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17-05-2024, 07:15 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

17-05-2024, 07:29 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

Wrong, you are spreading crap. THe first 5 words says it all really:

"A poll by Labour’s pollster, Talbot Mills Research, for the firm’s corporate clients that has been obtained by The Post shows the coalition parties — National, ACT, and NZ First — lacking sufficient public support to form a Government, if an election were held today. The next election is in 2026."

17-05-2024, 07:30 PM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

If that were the case - then just look at what is waiting to replace them :)

What an impressive line up of accidental proven incompetent talent ;)

Not that that will likely happen

Say 2 or 3 terms before Joe Public starts to get over & forget the 6 years of Ardern, Hipkins Robbo & the hapless Greens whipping up an unholy mess of things ;)

17-05-2024, 07:41 PM
Wonder what tonight's poison was to inspire such blind faith in the Lab/Green gone & outed ? ;)

17-05-2024, 07:51 PM
Maybe this thread should be renamed " More Green's Bull Shi! and comedy" to cover JT 's posts

19-05-2024, 01:56 PM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

20-05-2024, 11:30 AM

Apart from being on full pay, the investigation has so far cost $43K (and counting). Ouch.

20-05-2024, 01:08 PM
If that were the case - then just look at what is waiting to replace them :)

What an impressive line up of accidental proven incompetent talent ;)

Not that that will likely happen

Say 2 or 3 terms before Joe Public starts to get over & forget the 6 years of Ardern, Hipkins Robbo & the hapless Greens whipping up an unholy mess of things ;)

Trend is our friend and the people are responding.

You gotta accentuate the negative eliminate the positive ,screw the environment, eternally undo the wraparound totally,forget about the poverty,don't mess with Mr Entitled inbetween

20-05-2024, 01:14 PM

Apart from being on full pay, the investigation has so far cost $43K (and counting). Ouch.

Taxpayers out of pocket $75k so far then for the alleged migrant exploiting tax evading Green MP. Disgusting and immoral.

Then, there’s the costs of Golriz(for shoplifting) and James Shaw(hanging around like a bad smell after losing his government job after the election).

20-05-2024, 01:23 PM
to accuse the coalition Government of privileging lobbyists and the wealthy, at the expense of workers’ health and the environment.

20-05-2024, 02:11 PM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

Caught out exactly like the flakey propaganda spouting silly ‘champion an attention seeking cause per day’ goose she is.

20-05-2024, 02:23 PM
Caught out exactly like the flakey propaganda spouting silly ‘champion an attention seeking cause per day’ goose she is.

And now she's even got a Cinders Ardern hairstyle to complete the act.

20-05-2024, 02:37 PM
Taxpayers out of pocket $75k so far then for the alleged migrant exploiting tax evading Green MP. Disgusting and immoral.

Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.

20-05-2024, 02:52 PM
Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.

They're leaving under this government though.

Not that inspired by the turnaround plan (if one even exists).

20-05-2024, 07:08 PM
They're leaving under this government though.

Not that inspired by the turnaround plan (if one even exists).

As a direct result of the largescale shambles the last one orchestrated ;)

Run out of supplies of smart beans already ? ;)

21-05-2024, 05:21 PM
Another for Darleen Tana...


21-05-2024, 05:52 PM
Another for Darleen Tana...


Looks like a whole bag fulla trouble for the Gwennies ;)

The stood-down MP is already involved in a separate investigation launched by the Green Party that has surpassed nine weeks and cost at least $43,000.

The catering & refreshments bill that high already ? Has the bill for the performers come in yet ?

All up the standard of the talent has all the hallmarks of being as rough and rude as .. ;)

Wonder what spin Tweetie Bird will come out with next to try to minimise collateral damage and Chloe away all of little Darlee's debri out of sight ? :)

22-05-2024, 07:26 AM
Yeah, if NZers put this lot anywhere near govt in two years time then we deserve everything we get.

Not to worry, Australia happy to keep taking our best and brightest.

Then you just watch everyone start to squawk when the replacements (mostly Indians and Filipinos) start making up a big percentage of the population.
True. The biggest demographic change in NZ for decades has come without a referendum, but as a result of bipartisan incompetence.

22-05-2024, 09:17 AM
Jack Tame: "Quote: Aggressive in the sense of being hostile, unprofessional with an element that was objectively threatening but not in the sense of physical violence - do you know who that describes?"

Chloe Swarbrick: "You tell me, Jack."

Jack: "Come on."

Swarbrick: "I am assuming you are talking about the behaviour of Julie Anne Genter"

Tame was actually referring to National MP Tim van de Molen, who was found in contempt and censured by Parliament last year after being accused of threatening a Labour MP in a select committee meeting.

He noted that National Party leader Christopher Luxon stripped the MP of his portfolios at the time and asked whether the Greens should be doing the same with Genter.

Swarbrick: “two completely different circumstances”

...err no she just described Van de Molen's actions as Genter's and National had handled his actions it appropriately…again, you can’t make this stuff up. All politicians are equal, only some are more equal than others, aye comrade? Apparently, public outcry is punishment enough - even if that outcry calls for stripping of her portfolio's. Regardless of the outcome of the inquiry, Genter will not loose her portfolio.

Swarbrick admits she is an Activist and not a politician who would not cross the aisle to garner bipartisan support to further her cause. She's not really interested in helping NZ or the environment. She's a petulant child who dummy spits if she doesn't get what she wants

It was a very good interview by Tame.
But apparently he's a lefty glove puppet of the socialists...

22-05-2024, 09:26 AM
As expected the latest poll on stuff,a trend is developing.This govt could be gone before 3 years imo

Despite being against many of the coalitions more extreme policies, I don't think I could stomach having Labour back so soon. They were a disaster and there is no evidence that they have the caliber of people to form a Government. I'm not convinced about Hipkins either, I really don't know what he stands for.

The Coalition imo have / are making some good changes, cutting down on the huge amount of waste, I just whish they would tone it down a bit as their extremes have had far too much influence, particularly Shane Jones.

For a man who hasn't been elected in years he has far too much to say and far too full of his own self importance. He knows better than anyone else attitude.

Labour needs to do some serious rebuilding & bring in some people with real world experience.

22-05-2024, 09:40 AM
Marama does not come out that well and looks seriously deranged.


22-05-2024, 09:47 AM
It was a very good interview by Tame.
But apparently he's a lefty glove puppet of the socialists...

To be honest, of all the "lefty" MSM political commentators I have found him relatively neutral

22-05-2024, 09:56 AM
We will see ehh.Two polls are showing us kiwis are concerned with the slash and burn destruction going on, to our environment and people's.Its a n eradication at speed,a country sort of genocide, at a fast track ruthless speed .The last Govt steered us through disasters ,this Govt is the next disaster.The next genuine poll will show the trend more strongly imo.

22-05-2024, 09:57 AM
Marama does not come out that well and looks seriously deranged.


Foon is value for money though eh?

Apparantely we whites do still have a bit to contribute. lol.

And we should never judge a cover by the book!


22-05-2024, 10:46 AM
To be honest, of all the "lefty" MSM political commentators I have found him relatively neutral

I think he is one of NZs best and for a relatively young guy has a wealth of experience and achieved a lot in a short time.

22-05-2024, 10:50 AM
Foon is value for money though eh?

Apparantely we whites do still have a bit to contribute. lol.

And we should never judge a cover by the book!


Yeah Foon is a piece of work alright. LOL when I heard him speak.

Not sure how he got on the board of PGW....

22-05-2024, 11:02 AM
Not sure how he got on the board of PGW....

One can only...speculate :D

22-05-2024, 10:16 PM
Ricardo's turn.


23-05-2024, 03:34 AM
Ricardo's turn.


Poor old deposed Grandiose former Housebuilder & failed Spinner of the long lost realm of Ardern - Twyford is stunned .. ?

Thought Ardern had already stunned hiim .. did Chippie attempt to revive him from a back cupboard, or is learning a new word tossed from once former Green ally the problem ? ;)

Obviously not much love being shown for Stunned & Flushed from the Green pews, but that's okay .. most of NZ probably doesn't think much of of it anyway & would likely be quite happy if he stayed stunned and shunted back into the cupboard for another 75 years :)

Ricky - try to keep up the practice stunning your former Labour comrades .. remember - practice makes perfect .. but do try to keep it in the shadows out of view where they can't squeal too much & kick up a fuss :)

23-05-2024, 06:10 AM
It would be a great outcome for everyone if that Ricardo was deported with immediate effect. Waste of time that individual.

23-05-2024, 08:07 AM
It would be a great outcome for everyone if that Ricardo was deported with immediate effect. Waste of time that individual.

Eunuch in the Green court and a snivelling hypocrite who thinks he is above the average NZ to boot. Fxxk him, fxxk James Shaw and fxxk Davidson for the hypocrites and liars they are.


Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March tried to jump the queue for managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) in New Zealand as Kiwis stuck in the UK desperately seek spots.

He left without securing a spot in isolation, at a time when the Government advice is not to travel - and MPs are being told to follow the same rules.

23-05-2024, 08:30 AM
Eunuch in the Green court and a snivelling hypocrite who thinks he is above the average NZ to boot. Fxxk him, fxxk James Shaw and fxxk Davidson for the hypocrites and liars they are.


Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March tried to jump the queue for managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) in New Zealand as Kiwis stuck in the UK desperately seek spots.

He left without securing a spot in isolation, at a time when the Government advice is not to travel - and MPs are being told to follow the same rules.

Balance, it appears you want to fxxk a lot of people, basically anyone from the left it seems.
With such a strong bias despite your moniker, it pretty much erodes your credibility.

23-05-2024, 08:36 AM
Balance, it appears you want to fxxk a lot of people, basically anyone from the left it seems.
With such a strong bias despite your moniker, it pretty much erodes your credibility.

Ok then for a MP to want to fxxk one of his compatriots? :p

23-05-2024, 09:11 AM
On the Hansard records in Parliament going back to 2008, there had been no recorded mention of “f...”, except quoted by former Green MP Sue Bradford regarding an allegation of an incident between a food grant applicant and a Ministry of Social Development case manager.

23-05-2024, 10:53 AM
On the Hansard records in Parliament going back to 2008, there had been no recorded mention of “f...”, except quoted by former Green MP Sue Bradford regarding an allegation of an incident between a food grant applicant and a Ministry of Social Development case manager.

Sounds like Sue. 😅

24-05-2024, 06:23 PM

No complaints but Speaker Brownlee to pursue use of f-word by Green MP

Oops .. Ricotardo in trouble over trying to stun the already well stunned & limp Twyford ;)

That went well - perhaps he should try stunning more llively & flapping Labour targets next time, if they havent already run away or been thrown overboard ;)

24-05-2024, 06:31 PM

No complaints but Speaker Brownlee to pursue use of f-word by Green MP

Oops .. Ricotardo in trouble over trying to stun the already well stunned & limp Twyford ;)

That went well - perhaps he should try stunning more llively & flapping Labour targets next time, if they havent already run away or been thrown overboard ;)

A vacuous ,empty life you must lead ,I feel for you.Maybe get a blower vac and blow three leaves down a 200 metre driveway to the road Wear a wide brimmed hat and watch for neighbours pretending to be texting but they aretaken photos.

24-05-2024, 06:40 PM
A vacuous ,empty life you must lead ,I feel for you.Maybe get a blower vac and blow three leaves down a 200 metre driveway to the road Wear a wide brimmed hat and watch for neighbours pretending to be texting but they aretaken photos.

I'd watch trying to use a Vac to suck up the leaves for the next brew of poison & the leaf blower to try to dry them while under the influence of the last batch of poison & still hallucinating - if I were you .. mixing up use of the Vac & Blower might cause something rather more amusing ;)

Don't blame anyone here if it goes badly astray & something goes wrong in the process resulting in your sucking the wrong things up and blowing yourself away in a moment of lapsed concentration on here :)

Might be some curious smiles on explanations on why things went so wrong too ..

25-05-2024, 12:02 AM

Which MPs have the heftiest credit card and travel expenses in Q1, 2024?

Third-highest was Green Party list MP Darleen Tana, who had been suspended in mid-March amid investigations into her involvement in her husband’s E-bike business which had faced accusations of migrant exploitation.

She’d spent $28,570. A Green Party spokesman said Tana was an active MP for almost all of Q1 and her expenses also included accommodation costs from Q4 last year.

Tana also lived on Waiheke Island which increased her travel costs.

What did the taxpayer get for the Salary & Expenses she gobbled up ? ;)

25-05-2024, 09:51 AM
What investigation ? ;)


Darleen Tana inquiry: Greens’ investigator won't talk to key witness

The investigation into suspended Green MP Darleen Tana’s conduct will conclude without one of the key witnesses being interviewed, Stuff can reveal.

Santiago latour Palma is one of two former workers to lodge Employment Relations Authority (ERA) claims against E-Cycles NZ, the e-bike business owned by Tana’s husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen.

It was a Stuff investigation reporting Palma’s allegations which led the Greens to suspend Tana in March and appoint lawyer Rachel Burt to conduct a review of what Tana knew, and when, about claims against her husband and his business.

Palma’s ERA claim says he’s owed more than $25,000 by E-Cycles, and that for most of that time he was working illegally on a tourist visa. He claims wages were often late and went unpaid, and he raised this twice with Tana, who refused to get involved, despite Tana asking him for IT support for her political campaign.

Looks like a half baked load of huey down the bottom of the garden ;)

18-06-2024, 01:20 PM

Marama Davidson, Green Party co-leader, reveals breast cancer diagnosis

Heck that's terrible

Does that mean Chloe gets to have more than her share of Green Light bulb moments ?

18-06-2024, 02:54 PM

Marama Davidson, Green Party co-leader, reveals breast cancer diagnosis

Heck that's terrible

Does that mean Chloe gets to have more than her share of Green Light bulb moments ?

Really? There is nothing funny about this.
Show some judgment, before posting.

18-06-2024, 03:19 PM

Marama Davidson, Green Party co-leader, reveals breast cancer diagnosis

Heck that's terrible

Does that mean Chloe gets to have more than her share of Green Light bulb moments ?

I watched the live feed. Initially I was sympathetic to her condition. However, as the show went on it was clear the purpose was to politicise her plight and promote the Green ideology. I'm sure she is happy to be operated on by a white CIS male doctor and being bumped up the order while having a go at the at the public health systems lack of ability to provide the non-elite citizens due care. How about she only accept care from a doctor that got into medical school not on merit but affirmative action?!! She doesn't need to let us know the rest of the party are fighting for the planet and its people in her absence - though it does confirm my doubts they were actually doing that while she is present. My sympathy evaporated when she used her personal adversity for distinct political and idealogical advancement.

Chloe was clearly tying to manufacture a tear but her nodding head and own ambition kept that at bay i'm sure

18-06-2024, 03:29 PM
Really? There is nothing funny about this.
Show some judgment, before posting.

Yeah Marama milked it for all it was worth, pardon the pun. Like others, initially sympathy that quickly evaporated.

18-06-2024, 03:52 PM
Wow, you guys are just plain nasty.
She's the co-leader of the Greens, that's called doing her job, whether you like it or not.
And believe me I'm no fan either.

18-06-2024, 04:23 PM
Wow, you guys are just plain nasty.
She's the co-leader of the Greens, that's called doing her job, whether you like it or not.
And believe me I'm no fan either.

been asleep under a rock for the last 20 years whenever the Greens popped out from under theirs ? ;)

18-06-2024, 04:59 PM
been asleep under a rock for the last 20 years whenever the Greens popped out from under theirs ? ;)

I am no fan of hers.
The Greens have been of little consequence for some time as haven't been in Government and even when they were they weren't in cabinet.
I really don't understand why you all spend so much time on them.
They had some players I respected, the likes of Gareth Huges for one and a few others over the years, but there have been few high calibre Green representatives in the last few years worth my attention.
But they whip you fellas into a frenzy and that's just the sort of publicity they want.

20-06-2024, 12:33 PM
Been three months and still no release of the Darleen Tana Report while she stays on full pay and benefits courtesy of the taxpayers.

So where's the Report and where's the accountability by the Greens to NZers?


21-06-2024, 08:39 AM
As damning as it gets about Darleen Tana.


21-06-2024, 08:54 AM
As damning as it gets about Darleen Tana.


Is no moral code green party policy ?

21-06-2024, 12:29 PM
Is no moral code green party policy ?

ynot, Dont you know " the left is a lie " applied to all lefty parties !

22-06-2024, 11:32 AM

Live: Refloat plans for Interislander ferry Aratere put on hold until Saturday night

And the usual clueless spiel as can be expected being emitted by the backwards facing Greens

Of course Geenter has been out there on her backwards facing bicycle mounted on a pontoon trying to assist in pulling itback afloat ;)

Green transport spokesperson slams 'reckless' Government

"Nicola Willis's reckless decision to cancel the contract for new ferries without an alternative plan in place is disastrous for New Zealand. It's unbelievable really, and yet a hallmark of this coalition Government.

Darling - your backwards facing Green mob were bad news for New Zealand sending everything light years backwards and your best response is Greens were prepared to swallow out of control cost inflate after another inflated cost up with new ferries ;)

Nothing like advocating spending taxpayer money like there is no tomorrow, until your mob get unceremoniously kicked out of anywhere near the steering seats by the majority of voters sick & tired of the chapters of mindless Green BS they have seen ..

How are the Green plans going for a bicycle or wind powered ferry going ? Too hard or everyone asleep in the long grass after trying to get their confused heads around your little rants ? :)

No wonder your lot got grounded facing backwards and will likely stay that way for the next 150,000 years ;)

Joe Public just doesn't take kindly the sort of retarded screeching that has characterised the real cluelessness of the Green cause across past decades .. Even James of many Degrees has seen common sense and abandoned the grounded Green pontoon for brighter pastures .. perhaps the growing trail of the clueless & unfortunate Greens trying their luck & being outed for their various serious sins in public one after another was just too much for the poor boy to handle ;)

Aratere grounding & losing it's steering has a similarity to the Green's trajectory .. but at least the ferry can be refloated & rescued .. shame about the other, which continues to confirm firmly stuck holed on the rocks,
a few manning the wreck waving & screaming loudly, abusing & criticising potential rescuers... after having lost direction / steering ... with no signs of rescue or recovery expected anytime soon :)

22-06-2024, 11:54 AM

Live: Refloat plans for Interislander ferry Aratere put on hold until Saturday night

And the usual clueless spiel as can be expected being emitted by the backwards facing Greens

Of course Geenter has been out there on her backwards facing bicycle mounted on a pontoon trying to assist in pulling itback afloat ;)

Darling - your backwards facing Green mob were bad news for New Zealand sending everything light years backwards and your best response is Greens were prepared to swallow out of control cost inflate after another inflated cost up with new ferries ;)

Nothing like advocating spending taxpayer money like there is no tomorrow, until your mob get unceremoniously kicked out of anywhere near the steering seats by the majority of voters sick & tired of the chapters of mindless Green BS they have seen ..

How are the Green plans going for a bicycle or wind powered ferry going ? Too hard or everyone asleep in the long grass after trying to get their confused heads around your little rants ? :)

No wonder your lot got grounded facing backwards and will likely stay that way for the next 150,000 years ;)

Joe Public just doesn't take kindly the sort of retarded screeching that has characterised the real cluelessness of the Green cause across past decades .. Even James of many Degrees has seen common sense and abandoned the grounded Green pontoon for brighter pastures .. perhaps the growing trail of clueless Gtreens being outed for their various serious sins committed in public one after another was too much for the poor boy to handle ? ;)

Aratere grounding & losing it's steering has a similarity to the Green's trajectory .. but at least the ferry can be refloated & rescued .. shame about the other, which continues to confirm firmly stuck holed on the rocks,
a few manning the wreck waving & screaming loudly, after having lost direction & steering with no signs of rescue or recovery expected anytime soon :)

I see Helen Clark had a pop too. Couldn't help herself.
The new ferry cancellation had zero input/impact on this grounding. Zilch. Shameless, bad faith politics from the pair of them.

I note "steering failure" has been the early identified cause. An assumption that means some sort of mechanical problem could well be misplaced.

22-06-2024, 12:20 PM
I see Helen Clark had a pop too. Couldn't help herself.
The new ferry cancellation had zero input/impact on this grounding. Zilch. Shameless, bad faith politics from the pair of them.

I note "steering failure" has been the early identified cause. An assumption that means some sort of mechanical problem could well be misplaced.

Just couldn't help herself, never mind her mob couldn't run a cake stall. Don't let reality get in the way of sensationalism.

22-06-2024, 01:32 PM
Let's just all be very very thankful that the "steering failure" occurred near Picton with only a few people aboard.

A "steering failure" in Cook Strait with a full complement of passengers would have been potentially bad, even in fine weather, and a failure in the approaches to Tory Channel or Wellington Harbour would have been horrendous. Add some moderate (for Cook Strait) weather and you are looking at potentially huge loss of life.

22-06-2024, 02:11 PM
Let's just all be very very thankful that the "steering failure" occurred near Picton with only a few people aboard.

A "steering failure" in Cook Strait with a full complement of passengers would have been potentially bad, even in fine weather, and a failure in the approaches to Tory Channel or Wellington Harbour would have been horrendous. Add some moderate (for Cook Strait) weather and you are looking at potentially huge loss of life.

Indeed .. that's for sure.

Just as well .. Julie-Anne's taxpayer sponsored pontoon craft mounted on drums with backwards facing bicycle power & a green flag sent out on a rescue mission would probably have never got more than 50 yards offshore on a calm day ;)

22-06-2024, 04:13 PM
Simeon Brown had been recently concerned over maintenance by the SOE Kiwirail.


NZ infrastructure is increasingly not fit for purpose - not fit either for the population growth both major parties have curated. Who will have the gumption to curate the megabucks needed in so many areas. Either public taxpayer money or a melange of private-public partnerships are needed. However there needs to be a concerted coordinated plan.

Labour had its social priorities but it is time to knuckle down now and sort things out. However it will take money from somewhere. On paper Luxon, with Air NZ on his resume, should be a good choice to take the bull by the horns.

22-06-2024, 05:20 PM
I see Helen Clark had a pop too. Couldn't help herself.
The new ferry cancellation had zero input/impact on this grounding. Zilch. Shameless, bad faith politics from the pair of them.

I note "steering failure" has been the early identified cause. An assumption that means some sort of mechanical problem could well be misplaced.

IMHO dont you mean Helen Davis, she is/was married to Peter Davis !

22-06-2024, 07:44 PM
No wonder your lot got grounded facing backwards and will likely stay that way for the next 150,000 years ;)

Joe Public just doesn't take kindly the sort of retarded screeching that has characterised the real cluelessness of the Green cause across past decades .. :)

I would like to think they are true statements, but for many the Greens are the party of resort at the Last Chance Saloon when they don't like the cut of Labour or Nationals jib.

One night their luck may come in.

22-06-2024, 08:36 PM
I would like to think they are true statements, but for many the Greens are the party of resort at the Last Chance Saloon when they don't like the cut of Labour or Nationals jib.

One night their luck may come in.

I think it's more simple than that, the Green's have lost their way, they have lost their focus and been caught up in general politics rather than fighting for their fundamental cause.

In opposition which they should be most familiar with based on their history, they should know how to pursue their base agenda. But after 6 years of a coalition in power they seem to now be confused, having lost power, that they have no influence whatsoever anymore, and becoming irrelevant politically.

Harping on about things that have little to do with their manifesto, while simultaneously fighting against numerous internal conflagrations melting their party down into insignificance, the Green's are consigning themselves to irrelevance.

It must grate on the Green faithful. No one wants their vote to be wasted.

22-06-2024, 08:48 PM
Let's just all be very very thankful that the "steering failure" occurred near Picton with only a few people aboard.

A "steering failure" in Cook Strait with a full complement of passengers would have been potentially bad, even in fine weather, and a failure in the approaches to Tory Channel or Wellington Harbour would have been horrendous. Add some moderate (for Cook Strait) weather and you are looking at potentially huge loss of life.

That is a risk you run on any vessel at any time. That is why good maintenance is of paramount importance to reduce such risks. Looking at Interislander's recent history, one has to question their ability to properly maintain their vessels.

23-06-2024, 08:20 AM
IMHO dont you mean Helen Davis, she is/was married to Peter Davis ! Wonen are no longer the property of men. The patriarchy is crumbling?

23-06-2024, 09:24 AM
Wonen are no longer the property of men. The patriarchy is crumbling?

So are you saying if she used his name he would own her ?

23-06-2024, 10:06 AM
So are you saying if she used his name he would own her ?

Clearly that is what Bjauck meant - his mind still stuck in the dark ages.

23-06-2024, 10:12 AM
So are you saying if she used his name he would own her ? No longer for husbands. I know women retain the right of surname choice. It seems Whatsup thinks or wishes otherwise.

23-06-2024, 10:14 AM
Clearly that is what Bjauck meant - his mind still stuck in the dark ages. Just aware of history and the archaic attitudes held by some.

BTW I can speak for myself. I am not your “*itch”.

23-06-2024, 10:32 AM
No longer for husbands. I know women retain the right of surname choice. It seems Whatsup thinks or wishes otherwise.

Keep on digging Bjauck. Any woman retaining her maiden name believing it will protect her from a tyrant is dreaming.

23-06-2024, 10:42 AM
Keep on digging Bjauck. Any woman retaining her maiden name believing it will protect her from a tyrant is dreaming. Too true. Family abuse is still only too common. At least there are legal avenues available.

23-06-2024, 10:46 AM
Just aware of history and the archaic attitudes held by some.

BTW I can speak for myself. I am not your “*itch”.

Your history sucks as much as your archaic mindset.

“Coverture” is the word you need to familiarise yourself first before you make a fool of yourself.


23-06-2024, 10:59 AM
Your history sucks as much as your archaic mindset.

“Coverture” is the word you need to familiarise yourself first before you make a fool of yourself.

Google is not your friend.

Under English law (on which NZ law is based) until the late C19th, married women lost their separate legal rights. Decisions were made by the husband.

Clark made her own decision on her surname. Some seem to object to this.

23-06-2024, 11:21 AM
Google is not your friend.

Under English law (on which NZ law is based) until the late C19th, married women lost their separate legal rights. Decisions were made by the husband.

Clark made her own decision on her surname. Some seem to object to this.

Who is objecting to it? Making an observation is not making an objection.

Coverture was the basis of wives taking on their husbands’ surnames - times change and traditions can change as well but who are we to cast the first stone on those who choose to follow or not follow traditions?

23-06-2024, 11:40 AM
Why is a woman's surname even up for discussion? Incredible some of the attitudes shown on here.

As for the preoccupation with the Greens, it's quite incredible what you all fixate on.

Perhaps the fixation on here is due to the Greens voter base growing, despite their disastrous last six months.

I don't care for the Greens, but I do care for the environment, which is the main reason I swung away from National 10 or so years ago. The current coalition seems to be even worse in this regard with complete disregard for the environment and little evidence that they believe in humanity's impact on Climate Change at all, ... like many of you I suppose.

23-06-2024, 11:49 AM
Who is objecting to it? Making an observation is not making an objection.

Coverture was the basis of wives taking on their husbands’ surnames - times change and traditions can change as well but who are we to cast the first stone on those who choose to follow or not follow traditions?
I was mislead by the exclamation mark when the observation was made by the poster ��

23-06-2024, 04:52 PM

Interislander ferry Aratere to dock at Picton Harbour this afternoon after grounding

Off the rocks, still floating & water tight ... which is more than can be said for Labour & the Green Cling-on's
continuing their new trajectories of frequently getting dunked and having 'dropped in it' kamikaze moments ;)

23-06-2024, 05:46 PM

Interislander ferry Aratere to dock at Picton Harbour this afternoon after grounding

Off the rocks, still floating & water tight ... which is more than can be said for Labour & the Green Cling-on's
continuing their new trajectories of frequently getting dunked and having 'dropped in it' kamikaze moments ;)

The skill shortage in NZ is worse than I feared if the shower of sh1t we have left are forgetting to screw pylons back on before they know off!

23-06-2024, 06:21 PM
The skill shortage in NZ is worse than I feared if the shower of sh1t w
e have left are forgetting to screw pylons back on before they know off!

Yeah, like the contract clowns who were working outside my home.
I left a sign asking them to turf my lawn.

They took that to mean throw it out, and fill it in with shingle!

24-06-2024, 07:15 AM
We find out what sort of a slap on the wrist the thieving b1tch gets later today.


24-06-2024, 07:29 AM
We find out what sort of a slap on the wrist the thieving b1tch gets later today.


Another party list gem. Gotta love MMP.

24-06-2024, 08:28 AM
We find out what sort of a slap on the wrist the thieving b1tch gets later today.


Big slap on the wrist with the proverbial suitably well soaked green coloured bus ticket?

Poor thing has already suffered enough and is unlikely to offend again blah blah blah ….

And politicians who spout platitudes about human rights, the downtrodden etc while racking in salaries & benefits to the tune of over 175k a year should not be treated like common thieves - they deserve special consideration and reduced responsibility & accountability. After all, they have done so much good & showed so much aroha for their fellow human beings. All BS of course but that’s what the justice system is about.

24-06-2024, 09:32 AM
Providing they can arrange nearby parking,I imagine she will get a lot of supporters from the Party.

24-06-2024, 11:47 AM
Providing they can arrange nearby parking,I imagine she will get a lot of supporters from the Party.

Was not the case when she last appeared in court.

The Greens have cast her aside, I suspect so that the mud does not stick to them.

24-06-2024, 11:52 AM
Providing they can arrange nearby parking,I imagine she will get a lot of supporters from the Party.

Like in wellington when the Greens had removed all parking and replaced with bike lanes, wanted to have a conference and asked a local retailer (who had to move up the road due to lost customer parking) to use their car parks so Green Part MP's had somewhere to park their cars. You can't make this sh!t up! This from the party that has the worst air travel record in parliament.



24-06-2024, 12:08 PM
Like in wellington when the Greens had removed all parking and replaced with bike lanes, wanted to have a conference and asked a local retailer (who had to move up the road due to lost customer parking) to use their car parks so Green Part MP's had somewhere to park their cars. You can't make this sh!t up! This from the party that has the worst air travel record in parliament.



Freaking *itches & hypocrites - the whole lot of them.

24-06-2024, 02:49 PM
Was not the case when she last appeared in court.

The Greens have cast her aside, I suspect so that the mud does not stick to them.

Yup - no Green contingent to be seen to support Golriz. What happened to her Whanau Marama and Chloe, who described her as ‘family’?

Meanwhile, here’s the update :

The sentencing hearing has now begun with defence lawyer Annabel Cresswell telling the court a mental health report about Ghahraman was the crux of her submissions today.

It found a “clear diagnosis of complex PTSD” with two key contributing factors: her early life in war-torn Iran and the “public vitriol, threats and abuse” she received while in Parliament.

Cresswell said the “threats of rape and death were constant and ongoing and credible”, to the point where her security detail was similar to that of the Prime Minister.

She described “loss-reactive shoplifting” in which otherwise law-abiding individuals steal as part of a mental health crisis.

The fact she had so much to lose showed a mental health crisis, Cresswell said.

“This offending was extraordinarily out of character,” she explained. “She didn’t need the items that were taken.”

24-06-2024, 04:18 PM
The misogyny and extra abuse female MPs, from both left and right, experience must take a mental toll. That is not to excuse shoplifting which is a blight that NZ retailers experience and which we all pay for through higher prices. Unfortunately the abusers and misogynists are at large..

24-06-2024, 04:19 PM
Yup - no Green contingent to be seen to support Golriz. What happened to her Whanau Marama and Chloe, who described her as ‘family’?

Meanwhile, here’s the update :

The sentencing hearing has now begun with defence lawyer Annabel Cresswell telling the court a mental health report about Ghahraman was the crux of her submissions today.

It found a “clear diagnosis of complex PTSD” with two key contributing factors: her early life in war-torn Iran and the “public vitriol, threats and abuse” she received while in Parliament.

Cresswell said the “threats of rape and death were constant and ongoing and credible”, to the point where her security detail was similar to that of the Prime Minister.

She described “loss-reactive shoplifting” in which otherwise law-abiding individuals steal as part of a mental health crisis.

The fact she had so much to lose showed a mental health crisis, Cresswell said.

“This offending was extraordinarily out of character,” she explained. “She didn’t need the items that were taken.”

Yes, only defence she has is to convince the court she is nuts.

24-06-2024, 04:49 PM
Yes, an organic one.

24-06-2024, 05:10 PM
Yes, an organic one.

She may be cray cray but I’d still smack that ass.

24-06-2024, 05:13 PM
Yes, only defence she has is to convince the court she is nuts.

Can't be quite nuts enough yet, if she's still licenced to be on the bar :)

Nothing like still thinking there might be a bit of mileage left in trying to BS the beak ..

Associating with the calibre of crazy Green trash still onboard might be enough to turn anyone nuts..

The wayward chassis still looks to be in reasonable nick .. no tangle ups with stray motorbikes on crossings, or fights with wayward foreign import workers on a mission to cause mayhem, unlike other little screeching darlings hailing from the hairy legs brigade :)

24-06-2024, 06:05 PM

Green MP Darleen Tana referred to police: Verve Magazine advert allegedly left off promoter statement

Suspended Green MP Darleen Tana has been referred to the police due to an alleged issue with a paid article in Verve Magazine.

The Green Party said it had referred the issue to the Electoral Commission in May. It followed revelations in May that Tana was linked to alleged migrant exploitation at her husband’s business. An independent investigation into the latter issue was ongoing.

Today, the Electoral Commission said it had referred Tana and Verve Magazine to police over an alleged failure to include a promoter statement in an election advertisement published last May.

The commission refused to give further comment as the matter was with police.

A week from Green H3ll for the Greens with their ex-Talent hastily chucked over the side now having their moments in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons ;)

Everyone else in the cosy huddle inside Green pumpkin must have gone into hiding out of sight ;)

24-06-2024, 06:42 PM
She may be cray cray but I’d still smack that ass.

She would steal your heart... and anything else that's not nailed down.

24-06-2024, 10:50 PM
She would steal your heart... and anything else that's not nailed down.

Ah … but how would she look without the layers of make-up, especially around those seemingly alluring eyes?

mT may be in for a surprise?

25-06-2024, 06:34 AM
Ah … but how would she look without the layers of make-up, especially around those seemingly alluring eyes?

mT may be in for a surprise?

Mmmmm, she had me at Purrrrrrrsian.

25-06-2024, 08:36 AM
Ah … but how would she look without the layers of make-up, especially around those seemingly alluring eyes?

mT may be in for a surprise? He may find things close to the bone.

25-06-2024, 09:16 AM
Give it a rest.
Its amazing what people will say when they are hidden behind a handle.
I would imagine if there are woman that view these threads, they wouldn't be interested in engaging due to the caveman behavior by some on here.
Grow up!

25-06-2024, 09:48 AM
Give it a rest.
Its amazing what people will say when they are hidden behind a handle.
I would imagine if there are woman that view these threads, they wouldn't be interested in engaging due to the caveman behavior by some on here.
Grow up! The shoplifting case has been an excuse, not that some needed this excuse, for sexual objectification. I Imagine it is just a glimpse as to what female MPs have to contend with in day-to-day life.

25-06-2024, 09:57 AM
The shoplifting case has been an excuse, not that some needed this excuse, for sexual objectification. I Imagine it is just a glimpse as to what female MPs have to contend with in day-to-day life.


And what have the Green female MPs been up to?

Theft, migrant exploitation, bullying, championing massacre of innocents, tax evasion, vocalising racist and sexist behaviour … shall we continue?

Oh yes, indulging in hyper hypocrisy, falsehoods and lies too.

25-06-2024, 10:10 AM

And what have the Green female MPs been up to?

Theft, migrant exploitation, bullying, championing massacre of innocents, tax evasion, vocalising racist and sexist behaviour … shall we continue?

Oh yes, indulging in falsehoods and lies too.

No surprise that you don't recognize how appalling yours & others posts are on here.
How about posters stick to topic rather than sexualizing the subjects or resorting to misogynistic labeling and name calling.

It's also not surprising that misogynists don't recognize their own behavior. Racists are similar, not me, I've got brown friends.... 🙄

25-06-2024, 10:15 AM

And what have the Green female MPs been up to?

Theft, migrant exploitation, bullying, championing massacre of innocents, tax evasion, vocalising racist and sexist behaviour … shall we continue?

Oh yes, indulging in hyper hypocrisy, falsehoods and lies too.

But Bal, always remember, "the left is a lie " Greens, Labour etc.

25-06-2024, 10:35 AM

And what have the Green female MPs been up to?

Theft, migrant exploitation, bullying, championing massacre of innocents, tax evasion, vocalising racist and sexist behaviour … shall we continue?

Oh yes, indulging in hyper hypocrisy, falsehoods and lies too.

Remember not to feed Dandelo. Outrage is its favourite meal…

25-06-2024, 10:36 AM
But Bal, always remember, "the left is a lie " Greens, Labour etc.

Here's a couple of lies for you.
We are going to fund these new cancer drugs to save these people's lives & give them hope. Ahhh 2nd thoughts we can't afford it now as we are giving tax breaks, vulnerable people's hopes destroyed. Ahhh on 3rd thoughts there's been such a backlash about us breaking our campaign promise, we will fund the drugs.

Seymour, we are going to scrap the school lunch program, gets into Government & sees that there is a real problem and children will go hungry, sees the political backlash, oh on 2nd thoughts the program will stay as is for now.

I could go on, there's more. And how long have they been in power for? Watch out for a backflip on the Cook Strait ferries any day.

25-06-2024, 10:37 AM
Remember not to feed Dandelo. Outrage is its favourite meal…

Speaking of yawning.
Repetitive nonsense that avoids responsibility for one's actions.
It's not outrage, it's disdain.

25-06-2024, 11:08 AM

And what have the Green female MPs been up to?

Theft, migrant exploitation, bullying, championing massacre of innocents, tax evasion, vocalising racist and sexist behaviour … shall we continue?

Oh yes, indulging in hyper hypocrisy, falsehoods and lies too. With all that activity and behaviour from female Green MPs, why waste time on sexual objectification?

25-06-2024, 12:55 PM
With all that activity and behaviour from female Green MPs, why waste time on sexual objectification?

Precisely because Golriz plays the innocent looking heavily made-up dolly bird in the company of some of the nastiest female MPs you could ever get in NZ politics.

Don't put on any kind of front (innocent, pretty or otherwise) with those of us who see through the charade.

Exactly like Clueless Cindy - took a few years for the majority of NZers to see through the Ardern BS and charade - but swa through they did and turfed the *itch out.

25-06-2024, 01:02 PM
The smallest wet bus ticket (colored green) being actively sought by court staff for the sentencing on Thursday.

And you can certainly count upon the defense lawyer and Golriz to exaggerate wildly about how badly affected she was by all kinds of trauma and drama - true or not.

Knowing her & the Greens' propensities for lies and falsehoods, no prizes for guessing how much spin and falsehoods are in the defense case.


"Ghahraman grew up in Mashad, which is around 1,600 kms from the border with Iraq. That is like the distance between Auckland and Invercargill."

" ...... Cresswell said the “threats of rape and death were constant and ongoing and credible”, to the point where her security detail was similar to that of the Prime Minister.

It was not similar to the PM. In no way does that mean the threats were not vile and disturbing. The PM has 24/7 armed police officers. Ghahraman had a parliamentary security officer escort her on and off the campus."

Crown Solicitor Alysha McClintock said the offending had the hallmarks of pre-meditation.

“This was a spree of offending. It’s not a one-off event. It’s not a ‘moment of madness’-type case.”

There might be another explanation for the offending other than a mental health breakdown, McClintock said: “Simply that she wanted the items that she took.

”On its face, that explanation, given the [pre-meditated] nature of the conduct, appears the more likely of the two,” she said. …

The link between Ghahraman’s mental health and her criminal conduct was not as strong as the defence made it out to be, the prosecutor argued, noting a mental health assessor found there was “a possible link”.

”The possibility of that is no more than that – a possibility.”

25-06-2024, 01:19 PM
The smallest wet bus ticket (colored green) being actively sought by court staff for the sentencing on Thursday.

And you can certainly count upon the defense lawyer and Golriz to exaggerate wildly about how badly affected she was by all kinds of trauma and drama - true or not.

Knowing her & the Greens' propensities for lies and falsehoods, no prizes for guessing how much spin and falsehoods are in the defense case.


"Ghahraman grew up in Mashad, which is around 1,600 kms from the border with Iraq. That is like the distance between Auckland and Invercargill."

" ...... Cresswell said the “threats of rape and death were constant and ongoing and credible”, to the point where her security detail was similar to that of the Prime Minister.

It was not similar to the PM. In no way does that mean the threats were not vile and disturbing. The PM has 24/7 armed police officers. Ghahraman had a parliamentary security officer escort her on and off the campus."

Crown Solicitor Alysha McClintock said the offending had the hallmarks of pre-meditation.

“This was a spree of offending. It’s not a one-off event. It’s not a ‘moment of madness’-type case.”

There might be another explanation for the offending other than a mental health breakdown, McClintock said: “Simply that she wanted the items that she took.

”On its face, that explanation, given the [pre-meditated] nature of the conduct, appears the more likely of the two,” she said. …

The link between Ghahraman’s mental health and her criminal conduct was not as strong as the defence made it out to be, the prosecutor argued, noting a mental health assessor found there was “a possible link”.

”The possibility of that is no more than that – a possibility.”

If she really wanted cloths that befitted her political party and back ground why didnt she steal some from the Warehouse instead of high end Ponsonby Rd clothing shops !!

Boxing above her weight IMHO.

25-06-2024, 02:12 PM
If she really wanted cloths that befitted her political party and back ground why didnt she steal some from the Warehouse instead of high end Ponsonby Rd clothing shops !!

Boxing above her weight IMHO.

Yes exactly…amazing that she was only afflicted by her so-called trauma induced kleptomania when she was in high end retail stores.

25-06-2024, 02:20 PM
Precisely because Golriz plays the innocent looking heavily made-up dolly bird in the company of some of the nastiest female MPs you could ever get in NZ politics.

Don't put on any kind of front (innocent, pretty or otherwise) with those of us who see through the charade.

Exactly like Clueless Cindy - took a few years for the majority of NZers to see through the Ardern BS and charade - but swa through they did and turfed the *itch out.
As previously discussed, an awareness of history is needed to understand archaic attitudes such as these.

25-06-2024, 02:43 PM
As previously discussed, an awareness of history is needed to understand archaic attitudes such as these.


Call a spade a spade and Golriz ain’t no dolly bird.

25-06-2024, 02:44 PM
Yes exactly…amazing that she was only afflicted by her so-called trauma induced kleptomania when she was in high end retail stores.

And note how despite the supposedly heavy security detail required (like that of Clueless Cindy) because of grave & pressing safety concerns, she was able to freely frequent high end boutiques with carefree abundance to steal from them!

To be expected from the Green MPs - thieves, human exploiters, tax evaders, racist & sexist vocalisers, defenders of massacres of innocents, falsifiers of credentials, hypocrites and above all, BS artists.

25-06-2024, 05:52 PM
Could someone please start a Give a Little page to help Goldritz with this malaise that has beset her?

Oh, hang on, that won't be necessary.

Darleen Tana is on full pay for going nothing, funded by the taxpayers.

Surely she will pass some on to her Green sister?

25-06-2024, 07:46 PM
Could someone please start a Give a Little page to help Goldritz with this malaise that has beset her?

Oh, hang on, that won't be necessary.

Darleen Tana is on full pay for going nothing, funded by the taxpayers.

Surely she will pass some on to her Green sister?

Sure that wouldn't be called Money Laundering to add further to the pile for Darling ? ;)

why not just install a burkha, a quick change of name, a new licence & she might be able to earn her own & the top table overlooking the carry on of the profession would probably sign it off .. let's face it - they seem to have an already overflowing trail of wonderfully exciting talent onboard with wide and varied life experiences right down to gutter & lower levels.. another wont make a lot of difference ;)

26-06-2024, 08:29 AM
Could someone please start a Give a Little page to help Goldritz with this malaise that has beset her?

Oh, hang on, that won't be necessary.

Darleen Tana is on full pay for going nothing, funded by the taxpayers.

Surely she will pass some on to her Green sister?

Darleen might be needing the money to defend herself against charges of worker/migrant exploitation, tax evasion and breach of electioneering laws.

Lawyers as usual will be the main beneficiary of taxpayers’ largess.

27-06-2024, 08:38 AM
Excellent assessment of what’s happening with the long awaited independent report on Darleen Tana.

Looking like Tana is all lawyered up (more $$$$ for lawyers) and playing hard ball with Swarbrick & Davidson who are cornered and more concerned with politics than they are with natural justice.

Also, the racist cards Green has been using are now coming back to bite them on the backside!


“Because she is refusing to go quietly, almost inevitably. She has either lawyered up to stop the Greens releasing the final report, or she is refusing to resign. The Greens can’t force her to resign (unless they used the waka jumping law they oppose), and it would be embarrassing to them to have her remain in Parliament as an independent MP. Or worse, she could be threatening to defect to Te Pāti Māori if they sanction her, claiming the investigation against her has been neo-colonial and is structurally racist.”

27-06-2024, 09:02 AM
Excellent assessment of what’s happening with the long awaited independent report on Darleen Tana.

Looking like Tana is all lawyered up (more $$$$ for lawyers) and playing hard ball with Swarbrick & Davidson who are cornered and more concerned with politics than they are with natural justice.

Also, the racist cards Green has been using are now coming back to bite them on the backside!


“Because she is refusing to go quietly, almost inevitably. She has either lawyered up to stop the Greens releasing the final report, or she is refusing to resign. The Greens can’t force her to resign (unless they used the waka jumping law they oppose), and it would be embarrassing to them to have her remain in Parliament as an independent MP. Or worse, she could be threatening to defect to Te Pāti Māori if they sanction her, claiming the investigation against her has been neo-colonial and is structurally racist.”

MP Tana waka jumping to Te Pati Maori would be delicious irony. It may just raise the integrity levels of both the Greens and TPM!

I hope she does, locking in a growing divide between the 2 racist/sexist/neo-marxist fringes of the Left. Remember how cosy they were heading into the last election? High fives between Davidson and Ngarewa-Packer!

27-06-2024, 09:10 AM
MP Tana waka jumping to Te Pati Maori would be delicious irony. It may just raise the integrity levels of both the Greens and TPM!

I hope she does, locking in a growing divide between the 2 racist/sexist/neo-marxist fringes of the Left. Remember how cosy they were heading into the last election? High fives between Davidson and Ngarewa-Packer!

Whichever it goes, be great if Tana stays in Parliament until she is forced to resign when the court cases of (alleged) migrant exploitation, employee exploitation, tax evasion and breach of Covid regulations are brought against her.

She will sit in Parliament and be subject to ridicule and odium, sitting after sitting.

Maybe, the Maori Party would love that?

27-06-2024, 10:26 AM
Excellent assessment of what’s happening with the long awaited independent report on Darleen Tana.

Looking like Tana is all lawyered up (more $$$$ for lawyers) and playing hard ball with Swarbrick & Davidson who are cornered and more concerned with politics than they are with natural justice.

Also, the racist cards Green has been using are now coming back to bite them on the backside!


“Because she is refusing to go quietly, almost inevitably. She has either lawyered up to stop the Greens releasing the final report, or she is refusing to resign. The Greens can’t force her to resign (unless they used the waka jumping law they oppose), and it would be embarrassing to them to have her remain in Parliament as an independent MP. Or worse, she could be threatening to defect to Te Pāti Māori if they sanction her, claiming the investigation against her has been neo-colonial and is structurally racist.”

Surely it can't possibly an excellent assessment, as it was published on the leftist biased MSM Herald site. 🤣

MP Tana waka jumping to Te Pati Maori would be delicious irony. It may just raise the integrity levels of both the Greens and TPM!

I hope she does, locking in a growing divide between the 2 racist/sexist/neo-marxist fringes of the Left. Remember how cosy they were heading into the last election? High fives between Davidson and Ngarewa-Packer!

Coming from a conspiracy theorist who wouldn't know sexism if it was a wet fish that smacked him in the face.
Do you read what you write? Just a tad extreme, well fits with the rabbit warren dwellers in their own echo chamber I suppose.
Dinosaurs commenting on sexism.
Oh men have it so unfair 🙄

27-06-2024, 10:29 AM
Whichever it goes, be great if Tana stays in Parliament until she is forced to resign when the court cases of (alleged) migrant exploitation, employee exploitation, tax evasion and breach of Covid regulations are brought against her.

She will sit in Parliament and be subject to ridicule and odium, sitting after sitting.

Maybe, the Maori Party would love that?

She's a list MP so if she jumps party wouldn't she be out of parliament as the Greens are able to replace her with the next person on their list?

27-06-2024, 12:38 PM
She's a list MP so if she jumps party wouldn't she be out of parliament as the Greens are able to replace her with the next person on their list?

"She has either lawyered up to stop the Greens releasing the final report, or she is refusing to resign. The Greens can’t force her to resign (unless they used the waka jumping law they oppose)."

Greens caught again in the hypocrisy that they have cloaked themselves in.

Thieves, migrant/worker exploiter, bullies, tax evaders, Covid lockdown breachers, hypocrites - them Greens sure know how to pick them!

27-06-2024, 12:50 PM
Surely it can't possibly an excellent assessment, as it was published on the leftist biased MSM Herald site. ��


So Mike Hoskings and Richard Prebble writing their opinion pieces like Bryce Edwards are by your definition then are also left wing?

A priest preaching in jail does not make him a criminal.

27-06-2024, 01:35 PM

So Mike Hoskings and Richard Prebble writing their opinion pieces like Bryce Edwards are by your definition then are also left wing?

A priest preaching in jail does not make him a criminal.

Catch up. I'm paraphrasing your repetitive claims of the left bias of NZ MSM publications.
It's hilarious that you now use the very names I have repeated on here to counter your claims of left bias in the NZ MSM.
If you are going to lie, you need to have a better memory.

27-06-2024, 01:45 PM
"She has either lawyered up to stop the Greens releasing the final report, or she is refusing to resign. The Greens can’t force her to resign (unless they used the waka jumping law they oppose)."

Greens caught again in the hypocrisy that they have cloaked themselves in.

Thieves, migrant/worker exploiter, bullies, tax evaders, Covid lockdown breachers, hypocrites - them Greens sure know how to pick them!

I'm not sure the Greens position on waka jumping applied to list MPs, rather electorate MPs, but happy to be corrected.

27-06-2024, 01:49 PM
Catch up. I'm paraphrasing your repetitive claims of the left bias of NZ MSM publications.
It's hilarious that you now use the very names I have repeated on here to counter your claims of left bias in the NZ MSM.
If you are going to lie, you need to have a better memory.

Drunk again at this time of the day?

You need a life mate!

27-06-2024, 02:33 PM
Drunk again at this time of the day?

You need a life mate!

Your last resort derogatory behaviour fools no one.

27-06-2024, 03:13 PM
A priest preaching in jail does not make him a criminal.

Of course not - but how about a bleeding heart, virtue signalling, lefty do gooder, sapping the energy and moral fibre of the losers, parasites, and scumbags he's addressing.

27-06-2024, 03:38 PM
Ghahraman has been fined and most importantly convicted. I think this is fair. Getting the conviction was key for me

27-06-2024, 04:02 PM
Ghahraman has been fined and most importantly convicted. I think this is fair. Getting the conviction was key for me

Indeed - very fair.. she couldn't expect to be let off with a free bus pass

the nonsense coming out now like it was an excuse to get her out of Politics casts more light on things :)

27-06-2024, 04:08 PM
Ghahraman has been fined and most importantly convicted. I think this is fair. Getting the conviction was key for me

Yep, agreed.

27-06-2024, 04:16 PM
The Green Brother & Sisterhood have a very unique ability to dig the trenches that they are about
to fall into ever deeper & deeper - don't they ? ;)

Did they give lessons to Robbo on their flawed excavation techniques, but then forget to tell him to
stand back from the edge to reduce chance of going splat on the bottom ? ;)

27-06-2024, 04:58 PM
Indeed - very fair.. she couldn't expect to be let off with a free bus pass

the nonsense coming out now like it was an excuse to get her out of Politics casts more light on things :)

The excuse used by Winona Ryder (the actress) for her shoplifting - that it would make her uncastable for movie roles.

It would have counted against Golriz to copycat the excuse.

Anyway, good to see justice done.

27-06-2024, 04:59 PM
Ghahraman has been fined and most importantly convicted. I think this is fair. Getting the conviction was key for me

Yes very fair sentence.

She has paid a heavy price already. Pleased she was convicted - I thought she might get discharged without conviction or something silly.

27-06-2024, 05:28 PM
Swarbrick publically chanting “from the river to the sea” again today. Apparently apologies from Swarbrick only last for as long as they last. Chanting this and “intifada” is the very definition of hate speech. More hypocrisy from the emerald manakins

27-06-2024, 05:38 PM
Swarbrick publically chanting “from the river to the sea” again today. Apparently apologies from Swarbrick only last for as long as they last. Chanting this and “intifada” is the very definition of hate speech. More hypocrisy from the emerald manakins

Fancy that - not even a thought to do a little fundraising thingie to help pay the fines of her unhinged convicted jobless refugee mate turfed out on a loose end ;)

fungus pudding
27-06-2024, 05:59 PM
Swarbrick publically chanting “from the river to the sea” again today. Apparently apologies from Swarbrick only last for as long as they last. Chanting this and “intifada” is the very definition of hate speech. More hypocrisy from the emerald manakins

What it might mean - take your pick.


27-06-2024, 06:55 PM
Here is perhaps a more helpful chant for Chloe, if she genuinely wants peace.


"In Jerusalem, the Lord always surprises us.... When we asked the Syrians if we could record a video in their church, our intention was to film a chant of the Syro-Malankara rite. But the deacon asked us very fervently to sing with them the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic (the language that our Lord spoke here on earth and that the Syriac Christians still use in parts of their liturgy). When two Syriac monks joined us, we spontaneously made this recording.

According to Syriac tradition, the "House of St. Mark", where this chapel is located, is the place where the Last Supper and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles took place.

We would like to dedicate this song to our beloved Heavenly Father and ask that all people come to know, honor and love Him. In a special way, we would like to include in our prayers all the persecuted Christians in the Middle East."

27-06-2024, 07:11 PM
Now that Goldritz has been sentenced, and if no legal appeal is made, most would agree that she can close that chapter of her life and move on.

But observing her during the interview with John Campbell made me think that some coaching from Marama Davidson had taken place, and there was an attempt to shift blame to white cis men.

All these alleged rape threats during her time in Parliament

Were complaints made to Police at the time, and investigation take place?

Any arrests?

27-06-2024, 07:16 PM
Now that Goldritz has been sentenced, and if no legal appeal is made, most would agree that she can close that chapter of her life and move on.

But observing her during the interview with John Campbell made me think that some coaching from Marama Davidson had taken place, and there was an attempt to shift blame to white cis men.

All these alleged rape threats during her time in Parliament

Were complaints made to Police at the time, and investigation take place?

Any arrests?

Yes all a bit mysterious. The judge reckons she read some of the messages Golriz has received and was appalled.

On the balance of probabilities I think there are more than enough nut cases in this country to have sent her disgusting messages as claimed. Using that as an excuse for the shoplifting is a bit of a stretch though. The judge saw through that.

Hell, women undress me with their eyes every time I go out. I feel like such a piece of meat when I can tell that all they wanna do is smack that ass.

But ya don’t see me out stealing to cope with the stress of it all do ya!

27-06-2024, 07:26 PM
Mr T, you will forever lament that she was not sentenced to regular lashes from the rotan, administered by you...

27-06-2024, 07:32 PM
You waiting for a knock on the door?

27-06-2024, 07:35 PM
You waiting for a knock on the door?

Not on this occasion.