View Full Version : Oca fy23/24 results poll

26-05-2024, 09:05 PM
Well the results are in for FY23/24, plus some insights on the past couple of months with sales, divestments and pivot development to ILU's. Thanks for all the insightful and informative discussion this weekend after the results.

Overall, how would you rate the results:

1 - Disaster, this is an investors nightmare and a dividend trap, oh wait, there isn't a dividend, it's capital trap.
2 - Yeah nah, it's going backwards as far as I can see, if I was an investor I'd get out and if not I wouldn't buy.
3 - Feeling neutral really, not great, not too bad, probably hold if I'm already holding, might wait and see if I'm not.
4 - It's good, happily invested and seeing good progress on key metrics, like the future and going to hold, get in, or more.
5 - Excellent, things are going to plan, really like the financials, the pivot is timely, happy holder, even get more.

26-05-2024, 09:26 PM
4...with an eye to the longer term

26-05-2024, 09:34 PM
Need another option:

6) I have no idea. The accounts don’t make sense to me. I get headaches when I try to read them.

26-05-2024, 09:35 PM
4 without doing more serious work on the report, which if anything, I suspect would push me towards 5. But for now 4.

26-05-2024, 09:36 PM
Need another option:

6) I have no idea. The accounts don’t make sense to me. I get headaches when I try to read them.

There's always someone who wants another option! :D I think you're a 3?

26-05-2024, 09:37 PM
Don't reply with your vote ... make a vote on the Poll.

26-05-2024, 09:51 PM
Poll doesn’t show for mobile devices fyi

Scroll to bottom and select full site. To change back, again scroll to bottom but select from drop down in bottom left hand corner to mobile style.

26-05-2024, 09:52 PM
The poll will run for 10 days, it is anonymous so no-one will know what you really think. Vote on the poll, no need to reply here unless you have something you want to say.

27-05-2024, 06:57 AM
Awesome idea having a poll BB.

For what it’s worth, I think it would be better with the 1 - 5 scale rating options without the commentary (which is flavoured with your own personality/views).

People know that 1 is extremely gloomy, 5 is head over heels and 3 is neutral.

I would have just had it as:

1. Extreme Bear
2. Bear
3. Neutral
4. Bull
5. Extreme Bull

And let everyone do their own internal commentary as to why they feel the way they do about the stock without the pollster priming them.

There will be a variety of reasons people feel a certain way not necessarily covered in your specific options.

27-05-2024, 07:42 AM
Thanks Baa Baa. I was a 4. I am happy with the result.

30-05-2024, 09:16 PM
Thank you to the 38 voters who have responded to the poll. We have seen some vigorous discussion on the OCA thread around the results and lots of conjecture as to the financial health of the company. While the OCA thread seems dominated by naysayers and skeptics with a few investors defending their decisions, the market has barely budged.

So far, with 6 days to go on the poll, we have 21% sitting on the fence, 16% looking to get out, 0% who think it's value/capital trap, and 63% happy to hold, get in or get some more. So once again, the ST community doesn't seem to be representative of the market, where one could conclude so far that the market is sitting on the fence.

6 days left to vote, if you haven't yet, it's anonymous so have your say and lets see where this lands as ST member sentiment towards OCA.

Snow Leopard
30-05-2024, 10:01 PM
....0% who think it's value/capital trap....

Seemed a shame that there were no takers for that.

06-06-2024, 08:37 PM
Well the poll has closed. Thanks to the 48 members who voted. The results are:

2 - 4% reckon it's a capital/dividend trap
6 - 13% would get out or certainly not buy
13 - 27% sitting on the fence, probably hold and wait and see
27 - 56% happy holders, might or will get some more.

Is that the result you anticipated? Seems to contradict much of the OCA discussion since the results were released, and the market reaction, share price down $0.06 or 10.3%.

Maybe the fence sitters and happy holders are keeping an eye on how low the SP might go before pulling the trigger? I suspect the traders are doing the same thing, there's a good trade around here and good value investing, but picking the timing to move on it is confounding most at this stage.

Might be a case of the 'rush to the entry' when the SP shows capitulation is over, similar to when the covid low ended. 17 days later, the SP had doubled.