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02-03-2015, 09:16 AM
It's an amazing achievement to run a company for 25 years or so without ever turning a profit. They have managed to defy Darwin at least.


Holy shxt!

Promises of better times ahead and wait for this .........

..... another capital raising!

Underwritten no less by the unfortunate 'too-deep-to-get-out' Superlife!

Back to the future, anyone?

J R Ewing
02-03-2015, 11:55 AM
Owning these must seem more like a hobby than an investment. No capital growth and no dividends but every couple of years you need to renew your subscription to the club by way of a rights issue.

02-03-2015, 12:03 PM
Owning these must seem more like a hobby than an investment. No capital growth and no dividends but every couple of years you need to renew your subscription to the club by way of a rights issue.

Good analogy, JRE!

The club of diminishing returns?

03-03-2015, 08:40 AM
or be deluded....opps I mean diluted

Hi Snaps
I have always thought this company's problem was the green contagion, but now I can see it might be better run like a turkey farm by turkey farmers. As for Superlife they seem to enjoy the same food. Birds of a feather?
There is probably some merit in selling the company offshore and investing the proceeds in a dress shop instead. At least we could see the cut of their cloth.

Discl: Currently holding north of 150k shares

03-03-2015, 09:27 AM
I bought in on promises of cutting edge green technology, coke as a customer and success just around the corner (one last capital raising). Glad I sold out at a massive loss as this story never actually changes. I hope it does change for those that still have shares as it would be good for NZ but it is starting to look like they are taking the shareholders for a ride while they collect a reasonable salary.

03-03-2015, 09:42 AM
There is a massive conflict of interest here about Superlife underwriting the $3m capital raising to keep WDT going.

We all know Superlife is owned by NZX which collects fees from WDT - listing fees etc.

How can Superlife justify using Kiwisavers' money to prop up this failed company?

03-03-2015, 11:29 AM
There is a massive conflict of interest here about Superlife underwriting the $3m capital raising to keep WDT going.

We all know Superlife is owned by NZX which collects fees from WDT - listing fees etc.

How can Superlife justify using Kiwisavers' money to prop up this failed company?

Hi Balance,
If you are correct and Superlife are using Kiwisavers very hard earned funds "shame on them" and shame on that bastion of righteous contempt the NZX soon to be the SP - NZX for even allowing it. There should be a FMA investigation .
- d

Discl: Current holding now reduced 50k shares

14-04-2015, 10:40 PM
There is a massive conflict of interest here about Superlife underwriting the $3m capital raising to keep WDT going.

We all know Superlife is owned by NZX which collects fees from WDT - listing fees etc.

How can Superlife justify using Kiwisavers' money to prop up this failed company?

But, Balance, Superlife own about half of the prefs... buying a few shares and diluting the price down is probably a good strategy for them (subject to any terms and conditions in the pref prospectus re becoming a majority holder on conversion... not sure what the procedure is in the instance?). Just need the company to survive 2 more years - and cross fingers that the company might actually be close to profitability by then...

Snow Leopard
15-04-2015, 06:37 PM
Just got my end of day data and there is a new thing in it - namely a WDTRI.

So I presume there has been an A, a B and so on and this is the 8th round of rights.

So, do 8 rights make a wrong?

:blush: Update: apparently I is the 9th letter in the alphabet, you learn something new everyday :rolleyes:.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

15-04-2015, 07:34 PM
Just got my end of day data and there is a new thing in it - namely a WDTRI.

So I presume there has been an A, a B and so on and this is the 8th round of rights.

So, do 8 rights make a wrong?

:blush: Update: apparently I is the 9th letter in the alphabet, you learn something new everyday :rolleyes:.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Good evening Paper Tiger
1 , 8, or 9 dogs are still dogs and in this case hungry as well.
Have a good one.
- dodgy (owner / shareholder / musher).

16-04-2015, 06:05 PM
I really didn't think they'd be able to get away with another raising after the WDTPA... unless they can make a decent profit before May 2017, around three-quarters of the company could end up going to the pref holders. (Could be a good gamble if it was actually possible to buy any of those prefs at the 10c quoted!).

Old WDTPA prospectus:

16-04-2015, 06:19 PM
I really didn't think they'd be able to get away with another raising after the WDTPA... unless they can make a decent profit before May 2017, around three-quarters of the company could end up going to the pref holders. (Could be a good gamble if it was actually possible to buy any of those prefs at the 10c quoted!).

Old WDTPA prospectus:

I think the WDT debacle could alter the whole meaning of the word "preference".!!!
I would think anyone ending up owning WDT would call them "poisoned chalices."!!!!!

20-04-2015, 05:05 PM
Hi to all fellow wonderfully advantaged WDT owners/shareholders.
The Drs. of spin are at it again trying to justify consuming more hard earned cash from my grasp. Order confirmation - exciting. What , sub 500 units ! Great order but worth another 3c thown away?
My 3 cents worth - "staying in my pocket"
Have a great evening.
-dodgy (reluctant owner/shareholder - or at least I think I still own something, albeit shrinking).

20-04-2015, 05:09 PM
Hi to all fellow wonderfully advantaged WDT owners/shareholders.
The Drs. of spin are at it again trying to justify consuming more hard earned cash from my grasp. Order confirmation - exciting. What , sub 500 units ! Great order but worth another 3c thown away?
My 3 cents worth - "staying in my pocket"
Have a great evening.
-dodgy (reluctant owner/shareholder - or at least I think I still own something, albeit shrinking).

Hey dodgy, you are hard to please.....may as well say they broke even, that's an achievement in itself .....WOW WOW

WDT on fire.


Snow Leopard
20-04-2015, 06:23 PM
From the announcement:

Operating expenses are lower by $200k reflecting staffing reductions, process improvements and the increased effort on new product development activities that resulted in an increase in capitalised development

Nice gain on foreign exchange as well :p.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

20-04-2015, 06:37 PM
PT ...oh dear the good old capitalised expense trick eh. They seem proud of it though. Just shows one needs to read carefully and not just skim through announcements

Wonder what the cash flow looks like ..... I will hazard a guess, shocking.

Anna Naum
20-04-2015, 10:20 PM
So they reduce the loss, develop new products, account for them in an appropriate manner and still complaints. Given the history understand but come on guys, its at least a move in the right direction?

21-04-2015, 06:54 AM
So they reduce the loss, develop new products, account for them in an appropriate manner and still complaints. Given the history understand but come on guys, its at least a move in the right direction?

Maybe time for yet another new thread?
Had they had one or two years of losses,people could be forgiving, and agree with you,but after nearly thirty years ,no way!!!!

Anna Naum
21-04-2015, 12:53 PM
Maybe time for yet another new thread?
Had they had one or two years of losses,people could be forgiving, and agree with you,but after nearly thirty years ,no way!!!!

Agree a couple of years would make this an interesting story, now they need to put together a few years of gains.

21-04-2015, 01:45 PM
Agree a couple of years would make this an interesting story, now they need to put together a few years of gains.

Yes two or three years of solid increasing earnings, and I could become "a born again" WDT shareholder.!!!
Can companies retain nearly 30 years of tax losses?

J R Ewing
21-04-2015, 02:06 PM
Agree a couple of years would make this an interesting story, now they need to put together a few years of gains.

But why change a winning formula? Surely the game plan is to see if they can make it through to the 50th anniversary without ever turning an annual profit. That would be a mighty achievement by any standard!

04-05-2015, 10:32 AM
So who is taking up their issue shortly and after that as its underwritten how many shares will be on issue ?

12-05-2015, 11:42 AM
So who is taking up their issue shortly and after that as its underwritten how many shares will be on issue ?

So who took up their rights which closed on 8th May.??

12-05-2015, 06:50 PM
i didnt. but i did for CRP and i figure that is pretty much a gonna fail but couldnt resist a double down for a few hundred bucks. a fool and his money will not be spending with WDT. They were one of the first shares i bought so i just let them quietly rot in my portfolio and wince when i see their next pR.

12-05-2015, 11:20 PM
ya, I did. I think this is the 3rd time I've said 'this is the last time.....!'
Well, this might be the last time. If they have to do another round surely there still won't be supporters...but I guess there are many who thought that years ago, and somehow here we are.
I'd eat my hat if they hit profit this year.
Would settle for a smallish loss perhaps half a million.
Still I am hopeful these new products can put them into the black......

13-05-2015, 07:40 AM
Investors in WDT will be pleased to note that the firm has been granted some taxpayer cash in the 2013-2014 year. Not big amounts, they're not in the $15mill pool, but they received a student grant of $25,333.05 for "Fan noise measurement and improvement" and a $93,509.00 Project Grant for "Sensorless performance monitoring for refrigeration controls". From the web, Callaghan Grants list.

They might be looking enviously at the likes of Sealegs, who received a project grant of $354,981.60 for "SLG-100 Phase Two"

These in turn pale into insignificance alongside the 20% grants of up to $15mill for R&D to 57 larger firms, one of them being the international software enterprise that is SAP. (http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/about/our-company/index.html)

J R Ewing
13-05-2015, 09:12 AM
Investors in WDT will be pleased to note that the firm has been granted some taxpayer cash in the 2013-2014 year. Not big amounts, they're not in the $15mill pool, but they received a student grant of $25,333.05 for "Fan noise measurement and improvement" and a $93,509.00 Project Grant for "Sensorless performance monitoring for refrigeration controls". From the web, Callaghan Grants list.

They might be looking enviously at the likes of Sealegs, who received a project grant of $354,981.60 for "SLG-100 Phase Two"

These in turn pale into insignificance alongside the 20% grants of up to $15mill for R&D to 57 larger firms, one of them being the international software enterprise that is SAP. (http://www.sap.com/corporate-en/about/our-company/index.html)

I guess this proves just how good the government is at picking winners!

13-05-2015, 06:34 PM
I guess this proves just how good the government is at picking winners!

Yes, my bloody point exactly, J R Ewing.

30-05-2015, 05:37 PM
Just received WDT invite to their annual meeting - yes I have a few!
The document shows that to date it has raised a shave short of $60mil from rights issues and $47mil from share placements to date.
And it still manages to make a nearly $4.5mil loss for the yer ending 31/12/14.
Surely this must be a record, and WDT must be very very close to being the winner of the complete and utter dog of a company with no future whatsoever.
But there again I'm a little biased.

Anna Naum
30-05-2015, 11:18 PM
Rights issue sees $530,000 invested by management, staff and directors....cant say they are not putting money on the line

31-05-2015, 08:08 AM
Rights issue sees $530,000 invested by management, staff and directors....cant say they are not putting money on the line

I do not think the use of the word "invested" is right in the context of WDT.
Maybe the correct word would be "donating."?

31-05-2015, 08:16 AM
I do not think the use of the word "invested" is right in the context of WDT.
Maybe the correct word would be "donating."?

Precisely, Percy.

Plus $530,000 from the directors, management and staff amount to ?

The last time I had a good look at the ARs, directors and management were paying themselves very generously to 'run' this dog :

2013 - $1.11m for top 4 executives ($460,00 for CEO)

2014 - $1.43m for top 5 executives ($490,000 for CEO)

Got to keep that going, eh? Even if it means tipping in some money to keep the illusion going.

31-05-2015, 06:59 PM
I do not think the use of the word "invested" is right in the context of WDT.
Maybe the correct word would be "donating."?

Should that not be Doughnating.. they always seem to be kneading more ..

01-06-2015, 07:30 AM
Should that not be Doughnating.. they always seem to be kneading more ..

Spot on,well put.!!!

25-07-2015, 07:14 AM
$35,000 turnover on Friday.. seems odd considering how quiet this stock has been..

Increased confidence due to the kiwi dollar falling?

25-07-2015, 08:18 AM
Didn't they mention break even on their Xeroesque sales growth the other day?

That reason enough for punters to feel happy

02-12-2015, 10:27 PM
So up to 10 cents.....anyone want to venture as to why? The last update in Nov seemed good but why the jump from 7 to 10 cents on no news....or have I missed something....

26-02-2016, 05:21 PM
Another solid year for Wellington Drive

Cumulative losses are now $109.6m

I note CEO and his direct reports pay came to $1.6m

23-03-2016, 02:34 PM
Yeah, I see your point of view, Winner. But I've still got a lot of admiration for these guys.

Reading the annual report (full version came out yesterday) does show a pretty smart company. https://www.nzx.com/files/attachments/232390.pdf

I've followed this company for a few years now, and there seem to me to be three main points about it. Firstly, they sell smart products into a big market. Secondly, it's a big market so economies of scale are important for success, which their competitors probably have. Thirdly, it's a fickle market because companies can easily defer expenditure on coolers if things get tough.

As I read it, when the new CEO came in in 2011 he immediately made clear that he was about addressing the economies of scale full on, continuing to push the company for innovations, and making sure the sales force was a big part of the plan always. That is, he embraced all three points strongly and continuously.

The aim would seem to be to sell smarter products AND be able to address the economies of scale of the competitors AND be well represented in the marketplace. That would seem to be a pretty good place to be. I don't suppose the competitors are sitting still either though. And it still takes a long time to build up a reputation in the marketplace, even with good products, as shown by others such as ATM, BLT, PEB etc

They even talked of a possible positive EBITDA this year, although understandably very hedged in ifs. Forecasting anything in today's turbulent world is pretty tough.

Of course, that's just my reading of things. Obviously I could be missing things. DYOR.

Anyway, I've got a few of these tucked in the corner. They certainly deserve success anyway. Hope they get it.

10-05-2016, 05:42 PM
Might have dust off the bottom drawer !!!!

10-05-2016, 07:50 PM
This is a certainly a welcome announcement and continues to show the Company is heading in the right direction. They have a great product and it seems they are slowly getting the hang of selling it at a profit. Hopefully demand continues to increase. One would think it should in this world when energy efficiency is becoming more and more necessary. If they can hit their 25% margin goal (over 22% now...) and revenue growth continues there would seem to be a future that doesn't involve shareholders constantly digging in their pockets.
I know this Company has a terrible track record and many who are happy to slag it off, but I think under new leadership the last few years this has grown into a different Company and now has a totally different future than a few years ago. The share price is slowly starting to agree....

11-05-2016, 02:19 PM
......bin locked into this puppy for a few years now. Things may? just be on the up and looking better than ever before but not getting excited yet. Could be a flicker of light there Im seeing......still a bit blurry tho........still, I may just move those certificates up a couple of drawers.....just getting that ??feeling.......fisrt time for many years.

29-08-2016, 03:22 PM
Are these guys finally turning the corner? Still hard to judge. (Pre-EBITDA) profit, which is still a loss, and an acknowledgement they might have to go back to the well... maybe they are, maybe they aren't. These guys have been down in the mud for so long and such a perennial loser but somehow they've survived that maybe, just maybe, their luck will finally turn... Must have some of the longest suffering shareholders of any company in the world.

29-08-2016, 03:28 PM
Are these guys finally turning the corner? Still hard to judge. (Pre-EBITDA) profit, which is still a loss, and an acknowledgement they might have to go back to the well... maybe they are, maybe they aren't. These guys have been down in the mud for so long and such a perennial loser but somehow they've survived that maybe, just maybe, their luck will finally turn... Must have some of the longest suffering shareholders of any company in the world.

They have only survived due to newbies..

Percy may remember.. They had this new Fan ( I think it was ) that was going to be used in Refrigerators and American Tanks etc.

America has built many, many tanks and Refrigerators since then...

Where's the Money Honey ????..

29-08-2016, 03:31 PM
I think they maybe Penis relations of Rakon ..

29-08-2016, 06:22 PM
I note that Retained Earnings (ie cumulative losses) have increased to $111m with brackets around that number

Shareholders have contributed $117m over the years so haven't lost the lot yet

But this time is different for this (still building) "world class company" with "best in class" products

21-09-2016, 01:43 PM
I note that Retained Earnings (ie cumulative losses) have increased to $111m with brackets around that number

Shareholders have contributed $117m over the years so haven't lost the lot yet

But this time is different for this (still building) "world class company" with "best in class" products

Slowly building

Have made a 175% return so far on this stock

Purchased shares about 2 years ago :)

26-09-2016, 05:13 AM
Does anyone have them in the stock picking competition? Must be one of the better performing NZ shares this year?

Marilyn Munroe
01-02-2017, 04:35 PM
WDT slowly picking itself up off the canvas;


Boop boop de do

02-02-2017, 09:03 AM
.......indeed MM. Watching (and accumulating) with delight as we finally (make that FINALLY) .......witness that long long awaited turn-around??

02-02-2017, 03:29 PM
Knock me over with a feather. Unbelievable...sp finally back over where I bought in 6 years ago!!!??

02-02-2017, 05:15 PM
.......indeed MM. Watching (and accumulating) with delight as we finally (make that FINALLY) .......witness that long long awaited turn-around??

Having been an investor a " very " long time ago as was percy, and having scoffed at investors ( MM I think and Anna Naum ) since I sold at a lose.. Picked WDT in this years Comp.

Have decided. That not having had any loses for quite some time. To throw a few shekels at WDT. NOT MANY ..

Just to give myself a zing when leading percy.. Have a feeling in my water :-))

Definitely not ramping this extremely old DOG...

DYOR.. Holding a few for the fun of it ...

02-02-2017, 05:20 PM
Knock me over with a feather. Unbelievable...sp finally back over where I bought in 6 years ago!!!??

As said . Have not bothered to look at the depressing figures for absolute Yonks.

The tax loses must be astronomic.. As are the issued share numbers..


08-02-2017, 10:23 AM
up 20%. disastrous for 6 years holding but now doing much better than my other dog. Quietly happy as blue sky looking good from here....

17-02-2017, 09:15 AM
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Go you good thing, go! Another good result or two.....

Anna Naum
24-03-2017, 08:38 PM
Another decent rise today, and a research report which makes a solid case for further value. Nice

01-05-2017, 03:15 PM
Nice announcement today..... see it here. (https://nzx.com/files/attachments/257274.pdf) 30% increase in revenue v Q1 2016 and a 552% increase in EBITDA.


01-05-2017, 03:55 PM
One of my biggest regrets was cancelling a buy order for WDT 6 months ago...

Disputing if it may now be over valued and at risk of being a bit of a bull trap for me if I were to get in now.

01-05-2017, 05:01 PM
One of my biggest regrets was cancelling a buy order for WDT 6 months ago...

Disputing if it may now be over valued and at risk of being a bit of a bull trap for me if I were to get in now.

I first got in mid Jan this year and have just increased it on this news..... too early to say where it will go, but the trend is looking good IMHO.

Marilyn Munroe
01-05-2017, 05:30 PM
I attended the AGM.

One issue that was raised was wether there would be another call on the shareholders when the Super Life loan comes due this year. The top table said the directors were considering their options.

Long term shareholders will receive this news with a feeling of dread but take heart with share price revival the issue will be less deeply discounted.

Boop boop de do

PS. After meeting tea and biscuits report. Pretty ordinary but that is as it should be for a company that does not pay a dividend.

01-05-2017, 06:52 PM
I first got in mid Jan this year and have just increased it on this news..... too early to say where it will go, but the trend is looking good IMHO.

Love seeing that kind of EBIT growth, margins are looking better

NZD looks like it is set to strengthen against the USD in the coming years, this will also impede on their revenue.

The golden rule - never buy a stock that doesn't turn a profit. I am keeping an eye on WDT nonetheless.

golden city
01-05-2017, 07:03 PM
Things looking good at the moment. Finally management is on its game

02-05-2017, 07:45 AM
Love seeing that kind of EBIT growth, margins are looking better
......The golden rule - never buy a stock that doesn't turn a profit. I am keeping an eye on WDT nonetheless.

Yep WDT not for all investors. Definitely in the riskier part of my portfolio (and I've only taken a small punt.) That said, if we all invested in your 'never buy a stock that doesn't turn a profit' criteria, no one would have purchased ATM or XRO etc. etc.

Look at HLG which many people here were advocating.... making a profit.... paying dividends.... but the trend??

Key criteria IMHO is "The trend is your friend."

I like 'turnaround' stories and so far WDT is looking like one of these. However we need caution about M Monroe's warning that the stock is being 'window dressed' for a possible capital raise.... Time will tell. DYOR.

08-05-2017, 05:42 PM
I am amazed that there are people who still invest in this company after all the years of bull and rubbish. I guarantee that the money tied up in this would give a much better return and possibly more profit placed on horses with the TAB. It's also a lot more fun. Back second favourites in every race or like my wife, take horses that you like the name of.

08-05-2017, 06:18 PM
I am amazed that there are people who still invest in this company after all the years of bull and rubbish. I guarantee that the money tied up in this would give a much better return and possibly more profit placed on horses with the TAB. It's also a lot more fun. Back second favourites in every race or like my wife, take horses that you like the name of.

A ten-bagger in 2-years if you'd bought the low May 2015 and consistent strong uptrend throughout that period. Maybe that's why?

Disc: not a holder.

08-05-2017, 07:46 PM
A ten-bagger in 2-years if you'd bought the low May 2015 and consistent strong uptrend throughout that period. Maybe that's why?

Disc: not a holder.

The fantastic return over the past 2 years, most probably means a person who has held this stock for 20 years or so, has only lost 94% of their capital, rather tham 99.9%,give or take a few %.,while an investment in EBO would have shown about a 1,000% .
Think I will stick with EBO.??.lol.

08-05-2017, 08:10 PM
The fantastic return over the past 2 years, most probably means a person who has held this stock for 20 years or so, has only lost 94% of their capital, rather tham 99.9%,give or take a few %.

Hahahaa.. So very true Perc... But " we " knowing so much then... Cashed up what we could and put it down to hard a earned lesson in the education of making Moneeee. :-)))))))

How ever.. As you know.. I have been tempted by the Siren songs of " profit " again ...

To sail the Argonaut once more in search of the Golden Fleece..

Disc. Very. Very, minor toe in the water on this one..


08-05-2017, 08:18 PM
Hahahaa.. So very true Perc... But " we " knowing so much then... Cashed up what we could and put it down to hard a earned lesson in the education of making Moneeee. :-)))))))

How ever.. As you know.. I have been tempted by the Siren songs of " profit " again ...

To sail the Argonaut once more in search of the Golden Fleece..

Disc. Very. Very, minor toe in the water on this one..


I enjoy watching your success.
ps.I was up to my neck in them about 25 or 30 years ago.Was even in the top 20 when they were Cadac or Aorangi.I would be a poor man if I had not sold out.

08-05-2017, 08:22 PM
The fantastic return over the past 2 years, most probably means a person who has held this stock for 20 years or so, has only lost 94% of their capital, rather tham 99.9%,give or take a few %.,while an investment in EBO would have shown about a 1,000% .
Think I will stick with EBO.??.lol.

Forget EBO, no one here cares about that Percy. I think WDT First Listed: 28 Feb 2001 (not 20 years ago) and the SP has been a disaster for sure. Listing around .45 and peaking at .52 three years later, that was the height of success. Not sure where you get the 94% and near 100% loses, but since the peaks it's been pretty shabby except for the traders. Anyway, I've probably missed a few share consolidations which you can correct me on.

But dismissing a 1000% rise in two years from the May 2015 lows seems pretty glib, did you lose some money on WDT or are you just taking a poke at it for a bit of fun, or to promote one of your stocks EBO?

08-05-2017, 08:32 PM
Forget EBO, no one here cares about that Percy. I think WDT First Listed: 28 Feb 2001 (not 20 years ago) and the SP has been a disaster for sure. Listing around .45 and peaking at .52 three years later, that was the height of success. Not sure where you get the 94% and near 100% loses, but since the peaks it's been pretty shabby except for the traders. Anyway, I've probably missed a few share consolidations which you can correct me on.

But dismissing a 1000% rise in two years from the May 2015 lows seems pretty glib, did you lose some money on WDT or are you just taking a poke at it for a bit of fun, or to promote one of your stocks EBO?

I was a shareholder in Wellington Drive way, way, way, before 2001.

What ever shenanigans have gone on since then I have no idea..

08-05-2017, 08:34 PM
I was a shareholder in Wellington Drive way, way, way, before 2001.

What ever shenanigans have gone on since then I have no idea..

Was that WDT occupying a shell that didn't work out, or from when WDT actually listed?

08-05-2017, 08:35 PM
From memory.. The head honcho was called .. Green. Russell I think.

08-05-2017, 08:36 PM
Bought them from Jordan Sandman and Smythe ( Sharebrokers )..

Listed on the Exchange. in the NZ Herald.

08-05-2017, 08:43 PM
Manufacturing the same type of products as today..

Believe me ... If Percy is senile .. I am not .. ( Sorry Perc ).. :-))))

08-05-2017, 08:49 PM
Was that WDT occupying a shell that didn't work out, or from when WDT actually listed?

There's plenty of examples of company's who reverse listed into a failed shell and shareholders in the previously failed companies who bemoan their failed investments while taking it out on the current incumbent who have nothing to do with the past occupiers of the listing.

Is WDT one of those?

08-05-2017, 08:51 PM
1000% gains in two years, hard to argue with that, unless one has a chip on their shoulder. Seems a few do though.

08-05-2017, 08:52 PM
Was that WDT occupying a shell that didn't work out, or from when WDT actually listed?

I think they were spun out of a property company that owned The Magistic building in Wellington.Maybe Ken Weekley was involved.Maybe even as far back as 1987.Can't remember whether Enzed was another company from the same stable.
Ross Green was the man Janner was thinking of.Ex broker Ray Thompson was a director,as was Sean Beck.They were traded for a long time on Sharmart in the 1990s.. Think it changed name to Aorangi,then Wellington Drive,then Cadac,and then back to WDT.At one stage they tried producing motors in the USA,Connecticut comes to mind.

08-05-2017, 08:56 PM
Anna, theres a couple of threads already on WDT outling the company. I don't think starting a new one is fooling anyone... woof woof

Posted 17-12-2005.
Maybe time for another new thread.?

08-05-2017, 09:02 PM
There's plenty of examples of company's who reverse listed into a failed shell and shareholders in the previously failed companies who bemoan their failed investments while taking it out on the current incumbent who have nothing to do with the past occupiers of the listing.

Is WDT one of those?

Very possible Baa Baa. However.. producing the same products ??

08-05-2017, 09:04 PM
There's plenty of examples of company's who reverse listed into a failed shell and shareholders in the previously failed companies who bemoan their failed investments while taking it out on the current incumbent who have nothing to do with the past occupiers of the listing.

Is WDT one of those?

No point in dragging up the past if it has no relevance to the present. 1000% gains in two-years, who doesn't want a piece of that! Except disgruntled prior shareholders in companies that failed and took their money with it, but have no, zero relevance to the incumbent (WDT) who holds the listing today.

Some people cling to things, usually the negatives as those feelings last longer. Others have no history, they just do their investing and trading on the current circumstances.

1000% gains in two-years. Probably hard to to reconcile that if one was burnt in the dark ages before WDT even existed. Blinded by previous company failures is no reason to slag the current incumbent of an NXZ listing.

08-05-2017, 09:12 PM
Posted 17-12-2005.
Maybe time for another new thread.?

"I don't think starting an other one is fooling anyone".

The old 'deflect and take it up elsewhere' strategy eh? This is about WDT. It stays here.

Really, should we move the inconvenient truth that WDT has a 1000% SP gains in to-years to another thread, just because it satisfies the prior listing owners desires to suppress any good news from the incumbent?

Get over it, WDT is finally smashing it out of the park and the old school and the burnt here need to get over it. The future is ahead of you, not behind.

08-05-2017, 09:15 PM
I think they were spun out of a property company that owned The Magistic building in Wellington.Maybe Ken Weekley was involved.Maybe even as far back as 1987.Can't remember whether Enzed was another company from the same stable.
Ross Green was the man Janner was thinking of.Ex broker Ray Thompson was a director,as was Sean Beck.They were traded for a long time on Sharmart in the 1990s.. Think it changed name to Aorangi,then Wellington Drive,then Cadac,and then back to WDT.At one stage they tried producing motors in the USA,Connecticut comes to mind.

Knew you were not senile Perc. Yes Ross was the name.. Enzed was an Hydraulic repair company.. Great idea.
Diverted from the main job and went broke.

WDT has been a toxic name for so many years for so many people Baa Baa.. Why would they retain it ???

Tax reasons ???

Yes they are doing well .. Hence my interest .. 20/30 years is a long time in the desert.. :-))))))))

Disc. DYOR

08-05-2017, 09:22 PM
"I don't think starting an other one is fooling anyone".

The old 'deflect and take it up elsewhere' strategy eh? This is about WDT. It stays here.

Really, should we move the inconvenient truth that WDT has a 1000% SP gains in to-years to another thread, just because it satisfies the prior listing owners desires to suppress any good news from the incumbent?

Get over it, WDT is finally smashing it out of the park and the old school and the burnt here need to get over it. The future is ahead of you, not behind.


A little messianic. :-)))) But have invested .. A little.. :-)))

08-05-2017, 09:38 PM
Knew you were not senile Perc. Yes Ross was the name.. Enzed was an Hydraulic repair company.. Great idea.
Diverted from the main job and went broke.

WDT has been a toxic name for so many years for so many people Baa Baa.. Why would they retain it ???

Tax reasons ???

Yes they are doing well .. Hence my interest .. 20/30 years is a long time in the desert.. :-))))))))

Disc. DYOR
Getting there.From NZ Companies Office.
Enzed Technology incorporated 29th March 1985.
We must have received our shares from them, as I think they sold their excellent fluid connection business to Parker Industries ,in the USA.
Then Aorangi Holdings were incorporated on11th august 1986.They must have brought Clark Automotive Developments Ltd who were the original WDT.
And yes 20/30 years in a long time in the desert,but they were always very optmistic, when ever they were looking to raise more capital,which was often...lol.

08-05-2017, 09:42 PM
Getting there.From NZ Companies Office.
Enzed Technology incorporated 11th August 1986.
We must have received our shares from them, as I think they sold their excellent fluid connection business to Parker Industries ,in the USA.
Then Aorangi Holdings were incorporated on11th august 1986.
And yes 20/30 years in a long time in the desert,but they were always very optmistic, when ever they were looking to raise more capital,which was often...lol.

And may still be :-))))

Da ?? :-)))

Snow Leopard
09-05-2017, 04:11 AM
No point in dragging up the past if it has no relevance to the present. 1000% gains in two-years, who doesn't want a piece of that! Except disgruntled prior shareholders in companies that failed and took their money with it, but have no, zero relevance to the incumbent (WDT) who holds the listing today.

Some people cling to things, usually the negatives as those feelings last longer. Others have no history, they just do their investing and trading on the current circumstances.

1000% gains in two-years. Probably hard to to reconcile that if one was burnt in the dark ages before WDT even existed. Blinded by previous company failures is no reason to slag the current incumbent of an NXZ listing.

Purely as an interesting fact or two:
WDT listed at, allowing for share consolidations, $13.60 on 9-Mar-2001
and peaked at $16.60 on 19-Jan-2004.

And while it may have gained almost, but not quiet, 1000% from absolutely minimum price to absolute maximum price during the last two years, it is the present and future that is important.

With a market cap of $60M, annual turnover of less, gross margins in the 20% and plenty of expenses to swallow that, then it would seem to be rather overpriced.

Liquidity is still well-short of where a Tiger would even consider it, and as it has not proved profitability yet, who cares anyway?

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

09-05-2017, 09:25 AM
WDT was part of the Strathmore group and before that Australian something-or-other stables. They were given away when the group broke up and I held them for quite a time. What dividends have they ever paid?

09-05-2017, 09:50 AM
Paragraph 9.


09-05-2017, 10:34 AM
WDT was part of the Strathmore group and before that Australian something-or-other stables. They were given away when the group broke up and I held them for quite a time. What dividends have they ever paid?

Dr.Ray Thompson was involved with WDT as well as Strathmore Group,but WDT did not come out of Strathmore Group.My earlier posts are correct.
So for you Craig;
Australaian Breeding Stables,went on to become;
Stratmore Group,Media Technology,Forge Media,Velco Capital,V Mob and proving there is life after death now Plexure Group.

Marilyn Munroe
03-07-2017, 02:38 PM
The prospect of another share issue and further dilution of shares has been pushed into the future by Smart Shares(formally SuperLife) extending their loan until 22/03/2019.


Boop boop de do

01-08-2017, 07:50 PM
Soo.. with the housing market as bad as it is and loans impossible to get for someone only able to to field 50k.. anyone see this stock making it back to over $10.. or should i just spend my money on avocados on toast?

01-08-2017, 08:19 PM
Smashed avocado

01-08-2017, 10:00 PM
Soo.. with the housing market as bad as it is and loans impossible to get for someone only able to to field 50k.. anyone see this stock making it back to over $10.. or should i just spend my money on avocados on toast?

WDT over $10. Now that would be something to behold.

02-08-2017, 01:26 AM
WDT over $10. Now that would be something to behold.
A 1 for 50 share consolidation would do it...:mellow:

18-09-2017, 01:11 PM
I thought the latest market announcement was positive.

Obviously missed something :t_down:

20-09-2017, 11:35 PM
I also thought it was a reasonable announcement. Surprised to see the drop in shareprice.
Perhaps the market was expecting more.
Could become a buy opportunity if it drifts much lower

golden city
21-09-2017, 09:56 AM
They missed their forecast by 5%

golden city
21-09-2017, 09:56 AM
But the share price is overdone

17-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Now that’s a great announcement. Happy Days

17-11-2017, 06:04 PM
Not a great announcement... what you lads on about?

SP was too hot to allow any underperformance whatsoever.

19-11-2017, 06:32 PM
My opinion,

I'm happy with that announcement, they're at the low end of forecast, if they manage to make that, they did warn it might not get there. But it's still $1.5million EBIT which is great from where they were. They’re showing strong growth. The forecast of $2-4 million next year is a huge range, but they’re on the path. Finally it looks certain they’re going to make it work. It's been very high risk up until now.

The market didn't agree with me, but that doesn’t surprise me, not the first time I've been wrong. Great you posted after 5pm with hindsight of the market reaction. Nice work...

20-11-2017, 01:15 AM
My opinion,

I'm happy with that announcement, they're at the low end of forecast, if they manage to make that, they did warn it might not get there. But it's still $1.5million EBIT which is great from where they were. They’re showing strong growth. The forecast of $2-4 million next year is a huge range, but they’re on the path. Finally it looks certain they’re going to make it work. It's been very high risk up until now.

The market didn't agree with me, but that doesn’t surprise me, not the first time I've been wrong. Great you posted after 5pm with hindsight of the market reaction. Nice work...

Would have said the same thing without seeing the market reaction...

Revenue growth is solid, but at the end of the day it missed expectations.

Under performance due to "customer delays" is not and will never be something the market will react kindly to in the short term... universal rule.

If WDT hit FY18 target, current buyers will be rewarded...

22-11-2017, 10:35 AM
At least it's bounced back, all be it on light volume. It's only a small investment, I'm more then happy. There have been a lot of shareholders waiting for a long time on this one. It's a slow ride to profitability. I agree it was overvalued when it shot up above 20cents, but I think it's a pretty well priced. Interesting share atm with their forecasts.

26-01-2018, 04:50 PM
I didn’t bother read anymore when I saw this headline

Wellington Drive misses 2017 revenue, earnings guidance but hopeful for year ahead

Was it as bad as headline said

26-01-2018, 06:54 PM
Couldn’t resist having a look

Pretty impressive sales numbers ....pity the headline.

26-01-2018, 07:45 PM
Couldn’t resist having a look

Pretty impressive sales numbers ....pity the headline.

They did underperform this quarter following on from their commentary after the poor results in Q3.

Good growth is still there nonetheless.

01-06-2018, 02:45 PM
Big vol today, 10 mill shares at 15c. Interesting.

01-06-2018, 02:52 PM
Still no Q1 2018 report though

01-06-2018, 03:45 PM
Still no Q1 2018 report though

https://www.wdtl.com/img/Shareholder%20docs/WT9049%20WDT%202018%20Annual%20Meeting%20addresses .pdf

"Our full year 2018 EBITDA guidance of between $2 million to $4 million remains unchanged. If achieved, this should generate positive operating cash and a small net profit."

( Disc.... not advocating, just observing.)[/COLOR]

05-06-2018, 05:46 PM
I think the outlook is good, some bumps to negotiate still this year, but overall I am hopeful this old dog will finally become a money maker!
I see First NZ Capital have been increasing their holding, so I guess they feel the same.

07-06-2018, 11:49 PM
East West Manufacturing LLC is also increasing its holding in WDT. They are in similar business sector; I take that as a positive sign for WDT.

09-07-2018, 04:16 PM
East West Manufacturing LLC is also increasing its holding in WDT. They are in similar business sector; I take that as a positive sign for WDT.
I think the outlook is good, some bumps to negotiate still this year, but overall I am hopeful this old dog will finally become a money maker!

East West Manufacturing LLC is also increasing its holding in WDT. They are in similar business sector; I take that as a positive sign for WDT.....quote EMVEHA

Appears some solid support creeping in now to Wellington Drive.? Gutometer is telling me outlook is rosy and things are on the up. I sold out a year or so ago on a spike but may well look at buying back into this improving story. No rush and a lot of ground for the SP to return to peaks of several years back. If East West are increasing their stake (think they paid 26c for their first installment?) then that can only be a strong endorsement that WDT has turned a corner. Net Profit around the corner.......maybe?

08-08-2018, 11:04 AM
Very sad day for WDT with the untimely death of Dr Ray Thompson , Ray was a long term holder from the 1980's and has been a strong supporter of the WDT family, thoughts to his family at this very sad time.

10-08-2018, 06:46 PM
A sad day, and it's hard to put into words the immense sadness that comes when someone passes before living a long and full life. Thoughts with the family.

Question if I may :

Does anyone see the NZD fall again the USD as Positive for WDT being a tech export company? Or is it all in USD given manufacturing is offshore?

28-09-2018, 11:08 AM
As WDT inches towards profitability, its TA has recently moved into Golden Cross' territory.

Interesting times ahead?


Disc - Holding, topped up some more today at 17c.

18-10-2018, 02:54 PM
Improvements continue......arrows all pointing North and steady as she goes. Watch this one. Now buying.

18-10-2018, 03:24 PM
Improvements continue......arrows all pointing North and steady as she goes. Watch this one. Now buying.

Go your good thing .....help me in the competition ...my dark horse for the year

18-10-2018, 05:05 PM
Go your good thing .....help me in the competition ...my dark horse for the year

Yup rebuilt a reasonable holding again Winner...........some good management going on with this one now I believe. Time will tell.

18-10-2018, 05:12 PM
Looks like this time they are out of the woods.

18-10-2018, 05:15 PM
Market update today......check out NZX

MKTUPDTE: WDT: Wellington 2018 Q3 update

Wellington Drive revenue for Q318 increased 62% and EBITDA improved by $1m.
FY18 guidance maintained.

Wellington Drive (NZX:WDT) achieved a significant improvement for the 3rd
quarter ended 30th September 2018 (Q318) when compared to same period in
2017. With a growing order book going into the fourth quarter, Wellington
also maintains its guidance for FY18.

20-10-2018, 08:54 AM
Market update today......check out NZX

MKTUPDTE: WDT: Wellington 2018 Q3 update

Wellington Drive revenue for Q318 increased 62% and EBITDA improved by $1m.
FY18 guidance maintained.

Wellington Drive (NZX:WDT) achieved a significant improvement for the 3rd
quarter ended 30th September 2018 (Q318) when compared to same period in
2017. With a growing order book going into the fourth quarter, Wellington
also maintains its guidance for FY18.

Don't forget that WDT has over $100,000,000.00 in tax losses, sometime in the very near future they will come in very handy !!

20-10-2018, 10:26 AM
Don't forget that WDT has over $100,000,000.00 in tax losses, sometime in the very near future they will come in very handy !!

Can you explain what you mean? Good thing or bad thing? Does that mean they can claim back on a tax loss?

Lorne Ranger
20-10-2018, 11:48 AM
Can you explain what you mean? Good thing or bad thing? Does that mean they can claim back on a tax loss?

If/when the company starts turning an annual profit, they have a large amount of carried over losses to offset against tax liability. A bit like the joy of free heating from the glowing embers of your incinerated house.

20-10-2018, 04:09 PM
Can you explain what you mean? Good thing or bad thing? Does that mean they can claim back on a tax loss?

IMHO I think that WDT will not be paying income tax to the Govt for 20-30 years, the hard part will be for WDT to get to reoccurring profit in order to use up these tax losses, its something to contemplate when deciding to invest in this company !!

21-10-2018, 10:45 AM
If/when the company starts turning an annual profit, they have a large amount of carried over losses to offset against tax liability. A bit like the joy of free heating from the glowing embers of your incinerated house.

Love it! Glowing embers... so these offsets are noted in the annual report? Can’t see them for wdt, noted that the deferred tax assets for erd has doubled to $3.8m. Every cloud...

21-10-2018, 11:18 AM
Love it! Glowing embers... so these offsets are noted in the annual report? Can’t see them for wdt, noted that the deferred tax assets for erd has doubled to $3.8m. Every cloud...

All the good stuff is in the Notes ...see 2.5.b re tax losses

Amazing that $123,608,000 can be pumped into a company and that it can go down the gurgler but shareholders can remain so excited.

Cool eh

21-10-2018, 04:18 PM
All the good stuff is in the Notes ...see 2.5.b re tax losses

Amazing that $123,608,000 can be pumped into a company and that it can go down the gurgler but shareholders can remain so excited.

Cool eh

Thanks, I was looking at the interim report, $100 million (I always say it like Jeremy Clarkson, no idea why). Not a holder but like watching wdt and the ‘canes.

29-11-2018, 09:53 AM
Significant milestone announced yesterday with 1,000,000 ECR2 motors now sold......congratulations to Greg Allen and his team. Now about 4or5 yrs of turnaround growth showing. Under Greg's leadership (steady Eddie) could this be the next HLG? All projections now being met and on time. Too soon to start mentioning the "D" word?

06-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Up over 8% today and highest price for 15 months, whatsup ?

06-12-2018, 12:09 PM
Up over 8% today and highest price for 15 months, whatsup ?
Green Investment Fund perhaps?

06-12-2018, 12:35 PM
Up over 8% today and highest price for 15 months, whatsup ?

Whateva's happening I'm happy......:t_up:

I've been watching this for a while and over the last 12 months have gradually added a fair sized chunk to my portfolio. Minimal downside and lots of upside potential IMHO.

Sssoo I'm v happy today, maybe it's a sign of some overdue re-rating on the back of GR8DAY's post #878.

golden city
06-12-2018, 04:04 PM
I have adding a big chunk too happy so far the way it develops

06-02-2019, 06:25 PM
This stock seems to be getting some attention :). Price up again this week.

golden city
06-02-2019, 08:57 PM
Could be topping to new high soon

15-02-2019, 09:12 AM
Yee ha! My faith in this one is being rewarded.... (one of my Left Field picks for 2019) TA looking good too.

Great results here. https://www.nzx.com/announcements/330627

Wellington continued to generate significant revenue growth in FY2018, underpinned by the Connect SCS and ECR2 products. Revenue for Q4 2018 was US$11.9m compared to US$8.3m for the same period last year; an increase of 43%. US$ revenue for the 2018 year was US$41.8m compared to US$31.2m last year, an increase of 34%. In NZD terms revenue for 2018 was $58.7m compared to $43.3m last year, an increase of 36%.

EC motor volumes increased 24% and Wellington Connect SCS volumes increased 62% as new and existing customers increased their adoption of both.
Revenue from the USA and Canada increased 61%. Latin America revenue increased 34%. APAC and EMEA revenue also grew at 16% and 8% respectively, albeit from a lower base.
Wellington continued to generate significant revenue growth in FY2018, underpinned by the Connect SCS and ECR2 products. Revenue for Q4 2018 was US$11.9m compared to US$8.3m for the same period last year; an increase of 43%. US$ revenue for the 2018 year was US$41.8m compared to US$31.2m last year, an increase of 34%. In NZD terms revenue for 2018 was $58.7m compared to $43.3m last year, an increase of 36%.
EC motor volumes increased 24% and Wellington Connect SCS volumes increased 62% as new and existing customers increased their adoption of both.
Revenue from the USA and Canada increased 61%. Latin America revenue increased 34%. APAC and EMEA revenue also grew at 16% and 8% respectively, albeit from a lower base.

(Disc - hold and biased - DYOR)

golden city
15-02-2019, 10:07 AM
Finally on track to be a meaningful revenue company profit will follow

15-02-2019, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=Left field;747409]Yee ha! My faith in this one is being rewarded.... (one of my Left Field picks for 2019) TA looking good too.

Great results here. https://www.nzx.com/announcements/330627

Wellington continued to generate significant revenue growth in FY2018, underpinned by the Connect SCS and ECR2 products. Revenue for Q4 2018 was US$11.9m compared to US$8.3m for the same period last year; an increase of 43%. US$ revenue for the 2018 year was US$41.8m compared to US$31.2m last year, an increase of 34%. In NZD terms revenue for 2018 was $58.7m compared to $43.3m last year, an increase of 36%.

EC motor volumes increased 24% and Wellington Connect SCS volumes increased 62% as new and existing customers increased their adoption of both.
Revenue from the USA and Canada increased 61%. Latin America revenue increased 34%. APAC and EMEA revenue also grew at 16% and 8% respectively, albeit from a lower base.
Wellington continued to generate significant revenue growth in FY2018, underpinned by the Connect SCS and ECR2 products. Revenue for Q4 2018 was US$11.9m compared to US$8.3m for the same period last year; an increase of 43%. US$ revenue for the 2018 year was US$41.8m compared to US$31.2m last year, an increase of 34%. In NZD terms revenue for 2018 was $58.7m compared to $43.3m last year, an increase of 36%.
EC motor volumes increased 24% and Wellington Connect SCS volumes increased 62% as new and existing customers increased their adoption of both.
[I]Revenue from the USA and Canada increased 61%. Latin America revenue increased 34%. APAC and EMEA revenue also grew at 16% and 8% respectively, albeit from a lower base.

......same sentiment. WDT going from strength to strength with CONSISTENT growth gains. Very well done management , keep up the good work. This could? be the stock to watch (and buy) over the next year or two if this keeps up.........no reason to doubt it wont given the last 3 years of steady turnaround.

15-02-2019, 11:40 AM
and don't forget they have something like $100,000,000 of TAX LOSSES available to them.

15-02-2019, 11:56 AM
......same sentiment. WDT going from strength to strength with CONSISTENT growth gains. Very well done management , keep up the good work. This could? be the stock to watch (and buy) over the next year or two if this keeps up.........no reason to doubt it wont given the last 3 years of steady turnaround.

Good to have you on board, couldn't help myself and sneaked a few more into my portfolio. Depth charts looking v encouraging too.

15-02-2019, 12:17 PM
These are impressive numbers........USA Revenue up 61%, Latin America up 34% etc etc

27-02-2019, 04:07 PM
Never a good sign when results are delayed for 2 days

Probably just squeak in timewise before earning the wrath of the NZX

27-02-2019, 09:08 PM
Results Friday 1st March.

01-03-2019, 10:03 AM
Results Friday 1st March.

Was going to be Wednesday .... delayed to Friday ....hmm

Still not released

Maybe the old release after market close on Friday and hope nobody notices trick

Bit of a worry

01-03-2019, 10:17 AM
Previous thread can be viewed here (http://www.snitzforum.sharetrader.co.nz/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=18868&whichpage=23), since it doesn't seem to have made it across.

I'd like to repeat my earlier note here - that my rough calcs suggest they need to be selling 10m units per year within 3-4 years to be worth current price and would have to do this without raising any new capital.

Of course that's just the long term view. Sentiment can take it anywhere between now and then.

That was 12 years ago. How many cap raises since and how many units are they selling now?

01-03-2019, 11:49 AM
As the song said, "why are we waiting " ?

01-03-2019, 12:25 PM
Was going to be Wednesday .... delayed to Friday ....hmm

Still not released

Maybe the old release after market close on Friday and hope nobody notices trick

Bit of a worry

Prob trying to get the font right.. takes time :mellow:

01-03-2019, 04:29 PM
Must be playing that Friday after close and hope nobody notices trick

01-03-2019, 05:25 PM
Must be playing that Friday after close and hope nobody notices trick

and that's what happened !!

01-03-2019, 05:31 PM
and that's what happened !!

Must read ....might be something bad hidden it somewhere

Anna Naum
02-03-2019, 08:43 PM
And yet it reads well, even if it was late!

02-03-2019, 09:36 PM
Only the negative NPAT might be considered a slight disappointment after their 18/10/18 forecast « achievement of net profit remains a target. »

03-03-2019, 08:26 PM
Only the negative NPAT might be considered a slight disappointment after their 18/10/18 forecast « achievement of net profit remains a target. »

Hopefully see a trend breakout post this announcement!

04-03-2019, 10:19 AM
Gosh only just saw this.......very impressive gains in all areas. Nothing to complain about there, in fact quite phenomenal growth all-in-all.

NZD (unless otherwise stated)
31 December 2018
2017 Change
Revenue $58.8m $43.3m +36%
Wellington Connect IoT Revenue $17.2m $10.3m +67%
ECR Motor Revenue $38.6m $30.3m +27%
Gross profit $14.3m $10.3m +38%
Gross margin % 24.3% 23.9% +1.6%
EBITDA1 $2.464m $0.538m +358%
Loss for the year ($0.713m) ($1.98m) 64%
Operating cash flows $1.849m $1.257m +$0.6m

04-03-2019, 10:44 AM
Gosh only just saw this.......very impressive gains in all areas. Nothing to complain about there, in fact quite phenomenal growth all-in-all.

ZD (unless otherwise stated)
31 December 2018
2017 Change
Revenue $58.8m $43.3m +36%
Wellington Connect IoT Revenue $17.2m $10.3m +67%
ECR Motor Revenue $38.6m $30.3m +27%
Gross profit $14.3m $10.3m +38%
Gross margin % 24.3% 23.9% +1.6%
EBITDA1 $2.464m $0.538m +358%
Loss for the year ($0.713m) ($1.98m) 64%
Operating cash flows $1.849m $1.257m +$0.6m

GR8, Im not sure why Mr Market does not like these numbers today, maybe he is looking for a larger absolute profit, patence needed this is a turn around story in my mind.

04-03-2019, 11:20 AM
GR8, Im not sure why Mr Market does not like these numbers today, maybe he is looking for a larger absolute profit, patence needed this is a turn around story in my mind.

Might have been spooked by another year of cash burn ....$2m this time

Been in turn around mode for some time now eh .....maybe one day, just maybe, it will be great

I thought the IoT was old hat ....or is it that I cannot keep up with this buzz word stuff.

04-03-2019, 12:36 PM
Might have been spooked by another year of cash burn ....$2m this time

Been in turn around mode for some time now eh .....maybe one day, just maybe, it will be great

I thought the IoT was old hat ....or is it that I cannot keep up with this buzz word stuff.

Eitherway. I'm in awe of how NZX never fails to disappoint!

What does a company need to do to change the outlook? 30% up from last year is huge!! I'm more than happy they are reinvesting. Shows they are aiming for growth and not quick profits.

05-03-2019, 10:25 AM
Might have been spooked by another year of cash burn ....$2m this time

Been in turn around mode for some time now eh .....maybe one day, just maybe, it will be great

I thought the IoT was old hat ....or is it that I cannot keep up with this buzz word stuff.

Eitherway. I'm in awe of how NZX never fails to disappoint!

What does a company need to do to change the outlook? 30% up from last year is huge!! I'm more than happy they are reinvesting. Shows they are aiming for growth and not quick profits.

I wonder if perhaps WDT is in a somewhat similar position to THL presently, with the market seemingly ambivalent about the value of each share? Both have a traditional market seemingly under some economic pressure presently perhaps due to world uncertainty (WDT = EC motors, THL = tourists dollars) and yet each also has a new-tech business that may or may not pay off well (WDT = IoT point of sale, THL = th2 user app). Both are trying to move their business with the times, and both (in my opinion) are very well managed and as illustrated by these changes. (Yes, obviously the two are very different in many other ways, this is just for the purposes of discussion.)

And like THL perhaps (as I read the THL shareholders anyway), I wonder if shareholders in WDT are uncertain exactly what the new technology boils down to and its impact on the company. I am certainly still trying to get a clear understanding about WDT's IoT, for instance. IoT (Internet of Things) is a broad market, whereas WDT has a specific corner of it in view.

The 2017 annual report, for instance, lists these (p3) and the following is my guess at a short description of each:

IoT hardware - the equipment in the coolers can talk via wireless for remote control and monitoring, a reason to buy WDT hardware
Proximity Technology - hardware/software which allows communicating with nearby user smartphones for promotion, another reason to buy WDT hardware
Smart Coolers - this is the IoT data services as far as I can tell (?), builds on that to provide reporting on everything to retailers and their suppliers?
iPX - the iProximity software, an app to allow retailers and suppliers to leverage all that to control and use all this for promotion?

Is that a fair description or am I misunderstanding? I'm not sure and certainly welcome other interpretations and correction.

Presumably reflecting the different outlooks of the two halves of the business, the latest 2018 result https://www.nzx.com/announcements/331370 said:

Of the motor sales : "With this as a backdrop, initial demand forecasts for EC motors from some major customers have been muted and are showing signs of being lower than 2018. "

Of IoT : "IoT demand forecasts continue to look robust, with this part of the business expecting continued full year revenue growth of around 30%. IoT is anticipated to contribute close to 41% of total revenues. Gross margin for the IoT business is expected to increase due to an improved product mix, and in part due to the expanding nature of higher margin data and software revenue."

Overall : "During 2019 Wellington will continue to focus on investment in new software development, customer-facing skills, new customer IoT programmes and expanding its ECR2 motor platform. Wellington will continue its revenue diversification strategy by broadening IoT growth beyond its historical carbonated soft drink beverage market focus and obtaining new customers for its ECR2 motor range.

"The company’s business mix is changing and is increasingly targeted to its higher margin IoT products. Accordingly, EBITDA1, Net Profit and operating cashflow are expected to be higher in 2019 when compared to 2018."

Just my personal thoughts. I own shares.

05-03-2019, 10:33 AM
Hi SIMLA. I think the very basic takeaway from all this is that every arrow is pointing north for WDT and they seem to have a clear plan to further expand. I am left with nothing other than a feeling of confidence that this very well run company, producing environmental friendly products (see charts on website re emission reductions) will continue to go from strength to strength..........as demonstrated over the last few years. Happy holder.

05-03-2019, 11:40 AM
Seems as though market is giving back all the gains from past few months.

05-03-2019, 04:44 PM
Seems as though market is giving back all the gains from past few months.

It was a terrible result. Look for the dead cat bounce! Going lower. (Anyone would think the company just filed for bankruptcy!! Under reaction much?! )

07-03-2019, 09:27 AM
Love this bit out of WDT Report

Over the past eighteen months Wellington has focused on improving its ‘execution-engine’ so that growth of the business would deliver the right financial performance for stakeholders. As stated previously, Wellington chose not to just ‘win volume to build scale’ until its ‘execution engine’ was working. This is called ‘earning the right to grow’. Wellington’s operating and financial performance continues to improve and the Board and Management are confident that all the appropriate actions are underway to improve the execution engine and deliver on financial promises. As result of this growing confidence, the focus is shifting to the actions and investments that will be necessary to return Wellington to a path of accelerated growth.

07-03-2019, 10:08 AM
Love this bit out of WDT Report

Over the past eighteen months Wellington has focused on improving its ‘execution-engine’ so that growth of the business would deliver the right financial performance for stakeholders. As stated previously, Wellington chose not to just ‘win volume to build scale’ until its ‘execution engine’ was working. This is called ‘earning the right to grow’. Wellington’s operating and financial performance continues to improve and the Board and Management are confident that all the appropriate actions are underway to improve the execution engine and deliver on financial promises. As result of this growing confidence, the focus is shifting to the actions and investments that will be necessary to return Wellington to a path of accelerated growth.

Can you then explain it to me please? ;)

07-03-2019, 12:16 PM
Board and Management are confident that all [emphasis mine, simla] the appropriate actions are underway to improve the execution engine and deliver on financial promises. As result of this growing confidence, the focus is shifting to the actions and investments that will be necessary to return Wellington to a path of accelerated growth.
Thanks for pointing that out, Winner. That would appear to be significant. No, I'm not sure what it means either, but it pretty clearly implies that they have been up to something deliberate and are now going to try to leverage on that.

I must say, WDT is turning into an interesting company. They spent many years trying to sell the "better" motors without a great deal of success, and then the "new" guy (2011 new!) basically took the tack (as I read it) that buyers only bought on price and so WDT had to compete on technology AND price and has spent years getting the margins up to make the company competitive. Not only has this succeeded very well, but then the company has leveraged its technical prowess and opened another front with the IoT point of sales.

All of which is starting to work out very well, except that the world is getting to be a chilly place. So that comment you quoted is useful knowledge in that it implies they still think they have more gas in the tank.

I wish I had a crystal ball on where this is going. The management seem to be great, and WDT are in the right places (energy efficiency, IoT, point-of-sale marketing), and yet the times are turning tough generally if we believe the media. What a cliff hanger for investors! Great things around the corner? Maybe, maybe not! Possibly the big payoff for this company hangs somewhat on whether smartphone apps will continue to generate good revenue as/if the world economy tightens, as that is where the IoT payoff seems to lie?

Anyway, there is no doubt that this company gives things a go.

07-03-2019, 01:24 PM
Winner, thanks for posting that. But I cannot find that text anywhere. Where did you find it please?

07-03-2019, 02:04 PM
Winner, thanks for posting that. But I cannot find that text anywhere. Where did you find it please?

Sorry ....part of the post got lost when I tried to be the extract in italics. I’m sure I had ‘...from a year or so ago’ there.

Never mind ....it’s something that I remembered Greg Allen saying back then and I was wondering if they had at last ‘earned the right to grow’

I’ve been following Wellington since last century and you’d be amazed what I’ve collected on them over the years. I’ve had a few successful forays into them over the years but not recently.....you never know I might join you one day if they have earned that right to grow.

07-03-2019, 02:06 PM
Thanks, Winner. Memory is a great asset too. However, that means we are not really a whole lot wiser what that means presently. Oh well.

07-03-2019, 02:23 PM
Thanks, Winner. Memory is a great asset too. However, that means we are not really a whole lot wiser what that means presently. Oh well.

Part of their long term strategy and how Greg thinks though

golden city
07-03-2019, 10:31 PM
Disappointing result year in year out trying to be profitable. What can I say a good management in a bad business that is sum up

08-03-2019, 09:11 AM
A very tricky business to be in. Yes you have to give the management credit for what they have achieved.

08-03-2019, 09:23 AM
I’ve yet to be convinced (over more than 20 years) that Wellington have ever had anything special or unique in their ever changing product / service portfolio

That to me is why they’ve never made money or are unlikely to make much going forward.

08-03-2019, 09:55 AM
Well, I'm certainly not saying that WDT is, or is not, going anywhere - time will show that. But I think the current CEO agreed with you when he arrived (or so it seemed to me), which is why he changed the company to be totally customer-focused and is now going for profit based on being a good company to deal with on all fronts.

The electricity cost of running endless store freezers is hardly chickenfeed, which is WDT's first selling point. Now add in a strong customer support team, price competitiveness, and now extras like remote monitoring and promotion beacons. I'm guessing that smartphone in-store promotions are a big thing for the future, just as I'm guessing that THL's togo app is going to draw in a lot of revenue too. But nobody knows that and only time will tell.

But as to what WDT offers that is special? I would have said it was the total customer focus which has become their hallmark (to judge by the company reports). People love dealing with companies that are genuinely on their side. My view anyway. I never claim to be right.

Marilyn Munroe
08-03-2019, 11:12 AM
Caution: The information on which this post is based is several years old and may no longer be correct.

The engine room of any refrigeration unit is the compressor. My understanding is the WDT refrigerator management package controls functions such as the air circulation fan and peripheral stuff but not the compressor motor.

The lack of any oversight of the compressor function is a weakness.

Boop boop de do

08-03-2019, 12:35 PM
They were talking about high performance special things in this Annual Report


27-03-2019, 05:14 PM
Not an encouraging news for holders.


27-03-2019, 05:29 PM
Sounds like they were already expecting this news and was already factored into their forecast. IMO moving away from low-profit high volume is a good move.

28-03-2019, 11:17 AM
I wonder how big the order was that we missed out on and were there other tails which could have followed from it ?

10-04-2019, 08:41 AM
Good progress reported and inching into profitability.


10-04-2019, 10:11 AM
Good progress reported and inching into profitability.


Market likes it and at .25 the highest sale since July 2017, can they build from here, looks to me that they are getting their sales right at last .

10-04-2019, 10:43 AM
Market likes it and at .25 the highest sale since July 2017, can they build from here, looks to me that they are getting their sales right at last .

Im picking a short term close today @ .30 until there is a rerating by insto etc.

10-04-2019, 10:46 AM
Market likes it and at .25 the highest sale since July 2017, can they build from here, looks to me that they are getting their sales right at last .

Yep, it's becoming a nice turnaround story.

I like;
- A broad based International client and sales base.
- Not so reliant on selling just widgets (motors,) but increasing revenue from iot, data and recurring regular monthly revenue from smart devices.
- increased margins
- Not overstating the future. This comment by the CEO is both modest and v encouraging; " Our new business development funnel is very active; however due to the lead-time on hiring new growth-related skills we are prioritising existing customer growth projects. We do expect the first half of the year to be stronger than 2018 in both revenue and margin, with the second half still unclear and potentially weaker – hence we are maintaining previous guidance”.

Disc - Hold

10-04-2019, 11:06 AM
Im picking a short term close today @ .30 until there is a rerating by insto etc.

Might be slightly optimistic on a day when the market is bleeding red. But good luck to you.

10-04-2019, 01:58 PM
........this good news story is just getting better and better. Greg Allen and his team are doing an exceptional job here with this turnaround. Guidance given right on the mark. Cautious optimism going forward. Products in line with global sustainability and environmental concerns. All boxes get the big tick and now profitability to add to the mix......what more could an investor ask for?? (dividend ahead maybe) Agree 30c /SPrice once instos wake up to this story.

10-04-2019, 06:41 PM
Some dogs should just up and die and let investors put their funds to more worthy causes. WDT is such an animal. Decades of spluttering on with cash infusions at regular intervals. The only significant growth has been the number of shares issued which needs a logarithmic chart to display (oh, I forgot, they have achieved the same outcome by share consolidation every so often).

10-04-2019, 07:47 PM
Some dogs should just up and die and let investors put their funds to more worthy causes. WDT is such an animal. Decades of spluttering on with cash infusions at regular intervals. The only significant growth has been the number of shares issued which needs a logarithmic chart to display (oh, I forgot, they have achieved the same outcome by share consolidation every so often).

DONT FORGET the $100,000,000 of tax losses !!

10-04-2019, 07:55 PM
Is that why Superlife and Smartshares kept investing? I always did wonder why.

11-04-2019, 07:21 AM
Some dogs should just up and die and let investors put their funds to more worthy causes. WDT is such an animal. Decades of spluttering on with cash infusions at regular intervals. The only significant growth has been the number of shares issued which needs a logarithmic chart to display (oh, I forgot, they have achieved the same outcome by share consolidation every so often).

Don't hold back......let it all out.... best to get it all off your chest! lol.

I am a new investor. My view of this company is more forward looking based on much improved management, improved product mix, improved balance sheet and improved TA. Oh and don't forget whatsup's tax losses.

Still risky and not for all. DYOR.

11-04-2019, 01:52 PM
DONT FORGET the $100,000,000 of tax losses !!

Isn't that a good thing for new investors.

11-04-2019, 02:03 PM
Is that why Superlife and Smartshares kept investing? I always did wonder why.

They don't make judgement calls -- they just reflex indexes. If WDT occupies a place in an index then the tracking index fund will need a corresponding holding.

11-04-2019, 02:07 PM
They don't make judgement calls -- they just reflex indexes. If WDT occupies a place in an index then the tracking index fund will need a corresponding holding.

Haven’t they made huge judgement calls in recent years on WDT?

You don’t own more than 30% of the company by being an extra Ndebele tracker

11-04-2019, 02:07 PM
Isn't that a good thing for new investors.

The tax losses are only good if the company can start to make profits. Only then can the tax losses be used.

Better for any investor would be a company that makes profits. Imagine what WDT would be worth if they had a history that included $100,000,000 of profits!

11-04-2019, 04:59 PM
The tax losses are only good if the company can start to make profits. Only then can the tax losses be used.

Better for any investor would be a company that makes profits. Imagine what WDT would be worth if they had a history that included $100,000,000 of profits!

Onion, As you well know now that they are on a profit profile they could be having a tax free business for the next 10 + years, that in my book is better than a slow death that we could have been witnessing !

11-04-2019, 05:02 PM
The tax losses are only good if the company can start to make profits. Only then can the tax losses be used.

Better for any investor would be a company that makes profits. Imagine what WDT would be worth if they had a history that included $100,000,000 of profits!

Why was there a tax expense in last years Income Statement ?

12-04-2019, 04:24 AM
Note that in the forecast accompanying the latest market update that has everyone so excited, they carefully avoided to predict a profit in 2019. "EBITDA, Net Profit and operating cashflow are expected to be higher in 2019 when compared to 2018." could still mean negative NPAT.

12-04-2019, 07:30 AM
Why was there a tax expense in last years Income Statement ?

IMO it could be tax incurred and expensed in other territories and not able to be offset against NZ IRD.....but then I'm no CFO.

Note that in the forecast accompanying the latest market update that has everyone so excited, they carefully avoided to predict a profit in 2019. "EBITDA, Net Profit and operating cashflow are expected to be higher in 2019 when compared to 2018." could still mean negative NPAT.

Of course. I like this cautious approach. Better to under promise and over deliver..... compare this to PEB!!

29-05-2019, 03:13 PM
WDT meeting tomorrow, what are we expecting , anything exciting considering they achieved a pre tax profit of .2 mil their first.

29-05-2019, 09:48 PM
WDT meeting tomorrow, what are we expecting , anything exciting considering they achieved a pre tax profit of .2 mil their first.

Wow. A profit (hope it is a real one and not an accounting version). The first after 25 years or so. $200,000 - just hope the CEO and BOD do not want an increase because the profit will soon disappear, if so. No need to blame increased international component costs anymore, yippee.

26-07-2019, 03:06 PM
Wdt softening a bit over the last couple of weeks with a dip under $0.2... prob need to give the market a bit of info to keep confidence up... how do we think this one is tracking?...

26-07-2019, 09:05 PM
No need to worry with this one...solid very well run company.... indeed just a lack of news and SP drifts down. See it as a buy opportunity.😋

29-08-2019, 03:22 PM
Maiden interim profit announced. Sounds like a capital raise on the way.

29-08-2019, 04:12 PM
Good result today. Well done WDT.

Revenue for H1 2019 was $33.3m, a 19% increase over H1 2018. The company achieved an EBITDA1 surplus of $2.45m for the period, a 98% increase. EBIT was $1.27m ($0.31m last year) and the net profit was $0.72m, a $0.92m improvement on the prior year.

29-08-2019, 04:47 PM
Maiden interim profit announced. Sounds like a capital raise on the way.

Ooh such cynicism..

The use of the word " maiden " should be taken with a very large pinch of salt from this " Old Crone " of the NZX..

15-09-2019, 01:20 PM
IoT increasingly in the news.

Economist 14 September - How the world will change as computers spread into everyday objects

These headings from Motley Fool 14 September

1. IoT devices will soon account for more than two-thirds of the AI chip market
2. 5G is accelerating IoT innovation
3. Companies are using new IoT devices to boost existing their existing businesses


22-10-2019, 10:17 AM
Nine months ended 30 September 2019 2018 Change
Revenue $45.9m $40.7m +13%
Wellington Connect IoT Revenue $17.5m $12.7m +38%
Wellington ECR Motors $27.0m $26.6m +1%
ECR2 Motor Revenue $16.6m $12.1m +41%
Legacy ECR Motor Revenue $10.4m $14.5m -30%
Gross profit $11.9m $9.9m +20%
Gross margin % 26.0% 24.4% +1.6pp
EBITDA reported $3.10m $1.11m +179%
EBITDA pre fair value adjustment $2.67m $1.11m +140%
EBIT $1.30m ($0.22m) +$1.52m
Profit (loss) before taxation $0.58m ($0.77m) +$1.35m

Looking good going forward.

22-10-2019, 10:22 AM
.......some seriously healthy gains made there...plus 179% in EBITA etc

25-10-2019, 10:21 AM
Back to the bad old days , a C R of 1/5 @ .10, imho the current S P will slide now, money is to fund business opportunities , hmmm heard that before!

25-10-2019, 10:36 AM
Back to the bad old days , a C R of 1/5 @ .10, imho the current S P will slide now, money is to fund business opportunities , hmmm heard that before!

It's a risk, but so was Xero back in the day when it was ploughing any spare dollar back into growing the business. WDT is IMO one of the more interesting plays on the NZX. Yes, might fall over but fun in the meantime.

25-10-2019, 10:44 AM
It's a risk, but so was Xero back in the day when it was ploughing any spare dollar back into growing the business. WDT is IMO one of the more interesting plays on the NZX. Yes, might fall over but fun in the meantime.

not if you have been in since pre crash days, Im talking 1987 !!!

25-10-2019, 11:40 AM
Back to the bad old days , a C R of 1/5 @ .10, imho the current S P will slide now, money is to fund business opportunities , hmmm heard that before!

That's big deep discount to current sp...

Disc-not a holder

25-10-2019, 12:03 PM
The previous $123m of cash punters have thrown in over the years haven’t produced much ....so another $5m odd is just a top up

Patience the key

25-10-2019, 12:31 PM
The previous $123m of cash punters have thrown in over the years haven’t produced much ....so another $5m odd is just a top up

Patience the key

......ill be in on this for sure 100%. Best prospects on the NZX..........right place, right time, all boxes ticked ready for lift off. (already begun) Amazing discount for existing shareholders and those raised funds should be returning 20-25% to the company in a year or sooner. Contracts already in place,...What could go wrong?

25-10-2019, 03:10 PM
......ill be in on this for sure 100%. Best prospects on the NZX..........right place, right time, all boxes ticked ready for lift off. (already begun) Amazing discount for existing shareholders and those raised funds should be returning 20-25% to the company in a year or sooner. Contracts already in place,...What could go wrong?

don't forget the $100,000,000 + of tax losses !!

20-11-2019, 12:13 PM
Anyone know whats happening??? Got this from ASB.

Order Purged and Cancelled
Order Details:

Your order has been purged and cancelled as WDTRJ.NZX has been suspended from trading by the NZX. Please review the company’s recent announcements on our website for more information.
Please feel free to review this and replace your order when the stock comes out of suspension.
If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact our team on 0800 272 732 (option 2) or 0064 9 448 8120 from overseas.

20-11-2019, 12:18 PM
Anyone know whats happening??? Got this from ASB.

Order Purged and Cancelled
Order Details:

Your order has been purged and cancelled as WDTRJ.NZX has been suspended from trading by the NZX. Please review the company’s recent announcements on our website for more information.
Please feel free to review this and replace your order when the stock comes out of suspension.
If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact our team on 0800 272 732 (option 2) or 0064 9 448 8120 from overseas.

Those rights ceased trading yesterday

Need a few days to sort things out before they make the allotment on the 29th

Nothing sinister

You fronting up with the cash

20-11-2019, 12:21 PM
Thanks winner, I thought they closed on the 25th.

No didn't get any as no one wanted to give them away which is quiet a surprise for this company.

22-11-2019, 09:20 AM
So the IoT is working ....an earnings upgrade

About time


I see the NZX shows the share price up 4% over last 52 weeks. That’s good

22-11-2019, 01:33 PM
There was a recent Economist article on the IoT that predicted a trillion IoT items in the next few years. Don't recall the exact timeframe but it was sooner rather than later, 10 years maybe.

A trillion is a million billion (UK anyway which the Economist is) and world population is 8 billion. That is the IoT context. Someone will be making some very big bucks.

24-11-2019, 10:12 AM
There was a recent Economist article on the IoT that predicted a trillion IoT items in the next few years. Don't recall the exact timeframe but it was sooner rather than later, 10 years maybe.

A trillion is a million billion (UK anyway which the Economist is) and world population is 8 billion. That is the IoT context. Someone will be making some very big bucks.

......indeed and WDT hasnt mucked around getting a piece of this IoT action.........all credit to the directors for quick feet. I firmly and genuinely believe WDT is on the cusp of some very big things (just like Blis) ......both companys have struggled for years but appear to be making real and sustainable gains into profitability, Good things have taken a long time but looks like wer'e knocking on that door (for both WDT and BLT) right now. Yes I hold both, yes Im still buying.

24-11-2019, 05:08 PM
Blis and WDT must both be looking attractive takeover prospects. Sadly for NZX.

24-11-2019, 08:48 PM
Blis and WDT must both be looking attractive takeover prospects. Sadly for NZX.

If WDT is taken over the suiter losses the $110 + million of tax losses , NO that will not happen just yet, BLS Im not sure of !

24-11-2019, 09:08 PM
If WDT is taken over the suiter losses the $110 + million of tax losses , NO that will not happen just yet, BLS Im not sure of !

Blis accumulated losses are close to $34m at present, not bad in comparison.

25-11-2019, 01:27 AM
Let us forget about WDT and Blis comparisons of tax losses.

So many of us on here have been following these companies for decades. ( Have been investing and losing at times in a minor way ).


What are the real reasons why we should really be given any thoughts to invest in either one ?.

IOT. ( WDT ) Health Break through (BLIS ) . I understand that.. So do many other World wide companies.

Still waiting to be convinced ……..

AGAIN... :-))))))))

25-11-2019, 03:25 AM
Rakon are into this IoT stuff as well. .... but are cool as doing 5G stuff as well

It wasn’t that long ago that WDT invented ta game changer in
SCS Connect which connected fridges to the cloud - that was cool stuff as well

09-01-2020, 03:59 PM
Balance sheet looking better. New IoT customers on the horizon. Tempting stock. Huge gain since 2016 and arguably a bit of a dog for the past two years, but fundamentally improving. Added to the watchlist.

21-01-2020, 02:36 PM
More good news.......top pick for me this year. Go you good thing!

21-01-2020, 05:48 PM
good report, wonder if this means they wont release an update before the FY results though, because historically they release a financial update late Jan. This was a good alternative regardless.

Anna Naum
21-01-2020, 08:33 PM
good report, wonder if this means they wont release an update before the FY results though, because historically they release a financial update late Jan. This was a good alternative regardless.

Did you see the update on 23-12? Agree great milestone for the company.

22-01-2020, 12:48 PM
After being on sidelines since last year, finally decided to get on board after watching their progress..

22-01-2020, 01:37 PM
After being on sidelines since last year, finally decided to get on board after watching their progress..

Great minds.....Over the last 2 days I'm back on board too! Good chance of the SP doubling in 12 months IMHO.

22-01-2020, 02:25 PM
Great minds.....Over the last 2 days I'm back on board too! Good chance of the SP doubling in 12 months IMHO.

Thanks lf, hope it works out well over next 12 months. They definitively seem to be hitting all positive notes of late and continue to deliver in years to come.

22-01-2020, 02:25 PM
I'm surprised it is still going. I briefly had some shares early 2000 bought at 56c. Now they do IOT? Does it warrant for me to have another look or is it another false dawn?

22-01-2020, 02:49 PM
Honestly their IoT side of business is looking pretty good. Obviously i'm just basing this on reports and no insider info. Sales growth yoy and margins improving. There was a drag down from old motors and hopefully that becomes a non-existent factor in due time.

Also they've hinted at an IoT contract with a company who already works with them.

One to watch IMO. Balance sheet is actually pretty good too (ignoring accumulated losses). If they can be profitable this year this will be a good one lol

22-01-2020, 04:17 PM
I'm surprised it is still going. I briefly had some shares early 2000 bought at 56c. Now they do IOT? Does it warrant for me to have another look or is it another false dawn?

Not without risk, however IMHO the downside risk is being mitigated and there is considerable upside potential. TA is also looking more favourable.
However, there are seldom gains without some risk so DYOR and make your own decisions accordingly.

22-01-2020, 04:46 PM
Not without risk, however IMHO the downside risk is being mitigated and there is considerable upside potential. TA is also looking more favourable.
However, there are seldom gains without some risk so DYOR and make your own decisions accordingly.

Agree with all those viewpoints. I'm picking it may clinch 20c mark in the short term.

22-01-2020, 05:10 PM
Beagle me old mate — you into this one as well as Blis

Currently has all the same characteristics as Blis

To multi baggers at once maybe

22-01-2020, 09:01 PM
Beagle me old mate — you into this one as well as Blis

Currently has all the same characteristics as Blis

To multi baggers at once maybe

..your'e onto it Winner. Throw Truscreen in the mix and go for the Trifecta like me. REAL hard earned money on all three...(just don't tell Balance please re Truscreen because we had words today LOL)

WDT is a long hold for me (this time) and making good gains IN IoT and sales generally.......paid 26c I think for some many years ago. Been in and out over the years. Should see 20c easy enough if SP continues steady as she goes.

Oliver Mander
23-01-2020, 10:39 PM
Honestly their IoT side of business is looking pretty good. Obviously i'm just basing this on reports and no insider info. Sales growth yoy and margins improving. There was a drag down from old motors and hopefully that becomes a non-existent factor in due time.

Also they've hinted at an IoT contract with a company who already works with them.

One to watch IMO. Balance sheet is actually pretty good too (ignoring accumulated losses). If they can be profitable this year this will be a good one lol

I'm also a recent holder of this stock, as I think their business has started to turn a corner - a new generation product available at a time when customers/companies are just beginning to understand the power of IoT.

BUT I think the balance sheet risk is actually quite high. Debt levels are high (lets hear it for a low interest rate environment) and the mismatch between debtors/creditors is never something I like to see. I get the impression they launched IoT about 5 years too early for a market that wasn't ready for their 'big idea'.

Still, my small-ish stake represents a calculated risk. Hope that the mgmt team have their heads screwed on the right way!

03-02-2020, 04:11 PM
Lucky Asia sales make up less than 10% of the total revenue stream.. so no impact from coronovirus. Nice little dip on low volume topped up.

Oliver Mander
04-02-2020, 01:05 PM
Lucky Asia sales make up less than 10% of the total revenue stream.. so no impact from coronovirus. Nice little dip on low volume topped up.

Bigger dip so far today. Something more systemic...???

04-02-2020, 04:33 PM
Bigger dip so far today. Something more systemic...???

not on $14,000 worth of shares and look its back up to 17c.

04-02-2020, 04:38 PM
Low volumes creating buying opportunities

11-02-2020, 03:19 PM
hmmm, not a lot happening.
The growth from 2018 to 2019 looks promising though?

11-02-2020, 04:04 PM
Until a solid financial news report is announced nothing will happen

One to watch this year IMO

13-02-2020, 09:23 AM
Been following Wellington Drive since the turn of the century

Jeez they are one unlucky company

https://quoteapi.com/resources/da9866271f9d0071/announcements/wdt.nzx/348339/WDT_Wellington_Drive_Technologies_update_on_Corana virus.pdf

13-02-2020, 10:09 AM
Out of their control. Shame the expansion might be delayed but it's not like they could have really done anything about this sadly..

13-02-2020, 10:15 AM
Out of their control. Shame the expansion might be delayed but it's not like they could have really done anything about this sadly..

Some company's are just unlucky .....fortune never favours them

Oliver Mander
13-02-2020, 11:01 AM
arguably a buying opportunity...

13-02-2020, 11:10 AM
IoT growth still there. Profitabilty projected in FY19.
IoT opportunities still exist and are still there. The impact here is not an organic issue with the company. Balance sheet will look stellar imo with FY19 full year release with 3 years of solid growth.

Disc to hold until the company organically deteriorates

28-02-2020, 10:30 AM
Jeez 14 cents now

That announcement must have spooked a few

WDT always have bad luck.

28-02-2020, 10:40 AM
Set back but report due soon .. everything’s down not selling lol

28-02-2020, 04:47 PM
Pretty solid report. Not like you can trade this stock anyway with ASB and DB being broken.