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07-11-2023, 02:49 PM
Has the joint Greens Head Honcho - James sorted out what Degrees he has or doesn't have yet .. or too hard / hazardous .. obviously hoping most have forgotten what was dug up during the election lead up ? ;)

07-11-2023, 03:19 PM
The trail of Attention Seeking filth from Loose Lipped Chloe


'From the river to the sea': Why a Green MP caused controversy with six words

On Saturday, Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick joined community groups, activists and politicians at a rally for Gaza held in Auckland.

At the conclusion of her speech, she chanted the first six words to a well known pro-Palestine slogan, “From the river to the sea”. To which the crowd replied, “Palestine will be free.”

These words are highly controversial.

In the UK, the centre-left Labour Party suspended its MP, Andy McDonald, recently after he said the words “between the river and the sea” at a pro-Palestine rally. The UK Labour Party called his comment “deeply offensive”.

In October, Vienna police banned a pro-Palestinian protest, citing the fact the phrase “was mentioned in invitations and characterising it as a call to violence”.

The BBC has also reported the Metropolitan Police ended its relationship with an adviser who was filmed using the chant. And the UK Football Association has said it will consult police if players use the phrase, the Guardian reported.

Much of the offence comes from the fact that Hamas, the group that controls Gaza and which launched a deadly attack (killing more than 1000 civilians and taking hundreds of hostages) in October, includes the phrase in its constitution.

Its statement reads: “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.”

Nice to see Stuff reporting on Swarbricks inappropriate antics

To think that the Taxpayer is funding her MP Salary and excessive perks to act in this manner defies comprehension.

She should be stood down and put on the short list for removal from the Public Payroll on this
and banned from Parliament.

Logen Ninefingers
07-11-2023, 04:06 PM
Lots of misunderstanding there, for a start the region known as Palestine goes way back in ancient history & recognised by the Ancient Greeks.

Read the ancient Greek philosopher Herodotus (if you read Michael Ondaji's book "The English Patient" or saw the film, remember Ralph Fiennes character asks for Herodotus to be read to him)

However, consider many countries/Nations/States that exist today didn't "exist" in the sense you talk about prior to WW1.

e.g. The collapse of the Russian Empire created Finland & Poland. The Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved into Austria & Hungry, Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia which have dissolved again into new States.
Turkey came out of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.
Tell me you would deny any of these Countries are real or don't actually exist !

Secondly the State of Palestine has been recognised by 139 member countries of the UN.

My point was no nation state of Palestine prior to the 1948 Palestine war. The British could have adopted any of a series of names for the former Ottoman Empire territory covered by their mandate. They could have called it 'The Mandate for the Southern Levant' or 'The Mandate for the Holy Land' or 'The Mandate for Judea' for example.

Since you refer to the writings of Herodotus, you can pick the bones out of all the different names and geographic spatial paradigms that this region has encompassed over its history.

The first written records referring to Palestine emerged in the 12th-century BCE Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt, which used the term Peleset for the neighboring people or land. In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians referred to the region as Palashtu or Pilistu. In the Hellenistic period, these names were carried over into Greek, appearing in the Histories of Herodotus as Palaistine. In 6 CE, the Roman Empire established a province over the area known as Judaea, then in 132 CE (the time of the Bar Kokhba revolt) formed it into Syria Palaestina.[1] In 390, during the Byzantine period, the region was split into the provinces of Palaestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda, and Palaestina Tertia. Following the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 630s, the military district of Jund Filastin was established. While Palestine's boundaries have changed throughout history, it has generally comprised the southern portion of regions such as Syria or the Levant.
It also conceptually overlaps with several terms of Judeo-Christian tradition, including Canaan, the Promised Land, the Land of Israel, and the Holy Land.

And then we have two centuries of human history during which the whole area consisted of the so-called 'Crusader States' -

The Crusader states, also known as Outremer, were four Catholic realms in the Middle East that lasted from 1098 to 1291. These feudal polities were created by the Latin Catholic leaders of the First Crusade through conquest and political intrigue. The four states were the County of Edessa (1098–1150), the Principality of Antioch (1098–1268), the County of Tripoli (1102–1289), and the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099–1291). The Kingdom of Jerusalem covered what is now Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, western Jordan, and adjacent areas. The other northern states spanned the coastal areas of what are now Syria, southeastern Turkey, and Lebanon. The description "Crusader states" can be misleading, as from 1130 very few of the Frankish population were crusaders. The term "Outremer", used by medieval and modern writers as a synonym, is derived from the French for overseas.

Really, to claim their was ever - prior to the war of 1948 - a homogenous Palestinian people & nation state is the height of disingenuousness.

07-11-2023, 05:23 PM
Has the eunuch James Shaw decided to reclaim one of his balls?

Green Party distances itself from Chloe’s pro Hamas and pro terrorism comments :


07-11-2023, 05:36 PM
BlackPeter revealing his dormant German Nazi genes.

Black Peter revealing his dormant German Nazi genes, lurking always just under the surface.

Heil Hitler!

Hard to comprehend how anybody is able to write such an offensive trash. But lets try to analyse that.

Balance complains about my German genes. Now, the interesting thing is - balance knows nothing about me ... otherwise he would have mentioned my Polish, Frensh and Jewish genes as well. Damn. Balance behaves like a clueless bully. Maybe this is what he is?

And yes, I would be allowed to complain about the cruelties of the Nazis (and I absolutely condemn them and always have) - the father of one of my grand dads "disappeared" during the Third Reich into a concentration camp and was never seen again.

I am however as well allowed to mention if the Israeli army is committing war crimes - and this is exactly what they are doing when they train their rockets on civilians and when they cut food and water supplies of a large civilian population which has no way to get away.

But lets stay with the Germanic genes you are so keen mentioning, shall we? Assuming the readers of this forum (including yourslef) are similar to the NZ Population, than about 72% of them are of European origin, and I would not know about anybody with European origin who has not as well Germanic genes - even the British crown is from Germany. Balance, you are not just offending and embarrassing yourself (which would be highly appropriate), but you are offending 72% of the other readers of this forum, as well as the British and NZ King.

Do we need to mention the "Führers Gruß" you gave us? Only Extreme right wing pigs use this phrase these days. Tells us all about the person using it.

Balance - you are behaving not just like an idiot, you are behaving like a racist, you are demonstrating your connection with one of the most disgusting political movements in history - and you are offending the British crown.

You are a disgrace to any forum.

Logen Ninefingers
07-11-2023, 06:19 PM
Talks of ‘Jewish Nazis’, rants about the behaviour of others. None so blind and all that.

08-11-2023, 12:12 AM

Israel-Hamas war: Chlöe Swarbrick’s use of ‘river to the sea’ slogan at pro-Palestine rally deemed divisive and inflammatory by academics

Two expert academics consider Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick’s use of a contentious slogan during a pro-Palestine rally in Auckland to be unhelpful, divisive and inflammatory.

The Human Rights Commission has warned political and community leaders not to inflame the situation or generate fear when speaking about the conflict, while Swarbrick has apologised for causing offence but has not ruled out using the chant in the future.

Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt told RNZ many communities aren’t feeling safe at the moment.

“I think that our social cohesion is being severely tested at the moment and I really urge political leaders to demonstrate leadership and to keep in mind all communities,” Hunt said.

“Of course they’ve got the right to protest, but without making others feel unsafe.”

Hunt said, when asked about Swarbrick’s comments, that the commission had received “numerous” complaints over the weekend.

“You can protest, you can make your views known, but without inflaming the situation, without generating fear amongst our neighbours, colleagues and constituents. People are protesting for peace, so let’s protest peacefully.”

Not as if Greens weren't aware of use of it either:

New Zealand Jewish Council spokeswoman Juliet Moses said the council wrote to the Green Party after the phrase was used by MP Ricardo Menéndez March on social media in 2021 to express its concerns.

Let's see what further happens on this now ..

02-12-2023, 12:07 AM
Wonder what happened with James's acclaimed Degrees Bull Sh!t ? ;)

Buried down the bottom of the garden hoping no-one would remember ? ;)

06-12-2023, 08:52 AM
Black Peter revealing his dormant German Nazi genes, lurking always just under the surface.

Heil Hitler!
Hitler is likely to have had Jewish and African ancestry too. Evil can sprout up anywhere. Perhaps in your terminology sone people may well have English imperialist genes - with the propensity to confiscate, occupy and incarcerate? But wait - the traditional English gene pool is made up considerably of Celt, Saxon and Viking.

06-12-2023, 07:32 PM

James Shaw, the Greens and His MSc

How da gen on da Degree coming along - James ? ;)

It can't be lost in the Long Grass out back already .. surely ? :)

06-12-2023, 09:42 PM

James Shaw, the Greens and His MSc

How da gen on da Degree coming along - James ? ;)

It can't be lost in the Long Grass out back already .. surely ? :)

You sent to Winston yet, nztx?

You can then be sure that Winston will use it to devastating effect at the right time when the nuclear option needs to be exercised. :t_up:

13-12-2023, 03:38 PM
Cry Baby almost gets Booted ;)


Swarbrick avoids being booted from the House

Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick has avoided being kicked out of the house after saying Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told a "demonstrable lie" by claiming his Government isn’t weakening the nation’s commitment to climate change.

Saying a member is lying is always out of order, Speaker of the House Gerry Brownlee said.

Swarbrick said she wasn’t calling Luxon is a liar, but that his claim was demonstrably untrue.

We are near the start of question time and it looks like it’s going to be fiery.

How are the Degrees of James faring for a belated fess up ? ;)

10-01-2024, 05:37 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Too good

Logen Ninefingers
10-01-2024, 05:42 PM
‘Prominent Green Party MP and human rights lawyer Gorillaz Ghahraman has stood aside from her portfolios after she was accused of shoplifting at an Auckland store, Newstalk ZB Plus understands.

The Green Party has confirmed it is aware of the allegations Ghahraman faces and that she “will stand aside from all portfolio responsibilities until the matter is resolved”.

According to sources, Ghahraman is understood to have been accused of shoplifting during the festive season from exclusive boutique clothing store Scottie’s Boutique in the electorate of fellow Green MP Chlöe Swarbrick.’

10-01-2024, 06:37 PM
Golly Gosh

A group huddle needed to pull out a multitude of greasy green excuses ? ;)

How's James of Many Degrees doing on fessing up or still hard ? ;)

10-01-2024, 07:17 PM
Did Golriz pinch a hijab to wear to Comrade Cinders' wedding, or as a wedding present for Cinders?

Not very rizz Golriz!

10-01-2024, 11:29 PM
A Mugshot on here:


Her values are unshakeable, and her resilience as strong as ever, she’s the sister we all deserve.


Quite a few other Lost & Forgotten souls star on the page too ..

Coming soon to Kiwiland .. no need to go to Iran:


Golriz burger

Our own very special Kiwi Green version :)

11-01-2024, 08:49 AM
What's that quote The Greens love - "From the river to the sea our clothes will be free" ?

11-01-2024, 09:26 AM
What's that quote The Greens love - "From the river to the sea our clothes will be free" ?

‘From Queen St to Ponsonby, my clothes will be free!’

What I would like to know is this - as a MP, she gets $160,000 minimum plus generous allowances. How does she not have enough to make ends meet to resort to stealing?

Or is it just part of her DNA?

11-01-2024, 10:33 AM
Classic memo, Do as I say not as I do !!

Bill Smith
11-01-2024, 11:08 AM
Or as the greens would say "dirty rotten capitalist shop's deserve to be stolen from".

11-01-2024, 11:42 AM
Or as the greens would say "dirty rotten capitalist shop's deserve to be stolen from".

Greens taking Labour's motto of "Study hard, work hard and save hard so we can take from you to give to those who don't"


"Study very hard, work very very hard and save very very very hard so we can STEAL from you for our whanau & ourselves."

Logen Ninefingers
11-01-2024, 12:44 PM
Or as the greens would say "dirty rotten capitalist shop's deserve to be stolen from".

Green Party members have previously attacked a Wellington car dealership with paint, causing criminal damage, and there was no censure from the party.
(The media never highlighted the Party's links to the criminals concerned. The media sympathises with the criminals, not the victims).

The Green Party is a criminal organisation, IMO.

11-01-2024, 01:22 PM
Social media loving it …..alleged event happened before Christmas, shop was a donor to Chloe’s campaign fund and Golriz already fled the country ……and Green Party will pay for the goods allegedly stolen

Probably all lies but punters having fun

11-01-2024, 01:59 PM
Social media loving it …..alleged event happened before Christmas, shop was a donor to Chloe’s campaign fund and Golriz already fled the country ……and Green Party will pay for the goods allegedly stolen

Probably all lies but punters having fun

There has to be an innocent explanation.

Golriz is one of those rare politicians who truly believes in the garbage she spouts as a Green MP?

She was calling for a 'Free' Palestine - she must have a different definition of 'Free' than everyone else! :eek2:


11-01-2024, 06:25 PM
Here we go ... Golly's Green Azz Covering excuses unveiled


Green MP Golriz Ghahraman overseas as police investigate shoplifting allegations at Ponsonby boutique

Green MP Golriz Ghahraman is overseas as she faces allegations of shoplifting from an upmarket Auckland clothing boutique, the Herald can reveal.

Ghahraman left New Zealand in the days after the alleged incident on a trip the Green Party says was pre-planned.

Always the same with these Green nincompoops .. run away and hide when it looks like the clappers are coming down or the spotlight level increases to scorch thy plumage intensity ;)

11-01-2024, 10:19 PM
Here we go ... Golly's Green Azz Covering excuses unveiled


Green MP Golriz Ghahraman overseas as police investigate shoplifting allegations at Ponsonby boutique

Always the same with these Green nincompoops .. run away and hide when it looks like the clappers are coming down or the spotlight level increases to scorch thy plumage intensity ;)

No doubt she is in Iran busy fighting the good fight for her fellow country women of Iran to come out from behind the veil. What a useless MP she is and has been, achieving absolutely zero in her years in Parliament. Just like the noisy Mexican Marxist Green MP that talks loud but achieves absolutely nothing.. If she has the slightest level of honour and decency, she will resign end never be seen again near Parliament. What a disgraceful person she is.

12-01-2024, 07:03 AM
No doubt she is in Iran busy fighting the good fight for her fellow country women of Iran to come out from behind the veil. What a useless MP she is and has been, achieving absolutely zero in her years in Parliament. Just like the noisy Mexican Marxist Green MP that talks loud but achieves absolutely nothing.. If she has the slightest level of honour and decency, she will resign end never be seen again near Parliament. What a disgraceful person she is.

What a ridiculous rant?
Why is she a disgrace?

And forget the shoplifting allegation, I believe in innocent until proven guilty.
As NZTX says, surely there is an explanation as she is a believer. But you never know stranger things have happened. Who was that movie star that was caught shop lifting & had done so for years?

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 11:53 AM
What a ridiculous rant?
Why is she a disgrace?

And forget the shoplifting allegation, I believe in innocent until proven guilty.
As NZTX says, surely there is an explanation as she is a believer. But you never know stranger things have happened. Who was that movie star that was caught shop lifting & had done so for years?

Your modus operandi is to lie in wait, post nothing of substance yourself….and then to launch a blistering attack on any poster who dares to post against the woke / socialist political & media machine and its operatives.

At whose behest are you doing this?

12-01-2024, 12:14 PM
Your modus operandi is to lie in wait, post nothing of substance yourself….and then to launch a blistering attack any poster who dares to post against the woke / socialist political & media machine and its operatives.

At whose behest are you doing this?

I doubt very much whether DT is posting at anyone's behest. I think it more likely that (like me) he regularly checks out a couple of Forums on the site as an adjunct to his interest in specific shares.

There are some people I regard as trolls, who have little or no interest in engaging in any reasonable discussion about anything of substance, and whose only interest is in 'owning the libs'. I try not to feed them, and a lot of the time I ignore posts which I regard as deliberately provocative or just plain silly. Sometimes, I respond to a poster I think is genuinely interested in engaging, and sometimes I get fooled. Sometimes I respond in anger or exasperation. I wish I didn't.

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 12:38 PM

‘A second allegation of shoplifting has emerged involving embattled Green Party list MP Golriz Ghahraman, according to ZB Plus.

That incident allegedly took place at the same exclusive Ponsonby boutique weeks before the incident which is alleged to have occurred on December 23 and which is now the centre of a police investigation.

Ghahraman, who is the Green Party’s seventh-highest ranked list MP and holds the party’s justice portfolio, was revealed by ZB Plus on Wednesday to be facing an allegation of shoplifting thousands of dollars of high-end designer items from Scotties Boutique on Blake St in Ponsonby.

A Green Party spokesperson said on Wednesday that the party was aware of the allegations relating to the incident on December 23 and as a result, Ghahraman would be standing aside from all portfolio responsibilities “until the matter is resolved”.’

12-01-2024, 12:54 PM
Never forget " the left is a lie " !!!

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 01:21 PM
Never forget " the left is a lie " !!!

Another one: “it’s ok when the Left do it”.

12-01-2024, 01:38 PM
Only $ 15000 worth in one visit. Don't know what the fuss is all about :p

12-01-2024, 01:56 PM
Another one: “it’s ok when the Left do it”.

Only you said that - it isn't OK for anyone to do it (if proven of course).

12-01-2024, 01:56 PM
Never forget " the left is a lie " !!!

And the right used to be Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Petain, McCarthy, Lindberg, Marcos, Videla and Massera (Argentina), Noriega, and Pinochet among others.

Now it's Trump, Bolsonaro, Berlusconi, Orbahn, Duterte, Erdogan, Netanyahu etc.

You are welcome to them.

12-01-2024, 02:19 PM
And the right used to be Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Petain, McCarthy, Lindberg, Marcos, Videla and Massera (Argentina), Noriega, and Pinochet among others.

Now it's Trump, Bolsonaro, Berlusconi, Orbahn, Duterte, Erdogan, Netanyahu etc.

You are welcome to them.

Trump & Bolsanaro are not in power and Berlusconi is dead !!

Bill Smith
12-01-2024, 02:23 PM
It would be a pretty safe bet, that the first time caught is not the first time taking a "5 finger discount".

12-01-2024, 03:04 PM

‘A second allegation of shoplifting has emerged involving embattled Green Party list MP Golriz Ghahraman, according to ZB Plus.

That incident allegedly took place at the same exclusive Ponsonby boutique weeks before the incident which is alleged to have occurred on December 23 and which is now the centre of a police investigation.

Ghahraman, who is the Green Party’s seventh-highest ranked list MP and holds the party’s justice portfolio, was revealed by ZB Plus on Wednesday to be facing an allegation of shoplifting thousands of dollars of high-end designer items from Scotties Boutique on Blake St in Ponsonby.

A Green Party spokesperson said on Wednesday that the party was aware of the allegations relating to the incident on December 23 and as a result, Ghahraman would be standing aside from all portfolio responsibilities “until the matter is resolved”.’

Sounds like Golriz & the Greens tried to cover up but two thefts are one too many - especially when there could be more when they start reviewing CCTV etc.

And remember that Golriz embellished her human rights credentials before she was appointed as a Greens MP.

12-01-2024, 03:04 PM
Another one: “it’s ok when the Left do it”.

Perhaps she's being a Robyn Hood.
All very strange.

12-01-2024, 03:08 PM
Your modus operandi is to lie in wait, post nothing of substance yourself….and then to launch a blistering attack on any poster who dares to post against the woke / socialist political & media machine and its operatives.

At whose behest are you doing this?

Oh this is hilarious.
Look out the window Logen Ninefingers, well those black silent choppers were there...

Lie in wait, you make it sound so cloak & dagger. I wish it was that exciting but it's probably closer to shooting fish in a barrel.

As I have said on many occasions, post something intelligent or pertinent even and you will get a reasonable response. Otherwise it's garbage in, garbage tossed out.

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 03:10 PM
And the right used to be Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Petain, McCarthy, Lindberg, Marcos, Videla and Massera (Argentina), Noriega, and Pinochet among others.

Now it's Trump, Bolsonaro, Berlusconi, Orbahn, Duterte, Erdogan, Netanyahu etc.

You are welcome to them.

A mix of socialists, autocrats, nationalists, and some outright odd-balls. And you label them ‘right wing’ as it suits your purposes. So by your definition Maori nationalists who seek to attain sovereignty and a Maori ethno-state are ‘right wing’ as well.

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 03:13 PM
Oh this is hilarious.
Look out the window Logen Ninefingers, well those black silent choppers were there...

Lie in wait, you make it sound so cloak & dagger. I wish it was that exciting but it's probably closer to shooting fish in a barrel.

As I have said on many occasions, post something intelligent or pertinent even and you will get a reasonable response. Otherwise it's garbage in, garbage tossed out.

You can imagine that you are ‘shooting fish in a barrel’ but your post quality is actually at the level of ‘blowing your own foot off’.

12-01-2024, 03:19 PM
Sounds like Golriz & the Greens tried to cover up but two thefts are one too many - especially when there could be more when they start reviewing CCTV etc.

And remember that Golriz embellished her human rights credentials before she was appointed as a Greens MP.
Total waste of space in our parliament. Disgraceful behaviour. How does this trash end up in these positions.

Logen Ninefingers
12-01-2024, 03:20 PM
Total waste of space in our parliament. Disgraceful behaviour. How does this trash end up in these positions.

People like red skies and daytr put them there.

12-01-2024, 03:26 PM
People like red skies and daytr put them there.
Well they can bugger off too.

12-01-2024, 04:22 PM
Sounds like Golriz & the Greens tried to cover up but two thefts are one too many - especially when there could be more when they start reviewing CCTV etc.

And remember that Golriz embellished her human rights credentials before she was appointed as a Greens MP.

The CO-Leaders say they will talk to her on her return to NZ to clarify the matter. If they were taking this seriously, they would have talked to her already (I'm sure she can communicate from wherever she is) and sorted this matter. They are just trying to let it die without doing anything about it.

12-01-2024, 04:42 PM
May be she is looking for refugee status where she is now.

12-01-2024, 05:41 PM
A mix of socialists, autocrats, nationalists, and some outright odd-balls.

Which ones are socialists?

fungus pudding
12-01-2024, 06:03 PM
Which ones are socialists?

The whole lot of them as you well know.

12-01-2024, 06:08 PM
Golly Gosh .. a second allegation of shoplifting airing on Tele ;)

Pumpkin has allegedly been busy around town ;)

Were the Meds disagreeing or a splurge of Must See, Must Have ? ;)


Golriz Ghahraman shoplifting allegations: Green Party knew of claims against MP last month

All the little Green Monkeys sitting parked up on fence in front of James & sidekick Marama's little teepee with eyes closed dreaming away.. "No See, No Hear - we all pretend to ignore, it didn't happen "? .. then out come loud roar "Danger Danger .. GTF out of here .. Run away very fast - little Golly" when it started becoming too much to blissfully ignore ? ;)

In addition, further details have come to light about the incident on December 23.

Sources have told ZB Plus that they believe the value of the unpaid items that Ghahraman allegedly removed from the boutique two days before Christmas was in the region of $15,000.

Holy h4ll .. No scream of "Don't you know who I am ? ;)

WTF is coming of the Green Shrine self-entitled ranting & raving clueless Lady Muck "I'm just a poor Refugee' top level brass malcontent to have missed that ? ;)

Perhaps the circle of little green monkeys didn't like the new wardrobe of rags that were borrowed ? ;)

Hope she was warned of where or not to run away to .. the Ayatollahs have been known to hang & lynch wayward talent for far lesser transgressions with far fewer questions asked ;)

In certain areas its prudent to not advertise one's presence too much or attract attention :)

12-01-2024, 06:33 PM
The whole lot of them as you well know.
Ya what? I think you should perhaps re read the thread.

12-01-2024, 06:52 PM
especially when there could be more when they start reviewing CCTV etc.

Yip, I suggest you will find that's exactly what happened following the main incident. Footage from the "defendant's" previous recent visit was also reviewed.

The Jungle drums in the rag industry are beating. Let's just say, Scotties aren't the only retailer who have been closely reviewing footage for late last yr......

12-01-2024, 07:09 PM
Golriz was diagnosed as a Kleptomaniac.

What does that mean she asked?

You need to take something for it I said...

12-01-2024, 07:15 PM
She will certainly know her new place as soon as / or if she returns ;)


Know Your Place

Author: Golriz Ghahraman

Perhaps she might pop up in Gaza writing her new book among the Palestineans
and dodging Israeli live rounds ?

The Iranians didn't seem to enjoy their Ambassador being given a golly of grilling
so that might be off the itinery as they might quickly learn what had just rocked up
and decide that it needs to be quarantined for a long duration ;)

13-01-2024, 09:17 AM
Golly Gosh .. a second allegation of shoplifting airing on Tele ;)

Pumpkin has allegedly been busy around town ;)

Were the Meds disagreeing or a splurge of Must See, Must Have ? ;)


Golriz Ghahraman shoplifting allegations: Green Party knew of claims against MP last month

All the little Green Monkeys sitting parked up on fence in front of James & sidekick Marama's little teepee with eyes closed dreaming away.. "No See, No Hear - we all pretend to ignore, it didn't happen "? .. then out come loud roar "Danger Danger .. GTF out of here .. Run away very fast - little Golly" when it started becoming too much to blissfully ignore ? ;)

Holy h4ll .. No scream of "Don't you know who I am ? ;)

WTF is coming of the Green Shrine self-entitled ranting & raving clueless Lady Muck "I'm just a poor Refugee' top level brass malcontent to have missed that ? ;)

Perhaps the circle of little green monkeys didn't like the new wardrobe of rags that were borrowed ? ;)

Hope she was warned of where or not to run away to .. the Ayatollahs have been known to hang & lynch wayward talent for far lesser transgressions with far fewer questions asked ;)

In certain areas its prudent to not advertise one's presence too much or attract attention :)

That's a pretty ugly post NZTX.

Logen Ninefingers
13-01-2024, 10:28 AM
That's a pretty ugly post NZTX.

Get over yourself you sanctimonious bore.

13-01-2024, 10:53 AM
There are three key unanswered questions in this bizarre case of an MP-alleged-thief and what happened at Scotties Boutique in December:

1. Is there security camera footage showing Ghahraman stealing? Must be as the Greens have pretty much thrown Golriz to the wolves.

2 What is Ghahraman’s version of events? The Green Party’s PR team have made no attempt at damage control for Ghahraman, instead focusing on their leaders and the party’s brand.

3 What is she alleged to have taken? Scotties Boutique is an icon of Auckland’s luxury fashion scene, and is very pricey. A Green MP with very very very expensive decadent taste.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rather damning information coming out about how Golriz behaved (bear in mind she is the Greens' Justice Spokeswoman) -

1. she was caught stealing (shoplifting is too mild a term for $15,000 of loot),

2. when confronted, obviously used whatever legal excuse she could come out with to do a runner and then,

3. attempted to avoid being charged by 'returning' the stolen clothings.

So clearly guilty (per the above) that it's impossible for her to survive given the Greens' self-preservation first policy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In addition, further details have come to light about the incident on December 23.

Sources have told ZB Plus that they believe the value of the unpaid items that Ghahraman allegedly removed from the boutique two days before Christmas was in the region of $15,000.

It is understood that Ghahraman was stopped by staff at Scotties when she attempted to leave the store without paying.

ZB Plus understands that Ghahraman refused to open her bag when requested by shop assistants and then is alleged to have left the store with her bag containing the unpaid items.

Some hours later, the clothing was understood to have been anonymously returned to the store.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

13-01-2024, 10:54 AM
Picture of Golriz and convicted Rwandan Inciter of Tutsi Genocide, Simon Bikindi; who sang songs urging the Hutu slaughter of Tutsis.

Quin, a former Labour staffer who has spent a number of years working in Rwanda, has levelled allegations that Ghahraman chose to be on the defence team and published an article denying the genocide took place.

https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/n/4/g/i/5/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.1420x800 .1n53hc.png/1512139517385.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium


13-01-2024, 11:24 AM
Scotties Boutique is an icon of Auckland’s luxury fashion scene, and is very pricey. A Green MP with very very very expensive decadent taste. [/


Rather damning information coming out about how Golriz behaved (bear in mind she is the Greens' Justice Spokeswoman) -

1. she was caught stealing (shoplifting is too mild a term for $15,000 of loot),

2. when confronted, obviously used whatever legal excuse she could come out with to do a runner and then,

3. attempted to avoid being charged by 'returning' the stolen clothings.

So clearly guilty (per the above) that it's impossible for her to survive given the Greens' self-preservation first policy.


In addition, further details have come to light about the incident on December 23.

Sources have told ZB Plus that they believe the value of the unpaid items that Ghahraman allegedly removed from the boutique two days before Christmas was in the region of $15,000.

It is understood that Ghahraman was stopped by staff at Scotties when she attempted to leave the store without paying.

ZB Plus understands that Ghahraman refused to open her bag when requested by shop assistants and then is alleged to have left the store with her bag containing the unpaid items.

Some hours later, the clothing was understood to have been anonymously returned
Obvious question.

Was this Golriz's first foray?

Golriz, the Green parrot who loves feathering her nest with other people's goods!

Now, there is something about that Justice spokesperson role, and the ladies from the Left...

13-01-2024, 11:38 AM
Get over yourself you sanctimonious bore.

I'm not the one replying to a post that wasn't addressed to them...
If I'm so boring, just put me on ignore but I'm not going to stop pulling you & others up when required.

Anyway, it's you who promised to go away after the election. But that was just a big fat lie.

13-01-2024, 12:57 PM
Update on NZ Herald :

Oops for Greens and Golriz -

“Newstalk ZB Plus also reported that the Greens have a copy of the CCTV tape.”

There are three key unanswered questions in this bizarre case of an MP-alleged-thief and what happened at Scotties Boutique in December:

1. Is there security camera footage showing Ghahraman stealing? Must be as the Greens have pretty much thrown Golriz to the wolves.

2 What is Ghahraman’s version of events? The Green Party’s PR team have made no attempt at damage control for Ghahraman, instead focusing on their leaders and the party’s brand.

3 What is she alleged to have taken? Scotties Boutique is an icon of Auckland’s luxury fashion scene, and is very pricey. A Green MP with very very very expensive decadent taste.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rather damning information coming out about how Golriz behaved (bear in mind she is the Greens' Justice Spokeswoman) -

1. she was caught stealing (shoplifting is too mild a term for $15,000 of loot),

2. when confronted, obviously used whatever legal excuse she could come out with to do a runner and then,

3. attempted to avoid being charged by 'returning' the stolen clothings.

So clearly guilty (per the above) that it's impossible for her to survive given the Greens' self-preservation first policy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In addition, further details have come to light about the incident on December 23.

Sources have told ZB Plus that they believe the value of the unpaid items that Ghahraman allegedly removed from the boutique two days before Christmas was in the region of $15,000.

It is understood that Ghahraman was stopped by staff at Scotties when she attempted to leave the store without paying.

ZB Plus understands that Ghahraman refused to open her bag when requested by shop assistants and then is alleged to have left the store with her bag containing the unpaid items.

Some hours later, the clothing was understood to have been anonymously returned to the store.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y

13-01-2024, 02:48 PM
Golly! .. getting uglier by the day .. as if the past 6 years weren't ugly enuff :)

Retailers all over the place must now be checking their footage to see if they also got ripped off
on goodies absconding out the door :)

13-01-2024, 03:03 PM
I'm not the one replying to a post that wasn't addressed to them...
If I'm so boring, just put me on ignore but I'm not going to stop pulling you & others up when required.

Anyway, it's you who promised to go away after the election. But that was just a big fat lie.

You being a bit blind there fellow .. we just had 6 years of many big lie, much BS excuse .. plenty of it Green paint up poor shallow feel good excuse, much fairy dust falling off and copious amounts of Socialist twoodle and spin attempted to be swept under carpet when it became too obvious, too stupid or too hot to handle .. incase you didn't notice ;)

Logen Ninefingers
13-01-2024, 03:33 PM
I'm not the one replying to a post that wasn't addressed to them...
If I'm so boring, just put me on ignore but I'm not going to stop pulling you & others up when required.

Anyway, it's you who promised to go away after the election. But that was just a big fat lie.

‘Post less’ numpty, which I have done. Whereas you are camped out here, probably on the CTU’s dime.

13-01-2024, 04:19 PM
You being a bit blind there fellow .. we just had 6 years of many big lie, much BS excuse .. plenty of it Green paint up poor shallow feel good excuse, much fairy dust falling off and copious amounts of Socialist twoodle and spin attempted to be swept under carpet when it became too obvious, too stupid or too hot to handle .. incase you didn't notice ;)

What's that got to do with your ugly post?
Referencing what might happen if she was captured by the Iranians etc.
As if she deserves it & that being a refugee was a leverage point. Just ugly stuff

13-01-2024, 04:20 PM
‘Post less’ numpty, which I have done. Whereas you are camped out here, probably on the CTU’s dime.

You really are just embarrassing yourself.
Reds under the bed.... whooooo. 🤣

13-01-2024, 04:48 PM
What's that got to do with your ugly post?
Referencing what might happen if she was captured by the Iranians etc.
As if she deserves it & that being a refugee was a leverage point. Just ugly stuff

Silly silly child .. go take a cold shower ;)

13-01-2024, 05:11 PM
Silly silly child .. go take a cold shower ;)

I'm not the one that reeks from the ugly filth that is being posted.
Perhaps walk in a refugee's shoes before sticking the boot in. Any suggestton that perhaps she should be lashed? Hand cut off? Stoned to death perhaps? What are you implying?

Honestly I would hate to meet some of the posters on these threads as if you are willing to post some of the stuff on here anominously, it's clear that's how you really think. And there are some sick puppies on here, let alone the lack of empathy displayed.

However I am sure many of you hide your true nature in public so not to be ridiculed.

15-01-2024, 10:28 AM
Never forget, " the left is a lie " !!

15-01-2024, 11:05 AM
Golly! .. getting uglier by the day .. as if the past 6 years weren't ugly enuff :)

Retailers all over the place must now be checking their footage to see if they also got ripped off
on goodies absconding out the door :)

All Green party members should be required to identify themselves as such before entering any retail store, so that those hard working store owners, trying to make a living, can choose to deny them entry or otherwise implement other security measures.

15-01-2024, 12:00 PM
All Green party members should be required to identify themselves as such before entering any retail store, so that those hard working store owners, trying to make a living, can choose to deny them entry or otherwise implement other security measures.

Make all Green Party membes wear an identifying badge on their clothing when out in public - perhaps a green six pointed star. If it was made of metal and pinned on, the stars could be removed and recycled when the bodies are stripped before being dragged to the crematorium ovens.

15-01-2024, 12:05 PM
Make all Green Party membes wear an identifying badge on their clothing when out in public - perhaps a green six pointed star. If it was made of metal and pinned on, the stars could be removed and recycled when the bodies are stripped before being dragged to the crematorium ovens.

Not good enough - they should have a tattoo of an oil rig on their foreheads.

15-01-2024, 12:07 PM
Timeline of the Golriz Shoplifting Saga :


We are now getting a clearer timeline of the shoplifting allegations against Green MP golriz ghahraman, and the involvement of the Green Party in (not) investigating serious criminal allegations.

The allegations, if they lead to charges, carry a maximum penalty of seven years jail. A conviction would result in automatic expulsion from Parliament. A conviction could also get Ghahraman disbarred as a lawyer. So these are not trivial issues.

The timeline, known so far is:

Sat 23 Dec. Ghahraman is allegedly observed (and possibly on video) putting $15,000 of items into her bag. She was stopped by staff but refused to open her bag (even though they had the legal right to search it, as the suspected stolen items were over $1,000) and left. Hours later the clothing was reported to have been anonymously returned to the store. Scotties allegedly e-mailed video of the incident to both the Greens and police.

Wed 27 Dec. Green co-leaders claim they were only notified that day of the shoplifting allegation. They claim the situation was “not clear” and that as Ghahraman was on an overseas holiday, they decided to do nothing until she returned. It seems incredible that you would be notified that your Justice Spokesperson has been accused of shoplifting, and decide that her holiday takes precedence over determining what happened.

Fri 5 Jan. Green co-leaders notified that there is video evidence of a second shoplifting incident in late November or early December. They imply at this point they asked Ghahraman to stand down, but didn't make this public as the alleged victim didn't want publicity. They seem to think allegations of criminal behaviour against their justice spokesperson is a private matter. Also unanswered is why they didn't announce the stand down, without naming the alleged victim?

Wed 10 Jan. Story hits media after ZB Plus publishes story. Only at this stage do Greens say anything publicly.

Thu 11 Jan. Police (finally) start to investigate complaint.

Fri 12 Jan. Co-leaders confirm they have known for at least 16 days of the alleged shoplifting by their Justice Spokesperson. Noticeably there has still been no denial of the alleged facts by Ghahraman or the Greens.

15-01-2024, 12:08 PM
This thread is getting weirder and weirder

15-01-2024, 12:55 PM
Update on NZ Herald :

Oops for Greens and Golriz -

“Newstalk ZB Plus also reported that the Greens have a copy of the CCTV tape.”

Golriz is back on the country and Greens’ PR machinery has gone into overdrive to come out with a statement.

Expect ‘Mental Health’ to feature very prominently in the Spin statement when it is issued. Then, there’s the anguish she had been feeling over the Gaza situation where Hamas is not to be blamed for the Oct 7th massacre of innocent Jewish babies, children and mothers. It’s all the fault of Israel, savvy?


15-01-2024, 12:59 PM
This thread is getting weirder and weirder

Nothing weird about another woke MP behaving inappropriately.
The pattern is unmistakably familiar.

15-01-2024, 01:43 PM
Nothing weird about another woke MP behaving inappropriately.
The pattern is unmistakably familiar.

Like this guy?

15-01-2024, 02:06 PM
Like this guy?
Sense of entitlement, whats yours is mine, must be in their dna.

15-01-2024, 04:48 PM
Sense of entitlement, whats yours is mine, must be in their dna.

I would think that being a " good " thief would be a prerequisite for the Green or any loony lefty party, being observed and caught would not look very good in their eyes and so would fail any selection bar !!, never forget " The left is a lie " .

15-01-2024, 05:09 PM
I would think that being a " good " thief would be a prerequisite for the Green or any loony lefty MPs, being observed and caught would not look very good in their eyes and so would fail any selection bar !!, never forget " The left is a lie " .
One thing is for sure. I can not believe how many of the woke, absolutely useless lefty MPs have displayed their true colours in blatant broad daylight. There must be something in the sunlight that makes them behave like absolute fools. You could not make this s..t up !

15-01-2024, 06:17 PM
There have been plenty of instances on both sides of the political fence that have committed misdemeanors or more.

15-01-2024, 06:38 PM
Looks like she might be suffering from Kleptomania syndrome.... not her first rodeo by accounts...

Breaking story…

"Sources have now passed to this blog information that back in October 2023, Green MP, and five finger discounter, Golriz Ghahraman has shoplifted 2 items from a Wellington store.

As we have long suspected, Ms Ghahraman has not just recently taken up shoplifting to support her huge tax payer funded salary.

This story is clearly still just developing, and as we have previously posted, its not just Golriz thats feeling the heat. "


15-01-2024, 07:42 PM
Looks like she might be suffering from Kleptomania syndrome.... not her first rodeo by accounts...

Breaking story…

"Sources have now passed to this blog information that back in October 2023, Green MP, and five finger discounter, Golriz Ghahraman has shoplifted 2 items from a Wellington store.

As we have long suspected, Ms Ghahraman has not just recently taken up shoplifting to support her huge tax payer funded salary.

This story is clearly still just developing, and as we have previously posted, its not just Golriz thats feeling the heat. "


It’s mental health, see?

Poor thing was so deeply traumatised with fleeing Iran as a refugee (away from the murderous regime there) and was forced into defending a Rwanda genocide pusher (convicted) so she turned to shoplifting to cope?

The interesting question is why she was not charged with the two Wellington shoplifting offences (if true).

The left leaning MSM must have closed ranks to protect one of their own?

15-01-2024, 07:45 PM
It’s mental health, see?

Poor thing was so deeply traumatised with fleeing Iran as a refugee (away from the murderous regime there) and was forced into defending a Rwanda genocide pusher (convicted) so she turned to shoplifting to cope?

The interesting question is why she was not charged with the two Wellington shoplifting offences.

The left leaning MSM must have closed ranks to protect one of their own?
No doubt. How sad.

Logen Ninefingers
15-01-2024, 07:49 PM

‘Police are investigating another shoplifting allegation seemingly involving Green MP Golriz Ghahraman, this time in relation to a Wellington store.

Wellington-based store, Cre8iveworx, emailed other businesses in the city on Monday saying they believed Ghahraman was in the premises in October last year.

The store sells high-end dresses, gifts, jewellery and homeware.

A police spokesperson confirmed they received a shoplifting report from Cre8iveworx, about an incident on October 26. The spokesperson on Monday told Stuff “enquiries into the matter are ongoing”.’

15-01-2024, 08:00 PM
It really is truly bizarre.
It reminds me of Hollywood stars who have been caught shoplifting on rodeo drive.
It's not that they couldn't afford it.

15-01-2024, 08:23 PM
As a kleptomaniac Golriz could have satisfied her urges in the $2 shop.

But no, $15000 was her haul, was she pinching to order?

15-01-2024, 08:29 PM
As a kleptomaniac Golriz could have satisfied her urges in the $2 shop.

But no, $15000 was her haul, was she pinching to order?

Free clothings.

Now we know why she wants a Free Palestine!

15-01-2024, 08:30 PM
No worries if Golriz is booted out of Parliament and disbarred as a lawyer.

She could establish a falafel and fish takeaway with Cinders, with Kiritapu Allan doing the after-hours deliveries.

The name?

Rizzy, Dizzy and Kiri.

Blue Skies
15-01-2024, 08:35 PM
In the absence of any explanation, looks like Golriz's political career is over.

In cases like these where people who are instantly recognisable risk their careers and public humiliation when paying for the items would barely make a dent in their incomes, it's usually a psychological disorder driving them to do it.
If the allegations turn out to be true, she will join a long list of well known & celebrity people convicted of shoplifting, Wynona Ryder, Lindsay Lohan, Farrah Fawcett, Peaches Geldof, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Olga Korbut, Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, to name a few.

Golriz is on some pretty powerful medication for her MS which can have some unusual effects but it's no excuse.
She must be devastated, in quite a fragile mental state.
Imagine the Greens co-leaders are treading carefully for the sake of her mental health, rather than throwing her to the wolves.

Logen Ninefingers
15-01-2024, 08:57 PM
In the absence of any explanation, looks like Golriz's political career is over.

In cases like these where people who are instantly recognisable risk their careers and public humiliation when paying for the items would barely make a dent in their incomes, it's usually a psychological disorder driving them to do it.
If the allegations turn out to be true, she will join a long list of well known & celebrity people convicted of shoplifting, Wynona Ryder, Lindsay Lohan, Farrah Fawcett, Peaches Geldof, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Olga Korbut, Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, to name a few.

Golriz is on some pretty powerful medication for her MS which can have some unusual effects but it's no excuse.
She must be devastated, in quite a fragile mental state.
Imagine the Greens co-leaders are treading carefully for the sake of her mental health, rather than throwing her to the wolves.

Seems like a pretty misogynistic list you’ve compiled there, pretty sure males engage in shoplifting / theft as well.

You’ve reeled off a list of female US celebs, mainly actresses, whereas GG isn’t a ‘celeb’, she’s an elected politician - supposedly in our Parliament to work on behalf of the people.

What are you trying to infer here? That there is sort of mass psychosis causing vacuous female ‘celebs’ to engage in shoplifting? I thought GG was supposed to be a highly principled social justice warrior? i.e. not NZ’s Kim Kardashian.

Here’s Amy Schumers take on her own

‘In an interview with GQ, Amy Schumer, on her shoplifting days, stated, “I think it’s pretty typical of white girls” adding, “I started just with my girlfriends-we would steal a bathing suit or some makeup or I don’t know, and then I just got more serious about it. It became grand larceny when I was in college.” The actress continued, “I just discovered this department store where you could just take whatever and then return it for cash - no tags, no receipt, nothing. You know, thousands of dollars. It was exciting.” Schumer added, “It was the adrenaline - the actual act of getting away with it. It wasn’t about the money, even though the money was nice. And I didn’t feel bad about it- it was this huge corporation. You know, I never stole from people. I never stole from a little store.”

Amy Schumer further confessed to stealing $100,000 worth of stuff overall, and speaking on the same, she shared, “It’s a lot. Yeah. I was stealing, like, from age 14 to 21? I think I was arrested when I was 21.”

She continued, “I got arrested stealing from Bloomingdale’s with my sister—which I’d never stolen from before, but Kim was like, “It’s really easy,” and then we found out it’s the hardest place to shoplift from—and they kind of got it down to disturbing the peace, but if anybody dug into my record they would see that it was grand larceny.”

If GG is on ‘some pretty powerful medication for her MS which can have some unusual effects’ (such as what exactly?) but that’s ‘no excuse’….then why even mention it!! You know exactly what you are doing.

15-01-2024, 09:05 PM
I would suggest GG is just the tip of the Green party iceberg. Lot more chaos to surface from this bunch of misfits purporting to be polititions.

Bill Smith
15-01-2024, 09:09 PM
In the absence of any explanation, looks like Golriz's political career is over.

In cases like these where people who are instantly recognisable risk their careers and public humiliation when paying for the items would barely make a dent in their incomes, it's usually a psychological disorder driving them to do it.
If the allegations turn out to be true, she will join a long list of well known & celebrity people convicted of shoplifting, Wynona Ryder, Lindsay Lohan, Farrah Fawcett, Peaches Geldof, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Olga Korbut, Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, to name a few.

Golriz is on some pretty powerful medication for her MS which can have some unusual effects but it's no excuse.
She must be devastated, in quite a fragile mental state.
Imagine the Greens co-leaders are treading carefully for the sake of her mental health, rather than throwing her to the wolves.

And you know exactly the medication and the strength of that medication, that she is on for MS. BS telling BS again.

Logen Ninefingers
15-01-2024, 09:11 PM
Seems to be a Left wing mind set: it’s ok to steal because capitalist society is ‘bad’ and ‘unfair’. Hollywood celebs are pretty uniformly a pack of rich entitled Left wingers.

Logen Ninefingers
15-01-2024, 09:13 PM
And you know exactly the medication and the strength of that medication, that she is on for MS. BS telling BS again.

If you have any mental health issues, personal stress, or are on any sort of medication then it’s pretty much open slather on doing anything you like; laws be damned. That’s the message from our Left wing politicians.

Blue Skies
15-01-2024, 09:26 PM
Logen, the progression of MS & the effects of medication are well documented in medical circles, and if you're genuinely interested & wanting to be better informed, I've provided some links for you which show just how seriously this impacts a patients mental state & behaviour.

It's a disease which affects all the brain & the central nervous system & patients often exhibit behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense or they aren't able to control.

Please have a read & you might have a bit more empathy & understanding of this dreadful disease.



15-01-2024, 09:34 PM
Logen, the progression of MS & the effects of medication are well documented in medical circles, and if you're genuinely interested & wanting to be better informed, I've provided some links for you which show just how seriously this impacts a patients mental state & behaviour.

It's a disease which affects all the brain & the central nervous system & patients often exhibit behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense or they aren't able to control.

Please have a read & you might have a bit more empathy & understanding of this dreadful disease.


All the more reason to resign from Parliament, BEFORE you bring disgrace and infamy to NZ!
Not wait till you are nicked.

15-01-2024, 09:35 PM
Logen, the progression of MS & the effects of medication are well documented in medical circles, and if you're genuinely interested & wanting to be better informed, I've provided some links for you which show just how seriously this impacts a patients mental state & behaviour.

It's a disease which affects all the brain & the central nervous system & patients often exhibit behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense or they aren't able to control.

Please have a read & you might have a bit more empathy & understanding of this dreadful disease.



If all this is true, and I doubt that very much, then she should definitely not have stood for re-election. Her party should have also barred her from standing.

So she can go back to Iran for all I care.

15-01-2024, 09:48 PM
So have the Greens and the Police been involved in a political cover-up over Golriz?

Certainly looking to be the case IF the Wellington theft was reported to the Police earlier than the Auckland ones.


Logen Ninefingers
15-01-2024, 09:56 PM
Logen, the progression of MS & the effects of medication are well documented in medical circles, and if you're genuinely interested & wanting to be better informed, I've provided some links for you which show just how seriously this impacts a patients mental state & behaviour.

It's a disease which affects all the brain & the central nervous system & patients often exhibit behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense or they aren't able to control.

Please have a read & you might have a bit more empathy & understanding of this dreadful disease.



So you are now raving on about MS when you previously said - and I quote - “BUT IT’S NO EXCUSE”.

I’ve done thorough research on this subject and can find absolutely no link at all between having MS and committing criminal acts, so your attempt to smear MS sufferers as a pack of thieves won’t work mate. I have all the empathy in the world for them whereas you are happy to smear them…disgraceful!

16-01-2024, 08:15 AM
Logen, the progression of MS & the effects of medication are well documented in medical circles, and if you're genuinely interested & wanting to be better informed, I've provided some links for you which show just how seriously this impacts a patients mental state & behaviour.

It's a disease which affects all the brain & the central nervous system & patients often exhibit behaviour which doesn't seem to make sense or they aren't able to control.

Please have a read & you might have a bit more empathy & understanding of this dreadful disease.


Afraid you are wasting your time and breath BS. As far as most of the posters on the 'Elections' forum are concerned, no one on the left is deserving of any consideration whatever. It isn't surprising that most posters on a sharetrader site are right wing, but even after posting here for many years, I continue to be surprised and disappointed by the way their visceral hatred of the left often overwhelms both their rationality and their humanity. Betcha they continue to pile on.

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 09:22 AM
Afraid you are wasting your time and breath BS. As far as most of the posters on the 'Elections' forum are concerned, no one on the left is deserving of any consideration whatever. It isn't surprising that most posters on a sharetrader site are right wing, but even after posting here for many years, I continue to be surprised and disappointed by the way their visceral hatred of the left often overwhelms both their rationality and their humanity. Betcha they continue to pile on.

I continue to be surprised at the inhumanity of the Left. Responsible law abiding hard-working Kiwi's who are wage and salary slaves (or own their own businesses), accept societal responsibilities, and try to do right by themselves and their families, are labelled 'selfish' by the Left and told that they need to pay more taxes. The Leftist message is: "shut up, work harder, and pay us more". At the heart of the marxist / socialist mindset is hate, envy, and latent violence....and yet we are told that these are people with 'empathy'. Turn it up! The only empathy they have is for their fellow troughers. Whenever a Leftist trougher committs an act that is counter to the law or even common decency, there is a mad and deeply cynical scramble to find a plethora of excuses for their behaviour.

16-01-2024, 09:23 AM
Afraid you are wasting your time and breath BS. As far as most of the posters on the 'Elections' forum are concerned, no one on the left is deserving of any consideration whatever. It isn't surprising that most posters on a sharetrader site are right wing, but even after posting here for many years, I continue to be surprised and disappointed by the way their visceral hatred of the left often overwhelms both their rationality and their humanity. Betcha they continue to pile on.
Why would I compromise my rationality by attempting to deceive myself over the discracefull behaviour emanating from the left.

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 09:23 AM
The Blekinge Street Gang (Danish: Blekingegadebanden) was a Danish far-left criminal group. Between December 1972 and May 1989, they committed robberies and sent the money to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 09:25 AM
Why would I compromise my rationality by attempting to deceive myself over the discracefull behaviour emanating from the left.

They will play the 'mental health' or illness card every single time. Leftism is a sad delusion, whereby people without the slightest bit of understanding or empathy for the vast majority of decent people convince themselves that they are the sole custodians of empathy.

16-01-2024, 09:45 AM
There is no other side to the story imo - there is just the attempts at cover-up and now, it has blown up big time for the Party of Hypocrites led by James 'fake degree' Shaw & Marama 'fake green' Davidson.


"Geddis said the longer it took to hear Ghahraman's side of the story, the more public speculation will grow against her.

"When you only hear one side of a story of course you tend to believe that side that you've heard. We need to hear the other side ... but the longer it's allowed to linger, the harder it's going to be for that other side to get traction."

https://thumbnailer.digitalnz.org/?resize=664%3E&src=http%3A%2F%2Fndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz%2FNLNZ StreamGate%2Fget%3Fdps_pid%3DIE31480967

16-01-2024, 10:04 AM
In the absence of any explanation, looks like Golriz's political career is over.

In cases like these where people who are instantly recognisable risk their careers and public humiliation when paying for the items would barely make a dent in their incomes, it's usually a psychological disorder driving them to do it.
If the allegations turn out to be true, she will join a long list of well known & celebrity people convicted of shoplifting, Wynona Ryder, Lindsay Lohan, Farrah Fawcett, Peaches Geldof, Britney Spears, Megan Fox, Olga Korbut, Kim Kardashian, Amy Schumer, to name a few.

Golriz is on some pretty powerful medication for her MS which can have some unusual effects but it's no excuse.
She must be devastated, in quite a fragile mental state.
Imagine the Greens co-leaders are treading carefully for the sake of her mental health, rather than throwing her to the wolves.

Didn’t think even you would lower yourself to defending this thief with lousy excuses, using the exact BS excuses Balance said would be coming out. How utterly pathetic

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 10:40 AM

Would you ever want to cure your MS entirely?

"So far I haven't felt the urge to cure it. I'm very, very lucky that I have access to the treatment that I have. And the only thing I have to live with is that it’s very slowly progressing. It hasn't progressed for about a year at all. So we're managing it. I'm in a group of people with a chronic illness that has a cure with stem cell treatment. I haven't taken it, even though theoretically I could try and get a mortgage or something. But I haven't looked into it at all, and I feel OK about it so far. But instead of talking about a cure for this particular kind of illness, we should be celebrating actually making the world accessible."

16-01-2024, 11:46 AM
Didn’t think even you would lower yourself to defending this thief with lousy excuses, using the exact BS excuses Balance said would be coming out. How utterly pathetic

Pathetic and hypocritical to the core - that's what our resident BS posters have revealed themselves to be.

Hilarious conversation I had this morning :

"So you had a Justice Minister who drove & hit a stationery ute while drunk last year, ran away from the crime scene, had to be tracked down by the police (with a dog), refused to be breath tested and resisted arrest?

Now you have an Opposition MP spokesperson of Justice, paid over $160,000 a year, who has been accused of shoplifting $15,000 worth of high end expensive clothings and her Party cannot come out with any explanation days after the news broke?

And this Green Party holds itself out as speaking up for the poor!!!!!?????

WTF, man! "

Incredulous reaction from one of my overseas contacts who simply cannot believe that NZ leftist politics has descended into such comical farce!

16-01-2024, 11:57 AM
Pathetic and hypocritical to the core - that's what our resident BS posters have revealed themselves to be.

Hilarious conversation I had this morning :

"So you had a Justice Minister who drove & hit a stationery ute while drunk last year, ran away from the crime scene, had to be tracked down by the police (with a dog), refused to be breath tested and resisted arrest?

Now you have an Opposition MP spokesperson of Justice, paid over $160,000 a year, who has been accused of shoplifting $15,000 worth of high end expensive clothings and her Party cannot come out with any explanation days after the news broke?

And this Green Party holds itself out as speaking up for the poor!!!!!?????

WTF, man! "

Incredulous reaction from one of my overseas contacts who simply cannot believe that NZ leftist politics has descended into such comical farce!

What next?

Maybe it will finally come out that one of the co-leaders of the Green Party has a fake degree?

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 12:17 PM
What next?

Maybe it will finally come out that one of the co-leaders of the Green Party has a fake degree?

Green Party head honchos feel like they are entitled to plum jobs, but just aren’t prepared to do the work required. Shaw has stolen roles that should have gone to people who worked their backsides off to get qualified, and his supporters and the Left wing media literally DON’T CARE! When the leader behaves badly and gives the middle finger to any who are asking valid questions, is it any surprise that his underlings feel they can behave any way they like? It’s the rotten hypocrisy and moral failings at the heart of the Greens and Leftism that is the real issue.

Blue Skies
16-01-2024, 12:19 PM
DidnÂ’t think even you would lower yourself to defending this thief with lousy excuses, using the exact BS excuses Balance said would be coming out. How utterly pathetic

I'm not defending it or excusing it at all, it looks like her political career is over.
But aren't you curious why this sort of thing happens, why a reasonably principled well educated person on a high income would risk everything & do something so dishonest & so stupid ?
Does that not strike you as very strange ? Why would anyone do that?

I'm just a naturally curious person, & like most of us always seeking deeper understanding & answers.
Don't condemn me for that.

Its well documented MS is a disease affecting the brain & central nervous system so will affect human behaviour, esp things like impulse control. Any even slight injury to the brain can have devastating consequences.
So you can either wilfully ignore this (like the Rugby did with concussions for years) or rationally & without emotion consider it might play some part in this.
Then again it might not, but surely I can bring this up without all this anger & vitriol?

I think if you let emotions get in the way of seeing things clearly, you never find the right answers to things.

16-01-2024, 12:25 PM
Gone, resigns from Parliament, is there an admission of guilt though?

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 12:28 PM
I'm not defending it or excusing it at all, it looks like her political career is over.
But aren't you curious why this sort of thing happens, why a reasonably principled well educated person on a high income would risk everything & do something so dishonest & so stupid ?
Does that not strike you as very strange ? Why would anyone do that?

I'm just a naturally curious person, & like most of us always seeking deeper understanding & answers.
Don't condemn me for that.

Its well documented MS is a disease affecting the brain & central nervous system so will affect human behaviour, esp things like impulse control. Any even slight injury to the brain can have devastating consequences.
So you can either wilfully ignore this (like the Rugby did with concussions for years) or rationally & without emotion consider it might play some part in this.
Then again it might not, but surely I can bring this up without all this anger & vitriol?

I think if you let emotions get in the way of seeing things clearly, you never find the right answers to things.

Is she ‘reasonably principled’ though? The Greens are in favour of Robin Hood taxation and shout Hamas slogans like “from the river to the sea!” ‘Reasonably principled’ people shouldn’t support terrorists.

16-01-2024, 12:28 PM
Gone, resigns from Parliament, is there an admission of guilt though?

Mental health excuse as expected.

Like Kiri Allan, she is not well - that’s the best the PR & Spin machine can come out with.

So WTF did she stand for Parliament and WTF did the Green Party not picked up that she is unwell and totally unfit to be a MP?

How many more Kiri Allan and Golriz are lurking in the Labour & Green Parties?

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 12:35 PM
Mental health excuse as expected.

Like Kiri Allan, she is not well - that’s the best the PR & Spin machine can come out with.

She’s in an incredibly privileged position, paid by the taxpayer to cosplay in Parliament as a ‘Palestinian from Gaza’, helps herself to some free high end clothing and accessories, & then jets off overseas for a lovely holiday. Meanwhile there are people out there cleaning toilets for a living who can only dream of an overseas trip.

Sideshow Bob
16-01-2024, 12:40 PM
Who replaces her in Parliament?

Looks like Celia Wade-Brown......

16-01-2024, 12:46 PM
Who replaces her in Parliament?

Looks like Celia Wade-Brown......

One of Wellington’s worst mayors ever

16-01-2024, 01:08 PM
Is she ‘reasonably principled’ though? The Greens are in favour of Robin Hood taxation and shout Hamas slogans like “from the river to the sea!” ‘Reasonably principled’ people shouldn’t support terrorists.

Reasonably principled people in public office to serve the people do not embellish their CVS with fake degrees and fake credentials - like pretending to prosecute genocide criminals when they were in fact defending them.

Sick of these pretentious hypocritical useless politicians who are only for themselves.

Bill Smith
16-01-2024, 01:13 PM
One of Wellington’s worst mayors ever

An extreme example of "be careful what you wish for".

16-01-2024, 01:18 PM
An extreme example of "be careful what you wish for".

And who is the current Wellington mayor?

Yet another Green plant & mental health case (drunk) voted in by Wellingtonians.


16-01-2024, 01:43 PM
The lamest & dumbest excuse as Greens try to cover up their cover up attempt :

Shaw said that Ghahraman only got back to New Zealand over the weekend, which was the reason why it had taken so long for her to respond and for the leaders to address the issue.

He said she had been "very" cooperative.

He said the ongoing police investigation was also a reason for the delay.

Davidson said that it had been important to have "face-to-face" conversations.

16-01-2024, 02:35 PM
“I am not trying to excuse my actions, but I do want to explain them.

”The mental health professional I see says my recent behaviour is consistent with recent events giving rise to extreme stress response, and relating to previously unrecognised trauma.

“People should, rightly, expect the highest standards of behaviour from their elected representatives. I fell short. I’m sorry. It’s not a behaviour I can explain because it’s not rational in any way, and after medical evaluation, I understand I’m not well.”

Ghahraman thanked Scotties Boutique on Blake St in Ponsonby, an upmarket clothing store, for the “kindness and empathy” they had shown her.

“I have let down a lot of people and I am very sorry.

Sounds like she has done the right thing. Can't forgive her based on "mental health" and she does not try to use it to excuse her behaviour.

Personally I am sick of hearing about mental health.

Blue Skies might have something about MS. But Michael Woods was another example of crazy behaviour with his airport shares. Jamie Lee Ross, total nutbag, the list could go on.

I had expected Golriz to use mental health as an excuse and the Greens to back her but you have to give her credit, she had the decency to front up, apologise and resign from parliament.

16-01-2024, 02:43 PM
As Mark Dice famously quoted:

"Liberalism - find a cure."

Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 03:00 PM
‘James Shaw said Ghahraman had been subject to continuous threats of sexual violence, physical violence and death threats "since the day she was elected to Parliament".’


Continuous. Since she was elected to Parliament. Daily death threats & threats of physical and sexual violence.
Continuous threats over a period of literally years.
And yet the party leadership, police, and media did absolutely nothing.
This is the country we live in, where people can say continuously to someone else “I’m gonna kill you!!” and there is ZERO response from the authorities. Coster and the Ardern / Hipkins government should hang their heads in shame, they are a disgrace.

16-01-2024, 03:02 PM
‘James Shaw said Ghahraman had been subject to continuous threats of sexual violence, physical violence and death threats "since the day she was elected to Parliament".’


Continuous. Since she was elected to Parliament. Daily death threats & threats of physical and sexual violence.
Continuous threats over a period of literally years.
And yet the party leadership, police, and media did absolutely nothing.
This is the country we live in, where people can say continuously to someone else “I’m gonna kill you!!” and there is ZERO response from the authorities. Coster and the Ardern / Hipkins government should hang their heads in shame, they are a disgrace.

It's all BS and lies Logen. All after the fact. Just spin with no substance. Cry me a river.

From the river to the sea, my pants will be free.

16-01-2024, 03:18 PM
It's all BS and lies Logen. All after the fact. Just spin with no substance. Cry me a river.

From the river to the sea, my pants will be free.

And ‘I have lost a friend and a colleague’ from Marama ‘fake green’ Davidson. God help Golriz with a friend like Davidson who is distancing herself from her ‘friend’ in plenty quick time.


Logen Ninefingers
16-01-2024, 03:27 PM
It's all BS and lies Logen. All after the fact. Just spin with no substance. Cry me a river.

From the river to the sea, my pants will be free.

Just steel yourself because you know the Left is gathering for an epic lash-out in their pain and fury. All their usual targets will be in the firing line: government political parties, white straight males, the media (for simply reporting the story), on-line commenters, centre-right voters, Scotties etc etc etc….all will be accused of ‘unfairly and unjustly hounding an unwell person simply because she is a (young) woman and a person of colour.’

16-01-2024, 03:30 PM
Just steel yourself because you know the Left is gathering for an epic lash-out in their pain and fury. All their usual targets will be in the firing line: government political parties, white straight males, the media (for simply reporting the story), on-line commenters, centre-right voters, Scotties etc etc etc….all will be accused of ‘unfairly and unjustly hounding an unwell person simply because she is a (young) woman and a person of colour.’

What a Load of Sh*t the Green spinners pour out when found out trying to cover up ..

Next thing they will be trying to have everyone believe the clothes allegedly walked out off the racks outside all by themselves ;)

16-01-2024, 03:41 PM
Shaw said "obviously Parliament is a stressful place for anybody, but Ghahraman has been subject to continuous threats of sexual violence, physical violence, and death threats".

He said she faced a higher level of threat than other MPs.

There have been police investigations into those threats throughout her career as an MP.

Amazing the Cops didn't find anything much .. or did they ? ;)

Doesn't look too concerned or bothered until after returning to NZ after the shoplifting allegations storm had broken

No sign of anything while involved in all the publicised Palestine raving ;)

No sign of anything during the Election campaigning either or earlier ones

16-01-2024, 03:46 PM
Amazing the Cops didn't find anything much .. or did they ? ;)

Doesn't look too concerned or bothered until after returning to NZ after the shoplifting allegations storm had broken

No sign of anything while involved in all the publicised Palestine raving ;)

No sign of anything during the Election campaigning either or earlier ones

And she felt very safe to go shoplifting!

16-01-2024, 03:48 PM
And she felt very safe to go shoplifting!

Certainly thought she was safe when Staffers wanted to search her bags .. didn't happen did it ;)

Run away & so confident she had gotten away with it .. again :)

Very convenient smokescreen to weave for "I'm just a poor little Refugee"
for if and when things started getting a bit rough along the way isn't it ? ;)

Some might say a certain amount of feedback & reaction back is "All part of being in Politics Baby .. Live it up and suck it up"

What did Cry Baby trot out when the Bully Bag nasties from Green withins started getting a bit fierce ? ;)

How did that investigation go ?

What got trotted out when Motorcycle Annie had to pull a spin or two out of the bag after walking
across in clear path of oncoming and found herself exploring the tarseal out of the encounter .. ?;)

What got trotted out when someone else was merrily trotting away in Park & some unfortunate decided to test the tensile strength & durability of the degree infront of them ? ;)

16-01-2024, 04:01 PM
This whole thing has been a disgrace! She has been elected to represent NZ and this is how she behaves.
I agree, I’m sick to death of excuses of bad behaviour. If you are wanting to represent NZ and you have issues, then don’t get into politics. Do us all a favour and find some other gig.
She should have done the right thing and resigned days ago. I usually stay away from the political threads, couldn’t stay silent on this one!

16-01-2024, 06:54 PM
And here's how the Police waste their time 'investigating' crimes - two of them turned up at Golriz homes, knocked on the door and since no-one answered, left without meeting anyone!

WTF investigation? Could they not have rang her or the co-leaders who met Golriz today before arriving at her home?

What a freaking waste of time and police resources.


"Two Police officers were filmed knocking on the door of her Auckland house on Tuesday afternoon - one holding a large red folder.

No one was filmed answering the door, and the officers left shortly afterwards.

Police told Newshub "our investigations remain ongoing at this time".

16-01-2024, 07:04 PM
This whole thing has been a disgrace! She has been elected to represent NZ and this is how she behaves.
I agree, I’m sick to death of excuses of bad behaviour. If you are wanting to represent NZ and you have issues, then don’t get into politics. Do us all a favour and find some other gig.
She should have done the right thing and resigned days ago. I usually stay away from the political threads, couldn’t stay silent on this one!Any MP when facing an accusation with substance of bad behaviour should stand down, while the matter is investigated.

MPs are elected to represent their electorate. In the case of a list MP they are elected to represent their party’s voters?

MPs without “issues” may be difficult to define.

16-01-2024, 07:17 PM
A wee question or 2 for a poor refugee woman suffering from MS, and previously concealed 'issues'.

Would you have resigned from your human rights crusade in the NZ Parliament, if no video evidence existed of your proclivities?

Would you have, or did you try some legal sidesteps, yet to be revealed?

What would Elizabeth Kerekere say?

16-01-2024, 07:21 PM
A wee question or 2 for a poor refugee woman suffering from MS, and previously concealed 'issues'.

Would you have resigned from your human rights crusade in the NZ Parliament, if no video evidence existed of your proclivities?

Would you have, or did you try some legal sidesteps, yet to be revealed?

What would Elizabeth Kerekere say?

So freaking clear Golriz, Davidson and Shaw were hoping that it would just go away.

The video put paid to that repugnant scheme of theirs.

Update on NZ Herald :

Oops for Greens and Golriz -

“Newstalk ZB Plus also reported that the Greens have a copy of the CCTV tape.”


16-01-2024, 08:11 PM
No worries if Golriz is booted out of Parliament and disbarred as a lawyer.

She could establish a falafel and fish takeaway with Cinders, with Kiritapu Allan doing the after-hours deliveries.

The name?

Rizzy, Dizzy and Kiri.


Do NOT order crumbed fish as a delivery from this establishment.
It may be battered by the time it arrives at your place.

A better bet may be the Vegan fish.
Yes, vegan fish, $6 a piece in Orewa.
Made from banana according to the sweet young thing behind the counter.

16-01-2024, 08:41 PM
MS eh?

I've interacted with dozens of MS sufferers.

None of them would even pinch a one sixteenth of a tea spoon of salt.

Though you would have to take anything the NZ Green Party say with a pinch of salt!

16-01-2024, 08:49 PM
Hitler's downfall, the GG edition. Gold.


16-01-2024, 08:54 PM
MS eh?

I've interacted with dozens of MS sufferers.

None of them would even pinch a one sixteenth of a tea spoon of salt.

Though you would have to take anything the NZ Green Party say with a pinch of salt!

Must be the overly self entitled "Don't You Know Who I am" syndrome in play instead - Golly ;)

and a bit of "Don't you dare touch me .. I'm just a Poor Refugee Lawyer .. otherwise there will be Green H4ll to play coming at ya" just for good measure ;)

With so many issues in play - how the h4ll did she even manage to sit up straight in Parliament without falling over ? ;)

16-01-2024, 09:28 PM
With so many issues in play - how the h4ll did she even manage to sit up straight in Parliament without falling over ? ;)

From what l see of her, you can add anorexia to the list.

I don't think KFC have had much patronage from her lately

16-01-2024, 09:54 PM
So folks, who will be the next Left MP to commit the Coup de disgrace, now that Gold Ritz is out of the way?

Bill Smith
16-01-2024, 10:10 PM
So folks, who will be the next Left MP to commit the Coup de disgrace?

chipkins will be off as soon as he finds a sucker to pay him salary. Latest poll results for him will have Mcanulty sharpening the pig sticker.

16-01-2024, 10:45 PM
And here's how the Police waste their time 'investigating' crimes - two of them turned up at Golriz homes, knocked on the door and since no-one answered, left without meeting anyone!

WTF investigation? Could they not have rang her or the co-leaders who met Golriz today before arriving at her home?

What a freaking waste of time and police resources.


"Two Police officers were filmed knocking on the door of her Auckland house on Tuesday afternoon - one holding a large red folder.

Perhaps they were trying to catch Gold Ritz with her pants down, or off!

High chance, now she has returned some rig to Scotties

17-01-2024, 07:20 AM
Oh well she has fallen on her sword.

17-01-2024, 07:32 AM
Oh well she has fallen on her sword.

Maybe Chloe? Or Marama that would be awesome.

17-01-2024, 08:13 AM
These lefties just aren't very smart.

They should have learnt from Bill English, when you are going to commit a morally reprehensible act then make sure it is within the law.


Bill stole $23,763 from all of us but still became Prime Minister. At least his excuse was an understandable "greed" and a "lack of morals" instead of "mental health."

What is amazing is that Golriz as an advocate for the poor and less well off in NZ, shops where a dress costs $6,000. You start to think there might be a disconnect between the people of NZ and our representatives.

Maybe that is why poor people vote less than rich people. Nothing in it for them. National/ACT or Labour/Greens, pretty much the same thing.

17-01-2024, 08:27 AM
Does simply "falling on the sword" (in a politician's case resigning from the office of baubles) suffice? Is that taking "full responsibility"?

No, definitely not. But sadly, & typically, politicians (of different parties, not just the Greens) certainly like to think so, and want you to think so too.

...co-leader James Shaw saying, “We don’t want to do the police’s job here. What is important is that she is taking responsibility.”

..."and I take full responsibility for my actions which I deeply regret"

Properly taking FULL individual responsibility would include, coming fully clean on all "infringements", including any others that haven't come to light. Surely, it would also include unreservedly apologising to the victims of the crimes (not just saying "that she has let some people down"). Plus, of course, fully recompensing those victims for any losses incurred.

But don't hold your breath...

17-01-2024, 08:53 AM
These lefties just aren't very smart.

They should have learnt from Bill English, when you are going to commit a morally reprehensible act then make sure it is within the law.


Bill stole $23,763 from all of us but still became Prime Minister. At least his excuse was an understandable "greed" and a "lack of morals" instead of "mental health."

What is amazing is that Golriz as an advocate for the poor and less well off in NZ, shops where a dress costs $6,000. You start to think there might be a disconnect between the people of NZ and our representatives.

Maybe that is why poor people vote less than rich people. Nothing in it for them. National/ACT or Labour/Greens, pretty much the same thing.

Erm, you might wish to be careful there Aaron. You might not like the rules, but Mr English stole nothing. Accusing him of such and supplying an article that makes it clear that he was within the rules puts you in a vulnerable position should Mr English take exception imho.

17-01-2024, 08:56 AM
MP Andrew Falloon apparently got caught out sending indecent stuff to womenand he resigned resigned citing mental health issues

17-01-2024, 08:58 AM
Erm, you might wish to be careful there Aaron. You might not like the rules, but Mr English stole nothing. Accusing him of such and supplying an article that makes it clear that he was within the rules puts you in a vulnerable position should Mr English take exception imho.

As per disclosures in 2023 :

Four ministers (Duncan Webb, Jan Tinetti, Deborah Russell and Willie Jackson) claimed the capped allowance, of up to $45,000 a year, to cover living costs in the city. They then use it to pay rent on property they already own.

Four Government MPs (Arena Williams, Jenny Salesa, Jamie Strange and Sarah Pallet) claim an entitlement of up to $31,000 per year.


17-01-2024, 09:08 AM
"It is clear to us that Ms Ghahraman is in a state of extreme distress."

Leadership and a Party who cannot or will not see one of their star MPs in distress, under stress and when notified of her criminal behaviour, did nothing to help her manage.

Get this - They became aware of the shoplifting allegations 3 weeks ago but did absolutely nothing for and with Golriz until the allegations (now fact) surfaced in the media. That's how much they really care about her well-being.

And they expect NZers to trust them to see the real issues facing NZ and that they are capable of tackling the real issues?

James 'fake degree' Shaw and Marama 'fake green' Davidson - as clueless, useless and hypocritical as Cindy. Bunch of arseholes.


17-01-2024, 09:32 AM
Erm, you might wish to be careful there Aaron. You might not like the rules, but Mr English stole nothing. Accusing him of such and supplying an article that makes it clear that he was within the rules puts you in a vulnerable position should Mr English take exception imho.

Cheers Jonu, but I am pretty sure Bill English couldn't give a rats ar*e about anything I have to say. Stole was the wrong word as he was entitled to it, even though he felt the need to pay it back for some reason.

As Balance points out both right and left making full use of their entitlements which they have granted themselves.

Should Bill feel the need to haul me up over false accusations, he should be aware that I have been feeling a bit down lately so it is possible my mental health made me do it and I can't really take responsibility for my words or actions.

17-01-2024, 11:31 AM

New Zealand Law Society defends Golriz Ghahraman

That was back on 29 Nov 2017

This the same Professional Outfit who take a dim view of members bringing the Profession into Bad Light ? ;)

Presumably she is still a Member ? :)

"It is not the role of the lawyer to determine a client's guilt or innocence - that is the role of the tribunal, judge or jury hearing the case," he says.

and the role of NZ Law Society when this sort of chapter gets thrown out into the spotlight for all to see ? ;)

Must still all be sitting amused with reading the daily Scandal rag coverage coming out over their coffees :)

Logen Ninefingers
17-01-2024, 12:30 PM
If caught stealing, just remember to scream the following at the shop owner: “I’ve got mental health issues & work stress, you uncaring rich mongrel!”

17-01-2024, 12:46 PM
What do you all think of James Shaw new look

Some say it’s looks like Ian Lees-Gallaway and others an amazing similarity to some US guy on TV

Pretty cool eh …the new James

17-01-2024, 03:18 PM
What do you all think of James Shaw new look

Some say it’s looks like Ian Lees-Gallaway and others an amazing similarity to some US guy on TV

Pretty cool eh …the new James

Hopefully better than the old James.

I recall he was holding up a bunch capital projects to get funding for a "green" school in Taranaki. I did not think it was right to hijack national projects so he could get a private school up and running to teach people how to plant crystals.

Although this must be fake news because surely he would have needed to resign if there was a whiff of corruption while in public office.

17-01-2024, 06:05 PM
Golriz charged with shoplifting to further appear in court in February.

Expect that the Court will exercise leniency as it is likely that she is indeed unwell mentally.

The greater fault lies with the leadership of the Green Party who totally failed Golriz. They were only too happy to encourage & egg her on with her various protests and pretensions.

As has been mentioned, she was a useful show pony for the Greens - an attractive young female who loved to be very vocal & be in the forefront of championing divisive issues.


17-01-2024, 11:36 PM
Oct 2023 - Alleged Wellington Shoplifting:


The high-end Wellington store Cre8iveworx has emailed other businesses in the capital today with an allegation it believed Ghahraman was in the premises in October last year.

Cre8iveworx owner Melanie Smith said in her email that she had laid a police complaint, mentioned Ghahraman by name, and, included images appearing to show Ghahraman in the store, Stuff has reported.

Police confirmed to the Herald they received a report of shoplifting at Cre8iveworx on October 26 last year.

5 Dec 2023:


Clerk authorised to administer oath or affirmation
The Clerk read the commission authorising him to administer the oath or affirmation of allegiance.

Current oath

“I, [name], swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of New Zealand (probably updated to King Charles now) , Her (his) heirs and successors, according to law, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfill my duties as a New Zealand citizen. So help me God.”

Members sworn

The Clerk laid on the Table lists of names of the members elected to serve in the House. The following members took the oath or affirmation of allegiance:

Down the List appears - none other than ...

Golriz Gharaman

18 Days later...

Auckland Shoplifting allegedly occurred & following which, Allegations starting appearing

That went well ,, Took the Oath to serve or whatever despite probably knowing full well the October
2023 instance & any possible allegation could come back to haunt ;)

Were the Greens fully aware of this, including the earliest Oct 2023 instance ? :)

18-01-2024, 10:57 AM
What do you all think of James Shaw new look

Some say it’s looks like Ian Lees-Gallaway and others an amazing similarity to some US guy on TV

Pretty cool eh …the new James

Growing a full beard usually indicative of a traumatic experience or intention to hide. In James' case, he has lost his ministerial position and he also knows that it really is a matter of time before his fake degree comes back to strike him where it is really going to hurt.

Mental health issue too for James?

https://www.stuff.co.nz/media/images/9Tzi8ywRz924XE3uHaD6DZ3Ef+IdbOiYlvIROR5vlqUeRrexTo cZGobKRJ9od%2Fgnk3B%2FCeKTmTAsIjj6Q0YaYemFeNXGVltC kHLxI8CiYrvnJ+lS7burv9Ryk+xWEt+9KhSmCoWBXQzOiFnytc w+IqaELiAPmDQKzGWB3i41107+%2FdJRcw765viEb7GNc00NdD bRWk64HIIMub7qQHA1Mw==?resolution=620x350


18-01-2024, 11:49 AM
Growing a full beard usually indicative of a traumatic experience or intention to hide. In James' case, he has lost his ministerial position and he also knows that it really is a matter of time before his fake degree comes back to strike him where it is really going to hurt.

Mental health issue too for James?

https://www.stuff.co.nz/media/images/9Tzi8ywRz924XE3uHaD6DZ3Ef+IdbOiYlvIROR5vlqUeRrexTo cZGobKRJ9od%2Fgnk3B%2FCeKTmTAsIjj6Q0YaYemFeNXGVltC kHLxI8CiYrvnJ+lS7burv9Ryk+xWEt+9KhSmCoWBXQzOiFnytc w+IqaELiAPmDQKzGWB3i41107+%2FdJRcw765viEb7GNc00NdD bRWk64HIIMub7qQHA1Mw==?resolution=620x350


Or...maybe he couldn't be arsed shaving over the holidays.

18-01-2024, 12:38 PM
Or...maybe he couldn't be arsed shaving over the holidays.

The FAKE DEGREE is a big sword hanging over James Shaw's head - not something that he can run away from and imo, matter of time before it blows up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ excerpt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What is it with The Greens and telling lies?

Once again the MSM in NZ is silent on anything to do with the left. This time it appears that Green Party Leader, James Shaw, seems to be the recipient of a ‘leave pass’.

Over the past few weeks, well renowned investigative journalist, Ian Wishart, has been taking deep dive into the CV activities of James Shaw.

For those who have missed the story, and that is likely plenty with another MSM failure to report the facts that voters of NZ should be made aware of.

So the question is “James why won’t you let anyone look at your CV?”

Shaw, claims to be ‘open and transparent’ (sounds like the bull**** that Jacinda Ardern promoted), yet Shaw is preventing the media from investigating his academic qualifications… or in this case that lack thereof by the look of it.

The man who gave Greens co-leader James Shaw his biggest career break has just delivered Shaw one of his biggest slapdowns: “I believe it should be a matter of justifiable public interest to know whether the qualifications which office-holders state they hold, do in fact exist.”

For nearly two weeks the Climate Change minister Shaw has steadfastly resisted requests for a privacy waiver so the circumstances of his MSc degree from the UK’s Bath University can be fact-checked – but one of Shaw’s biggest supporters has delivered a crushing blow to his former protege, saying it’s time to front up.

Jermyn Brooks was a managing global partner of accounting and auditing giant Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) who hired a then 24 year old Shaw on secondment from international NGO AIESEC to help PWC work on sustainability issues in the late 1990s.

AIESEC, which Shaw’s LinkedIn page says he is still an office-holder in, is still clinging to the false belief that Shaw graduated with a BA degree from Victoria University.
Brooks, now an advisory board chair with anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International, says “James Shaw joined three other students who were senior members of AIESEC to provide outsider and young person input to finding out how PW was being viewed by their contemporaries and other less traditional sources.”

He described their work as “valuable” to PWC but doesn’t recall checking the degree status of the AIESEC recruits.

“I was never aware what degree James Shaw had actually been awarded,” he says, as “this was not key to the limited assignment which he and other AIESEC colleagues were working on.”

However, a 1999 report in Fast Company magazine says Shaw was able to leverage the temporary secondment into a permanent job at PWC.

A search of the UK PWC website in the Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) reveals full time staff were expected to hold degrees, and not just any old BA: honours were expected.


However, efforts to find out how Shaw landed the rare privilege of a full time job at a Big-4 accounting firm without a degree of any kind were fruitless, the media team at global auditing powerhouse PWC says it doesn’t have the records.

For James Shaw and the New Zealand media, it’s been four weeks of social media hell since the story first broke that Shaw’s financial interest declarations to parliament were inaccurate and that his statement to parliament about co-founding UK consulting firm Future Considerations Ltd may have been misleading, as the company was founded in 2002, Shaw didn’t start working there until 2005 and he didn’t become a shareholder until 2007.

The New Zealand media, all over other candidate claims like a rash, studiously looked the other way as the Shaw scandal burned up social media. Then, three weeks ago, came the revelation that Shaw’s LinkedIn page carried a false statement that he had a BA from Victoria University when in fact he had dropped out and never finished it.

It was revealed that some journalists had been fooled into believing he had that degree.

If its not Greens co-leader Marama Davidson lying about being hit by a motorbike, its James Shaw misleading the NZ voting public as to his academic achievements. Maybe his BA stands for Bull**** Artist.

It’s also not the first time this site has reported on issues surrounding Victoria University either – the seem to adopt a cloak of silence when they are called out by anyone.

19-01-2024, 09:14 AM
Mental health issue? More like BS & spin from the fake Green party.


"But I would prefer to know that claimants taking this popular excuse just acknowledge a human error, a temporary lack of judgement that may have been triggered by something quite ordinary going wrong. Or just because they were a bit of an idiot. So, to all you stars in the public firmament who have committed an oopsie in the bathroom of a favoured city bar or other career catastrophe, when an excitable PR spinner advises you to claim that the moment was down to ‘mental health issues’ just say, ‘Yeah, nah’, out of respect for those who have to live their entire lives with catastrophic biochemistries."

fungus pudding
19-01-2024, 09:49 AM
Mental health issue? More like BS & spin from the fake Green party.


"But I would prefer to know that claimants taking this popular excuse just acknowledge a human error, a temporary lack of judgement that may have been triggered by something quite ordinary going wrong. Or just because they were a bit of an idiot. So, to all you stars in the public firmament who have committed an oopsie in the bathroom of a favoured city bar or other career catastrophe, when an excitable PR spinner advises you to claim that the moment was down to ‘mental health issues’ just say, ‘Yeah, nah’, out of respect for those who have to live their entire lives with catastrophic biochemistries."

Here's a suggestion.

19-01-2024, 01:27 PM

New Zealand Law Society defends Golriz Ghahraman

That was back on 29 Nov 2017

This the same Professional Outfit who take a dim view of members bringing the Profession into Bad Light ? ;)

Presumably she is still a Member ? :)

and the role of NZ Law Society when this sort of chapter gets thrown out into the spotlight for all to see ? ;)

Must still all be sitting amused with reading the daily Scandal rag coverage coming out over their coffees :) What is your point? Surely everybody accused of a crime is entitled to a lawyer to help ensure that the case against them is properly proved in Court.

Under S.241(d) of Lawyers and Conveyancers Act 2006
“if (a legal practitioner) has been convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment and the conviction reflects on his or her fitness to practise, or tends to bring his or her profession into disrepute” then the lawyer can be disciplined which may include being struck off.

I am sure you will expect due process in this situation should be followed. I am sure you are not insinuating that the Law Society has done anything wrong. That it should respond in some knee-jerk reaction without following due process.

19-01-2024, 01:49 PM
Oct 2023 - Alleged Wellington Shoplifting:


5 Dec 2023:


Members sworn

Down the List appears - none other than ...

Golriz Gharaman

18 Days later...

Auckland Shoplifting allegedly occurred & following which, Allegations starting appearing

That went well ,, Took the Oath to serve or whatever despite probably knowing full well the October
2023 instance & any possible allegation could come back to haunt ;)

Were the Greens fully aware of this, including the earliest Oct 2023 instance ? :)….and MPs who are committed to getting rid of King Charles and the monarchy also swear to bear “true allegiance” to him. I am sure they all never intend to break the speed limit and never intend to break any other laws of the land, in the future, either

19-01-2024, 02:27 PM
….and MPs who are committed to getting rid of King Charles and the monarchy also swear to bear “true allegiance” to him. I am sure they all never intend to break the speed limit and never intend to break any other laws of the land, in the future, either

nztx’s point is that Golriz had already committed the crimes against her fellow citizens when she took the oath to serve them. Fair enough observation imo.

19-01-2024, 03:55 PM
Under normal circumstances wouldnt Nicky Hager be interested in writing a juicy expose about James Shaw and the rotten Green Party or would that be too close to home for him ?

Logen Ninefingers
19-01-2024, 04:52 PM
Under normal circumstances wouldnt Nicky Hager be interested in writing a juicy expose about James Shaw and the rotten Green Party or would that be too close to home for him ?

Nicky Hagar isn’t interested in writing anything that doesn’t attempt to further the Leftist agenda.

20-01-2024, 07:16 AM
nztx’s point is that Golriz had already committed the crimes against her fellow citizens when she took the oath to serve them. Fair enough observation imo.
Just to nitpick - crimes are committed against not the people of NZ, but against His Most Gracious Majesty Kng Charles III.

That oath of course refers to the future, that the laws will be observed.

in any case, the oath MPs take does not include “and that I will faithfully observe the laws of New Zealand and fulfill my duties as a New Zealand citizen” which I think is actually part of the citizenship oath.

However I think republicans must cross their fingers when they swear “true allegiance” to King Charles, just so they can take their seats.

I wonder how many MPs broke road rules when they were on their way to parliament to swear their oath to King Charles III.

Logen Ninefingers
20-01-2024, 07:46 AM
People equating ‘breaking road laws’ with stealing are the worst.

20-01-2024, 08:00 AM
People equating ‘breaking road laws’ with stealing are the worst.

Really? For a start, breaking driving, vehicle, and road laws can lead to the excruciating death of others.

Anyway I only “equated” them by virtue of crimes and offences all being part of the “laws of the land”.

Surely those who commit such acts are worse? Good attempt at trying to cancel me though.

20-01-2024, 08:45 AM
Really? For a start, breaking driving, vehicle, and road laws can lead to the excruciating death of others.

Anyway I only “equated” them by virtue of crimes and offences all being part of the “laws of the land”.

Surely those who commit such acts are worse? Good attempt at trying to cancel me though.

Pathetic beyond belief.

20-01-2024, 08:51 AM
Pathetic beyond belief. Pray, How so? Do you think a bit of speeding on the roads is OK if you don't get caught? Somebody including speed regulations as part of the "laws of the land" is "the worst"?

20-01-2024, 09:59 AM
Pray, How so? Do you think a bit of speeding on the roads is OK if you don't get caught? Somebody including speed regulations as part of the "laws of the land" is "the worst"?


Big yawn.

20-01-2024, 10:05 AM
Excerpt : "It must be getting time, surely, for Greens co-leader James Shaw to pull his escape parachute and leave Parliament.

Why would he want to stay on when a large number of party activists don’t support him and the party now presents as a shambles?

...... he’s stuck as co-leader of a party which has long left behind its roots in favour of mere activism. A party which despite a lengthy period in Parliament, has never had an MP sitting in Cabinet. It is a party which is not fully behind him.

These days the Greens are more known for their stands on issues totally unrelated to climate or sustainability.

he mere fact Shaw has not put on the keffiyeh suggests it won’t be long before he makes the final decision to leave a tribe that long ago left him."


https://tvnz-1-news-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/F4ZTGU3M45H2FOJ3P7Q45ICPMY.jpg?auth=e8b18d86828d0d 96969443fb76077b1d6ef3643fecf0f9f2fd5a582770101a3d&quality=70&width=800&height=450&focal=960%2C540

20-01-2024, 10:10 AM

Big yawn.
I conclude for you detail is irrelevant and inconsistency acceptable.

20-01-2024, 10:17 AM
Excerpt : "It must be getting time, surely, for Greens co-leader James Shaw to pull his escape parachute and leave Parliament.

Why would he want to stay on when a large number of party activists don’t support him and the party now presents as a shambles?

...... he’s stuck as co-leader of a party which has long left behind its roots in favour of mere activism. A party which despite a lengthy period in Parliament, has never had an MP sitting in Cabinet. It is a party which is not fully behind him.

These days the Greens are more known for their stands on issues totally unrelated to climate or sustainability.

he mere fact Shaw has not put on the keffiyeh suggests it won’t be long before he makes the final decision to leave a tribe that long ago left him."


https://tvnz-1-news-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/F4ZTGU3M45H2FOJ3P7Q45ICPMY.jpg?auth=e8b18d86828d0d 96969443fb76077b1d6ef3643fecf0f9f2fd5a582770101a3d&quality=70&width=800&height=450&focal=960%2C540

Brilliant article by Fran. Sums up the Green Party pretty well.

20-01-2024, 10:28 AM
Brilliant article by Fran. Sums up the Green Party pretty well.

James Shaw's full beard says it all - he has to cover up his face to cover up the disgust & Acute embarrassment he must be feeling to belong to a party of woke hypocrites.

Where’s the green in Green Party?

"From the river to the sea, James' red kumara swallowing is there for all to see!"

21-01-2024, 01:15 PM

The age of entitlement

Andrea Vance

January 21, 2024

Politicians - Your personal issues are not ours ;)

About time it was said too ..

21-01-2024, 01:24 PM

The age of entitlement

Andrea Vance

January 21, 2024

Politicians - Your personal issues are not ours ;)

About time it was said too ..

Excellent opinion piece indeed.

Impossible to disagree with her conclusion :

“MPs opening up about their experiences with mental health used to be courageous and noble.

There were risks in admitting vulnerability in a high-performance world, being honest about these challenges did real good, reducing stigma and increasing awareness.

Now, it’s just a cheap excuse for those with a casual attitude to rules that most people abide by.

It undermines genuine victims: those who will go through distress at some time in their life and are met with a less forgiving reaction and an unresponsive mental health system.”

21-01-2024, 02:06 PM
Comment seen elsewhere:

We all need to thank the media for exposing Golriz and Kiri Allan.

If they had not done that vital key part of their job, both would still be in Parliament.

What else do we not know about some MPs?

23-01-2024, 02:24 PM
Third shopliftng charge filed.


23-01-2024, 07:55 PM
Now some of the gold dust has settled on the Golriz saga, may be a good time to suggest prospective MP's go through an assessment program to assess their mental fortitude and stamina to survive in the job, once shortlisted by their parties.

Such tests and assessments already exist in the corporate arena.

I passed them, and lasted the distance, and did not crack along the way.

Ministers are selected from a limited number of MP's, so it's important the pool of talent is up to a standard, rather than down to one.

The House of Representatives should never be the House of Reprobates.

27-01-2024, 08:22 AM
Comment seen elsewhere:

But the media are all a bunch of Lefties that were bribed by the Labour Government... 🙄

27-01-2024, 08:54 AM
But the media are all a bunch of Lefties that were bribed by the Labour Government... ��

If the shoe fits, yes.

27-01-2024, 10:42 AM
If the shoe fits, yes.

Here is Chris Trotter's take on how the MSM was corrupted by the $55m fund :


" .......the state had offered the MSM the life-line of a $55 million “Public Interest Journalism Fund”. Less generally known, but offering incontrovertible confirmation of just how supine the MSM had become, were the terms and conditions which the MSM had to accept before the money could flow. Proprietors and editors had to sign up to a frankly revolutionary definition of the Treaty of Waitangi’s meaning and acquiesce to its logical political implications. That all the major media enterprises ended up signing on the dotted line was astounding.

Given that the ‘decolonising’ and ‘indigenising’ agenda imposed by the Sixth Labour Government played a crucial role in undermining its electoral support (the exigencies of Covid-19 having long since put paid to the Politics of Kindness!), the MSM’s unwavering support for that agenda – manifested by the near universal editorial refusal to allow any meaningful debate over its content – was in every way complicit with the alienation of Labour’s support.

Indeed, the MSM’s abject failure to fulfil its democratic duty as both the creator and presenter of informed – and diverse – public opinion was compounded by its strident promotion of all things pertaining to the decolonisation and indigenisation of New Zealand – sorry, Aotearoan – society. In this regard, when even the delivery of the weather forecast became an opportunity for indoctrination."

27-01-2024, 10:55 AM
He with the fake degree is expected to leave Greens sometime this year - will James Shaw still have any balls left as he exit or as suspected, he has been an eunuch anyway in the Greens power structure.


" ......... the party is out of Government. It’s caucus, heavy on inexperience, is about to learn that picking up the phone to a friendly Labour minister is a much easier way of achieving change than a Member’s Bill of a petition.

The biggest problem for the Greens is that they’ve lost two MPs in varying forms of scandal in the past 12 months. Not a great record, it must be said. There is a whiff of the chaos that engulfed the party during the Metiria Turei affair.

Co-leader James Shaw is widely expected to quit this term, possibly early, giving members the time to replace him before the party’s AGM. When he’s gone, just two of the caucus’ 15 MPs will have had any experience of time in Parliament before the last Labour Government. The caucus is stacked with new or relatively new MPs who only have experience of the Greens in government, if they have any experience at all."

27-01-2024, 12:18 PM
And yet apolitical types will vote for the Greens, thinking they are a sensible 'alternative'.


27-01-2024, 12:26 PM
And yet apolitical types will vote for the Greens, thinking they are a sensible 'alternative'.


Create a nation of halfwit voters and as a green/labour government the world is your oyster.

Logen Ninefingers
27-01-2024, 12:30 PM
And yet apolitical types will vote for the Greens, thinking they are a sensible 'alternative'.


“Duh, the Greens is saving da planet. Cos the name: name says ‘Green’, and that means they saving da planet”

Meanwhile, in the real world, the Greens are promoting Hamas and marxism and radical race-based policies.

27-01-2024, 12:34 PM
Yeah, it makes me feel so Green, l want to vomit!

30-01-2024, 09:12 AM
Interesting how the video of Golriz shoplifting (allegedly ahem) got into the public domain. Even more interesting is the story behind it:

It’s an often heard phrase by Detectives … “we are actively pursuing lines of enquiry”.

This site is definitely chasing down leads, and making many many inquiries.

The continuing saga of thrice charged shoplifter, ex Green MP, Golriz Ghahraman appears to still have some twists, and unexpected turns.

Speculation has been rife as to just how did the footage of Golriz sifting around Scotties Boutique make it in to the public domain.

Well placed sources have again contacted this blog with further information, that frankly even we were astounded by.

It has come to our attention via a source that the ‘leaker’ of the CCTV footage was one of the owners of Scotties.

One of the owners has been described as a “Green voter”.

We are informed that the CCTV footage was sent to some doctor friends of the said “Green voter” who were to assist in establishing a medical diagnosis for Golriz Ghahraman before the media found out about the story.

It appears that one of the owners of Scotties wanted to assist in providing a plausible excuse for Ms Ghahraman.

Why would an upmarket retailer attempt to cover up for a sitting MP?

Who else in the Green Party is involved?

This site has dominated the airwaves by breaking the Golriz story, with MSM chiming in.

There is more to come on this…

30-01-2024, 11:02 AM
Shaw gone https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350161546/live-green-party-make-major-announcement

30-01-2024, 11:17 AM
Shaw seemed like a true "Green" and is a loss for NZ in that regard.

So with him gone aren't they now just 100% a bunch of racists and socialist extremists?

Marama Mugabe will now have absolutely no one to reign her in (not that Shaw ever did / could). Looking forward to her going absolutely unhinged and hopefully the party imploding.

30-01-2024, 11:38 AM
Shaw seemed like a true "Green" and is a loss for NZ in that regard.

So with him gone aren't they now just 100% a bunch of racists and socialist extremists?

Marama Mugabe will now have absolutely no one to reign her in (not that Shaw ever did / could). Looking forward to her going absolutely unhinged and hopefully the party imploding.

Yes, there is nothing environmental left in this party of radicals with Shaw gone. Will the Coalition Government appoint him as the Climate Commissioner later in the year ?

GTM 3442
30-01-2024, 12:02 PM
I think New Zealand could do with an environment-focussed political party. I wonder if he. . .

30-01-2024, 12:07 PM
I think New Zealand could do with an environment-focussed political party. I wonder if he. . .

would start another !

30-01-2024, 12:07 PM
I think New Zealand could do with an environment-focussed political party. I wonder if he. . .

Shaw already has an environmental party.Why does he not tell the radicals to f... off ?

GTM 3442
30-01-2024, 01:19 PM
Shaw already has an environmental party.Why does he not tell the radicals to f... off ?

No. No he doesn't. He's got The Green Party.

30-01-2024, 01:59 PM
I think New Zealand could do with an environment-focussed political party. I wonder if he. . .

Agree. One that places itself in the middle of the political spectrum and can go both right and left, as long as they achieve significant policy gains with sensible environmental policies.

Bill Smith
30-01-2024, 02:02 PM
Shaw could nip back to Bath to see if he can get a masters.

30-01-2024, 02:28 PM
James should have got the message when he was nearly rolled last year

If the rules say they need a male and female co-leader does it mean that Ricardo Menendez gets the job

They may as roll Marama and put Chloe in charge.

30-01-2024, 02:52 PM
Shaw could nip back to Bath to see if he can get a masters.

Wouldn't he have to get a degree first?

30-01-2024, 02:55 PM
James should have got the message when he was nearly rolled last year

If the rules say they need a male and female co-leader does it mean that Ricardo Menendez gets the job

They may as roll Marama and put Chloe in charge.
The Green Party constitution no longer requires a male co-leader, instead requiring one woman and one person of any gender, plus a requirement that one must be Māori.

30-01-2024, 03:02 PM
The Green Party constitution no longer requires a male co-leader, instead requiring one woman and one person of any gender, plus a requirement that one must be Māori.

Bloody hell, thats racist and sexist to boot. What a nasty party they have become.

30-01-2024, 04:09 PM
Shaw gone https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350161546/live-green-party-make-major-announcement

With its trusty leader bailing shouldnt they find a new name for this motly collection of die hard socialists as with Shaw leaving there is no " die hard/real green " member left, is there ?

30-01-2024, 04:11 PM
With its trusty leader bailing shouldnt they find a new name for this motly collection of die hard socialists as with Shaw leaving there is no " die hard/real green " member left, is there ?

Shane Jones put it very well :

“Well, I can understand why James has left, because [of] the juveniles with no life experience currently ruining the Green Party, but that's their problem," he said.

"All of my dealings with James were very professional; we just agreed to disagree.

"I think he's got a stellar career in front of him and the sooner he gets away from the current crowd, the better for his mental health." :D

30-01-2024, 05:00 PM
Shane Jones put it very well :

“Well, I can understand why James has left, because [of] the juveniles with no life experience currently ruining the Green Party, but that's their problem," he said.

"All of my dealings with James were very professional; we just agreed to disagree.

"I think he's got a stellar career in front of him and the sooner he gets away from the current crowd, the better for his mental health." :D

So James is running away in case the Fake Degree grenade blows up badly & takes out the Green's front bench totally ? ;)

No fake acreage of Billions of Pine trees to hide behind in Land of the Greens - only the flustering Marama & that one wont stop much .. not even a motorcycle crawling along :)

30-01-2024, 05:44 PM
Headline of the day :

“White Cis male quits party which he pledged to change when he became co-leader 9 years ago.”

He sure did a great job, James Eunuch Shaw!

30-01-2024, 07:00 PM
Any mice wanna join a sinking ship?

30-01-2024, 07:16 PM
Jimmy's got a couple of job offers

Degree Deodorants, no bad smell there?

After years of bickering and close shaves, the new Bic shaving front guy.

30-01-2024, 09:34 PM
Jimmy's got a couple of job offers

Degree Deodorants, no bad smell there?

After years of bickering and close shaves, the new Bic shaving front guy.

Up in North America, they probably already got their own authentic Shaw thing out of Canada, so any guesses on
how well an Imposter who they may think is faking it from downunder might go down ? ;)

Just tell the Canadians that another Tree Hugger is on the way & see how that goes in the
land of the closest precision chainsaw shaves possible :)

30-01-2024, 10:00 PM

James Shaw resigns from Green Party co-leadership

Marama Davidson spoke as well, saying she will continue to fight against the "dominant systems of power" and said she is looking forward to the next co-leader.

"We will be very clear to not interrupt the fair process to elect the next co-leader," Davidson said.

She would not commit to standing as co-leader at the next election. She said she had known about Shaw's intention to leave for "a long time".

Like a temporary fill-in to keep Marama company and smile sweetly for long time until time to jump ? ;)

30-01-2024, 11:01 PM
The Green Party constitution no longer requires a male co-leader, instead requiring one woman and one person of any gender, plus a requirement that one must be Māori.

Seriously ! Is that true or are you taking the piss ?

31-01-2024, 07:12 AM
Seriously ! Is that true or are you taking the piss ?

That happens to be true from what I can gather.

31-01-2024, 07:15 AM
Seriously ! Is that true or are you taking the piss ?

It's true and Marama covers that on her own.

31-01-2024, 07:53 AM
It's true and Marama covers that on her own.



Now, the requirements for the party’s co-leadership is that one co-leader must be female. The other person can be any gender.

The party’s rules also state one co-leader must be Māori.

31-01-2024, 08:06 AM


Now, the requirements for the party’s co-leadership is that one co-leader must be female. The other person can be any gender.

The party’s rules also state one co-leader must be Māori.

I'm pretty open minded, but even I find that ridiculous & a contradiction.
Dictating a gender for one position but ensure the other position is filled by one of a range of identities. Yeah that's just nonsense.

The Greens lost their Green credentials 7 - 8 years ago imo when Shaw had his power struggle after Norman left & the likes of Hughes, who I had a lot of time for, Clendon & many other true Greens have left since.

31-01-2024, 08:23 AM


31-01-2024, 08:37 AM
The rules are seen to be opening the way for Swarbrick. Love her or hate her she is their standout performer.


31-01-2024, 08:49 AM
The rules are seen to be opening the way for Swarbrick. Love her or hate her she is their standout performer.


Chloe is Ardern #2 - all talk and no substance. Lots of bluster but don’t expect her to deliver anything of substance.

Blue Skies
31-01-2024, 08:59 AM
Chloe is Ardern #2 - all talk and no substance. Lots of bluster but don’t expect her to deliver anything of substance.

Well its a bit too early to say that, but suspect she would deliver them a lot of more votes.
She's a strong communicator & telegenic & would energise the party, esp the youth vote & women. Young people esp love her & even if you don't agree with her policies, she's quite charming & appealing.

The Green's share of vote was already at just under 12%, almost twice that of NZF & roughly a quarter more than ACT, expect it would go higher.

31-01-2024, 09:05 AM
Well its a bit too early to say that, but suspect she would deliver them a lot of more votes.
She's a strong communicator & telegenic & would energise the party, esp the youth vote & women. Young people esp love her & even if you don't agree with her policies, she's quite charming & appealing.

The Green's share of vote was already at just under 12%, almost twice that of NZF & roughly a quarter more than ACT, expect it would go higher.
She is fake. And has a chip on her shoulder. Typical lefty.

31-01-2024, 09:12 AM
Well its a bit too early to say that, but suspect she would deliver them a lot of more votes.
She's a strong communicator & telegenic & would energise the party, esp the youth vote & women. Young people esp love her & even if you don't agree with her policies, she's quite charming & appealing.

The Green's share of vote was already at just under 12%, almost twice that of NZF & roughly a quarter more than ACT, expect it would go higher.

Yup - exactly like Ardern!

What will happen is that more votes will be diverted from Labour to Greens.

White middle class NZ which has woken up to woke will make sure Labour & Greens stay out of power for a long long time.

31-01-2024, 09:12 AM
Chloe is Ardern #2 - all talk and no substance. Lots of bluster but don’t expect her to deliver anything of substance.

What a BS statement. One thing about Swarbrick is she certainly has character, Ardern to for that matter even if you didn't / don't agree with either of them at least they stood for something.

I have no idea what Luxon stands for except self ambition, certaintly not his own Christian moral beliefs, because apparently they can be set aside as a politician.

I had no idea what Simon Bridges stood for either, nor Muller nor Winston Peters as he will change his attack point depending on the direction of the wind.

Collins was obvious, like Peters she wants the baubles of power.

Seymour at least its obvious, he stands for white enriched privilege.

31-01-2024, 09:21 AM
What did Ardern stand for?

All spin and no delivery!

Chloe is exactly the same but probably worse.

31-01-2024, 09:41 AM
The rules are seen to be opening the way for Swarbrick. Love her or hate her she is their standout performer.


ATM IMO the current GREEN party would have to be the worst racist party in parliament based on their leadership selection policy and so if one was a intelligent voter who could vote for them ?

31-01-2024, 09:43 AM
What a BS statement. One thing about Swarbrick is she certainly has character, Ardern to for that matter even if you didn't / don't agree with either of them at least they stood for something.

I have no idea what Luxon stands for except self ambition, certaintly not his own Christian moral beliefs, because apparently they can be set aside as a politician.

I had no idea what Simon Bridges stood for either, nor Muller nor Winston Peters as he will change his attack point depending on the direction of the wind.

Collins was obvious, like Peters she wants the baubles of power.

Seymour at least its obvious, he stands for white enriched privilege.

Day,, Prey tell me again what did/does Arden stand for.

31-01-2024, 09:58 AM
What did Ardern stand for?

All spin and no delivery!

Chloe is exactly the same but probably worse.

Equality, the environment, social justice, investment in health, education & police.

You may not agree with how Labour went about it & they certainly made unrealistic promises but they delivered far more than NACT did in 9 years in their 6, but admittedly cocked up far more as well.

Mind you that's not hard, Key was the ultimate spin master, nothing to see here, so nothing to do. Oops better go be seen with Dan & Ritchie so the nation thinks I'm cool.

31-01-2024, 10:21 AM

Golriz Ghahraman court docs reveal value of stolen goods, first appearance pushed back

Former Green MP Golriz Ghahraman is accused of stealing nearly $10,000 of goods from two boutique stores and if convicted could face up to seven years in prison.

Charge sheet information has just been released to the NZ Herald. Ghahraman faces three charges of shoplifting.

She had been due to appear in court tomorrow, however the hearing has been rescheduled to February 28.

She is charged with stealing $691 worth of clothing from Wellington’s CRE8IVEWORX store on October 22.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison.

She is also charged with stealing $7223 of clothing from Scotties Boutique in Ponsonby on December 21.

The charge carries a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.

Finally she is charged with stealing $2060 worth of clothing from Scotties Boutique on December 22.

The charge also carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.

Golly Gosh .. she has been busy ;)

Will it likely be Home D for less than a year for this on a vast wad of feel good excuses tossed in ? ;)

31-01-2024, 10:45 AM
Equality, the environment, social justice, investment in health, education & police.

You may not agree with how Labour went about it & they certainly made unrealistic promises but they delivered far more than NACT did in 9 years in their 6, but admittedly cocked up far more as well.

Mind you that's not hard, Key was the ultimate spin master, nothing to see here, so nothing to do. Oops better go be seen with Dan & Ritchie so the nation thinks I'm cool.

Daytr, Dont forget the Ch-Ch earth quake during the last Nat govts time $30,000,000,000 unbudgeted cost to the N Z govt of the day ( Nat ) who did a pretty good job of funding that without blowing the budget and not loading up the people on N Z with a massive debt not like the last Lab govt who loaded $120,000,000,000 with next to nothing to show for it.

Blue Skies
31-01-2024, 11:46 AM
What a BS statement. One thing about Swarbrick is she certainly has character, Ardern to for that matter even if you didn't / don't agree with either of them at least they stood for something.

I have no idea what Luxon stands for except self ambition, certaintly not his own Christian moral beliefs, because apparently they can be set aside as a politician.

I had no idea what Simon Bridges stood for either, nor Muller nor Winston Peters as he will change his attack point depending on the direction of the wind.

Collins was obvious, like Peters she wants the baubles of power.

Seymour at least its obvious, he stands for white enriched privilege.

Well said, an excellent summary.
Ardern led the country brilliantly through 3 major crisis including a world leading response to the Global Pandemic & , got Trade Deals worth billions, passed our Climate Change Response (zero carbon) Bill plus a number of policies to directly tackle our carbon emissions , banned new offshore oil & gas exploration, led initiatives to eliminate terrorist & extremist content being posted online, introduced key child & family support policies, supported employees & companies during a period of global uncertainty, outlawed semi-automatic military style assault weapons, increased Superannuation, Student Allowances & minimum wage, passed the Equal Pay Amendment Bill addressing pay inequity for women, was hugely influential on the World stage for NZ, & so many other initiatives & achievements.
She also had the rare honesty & integrity in a politician to step down when she felt she it was right.
No one's denying there were mistakes, all govt's make mistakes & waste money, but the world has changed enormously in the last 6 or 7 years & NZ has not been immune & faced enormous challenges.

31-01-2024, 11:58 AM
Well said, an excellent summary.
Ardern led the country brilliantly through 3 major crisis including a world leading response to the Global Pandemic & , got Trade Deals worth billions, passed our Climate Change Response (zero carbon) Bill plus a number of policies to directly tackle our carbon emissions , banned new offshore oil & gas exploration, led initiatives to eliminate terrorist & extremist content being posted online, introduced key child & family support policies, supported employees & companies during a period of global uncertainty, outlawed semi-automatic military style assault weapons, increased Superannuation, Student Allowances & minimum wage, passed the Equal Pay Amendment Bill addressing pay inequity for women, was hugely influential on the World stage for NZ, & so many other initiatives & achievements.
She also had the rare honesty & integrity in a politician to step down when she felt she it was right.
No one's denying there were mistakes, all govt's make mistakes & waste money, but the world has changed enormously in the last 6 or 7 years & NZ has not been immune & faced enormous challenges.

Whaddareya? Some sorta rational reasonable moderately woke lefty?

31-01-2024, 12:06 PM
Well said, an excellent summary.
Ardern led the country brilliantly through 3 major crisis including a world leading response to the Global Pandemic & , got Trade Deals worth billions, passed our Climate Change Response (zero carbon) Bill plus a number of policies to directly tackle our carbon emissions , banned new offshore oil & gas exploration, led initiatives to eliminate terrorist & extremist content being posted online, introduced key child & family support policies, supported employees & companies during a period of global uncertainty, outlawed semi-automatic military style assault weapons, increased Superannuation, Student Allowances & minimum wage, passed the Equal Pay Amendment Bill addressing pay inequity for women, was hugely influential on the World stage for NZ, & so many other initiatives & achievements.
She also had the rare honesty & integrity in a politician to step down when she felt she it was right.
No one's denying there were mistakes, all govt's make mistakes & waste money, but the world has changed enormously in the last 6 or 7 years & NZ has not been immune & faced enormous challenges.

Yeh and wasnt " the most open honest and transparent govt ever " yeh right, NOT, B S of the highest order thats why she buggered off taking a knighthood with her !!

31-01-2024, 12:49 PM
Daytr, Dont forget the Ch-Ch earth quake during the last Nat govts time $30,000,000,000 unbudgeted cost to the N Z govt of the day ( Nat ) who did a pretty good job of funding that without blowing the budget and not loading up the people on N Z with a massive debt not like the last Lab govt who loaded $120,000,000,000 with next to nothing to show for it.

Anyone that has a statement at the end,.never forget the left is a lie shouldn't really be taken seriously, as it signifies a closed mind.

Yep CHC earthquake was a biggie & so was selling of 50% of the power companies at a tuppence of their worth. Biggest shell game played in NZs history, transferring tax payer assets to the already wealthy.

And don't forget Labour had the CHC massacre, White Island, the aftermath of the Kaikoura Earthquake & a once in a century global pandemic & cyclone Gabriele.

Yeh and wasnt " the most open honest and transparent govt ever " yeh right, NOT, B S of the highest order thats why she buggered off taking a knighthood with her !!

NAFT wasn't so transparent on their overturn of smokefree 2025. Didn't campaign on it & yet it was one of the first things they did.

31-01-2024, 12:57 PM
Equality, the environment, social justice, investment in health, education & police.

You may not agree with how Labour went about it & they certainly made unrealistic promises but they delivered far more than NACT did in 9 years in their 6, but admittedly cocked up far more as well.

Mind you that's not hard, Key was the ultimate spin master, nothing to see here, so nothing to do. Oops better go be seen with Dan & Ritchie so the nation thinks I'm cool.

So easy to see that words, platitudes, promises and high sounding intentions rather than deeds are what matters with you woke leftists.

Just remember this :

"You can fool some of the people all of the time


all of the people some of the time


you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

Ardern was found to be all words and no deeds, all spin and no delivery.

Very very revealing of what kind of dumbos who voted for her based upon her words! :t_up:

31-01-2024, 01:40 PM
So easy to see that words, platitudes, promises and high sounding intentions rather than deeds are what matters with you woke leftists.

Just remember this :

"You can fool some of the people all of the time


all of the people some of the time


you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

Ardern was found to be all words and no deeds, all spin and no delivery.

Very very revealing of what kind of dumbos who voted for her based upon her words! :t_up:

Speaking of no substance your post is pretty much lacking in it.
I defer to Blueskies post for some of the list of achievements undr Ardern.

"Ardern led the country brilliantly through 3 major crisis including a world leading response to the Global Pandemic & , got Trade Deals worth billions, passed our Climate Change Response (zero carbon) Bill plus a number of policies to directly tackle our carbon emissions , banned new offshore oil & gas exploration, led initiatives to eliminate terrorist & extremist content being posted online, introduced key child & family support policies, supported employees & companies during a period of global uncertainty, outlawed semi-automatic military style assault weapons, increased Superannuation, Student Allowances & minimum wage, passed the Equal Pay Amendment Bill addressing pay inequity for women, was hugely influential on the World stage for NZ, & so many other initiatives & achievements.
She also had the rare honesty & integrity in a politician to step down when she felt she it was right.
No one's denying there were mistakes, all govt's make mistakes & waste money, but the world has changed enormously in the last 6 or 7 years & NZ has not been immune & faced enormous challenges."

31-01-2024, 01:45 PM
Ardern stepped down because she is a quitter and knew she was going to be trashed at the election.

Brand Ardern is all that matters with the Red Witch, nothing else.

Deeds, not words.



01-02-2024, 11:54 AM
Auckland District Court documents show that Ghahraman is accused of stealing $2060 worth of clothing from Scotties Boutique in Auckland's Ponsonby on December 21 last year, and $7223 worth of clothing from the same store on December 23.

The third charge dates back further, with the ex-MP accused of shoplifting clothes valued at $695 from Cre8iveworx in Wellington on October 22. In total, the value of goods allegedly taken is $9978.

The two charges related to Scotties Boutique each carry a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment, while the Cre8iveworx charge has a maximum penalty of one year imprisonment.

Allegedly stealing twice from the same store, just two days apart, seems very targeted.

01-02-2024, 08:03 PM
Rumour has it Chloe likes shopping as much as Golriz.

So much so, that they were together on at least one fateful day, in the same shop at the same time...

Now these crafty Greens wouldn't collude to run diversion for each other would they?

May explain the delay in any appointment as co leader Chloe?

Marama shook her head when asked for endorsement.

01-02-2024, 08:43 PM
Auckland District Court documents show that Ghahraman is accused of stealing $2060 worth of clothing from Scotties Boutique in Auckland's Ponsonby on December 21 last year, and $7223 worth of clothing from the same store on December 23.

The third charge dates back further, with the ex-MP accused of shoplifting clothes valued at $695 from Cre8iveworx in Wellington on October 22. In total, the value of goods allegedly taken is $9978.

The two charges related to Scotties Boutique each carry a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment, while the Cre8iveworx charge has a maximum penalty of one year imprisonment.

Allegedly stealing twice from the same store, just two days apart, seems very targeted.

Oh but you are terrible if you don't take her mental health into consideration. That is why she did it...... Right

01-02-2024, 08:55 PM
Oh but you are terrible if you don't take her mental health into consideration. That is why she did it...... Right

Absolutely, she only took them, so she could donate them to the Op shop!

As Fagans thieves would say, ya gotta pick a pocket or rwo...

01-02-2024, 09:12 PM
Rumour has it Chloe likes shopping as much as Golriz.

So much so, that they were together on at least one fateful day, in the same shop at the same time...

Now these crafty Greens wouldn't collude to run diversion for each other would they?

May explain the delay in any appointment as co leader Chloe?

Marama shook her head when asked for endorsement.

That photo was circulating a couple of weeks back at least. Nothing in MSM on this, surprise surprise. Chloe must be s....... bricks.

01-02-2024, 09:15 PM
She was asked about it on morning TV and said it wasn't her.

01-02-2024, 09:28 PM
She was asked about it on morning TV and said it wasn't her.

OK. Give her the benifit of the duobt but if true someone wuold have witnessed it.

01-02-2024, 10:01 PM
Absolutely, she only took them, so she could donate them to the Op shop!

As Fagans thieves would say, ya gotta pick a pocket or rwo...

but what state of mental health would that demonstrate - in disposing of said alleged rags off to others ? ;)

11-02-2024, 11:23 PM

Dunedin activist Alex Foulkes eyes Greens’ co-leader role

Activist V Crybaby ;)

Bound to go well .. what's new with the Green Mob ? :)

Foulkes said the time was right for the Greens to displace Labour as the main left-of-centre party and become the party of the working class.

Watermelon O'Clock displacing Labour might be slightly pushing things a bit far ;)

James (of many Degrees) might decide against abandoning the cause if that were case ;)

Despite a torrent of online abuse, Swarbrick said she was persuaded to run and has promised to work on delivering a Green-led government.

Not more turnip & cabbage throwing going on - surely ? :)

Most can't even begin to imagine what the sweet little darlings of Green mob have done to attract such attention :)