View Full Version : RXM Rex Minerals Limited

21-05-2024, 12:07 PM
Trade for the day ?

27-05-2024, 01:28 PM
Trade for the day ?

sold my RXM shares 17-18c doh!!! ... but really I've had a shocker with many of my shares sold ... BSE sold near lows ... GAU:TSX thought 150% in months was a brilliant trade to see it weeks later 30% higher !!! ...even dogs like CE1 out in the 9s ...12-13c now ..many great growth stocks I've sold portions to miss so much more growth ..really this year been a year of poor choices ... need MAY to reward my belief 200%+ return to make up for all the bad trades !@

29-05-2024, 12:32 PM
sold my RXM shares 17-18c doh!!! ... but really I've had a shocker with many of my shares sold ... BSE sold near lows ... GAU:TSX thought 150% in months was a brilliant trade to see it weeks later 30% higher !!! ...even dogs like CE1 out in the 9s ...12-13c now ..many great growth stocks I've sold portions to miss so much more growth ..really this year been a year of poor choices ... need MAY to reward my belief 200%+ return to make up for all the bad trades !@

Hi JB,was looking for it to break above 26.5c,stopped out,there are lots of small cap mining trades around.Not solely looking at miners though,DXB was an ok trade the other day,just got to find them .Don't think many traders on here nowadays though ?.

29-05-2024, 09:05 PM
Hi JB,was looking for it to break above 26.5c,stopped out,there are lots of small cap mining trades around.Not solely looking at miners though,DXB was an ok trade the other day,just got to find them .Don't think many traders on here nowadays though ?.

no pretty quite these days on ST ...but I think that will change if we see rates drop and commodities to kick higher and finally see some love in the micro-cap sub 700mill cap ...get a few 10-20 baggers and just generally better growth average than the neg -69% for the sub 100mill last couple years !!!!!