View Full Version : Was this the start of a US Presidential campaign

08-12-2018, 08:55 PM
Bernie would make a good Presidents .......and take the Democrats back to there roots

Was last week’s little do the beginning of his 2020 campaign


10-02-2019, 03:20 PM
To answer the original question with another: Do the campaigns ever stop?


11-02-2019, 09:42 AM
Elizabeth Warren aka 'Pocahontas'

Amazing - still people around parroting the liar in chief and doing his bidding.


11-02-2019, 09:48 AM
Amazing - still people around parroting the liar in chief and doing his bidding.


Because she has been outed, even by Wapo as a fake.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Tuesday that she was sorry that she identified herself as a Native American for almost two decades, reflecting her ongoing struggle to quiet a controversy that continues to haunt her as she prepares to formally announce a presidential bid.

Her comments more fully explain the regret she expressed last week to the chief of the Cherokee Nation, the first time she’s said she was sorry for claiming American Indian heritage.

11-02-2019, 09:53 AM
Bernie would make a good Presidents .......and take the Democrats back to there roots

Was last week’s little do the beginning of his 2020 campaign


Bernie has a small chance but I do not think he will get there. The Dems will do what they did to him last time.

Odds currently to be Dem primary winner are:

Harris 4
Orouke 7
Biden 7
Sanders 15
Warren 20
Klobucher 15
Gillibrand 20
Brown 15
Gabbard 23
Clinton 40

As you can see its a pretty open field and plenty of others probably going to put hat into ring.

11-02-2019, 10:00 AM
Because she has been outed, even by Wapo as a fake.


So - she appologized. For something she said which might have been misunderstood but hurt nobody.

Just remind me - when did the big bully and liar sitting in the white house appologize for any of his lies and his hate speach which does actually does hurt people? Trump is revolting and directly responsible for hate crimes and the corrosion of democratic institutions.

11-02-2019, 10:10 AM
Bernie has a small chance but I do not think he will get there. The Dems will do what they did to him last time.

Odds currently to be Dem primary winner are:

Harris 4
Orouke 7
Biden 7
Sanders 15
Warren 20
Klobucher 15
Gillibrand 20
Brown 15
Gabbard 23
Clinton 40

As you can see its a pretty open field and plenty of others probably going to put hat into ring.

No point in analysing at this stage the odds. The crook who is sitting currently in the white house was 22 months prior ot the elections not even in the race.

More interesting is - will the GoP go with some other candidates into the primaries? I guess while it appears Trump is owning the party ... there still must be somewhere a decent human being on the conservative side who sees the crook for what he is?

11-02-2019, 10:45 AM
No point in analysing at this stage the odds. The crook who is sitting currently in the white house was 22 months prior ot the elections not even in the race.

More interesting is - will the GoP go with some other candidates into the primaries? I guess while it appears Trump is owning the party ... there still must be somewhere a decent human being on the conservative side who sees the crook for what he is?

You might be interested in GOP primary winner.

Trump 1.50 (so not a given by any means, that is a 2 in 3 chance)
Haley 18
Pence 20
Kasich 25
Romney 50
Ryan 40
Sasse 50
Corker 50
Owens 160

Plenty on the rest.

11-02-2019, 09:34 PM
According to the Herald she's out and started running....:eek2:

I don't see her getting much traction

12-02-2020, 09:05 AM
The rich are getting richer in America. Asset inflation has meant that a greater percentage of equity is now concentrated in the top 1% whilst middle incomes are stagnating. Are employee share ownership plans on the agenda in the USA? Does it help explain the rise of populism and the extreme right?

How America’s 1% came to dominate equity ownershiphttps://www.ft.com/content/2501e154-4789-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441

13-02-2020, 01:41 PM
At this point I don't think it matters who the Democrats nominee is.
Still there is a long way to go, and a deep recession would play into the hands of the socialists.


14-02-2020, 12:11 PM
As someone on another board mentioned:

"Two really old NY Jews, who are not Democrats are the top 2 primary candidates, in a Democrat party who hates old people and Jews."

What a time to be alive!

14-02-2020, 01:25 PM
As someone on another board mentioned:

"Two really old NY Jews, who are not Democrats are the top 2 primary candidates, in a Democrat party who hates old people and Jews."

What a time to be alive!

What a weird comment coming from a stauch supporter of the biggest liar and crook ever dwelling in the white house ... but then projection of their attributes onto other people seems to be one of the strongest traits of Trump and many of this supporters.

I wouldn't know how a party can "hate" at all, only people can do that.

Do you mean to say that you are hating old people and Jews?

Tell us more ...

14-02-2020, 02:08 PM
What a weird comment coming from a stauch supporter of the biggest liar and crook ever dwelling in the white house ... but then projection of their attributes onto other people seems to be one of the strongest traits of Trump and many of this supporters.

I wouldn't know how a party can "hate" at all, only people can do that.

Do you mean to say that you are hating old people and Jews?

Tell us more ...

I love old people and I love Jews. In fact I have family members living in Israel. But that aside, its just ironic that the party that does not like Jews and has a thing about old white men and entitlement and privilege, well the two front runners and contenders for their top position are both very old, very white and of Jewish origin. You just can't make that kind of stuff up.

14-02-2020, 02:16 PM
You just have.

10-11-2022, 09:29 AM
Under the circumstances I think that the current situation is about correct for this round of the mid terms , not what everyone wanted but thems are the facts !

10-11-2022, 09:44 AM
Under the circumstances I think that the current situation is about correct for this round of the mid terms , not what everyone wanted but thems are the facts !

Impossible - clearly - if the results are not as people wanted, than clearly the election must have been stolen :p; Ask Donald, the Liar.

10-11-2022, 12:50 PM
Impossible - clearly - if the results are not as people wanted, than clearly the election must have been stolen :p; Ask Donald, the Liar.

Hopefully this is the start of the USA moving beyond both Biden & Trump

Blue Skies
10-11-2022, 02:31 PM
Hopefully this is the start of the USA moving beyond both Biden & Trump

It hardly matters if Biden achieves anything else, but lets not forget his greatest achievement & I mean this sincerely & one for which the world should be forever grateful to Biden esp at his age, was blocking Trump from a second term. (Biden was the oldest person to become President at 78 & will be 80 in less than 2 weeks time, 20th Nov ).

fungus pudding
10-11-2022, 03:59 PM
It hardly matters if Biden achieves anything else, but lets not forget his greatest achievement & I mean this sincerely & one for which the world should be forever grateful to Biden esp at his age, was blocking Trump from a second term. (Biden was the oldest person to become President at 78 & will be 80 in less than 2 weeks time, 20th Nov ).

I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

10-11-2022, 04:21 PM
I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

Correct. I think the results from the midterm election show loud and clear that most people have had enough of Trump's antics.

10-11-2022, 04:30 PM
Though republicans outperformed expectations in 2020 .

Leave a sh*tstorm in most areas.. still be competitive.

11-11-2022, 09:18 AM
Tim Ryan now that Ohio tossed him out for a trumpist loser should become the vice president.

A Biden-ryan ticket at least in 2024 will secure the presidency for democrats even if Biden dies (which is a risk today unfortunately).

Blue Skies
12-11-2022, 02:16 PM
I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

A thoughtful piece by CNN's political analyst Julian Zelizer, on Biden, titled "The most underestimated President in recent history".
Might modify your opinion.

In 2020 Trump not only won more votes than he did in 2016, but also expanded his base.
Since WW2 most Presidents have successfully won re-election.
But despite this, Trump was unable to stave off Biden who not only defeated a group of younger & more exciting candidates in the 2020 Democratic Primaries, but at the age of 76 became the oldest person to become President.
That's no trivial achievement.

Since loosing to Biden in 2020, & The Capital Insurrection, Trump's been the architect of his own downfall esp it appears in the mid-terms.
Whereas Rupert Murdoch's media empire (Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Australian, The Times) heavily backed Trump in 2020 & until the recent mid-terms, it seems he's now seen as yesterday's man & Murdoch's backing Florida's Ron DeSantis as the new leader for the Republicans.


12-11-2022, 02:21 PM
A thoughtful piece by CNN's political analyst Julian Zelizer, on Biden, titled "The most underestimated President in recent history".
Might modify your opinion.

In 2020 Trump not only won more votes than he did in 2016, but also expanded his base.
Since WW2 most Presidents have successfully won re-election.
But despite this, Trump was unable to stave off Biden who not only defeated a group of younger & more exciting candidates in the 2020 Democratic Primaries, but at the age of 76 became the oldest person to become President.
That's no trivial achievement.

Since loosing to Biden in 2020, & The Capital Insurrection, Trump's been the architect of his own downfall esp it appears in the mid-terms.
Whereas Rupert Murdoch's media empire (Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Australian, The Times) heavily backed Trump in 2020 & until the recent mid-terms, it seems he's now seen as yesterday's man & Murdoch's backing Florida's Ron DeSantis as the new leader for the Republicans.


Defeating someone as polarising and loathed as Trump is hardly an accomplishment. I've said it repeatedly; the fact that the US system can come up with such terrible nominees from both sides shows something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Most likely far too much corporate influence on both sides.

Crypto Crude
12-11-2022, 11:41 PM
You lot are in fairy tale lands LOL... what a laugh.... you guys, its just pip squeak chatter .... legit...
....just tell me one thing biden did good in his term?

13-11-2022, 10:10 AM
Bye bye Fornicator Trump.


Marilyn Munroe
17-02-2024, 06:00 PM
The difference between President's Biden & Putin is Biden's opponent is not yet in jail.

Boop boop de do

17-02-2024, 08:47 PM
The difference between President's Biden & Putin is Biden's opponent is not yet in jail.

Boop boop de do

They are certainly using all the dirty tricks in the book to make it so though.

fungus pudding
18-02-2024, 08:43 AM
You lot are in fairy tale lands LOL... what a laugh.... you guys, its just pip squeak chatter .... legit...
....just tell me one thing biden did good in his term?

Beat Trump at the polls.

18-02-2024, 08:52 AM
Beat Trump at the polls.

If that is all he has accomplished, well thats quite the CV.

28-06-2024, 08:14 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Anyone know how to view it in NZ?

28-06-2024, 08:26 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

They seem attached to celebrities like a form of OCD.

Trump, Elon musk, steve jobs, obama (just to be equal). They are worshipped to the extent of saints and downsides are ignored.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Hitler in the worst case, though trump is nowhere near as methodical, charasmatic and tends to ruin everything so let's hope his team is the same.

28-06-2024, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Anyone know how to view it in NZ?

TV3 has it I think.

28-06-2024, 09:33 AM
They seem attached to celebrities like a form of OCD.

Trump, Elon musk, steve jobs, obama (just to be equal). They are worshipped to the extent of saints and downsides are ignored.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Hitler in the worst case, though trump is nowhere near as methodical, charasmatic and tends to ruin everything so let's hope his team is the same.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Jacinda Ardern in the worst case.

28-06-2024, 09:41 AM
We can do worse than Jacinda (she got us data centres, Aussie citizenship for kiwis and trade deals).

An international diplomacy star compared to those who have "good conversations" but nothing delivered.

28-06-2024, 10:17 AM
No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Joey Biden has capitulated already.

He was the one who cancelled out the live audience, because he knew Trump plays them better and gets a very vocal level of support.

28-06-2024, 10:20 AM
Joey Biden has capitulated already.

He was the one who cancelled out the live audience, because he knew Trump plays them better and gets a very vocal level of support.

Joe doesn't have to show up you know. Neither does trump but he can't help himself, loves the attention.

28-06-2024, 10:29 AM
Trump will out flank Joey.

All he has to do is to get a war veteran to appear in the wings with his golf trundler, and Joey will shuffle off the set mid debate to have a chat!

Knows his priorities does our Joey.

28-06-2024, 10:32 AM
Trump would be a war veteran if he didn't have those unfortuante bone spurs.