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12-02-2024, 11:00 AM
Anyone watched TVNZ's Q&A on Sunday?

Swarbrick being interviewed by Jack Tame


she admitted she was told by representatives of the Jewish community of Kadimah School in her electorate back in 2019 that her pro-Palestinian chant of "From the River to the Sea ...." to be hateful, offensive and an incitement to violence against the Jews.

Still she persisted to use that chant and when challenged by Jack Tame, she tried to excuse her hate leaden anti-Jewish tirades on context and unpacking (wtf is that) what she said!

This is a woman(?) who campaigned for hate speech legislation but clearly, she believes hate speech does not apply to her hatred driven utterances and thoughts.

12-02-2024, 11:09 AM
Anyone watched TVNZ's Q&A on Sunday?

Swarbrick being interviewed by Jack Tame


she admitted she was told by representatives of the Jewish community of Kadimah School in her electorate back in 2019 that her pro-Palestinian chant of "From the River to the Sea ...." to be hateful, offensive and an incitement to violence against the Jews.

Still she persisted to use that chant and when challenged by Jack Tame, she tried to excuse her hate leaden anti-Jewish tirades on context and unpacking (wtf is that) what she said!

This is a woman(?) who campaigned for hate speech legislation but clearly, she believes hate speech does not apply to her hatred driven utterances and thoughts.

Fortunately Chloe is assisting in the destruction of the Green party. Sooner it happens the better. JS could see what lay ahead for this sorry lot and acted accordingly.

12-02-2024, 12:07 PM
Anyone watched TVNZ's Q&A on Sunday?

Swarbrick being interviewed by Jack Tame


she admitted she was told by representatives of the Jewish community of Kadimah School in her electorate back in 2019 that her pro-Palestinian chant of "From the River to the Sea ...." to be hateful, offensive and an incitement to violence against the Jews.

Still she persisted to use that chant and when challenged by Jack Tame, she tried to excuse her hate leaden anti-Jewish tirades on context and unpacking (wtf is that) what she said!

This is a woman(?) who campaigned for hate speech legislation but clearly, she believes hate speech does not apply to her hatred driven utterances and thoughts.

Yes I watched it and was shocked to hear her basically say that she and her ilk will decide what is the so called "hate speech" that Jacinda has devoted her life on. If they don't think it is, then it isn't. That even after her being asked to attend a meeting with the Jewish NZ community where she admitted she was told they find the term she later used, highly inflammatory and hateful. Disgusting behaviour.

12-02-2024, 12:15 PM
Yes I watched it and was shocked to hear her basically say that she and her ilk will decide what is the so called "hate speech" that Jacinda has devoted her life on. If they don't think it is, then it isn't. That even after her being asked to attend a meeting with the Jewish NZ community where she admitted she was told they find the term she later used, highly inflammatory and hateful. Disgusting behaviour.

Cindy and Chloe are made from the same ilk - communists in the image of Stalin. Only they can be right and only they decide what is wrong and what is right.

How they would love to have Stalin’s power!

12-02-2024, 01:14 PM
Tame: "....and people interpret it as calling for the genocide of the Jewish people"
Swarbrick: "and thats an interpretation that we should interrogate wholesale"

She also essentially said that she said it to enable confidence in other people around the country to say the same. If this isn't inciting hate and violence I don't know what is. She is dangerous

Blue Skies
12-02-2024, 01:26 PM
Cindy and Chloe are made from the same ilk - communists in the image of Stalin. Only they can be right and only they decide what is wrong and what is right.

How they would love to have Stalin’s power!

Your posts are becoming more comical by the day.

Everyone who isn't aligned with your increasingly narrow world views seems to be a communist these days & not just any old communist but like Stalin responsible for the deaths of 7 million people.


So much anger. Whats going on.

12-02-2024, 03:33 PM
Your posts are becoming more comical by the day.

Everyone who isn't aligned with your increasingly narrow world views seems to be a communist these days & not just any old communist but like Stalin responsible for the deaths of 7 million people.


So much anger. Whats going on.

You want to see anger, look no further than Chloe in one of her howling tirades.

Blue Skies
12-02-2024, 03:39 PM
Anyone watched TVNZ's Q&A on Sunday?

Swarbrick being interviewed by Jack Tame


she admitted she was told by representatives of the Jewish community of Kadimah School in her electorate back in 2019 that her pro-Palestinian chant of "From the River to the Sea ...." to be hateful, offensive and an incitement to violence against the Jews.

Still she persisted to use that chant and when challenged by Jack Tame, she tried to excuse her hate leaden anti-Jewish tirades on context and unpacking (wtf is that) what she said!

This is a woman(?) who campaigned for hate speech legislation but clearly, she believes hate speech does not apply to her hatred driven utterances and thoughts.

It's not unsurprising though disappointing representatives of the Jewish School Kadimah would have told her the chant "From the River to the sea, Palestine will be Free" is offensive & an incitement to violence against Jews.
But whats overlooked is the phrase means different things to pro Palestinian & pro Jewish, & neutral observers & what the word "Free" implies.

To moderate pro Palestinian observers the phrase reflects the ongoing fact Palestinians have been denied the human right to live in equality, freedom & dignity like everybody else. They want to be Free from oppression, Free to the have the right to self determination, denied since the Jewish State was established on the territories which they lived.
Palestinians live under an apartheid system created by Israel.

While to some Jewish Israelis & others pro Israel, they interpret the phrase as a threat & meaning the elimination of Israel.
Extremists on both sides intend it to mean the elimination of the other side, but thats not what it means to everyone.

Now although I don't know Chloe, she doesn't strike me as a violent person or even unkind, so accusing her of "hate laden anti-Jewish tirades" & her "hatred driven utterances & thoughts" seems based on a complete misunderstanding.
She has often stated she supports a Two State solution.

However, throughout his entire political career, Netanyahu's has been vehemently opposed to any form of Palestinian State.
That only leaves 2 options, either an apartheid system where Palestinians are denied human & political rights, tick,
Or ethnic cleansing - expelling them from their territories which is what we're currently witnessing.


12-02-2024, 04:27 PM
It's not unsurprising though disappointing representatives of the Jewish School Kadimah would have told her the chant "From the River to the sea, Palestine will be Free" is offensive & an incitement to violence against Jews.
But whats overlooked is the phrase means different things to pro Palestinian & pro Jewish, & neutral observers & what the word "Free" implies.

To moderate pro Palestinian observers the phrase reflects the ongoing fact Palestinians have been denied the human right to live in equality, freedom & dignity like everybody else. They want to be Free from oppression, Free to the have the right to self determination, denied since the Jewish State was established on the territories which they lived.
Palestinians live under an apartheid system created by Israel.

While to some Jewish Israelis & others pro Israel, they interpret the phrase as a threat & meaning the elimination of Israel.
Extremists on both sides intend it to mean the elimination of the other side, but thats not what it means to everyone.

Now although I don't know Chloe, she doesn't strike me as a violent person or even unkind, so accusing her of "hate laden anti-Jewish tirades" & her "hatred driven utterances & thoughts" seems based on a complete misunderstanding.
She has often stated she supports a Two State solution.

However, throughout his entire political career, Netanyahu's has been vehemently opposed to any form of Palestinian State.
That only leaves 2 options, either an apartheid system where Palestinians are denied human & political rights, tick,
Or ethnic cleansing - expelling them from their territories which is what we're currently witnessing.


For someone like Chloe, that even claims us calling all boys with the pronoun he or him is offensive, she could have easily shown respect to the Jewish Community that asked her not to use it, quietly and without going to the media with it. She chose to be confrontational on purpose. She is a provocative and divisive politician that will be liked by the Green membership and voted in overwhelmingly as one of the two Co-Leaders, both women. But I would not be surprised if that will be the start of a slow death for The Greens. She is unlikely to attract middle of the road voters with real environmental leanings.

12-02-2024, 07:20 PM
A lot of unresolved issues in her life with poor Chloe - rapidly heading in the same direction as Golriz.

Weird woman (?).

12-02-2024, 07:51 PM
A lot of unresolved issues in her life with poor Chloe - rapidly heading in the same direction as Golriz.

Weird woman (?).

The world is full of wierdos but we obviously need to have a better filter than an election to keep them away from government. She is a joke .

12-02-2024, 09:33 PM
The world is full of wierdos but we obviously need to have a better filter than an election to keep them away from government. She is a joke .

A joke maybe, but only to the older and wiser, she is not talking to us and is scoring untold points with her listeners. Believers, they love her. She is far more influential than the crusty's give credit for.

12-02-2024, 09:56 PM
A joke maybe, but only to the older and wiser, she is not talking to us and is scoring untold points with her listeners. Believers, they love her. She is far more influential than the crusty's give credit for.

For sure she does with her listeners.

But as Chris Trotter observed, she is following in the footpath of Jeremy Corbyn and there will be but one outcome :


“By the time the Powers That Be were through with Corbyn, working-class Brits were cursing his name. By the time our own elites are through with Chole Swarbrick, she’ll either be a broken political doll – or New Zealand’s first Green prime minister.”

Blue Skies
12-02-2024, 10:13 PM
A joke maybe, but only to the older and wiser, she is not talking to us and is scoring untold points with her listeners. Believers, they love her. She is far more influential than the crusty's give credit for.

Quite right, she has her own constituency & is telegenic & a very effective communicator. e.g. just as an indication, Chloe just as an MP already has 84,000 followers just on Facebook alone & latest post liked/loved by 1.4 thousand,
compared to James Shaw 19,000 followers ,
David Seymour 84,000
or PM Chris Luxon who has a team working on his online content, 92,000 followers.
Nicola Willis 47,000.

If she becomes Joint Party Leader, her profile will take off.
I think some seriously underestimate her.

13-02-2024, 08:30 AM
Quite right, she has her own constituency & is telegenic & a very effective communicator. e.g. just as an indication, Chloe just as an MP already has 84,000 followers just on Facebook alone & latest post liked/loved by 1.4 thousand,
compared to James Shaw 19,000 followers ,
David Seymour 84,000
or PM Chris Luxon who has a team working on his online content, 92,000 followers.
Nicola Willis 47,000.

If she becomes Joint Party Leader, her profile will take off.
I think some seriously underestimate her.

I think you are seriously over estimating her appeal, outside of her core constituency where she is no doubt very popular. But that is it.

13-02-2024, 08:39 AM
I think you are seriously over estimating her appeal, outside of her core constituency where she is no doubt very popular. But that is it.

Ardern has over 1m followers and what a freaking disaster she showed herself to be - useless, clueless, incompetent and a quitter.

Popularity built up via spin and BS seems to be the pre-occupation of the most useless woke leftist politicians - they gain while the whole country pays.

Screw them.

Blue Skies
13-02-2024, 09:00 AM
I think you are seriously over estimating her appeal, outside of her core constituency where she is no doubt very popular. But that is it.

Am not suggesting she'd ever become PM, or have broad appeal, some of the Greens policies are balmy Imo (like others wish they would focus on environmental issues) just that a lot of young people, & those who feel they don't quite fit in mainstream society, or people who feel locked out of ever owning their own home, feel she is a voice for them, feel she personally connects with them, & she may energise & activate a group who have been too cynical or apathetic about politics to bother voting.

I don't think as some suggest she will tank the Greens vote.
I'ld expect the Green's to go up in the polls.

13-02-2024, 09:41 AM
Unelectable - Greens under Chloe & Davidson.


So the other interview was Jack Tame's conversation with Chloe Swarbrick.

It was a shocker.

Her refusal to understand how her Palestinian chants had been received was remarkable. This after mediation by the Human Rights Commission. This after Jewish members of her electorate had spoken with her.

The left are famous opponents of hate speech, but to understand if speech is offensive you need to have the empathy to understand how the offence has been taken.

Chloe seemed unable to comprehend the fear Jewish people have of that chant. She was unable to own any blame.

The rest of the interview made me feel that the fresh and intelligent woman who entered parliament has been replaced by a hard line radical informed only by her own echo chamber.

The Greens are in deep trouble. The Ghahraman resignation and forthcoming trial. James Shaw, the one calming influence, the man billed as a relationship builder, gone. The prospect of Davidson and Swarbrick ruling a radical socialist party.

The damage is already evident in the polls this weekend with the Greens dropping 4.8 per cent to sit at 9 per cent.

They're fast becoming unelectable. A socialist party that pays lip service to the environment and has forgotten about why they came into being in the first place.

13-02-2024, 09:54 AM
This is Chloe, the next co-leader of the Green Party of Aotearoa :

Summation of her interview with Jack Tame.

Her constant use of the phrase “let me unpack that for you” was rather amusing… one of her many diversionary excuses.

Let us “unpack” Chloe’s interview –

She’s against hate speech… unless it’s her. (In 2019 she campaigned on hate speech)

She’s for debate on culture… unless it is about something she’s does not like.

She’s for reaching across political aisle… but it only applies to other side.

She’s for transparency… but just not for her.

She can’t remember… if it’s embarrassing for her.


13-02-2024, 07:26 PM
Worse is yet to come.

Only a matter of time before Nordic wild child Greta Thunberg will refugee herself into New, oops Aotearoa.

Your guess whether she replaces Marama or Chloe!

13-02-2024, 08:11 PM
Am not suggesting she'd ever become PM, or have broad appeal, some of the Greens policies are balmy Imo (like others wish they would focus on environmental issues) just that a lot of young people, & those who feel they don't quite fit in mainstream society, or people who feel locked out of ever owning their own home, feel she is a voice for them, feel she personally connects with them, & she may energise & activate a group who have been too cynical or apathetic about politics to bother voting.

I don't think as some suggest she will tank the Greens vote.
I'ld expect the Green's to go up in the polls.

Good to see even you have limits to your woke tolerance BS. Just imagine if in 10/ 20 years time when a large chunk of the boomers have departed, Chloe's younger fan base attained critical mass and she actually became PM. Pandamonium !

14-02-2024, 03:29 PM
More Greens bleating today in the Wellington hot air balloon about the cuts to welfare, some rat bags have been on a benefit for 30 years and are disappointed that their welfare wage is being cut, how very sad at long last !!

14-02-2024, 05:27 PM
More Greens bleating today in the Wellington hot air balloon about the cuts to welfare, some rat bags have been on a benefit for 30 years and are disappointed that their welfare wage is being cut, how very sad at long last !!

They’ve somewhat successfully made it sound like benefits are being slashed. Which of course they’re not. They’re simply changing the indexing annual increases to inflation instead of average wage increases, like they always have been until the last 4 or 5 years.
Heard Carmel Sepuloni say on radio earlier that it could mean as much as $20 less per week for beneficiaries in 2028. That of course is based on her forecasting of where inflation & wage growth will go in the next 4 years. Just utter and misleading rubbish. Much like the Opposition (and MSM) crying the Government want to cancel the Treaty when talking about Seymour’s sensible “principles” discussion.

14-02-2024, 07:16 PM
They’ve somewhat successfully made it sound like benefits are being slashed. Which of course they’re not. They’re simply changing the indexing annual increases to inflation instead of average wage increases, like they always have been until the last 4 or 5 years.
Heard Carmel Sepuloni say on radio earlier that it could mean as much as $20 less per week for beneficiaries in 2028. That of course is based on her forecasting of where inflation & wage growth will go in the next 4 years. Just utter and misleading rubbish. Much like the Opposition (and MSM) crying the Government want to cancel the Treaty when talking about Seymour’s sensible “principles” discussion.

Does not matter as white middle class NZ and migrants (hard working & filling in for the Labour’s bred parasites on jobseekers’ benefits) now see through the bleating of the woke leftists in Labour & MSM.

14-02-2024, 08:25 PM
How did Green win in Wellington and Auckland central electorates whereas others failed? Normally we find educated people in cities.


14-02-2024, 08:56 PM
How did Green win in Wellington and Auckland central electorates whereas others failed? Normally we find educated people in cities.


you mean to say Labour's attempts to tickle the educated followers turned out to be such a flopsie with the Greens scooping up more of Labour's filthy mess left after the exercise ? ;)

At this rate Labour could make itself extinct inside 10-15 years ;)

14-02-2024, 09:06 PM
Does not matter as white middle class NZ and migrants (hard working & filling in for the Labour’s bred parasites on jobseekers’ benefits) now see through the bleating of the woke leftists in Labour & MSM.

There is a huge % of the population that you are discounting by classifying "middle class NZ" as "white", who are all mostly "hard working" as well. These 'non-white' middle class were a major factor in getting rid of the Labour government. They should be acknowledged, but not as not "white". It's not about skin colour, never has been, never will be.

I don't think the Left has truely recognised and accepted yet how crushed they have been in this recent election, or how lost they are in their rebuild, with support in the polls falling away at alarming rates and growing realisation and discontent at how seriously screwed up their ideologies, support for minorities, and utter failure in delivery of anything significant .. in six years! A complete and absolute disaster for NZ, they have been.

And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.

14-02-2024, 10:19 PM
And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.

Yep. To give this some context, here is the total Government income and expenditure from 2015-2023:

2015: Income $95b, Expenditure $94b
2016: I $98b, E $96b
2017: I $103b, E $99b
2018: I $110b, E $104b
2019: I $119b, E $111b
2020: I $116b, E $139b
2021: I $129b, $134b
2022: I $142b, E $151b
2023: I $153b, E $162b

Labour took office late 2017 so they are responsible for the periods ended June 2018-2023. Taking 2017 as a starting point which was the last period for the previous National lead Government, Government income has increased from $103b to $153b - an impressive 48% over 6 years. Expenditure increased from $99b to an eye watering $162b - an incredible increase of 64% over the same time period. How the heck did they do that? They were spending like drunken sailors and they can't blame COVID for the $28b increase in expenditure over the past 2 years. They were given a relatively healthy set of books; it took them 2 years to ramp up spending and the last 4 years have seen Government deficits of $46 billion dollars! It's no wonder inflation was rampant.

There is the evidence of massive fiscal incompetence inflicted upon generations of Kiwis. We must NEVER forget the absolute fiscal ineptitude of the previous Government. And if the media or posters want to talk about how will National balance the books - best they take the forest out of Labour & the Greens eyes before removing the speck from National's.


Edit: there were some revisions to numbers by Treasury in some years - I took the latest (and updated) data where I could.

15-02-2024, 05:01 AM
The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.

The tragic irony is that after 6 years, National et al will be blamed for this "pain" and suffering that is coming. The plebs will then vote left again for some more "relief".

15-02-2024, 08:34 AM
There is a huge % of the population that you are discounting by classifying "middle class NZ" as "white", who are all mostly "hard working" as well. These 'non-white' middle class were a major factor in getting rid of the Labour government. They should be acknowledged, but not as not "white". It's not about skin colour, never has been, never will be.

I don't think the Left has truely recognised and accepted yet how crushed they have been in this recent election, or how lost they are in their rebuild, with support in the polls falling away at alarming rates and growing realisation and discontent at how seriously screwed up their ideologies, support for minorities, and utter failure in delivery of anything significant .. in six years! A complete and absolute disaster for NZ, they have been.

And this while spending our tax money and drowning us all in extraordinary long term debt like crazed fools, plunging us all into many years of economic recovery.

The pain is only just beginning, especially for those who don't already have the means to get through it, as it becomes more prevalent, more will know how tragic the past six years have been. Setting us all up for a long term recovery, hopefully under prudent stewardship of the new government, is a momentous task, there is so much that has been broken.

Baa_Baa, much was broken before 2017 it just took the pandemic to expose the issue of decades of neglect and under spending due to the acute circumstances associated with global lockdowns & the consequential inflation.

You seem to have a very short memory.
It was only at the end of 2020 Labour won a majority Government, the first in the history of MMP. How crushed were the right then?
Multiple changes of leadership of the Nats.

No mention of a once in a hundred year global pandemic in your post where basically the world was closed down, Kaikoura earthquake repairs, Gabrielle, other major horrendous events that Labour managed very well, particularly the CCH mass shooting.

Labour also had to make up for a massive under spend by the previous NACT Government in areas such as health & education and not paying our teachers, nurses or police appropriately.

Did Labour loose the plot & stop listening, particularlyin the 2nd phase of the pandemic? Yes
Did Labour squander a great opportunity to establish long lasting change such as a fairer and more equitable tax system? Yes
Did Labour waste a lot of money? Yes
Did Labour push a Maori agenda they didn't campaign on? Yes

The huge swing away from National and the right in general in 2020 & swing back in 2023 albeit a more fractured vote, displays how easily in NZ popularity is won & lost.

A new leadership within Labour will evolve over time & watch this space, they will have a mantra of getting back to their roots & values.

Your confidence that swings in the electorate are terminal is not credible. After all what was National polling under Bridges or Collins?

15-02-2024, 08:49 AM
Baa_Baa, much was broken before 2017 it just took the pandemic to expose the issue of decades of neglect and under spending due to the acute circumstances associated with global lockdowns & the consequential inflation.

You seem to have a very short memory.
It was only at the end of 2020 Labour won a majority Government, the first in the history of MMP. How crushed were the right then?
Multiple changes of leadership of the Nats.

No mention of a once in a hundred year global pandemic in your post where basically the world was closed down, Kaikoura earthquake repairs, Gabrielle, other major horrendous events that Labour managed very well, particularly the CCH mass shooting.

Labour also had to make up for a massive under spend by the previous NACT Government in areas such as health & education and not paying our teachers, nurses or police appropriately.

Did Labour loose the plot & stop listening, particularlyin the 2nd phase of the pandemic? Yes
Did Labour squander a great opportunity to establish long lasting change such as a fairer and more equitable tax system? Yes
Did Labour waste a lot of money? Yes
Did Labour push a Maori agenda they didn't campaign on? Yes

The huge swing away from National and the right in general in 2020 & swing back in 2023 albeit a more fractured vote, displays how easily in NZ popularity is won & lost.

A new leadership within Labour will evolve over time & watch this space, they will have a mantra of getting back to their roots & values.

Your confidence that swings in the electorate are terminal is not credible. After all what was National polling under Bridges or Collins?

For that to happen they would need credible candidates. Can you name them ?

15-02-2024, 01:23 PM
For that to happen they would need credible candidates. Can you name them ?

Labour are in need of new blood no doubt.
Where was Luxon pre 2020? Where was Jacinda a year before 2017? Neither were on the radar to be the next PM.

15-02-2024, 01:44 PM
Labour are in need of new blood no doubt.
Where was Luxon pre 2020? Where was Jacinda a year before 2017? Neither were on the radar to be the next PM.

After the destruction Jacinda inflicted on the country, and then promptly dissappeared, the electorate is going to be extreamly wary of another woke lefty bearing gifts. Labours damage is yet to be fully reconciled. Once the total damage is on the table for all to see I doubt they will see daylight again anytime soon.We will feel the depth of their incompetence for some time to come.

16-02-2024, 09:20 AM
After the destruction Jacinda inflicted on the country, and then promptly dissappeared, the electorate is going to be extreamly wary of another woke lefty bearing gifts. Labours damage is yet to be fully reconciled. Once the total damage is on the table for all to see I doubt they will see daylight again anytime soon.We will feel the depth of their incompetence for some time to come.

ynot, dont you believe that, there are idots born every day, never forget " the left is a lie ! "

16-02-2024, 09:26 AM
After the destruction Jacinda inflicted on the country, and then promptly dissappeared, the electorate is going to be extreamly wary of another woke lefty bearing gifts. Labours damage is yet to be fully reconciled. Once the total damage is on the table for all to see I doubt they will see daylight again anytime soon.We will feel the depth of their incompetence for some time to come.

I would not be so confident of that Ynot. The idiots will not be wary, they will be welcoming of another wokey with a stupid grin bearing gifts.

16-02-2024, 06:00 PM
I would not be so confident of that Ynot. The idiots will not be wary, they will be welcoming of another wokey with a stupid grin bearing gifts.

Quote of the day :

“Jacinda Ardern’s knack for making nonsense sound meaningful.”

16-02-2024, 06:15 PM
Chloe Swarbrick - uncovered!

Then : "When she first burst upon the political scene, as an independent candidate for the Auckland mayoralty in the 2016 local body elections, the clarity of her thought and expression was Swarbrick’s greatest asset. Here was a young woman who was capable of presenting her ideas forcefully, without prevarication, and then supporting them with a truly intimidating army of facts and figure."

Now : "The politician who emerged from Tame’s interview with Swarbrick cannot replace the qualities the Greens are losing with Shaw. Her six years in Parliament appear to have diminished her faith in democracy as the most effective political system."

Many have praised/condemned Jack Tame for identifying Swarbrick’s unflinching defence of the Palestinian cause as the most effective means of exposing her zealotry. But, to those who once saluted Swarbrick’s political promise, Tame’s uncompromising interview proved profoundly depressing.


16-02-2024, 06:18 PM
More on Swarbrick - as clueless & useless as Ardern but more dangerous if she ever gets real power.


Chloe Swarbrick seek the leadership of the Green party: her avowed mission being to eliminate inequality. There are probably lots of stupid, ignorant poor people who think this may lead to their poverty being eliminated – such is the con game the left runs. But no. Chloe’s actual mission is to basically abolish capitalism.

Her idea of “equality” is having everyone living as their ancestors did in the 16th century. As everyone is equally poor there is no inequality.

Oh the sheep to the slaughter thinking Chloe in charge will lead to prosperity for the poor.

16-02-2024, 07:47 PM
I would not be so confident of that Ynot. The idiots will not be wary, they will be welcoming of another wokey with a stupid grin bearing gifts.

You are probably right. I am placing far too much intelect in the hands of fools. You have to take your hat of to the left for nurturing such a mob.

17-02-2024, 04:10 PM

Green backlash: ‘Centrist’ Karl Tiefenbacher provisional winner of Wellington City Council byelection

It’s a Green backlash in Wellington this afternoon as locals have voted in self-described centrist Karl Tiefenbacher in the city council byelection - replacing former Green councillor Tamatha Paul.

That's a shame .. probably a warning being delivered to the rest of the Watermelons squatting on Public perches too ;)

19-02-2024, 11:26 PM

Son of British baron Alex Foulkes challenging Chlöe Swarbrick for Green Party co-leadership

Alex Foulkes, the man challenging Chlöe Swarbrick for the co-leadership of the Green Party, was fined for a breach of the peace in his native Scotland and has been involved in numerous controversies both in the UK and in New Zealand.

Foulkes, who is a former Scottish Labour activist and son of Lord George Foulkes of Cumnock, paid the fine and told the Herald he has no criminal record in the UK. Lord Foulkes was a Labour MP and a minister in Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Government.

An article from the Sunday Mail from the time of the incident, which occurred at the turn of the millennium, said Foulkes was involved in a dispute at a football match.

It alleged he told the officers who arrested him, “‘You will be in trouble - my father is an MP and my mother is on the police board’.”

Has even had his very own "DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM" moment too ;)

Alas they still didn't want him anywhere near British Politics .. can't imagine why not :)

It alleged he told the officers who arrested him, “‘You will be in trouble - my father is an MP and my mother is on the police board’.”

Something that the local She Who rants and chants like a mindless Banshee hasn't got on her own List of Achievements & infamy ;)

Poor Chloe (aka Cry Baby) could be about to be Foulked by the Baron's Son ;)

Now that would be priceless to see happen ;)

Is there some obscure Scottish Hamlet who might feel a bit sorry and want to take onboard a new Mayoress for the hamlet, so she can run away and hide out of sight ? :)

26-02-2024, 06:48 PM

Police set to lay additional charge against former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman

The former Green MP, whose occupation is listed as a barrister on court documents, was set to appear at the Auckland District Court on Wednesday, however she’s now set to appear on March 20, her lawyer Annabel Cresswell told Stuff.

The huddle of Pointy Noses around the Bar aint going to like that reference ;)

29-02-2024, 01:05 PM
From an Ian Taylor opinion piece behind paywall in the Herald today https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-national-party-the-pm-and-busting-myths-about-their-approach-to-climate-change-sir-ian-taylor/USBSSO6RXJA3FF3K5V62CSZ24A/, where he mentions his experience with Marama Davidson at a Leaders debate before last year's election. Proves once again that The Green Party is no longer an environmental party and hasn't been for a while :

"That night Marama Davidson hardly mentioned climate - the dialogue was all about the rich hiding their wealth in their back pockets. When she finally got around to mentioning climate change her observation was that those who thought technology would fix it were fooling themselves.

I thought, she couldn’t really mean that, so I approached her privately after the event only to be summarily dismissed with a comment along these lines - “I have heard this stuff before - I don’t need to hear it from you.”

This was the co-leader of the Green Party and, in contrast to my experience at the Bluegreen Forum, I left that night truly depressed."

29-02-2024, 01:40 PM
From an Ian Taylor opinion piece behind paywall in the Herald today https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-national-party-the-pm-and-busting-myths-about-their-approach-to-climate-change-sir-ian-taylor/USBSSO6RXJA3FF3K5V62CSZ24A/, where he mentions his experience with Marama Davidson at a Leaders debate before last year's election. Proves once again that The Green Party is no longer an environmental party and hasn't been for a while :

"That night Marama Davidson hardly mentioned climate - the dialogue was all about the rich hiding their wealth in their back pockets. When she finally got around to mentioning climate change her observation was that those who thought technology would fix it were fooling themselves.

I thought, she couldn’t really mean that, so I approached her privately after the event only to be summarily dismissed with a comment along these lines - “I have heard this stuff before - I don’t need to hear it from you.”

This was the co-leader of the Green Party and, in contrast to my experience at the Bluegreen Forum, I left that night truly depressed."

Marama likes her tech old school styles. A digging stick for the kumara patch is all we need. It can double as a taioha in a pinch. Of course the cooking over the open fire is a bit of an issue, but it will be offset by the unused rusting trucks and tractors, put out of work by the teams of oxen. Hmm, oxen...methane. Let Marama think this one through a little and we'll get back to you.

29-02-2024, 02:13 PM
From an Ian Taylor opinion piece behind paywall in the Herald today https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-national-party-the-pm-and-busting-myths-about-their-approach-to-climate-change-sir-ian-taylor/USBSSO6RXJA3FF3K5V62CSZ24A/, where he mentions his experience with Marama Davidson at a Leaders debate before last year's election. Proves once again that The Green Party is no longer an environmental party and hasn't been for a while :

"That night Marama Davidson hardly mentioned climate - the dialogue was all about the rich hiding their wealth in their back pockets. When she finally got around to mentioning climate change her observation was that those who thought technology would fix it were fooling themselves.

I thought, she couldn’t really mean that, so I approached her privately after the event only to be summarily dismissed with a comment along these lines - “I have heard this stuff before - I don’t need to hear it from you.”

This was the co-leader of the Green Party and, in contrast to my experience at the Bluegreen Forum, I left that night truly depressed."

Cuckoo land stuff for sure from what’s left of the Green Party.

Ian Taylor continued :

Then there was the quite extraordinary “victory speech” we witnessed on election night from Davidson which totally ignored the reality of the world of MMP.

While the Greens may have won more seats than they had before, they had also made themselves virtually irrelevant for at least the next three years, probably much longer.

And that was the difference that Gary Taylor noted last weekend. “The forum is an assembly of progressive and knowledgeable people - including environmentally aware members of National’s caucus.”

29-02-2024, 06:06 PM
Gary Taylor wasn't so impressed with the fast tracking proposed by the new Government on things like mining projects saying that the new Government & Shane Jones in particular has already a complete disregard fir the environment. Remember the "bye, bye Freddy" line. It was a stupid comment from Jones.

29-02-2024, 06:49 PM
Gary Taylor wasn't so impressed with the fast tracking proposed by the new Government on things like mining projects saying that the new Government & Shane Jones in particular has already a complete disregard fir the environment. Remember the "bye, bye Freddy" line. It was a stupid comment from Jones.

One of Labour's big promises was to grow our aquaculture industry. But the hoops the industry had to jump through to get licences for water space was such that the industry stagnated under Labour. Hopefully Jones et al will turn this around. There is a middle ground and no need for the extreme environmental restrictions that serve no purpose, like the recent decline of Ngai Tahu's application for a huge salmon farm off Stewart Island. Hopefully that will be revisited and given the green light.

Hopefully we will see some new mining projects as well. We need more exports in this country.

29-02-2024, 06:54 PM
From an Ian Taylor opinion piece behind paywall in the Herald today https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/the-national-party-the-pm-and-busting-myths-about-their-approach-to-climate-change-sir-ian-taylor/USBSSO6RXJA3FF3K5V62CSZ24A/, where he mentions his experience with Marama Davidson at a Leaders debate before last year's election. Proves once again that The Green Party is no longer an environmental party and hasn't been for a while :

"That night Marama Davidson hardly mentioned climate - the dialogue was all about the rich hiding their wealth in their back pockets. When she finally got around to mentioning climate change her observation was that those who thought technology would fix it were fooling themselves.

I thought, she couldn’t really mean that, so I approached her privately after the event only to be summarily dismissed with a comment along these lines - “I have heard this stuff before - I don’t need to hear it from you.”

This was the co-leader of the Green Party and, in contrast to my experience at the Bluegreen Forum, I left that night truly depressed."

You forgot to speak to her in Te Reo. That is the only way you will be seen as a supporter and not as a racist. I also feel the young Green voter has changed as well. You now need to be more about inclusiveness rather than about the environment

29-02-2024, 08:36 PM
You forgot to speak to her in Te Reo. That is the only way you will be seen as a supporter and not as a racist. I also feel the young Green voter has changed as well. You now need to be more about inclusiveness rather than about the environment

I wouldnt so much say a racist as a factist !!

02-03-2024, 04:29 PM
One of Labour's big promises was to grow our aquaculture industry. But the hoops the industry had to jump through to get licences for water space was such that the industry stagnated under Labour. Hopefully Jones et al will turn this around. There is a middle ground and no need for the extreme environmental restrictions that serve no purpose, like the recent decline of Ngai Tahu's application for a huge salmon farm off Stewart Island. Hopefully that will be revisited and given the green light.

Hopefully we will see some new mining projects as well. We need more exports in this country.

Aquaculture isn't the dream industry it's made out to be, is fraught with risk and climate change is having a significant impact on the industry, I.e the massive Salmon farm that failed in the Marlborough Sounds recently due to warmer sea temperatures. Mind you as most righties don't believe in Climate Change, then there's no problem, until it's an economic failure.

Aquaculture, depending on what it is, has also been an environmental failure with concentration of fish poo and diseased fish causing problems. Personally I prefer my fish antibiotic free and not dyed to look right.

02-03-2024, 04:45 PM
Marama likes her tech old school styles. A digging stick for the kumara patch is all we need. It can double as a taioha in a pinch. Of course the cooking over the open fire is a bit of an issue, but it will be offset by the unused rusting trucks and tractors, put out of work by the teams of oxen. Hmm, oxen...methane. Let Marama think this one through a little and we'll get back to you.

I'm no fan of Davidson at all.
But let me get this straight.
You make up a BS fable and then add, " let Marama think this one through"
As if it's real! 😅
Your mind does wander & I know you believe in fables, but this is beyond the pale.
An attempt at humour? I repeat, an attempt...

06-03-2024, 04:45 PM

What is the Winston Rule and did James Shaw just kill it?

Poor James (on the way out) whines about Winston interrupting 'his attempts to work out how many
degrees' there are ;)

How many were mislead about the published releases on the Degrees alleged to have been held ? ;)

10-03-2024, 12:13 PM
Cry Baby become new joint Green Leader Sidekick in place of James 'How Many Degrees"


NZ politics live: Chlöe Swarbrick confirmed as new Green Party co-leader

Any hope for the Watermelon munchers now ? ;)

10-03-2024, 12:38 PM
Good result for the Greens and Swarbrick will increase their appeal as long as she can keep Davidson in check.
I don't agree with all her views, but she is highly intelligent and has a lot of integrity which is a pretty good base.
Hopefully she can gee up the youth vote which could be decisive in any election if they actually turned out to vote.

10-03-2024, 06:18 PM
Phew, 2 wahine Greens to hold the coalition to account now eh?

The coalies won't mined will they?

10-03-2024, 07:40 PM
Phew, 2 wahine Greens to hold the coalition to account now eh?

The coalies won't mined will they?

Swarbrick is sharp and an eloquent speaker.
She has gone head to head with David Seymour and Winston Peters on many occasions and more than held her own.

10-03-2024, 07:44 PM
Swarbrick is sharp and an eloquent speaker.
She has gone head to head with David Seymour and Winston Peters on many occasions and more than held her own.

Well said,the future can be more humanitarian with her around kicking against the moneymakers.

10-03-2024, 07:47 PM
Phew, 2 wahine Greens to hold the coalition to account now eh?

The coalies won't mined will they?

it wont take long & one or both will soon soil the nest again like most before them ;)

Which one will be wearing the pants - as prescribed by the rules ? ;)

10-03-2024, 08:18 PM
Swarbrick is sharp and an eloquent speaker.
She has gone head to head with David Seymour and Winston Peters on many occasions and more than held her own.

If she is an eloquent speaker then the bar has been well and truly lowered. Waffle more like, similar to Ardern. Plenty of noise. Not much substance.

10-03-2024, 08:35 PM
If she is an eloquent speaker then the bar has been well and truly lowered. Waffle more like, similar to Ardern. Plenty of noise. Not much substance.

Same Swarbrick who thought the Greens won on election night and gave a victory speech! She woke up the next morning and realized her party was out of government. Delusional and full of BS & spin - exactly like Clueless Cindy.

“From Wellington to Auckland city Ponsonby, our clothings will be free!”

Can’t even take care of one of their own, Golriz, and she thinks she can take care of NZ!

10-03-2024, 09:07 PM
Got a real look of penance about her does our new wahine Green.

Lighten up a bit girl!

Stop trying to emulate Greta!

10-03-2024, 09:45 PM
Could be a future Prime Minister,but why would she want to after what Jacinda Adern went through.Think that doco should look and uplift Balances threads so we can learn about why people are such print terrorist intense extreme haters.

10-03-2024, 11:29 PM
Could be a future Prime Minister,but why would she want to after what Jacinda Adern went through.Think that doco should look and uplift Balances threads so we can learn about why people are such print terrorist intense extreme haters.

If she were ever pm, we would be out of business within 3 years. No doubt at all.

11-03-2024, 01:46 AM
If she were ever pm, we would be out of business within 3 years. No doubt at all.

Might need to find out where to whip up a few extra degrees in a hurry for that ;)

Perhaps a former joint leader could help out on pointing her in the right direction ? ;)

11-03-2024, 08:37 AM
Could be a future Prime Minister,but why would she want to after what Jacinda Adern went through.Think that doco should look and uplift Balances threads so we can learn about why people are such print terrorist intense extreme haters.

Well Balance makes more sense in his posts than you do.

The Greens would totally destroy NZ quicker than Labour was doing. A collective of activists, nothing else.

11-03-2024, 09:42 AM
Well Balance makes more sense in his posts than you do.

The Greens would totally destroy NZ quicker than Labour was doing. A collective of activists, nothing else.

So you enjoy his constant reference to his own backside & others kissing it? Or the constant barrage of insults?
Balance is obviously quite intelligent, it's just a shame he's constantly in the gutter & also has no balance at all.

Neither Labour or National are all bad or all good. Both have their merits and deficiencies. The problem with many posters on here, they will never accept that, which really undermines their rhetoric.

I'm hoping Swarbrick brings the party back to concentrating more on environmental issues rather than a social agenda as I think the Government will love the distraction, whilst they steam through a power grab I.e fast tracking.

What is being proposed, that basically the minister will be able to fast track major projects without the environmental oversight there currently is, is troubling. Especially when you have a minister such as Shane Jones saying such things as bye, bye Freddy.

Jobs are important but not at any cost and jobs are temporary whereas the environmental impact can be permanent. I am all for cutting red tape, but self appointed power to circumvent good practice is dangerous.

12-03-2024, 05:57 PM

New Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick cuddles up to Te Pāti Māori

Nothing like sharing the communal flees around ;)

12-03-2024, 06:19 PM

New Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick cuddles up to Te Pāti Māori

Nothing like sharing the communal flees around ;)

Very environmentally focused :D:D

13-03-2024, 03:08 PM
Golriz on court today and plead guilty to all charges.

She may be cray cray, but man she is still a honey though...

If I ever get the chance to chat her up I guess I can't bust out the line "You must be a thief because you just sole my heart..." :D

13-03-2024, 03:44 PM
Golriz on court today and plead guilty to all charges.

She may be cray cray, but man she is still a honey though...

If I ever get the chance to chat her up I guess I can't bust out the line "You must be a thief because you just sole my heart..." :D

Take away the layers of make up (especially the eyes) - the revelation may change your mind.

fungus pudding
13-03-2024, 03:57 PM
Golriz on court today and plead guilty to all charges.

She may be cray cray, but man she is still a honey though...

-----best you pop along to specsavers.

13-03-2024, 03:59 PM
Take away the layers of make up (especially the eyes) - the revelation may change your mind.

That’s true of most women I reckon mate.

Thank God for Revlon!

13-03-2024, 04:09 PM
-----best you pop along to specsavers.

Come on mate she puts the purrrr in Persian and you know it!

fungus pudding
13-03-2024, 04:24 PM
Come on mate she puts the purrrr in Persian and you know it!

.. can't see it myself.

13-03-2024, 06:34 PM
She still planning on practicing as a convicted light fingered Maid on the Bar among the pointy noses ? ;)

Or have the pointers on Good Character & Not bringing the Bar into disrepute been laxed ? ;)

Do they accept wet bus tickets & bicycle passes there too now ? :)

13-03-2024, 08:42 PM
And notice not a single Green Party MP to seen anywhere near Golriz?

Bear in mind that they completely failed her in not noticing that she was suffering from stress, mental health issues and breakdown - which they acknowledged as reasons for her behaviour.

But not one turned up in court in her time of need - not one - to lend her moral and emotional support.

And NZers are supposed to believe that they are compassionate politicians who want to better society!!!!

They really are beyond contempt.

Bill Smith
13-03-2024, 09:21 PM
Dollars to doughnuts the early guilty plea is part of an agreed plot for a discharge without conviction.

13-03-2024, 09:30 PM
Dollars to doughnuts the early guilty plea is part of an agreed plot for a discharge without conviction.

I suspect you are right !!

13-03-2024, 09:54 PM
I suspect you are right !!

Not much sign of "those alleged issues" that were blamed today either ;)

Probably very adept at charming the way out of even the narrowest barrel :)

Wonder if Robbo needs another understudy at Otago or perhaps Auckland within cycling distance ? ;)

13-03-2024, 10:08 PM
Not much sign of "those alleged issues" that were blamed today either ;)

Probably very adept at charming the way out of even the narrowest barrel :)

Wonder if Robbo needs another understudy at Otago or perhaps Auckland within cycling distance ? ;)

She probably wants to keep her practicing licence so she can go back to her former career of defending despots in Africa. The facade of being a fighter for justice for the poor hasn't worked to well for her.

13-03-2024, 11:00 PM
She probably wants to keep her practicing licence so she can go back to her former career of defending despots in Africa. The facade of being a fighter for justice for the poor hasn't worked to well for her.

Might need to be re-certified that all the issues have been excised .. might not be easy with the Media staring down each & every move :)

Wonder if the Greens need a part time filing clerk out back to do a few hours under supervision - a good distance away from the Coat Stand ? ;)

Doesn't look promising:


Golriz Ghahraman shoplifting court case: Is this the end of the ex-Green MP’s law career?

The legal career of disgraced former Green MP and admitted shoplifter Golriz Ghahraman could be in tatters after she pleaded guilty to all charges in court today, a legal expert says.

14-03-2024, 06:54 AM
No worries.

With her light fingers, she'll be a concert pianist in no time!

14-03-2024, 09:20 AM
Dollars to doughnuts the early guilty plea is part of an agreed plot for a discharge without conviction.

I am sympathetic to the judge granting a discharge without conviction - subject to her staying out of politics given her toxic political personality.

Everyone deserves a second chance and she still has good years ahead to do good for society and do something positive after all the hypocrisy of her Green politics.

14-03-2024, 12:04 PM

I definitely don't think Golriz's life should be ruined over this whole thieving saga.

But whether she ends up getting a conviction or not (I suspect she won't) - who in their right mind would ever hire her for legal services?

Christ, who the Hell would even want to employ her?

I wouldn't have thought her future is in Law is what I am getting at.

Of course, if she does not get a conviction... is there not a moral obligation to review all of the other cases where people were convicted? I am sure they all have a sad story as to why their mental health deteriorated to the point they stole. Rough upbrinngings, daddy issues, poverty etc etc...

14-03-2024, 12:47 PM
A different take on Greens politics:


14-03-2024, 12:55 PM

I definitely don't think Golriz's life should be ruined over this whole thieving saga.

But whether she ends up getting a conviction or not (I suspect she won't) - who in their right mind would ever hire her for legal services?

Christ, who the Hell would even want to employ her?

I wouldn't have thought her future is in Law is what I am getting at.

Of course, if she does not get a conviction... is there not a moral obligation to review all of the other cases where people were convicted? I am sure they all have a sad story as to why their mental health deteriorated to the point they stole. Rough upbrinngings, daddy issues, poverty etc etc...

Who would employ her ? They will be lining up to employ the poor down trodden thing with her credentials,mental health issues, refugee, woman of colour.

14-03-2024, 12:57 PM
Who would employ her ? They will be lining up to employ the poor down trodden thing with her credentials,mental health issues, refugee, woman of colour.

Not to forget somebody’s description of her as a real ‘honey’ here!

14-03-2024, 01:00 PM
Not to forget somebody’s description of her as a real ‘honey’ here!

And green to boot !

14-03-2024, 01:23 PM
Not to forget somebody’s description of her as a real ‘honey’ here!

I meant she may be batsh1t but mmm mmm mmmm she fine!

fungus pudding
14-03-2024, 03:18 PM
I meant she may be batsh1t but mmm mmm mmmm she fine!

Another one due for a trip to specsavers.

14-03-2024, 03:51 PM
I meant she may be batsh1t but mmm mmm mmmm she fine!

Stealing a kiss from her could be possible, receiving a stolen dress from her would be more likely.

14-03-2024, 04:09 PM
Stealing a kiss from her could be possible, receiving a stolen dress from her would be more likely.

Mmm, mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm!

She wouldn't even need to steal from me because I would just hand over everything I have anyway...

14-03-2024, 05:04 PM
Mmm, mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm!

She wouldn't even need to steal from me because I would just hand over everything I have anyway...

Unconventional Hobbies. ✓
Enigmatic Passions: Mysterious women often have unconventional hobbies or interests. They may be drawn to the arts, philosophy, or other areas that require deep introspection. These passions add to their enigmatic charm. Emotional Resilience: A mysterious woman's emotional resilience is a key sign of her mystery

14-03-2024, 08:45 PM
I am sympathetic to the judge granting a discharge without conviction - subject to her staying out of politics given her toxic political personality.

Everyone deserves a second chance and she still has good years ahead to do good for society and do something positive after all the hypocrisy of her Green politics.

Agree everyone deserves a second chance at making a life for themselves. She should be treated the same as everyone else in the court. That would most likely mean she will never work as a lawyer again. So be it. Misbehaving comes with consequences

14-03-2024, 11:01 PM
Seems like mista tea would like to do the spanking, if deemed appropriate punishment under Vedic law...

15-03-2024, 07:04 AM
Seems like mista tea would like to do the spanking, if deemed appropriate punishment under Vedic law...

In this particular case, more likely I would want to be the one being spanked mate…

15-03-2024, 07:23 AM
Green MP suspended

Something to do with migrant exploitation

15-03-2024, 07:28 AM
Green MP suspended

Something to do with migrant exploitation

Migrant paid in cash and outstanding wages and holiday pay is the claim. Chloe on radio just now sounded just stupid. They have appointed an "independent expert" to investigate the allegations, to try to shut it down. Green Leadership has known about this for over a month.
They have not learnt anything from their appalling handling of Golriz. They seem to have some real issues with honesty.

15-03-2024, 08:05 AM
Migrant paid in cash and outstanding wages and holiday pay is the claim. Chloe on radio just now sounded just stupid. They have appointed an "independent expert" to investigate the allegations, to try to shut it down. Green Leadership has known about this for over a month.
They have not learnt anything from their appalling handling of Golriz. They seem to have some real issues with honesty.

Man oh man.

These guys are so High and Mighty all of the time and yet it seems their ranks are full of thieving scam artists.

Can’t wait for blue skies to come on and defend them.

I am sure this is Luxon’s fault.

15-03-2024, 08:18 AM
Man oh man.

These guys are so High and Mighty all of the time and yet it seems their ranks are full of thieving scam artists.

Can’t wait for blue skies to come on and defend them.

I am sure this is Luxon’s fault.

I'm sure we don't have to wait too long to her him repeat what he will read on his "newsletter" from The Greens this morning ;)

15-03-2024, 08:19 AM
Like the title of this thread says "More Green's Bull Shi!"

Absolute f**cking clowns

Blue Skies
15-03-2024, 08:31 AM
Blimmy, recognise her & husband from 'Bikes & Beyond' a very well known E Bike business in Newmarket (AKL) & Waiheke, selling, renting and mechanical maintenance of E Bikes.

15-03-2024, 08:40 AM
In this particular case, more likely I would want to be the one being spanked mate…

We thought you wanted to get to the bottom of it ...

15-03-2024, 08:47 AM
Re 1ZB interview this morning.

Chloe, Chloe Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe!!!

15-03-2024, 08:59 AM
Re 1ZB interview this morning.

Chloe, Chloe Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, Chloe!!!

Here is the link (https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/chloe-swarbrick-green-party-co-leader-on-the-allegations-and-suspension-of-mp-darleen-tana/).

Well worth a listen!

Man, these guys are so bad. They wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face.

Chloe would not even answer if Darleen denies the allegations. Wtf.

So defensive and passive aggressive was Chloe. "Mike..." "Mike, I want to be clear..." No, MIKE...let me be clear..." Jesus H Christ, this is the best one they could find for co-leadership?

15-03-2024, 09:09 AM
Chloe is a light weight fraud - just like Clueless Cindy.

“From Wellington to Ponsonby, our clothings will be free!” Sums up what the Grrens are about these days.

Beyond contempt.

15-03-2024, 09:16 AM
Fark me. Obfuscating is worse than just coming out and telling us what is what. God, she floundered, I thought she was about to burst into tears....no doubt it will be another mental health issue

The entitlement is strong with this lot

15-03-2024, 09:17 AM
Blimmy, recognise her & husband from 'Bikes & Beyond' a very well known E Bike business in Newmarket (AKL) & Waiheke, selling, renting and mechanical maintenance of E Bikes.

...still waiting for you to educate us on how this is all actually the new Coalition's fault...

15-03-2024, 09:23 AM
Fark me. Obfuscating is worse than just coming out and telling us what is what. God, she floundered, I thought she was about to burst into tears....

Yeah here voice was getting all shaky with anger because Mike had the audacity not accept her lengthy-non-answer.

Simple question - does Darleen deny the allegations?

MIKE, I can't answer that because of the process with our top notch expert... rest assured (trust us lol) if she is guilty there will be hell to pay MIKE, but I can't tell you anything at all... like, literally nothing at all... because we prefer to keep everything secret right until the point where we absolutely have to share.

Then if Darleen is guilty, we have to consider the possibility that she was just mentally well. We don't hire bad buggers you see because we are awesome MIKE. No thieving b1tches in our ranks. And we definitely do not exploit human beings MIKE. Let me be clear, MIKE, if she is guilty (and remember I won't even say if she denies the allegations MIKE) then we will have to conclude that it was out of character due to work stress, particularly being a woman in the workplace MIKE and so probably we will just need to give her lots of cuddles and wrap our arms around her in support.

ok MIKE​?

15-03-2024, 09:39 AM
On her 1ZB radio interview, Chloe will be wishing she turned the Mike off!

15-03-2024, 09:42 AM
On her 1ZB radio interview, Chloe will be wishing she turned the Mike off!

I guess he hadn't pushed her totally off the edge with his 'impertinence' or she might have started every sentence with Michael.

Blue Skies
15-03-2024, 09:57 AM
...still waiting for you to educate us on how this is all actually the new Coalition's fault...

You're barking up the wrong tree there Mr T.
Go & have a cuppa Dilmar, or is it Earl Grey?

15-03-2024, 10:00 AM
You're barking up the wrong tree there Mr T.
Go & have a cuppa Dilmar, or is it Earl Grey?

Things must be bad indeed.

By now we would usually have a wall of text from you as to why everything is winnies fault. or Seymour. Or Luxon.

For you to be so quiet it must be pretty grim indeed!


15-03-2024, 11:20 AM
Like the title of this thread says "More Green's Bull Shi!"

Absolute f**cking clowns

It's no wonder James Shaw pulled the pin, not that I have any time for him, but he obviously saw the writing on the wall regards this rabble.

15-03-2024, 11:28 AM
It's no wonder James Shaw pulled the pin, not that I have any time for him, but he obviously saw the writing on the wall regards this rabble.

No - he got out before he was outed for his fake degree.

What a bunch of fakes!

15-03-2024, 11:47 AM
NZH Splatter on this:


Green Party MP Darleen Tana suspended amid migrant exploitation allegations

More fall offs the Green Log lately than Chippie had hot breakfasts before being thrown in the gutter ;)

15-03-2024, 11:53 AM
NZH Splatter on this:


Green Party MP Darleen Tana suspended amid migrant exploitation allegations

More fall offs the Green Log lately than Chippie had hot breakfasts before being thrown in the gutter ;)

Hubby denies it all.

According to him neither of them discuss their work in any way, shape or form around the kitchen table :D

Ahhh the lies never end with this lot.

According to one of the complaints, Darleen was directly involved.

Let's see what this 'independent expert' makes of it all.

15-03-2024, 11:58 AM
I suspect this is BS now after the latest grim news.


15-03-2024, 12:09 PM
Darleen true to her beliefs …previous company involved in was GREEN WHEELS

15-03-2024, 12:17 PM
Golriz stole from the rich, now Darleen is stealing from the poor.

No discrimination from the Greens. Love to see it!

Blue Skies
15-03-2024, 12:44 PM
Things must be bad indeed.

By now we would usually have a wall of text from you as to why everything is winnies fault. or Seymour. Or Luxon.

For you to be so quiet it must be pretty grim indeed!


Just to be clear, my view on Golriz is high profile celebrities, sports people, politicians, should be treated like everybody else when it comes to court sentencing & there's too much emphasis on mitigation due to reputational damage already done, and specious mental health issues. A conviction & some Community Service would be appropriate in my view. And might need to re train for some other career than law.
If it was an impulsive one off, would be different, but 3 separate occasions !

As for Darleen Tana, the way the Greens have mishandled it, is really bad. Imagine it's quite difficult though as its allegations & she is a powerful Maori women & anyone whose dealt with HR issues in large organisations (i.e. the Greens) would know what I mean. Tricky.

15-03-2024, 12:49 PM
Darleen was Green spokesperson for small business

Blue Skies
15-03-2024, 12:57 PM
Darleen was Green spokesperson for small business

Yes I know but the large organisation I was referring to was the Greens, not her husbands business.

15-03-2024, 12:58 PM
Revelations coming out (substantiated by other sources like YouTube, mobile texts etc) show multiple digressions from the law by Tana and her company :

Illegally hiring overseas workers without valid work permits/visas

Paying cash to circumvent taxation requirements

Circumventing employees’ holiday entitlement

Underpaying staff


15-03-2024, 01:05 PM
Revelations coming out (substantiated by other sources like YouTube, mobile texts etc) show multiple digressions from the law by Tana and her company :

Illegally hiring overseas workers without valid work permits/visas

Paying cash to circumvent taxation requirements

Circumventing employees’ holiday entitlement

Underpaying staff


No wonder she was accepted as a Green Party member then.

15-03-2024, 01:36 PM
No wonder she was accepted as a Green Party member then.

And Chloe Swarbrick (knowing full well the allegations against Tana already) was very happy to have the alleged-migrant-exploiting MP standing behind her last week, grinning like a cat with cream :

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/resizer/v2/MCHQYGP525CZTPMHW3FZBB2VIM.jpg?auth=c2638e5f484dd0 d8008892277b1d59fd79a242689039ef7e1c81d7f1ca9fe4e5&width=1440&height=942&quality=70&smart=true

Same Darleen Tana who delivered her maiden speech expressing hope for tamariki, mokopuna bs bs bs … because migrants (especially illegal ones) can be exploited?

15-03-2024, 01:36 PM
No wonder she was accepted as a Green Party member then.

Wonder what wishful excuses will be trotted out this time ? :)

Any other Green MP's awaiting a planned plank walking exercise or wait a while now ? ;)

Wonder what the walls are looking like in Marama's office - many holes ? furniture still standing ?

Poor old James probably left with good timing -- might have realised that the only hair he would have left would have been a few whiskers & b*m fluff around his chin if he waited longer :)

15-03-2024, 01:37 PM
At this rate Ben Doyle will soon be a MP

Seems a good enough guy

15-03-2024, 01:45 PM
Conflict of interest?

You betcha when the judge and Golriz used to work on cases together!

Peter Williams: The Ghahraman Conflict

What was that judge thinking?

That Golriz Ghahraman and District Court Judge Maria Pecotic were once lawyer colleagues is incontrovertible.

There is published evidence that they took at least one case to the Court of Appeal together. There was a report on the case in Stuff in 2016 and another story about them working together in the New Zealand Herald in February 2018.

Why Judge Pecotic did not recuse herself from Ghahraman’s court appearance on shoplifting charges this week is a question only she can answer. The former MP pleaded guilty but the conflict of interest is so obvious as to be laughable.

This piece of news became known later in the day of the court appearance. Callers to talkback radio identified the issue that night, and Cam Slater unearthed the two historic news reports on the BFD the following morning.

The topic was running hot on Twitter (X) all day Thursday and Philip Crump from Newstalk ZB Plus published a lengthy story on the matter late on Thursday afternoon, seeking comment from the Chief District Court Judge.

(The Chief DCJ’s response is that at the hearing “no perceived conflict was raised.” The PR statement went on to say “as the matter is still before the court it would not be appropriate to comment further.”)

Crump, being the top lawyer that he is, goes on to explain the District Court Recusal Guidelines. Again, the wording is so clearcut it beggars belief Judge Pecotic did not recuse herself.

"The guiding principle is that a Judge is disqualified from sitting if in the circumstances there is a real possibility that in the eyes of a fair-minded and fully informed observer the Judge might not be impartial in reaching a decision in the case." (Emphasis added)

We know the New Zealand legal and judicial community is relatively small. Many a time a lawyer will appear before a judge they may once have been in the same firm as.

But that’s when a lawyer is representing a client.

Not many lawyers will have sat in the dock as accused criminals in front of a judge they were once a colleague of, and in the Court of Appeal no less.

In my social circle, I am acquaintances, possibly even friends, with two DCJs. If I was to appear in front of either of them charged with a crime, I would expect them to recuse themselves. If they didn’t, I would ask my lawyer to raise the matter. That is the only fair and decent thing to do in an honest society.

Until 6pm Thursday, Crump’s was the only report from what you might call the mainstream media to report of what is surely a salient fact in the Ghahraman saga. Yet his story is behind a paywall, and his colleagues at neither the New Zealand Herald or Newstalk ZB itself have not thought the issue worthwhile to follow up.

It goes without saying that Stuff, RNZ and Newshub did not bother with this new development in the story either.

1 News led the bulletin with it on Thursday night but the conflict issue was not mentioned in a long website post on Ghahraman’s offending.

Which begs the question - why ?

As citizens we should be outraged at this.

The hearing was brought forward a week at very short notice. Is that because Judge Pecotic would be sitting on Wednesday and could help her erstwhile lawyer colleague?

Will the same judge conduct the sentencing in June?

If she is will the prosecution counsel raise this obvious conflict then?

The days since Ghahraman’s guilty plea have been a triumph for social media and citizen journalism.

And the mainstream outlets wonder why they’re going broke and the public is losing trust in them.

Peter Williams was a writer and broadcaster for half a century. Now watching from the sidelines. Peter blogs regularly on Peter’s Substack

15-03-2024, 02:00 PM
Conflict of interest?

You betcha when the judge and Golriz used to work on cases together!

Peter Williams: The Ghahraman Conflict

What was that judge thinking?

That Golriz Ghahraman and District Court Judge Maria Pecotic were once lawyer colleagues is incontrovertible.

There is published evidence that they took at least one case to the Court of Appeal together. There was a report on the case in Stuff in 2016 and another story about them working together in the New Zealand Herald in February 2018.

Why Judge Pecotic did not recuse herself from Ghahraman’s court appearance on shoplifting charges this week is a question only she can answer. The former MP pleaded guilty but the conflict of interest is so obvious as to be laughable.

This piece of news became known later in the day of the court appearance. Callers to talkback radio identified the issue that night, and Cam Slater unearthed the two historic news reports on the BFD the following morning.

The topic was running hot on Twitter (X) all day Thursday and Philip Crump from Newstalk ZB Plus published a lengthy story on the matter late on Thursday afternoon, seeking comment from the Chief District Court Judge.

(The Chief DCJ’s response is that at the hearing “no perceived conflict was raised.” The PR statement went on to say “as the matter is still before the court it would not be appropriate to comment further.”)

Crump, being the top lawyer that he is, goes on to explain the District Court Recusal Guidelines. Again, the wording is so clearcut it beggars belief Judge Pecotic did not recuse herself.

"The guiding principle is that a Judge is disqualified from sitting if in the circumstances there is a real possibility that in the eyes of a fair-minded and fully informed observer the Judge might not be impartial in reaching a decision in the case." (Emphasis added)

We know the New Zealand legal and judicial community is relatively small. Many a time a lawyer will appear before a judge they may once have been in the same firm as.

But that’s when a lawyer is representing a client.

Not many lawyers will have sat in the dock as accused criminals in front of a judge they were once a colleague of, and in the Court of Appeal no less.

In my social circle, I am acquaintances, possibly even friends, with two DCJs. If I was to appear in front of either of them charged with a crime, I would expect them to recuse themselves. If they didn’t, I would ask my lawyer to raise the matter. That is the only fair and decent thing to do in an honest society.

Until 6pm Thursday, Crump’s was the only report from what you might call the mainstream media to report of what is surely a salient fact in the Ghahraman saga. Yet his story is behind a paywall, and his colleagues at neither the New Zealand Herald or Newstalk ZB itself have not thought the issue worthwhile to follow up.

It goes without saying that Stuff, RNZ and Newshub did not bother with this new development in the story either.

1 News led the bulletin with it on Thursday night but the conflict issue was not mentioned in a long website post on Ghahraman’s offending.

Which begs the question - why ?

As citizens we should be outraged at this.

The hearing was brought forward a week at very short notice. Is that because Judge Pecotic would be sitting on Wednesday and could help her erstwhile lawyer colleague?

Will the same judge conduct the sentencing in June?

If she is will the prosecution counsel raise this obvious conflict then?

The days since Ghahraman’s guilty plea have been a triumph for social media and citizen journalism.

And the mainstream outlets wonder why they’re going broke and the public is losing trust in them.

Peter Williams was a writer and broadcaster for half a century. Now watching from the sidelines. Peter blogs regularly on Peter’s Substack

Pete is good value.

I know this is the Green bashing forum. but how come Pete (retired) is asking more questions than our so-called media? (https://peterallanwilliams.substack.com/p/seriously-willie)

15-03-2024, 02:06 PM
Pete is good value.

I know this is the Green bashing forum. but how come Pete (retired) is asking more questions than our so-called media? (https://peterallanwilliams.substack.com/p/seriously-willie)

Easy answer - a fair quotient of the Media - probably most of them with any clue either have or are in the process of jumping or being pushed overboard from Media outfits after the Labour meal ticket ran out :)

15-03-2024, 02:13 PM
Still someone on deck & lights still on at NZH in the Breaking Scandal's Dept:


Green Party’s horror run continues with MP Darleen Tana’s suspension - Audrey Young


15-03-2024, 02:37 PM
Golriz and Judge peas in a Green pod eh?

Will she be a darling to Darleen as well?

15-03-2024, 04:14 PM

Not exactly a denial is it.

So the Greens are made up of bullying, thieving slavers.


16-03-2024, 10:19 AM

Not exactly a denial is it.

So the Greens are made up of bullying, thieving slavers.


Have a read of this and one must conclude that the Greens are hypocrites of the worse order!

One of their own MPs was an active exploiter of migrant workers!

https://www.greens.org.nz/greens_secure_greater_protections_for_exploited_mi grant_workers

“Migrant exploitation is rife in Aotearoa, and unfortunately many migrants who face exploitation end up in breach of their visa conditions putting them at risk of deportation. Migrants should have the confidence that any moves to hold exploitative employers to account should not end up causing harm to the victims of exploitation,” says Green Party immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March.

16-03-2024, 10:44 AM
Have a read of this and one must conclude that the Greens are hypocrites of the worse order!

One of their own MPs was an active exploiter of migrant workers!

https://www.greens.org.nz/greens_secure_greater_protections_for_exploited_mi grant_workers

“Migrant exploitation is rife in Aotearoa, and unfortunately many migrants who face exploitation end up in breach of their visa conditions putting them at risk of deportation. Migrants should have the confidence that any moves to hold exploitative employers to account should not end up causing harm to the victims of exploitation,” says Green Party immigration spokesperson Ricardo Menéndez March.

It’s actually just shocking.

The Greens like to take the ‘moral high ground’ on every issue you can think of.

So High and Mighty about it all too.

And it turns out they are literally just a bunch of crooks.

16-03-2024, 11:12 AM

Darleen Tana case: Former employees speak out

Another former employee, Nick Scott, who won an ERA ruling that he was owed about $30,000 in wages, penalties and costs, says he is still waiting.

Scott worked for the company in 2021 - two years after Tana relinquished her shareholding. But he said despite that, Tana still dealt with the company’s payroll while he worked there.

Scott is also represented by Kersjes, who said he had issued a statutory demand for payment, and if that didn’t arrive within seven days, he would apply to liquidate the company.

Kersjes said bailiffs had already seized several bikes from the Newmarket store and he had hoped that would prompt negotiations.

“In both these matters he [Hoff-Nielsen] has refused to take any responsibility for his actions,” said Kersjes.

And Cry Baby knew about their MP tangled up in this for how long ? ;)

Some real dodgy sh*t uncovered by STUFF in that article ..

Look at what the Bike Supplier got put through..

16-03-2024, 11:18 AM

16-03-2024, 11:32 AM

Good post though mate

16-03-2024, 11:37 AM
Good post though mate

I did a bit more reading and saw there has been a history of other employees with similar proven complaints.
Doesn't taint other members of the Greens as hypocrites though, but certainly the party has had a dire couple of months.

16-03-2024, 11:58 AM
I did a bit more reading and saw there has been a history of other employees with similar proven complaints.
Doesn't taint other members of the Greens as hypocrites though, but certainly the party has had a dire couple of months.

Only a couple of months ? .. go back pre elections & some were practicing diving skills off a green log back then too :)

16-03-2024, 12:01 PM
I did a bit more reading and saw there has been a history of other employees with similar proven complaints.
Doesn't taint other members of the Greens as hypocrites though, but certainly the party has had a dire couple of months.

The way they have handled Golriz and Tana shows a cover-up mentality/mindset within the Greens. Then, there’s James Shaw with his fake degree.

Not the sort of people who could be trusted to be in government - just like Ardern.

16-03-2024, 12:02 PM
The way they have handled Golriz and Tana shows a cover-up mentality within the Greens. Not the sort of people who should be allowed to be in government - just like Ardern.

Greens leadership definitely seem to have an issue with transparency and honesty.

A clear pattern of behaviour now.

16-03-2024, 12:13 PM
This went well - didn't it ? :)



Fancy driving one of their own clan due to poor Party Leadership & Failures to the desperate point of having to make herself into a Political Kamikaze ;)


Now - just who is that on the right in the photo ?

Is that not someone whose occupation is "Barrister" and has just fallen on her own petard recently
for a spot of "Devious shopping antics- No pay" on the sly ? ;)

Not forgetting one of the current Leaders just happening to think protesting included a bit of "you have to walk into the path of a passing motorcycle" to score some more Green Sympathy points ;)

Yet another Kamikaze mission - Splat flat out on the tarseal for some more attention - how desperate is that ? ;)

Wonder if Chloe's efforts to smooth over things on the Shoplifter's antics resulted in offer of any dough being passed over - before it blew up in the Green's faces ? :)

Why didn't WonderGirl Chloe step in & offer to front with the large pile needed to make the inherent lingering issues of the more recent glowing Green Bike pair go away quietly ? ;)

Perhaps too busy rifling through the drawers of the dearly departed James to see what clues had been left behind on what the job was all about & how to contain any future Co-Leader issues, incase her offsider tried any more loud Kamikaze missions ? ;)

16-03-2024, 12:58 PM
I did a bit more reading and saw there has been a history of other employees with similar proven complaints.
Doesn't taint other members of the Greens as hypocrites though, but certainly the party has had a dire couple of months.

Green Ca$h being paid for their jobs too ? Others not being paid ?

Taxman likely to take interest in smell of Ca$h too

Who was looking after Wages & Payroll while confessing officially up to not being involved ? :)

Looks like there could be plenty more to come out on this smelly Green Bike Scandal yet :)

16-03-2024, 01:06 PM
Green Ca$h being paid for their jobs too ? Others not being paid ?

Taxman likely to take interest in smell of Ca$h too

Who was looking after Wages & Payroll while confessing officially up to not being involved ? :)

Looks like there could be plenty more to come out on this smelly Green Bike Scandal yet :)

This latest one…it’s just insane when you listen to all the high and mighty virtue signalling of her maiden speech in Parliament… when she knew damn well that her and her husband are as crooked as they come.

I mean, what kind of horrible human being do you have to be to get up there and preach all those lovely words when you know that you are a criminal?

There is a lot of smoke coming out of what I would have to assume is a very big fire.

16-03-2024, 03:41 PM
The way they have handled Golriz and Tana shows a cover-up mentality/mindset within the Greens. Then, there’s James Shaw with his fake degree.

Not the sort of people who could be trusted to be in government - just like Ardern.

Gawd, another one who is fixated with Ardern. If someone on the other side of world J walked I recon someone on here would try & pin the sinister act on Ardern.

Green Ca$h being paid for their jobs too ? Others not being paid ?

Taxman likely to take interest in smell of Ca$h too

Who was looking after Wages & Payroll while confessing officially up to not being involved ? :)

Looks like there could be plenty more to come out on this smelly Green Bike Scandal yet :)

Yep certainly more going here and the cashies albeit quite common is a bit of a red flag.
I see she & her husband has already denied she had anything to do with it and was also not aware. Seems unlikely.

I actually had dinner with her & about six others in the lead up to the 2020 election.
I didn't think much of her, really had little to say except she talked about their electric bike business & I did wonder if she was running for the Greens to promote their business.

This latest one…it’s just insane when you listen to all the high and mighty virtue signalling of her maiden speech in Parliament… when she knew damn well that her and her husband are as crooked as they come.

I mean, what kind of horrible human being do you have to be to get up there and preach all those lovely words when you know that you are a criminal?

There is a lot of smoke coming out of what I would have to assume is a very big fire.

Alleged criminal.

16-03-2024, 04:32 PM
Gawd, another one who is fixated with Ardern. If someone on the other side of world J walked I recon someone on here would try & pin the sinister act on Ardern.

But then, mud does stick.

16-03-2024, 06:18 PM
Let's not forget this back in 2017:


Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei resigns

The Green Party co-leader announced last month that she committed benefit fraud over a period of three years in the early 1990s because she and her young daughter depended on the Domestic Purposes benefit to survive. She said last week she also committed vote fraud.

17-03-2024, 11:49 AM
In addition to Darling Darleen, for a small Party the Greens have had more than their share of dodgy MP’s.

Several Green Party MPs in New Zealand have encountered controversies that significantly impacted their political careers:

1. **Golriz Ghahraman** faced allegations of shoplifting, which led to significant public scrutiny and her decision to step down from her parliamentary duties until the matter was resolved. The situation garnered attention and debate within the party and among the public [oai_citation:1,Golriz Ghahraman shoplifting allegations: Green Party knew of claims against MP last month - NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/golriz-ghahraman-shoplifting-allegations-green-party-knew-of-claims-against-mp-last-month/IPWXRSTVANDSTEOMXILPDWA3EE/) [oai_citation:2,Golriz Ghahraman resignation: Former Green MPs defend party as questions arise | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/506875/golriz-ghahraman-resignation-former-green-mps-defend-party-as-questions-arise).

2. **Elizabeth Kerekere** resigned after accusations of bullying and inappropriate behavior within the party. The incident led to discussions about the internal culture of the Green Party and its impact on the party's image [oai_citation:3,Green Party members process Elizabeth Kerekere’s resignation - NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/green-party-members-process-elizabeth-kerekeres-resignation/7XHJYDZWXZGY7F4G67XCU3YSAI/).

3. **Metiria Turei** admitted to benefit fraud and electoral misconduct from her past, which led to her resignation as co-leader of the Green Party. Turei's admission sparked a national conversation about welfare and poverty but also led to significant controversy and the resignation of fellow MPs Kennedy Graham and David Clendon in protest [oai_citation:4,Timeline: Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei's downfall | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/336834/timeline-green-party-co-leader-metiria-turei-s-downfall) [oai_citation:5,Metiria Turei - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metiria_Turei) [oai_citation:6,Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei admits she lied to WINZ, as party announces radical welfare reforms - NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/green-party-co-leader-metiria-turei-admits-she-lied-to-winz-as-party-announces-radical-welfare-reforms/S7J4O2G32Q7ENBO26TA4QFF75Y/) [oai_citation:7,Green Party co-leader Metiria Turei resigns - NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/green-party-co-leader-metiria-turei-resigns/4FBMEPBHT5D5O2TQNFIOYVVZWE/) [oai_citation:8,Green MPs quit in protest over Metiria Turei - NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/green-mps-quit-in-protest-over-metiria-turei/JDESR64Y45FBLN2XUWSSN46WVI/).

These incidents highlight the challenges and scrutiny faced by public figures and the implications of their actions on their careers and the perceptions of their respective parties.

17-03-2024, 03:42 PM
And don’t forget James Shaw’s fake degree.

But for the woke leftist msm, he would have been skewered for gilding his lily to such a degree.

Imagine if any of the current government’s ministers had done such a thing - the msm would have been frothing around their mouths like bitches on heat to get in at the action.

Sooner we see the demise of the woke msm and its legion of no hopers and no ambition journalists and reporters, the better.

17-03-2024, 04:36 PM
And don’t forget James Shaw’s fake degree.

But for the woke leftist msm, he would have been skewered for gilding his lily to such a degree.

Imagine if any of the current government’s ministers had done such a thing - the msm would have been frothing around their mouths like bitches on heat to get in at the action.

Sooner we see the demise of the woke msm and its legion of no hopers and no ambition journalists and reporters, the better.

Yeah, where did we ever get to on that stuff?

I know that there have been allegations and media inquiries regarding James Shaw concerning the validity of his academic degrees. Specifically, there have been questions raised about how he managed to obtain an MSc degree from Bath University without a valid BA, and claims that he filed false pecuniary interests returns, misleading Parliament about his business background and listing a BA degree on LinkedIn that he allegedly never earned.

He never really answered the questions about this adequately did he?

17-03-2024, 04:44 PM
Yeah, where did we ever get to on that stuff?

I know that there have been allegations and media inquiries regarding James Shaw concerning the validity of his academic degrees. Specifically, there have been questions raised about how he managed to obtain an MSc degree from Bath University without a valid BA, and claims that he filed false pecuniary interests returns, misleading Parliament about his business background and listing a BA degree on LinkedIn that he allegedly never earned.

He never really answered the questions about this adequately did he?

He refused consent for the University of Bath to answer how he was able to obtain masters degree after he was confronted about his fake bachelor’s degree. He withdrew references to his fake bachelor degree after Ian Wishart, investigative journalist, started asking questions.

And in the meantime, despite being alerted to the fake degree, the msm kept quiet and silent - accomplices in the conspiracy to hoodwink NZers.

Bloody disgrace.

17-03-2024, 06:39 PM
He refused consent for the University of Bath to answer how he was able to obtain masters degree after he was confronted about his fake bachelor’s degree. He withdrew references to his fake bachelor degree after Ian Wishart, investigative journalist, started asking questions.

And in the meantime, despite being alerted to the fake degree, the msm kept quiet and silent - accomplices in the conspiracy to hoodwink NZers.

Bloody disgrace.

Time for an Official investigation into James & how many degrees of what he has :)

Been enough published already to work out whether there has been some misinformation
& false qualifications published or not and what implications this has in high office :)

18-03-2024, 08:30 PM
Greens supporting the crims and anti-social misfits over law-abiding NZers. Can’t help it as they harbour crims as their MPs.

Which part of this simple advice do they not get?

Manurewa-Papakura Ward Councillor Daniel Newman said "communities under siege" would welcome the government's move to push the state housing agency to evict "crap tenants".

"The worst tenants have abused the privilege of their taxpayer-funded state house, they abuse their neighbours, they annihilate the peace and quiet enjoyment of the street where they live, and in some cases they have transformed their dwelling into a location of interest to the police because of illegal behaviour such as drug-dealing and group assembly," he said in a statement on Monday evening.

He said neighbours would be the biggest winners, "many of whom are Kāinga Ora tenants too".

"To those tenants who are concerned about the future, the short answer is don't be anti-social, don't commit crime, and don't destroy your taxpayer-funded state house."


The Green Party has slammed the policy, saying the it will "result in a proliferation of poverty and trauma across our most vulnerable communities".

Green Party housing spokesperson Tamatha Paul said the government was seeking to define a category of undeserving poor people.

"Ignorant to the consequences of poverty, people living in state housing are now in the government's firing line.

Crims in Greens' midst :



19-03-2024, 10:25 AM
Funny how the progressives seem to conveniently forget the 25000 people on the waiting list when it comes to getting quoted in the MSM. Do those 25000 not fall under the "vulnerable communities" ?

19-03-2024, 10:28 AM
Funny how the progressives seem to conveniently forget the 25000 people on the waiting list when it comes to getting quoted in the MSM. Do those 25000 not fall under the "vulnerable communities" ?

The Greens are only interested in crims and fraudsters - Golriz, Tana and then, there's James Shaw with his fake degree.

19-03-2024, 04:07 PM

Chloe has wasted no time showing us what a clown she is.

19-03-2024, 05:10 PM

Chloe has wasted no time showing us what a clown she is.

Did she asked the same of Ardern about homelessness and child poverty?

Better she try to look after the MP crims in her party so they don’t victimise members of the public.

19-03-2024, 05:19 PM
The Greens are only interested in crims and fraudsters - Golriz, Tana and then, there's James Shaw with his fake degree.

Honestly, that's the only logical conclusion when you consider what they are saying, the wait lists, the kids being abused by the drug dealing tenants etc.

They want to protect criminals (including those in their party) - everything and everyone else be damned.

19-03-2024, 06:30 PM
Time for Marama to come running out, do a few somersaults and bounce on her head
a few times to entertainment the rest of the Green circus .. or too early yet ? ;)

Or is she still mourning the loss of Dear James who run away with all the degree problems
before that became another gaping sore to inflict the elevated Spinners & Pretenders stand ? ;)

23-03-2024, 10:27 AM

More claims emerge against suspended Green MP Darleen Tana

Stuff can reveal more documents have emerged tying embattled Green MP Darleen Tana to the financial problems of her husband’s e-bike business, which faces two complaints of migrant exploitation.

While Tana officially stepped away from E-Cycles NZ in 2019, Stuff has seen much later emails to staff in which her husband Christian Hoff-Nielsen says she deals with the business’ finances.

Who needs an internal Green investigation when other investigators & media have done the job fairly well ? ;)

Nice talent that was welcomed into the Green stand .. and as per usual it turns into an embarrassing humungous scandal for the Greens ;)

Who needs enemies when they just rock up to the door, get warmly welcomed in poorly vetted, then turn into large festering scandals when their past records turn to sh*t and they get found out ? ;)

24-03-2024, 08:23 AM
Greens sense of entitlement

Recall that Mexican Ricardo....he went to Mexico during lockdown to get get married then used his MP status to get MIQ while 1000s couldn't....he was entitled eh

30-03-2024, 01:42 PM
More revelation about Darleen Tana, Green MP and Migrant Exploiter.

Almost impossible to believe that the Greens had a (now) convicted thief for Justice spokesperson and a failed business owner as Small Business spokesperson! But ain’t them the truth!


30-03-2024, 03:28 PM
Ah but Darleen is diverse, and that's the most important thing to the Greens and Labour.

Too bad about scruples and principles, their voters don't care about that do they?

30-03-2024, 10:24 PM
More revelation about Darleen Tana, Green MP and Migrant Exploiter.

Almost impossible to believe that the Greens had a (now) convicted thief for Justice spokesperson and a failed business owner as Small Business spokesperson! But ain’t them the truth!


Compare the media and poster reaction on here to those 2 that have been currently breaking the law and the Sam Uffindel media coverage because of something stupid he did at Uni 20 odd years ago. Then the media wonders why nobody listens to them or is interested in them anymore.

30-03-2024, 10:42 PM
Compare the media and poster reaction on here to those 2 that have been currently breaking the law and the Sam Uffindel media coverage because of something stupid he did at Uni 20 odd years ago. Then the media wonders why nobody listens to them or is interested in them anymore.

I wish they would listen to my precise instructions on where & how they should deliver their local rags to avoid termination of their service of varying delivery degrees ;)

Yet another mob who probably still can't work out while their Customer numbers are steadily going backwards ;)

06-04-2024, 12:41 AM
Can't be much going on for the joint Co-Leaders in land of the Greens, if Chloe has time to teach the school kids
how to protest on climate change - out in the streets ;)

How many other highly paid Protesters firmly latched onto the Public T*t for their Beehive attendances do we have here - rather than doing what they are being paid for to do ? ;)

08-04-2024, 04:07 PM
170000 in 2019 to less than 5000 on Friday. Haha when the Auckland Chapter of the SS4C disbanded this was their final statement (about says it all really):

“We are disbanding because, since 2019, SS4C AKL (as well as the wider national group, though we can’t speak on their behalf) has been a racist, white-dominated space. SS4C AKL has avoided, ignored, and tokenised BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Colour – C.T.] voices and demands, especially those of Pasifika and Māori individuals in the climate activism space. As well as this, the responsibility and urgent need to decolonise the organisation has been put off for far too long. SS4C also delayed paying financial reparations for the work BIPOC groups/individuals within and alongside the group have done for this organisation in the past....We fully discourage any future and current Pākehā-led groups from occupying the space we leave behind.”

It also doesn't help that our young revolutionaries are being told its not about climate anymore but the Treaty, Palestine and Climate

Where was the main stream media coverage of this failure?

Apparently, Swarbicks rallying does not mobilise the disenfranchised young to the great green wave her and her party are staking their future on

12-04-2024, 11:59 AM

Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick said it’s important to “find out what drives an allegedly grown man to get so upset about a rainbow flag”.

Ummm, how is this guy ‘allegedly’ a grown man Chloe?

Now everyone is talking about restorative justice approach.

Hang on, weren’t our woke cops treating this as a “hate crime”? Oh that’s right, NZ doesn’t have any hate laws (thank Christ) so all of that was just bluster.

12-04-2024, 12:04 PM
Why the Police waste their time on this is beyond me. How many houses were burgled in the past 24 hours that will not be investigated?

12-04-2024, 12:24 PM
Despite the fact I don't gives a rats ultimately, how do we know it was a hate crime? Perhaps the citizen was merely restoring the crossing back to its legal requirement. Said, "rainbow" crossings are actually illegal, from NZTA that crossing must be:

"Reflectorised white - note that the roadway must contrast with the white crossing markings."

and indeed "visually impaired road users have reported that red and pink colouring between the white lines does not provide adequate contrast."

just saying....

12-04-2024, 08:03 PM
If the Rainbow community are as normal as we are told, wouldn't they want everything to be black and white?

Just like a normal pedestrian crossing actually.

13-04-2024, 08:34 AM
I find it quite astonishing that a MP and party leader is giving her opinion on what should happen to someone that is before the courts. Very inappropriate

13-04-2024, 08:58 AM
I find it quite astonishing that a MP and party leader is giving her opinion on what should happen to someone that is before the courts. Very inappropriate

Where is that from Iceman ? Was it on the radio ?

13-04-2024, 09:26 AM
Where is that from Iceman ? Was it on the radio ?


23-04-2024, 07:47 AM
Read this from one of the real victims of the so-called protest against the ‘Let the women speak’ event - a female who was assaulted by the LBQT community, led on by the likes of Chloe Swarbrick & Marama Davidson. Where was and is the coverage by the MSM of this assault?

From Tania Sturt :

In New Zealand today, the Court decision was made to decline to dismiss two assault charges against Eli Rubashkyn. These assault charges relate to the dousing of Kellie-Jay Keen and me, Tania Sturt, with tomato juice at Let Women Speak Albert Park in Auckland on 25 March 2023.

Tomato juice is not harmful.

Pouring unidentified liquid over unsuspecting women who were gathering to speak, is momentarily harmful.
Publicly silencing non-violent women by intimidation tactics and imposing a physical breach of personal space is harmful. A mere dousing of tomato juice led to mob violence and physical assaults by multiple men on me and others.

Women’s rights were breached on 25 March – our right to gather peacefully, our right to speak in public and our right to hold personal opinions. These rights were breached by a crowd of approximately 2000 whose reasoning was that women who want to speak in public were hateful and bigoted and we needed to be silenced.

The New Zealand Police neglected their duty to keep us safe. They stood by and watched, only spurred on to action once Kellie-Jay was near the road. New Zealand women were left to fend for themselves. While Kellie-Jay was escaping in a police car, I was being beaten up. Eventually I made my way out of the park on my own.

The mob was coordinated by Shaneel Lal who shortly afterwards, while I was still bruised and scarred from that violence, received a Young New Zealander of the Year award. Members of Parliament who were there on 25 March bragged about the violence and congratulated themselves on a job well done. The media tried desperately to rewrite the facts and present it as an equal fight.

The action of throwing tomato juice over women because you don’t like what they say, speaks to the level of entitlement and misogyny inherent in anti-women activism and was a definitive precursor to the physical violence inflicted by men on (mostly) older women that occurred that day.
Those violent men who assaulted me have escaped identification and are unlikely to be held to account.

I am looking forward to holding one person to account in 2023.

Tania Sturt

Meanwhile, here’s Chloe Swarbrick on the assaults on females as reported :

Chloe Swarbrick is the Green MP for Auckland Central. The day after the splenetic scenes in Albert Park, she was glibly tweeting about “revisionist history” and boldly claiming the event had been one of “love and affirmation”. Organisers “went out of their way to diffuse any behaviours they did not condone of”. This Orwellian assertion triggered a scathing backlash because, unfortunately for Chloe, the brutal images which contradicted her anodyne account had already reached a global audience.

26-04-2024, 10:29 AM

Man, this is so bad from The Greens. Really desperate.

02-05-2024, 12:42 AM

Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action

Ooops - Someone just jump off bike and land in the poo

Has she just been let out of her cage early or blinkers just been removed ? ;)

Probably can't help herself .. but never mind ;)

Nothing like a bit of Bully & Intimidate coming out the Unruly Greens is there ?

Let's see how Chloe & Marama BS their way out this one to try to make Green Jungle
behaviour brought into the Beehive by a member of their camp look ofay :)

Green MP Julie Anne Genter has apologised in Parliament and could face further disciplinary action after a complaint was made of intimidatory behaviour toward Minister Matthew Doocey tonight.

Genter walked across the debating chamber to Doocey, waved a booklet and spoke angrily to him while getting close to his face.

The incident happened at about 8pm, while Labour’s Nelson MP Rachel Boyack was speaking and followed some interjections between Doocey and Genter. It was visible in the background of the footage on Parliament TV.

“Miss Genter. Miss Genter, please resume your seat,” demanded the chair at the time, Barbara Kuriger.

“It’s not appropriate to get out of one’s seat to go and have an argument with somebody on the other side.”

Speaker Gerry Brownlee had to be recalled to the debating chamber to deal with the issue after National’s whip Scott Simpson asked Kuriger to do so.

Simpson said in Parliament that he had never seen anything like it, describing it as a “serious, intimidatory physical attack upon another member.”

“To have a member rise from their seat, stride across the house and then confront in a most intimidating manner a member of this Chamber, I think is utterly unparliamentary and warrants further investigation and sanction.”

Brownlee was called back in and Simpson urged him to sanction Genter.

After some other MPs spoke, Genter stood and said she would like to apologise, saying she had been trying to show Doocey some information in a booklet.

“It was the last thing I wanted to do was to intimidate anyone in this House. What has absolutely motivated me was a desire to share information that I believed would be of benefit to everyone in this House. And I’m very sorry if in my passion to do so, I was intimidating. That was not my intention.”

Let's see if Privileges get curtailed :)

02-05-2024, 07:30 AM

Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action

Ooops - Someone just jump off bike and land in the poo

Has she just been let out of her cage early or blinkers just been removed ? ;)

Probably can't help herself .. but never mind ;)

Nothing like a bit of Bully & Intimidate coming out the Unruly Greens is there ?

Let's see how Chloe & Marama BS their way out this one to try to make Green Jungle
behaviour brought into the Beehive by a member of their camp look ofay :)

Let's see if Privileges get curtailed :)

On the face of it this seems pretty tame. But I guess when you see various uproars in parliaments overseas descending into biffo you can see why they set high standards.

Genter would know full well that the appropriate thing to do would be to table the booklet if it contained such vital information pertinent to the debate. Crossing the chamber and waving it in some one's face is akin to someone wandering about a court room without permission. Everything goes through the Speaker.

02-05-2024, 11:46 AM

Green MP Julie Anne Genter apologises after confrontation with Minister Matt Doocey, could face further action

Ooops - Someone just jump off bike and land in the poo

Has she just been let out of her cage early or blinkers just been removed ? ;)

Probably can't help herself .. but never mind ;)

Nothing like a bit of Bully & Intimidate coming out the Unruly Greens is there ?

Let's see how Chloe & Marama BS their way out this one to try to make Green Jungle
behaviour brought into the Beehive by a member of their camp look ofay :)

Let's see if Privileges get curtailed :)

Still not a peep from Chloe or Marama on the issue?

And where is the MSM Opposition Party hounding them for comment?

More concerned with Winnie getting sued by Bob I guess :D

02-05-2024, 11:58 AM
What a BS statement. One thing about Swarbrick is she certainly has character, Ardern to for that matter even if you didn't / don't agree with either of them at least they stood for something.

I have no idea what Luxon stands for except self ambition, certaintly not his own Christian moral beliefs, because apparently they can be set aside as a politician.

I had no idea what Simon Bridges stood for either, nor Muller nor Winston Peters as he will change his attack point depending on the direction of the wind.

Collins was obvious, like Peters she wants the baubles of power.

Seymour at least its obvious, he stands for white enriched privilege.

The only thing Chloe stands for are Pot smokers and decriminalising all hard drugs. Imagine NZ with free unrestricted drug users!

02-05-2024, 12:00 PM
Had to have a chuckle at this one... taken from the BFD general debate:

Green Party Annual Awards. Sure to be a ratings winner.

Shoplifter of the Year. Golly G.

In your face Award for the most violent act in Parliament. JAG

Hypocrite of the Year. Awarded to the MP who declares a climate emergency then goes on to clock up the highest number of miles.

Face Puller. Clueless Chloe.

Nothing to see here award. Darleen Tana


02-05-2024, 12:00 PM
Had to have a chuckle at this one... taken from the BFD general debate:

Green Party Annual Awards. Sure to be a ratings winner.

Shoplifter of the Year. Golly G.

In your face Award for the most violent act in Parliament. JAG

Hypocrite of the Year. Awarded to the MP who declares a climate emergency then goes on to clock up the highest number of miles.

Face Puller. Clueless Chloe.

Nothing to see here award. Darleen Tana


02-05-2024, 03:31 PM

Julie Anne Genter confrontation: Green Party says ‘disciplinary process’ under way into MP’s behaviour, privilege complaint laid

What you know - a Greens Disciplinary process underway ;)

What does that entail - a mass hug & feijoa skin throwing session .. or a few celebrately bike circuits around the park on a warm winters morning to get it out of her system ? ;)

Will she be caged up when next allowed in Beehive front door or just blindfolded with hoodie pulled down over head, so no-one is aware she's there ? :)

02-05-2024, 04:40 PM
Some right wing capitalists may splutter into their champers as one of their political bętes noirs from the Greens takes up a posting at Morrison. Astute move it may well be to get his take on poltical and environmental ramifications of infrastructure investments.

02-05-2024, 04:44 PM
Some right wing capitalists may splutter into their champers as one of their political bętes noirs from the Greens takes up a posting at Morrison. Astute move it may well be to get his take on poltical and environmental ramifications of infrastructure investments.

They obviously like his fake degree.

02-05-2024, 04:53 PM
They obviously like his fake degree.
Pragmatic appointment for his political and bureaucratic experience. It boosts Infratil/ Moriison’s green credential which may be helpful even with the Coalition Government.

02-05-2024, 06:04 PM
Pragmatic appointment for his political and bureaucratic experience. It boosts Infratil/ Moriison’s green credential which may be helpful even with the Coalition Government.

James Shaw's green credentials are zip/zero. He has burnt more carbon than 1000s of 3rd world citizens put together and got absolutely nothing to show for it....other than a high paid virtue signaling job.

02-05-2024, 06:10 PM
Seen Julie Anne Genter's behavior in Parliament?

It's a Doocey...

02-05-2024, 06:13 PM
James Shaw's green credentials are zip/zero. He has burnt more carbon than 1000s of 3rd world citizens put together and got absolutely nothing to show for it....other than a high paid virtue signaling job.

Just a little bit of bias from someone managing a mine ehh .From the tone of this thread ,who gives a pooh about our environment,chocks away, fast track a kill on NZ,bulldoze the lot.Whatca sad day for NZ.

02-05-2024, 06:16 PM
Just a little bit of bias from someone managing a mine ehh .From the tone of this thread ,who gives a pooh about our environment,chocks away, fast track a kill on NZ,bulldoze the lot.Whatca sad day for NZ.

Makes a change from the Reverse Gear Greens directing everything backwards and Labour bent over a barrel
having to grin & bear it ;)

Progress under the Left & Greens which everyone has gotten sick & tired of :)

There's smart environmental management & .. well - the Dozy dimwitted approach seen over the six years up to late last year

02-05-2024, 06:17 PM
Seen Julie Anne Genter's behavior in Parliament?

It's a Doocey...

As they say, it's Julie Anne's way, or the cycle way!

02-05-2024, 06:21 PM
As they say, it's Julie Anne's way, or the cycle way!

Wonder who rattled her cage recently - been asleep for quite some time or muzzled
and nothing much heard out of her ;)

02-05-2024, 06:24 PM
Just a little bit of bias from someone managing a mine ehh .From the tone of this thread ,who gives a pooh about our environment,chocks away, fast track a kill on NZ,bulldoze the lot.Whatca sad day for NZ.

The project I'm involved with has already been assessed under the RMA as having environmental effects that are less than minor. Perhaps you should counter my argument instead of mouthing off on matters of which you have limited knowledge. I have pointed out James Shaw has had detrimental effects on the environment far outweighing any benefits that he has generated. Thus far you have made no argument to counter it, but you have made an unfounded and apparently ignorant smear.

02-05-2024, 07:23 PM
Turns out Genter is quite the bully…


02-05-2024, 07:31 PM
New uniforms issued to all Green MPs - hopefully, will stop the shoplifting.:t_up:

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1f2ce13ec14cab8e81422d45f32eb035da93d61db4d8bfabfe b5d46e6777f122.png?w=800&h=520

02-05-2024, 07:34 PM
James Shaw's green credentials are zip/zero. He has burnt more carbon than 1000s of 3rd world citizens put together and got absolutely nothing to show for it....other than a high paid virtue signaling job.
Shaw named three MPs including Nat’s Todd Muller who were his parliamentary friends. Muller credits Shaw with the bipartisanship behind Carbon Zero. It says a lot when senior leaders from across the spectrum have respect, and indeed friendship, for each other.

fungus pudding
02-05-2024, 07:41 PM
As they say, it's Julie Anne's way, or the cycle way!

I think you mean Julie Anne's way - aka the cycle way.

02-05-2024, 07:44 PM
Turns out Genter is quite the bully…

Ouch. And check out the Claytons apology. First we have two lies:

“It was the last thing I wanted to do was to intimidate anyone in this House. What has absolutely motivated me was a desire to share information that I believed would be of benefit to everyone in this House.
Clearly she did want to intimidate him otherwise why stand over him? Or maybe it's a statement of fact where intimidating him was the last thing to do on her list. Plus there are multiple other ways of sharing information legitimately in the House and given it was only shared with Mr Doocey the second sentence is also a lie.

And then we come to the non-apology:

And I’m very sorry if in my passion to do so, I was intimidating. That was not my intention.”

If. "If in my passion to do so". What does that even mean? Taking that bit out leaves "I'm very sorry if [snip] I was intimidating". So if Mr Doocey did not find it intimidating then she is not sorry? So she's not sorry for losing her rag in Parliament, she's not sorry for crossing the floor, not sorry for screaming like a Banshee over the top of the Speaker, not sorry for any of her behaviour. She is only sorry if Mr Doocey found it intimidating. And it is somehow excused by being passionate about a topic? What a total piece of garbage.

02-05-2024, 08:07 PM
Turns out Genter is quite the bully…


Not surprised .. she has the look & manner of quite a boisterous heifer on her dial ;)

Poor Greens have a bit of a habit of turning kamikaze ;)

Wonder if the Yanks would consider a re-export job back up to North America bike and all, after she totally disgraces herself here ? :)

02-05-2024, 08:31 PM
Not surprised .. she has the look & manner of quite a boisterous heifer on her dial ;)

Poor Greens have a bit of a habit of turning kamikaze ;)

Wonder if the Yanks would consider a re-export job back up to North America bike and all, after she totally disgraces herself here ? :)

Watch their polling numbers go up though - the youngsters and the wokesters love their greens. Yuck!

03-05-2024, 08:24 AM
HopebJuli Anne’s behaviour doesn’t derail the Peter Nunns Gravy Train …though some call it the Gentner Train

03-05-2024, 08:26 PM
Not a bad first 6 months of the Parliamentary term for The Greens, with their MPs being exposed as thieves, fraudsters & bullies

03-05-2024, 08:50 PM
Not a bad first 6 months of the Parliamentary term for The Greens, with their MPs being exposed as thieves, fraudsters & bullies

Ugly stuff, though easier for them to blame it all on mental wellbeing (seems to be a growing trend), when it's obvious the Green's are imploding. It's like they think the public are all morons and have no insight to their failings, this is the definition of a party in distress.

Getting smaller before getting better is always a bad sign. Greens must be reeling, with so many bad news stories in the past few months, real shockers! Thieves, Bullies, Leader resigning, etc.

Maori party got a kick in the teeth today as well with their absolutely pitiful financial support. That speaks volumes, no political party can survive without money, without financial backing.

Follow the money!

04-05-2024, 08:16 AM
Watch their polling numbers go up though - the youngsters and the wokesters love their greens. Yuck!

So you are referring to the future.

Ugly stuff, though easier for them to blame it all on mental wellbeing (seems to be a growing trend), when it's obvious the Green's are imploding. It's like they think the public are all morons and have no insight to their failings, this is the definition of a party in distress.

Getting smaller before getting better is always a bad sign. Greens must be reeling, with so many bad news stories in the past few months, real shockers! Thieves, Bullies, Leader resigning, etc.

Maori party got a kick in the teeth today as well with their absolutely pitiful financial support. That speaks volumes, no political party can survive without money, without financial backing.

Follow the money!

Yep agree they have had an absolute shocker & yet have held up well in the polls.
So if the Greens have had such a rough time what must NZF & ACT be doing to have lost ground in the polls? Their performance is obviously being judged as far worse.

I would imagine after Peter's last few days NZF will have slipped even further.

04-05-2024, 09:19 AM
So you are referring to the future.

Yep agree they have had an absolute shocker & yet have held up well in the polls.
So if the Greens have had such a rough time what must NZF & ACT be doing to have lost ground in the polls? Their performance is obviously being judged as far worse.

I would imagine after Peter's last few days NZF will have slipped even further.

Absolutely. Says a lot about the type of people who vote Green.

No matter what they do, no matter how bad…they are going to tick Green.

04-05-2024, 10:55 AM
Looks like you have to be a goon to be in the GP.


04-05-2024, 11:26 AM
So you are referring to the future.

Yep agree they have had an absolute shocker & yet have held up well in the polls.
So if the Greens have had such a rough time what must NZF & ACT be doing to have lost ground in the polls? Their performance is obviously being judged as far worse.

I would imagine after Peter's last few days NZF will have slipped even further.

So the TV1 poll is the accurate poll rather than the Roy Morgan one which came out the day after?

The TV1 poll only gathered the attention it did due to Maiki Sherman pouncing around, barking out nonsense for 15 long minutes like a demented delusional female dog in heat!

Apply the margin of error (+/-3%) to the TV1 poll and you have the Roy Morgan result which is in tune with the trend since April 2023.


"Michele Levine, CEO Roy Morgan, says despite a fall in support for the National-led Government (53%) in March it retains a massive 10% point lead over the Parliamentary Opposition of Labour/Greens/Maori (43%)"


04-05-2024, 11:50 AM
So the TV1 poll is the accurate poll rather than the Roy Morgan one which came out the day after?

The TV1 poll only gathered the attention it did due to Maiki Sherman pouncing around for 15 long minutes like a demented delusional female dog in heat!

Apply the margin of error (+/-3%) to the TV1 poll and you have the Roy Morgan result which is in tune with the trend since April 2023.


"Michele Levine, CEO Roy Morgan, says despite a fall in support for the National-led Government (53%) in March it retains a massive 10% point lead over the Parliamentary Opposition of Labour/Greens/Maori (43%)"

According to Maiki…BOOM! NZF is gone!…

…This poll is really going to rock the entire Parliament!

Lol. You can’t make this stuff up!

04-05-2024, 12:02 PM
So the TV1 poll is the accurate poll rather than the Roy Morgan one which came out the day after?

The TV1 poll only gathered the attention it did due to Maiki Sherman pouncing around, barking out nonsense for 15 long minutes like a demented delusional female dog in heat!

Apply the margin of error (+/-3%) to the TV1 poll and you have the Roy Morgan result which is in tune with the trend since April 2023.


"Michele Levine, CEO Roy Morgan, says despite a fall in support for the National-led Government (53%) in March it retains a massive 10% point lead over the Parliamentary Opposition of Labour/Greens/Maori (43%)"


I'm not just referring to that one poll.
ACT was down four polls in a row.
Even in the the Roy Morgan poll & you just quoted. " despite a fall in support for the National led Government"
Down is down & in both recent polls.

What are you missing? You wrote it yourself. 😅
Greens have had a shocker & yet polling well.
ACT & NZF down considerably in polls so what does that say about their performance?

04-05-2024, 12:20 PM
I'm not just referring to that one poll.
ACT was down four polls in a row.
Even in the the Roy Morgan poll & you just quoted. " despite a fall in support for the National led Government"
Down is down & in both recent polls.

What are you missing? You wrote it yourself. ��
Greens have had a shocker & yet polling well.
ACT & NZF down considerably in polls so what does that say about their performance?

Yup, it's a fall but the coalition is still way ahead of the left (10%) and in line with the election result (11%).

And the 3% change is within the 3% margin of error!

What am I missing? Nothing which is of consequence to the 2026 election at this stage. And certainly not the delusional presentation of the TV1 poll.

04-05-2024, 12:43 PM
It’s all moot, unless you actually believe that the actual consequences of the current government will still be unpopular come the election.

I suspect we’ll already be starting to feel a bit better as a nation by then. I suspect the next government will be a 2 party coalition if anything.

04-05-2024, 12:47 PM
Haven’t heard anything from the Maori Party since the election?

Awfully quiet on their end?

04-05-2024, 01:27 PM
Yup, it's a fall but the coalition is still way ahead of the left (10%) and in line with the election result (11%).

And the 3% change is within the 3% margin of error!

What am I missing? Nothing which is of consequence to the 2026 election at this stage. And certainly not the delusional presentation of the TV1 poll.

Yes you missed the entire point.
Greens behaving badly yet holding up in the polls.
NZF & ACT both lost in percentage terms a considerable amount of their support according to recent polls.
So what are they doing that is causing a worse poll performance than the Greens?

NZF support of the tobacco industry perhaps?
ACTs poor explanation of the cuts to school lunches perhaps? I note Seymour just approved an extension of the current program.
Quite a back track from what he was saying only a few months ago.

Anyway to be underperform the Greens at the moment is got to be difficult to achieve.

04-05-2024, 01:39 PM
Looks like you have to be a goon to be in the GP.


Amazing, just like the Golriz shoplifting allegations that came out of the wood work once she'd been sprung, now the bullying complaints emerge as clearly Genter has issues! Will be surprising with all the privileges complaints that she could keep her portfolios. Greens have had a very messy year so far.

04-05-2024, 01:40 PM
Yes you missed the entire point.
Greens behaving badly yet holding up in the polls.
NZF & ACT both lost in percentage terms a considerable amount of their support according to recent polls.
So what are they doing that is causing a worse poll performance than the Greens?

NZF support of the tobacco industry perhaps?
ACTs poor explanation of the cuts to school lunches perhaps? I note Seymour just approved an extension of the current program.
Quite a back track from what he was saying only a few months ago.

Anyway to be underperform the Greens at the moment is got to be difficult to achieve.

Who cares?

The coalition maintains it lead over the left.

That’s the trend line.

Meanwhile, enjoy your TV1 poll report with Sherman acting like the delusional demented female dog in heat - must be great entertainment to those who has perspective. :D

04-05-2024, 01:43 PM
Yet more revelation of how Genter is a bully - from the party of thieves, fakes, frauds and bullies.


Genter repeated herself, grabbed Cranfield’s upper arm, and gave it a little shake, Cranfield alleged.

Cranfield said, in her view it, “wasn’t a friendly squeeze” and believed it was aimed to make her feel that Genter was in a “position of power”.

Cranfield pulled away and could not recall if Genter said anything else.

“I was pretty upset and didn’t know what to do or say. I was just not expecting her to lay a hand on me.

04-05-2024, 02:18 PM
Simon is a qreally decent guy …takes his Mum to a function and Genter gets stuck into him


04-05-2024, 02:53 PM
Simon are really decent guy …takes his Mum to a function and Genter gets stuck into him


Seems with this lot, it's not where's there's smoke there's fire, more like where there's smoke there's conflagration! Off to get some more popcorn and beers.

04-05-2024, 05:19 PM
Yes you missed the entire point.
Greens behaving badly yet holding up in the polls.
NZF & ACT both lost in percentage terms a considerable amount of their support according to recent polls.
So what are they doing that is causing a worse poll performance than the Greens?

NZF support of the tobacco industry perhaps?
ACTs poor explanation of the cuts to school lunches perhaps? I note Seymour just approved an extension of the current program.
Quite a back track from what he was saying only a few months ago.

Anyway to be underperform the Greens at the moment is got to be difficult to achieve.


"Act Party leader David Seymour says “we’re the ones that are saving the school lunch programme” because the Labour Party did not budget anything for it beyond 2024.

Seymour has previously described free school lunches as “wasteful” public spending and plans to trim back the programme, which feeds children in almost 1000 schools.

Introduced by Labour in 2019, Ka Ora, Ka Ako was allocated $323.4 million in the 2023 Budget to continue it through this year but has not been funded beyond that
Associate Education Minister Seymour told the Bay of Plenty Times in Tauranga on Thursday the Labour Party did not put aside “a single cent” to fund school lunches in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
“So all of the talk about who’s cutting, just remember, the Labour Party did not fund school lunches in term one next year.”

Seymour said the Government faced the challenge of finding the money to make it work."

04-05-2024, 09:09 PM
Who cares?

The coalition maintains it lead over the left.

That’s the trend line.

Meanwhile, enjoy your TV1 poll report with Sherman acting like the delusional demented female dog in heat - must be great entertainment to those who has perspective. :D

Mate you want to give up on the dog on heat comment. It just makes you look like a misogynistic dick. I have no cares about her one way or the other, but that's just an ugly comment.

04-05-2024, 09:11 PM

"Act Party leader David Seymour says “we’re the ones that are saving the school lunch programme” because the Labour Party did not budget anything for it beyond 2024.

Seymour has previously described free school lunches as “wasteful” public spending and plans to trim back the programme, which feeds children in almost 1000 schools.

Introduced by Labour in 2019, Ka Ora, Ka Ako was allocated $323.4 million in the 2023 Budget to continue it through this year but has not been funded beyond that
Associate Education Minister Seymour told the Bay of Plenty Times in Tauranga on Thursday the Labour Party did not put aside “a single cent” to fund school lunches in 2025, 2026 and 2027.
“So all of the talk about who’s cutting, just remember, the Labour Party did not fund school lunches in term one next year.”

Seymour said the Government faced the challenge of finding the money to make it work."

Again missing the point. I have previously said that the amount of waste from the lunch program needed addressing. No problem with that.
But Seymour in his usual way started with heavy handed rhetoric and now after a public reaction has had to dial it back.

04-05-2024, 10:13 PM
Again missing the point. I have previously said that the amount of waste from the lunch program needed addressing. No problem with that.
But Seymour in his usual way started with heavy handed rhetoric and now after a public reaction has had to dial it back.
Yeah, seems to be an appeasement to those who would never vote ACT anyway.

Where's the political gain?

05-05-2024, 09:25 AM
Yeah, seems to be an appeasement to those who would never vote ACT anyway.

Where's the political gain?

Let's hope that NZ does not become a country where the political parties are so dogmatically indoctrinated that they are incapable of changing their stance if facts and evidence presented contradict their stance.

Not every policy or $ spent should be about political gains - but we have had that for the last 6 years under Labour. Refreshing to have a change.

NZ is a richer country in every sense when policies are implemented and funds are deployed to better society.

I for one am glad and pleased that ACT is pragmatic and willing to change its stance - but not its underlying principles that individual rights must be upheld at all times.

Meanwhile, what do we have with the Greens? A party with MPs who are frauds, thieves, exploiters, bullies, racists, bullies and misfits - incapable of any coherence except preaching the politics of hate and disruption.

Who is worse? The one with the fake degree or the one who steals and hides the fact that she defended war criminals?

Or is it the one who exploits migrants but hypocritically defends human rights? More to come .....

https://whakaatamaori-teaomaori-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/v2/7BUUCJJA3VECTAVNJNFY2DBSAY.jpg?auth=036f7f4dd7fb8f 03af017a99d70de64ff43c805f6b915b9e9957062e71a742d7&width=800

06-05-2024, 02:14 PM
Rare Parliamentary Robin hops off bike in the Chathams


Julie Anne Genter returns to work... in the Chatham Islands

Under-fire Green MP Julie Anne Genter is back at work this week. She had been working from home following her altercation with National MP Matt Doocey last Wednesday, which is the subject of multiple privilege complaints to Parliament’s Speaker Gerry Brownlee.

However, Genter will not be physically in Parliament. Instead, she will be on the Chatham Islands, where she will be attending the Chatham Islands Stakeholder Forum. While the Chathams are about 791km from Wellington, they are part of the Wellington electorate of Rongotai that Genter represents.

A spokesperson for the Green Party said the trip was long-planned.

“Julie Anne will be working as normal this week, including a long-planned trip to attend the annual Chatham Islands Stakeholder Forum as the MP representing the Chatham Islands,” they said.

Hopefully the frightened residents were warned early enough to sharpen their stakes & spears :)

06-05-2024, 02:26 PM
Rare Parliamentary Robin hops off bike in the Chathams


Julie Anne Genter returns to work... in the Chatham Islands

Hopefully the frightened residents were warned early enough to sharpen their stakes & spears :)

Yes they had better not openly criticise any plans Genter has for cycle ways or she might scrag them!

Bill Smith
06-05-2024, 03:25 PM
She did well to row 791 km in 2 days, or was it a sail boat?

07-05-2024, 11:31 AM
She did well to row 791 km in 2 days, or was it a sail boat?

Swarbrick deflecting as per usual.

Next she will be asserting that there are other MPs who exploit migrants and evade tax as well.



07-05-2024, 12:51 PM
You'd think Genter was a victim the way Swarbrick went on. She even brought Efeso Collins Memorial into it.

14-05-2024, 06:05 PM
Darleen Tana Goneburger?

Why the deafening silence from Swarbrick & Davidson?

Notice she is not on the Green Party website anymore?


14-05-2024, 06:17 PM
Darleen Tana Goneburger?

Why the deafening silence from Swarbrick & Davidson?

Notice she is not on the Green Party website anymore?


I am pretty sure that they came out and said they were removing her from their website. Something about it may confuse people if she was there.

14-05-2024, 06:28 PM
I am pretty sure that they came out and said they were removing her from their website. Something about it may confuse people if she was there.

Bang on. She is suspended from the Party at the moment too, so it would be misleading if they left her on there.


The Green Party removed Darleen Tana from their website following allegations of migrant exploitation involving her husband's company, E Cycles NZ. These allegations led to her suspension from the party and an independent investigation being launched to determine her knowledge and involvement.

The allegations first came to light when Tana reported a complaint to the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) on February 1. Subsequently, a second complaint was received on February 9, which also implicated Tana. The Green Party decided to remove her from her small business portfolio but did not immediately publicize the suspension to allow for a fair process [oai_citation:1,Green MP Darleen Tana suspended amid migrant exploitation claims | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/511756/green-mp-darleen-tana-suspended-amid-migrant-exploitation-claims) [oai_citation:2,
Suspended Green MP, Darleen Tana, has been removed the Party's website - 08-May-2024 - NZ Politics news

The decision to remove Tana from the party's website was made to avoid misleading the public while the investigation is ongoing and to ensure up-to-date contact information and portfolios are available for the public. The independent investigation, conducted by Barrister Rachel Burt, aims to clarify what Tana knew about the allegations and when she knew it [oai_citation:3,What the Green Party knew, and what next for MP Darleen Tana | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/on-the-inside/511803/what-the-green-party-knew-and-what-next-for-mp-darleen-tana) [oai_citation:4,'Deeply serious allegations': Green MP suspended amid migrant exploitation investigation](https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/mike-hosking-breakfast/audio/chloe-swarbrick-green-party-co-leader-on-the-allegations-and-suspension-of-mp-darleen-tana/).

14-05-2024, 07:10 PM
Thanks 777 & mT for clarification.

15-05-2024, 12:46 AM
How's the Green's enquiry into the Man of many Qualifications going ? ;)

Another one just merely deleted from their website too ? :)

15-05-2024, 10:00 AM
Bang on. She is suspended from the Party at the moment too, so it would be misleading if they left her on there.


The Green Party removed Darleen Tana from their website following allegations of migrant exploitation involving her husband's company, E Cycles NZ. These allegations led to her suspension from the party and an independent investigation being launched to determine her knowledge and involvement.

Yet the tax payer is still funding her pay while being suspended. Its now around 8 weeks and nothing but tumble weeds. Outrageous. Are they hoping we will forget?

15-05-2024, 10:12 AM
Yet the tax payer is still funding her pay while being suspended. Its now around 8 weeks and nothing but tumble weeds. Outrageous. Are they hoping we will forget?

Yes, I understand the outrage. But important that Darleen is treated the same as any other MP would be if under investigation.

The pressure is on The Greens to be mindful of Darleen still being paid to wrap up the investigation, while still ensuring the process is fair.


In New Zealand, if a Member of Parliament (MP) is suspended pending an investigation, the situation is handled differently compared to typical employment situations. Here’s a detailed look at what happens:

1. **Parliamentary Privileges and Responsibilities**: MPs are elected officials, and their terms and conditions of service are governed by the rules of Parliament and the laws of New Zealand, rather than by standard employment contracts.

2. **Types of Suspensions**:
- **Parliamentary Suspension**: If an MP is suspended from the House of Representatives due to misconduct or breaches of parliamentary rules (such as disorderly conduct during a session), this suspension is generally procedural and temporary. It is not typically associated with pay reduction, as MPs continue to receive their salaries during such suspensions.
- **Party Suspension**: An MP might be suspended from their party's caucus or roles within the party. This could mean loss of specific party duties or roles but not necessarily loss of salary unless the party decides otherwise.

3. **Investigations and Legal Proceedings**: If an MP is under investigation for legal or ethical issues:
- **Criminal Investigation**: If the investigation is related to criminal activities, the MP may face legal consequences based on the outcome. However, they would typically continue to receive their salary unless they are convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, at which point they would lose their seat in Parliament.
- **Ethical or Parliamentary Conduct**: If the investigation pertains to breaches of ethical standards or parliamentary conduct, the relevant parliamentary committee (such as the Privileges Committee) would handle it. The committee may recommend sanctions, which could include suspension. Again, this usually does not affect the MP’s salary unless specified by a resolution of Parliament.

4. **Salary and Allowances**: MPs in New Zealand are paid a salary and allowances as determined by the Remuneration Authority. There are no specific provisions for stopping an MP’s salary during investigations unless explicitly decided by parliamentary resolution or legal outcomes.

5. **Public Accountability**: MPs are accountable to the public and their constituents. If serious allegations are made, there may be pressure for the MP to step down or take leave, but this is a political decision rather than a formal employment suspension.

In summary, an MP in New Zealand generally continues to receive their salary during suspensions related to parliamentary conduct or investigations unless there is a specific parliamentary resolution or legal conviction that dictates otherwise. For precise information, consulting parliamentary rules, the Speaker’s office, or the Remuneration Authority would provide further clarification.

16-05-2024, 07:01 AM

It’s taken 8 weeks and counting so far, whereby Davidson thought it would take up to 4 weeks.

No good Davidson saying she doesn’t apologise for the investigation taking so long.

Darleen may well be entitled to full pay while the investigation is ongoing, but they need to be mindful of how taxpayers will feel the longer this drags on.

But then The Greens always have had a careless attitude to taxpayer money.

16-05-2024, 09:03 AM

It’s taken 8 weeks and counting so far, whereby Davidson thought it would take up to 4 weeks.

No good Davidson saying she doesn’t apologise for the investigation taking so long.

Darleen may well be entitled to full pay while the investigation is ongoing, but they need to be mindful of how taxpayers will feel the longer this drags on.

But then The Greens always have had a careless attitude to taxpayer money.

Yes, she's been out of parliament as long as she's been in this year according to that article.

17-05-2024, 11:28 AM
So Genter's behaviour was considered "completely unacceptable" by her party leaders, yet with an apology and bit of de-escalation training to recognise fight or flight mode, she's good to go! Who cares about the abuse she hurled at members of the public. Apparently, she didn't recognise this as out of order. Sounds like she a perfect fit for the Greens. See you in parliament next week

17-05-2024, 12:17 PM
So Genter's behaviour was considered "completely unacceptable" by her party leaders, yet with an apology and bit of de-escalation training to recognise fight or flight mode, she's good to go! Who cares about the abuse she hurled at members of the public. Apparently, she didn't recognise this as out of order. Sounds like she a perfect fit for the Greens. See you in parliament next week

You're sounding a bit aggressive and angry and frustrated there,de-escalate yourself ehh.
What abuse did she hurl at members of public,if anything sounds like the florist did that. God I miss the punchup days like Mallard and someone else in the corridors of power.

17-05-2024, 01:23 PM
You're sounding a bit aggressive and angry and frustrated there,de-escalate yourself ehh.
What abuse did she hurl at members of public,if anything sounds like the florist did that. God I miss the punchup days like Mallard and someone else in the corridors of power.

Oh please don't say such mean things. I don't feels safe here.

17-05-2024, 01:29 PM
Oh please don't say such mean things. I don't feels safe here.

Don't worry mate, the loons on the left usually resort to gaslighting when they read something they don't like but can't think of anything to say.

In this case it was an attempt to gaslight you and also victim blame (the florist) all in one go! Amazing.

17-05-2024, 02:03 PM
Don't worry mate, the loons on the left usually resort to gaslighting when they read something they don't like but can't think of anything to say.

In this case it was an attempt to gaslight you and also victim blame (the florist) all in one go! Amazing.

Haha, its all good - just having a little fun. You are 100% correct though.

As much as I don't have any feeling for Hosking one way or the other, I did feel a little schadenfreude listening to his "The greens are a basket case" minute this morning


17-05-2024, 02:42 PM
Haha, its all good - just having a little fun. You are 100% correct though.

As much as I don't have any feeling for Hosking one way or the other, I did feel a little schadenfreude listening to his "The greens are a basket case" minute this morning


Oh that was gooooooood!

17-05-2024, 04:24 PM
Hoskings is the ultimate gaslighter, top of the heap but much cleverer and more decent then whale oil.

17-05-2024, 05:08 PM
Hoskings is the ultimate gaslighter, top of the heap but much cleverer and more decent then whale oil.

thought you & a few others didnt bother opening an eyelid & closed ears to those ? ;)

What gone wrong for that change ? ;)

Has Chippie stopped sending out Updating memos on stationary trains and the next proposed tax hits ? ;)

17-05-2024, 06:13 PM
Hoskings is the ultimate gaslighter, top of the heap but much cleverer and more decent then whale oil.

What did he say that was inaccurate about the Greens?

17-05-2024, 06:39 PM
thought you & a few others didnt bother opening an eyelid & closed ears to those ? ;)

What gone wrong for that change ? ;)

Has Chippie stopped sending out Updating memos on stationary trains and the next proposed tax hits ? ;)
Thought?making an ass umption of yourself there. What I see with this Cannibal Collective govt is the environment and everything in it ,in peril ,unvalued.A great leap backwards.I think of the many ,many thousands of volunteers seeing all their years of contributions,labour,donations coming undone and going backwards.Its a profit driven business mentality stomping on nature,peoples and values.You can choose to be a part of it or vote this divisive destructive,heartless govt out next time around.I believe the majority of the country will ,but not the likes of you

17-05-2024, 06:50 PM
Thought?making an ass umption of yourself there. What I see with this Cannibal Collective govt is the environment and everything in it ,in peril ,unvalued.A great leap backwards.I think of the many ,many thousands of volunteers seeing all their years of contributions,labour,donations coming undone and going backwards.Its a profit driven business mentality stomping on nature,peoples and values.You can choose to be a part of it or vote this divisive destructive,heartless govt out next time around.I believe the majority of the country will ,but not the likes of you

Profit Driven businesses have got you, this country & the globe to where it is today - Cuz (barring the odd backwards looking seat warming session of delusionary retards landing in the mix) Without it you may not be here, or may be calling a Grass Hut or Cold Wet Cave home ;)

Get the picture ? ;)

If you believe the narrow vision Green/Labour orientated thinly disguised tripe being spouted by a few - then why are you chasing investments in Enviro Offensive (in some eyes) "Profit Driven" Enterprises at all ? - Should you not be looking & investing instead in Eco-Friendly basket making & other enterprises which are rarely if at any time seen or heard of on this site ? :)

The great leap backwards is when the blind & retarded hamper or turn off path to resources for the country's development & well being, or decide to bury everything in red tape so nothing happens, then offer excuses for their own grand failures on grandiose promises at huge wastage & cost .. as seen with the last lot of spinning twits ;)

profit driven business mentality stomping on nature,peoples and values.You can choose to be a part of it or vote this divisive destructive,heartless govt out next time around

Just imagine - too much of this inwards Green navel gazing - no Business, No profits, no Energy, No Tourism , No Bene, No Income, No Tax .. at the extreme leads where ? :)

There has to be reason why so many thousands are so frustrated with what they see coming in aftermath of 6 years of achieve very little Labour & Green mix - sufficient that they see their better futures lay offshore and not here.

The same educated & inspiring lot have also weighed up what the previous Government produced, how deep the hole was dug and what it was going to take to see recovery to prospect of better times from things effectively thrown in the ditch by Ardern, Hipkins, Robertson & the clueless Green contingent having a play ;)

Where are the Green contingent right now - after their wish & disaster / results of their colaboration with an equally clueless Labour contingent of numbskulls has eventuated while they were at the helm ?

Every dial on the dashboard under Labour / Greens sitting at the helm pointed to disaster in the making & and things being sent flying backwards - so don't try to offload onto the current Government that what they are doing is that .. NZ has just got rid of yet another of the most dangerous destructive Go-nowhere incompetent Labour Goverments which had proven they had no workable answers and in turn tried to further wreck the country in the process ;)