View Full Version : Jarden Direct

28-12-2022, 10:41 AM
Direct Broking Customer here, sold at some stage to ANZ Securities and just recently to Jarden Direct.

Holding our joint account with them for two decades or so and need another account to invest some money out of an inheritance.

Thought this is going to be easy with my broker for the last 20 years ... until I asked them.

No problem, they said - we send you a link.

They did.

Link asks for access to my cellphone to load some funny security software in order to identify me.

I did.

Received confirmation:

Dear xxx,
Thank you for choosing Jarden Direct as your self-directed investment platform. This email confirms that we have received your application and it is with our Client Experience team.

but then comes another email:


Jarden have contracted Verifi Identity Services (‘Verifi’), to use their online system Cloudcheck to help us verify your identity. It’s a simple process and should only take a few minutes to complete.

Trust me - they lie. What started was neither easy, it took hours (counting several repetitions) and it is still not completed.

Do I want to continue doing business with people who lie? Anyway, this is how the story evolved:

I click the link and software wants to take my mugshots (face frontal, 45 degrees left turn, 45 degrees right turn).

I complied, though software makes life really difficult. How do you react if your software asks you for a lighter background if you stand in front of a white wall? No, I didn't threw the cell phone against the wall (its not its fault), but I started swearing.

Another handful of attempts and software is happy with the mugshots.

Ah, yes - and then software wants to take a photo of my drivers licence. I complied ... and got as response - DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR FACE (I didn't, but obviously there is a foto on my drivers licence).

Several attempts later - and no idea why they need the rear of the drivers licence as well I was done. Software said "Thank you". Sigh.

Waiting for my new account details, but a couple of days later comes an email from Jarden:

Hi xxx,

Thank you for applying with Jarden Direct, I can confirm we have received your application.

We weren’t able to electronically verify your identity; the 45-degree angle photo (in the middle between straight-on and side-on) was missing from the selfie photos.

Before we can proceed with the account opening, we need some further information:

I have sent you a link (separate email) so you can attempt to verify your identity again.

... and this is when it all started again. When I was still in work, we called software like that "banana software" (product is ripening at the customers site).

Another 30 minutes in my life nobody will give me back ... and I was done a second time.

Sigh - surely, now I will get the account details, won't I?

A day later:

Hi xxx,

Apologies for the delay in our response.

Sadly, this second attempt wasn’t successful.

I have sent you a new link if you would like to try once more.

Or if you prefer, we can use the manual identification process below:

· Please supply a newly certified copy of both sides of your drivers licence and

· Please supply a newly certified copy of a recent bank or government statement in your name (such as the bank statement supplied).

These documents can be certified by a Justice of the Peace, Solicitor or Chartered Account.

Remember - I am customer with them for the last two decades ....

I called their so called customer experience team, but they are not able (or willing) to discuss process (hey, we know you, but you need to jump through all the hoops a new customer needs to jump through as well, and it is a much more stringent process than with any other company, and no, we don't have a branch near you), though it sort of sounded they are aware that their onboarding process sucks.

I recon I will drive tomorrow into town and open a new broking account with ASB - or are their other suggestions around?

What I do know is that I will avoid Jarden from now on like the plague ...

Hope somebody finds this post inspirational :)

28-12-2022, 10:52 AM
I only use them to buy on the USX but I don’t recall having to go through that process when I signed up :huh:

ASB Securities is much cheaper - I personally will never use Jarden Direct for anything other than USX.

Direct Broking Customer here, sold at some stage to ANZ Securities and just recently to Jarden Direct.

Holding our joint account with them for two decades or so and need another account to invest some money out of an inheritance.

Thought this is going to be easy with my broker for the last 20 years ... until I asked them.

No problem, they said - we send you a link.

They did.

Link asks for access to my cellphone to load some funny security software in order to identify me.

I did.

Received confirmation:

but then comes another email:

Trust me - they lie. What started was neither easy, it took hours (counting several repetitions) and it is still not completed.

Do I want to continue doing business with people who lie? Anyway, this is how the story evolved:

I click the link and software wants to take my mugshots (face frontal, 45 degrees left turn, 45 degrees right turn).

I complied, though software makes life really difficult. How do you react if your software asks you for a lighter background if you stand in front of a white wall? No, I didn't threw the cell phone against the wall (its not its fault), but I started swearing.

Another handful of attempts and software is happy with the mugshots.

Ah, yes - and then software wants to take a photo of my drivers licence. I complied ... and got as response - DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR FACE (I didn't, but obviously there is a foto on my drivers licence).

Several attempts later - and no idea why they need the rear of the drivers licence as well I was done. Software said "Thank you". Sigh.

Waiting for my new account details, but a couple of days later comes an email from Jarden:

... and this is when it all started again. When I was still in work, we called software like that "banana software" (product is ripening at the customers site).

Another 30 minutes in my life nobody will give me back ... and I was done a second time.

Sigh - surely, now I will get the account details, won't I?

A day later:

Remember - I am customer with them for the last two decades ....

I called their so called customer experience team, but they are not able (or willing) to discuss process (hey, we know you, but you need to jump through all the hoops a new customer needs to jump through as well, and it is a much more stringent process than with any other company, and no, we don't have a branch near you), though it sort of sounded they are aware that their onboarding process sucks.

I recon I will drive tomorrow into town and open a new broking account with ASB - or are their other suggestions around?

What I do know is that I will avoid Jarden from now on like the plague ...

Hope somebody finds this post inspirational :)

28-12-2022, 11:00 AM
I only use them to buy on the USX but I don’t recall having to go through that process when I signed up :huh:

ASB Securities is much cheaper - I personally will never use Jarden Direct for anything other than USX.

cheers ... and yes, apparently the process is new and it sounds they know already its not good, but hey, tough if you draw the short straw. Jarden clearly not interested in new customers.

28-12-2022, 11:13 AM
No need to visit a branch. You can open an ASB Securities account online here:


cheers ... and yes, apparently the process is new and it sounds they know already its not good, but hey, tough if you draw the short straw. Jarden clearly not interested in new customers.

28-12-2022, 12:21 PM
No need to visit a branch. You can open an ASB Securities account online here:


cheers - so much easier than opening a second account with Jarden! Obviously - the usual stuff to read and one needs an e passport (which I own). Yes, they take a mugshot as well, but other than with Jarden, ASB's software did work for me on the first attempt. Such a relief ... its not me being incompatible with digital technology ... it is just Jarden using banana software (ripening at the customers site)!

I opened my account and have already an ASB account number - and the only reason it took me one hour from start to finish was because I read all the provided documentation (which is probably sensible)!

29-12-2022, 03:00 PM
AML and compliance are a nightmare for service suppliers AND customers in the finance industry! when I was working at the brokers in 2017 it was almost impossible to sign people up , 90% of potential new clients failed to complete the process.

29-12-2022, 06:26 PM
Direct Broking Customer here, sold at some stage to ANZ Securities and just recently to Jarden Direct.

Holding our joint account with them for two decades or so and need another account to invest some money out of an inheritance.

Thought this is going to be easy with my broker for the last 20 years ... until I asked them.

No problem, they said - we send you a link.

They did.

Link asks for access to my cellphone to load some funny security software in order to identify me.

I did.

Received confirmation:

but then comes another email:

Trust me - they lie. What started was neither easy, it took hours (counting several repetitions) and it is still not completed.

Do I want to continue doing business with people who lie? Anyway, this is how the story evolved:

I click the link and software wants to take my mugshots (face frontal, 45 degrees left turn, 45 degrees right turn).

I complied, though software makes life really difficult. How do you react if your software asks you for a lighter background if you stand in front of a white wall? No, I didn't threw the cell phone against the wall (its not its fault), but I started swearing.

Another handful of attempts and software is happy with the mugshots.

Ah, yes - and then software wants to take a photo of my drivers licence. I complied ... and got as response - DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR FACE (I didn't, but obviously there is a foto on my drivers licence).

Several attempts later - and no idea why they need the rear of the drivers licence as well I was done. Software said "Thank you". Sigh.

Waiting for my new account details, but a couple of days later comes an email from Jarden:

... and this is when it all started again. When I was still in work, we called software like that "banana software" (product is ripening at the customers site).

Another 30 minutes in my life nobody will give me back ... and I was done a second time.

Sigh - surely, now I will get the account details, won't I?

A day later:

Remember - I am customer with them for the last two decades ....

I called their so called customer experience team, but they are not able (or willing) to discuss process (hey, we know you, but you need to jump through all the hoops a new customer needs to jump through as well, and it is a much more stringent process than with any other company, and no, we don't have a branch near you), though it sort of sounded they are aware that their onboarding process sucks.

I recon I will drive tomorrow into town and open a new broking account with ASB - or are their other suggestions around?

What I do know is that I will avoid Jarden from now on like the plague ...

Hope somebody finds this post inspirational :)

Wow, that is some story, I think AML has gotten totally out of hand. I would have been throwing a bit of abuse at the client onboarding team if that was me. Many eons ago I used to work for Direct Broking and this saddens me.

Hey BP, why not use sharesies? Only takes 2 mins to sign up, no mug shots required, no photos to take and no software to download. Once you are set up you can always transfer shares out to CSN.

29-12-2022, 06:28 PM
Which worked really well at $5 a transfer, but this increases to $15 on the 31st January. Possibly still viable for those who wish to accumulate then transfer out a large parcel of shares, but far from ideal.

Once you are set up you can always transfer shares out to CSN.

30-12-2022, 09:51 AM
Wow, that is some story, I think AML has gotten totally out of hand. I would have been throwing a bit of abuse at the client onboarding team if that was me. Many eons ago I used to work for Direct Broking and this saddens me.

Hey BP, why not use sharesies? Only takes 2 mins to sign up, no mug shots required, no photos to take and no software to download. Once you are set up you can always transfer shares out to CSN.


And yes, I gave the Customer Experience team at Jarden a piece of my mind :) ;

To be fair - while I had contact over these two weeks with at least three of their staff who behaved like badly programmed robots ... in the meantime I have as well some exchange with a staff member (might be a manager, not sure) who apologized, thanked for my feedback (s. above) and promised to bring this all to the attention to the responsible departments to help them to learn from this debacle.

Maybe the whole thing will at least help future customers with Jarden Direct.

I have to admit as well, that Direct Broking always treated me well over the last 20 years or so - I assume this whole thing is a Jarden issue (new process / new software / untrained - or really badly trained - Jarden staff). Not sure what happend with the great team from Direct Broking?

Anyway - currently waiting for ASB to complete the setting up of my trading account ... but to be fair - they said it might take up to 5 working days (i.e. they still have three days left).

Not sure about sharesies - but I admit, this is at least partially due to not knowing enough about their processes. It sounds like a lot of additional paperwork per transaction if you want to keep the shares in your name (which I do).

Anyway - lets call them plan C in case this ASB thing works not out as I hope and expect (but at this stage I am optimistic).

30-12-2022, 10:06 AM
I have trading accounts with both Jarden & ASB. Although the Jarden signup process was a bit of a pain, I much prefer the Jarden trading platform.

30-12-2022, 10:17 AM
I have trading accounts with both Jarden & ASB. Although the Jarden signup process was a bit of a pain, I much prefer the Jarden trading platform.

Interesting ... and given that I so far didn't use the ASB trading platform, i.e. can't yet compare - where do you see the strengths and weaknesses of Jarden platform vs ASB platform?

30-12-2022, 10:37 AM
Interesting ... and given that I so far didn't use the ASB trading platform, i.e. can't yet compare - where do you see the strengths and weaknesses of Jarden platform vs ASB platform?
One of the most important difference is that ASB pays no interest on cash balances up to $50k and only 1% for balance over $50k. Jarden currently pays 3.3% on cash balances.
Fundamentally they both do the job but the Jarden platform is modern. The ASB platform feels as if it was built at least 10 years ago.
I also quite like the Shareclarity info supplied with the Jarden account. The (very limited) Morningstar info supplied with ASB is of no use to me as I am already a Morningstar subscriber.

30-12-2022, 10:45 AM
Anyway - currently waiting for ASB to complete the setting up of my trading account ... but to be fair - they said it might take up to 5 working days (i.e. they still have three days left).

Just to close the loop - just got an email that trading account is set up. So it took ASB a bit more than one working day to set up the trading account (where they said 3 to 5 days).

That's pretty good ... under-promising and over-performing. I like it.

Will in due course report on my impressions with their trading platform, but for that I really will need some time to play the system. Noticed that they give me access to Morningstar. Not sure yet, whether I see this as a benefit, but I assume it won't be worse than Direct Broking's connection to ShareClarity (i.e. providing info which is sometimes interesting, often entertaining, but rarely adding value).

30-12-2022, 09:20 PM

And yes, I gave the Customer Experience team at Jarden a piece of my mind :) ;

To be fair - while I had contact over these two weeks with at least three of their staff who behaved like badly programmed robots ... in the meantime I have as well some exchange with a staff member (might be a manager, not sure) who apologized, thanked for my feedback (s. above) and promised to bring this all to the attention to the responsible departments to help them to learn from this debacle.

Maybe the whole thing will at least help future customers with Jarden Direct.

I have to admit as well, that Direct Broking always treated me well over the last 20 years or so - I assume this whole thing is a Jarden issue (new process / new software / untrained - or really badly trained - Jarden staff). Not sure what happend with the great team from Direct Broking?

Anyway - currently waiting for ASB to complete the setting up of my trading account ... but to be fair - they said it might take up to 5 working days (i.e. they still have three days left).

Not sure about sharesies - but I admit, this is at least partially due to not knowing enough about their processes. It sounds like a lot of additional paperwork per transaction if you want to keep the shares in your name (which I do).

Anyway - lets call them plan C in case this ASB thing works not out as I hope and expect (but at this stage I am optimistic).

Apologies for late reply, have been away on holiday. Direct broking under Nigel Wynn (RIP) was a great firm to work for and just a great firm in general. It went through a few iterations but the core of staff remained until about 2008 give or take (I was overseas) ANZ took over and that was the start of a large exodus and cull of staff. A few remained but once Jarden took over that was about it and I recognise no one anymore from the old Direct Broking days.

Thats the way of the world and people move on. But I am not sure if Jarden are the right outfit to take DB forward. ANZ sure were not, I suppose Jarden is an improvement but not sure where the end game is.

Good luck with ASB, hope it works for you, but like another poster said, just watch the interest rates on your on call money, now that rates are moving up.

31-12-2022, 02:03 PM
You're not wrong! I haven't used my ASB account for probably six years. I just logged in and the platform is exactly as it was back then. Mind-numbingly blah, no customisation options, intrusive, annoying yellow "click here" banners, and ugly as sin.

Poles apart from any other platform I have used or looked at. I think they need a new IT department.

I have trading accounts with both Jarden & ASB. Although the Jarden signup process was a bit of a pain, I much prefer the Jarden trading platform.

05-01-2023, 09:20 AM
Sounds shocking BP. I had a similar experience with ANZ recently. Been with them for 25 years with all my banking business except a credit card with Kiwibank and not one missed payment or problem with anything for all of that time and a reasonably significant business through our accounts. As Kiwibank has not gone with Apple Pay I decided to cancel my Kiwibank Platinum card and apply for an ANZ Platinum card.
OMG, what a process. I was treated no different to a new 20 year old customer with endless questions, expenses forecast etc etc. They even asked me to explain a $10 monthly payment to Tesla (automatic software upgrades) to assess whether they thought this necessary.
When I finally got the card, about 4 weeks after starting the process, I was so pis.ed off with the bank that I felt like cutting it up and cancel it but took a deep breath :-)

12-06-2023, 11:34 AM
I've done the change over . Just had a look in preferences and I saw that I have to give them permission to Sharesight , this did not automatically cutover .

So far so good otherwise.

12-06-2023, 11:55 AM
I've done the change over . Just had a look in preferences and I saw that I have to give them permission to Sharesight , this did not automatically cutover .

So far so good otherwise.

There is another thread discussing this transition:

In summary - if people didn't had previous exposure to Jarden direct, the transition can be rather smooth and the new platform offers more information, but does not seem to be as good to provide portfolio overviews (at least I didn't found yet the tidy Direct broking tabs).

If you had however previous exposure to Jarden Direct, you are during the transition process in gods hands (and worse - in the hands of the Jarden Digital department and the Jarden Customer Service department - and this can mean a lot of pain :eek2: ;


13-06-2023, 11:36 AM
I tried to open an account with Jardens over the weekend.
All went well until I got past the first step of putting in my email address.
Trouble started with password.
Thought I had it right.
Then had a phone call with a code.
Did not have pen and paper handy so must have missed a number.
Tried logging in,but could not get my password to work.
4 times trying to get it reset,still no entry.
Yesterday morning I went into Jarden's ChCh office.Very helpful scanning my details and emailing them to me.But no further help.
Bank a/c downloaded OK but other two did not.
I gave up.
Went to ASB at The Palms.
Very helpful and all went well.
Just told to wait 3 days before my online trading would be set up..

15-06-2023, 08:36 PM
I've done the change over . Just had a look in preferences and I saw that I have to give them permission to Sharesight , this did not automatically cutover .

So far so good otherwise.

Thanks for this. I hadn't noticed the need to do this

19-06-2023, 12:30 PM
I sent an email to JD yesterday. Replied in no time. They are super fast.

12-10-2023, 07:54 PM
I've finally been forced to Jarden Direct website cf Direct Broking.
Cant say I'm pleased about it. It seems I've lost my watchlists, and while the layout might be prettier less information is visible on each page. Direct broking website was fully functional and I could see all my portfolio on only two pages split between NZ and Aussie. Now it seems I have them all bunched together in no particular order :+(

12-10-2023, 08:15 PM
I've finally been forced to Jarden Direct website cf Direct Broking.
Cant say I'm pleased about it. It seems I've lost my watchlists, and while the layout might be prettier less information is visible on each page. Direct broking website was fully functional and I could see all my portfolio on only two pages split between NZ and Aussie. Now it seems I have them all bunched together in no particular order :+(
Pete you can edit the watchlists etc to move them around .

12-10-2023, 09:25 PM
Pete you can edit the watchlists etc to move them around .
yes of course I can
but I already had and now I have to do it again.
and yes I've found new pages that are closer to the presentation of DB so I guess I'll cope ;+)

well in some ways that picture is not me at all. I am very grateful to the cloud especially the icloud.

Durimg my month Grand Tour of Scandinavia I lost my Iphone X on an SAS plane in Oslo. I couldnt get it back so I bought a 15 Pro duty free in Iceland.
Because I had retained my sim card (Spark dont provide roaming in Nthern Europe) I could receive the txt to double authenticate into the icloud and I never lost a single photo, and all my passwords were intact. (Huge sigh of relief) So the cloud is awesome.

14-10-2023, 04:16 PM
yes of course I can
but I already had and now I have to do it again.
and yes I've found new pages that are closer to the presentation of DB so I guess I'll cope ;+)

well in some ways that picture is not me at all. I am very grateful to the cloud especially the icloud.

Durimg my month Grand Tour of Scandinavia I lost my Iphone X on an SAS plane in Oslo. I couldnt get it back so I bought a 15 Pro duty free in Iceland.
Because I had retained my sim card (Spark dont provide roaming in Nthern Europe) I could receive the txt to double authenticate into the icloud and I never lost a single photo, and all my passwords were intact. (Huge sigh of relief) So the cloud is awesome.Your dark cloud has a silver iCloud lining - and a lovely 15 pro to boot.

18-10-2023, 02:27 PM
I hate the Jardin site and DB had served me well for years and years. Loads of info lost and navigation is messy

18-10-2023, 02:44 PM
I hate the Jardin site and DB had served me well for years and years. Loads of info lost and navigation is messy

Don't forget to tell them.

I changed one of my accounts over but only go to that account if I need to trade. The other one I have set up for my monitoring purposes and won't change it until the 30/11/23.

They still think they have improved it for everyone. Dumb a*ses. You can't even set up a base date for a watchlist.

18-10-2023, 03:26 PM
Don't forget to tell them.

I changed one of my accounts over but only go to that account if I need to trade. The other one I have set up for my monitoring purposes and won't change it until the 30/11/23.

They still think they have improved it for everyone. Dumb a*ses. You can't even set up a base date for a watchlist.

I still use my old account as well. I have told them, will tell them again.

As I use the new system (one of my accounts) and the old one (trading account), I really can tell the difference. Diabolical.

GTM 3442
26-10-2023, 08:50 PM
Any ideas on the implications of Jardens security/verification manager’s being hacked?


27-10-2023, 08:31 AM
Any ideas on the implications of Jardens security/verification manager’s being hacked?


Did they say that Jarden is one of Oktas customers and have been impcacted? I didn't see that.

Apart from that - I would see the risk with Jarden as rather small. 2 factor identification as a standard and even if somebody manages to break both systems, the only thing they can do is buying and selling shares. No access to the money generated, given that Jarden only allows transfer into the previously nominated customer account.

30-10-2023, 10:57 AM
Everyday I log in to JardenDirect I have to input 6 digit code which they send....is this the norm now?

30-10-2023, 11:17 AM
Everyday I log in to JardenDirect I have to input 6 digit code which they send....is this the norm now?

No. It should last for 30 days before you have to do it again. Call them.

I am overseas and thanks to Spark I can't get the code even though I have a roaming plan.

30-10-2023, 11:28 AM
Everyday I log in to JardenDirect I have to input 6 digit code which they send....is this the norm now?

You probably need to tell the system when logging in, that you are logging in from your computer and that Jarden should remember you. Just one of these ticks people easily forget to tick.

If you do that (tick, not forget :) ), Jarden will remember your credentials for 30 days - as long as you log in from the same computer in the same physical location (I suppose same IP address).

Works for me - unless I am traveling. In the latter case they ask me the first time at a different location for another 2 factor identification. Better pray your carrier supports TXT to the country you are in.

30-10-2023, 12:51 PM
No. It should last for 30 days before you have to do it again. Call them.

I am overseas and thanks to Spark I can't get the code even though I have a roaming plan.

I had the same problem when overseas so got Jarden to change my authentication method to Google Authenticator. Much better than relying on txt when travelling.

30-10-2023, 01:11 PM
I had the same problem when overseas so got Jarden to change my authentication method to Google Authenticator. Much better than relying on txt when travelling.
I use the GA as well , no problems .

30-10-2023, 01:28 PM
Thanks I will have a look at that.

22-11-2023, 09:18 AM
Only a few days to go before the change over any tip from someone who doesnt want to change ( yet ) any pitfalls with the new site ?

22-11-2023, 10:17 AM
I notice a lot has already gone missing from the old site. No diary now, nor any news history. The site has been trimmed done to the minimum.

Moving is the only option. I will hold out until the 29th just to show my dissatisfaction of the new site before I change over my second account. They keep sending reminder emails which I ignore.

27-11-2023, 01:56 PM
You probably need to tell the system when logging in, that you are logging in from your computer and that Jarden should remember you. Just one of these ticks people easily forget to tick.

If you do that (tick, not forget :) ), Jarden will remember your credentials for 30 days - as long as you log in from the same computer in the same physical location (I suppose same IP address).

Works for me - unless I am traveling. In the latter case they ask me the first time at a different location for another 2 factor identification. Better pray your carrier supports TXT to the country you are in.

If you are accessing the web site from your phone does that system work the same ?

02-12-2023, 01:47 PM
How do I access my trading history, cannot seem to find it on the new site ?

02-12-2023, 03:19 PM
How do I access my trading history, cannot seem to find it on the new site ?

In menu on left under Holdings(Portfolio) is a movements button. That gives everything including dividends.

03-12-2023, 03:28 PM
In menu on left under Holdings(Portfolio) is a movements button. That gives everything including dividends.

777, Thank you but I need my trading history for individual shares

03-12-2023, 04:09 PM
777, Thank you but I need my trading history for individual shares

OK if you have a stock in your portfolio then select "movements" on the right hand side.

The only way I could find to work out trades for share you no longer own is to manually create a purchase of 1 share in your portfolio and go from there. Then to get rid of it create a sale for the same price.

Dogs breakfast I know but this is what we have got now.

GTM 3442
14-12-2023, 08:01 AM
Dogs breakfast for sure. There's just so much functionality missing - not replicated from the old Direct Broking platform - that it's scary. Downgrades all the way!

14-12-2023, 03:09 PM
Dogs breakfast for sure. There's just so much functionality missing - not replicated from the old Direct Broking platform - that it's scary. Downgrades all the way!

I haven’t found that; while I don’t like the platform at all, I’m not finding it a lot worse, and certainly not better, than their old one.
I think it’s on par and I am hoping, perhaps forlornly, for improvements going forward.

14-12-2023, 04:12 PM
I haven’t found that; while I don’t like the platform at all, I’m not finding it a lot worse, and certainly not better, than their old one.
I think it’s on par and I am hoping, perhaps forlornly, for improvements going forward.

1.How do you look up old news with out scrolling though numerous pages guessing how far back you need to go? My brain to programmed to read down a list of heading not sideways.
2.Watchlists. How do you select a base date for certain groups of shares you want to compare over a period?
3.Watchlists history. Meaningless as all you get is pile of worthless graphs not a nice table with all the information on one page. And if you look at a graph for 5 day selection it only covers 2 days.
4.Portfolio. Only manual adjustments you can make are to any manual entries you made.

14-12-2023, 06:25 PM
1.How do you look up old news with out scrolling though numerous pages guessing how far back you need to go? My brain to programmed to read down a list of heading not sideways.
2.Watchlists. How do you select a base date for certain groups of shares you want to compare over a period?
3.Watchlists history. Meaningless as all you get is pile of worthless graphs not a nice table with all the information on one page. And if you look at a graph for 5 day selection it only covers 2 days.
4.Portfolio. Only manual adjustments you can make are to any manual entries you made.
re 1, Much easier to look up under "news" on stocknessmonster.com



14-12-2023, 07:04 PM
re 1, Much easier to look up under "news" on stocknessmonster.com



Charting:more effort required and what happened to the 3 month and 2 year charts

11-01-2024, 04:43 PM
Is there some way of putting watchlists into alphabetical order, or, do I have to start new ones from scratch?

11-01-2024, 04:51 PM
The watch list them selves are in alphabetical order but if you mean the stocks within the lists then the way do that is

Select EDIT and then at the righthand side of each stock is an = sign. Just use it to drag the stock into the order you wish.

11-01-2024, 05:02 PM
thank you 777

11-01-2024, 07:43 PM
Is there some way of putting watchlists into alphabetical order, or, do I have to start new ones from scratch?

What I’ve done is put a number in front of my watch list names so I can control the order in which they are listed.

GTM 3442
16-01-2024, 06:59 PM
Add the security to your watchlist using the Edit Watchlist/Search option
The security is added to the watchlist
Doubleclick on the "Security" heading in the watchlist.
The watchlist is reordered in alphabetic name order

Well it worked for me. . .

16-03-2024, 01:26 PM
Anybody having trouble accessing Jarden Direct site? My Internet otherwise [Web and EMail] seem to operating ok but can't get anything including my portfolio from Jardens.

18-03-2024, 04:33 PM
Jardens latest update rendered it impossible for me to access their website on my old iPad - which no longer can receive the latest updates from Apple. A more recent edition of Safari is needed than I can download. The site works on my iPhone though.

19-03-2024, 08:27 AM
Jardens latest update rendered it impossible for me to access their website on my old iPad - which no longer can receive the latest updates from Apple. A more recent edition of Safari is needed than I can download. The site works on my iPhone though.

That’s great news, always good to have an excuse to upgrade one’s iPad, they last so long.
Lucky! '

22-03-2024, 05:34 PM
That’s great news, always good to have an excuse to upgrade one’s iPad, they last so long.
Lucky! ' Planned obsolescence though despite rock solid hardware? No wonder America’s big seven companies do so well…

Ipad Batteries last a long time. The 8yr old 12.9” after heavy daily use is still keeping a charge for streaming a high definition 90mins plus movie plus WhatsApp calling, web browsing and other misc. stuff. Admittedly it has just been used for content consumption as opposed to high demand content creation.

I wonder what new aspects to Jarden’s site require the latest browser update. All other sites work fine.

08-04-2024, 04:10 PM
Hi guys, a few questions after reading through this post.I used to be with Direct Broking ten odd years ago,so presuming even if I could find my old log in it wouldn't work.I liked DB but should I bother signing up with Jarden or is there a better NZ broker ?.Looking to trade NZX and ASX,need ok charts,trailing stop loss,market depth and presume you can still T+3 on trades ?.And not sounding like Jarden is easy to navigate ?.Any pointers on who to go with would be appreciated .

See there are a few old names still posting on the site . :)

12-04-2024, 02:03 PM
Hi guys, a few questions after reading through this post.I used to be with Direct Broking ten odd years ago,so presuming even if I could find my old log in it wouldn't work.I liked DB but should I bother signing up with Jarden or is there a better NZ broker ?.Looking to trade NZX and ASX,need ok charts,trailing stop loss,market depth and presume you can still T+3 on trades ?.And not sounding like Jarden is easy to navigate ?.Any pointers on who to go with would be appreciated .

See there are a few old names still posting on the site . :)

Welcome back. I assume you've been brought back by Shane Jones' announcement that our extraction industries are back in business :-)
I use Jarden and am happy with them. Only use them to trade on the NZX and USX. Their new website is not the best in my view and has taken me a while to get used to but it does what I need it to do for me.

15-04-2024, 10:01 AM
Welcome back. I assume you've been brought back by Shane Jones' announcement that our extraction industries are back in business :-)
I use Jarden and am happy with them. Only use them to trade on the NZX and USX. Their new website is not the best in my view and has taken me a while to get used to but it does what I need it to do for me.

Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think no one wanted to talk to me.Will leave Shane to it as I am mainly looking at the ASX,found a few last week but not set up yet to trade,should be sorted this week.Can you run a stop loss with Jarden ?.


15-04-2024, 11:18 AM
Ok just rang them and they don't run a stop loss,they told me that a new platform is coming out in 3-4 months that will support stop loss.So useless if your day trading unless you want to be glued to the screen all day.So does anyone know of an NZ broker that runs a stop loss on there platform ?.


15-04-2024, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think no one wanted to talk to me.Will leave Shane to it as I am mainly looking at the ASX,found a few last week but not set up yet to trade,should be sorted this week.Can you run a stop loss with Jarden ?.


If comparing Bank DIY platforms, Jardens platform is decent and has lots of useful information that ASB doesn't... but trades are painfully slow. Trades through ASB are almost always instant (which to me makes it better dispite the lack of intel). You can get the missing info elsewhere. If looking at lots of intel is more important than trade speed, then Jarden is ok

15-04-2024, 12:23 PM
If comparing Bank DIY platforms, Jardens platform is decent and has lots of useful information that ASB doesn't... but trades are painfully slow. Trades through ASB are almost always instant (which to me makes it better dispite the lack of intel). You can get the missing info elsewhere. If looking at lots of intel is more important than trade speed, then Jarden is ok

Thanks I've only just opened an ASB account and the jarden platform as you say looks better,but at a glance it looks like you can run a stop loss on ASB.Tried to ring them about it but no one answered,jarden answer and are helpful .So looking like it's use jarden to watch stuff and trade on ASB.Hopefully jarden's new platform will be better and then I can use them to trade .

15-04-2024, 12:40 PM
Just having a play with ASB and am I correct in thinking that you can only set a stop loss after the trade has gone through ?.

15-04-2024, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think no one wanted to talk to me.Will leave Shane to it as I am mainly looking at the ASX,found a few last week but not set up yet to trade,should be sorted this week.Can you run a stop loss with Jarden ?.


Can you join comsec?
Orders are on Market instantly.
$10 for up to $1000
$20 "" $10k
$30 "" $25K
0.2% brokerage thereafter.

22-04-2024, 09:51 AM
Can you join comsec?
Orders are on Market instantly.
$10 for up to $1000
$20 "" $10k
$30 "" $25K
0.2% brokerage thereafter.

Had a look and you need to reside in ausy to join commsec,bugger .

08-05-2024, 06:28 PM
Dear xxxx

This year, we’ll be moving your investments from Jarden Direct to Hatch. This is the investment platform owned by Jarden and FNZ. We’ll be sending you important updates throughout 2024. But for now, there’s nothing you need to do.

What does moving mean for me?
We’re building new financial products on Hatch to help you grow and manage your wealth. On the Hatch platform, we will:
Manage and safeguard your transactions and holdings
Inform you of corporate actions
Look after your reporting and tax requirements
And it’s not goodbye to your friendly Jarden Direct team either. They’re moving with you to Hatch. So you’ll know the people behind the platform, and they’ll continue to give you an exceptional experience.

What happens next?
We’ll give you plenty of time to understand what moving means for you before we make any requests. In the coming months, we’ll ask for the following:
Your consent to move your cash and securities to Hatch
You to review and accept new terms and conditions (T&Cs)
And we’ll take care of everything. There’s nothing else you’ll need to do.

Where can I get my questions answered?
We’re here to guide you every step of the way, and we’ve answered some of the questions you might have here. If you have a question we’ve missed, please ask our team at info@jardendirect.co.nz

Kind regards,
The Jarden Direct and Hatch team

08-05-2024, 06:36 PM
Thanks for this news Huxley, first I have heard of it. I’m a regular user of Hatch so will suit me very well…

08-05-2024, 07:55 PM
Dear xxxx

This year, we’ll be moving your investments from Jarden Direct to Hatch. This is the investment platform owned by Jarden and FNZ. We’ll be sending you important updates throughout 2024. But for now, there’s nothing you need to do.

What does moving mean for me?
We’re building new financial products on Hatch to help you grow and manage your wealth. On the Hatch platform, we will:
Manage and safeguard your transactions and holdings
Inform you of corporate actions
Look after your reporting and tax requirements
And it’s not goodbye to your friendly Jarden Direct team either. They’re moving with you to Hatch. So you’ll know the people behind the platform, and they’ll continue to give you an exceptional experience.

What happens next?
We’ll give you plenty of time to understand what moving means for you before we make any requests. In the coming months, we’ll ask for the following:
Your consent to move your cash and securities to Hatch
You to review and accept new terms and conditions (T&Cs)
And we’ll take care of everything. There’s nothing else you’ll need to do.

Where can I get my questions answered?
We’re here to guide you every step of the way, and we’ve answered some of the questions you might have here. If you have a question we’ve missed, please ask our team at info@jardendirect.co.nz

Kind regards,
The Jarden Direct and Hatch team

The interesting thing is the wording: "This year we will be moving your investments". Actually no Jarden. You don't own or have control over my investments and will not be moving them anywhere. They are held via CSN. You can keep your dirty hands off them.

09-05-2024, 08:20 AM
Hate all this platform jumping … and as prev poster says my securities aren’t under your control, only the cash sidelined

GTM 3442
11-05-2024, 07:10 PM
Hate all this platform jumping … and as prev poster says my securities aren’t under your control, only the cash sidelined

Aren’t non-New Zealand securities bought via Jardens held in their custody system?

13-05-2024, 03:43 PM
So with JD you can do T+2 but you can't run a stop loss,so went ASB as they said they also do T+2 and you can run a stop loss.Great I thought until I went to do a T+2 trade and they say insufficient funds in my account.So give them a ring and am told there T+2 is how long it takes to settle the trade .This is a waste of time for day trading so does anyone know of an NZ broker with T+2,stop loss and a half decent site ?.ASB is also Fing useless as it keeps logging you out if you don't keep the page active for 5mins .JD told me when the new site is up and running it will have a stop loss feature,but that's months away .

14-05-2024, 12:51 PM
So with JD you can do T+2 but you can't run a stop loss,so went ASB as they said they also do T+2 and you can run a stop loss.Great I thought until I went to do a T+2 trade and they say insufficient funds in my account.So give them a ring and am told there T+2 is how long it takes to settle the trade .This is a waste of time for day trading so does anyone know of an NZ broker with T+2,stop loss and a half decent site ?.ASB is also Fing useless as it keeps logging you out if you don't keep the page active for 5mins .JD told me when the new site is up and running it will have a stop loss feature,but that's months away .

T+2 but you either have to have cash funds or a settlement of that amount incoming from a trade. Not sure there are any platform that trades on tick.

14-05-2024, 02:56 PM
T+2 but you either have to have cash funds or a settlement of that amount incoming from a trade. Not sure there are any platform that trades on tick.

No you can buy on tick and pay 2 days later. But generally they charge a higher brokerage amount. That used to be the way anyway.
I know i have sometimes gotten a mail from Jarden saying my account was overdue.... T plus 2 in action. The last one a few weeks ago.

14-05-2024, 06:57 PM
Don't think ASB lets you - online platform.
You either have to have the funds in the account or have a sale covering what you have bought.
I was thinking the other day why it is still t2 in any event, Not like you can send a cheque in now! and how long does it take to register your interest!

14-05-2024, 10:19 PM
Direct broking used to do T+3,ASB don't do it and jarden do T+2 but charged a % on top of brokerage as you're basically buying on tick .And Jay T+2 is good if you get it right as by the time you put money in your account to buy it the trade is gone .

16-05-2024, 06:41 PM
Disappointed that Jarden Direct move to Hatch will mean forced custodial holding if want to sell. I’ve always held Aus shares direct. Any options left for New Zealanders? Interactive Broking?

30-05-2024, 07:53 PM
I placed a buy order with Jarden on Tuesday (2 days ago) for $10,000 worth of shares. There was about $3,000 of orders in front of me at the same price when I placed the order. Today at 5pm about $150,000 worth of stock got traded at my specified price. I was expecting that my order executed in full - but no only about $1,000 of my order was executed (so there is no queueing system running on all orders). Jarden has sent me an invoice for $1,000 worth of shares and $30 commission which is 3%. It seems unfair to be hammered with this commission (high in percentage terms) when the original order was for much more.

30-05-2024, 09:21 PM
I placed a buy order with Jarden on Tuesday (2 days ago) for $10,000 worth of shares. There was about $3,000 of orders in front of me at the same price when I placed the order. Today at 5pm about $150,000 worth of stock got traded at my specified price. I was expecting that my order executed in full - but no only about $1,000 of my order was executed (so there is no queueing system running on all orders). Jarden has sent me an invoice for $1,000 worth of shares and $30 commission which is 3%. It seems unfair to be hammered with this commission (high in percentage terms) when the original order was for much more.

As long as your original order has not expired, it may be completed tomorrow. You won’t be charged any more commission.

30-05-2024, 09:33 PM
As long as your original order has not expired, it may be completed tomorrow. You won’t be charged any more commission.

True, or the next or next day it might be completed, but it's not right that this investor was ahead of the queue and their order not filled. Who can explain that? And it's not right that the commission is taken on the first fill rather than the completion of the order.

31-05-2024, 03:59 PM
True, or the next or next day it might be completed, but it's not right that this investor was ahead of the queue and their order not filled. Who can explain that? And it's not right that the commission is taken on the first fill rather than the completion of the order. There is no trading on Saturday or Sunday. The end of trading day is a bit of a wash-up period, so it is difficult on the platform to see how many “regular” trades go through.

i don’t see why they shouldn’t take their discounted fixed trading fee of $29.90 from the first trade of the order. The client could cancel the rest of the order days later, and transfer the previously reserved extra funds out of their account. $29.90 is the discounted fee they offer provided you have funds deposited to cover the cost of the order.

$29.90 is their fixed (discounted) fee for any order up to a value of about $14,950.

31-05-2024, 04:35 PM
There is no trading on Saturday or Sunday. The end of trading day is a bit of a wash-up period, so it is difficult on the platform to see how many “regular” trades go through.

i don’t see why they shouldn’t take their discounted fixed trading fee of $29.90 from the first trade of the order. The client could cancel the rest of the order days later, and transfer the previously reserved extra funds out of their account. $29.90 is the discounted fee they offer provided you have funds deposited to cover the cost of the order.

I think it is unfair. I did not want to buy $1,000 worth of shares, I wanted $10,000 worth. Sure, I could, as you suggest, cancel a partially filled order but that would be a risky strategy - place an order for $10,000, hoping to buy $1,000 worth and then cancel the remaining order to save a proportion of a $30 commission. I think Jarden should pro-rate the commission on partially filled orders.

The american brokers have so much lower commission on the NYSE - I don't know why NZ ones need a $30 fixed fee.

31-05-2024, 04:45 PM
I think it is unfair. I did not want to buy $1,000 worth of shares, I wanted $10,000 worth. Sure, I could, as you suggest, cancel a partially filled order but that would be a risky strategy - place an order for $10,000, hoping to buy $1,000 worth and then cancel the remaining order to save a proportion of a $30 commission. I think Jarden should pro-rate the commission on partially filled orders.

The american brokers have so much lower commission on the NYSE - I don't know why NZ ones need a $30 fixed fee. $29.90 is the minimum commission, you cannot save any of it. The minimum fee for a trade is higher if you do not have sufficient funds deposited to cover your order.

Lots of things are cheaper in America. The NZ stock exchange is a “bijou” small market!

If you want to ensure you get more shares then you may have to boost the price for the rest of your order, or maybe you should have offered more for the whole order. That is not Jarden Direct’s “fault”. Jarden Direct is a discount broker and not a full service broker.

Maybe sharesies would be more suitable?

31-05-2024, 04:57 PM
yes I had an order only partially filled at my limit price today, and probably remaining part of the order wont be filled as priced moved up , I think you have to take it on the chin Keith, if you dont want to complete the order at market.

31-05-2024, 05:01 PM
yes I had an order only partially filled at my limit price today, and probably remaining part of the order wont be filled as priced moved up , I think you have to take it on the chin Keith, if you dont want to complete the order at market.

Yep I agree. It’s damn annoying tho. Wish someone like Interactive Brokers would come and play in our market. I’d be with them in a flash.

31-05-2024, 06:45 PM
I placed a buy order with Jarden on Tuesday (2 days ago) for $10,000 worth of shares. There was about $3,000 of orders in front of me at the same price when I placed the order. Today at 5pm about $150,000 worth of stock got traded at my specified price. I was expecting that my order executed in full - but no only about $1,000 of my order was executed (so there is no queueing system running on all orders). Jarden has sent me an invoice for $1,000 worth of shares and $30 commission which is 3%. It seems unfair to be hammered with this commission (high in percentage terms) when the original order was for much more.

Read the terms and conditions. It has always been like this. You get hit with the minimum bro once the order has traded, fully or partially.

As far as queing goes, they cannot place you lower in a que, however what may have happened is that the trade you saw for $150k of stock may have been between a broker that just report on market. This is totally fine. Sometimes if a stock is illiquid you have to up your price.

I do believe that Jarden allow for 30 days for a trade to be active, so there is plenty of time to get your order filled.

If you still don't like it, why not give Jarden a call and have a chat with them?

31-05-2024, 08:33 PM
yes I had an order only partially filled at my limit price today, and probably remaining part of the order wont be filled as priced moved up , I think you have to take it on the chin Keith, if you dont want to complete the order at market.

If I were buying Spark or meridian, I might be relaxed at placing an order at market. But for most shares on the NZX, you run the risk of a wide spread between buy and sell. eg at one point today the bid for Radius was 12.5c and the ask was 20c. Extreme example but you get the drift.

01-06-2024, 09:00 AM
If I were buying Spark or meridian, I might be relaxed at placing an order at market. But for most shares on the NZX, you run the risk of a wide spread between buy and sell. eg at one point today the bid for Radius was 12.5c and the ask was 20c. Extreme example but you get the drift.
The NZX is a small market with many comparatively illiquid shares with small trade volumes. Especially if the depth of offers and bids is shallow and your order is comparatively large (and $10,000 could be for some shares,) you need to be pro-active, adjusting your bid or offer as necessary, with orders placed through Jarden Direct - a discount broker. Bear in mind that any shares, that are actually traded for your order, incur the minimum commission.

03-06-2024, 08:56 AM
I once got given just $10 of shares at end of day on a big spread on the last day of my order, which then expired. Taught me a lesson about the risks of orders in illiquid shares. Fortunately, I already held some shares in the company so wasn’t left with a costly problem getting rid later. Now I check depth and monitor trades closely in similar situations. Also make sure the account is funded sufficiently to move an order up if needed to complete.

04-06-2024, 08:38 PM
deleted message -sorry

16-07-2024, 12:33 PM
depth missing on Jarden site.

Or, is it just me.

16-07-2024, 12:35 PM
Getting blank pages when viewing a specific stock
edit - actually just very slow to load and then no depth