opportunity should not be missed or taken for granted based on a few 'developments' that have delivered 'nothing'

The company needs to be put under the spotlight and the hard questions need to be asked.


Ukraine: "18 months of negotiations. 12 months of delays. 2 lapsed options re Discovery, a further 9 month delay from that point and we are now in the midst of 'negotiations'.
All impediments to progress appear to have been lifted, including the recent elections.
Just where is Uran at with these 2 Ukraine projects and is Uran in a position to successfully negotiate for further projects in this country?"

Ukraine: "Kate Hobbs declared in 2006 that Uran would be producing uranium in 2007. The company has not been accountable for these comments. Where is the company at 'now' regarding 'production opportunities' and when does Uran expect to start uranium production?"

"Is the AIM listing still part of the companys plans? If so please explain generally the process that this involves and the timeframes here"

"How positive does the company view Pribram waste dumps uranium extraction and what is the time frame here regarding eventual production at the Rozna plant if feasible?
If economically viable what % interest does uran hope to secure?

"Why is the company appealing the Brzkov decision?

"Is Uran considering other closed mines in Czech? Based on media reports it appears that Pribram is one of those mines. Is this correct? If so, what are the chances of this mine (or others) reopening?"

The recent MOU with Kazakhstan is surprising judging by the recent comments of the former chairman Michael Kiernan and his less than positive outlook for negotiations in that country?
Just what is this MOU actually worth and is this another demonstration of another round of developments with no tangibles attached?"

The company has on a number of occasions and on the website claimed to be looking outside the CIS including Africa and USA.
Is the company progressing in these regions and if it is how does this fit with the CIS focus?

Is Uzbekistan a probable production opportunity for Uran? Based on comments from Kate Hobbs in Novemeber 2006 it appeared the advanced project in Uzbekistan would be acquired?
What is happening here?

"Was the Bulgarian application process a fly in fly out opportunistic grab for exploration targets without much thought behind it?
Does the company seriously see production opportunity for itself in Bulgaria?"

"Why is it that Uran havent taken responsibility for the current market capitalisation and events leading to that instead of commenting on the state of the markets and in effect not taking responsibility for company decisions and management that led to the dramatic fall?"

"Is management accepting of the fact that their communications over the course of 2007 have been poor with shareholders and the market?
If yes, how are you going to address this?
If no why do you think that?"

"The company doesnt appear to have gone out of its way to promote itself or roadshow itself to the broking community. Is this based on the fact Uran still has nothing after 18 months of trying to secure a project/s?
Is the company preparing to promote the company when it does acquire projects? "

SP3 (on HC - http://www.hotcopper.com.au/post_threadview.asp?fid=1&tid=562361#2230004)
"1. How much capital will be needed by Uran (if any) to develop the 2 deposits in Ukraine?

2. If the EGM (RE. the Discovery aquisition) is to be held in December, does that mean that the Feasibility Studies on the 2 deposits must be completed before the EGM?

3. If the secrecy provisions have now been lifted regarding the 2 deposits, will Uran be announcing details about tonnages and grades to the market?

4. How does Uran propose to fund these projects (and potentially others)? Eg, debt finance, capital raisings, spin offs, farm outs, AIM listing etc.

5. Why does Kazakhstan need Uran's expertise to mine uranium given that the Kazakhs are extremely competent in their ability to mine uranium?

6. Why isnt Kazakhstan relying on their other jv partners to assist with uranium exploration and mining, but instead has chosen Uran?

7. How many smaller/medium sized deposits are there in Kazakhstan, and what chance (% wise) does Uran have in participating in uranium mining? When do you expect Uran to become active in Kazakhstan?

8. Is Uran still the preferred partner at Rozna? When will the market likely to get an update on Rozna?

9. Is Uran actively pursuing opportunities in Uzbekistan? What has happened to Integra? There has been no market update for more than 10 months regarding activities in Uzbekistan?

10. Will Uran have adequate funds for survival in the short term, given that the Feasibility Study in Ukraine (which is apparently due to commence soon) is likely to incur major costs?

11. What goals has Uran set for the future, and how confident are you that Uran will meet these goals?

12. Will Uran be producing uranium in 2008? How confident are you?

13. How do you measure performance and how do you think Uran has performed in the past 12 months? How do you think Uran will perform in the next 12 months?

14. What do you expect the market cap to be in 12 months time? 2 years time? 5 years time?"

Satori (on HC - http://www.hotcopper.com.au/post_threadview.asp?fid=1&tid=562361#2230004)
"Excellent list there SP3

I will add a few. Some are a bit long winded (yes yes I know same as my posts;)

We need those who are going to the AGM to start collating these and deciding on lists etc.

1. Pribram has been mentioned as possibly getting to the trial mining stage in the first half of 2008. How would this compare to a regular mining operation in regards to tonnages?
What does the company assume might be there and what is it worth to the company?
Is it probable that Pribram would be in full production in 2008?
How long could an operation like this continue?

2. Why continue with Czech appeals and review of existing data when the message has been a resounding no to mining?

3. The advanced project in Uzbekistan spoken of 1 year ago. Please explain.

4. Realistically what time frames could be expected for mining an operation in Bulgaria/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan once acquired?

5. What of the opportunities in USA and Africa...and 'elsewhere'?

6. Once Ukraine projects are acquired will the AIM listing be forthcoming.

7. 12 months ago Managing Director, you spoke of Uran with 2 projects in Ukraine onboard, an advanced project in Uzbekistan onboard, production in 2007 an AIM listing, AND a market cap in line with those acquisitions and developments.
Clearly you have known for sometime the dimensions and value of these projects.
Where do you see the market cap of Uran in 2008 based on your 2006 predictions?

8. The companys communications to shareholders in 2007 has been unclear and at times non existent. The company has failed on any number of occasions to update shareholders on developments...and apparent non developments of earlier projects. The companys share price has been punished as a result of these stalled developments and a lack of disclosure.
Examples include: Ukraine/Discovery/Uzbekistan/Rozna.

9. In 18 months the company has not secured one project. The share price has retreated from previous highs above $1.60 to current levels below 30 cents.
Relative to its peers Uran is in the bottom 10% in the sector.
The company clearly doesnt seem to want to take full responsibility or even explain this to shareholders. Macro factors generally are to blame.
With declassification/secrecy lifted in Ukraine, elections completed AND a uranium price that appears to have bottomed out around $75 isnt it about time management took responsibility of its shortcomings?

10. The current market cap is just $14 million. What do you think Uran is worth based on the last 18 months of negotiations and relationships developed over that time?
Do you support the views of Michael Kiernan at the recent EGM stating that 1 deal could see the share price go to $5 and 2 deals perhaps $10?
If yes Why?
If No why...AND..what would you value the company at as a result of an acquisition... say for example in Ukraine...OR a Pribram?

11. Have you thought of changing your hairstyle when in Ukraine to the traditional one demonstrated by Tymoshenko?

12.How much of the recent 800k spend was on safari expenses in Africa and Vodka in CIS?" -

25-08-2008, 05:55 PM
Actually, thats not a bad idea at all Axion, but I am not sure exactly if there was one made up or not for last years AGM. I will have a check though.

Does anybody else have "that so called list" by any chance?

I'll start the ball rolling with a list of questions, i'd like answered:

1. What Uranium projects are Uran actively pursuing outside Discovery Minerals leads? (We have had "left field" countries like USA & Africa mentioned in the past with no explanation?)

2. Given the share price slump, how do the Board/Management intend on getting the options converted, is this a Board priority given the level of cash reserves?

3. Are there any restrictions on Uran's Board/Management from purchasing shares at present? I believe it would help sell the "Uran story" if Management were seen to be supportive of the company, especially in the eyes of your shareholders.

4. We have never had an adequate explanation on why the projects involving Rozna, & Pribram have gone cold. The latest presentation makes no mention of them (yet the website still shows Rozna?).

5. If Uran is working on a agreed timeframe with Vostgok re the 3 Ukraine deposits, how come this information cannot be made public? (Uran obviously can't disclose non JORC figures!)

6. Can the company provide an update/clarification on the consortium bid for Novoconstantinovskoye. (Research shows this deposit was transferred to VostGok back in the 1990's)

7. Can the company elaborate on the reasons for meeting with Kazatomprom in Sept 09?

8. Does Uran believe Purple Communications are doing an effective job, in providing Uran with any tangible value with regards to investor presentations & the quarterly reports?

9. What is Uran's "game plan" in the Czech Republic to foster relationships with the Brzkov locals & to lobby the Govt to support Uranium mining?

10. Should Uran fail to overturn the on-going appeals in Czech Republic, what "Plan B" does Uran have with regards to it's on-going discussions with Diamo & Uran's involvement in the Czech Republic.

That's a start ;)

25-08-2008, 05:56 PM
I actually have a Louisville Slugger 'TPX' bat in my garage...

lol, Oz, I know you have dumped your Uran but you feel like going to the AGM anyways and taking along your bat in case you feel inclined for a few practice swings :D

Good find there, I am folk here wont mind the post but not sure if that is the same list or not.

Ellroy, Archer, Archbald, you all were there the last time, was there even a list the last time?

25-08-2008, 06:12 PM
I'll start the ball rolling with a list of questions, i'd like answered:
That's a start ;)

Shasta, Excellent Start, good one ;)

Keep'm coming folks~!

25-08-2008, 07:47 PM
I no longer hold any stock/options in Uran

I won't be looking to re-enter either

I'm of the opinion this crap will drag on and on until they are broke

good luck to all who hold. My enthusiasm has waned to zero.

I like UMC and CDS as both long term holds if anyone's interested

25-08-2008, 08:29 PM
I no longer hold any stock/options in Uran

I won't be looking to re-enter either

I'm of the opinion this crap will drag on and on until they are broke

good luck to all who hold. My enthusiasm has waned to zero.

Hi Archbald,

I understand and I dont blame you at all. But I dont hope that this drags out as it is or that they go broke.

Good luck with your other stocks mate, hope you get back any losses you have incurred with Uran. I wish I could have done what both you and Ozelectro have done but these levels its hardly worth it.

All the best~!

25-08-2008, 08:35 PM
Hi Folks

Ha ha! And how pertinent are these questions 12 months on eh?

It speaks volumes of the company and its management to look at these questions and say NONE of them have been answered!!!!

And to think we would now be MINING/PRODUCING PRIBRAM as well ...but 12 months on they dropped the ball 'again', 'forgot' to get a permit and 'once again' we find ourselves 'looking forward' without active or interested guidance from our management team.

I have recently enmailed Pat Ryan on 2 occasions with no response from him. Prior to that he had responded to me on a couple of occasions.

12 days ago the Managing Director replied to me stating;

"Please direct your queries to the Managing Director. It is not appropriate to address them to a non-executive director, including the chairman"

and this;

"Please note that all your enquiries to me have been responded to in writing. Uran responds to all shareholder queries, usually within two days but occasionally the response may take up to 10 days if I am away on business. It will assist if you send your enquiries directly to me."

Suffice it to say 12 days later no response or acknowledgement of a delay. 2 former emails ignored, then asked (she was unable to respond to questions not addressed 'to her' funnily enough) to send another one to the Managing Director, upon invitation from her....and...

Whats the result?

No response.

Is it any wonder our Managing Director continues to get negative feedback, and shareholders look to others at the company to respond to their enquiries?

My emails have been direct and to the point. Not abusive I might add. I have asked the tough questions. I have put it to management that they are falling short on any number of criteria. They obviously dont like that.
I am a long term shareholder, considerably out of the $$ with this investment.

Thats the response folks.

Management are not professional or respectful or accountable to their shareholders.

For an MD to deliberately ignore questions sent to the company by a shareholder, then requesting a new set of questions to be sent 'to her' then in turn not bothering to respond to those questions, speaks volumes about the level of maturity, the professionalism and the person we have entrusted our money to.

The shareprice, the state of the company is clear evidence of the ethic, ability and the attitude here.

NEVER have I experienced anywhere near this sort of behaviour from a company. Its disgraceful.

Archbald, goodluck with your investments/trading.

Exactly who does she think she is accountable to then?

Management > Board > Shareholders

Therefore she is directly accountable to the Board, who inturn are accountable to us...:eek:

25-08-2008, 08:48 PM
Exactly who does she think she is accountable to then?

Probably to her Alter Ego.

You totally right Satori, and this is a Disgrace.

I have been sitting cool for a while now and thought by Riding out the Tough times like these would maybe end.

Maybe I am wrong here but maybe its time to start jumping up and down again.

I have Slandered the company previously and by the sounds of things, I was Right for doing so.

Anybody else get any Email Returned by Kate Hobbs or a reply for that matter??

This is starting to Suck again by th Minute~!

25-08-2008, 08:52 PM
Probably to her Alter Ego.

You totally right Satori, and this is a Disgrace.

I have been sitting cool for a while now and thought by Riding out the Tough times like these would maybe end.

Maybe I am wrong here but maybe its time to start jumping up and down again.

I have Slandered the company previously and by the sounds of things, I was Right for doing so.

Anybody else get any Email Returned by Kate Hobbs or a reply for that matter??

This is starting to Suck again by th Minute~!


If i re-invent the chain i posted before.

Management (Kate) > Board (Kate)> Shareholders (Kate) > Discovery (Kate).

Anyone else think perhaps she's a little "too involved" here?

Huang Chung
25-08-2008, 09:25 PM
I imagine the board will again be looking to be 'incentivised' to keep performing for your benefit.

This from last year's Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement.....

The Company intends to issue the Options under the Company’s Employee
Share Option Plan as soon as practicable following the Annual General
Meeting but in any event not later than 12 months following the date of the
Annual General Meeting.
For the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 10.15, the following disclosures were
The maximum number of Options that may be issued to each of PER, WM
and TKS is set out above.
The Options will be issued for nil consideration. The Options are proposed to
be granted to the Related Parties to provide an incentive for each of PER,
WM and KTS’s future performance and commitment to the Company. The
Board considered the experience and reputation of each of the Related
Parties, the market price of securities in the Company and the current
market practices when determining the number and exercise price of the
Options to be issued to the Related Parties.
The Company acknowledges that the grant of Options to PER and WM is
contrary to recommendation 9.3 of the ASX Good Corporate Governance
and Best Practices Recommendations. However, the Directors consider
the grant of the Options to PER and WM reasonable in the circumstances,
given the necessity to attract and retain the highest caliber of professionals
to the Company, whilst maintaining the Company’s cash reserves.

25-08-2008, 09:30 PM
I imagine the board will again be looking to be 'incentivised' to keep performing for your benefit.

This from last year's Notice of Annual General Meeting and Explanatory Statement.....

The Company intends to issue the Options under the Company’s Employee
Share Option Plan as soon as practicable following the Annual General
Meeting but in any event not later than 12 months following the date of the
Annual General Meeting.
For the purposes of ASX Listing Rule 10.15, the following disclosures were
The maximum number of Options that may be issued to each of PER, WM
and TKS is set out above.
The Options will be issued for nil consideration. The Options are proposed to
be granted to the Related Parties to provide an incentive for each of PER,
WM and KTS’s future performance and commitment to the Company. The
Board considered the experience and reputation of each of the Related
Parties, the market price of securities in the Company and the current
market practices when determining the number and exercise price of the
Options to be issued to the Related Parties.
The Company acknowledges that the grant of Options to PER and WM is
contrary to recommendation 9.3 of the ASX Good Corporate Governance
and Best Practices Recommendations. However, the Directors consider
the grant of the Options to PER and WM reasonable in the circumstances,
given the necessity to attract and retain the highest caliber of professionals
to the Company, whilst maintaining the Company’s cash reserves.

They refer to that as the "annual handout"

No wonder they won't buy them on-market...

Nil consideration, hmmm :confused:

25-08-2008, 10:11 PM

As much as i like URA (& strangely enuff i do), i wish i never read that presentation. To my mind way too much "fluff" & no real substance...

Satori yet again, has hit the nail on the head, re the JORC 2009 comment.

If Kates viewing the data etc & working to a timeframe (like we were told), why can't they specify Q1 2009, or whatever?

Sentiment on here is now, will the options lapse before we are mining?

I seriously doubt Uran have even considered how they will raise any funds without a JORC resource...:confused:

I'll keep the patience for now, but every piece of information we get, raises more questions than answers, & the frustration is warranted!


Its possible that JORC will be completed THIS year, but unlikely, hence why Uran has mentioned JORC likely in 2009.

Lets not assume that JORC will be completed sometime in 2009 or thereafter.

25-08-2008, 10:27 PM

Its possible that JORC will be completed THIS year, but unlikely, hence why Uran has mentioned JORC likely in 2009.

Lets not assume that JORC will be completed sometime in 2009 or thereafter.

Sp3, that is like saying it may Rain next week, but its unlikely, but its likely to Rain in 2009.

What kind of Razzle dazzle is that.

I am back under the impression that Kate Hobbs has done us all over.

She is a CONN, She is FALSE, She is Leading us up the Garden Path.

And as I have said before, SHE is making her living or Career OUT OF UNCERTAINTY from projects that may or may not EVER come into Fruition.

Woman or not, if I ever set eyes on her I will do more than what ZED has ever done or promised.

I think I have had enough or I am at the end of my tether.

Previously I spoke of them using the word Shonky. Well SHONKY is too good for this MOB OF CORPORATE FREELOADERS.

Sue me Uran, but you wont get any thing because I have NOTHING thanks to you.

You better watch out, MARK MY WORDS~! bunch of LIARS and LOW LIFE Wannabe Human Beings~!

25-08-2008, 11:13 PM
Sp3, that is like saying it may Rain next week, but its unlikely, but its likely to Rain in 2009.

What kind of Razzle dazzle is that.

I am back under the impression that Kate Hobbs has done us all over.

She is a CONN, She is FALSE, She is Leading us up the Garden Path.

And as I have said before, SHE is making her living or Career OUT OF UNCERTAINTY from projects that may or may not EVER come into Fruition.

Woman or not, if I ever set eyes on her I will do more than what ZED has ever done or promised.

I think I have had enough or I am at the end of my tether.

Previously I spoke of them using the word Shonky. Well SHONKY is too good for this MOB OF CORPORATE FREELOADERS.

Sue me Uran, but you wont get any thing because I have NOTHING thanks to you.

You better watch out, MARK MY WORDS~! bunch of LIARS and LOW LIFE Wannabe Human Beings~!


Lets channel your "energy" into adding to the list of questions.

I'm interested to see what response some reasonable questions would get.

Pat Ryan did say they would take onboard shareholder comments relating to communication issues.

Let's allow them the right of reply & judge from there.

We know they have a timeline they are working to with VostGok.

Wouldn't hurt them to come out & say something like...

VostGok have handed over extensive data on 3 deposits;

1. This process should take 2 - 3 months to translate, document etc

2. Drilling will start "XXXX", & should take approx "X" months to complete.

3. We envisage within "X" months we will fly to Kiev, to discuss the FFS & release all data

4. We expect mining to commence "XXXX", with production envisaged during the "X" quarter ....

Not sure i've got this in the right order, but you get my point?

25-08-2008, 11:27 PM

Lets channel your "energy" into adding to my list of questions.

Let's allow them the right of reply & judge from there.

Yes Shasta, I guess so.

I read other stuff about how the company doesn't answer questions at all (CEO Kate H) and then reading about other Long term shareholders that get totally ripped off and sell off and then I am left feeling terrible.

I mean, I DO FEEL, very much so, very much more sensitive than your average Normal unhappy Healthy shareholder. My senses are on the edge and I am left feeling I dont know what to believe anymore.

Don't know if I would Trust Pat Ryan as far as I could throw him, but I would like to hear ALL Questions here answered.

1. This process should take 2 - 3 months to translate, document etc
2. Drilling will start "XXXX", & should take approx "X" months to complete.=
3. We envisage within "X" months we will fly to Kiev, to discuss the FFS & release all data
4. We expect mining to commence "XXXX", with production envisaged during the "X" quarter ....

Not sure i've got this is the right order, but you get my point?

I get your point here, and Yes I would like to hear those exact type of questions answered as I reckon anybody here would.

My problem is becoming or has always been that I DONT TRUST THIS MOB full stop.

And no matter what they say seems to NEVER come into fruition.

For only ONCE I would like to be proven wrong by this Company as I am sure everybody else would too.

25-08-2008, 11:54 PM
Wow, those unanswered questions from the past of Satori's and SP3's are still of today's. And some more excellent ones from Shasta.

The avoidance is utterly disgraceful. There is either an ego of a tyrant using our money or that tyrant is simply incredibly thick. I accept things might not be able to move forward but ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Where's the difficulty in that ? Of course it'll be painful for shareholders to have the replies forever negative but that's reality / life and I'll be in a position to make informed decisions.

With so many questions, where to start ? and they should all have been answered by now. They shouldn't be necessary if the Board was accountable to those who fill the trough for them.

I have some simple ones :

The home page proudly states that 'sovereign risk is researched thoroughly prior to entry into a country and is monitored carefully during activities there'.
Well, how about some regular postings of the 'monitorings'. Right now it is my understanding that the Ukrianian Prime Minister and the President are at each others throats yet again. What effect is that likely to have on business dealings for the remainder of this year ? (or no effect ?!?). Is the current Russian threat of significance toward business sentiment for the remainder of this year ? i.e. how about keeping us INFORMED or have you no FI ? - is 'sovereign risk' just a cut and paste from some other SHONKY (love that word drillfix) operators ?.

We have been told that data review was delayed but commencing in August. Well, now that August has arrived and nearly over, has data review commenced ? It's very simple : YES, or NO (if NO....inform us why.....or I'll LOSE IT).

In mid-July, KH stated that a local office will be set up in Eastern Ukraine very soon. Well, plain English would have me believe that 'very soon' is upon us. Certainly can't see 'very soon' extending beyond September. So, selecting the decor for the office now KH ?

A further visit to Kazakstan was planned in September. That trip must have been booked by now. So, what day are you flying out there ? What prospects are you looking over ?

I won't be going to Perth but appreciate and thanks in advance to those who will go. Wonder if KH will turn up ? Ha, maybe MK will stand in and spin a yarn of riches. What a bulldust bottom feeder that ugly mutt is. A white collar crim able to avoid capture during heady times of credit but.....my blood is boiling. Have to stop now, calm down and have a pleasant evening.

26-08-2008, 01:01 AM
Wow, those unanswered questions from the past of Satori's and SP3's are still of today's. And some more excellent ones from Shasta.

The avoidance is utterly disgraceful. There is either an ego of a tyrant using our money or that tyrant is simply incredibly thick. I accept things might not be able to move forward but ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Where's the difficulty in that ? Of course it'll be painful for shareholders to have the replies forever negative but that's reality / life and I'll be in a position to make informed decisions.

With so many questions, where to start ? and they should all have been answered by now. They shouldn't be necessary if the Board was accountable to those who fill the trough for them.

I have some simple ones :

The home page proudly states that 'sovereign risk is researched thoroughly prior to entry into a country and is monitored carefully during activities there'.
Well, how about some regular postings of the 'monitorings'. Right now it is my understanding that the Ukrianian Prime Minister and the President are at each others throats yet again. What effect is that likely to have on business dealings for the remainder of this year ? (or no effect ?!?). Is the current Russian threat of significance toward business sentiment for the remainder of this year ? i.e. how about keeping us INFORMED or have you no FI ? - is 'sovereign risk' just a cut and paste from some other SHONKY (love that word drillfix) operators ?.

We have been told that data review was delayed but commencing in August. Well, now that August has arrived and nearly over, has data review commenced ? It's very simple : YES, or NO (if NO....inform us why.....or I'll LOSE IT).

In mid-July, KH stated that a local office will be set up in Eastern Ukraine very soon. Well, plain English would have me believe that 'very soon' is upon us. Certainly can't see 'very soon' extending beyond September. So, selecting the decor for the office now KH ?

A further visit to Kazakstan was planned in September. That trip must have been booked by now. So, what day are you flying out there ? What prospects are you looking over ?

I won't be going to Perth but appreciate and thanks in advance to those who will go. Wonder if KH will turn up ? Ha, maybe MK will stand in and spin a yarn of riches. What a bulldust bottom feeder that ugly mutt is. A white collar crim able to avoid capture during heady times of credit but.....my blood is boiling. Have to stop now, calm down and have a pleasant evening.


I like your questions, however, imo these dont warrant an ASX announcement.

I believe, in order for URA to regain credibility they will need to only announce 'big ticket' announcements such as "data review has been completed etc"...JV agreement has been signed etc".

26-08-2008, 01:18 AM
Hi Archbald,

I understand and I dont blame you at all. But I dont hope that this drags out as it is or that they go broke.

Good luck with your other stocks mate, hope you get back any losses you have incurred with Uran. I wish I could have done what both you and Ozelectro have done but these levels its hardly worth it.

All the best~!

thanks, df

I hope it works out for ya. You sound like a decent bloke that could do with a break and, unfortunately, is being sorely tested.


26-08-2008, 12:53 PM

I like your questions, however, imo these dont warrant an ASX announcement.

I believe, in order for URA to regain credibility they will need to only announce 'big ticket' announcements such as "data review has been completed etc"...JV agreement has been signed etc".

SP3, agree with the sentiment of a 'big ticket' ann. However, I want to see the company paying attention to the small stuff too. I don't know what's really going on behind the scenes (we assume week after week that a big ann is getting close) but attention to detail makes everyone more proactive. My questions are minor but should be answered dealt with on the Uran website. Almost falls under 'character counts'.

Once the first big deal is signed off let's hope that does lead to better communication though I fear Uran's culture is such that it won't change (?).

26-08-2008, 02:28 PM
Almost falls under 'character counts'.

Once the first big deal is signed off let's hope that does lead to better communication though I fear Uran's culture is such that it won't change (?).

Furii, I would say in not so many words you have nailed it ('character counts')

With regards to change well I tend to feel that "once a Hobbs, always a Hobbs" will still apply.

Its like a Scam, the longer the story plays out the more they get from it while it lasts.

So personally, I am left feeling like "Management Do Not Care" and why would they? as they are getting paid and given a lifestyle even while there is NO DEAL, or so it feels. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

These guys couldn't care less about shareholders and I just hope there is such a BIG BANG (ticket) theory to give some salvation to holders who bought in at a dollar + or thereabouts.

I know how I am Voting Regardless for the AGM.
(AGAINST Everything just to send a clear signal).

26-08-2008, 07:35 PM
SP3, agree with the sentiment of a 'big ticket' ann. However, I want to see the company paying attention to the small stuff too. I don't know what's really going on behind the scenes (we assume week after week that a big ann is getting close) but attention to detail makes everyone more proactive. My questions are minor but should be answered dealt with on the Uran website. Almost falls under 'character counts'.

Once the first big deal is signed off let's hope that does lead to better communication though I fear Uran's culture is such that it won't change (?).


I understand that it would be ideal to receive regular updates but I dont think updates per se would change our sentiment and consequently influence the share price.

There are dozens of examples where regular updates have made no difference.

As I said before we need real announcements...announcements that will have a major impact. Im sure when such announcements are finally released the sentiment will shift dramatically.

I anticipate that we will eventually be rewarded...hopefully before 2009.

26-08-2008, 08:39 PM
Geez fellas.
Talk about your broken record. Why dont one of you large stake shareholders give the woman (Kate) a call. Scream at the receptionist. Pay them a visit and jump up and down or something.
Ive been to enough shareholder meetings to know that its unlikely your questions will get asked there and even less likely they will be answered.

Seems to me you either get in her face or just ride it out and hope / pray for the best.

26-08-2008, 09:05 PM
Geez fellas.
Talk about your broken record. Why dont one of you large stake shareholders give the woman (Kate) a call. Scream at the receptionist. Pay them a visit and jump up and down or something.
Ive been to enough shareholder meetings to know that its unlikely your questions will get asked there and even less likely they will be answered.

Seems to me you either get in her face or just ride it out and hope / pray for the best.

http://www.xs4all.nl/~ernstmul/images/yahoo/51.gif I'll take the latter

26-08-2008, 10:07 PM
Hi Satori,
Days getting longer and some sunshine to boot. We have had a record wet winter this year and everything is wet not just behind my ears.

Everything you point out in your last post is bang on but after 2 years of it I cant see this leopard changing its spots. A rabbit from the proverbial hat is the best we can hope for I think

26-08-2008, 10:23 PM
http://www.xs4all.nl/~ernstmul/images/yahoo/51.gif I'll take the latter

This is what I am GOING TO DO if we see the movie "Silence of The Hobbs "


26-08-2008, 10:33 PM
This is what I am GOING TO DO if we see the movie "Silence of The Hobbs "

http://atypically.net/smilies/machinegun.gifLOL drillfix but how do you silence the silent:p

26-08-2008, 10:41 PM
LOL drillfix but how do you silence the silent:p

You get a machine gun and make them Tap Dance while ask them Non Complex questions :rolleyes:

But then, isnt that what the problem here is, Even simple Questions go unanswered.

I have only one question for Kate Hobbs, If for one second she believes that she can openly do what MK has done to Monarch Gold then she better question how much she values her life, IMO~!

26-08-2008, 10:50 PM
You get a machine gun and make them Tap Dance while ask them Non Complex questions :rolleyes:

But then, isnt that what the problem here is, Even simple Questions go unanswered.

I have only one question for Kate Hobbs, If for one second she believes that she can openly do what MK has done to Monarch Gold then she better question how much she values her life, IMO~!

This what you had in mind? http://www.xs4all.nl/~ernstmul/images/yahoo/56.gif

Maybe seeing Yulia as a non blonde will sooth you :D

Huang Chung
26-08-2008, 11:25 PM

Shasta....Yulia kinda looks like Julia Roberts in that pic.

26-08-2008, 11:48 PM
You get a machine gun and make them Tap Dance while ask them Non Complex questions :rolleyes:

But then, isnt that what the problem here is, Even simple Questions go unanswered.

I have only one question for Kate Hobbs, If for one second she believes that she can openly do what MK has done to Monarch Gold then she better question how much she values her life, IMO~!A bit drastic I reckon:D

One things for sure if you did that tomorrow the news from her over the next year still wouldnt be any less than the news from her over the last year:rolleyes:

27-08-2008, 03:44 PM

Shasta....Yulia kinda looks like Julia Roberts in that pic.

Never preferred blondes myself...:p

What happened to compiling a list of questions folks?

We have a chance to put across some genuine questions & concerns here & it seems we are going to let another chance "slide".

I can't make the AGM, but am happy to add to the list i posted & email it to whoever can attend.

I'd like to think we could do this in a professional way, so Kate/Pat knows what we are asking in advance, & perhaps they could learn from us!

27-08-2008, 03:53 PM
Don't we have a couple of top 10 shareholders posting on the forums? Surely forming some sort of 'group' stating the combined holdings of the 'group' and putting questions, etc, through someone on behalf of the 'group' would be a good idea, no? Well, a good idea in that it might get answers from someone, rather than them just brushing emails, etc off.

27-08-2008, 04:10 PM
Don't we have a couple of top 10 shareholders posting on the forums? Surely forming some sort of 'group' stating the combined holdings of the 'group' and putting questions, etc, through someone on behalf of the 'group' would be a good idea, no? Well, a good idea in that it might get answers from someone, rather than them just brushing emails, etc off.

I meant once compiled we can approach Uran with the list & give them every chance to answer "there shareholders" before the meeting.

Failure to do so adequately, & they will know they will get them again at the AGM & in front of Non Executive Directors...

Kate won't want to look bad in front of the Board :rolleyes:

Remember of course Pat Ryan did say Uran had taken onboard the comments & would answer emails/questions etc

27-08-2008, 04:24 PM
To put a few minds at rest. Things are still progressing towards these ISLs becoming a reality. The things they are doing in the Ukraine would'nt be done by a company which was not serious about doing the actual mining.

27-08-2008, 04:36 PM
To put a few minds at rest. Things are still progressing towards these ISLs becoming a reality. The things they are doing in the Ukraine would'nt be done by a company which was not serious about doing the actual mining.

Thanks for your post Dave, I dont know if it puts my mind to rest with everything about this company, but to get some further signs or information from Uran itself or from the Ukrainian Gov it would be even more appreciated.

A good sign is to see that Georgia and Russia have worked things out, but not that it would have affected us too much anyways, but a positive nonetheless.

Anyways, its good to see some confidence among the likes of poor, sad ole me :rolleyes:

27-08-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks for your post Dave, I dont know if it puts my mind to rest with everything about this company, but to get some further signs or information from Uran itself or from the Ukrainian Gov it would be even more appreciated.

A good sign is to see that Georgia and Russia have worked things out, but not that it would have affected us too much anyways, but a positive nonetheless.

Anyways, its good to see some confidence among the likes of poor, sad ole me :rolleyes:

G'day Drill, did you check your PMs?

27-08-2008, 04:47 PM
G'day Drill, did you check your PMs?

Yup thanks, however there is only one from Juqu which I since have replied to.

Did you send one to or was that the one you were referring to?

27-08-2008, 05:50 PM
Sent you one yesterday. Did you get that one?

27-08-2008, 06:16 PM
Dave, sorry mate, I just looked again and there is no PM from you there.

I will PM you with my email address just in case.

ps: sorry for the delay, had to pop out for a little while~!

27-08-2008, 10:03 PM
Hi Folks

Regarding questions for the AGM its clear last years questions are mostly still valid. A concern.
The disappearance of Pribram is a concern since last year.
The falling shareprice is now much more serious.
The fact management continue to ignore shareholder concern/feedback is a major concern.

The company is already aware of the questions and the issues that most of us have. They have received them dozens, if not hundreds of times.

Clearly they do not take any of this feedback 'seriously' or 'respectfully'

When is the AGM?

I am unsure if I will be attending, as like many on this site I too am far away from Perth and closer to NZ like Shasta :)

I am unclear as to any effect I, or others here may have as the last several meetings have seemed to be a 'relatively' easy ride for a fast talking no substance Management Team and Board.


If Pribram was a profitable project do you think Uran would have dumped it?

If Uran went ahead with Pribram most likely they would have gone broke by now.

Obviously, Pribram wont go ahead nor do I expect Uran to update us on Pribram...what's the point?

27-08-2008, 10:44 PM

Pribram was enetered into by Uran 'with their eyes open' They decided to trial mine it, they said results were 'enouraging' they said it was 'already' a profitable project with the gravel business alone.
So I disagree with you on that.

Whats the point you say?
You know what the point is. Its about communicating to your shareholder base. Its OUR money from the SPP that paid for it!!!!
Any announced projects, particularly ones trial mined, and talked up as production in 2008 need further clarification. That is a given.
I dont think ANYONE here would suggest that there shouldnt be a 'please explain' on Pribram.

Incidentally Uran let down not only its shareholders, but i'd suggest the locals they tried to 'pay off' to get into Brzkov.
If Pribram development is linked in any way to Brzkov then ethically the whole approach to Pribram is questionable...to the Czech communities and to the shareholder base.

This is a VERY serious issue imo.


I dissagree.

Uran never said that the uranium component of Pribram was profitable. Uran actually said around this time last year that a review would be completed by October 2007 to ascertain if mining the waste dumps was feasible.

Also, Brzkov and Pribram are unrelated.

27-08-2008, 11:26 PM
I thought Pribram was more of a PR exercise to try and get their foot in the door in the Czech Republic and to improve their chances of being successful in their other applications inside Czech?

27-08-2008, 11:31 PM

Its great that over 18 months despite our investment here we can still agree to disagree with respect :)


This is only a guess but I assume once Uran nails a project in Ukraine they will probably announce that Pribram is not going to go ahead.

But who knows!!!!!!

28-08-2008, 12:11 AM
I thought Pribram was more of a PR exercise to try and get their foot in the door in the Czech Republic and to improve their chances of being successful in their other applications inside Czech?

Hi Oz, and good to see you still here with an active interest.

With regards to your post, thats Exactly what I thought too, or is the impression that I have been under.

However, what I feel the strong point here made by Satori is that there still is NO COMMUNICATION from management on this (or any other) front whatsoever, so thus that itself is and has always been the/a problem/concern, whatever.

28-08-2008, 12:17 AM
To put a few minds at rest. Things are still progressing towards these ISLs becoming a reality. The things they are doing in the Ukraine would'nt be done by a company which was not serious about doing the actual mining.Thanks Dave, That is reassuring coming from you.

Would you be prepared to go out on a limb in terms of time frame? Best guess even. I know you are not involved directly and this is URA we are talking about. :D

28-08-2008, 02:15 AM
Thanks Dave, That is reassuring coming from you.

Would you be prepared to go out on a limb in terms of time frame? Best guess even. I know you are not involved directly and this is URA we are talking about. :D


As a guess...

review process - 1 month

execution agreement - October

feasibility study commencement - October

feasibility study completion - March 09

JORC - May 09

Major capital raising - June 09

Development/Mining - Nov 09

Note: These predictions relate solely on the 2-3 small Ukraine deposits.

In the meantine anything could happen in Czech, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, US, other Ukraine projects.

ps. The options will clearly be in the money come May 09.

28-08-2008, 12:37 PM
good discussion here guys. Have been reading in the background.

I hope you are right for the options SP 3 because there is someone dumping and I have been picking some up. In for a penny in for a pound.

28-08-2008, 03:29 PM

Has anyone got access to the complete article from the link above?

28-08-2008, 03:32 PM

Has anyone got access to the complete article from the link above?

Forget that guys.................it's last years.

28-08-2008, 03:42 PM
If someone here wants out of the oppies at 2c, put them all on market and I will buy them. :):)

I not paying 2.5c, you greedy @#%^&*.


Ps I have to go out soon, so decide.:cool:

28-08-2008, 03:52 PM
In for a penny in for a pound.

Hi GS,

Great to see you and jumping into discussion :)

Yes the options are a give away really as true is the penny/pound theory, but then, IF they will be in the Money next year (or even by next year) this will be one of the biggest questions some of here will have to deal with.

Meaning, it will either will be complete success or spell complete disaster with nothing left in between. ;)

28-08-2008, 03:57 PM
If someone here wants out of the oppies at 2c, put them all on market and I will buy them. :):)

I not paying 2.5c, you greedy @#%^&*.


Cotik, LOL

I see your nibbling away and the Greedy @#%^&*er's end up coming to meet your bid. :P

28-08-2008, 05:53 PM
Looks like whoever it is dumping appears to have an Endless Supply of these options, or so it seems~!

28-08-2008, 09:44 PM
Seems our Aristocrat management team projected unrealistic profit figures.....

Hmmmm, projecting 'unrealistic' developments seems to ring a bell here...

a massive backflip of "JORC 'likely' 2009"

that promotion encouraged many of us to look 'away from' other companies and look to Uran with the 'promise' of their strategy.

Yes Satori, indeed they (uran) did.

Only if we knew back then what we know now, sheeez, could have saved a lot of doe and a heap of stress.

I fully agree with that the JORC 2009 'likely' statement doesnt cut it.

It needs to have more leadership and confidence. We need to see JORC Gauranteed in Q1 2009, Q2 Latest.

But with all market investment, there are no Guarantee's as you know.

I think a new movie "Dances with Hobbs" should portrait a BIG batch of options being in the money for Starters, not LATER's :rolleyes:

apart from that, yes Aristocrat shareholders getting a win, which is wonderful to see, but did you take note who exactly where the solicitors? Maybe worth noting just in case~!

28-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Yes Satori, indeed they (uran) did.

Only if we knew back then what we know now, sheeez, could have saved a lot of doe and a heap of stress.

I fully agree with that the JORC 2009 'likely' statement doesnt cut it.

It needs to have more leadership and confidence. We need to see JORC Gauranteed in Q1 2009, Q2 Latest.

But with all market investment, there are no Guarantee's as you know.

I think a new movie "Dances with Hobbs" should portrait a BIG batch of options being in the money for Starters, not LATER's :rolleyes:

apart from that, yes Aristocrat shareholders getting a win, which is wonderful to see, but did you take note who exactly where the solicitors? Maybe worth noting just in case~!

Q2 2009 wouldn't look good for those misguided shareholders holding options though :confused:

28-08-2008, 10:42 PM
JORC - May 09

ps. The options will clearly be in the money come May 09.

Q2 2009 wouldn't look good for those misguided shareholders holding options though :confused:

Yes well thats getting a bit too close for words Shasta.

What to do, or what can we do, sell out and take peanuts or wait and hope. Its not much of a choice really isn't it.

28-08-2008, 10:55 PM
Yes well thats getting a bit too close for words Shasta.

What to do, or what can we do, sell out and take peanuts or wait and hope. Its not much of a choice really isn't it.

I would be very surprised if the SP is still in the teens pre release of JORC results. For starters by then the Discovery option would have been exercised.

28-08-2008, 11:25 PM
I would be very surprised if the SP is still in the teens pre release of JORC results. For starters by then the Discovery option would have been exercised.

The share price of the options or shares?

Sp3, by the time there is a JORC according to you the options would have lapsed.

And if the case turns out the sp is 20 cents of the FPO who actually wants to convert their options when some folk have spent $1.00 - or + already.

Its a very close call, with very little choice, with No Assertive assurance coming from some very Uninformative people. Hence why I said, not much of a choice really .

And Sp3, although its nice of you to post your guesstimate about how things could unfold, by the time it gets to their, the shareprice of the heads could fall to 3 - 5 cents on no information. There are no guarantee's in life and its a shame really, just a total shame from this company.

The other thing is, What happens if the TIME FRAME goal posts move again from the company??

29-08-2008, 12:03 AM

The share price 'isnt' in the teens at the moment ;)

Just like the options and the dramatic selldown there, we are 1 maybe 2 decent sellers away from a melt down with the FPO's.

Correct Satori, 12 cents.

Just imagine (actually dont) 50,000 x 12 cents is $6000 plus brokerage.
The same stock would have cost you over $50,000 not so long ago. :rolleyes:

If we are talking here about next year from some type of salvation then it's obvious Satori its not a case of if the FPO's do a meltdown, its When. But to how far will they go? Lets ask the devil himself, perhaps we can start doing deals at the crossroads for converting options or something. :eek:

Personally for me, I don't think I'm gonna make it till then only to potentially find that the goal posts have moved again, or don't actually really exist.~!

29-08-2008, 12:32 AM
Correct Satori, 12 cents.

Just imagine (actually dont) 50,000 x 12 cents is $6000 plus brokerage.
The same stock would have cost you over $50,000 not so long ago. :rolleyes:

If we are talking here about next year from some type of salvation then it's obvious Satori its not a case of if the FPO's do a meltdown, its When. But to how far will they go? Lets ask the devil himself, perhaps we can start doing deals at the crossroads for converting options or something. :eek:

Personally for me, I don't think I'm gonna make it till then only to potentially find that the goal posts have moved again, or don't actually really exist.~!


As I 've said previously.

We need the overall market and the U sector/U spot price to recover before Uran makes a significant announcement.

If it happens in reverse, then I doubt the share price will improve.

29-08-2008, 02:31 AM

We need the overall market and the U sector/U spot price to recover before Uran makes a significant announcement.

If it happens in reverse, then I doubt the share price will improve.

I dont disagree with that theory SP3, but still think it would be far better for option holders if a significant announcement came first. Particulary if it was one that guaranteed future production and a good percentage of the profits.
This would cement the fundamentals, and we would all feel a lot better about exercising our options.
If the fundamentals are sound, we know all we have to do is wait for market and Uranium sentiment to turn. A whole lot less stressful if the JV is in the bag with tonnages and grades made public.

29-08-2008, 02:40 AM
Well, I can agree with both of you and any which way providing the option holders dont get shafted.

Did anybody here tonight that the Beverly Mine in SA got Approved for a requested Expansion.

Who years ago would have thought Peter Garrot singing away against U mines now Approving them...lol :rolleyes:

I guess that will add a bit a Favour to Aussie U sentiment (perhaps?) or it may give some of the Aussie U hopefuls a little faith which may give the sector a little push, dont ya think anyone?

So much for our exposure to getting things done fast over sea's as we need both the Sector and something Exciting to spark us up here~!

29-08-2008, 03:16 AM

Hopefully the tide is turning.

Check out these articles. Hot off the press.

This is the first piece of news re uranium from Ukraine for many months.

No mention of Uran...but at least these articles tell us that uranium is now very high on their agenda.

[28.08.2008 17:05]

Government intends to finance intensively nuclear power engineering

The Government will provide intensive financing of the nuclear-power complex, according to the President`s press-office.

This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko during her working visit to the Kirovohrad region.

“To build the nuclear-power complex till 2015 we need, undoubtedly, powerful financing”. Yulia Tymoshenko noted that such financing would be implemented at the cost of direct budget expenses and administration of public guarantees.

The Premier noted that in amendments to the 2008 State Budget the Government had already envisaged 300 million UAH for drafting a program on the nuclear-power complex. According to Yulia Tymoshenko, for the upcoming year it is intended to allocate for these needs public guarantees to the sum of 1 billion UAH.

The Head of Government underscored that both domestic and foreign banks would provide financing. “Any banks can do it which has agreed to give such credits against public guarantees of Ukraine”.

permanent URL of article:

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Tymoshenko arrived on working trip to Kirovohrad region

Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has arrived on one-day working trip to the Kirovohrad region, according to the government’s press-office.

During her trip Yulia Tymoshenko will get acquainted with work of an enterprise under construction on the basis of the Novokostiantynivsk uranium-ore deposits in the village of Oleksiivka of the Malovyskivskyi district.

She is also due to participate in a solemn extraction ceremony of the first tub of uranium ore and congratulate miners of this enterprise on Miner’s Day.

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[28.08.2008 12:46]

Uranium ore extraction a step toward energy independence - Tymoshenko

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko is confident that nuclear power for Ukraine is a strategic sphere, according to the government’s press-office.

This was disclosed by the PM at the daughter enterprise “Enterprise management which is under construction on the basis of the Novokostiantynivsk uranium-ore deposits” where the first tub of uranium ore had been extracted today.

Yulia Tymoshenko informed that today’s opening of the uranium ore extraction is the beginning of building our own nuclear-fuel cycle of the country. “This will guarantee energy independence of the state,” the Prime Minister noted.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko is sure that due to this extraction Ukraine can satisfy a need for uranium by 100% instead of the present 30%.

This, according to the Head of Government, will provide the country with energy for many centuries.

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29-08-2008, 03:50 AM
Well, yes some good articles there Sp3. But as you say not exactly to do with Uran but sentiment wise it is in the right direction.

In many ways the best time to buy a stock is when people think it is cr@p and it is battered and bruised so picking up stock cheaply while prices are low and flogged is probably the correct thing to do, but that will only be complimented by the sector getting a boost which everybody can agree that is badly needed.

Tell me this though, why is it that Uran gets another project or asked like that of the Czechs (rozna) but this time the Ukrainians asked Uran to submit a conglomerate or something and then the Gov appeal it or them doing it.

Are they being setup all the time to take a Fall or something, it seems that way.

I mean, Uran never approached the czechs and then got knocked back because of a lowball offer previously, and now the Ukrainians after getting them to do a proposel then appeal something they originally asked uran to do. What is the deal there and when will that be resolved? will we ever hear from them or about that again?? Very strange stuff, IMO~!

29-08-2008, 04:24 AM
Well, yes some good articles there Sp3. But as you say not exactly to do with Uran but sentiment wise it is in the right direction.

In many ways the best time to buy a stock is when people think it is cr@p and it is battered and bruised so picking up stock cheaply while prices are low and flogged is probably the correct thing to do, but that will only be complimented by the sector getting a boost which everybody can agree that is badly needed.

Tell me this though, why is it that Uran gets another project or asked like that of the Czechs (rozna) but this time the Ukrainians asked Uran to submit a conglomerate or something and then the Gov appeal it or them doing it.

Are they being setup all the time to take a Fall or something, it seems that way.

I mean, Uran never approached the czechs and then got knocked back because of a lowball offer previously, and now the Ukrainians after getting them to do a proposel then appeal something they originally asked uran to do. What is the deal there and when will that be resolved? will we ever hear from them or about that again?? Very strange stuff, IMO~!


There is no evidence to suggest that Uran has made a formal proposal re Novok. Its possible the jurno misinterpreted Uran's announcement and then made assumptions.

29-08-2008, 06:43 AM
Guys, this is one of the most active threads on ST. Yet i've been reading the post for nearly 9 months and it seems to be the biggest dog of a company.

Is this a major investment for your guys or just a play? Either way what % paper loss are you sitting on? Surely none of you bought in and are still holding from the $1.6 glory days

29-08-2008, 08:48 AM
I am sure this has got Kate's interest:


JV or Cherry picking may be.

29-08-2008, 08:51 AM

As a guess...

review process - 1 month

execution agreement - October

feasibility study commencement - October

feasibility study completion - March 09

JORC - May 09

Major capital raising - June 09

Development/Mining - Nov 09

Note: These predictions relate solely on the 2-3 small Ukraine deposits.

In the meantine anything could happen in Czech, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, US, other Ukraine projects.

ps. The options will clearly be in the money come May 09.Thanks for that SP3

29-08-2008, 02:31 PM

It looks like Uran's share price decline is on par with everyone else's shareprice decline.

29-08-2008, 03:29 PM
read it, good overview and pricing expected to recover and increasing M&A expected

...funny thing is URA is not even on the list

Uran would only appear at present on a US based Tungsten explorer list.

Sorry i couldn't resist :D

29-08-2008, 04:16 PM
Tell me this though, why is it that Uran gets another project or asked like that of the Czechs (rozna) but this time the Ukrainians asked Uran to submit a conglomerate or something and then the Gov appeal it or them doing it.

Are they being setup all the time to take a Fall or something, it seems that way.

I mean, Uran never approached the czechs and then got knocked back because of a lowball offer previously, and now the Ukrainians after getting them to do a proposel then appeal something they originally asked uran to do. What is the deal there and when will that be resolved? will we ever hear from them or about that again?? Very strange stuff, IMO~!

Drilly, from what I've read there seems to be a common school of thought from Ukrainian journos that Uran is being used purely as a pawn in dealings with the Russians, ie TVEL. The theory appears to be that if the Ukrainians can show they have other options besides Tvel to assist them with their mining, then perhaps the Russians wont play such hard ball, when talking both mining and the enrichment process.

I cant see this being the case, given that the data has been handed over for the three smallish deposits. Perhaps it relates to Novok.

29-08-2008, 04:50 PM
I am sure this has got Kate's interest:


JV or Cherry picking may be.

RIO must be pinching themselves: they just sold a shyte load of now worthless dirt for roughly $500million. Talk about in the nick of time. I wonder if they knew what was coming as they seem to have a strangle hold on the WA Gov what with the Cazaly/Shovelanna affair ;)

29-08-2008, 08:45 PM
Another month slips past and no doubt Xmas jingles upon us:eek:

Like others on this thread, was pleased to hear from Dave1968 ('...things are still progressing...'). Sadly, it is such notes which are the straws I cling to now. Better that I could hear such messages from the company (but of course that's being naieve).

I think it was Satori who described the present view of URA as trust lost. For the past week it's been possible to pick up shares at bargin prices but there are only nibbles - very few have faith. Certainly what faith I have remaining only comes from fellow holders presenting their research on this thread ; good to hear that Yulia Tymoshenko has just completed a one day trip to some U area / mine so we know that U looms large in her mind (this news thanks to fellow holders).

Happy to see SP3 make a timeline estimate (and it would back up Dave's visit to this thread) : this October an execution agreement and feasibility study commencement and on through to development / mining in November 09. Sounds reasonable to me but I'm braced to be disappointed if October comes and goes....

I continue to hold to see if David can slay Goliath and give me a return. To be realistic, if there is no good news ann. from URA between now and Xmas there's going to be further falls - occasionally people do have to sell for all sorts of unexpected reasons let alone to simply try their luck with a company that is making quantifiable progress.

For all the angst over KH there are forces at work over which URA has no control e.g. sovereign risk:rolleyes:. Anyhow, chin up and keep a smile at least through October. November and nothing ?...won't go there right now.

Cheers all, Furii.

29-08-2008, 08:54 PM
Another month slips past and no doubt Xmas jingles upon us:eek:

Like others on this thread, was pleased to hear from Dave1968 ('...things are still progressing...'). Sadly, it is such notes which are the straws I cling to now. Better that I could hear such messages from the company (but of course that's being naieve).

I think it was Satori who described the present view of URA as trust lost. For the past week it's been possible to pick up shares at bargin prices but there are only nibbles - very few have faith. Certainly what faith I have remaining only comes from fellow holders presenting their research on this thread ; good to hear that Yulia Tymoshenko has just completed a one day trip to some U area / mine so we know that U looms large in her mind (this news thanks to fellow holders).

Happy to see SP3 make a timeline estimate (and it would back up Dave's visit to this thread) : this October an execution agreement and feasibility study commencement and on through to development / mining in November 09. Sounds reasonable to me but I'm braced to be disappointed if October comes and goes....

I continue to hold to see if David can slay Goliath and give me a return. To be realistic, if there is no good news ann. from URA between now and Xmas there's going to be further falls - occasionally people do have to sell for all sorts of unexpected reasons let alone to simply try their luck with a company that is making quantifiable progress.

For all the angst over KH there are forces at work over which URA has no control e.g. sovereign risk:rolleyes:. Anyhow, chin up and keep a smile at least through October. November and nothing ?...won't go there right now.

Cheers all, Furii.


Your last paragraph made me laugh, Uran has "supposedly" mitigated the sovereign risk with there choice of countries (as per there website) & closely monitor it?

So, if we are to believe them, there really isn't much risk? :eek:

BTW - I've copied my questions from a few pages back onto a word document.

If we can keep going with these i'll add them to the list, & am happy to draft up a proper list for someone to take to the AGM, or to submit to Kate Hobbs in advance.

29-08-2008, 09:27 PM

Your last paragraph made me laugh, Uran has "supposedly" mitigated the sovereign risk with there choice of countries (as per there website) & closely monitor it?

So, if we are to believe them, there really isn't much risk? :eek:

BTW - I've copied my questions from a few pages back onto a word document.

If we can keep going with these i'll add them to the list, & am happy to draft up a proper list for someone to take to the AGM, or to submit to Kate Hobbs in advance.

I understand that Uran has now received the data and has commenced the review process. However I dont think this warrants an ASX announcement. Should they decide to carry out further work (ie minor drilling) then I am sure Uran will put out an announcement. This is all part of the DD...which will form part of the FS.

If all goes to plan its possible that the JV could be finalised before the AGM.

29-08-2008, 10:35 PM
I've noticed kate has put her holiday shots of czech on the website..

They have even a shot of pribam :confused:

29-08-2008, 11:13 PM
I've noticed kate has put her holiday shots of czech on the website..

They have even a shot of pribam :confused:

Makes you wonder why?

Perhaps they could explain the reasons why they do these things to us one day! :eek:

30-08-2008, 12:44 AM
I cant see this being the case, given that the data has been handed over for the three smallish deposits. Perhaps it relates to Novok.

Thanks the response Juqu, and I guess due to the fact that data is handed over then surely it is going to be put to purpose.

For all the angst over KH there are forces at work over which URA has no control e.g. sovereign risk:rolleyes:. Anyhow, chin up and keep a smile at least through October. November and nothing ?...won't go there right now.

Furii, I agree, the silent treatment from management will only result in signs of disappointment regardless of how much one believes.

I honestly think management should be at least verbally expression a genuine concern for the state of the Sector, and at least give words or show confidence to shareholders that Everything is going to be Ok in perhaps the longer term and they should personally that They/We are on Track. Again, offer holders some confidence IMO~!

If all goes to plan its possible that the JV could be finalised before the AGM.

Sounds good Sp3, but sometimes I am still trying to work out exactly "what that so called plan" is if there is any way it can be implemented without delay, excuses or alterations with distractions put in its place. But if there is one and it does unfold or come our way then Great as we need something like that to get a shot in the arm.

Makes you wonder why?
Perhaps they could explain the reasons why they do these things to us one day! :eek:

Not sure why Kate bother with such pictures as it makes the company seen as unfocused IMO. How about some of the actual FACTS of what is potentially going to happen with this companies mission statement Kate, and then some pictures which reflect that accordingly, IMO (again).

Well thats my Friday night rap, here is hoping that the U sector picks up and information can flow a bit more favourably n our direction and sentiment~!

30-08-2008, 01:15 AM
Nice pick-up ScrappyO. This is one hell of a ride. Seems nonsensical but if a picture is worth a thousand words KH has announced that she has nailed down a handful of Czech mines (plus the Vltava River :)). The shot of Pribam looks a pretty significant hill (though I remain suspicious that it might be an angled snap of the Sturt Stony Desert). And how about the chap - he's smuggling some of those rocks out under his shirt. As for the Jackymov Mine photo, the content of that drum wouldn't be rather hot would it :eek:or is it just a sideline business of spring water for export ?

I understand that Uran has now received the data and has commenced the review process. However I dont think this warrants an ASX announcement. Should they decide to carry out further work (ie minor drilling) then I am sure Uran will put out an announcement. This is all part of the DD...which will form part of the FS.

If all goes to plan its possible that the JV could be finalised before the AGM.

Thanks SP3. The announcements about receiving data / translation / drilling work have been what we want - it's just that even they have been subject to continual shifting of the goal posts. Together with silence, it's truly nerve wracking.

Still, with the past few weeks of down and out for the whole market, October would be a good place to start. But on past record such thoughts have been knocked out me. What will be will be.

Perhaps they could explain the reasons why they do these things to us one day! ...too painful, just pictures and show me the money will do me :):D

30-08-2008, 01:22 AM
Thanks the response Juqu, and I guess due to the fact that data is handed over then surely it is going to be put to purpose.

Furii, I agree, the silent treatment from management will only result in signs of disappointment regardless of how much one believes.

I honestly think management should be at least verbally expression a genuine concern for the state of the Sector, and at least give words or show confidence to shareholders that Everything is going to be Ok in perhaps the longer term and they should personally that They/We are on Track. Again, offer holders some confidence IMO~!

Sounds good Sp3, but sometimes I am still trying to work out exactly "what that so called plan" is if there is any way it can be implemented without delay, excuses or alterations with distractions put in its place. But if there is one and it does unfold or come our way then Great as we need something like that to get a shot in the arm.

Not sure why Kate bother with such pictures as it makes the company seen as unfocused IMO. How about some of the actual FACTS of what is potentially going to happen with this companies mission statement Kate, and then some pictures which reflect that accordingly, IMO (again).

Well thats my Friday night rap, here is hoping that the U sector picks up and information can flow a bit more favourably n our direction and sentiment~!

Good wrap up drillfix.

According to the last 3 quarterly's, Uran has been planning for the implementation of the protocol, but all along they have stated that the details are confidential.

Do we know why?

A cynic would argue that Uran has probably made no progress-hence why nothing has been announced to date.

An optimist would argue that Uran has made substantial progress but will only announce the details when the time is right.

So who should we believe?

The great man from Nido (Dave Whitby) once told me if you have faith in the company, then trust your instinct.

I personally have lots of faith that Kate will eventually deliver.

Hope you do too!

30-08-2008, 02:50 AM
...too painful, just pictures and show me the money will do me :):D

Furii, the saying a Picture can say a thousand words, but in Uran's case its a picture can present a thousand questions...lol

I know those pics are content for their website and it gives it ummmm well, Content, and exactly only that.

With so much not being said and appearing to leave huge gaps between information, I would have thought Uran would have hired a professional to not only create correct colour scheme for their site that matches their Branding, BUT another person who can WORD or PHRASE the current status and how it matches the companies objectives in Lay mans terms which is both easy to Understand and Interesting/Convincing at the same time. But they have not.

In fact as I once previously mentioned, if you google Uran Limited the first thing you read below the Link to the homepage is this:

Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system

To me, it shows me Laziness, or Fear of Asking How to change it or pay somebody. Sheez, I will gladly do it for them FREE of charge, or even tell them if need be, or somebody else can if they want.

The point here is Key words are not being used and PERCEPTION on a web based level is projecting the WRONG ideas of where this company is at or what it is doing. It is no wonder nobody wants to buy the darn stock unless its 2 cents...lol and thats true or so it seems.

Well check it out everybody, I am not making it up, its true and its stuff like that which ADDs to the Upset the Shareholder campaign cant realise they have started.

but all along they have stated that the details are confidential.
Do we know why?

A cynic would argue that Uran has probably made no progress-hence why nothing has been announced to date.

An optimist would argue that Uran has made substantial progress but will only announce the details when the time is right.

So who should we believe?

I personally have lots of faith that Kate will eventually deliver.

Hope you do too!

Do we know why? well simply put. Nope~!
We could easily call that one of the problems that each of us here all have in common, so the answer to that is certainly is NO.

With regards to Kate being able to deliver, that is a very questionable statement as she has not really delivered thus far, however will she eventually deliver seems to be depend on both politics and outcomes from persons she is attempting to partner with.

You see, IMO the problem here is if Kate is Naive in anyway in business or her dealings, then unfortunately Shareholders have to wear or cop the Naive Badge too. Which means, if statements or delays in which she has negotiated get led up the garden path, WE ALSO then are forced to walk up that garden path. And that is Exactly what all the jumping up and down about with shareholders both here and elsewhere.

I appreciate the level of difficulty that she must experience here with such countries and governments, however if need be, lets all chip in and hire Anthony Robbins for a private seminar with Kate, perhaps there is something that is needed to upgrade the memory and CPU of her mind to functional with the Get The Edge version obtaining more performing results, dont ya think??

Anyways, just more food for thought, Im not having a go at Kate, but just pointing out there are some basic things about here that are 10 cents short of a dollar at times, and if I and others here can see it, what do the folk who Kate is negotiating think?? Again, more food for thought~!

30-08-2008, 05:35 PM
Hi Folks

Just had a quick read of the last few days.

First up, as a matter of respect and accountability to my earlier statements I did finally receive acknowledgement of my email from the MD.
Naturally I dont disclose the content, or lack of, on a public forum.
I think its important to keep things as factual and transparent here as we can...as subjective as we all appear to be.

Drillfix I like your recent comments. Might I suggest you approach Uran and state that you have some skills and feedback regarding some of their shortcomings with their website.
This would be 'imo' your best way of demonstrating your intent here and giving them feedback that things could be better.
Perhaps you could point out what is the issue.then ..offer your services free of charge if thats what your intention is?

SP3 You know that your projections, my projections...or anyone elses here are not accurate or even within a ballpark of 'perhaps' being true.
I just dont think you can project ANYTHING with a degree of certainty here.
We (you and I as well as a host of others here and elsewhere) have projected production for 18 months. We havent been anywhere near accurate.
We were misguided in our trust of company projections and statements and hopeful that the production comments/timelines would remain intact.

I think its VERY important that shareholders continue to contact the company and 'respectfully' vent their concerns.

Serious issues remain here. If the company cannot or will not demonstrate a certain 'expected' etiquette in communications, accountability and respect for its shareholder base, then as shareholders we should ensure that we do project and reflect those values.

Ask the tough questions, give the tough feedback. But at all times respect the process.

Just my thoughts :)


Its very obvious from the feedback (or lack thereof) that Management is not interested in managing the share price. This is very obvious.

I wonder how long they intend to maintain this attitude?

From my understanding of the Corporations Act, there is no requirement for a public company to focus on the share price or to give regular feedback to shareholders...their main role is to ensure that the company abides by the Corporations Act.

Kate is basically going by the book and is giving NOTHING away.

Obviously she is running the company as if it was a blue chip.

Maybe its a good thing... I dont know.

Time will tell.

31-08-2008, 01:13 PM

Appreciate your recent posts, such as being optimistic towards deals being achieved. I still do have that gut feeling but very sorely tested. Good to know that you have received replies to questions. I have sent off a couple of very basic questions which would assist me in deciding to throw a little more cash at this company before October :eek: (and that would be very little).

Sure, KH might be strictly abiding by the Corporations Act but as a result we get 'NO ACCOUNTABILITY or TRANSPARENCY' (Satori). A blue chip company (thus a major producer) could afford this to some degree because independent analysts should be right up them all the time producing reports and predictions on future earnings for investors.

If I was a newby hearing of URA now and then buy in tomorrow (Monday) would be almost on blind faith. But of course, the condition of 'what you can afford' is all important here. I can't afford blind leaps of faith. Others can and so wouldn't experience my sweaty palms and fairly dark moments. Instead they might see this as a good calculated gamble going by distant past announcements.

Cheers, Furii

31-08-2008, 03:16 PM

Appreciate your recent posts, such as being optimistic towards deals being achieved. I still do have that gut feeling but very sorely tested. Good to know that you have received replies to questions. I have sent off a couple of very basic questions which would assist me in deciding to throw a little more cash at this company before October :eek: (and that would be very little).

Would be interested to see or hear what sort of reply you get Furii.

Whilst I am glad satori got a reply from the MD, I am left to feel the content of his reply email leaves alot to be desired.

I am getting mixed messages here and although we sure all can certainly agree that the 'NO ACCOUNTABILITY or TRANSPARENCY' (Satori) issue with this company exists and sticks out like a sore thumb, there are other positive things which stand out that actually DO EXIST although cannot fully be seen or presented to the market due to circumstance which are out of the companies control, thus our control. And it is THAT very thing that seems to piss alot of people off here including myself and many others.

With regards to others investing, well Nobody is tell them to buy or sell anything and as we all know, speculative investors come and go and the smart ones take or Set their Profit or Loss accordingly.

Someday though, some lucky speculative investor will have timed this one just right, and if such thing can Coincide with some Postive Upsurge with this company than so be it, but that must also include the risk of any downside which from here or previous levels can be seen as minimal.

Well, there a Sunday sermon folks, lets now hope there actually is a caring God whom can potentially pull out of this sh%t :rolleyes:

Crypto Crude
31-08-2008, 06:53 PM

Its very obvious from the feedback (or lack thereof) that Management is not interested in managing the share price. This is very obvious.

I wonder how long they intend to maintain this attitude?

you lot are all very proactive posters, and highly skilled.....
But I have a few concerns...

heres my two cents worth on why URA is not interested in managing the SP...

1) Management are driving the SP down by not announcing anything, so they can buy at the lows...(probably not likely)...
2) or there is just plain nothing to announce, and the company goes down the line of going under (slowly)...
3) or there is something to announce, but it just has not happened yet..

I have little knowledge of Uran, but from an outsider it looks like number 2 given the fact that no-one is buying...

only 213,000 shares were traded in the whole month of August....

Compare the market cap to the cash at bank, compared to URA's prospects (if Ukraine comes through) then The Share price therefore looks very cheap...
But the lack of buying to me suggests that not even management are excited enough to have a dabble at historic lows...
This is not a good signal...
Why is Kate not Buying?
seems to me that its just a group of posters Here, and on HC buying...
and over the last month, not even that...
I hope URA is pulled off for you lot...
im happy to watch and learn only.....

31-08-2008, 07:51 PM
Some good observations there Shrewdy.

Why is Kate or management not buying? Perhaps they believe there are delays, perhaps they think it can be seen as insider trading (NOT) so whatever reason it is its not good, or not good enough for current shareholders.

There is no support from management full stop in fact.

You are probably very right that it is mostly folk here and on HC buying with maybe the odd one or few others that have followed the stock.

I know I bought more in the twenties and more options a 4+ cents. If I would have known I would have been down 50% on the options in a such a short time I wouldnt have bought them, but then if I dont buy at 2 cents, I dont actually believe they will get to 1 cent, but then I Dont know, I am no mind reader.

Certainly would be fun to watch from a non holding perspective. You could always pretend you bought them at new lows and see where it goes from there or doing paper trading and then in a half year, see where you would have ended up. :rolleyes:

Like everybody else, I wish I had more money (out) so I can buy a few others to make up for kicking this stock has had over the past year or so~!

31-08-2008, 09:43 PM
you lot are all very proactive posters, and highly skilled.....
But I have a few concerns...

heres my two cents worth on why URA is not interested in managing the SP...

1) Management are driving the SP down by not announcing anything, so they can buy at the lows...(probably not likely)...
2) or there is just plain nothing to announce, and the company goes down the line of going under (slowly)...
3) or there is something to announce, but it just has not happened yet..

I have little knowledge of Uran, but from an outsider it looks like number 2 given the fact that no-one is buying...

only 213,000 shares were traded in the whole month of August....

Compare the market cap to the cash at bank, compared to URA's prospects (if Ukraine comes through) then The Share price therefore looks very cheap...
But the lack of buying to me suggests that not even management are excited enough to have a dabble at historic lows...
This is not a good signal...
Why is Kate not Buying?
seems to me that its just a group of posters Here, and on HC buying...
and over the last month, not even that...
I hope URA is pulled off for you lot...
im happy to watch and learn only.....

Insiders are not buying because they will be accused of insider trading. Further, once the deals are secured they will receive 100M free shares...but to acquire these they need to ensure that the MC remains as low as possible.

Its not rocket science!

31-08-2008, 10:37 PM
Insiders are not buying because they will be accused of insider trading.

Sp3, sorry but that has got to be the biggest load of CROCODILE CR#P that I think I have ever heard. Please mate, take some tablets like me and at least have an excuse for such garble. I mean Honestly :rolleyes:

once the deals are secured they will receive 100M free shares...but to acquire these they need to ensure that the MC remains as low as possible

Why would they want to buy shares on market when they can hopefully get them given to them. :mad:

By the way, regardless of what happens, I will BE VOTING AGAINST any board member except the new GEO or Wolf getting shares. PR and KH deserve ZERO, IMO. ;)

Its not rocket science!

Ok, it must be Sp3 science then :D

31-08-2008, 11:19 PM
Sp3, That has got to be the load of CROCODILE CR#P that I think I have ever heard. Please mate, take some tablets like me and at least have an excuse for such garble. I mean Honestly :rolleyes:

Why would they want to buy shares on market when they can hopefully get them given to them. :mad:

By the way, regardless of what happens, I will BE VOTING AGAINST any board member except the new GEO or Wolf getting shares. PR and KH deserve ZERO, IMO. ;)

Ok, it must be Sp3 science then :D


Hasnt Uran been reviewing data this month as part of their DD? We know that if the data is good Uran will proceed with the acquisition. If the data is poor Uran will walk away.

Surely by now, Uran must know if the projects will go ahead or not. However, we know nothing yet and nor does the rest of the market.

So if the Board went on a buying spree (before results are released) would they not be buying on inside information?

31-08-2008, 11:36 PM
So if the Board went on a buying spree (before results are released) would they not be buying on inside information?

Yeah but thats presuming we are due for some results to be released. ;)

And the other thing is, they have had plenty of time to "Show Their Support" dont ya think? :rolleyes:

31-08-2008, 11:47 PM
Insiders are not buying because they will be accused of insider trading. Further, once the deals are secured they will receive 100M free shares...but to acquire these they need to ensure that the MC remains as low as possible.

I have to agree with drilly here SP3. Uran might have the data "now", but there's been no director buying their own stock for as long as I've held them.
True, they might be accused of insider trading now, but surely at some stage over the past 18 months/two years some director should've been positive enough to take a punt.

As for them getting 100 million shares once the deal is done...............Firstly, I dont think it'll be anywhere near that amount and secondly, Kate Hobbs is the only director who will be exposed to this charity. The only other people in URA management who would get any freebies under the Discovery deal are Tomas Vana and Joe Cucvara.

I doubt very much Discovery shareholders are the only people who we could class as "insiders" here. In my experience all boats leak to some extent.
Perhaps URA is an exception to the rule............ or perhaps the ball is still very much up in the air.

01-09-2008, 12:20 AM
I doubt very much Discovery shareholders are the only people who we could class as "insiders" here. In my experience all boats leak to some extent.
Perhaps URA is an exception to the rule............ or perhaps the ball is still very much up in the air.

Another point to make here is that Discovery as holders who have invested still have their investments at which value they have first invested. Uran shareholders (we the investors) on the other hand are having OUR dollar value investment totally diminished to values that are disgraceful.

This will be a Big Point to make and probably needs worded correctly and added to the the so called LIST OF QUESTIONS that so far only Shasta has started.

So in Brief,
1. How much dollar value has Discovery made in investment these deals and efforts?

2. What depreciation or dollar wise Value does Discovery currently still contain or hold compared to it first being invested?

3. Are the Uran Board and/or Kate Hobbs see how much Uran Investors dollar investment in the company has SERIOUSLY diminished over the past year and what are her thoughts or Concerns if Any on Uran Holders compared to Discovery Holders considering she is a Holder of Both??

4. If No results, achievements, or deal confirmations have been successful up to or by the time of the AGM, would the board consider forfeiting any Options or Shares that have been issued previously?

5. If No results, achievements, or deal confirmations have been successful up to or by the time of the AGM, would the board consider increasing or BUYING Uran stock on market regardless of the company situation or Protocol and to Aid in to be seen to be supportive of existing and previous shareholders??

Some of them are like shasta's questions Im sure but Ahhh Well.

01-09-2008, 12:37 AM
I have to agree with drilly here SP3. Uran might have the data "now", but there's been no director buying their own stock for as long as I've held them.
True, they might be accused of insider trading now, but surely at some stage over the past 18 months/two years some director should've been positive enough to take a punt.

As for them getting 100 million shares once the deal is done...............Firstly, I dont think it'll be anywhere near that amount and secondly, Kate Hobbs is the only director who will be exposed to this charity. The only other people in URA management who would get any freebies under the Discovery deal are Tomas Vana and Joe Cucvara.

I doubt very much Discovery shareholders are the only people who we could class as "insiders" here. In my experience all boats leak to some extent.
Perhaps URA is an exception to the rule............ or perhaps the ball is still very much up in the air.

I dont see the point in director's having to buy shares in order to hold up the share price. There is no corelation between increasing share price and director buying activity. I can list dozens of stocks that have been hammered in recent times where such scenario has taken place.

Need to understand that just because someone happens to sit on a board of a company it does not mean that they must support the company by buying shares. Directors generally sit on boards because they feel they can add value by applying their skills and knowledge.

Finally, just because the trading activity is currently low, it has very little to do with Uran's lack of (perceived) activity. Have a look at the uranium sector on the ASX...99% of all other u stocks are in the same boat.

01-09-2008, 01:27 AM
I dont see the point in director's having to buy shares in order to hold up the share price. There is no corelation between increasing share price and director buying activity.

Whilst I can agree that director buying activity may not increase the share price, however, in this instance I think there are many here that are probably wondering How are we meant to believe the Story when it appears that our own Management Dont Believe the story?

There is a big difference here, some of the other directors of other stocks are doing it to show Holders of Stock and potential holders that they are Committed and thus put their money where their mouth is. aka, Walk the Talk

Have a look at the uranium sector on the ASX...99% of all other u stocks are in the same boat.

Oh Yes indeed about that one. Come to think about it, poor Wild Horse Energy seems to look like canned dog food compared to what we have been through but then thats only one story, and I can fully Agree, its MESSY OUT THERE.

But then when will U become the Sector Darling again? That as we have discussed previously is one of the big questions also, and it will help our case as well as many others.

It just seems like everything is moving in slow motion when one gets bogged down on a hammered sector. There are links everywhere with analysts of all kinds calling all kinds of calls which most, if any really unfold except a the current and obvious~!

Its like they get paid to not talk the talk until they get the all clear and certain "groups/funds/powers" take position, or so it seems~!

01-09-2008, 02:25 AM
I dont see the point in director's having to buy shares in order to hold up the share price. There is no corelation between increasing share price and director buying activity.

I wasn't trying to imply they "have" to buy shares at all SP3. I was thinking more along the lines that perhaps they may have seen some value in their own stock and made an investment off their own back.

01-09-2008, 09:42 AM
I wasn't trying to imply they "have" to buy shares at all SP3. I was thinking more along the lines that perhaps they may have seen some value in their own stock and made an investment off their own back.


Uran has also been planning the implementation of the protocol for 12 months and apparently is negotiating on other deposits-none of which has been disclosed to the market.

Wouldn't this constitute insider trading if they were to buy shares on-market in the last 12 months?

01-09-2008, 01:01 PM
Looks like the 2c options seller has sold out!!

01-09-2008, 01:25 PM
Looks like the 2c options seller has sold out!!

Ive had enough of reading Zed's cr@p on HC.

Decided to stir things up abit:)

01-09-2008, 03:03 PM
director retires due to ill health which is not nice :(

but one thing's for sure is we can rule out radiation poisoning :p

01-09-2008, 03:47 PM
director retires due to ill health which is not nice :(

No Arch, it is not nice at all, and I dont want to sound like Im taking a cheap shot here BUT, does anybody know if Ross actually is ill or not good in health?? OR, is this just an exit plan with the first available parachute taken at the ready or it is a real situation which if it is then I am sorry for being suspicious but then it is this company that has made me like this being suspicion in nature~!

But then hey, if it makes the shareprice move upwards then hey ;)

The Board either dont care about a lot of the issues here... or they dont know.

What ever way you look at it is a poor effort and unfortunately we are, and have, and continue to foot the bill for this.

I agree strongly Satori, and things do certainly look suspect and many folks who are not invested feel pretty much the same.

As you have pointed out:

The trouble with this investment as we all know is that 'negotiations' have never 'apparently' ever stopped.

BINGO ringo, That is EXACTLY what the problem is, IMO~!

You see, I have said it before, I have jumped up and down about it saying that this is Exactly how Kate Hobbs makes here living.

Now, I once want to take legal action previously and due to health and financial reasons, I stood down.

In this instance, it is very easy to see why and how things appear to look like they do.

I myself will be holding back and giving them one last chance to prove this or part of these negotiations forward.

Its no fun being held hostage to the outcome of a political landscape that Kate Hobbs finds herself negotiating with. Either she cant negotiate right or she doesn't care what she is negotiating, providing that she continues to negotiate. Or so it seems.

Either way, I will continue to wait a little long as many of us have already waited enough and come this far so I may as well go full circle and wait to see if the company can bring this or any part of it home.

01-09-2008, 04:12 PM
No Arch, it is not nice at all, and I dont want to sound like Im taking a cheap shot here BUT, does anybody know if Ross actually is ill or not good in health?? OR, is this just an exit plan with the first available parachute taken at the ready or it is a real situation which if it is then I am sorry for being suspicious but then it is this company that has made me like this being suspicion in nature~!

But then hey, if it makes the shareprice move upwards then hey ;)

I agree strongly Satori, and things do certainly look suspect and many folks who are not invested feel pretty much the same.

As you have pointed out:

BINGO ringo, That is EXACTLY what the problem is, IMO~!

You see, I have said it before, I have jumped up and down about it saying that this is Exactly how Kate Hobbs makes here living.

Now, I once want to take legal action previously and due to health and financial reasons, I stood down.

In this instance, it is very easy to see why and how things appear to look like they do.

I myself will be holding back and giving them one last chance to prove this or part of these negotiations forward.

Its no fun being held hostage to the outcome of a political landscape that Kate Hobbs finds herself negotiating with. Either she cant negotiate right or she doesn't care what she is negotiating, providing that she continues to negotiate. Or so it seems.

Either way, I will continue to wait a little long as many of us have already waited enough and come this far so I may as well go full circle and wait to see if the company can bring this or any part of it home.

Ross has resigned from ALL public companies-not just Uran.

01-09-2008, 04:26 PM
Ross has resigned from ALL public companies-not just Uran.

If that is the case then I am sorry for my suspicion statement, as that must mean he certainly must have ill health in which case wish him a speedy recovery if possible~!

01-09-2008, 05:31 PM
If that is the case then I am sorry for my suspicion statement, as that must mean he certainly must have ill health in which case wish him a speedy recovery if possible~!

Genuinely very ill. A

01-09-2008, 08:13 PM
Genuinely very ill. A

I've just come home to read the sad news about Ross Kennedy.

Such a shame, he was someone Uran really needed given his Paladin background.

I hope we can attract someone with the same credentials :rolleyes:

Crypto Crude
01-09-2008, 08:51 PM
thanks for your replies drillfix and sp3...

yes pity about Ross Kennedy,
how about replacing him with one of the posters here...?
I wonder if its ever been talked about?... I wonder if URA shareholders on HC and ST would have enough shares to force a new director?

01-09-2008, 09:07 PM
thanks for your replies drillfix and sp3...

yes pity about Ross Kennedy,
how about replacing him with one of the posters here...?
I wonder if its ever been talked about?... I wonder if URA shareholders on HC and ST would have enough shares to force a new director?

My vote would be Cotik to join the board.

I'm sure the collective holdings could force it, but i'll wait & see who they come up with first.

01-09-2008, 09:23 PM
thanks for your replies drillfix and sp3...

yes pity about Ross Kennedy,
how about replacing him with one of the posters here...?
I wonder if its ever been talked about?... I wonder if URA shareholders on HC and ST would have enough shares to force a new director?

I'm confident we have the numbers.

The only problem is, who do we vote in?

We need someone who can make a difference and who has the right set of skills.

02-09-2008, 12:38 AM
My vote would be Cotik to join the board.

I'm sure the collective holdings could force it, but i'll wait & see who they come up with first.

I would 2nd that motion shasta, although cotik now could vote himself in with his holdings....lol

Or, how about Showman?, perhaps he would like a seat on the Uran board, I would be into that also, as at least we would get No sh%t answers and within a reasonable time frame.

I think to have somebody to take over, implement and fine tune the negotiations would be a real bonus too. As it has once been said, somebody who actually Speaks the Language, and potentially has contacts also that would also make like more easy and understandable from a shareholders point of view.

One way or another, something has gotta get done here folks and if there is one thing for sure, if something is gonna get done here, then it BETTER be in the interest of shareholders because after all, we should all be on the same team here, unlike how it currently feels, US and THEM type of atmosphere which is not good for business, not good for the board, and not good for negotiations and progress full stop.

02-09-2008, 03:17 AM
For a company that appears, as the months burn past, to be making no progress beyond never ending negotiations shrouded in secrecy, this thread is in contrast difficult to keep up with. Agree, Cotik / Showman ; start 9am sharp tomorrow.

Drillfix, regarding answers to my questions. I posted off two innoculous questions looking for clarification, certainly not market sensitive. Curious to see if clarification is allowable.

Well read, Satori : for non lawyers, 'is commencing' had the meaning of 'imminent'....but in the past we have had Clinton argue the complexity of the word 'is'. Two weekends ago I whiled away about an hour re-reading / analysing two fairly recent announcements from URA. Of course, each was a five minute read at best (half of that simply trying to pronounce various Ukranian place names). The more I analysed the more fluid meanings became.

But for all that, I'm hanging on. The twist this time around is that negotiations are coming to a head over 'assets' :rolleyes: which have actually been named and detailed over recent months. Surely within the next month or so, this will be boom or bust ? :eek:

LOL, a few posts back SP3 mentioned that an announcement from URA could be that the deposits are not worth signing for. Wow, can you imagine the SP (& Zed's) reaction to that ?! URA and this late hour is playing havoc with me.

Good night,


Crypto Crude
02-09-2008, 11:52 AM
satori-If they dont know they would know someone who would know.

This is the most important thing a managers skill set must have... and collectively you all make it up...
Lets make it happen!...
act now!
New director position vacant...!
lets plan this out and force a new seat on the board through the power of joint collective shares from the group...

02-09-2008, 11:58 AM
This is the most important thing a managers skill set must have... and collectively you all make it up...
Lets make it happen!...
act now!
New director position vacant...!
lets plan this out and force a new seat on the board through the power of joint collective shares from the group...
If I didnt know better I would suspect you hold a few of these Shrewdy :eek:

or are you thinking about the ASX comp :D

Crypto Crude
02-09-2008, 12:28 PM
No I dont hold...
and No Im not thinking of the asx comp...
The asx comp is purely tactical...

Crypto Crude
02-09-2008, 12:29 PM
I only hold stocks I disclose...
as you can see, its currently over 50% cue... LMP, and a few LMPO....
CTP and CTPOA...

02-09-2008, 03:20 PM
Pretty odd day today, I wonder if the news of director leaving is having any impact or its just another fruit basket thing about Uran with shares currently 26% and options 59% up.

Guess thats the exact thing with this stock, can fall hard and climb to where ever in a hurry, if it wants. But then you need people playing with it for that to happen because its not News thats currently making it move (either way).

Crypto Crude
02-09-2008, 03:24 PM
I can explain it....
the run up of SP is due to speculation of chat forumn sites combining their shares to force change on the board... haha...
Hey I'll catch you all around...

02-09-2008, 03:33 PM
I can explain it....
the run up of SP is due to speculation of chat forumn sites combining their shares to force change on the board... haha...
Hey I'll catch you all around...

I think you will find that if posters (on chat forums) can talk UP the stock instead of DOWN, the price usually goes up.

Think about it.

ps...I am not having a go at anyone in particular!!

02-09-2008, 03:54 PM
Hey I'll catch you all around...

Im sure you will SC, in fact I can give you a 100% guarantee on that one :rolleyes:

02-09-2008, 04:06 PM
I think you will find that if posters (on chat forums) can talk UP the stock instead of DOWN, the price usually goes up.

Not sure I follow you Sp3
Nobody here (on this forum) has talked up this stock as most of us here have been complaining and not just about the sp but rather the management.
And yet we still have movement in the sp (as little or large as it may seem).

02-09-2008, 04:12 PM
I think you will find that if posters (on chat forums) can talk UP the stock instead of DOWN, the price usually goes up.

Think about it.

ps...I am not having a go at anyone in particular!!

Well said sp3.

Uran has more going for it now, than it ever did when the share price was $1.68.

The share price (whether up or down) is meaningless for a stock like Uran, unless there is some serious volume. IMO we have just seen one of the best buying opportunities on the ASX in some time.

Anyone want to sell me the rest of their oppies for 2c? :)

In the word of the great Warren Buffet.

"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be
greedy only when others are fearful."

Not so easy for most people ;)

02-09-2008, 05:48 PM
Uran has more going for it now, than it ever did when the share price was $1.68.

In the word of the great Warren Buffet.
"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be
greedy only when others are fearful."

Crazy but true cotik, or so it seems.

Although, its now up to Uran to demonstrate or prove or shed the light which will clear any doubt for all holders or potential holders.

Dont know when, if, how this will happen though without the company issuing some sort of news or developments in these so called "ongoing negotiations".

There must come a time where by these Negotiations must end and a result one way or the other must show itself in an outcome, which I hope is favourable~!

(sheez my spelling at times can be shocking)

02-09-2008, 08:21 PM
Well said sp3.

Uran has more going for it now, than it ever did when the share price was $1.68.

The share price (whether up or down) is meaningless for a stock like Uran, unless there is some serious volume. IMO we have just seen one of the best buying opportunities on the ASX in some time.

Anyone want to sell me the rest of their oppies for 2c? :)

In the word of the great Warren Buffet.

"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be
greedy only when others are fearful."

Not so easy for most people ;)

You cheeky sneak, trying to wrestle those 2c options out of our prying hands :D

Try 20c now & see how many you flush out, you won't get mine under 50c

02-09-2008, 09:30 PM
You cheeky sneak, trying to wrestle those 2c options out of our prying hands :D

Try 20c now & see how many you flush out, you won't get mine under 50c

Shasta, I wouldnt worry about it as cotik is the last line of URAO Defense and for those who want out just dump your load of options on the back of the Cotik Truck and hitch a lift elsewhere..lol :D

On a serious note, we need to the story to start playing out with more information, clarity, U Market Sentiment and this management not treating its shareholders like a bunch of mugs, as that alone is the biggest slap in the face.

Also, if these gains are only there to show up on the chart as another blipp because they are meant to, or so it can fall back down further and compliment the down trending chart then BeCAREFUL also as we need this to change direction. (but I guess we all know that already..lol)

02-09-2008, 09:34 PM
Well said sp3.

Uran has more going for it now, than it ever did when the share price was $1.68.

The share price (whether up or down) is meaningless for a stock like Uran, unless there is some serious volume. IMO we have just seen one of the best buying opportunities on the ASX in some time.

Anyone want to sell me the rest of their oppies for 2c? :)

In the word of the great Warren Buffet.

"We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be
greedy only when others are fearful."

Not so easy for most people ;)

The great Warren Buffet is known for buying coy at great value, earning visibility, great fundamental, operating in strong industries, well known brand and a leader in their field. Warren Buffet don't buy specs stocks like URA. A lot of people in this forum thinks WB buy stocks just like these.

Unfortunately, URA is none of that. Anyone here that are interested in URA can move the SP well up to double in price if URA is a great coy in the making. Just look at the volume the last few days.

URA at $1.68 is extreme exuberance. If you are attempting to use TA on URA and maybe think it might get to $1.68 again, then good luck to you. I just don't see anything in this coy other than better value at this price than at 25 cents.

02-09-2008, 10:14 PM
I just don't see anything in this coy other than better value at this price than at 25 cents.

Soulman, that is fair enough that you don't see much in this co and even fair enough from a TA point of view whether you see better value at now or at 25 cents.

As satori has pointed out, the $1.68 mark was only just that, it was a previous (past) point in time, that was reached by circumstances, comments and sentiment accordingly.

And as previously posted I repeat that this story NEEDS to start playing out with more information, clarity, U Market Sentiment and this management needs to stop treating its shareholders like a bunch of mugs, End of Story~!

ps: Another good post previously again Satori (as always)

02-09-2008, 10:17 PM

Your points re WB are correct....however... The $1.68 was not expensive 'at the time'

Minimal shares on issue (sub 50 million) a market cap that barely exceeded $65 Million.. Paladin hadnt produced 1 gram of uranium and was trading well over 1 billion market cap.
The valuation that Uran had was indicative of a small company in a niche market, pioneering its way via shortcuts through a number of targetted CIS (and other) countries.

It was not expensive. 'Remember' (if you do) this was talked up as a producer with production in not 1, 2, but possibly 3 countries and projects.

The Chairman at the time, Michael Kiernan talked up the shareprice $5 - $10.

Now whether you or i believe those numbers is irrelevant. Its the differential between the 'then' shareprice and IMPORTANTLY THE MARKET CAP that the chairman spoke about.

In other words the unrealised potential value ON SECURING A DEAL meant Uran 'at that time' was trading at bargain levels.

Paladins multi billion dollar market cap now is testimony to the value that PRODUCERS have in this sector.

Why do you think so many of us jumped on eh?

Not one project, but several...at least!

So before you comment on valuations 'now' you need to have an appreciation and a knowledge of 'back then'

The right commentary is one that takes in 2 years...not 2 weeks of history and information.

Huntleys at the time (2 years or so back) or thereabouts said beware of any junior uranium company valued at 100 million or more on green field assets with no real scope for mining for 'years'

Uran set itself apart from the group of other explorers by stating production in 2007...and certainly 2008.

$1.68 expensive? Dont think so.


If you recall, when URA hit $1.68 there were only 31M shares on issue-not 51M. If you recall, the capital raising at 90c and the SPP at 44c occured AFTER URA hit $1.68...so at the time thestock was very cheap.

02-09-2008, 10:33 PM

Your points re WB are correct....however... The $1.68 was not expensive 'at the time'

Minimal shares on issue (sub 50 million) a market cap that barely exceeded $65 Million.. Paladin hadnt produced 1 gram of uranium and was trading well over 1 billion market cap.
The valuation that Uran had was indicative of a small company in a niche market, pioneering its way via shortcuts through a number of targetted CIS (and other) countries.

It was not expensive. 'Remember' (if you do) this was talked up as a producer with production in not 1, 2, but possibly 3 countries and projects.

The Chairman at the time, Michael Kiernan talked up the shareprice $5 - $10.

Now whether you or i believe those numbers is irrelevant. Its the differential between the 'then' shareprice and IMPORTANTLY THE MARKET CAP that the chairman spoke about.

In other words the unrealised potential value ON SECURING A DEAL meant Uran 'at that time' was trading at bargain levels.

Paladins multi billion dollar market cap now is testimony to the value that PRODUCERS have in this sector.

Why do you think so many of us jumped on eh?

Not one project, but several...at least!

So before you comment on valuations 'now' you need to have an appreciation and a knowledge of 'back then'

The right commentary is one that takes in 2 years...not 2 weeks of history and information.

Huntleys at the time (2 years or so back) or thereabouts said beware of any junior uranium company valued at 100 million or more on green field assets with no real scope for mining for 'years'

Uran set itself apart from the group of other explorers by stating production in 2007...and certainly 2008.

$1.68 expensive? Dont think so.

Always amuses me how the uninformed come onto this thread, & propose to tell us what we already know!.

Good grief go back & see some of the obscene valuations the U specs had (in the hundred's of millions), that will NEVER mine an ounce of Uranium!

The U whole sector fell out of favour when the U price dropped, yet it was about that time, that Cigar Lake had flooded reducing the total annual supply by approx 10%.

Uranium & other "green" alternatives will have there day in the sun again.

Meantime Uran's market cap is much less than many other U companies with pieces of dirt in Queensland & Western Australia :confused:

The serious lack of research by some still amazes me...

02-09-2008, 10:44 PM
Always amuses me how the uninformed come onto this thread, & propose to tell us what we already know!.

Good grief go back & see some of the obscene valuations the U specs had (in the hundred's of millions), that will NEVER mine an ounce of Uranium!

The U whole sector fell out of favour when the U price dropped, yet it was about that time, that Cigar Lake had flooded reducing the total annual supply by approx 10%.

Uranium & other "green" alternatives will have there day in the sun again.

Meantime Uran's market cap is much less than many other U companies with pieces of dirt in Queensland & Western Australia :confused:

The serious lack of research by some still amazes me...

Alot of downrampers will come out of the woodwork as soon as URA share price starts to rise again.

At this stage its much riskier sitting on the sidelines rather than holding a position. One trading halt and she could blow.

02-09-2008, 10:46 PM

Alot of downrampers will come out of the woodwork as soon as URA share price starts to rise again.

At this stage its much riskier sitting on the sidelines rather than holding a position. One trading halt and she could blow.

I don't mind others with a different point of view, it just seems why let the facts ruin a good argument! (Basic research helps!)

Everything has previously been spelt out on this thread...

Pity some can't see the forest for the trees :D

02-09-2008, 11:25 PM
Im very hopeful here for Uran, but sheesh, the management team to this point just arent in the ball park.

So disappointing for those of us here who see the massive potential.

Oh yeah, I will throw my support behind this Cotik fellow for a place on the board.

Exactly Satori, not sure which park management are in, and that is the what is putting many of us here in a spin about with shortcomings and dissapointment. :mad:

Also agree that lets get Cotik on the board or even a perhaps a Cotik - Showman tag team to wrestle out the Hobbs - Ryan combo :p

Other question,
Does anybody actually know what is stopping us getting some accurate updates to exactly what is happening thus far to date????

Would make a world of difference to shareholders thoughts management if they did get this fresh communication one would think.

Huang Chung
03-09-2008, 01:41 AM
Ha ha Drillfix

Dont start me on Wrestling...I love it!

How about this for a double tag team effort

'The Showbag'...and we know whats in a showbag...all show and full of sh... (from parts unknown weighing in at 360 pounds..and thats just the ego;) and its tag team partner... er whos that guy again..????? ;)..ahh yes the Amazing Mr Silently Invisible Man!

VS The Tony the Showman and Cotik the Killer!

Theyre big, bad tough and definitely hard to bluff!

Goodnight all! :)

Ha,Ha....Killer Karl Cotik maybe :rolleyes:.

Should be a cage match as well.....

03-09-2008, 01:08 PM
I see our retiring director has 240 000 options which he'd probably like to see in the money before they expire. I guess if we see that lot get unloaded, things don't look so good.

03-09-2008, 01:28 PM
I see our retiring director has 240 000 options which he'd probably like to see in the money before they expire. I guess if we see that lot get unloaded, things don't look so good.


And how will we know if/when he unloads his options?

He is no longer required to disclose his holding.

I also believe he has to surrender his 1M+ 2010 options.

03-09-2008, 01:32 PM

And how will we know if/when he unloads his options?

He is no longer required to disclose his holding.

I also believe he has to surrender his 1M+ 2010 options.

Yes! Good point SP3.............I completely overlooked that one. Obviously one of the other major holders still has a few to get rid of. Seems to be a constant stream of 100 000 at a time coming on line.

03-09-2008, 02:15 PM
I also believe he has to surrender his 1M+ 2010 options.

But are his options not in his Super fund being Little Tagon Super, so I dont know if he will have to give them back or not, unless it s because he has not served a full term and only just got them given to him which it may be the case.

Seems to be a constant stream of 100 000 at a time coming on line.

there has been a stream of these 100,000 dumps happening since last week and it seems never ending on the options. Who ever is doing it primarily seems to want out of the options but now the FPO are starting to look dodgy dumping too.

I have my suspicions who it is, and to me it is Berenes Nominee's or Karema Capital with regards to option dumping, because look how many 100 K dumps there have been since over 2 weeks and then do the math, who else can it be?

The other thing is, Why is the Top 20 Option Holders list not published on the Uran Website? like the Top 20 FPO, someone is in stealth mode and doing the Uran Behind the scene shuffle, so we should demand to have it put up and updated. (again, transparency)

03-09-2008, 02:17 PM
But are his options not in his Super fund being Little Tagon Super, so I dont know if he will have to give them back or not, unless it s because he has not served a full term and only just got them given to him which it may be the case.

there has been a stream of these 100,000 dumps happening since last week and it seems never ending on the options. Who ever is doing it primarily seems to want out of the options but now the FPO are starting to look dodgy dumping too.

I have my suspicions who it is, and to me it is Berenes Nominee's or Karema Capital with regards to option dumping, because look how many 100 K dumps there have been since over 2 weeks and then do the math, who else can it be?

I wonder if Ross has the option to exercise those unlisted options early?

It would serve a better purpose for Uran (& shareholders) rather than see them lapse?

03-09-2008, 02:32 PM
I wonder if Ross has the option to exercise those unlisted options early?

It would serve a better purpose for Uran (& shareholders) rather than see them lapse?

Shasta, I guess thats another one for the Question list ;)

Plus the Top 20 option holder list which is no where to be seen in a time of need or required clarity~! :rolleyes:

03-09-2008, 02:36 PM
The other thing is, Why is the Top 20 Option Holders list not published on the Uran Website? like the Top 20 FPO, someone is in stealth mode and doing the Uran Behind the scene shuffle, so we should demand to have it put up and updated. (again, transparency)

I wondered about that too Drillfix. I might contact the office and see if we can get an updated list.

03-09-2008, 03:05 PM
I wondered about that too Drillfix. I might contact the office and see if we can get an updated list.

Good stuff Juqu, and lets face it, if there is something going down, that last thing shareholders need is a blind fold over our eyes.

While you are at it Juqu, can you tell them to google the company name: Uran Limited

And then tell them that what is shows is below the Link to the website:

Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system.

This is a Company Description made available in the Joomla content management system which they themselves can update.

And then ask them what exactly is their mission statement and to replace it with the above Joomla stuff.


I would phone up and ask but my anger would probably explode or I would end up coming close to giving death threats so I better not phone them (at all).


03-09-2008, 04:04 PM
Good stuff Juqu, and lets face it, if there is something going down, that last thing shareholders need is a blind fold over our eyes.

While you are at it Juqu, can you tell them to google the company name: Uran Limited

And then tell them that what is shows is below the Link to the website:

Joomla! - the dynamic portal engine and content management system.

This is a Company Description made available in the Joomla content management system which they themselves can update.

And then ask them what exactly is their mission statement and to replace it with the above Joomla stuff.


I would phone up and ask but my anger would probably explode or I would end up coming close to giving death threats so I better not phone them (at all).


Fortunately for me Drillfix, I'd already fired off an e mail regarding the Top Twenty before I read your post. My understanding of links, dynamic portals and their associated cousins is zero, and I'd feel like a right knob asking them questions about something which is completely alien to me.

I'll let you know when/if I get an answer. I haven't tried contacting the office before, and going off other people's experience, it can be a slow process.

03-09-2008, 04:18 PM
I'll let you know when/if I get an answer. I haven't tried contacting the office before, and going off other people's experience, it can be a slow process.

Cheer Juqu, I appreciate your efforts amongst the many collective efforts from everybody also on this thread that contribute, which all efforts combined can collectively give us a better picture of this stock which we are invested.

03-09-2008, 05:55 PM
I really do feel for holders. This is going to take a lot longer now imo.

Ukraine's presidential party to quit coalition government
Yuschenko and Tymoshenko no longer allies, again
Published: Tuesday, September 02, 2008

KYIV - The party of Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko decided early Wednesday to leave the pro-Western coalition that it forms with the bloc of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, plunging Ukraine into a new political crisis, media reported.

The decision, to come into force in 10 days if it is maintained, was voted for by 39 deputies of the Our Ukraine-Self-Defence party which has 72 members, parliamentarian Oles Doniy told Interfax news agency.

Yushchenko's party made the move in reply to the adoption late Tuesday of a series of laws facilitating the procedure of sacking the president and weakening his powers as opposed to those of the government, voted in by the Tymoshenko bloc and the pro-Russian opposition.
Relations between Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (above) and his Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have gotten bad worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of 'high treason' for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge she denied.
Relations between Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (above) and his Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have gotten bad worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of 'high treason' for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge she denied.

The presidential party left the house in protest at the vote, Internet daily Ukrainska Pravda reported.

If the pro-Western groups do not get back together and the decision to split comes into effect, deputies will have a further 30 days to form another coalition government. The president would then have the right to dissolve parliament if they failed, Doniy was quoted as saying.

Relations between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko have recently gone from bad to worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of "high treason" for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge the prime minister denied.


03-09-2008, 07:43 PM
I really do feel for holders. This is going to take a lot longer now imo.

Ukraine's presidential party to quit coalition government
Yuschenko and Tymoshenko no longer allies, again
Published: Tuesday, September 02, 2008

KYIV - The party of Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko decided early Wednesday to leave the pro-Western coalition that it forms with the bloc of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, plunging Ukraine into a new political crisis, media reported.

The decision, to come into force in 10 days if it is maintained, was voted for by 39 deputies of the Our Ukraine-Self-Defence party which has 72 members, parliamentarian Oles Doniy told Interfax news agency.

Yushchenko's party made the move in reply to the adoption late Tuesday of a series of laws facilitating the procedure of sacking the president and weakening his powers as opposed to those of the government, voted in by the Tymoshenko bloc and the pro-Russian opposition.
Relations between Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (above) and his Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have gotten bad worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of 'high treason' for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge she denied.
Relations between Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (above) and his Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko have gotten bad worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of 'high treason' for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge she denied.

The presidential party left the house in protest at the vote, Internet daily Ukrainska Pravda reported.

If the pro-Western groups do not get back together and the decision to split comes into effect, deputies will have a further 30 days to form another coalition government. The president would then have the right to dissolve parliament if they failed, Doniy was quoted as saying.

Relations between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko have recently gone from bad to worse, with the presidency accusing Tymoshenko of "high treason" for allegedly siding with Moscow over the conflict in Georgia, a charge the prime minister denied.


This is nothing new. Has been going on since Nov 07 and will continue to exist until the next elections.

Right now we need the data to be reviewed and for the jv to be ratified. Hopefully its not far away.

03-09-2008, 07:51 PM
This is nothing new. Has been going on since Nov 07 and will continue to exist until the next elections.

Right now we need the data to be reviewed and for the jv to be ratified. Hopefully its not far away.

don't they need a cabinet of ministers to ratify it, and don't they need a coalition to have a cabinet of ministers.

that is the crux of the problem as I see it: a government in a shambles and likely to stay that way for the forseeable future

I'm starting to think Ukraine will be in limbo until the presidential elections in 2010.

03-09-2008, 08:07 PM
don't they need a cabinet of ministers to ratify it, and don't they need a coalition to have a cabinet of ministers.

that is the crux of the problem as I see it: a government in a shambles and likely to stay that way for the forseeable future

I'm starting to think Ukraine will be in limbo until the presidential elections in 2010.

The government has not been dissolved.

Currently, the Cabinet of Ministers exists.

As I said, the Coalition has been fighting with each other even before they formed government.

For Ukraine politics, this is very normal. In other words, its business as usual.

03-09-2008, 08:07 PM
I just dont understand where The Blonde Bombshell was coming from when her and her cronies passed "those laws" through parliament. Surely she didn't think Yush was going to be at all happy about it.
He was bound to blow his stack. She may have just killed any chance of progress for the Ukraine for quite a while.
On the other hand..........perhaps Yush slink back in, with his head bowed and hat in hand. (Somehow I dont think so).

03-09-2008, 08:17 PM
I just dont understand where The Blonde Bombshell was coming from when her and her cronies passed "those laws" through parliament. Surely she didn't think Yush was going to be at all happy about it.
He was bound to blow his stack. She may have just killed any chance of progress for the Ukraine for quite a while.
On the other hand..........perhaps Yush slink back in, with his head bowed and hat in hand. (Somehow I dont think so).

I hope your not blaming our gorgeous Yulia? :mad:

Must admit this news concerns me, even though as SP3 pointed out this is normal for Ukraine!

03-09-2008, 08:19 PM
I just dont understand where The Blonde Bombshell was coming from when her and her cronies passed "those laws" through parliament. Surely she didn't think Yush was going to be at all happy about it.
He was bound to blow his stack. She may have just killed any chance of progress for the Ukraine for quite a while.
On the other hand..........perhaps Yush slink back in, with his head bowed and hat in hand. (Somehow I dont think so).

I dont think it will be an issue for Uran atm. Yulia is chasing power and will do what she has to do to get it.
As SP3 said nothing has really changed, Uran are going about their business setting up the projects.

03-09-2008, 08:20 PM
I dont think it will be an issue for Uran atm. Yulia is chasing power and will do what she has to do to get it.
As SP3 said nothing has really changed, Uran are going about their business setting up the projects.


I've been following one of the Ukrainian news sites, & Yulia seems likely to go for President in 2010, i wonder if that's apart of the current issues?

03-09-2008, 08:32 PM

I've been following one of the Ukrainian news sites, & Yulia seems likely to go for President in 2010, i wonder if that's apart of the current issues?

Dont know exactly but I think its got to do with the GEORGIA and Russia situation, who said what, who gave a thumbs up, and who didnt, and who is going to do whatever and the rest of the Raa Raa Raa type stuff.

Its all politics and I too must admit that previously when there was stuff going on in the news I was worried, but the days pass, so do the weeks and then months and then we realise, ITS ALL THE SAME, all the time.

So Everyone, just let this one pass and then watch another one come along, just like it is now, nothing new or different.

I could be wrong but we all have seen this before and I agree, Business as Usual for over there.

Just wish they would Hurry UP and pass what ever Uran needs passed so we can move a few more steps forward~!

03-09-2008, 08:38 PM
Dont know exactly but I think its got to do with the GEORGIA and Russia situation, who said what, who gave a thumbs up, and who didnt, and who is going to do whatever and the rest of the Raa Raa Raa type stuff.

Its all politics and I too must admit that previously when there was stuff going on in the news I was worried, but the days pass, so do the weeks and then months and then we realise, ITS ALL THE SAME, all the time.

So Everyone, just let this one pass and then watch another one come along, just like it is now, nothing new or different.

I could be wrong but we all have seen this before and I agree, Business as Usual for over there.

Just wish they would Hurry UP and pass what ever Uran needs passed so we can move a few more steps forward~!


I just hope the "faithful" realise Uran are still working to an agreed timetable with VostGok.

Until such time as we hear there are any delays or problems with this (& Uran would need to disclose this), then let's hope some common sense prevails over in Ukraine.

The whole area needs stability!

03-09-2008, 08:39 PM
I dont think it will be an issue for Uran atm. Yulia is chasing power and will do what she has to do to get it.
As SP3 said nothing has really changed, Uran are going about their business setting up the projects.

As Shasta and yourself both say Dave............Yulia wants power. In my opinion this is not just another small segment of an ongoing argument. What she has done by passing those laws has given her an awful lot of power over her nemisis. (Yushchenko).
Reading the blogs coming from The Ukraine I get the impression Yulia has been quite busy gathering support for this move. If she's got enough backing then her plan will all fall into place. One has to assume she would've predicted Yushchenko's response, so I guess on that basis, we assume she's got the numbers. However, nothing is as it seems over there.

03-09-2008, 09:28 PM

I just hope the "faithful" realise Uran are still working to an agreed timetable with VostGok.

Shasta, I think at some stage it would actually be a healthy, good, PR or Excercise to find out what VostGOK have to say to Uran Shareholders or even to Uran, OR, about something to do with any project or any timeline. Basically any infromation from them whatsoever would be good.

In fact, they are talking with Kate, so why doesnt Kate just come out and say what VostGOK are saying or how far things are??

More questions for the list Shasta, yet not exactly sure how to word such question.

Hi Folks
This Roadshow sort of just rolled on without too much hype or fanfare.

We still dont know whay Uran would hold a Roadshow 'now' do we with a few brokers?

And why they would leave off alleged 'key projects'......

Satori, which Key Projects exactly are you referring to? I am no longer sure what is a project or a negotiation of a project, or where it is at with any sort of status.

With regards to brokers, I get the feel Kate is just doing it out of a formality to be seen doing it, or as previously posted, been seen to be looking like she is being busy. I say this because the Presentation itself IMO just DOESN'T CUT IT, and that is plain and easy to see amongst many of us here.

We dont know how the roadshow panned out, or perhaps we do, Perhaps this is the reason why we are seeing Options Dumped, or the cause and affect of this so called Roadshow. Maybe ????? In all honestly, it wouldn't be surprise me one bit.

04-09-2008, 12:05 AM
Yushchenko has now reconsidered his decision to leave the coalition, and according to his deputy, has grounds to do so. However it sounds like the coalition will not be restored unless the draft bills passed yesterday on the redistribution of power are overturned. That appears to be one of his main conditions. Lets face it, Yushchenko has no future if those bills stand.

On the other hand, Yulia wants the Presidents Chief of Staff Victor Baloha dismissed, (as well as keeping the new laws).
I certainly cant see these two coming to an agreement over a few scones and cups of tea.

Rumour has it Yulia has been talking with the Party of Regions. Perhaps they can come up with a new coalition before Yushchenko dissolves the Parliament as he’s threatening to do.
I’m hoping this is a well thought out coup by Blondie. (That’s kind of an oxymoron).
Not sure too much interest from the Party of Regions would be all that good for us either.

04-09-2008, 03:12 AM
how could you possibly downramp this potential:D

by SP3 on hotcopper...
" ladies and gentlemen start your engines (SP3)

sellers have all dissappeared

why isnt anyone selling anymore?

is Kate about to deliver?

Looks like the time has finally arrived."

and another post which I cant post now...why? because he was moderated for ramping

"This post has been moderated on 03/09/08 07:46 (Ramping)
Comments on post: You should provide some supporting links or comments ... it looks like you are drawing a loooong bow making a sweeping statement like that and connecting it to URA in the same unexplained breath ... PD (entire thread moderated)"

I dont follow your post Dog.

What is your point?

04-09-2008, 09:27 AM

Ukraine's ruling coalition collapsed last night under the weight of Russian pressure designed to weaken Western allies in the former Soviet Union.

By Damien McElroy in Tbilisi
Last Updated: 7:40PM BST 03 Sep 2008

Mr Yushchenko has threatened to call an election within two months Photo: EPA
President Victor Yushchenko angrily denounced his former ally, the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for siding with the pro-Russian opposition in a series of parliamentary votes.

"Yesterday, a political and constitutional coup began in parliament," he said. "I consider the events in the Ukrainian parliament a formal beginning of the formation of a new parliamentary coalition."

In a televised address to the nation after his political party withdrew from the government, Mr Yushchenko threatened to call an election within two months.

His comments had greater impact because they came a day before the US vice president Dick Cheney was scheduled to arrive in Kiev to shore up Western allies threatened by Russia.

"I will use my right to dismiss parliament and announce early elections," he said.

The success of Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" in 2004 was based on his bond with Mrs Tymoshenko, but relations started to fray soon after they took office.

Although he sacked Mrs Tymoshenko, he was forced to reappoint her late last year after her party won the largest share of the vote in the general election.

Their feud was reignited by Russia's invasion of Georgia last month.

Ukraine, like Georgia, has risked the Kremlin's wrath by applying to join Nato. But while Mr Yushchenko flew to Tbilisi to show his support for Georgia, Mrs Tymoshenko refused to criticise Russia's actions.

Instead, she formed an alliance with the man he replaced as president in 2004 - Victor Yanukovich and his former Communist allies.

In the run-up to that election, Mr Yushchenko was maimed after suffering dioxin poisoning - an attack attributed to Kremlin agents.

"The new coalition formed by Tymoshenko, Yanukovich and the Communists will not serve Ukraine's interests," he said. "Citizens will see that their policies will not protect Ukraine's territorial integrity, its independence and its European integration course."

For her part, Mrs Tymoshenko has accused the president of recklessly antagonising Russia and said there was no justification for the crisis. "A democratic coalition was ruined yesterday on his instructions," she told the weekly cabinet meeting. "This is panic. A democratic coalition has to work.

"The president and his office have used every means to ruin the coalition. It is a pity that the president is behaving irresponsibly."

A flamboyant figure, Mrs Tymoshenko is Ukraine's most popular politician and the current dispute could free her from a pledge not to challenge the president's re-election bid in 2010.

With a large Russian-speaking minority and a pro-Western political elite, Ukrainians are deeply divided over their relations with their powerful neighbour.

Ukraine's leaders fear that Moscow's aggressive protection of its passport holders in the Georgian enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be replicated in its own province of Crimea.

Mr Yushchenko has threatened to evict Russia's Black Sea fleet from Sevastopol, the Crimean port with an ethnic Russian majority.

However, as Mr Cheney arrives in the region, America's position has been weakened by the political squabbling in Kiev.

Mrs Tymoshenko is growing in influence.

She has been careful to send Moscow a more calibrated message, condemning her rival's decision on Sevastopol and agreeing to meet Vladimir Putin later this month.

New elections would bring about a final schism between the leaders of the Orange Revolution, paving the way for Mrs Tymoshenko to challenge for the presidency in 2010.

04-09-2008, 10:37 AM

Ukraine's ruling coalition collapsed last night under the weight of Russian pressure designed to weaken Western allies in the former Soviet Union.

By Damien McElroy in Tbilisi
Last Updated: 7:40PM BST 03 Sep 2008

Mr Yushchenko has threatened to call an election within two months Photo: EPA
President Victor Yushchenko angrily denounced his former ally, the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for siding with the pro-Russian opposition in a series of parliamentary votes.

"Yesterday, a political and constitutional coup began in parliament," he said. "I consider the events in the Ukrainian parliament a formal beginning of the formation of a new parliamentary coalition."

In a televised address to the nation after his political party withdrew from the government, Mr Yushchenko threatened to call an election within two months.

His comments had greater impact because they came a day before the US vice president Dick Cheney was scheduled to arrive in Kiev to shore up Western allies threatened by Russia.

"I will use my right to dismiss parliament and announce early elections," he said.

The success of Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" in 2004 was based on his bond with Mrs Tymoshenko, but relations started to fray soon after they took office.

Although he sacked Mrs Tymoshenko, he was forced to reappoint her late last year after her party won the largest share of the vote in the general election.

Their feud was reignited by Russia's invasion of Georgia last month.

Ukraine, like Georgia, has risked the Kremlin's wrath by applying to join Nato. But while Mr Yushchenko flew to Tbilisi to show his support for Georgia, Mrs Tymoshenko refused to criticise Russia's actions.

Instead, she formed an alliance with the man he replaced as president in 2004 - Victor Yanukovich and his former Communist allies.

In the run-up to that election, Mr Yushchenko was maimed after suffering dioxin poisoning - an attack attributed to Kremlin agents.

"The new coalition formed by Tymoshenko, Yanukovich and the Communists will not serve Ukraine's interests," he said. "Citizens will see that their policies will not protect Ukraine's territorial integrity, its independence and its European integration course."

For her part, Mrs Tymoshenko has accused the president of recklessly antagonising Russia and said there was no justification for the crisis. "A democratic coalition was ruined yesterday on his instructions," she told the weekly cabinet meeting. "This is panic. A democratic coalition has to work.

"The president and his office have used every means to ruin the coalition. It is a pity that the president is behaving irresponsibly."

A flamboyant figure, Mrs Tymoshenko is Ukraine's most popular politician and the current dispute could free her from a pledge not to challenge the president's re-election bid in 2010.

With a large Russian-speaking minority and a pro-Western political elite, Ukrainians are deeply divided over their relations with their powerful neighbour.

Ukraine's leaders fear that Moscow's aggressive protection of its passport holders in the Georgian enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia could be replicated in its own province of Crimea.

Mr Yushchenko has threatened to evict Russia's Black Sea fleet from Sevastopol, the Crimean port with an ethnic Russian majority.

However, as Mr Cheney arrives in the region, America's position has been weakened by the political squabbling in Kiev.

Mrs Tymoshenko is growing in influence.

She has been careful to send Moscow a more calibrated message, condemning her rival's decision on Sevastopol and agreeing to meet Vladimir Putin later this month.

New elections would bring about a final schism between the leaders of the Orange Revolution, paving the way for Mrs Tymoshenko to challenge for the presidency in 2010.

I think The President's days are over. Not sure what his party is trying to achieve...Im not sure what would be the benefit in calling re-elections as they clearly dont have the numbers.


04-09-2008, 10:50 AM
I think The President's days are over. Not sure what his party is trying to achieve...Im not sure what would be the benefit in calling re-elections as they clearly dont have the numbers.

Perhaps the writing was on the wall anyways SP3..........


SPECIAL! New Elections to be Held in December in Ukraine!
Dear citizens, it has happened! Our elite have decided to hold elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in December 2008.

The talks about possible pre-term parliamentary elections had been long ago. A few days ago the source of MIGnews.com.ua reported that the date is known already, it is scheduled at December. But if yesterday it was just information, today we have an acknowledgement.

Firstly, those people who are observing the beginning of a new session of Parliament can see how representatives of all political forces lead our country to a deadlock. They do it consciously as they realize that it is impossible to cut the Gordian knot only by sword but not by talks.

Secondly, there are some acknowledgments. Advertising companies that work with outdoor advertisements in Ukraine, have received from the party “United Center” (leader Igor Krill) an application on the greatest election campaign at October-November this year. Authorities have begun to purchase advertisement hoardings, stops, TV time and radio time.

As we see, there is a situation as follows: snap election of the Verkhovna Rada and the so called “reformatting of Ukraine” are scheduled at December…

… Events that occur one time, is called a tragedy, two times – farce, three times – farce in the Ukrainian way. Nevertheless, one can presuppose not only politicians, but also people are interested in elections. People like it as they can earn much money during election campaign (as we know from previous years – politicians pay much money). And we again will attend the meetings (many political forces hold it).

Well, Ukraine, forward! At new elections, at a regular round directed at tearing our country to small pieces in order to give every hetman some urochishche!,.

Obviously there's a lot of different views, (as opposed to news), coming out of the Ukraine at the moment. IMO, it's quite possible Yulia could pull a coalition together with the assistance of the Party of Regions and other Pro Russian groups. I don't think this would be in our best interests, but perhaps it's better than dissolving the VR.
I'd like to hear Cotik's view on all this.

04-09-2008, 11:13 AM
Tymoshenko may easily restore mutual understanding - Yushchenko

President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko claims that Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko may easily restore mutual understanding between them if she will pursue national priorities. He said this in an interview with CNN.

“It’s easy to find understanding with President Yushchenko but you should look for it in the context of national priorities”, he said, adding that in case if national priorities become the point of compromise there is no doubt that he and Tymoshenko will reach understanding.

He also stressed once again that unnatural and short-lived union was formed today by the Party of Regions and BYuT. Victor Yushchenko stressed that from the legal point of view, if a democratic coalition is not restored in the parliament during 30 days, the parliament will be dissolved.

permanent URL of article:

04-09-2008, 11:30 AM
Tymoshenko may easily restore mutual understanding - Yushchenko

President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko claims that Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko may easily restore mutual understanding between them if she will pursue national priorities. He said this in an interview with CNN.

“It’s easy to find understanding with President Yushchenko but you should look for it in the context of national priorities”, he said, adding that in case if national priorities become the point of compromise there is no doubt that he and Tymoshenko will reach understanding.

He also stressed once again that unnatural and short-lived union was formed today by the Party of Regions and BYuT. Victor Yushchenko stressed that from the legal point of view, if a democratic coalition is not restored in the parliament during 30 days, the parliament will be dissolved.

Dave...........The only way "mutual understanding" can be restored between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko is if the Prime minister promises not to overturn the vetoes which Yushchenko will place on the four draft bills passed two days ago.
This will not happen. I believe the crunch has come, and Tymoshenko is sick and tired of being blocked at every gate she tries to open. By removing Yushchenko's power she believes she can get things moving. The problem is, she will need the assistance of the Pro Russian groups. There are obvious dangers in taking this path, but perhaps she thinks she can control them.
If the bills stand, it's even likely Tymoshenko will pull out of the 2010 Presidential race altogether. I mean..........what's the point of being the President if you're only a figurehead and have no actual power?

If she can pull together a new coalition using other factions in the near future, then in the short term it may be the best outcome for option holders.
If we take a longer term view, the holders of ordinary shares shouldn't feel any different than they have for the last two years. Things are still progressing, and the protocol still stands.

04-09-2008, 11:59 AM
Dave...........The only way "mutual understanding" can be restored between Yushchenko and Tymoshenko is if the Prime minister promises not to overturn the vetoes which Yushchenko will place on the four draft bills passed two days ago.
This will not happen. I believe the crunch has come, and Tymoshenko is sick and tired of being blocked at every gate she tries to open. By removing Yushchenko's power she believes she can get things moving. The problem is, she will need the assistance of the Pro Russian groups. There are obvious dangers in taking this path, but perhaps she thinks she can control them.
If the bills stand, it's even likely Tymoshenko will pull out of the 2010 Presidential race altogether. I mean..........what's the point of being the President if you're only a figurehead and have no actual power?

If she can pull together a new coalition using other factions in the near future, then in the short term it may be the best outcome for option holders.
If we take a longer term view, the holders of ordinary shares shouldn't feel any different than they have for the last two years. Things are still progressing, and the protocol still stands.

She's obviously a very smart polly and has been working hard to get the power she wants. Will be interesting to see how she handles the situation from here on in. I think she'll get the support to form a new coalition.

04-09-2008, 12:22 PM
She's obviously a very smart polly and has been working hard to get the power she wants. Will be interesting to see how she handles the situation from here on in. I think she'll get the support to form a new coalition.

I believe that too Dave...........though just how much Russian influence her new "friends" will have on foreign investment could be the key to Uran's survival in The Ukraine.

Drillfix...........I recieved an email back from Katy re my query for the Top Twenty Option holders. She obviously misunderstood what I was asking for as she pointed me straight to the shareholder info on the website. I have written back hopefully clearing the mud for her, and hopefully we'll see the list today.

04-09-2008, 03:02 PM
Guys, any chance on when posting News that we can only put a small snippet in and perhaps just leave links to the articles?

The reason for this is so we dont have to keep replying with or reading too much long highlighted posts reply's with Ukraine news and maybe a snippet only of that news of discussion. I know its all important but I can see this eventually making this thread drawn out and difficult to read.

I believe that too Dave...........though just how much Russian influence her new "friends" will have on foreign investment could be the key to Uran's survival in The Ukraine..

I think Yulia Tymoshenko is stuck in the middle of these 2 dudes and just wishes to deal with the one who wants the country to move Forward and not Backwards.

As I said, all the jumping up and down is because the US are visiting and the situation in Georgia has previously inflamed. The events here now is just a snowball effect or a preliminary choice of Pick your partner for the Barn Dance.

A slight concern but nonetheless, if Yulia Tymoshenko is still there then there end then the country moves forward regardless of Pro West or Pro Russia, IMO~!

Drillfix...........I recieved an email back from Katy re my query for the Top Twenty Option holders. She obviously misunderstood what I was asking for as she pointed me straight to the shareholder info on the website. I have written back hopefully clearing the mud for her, and hopefully we'll see the list today.

Thanks Juqu,
Although, how very odd that Kate doesn't know the difference between a FPO and Option 20 Holders list. But then, maybe she does and knowingly plays the goat while whoever is doing what they have done can keep doing whatever they are doing (dumping options by the 100K).

Anyways, always great to be updated, way-ta-go Juqu. ;)

04-09-2008, 04:10 PM
[QUOTE.Thanks Juqu,
Although, how very odd that Kate doesn't know the difference between a FPO and Option 20 Holders list. But then, maybe she does and knowingly plays the goat while whoever is doing what they have done can keep doing whatever they are doing (dumping options by the 100K).

Anyways, always great to be updated, way-ta-go Juqu. ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm talking about Katy the office girl Drilly, not Kate Hobbs.

04-09-2008, 04:13 PM
I'm talking about Katy the office girl Drilly, not Kate Hobbs.

Ahhh~! oooppsss, Sorry about that then. :rolleyes:

But then Gag her and Bag her, we will get the real info out of her one way or another...lol :D

04-09-2008, 04:28 PM
URA announcement out now and it seems that they themselves dont actually know what potential outcomes may result~!

I'd like to hear Cotik's view on all this.

I would also like to hear Cotik's view/take on the situation at present as well.

Cotik, are you there and would you be kind enough to share your thoughts on this please?

04-09-2008, 04:34 PM
announcement out and why am I not surprised that Kate doesn't know if it will have (that's right, Kate, you forgot the have. Understandable though when writing multiple lines. Now take a bex and have a good lie down :p) any implications

04-09-2008, 05:25 PM
announcement out and why am I not surprised that Kate doesn't know if it will have (that's right, Kate, you forgot the have. Understandable though when writing multiple lines. Now take a bex and have a good lie down :p) any implications
Nice to see the blanket of silence broken even if it is just two lines of bad news complete with bad grammar.

"Uran does not yet know"
At least they are keeping the status quo :rolleyes: though it buggers belief really

04-09-2008, 05:46 PM
"Uran does not yet know"
At least they are keeping the status quo :rolleyes: though it buggers belief really

The funny thing I find is that, I dont even think Uran actually knew previously even when there was Political Situation :rolleyes:

This politics stuff neither seems here, Nor there.

I am still in the same view as before, and dont want this situation to "Let Management off the Hook" so to speak.

They should still be accountable and they should still communicate with what they are doing, and What they Have done thus far. No need for silence and no need for announcements of the obvious, but perhaps its good practice for them~!

04-09-2008, 05:58 PM
The funny thing I find is that, I dont even think Uran actually knew previously even when there was Political Situation :rolleyes:

This politics stuff neither seems here, Nor there.

I am still in the same view as before, and dont want this situation to "Let Management off the Hook" so to speak.

They should still be accountable and they should still communicate with what they are doing, and What they Have done thus far. No need for silence and no need for announcements of the obvious, but perhaps its good practice for them~!

Just for Drillfix as requested earlier, todays ann ;)


04-09-2008, 06:11 PM
Just for Drillfix as requested earlier, todays ann ;)


LOL shasta, I meant page long news articles. :p

But back on topic of the Uran Ann today, they cant even seem to word it correctly, meaning the 2nd paragraph, They Forgot to ADD a ??word?? to make the sentence sound right.

Uran does not yet know what implications, if any, this may ??? in the short for our activities in Ukraine.

I mean, who is writing this stuff, a teenager employed at the office or something? Sheez~!

New lows again today also, which I can only guess is some panic from today's Political News or Uran announcement~!

Like the rest of the market, how low will this go?, and how strong is this companies relationship with VostGoK and the Ukrainians whether in power or out of power?, and where are these so called Discovery People negotiating for their crust? Who and when has got final say in all this so called potential debacle???

04-09-2008, 06:28 PM
The game has changed in Ukraine.

There is a new plan, I don't have time to explain right now, but I will try later.

This will give you some idea of what is going on.

news from 22/8/08


The Uran deal will not change IMO, there may be a slight delay, but nothing more.


04-09-2008, 07:16 PM
The Uran deal will not change IMO, there may be a slight delay, but nothing more.:)

I would think the word "delay" sends a shiver down the spine of most option holders.
Hopefully the company will continue to work on the data and come up with some good grades and tonnages. If we can also receive some statement from the Ukranians which confirms, once again, that our agreement still stands, then fundamentally option holders may be in a position to exercise their options before expiry.

04-09-2008, 07:22 PM
I would think the word "delay" sends a shiver down the spine of most option holders.
Hopefully the company will continue to work on the data and come up with some good grades and tonnages. If we can also receive some statement from the Ukranians which confirms, once again, that our agreement still stands, then fundamentally option holders may be in a position to exercise their options before expiry.

Extra delays would invariably = extra costs.:confused:

If the options aren't exercised (say 95%+), then i hope the Board has someone lined up to underwrite them. (go on Kate show us the "faith")

I don't know how they intend raising funds if the options are out of the money.

I'm not so sure there loyal shareholders will pour more good $$$ after bad if the share price is sub 10c say...

04-09-2008, 07:41 PM
I would think the word "delay" sends a shiver down the spine of most option holders.
Hopefully the company will continue to work on the data and come up with some good grades and tonnages. If we can also receive some statement from the Ukranians which confirms, once again, that our agreement still stands, then fundamentally option holders may be in a position to exercise their options before expiry.

I wonder which activities the current political crisis may affect.

Should it have an impact on the data review? If yes how/why?

imo the only impact it may have is that it could delay the jv agreement (given that it needs to be ratified by Cabinet) but this will only happen if the government is dissolved. The coalition government still has another 39 days to resolve their issues/form a new coalition before the President dissolves the government.

In the meantime the Cabinet may still continue to have Cabinet meetings. My understanding is they still have a corum.

04-09-2008, 08:09 PM
I wonder which activities the current political crisis may affect.

Should it have an impact on the data review? If yes how/why?

Impact on data review ? Surely not if Uran truly do have all data. Surely Uran will soon be all set from their point of view.

Just had a glance at the buy / sell depth. Which of you sharks is waiting on those large round numbered 9, 8, 7c buys ? Just envious.

04-09-2008, 08:18 PM
I wonder which activities the current political crisis may affect.

Should it have an impact on the data review? If yes how/why?

imo the only impact it may have is that it could delay the jv agreement (given that it needs to be ratified by Cabinet) but this will only happen if the government is dissolved. The coalition government still has another 39 days to resolve their issues/form a new coalition before the President dissolves the government.

In the meantime the Cabinet may still continue to have Cabinet meetings. My understanding is they still have a corum.

I agree SP3..........they still have a quorum. Although ratifying JV's at this point in time wouldn't be high on the agenda. As I said earlier, I believe Yulia will most likely use the Party of Regions and other factions to form a new coalition. Not very Pro Western, but better than the alternative for option holders.
And yes!...........I see no reason why the data work should be held up at all.

04-09-2008, 09:32 PM
There are obviously a few potential political outcome in Ukraine in the near term, but none of them would derail the projects Uran are reviewing IMO.

I am sure that the companies risk committee have employed political consultants from both the major parties in Ukraine and they will be receiving updates on the situation and any likely impact it may have on Uran.

From the people I have talked with, it seems as though the marriage of convince between Yulia and Victor Yan with continue until the President is replace. I would expect Presidential election in Ukraine before Christmas this year, after the Presidential powers have been severely reduced.

Any cheap fpo coming?

04-09-2008, 10:10 PM
There are obviously a few potential political outcome in Ukraine in the near term, but none of them would derail the projects Uran are reviewing IMO.

I am sure that the companies risk committee have employed political consultants from both the major parties in Ukraine and they will be receiving updates on the situation and any likely impact it may have on Uran.

From the people I have talked with, it seems as though the marriage of convince between Yulia and Victor Yan with continue until the President is replace. I would expect Presidential election in Ukraine before Christmas this year, after the Presidential powers have been severely reduced.

Any cheap fpo coming?

That sounds like a level headed bit of information there cotik.

But as you point out, I guess it will depend on what these consultants report back.
(I never knew Uran had these consultants in place ready to report).

Also, what about the Delays here and the Options Expiry?

This certainly does put even more pressure many of the option holders like yourself and many others here. How is Management going to get these options in the money when the Sand in the Hour Glass is running out and the goal posts are being taken on & off the field along with players and coaches.

A few concerns indeed, but how this exactly will play out can be anyones guess.

All I can say is the AGM is going to be even more than a tough cookie scenario.

Now Kate can blame everything on the Ukraine Government to alleviate herself from any finger pointing (I was going to say Knife dodging).

Also this now Arms the Question list with questions that she cannot answer so what efforts is she going to do to have questions answered, will this be the consultants again? or does this mean will now RELY on these consultants??

04-09-2008, 10:21 PM
That sounds like a level headed bit of information there cotik.

But as you point out, I guess it will depend on what these consultants report back.
(I never knew Uran had these consultants in place ready to report).

Also, what about the Delays here and the Options Expiry?

This certainly does put even more pressure many of the option holders like yourself and many others here. How is Management going to get these options in the money when the Sand in the Hour Glass is running out and the goal posts are being taken on & off the field along with players and coaches.

A few concerns indeed, but how this exactly will play out can be anyones guess.

All I can say is the AGM is going to be even more than a tough cookie scenario.

Now Kate can blame everything on the Ukraine Government to alleviate herself from any finger pointing (I was going to say Knife dodging).

Also this now Arms the Question list with questions that she cannot answer so what efforts is she going to do to have questions answered, will this be the consultants again? or does this mean will now RELY on these consultants??

Heard an unfounded rumour, that the bust up between Victor & Yulia was over the vacate Uran board seat left by Ross Kennedy...

Yulia, when asked replied "no comment" :D

Sorry, it's been that kind of day :D

05-09-2008, 10:30 AM

As expected...........

I think Yushchenko's days are numbered.
Despite him stalling progress on a considerable number of bills put forward by the coalition, (the old one), he is probably the most patriotic of all the Ukrainian politicians.
The new coalition that is likely to be formed will be very Pro Russian and may perhaps lead Ukraine backwards into the darker days. Many Ukranians already consider Tymoshenko to have "sold out".
But perhaps Yulia is smarter than I think, and has a contingency plan up her sleeve.

05-09-2008, 01:05 PM
No party other than BYUT and PR will be in the next Ukrainian parliament. They are already talking about what cutoff percentage to apply, 7% or 10%.
Either OU-PSD reform the coalition or they will never be elected again.


Five political forces would enter parliament - poll

If the snap parliamentary poll took place in Ukraine in the nearest months, five political forces would enter the parliament – the Party of Regions (26.6%), BYuT (22.2%), CPU (5.4%), Lytvyn’s Bloc (5.1%), and Our Ukraine (3.9%).

These are the results of a poll carried out by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during August 15-27.

None of non-parliamentary parties has approached to going though the 3% barrier to the Verkhovna Rada: the Progressive Socialist Party would get some 1.9%, the People’s Self-Defense Bloc – some 1.8%, the Socialist Party of Ukraine – some 1.1%, the United Center party – some 0.5%. Others parties and blocs would receive 2.6%. Some 9.1% of those polled would vote against all, and some 19.7% could not answer the question.

At the same time, some 68.5% of respondents said they would take part in the snap poll, some 24.7% said they would not, and some 6.7% could not answer the question.

The poll was carried out in all regions of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Kyiv, and Sevastopol. On the whole, 1800 people took part in the poll.


05-09-2008, 04:33 PM
I have never witnessed this type of agressiveness from a buying perspective on this stock. Last time I saw this type of behaviour was when Junior Kiernan was dumping.

Did anyone else watch this "madman" in action?

05-09-2008, 04:44 PM
I have never witnessed this type of agressiveness from a buying perspective on this stock. Last time I saw this type of behaviour was when Junior Kiernan was dumping.

Did anyone else watch this "madman" in action?

I'll assume you're joking SP3..........a whole 73 000 shares. Not even enough to get the options moving, which I assume is the object of the game.

05-09-2008, 06:47 PM
what on earth happened today, down to 8 then up to 16..

05-09-2008, 07:01 PM
what on earth happened today, down to 8 then up to 16..

From stockness (URA)

7 Trades, 73,000 volume, VWAP 12.23c, within 5 minutes orders went thru at, 13c, 14c, 15c, 15c, & 16c totalling exactly 46,000 (= less than $10k)

With the options (URAO)

5 trades, 210,673 volume, VWAP 1.8c, (= less than $5k)

Someone may have put in a market price "buy" order in, if so are they finished???

05-09-2008, 07:52 PM
Anyone else see it - earlier today there was a buy order for 4,500,000 @ 2c ? What's that supposed to convey ?

05-09-2008, 09:43 PM

Makes sense,(from Yulia viewpoint),.............get rid of Yush's shield and leave him exposed.

Tony S
05-09-2008, 09:45 PM
Anyone else see it - earlier today there was a buy order for 4,500,000 @ 2c ? What's that supposed to convey ?

Hi friends,

long time no speak. Excuse my lack of participation recently, been kinda busy in a drilling program.

Well the cat is amongst the pidgeons isn't it?? The political news is not ideal, and I don't really know what to make of it. I'm pretty good at mining issues, governance issues, shareholder issues etc... but funny country issues are not my forte, unless they are African!

A small spanner in the cogs or a big one? I would suggest URA are being advised very carefully by consultants in the Ukraine on all sorts of possibilities for a long period of time. I can not believe that they don't have an ear on the ground keeping them informed. Madness if they didn't.

My feeling (and note my disclosure below) is that the current issues were not totally unexpected by Kate & Co, and I would expect they have plans in place for all possibilities.

I read Cotiks posts with interest. He is also Top 20 (and much bigger than me!) and has experience in the region.

My feel also is that this may delay things a little however the current issues are a long way from being fatal for shareholders. I don't know this, but good management would have fingers in the appropriate pies (from my experience living and operating in West Africa) to overcome issues like this.

URA is unlikely to have formed relationships solely with one party. Is the current Govt the ideal one for URA? Most probably, however I would expect palns are in place for the issues we see in the Ukraine today.

I haven't changed my view on URA, albeit the current political issues are frustrating. I believe it may affect timing (although I agree it won't affect due dilligence) but only in the short term.

I realise shareholders are hurting, and it took me 90 minutes to catch up with posts, however is anyone really thinking of selling at 8 cents? Really? The selldown to 8 cents was an abnormality in my books, as was the rise to 16 cents. people desperate to get out, people making the price look good.

For what it is worth I'm going to sit on my shares and if the opportunity comes up (at 8 cents!!!!) I'll look to double up, but that opportunity is unlikely.

We all need to play it as we see it and no-one should feel comfortable without DYOR, however my view is that URA are a speccie mineral play in a really bad market.....I can't belive it will get much worse (than 8 cents). No market cap with teriffic potential. ukraine is ugly at the moment, so was Laos when Oxiana went in.....remember them?

Cheers to all, hope you are travelling well. I will try to get to the AGM in Perth and report back.

Kisses to Archer and big hugs for drilly.


Disclosue: Top 20 holder so DYOR.

05-09-2008, 10:19 PM
Hi Tony,

Welcome back and great to hear that things are busy with current drilling programs for Pluton.

Kisses to Archer and big hugs for drilly.

LOL Thanks mate, but little hugs only if possible as Im just back from hospital this arvo while ago from having another Discography (discogram) done. (OUCH Again).

In fact I was only saying to Juqu the other day I dont know which is hurting me more, the Uran share price or this Discogram. And I think the answer to that is the Uran Share price

I agree, 8 cents is turning into a joke, but its not just Uran, its seems to be a sector thing at the moment, just heaps of investors pulling out full stop, regardless of potential or story, people are bailing all over the joint.

Looking forward to hearing reports or how these consultants are viewing matters over and more importantly, When and What is going to exactly happen with Progress (the right word?) with existing efforts~!

Look forward to reading more posts Tony, great to see ya again ;)

06-09-2008, 08:02 AM
what on earth happened today, down to 8 then up to 16..

I think the TA team call it "chart painting" :D

06-09-2008, 11:30 PM
According to this blog, there is no 'real' crisis in Kiev.


07-09-2008, 02:36 AM
Well, I honestly dont think that we should worry about the politics over there but rather, the State of the Markets.

Lets face it, every company under the sun just about is getting sold off and especially resource stocks and primarily juniors too.

What concerns me is that given the state of these markets that if and when news does come through, there is nobody there to take interest in that so called news (if and when it comes).

This will take the batting average down even further which means its hardly worth waiting for unless there is a change in either flavour or some motion in the direction of the sector which we previously have already discussed.

Sure as some already point out, we could get some sort of delays but providing we the Home Run hit we so badly need to help move us from A to B to C to X then this will certainly aid in getting some runs on the board.

07-09-2008, 11:41 AM
Well, I honestly dont think that we should worry about the politics over there but rather, the State of the Markets.

Lets face it, every company under the sun just about is getting sold off and especially resources stocks and primarily many juniors too.

What concerns me that given the state of the market that if and when news does come through, there is nobody there to take interest in that so called news (if and when it comes).

This will take the batting average down even further which means its hardly worth waiting for unless there is a change in either flavour or some motion in the direction of the sector which we previously have already discussed.

Sure as some already point out, we could get some sort of delays but providing we the Home Run hit we so badly need to help move us from A to B to C to X then this will certainly aid in getting some runs on the board.
I agree.

Even if URA acquired Rozna, Novok, and the 3 Ukraine deposits tomorrow the share price would hardly move given the current market conditions.

No company is immuned from the current market conditions.

07-09-2008, 02:15 PM
I agree.

Even if URA acquired Rozna, Novok, and the 3 Ukraine deposits tomorrow the share price would hardly move given the current market conditions.

No company is immuned from the current market conditions.

I believe it would move a bit SP3, but nothing in line with the lofty expectations we had 12 months ago. However, the big difference would be that the fundamentals would be sound, and for option holders, that would be a big relief. Wouldn't have any problems getting out the cheque book to exercise...................

07-09-2008, 02:33 PM
However, the big difference would be that the fundamentals would be sound, and for option holders, that would be a big relief. Wouldn't have any problems getting out the cheque book to exercise...................

That would be a great start Juqu, to have the fundamentals set in stone certainly would make things clearer and a BIG relief for option holders. The only problem for some of us though is the Cheque book part :rolleyes:

07-09-2008, 02:59 PM
That would be a great start Juqu, to have the fundamentals set in stone certainly would make things clearer and a BIG relief for option holders. The only problem for some of us though is the Cheque book part :rolleyes:

LOL..........I know what you mean Drilly. There's always Frankie the Fly my local loan shark.

09-09-2008, 03:21 PM
We got a "We dunno"......

The first was $165,000 worth of Tungsten in the US that didnt 'surprisingly ;) come under the umbrella of the Discovery option.

Whats the AGM date again?

Agree Satori, a We dunno, is not Adequate or even close to communication.

With regards to Tungsten as a Non Discovery project.

How about we put a vote forth at the AGM that Discover gets the Tungsten Project for a Reward rather than any money or shares!!!!

I am sure everybody here would agree that this would be Fair Value for them, being where tungsten prices are these days and all :rolleyes:

Not sure when Exactly the AGM is but I urge many here to line up those Hard Hitting Questions and especially the ones that Need or should Demand Answers.

09-09-2008, 09:56 PM
Hi Drill

Just us here mate ;)

Time seems to bring with it an apathy, almost a defeatist attitude here amongst some shareholders and definitely with management that issues are all macro or 'outside of' the company.

As my earlier, and earlier posts, suggest the issues are to do with what is coming out of the company; what is being generated by the company.

The company is not only creating this, but in effect perpetuating it. The negative attitude that resonates outwardly (and it does...just try to get an answer to an email...let alone a response) is damaging.

The AGM is closing in and shareholders risk 'another' opportunity to hit home the issues.

The sell depth now 'on screen' is now more than its been for 18 months (sub 20 cents)

The buy depth is not convincing.

Wheres the 'real' shareholder value 'potentially' here?

Its not Bulgaria. Its most likely not Kaz or Uzbek....or some two bit Tungsten project in the US owned by a guy with a cartoon characters name ;)

Its in 2 regions imo. Its Ukraine and its Czech.

Czech is locked up and politically anyones guess. Rozna and Pribram were/are opportunities that we havent taken...for whatever reasons.
But value. Real value remains.

Ukraine seems to be potentially anything or nothing for us.

Clearly we need more information (tired of saying this) and delineation on the opportunities here.
Some might say we got that with a 'brief' mention of Novok consortium...and the 2..er thats 3 now isnt it? projects.
There are 'aalegedly' others there in Ukraine.
But who would know?
Uran STILL are not coming clean here. Day by day the Discovery connection is being revealed as the very opportunistic and distant (yet valuable nevertheless) 'asset' or 'negotiation possibility' it is/was.

Again, we need to appreciate, or more to the point, 'Uran' management need to appreciate that shareholders 'after 2 years' are not in the mood to accept generous Discovery deals that weigh heavily on existing 'Uran' shareholders.

We have seen finally where Uran management are focused...and it isnt on the best outcome for 'Uran' shareholders. The Tungsten deal, that is the 'Non Discovery related' tungsten deal showed us where out management team are focused;

Creating maximum value for Discovery shareholders to ride on the coat tails of Uran shareholders hard earned dollars.

Kate Hobbs, Uran Managing Director and MAJOR shareholder in Discovery not only has had the rather unfortunate 'perception' of being centred around a conflict of interest....we have recently seen that perception real or otherwise strengthened on the Tungsten deal that Discovery didnt want ANY valuation attributed to 'THEIR' negotiations.


Any progress on the email replies that you are due?

I'll scan the URA thread in the weekend, & add to my list of questions.

I'll then make it available to anyone that requests a copy.;)

I'd like some concensus from "us" the shareholders before releasing the questions to Uran's Managment prior to the AGM.

10-09-2008, 01:26 AM
Hi shasta

Nothing on email front. If at first you dont succeed.. ;)

Hi guys, I'm still here - just moved from WA to QLD -so a bit busy. Really not happy with the failure to lock in the Ukraine deals before the political situation all went nuts again. For the life of me can't see why they have basically got Nothing after all this time and cash burn - unless they really are stupid - or worse. AGM - ? might go - but hard to see the point in spending the dosh now. If any of this comes off it is a long, long way off. Hope we all make some significant money elsewhere in the interim. :) Cheers, A

10-09-2008, 03:44 AM
Hi Drill

Just us here mate ;)

Time seems to bring with it an apathy, almost a defeatist attitude here amongst some shareholders and definitely with management that issues are all macro or 'outside of' the company.

I'm sure there are many reading your chat but on the scant info we have there's not much more that can be added (and I appreciate your efforts that have come to be the equivalent of wringing blood out of a stone) until management fronts up. Or our emails get some helpful answers. I'm waiting on one to my last posted 31/08/08.

I'm still not entirely defeatist. More resigned to just being a mushroom, so yeah, a sense of apathy for me. But still got to give this thing a chance through October though much beyond that with no news (wow, goes with URA like apple pie and icecream) and future funding will be ringing alarms for me.

Welcome to the East Coast Archer but felt comfortable with you over near the 'action' :rolleyes: Let's hope you haven't put the mockers on this :( (lol).

As for making significant money in the interim (can only hope that's true regarding URA) I have been hedging my bets on others. Much more comfortable with those though everythings pretty static at the moment.

Thanks Shasta for putting together a list of questions. Can only wonder if there'll be any answers. Has to be some accountablity this time around ?....NO (arrgh, I am defeatist !).


10-09-2008, 06:31 PM
Furii and others

Keep on emailing and persisting. Ask why. Ask directly. Be professional. And do it with respect...but certainly not trepidation.
The dynamic of the relationship between shareholders is the wrong way around.
Do your part to address that, get on the front foot and do something.
But most of all dont give up...its your money.
You deserve answers and accountability needs to be demonstrated by a team not performing.

Importantly keep records of the times and days it takes to get a response.

Lets deal with facts here.

The more shareholders do this the better outcome for EVERYONE...Uran management team included.

Bare in mind here that URA is a $5 mil coy.

Hence, due to th nature of URA activities, they surely must have low staff number. They don't really need a lot of staff ayway, just execs and exploration manager. I am sure you shareholders don't want to pay someone unnecessary salaries for doing squatdush. Therefore, not answering emails from you guys here can be pointed to 2 things - no staff to answer them or more importantly, better things to do than to answer price sensitive information (illegal). I am sure if they have something meaningful to report, they will file an announcement to the ASX for all shareholders, not just you all here at sharetrader.

10-09-2008, 10:42 PM
I still cant get my head around why Kate announced about the political situation in Ukraine AND mentioned Uran in the same sentence.

The Ukraine Parliament and Cabinet IS STILL FUNCTIONAL...IT HAS NOT BEEN DISSOLVED. What was the purpose of that announcement?

Maybe she was pressured by shareholders' concerns and released something just to please the masses?

And finally, what has the breakup of the coalition have to do with the review of the technical data? I thought the data was being reviewed by Uran in Australia?

Surely the review must be close to being completed by now!!!

11-09-2008, 12:35 PM
looks like Kaz is the place to be ATM. http://businessneweurope.eu/storyf1236
come on Uran - time to get cracking. :rolleyes: A

11-09-2008, 06:22 PM
looks like Kaz is the place to be ATM. http://businessneweurope.eu/storyf1236
come on Uran - time to get cracking. :rolleyes: A

Not sure exactly what that article is about with reference to Uran except the part that says:
experiencing an increasing volume of projects involving Japanese companies including fuel development for nuclear power plants,

I think this company needs a Vote of No Confidence for the CEO and Chairman to be tossed out by the scruff of their necks.

As Kate Hobbs couldn't negotiate her way out of a Wet Paper Bag with a knife in her hands.

11-09-2008, 06:52 PM
[QUOTE=drillfix;222707]Not sure exactly what that article is about with reference to Uran except the part that says:

:) its just that Kaz is opening up and that international banks are getting in as fast as they can because the country is opening up big time to foreign investment. Perhaps we should all go over there stake out a few tennements and float onthe ASX when things improve a bit (hello - are they going to ?) :eek: A

11-09-2008, 11:33 PM
Naturally I do not know the details of that deal. But we were well on the way...then 'nothing'...'silence' ..no explanation.

Its just SO DISAPPOINTING to see the company grasp a tungsten deal and refuse to follow through with a uranium deal that really could have cemented it as a worthy incumbent in Czech with half a dozen applications in tow that may have been looked upon much more favourable

Yes Satori, so very true and only if the co actually did that, but instead we only get a slap in the face and kick up the backside. And for exactly what reason the no follow up or silence surrounding that?

I confess that I am a nutter and I definitely could do with some help.
But IMO,
I think K. Hobbs is a complete Utter Nutter in need of lots of help mentally as CEO of ASX listed companies should not act as she has and currently is. (again IMO).

Therefore I restate my previous comment about how I think this company needs a Vote of No Confidence for the CEO and Chairman to be tossed out by the scruff of their necks. (stand aside)

12-09-2008, 08:41 PM
The following is copied from one of Intell11's popst on another forum. Obviously Ukraine are very keen to get things moving on the uranium front. Despite the turmoil going on, things are still progressing.
Now....................what's going on with that data review?

Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine’s charter approved
11.09.2008 14:12

The Ukrainian Cabinet approved the corporate charter of the state concern Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine. The decision had been made by the government meeting on September 10, Ukraine’s fuel and energy minister Yuri Prodan told journalists. He noted the document included the provision under which the state property being transferred to ownership of the state concern could not be alienated without an agreement with the government...

12-09-2008, 08:46 PM

What exactly is YT's game?
Does she really think Yush will back down and come crawling back and accept having his wings clipped to the bone?
Or is she making a desperate effort to save face and regain the support she has lost in the West(Ukraine)?
I believe a a snap election would have Yanuk sitting in her seat. Perhaps she didn't realize this prior to upsetting Yush.

12-09-2008, 11:26 PM
The following is copied from one of Intell11's popst on another forum. Obviously Ukraine are very keen to get things moving on the uranium front. Despite the turmoil going on, things are still progressing.
Now....................what's going on with that data review?

Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine’s charter approved
11.09.2008 14:12

The Ukrainian Cabinet approved the corporate charter of the state concern Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine. The decision had been made by the government meeting on September 10, Ukraine’s fuel and energy minister Yuri Prodan told journalists. He noted the document included the provision under which the state property being transferred to ownership of the state concern could not be alienated without an agreement with the government...

Can someone remind Kate that Ukraine's Cabinet is still alive and active. When is it going to be our turn?

09/11/2008 | 10:14 / Author: Yevhen Holovatiuk / Topic: Cabinet of Ministers, Economics

Cabinet Orders Energy Ministry Optimize Structure Of Naftohaz Ukrainy

The Cabinet of Ministers has ordered the Fuel and Energy Ministry to optimize organizational structure of the national joint-stock company Naftohaz Ukrainy.

This follows from the Cabinet's resolution No. 794 dated August 27.

As of October 1, the Energy Ministry and the company must take measures to optimize and simplify organizational structure of the NJSC, including separation of production and other divisions of its subsidiaries UkrTransHaz and UkrHazVydobuvannia, as well as open joint-stock companies ChornomorNaftoHaz and UkrTransNafta (100% owned by Naftohaz Ukrainy).

Besides, the government allowed UkrTransHaz, UkrHazVydobuvannia, UkrTransNafta and ChornomorNaftoHaz to spend funds in 2008 on realization of investment projects approved by the Energy Ministry and the Finance Ministry.

This resolution also endorses financial plans of the four above-stated companies for 2008.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, ChornomorNaftoHaz explores and mines oil and gas at the Ukrainian shelf of the Azov and Black Seas.

UkrTransNafta operates Ukraine's oil transportation system while UkrTransHaz operates the gas transportation system.

UkrHazVydobuvannia is the largest gas mining company in Ukraine.

Naftohaz Ukrainy monopolizes transportation of natural gas via transit pipelines and crude oil via oil pipelines in Ukraine. It is also a major extractor and seller of natural gas and a major extractor of crude oil in Ukraine.

12-09-2008, 11:32 PM
The following is copied from one of Intell11's popst on another forum. Obviously Ukraine are very keen to get things moving on the uranium front. Despite the turmoil going on, things are still progressing.
Now....................what's going on with that data review?

Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine’s charter approved
11.09.2008 14:12

The Ukrainian Cabinet approved the corporate charter of the state concern Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine. The decision had been made by the government meeting on September 10, Ukraine’s fuel and energy minister Yuri Prodan told journalists. He noted the document included the provision under which the state property being transferred to ownership of the state concern could not be alienated without an agreement with the government...

09/10/2008 | 17:14 / Author: Yevhen Holovatiuk / Topic: Cabinet of Ministers, Economics

Cabinet Endorses By-Laws Of Nuclear Fuel Of Ukraine Concern

The Cabinet of Ministers has endorsed the by-laws of the Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine concern, Fuel and Energy Minister Yurii Prodan said.

He said that the by-laws envisage mechanisms preventing from possible alienation of concern's property.

The government plans to appoint head of the concern with another resolution.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, in April, the Cabinet of Ministers liquidated Ukratomprom state-owned concern and created Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine.

The concern is created on the basis of Ukratomprom enterprises, excluding Enerhoatom and Turboatom.

The concern unites Enerhoatom national nuclear power company, Skhidnyi (Eastern) ore mining and enrichment plant, Directorate of enterprise built on the basis of Novokostiantynivka deposit of uranium ores (Kirovohrad region), Smoly state enterprise (Dnipropetrovsk region), Zhovti Vody-based Ukrainian scientific and research and project-exploration institute of industrial technology (Dnipropetrovsk region), and Dnipropetrovsk Precision Pipe Plant state enterprise.

12-09-2008, 11:41 PM
Can someone remind Kate that Ukraine's Cabinet is still alive and active. When is it going to be our turn?

Good Question SP3.

By right, it should have already been our turn, but there always seems to be an excuse.

This is how primarily K. Hobbs makes her living, so why sign a deal now when there negotiating story keeps working for her.

Although to many what I say probably sounds like a broken record skipping but I continue to stand by my previous statements.

Kate Hobbs with her passive approach to how to close a deal or the ability to move it between the goals posts cannot possibly fathom the PAIN that she has caused many here.

12-09-2008, 11:46 PM
09/10/2008 | 17:14 / Author: Yevhen Holovatiuk / Topic: Cabinet of Ministers, Economics

Cabinet Endorses By-Laws Of Nuclear Fuel Of Ukraine Concern

The Cabinet of Ministers has endorsed the by-laws of the Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine concern, Fuel and Energy Minister Yurii Prodan said.

He said that the by-laws envisage mechanisms preventing from possible alienation of concern's property.

The government plans to appoint head of the concern with another resolution.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, in April, the Cabinet of Ministers liquidated Ukratomprom state-owned concern and created Nuclear Fuel of Ukraine.

The concern is created on the basis of Ukratomprom enterprises, excluding Enerhoatom and Turboatom.

The concern unites Enerhoatom national nuclear power company, Skhidnyi (Eastern) ore mining and enrichment plant, Directorate of enterprise built on the basis of Novokostiantynivka deposit of uranium ores (Kirovohrad region), Smoly state enterprise (Dnipropetrovsk region), Zhovti Vody-based Ukrainian scientific and research and project-exploration institute of industrial technology (Dnipropetrovsk region), and Dnipropetrovsk Precision Pipe Plant state enterprise.

not sure if this relates to uran.
09/12/2008 | 14:37 / Author: Viktor Riasnyi / Topic: Government

Yuschenko Calls For Acceleration Of Privatization

President Viktor Yuschenko has called for acceleration of the privatization process.

Yuschenko made the call while addressing journalists during a visit to the Cherkasy region.

«We need to unblock the privatization process. The worst manager, the worst businessman is the government. Therefore, the entire world is transferring business into a system of joint-stock, corporate, and private institutions while the government collects taxes,» Yuschenko said.

At the same time, Yuschenko said that privatization should not be considered as a source of funds for financing political and social populism.

«No political force should view privatization as a source for [financing] political and social populism. Virtually every European country has once adopted a law [stipulating that] not a single kopeck from privatization will go to acquisition in order to ensure that not a single government uses this for improper purposes,» Yuschenko said.

Yuschenko expressed regret that privatization processes have essentially been suspended in 2008.

«The fact that this year is going for nothing because nobody has confidence in how these funds will be used and the government has not drafted a national program [on privatization] to this day, this has resulted in suspension of adoption of decisions. Nobody wants to continue going along the speculative road,» Yuschenko said.

Yuschenko stressed that he was hoping that privatization processes would be unblocked in the near future.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the State Property Fund transferred UAH 355.428 million in privatization revenues into the state budget during the January-August period.

This amount constitutes 4.13% of the annual target for privatization revenues that is stipulated in the state budget for 2008.

13-09-2008, 12:15 AM
not sure if this relates to uran.
09/12/2008 | 14:37 / Author: Viktor Riasnyi / Topic: Government

Yuschenko Calls For Acceleration Of Privatization

President Viktor Yuschenko has called for acceleration of the privatization process.

Yuschenko made the call while addressing journalists during a visit to the Cherkasy region.

«We need to unblock the privatization process. The worst manager, the worst businessman is the government. Therefore, the entire world is transferring business into a system of joint-stock, corporate, and private institutions while the government collects taxes,» Yuschenko said.

At the same time, Yuschenko said that privatization should not be considered as a source of funds for financing political and social populism.

«No political force should view privatization as a source for [financing] political and social populism. Virtually every European country has once adopted a law [stipulating that] not a single kopeck from privatization will go to acquisition in order to ensure that not a single government uses this for improper purposes,» Yuschenko said.

Yuschenko expressed regret that privatization processes have essentially been suspended in 2008.

«The fact that this year is going for nothing because nobody has confidence in how these funds will be used and the government has not drafted a national program [on privatization] to this day, this has resulted in suspension of adoption of decisions. Nobody wants to continue going along the speculative road,» Yuschenko said.

Yuschenko stressed that he was hoping that privatization processes would be unblocked in the near future.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the State Property Fund transferred UAH 355.428 million in privatization revenues into the state budget during the January-August period.

This amount constitutes 4.13% of the annual target for privatization revenues that is stipulated in the state budget for 2008.

This story relates to council elections...not really a big deal. at the end of the day, what matters is the environment ministers position...not the locals.

i thought this quote was interesting.

Environment Minister Martin Bursik (Greens) has repeatedly assured the locals that he would not allow the mining's renewal but no one seems to rely on this.


13-09-2008, 12:14 PM
after a week away

Uran remains top of threads...unreal

SP under 10c

constant and strong downtrend

no support

and still top of threads???

go figure

move on to CSG people, Uranium is dead

Whilst i agree CSG is a better short term bet, Uranium will again have it's day in the sun.

If people want a "green eco-friendly" safe energy source, then Uranium is it.

13-09-2008, 06:16 PM
after a week away

Uran remains top of threads...unreal

SP under 10c

constant and strong downtrend

no support

and still top of threads???

go figure

move on to CSG people, Uranium is dead


Anyone who thinks uranium is dead, has their head in the sand.
Uranium will play a huge part on the world energy stage in the coming years. One only has to look at the number of reactors currently being built and those proposed for the near future to see that. Then look at the current and proposed world production figures and it all makes sense.
Whether of not Uran play a part remains to be seen, but to write off the Uranium industry.....................absolute madness.

14-09-2008, 09:03 PM
in the ST, Uranium is DEAD, FACT, prove otherwise

look at coking coal stocks, China is demanding more of this than anything remotely close to Uranium

your day is the sun has GONE, one day yes, but you are now holding the wooden spoon

move on

CSG is now, Coking coal is now

Uranium may be 2011

but as you have now found out, Uranium is NOT NOW, URA have proved that more than anyone,

and going on the history of the so called URAN mines/ deposits, I couldnt sleep at night knowing the history of those deposits....war labour/ torture and all, you obviously do understand the history there and are comfortable with it.

better way to make a dollar imo

and you wonder why URA is the most talked about stock on this forum???

14-09-2008, 09:46 PM
Uranium is dead

This is exactly what you said Underdog...........

All of a sudden you change your tune and say the opposite. You're now proposing a uranium renaissance in 2011.............

"Uranium may be 2011

but as you have now found out, Uranium is NOT NOW"

If you want to run Uran down, that's fine. But to obtain any credibility, at least get the story straight in your head before putting it down for the rest of us to see.

15-09-2008, 01:25 AM
Sounds like Zed...............

15-09-2008, 03:17 AM
Sounds like Zed...............


same person!!!!

15-09-2008, 09:39 PM

same person!!!!

URA ann out - Annual Financial Statements (this should be an interesting read re where the cash has been spent on)


"A fair value assessment of the companies 8% interest in Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd resulted in an impairment of $200,000".

So there we go folks, Discovery's "worth" is now calculated at $1.25m (that equates to around 15.5m shares @ 8c), with a nominal $100k value still in the books.

Nearly $500k spent on consultants, lets hope our friend in Kiev has earnt his hefty fees!

Also of note, we spent over $A1m on Discovery Mineral leads this year!

Page 62 is a must read - Discovery deadline now 30 June 2009!

15-09-2008, 10:06 PM
URA ann out - Annual Financial Statements (this should be an interesting read re where the cash has been spent on)


"A fair value assessment of the companies 8% interest in Discovery Minerals Pty Ltd resulted in an impairment of $200,000"

So there we go folks, Discovery's "worth" is now calculated at $2.5m (that equates to around 31m shares @ 8c)


Page 34, 2B

WTF is going on with the wording here, what exactly does this mean?

15-09-2008, 10:20 PM

Page 34, 2B

WTF is going on with the wording here, what exactly does this mean?

It's just a normal going concern note, saying that if Uran burns it's cash at the same rate as it did this year, it will run out of cash before the next reporting period.

Of course the options come up for conversion before then, so...

Uran needs to get there ass into gear & get the Ukraine projects up & running!

15-09-2008, 10:30 PM
It's just a normal going concern note, saying that if Uran burns it's cash at the same rate as it did this year, it will run out of cash before the next reporting period.

Of course the options come up for conversion before then, so...

Uran needs to get there ass into gear & get the Ukraine projects up & running!

cheers Shasta,

Yes and with only $2.635 Million in cash left they better get their A$$es into gear.

Better still, we need to Whip them into gear, and at the AGM especially.

Not sure we are gonna get across line with this one, anybody think so?

15-09-2008, 10:40 PM
cheers Shasta,

Yes and with only $2.635 Million in cash left they better get their A$$es into gear.

Better still, we need to Whip them into gear, and at the AGM especially.

Not sure we are gonna get across line with this one, anybody think so?

I've always thought Uran would "stage" the anns as they go, one to prolong the interest, & the cynic in me says to also prop up the SP enough to get the options converted.

Personally i think they will just get there, & i'm likely to convert mine

16-09-2008, 12:29 AM
We need facts. We need timelines. We need to know strategies in place and moves to increase shareholder wealth.

Incentive options are the way to go...and they work both ways. You get 'em...you give 'em back.

Hi Satori,

Can only agree with you on this, but what else can WE (uran shareholders) do?

Incentive is not enough for these C#n%ts, as to me, they are doing what you have stated in the article, IMO.

Great little article in the Weekend Australian on Directors milking companies then moving on to the next situation after leaving it often in ruin.

IMO, Directors doing this and that get caught should be ASSASSINATED and KILLED, End of Story.

I am at the end of my tether with this MOB and if I had pistols, I would be shoooting options at them in the shape of bullets.

I dont care any more, lock me up or put me in jail, at least that way I can get free rent and meals along with a Smile knowing that the very B@$tards who dwindled our money will never get the chance to do the same thing to somebody else again~! :mad:

Perhaps a bit over the top but then what do you expect when you deal with these legal gangsters in suits :rolleyes:

16-09-2008, 12:46 AM
legal gangsters in suits :rolleyes:

hmmm did someone mention Range Resources:p

the undeniable kings of rorting

but Uran sure as shyte aren't far behind

no idea if they'll pull anything off :p but if they do I expect the sp to keep dropping in line with Discovery's deteriorating value and hence enable them to collect the same number of shares coz you can bet your boots imo (keeping in mind these guys have a vested interest to look after themselves before shareholders) Discovery's share issue will be based on the sp prior to any project green light announcements.

16-09-2008, 01:05 AM
Relax a bit Drilly.Things will improve for shareholders as URA start to run out of money ,which is just starting now imo. For one,if they want to raise more money they will have to make an ANNOUNCEMENT to that effect,OR perhaps support the share price sufficently to encourage holders to convert their options which would be the logicial thing to do seeing they can get their grubby little hands on another $3.6m of shareholders money at little cost.
The point is,the board will have to do something POSITIVE to refill the coffers.
Which means board will have to (at last)COMMUNICATE with their shareholders. Who knows, KH could recycle her announcement from 18thDEC2006 and just change the date to 2009.

16-09-2008, 01:26 AM
Relax a bit Drilly.Things will improve for shareholders as URA start to run out of money,

Who knows, KH could recycle her announcement from 18thDEC2006 and just change the date to 2009.

No disrespect to you whatsoever but many of us here have been waiting and waiting and continue waiting only to find ourselves in what can be seen as a more than deep Hole.

Part of the problem for some of us here is also that, converting option into FPO costs money. Some of us here have many Options, so how can we convert our options when we have to sell our options, and for very little or unless as you point out there is some Magical News to push up the SP and drag up the options with it.

Part of the problem here too is that IMO, I feel nobody will believe KH with any anns that contain these so called speculations. The current market doesn't spare little effort or something that was meant to happen 2 years ago.

Some of us are unfortunately nearly all in with this Uran Company, only to get nothing except disappointment, hence the talk and view of Gangster's in suits and pistols.

Other than that, I am chilled, calm, and waiting patiently and just want some of these potential gangster's in suits that if the show goes peared shape then somebody must be held accountable, thats all.

16-09-2008, 02:01 AM
I understand where you are coming from as i've been in since that now famous announcement on 18thDEC2006. and as you can imagine i'm down the shute with the rest of the faithfull,but, i believe, as things get a little tighter
financially for ura im sure we will some positive action from the board. I still thing they are witholding information which if announced would support the share price at a much higher level than it is currently because of the Discovery deal.The conversion of 20m options to raise $3.6m will require the sp to be well above current levels which will increase the options price,which in turn would encourage holders to convert as opposed to selling as a tax loss
and ura missing the opportunity to raise $3.6m. Hope that makes sense.

16-09-2008, 02:23 AM
Hi all,

Still lurking and keeping an eye on the thread. I noticed an interesting name in today's ann. Anyone know who Triana Holdings Pty Ltd and/or Zoloto Mines Ltd are?

Cheers, E.

PS. To all the long termers, got some good news today - I'm a doctor!! The PhD got passed :D.