View Full Version : Jacinda resigns!

19-01-2023, 01:30 PM
The doomsayers were right! Ardern has resigned! No news on UN appointment so far.

19-01-2023, 01:35 PM
Good riddance to garbage.

Crypto Crude
19-01-2023, 02:04 PM
Great news...
I'm afraid nothing will change ... national or labour it's the same outcome ... same climate change, same covid response, same lockdowns, same vaccines... same level of destruction... nothing ever changes we just go back and forward between the two parties...

19-01-2023, 02:23 PM
So in December, that woman proudly states when asked by media, I have no intention of resigning, I want to fight and win the election.... hang on, another of her lies!
She can't help herself.

19-01-2023, 03:16 PM
Sunk the country with excessive lockdowns, now bailing out of her own mess, leaving us to pay the cost.

19-01-2023, 03:35 PM
A great way to start the year.

19-01-2023, 03:39 PM
Good riddance to garbage.

still plenty more to be biffed out yet .. the process could extend into early next year :)

19-01-2023, 03:51 PM
She made her millions ...knows her time is done ...one of the most hated PMs in NZs history never was going be elected again .

FUTURE. she did visit 'Blackrock" last year .....Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as Blackrock ....I'd say WEF or UN , WHO will take Jacinda




Crypto Crude
19-01-2023, 04:08 PM
These days you don't have to win elections to win elections


19-01-2023, 04:12 PM
She made her millions ...knows her time is done ...one of the most hated PMs in NZs history never was going be elected again .

FUTURE. she did visit 'Blackrock" last year .....Klaus Schwab says the world will no longer be run by superpowers like America… it will be run by the World Economic Forum stakeholders, such as Blackrock ....I'd say WEF or UN , WHO will take Jacinda




What makes you think she is one of the most hated PMs in NZ history??

I would have said the opposite, she appears to have been immensely popular both here in NZ and overseas.

19-01-2023, 04:13 PM
What makes you think she is one of the most hated PMs in NZ history??

I would have said the opposite, she appears to have been immensely popular both here in NZ and overseas.

She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

That said, which country is she going to reside in?

19-01-2023, 04:14 PM
What makes you think she is one of the most hated PMs in NZ history??

I would have said the opposite, she appears to have been immensely popular both here in NZ and overseas.

the "have been" might be the opposite in 6-8 months time as economic conditions and instability morphs ;)

19-01-2023, 04:24 PM
the "have been" might be the opposite in 6-8 months time as economic conditions and instability morphs ;)

yes quite possibly, but I think labelling her as one of the most hated PMs in NZ history is extremely harsh. I realise there are a lot of Jacinda haters on ST but there are plenty of supporters out there who will be sad to see her go

19-01-2023, 04:32 PM
What makes you think she is one of the most hated PMs in NZ history??

I would have said the opposite, she appears to have been immensely popular both here in NZ and overseas.

So you know people at present that like her leadership and direction she and her merry muppets have lead the country ?? .. I've yet to talk to one in person or hear more that a few select special cases Talkback radio that would vote for her again ...

19-01-2023, 05:29 PM
So you know people at present that like her leadership and direction she and her merry muppets have lead the country ?? .. I've yet to talk to one in person or hear more that a few select special cases Talkback radio that would vote for her again ...

Yes I do know people who like her leadership and yes I do know people who would vote for her again. That being said while I think she has been an exceptional leader during some exceptionally challenging times I would not have voted for her again. I believe, as I think many others do as well, its time for a change. That does not mean people hate her although I accept some people do

fungus pudding
19-01-2023, 05:33 PM
the "have been" might be the opposite in 6-8 months time as economic conditions and instability morphs ;)

What pray tell is the opposite of 'have been'?

19-01-2023, 05:46 PM
What pray tell is the opposite of 'have been'?

I think Rupert understands what was posted - so I will leave it to him to answer that one :)

19-01-2023, 05:52 PM
She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

That said, which country is she going to reside in?

Hated is rather strong maybe by you but not by me or many other reasonable NZers.

19-01-2023, 05:53 PM
So you know people at present that like her leadership and direction she and her merry muppets have lead the country ?? .. I've yet to talk to one in person or hear more that a few select special cases Talkback radio that would vote for her again ...
Maybe you need to check your hearing and widen your circle of acquaintances😀

19-01-2023, 05:56 PM
Maybe you need to check your hearing and widen your circle of acquaintances��

he might be perfectly happy not to, after seeing the the termites in action on Labour's front bench ;)

the gardens outside didn't fare much better .. who needs enemies or in some camps - 'friends' as they might be termed ? ;)

19-01-2023, 05:57 PM
Yes I do know people who like her leadership and yes I do know people who would vote for her again. That being said while I think she has been an exceptional leader during some exceptionally challenging times I would not have voted for her again. I believe, as I think many others do as well, it’s time for a change. That does not mean people hate her although I accept some people do


I would use the words ‘anger’ and ‘disgust’.

And rightly so - given how much BS snd spin which came out of her mouth over 5 years.

Be kind.

Most transparent government ever.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

One source of truth.

Bad enough she is useless and clueless - unforgivable she lied and lied.

19-01-2023, 06:42 PM

I would use the words ‘anger’ and ‘disgust’.

And rightly so - given how much BS snd spin which came out of her mouth over 5 years.

Be kind.

Most transparent government ever.

100,000 Kiwibuild homes.

One source of truth.

Bad enough she is useless and clueless - unforgivable she lied and lied.

Yes I agree some people are angry with her leadership but rightly or wrongly I believe a lot of people are grateful for how she has handled some very challenging situations.

I dont for a minute think she is useless and clueless but not surprised you think that.

I think she is extremely clever and has exceptional communication skills. She is very much respected around the world and will do well in whatever she chooses to do. Good luck to her.

19-01-2023, 06:47 PM
She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

That said, which country is she going to reside in?

Golly gosh are you implying she is hated so much by some people here they would resort to harming her?

Geepers I certainly hope that does not happen

19-01-2023, 06:50 PM
Yes I agree some people are angry with her leadership but rightly or wrongly I believe a lot of people are grateful for how she has handled some very challenging situations.

I dont for a minute think she is useless and clueless but not surprised you think that.

I think she is extremely clever and has exceptional communication skills. She is very much respected around the world and will do well in whatever she chooses to do. Good luck to her.

Agree with you 100% she is extremely clever with using her exceptional communication skill to BS NZers into believing she was going to deliver on the huge promises she made to get elected.

So where is her communication skills in the last 2 years after the 2020 election? Takes a special kind of clueless to lose all that popularity in 2 years.

She leaves behind a socially & racially divided NZ poorer and struggling after her 'leadership'.

Good riddance to her and whoever/whichever is dumb enough to employ her next better pray they do not reap the bad karma she brings with her lies and spin.

She knows she is going to get turfed out comes Oct 2023 so she jumped.

AS one commentator noted - Ardern is like the Captain of the Titanic who decided to jump ship with the only lifeboat available after she disastrously destroyed all the other lifeboats along with the Titanic.

19-01-2023, 06:50 PM
Golly gosh are you implying she is hated so much by some people here they would resort to harming her?

Geepers I certainly hope that does not happen

She reaps what she sows.

19-01-2023, 08:15 PM
Agree with you 100% she is extremely clever with using her exceptional communication skill to BS NZers into believing she was going to deliver on the huge promises she made to get elected.

So where is her communication skills in the last 2 years after the 2020 election? Takes a special kind of clueless to lose all that popularity in 2 years.

She leaves behind a socially & racially divided NZ poorer and struggling after her 'leadership'.

Good riddance to her and whoever/whichever is dumb enough to employ her next better pray they do not reap the bad karma she brings with her lies and spin.

She knows she is going to get turfed out comes Oct 2023 so she jumped.

AS one commentator noted - Ardern is like the Captain of the Titanic who decided to jump ship with the only lifeboat available after she disastrously destroyed all the other lifeboats along with the Titanic.

Typically your last paragraph makes no sense - suggest you and your haters take a leaf out of Simon Bridges comments - they are really good taste😀

19-01-2023, 08:26 PM
Typically your last paragraph makes no sense - suggest you and your haters take a leaf out of Simon Bridges comments - they are really good taste😀

And you think it is good taste for Ardern to lie and spin as she did in the last 5 years to NZers?

She is all set for her plum posting with the UN or some. Other cushy number before she gets turfed out & lose her credibility.


Watch the rats deserting the sinking ship in the next 9 months before they become dog tucker.

So very very very satisfying.

19-01-2023, 10:07 PM
Yes I agree some people are angry with her leadership but rightly or wrongly I believe a lot of people are grateful for how she has handled some very challenging situations.

I dont for a minute think she is useless and clueless but not surprised you think that.

I think she is extremely clever and has exceptional communication skills. She is very much respected around the world and will do well in whatever she chooses to do. Good luck to her.

Well the Labour Govt Blew $72,000,000,000 on COVID mostly lining the pockets of Phama giants and very wealthy NZ Businesses (which we still have no knowledge of the contracts signed up for) ... Didn't deliver on any of the election promises of both elections ... and now well before end of term is doing the runner after making her profile and Millions of kickbacks...

IMHO it like she knows her govt have made a right mess off it and its only going get worse going into Winter23 and they will get hammered at the election ...she doesn't want to tarnish her global image anymore than necessary Kiwis be damned ... her Party certainly was shocked she dropped them today

19-01-2023, 10:14 PM
Well the Labour Govt Blew $72,000,000,000 on COVID mostly lining the pockets of Phama giants and very wealthy NZ Businesses (which we still have no knowledge of the contracts signed up for) ... Didn't deliver on any of the election promises of both elections ... and now well before end of term is doing the runner after making her profile and Millions of kickbacks...

IMHO it like she knows her govt have made a right mess off it and its only going get worse going into Winter23 and they will get hammered at the election ...she doesn't want to tarnish her global image anymore than necessary Kiwis be damned ... her Party certainly was shocked she dropped them today

And she announced that she is resigning for her family


with the same breath, said the Labour Party & her MPs are family!

The clueless spin mistress knows no shame.

19-01-2023, 10:59 PM
On 31 October 2022 Jacinda told Melissa Chan-Green on the AM Show that she has no plans to step down, saying - "I've heard this. This rumour has floated around my entire time five years in Government. I have no plans to change my role as leader, I am not going anywhere. I've said this on the show a number of times."

Today's announcement also reminds me of Jacinda's memorable words from 19 March 2020 when she said re Covid - "We will continue to be your single source of truth and we will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can. Everything else you see [take with] a grain of salt."

19-01-2023, 11:33 PM
Hope the Paycheck from the new outfit is commensurate to said abilities or lack thereof ;)

A large price might be extracted for familiar ring tones of everything full steam ahead
while in reality things are sailing backwards by at least the same velocity :)

20-01-2023, 12:07 AM
What makes you think she is one of the most hated PMs in NZ history??

I would have said the opposite, she appears to have been immensely popular both here in NZ and overseas.

I disagree ! Her popularity locally and overseas is now being shown what it was, a complete waste of time !,

See you Jacinda. I wish you well for your private life, but will never forgive you for the damage you did to NZ

20-01-2023, 02:32 PM
On 31 October 2022 Jacinda told Melissa Chan-Green on the AM Show that she has no plans to step down, saying - "I've heard this. This rumour has floated around my entire time five years in Government. I have no plans to change my role as leader, I am not going anywhere. I've said this on the show a number of times."

Today's announcement also reminds me of Jacinda's memorable words from 19 March 2020 when she said re Covid - "We will continue to be your single source of truth and we will provide information frequently. We will share everything we can. Everything else you see [take with] a grain of salt."

You ever changed your mind?

20-01-2023, 02:48 PM
You ever changed your mind?

I do not lie like Clueless Cindy. One source of truth? She is a pathological liar and spin merchant.

20-01-2023, 03:24 PM
She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

That said, which country is she going to reside in?



20-01-2023, 03:31 PM
I do not lie like Clueless Cindy. One source of truth? She is a pathological liar and spin merchant.

Hilarious and you expect any reasonable person on this forum to believe YOU?😀

20-01-2023, 03:46 PM
...knows her time is done ...one of the most hated PMs in NZs history never was going be elected again .

What a load of bollocks. When was the last preferred Prime Minister poll done? The last one I recall was in December 2022 where Chris Luxon closed the gap With Jacinda Ardern. Admittedly he is not yet prime minister so I guess you could argue currently Jacinda is the currently the most hated PM in NZ, but also the most admired and respected. The polls would say more people admire and respect her than any other contenders, although being the incumbent must help. What basis for the "in NZs history" claim do you have or is it just part of the pile on of bull**** being produced on these threads.


Jacinda Ardern’s preferred prime minister ranking is on 29 per cent, with Christopher Luxon on 23, closing the gap with Ardern.

You should get off the internet and out more a lot of hate for Jacinda on this site but I was hearing that nasty bilious crap was generated by only a small minority online but amplified by social media.

Stop sounding like an incel.

Save the embellishments for ramping stocks.

20-01-2023, 04:14 PM
She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

Yes because of people like David Anthony Ruck.


If that is the crowd you like to align with and the views you support, good on you.

At least Balance has a party to vote for now.

It is sad because I suspect not everyone is like David Anthony Ruck but from the hate and crap on these political threads a lot of people on here start to sound like him.

20-01-2023, 06:04 PM
What a load of bollocks. When was the last preferred Prime Minister poll done? The last one I recall was in December 2022 where Chris Luxon closed the gap With Jacinda Ardern. Admittedly he is not yet prime minister so I guess you could argue currently Jacinda is the currently the most hated PM in NZ, but also the most admired and respected. The polls would say more people admire and respect her than any other contenders, although being the incumbent must help. What basis for the "in NZs history" claim do you have or is it just part of the pile on of bull**** being produced on these threads.


Jacinda Ardern’s preferred prime minister ranking is on 29 per cent, with Christopher Luxon on 23, closing the gap with Ardern.

You should get off the internet and out more a lot of hate for Jacinda on this site but I was hearing that nasty bilious crap was generated by only a small minority online but amplified by social media.

Stop sounding like an incel.

Save the embellishments for ramping stocks.

Obviously did not read the latest poll which has more NZers against the Clueless one than view her favourably for the first time.

As she sowed, she reaped.


Karma is a bitch.

20-01-2023, 06:07 PM
Hilarious and you expect any reasonable person on this forum to believe YOU?��

Tells more about you than about me.

Very very very satisfying to out poseurs like you & of course, Ardern.


20-01-2023, 06:14 PM
Tells more about you than about me.

Very very very satisfying to out poseurs like you & of course, Ardern.


Cindy's acolytes are hurting Balance. Be kind.

Something Sean Plunkett picked up on....Ardern had no business setting the election date before she walked out the door. What the hell was that about?
Plunkett and some Oz commentators I have noted, have rightly pointed out that Ardern has been extremely selfish in her departure. She leaves no succession plan and a Party screwed over by her own internal disciplinary and policy failures, particularly with regard to the Maoris caucus. Why do they even have a Maori caucus?

20-01-2023, 06:20 PM
By 1% point you drongo - hardly overwhelming

20-01-2023, 06:28 PM
She is hated. Without her protection, she will most likely not be able to live in NZ safely.

That said, which country is she going to reside in?

I think this is a very dangerous post and that you should remove it.

Whether what you say is true is a side issue, and I hope you are wrong, but the important issue for me is the effect of your post.

Whether you intended it that way or not, the post normalises the idea that politicians are targets. Even if we haven't yet succumbed to the madness we see oveseas, I think speculating publically that a politician is so hated that it is likely someone will try to harm her just makes it more likely.

20-01-2023, 06:34 PM
I concur - see my comment re another objectionable Thread - it’s deplorable.

20-01-2023, 06:38 PM
She reaps what she sows.

Nah - we need to stop this . This sort of posting is actually dangerous.

Please join me in stating clearly and unequivocally that violence and threats of violence are not OK and that however strongly anyone feels about a politician, raising the temperature by talking about violence as "reaping what is sown" is a mistake.

20-01-2023, 06:39 PM
I think this is a very dangerous post and that you should remove it.

Whether what you say is true is a side issue, and I hope you are wrong, but the important issue for me is the effect of your post.

Whether you intended it that way or not, the post normalises the idea that politicians are targets. Even if we haven't yet succumbed to the madness we see oveseas, I think speculating publically that a politician is so hated that it is likely someone will try to harm her just makes it more likely.

I should have qualified my post. I was just stating a fact, rather than encouraging anything. In fact reading my post I do not state that polititians should be targets. That is waht you have done. That said, I thought about it after I posted it and should have used different wording because hated is not correct. Polarising is probably the better word. She is hated but also loved by many. Probably more to the extremes any politician in NZ has ever been. Key was polarising and certainly hated and there were songs calling for the rape of his daughter etc. But he was also loved.

Jacinda too is even more extreme in the emotion that runs deep both ways. I wish no harm on her whatsoever and would never do anything at all to harm her. I was just stating a fact and we all know it, there are people out there that do wish her harm and that will make her life difficult in NZ. Heck it was already difficult with her protection detail. Going to be nigh on impossible post that.

20-01-2023, 06:42 PM
I 100% agree.

Nah - we need to stop this . This sort of posting is actually dangerous.

Please join me in stating clearly and unequivocally that violence and threats of violence are not OK and that however strongly anyone feels about a politician, raising the temperature by talking about violence as "reaping what is sown" is a mistake.

20-01-2023, 06:44 PM
I 100% agree.

Me too - it’s time to push back at the hatred on this site - it’s ugly and pathetic.

20-01-2023, 06:49 PM
Jacinda too is even more extreme in the emotion that runs deep both ways. I wish no harm on her whatsoever and would never do anything at all to harm her. I was just stating a fact and we all know it, there are people out there that do wish her harm and that will make her life difficult in NZ. Heck it was already difficult with her protection detail. Going to be nigh on impossible post that.

I'm sure the NZ police are more than capable unless National defunds them again.

20-01-2023, 06:56 PM
Nah - we need to stop this . This sort of posting is actually dangerous.

Please join me in stating clearly and unequivocally that violence and threats of violence are not OK and that however strongly anyone feels about a politician, raising the temperature by talking about violence as "reaping what is sown" is a mistake.

I also agree, well said thank you

20-01-2023, 07:42 PM
I should have qualified my post. I was just stating a fact, rather than encouraging anything. In fact reading my post I do not state that polititians should be targets. That is waht you have done. That said, I thought about it after I posted it and should have used different wording because hated is not correct. Polarising is probably the better word. She is hated but also loved by many. Probably more to the extremes any politician in NZ has ever been. Key was polarising and certainly hated and there were songs calling for the rape of his daughter etc. But he was also loved.

Jacinda too is even more extreme in the emotion that runs deep both ways. I wish no harm on her whatsoever and would never do anything at all to harm her. I was just stating a fact and we all know it, there are people out there that do wish her harm and that will make her life difficult in NZ. Heck it was already difficult with her protection detail. Going to be nigh on impossible post that.

OMG - what a nervous guilty post - you say you should not use hated and then you use it in your next sentence- unbelievable.

20-01-2023, 07:57 PM

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said, "We will continue to be your single source of truth, unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth."

Did Benito Mussolini who said, "Everything in the State, Nothing outside the State, Nothing against the State." also try his best?

JACINDA did here job interview several months ago with "Blackrock" ...the company that has the largest holdings in Media / Phama / military in the world


20-01-2023, 08:01 PM
With all due respect, because I know where you're coming from .... I think you should accept blackcap's clarification in the light it was intended. Let's not create tension where there doesn't need to be any. There is more than enough right now.

OMG - what a nervous guilty post - you say you should not use hated and then you use it in your next sentence- unbelievable.

20-01-2023, 08:08 PM
I get it but I re- read Blackcaps so called apology - it’s hollow and insincere for me and it’s I’m sorry but…one swallow doesn’t make a summer for me.

20-01-2023, 09:15 PM
I get it but I re- read Blackcaps so called apology - it’s hollow and insincere for me and it’s I’m sorry but…one swallow doesn’t make a summer for me.

have you forgotten the 5 years of earlier swallowing ? ;)

20-01-2023, 09:18 PM
The doomsayers were right! Ardern has resigned! No news on UN appointment so far.

have you forgotten the 5 years of earlier swallowing ? ;)
Please explain- your post makes no sense.

20-01-2023, 09:19 PM
OMG - what a nervous guilty post - you say you should not use hated and then you use it in your next sentence- unbelievable.

Well yes hated. But also loved. So she was polarising. Thats it really. What have I to be quilty about? I just stated what I thought how she was viewed by others. I am not particularly fond of her myself as she has been a bare faced liar and deceiver. Duplicitous in nature and damaging for NZ. No I do not particularly like her. But I acknowledge there are plenty of people that like her and love her. Thats fine. We live in an open society where differing opinions are permissible. And that is great. Diversity of though is a good thing.

I was not actually apologising to davflaws, more clarifying that my post was intended as a statement of fact, not intending anyone to do anything. Violence is not the answer.

20-01-2023, 09:19 PM
Please explain- your post makes no sense.

neither do you :)

perhaps you meant davflaws instead ? :)

20-01-2023, 09:27 PM
The doomsayers were right! Ardern has resigned! No news on UN appointment so far.

Well yes hated. But also loved. So she was polarising. Thats it really. What have I to be quilty about? I just stated what I thought how she was viewed by others. I am not particularly fond of her myself as she has been a bare faced liar and deceiver. Duplicitous in nature and damaging for NZ. No I do not particularly like her. But I acknowledge there are plenty of people that like her and love her. Thats fine. We live in an open society where differing opinions are permissible. And that is great. Diversity of though is a good thing.

I was not actually apologising to davflaws, more clarifying that my post was intended as a statement of fact, not intending anyone to do anything. Violence is not the answer.
You have no right to speak for what others may think - cricket doesn’t need you as a fan - you’re an embarrassment. I thought you had gone away but sadly you didn’t.

21-01-2023, 06:59 AM
You have no right to speak for what others may think - cricket doesn’t need you as a fan - you’re an embarrassment. I thought you had gone away but sadly you didn’t.

I can say what I like, and hold any opinion that I like. That is the privilidge of living in a free country. The media is constantly speaking about what others may think. There is nothing incorrect in my post and it certainly is not mysoginistic as you like to state on another thread.

Piggy Muldoon was also polarising. He even came to blows with opponents. He was also loved by a certain segment of the population. But yeah he was constantly threatened as was John Key's family. Politics is a dirty game.

Jacinda is no different, just more polarising for whatever reason. Probably because society, due to social media and other influences, is becoming more polarising and that is not a good thing. We need to hold onto shared experiences and shared interests and not let the differences divide us.

It's an interesting observation I have with others, that my 2 best friends are rabid lefties (one a green voter the other a labour acolyte) but due to shared experiences and interests (outside of politics) we can get on very well. If I had met them in a forum we would probably be at each other hammer and tongs.

Anyway lets all celebrate that Jacinda is gone and all hail Nanaiah Mahuta as the new New Zealand PM!

21-01-2023, 07:41 AM
Jacinda Ardern, as captain of the Titanic after it has hit the ice, has said she does not have it in her to try and save the passengers, crew or ship and has taken the first lifeboat.

What a great leader she proved to be - NOT.



21-01-2023, 07:54 AM
Jacinda Ardern, as captain of the Titanic after it has hit the ice, has said she does not have it in her to try and save the passengers, crew or ship and has taken the first lifeboat.

What a great leader she proved to be - NOT.



Luckily in real life, the Crew of a ship or aeroplane are not voted in by the passengers and NZ has a professional civil service to keep things running! Also if some passengers had been threatening to execute or torture the Captain, they would have been silenced.

21-01-2023, 08:03 AM
Luckily in real life, the Crew of a Ship are not voted in by the passengers and NZ has a professional civil service to keep things running! Also if some of passengers had been threatening to execute or torture the Captain, they would have been jettisoned, no questions asked.

Precisely - which is why Useless Ardern decided to abandon ship before she gets guillotined at the polls come October 2023.

You know of course that Ardern never met a single voter (outside of the TV staged events) in the Hamilton by election and even worse, did not bother to turn up at all in the Tauranga by-election? That's how scared she was to be associated with losing.

She does not fool those of us who judge a leader by their DEEDS, not words. Words are cheap.

"It is not just her caucus Jacinda has abandoned. She has abandoned Labour’s activists, donors and voters - the supporters who had the right to expect her to at least fight for what she believes.

Then there are the voters of Mt Albert. The PM is cynically leaving them without an elected representative for six months."

Here's a prime example of the mess left behind for NZers as she abandons ship after championing co-governance :


21-01-2023, 08:22 AM
Precisely - which is why Useless Ardern decided to abandon ship before she gets guillotined at the polls come October 2023.

You know of course that Ardern never met a single voter (outside of the TV staged events) in the Hamilton by election and even worse, did not bother to turn up at all in the Tauranga by-election? That's how scared she was to be associated with losing.

"It is not just her caucus Jacinda has abandoned. She has abandoned Labour’s activists, donors and voters - the supporters who had the right to expect her to at least fight for what she believes.

Then there are the voters of Mt Albert. The PM is cynically leaving them without an elected representative for six months." You do realise that NZ does not have a presidential election? We vote for MPs and in a general election our preferred Party. The Previous PM, who had been the Party leader at the previous general election time, John Key, also resigned while in office. English never was leader of a winning Party.

21-01-2023, 08:38 AM
You do realise that NZ does not have a presidential election? We vote for MPs and in a general election our preferred Party. The Previous PM, who had been the Party leader at the previous general election time, John Key, also resigned while in office. English never was leader of a winning Party.

Because Winston did the foul deed which he now says he regrets of picking Ardern & Labour instead of National.

Key handed over the reigns when National was polling high and he was still preferred PM by a country mile.

Not so Ardern.

fungus pudding
21-01-2023, 08:43 AM
Because Winston did the foul deed which he now says he regrets of picking Ardern & Labour instead of National.

Can you post a source for that comment please. I can't imagine Winston ever conceding to being wrong.

21-01-2023, 08:53 AM
Jacinda is no different, just more polarising for whatever reason. Probably because society, due to social media and other influences, is becoming more polarising and that is not a good thing. We need to hold onto shared experiences and shared interests and not let the differences divide us.

Thank you for that. I suspect your leftie tree hugging friends may have got into your head (just a wee bit)!

21-01-2023, 08:57 AM
Can you post a source for that comment please. I can't imagine Winston ever conceding to being wrong.


21-01-2023, 09:23 AM
Because Winston did the foul deed which he now says he regrets of picking Ardern & Labour instead of National.

Key handed over the reigns when National was polling high and he was still preferred PM by a country mile.

Not so Ardern.That’s the NZ system for you.

So more popular Key - in your words - didn’t abandon Party activists, donors and voters - by leaving them with A less popular leader? Who knows but Ardern’s replacement may improve Labour’s chances of getting a bigger vote.

With Ardern gone, it leaves open the possibility of Peters supporting Labour again, should he ever be in that position:ohmy:

21-01-2023, 09:32 AM
That’s the NZ system for you.

So more popular Key - in your words - didn’t abandon Party activists, donors and voters - by leaving them with A less popular leader? Who knows but Ardern’s replacement may improve Labour’s chances of getting a bigger vote.

Key left National when the party was in good shape and the proof is the 44% vote it polled in 2017.

Possibility indeed that Hipkins may improve Labour’s chances for as we know, many NZers are as gullible as they come - preferring words over deeds.

I say - bring on the election and let Labour stand on its record and agenda of the Maorification of NZ.

None of the ‘most transparent government ever’ while implementing hidden agendas.

21-01-2023, 09:36 AM
That’s the NZ system for you.

So more popular Key - in your words - didn’t abandon Party activists, donors and voters - by leaving them with A less popular leader? Who knows Ardern’s replacement may improve Labour’s chances of getting a bigger vote.

Key left a succession plan in place. I think NZ missed an opportunity with Bill English, but sadly a combination of Winnie's feud and a form of rot that had set in the wider Nats Party put paid to that, and left us with an ineffectual opposition for 4 years.

As the dust settles many of Ardern's gushing supportive commentators in media and politics will look forever foolish as the huge mess she leaves behind becomes more evident.

What Ardern has done is abandon ship and left the Labour party in a position where it will likely implode due to the free reign she gave the Maori caucus. She also hamstrung her successor by announcing the election date before walking out the door. She has left a bunch of broken policies half done that have sunk her party even if they abandon those policies.

History will show her to be an example of leadership failure in most respects, and also highlight the danger of vacuous charisma politics.

21-01-2023, 09:42 AM
Their Treaty policies in preference to some more basic traditional Labour policies may well be their undoing IMO.

21-01-2023, 09:52 AM
Their Treaty policies in preference to some more basic traditional Labour policies may well be their undoing IMO.

Ardern allowed herself to be beholden to the Maori cabal. She wanted power and wanted to stay in power so she needed to appease them for their support.

Basically, she ran out of spin and BS to cover and hide the hidden Maorification agenda - hence, ‘the tank is empty’ comment from the useless spin mistress.

Never thought she would run out of spin and BS but she thought she did!

21-01-2023, 11:50 AM
The doomsayers were right! Ardern has resigned! No news on UN appointment so far.

Key left a succession plan in place. I think NZ missed an opportunity with Bill English, but sadly a combination of Winnie's feud and a form of rot that had set in the wider Nats Party put paid to that, and left us with an ineffectual opposition for 4 years.

As the dust settles many of Ardern's gushing supportive commentators in media and politics will look forever foolish as the huge mess she leaves behind becomes more evident.

What Ardern has done is abandon ship and left the Labour party in a position where it will likely implode due to the free reign she gave the Maori caucus. She also hamstrung her successor by announcing the election date before walking out the door. She has left a bunch of broken policies half done that have sunk her party even if they abandon those policies.

History will show her to be an example of leadership failure in most respects, and also highlight the danger of vacuous charisma politics.

I suspect history will prove you wrong and will show Ardern to be a courageous PM - I think the change of PM is net positive for Labour.

21-01-2023, 11:58 AM
I feel sorry for davflaws - who our friend keeps on quoting in subsequent replies :)

21-01-2023, 12:09 PM
I suspect history will prove you wrong and will show Ardern to be a courageous PM - I think the change of PM is net positive for Labour.

What am I wrong about? Did Ardern leave a succession plan? Did she leave her party in a better place than the last election? Did she leave it with a suite of policies that will win them the next election? Did she hamstring her successor by naming the election date on her way out the door? (arrogance personified right there)

If her leaving is a nett positive in your view, you must have acknowledged that something is rotten in the State of Denmark and that Ardern was political poison, an albatross around the neck of Labour's hopes of winning the next election.

21-01-2023, 01:12 PM
What am I wrong about? Did Ardern leave a succession plan? Did she leave her party in a better place than the last election? Did she leave it with a suite of policies that will win them the next election? Did she hamstring her successor by naming the election date on her way out the door? (arrogance personified right there)

If her leaving is a nett positive in your view, you must have acknowledged that something is rotten in the State of Denmark and that Ardern was political poison, an albatross around the neck of Labour's hopes of winning the next election.

Churchill was UK PM during WW2 during which he kept morale up and helped forestall an invasion. Yet he was a liability for the British Conservative Party in the first election after the War had ended. So in similar vein, the right PM for a pandemic, may no longer be the right person for the job in the aftermath.

21-01-2023, 02:02 PM
The doomsayers were right! Ardern has resigned! No news on UN appointment so far.

What am I wrong about? Did Ardern leave a succession plan? Did she leave her party in a better place than the last election? Did she leave it with a suite of policies that will win them the next election? Did she hamstring her successor by naming the election date on her way out the door? (arrogance personified right there)

If her leaving is a nett positive in your view, you must have acknowledged that something is rotten in the State of Denmark and that Ardern was political poison, an albatross around the neck of Labour's hopes of winning the next election.

Relax Motor mouth - we will have to wait won’t we for history to judge. You seem to also forget that she has helped Labour to form 2 governments when Labour were on their knees in 2017.

21-01-2023, 03:35 PM
Relax Motor mouth - we will have to wait won’t we for history to judge. You seem to also forget that she has helped Labour to form 2 governments when Labour were on their knees in 2017.

A motormouth would suggest I've said nothing of substance. There would be plenty to rebutt in my post if I wasn't stating facts, but clearly you can't respond with a substantive answer because what I have said is true.

Ardern had her strengths. I've said it before, she was the world's best press secretary. She had no idea when it came to formulating and implementing policy. She also let Mahuta run roughshod all over her. Mahuta is a playground bully with less clue than Ardern, but that's where she has left the Labour party. The Maori caucus in charge and a rout on the electoral horizon.

21-01-2023, 03:42 PM
A motormouth would suggest I've said nothing of substance. There would be plenty to rebutt in my post if I wasn't stating facts, but clearly you can't respond with a substantive answer because what I have said is true.

Ardern had her strengths. I've said it before, she was the world's best press secretary. She had no idea when it came to formulating and implementing policy. She also let Mahuta run roughshod all over her. Mahuta is a playground bully with less clue than Ardern, but that's where she has left the Labour party. The Maori caucus in charge and a rout on the electoral horizon.

Quite right you didn’t add anything of substance 😀

fungus pudding
22-01-2023, 07:47 AM
The party �� is over for - Ardern is nearly gone but keep on gloating - Hipkins is more of a threat this election than a tired Ardern would have been.

He is only more of a threat to National. To the rest of us he might be the best thing Labour have offered up for many years - especially if he brings in Kerre Allen as deputy.

22-01-2023, 09:22 AM
Finished sucking on mama tits?

That’s plain weird even for you - drinking this early on a Sunday is a bit sad 😞

22-01-2023, 09:28 AM
That’s plain weird even for you - drinking this early on a Sunday is a bit sad 😞

Obviously you have not stopped sucking yet. Mama is getting tired?

22-01-2023, 10:44 AM
That’s plain weird even for you - drinking this early on a Sunday is a bit sad 

I know nothing of Balance's personal habits but I don't think feeding the troll is going to change his behavior. (I still get caught all the same!).

23-01-2023, 10:43 AM
Obviously did not read the latest poll which has more NZers against the Clueless one than view her favourably for the first time.

As she sowed, she reaped.


Karma is a bitch.

I have now thanks for that. I would still question "the most hated PM in NZ" claim by JBmurc.

The article does not seem to support the claim.

Opposition leader Christopher Luxon was also on -1%, while ACT leader David Seymour was on -4%.

I applaud the Taxpayers Union for providing a bit of Balance in the article.

Also I apologies for suggesting you would vote for the Pakeha Party. Immediately after posting I realised you would never vote for a party with "Pakeha" in the name.

23-01-2023, 02:33 PM
I have now thanks for that. I would still question "the most hated PM in NZ" claim by JBmurc.

The article does not seem to support the claim.

Opposition leader Christopher Luxon was also on -1%, while ACT leader David Seymour was on -4%.

I applaud the Taxpayers Union for providing a bit of Balance in the article.

Also I apologies for suggesting you would vote for the Pakeha Party. Immediately after posting I realised you would never vote for a party with "Pakeha" in the name.

Jacinda Ardern will need 'more ongoing protection than any PM in NZ's history' - expert


23-01-2023, 04:41 PM
Jacinda Ardern will need 'more ongoing protection than any PM in NZ's history' - expert


Only because of a small number of extreme d*ckheads (maybe a couple on this site). Not because the general population hate her anymore than any other PM.

Unfortunately the internet means we get to hear about them, when once we would not have known they even exist. Don't forget the crazy anti-vaxxers who come across as very extreme.

I just thought "the mosted hated PM ever" claim seemed extreme. Still have not seen a compelling argument to support this statement.

Probably better to look to the future as Chris Hipkins recommends. Jacinda will not be around to enrage us anymore.

23-01-2023, 06:47 PM
Only because of a small number of extreme d*ckheads (maybe a couple on this site). Not because the general population hate her anymore than any other PM.

Unfortunately the internet means we get to hear about them, when once we would not have known they even exist. Don't forget the crazy anti-vaxxers who come across as very extreme.

I just thought "the mosted hated PM ever" claim seemed extreme. Still have not seen a compelling argument to support this statement.

Probably better to look to the future as Chris Hipkins recommends. Jacinda will not be around to enrage us anymore.

I respectfully disagree Aaron. I have never seen a PM more loathed and disrespected (sadly) than Jacinda. She has run a very divisive Government in turbulent times when inclusiveness was needed. She is reaping as she has sowed and it is not at all due to a "small number of dickheads" . Her and her Government assumed that last year and have finally realised the dissatisfaction and frustration with her is a lot broader than that. I'm surprised you haven't seen it !

Blue Skies
23-01-2023, 08:06 PM
I respectfully disagree Aaron. I have never seen a PM more loathed and disrespected (sadly) than Jacinda. She has run a very divisive Government in turbulent times when inclusiveness was needed. She is reaping as she has sowed and it is not at all due to a "small number of dickheads" . Her and her Government assumed that last year and have finally realised the dissatisfaction and frustration with her is a lot broader than that. I'm surprised you haven't seen it !

We know there is a section of the population who despise Jacinda Adern & understand this is how you see things, but that's the same for just about every incumbent political leader around the world right now.

However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close.

fungus pudding
23-01-2023, 08:09 PM
We know there is a section of the population who despise Jacinda Adern & understand this is how you see things, but that's the same for just about every incumbent political leader around the world right now.

However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close.

If it's a fact, you must have lots of evidence. Please post details.

23-01-2023, 08:47 PM
However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close.

That's good for her, assuming she can and will leverage her admiration, but it hasn't helped New Zealand unfortunately. If the planet looked into what and how New Zealanders felt about their current situation under this Labour government, they might reconsider.

I have no particular beef with Adern per se, she didn't screw this country up all by herself, people attribute too much responsibility on the leader of the party. So many things are just not right anymore, it takes a concerted blindness to reality, to get to where we are now.

23-01-2023, 09:18 PM
However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close.


BTW. Come on BS....Surely the avid devotees like you would at least spell her surname correctly?

Perhaps the admiration is nowhere as wide as you claim. Instead being highly concentrated amongst the vocal left-leaning media org's, WEF cohort and Chardonnay/Champagne drinking Wokesters. Even if your claim was a 'fact'. So what?

Regardless, one doesn't need to wear glasses to clearly see that there are also plenty of folk in NZ (and that ultimately counts more for our country) who don't admire Ms Ardern, and more importantly don't admire what she 'supposedly' stands for.

At best, one could claim that admiration of her is VERY polarised.

Sorry, not buying what you are selling BS.;)

23-01-2023, 09:29 PM
We know there is a section of the population who despise Jacinda Adern & understand this is how you see things, but that's the same for just about every incumbent political leader around the world right now.

However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close. Certainly my UK contacts have put her on a pedestal. However they know zilch about what she has done other than the initial Covid response and the Christchurch hugs. They also talk of her as if she were an antidote to the shocking leaders they have had - Johnson & Truss.

23-01-2023, 10:42 PM
You might at least spell her name correctly while you're at it - BS ;)

23-01-2023, 10:44 PM
If it's a fact, you must have lots of evidence. Please post details.

There be must evidence somewhere that she's changed the way she spells her name too by looks :)

Blue Skies
23-01-2023, 10:50 PM

BTW. Come on BS....Surely the avid devotees like you would at least spell her surname correctly?

Perhaps the admiration is nowhere as wide as you claim. Instead being highly concentrated amongst the vocal left-leaning media org's, WEF cohort and Chardonnay/Champagne drinking Wokesters. Even if your claim was a 'fact'. So what?

Regardless, one doesn't need to wear glasses to clearly see that there are also plenty of folk in NZ (and that ultimately counts more for our country) who don't admire Ms Ardern, and more importantly don't admire what she 'supposedly' stands for.

At best, one could claim that admiration of her is VERY polarised.

Sorry, not buying what you are selling BS.;)

I'm not selling anything, obviously some don't want to hear it but just stating an interesting fact.
And since she has resigned, there's no hidden agenda, it just is what it is.

Of course she is polarising & of course there's sectors of the population here that don't like her & overseas as well.
But do you think President Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Rishi Sunak, Barack Obama, Pierre Trudeau, Olaf Scholz, Vladimir Putin, etc aren't polarising ?

Around half or more in every country surveyed, say Social Media has made us more divided in our political opinions than ever.
We're not unique.

But Ardern (sorry about the spelling earlier) is a global icon & an inspiration for millions of young women. She is admired by millions around the world.
More than any other NZ politician she has put NZ on the global map.
She opened doors overseas for NZ business like no other leader before.
You know she got us 5 FTA's (Free Trade Agreements) in 2 years, when National only managed 2 in 9 years.
At a recent promotion in New York to attract wealthy investors to NZ, all the foreign media & reporters who were coming didn't bother to turn up when they found out she wasn't coming.
And just look at the tributes to her which have poured in from leaders both political & in other fields from around the world.

And she was still the most preferred PM in this country by quite a wide margin, well ahead of Luxon.

23-01-2023, 11:06 PM
Foreign investors all but dried up - BS .. a sum total of just 2 in last report I was reading :)

What happened ? - did the rest all see writing on the wall ? ;)

The same social media Labour was so scared of that they tried desperately to muzzle it some time back
now it's coming back to bite Labour badly on the Azz for continuous poor performance ?

Do you think people are so stupid or blind to think that a simple change of deckchairs
and basically mostly the same bums plonked in them is going to fool anyone
while the earlier issues persist and further worsen ? ;)

I think everyone can clearly see what's happening, especially when the more sinister sides
keep hitting the Ordinary people on the street even harder and brutal reality of a regime
that has failed in almost everything it has laid hand to starts becoming abundantly clear
to all, in their daily lives :)

Remember the fools that swallowed the tripe once may not be fooled into swallowing
a second or third time, if they dont like or agree with what they are seeing ;)

Labour have a very bad habit of alienating significant numbers of once fooled then
very much awake etc, which only grows in numbers until a certain demise occurs .. ;)

Ask the former Leader, if you dont believe it - her mentor learnt that lesson before her
and there is bound to have been some background jostling going on - The new Captain
admitted it today - that conversations were going on since last November.

That wouldnt have been happening for a simple Menu change at Bellamy's or
for that matter very good reason :)

It's surprising that yourself and/or the fiercely faithful weren't aware of it last year :)

23-01-2023, 11:16 PM
I respectfully disagree Aaron. I have never seen a PM more loathed and disrespected (sadly) than Jacinda. She has run a very divisive Government in turbulent times when inclusiveness was needed. She is reaping as she has sowed and it is not at all due to a "small number of dickheads" . Her and her Government assumed that last year and have finally realised the dissatisfaction and frustration with her is a lot broader than that. I'm surprised you haven't seen it !

Yes my wife wasn't allowed to see her mother on her deathbed ... locked down not allowed to travel etc ... (J.A= be kind!!) ..... I couldn't continue to do the seasonal fishing job I'd been doing for 26yrs because I didn't take JAB ... thank the sharemarket GODs I had some cracking good months prior so could walk away ... I know many that didn't want it ...but were forced ..

23-01-2023, 11:22 PM
Certainly my UK contacts have put her on a pedestal. However they know zilch about what she has done other than the initial Covid response and the Christchurch hugs. They also talk of her as if she were an antidote to the shocking leaders they have had - Johnson & Truss.

Yes the grass is always greener over the other side ... had J.A been leading in the UK ...then they might not be so star struck ..

23-01-2023, 11:47 PM
I'm not selling anything, obviously some don't want to hear it but just stating an interesting fact.
And since she has resigned, there's no hidden agenda, it just is what it is.

Of course she is polarising & of course there's sectors of the population here that don't like her & overseas as well.
But do you think President Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Rishi Sunak, Barack Obama, Pierre Trudeau, Olaf Scholz, Vladimir Putin, etc aren't polarising ?

Around half or more in every country surveyed, say Social Media has made us more divided in our political opinions than ever.
We're not unique.

But Ardern (sorry about the spelling earlier) is a global icon & an inspiration for millions of young women. She is admired by millions around the world.
More than any other NZ politician she has put NZ on the global map.
She opened doors overseas for NZ business like no other leader before.
You know she got us 5 FTA's (Free Trade Agreements) in 2 years, when National only managed 2 in 9 years.
At a recent promotion in New York to attract wealthy investors to NZ, all the foreign media & reporters who were coming didn't bother to turn up when they found out she wasn't coming.
And just look at the tributes to her which have poured in from leaders both political & in other fields from around the world.

And she was still the most preferred PM in this country by quite a wide margin, well ahead of Luxon.

well she TALKED a BIG game >>> Ardern stated that child poverty was the most important issue facing her new government. Five years later, family poverty is in a terrible state. In opposition Ardern was rightly appalled about the number of children living in cars; after five years of her government, that number has quadrupled.


24-01-2023, 09:27 AM
Yes my wife wasn't allowed to see her mother on her deathbed ... locked down not allowed to travel etc ... (J.A= be kind!!) ..... I couldn't continue to do the seasonal fishing job I'd been doing for 26yrs because I didn't take JAB ... thank the sharemarket GODs I had some cracking good months prior so could walk away ... I know many that didn't want it ...but were forced ..

There it is. Now I can appreciate why you personally hate Jacinda. No need to make outrageous statements though.
I am not a big fan of Jacinda and in fact while I take most of my rage out on Adrian Orr, Jacinda played a big part in making the poor poorer and the rich richer.


And in hindsight I think we massively over-reacted to the pandemic. The first lockdowns I totally support, as a lot of people were scared and we did not know a lot but if the vaccines worked then people had time to get them.

I had some sympathy for the anti vaxxers with a choice between vax or no work and ostracism from society, it was not much of a choice. After Wellington though they can go f**k themselves as they came across as a bunch of rabid nutters spitting the dummy because they were asked to consider other people. All rights and no responsibility. No respect for the law or democracy, very self centred and selfish. More scared of the vaccine than the virus.

You only need to see how we are dealing with covid currently to know it was a massive over-reaction. Covid is here, no one is masked some additional old people are dying every week and a few unfortunate youngsters. Most people could not give a s*it about covid even after all the drama we went through.

Jacinda made some big calls which you want in a leader. She obviously upset the antivaxxers and young people should be upset that they can no longer buy a house, they are picking up the tab to save the old people and poor people should be upset as they are paying the inflation tax.

It turns out doing a lot less might have been the better option but it is all easy in hindsight. I think she was doing what she thought best at the time and a majority of NZers supported her.

For a minority there will be rejoicing at her resignation, it is just a shame to see all the nastiness as it is not the kiwi way... in my world anyway.

P.s. only after re reading my post do I appreciate the irony of someone suggesting a section of society go "f**k themselves" being upset by nastiness.
I guess it is not always easy always being decent/respectful/kind but I could probably try harder.

24-01-2023, 11:08 AM
However, Adern is also the most widely admired politician on the planet right now. (that's not just opinion, its fact). No one else comes close.

Choke, gasp!
If that's a true statement, the other options must be shockers, and pity the folk doing the admiring!

24-01-2023, 01:47 PM



24-01-2023, 06:51 PM

By Dr Muriel Newman

https://www.nzcpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Hipkins-300x229.jpg (https://www.nzcpr.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Hipkins.jpg)

Appointed as New Zealand’s Prime Minister in 2017, Jacinda Ardern has been described as an iron fist in a velvet glove. She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. No friend of free speech, she had little regard for public opinion and no respect for those with a contrary view.

Read on, an intriguing insight https://www.nzcpr.com/newsletter/

fungus pudding
24-01-2023, 07:33 PM
There it is. Now I can appreciate why you personally hate Jacinda. No need to make outrageous statements though.
I am not a big fan of Jacinda and in fact while I take most of my rage out on Adrian Orr, Jacinda played a big part in making the poor poorer and the rich richer.

She certainly didn't make the rich richer. They achieve that all by themselves.

24-01-2023, 08:01 PM
She certainly didn't make the rich richer. They achieve that all by themselves. Some were the beneficiaries of government policy surely.

fungus pudding
24-01-2023, 08:22 PM
Some were the beneficiaries of government policy surely.

They were the beneficiaries of their own efforts and dilligence. Their financial rewards were achieved in spite of the Govt.

24-01-2023, 08:28 PM
Some were the beneficiaries of government policy surely.

likely from what this Govt inherited from the previous too .. what will Labour be leaving for the next
Government when they get tipped out - a fair measure of large debt, aside from a large unholy
shambles for as far as the eye can see ? ;)

25-01-2023, 08:54 AM
She certainly didn't make the rich richer. They achieve that all by themselves.

Oh FP you say the funniest things, always good for a laugh.

The increase in wealth was driven largely by the more than 50 per cent increase in house prices over the two years after the start of the pandemic.

So I guess what you are saying is that while the average person was locked down sponging off the NZ taxpayer (rich people) rich people were working harder and smarter than ever to increase their wealth. Stupid lazy poor people, need to be more aspirational that is obviously why they are poor.

I also see the truth in what you say when I read articles about donations from rich people to the national party.


They know which side their bread is buttered and how to get ahead, not government policy and a monetary system that promotes trickle down economics, that is for sure.

fungus pudding
25-01-2023, 09:02 AM
Oh FP you say the funniest things, always good for a laugh.

The increase in wealth was driven largely by the more than 50 per cent increase in house prices over the two years after the start of the pandemic.

So I guess what you are saying is that while the average person was locked down sponging off the NZ taxpayer (rich people) rich people were working harder and smarter than ever to increase their wealth. Stupid lazy poor people, need to be more aspirational that is obviously why they are poor.

Smarter - not necessaily harder, although that is likely.

25-01-2023, 10:01 AM
Smarter - not necessaily harder, although that is likely.

Ha ha ha... you are killing me.

25-01-2023, 02:13 PM
She certainly didn't make the rich richer. They achieve that all by themselves.

s o what is wrong with that.

fungus pudding
25-01-2023, 02:42 PM
s o what is wrong with that.

Absolutely nothing at all, apart from the irritating squealing from the envious.

31-01-2023, 08:49 PM
The Front Page: The harm in referring to Jacinda Ardern as ‘Cindy’


That nickname (Cindy) persisted throughout her tenure in charge and has often been coupled on social media with everything from mild criticism to blatant sexism.
Dr Suze Wilson argues that we shouldn’t just brush this aside as a harmless five-letter word, as some commentators have suggested.

“It’s sexist,” she explains.
“It’s a technique designed to humiliate, belittle and undermine her authority and credibility.”
Wilson stresses that the term “Cindy” doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is instead part of a broader spectrum of sexism that’s accepted across New Zealand.
Once again, apologists for the misogyny often argue that these are just words and that politicians know what they’re getting into.

And even here, Green MP Golriz Ghahraman has been vocal about what she has to contend with on a daily basis.

“The strategic goal behind [misogynistic] behaviour is to drive women out of public life,” says Wilson.
“It is very much a backlash against the kind of progress that we have actually made.

31-01-2023, 09:02 PM
The Front Page: The harm in referring to Jacinda Ardern as ‘Cindy’


That nickname (Cindy) persisted throughout her tenure in charge and has often been coupled on social media with everything from mild criticism to blatant sexism.
Dr Suze Wilson argues that we shouldn’t just brush this aside as a harmless five-letter word, as some commentators have suggested.

“It’s sexist,” she explains.
“It’s a technique designed to humiliate, belittle and undermine her authority and credibility.”
Wilson stresses that the term “Cindy” doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is instead part of a broader spectrum of sexism that’s accepted across New Zealand.
Once again, apologists for the misogyny often argue that these are just words and that politicians know what they’re getting into.

And even here, Green MP Golriz Ghahraman has been vocal about what she has to contend with on a daily basis.

“The strategic goal behind [misogynistic] behaviour is to drive women out of public life,” says Wilson.
“It is very much a backlash against the kind of progress that we have actually made.

So how did we become so dreadfully misogynist in the space of 12 months? Or did we just see through her cynical manipulating BS. Cynical Cindy....it has a ring to it...and it's true!

31-01-2023, 09:06 PM
So how did we become so dreadfully misogynist in the space of 12 months? Or did we just see through her cynical manipulating BS. Cynical Cindy....it has a ring to it...and it's true!
Gee you sound pleased about it - you only have to read this forum on a regular basis to see how much misogynistic stuff is posted. Some of us try and push back and say it’s not okay.

31-01-2023, 09:19 PM
Gee you sound pleased about it - you only have to read this forum on a regular basis to see how much misogynistic stuff is posted. Some of us try and push back and say it’s not okay.

You're missing the point again tim23. How could we be a terrible misogynist society when at one point Ardern had sky high approval ratings? Her BS was her undoing. And darned right I'm pleased she's gone! Nothing to do with her being female. She's just an incredibly deceitful politician.

fungus pudding
31-01-2023, 10:41 PM
You're missing the point again tim23. How could we be a terrible misogynist society when at one point Ardern had sky high approval ratings? Her BS was her undoing. And darned right I'm pleased she's gone! Nothing to do with her being female. She's just an incredibly deceitful politician.

It puzzles me how crticism of any female MP brings cries of 'misogony'. But it often does.

31-01-2023, 11:00 PM
It puzzles me how crticism of any female MP brings cries of 'misogony'. But it often does.

Probably all their limited library of simple responses has left FP :)

Remember the 'Be Kind' instruction probably got burnt to cinders on the Christmas BBQ ..

01-02-2023, 06:29 AM
Gee you sound pleased about it - you only have to read this forum on a regular basis to see how much misogynistic stuff is posted. Some of us try and push back and say it’s not okay.

And most of the time the very same posters saying it's "not ok" are regularly making personally derogatory comments about Chris Luxon. Talk about rocks and glass houses.

01-02-2023, 08:15 AM
They were the beneficiaries of their own efforts and dilligence. Their financial rewards were achieved in spite of the Govt. There are some people who are unintentionally wealthy, not through extra hard work or business investment. For example the ordinary purchaser of place for their family in (what is now) inner Auckland in the 1960's is now wealthy. Through government policy on immigration, tax, interest rates, risky lending, and lack of policy on pension provision, intensification and providing land for the population surge, that purchaser is now very wealthy.

01-02-2023, 08:25 AM
And most of the time the very same posters saying it's "not ok" are regularly making personally derogatory comments about Chris Luxon. Talk about rocks and glass houses.

That's the whole point. Misogynistic if the left gets attacked, all ok if the left are doing the attacking.

If calling Ardern, Cindy or Cinders, is misogynistic. Well that's fine, I will continue calling her that and just be a misogynist.

(that label gets thrown around so much these days, it has lost it's relevance and has become impotent)

01-02-2023, 08:43 AM
That's the whole point. Misogynistic if the left gets attacked, all ok if the left are doing the attacking.

If calling Ardern, Cindy or Cinders, is misogynistic. Well that's fine, I will continue calling her that and just be a misogynist.

(that label gets thrown around so much these days, it has lost it's relevance and has become impotent) I doubt that calling her Cindy alone is misogynist. Here is an old article about the misogynism Ardern and others have faced. I'm surprised that some doubt that there is extra misgynist abuse that women face. They aren't all women on the political left either.

Another article about Shipley's and Clark's experiences.

fungus pudding
01-02-2023, 08:51 AM
There are some people who are unintentionally wealthy, not through extra hard work or business investment. For example the ordinary purchaser of place for their family in (what is now) inner Auckland in the 1960's is now wealthy. Through government policy on immigration, tax, interest rates, risky lending, and lack of policy on pension provision, intensification and providing land for the population surge, that purchaser is now very wealthy.

So how much money do you consider makes you wealthy?

01-02-2023, 10:07 AM
So how much money do you consider makes you wealthy? By definition, those who are wealthier would have wealth exceeding the median for all adults in NZ. You may or may not wish to factor in age.

01-02-2023, 10:11 AM
I doubt that calling her Cindy alone is misogynist. Here is an old article about the misogynism Ardern and others have faced. I'm surprised that some doubt that there is extra misgynist abuse that women face. They aren't all women on the political left either.

Another article about Shipley's and Clark's experiences.

I'm sure male politicians don't get attacked. As I have said before, it's got nothing to do with the gender of the person, but everything with the position they occupy.

01-02-2023, 10:25 AM
For FP:

NZ individual Wealth in 2021 according to Credit Suisse:
Average for adult: 834k NZD
Median/adult. : 408K NZD

On a global scale NZ land values are highly inflated, consequently most NZers are “wealthy”.

However within NZ, in 2021 a wealthier NZ person has assets worth over 408k
As wealth distribution in NZ is so uneven thanks to inflated land values, the average is over twice the median. So a “wealthy” person would have net assets worth over $834k.


01-02-2023, 10:30 AM
I'm sure male politicians don't get attacked. As I have said before, it's got nothing to do with the gender of the person, but everything with the position they occupy.
…..and senior females in a senior position are much more of a target than a male in such a position…so it is to do both with their position in addition to a factor that they are female.

The research indicates women cop significantly more abuse than men in similar positions.


fungus pudding
01-02-2023, 10:41 AM
For FP:

NZ individual Wealth in 2021 according to Credit Suisse:
Average for adult: 834k NZD
Median/adult. : 408K NZD

On a global scale NZ land values are highly inflated, consequently most NZers are “wealthy”.

However within NZ, in 2021 a wealthier NZ person has assets worth over 408k
As wealth distribution in NZ is so uneven thanks to inflated land values, the average is over twice the median. So a “wealthy” person would have net assets worth over $834k.


That is plainly reidiculous. I would consider around 1.5 mill (including personal residence) to be comfortable, but certainly not wealthy. Around 4mii plus you are 'well off' but you'd need an absolute minimum of 5 mill to be wealthy in my eyes.

01-02-2023, 11:19 AM
That is plainly reidiculous. I would consider around 1.5 mill (including personal residence) to be comfortable, but certainly not wealthy. Around 4mii plus you are 'well off' but you'd need an absolute minimum of 5 mill to be wealthy in my eyes.
Wealth is relative. 1.5m including a reasonable sized residence in a reasonable area would not be comfortable in Auckland, whereas in Invercargill it may well be. Obviously for an oldie who has experienced decades of a leveraged 3 bedroom plus garden house equity value appreciation in inner Auckland could expect the wealth generated from their house alone to be well above average.

fungus pudding
01-02-2023, 01:01 PM
Wealth is relative. 1.5m including a reasonable sized residence in a reasonable area would not be comfortable in Auckland, whereas in Invercargill it may well be. Obviously for an oldie who has experienced decades of a leveraged 3 bedroom plus garden house equity value appreciation in inner Auckland could expect the wealth generated from their house alone to be well above average.

So why quote anyone with assets 408k plus as wealthy? That's nowhere near wealth.

01-02-2023, 01:06 PM
So how much money do you consider makes you wealthy?

" Wealthy" , thats sooooo easy, someone male or female who has very good health !

01-02-2023, 04:21 PM
So why quote anyone with assets 408k plus as wealthy? That's nowhere near wealth.
Not everyone in NZ has a house in inner city Auckland. I said “wealthier.” On a NZ wide basis they are wealthier than the median $408k according to the figures from the article cited. Obviously if you limit you population to for example those adults living on the Remuera Northern slopes or coastal Takapuna or Bayswater, then $1m+ may well be closer to the median adult wealth.

An inner Auckland average 3 bed house owner has the option to sell their asset, and move elsewhere in Auckland, or in most of the rest of the country and invest the surplus. Whereas someone with an average house in for example Tokoroa would have fewer options.

01-02-2023, 05:15 PM
And most of the time the very same posters saying it's "not ok" are regularly making personally derogatory comments about Chris Luxon. Talk about rocks and glass houses.

I think that you are being rather selective- Luxon has hardly been a topic on this forum ( I’m not even sure if there is a Thread?) in comparison to Ardern who has suffered plenty. I suspect in the ratio of 100-1 minimum - you read this forum and probably know I’m about right.

fungus pudding
01-02-2023, 05:52 PM
" Wealthy" , thats sooooo easy, someone male or female who has very good health !

So how much money do you consider makes you wealthy?
Read the question and have another go.

03-02-2023, 12:32 AM
Another take - enjoy

"The announcement of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation has triggered both an outpouring of grief and vitriol in equal measure which echoes the polarisation of her last political term.We’ve seen outdated sexism and vile rhetoric before of course. It’s nothing new.

Misogyny has been a popular societal pastime since the days when Greek mythology made its debut. The only surprise has been the fact that many of us, naively, thought it was mostly behind us.

Jacinda Ardern’s rise and fall has all the elements of mythology. A young, attractive, relatively untested woman propelled into leadership amid a time of turmoil.

The meteoric popularity, the adulation, the carping chorus, the threats and then the fall.

A trajectory similar to that of Joan of Arc – who rose quickly, dazzled momentarily and then literally was burned at the stake.

Of course, there have been many calls for Ardern to meet the same fate as St. Joan. They continue even after her resignation. The level of hatred and condemnation is not purely down to a difference in political views - this is the stuff of the body politic – the literal politicisation of a woman.

It began much like a fairy-tale. The language employed by media outlets laid the first seeds. Stardust was mentioned. Jacinda-Mania. Descriptions better suited to pop stars than politicians.

Then came the diminutive – Cindy – just like the doll. At first this appellation was used mostly by old white guys who preferred their Prime Ministers to know rugby test scores rather than Booker prize winners. The shock of a young woman attaining the highest office and then presuming to tell them what they could and couldn’t do was alleviated somewhat by using a nickname that cut her down to size. Needless to say we didn’t hear this for Johnny, Billy, Jimmy or Bobby.

Much was made of her facial features, her fashion, her partner. The entirety of her life, up for scrutiny in a way that her male counterparts were never subject to.

Her competence and her experience was questioned. The rump of society seems to extend the assumption that men, no matter how much the evidence might betray it, have a basic level of competence. This assumption is not extended to women who must perpetually prove their effectiveness, their worth, at every step.

Assumptions lie deep within misogyny. We hear it on the radio when female guests are described as being ‘intelligent’ – as if that goes against the norm. We hear it when female leaders are given status through childbearing, or denigrated if childless. We hear it in monikers such as ‘Aunty’ Helen or ‘Crusher Collins.’ We heard it in press conferences when two women leaders were asked what things they had in common – presumably fashion or gossip. We heard it after Ardern’s resignation when she was called ‘well-meaning.’ When the leader of the opposition said he ‘could take it’ in response to abuse. We saw it in the television reports that looked back at Ardern’s ‘fashion moments’ or her being on the cover of Vogue. We didn’t hear about her being on the cover of ‘Time.’

Doubtless Ardern was, in part, a victim of the Tall Poppy syndrome that continues to characterise New Zealand. Whether you agree with her politics or not, she did indeed ‘put New Zealand on the map’ - in the same way David Lange commanded the world’s attention with his nuclear free policy back in the 1980s.

World leaders have been unanimous in their praise of her leadership. The international acclaim is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Seeing New Zealand represented on the world stage is something we as a nation are almost embarrassingly desperate for, so it’s intriguing to understand why Ardern’s high standing in a global context is a cause for resentment among so many.

It seems the real problem with Jacinda Ardern came after her exhortation for us to ‘be kind.’ Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals? Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?

Ardern was unusual in being a woman leader who did not achieve power by adopting a ‘tougher-than- the- boys’ persona. The pervasiveness of sports metaphors in media coverage of politics guaranteed that she simply could not win at this game. For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

The murmurings became criticisms. The criticisms became insults, became abuse, became threats. The nickname Cindy wasn’t enough anymore.

Tyrant. Witch. Dictator. ****. Oh yeah, we’ve come a long way, baby.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

The woman becomes an effigy. A demon. A vessel for all resentment and grudges and perceived slights. Just as witches were blamed for misfortune in the late middle-ages, so the female politician is blamed in the twenty-first century.

Although we all know that a modern parliamentary system runs on collective responsibility of cabinet and is therefore not the work of one person – whether witch, wizard or warrior – the female politician somehow carries totemic blame for not delivering on the hopes that the masses unrealistically clamour for.

In popular accounts of Ardern there’s a contradictory characterisation of her being both preternaturally powerful and weak and indecisive - but she cannot be both. She cannot be everything. Only those determined to judge her in archetypal or mythological language can avoid facing this glaring contradiction. Perhaps this is why so much commentary is now focused on Ardern’s presumed political global aspirations: Once cast as a sorceress she must be seeking power over the world – that is the mythological trope.

Not even her resignation escapes this mythical narrative. Compare John Key’s resignation – he was allowed to have simply had enough of the job. It was never suggested his next step in global domination was to take the helm at the IMF or World Bank despite having a CV that would have enabled this.

This is the centuries old misogynist suspicion that women who come to power – in whatever field - always want too much power.

Or perhaps it’s exactly as she herself said. She’s run out of energy simply because she’s human. "

03-02-2023, 12:50 AM
So how much money do you consider makes you wealthy?
Read the question and have another go.

I'm half of a couple. Both of us qualify for super and my wife still works in her professional practice slightly more than half time. We spent about 20k more than our income this year because we travelled (me for diving, her for family). Our freehold house is currently worth about 850k and the portfolio 280k.
When the portfolio was $380k I felt wealthy. I used to say I had a lot more than I needed. Now I don't say that any more.

But this discussion started when you seemed to suggest that the wealthy became so solely by their own efforts and increased their wealth in the same way.
Can you acknowledge that there are structural factors that mean that the "playing field" isn't actually level, and that the rich tend to get richer and the poor to get relatively poorer for reasons that are not necessarily related to virtue, intelligence, or hard work ?

03-02-2023, 04:29 AM
I'm half of a couple. Both of us qualify for super and my wife still works in her professional practice slightly more than half time. We spent about 20k more than our income this year because we travelled (me for diving, her for family). Our freehold house is currently worth about 850k and the portfolio 280k.
When the portfolio was $380k I felt wealthy. I used to say I had a lot more than I needed. Now I don't say that any more.

But this discussion started when you seemed to suggest that the wealthy became so solely by their own efforts and increased their wealth in the same way.
Can you acknowledge that there are structural factors that mean that the "playing field" isn't actually level, and that the rich tend to get richer and the poor to get relatively poorer for reasons that are not necessarily related to virtue, intelligence, or hard work ?
You mess with these long term beneficiaries of NZ government policy at your political peril!

03-02-2023, 11:18 AM
Another take - enjoy

"The announcement of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation has triggered both an outpouring of grief and vitriol in equal measure which echoes the polarisation of her last political term.We’ve seen outdated sexism and vile rhetoric before of course. It’s nothing new.

Misogyny has been a popular societal pastime since the days when Greek mythology made its debut. The only surprise has been the fact that many of us, naively, thought it was mostly behind us.

Jacinda Ardern’s rise and fall has all the elements of mythology. A young, attractive, relatively untested woman propelled into leadership amid a time of turmoil.

The meteoric popularity, the adulation, the carping chorus, the threats and then the fall.

A trajectory similar to that of Joan of Arc – who rose quickly, dazzled momentarily and then literally was burned at the stake.

Of course, there have been many calls for Ardern to meet the same fate as St. Joan. They continue even after her resignation. The level of hatred and condemnation is not purely down to a difference in political views - this is the stuff of the body politic – the literal politicisation of a woman.

It began much like a fairy-tale. The language employed by media outlets laid the first seeds. Stardust was mentioned. Jacinda-Mania. Descriptions better suited to pop stars than politicians.

Then came the diminutive – Cindy – just like the doll. At first this appellation was used mostly by old white guys who preferred their Prime Ministers to know rugby test scores rather than Booker prize winners. The shock of a young woman attaining the highest office and then presuming to tell them what they could and couldn’t do was alleviated somewhat by using a nickname that cut her down to size. Needless to say we didn’t hear this for Johnny, Billy, Jimmy or Bobby.

Much was made of her facial features, her fashion, her partner. The entirety of her life, up for scrutiny in a way that her male counterparts were never subject to.

Her competence and her experience was questioned. The rump of society seems to extend the assumption that men, no matter how much the evidence might betray it, have a basic level of competence. This assumption is not extended to women who must perpetually prove their effectiveness, their worth, at every step.

Assumptions lie deep within misogyny. We hear it on the radio when female guests are described as being ‘intelligent’ – as if that goes against the norm. We hear it when female leaders are given status through childbearing, or denigrated if childless. We hear it in monikers such as ‘Aunty’ Helen or ‘Crusher Collins.’ We heard it in press conferences when two women leaders were asked what things they had in common – presumably fashion or gossip. We heard it after Ardern’s resignation when she was called ‘well-meaning.’ When the leader of the opposition said he ‘could take it’ in response to abuse. We saw it in the television reports that looked back at Ardern’s ‘fashion moments’ or her being on the cover of Vogue. We didn’t hear about her being on the cover of ‘Time.’

Doubtless Ardern was, in part, a victim of the Tall Poppy syndrome that continues to characterise New Zealand. Whether you agree with her politics or not, she did indeed ‘put New Zealand on the map’ - in the same way David Lange commanded the world’s attention with his nuclear free policy back in the 1980s.

World leaders have been unanimous in their praise of her leadership. The international acclaim is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Seeing New Zealand represented on the world stage is something we as a nation are almost embarrassingly desperate for, so it’s intriguing to understand why Ardern’s high standing in a global context is a cause for resentment among so many.

It seems the real problem with Jacinda Ardern came after her exhortation for us to ‘be kind.’ Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals? Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?

Ardern was unusual in being a woman leader who did not achieve power by adopting a ‘tougher-than- the- boys’ persona. The pervasiveness of sports metaphors in media coverage of politics guaranteed that she simply could not win at this game. For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

The murmurings became criticisms. The criticisms became insults, became abuse, became threats. The nickname Cindy wasn’t enough anymore.

Tyrant. Witch. Dictator. ****. Oh yeah, we’ve come a long way, baby.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

The woman becomes an effigy. A demon. A vessel for all resentment and grudges and perceived slights. Just as witches were blamed for misfortune in the late middle-ages, so the female politician is blamed in the twenty-first century.

Although we all know that a modern parliamentary system runs on collective responsibility of cabinet and is therefore not the work of one person – whether witch, wizard or warrior – the female politician somehow carries totemic blame for not delivering on the hopes that the masses unrealistically clamour for.

In popular accounts of Ardern there’s a contradictory characterisation of her being both preternaturally powerful and weak and indecisive - but she cannot be both. She cannot be everything. Only those determined to judge her in archetypal or mythological language can avoid facing this glaring contradiction. Perhaps this is why so much commentary is now focused on Ardern’s presumed political global aspirations: Once cast as a sorceress she must be seeking power over the world – that is the mythological trope.

Not even her resignation escapes this mythical narrative. Compare John Key’s resignation – he was allowed to have simply had enough of the job. It was never suggested his next step in global domination was to take the helm at the IMF or World Bank despite having a CV that would have enabled this.

This is the centuries old misogynist suspicion that women who come to power – in whatever field - always want too much power.

Or perhaps it’s exactly as she herself said. She’s run out of energy simply because she’s human. "

She's done her job WEF are happy agenda 21/30 NWO early stage moves done

... but Labour party brass knew she was toast(I personally don't think she wanted to leave but was pushed!!) ..as we have seen with chippy "lets be friends kiwis"wasn't me locking you down an forcing NWO agenda(yeah right!!) .. I wouldn't be surprised to now see Labour get another term as National can't keep on message lack backbone ...

fungus pudding
03-02-2023, 11:23 AM
She's done her job WEF are happy agenda 21/30 NWO early stage moves done

... but Labour party brass knew she was toast(I personally don't think she wanted to leave but was pushed!!) ..as we have seen with chippy "lets be friends kiwis"wasn't me locking you down an forcing NWO agenda(yeah right!!) .. I wouldn't be surprised to now see Labour get another term as National can't keep on message lack backbone ...

Neither would I. I'll be surprised if they don't.

03-02-2023, 11:34 AM
Another take - enjoy

"The announcement of Jacinda Ardern’s resignation has triggered both an outpouring of grief and vitriol in equal measure which echoes the polarisation of her last political term.We’ve seen outdated sexism and vile rhetoric before of course. It’s nothing new.

Misogyny has been a popular societal pastime since the days when Greek mythology made its debut. The only surprise has been the fact that many of us, naively, thought it was mostly behind us.

Jacinda Ardern’s rise and fall has all the elements of mythology. A young, attractive, relatively untested woman propelled into leadership amid a time of turmoil.

The meteoric popularity, the adulation, the carping chorus, the threats and then the fall.

A trajectory similar to that of Joan of Arc – who rose quickly, dazzled momentarily and then literally was burned at the stake.

Of course, there have been many calls for Ardern to meet the same fate as St. Joan. They continue even after her resignation. The level of hatred and condemnation is not purely down to a difference in political views - this is the stuff of the body politic – the literal politicisation of a woman.

It began much like a fairy-tale. The language employed by media outlets laid the first seeds. Stardust was mentioned. Jacinda-Mania. Descriptions better suited to pop stars than politicians.

Then came the diminutive – Cindy – just like the doll. At first this appellation was used mostly by old white guys who preferred their Prime Ministers to know rugby test scores rather than Booker prize winners. The shock of a young woman attaining the highest office and then presuming to tell them what they could and couldn’t do was alleviated somewhat by using a nickname that cut her down to size. Needless to say we didn’t hear this for Johnny, Billy, Jimmy or Bobby.

Much was made of her facial features, her fashion, her partner. The entirety of her life, up for scrutiny in a way that her male counterparts were never subject to.

Her competence and her experience was questioned. The rump of society seems to extend the assumption that men, no matter how much the evidence might betray it, have a basic level of competence. This assumption is not extended to women who must perpetually prove their effectiveness, their worth, at every step.

Assumptions lie deep within misogyny. We hear it on the radio when female guests are described as being ‘intelligent’ – as if that goes against the norm. We hear it when female leaders are given status through childbearing, or denigrated if childless. We hear it in monikers such as ‘Aunty’ Helen or ‘Crusher Collins.’ We heard it in press conferences when two women leaders were asked what things they had in common – presumably fashion or gossip. We heard it after Ardern’s resignation when she was called ‘well-meaning.’ When the leader of the opposition said he ‘could take it’ in response to abuse. We saw it in the television reports that looked back at Ardern’s ‘fashion moments’ or her being on the cover of Vogue. We didn’t hear about her being on the cover of ‘Time.’

Doubtless Ardern was, in part, a victim of the Tall Poppy syndrome that continues to characterise New Zealand. Whether you agree with her politics or not, she did indeed ‘put New Zealand on the map’ - in the same way David Lange commanded the world’s attention with his nuclear free policy back in the 1980s.

World leaders have been unanimous in their praise of her leadership. The international acclaim is unlike anything we’ve seen before. Seeing New Zealand represented on the world stage is something we as a nation are almost embarrassingly desperate for, so it’s intriguing to understand why Ardern’s high standing in a global context is a cause for resentment among so many.

It seems the real problem with Jacinda Ardern came after her exhortation for us to ‘be kind.’ Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals? Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?

Ardern was unusual in being a woman leader who did not achieve power by adopting a ‘tougher-than- the- boys’ persona. The pervasiveness of sports metaphors in media coverage of politics guaranteed that she simply could not win at this game. For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

The murmurings became criticisms. The criticisms became insults, became abuse, became threats. The nickname Cindy wasn’t enough anymore.

Tyrant. Witch. Dictator. ****. Oh yeah, we’ve come a long way, baby.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

The woman becomes an effigy. A demon. A vessel for all resentment and grudges and perceived slights. Just as witches were blamed for misfortune in the late middle-ages, so the female politician is blamed in the twenty-first century.

Although we all know that a modern parliamentary system runs on collective responsibility of cabinet and is therefore not the work of one person – whether witch, wizard or warrior – the female politician somehow carries totemic blame for not delivering on the hopes that the masses unrealistically clamour for.

In popular accounts of Ardern there’s a contradictory characterisation of her being both preternaturally powerful and weak and indecisive - but she cannot be both. She cannot be everything. Only those determined to judge her in archetypal or mythological language can avoid facing this glaring contradiction. Perhaps this is why so much commentary is now focused on Ardern’s presumed political global aspirations: Once cast as a sorceress she must be seeking power over the world – that is the mythological trope.

Not even her resignation escapes this mythical narrative. Compare John Key’s resignation – he was allowed to have simply had enough of the job. It was never suggested his next step in global domination was to take the helm at the IMF or World Bank despite having a CV that would have enabled this.

This is the centuries old misogynist suspicion that women who come to power – in whatever field - always want too much power.

Or perhaps it’s exactly as she herself said. She’s run out of energy simply because she’s human. "

Get over yourself Davflaws. From my perspective Ardern being a woman has nothing to do with my dislike for her.
I dislike her as she WAS a "dangerous untrustworthy" woman.

03-02-2023, 11:41 AM
Get over yourself Davflaws. From my perspective Ardern being a woman has nothing to do with my dislike for her.
I dislike her as she WAS a "dangerous untrustworthy" woman.

And she is a hypocrite beside being a useless and clueless woman.

Be kind she preached while she deprived families from being there while their loved ones died. That’s her true colour - deeds, not words.

03-02-2023, 11:51 AM
She's done her job WEF are happy agenda 21/30 NWO early stage moves done

... but Labour party brass knew she was toast(I personally don't think she wanted to leave but was pushed!!) ..as we have seen with chippy "lets be friends kiwis"wasn't me locking you down an forcing NWO agenda(yeah right!!) .. I wouldn't be surprised to now see Labour get another term as National can't keep on message lack backbone ...

davflaws didn't attribute who he was quoting, but what a crock of nonsense.

Whoever he is quoting doesn't explain how we became misogynistic overnight. From being not misogynistic in Ardern having record support to her being dog tucker. Her downfall wasn't due to misogyny, it was her BS catching up with her.

Typical positioning her as a victim. As for her family, her partner involved himself heavily though social media and dropped himself in it through his association with some music industry folks who seemed to get magical multiple access to the country when pregnant women couldn't get home. John Key's family also got stick. His son parading on social media didn't help that much either.

03-02-2023, 12:37 PM
davflaws didn't attribute who he was quoting, but what a crock of nonsense.

Whoever he is quoting doesn't explain how we became misogynistic overnight. From being not misogynistic in Ardern having record support to her being dog tucker. Her downfall wasn't due to misogyny, it was her BS catching up with her.

Sorry - I should have included the author of a facebook post someone shared - but it has disappeared into cyberspace. So you are sure it is bull**** - funny that!

You were previously arguing that because for Adern's popularity was very high and then dropped lots, misogyny wasn't involved unless someone could explain how we became misogyninstic very quickly. A bad argument linking two variables that are certainly not closely associated and may well be close to functionally independent.

Maybe most of the drop would not have happened if the stardust (or bulldust) hadn't been shaken off. But as the article suggests, maybe her originally stellar performances in the empathic areas traditionally limited to and limiting women were responsible for her high ratings, and maybe the steepness of the decline had something to do with a societal tendency to judge women more harshly in public life.

The examples given in the article sugesst so.

03-02-2023, 12:52 PM
Sorry - I should have included the author of a facebook post someone shared - but it has disappeared into cyberspace. So you are sure it is bull**** - funny that!

You were previously arguing that because for Adern's popularity was very high and then dropped lots, misogyny wasn't involved unless someone could explain how we became misogyninstic very quickly. A bad argument linking two variables that are certainly not closely associated and may well be close to functionally independent.

Maybe most of the drop would not have happened if the stardust (or bulldust) hadn't been shaken off. But as the article suggests, maybe her originally stellar performances in the empathic areas traditionally limited to and limiting women were responsible for her high ratings, and maybe the steepness of the decline had something to do with a societal tendency to judge women more harshly in public life.

The examples given in the article sugesst so.
Ardern’s trajectory has been from Mother Theresa to Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. Is the saint or sinner judgment more often pronounced on women.

fungus pudding
03-02-2023, 01:07 PM
I'm half of a couple. Both of us qualify for super and my wife still works in her professional practice slightly more than half time. We spent about 20k more than our income this year because we travelled (me for diving, her for family). Our freehold house is currently worth about 850k and the portfolio 280k.
When the portfolio was $380k I felt wealthy. I used to say I had a lot more than I needed. Now I don't say that any more.

But this discussion started when you seemed to suggest that the wealthy became so solely by their own efforts and increased their wealth in the same way.
Can you acknowledge that there are structural factors that mean that the "playing field" isn't actually level, and that the rich tend to get richer and the poor to get relatively poorer for reasons that are not necessarily related to virtue, intelligence, or hard work ?

Freehold in simple terms means 'not leasehold'. The vast majority of NZ homes are freehold and 60% of those are mortgage free. The correct name for a mortgage free house is 'unencumbered'.

03-02-2023, 01:42 PM
Freehold in simple terms means 'not leasehold'. The vast majority of NZ homes are freehold and 60% of those are mortgage free. The correct name for a mortgage free house is 'unencumbered'.

THank you. Now perhaps you could address my main point.

fungus pudding
03-02-2023, 04:43 PM
THank you. Now perhaps you could address my main point.

No point in addresing your comments. And you don't really want me to anyway.

03-02-2023, 06:08 PM
No point in addresing your comments. And you don't really want me to anyway.

Yup - you are trying to discuss with davflaws who believes that a NZer is cultureless and have no heritage unless they are a Maori or embrace Maori culture.

03-02-2023, 06:13 PM
No point in addresing your comments. And you don't really want me to anyway.
There is no point, because there is obvious NZ systemic favouritism towards the holders of capital and wealth over wage earners/consumers?

03-02-2023, 08:49 PM
Excellent post davflaws.

Misogyny has been a popular societal pastime, and as we have seen it still is. Plenty of people have enjoyed being able to express their contempt and prejudice for women using Jacinda as a target, on here, in the Herald comments, and on social media.

It says a lot about our values as a society that kindness, compassion and empathy is spurned in favour of abusive behaviour by a vocal group.

I think the simmering rage of the mediocre is spot on.

“For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals?
Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?”

03-02-2023, 08:53 PM
Excellent post davflaws.

Misogyny has been a popular societal pastime, and as we have seen it still is. Plenty of people have enjoyed being able to express their contempt and prejudice for women using Jacinda as a target, on here, in the Herald comments, and on social media.

It says a lot about our values as a society that kindness, compassion and empathy is spurned in favour of abusive behaviour by a vocal group.

I think the simmering rage of the mediocre is spot on.

“For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals?
Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?”

davflaws - the poster who believes a NZer has no culture or heritage unless they are Maori or embrace Maori culture.

ardern - the lying hypocrite who preached transparency, truth, kindness and compassion but did the exact opposite as PM. She just happens to be a clueless and useless woman. Just as bad as that buffoon Muldoon.


04-02-2023, 08:10 AM
Enjoy :


04-02-2023, 08:15 AM
“For her to be accepted as representing the best of New Zealand, rather than being painted as the great divider as she has been, the population would have needed to endorse her view of the efficacy and value of empathy. They didn’t.

This is misogyny in action. A collective memory of burning women as witches. A collective fear of a woman with power. The simmering rage of the mediocre.

Was the plea for kindness and empathy so archetypally feminine that it became a direct challenge to underlying masculine ideals?
Did this undeniable feminine desire for kindness trigger such a threat to our locker-room ability to take the knocks that we needed to prove that toughness and violence are more valued than the ideals of charity and compassion?”

What a load of utter tripe.

04-02-2023, 08:25 AM
What a load of utter tripe.

Moka swallowed Useless Cindy’s BS whole and he is regurgitating it out in full.


05-02-2023, 10:36 AM
For the record. "Definitely pushed"
This guy nails it with body language signals.


Crypto Crude
05-02-2023, 06:37 PM
Jacindas quick departure reeks to high hell...
Very very dodgey

05-02-2023, 06:50 PM
For the record. "Definitely pushed"
This guy nails it with body language signals.


The poor thing had a gush of blood to her head.

The domestic terror event she refers to is her prime ministership.

05-02-2023, 07:06 PM
The poor thing had a gush of blood to her head.

The domestic terror event she refers to is her prime ministership.

Clueless Crying Cindy and as useless as ever.

05-02-2023, 09:30 PM
The poor thing had a gush of blood to her head.

The domestic terror event she refers to is her prime ministership.

Not an internal crisis ... or some other lingering crisis ? ;)

Have the experts counted to make sure she still has all the required number of marbles ? ;)

22-09-2023, 11:03 AM
Clueless Cindy talking crxp as usual :


“Ardern has revealed she didn’t resign because of burnout and says she could have kept going in a recent interview.”

Remember she said she had nothing left in the tank? Guess she meant her tank of spin, BS and lies then.

22-09-2023, 12:05 PM
Clueless Cindy talking crxp as usual :


“Ardern has revealed she didn’t resign because of burnout and says she could have kept going in a recent interview.”

Remember she said she had nothing left in the tank? Guess she meant her tank of spin, BS and lies then.

Thankfully this deceitful person has been removed from the NZ scene, due to her despicable behaviour. She’s not even been welcomed to one campaign meeting. That’s how unpopular she is

22-09-2023, 12:09 PM
Was an SOS sent to friendly media for something / anything to deflect attention away
from Labour's rapidly approaching demise & dumping ? ;)

Things must be looking woefully bad :)

Hopefully the Yanks & Canadians won't take a glance at what was left behind down under
and local press reportings of the era up to running away and where things have headed since ..

07-10-2023, 02:41 PM
Seemed like a logical thread to post this funny clip. It's what happens when you put an articulate, virtue signaling idiot in a position of power.


19-06-2024, 04:39 PM
Enjoy, Clueless Cindy’s devotees! The *itch is back!

(Luckily not in NZ but overseas where there are woke fools and yet more fools to be made).

Derek Mackie: Jacinda's "Field" of Dreams

I’m baa-aack!!!!

In the public eye, if not on home soil. Sorry to disappoint.
I won’t ask if you’ve missed me - we both know the answer to that. The question would likely prompt an uncontrolled and deep felt outburst of raw emotion on your part which would only embarrass us both.
I’m too empathetic to inflict that on you.

Yes Aotearoa, after what seems like an eternity of 18 months in the top-tier academic trenches, fighting the evils of right-wing misinformation; getting down-and dirty in the luxury piled carpets of Harvard, I am once again returning to the world stage, where I Left-ly belong.

It’s been so hard for me squirrelled away from my adoring public in a beautifully appointed, elite Ivy League office; mobbed, in a good way, between lectures by the brightest and best young minds that neo-Marxism has lovingly moulded, twisted and propagandised.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to hide my dazzling red light under a huge, Grant Robertson wellbeing budget-sized bushel of inspired ideological, cherry-picked research assertions; unhindered by the shackles of supporting data; scrupulously peer reviewed by my independent and zealously loyal team; and clearly and unequivocally demonstrating the dire threat climate deniers, hate speech addicts and extremist non-progressive socialists and right-wingers pose to planetary harmony and global progress.

Immensely valuable as my academic endeavours have been, it’s time for me to step back into the limelight and provide that much needed beacon of hope to a deeply divided, misguided and distrustful world.
God - and I say that purely as a figure of speech with no personal religious connotations whatsoever - I’ve missed it.
And talking of “global progress”, it allows me to segue perfectly into my latest crusade for the hearts and minds of all the world’s citizens…. those worth saving at any rate.

Hosted by…. Global Progress, today I’m announcing my new fellowship programme for political leaders of a progressive persuasion.
It’s called Field.
Why, I hear you ask; and I’ll tell you…. eventually…but not until I’ve shamelessly promoted my unique set of attributes which make me the obvious woman to lead this crucial learning opportunity.

Field is all about kindness and empathy, something I excel in. It’s for like-minded politicians; that’s to say strong, determined people who can think exactly the same way and believe exactly the same things; and value, above all else, the groupthink approach …. even when pesky, so-called facts get in the way.
Field teaches pragmatic idealism…or just idealism really, since pragmatism can be a major handbrake to achieving your key objectives, as I found out through first-hand experience in my previous life as a beloved world leader.
Field creates a nurturing environment which encourages leaders to speak to their people with hope and optimism, not fear and blame, even in the darkest times when their own policies have led to economic and social ruin. Again, something I specialise in.
Field is part of my ongoing mission to help rehumanise leadership and well, just be useful.

But enough about me. No really, I insist.

So, why call it Field?
Perhaps because it aspires to provide a blank canvas for a wide cross-section of Left-wing ideas; in other words to be as big, broad…and vacant as a newly ploughed barren field?
Or because ideas will germinate, sprout and grow, like crops in a field…to be cut down, threshed and 100% organically processed until only the superior ideologically modified strains remain?

Or, could it be something even more inspirational? Thank you for asking - yes, it could.
I called it Field because, to me, this ground-breaking programme represents….

….. my Field of Dreams.

A forum that concentrates progressive thought and potentially produces something truly world changing…or, at the very least, hopefully just produces something.

Despite being based at Harvard, I’ve decided to begin my programme in Europe which has the greatest density of progressives. They’re so dense there that the first 12-month course is massively over-subscribed.
I hate to turn the easily led away and it pains me to see all those eager but disappointed faces denied the benefit of my wisdom and vision, but smaller groups enabling one-on-one sessions are critical to engendering the right atmosphere of kindness and empathy.
And high demand will increase the fees of subsequent courses which will allow me to fund even more valuable progressive research and my ever-growing travel commitments and other miscellaneous expenses.

But you should never stop thinking outside the box.
As I learnt during the pandemic lockdowns and my ostracisation of the unvaccinated, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind; and apathy can be a far better strategy than empathy when faced with the tedious wailing that accompanies loss of rights and freedoms endured by non-conformers and attention-seeking protest groups that you deliberately victimised for challenging your pragmatic ideology.

Field is my unique solution to fixing our rotten capitalist political system and all the social woes and inequities it has spawned. And like man-made climate change, it is firmly founded in incontrovertible facts, not just robust theory and modelling; as the citizens of my beloved homeland know only too well, having enjoyed 5 years of kindness, caring, wellbeing and empathy re-education.
This effective pilot study in Aotearoa, prior to global roll-out, has confirmed the patient is still alive, breathing a little erratically ….but removed from life-support.
Inclusively richer, ethnically and gender aware and shamed where appropriate, though financially significantly poorer.
A small price to pay, I believe, for a country now swimming in empathy and with a healthy sense of entitlement…. that I no longer choose to live in.

It just remains to say that I am truly humbled by my genius in creating Field and excited by the platform it provides, allowing me to showcase my natural talents to a world desperate for nothing more than a big hug and a kind smile.

Yours Jacinda

Derek Mackie is a former geologist with a keen interest in current affairs and a penchant for satire.

19-06-2024, 05:05 PM
Enjoy, Clueless Cindy’s devotees! The *itch is back!

(Luckily not in NZ but overseas where there are woke fools and yet more fools to be made).

Derek Mackie: Jacinda's "Field" of Dreams

I’m baa-aack!!!!

In the public eye, if not on home soil. Sorry to disappoint.
I won’t ask if you’ve missed me - we both know the answer to that. The question would likely prompt an uncontrolled and deep felt outburst of raw emotion on your part which would only embarrass us both.
I’m too empathetic to inflict that on you.

Yes Aotearoa, after what seems like an eternity of 18 months in the top-tier academic trenches, fighting the evils of right-wing misinformation; getting down-and dirty in the luxury piled carpets of Harvard, I am once again returning to the world stage, where I Left-ly belong.

It’s been so hard for me squirrelled away from my adoring public in a beautifully appointed, elite Ivy League office; mobbed, in a good way, between lectures by the brightest and best young minds that neo-Marxism has lovingly moulded, twisted and propagandised.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to hide my dazzling red light under a huge, Grant Robertson wellbeing budget-sized bushel of inspired ideological, cherry-picked research assertions; unhindered by the shackles of supporting data; scrupulously peer reviewed by my independent and zealously loyal team; and clearly and unequivocally demonstrating the dire threat climate deniers, hate speech addicts and extremist non-progressive socialists and right-wingers pose to planetary harmony and global progress.

Immensely valuable as my academic endeavours have been, it’s time for me to step back into the limelight and provide that much needed beacon of hope to a deeply divided, misguided and distrustful world.
God - and I say that purely as a figure of speech with no personal religious connotations whatsoever - I’ve missed it.
And talking of “global progress”, it allows me to segue perfectly into my latest crusade for the hearts and minds of all the world’s citizens…. those worth saving at any rate.

Hosted by…. Global Progress, today I’m announcing my new fellowship programme for political leaders of a progressive persuasion.
It’s called Field.
Why, I hear you ask; and I’ll tell you…. eventually…but not until I’ve shamelessly promoted my unique set of attributes which make me the obvious woman to lead this crucial learning opportunity.

Field is all about kindness and empathy, something I excel in. It’s for like-minded politicians; that’s to say strong, determined people who can think exactly the same way and believe exactly the same things; and value, above all else, the groupthink approach …. even when pesky, so-called facts get in the way.
Field teaches pragmatic idealism…or just idealism really, since pragmatism can be a major handbrake to achieving your key objectives, as I found out through first-hand experience in my previous life as a beloved world leader.
Field creates a nurturing environment which encourages leaders to speak to their people with hope and optimism, not fear and blame, even in the darkest times when their own policies have led to economic and social ruin. Again, something I specialise in.
Field is part of my ongoing mission to help rehumanise leadership and well, just be useful.

But enough about me. No really, I insist.

So, why call it Field?
Perhaps because it aspires to provide a blank canvas for a wide cross-section of Left-wing ideas; in other words to be as big, broad…and vacant as a newly ploughed barren field?
Or because ideas will germinate, sprout and grow, like crops in a field…to be cut down, threshed and 100% organically processed until only the superior ideologically modified strains remain?

Or, could it be something even more inspirational? Thank you for asking - yes, it could.
I called it Field because, to me, this ground-breaking programme represents….

….. my Field of Dreams.

A forum that concentrates progressive thought and potentially produces something truly world changing…or, at the very least, hopefully just produces something.

Despite being based at Harvard, I’ve decided to begin my programme in Europe which has the greatest density of progressives. They’re so dense there that the first 12-month course is massively over-subscribed.
I hate to turn the easily led away and it pains me to see all those eager but disappointed faces denied the benefit of my wisdom and vision, but smaller groups enabling one-on-one sessions are critical to engendering the right atmosphere of kindness and empathy.
And high demand will increase the fees of subsequent courses which will allow me to fund even more valuable progressive research and my ever-growing travel commitments and other miscellaneous expenses.

But you should never stop thinking outside the box.
As I learnt during the pandemic lockdowns and my ostracisation of the unvaccinated, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind; and apathy can be a far better strategy than empathy when faced with the tedious wailing that accompanies loss of rights and freedoms endured by non-conformers and attention-seeking protest groups that you deliberately victimised for challenging your pragmatic ideology.

Field is my unique solution to fixing our rotten capitalist political system and all the social woes and inequities it has spawned. And like man-made climate change, it is firmly founded in incontrovertible facts, not just robust theory and modelling; as the citizens of my beloved homeland know only too well, having enjoyed 5 years of kindness, caring, wellbeing and empathy re-education.
This effective pilot study in Aotearoa, prior to global roll-out, has confirmed the patient is still alive, breathing a little erratically ….but removed from life-support.
Inclusively richer, ethnically and gender aware and shamed where appropriate, though financially significantly poorer.
A small price to pay, I believe, for a country now swimming in empathy and with a healthy sense of entitlement…. that I no longer choose to live in.

It just remains to say that I am truly humbled by my genius in creating Field and excited by the platform it provides, allowing me to showcase my natural talents to a world desperate for nothing more than a big hug and a kind smile.

Yours Jacinda

Derek Mackie is a former geologist with a keen interest in current affairs and a penchant for satire.

At this time I could unleash a serious dose of annoyance over the evil witches latest move but this guy expresses how I feel probably better than I could.


19-06-2024, 08:56 PM
At this time I could unleash a serious dose of annoyance over the evil witches latest move but this guy expresses how I feel probably better than I could.


Indeed he expressed it superbly well about the bloody *itch Ardern.

No words indeed can describe the unbelievable hypocrisy of and sheer hyperbolic lack of self awareness and self respect of the damage Clueless Cindy has left in her trail.

Agree she should have the damehood stripped off her for the misrepresentation and misinformation of what she actually delivered of the kindness and empathy she promised from the most transparent government ever.

What a shameless self-promoting *itch she really is showing herself to be.

19-06-2024, 09:06 PM
Indeed he expressed it superbly well about the bloody *itch Ardern.

No words indeed can describe the unbelievable hypocrisy of and sheer hyperbolic lack of self awareness and self respect of the damage Clueless Cindy has left in her trail.

Agree she should have the damehood stripped off her for the misrepresentation and misinformation of what she actually delivered of the kindness and empathy she promised from the most transparent government ever.

What a *itch!

Amen to all of that.

Comrade Ardern, the worst economic vandal NZ has ever had, and the most divisive, despite her sham of diversity.

Yet she gets a Damehood.

How bizarre!

20-06-2024, 09:46 AM
Can people please refrain from calling an ex female prime minister a bitch.
It is misogynistic of the highest order and says more about the poster than anyone else.

Re the Damehood, I'm not that keen on honors being bestowed so quickly, that could relate to Key or Ardern. I always admired Ritchie McCaw's decision to say not now.

As much as many display their contempt for Ardern like no other, (I saw very similar attitudes towards Julia Gilard in Australia), Ardern lead one of the best responses to the pandemic in the world, a majority of the country agreed with that by giving her the first outright majority since MMP began. These are facts. Ardern's leadership during the Covid response saved thousands of lives. There were obviously other crises that she displayed outstanding leadership and compassion.

Her 2nd term imo was a disaster and I think the likes of Robertson and others had far too much influence as Ardern was either distracted or just couldn't get out of crisis mode, and was probably spent.

Her Prime Ministership, I think can be perfectly summarize by the rugby cliche, as a game of two halves.

20-06-2024, 10:12 AM
Can people please refrain from calling an ex female prime minister a bitch.
It is misogynistic of the highest order and says more about the poster than anyone else.

Re the Damehood, I'm not that keen on honors being bestowed so quickly, that could relate to Key or Ardern. I always admired Ritchie McCaw's decision to say not now.

As much as many display their contempt for Ardern like no other, (I saw very similar attitudes towards Julia Gilard in Australia), Ardern lead one of the best responses to the pandemic in the world, a majority of the country agreed with that by giving her the first outright majority since MMP began. These are facts. Ardern's leadership during the Covid response saved thousands of lives. There were obviously other crises that she displayed outstanding leadership and compassion.

Her 2nd term imo was a disaster and I think the likes of Robertson and others had far too much influence as Ardern was either distracted or just couldn't get out of crisis mode, and was probably spent.

Her Prime Ministership, I think can be perfectly summarize by the rugby cliche, as a game of two halves.

Who called her a bitch?

*itch is for witch but you are free to interpret as BITCH which in the minds of many would probably be a more apt description of Ardern, the witch.

As for her saving lives, that is pure conjecture which will be tested when the proper inquiry gets under way. Meantime, her actions as the most clueless and useless PM in NZ's history are costing lives, livelihoods and social & economic destruction out there. Not to mention the racial divisions she created by playing the race card to get votes.

Is it any wonder the *itch does not dare to show her freaking hypocritical face in NZ these days.

20-06-2024, 10:27 AM
Who called her a bitch?

*itch is for witch but you are free to interpret as BITCH which in the minds of many would probably be a more apt description of Ardern, the witch.

As for her saving lives, that is pure conjecture which will be tested when the proper inquiry gets under way. Meantime, her actions as the most clueless and useless PM in NZ's history are costing lives, livelihoods and social & economic destruction out there. Not to mention the racial divisions she created by playing the race card to get votes.

Is it any wonder the *itch does not dare to show her freaking hypocritical face in NZ these days.

You have no integrity whatsoever.
Why would you asterisk the first letter of witch.
You cannot even lie convincingly, so don't bother hiding your true nature.

How's the beach house at Castle Point? 🤣

20-06-2024, 12:21 PM
You have no integrity whatsoever.
Why would you asterisk the first letter of witch.
You cannot even lie convincingly, so don't bother hiding your true nature.

How's the beach house at Castle Point? ��

As I have written before, envy (hallmark of losers like Davflaws and you) will get you nowhere. Definitely not an invite, that's for sure. But you are welcome to keep begging.

As for *itch, I purposefully used the * to flush out the likes of you who actually think that's who Ardern actually is.

She ain't no BITCH as that's too kind a word for her and it's an insult to female dogs to describe Ardern as one.

Meanwhile, you can kiss my arse (again).

20-06-2024, 02:29 PM
As I have written before, envy (hallmark of losers like Davflaws and you) will get you nowhere. Definitely not an invite, that's for sure. But you are welcome to keep begging.

As for *itch, I purposefully used the * to flush out the likes of you who actually think that's who Ardern actually is.

She ain't no BITCH as that's too kind a word for her and it's an insult to female dogs to describe Ardern as one.

Meanwhile, you can kiss my arse (again).

Witch is much closer to the mark. A dumb one at that.

20-06-2024, 02:34 PM
Witch is much closer to the mark. A dumb one at that.

BITCH is to kind a word to describe Ardern indeed.



"The ‘Dern’s downfall; Michelle, I hate to be the one to break it to ya’, had nothing to do with awful misogyny, but everything to do with awful leadership."

20-06-2024, 04:04 PM
Haha Laws gets kind of triggered but he makes some good points


20-06-2024, 09:54 PM
As for *itch, I purposefully used the * to flush out the likes of you who actually think that's who Ardern actually is.

I call Bullsh!t. You're not even a good liar.

20-06-2024, 10:16 PM
I call Bullsh!t.

All 6 years or was it 5 ? :)

21-06-2024, 08:49 AM
I call Bullsh!t. You're not even a good liar.

Glad you finally come to accept that Ardern is Bullsh*t but don’t you think you must include Spin as well?

21-06-2024, 08:57 AM
BITCH is to kind a word to describe Ardern indeed.



"The ‘Dern’s downfall; Michelle, I hate to be the one to break it to ya’, had nothing to do with awful misogyny, but everything to do with awful leadership."

The BFD really?
Whale Oil, The BFD have no credibility, none whatsoever. Is Crusher still the inside source?
Anymore attack articles being requested?
Cameron Slater is a disgusting individual who has no moral compass whatsoever.

GTM 3442
21-06-2024, 09:12 AM
Accusations of witchcraft can come with some fairly horrific consequences. I think it's paywalled, but the first (available) paragraph is fairly informative.


23-06-2024, 10:16 AM
The *itch trying to rewrite history about the huge devastating impact of the lockdowns on children and students. She actually laughed off the suggestion that the lockdowns impacted severely on children & students!

Shameless and in denial as usual but it is hardly surprising with Clueless Cindy.


“There's now exceptionally strong evidence that the effect on children of pandemic policies has been devastating. NZ's Labour Party hit the poor hardest, which will exacerbate inequality in NZ for the foreseeable future. Beware of Ardern, Hipkins and the Otago medical "experts" trying to rewrite history about the effect of their actions.”

23-06-2024, 04:24 PM
The *itch trying to rewrite history about the huge devastating impact of the lockdowns on children and students. She actually laughed off the suggestion that the lockdowns impacted severely on children & students!

Shameless and in denial as usual but it is hardly surprising with Clueless Cindy.


“There's now exceptionally strong evidence that the effect on children of pandemic policies has been devastating. NZ's Labour Party hit the poor hardest, which will exacerbate inequality in NZ for the foreseeable future. Beware of Ardern, Hipkins and the Otago medical "experts" trying to rewrite history about the effect of their actions.”

Dame Stupid Dame .. IMO

All to regain a bit of the spotlight she couldn't handle and ran away from earlier too :)

Looks like the Foreign Uni's all got sick of her too and who knows, may have also given her a boot up the jacksie and told her to ... off and stop wasting their time, something which she knew was likely coming her way here when more started seeing through the thinly disguised 'harvest any Crisis' moments ;)

It must have really hurt when none of the prestigious institutions offshore on assessing the talent infront of them decided that nothing on a plate would be offering long term :)

On that .. back to little old hum drum Kiwiland and making lunches for fisherman, with a bit of occassional petty screeching fom the next branch up ;)

24-06-2024, 09:09 AM

Funny how the witch distanced herself from the NZ made documentary but fully endorses the one being made by her Hollywood mates.

These people really are scum.

12-07-2024, 08:28 PM
Dame Stupid Dame .. IMO

All to regain a bit of the spotlight she couldn't handle and ran away from earlier too :)

Looks like the Foreign Uni's all got sick of her too and who knows, may have also given her a boot up the jacksie and told her to ... off and stop wasting their time, something which she knew was likely coming her way here when more started seeing through the thinly disguised 'harvest any Crisis' moments ;)

It must have really hurt when none of the prestigious institutions offshore on assessing the talent infront of them decided that nothing on a plate would be offering long term :)

On that .. back to little old hum drum Kiwiland and making lunches for fisherman, with a bit of occassional petty screeching fom the next branch up ;)

Likely she was sick and tired of mysogonistic people like you.