View Full Version : ATP Atlas Pearls Ltd.

06-10-2023, 09:59 AM
Atlas Pearls Ltd (ATP), an ASX listed company, has become one of the world's leading producers of the high quality white and silver South Sea pearls. The Company operates across seven farming locations throughout the South Seas and employing more than 1,000 people, the Company harvested more than 629,000 pearls in the FY2022.

427,871,758 shares on issue at 0.084 cents gives a market cap of $35.94 mil.
PE 3.93
NPAT $9.08 mil.
NTA 8 cps
Dividend 0.003
Yield 4.16%.
Pearl prices remain high.
Next update is their half year to end of December which will be announced in February.
Perhaps they will update at their AGM on 9th November.

NB.Marine Farming is extremely high risk.

06-10-2023, 03:34 PM
I remember a young fella (was it Dimebag) on here who recommended Atlas Pearl about 20 years or so ago but I never pulled the trigger because the harvests back then didn't yield great quality pearls. But back then I don't think they had farms in Malaysia/Indonesia but the Pacific Islands. But could be wrong.

06-10-2023, 04:54 PM
I remember a young fella (was it Dimebag) on here who recommended Atlas Pearl about 20 years or so ago but I never pulled the trigger because the harvests back then didn't yield great quality pearls. But back then I don't think they had farms in Malaysia/Indonesia but the Pacific Islands. But could be wrong.
I thought there was a thread here,but could not find it.Lizard knew/knows a lot about this company.I asked her for advice when I looked to buy,as I told her years ago why I stopped getting Market Analyst.
In the 1990s I subscribed to Market Analyst tip sheet.I cancelled my sub when they recommended this company.!!
I was right ATP was a disaster.Think one of their staff was murdered . However years later after they nearly went broke there was a changing of guard.
One director lent the company millions.When I saw they were repaying this loan very quickly,and their fundamentals looked really strong I started buying.Been buying up until February this year.
Had thought I would sell enough to have a "free ride",but with them paying a divie, the fundamentals still looking very modest,and the fact there is nothing I want to buy,I will continue to hold.

06-10-2023, 07:49 PM
I thought there was a thread here, but could not find it.Lizard knew/knows a lot about this company.

There were some comments under the "small disruptive tech stocks" thread. Not sure why they ended up there but thanks for starting a separate thread for this one.

The only two things to add to your list of things to like about ATP are:

1. no debt and a growing pile of cash

2. posters elsewhere have commented on the increase in prices of pearls

Apart from the risks of being a biological product producer (as you mentioned), I'm hoping they can keep their costs under control.

Disclosure: a happy holder.

17-10-2023, 05:48 PM
Sold just over half my holding today at 8.05 cents.
Good profit and "free ride" with what I have left.
Just held too many..
Bought the funds back to NZ,and may recycle the funds into more 2CC. Will C..lol

18-10-2023, 10:26 PM
Sold just over half my holding today at 8.05 cents.
Good profit and "free ride" with what I have left.
Just held too many..
Bought the funds back to NZ,and may recycle the funds into more 2CC. Will C..lol

I had great gains but took profits a ways back when I learnt the size of the pearls being harvested at the time were smaller.More fool me the s/p kept going up! Maybe I was having a drink at the time,don't drink a Sav Blanc whilst overlooking your share portfolio.
Pearls Before Wine ehhh:)

19-10-2023, 07:51 AM
I had great gains but took profits a ways back when I learnt the size of the pearls being harvested at the time were smaller.More fool me the s/p kept going up! Maybe I was having a drink at the time,don't drink a Sav Blanc whilst overlooking your share portfolio.
Pearls Before Wine ehhh:)

Hard deciding to sell down when the fundamentals are so good, and the share price is in a big uptrend,but I just was over weighted in them.

20-10-2023, 09:47 PM
Off like a rocket .. 9.1c close

22-10-2023, 09:18 AM
AGM is on Thursday 9th November.
May get some interesting commentary.

22-10-2023, 09:26 AM
AGM is on Thursday 9th November.
May get some interesting commentary.

You given up watching that dramatic RWC semi final

22-10-2023, 10:47 AM
You given up watching that dramatic RWC semi final

I do not watch The English.They ruin the game with too many stoppages,and milking penalties..
Glad The South Africans won.

23-10-2023, 12:30 PM
Sold just over half my holding today at 8.05 cents.
Good profit and "free ride" with what I have left.
Just held too many..
Bought the funds back to NZ,and may recycle the funds into more 2CC. Will C..lol

As expected selling just over have my holding,has seen the Atlas Pearls' share price keep on with its upward trajectory.
Currently trading at 10 cents.

23-10-2023, 12:38 PM
As expected selling just over have my holding,has seen the Atlas Pearls' share price keep on with its upward trajectory.
Currently trading at 10 cents.

Thanks for reminding me. I have some shares in this company, quite a few and bought a very large lot a while back in the 4-5 cent range. I will go and get that 10 cents now.


23-10-2023, 07:34 PM
Sp be at 20cents soon with a P.E of 4, why are you guys selling?

I don’t hold.

23-10-2023, 08:09 PM
Sp be at 20cents soon with a P.E of 4, why are you guys selling?

I don’t hold.

Thought you would find that easy 2c...lol

23-10-2023, 08:31 PM
Thought you would find that easy 2c...lol

lol oh yes

01-12-2023, 03:20 PM
request an immediate trading halt in the securities of the Company pending release of an
announcement regarding the results of a pearl auction held in Kobe, Japan

Now this could be fun as I hear pearl prices went through the roof at Kobe.

01-12-2023, 03:37 PM
request an immediate trading halt in the securities of the Company pending release of an
announcement regarding the results of a pearl auction held in Kobe, Japan

Now this could be fun as I hear pearl prices went through the roof at Kobe.

Yep. The peanut gallery over on Hotcopper getting quite excited.

04-12-2023, 09:05 AM
Yep. The peanut gallery over on Hotcopper getting quite excited.

From a post on HC.
the demand and supply fundamentals are both unprecedented. And in the current market, ATP should see cash reserves equal its current mkt cap within the next 6-9 months.

05-12-2023, 11:19 AM
Crikey Nearly did last year's revenue in just 5 months.Incredible.
https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02749872-6A1184803?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

05-12-2023, 11:28 AM
Crikey Nearly did last year's revenue in just 5 months.Incredible.
https://cdn-api.markitdigital.com/apiman-gateway/ASX/asx-research/1.0/file/2924-02749872-6A1184803?access_token=83ff96335c2d45a094df02a206a 39ff4

What you reckon the price action will get to today Percy? I got a few of these, well in the money now and with dividends, not sure I want to sell after all. I see the boffins on hotcopper are all excited.

05-12-2023, 11:56 AM
What you reckon the price action will get to today Percy? I got a few of these, well in the money now and with dividends, not sure I want to sell after all. I see the boffins on hotcopper are all excited.

I am excited too...
I have sold 71.5% of my holding from .0805 cents to. 0924 cents.
Had thought if the share price went over 15 cents I may sell out and buy myself a new Suzuki Swift RS.
However the Nissan has only done 80,000 klms and I really like it.?
Therefore like you I am not sure whether I want to sell after all ,.lol
Then there is 2CC's divie tomorrow to add to the excitement..lol
Update 1.7mil at VWAP of 12cents.

05-12-2023, 12:25 PM
Holy hell that is amazing.

lol I bought some at 12c this morning.

I saw the HC post about cash generation.

It looks like gross margin per pearl will go roughly from $21 to $85 (accounting for a guess of inflation on COG per pearl of 4.5% - $16.8 to $17.6). That margin increase should more or less fall to the bottom line for the half year, as price driven.

They had 7.8m of cash. This 1H they should end the half with around 23m, plus or minus.

At 12cps that's a market cap of $51.3m. Less the cash of 23m, thats a mcap of $28m, or 3x FY23 NPAT. And this years NPAT will be substantially higher and multiple substantially lower. So even if this normalise, its a cash rich company that ought to be able to do some chunky things with its cash.

note these are all extreme back of the envelope / on the fly calcs.

not a big purchase and sort of a spur of the moment thing.

05-12-2023, 12:44 PM
I am excited too...
I have sold 71.5% of my holding from .0805 cents to. 0924 cents.
Had thought if the share price went over 15 cents I may sell out and buy myself a new Suzuki Swift RS.
However the Nissan has only done 80,000 klms and I really like it.?
Therefore like you I am not sure whether I want to sell after all ,.lol
Then there is 2CC's divie tomorrow to add to the excitement..lol
Update 1.7mil at VWAP of 12cents.

Going through at 12.5. I had a buy order in at 11 but have not been filled. If they can make $20m NPAT they will have a huge cash pile and a 2c dividend is not out of the question.
I think I will hold on a bit longer to the stock that I do have.
Yes I almost forgot about the 2CC dividend. You could probably buy a new Suzuki Swift from that alone.
I have bought a Mitsibishi Triton (new) and the dividend almost pays for half of that.
I wonder if there will be some more buying in 2CC after tomorrow... (by all accounts it is still cheap)

ATP are benefitting from the high Pearl Prices that are going ballistic. I wonder how sustainable it is.

05-12-2023, 12:52 PM
Holy hell that is amazing.

lol I bought some at 12c this morning.

I saw the HC post about cash generation.

It looks like gross margin per pearl will go roughly from $21 to $85 (accounting for a guess of inflation on COG per pearl of 4.5% - $16.8 to $17.6). That margin increase should more or less fall to the bottom line for the half year, as price driven.

They had 7.8m of cash. This 1H they should end the half with around 23m, plus or minus.

At 12cps that's a market cap of $51.3m. Less the cash of 23m, thats a mcap of $28m, or 3x FY23 NPAT. And this years NPAT will be substantially higher and multiple substantially lower. So even if this normalise, its a cash rich company that ought to be able to do some chunky things with its cash.

note these are all extreme back of the envelope / on the fly calcs.

not a big purchase and sort of a spur of the moment thing.

Welcome aboard.

05-12-2023, 01:24 PM
well done holders.

are these prices the new norm or is this a huge windfall gain for the company because pearls are the new flavor of the month in China?

05-12-2023, 01:36 PM
well done holders.

are these prices the new norm or is this a huge windfall gain for the company because pearls are the new flavor of the month in China?

Now that is the $64,000 question.
One month, 24 months,or 50 years.?
Reminds me 20 or 30 years people asked whether Savignon Blanc sales in UK were the new norm,or flavour of the month.
Guess people today are asking the same about Savignon Blanc sales in the US.
In time we will find out.
Must admit gold and diamonds have enjoyed a good run for centuries.

05-12-2023, 01:43 PM
well done holders.

are these prices the new norm or is this a huge windfall gain for the company because pearls are the new flavor of the month in China?

that's the first thing that pops into my mind. a reversion to mean and all that. commodity & biological risk.

But with ~ $20m of cash or more, the operations of the company (ie ex cash) at spot price are worth about 3x last years npat (not this years npat). price makes up for a lot of sins.

see how we go.

05-12-2023, 01:49 PM
From a link on HC.

Pearls are often reported as the oldest valuable gem known to humankind, and have been collected for at least
8,500 years (A


05-12-2023, 07:29 PM
Ended the day at 13 cents up a stunning 48%.
ATP Atlas Pearls Ltd 0.13 48% $37,652,715

05-12-2023, 08:20 PM

05-12-2023, 10:02 PM
It's been a great ride and even at 13 cents the fundamentals look compelling (not to mention the time horizon for competitors to increase supply) but it's not going to grow to the sky.

ATP is not only a commodity producer, it's also dealing with biologicals. So I won't be in this one forever. The question is how much further does it have to run? I can crunch numbers and make a case for a share price north of 20 cents but have no real idea.

05-12-2023, 10:18 PM
It's been a great ride and even at 13 cents the fundamentals look compelling (not to mention the time horizon for competitors to increase supply) but it's not going to grow to the sky.

ATP is not only a commodity producer, it's also dealing with biologicals. So I won't be in this one forever. The question is how much further does it have to run? I can crunch numbers and make a case for a share price north of 20 cents but have no real idea.

how long until the boys & girls filling their pockets with these pearly gems in Asia stop buying ?

Nice 3 going on 4 bagger for some already, but yes similar questions as you raise

05-12-2023, 11:08 PM
It's been a great ride and even at 13 cents the fundamentals look compelling (not to mention the time horizon for competitors to increase supply) but it's not going to grow to the sky.

ATP is not only a commodity producer, it's also dealing with biologicals. So I won't be in this one forever. The question is how much further does it have to run? I can crunch numbers and make a case for a share price north of 20 cents but have no real idea.

aye I think you've nailed it as far as I can tell. Biological risk will be ever-present and one day manifest itself - disease, warming temperature etc, just have to look to NZKS on the NZX. and surging prices are a fantastic way at bringing on supply which often establishes itself just as demand wanes and prices and margins per pearl goes into the toilet.

cant be a set and forget investment.

however I can forsee a huge cash balance at 1H close in 2 months time which they will have to do something with (and hope its not silly) and growing into the 2h. and massively increased profits for this year. So some key milestones in terms of momentum and price of the underlying operating company (ex cash) once/if pricing reverts (surely...)

09-12-2023, 08:37 PM
SP still holding up there 12.5c and looks like more buyer support than sellers at Fri close on ASX

that rapidly growing pile of cash might be exciting the boys & girls :)

16-12-2023, 12:36 AM
15.5c close seems to have got the Peanut Factory chattering away over yonder

18-12-2023, 01:26 PM
16.0 c touched today

Sideshow Bob
18-12-2023, 02:50 PM
16.0 c touched today

Mrs Percy might be getting pearls for Christmas.......:cool:

06-02-2024, 12:41 PM
Another leg up today.
Currently trading at 20 cents.

06-02-2024, 12:52 PM
Another leg up today.
Currently trading at 20 cents.

very content!

16-02-2024, 01:09 PM
A22cps with recent very strong volumes. modest initial investment now worth something more meaningful. looking forward to the results and news of future auctions & pricing.

16-02-2024, 03:29 PM
Sp be at 20cents soon with a P.E of 4, why are you guys selling?

I don’t hold.

Posted just 4 months back - SP then was around 10c

A nice ride upwards

16-02-2024, 03:36 PM
Posted just 4 months back - SP then was around 10c

A nice ride upwards

Wish I had bought!!

29-02-2024, 09:01 PM


29-02-2024, 09:29 PM

29-02-2024, 09:57 PM
Wow amazing. SP super cheap.

BUT.. price of these amazing pearls has increased from $38 to $103, 171% increase. Anyone have any insight to how long this can last for? I suppose it just depends on demand

01-03-2024, 12:57 AM
Wow amazing. SP super cheap.

BUT.. price of these amazing pearls has increased from $38 to $103, 171% increase. Anyone have any insight to how long this can last for? I suppose it just depends on demand

Old story of what goes up .. add in ASX and add in Asian Market Buying the things .. what could possibly go wrong ?

01-03-2024, 03:49 PM
I thought the result and divie would see ATP's share price over 25 cents today.
Well it did hit 21 cents,and has now returned to 18 cents.
Volume so far today is over 5.2 mil shares traded.
Appears the result was as expected,and the only person over excited with it was me...lol

01-03-2024, 03:50 PM
I thought the result and divie would see ATP's share price over 25 cents today.
Well it did hit 21 cents,and has now returned to 18 cents.
Volume so far today is over 5.2 mil shares traded.

Need new punters like Rawz to bid it up. But the Rawz punters are confused with the pearl price and fearful of it returning to normal next year. So not taking the punt

01-03-2024, 07:33 PM
I thought the result and divie would see ATP's share price over 25 cents today.
Well it did hit 21 cents,and has now returned to 18 cents.
Volume so far today is over 5.2 mil shares traded.
Appears the result was as expected,and the only person over excited with it was me...lol

the smarter ones on that sort of movement could have easily spirited off with the next 12 month's divies
in a couple of quick moves and been back on deck with a large smile on their faces waiting a repeat :)

02-03-2024, 10:23 AM


We must not forget this result was for just 6 months.[Would have been a good 12 month result.]
I was pleased to see a lot of effort and funds are being put into staff,and general business improvements,including Pearl development.
I have a modest "free" ride,which I intend to hold.

23-04-2024, 12:23 PM
The market did not like the above announcement.
Share price is down 6.25 cents or 36.8% to 10.8 cents.

11-06-2024, 04:54 PM

11-06-2024, 05:04 PM

Almost as exciting as the Global Dairy Trade Auctions

11-06-2024, 09:29 PM
Almost as exciting as the Global Dairy Trade Auctions

A lot of SP movement in this one - virtually halved in 4 months since Feb up to a few days back

11-06-2024, 09:38 PM
From ASX site.
Day range $0.105 - $0.115
Previous close $0.110
Average volume 1,180,965
52 week range $0.035 - $0.225
Foreign exempt? No
Share description Ordinary Fully Paid
Shares on issue 433,622,379
P/E ratio 1.88
EPS $0.058
Revenue $27.20M (AUD)
Net profit $9.08M (AUD)
Cash flow $17.27
Price/free cash flow ratio 1.82
Free cash flow yield 54.67%
Type Interim
Dividend amount $0.015
Annual yield 16.81%
Ex date 07 Mar 2024
Record date 08 Mar 2024
Pay date 22 Mar 2024
Franking 37%