View Full Version : GORE - All rise - This is Ben Bell County

16-05-2023, 05:45 PM
About time we had a thread on this small County down south where the Local
choice of Mayor is encountering head winds against an entrenched Old Boys Brigade


Gore District Council showdown: NZ’s youngest mayor Ben Bell survives; vote of no confidence shelved

New Zealand’s youngest mayor has survived a showdown meeting with a motion of no confidence no longer being pursued.

After months of dysfunction, where Gore District Council Mayor Ben Bell and long-standing chief executive Stephen Parry no longer talk, the future of the council had been hanging in the balance.

Bell, who has consistently said he will see out the job that he won by just eight votes from six-term incumbent mayor Tracy Hicks, refused.

The news brought huge cheers from a packed public gallery this afternoon.

Don't forget to organise wider overage for this intriguing changing of the guard at GORE
COUNIL so many more can see how it should be done elsewhere :)

Time for a new day job - away from Local Bodies - Stephen ? ;)

You might feel a lot happier away from the hustle bustle of Local Body Red Tape
and the new talent the constituents want fronting the Council :)

When does the next Public Vote occur for votes of Confidence in the rest of the Council
who have probably been in the pews for too long ? ;)

18-05-2023, 08:31 PM
So was this a personality clash or something else? Do we know the true story?

fungus pudding
19-05-2023, 09:33 AM
So was this a personality clash or something else? Do we know the true story?

No. We don't.

31-05-2023, 08:26 PM
Is the CEO still away on compassionate recovery leave .. or have normal battle lines resumed
with a further supply of bricks labelled "Love from the people of Gore" stacked up in case ? ;)

01-06-2023, 12:53 PM

Councillor's employee set up petition calling for Gore CEO's resignation

A petition calling for the resignation of Gore District Council chief executive Stephen Parry was instigated by an employee of a current councillor.

Councillor Joe Stringer confirmed on Wednesday morning that he employed Sean Burke, who set up the online petition.

“Yes, I know it doesn’t look good, and I have had a discussion with him about it,’’ Stringer said.

“I wasn’t happy about it. But I can’t tell people what to do in their day-to-day lives.’’

“I probably will at some stage and have a chat with him about it, or talk to Richard [Cr Richard McPhail] because he’s working with him,’’ Stringer said.

McPhail is working as an intermediary between Parry and Bell after their working relationship broke down.

Both Bell and Parry said it would be inappropriate for them to comment.

Parry returned to work on Tuesday following two weeks compassionate leave after his mother-in-law died in Wellington.

He was not at an extraordinary council meeting on Tuesday night, and on Wednesday the council said he was ‘’adopting a hybrid model, mainly working from home but also spending time in the office. He will return to the office full-time next Tuesday’’.

The petition, which gained nearly 5000 supporters, will be considered by the council at a meeting on June 13.

What to do when much of the County have shown they don't want the CEO ;)

How about a compassionate immediate resignation handed into Council to avoid further rounds of Goring ? :)

Gored Lord Man - the people have clearly signalled they love their Mayor and Councillors far more than the non elected CEO .. They do expect to see the right thing, so why not oblige ? :)

02-06-2023, 01:42 PM

Watch: A chat with Gore mayor Ben Bell and the great southern cheese roll bake-off

Far better Rolls than Labour's Clown Face in Govt front benches is seen scoffing :)

09-06-2023, 04:22 PM

Gore District Council chief executive breaks his silence on bullying claims

Gored Lord .. look what is finally back on deck :)

Stephen - the locals just don't appear to want to show much love for the paid Juggling Act at the top ;)

Only one thing they expect to be done now and it looks like they aren't going to roll over ..

It would be most honorable to take the punishment and depart, would it not ? :)

13-06-2023, 04:49 PM

Live: Gore's council vote not to receive petition calling on its CEO Stephen Parry to resign - mayor votes against motion

The Gore District Council has voted not to receive a petition calling on the resignation of the Gore District Council chief executive officer.

However, Gore mayor Ben Bell voted against the motion not to receive it.

A meeting is being held in Gore where the council has discussed a petition calling on its chief executive Stephen Parry to resign.

Bell opened the meeting and warned people in the packed public gallery that if there were any major disturbances he would stand, and that would be a final warning.

Bell presented the petition to the council, which had 4858 signatures, and then opened the floor for comment.

Gored Lord .. Let the games recommence .. at 50 paces

How many of the Councillors will likely be out on their tail feathers down the road next time round ? ;)

Bill Smith
13-06-2023, 05:07 PM

Live: Gore's council vote not to receive petition calling on its CEO Stephen Parry to resign - mayor votes against motion

Gored Lord .. Let the games recommence .. at 50 paces

How many of the Councillors will likely be out of their tail feathers down the road next time round ? ;)

9% of those that signed the petition were from Gored and Ben Bells mother is a close associate of the petition organiser, so all is not as it seems.

13-06-2023, 05:27 PM
9% of those that signed the petition were from Gored and Ben Bells mother is a close associate of the petition organiser, so all is not as it seems.

but how many in the County are all related to each other even distantly ? :)

21-06-2023, 10:25 PM

Gore Mayor Ben Bell and councillors apologise to CEO Stephen Parry, agree to collaborate

The Gore District Council chief executive and elected members have agreed to put their differences aside and work together.

The fractured relationship between Mayor Ben Bell and chief executive Stephen Parry has caused ongoing issues for the council.

Last week, all except Bell voted during a council meeting not to receive a petition calling for Parry’s resignation.

In May the mayor was facing a vote of no confidence from councillors who subsequently backed down.

On Wednesday, elected members including the mayor released a statement, saying the media attention had caused significant disruption, distress and hurt to all involved.

“This has undermined various relationships and our community’s confidence in its council and has detracted from the important business the council is required to undertake for its community,” the statement said.

And everyone agrees to be a bit friendlier again forever more :)

Sideshow Bob
22-06-2023, 02:40 PM

20-07-2023, 12:49 AM

Andy Fraser wins Gore by-election but will have to wait for his first council meeting

Tractor sales manager and former police officer Andy Fraser has won the Gore District Council’s Gore ward by-election.

Preliminary results show Fraser had 626 votes, ahead of Steven Hamlin with 565 and Alan Byrne on 440 votes.

Fraser said he was ‘’actually a little bit shocked’’ at the result.

Six candidates contested the Gore ward vacancy, which came after long-standing councillor Bret Highsted resigned in April saying that since the local body elections in October he had found the council environment “highly stressful and the levels of anxiety unsustainable”.

Looks like everyone seems to be getting on okay now and learning to work around others :)

Please don't wait around for further updates though :)

04-09-2023, 10:41 PM
Man overboard, Man Overboard

CEO Parry resigned according to TV News ;)

12-10-2023, 03:22 PM

Gore District Council deputy chief executive Rex Capil resigns a month after CEO

Gored Lord .. another man jump overboard, time to grab back one who first jump for a temp fill-in job ;)

Local Body shufflings down in Gore appear to move in strange mysterious ways ..

Is practicing a big leap overboard all part of the Gore Local Body Operations Manual ? ;)

06-11-2023, 03:01 PM

Gore council boss Stephen Parry hits out at 'saliva-filled toxin emanating' from critics

Gore District Council boss Stephen Parry says a senior manager’s praise needs to be considered alongside a petition calling for his own removal as interim chief executive.

In an email, Parry said the manager’s praise of council staff was “far more informed and on point than the saliva-filled toxin emanating from people who have just heard on the grapevine, not witnessed” how the council operates.

Parry was replying to an email from Rex Capil, the council’s general manager of community lifestyle services, that was sent to councillors and some journalists on Sunday morning.

Capil’s email said the council’s operational culture and senior leadership team was “the best I have been involved with in local government”.

Gored Struth .. Is the ceasefire down south over already ? ;)

Are Stuff on Speed dial or do they know where to look for a good continuing story
in the patch where Crab Tree plantings have been put on hold ? ;)

22-11-2023, 11:40 PM

Call for Gore District Council chief executive to go a ‘vindictive, revengeful, unrelenting, bitter campaign’

It sounds like it's all on again & Briefcases all raised for another round of "Get Rid of CEO"

Someone must have annoyed an element of the local population fairly well for this showing
of the community's love to be reappearing.

Things appear to move in strange & mysterious ways in the great metropolis of Gore

Just earlier this month it was a battle over where Crab Trees were or weren't going now this again ;)

At least the Mayoral Chair, Chains & robes appear to be sacred and safe this time :)

However another Council Executive spot may fare differently:

“If we get to the end of June and I’m still around here and you’ve got a recommendation to adopt an LTP, I’ll be begging you to adopt it.”

The council had engaged a recruitment agency in the hunt for its next permanent chief executive.

Who knows - a few Councillors might be on the receiving end of some interesting support signals at next Local Body elections as well :)

27-11-2023, 11:29 PM

Gore police investigate verbal stoush between protesters and interim CEO's family outside council

A verbal stoush between two parties outside a council meeting in Gore has resulted in a complaint being made to police.

Gore police have confirmed they are making enquiries after receiving a report of a comment made on Bowler Avenue last Tuesday.

After discussion concluded at the meeting about a petition to remove interim chief executive Stephen Parry, members of the Gore Citizen Action Group and members of Parry’s family left the council chamber.

It was alleged a threat was made in the hallway outside the chamber, and a verbal stoush between the two groups continued outside.

The Interim CEO seems to be well loved around Gore ;)

Looks like Bowler Avenue is a popular venue, not just for a bit of assembling of the resident Gore bowlers & various Crabtree ins & outs either :)

07-12-2023, 10:05 PM

Why are Gore ratepayers paying for a leaky apartment building in Napier?

Gore’s ratepayers have to stump up for a leaky apartment building more than 1200 kilometres away.

And it looks likely that other councils around the country will also have to pay up over the building.

The Gore District Council will pay more than $60,000 regarding a leaky waterfront apartment development in Napier, because an insurer has incurred more in claims than it has collected from its members.

The need for the payment arises from a ruling from the Supreme Court about the development, which has been the subject of a long legal battle between the Napier City Council and the Local Government Mutual Funds Trustee, known as RiskPool.

The GDC was a member of RiskPool, which provides protection to councils for the likes of water tight building cases and other building developments that result in claims being lodged against local authorities.

A letter from Riskpool to the council, which was tabled at an audit and risk committee meeting on Tuesday, says it has incurred more in claims and expenses (before allowing for claims provisions) than has been received as contributions and calls from members, and its board has resolved to make a call on members to pay a contribution to fund the deficits.

“This is not the type of Christmas present that the council was expecting,’’ the report says.

At the meeting, he likened the council’s relationship with RiskPool as marriage vows “for better or worse, and this is the worse,’’ he said.

In response to questioning from Councillor Richard McPhail, he said the GDC had never laid a claim with RiskPool.

Mayor Ben Bell asked if the council was still a member.

Parry said if he recalled correctly, the council had opted out of RiskPool in about 2018, but it still had a liability for claims that were made when it was a member. This was one of those cases, and he would check to see if there were any more, he said.

RiskPool was now being wound up, he said.

Gored Lord .. Just as well GDC still has a Chief Executive who knows about this onboard :)

So it was signed up for during your long & extensive time at GDC - Mr Fill-in Chief Executive ?

And you duly made all of the Council aware of every possible risk & outcome at the time
and they still loved the deal, so you eagerly signed GDC up for a slice of the RiskPool action ? ;)

And now the Excess on the arrangement with the now spurned Risky Pool (chucked in Windings Up mode) comes as no Christmas Present and as a bit of a surprise ? ;)

Lots of love being thrown around the metropolis down south isn't there ?

Don't forget to buy that Man an expensive Christmas card - it's been a rough year :)

Only in Gore - Folks :)

Perhaps the Napier District Council should put up a plaque "Leaks assistance generously part contributed to help fix this by .. Gore District Council. Our grateful thanks to our Gore cousins" ? :)

07-12-2023, 10:26 PM

Parry agreed to consulting role before announcing Gore District Council resignation

Stephen Parry may have resigned as the Gore District Council’s chief executive, but he agreed to continue working there for one day a week as a consultant on some ‘’key initiatives’’ needing to be advanced.

The council has released five emails in relation to Parry’s resignation under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.

After Parry’s resignation was announced, Stuff requested all correspondence including emails, texts and WhatsApp messages that mentioned Parry’s resignation, as well as any that mentioned a severance payment.

The request was declined by the council citing privacy issues. Stuff laid a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman, and on Friday the council released the emails, along with a letter, saying it ‘’continues to be open and transparent with the public, however it must also have regard for privacy and confidentiality. The council will not discuss any matters connected to the employment of its staff, including Mr Parry’’.

None of the emails mentioned a payout to Parry.

The press release sent to media announcing Parry’s resignation made no mention of the fact that he had agreed to act as a consultant.

Mayor Ben Bell said in the press release the council was hopeful Parry would help with the transition to a new chief executive.

Okay - so a bit of "I'm going, but not quite totally gone just yet" and GDC appears to be in a bit of a spot finding a new Bod for the Chief Executive seat ? ;)

Who's writing the Reference ? If there is any difficulty with this, perhaps the Reporter from Stuff might be able to assist ? :)

26-06-2024, 12:59 PM

Gore’s golden handshake: Parry leaves with $290k and a car

Gored Lord .. What do the Gore Ratepayers on the paying end of the ever inflating Rates think of this ? ;)

The Council Elite cozied up inside Local Body Empires up & down the Country appear to on a pretty comfy number just for throwing out a few services, maintaining stuff, building the Empire further and holding out the hand for increasingly hiked up local turf levies - don't they ? ;)

26-06-2024, 01:15 PM
The Farewell Speech appears to have put a few knickers in a Knot:


Former Gore council staffer calls for Susan Jones to resign

A former Gore District Council staff member has called on its governance manager Susan Jones to resign over a speech she wrote for former chief executive Stephen Parry’s farewell party.

But council chief executive Debbie Lascelles said the event was not a public function, and while council appreciated the opportunity to comment it had nothing further to add to the information released last week about the function, or the allegations made.

Doug Walker, who served as the council’s chief financial officer from 2004 to 2006, said the speech was ‘’out of line’’.

“I certainly think her comments were out of line and that she should resign,’’ he said from the United Kingdom, where he now lived.

Walker alleged he was bullied by Parry while employed at the council. He had previously sent Stuff details of the issues he had, which resulted in him taking stress leave, engaging a lawyer, and attending mediation.

He said it took a toll on his mental health, and he resigned and left New Zealand.

But his issues did not end there – Parry turned up unannounced at his home in London and threatened him with expulsion from the New Zealand Accountants' Society if he did not retract public statements about the financial management of the council.

Allegations of bullying were levelled at Parry during his 23 years at the council, and in June 2023 he said they had been ‘’extremely hurtful and stressful’’.

A lot more coming out - and being dug up by Stuff ;)