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09-07-2024, 03:24 PM
Next on list for Greens is one Benjamin Doyle

Seems to be a decent fella and well suited to be a Green MP if they have to call him uo

09-07-2024, 04:36 PM
Next on list for Greens is one Benjamin Doyle

Seems to be a decent fella and well suited to be a Green MP if they have to call him uo


09-07-2024, 04:45 PM

Freaking heck!

Another one with mental health issues already?

09-07-2024, 07:25 PM
PAYE deducted from exploited migrants’ wages but not paid to IRD.


10-07-2024, 08:39 AM
You would hope that the greens do the right thing and use the waka jumping legislation to boot her out of parliament.

A piece of s*it like that has no place representing anybody in parliament.

I am not a fan of immigrants but I really hate thieves and liars.

Hopefully Benjamin is not another green fruitcake.

10-07-2024, 08:45 AM
You would hope that the greens do the right thing and use the waka jumping legislation to boot her out of parliament.

A piece of s*it like that has no place representing anybody in parliament.

I am not a fan of immigrants but I really hate thieves and liars.

Covid placed enormous pressure on almost all businesses, especially SMEs so in a way, one could understand why Tana & her husband did what they have been accused of doing. Not an excuse but a reason.

But Tana staying on as a MP after the report is reprehensible and shows what sort of person she is - and of course, the liars, thieves, hypocrites and scums reside within the Green Party.

10-07-2024, 09:51 AM
one could understand why Tana & her husband did what they have been accused of doing. Not an excuse but a reason.

What the hell is this??? Excuse/reason interchangeable meaning in this case. You might as well tell me they had mental health issues, not an excuse but a reason.

What are you turning into some namby pamby green MP loving peacenik?

You'll be singing kumbaya on guitar if this sort of soft behaviour carries on too long.

Or have you stolen money off your employees in the past?

10-07-2024, 10:02 AM
What the hell is this??? Excuse/reason interchangeable meaning in this case. You might as well tell me they had mental health issues, not an excuse but a reason.

What are you turning into some namby pamby green MP loving peacenik?

You'll be singing kumbaya on guitar if this sort of soft behaviour carries on too long.

Or have you stolen money off your employees in the past?


Is there a difference between excuse and reason?

The answer is surprisingly straightforward and simply is:

An excuse is offered by someone trying to be excused from a bad thing.

A reason is offered by someone trying to help others understand why a bad thing happened but will ultimately let themselves be held accountable for the bad thing.

Everyone makes mistakes & bad decisions in their lives and I am indeed no different. Difference is that we front up to our mistakes while Tana refuses to and is trying to milk NZers for all she can get - after being caught!

10-07-2024, 09:59 PM

NZ politics live: Waka jumping law appropriate in Darleen Tana’s case, Chris Hipkins says

Ahoy: Message from one Sausage Roll stuffed Capitain of pink holed sunken waka to the frantically waving joint Capitains perched on end of the other green waka blowing bubbles whilst nearing the Bottom ;)

What could possibly go wrong ? :)

All spectators must be wondering if both mobs have at last mastered the necessary rounds of perfecting the perfectly enlarged hole in one to hide in yet :)

10-07-2024, 10:14 PM

Ex-Green MP Darleen Tana claims leaked report into migrant exploitation intended to ‘pressure’ her

Whinge Whine whine .. Was that the Long Shovel that Wuzzel or perhaps James of many degrees left behind - that they threw after Darling as the side door slammed shut ? ;)

11-07-2024, 12:24 PM

Cops called to angry clash between migrant worker and former Green MP, report reveals

Police were called after an angry confrontation between embattled former Green MP Darleen Tana and a migrant worker.

The worker claimed Tana approached him at work in March 2023 threatening defamation action against him if he persisted in an employment complaint against her husband’s bike business.

A report into Tana’s conduct repeatedly criticises her changing version of events and ultimately says those “inconsistent accounts … damaged her overall credibility”.

Police were called after an angry confrontation between embattled former Green MP Darleen Tana and a migrant worker, in which Tana later admitted her “mama-bear instincts got the better of her”.

The worker claimed Tana approached him at his new employer's premises in March 2023 threatening defamation action against him if he persisted in an employment complaint against her husband’s bike business.

The worker has confirmed the incident to Stuff, and it is described in detail in lawyer Rachel Burt’s devastating report into what Tana knew - and when - about alleged migrant exploitation at E-Cycles NZ, a chain of e-bike shops trading as Bikes and Beyond.

Sh*te .. Defamation threat for Employment complaint ? LOL

No need to say what ERA or Mediators would potentially say to that threat ;)

Bl**dy Priceless .. So good that the unravelling chapters of potential mud hurling threatening to plaster the the legs of the Green Leaders pristine pegs was enough for Chloe & the Motorcycle botherer / Crosswalk licker to run for cover dodging the splatters ;)

Who needs enemies when there is so much interesting & high quality talent oozing from the cracks in the Green walls :)

How's the hunt for a new Day Job going - Sweet Little Darling ? :)

You going to sue potential viewiers of your CV .. if they don't like the past track record or come up a No can Do, Not interested, or too hard ? ;)

15-07-2024, 05:16 PM
Where's Diverse Darleen?

We need you girl.

Yeah, right!

15-07-2024, 06:20 PM
Darleen, the MP to represent the people, yet didn't represent a staff member who went to see her about how he was treated in "her husband's" business.

Think global, act local Darleen!

15-07-2024, 06:33 PM
Darleen, the MP to represent the people, yet didn't represent a staff member who went to see her about how he was treated in "her husband's" business.

Think global, act local Darleen!

Says alot about the standard & quality of the kind of Cretins that the Greens hoist forward into Parliament ;)

Already quite an extensive past track record on some of the various clueless talent from that direction

16-07-2024, 01:35 PM
Says alot about the standard & quality of the kind of Cretins that the Greens hoist forward into Parliament ;)

Already quite an extensive past track record on some of the various clueless talent from that direction

On that we can agree!👍

17-07-2024, 04:17 PM
The wheels have fallen off Darleens bike shop now, without any cheap labour.

Insolvency accountants are doing the business over now.

But it must have made enough to pay an airfare for hubby to Europe, because he's shot the gap!

Will love win out, and he returns to Darleens favours?

Will she book up an airfare to Parliament, to follow him?

17-07-2024, 04:40 PM
The wheels have fallen off Darleens bike shop now, without any cheap labour.

Insolvency accountants are doing the business over now.

But it must have made enough to pay an airfare for hubby to Europe, because he's shot the gap!

Will love win out, and he returns to Darleens favours?

Will she book up an airfare to Parliament, to follow him?

Is there a petition asking her to resign?
I would sign in a nano second

17-07-2024, 08:48 PM
The wheels have fallen off Darleens bike shop now, without any cheap labour.

Insolvency accountants are doing the business over now.

But it must have made enough to pay an airfare for hubby to Europe, because he's shot the gap!

Will love win out, and he returns to Darleens favours?

Will she book up an airfare to Parliament, to follow him?


Darleen Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen’s bike business in liquidation after migrant exploitation scandal

Darleen Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen’s bike business is in liquidation amid worker exploitation claims.

People inside the premises told the Herald Tana’s husband, business owner Christian Hoff-Nielsen, has left the country and is in Europe.

About 4.30pm, the Companies Office updated its website to say E Cycles NZ Limited has had liquidators, receivers or voluntary administrators appointed.

Too much for hubby .. time to run away to Europe .. will Darling do a rapid bunk & follow ? ;)

She really far&ed up his day job for him, didn't she ? .. A walking disaster .. like some of the other clueless Green talent has proven themselves to be :)

For as long as she hangs around here. the collateral splatter will continue to rain down in buckets on the two Green chief Bottle Washers - Chloe two shoes & hapless offsider .. the Motorcycle botherer & Crosswalk licker ;)

18-07-2024, 08:40 PM

Darleen Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen’s bike business in liquidation after migrant exploitation scandal

Too much for hubby .. time to run away to Europe .. will Darling do a rapid bunk & follow ? ;)

She really far&ed up his day job for him, didn't she ? .. A walking disaster .. like some of the other clueless Green talent has proven themselves to be :)

For as long as she hangs around here. the collateral splatter will continue to rain down in buckets on the two Green chief Bottle Washers - Chloe two shoes & hapless offsider .. the Motorcycle botherer & Crosswalk licker ;)

Are you simply hyperactive? However I have no sympathy for Tana - eventually these even scandals will hurt the Greens brand it’s remarkable that it hasn’t so far but feel tipping point is near.

18-07-2024, 10:26 PM
Are you simply hyperactive? However I have no sympathy for Tana - eventually these even scandals will hurt the Greens brand it’s remarkable that it hasn’t so far but feel tipping point is near.

Chloe is a fragile individual so yes, fortunately she will fold.

19-07-2024, 08:48 AM
Chloe is a fragile individual so yes, fortunately she will fold.

Do you deride all women?
Or is just intelligent, strong women that you disparage.
There is certainly a pattern to your comments.

19-07-2024, 09:18 AM
Do you deride all women?
Or is just intelligent, strong women that you disparage.
There is certainly a pattern to your comments.

Fragile is being kind to Chloe. More unstable is closer to the mark.
Fragile is fragile. A fragile man not in control of his cognitive function would meet the same fate. nothing to do with man/woman.

19-07-2024, 01:29 PM
The wheels have fallen off Darleens bike shop now, without any cheap labour.

Insolvency accountants are doing the business over now.

But it must have made enough to pay an airfare for hubby to Europe, because he's shot the gap!

Will love win out, and he returns to Darleens favours?

Will she book up an airfare to Parliament, to follow him?

Ardern’s Covid lockdown strategy (supported by the witless Chloe) claims another business.

Difference is the publicity - it is associated with a criminally inclined politician and Tana got caught.

19-07-2024, 07:30 PM
Ardern’s Covid lockdown strategy (supported by the witless Chloe) claims another business.

Difference is the publicity - it is associated with a criminally inclined politician and Tana got caught.

Your obsession with the previous PM is laughable.
You would probably blame Australian closures on her as well. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-02/small-businesses-at-risk-of-collapse-as-big-business-cruise/103792082


19-07-2024, 09:08 PM
Your obsession with the previous PM is laughable.
You would probably blame Australian closures on her as well. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-02/small-businesses-at-risk-of-collapse-as-big-business-cruise/103792082


Jacinda cased social and economic devastation to this country, then ran away. Kiwis will not forget her performance. She is now hesitant to show her face in NZ for good reason.

19-07-2024, 10:31 PM
Jacinda cased social and economic devastation to this country, then ran away. Kiwis will not forget her performance. She is now hesitant to show her face in NZ for good reason.

Absolutely amazing how Ardern’s devotees lapped up the kudos initially accorded the Clueless *itch for the first lockdowns, but now are obsessively trying to distance the useless *itch from the economic, social and racial devastations and divisions she caused subsequently with the extended dictatorial lockdowns and non-mandated race based policies.

NZers indeed will not forget or forgive her for her betrayal & deliberate sabotage of NZ for her political ends.

20-07-2024, 11:35 AM
Absolutely amazing how Ardern’s devotees lapped up the kudos initially accorded the Clueless *itch for the first lockdowns, but now are obsessively trying to distance the useless *itch from the economic, social and racial devastations and divisions she caused subsequently with the extended dictatorial lockdowns and non-mandated race based policies.

NZers indeed will not forget or forgive her for her betrayal & deliberate sabotage of NZ for her political ends.

I suspect the social ills you speak of are not unique to NZ post COVID but why you keep referring to Ardern as a female dog is beyond me - grow up.

20-07-2024, 12:41 PM
I suspect the social ills you speak of are not unique to NZ post COVID but why you keep referring to Ardern as a female dog is beyond me - grow up.

Been covered off before but i will repeat for your benefit - I would not insult female dogs by referring to the *itch Ardern as a bitch.

Female dogs are not malicious and pursue divisive racial, economic and social to further their political career and agenda. They do not lie and spin BS to hoodwink their followers.

Female dogs genuinely and sincerely protect their offsprings and the well being of their group.

That *itch Ardern has always been only for herself and her cohorts of like-minded blood suckers.

But hi … we can see how your mind works with the reference to Ardern as a bitch!

20-07-2024, 12:52 PM
Been covered off before but i will repeat for your benefit - I would not insult female dogs by referring to the *itch Ardern as a bitch.

Female dogs are not malicious and pursue divisive racial, economic and social to further their political career and agenda. They do not lie and spin BS to hoodwink their followers.

Female dogs genuinely and sincerely protect their offsprings and the well being of their group.

That *itch Ardern has always been only for herself and her cohorts of like-minded blood suckers.

But hi … we can see how your mind works with the reference to Ardern as a bitch!
As I have previously advised - seek help you need it badly.

20-07-2024, 01:17 PM
As I have previously advised - seek help you need it badly.

Same sort of useless advice that *itch and you Ardern devotees love to give to gaslight others who are onto your despicable conniving & deceitful behaviour?

Be kind!

Most transparent government ever!

20-07-2024, 01:49 PM
Same sort of useless advice that *itch and you Ardern devotees love to give to gaslight others who are onto your despicable conniving & deceitful behaviour?

Be kind!

Most transparent government ever!

I was wrong - you are way beyond help.

20-07-2024, 02:28 PM
I was wrong - you are way beyond help.

Thank you. Very pleased you realise that most of us are beyond the ‘help’ of that *itch! Not so you unfortunately.

20-07-2024, 04:03 PM
I was wrong - you are way beyond help.

Not only helpless, but also hopeless.


20-07-2024, 04:43 PM
Not only helpless, but also hopeless.


How could you? Describing your *itch, the self-professed- comrade like that!

20-07-2024, 07:46 PM
How could you? Describing your *itch, the self-professed- comrade like that!

I don't have an itch, if you scratch them they go away. Unfortunately you don't


21-07-2024, 12:33 PM
It's pretty obvious that Balance has crotch itch and it just won't go away because he keeps scratching away. That would drive anyone insane.

I just don't want to hear how he caught it.

23-07-2024, 01:42 PM
You increase interest rates slow down the economy and this is what you get. Surprised the greens come up with crazy stuff like electric cars, stopping oil and gas exploration and fart taxes.


Less goods being consumed means less emissions. Less trucks on the road carrying the goods. Restaurants have a lot of waste so a few less of them might not be the disaster currently being painted in the paper.

Maybe if we closed the door to immigrants we could get off the busy cycle of more people, more buildings, more infrastructure more consumption. To what end are successive govts creating overcrowded busyness? A better way of life for everyone?

Until the greens come up with an alternative to our current economic model of more people consuming more stuff they should just shut the *uck up about climate change.

Maybe I am not aspirational enough.

24-07-2024, 12:03 AM
What a fxxking joke NZ has become as a country.

Bad enough that Maori names are used instead of functional names to communicate (that’s what words are for and that’s what they do when they are properly used) but we now have the ever woke NZ media pandering to ex-Green Tana’s desire to be called they/them rather than she/her!

So what is she? She is an animal or a human being?

Truth be known - Tana is but just another parasitic criminally inclined hypocrite recruited into the ranks of the non-environmentally but very racist & toxic Green Party.


(This was the first time Tana has publicly used the pronoun they/them. During the campaign, Tana was introduced by the Green Party with the pronoun she/her. Stuff asked Tana for clarity if it was best to use the they/them pronoun, Tana responded: “Because I never walk alone. Thank you.”)
Tana said they were “pleased to be back” and vowed to stay on, for as long as they were able to. They confirmed they had not spoken to the Green Party.

24-07-2024, 12:33 AM
I don't have an itch, if you scratch them they go away. Unfortunately you don't

westerlyJust do this: