View Full Version : Was this the start of a US Presidential campaign

08-12-2018, 08:55 PM
Bernie would make a good Presidents .......and take the Democrats back to there roots

Was last week’s little do the beginning of his 2020 campaign


10-02-2019, 03:20 PM
To answer the original question with another: Do the campaigns ever stop?


11-02-2019, 09:42 AM
Elizabeth Warren aka 'Pocahontas'

Amazing - still people around parroting the liar in chief and doing his bidding.


11-02-2019, 09:48 AM
Amazing - still people around parroting the liar in chief and doing his bidding.


Because she has been outed, even by Wapo as a fake.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Tuesday that she was sorry that she identified herself as a Native American for almost two decades, reflecting her ongoing struggle to quiet a controversy that continues to haunt her as she prepares to formally announce a presidential bid.

Her comments more fully explain the regret she expressed last week to the chief of the Cherokee Nation, the first time she’s said she was sorry for claiming American Indian heritage.

11-02-2019, 09:53 AM
Bernie would make a good Presidents .......and take the Democrats back to there roots

Was last week’s little do the beginning of his 2020 campaign


Bernie has a small chance but I do not think he will get there. The Dems will do what they did to him last time.

Odds currently to be Dem primary winner are:

Harris 4
Orouke 7
Biden 7
Sanders 15
Warren 20
Klobucher 15
Gillibrand 20
Brown 15
Gabbard 23
Clinton 40

As you can see its a pretty open field and plenty of others probably going to put hat into ring.

11-02-2019, 10:00 AM
Because she has been outed, even by Wapo as a fake.


So - she appologized. For something she said which might have been misunderstood but hurt nobody.

Just remind me - when did the big bully and liar sitting in the white house appologize for any of his lies and his hate speach which does actually does hurt people? Trump is revolting and directly responsible for hate crimes and the corrosion of democratic institutions.

11-02-2019, 10:10 AM
Bernie has a small chance but I do not think he will get there. The Dems will do what they did to him last time.

Odds currently to be Dem primary winner are:

Harris 4
Orouke 7
Biden 7
Sanders 15
Warren 20
Klobucher 15
Gillibrand 20
Brown 15
Gabbard 23
Clinton 40

As you can see its a pretty open field and plenty of others probably going to put hat into ring.

No point in analysing at this stage the odds. The crook who is sitting currently in the white house was 22 months prior ot the elections not even in the race.

More interesting is - will the GoP go with some other candidates into the primaries? I guess while it appears Trump is owning the party ... there still must be somewhere a decent human being on the conservative side who sees the crook for what he is?

11-02-2019, 10:45 AM
No point in analysing at this stage the odds. The crook who is sitting currently in the white house was 22 months prior ot the elections not even in the race.

More interesting is - will the GoP go with some other candidates into the primaries? I guess while it appears Trump is owning the party ... there still must be somewhere a decent human being on the conservative side who sees the crook for what he is?

You might be interested in GOP primary winner.

Trump 1.50 (so not a given by any means, that is a 2 in 3 chance)
Haley 18
Pence 20
Kasich 25
Romney 50
Ryan 40
Sasse 50
Corker 50
Owens 160

Plenty on the rest.

11-02-2019, 09:34 PM
According to the Herald she's out and started running....:eek2:

I don't see her getting much traction

12-02-2020, 09:05 AM
The rich are getting richer in America. Asset inflation has meant that a greater percentage of equity is now concentrated in the top 1% whilst middle incomes are stagnating. Are employee share ownership plans on the agenda in the USA? Does it help explain the rise of populism and the extreme right?

How America’s 1% came to dominate equity ownershiphttps://www.ft.com/content/2501e154-4789-11ea-aeb3-955839e06441

13-02-2020, 01:41 PM
At this point I don't think it matters who the Democrats nominee is.
Still there is a long way to go, and a deep recession would play into the hands of the socialists.


14-02-2020, 12:11 PM
As someone on another board mentioned:

"Two really old NY Jews, who are not Democrats are the top 2 primary candidates, in a Democrat party who hates old people and Jews."

What a time to be alive!

14-02-2020, 01:25 PM
As someone on another board mentioned:

"Two really old NY Jews, who are not Democrats are the top 2 primary candidates, in a Democrat party who hates old people and Jews."

What a time to be alive!

What a weird comment coming from a stauch supporter of the biggest liar and crook ever dwelling in the white house ... but then projection of their attributes onto other people seems to be one of the strongest traits of Trump and many of this supporters.

I wouldn't know how a party can "hate" at all, only people can do that.

Do you mean to say that you are hating old people and Jews?

Tell us more ...

14-02-2020, 02:08 PM
What a weird comment coming from a stauch supporter of the biggest liar and crook ever dwelling in the white house ... but then projection of their attributes onto other people seems to be one of the strongest traits of Trump and many of this supporters.

I wouldn't know how a party can "hate" at all, only people can do that.

Do you mean to say that you are hating old people and Jews?

Tell us more ...

I love old people and I love Jews. In fact I have family members living in Israel. But that aside, its just ironic that the party that does not like Jews and has a thing about old white men and entitlement and privilege, well the two front runners and contenders for their top position are both very old, very white and of Jewish origin. You just can't make that kind of stuff up.

14-02-2020, 02:16 PM
You just have.

10-11-2022, 09:29 AM
Under the circumstances I think that the current situation is about correct for this round of the mid terms , not what everyone wanted but thems are the facts !

10-11-2022, 09:44 AM
Under the circumstances I think that the current situation is about correct for this round of the mid terms , not what everyone wanted but thems are the facts !

Impossible - clearly - if the results are not as people wanted, than clearly the election must have been stolen :p; Ask Donald, the Liar.

10-11-2022, 12:50 PM
Impossible - clearly - if the results are not as people wanted, than clearly the election must have been stolen :p; Ask Donald, the Liar.

Hopefully this is the start of the USA moving beyond both Biden & Trump

Blue Skies
10-11-2022, 02:31 PM
Hopefully this is the start of the USA moving beyond both Biden & Trump

It hardly matters if Biden achieves anything else, but lets not forget his greatest achievement & I mean this sincerely & one for which the world should be forever grateful to Biden esp at his age, was blocking Trump from a second term. (Biden was the oldest person to become President at 78 & will be 80 in less than 2 weeks time, 20th Nov ).

fungus pudding
10-11-2022, 03:59 PM
It hardly matters if Biden achieves anything else, but lets not forget his greatest achievement & I mean this sincerely & one for which the world should be forever grateful to Biden esp at his age, was blocking Trump from a second term. (Biden was the oldest person to become President at 78 & will be 80 in less than 2 weeks time, 20th Nov ).

I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

10-11-2022, 04:21 PM
I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

Correct. I think the results from the midterm election show loud and clear that most people have had enough of Trump's antics.

10-11-2022, 04:30 PM
Though republicans outperformed expectations in 2020 .

Leave a sh*tstorm in most areas.. still be competitive.

11-11-2022, 09:18 AM
Tim Ryan now that Ohio tossed him out for a trumpist loser should become the vice president.

A Biden-ryan ticket at least in 2024 will secure the presidency for democrats even if Biden dies (which is a risk today unfortunately).

Blue Skies
12-11-2022, 02:16 PM
I would give more credit to Trump himself than Biden for Donald's downfall.

A thoughtful piece by CNN's political analyst Julian Zelizer, on Biden, titled "The most underestimated President in recent history".
Might modify your opinion.

In 2020 Trump not only won more votes than he did in 2016, but also expanded his base.
Since WW2 most Presidents have successfully won re-election.
But despite this, Trump was unable to stave off Biden who not only defeated a group of younger & more exciting candidates in the 2020 Democratic Primaries, but at the age of 76 became the oldest person to become President.
That's no trivial achievement.

Since loosing to Biden in 2020, & The Capital Insurrection, Trump's been the architect of his own downfall esp it appears in the mid-terms.
Whereas Rupert Murdoch's media empire (Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Australian, The Times) heavily backed Trump in 2020 & until the recent mid-terms, it seems he's now seen as yesterday's man & Murdoch's backing Florida's Ron DeSantis as the new leader for the Republicans.


12-11-2022, 02:21 PM
A thoughtful piece by CNN's political analyst Julian Zelizer, on Biden, titled "The most underestimated President in recent history".
Might modify your opinion.

In 2020 Trump not only won more votes than he did in 2016, but also expanded his base.
Since WW2 most Presidents have successfully won re-election.
But despite this, Trump was unable to stave off Biden who not only defeated a group of younger & more exciting candidates in the 2020 Democratic Primaries, but at the age of 76 became the oldest person to become President.
That's no trivial achievement.

Since loosing to Biden in 2020, & The Capital Insurrection, Trump's been the architect of his own downfall esp it appears in the mid-terms.
Whereas Rupert Murdoch's media empire (Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Australian, The Times) heavily backed Trump in 2020 & until the recent mid-terms, it seems he's now seen as yesterday's man & Murdoch's backing Florida's Ron DeSantis as the new leader for the Republicans.


Defeating someone as polarising and loathed as Trump is hardly an accomplishment. I've said it repeatedly; the fact that the US system can come up with such terrible nominees from both sides shows something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Most likely far too much corporate influence on both sides.

Crypto Crude
12-11-2022, 11:41 PM
You lot are in fairy tale lands LOL... what a laugh.... you guys, its just pip squeak chatter .... legit...
....just tell me one thing biden did good in his term?

13-11-2022, 10:10 AM
Bye bye Fornicator Trump.


Marilyn Munroe
17-02-2024, 06:00 PM
The difference between President's Biden & Putin is Biden's opponent is not yet in jail.

Boop boop de do

17-02-2024, 08:47 PM
The difference between President's Biden & Putin is Biden's opponent is not yet in jail.

Boop boop de do

They are certainly using all the dirty tricks in the book to make it so though.

fungus pudding
18-02-2024, 08:43 AM
You lot are in fairy tale lands LOL... what a laugh.... you guys, its just pip squeak chatter .... legit...
....just tell me one thing biden did good in his term?

Beat Trump at the polls.

18-02-2024, 08:52 AM
Beat Trump at the polls.

If that is all he has accomplished, well thats quite the CV.

28-06-2024, 08:14 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Anyone know how to view it in NZ?

28-06-2024, 08:26 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

They seem attached to celebrities like a form of OCD.

Trump, Elon musk, steve jobs, obama (just to be equal). They are worshipped to the extent of saints and downsides are ignored.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Hitler in the worst case, though trump is nowhere near as methodical, charasmatic and tends to ruin everything so let's hope his team is the same.

28-06-2024, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure I can listen to Trump for 90 minutes saying how great he is whilst making derogatory comments about everyone else.
(As I write, I realized its the same modus operandi as one of the posters on here!)

No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Anyone know how to view it in NZ?

TV3 has it I think.

28-06-2024, 09:33 AM
They seem attached to celebrities like a form of OCD.

Trump, Elon musk, steve jobs, obama (just to be equal). They are worshipped to the extent of saints and downsides are ignored.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Hitler in the worst case, though trump is nowhere near as methodical, charasmatic and tends to ruin everything so let's hope his team is the same.

This mindset is obviously a problem because it can lead to someone like Jacinda Ardern in the worst case.

28-06-2024, 09:41 AM
We can do worse than Jacinda (she got us data centres, Aussie citizenship for kiwis and trade deals).

An international diplomacy star compared to those who have "good conversations" but nothing delivered.

28-06-2024, 10:17 AM
No live audience, candidates muted whilst the other is speaking. Amazing that they have to do this just because of Trumps record of rude behaviour. I remember him stalking Clinton around the stage like a predator in 2016.

Joey Biden has capitulated already.

He was the one who cancelled out the live audience, because he knew Trump plays them better and gets a very vocal level of support.

28-06-2024, 10:20 AM
Joey Biden has capitulated already.

He was the one who cancelled out the live audience, because he knew Trump plays them better and gets a very vocal level of support.

Joe doesn't have to show up you know. Neither does trump but he can't help himself, loves the attention.

28-06-2024, 10:29 AM
Trump will out flank Joey.

All he has to do is to get a war veteran to appear in the wings with his golf trundler, and Joey will shuffle off the set mid debate to have a chat!

Knows his priorities does our Joey.

28-06-2024, 10:32 AM
Trump would be a war veteran if he didn't have those unfortuante bone spurs.

28-06-2024, 12:13 PM
You can watch on youtube if you want to see the spectacle of how far america has fallen:


28-06-2024, 01:27 PM
Oh dear.
23 minutes in, and Joey having many senior moments.
A disconnect between brain and mouth.

Stand down now Joey, while you can do so with dignity.

Is it too late to bring in Jacinda?

28-06-2024, 01:37 PM
Who will 'replace' Biden before the conventions

28-06-2024, 02:10 PM
WTF USA how can these two be the leaders of the free world Dumb Vs Dumber ...like 10yr kids

Been watching a few clips of Nixon interviews where have the intellectual leaders gone they can speak more than just we are the BEST ever bah bah BS ???



28-06-2024, 02:24 PM
You're the worst president... no you're the worst president..

Trump: that wasn't real and didn't happen (50+ videos available of it happening).

Democratic team - biden has a cold today in the middle of summer.

28-06-2024, 02:47 PM
Ah, but a delusional Joey thinks he can give Trumpet a hiding in golf, reckons he couldn't carry a golf bag.
The American public wanted to know that, and feel reassured now?

A lot of talk on war mongering by both.

Should we be afraid?

28-06-2024, 02:54 PM
Ah, but a delusional Joey thinks he can give Trumpet a hiding in golf, and reckons he couldn't carry a golf bag.
The American public wanted to know that, and feel reassured now.

A lot of talk on war mongering by both.

Should we be afraid?

I just don't get it how these two guys the leaders of the major parties make no sense I wouldn't elect them to the president of my local Golf Club..

Yet I just watched two Geriatrics one a failing CONman Vs one that should be in a retirement 24 hour care ....need a limit on age

28-06-2024, 03:05 PM
Going by the CNN commentators who across the Board agreed that Biden is not up to it, and them alluding that there were conversations happening across the Democrat base from the minute Biden walked out, it would appear that the way is being prepared for an alternative candidate. That might be Trump's undoing. Let's all hope it's someone competent and not just a mouthpiece.

28-06-2024, 03:20 PM
Yet I just watched two Geriatrics one a failing CONman Vs one that should be in a retirement 24 hour care ....need a limit on age

Biden looked at times like that photo of Rosevelt a few days before his death. :(

Surely it would have been apparent in the many debate practice sessions.

28-06-2024, 03:54 PM
One of the few times I have seen posters on here from both the left and the right agree on something, that being neither candidate is fit to be president.

Would I rather have an aged man who has small lapses over a consistent liar, definitely the former, although 4 years is a long time in an 83 year oldest future life & health span.

Can the Dems actually replace Biden?
I assume so but do they have the cahones?
The Republicans obviously don't as they are scared sh1tless of Trump.

28-06-2024, 04:01 PM
A compromise for the democrats would be to replace Kamala Harris (and you can trust the DNC to come up with half-baked solutions like this and lose).

Though you need to actually debate trump, so full replacement is probably the only option.

28-06-2024, 04:14 PM
When Kamala Harris was asked to comment on Joey's performance, she was so one eyed and deflective, l don't think she even wanted to see that Trump was there!

But she did latch onto his comments on abortion.

28-06-2024, 04:23 PM
Old man vs Con Man.

What an indictment on the US as a country! https://chappatte.com/sites/default/files/styles/thumb/public/2023-04/L230426c-small_0.jpg?itok=m5unIYrR

28-06-2024, 04:27 PM
I think only one thing can be said for certain after that debate.

Biden is absolutely f*cked.

28-06-2024, 05:02 PM
This is a good article on the process of replacing Biden. Effectively he would have to agree to withdraw, so it seems unlikely to me, unless perhaps someone like Obama whispers in his ear or perhaps Biden's own wife.


28-06-2024, 05:15 PM
Well then, Kamala comes into the picture either within the next six months or if Biden wins.

She will polarise the country as much as Trump.

28-06-2024, 05:20 PM
I think only one thing can be said for certain after that debate.

Biden is absolutely f*cked.

And if he decides to continue to run, then US is also fxxked.

Will accelerate the decline of the US.

Rest of the world will continue as it did before.

28-06-2024, 05:50 PM
And if he decides to continue to run, then US is also fxxked.

Will accelerate the decline of the US.

Rest of the world will continue as it did before.

Yeah they need to get him to stand down. That was horrible to watch.

I hope his political opponents did not take any joy from that. Watching an elderly man stumble like that in front of the world. I felt really sad watching Biden.

But Biden must not be POTUS again. He is too old and there is a lot going on in the world right now that requires a strong US President.

Kamala would not be able to win.

A yankee friend of mine has suggested Gavin Newsom. Governor of California I think… don’t know much about him but I think he has been touted as a possible replacement.

28-06-2024, 06:01 PM
Yeah they need to get him to stand down. That was horrible to watch.

I hope his political opponents did not take any joy from that. Watching an elderly man stumble like that in front of the world. I felt really sad watching Biden.

But Biden must not be POTUS again. He is too old and there is a lot going on in the world right now that requires a strong US President.

Kamala would not be able to win.

A yankee friend of mine has suggested Gavin Newsom. Governor of California I think… don’t know much about him but I think he has been touted as a possible replacement.
I think it is sad and scary to see such a confused President up against a challenger more crooked and tricky than Nixon. Time to brush off plans for the WW3 bunkers?

If they are patriotic Americans, they should both make themselves unavailable.

28-06-2024, 06:07 PM
Joey Biden has capitulated already.

He was the one who cancelled out the live audience, because he knew Trump plays them better and gets a very vocal level of support.
Trump is a master at wooing a crowd, entertaining them, and holding them. It doesn’t mean he is a suitable candidate for president though. Maybe he is suited for another TV show.

28-06-2024, 06:08 PM
I think it is sad and scary to see such a confused President up against a challenger more crooked and tricky than Nixon. Time to brush off plans for the WW3 bunkers?

If they are patriotic Americans, they should both make themselves unavailable.

A tactical nuke might be on the cards soon.

If putin fears a non-biden Democrat could easily beat trump then he may try to take "special action". Hopefully nothing that drastic though.
Maybe China has warned him against it.

28-06-2024, 06:24 PM
I think it is sad and scary to see such a confused President up against a challenger more crooked and tricky than Nixon. Time to brush off plans for the WW3 bunkers?

If they are patriotic Americans, they should both make themselves unavailable.

Yes very scary for the US (and therefore the world) they these are the two options.

A convicted felon who just lies and lies and lies.

Or a senile Democrat.

I feel very worried about a whole host of issues after watching that debate.

28-06-2024, 06:26 PM
Yeah they need to get him to stand down. That was horrible to watch.

I hope his political opponents did not take any joy from that. Watching an elderly man stumble like that in front of the world. I felt really sad watching Biden.

But Biden must not be POTUS again. He is too old and there is a lot going on in the world right now that requires a strong US President.

Kamala would not be able to win.

A yankee friend of mine has suggested Gavin Newsom. Governor of California I think… don’t know much about him but I think he has been touted as a possible replacement.

From what I have read, Newsom would beat Trump hands down.

But he has said he is not interested.

28-06-2024, 06:32 PM
Yes very scary for the US (and therefore the world) they these are the two options.

A convicted felon who just lies and lies and lies.

Or a senile Democrat.

I feel very worried about a whole host of issues after watching that debate.

Not to worry, mT.

We will have to manage our affairs to the extent that we can, given that there are factors out there way out of our control.

As was wisely advised during covid - you cannot control the storm but you can control how you react to it.

28-06-2024, 06:34 PM
Trump is a master at wooing a crowd, entertaining them, and holding them. It doesn’t mean he is a suitable candidate for president though. Maybe he is suited for another TV show.

In watching trump speak(dial it down mate!!) ...Biden frail out of touch

Instead of Trump boasting about how he's the best and how the USA was perfect under his leadership, I wish he could be more real and connect with people on a more honest level by toning down his attitude...

Show he has matured and can pull his head in.....but no

28-06-2024, 06:38 PM
From what I have read, Newsom would beat Trump hands down.

But he has said he is not interested.

Let’s watch this space.

After watching that debate he might decide to go for it (and be strongly encouraged/begged by his peers) to save the Dems and keep Trump well away from the White House.

That debate was a horror show.

28-06-2024, 06:45 PM
In watching trump speak(dial it down mate!!) ...Biden frail out of touch

Instead of Trump boasting about how he's the best and how the USA was perfect under his leadership, I wish he could be more real and connect with people on a more honest level by toning down his attitude...

Show he has matured and can pull his head in.....but no

It was a disaster before I came in... it was perfect with me in charge and everything was beautiful... now it's a disaster.

28-06-2024, 06:47 PM
Not to worry, mT.

We will have to manage our affairs to the extent that we can, given that there are factors out there way out of our control.

As was wisely advised during covid - you cannot control the storm but you can control how you react to it.

I wouldn't stress much in Biden's case it's well known he is only the frontman all the real moves come from Obamas lackys

28-06-2024, 06:55 PM
In watching trump speak(dial it down mate!!) ...Biden frail out of touch

Instead of Trump boasting about how he's the best and how the USA was perfect under his leadership, I wish he could be more real and connect with people on a more honest level by toning down his attitude...

Show he has matured and can pull his head in.....but no

At 78 he will mature.
Common JB you ask too much.
The guy doesn't have an ethical bone in his body.

Ironically in 2016 the Dems had a very competent candidate in Hillary. But America and some on here aren't ready for a strong articulate woman.

Hillary won the popular vote, despite the desperate email scandal that miraculously & anonymously landed in the FBI's lap just weeks before the election.
Trump only became president due to the archaic electoral college system.

28-06-2024, 06:56 PM
I wouldn't stress much in Biden's case it's well known he is only the frontman all the real moves come from Obamas lackys

May be so but it’s the average American voters who decide who gets into the White House.

I actually think Trump would give the US one last hurrah before that country blows itself up.

A new world order is overdue.

28-06-2024, 07:00 PM
A new world order is overdue.

The alternatives are worse than America.

Russia needs regime change, and to join europe rather than murdering their own brothers to ally with Asian countries half a world away because they have a "KGB-approved" govt and believe in state media rubbish.

28-06-2024, 07:02 PM
Let’s watch this space.

After watching that debate he might decide to go for it (and be strongly encouraged/begged by his peers) to save the Dems and keep Trump well away from the White House.

That debate was a horror show.

California has gone to hell under Newsom. He's a vacuous mouth piece type in the mould of Trudeau and Ardern. The tide is going out on these types worldwide, so while Newsom might present better than Biden, people have seen California and the hell-hole it's city centres have become, from LA to San Diego to San Francisco.

28-06-2024, 07:08 PM
May be so but it’s the average American voters who decide who gets into the White House.

Not strictly true, the popular vote doesn't elect the President, the Electoral College elects the President and there are precedents where the Electoral College essentially overrode the popular vote. That's what happened in 2016, and had happened only three times previously in US political history.

28-06-2024, 07:23 PM
California has gone to hell under Newsom. He's a vacuous mouth piece type in the mould of Trudeau and Ardern. The tide is going out on these types worldwide, so while Newsom might present better than Biden, people have seen California and the hell-hole it's city centres have become, from LA to San Diego to San Francisco.

It's expensive sure. But Newsom doesn't control federal drug policies, inter-state migration or social services so naturally you get homeless drug addicts everywhere which seems to be much more of an American problem rather than something that applies to other countries. They go the california because it's a decent place to live and many other americans live there.

In a free market you can't build a wall to keep them out either unless it's a prison (the usual red state solution).

29-06-2024, 09:00 AM
California has gone to hell under Newsom. He's a vacuous mouth piece type in the mould of Trudeau and Ardern. The tide is going out on these types worldwide, so while Newsom might present better than Biden, people have seen California and the hell-hole it's city centres have become, from LA to San Diego to San Francisco. Post Covid swings? You should include ideologues such as Sunak, and previous Conservative PMs, in your list of vacuous leaders. Food banks are the growth industry in the UK. The UK will join Australia in having a Labour Government.

29-06-2024, 09:24 AM
Post Covid swings? You should include ideologues such as Sunak, and previous Conservative PMs, in your list of vacuous leaders. Food banks are the growth industry in the UK. The UK will join Australia in having a Labour Government.

I haven't really kept up with Sunak. Covid roosters roosting will be a part, but I think it's deeper than that. Europe has had enough. They are seeing their various cultures disappear under the weight of refugees and immigration. Despite your insistence that Brexit was a horrible mistake, the Euro elections would suggest the continent might be envious of what the UK achieved in getting out. Macron has panicked.

The pendulum has swung. The Left have over reached and the swing will be long and hard. Italy led the way. Argentina followed. Canada and probably France imminent.

29-06-2024, 09:31 AM
Rousing speech from Biden at rally.

Sounded good…electable - a shame he was only 20% of that at the debate.

It seems like most elderly he has really good days and then really bad days.

29-06-2024, 10:17 AM
I haven't really kept up with Sunak. Covid roosters roosting will be a part, but I think it's deeper than that. Europe has had enough. They are seeing their various cultures disappear under the weight of refugees and immigration. Despite your insistence that Brexit was a horrible mistake, the Euro elections would suggest the continent might be envious of what the UK achieved in getting out. Macron has panicked.

The pendulum has swung. The Left have over reached and the swing will be long and hard. Italy led the way. Argentina followed. Canada and probably France imminent.

The issue of refugees and how to handle them is a big strain, on the EU and individual frontline countries. It often gets confused with freedom of movement too.

Only 30% of Brits according to yougov polling think that Brexit was the right thing to have done. Nationalist parties in other EU countries no longer want to see their nations leave the EU. They prefer lobbying for reform from within. Le Pen’s French Front National stopped promoting a Frexit several years ago.

You probably aren’t aware of much about Sunak, because the UK have been changing PMs whenever calamities mount up…so three PMs since 2019 - the last election. Four PMs within five years. The UK left the EU in Jan 2020. The right wing government in the UK has been beset by problems other than Brexit, including health system failures, economic and trade decline, Ministerial scandals and conflicts of interest, etc. Brexit dishonesty, stress and incompetence has been a big factor though.

It would be interesting to see how a left wing Starmer gets on with a second term Trump. It will strain the so-called special relationship with the UK. He will need to work hard to keep Trump connected with Europe. Much was made of Boris Johnson’s similarity with Donald Trump as fellow disrupters.

29-06-2024, 10:29 AM
Rousing speech from Biden at rally.

Sounded good…electable - a shame he was only 20% of that at the debate.

It seems like most elderly he has really good days and then really bad days.

Hard to get the measure on medication. sometimes not enough, then next day they nail it. Does not mean he is ok. Far from it.

29-06-2024, 10:40 AM
Hard to get the measure on medication. sometimes not enough, then next day they nail it. Does not mean he is ok. Far from it.

Yes I do not think Biden is ok or fit to continue as POTUS.

Just amazing how one day he seems really ‘with it’ and the next day he looks like he should be in an old age home.

It is sad. Could also be them adjusting meds etc. I am no doctor so don’t know about that.

29-06-2024, 10:43 AM
As has been said many a time, a population of 350 million or so and that is the best 2 they can come up with, or the 2 that want to stand and have enough support within their respective parties

29-06-2024, 10:50 AM
Yes I do not think Biden is ok or fit to continue as POTUS.

Just amazing how one day he seems really ‘with it’ and the next day he looks like he should be in an old age home.

It is sad. Could also be them adjusting meds etc. I am no doctor so don’t know about that.

Don't need to be a doctor to work it out. What is hard to understand Is how whoever is controlling him has the gall to think this is ok.

29-06-2024, 10:55 AM
Hard to get the measure on medication. sometimes not enough, then next day they nail it. Does not mean he is ok. Far from it.
Maybe a reset and an upgraded operating system are necessary.

29-06-2024, 11:15 AM
In the US they are liberal on prescribing drugs. If you ask for it they will give it to you.

When I was on a benzo for a brief time I had no inhibition at all to stop at stop signs when driving. Scary stuff.

29-06-2024, 11:52 AM
In the US they are liberal on prescribing drugs. If you ask for it they will give it to you.

When I was on a benzo for a brief time I had no inhibition at all to stop at stop signs when driving. Scary stuff.

Biden is certainly sailing through a few stop signs. Hopefully his minders are keeping him well away from the nuke button, or anything else of nation importance.

29-06-2024, 11:58 AM
In the US they are liberal on prescribing drugs. If you ask for it they will give it to you.

When I was on a benzo for a brief time I had no inhibition at all to stop at stop signs when driving. Scary stuff.

That's it then, he's on the benzo , because he doesn't know when to stop.

"Mr President, it's time to nuke North Korea, you know, NK on your keypad"

"OK then, bombs away, oops, l pushed NZ by mistake, too late to stop, goddammit!!!"

"Mr President, we will find a way to blame Trump"

29-06-2024, 12:01 PM
There are informal controls as we saw during the Trump admin about nukes.

I don't think even american doctors are silly enough to prescribe them to an elderly patient.

29-06-2024, 12:15 PM
Anyway, GOLF was the winner on the night...

29-06-2024, 01:42 PM
At 78 he will mature.
Common JB you ask too much.
The guy doesn't have an ethical bone in his body.

Ironically in 2016 the Dems had a very competent candidate in Hillary. But America and some on here aren't ready for a strong articulate woman.

Hillary won the popular vote, despite the desperate email scandal that miraculously & anonymously landed in the FBI's lap just weeks before the election.
Trump only became president due to the archaic electoral college system.

Remember the USA is not a democracy, it is a Federal Republic. Nothing Archaic about their system. That is what their Republic is based on.

29-06-2024, 02:02 PM
Remember the USA is not a democracy, it is a Federal Republic. Nothing Archaic about their system. That is what their Republic is based on.

It's both.

Supreme court has outsized power though and is run by a council of elders (ie out of touch old men & women).

29-06-2024, 02:07 PM
Poor old Joey will be feeling a bit under the weather since the debate, but Trump will reassure him, any port in a Stormy!

29-06-2024, 02:09 PM
Supreme court ... is run by a council of elders (ie out of touch old men).

I think the women members would be offended by your comments. https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/biographies.aspx

29-06-2024, 02:10 PM
I think the women members would be offended by your comments. https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/biographies.aspx

Agreed, corrected.

29-06-2024, 02:12 PM
Agreed, corrected.

The women are not all that old.

30-06-2024, 07:41 AM
As has been said many a time, a population of 350 million or so and that is the best 2 they can come up with, or the 2 that want to stand and have enough support within their respective parties
Only those candidates who are independently wealthy or have policies that appeal to wealthy donors have any chance of selection and/or running for President. Becoming President of the USA costs mega bucks.

30-06-2024, 08:00 AM
US is a fxxked up country in structural decline.

Like all the empires in the past built on the subjugation and exploitation of others through the use of force, the US will have its inevitable collapse.

The US has of course taken the exploitation of other countries one step further by flooding the world with unlimited supply of US$ to support its own standard of living at the expense of others. The beginning of the end of the domination of the US$ has started.

This Presidential election of the old man vs the con man is the surest sign yet of the inflexion point.

30-06-2024, 08:11 AM
US is a fxxked up country in structural decline.

Like all the empires in the past built on the subjugation and exploitation of others through the use of force, the US will have its inevitable collapse.

The US has of course taken the exploitation of other countries one step further by flooding the world with unlimited supply of US$ to support its own standard of living at the expense of others. The beginning of the end of the domination of the US$ has started.

This Presidential election of the old man vs the con man is the surest sign yet of the inflexion point.

If Biden does not step aside, you would hope that voters would pick Biden as the lesser of the two evils.

As old as Biden is, Trump is still a lying piece of sh1t who should be in jail, not the White House.

30-06-2024, 09:02 AM
If Biden does not step aside, you would hope that voters would pick Biden as the lesser of the two evils.

As old as Biden is, Trump is still a lying piece of sh1t who should be in jail, not the White House.

The true measure of the US as a country is indeed in Nov 2024.

30-06-2024, 09:25 AM
If Biden does not step aside, you would hope that voters would pick Biden as the lesser of the two evils.

As old as Biden is, Trump is still a lying piece of sh1t who should be in jail, not the White House.

With respect MT you are missing the bigger picture here, in my view. Biden is nothing but a Democrat tool. Irrespective what you think of Trump, the Dems are THE problem in USA. not Biden. He was never in charge anyway.

30-06-2024, 09:51 AM
With respect MT you are missing the bigger picture here, in my view. Biden is nothing but a Democrat tool. Irrespective what you think of Trump, the Dems are THE problem in USA. not Biden. He was never in charge anyway.

Trump is a piece of shxt and for the Republicans to support him speaks volume of the sordid and declining state of US.

The hypocrisy of introducing the Ten Commandments to schools yet at the same time endorsing Trump who fornicated a porn star while his wife was in hospital, sexually assaulted women and lied & lies & stole.

30-06-2024, 10:07 AM
Trump is a piece of shxt and for the Republicans to support him speaks volume of the sordid and declining state of US.

Yeah this whole schtick about the USA has gone to Hell in a hand basket under Biden/The Dems just doesn’t have much in the way of merit.

What we do know for certain is that DJT is an absolute piece of sh1t. A f*cking scumbag who should be in The Big House, not The White House.

If I had to pick out of the two evils I would prefer Biden because at least Biden’s wife, his mate Obama and his other minders would keep him in check.

If the USA decide to elect a convicted felon instead, well frankly they deserve everything they get. Because USA is already on the decline and a DJT presidency would only speed that process up imo.

30-06-2024, 11:58 AM
Biden keep falling music video


30-06-2024, 12:05 PM
Biden keep falling music video


Christ that one made me snort!!

30-06-2024, 01:58 PM
I'm in two minds about it now given the pretty good Biden rally the day after.

Maybe they gave him a drug idk, but I've also never been 81 before.
Still he was underperforming vs trump even before the debate.

30-06-2024, 02:18 PM
I'm in two minds about it now given the pretty good Biden rally the day after.

Maybe they gave him a drug idk, but I've also never been 81 before.
Still he was underperforming vs trump even before the debate.

Drug top up and a teleprompter, combine that with no questions and yes on a good day..... prior to 4.00pm bedtime, maybe.

30-06-2024, 02:38 PM
I'm in two minds about it now given the pretty good Biden rally the day after.

Maybe they gave him a drug idk, but I've also never been 81 before.
Still he was underperforming vs trump even before the debate.

Biden should not be POTUS.

The only thing the Dems have to weigh up is whether or not sh1tcanning him now will help or hurt their WH chances.

It may well be that it is too late in the game. If they can keep his meds flowing at the ideal doses it might end up being ok for them.

The stakes are high and keeping DJT as far away from the WH as possible is imperative.

Right now it looks like they are sticking with Joe. They will only do one more debate right? I pray that it falls on a ‘good day’ for Joe.


30-06-2024, 02:42 PM
Genius :). Trump should run that as a campaign ad.

30-06-2024, 03:08 PM
Loses train of through, trails off…mumbles a bit…

Ends with “We beat Medicaid”.

Host cuts him off as his time ran out (thank God).

I really did feel bad for Biden. It was obvious from that point that the rest of the ‘debate’ was going to be an absolute horror show.

I mean, hop dayummm!

30-06-2024, 03:24 PM
I'm in two minds about it now given the pretty good Biden rally the day after.

Maybe they gave him a drug idk, but I've also never been 81 before.
Still he was underperforming vs trump even before the debate.
The debate format with the need for more spontaneous responses is not kind to Biden. Fortunately as President he has access to advisers. I think Biden is without doubt more honest, consistent and trustworthy. Even if he is generally slower to think dynamically and respond than Trump. Out of the two, he is the lesser of the two evils.

30-06-2024, 03:26 PM
The debate format with the need for more spontaneous responses is not kind to Biden. Fortunately as President he has access to advisers. I think Biden is without doubt more honest, consistent and trustworthy. Even if he is generally slower to respond than Trump, out of the two, he is the lesser of the two evils.

I suspect a lot of people who like DJT were taken aback by the sheer quantity of lies he told. Maybe they will have another think?

Just lie after lie after lie. Absolutely no shame.

30-06-2024, 04:13 PM
Yeah this whole schtick about the USA has gone to Hell in a hand basket under Biden/The Dems just doesn’t have much in the way of merit.

What we do know for certain is that DJT is an absolute piece of sh1t. A f*cking scumbag who should be in The Big House, not The White House.

If I had to pick out of the two evils I would prefer Biden because at least Biden’s wife, his mate Obama and his other minders would keep him in check.

If the USA decide to elect a convicted felon instead, well frankly they deserve everything they get. Because USA is already on the decline and a DJT presidency would only speed that process up imo.

The over arching problem is the corrupt nature of both the Democrat and Republican machines. That is how two such hopeless candidates have landed where they are. MSM media have finally given up trying to hide Biden's health issues. They capitulated en masse after the debate. You might almost call it coordinated. It certainly gives the Dems the excuse to do something drastic.

Trump's (to outsiders) unfathomable popularity is based on the fact that he is outside of the corrupt swamp. How corrupt he is personally is a mere distraction, he's not part of the machine that appears to have as its main priority to keep the US, either directly or indirectly, at war on as many fronts as possible.

Add to that the Democrats determination to weaken the US internally as much as possible eg the southern border, the tacit support for the antifa/BLM riots/ the tacit support for the defund the police calls (again antifa inspired). Of course as soon as the policing issues in the Democrat centres surfaced they couldn't get enough cops or the National guard in quick enough.

Trump is a symptom, not the cause.

30-06-2024, 04:18 PM
The over arching problem is the corrupt nature of both the Democrat and Republican machines. That is how two such hopeless candidates have landed where they are. MSM media have finally given up trying to hide Biden's health issues. They capitulated en masse after the debate. You might almost call it coordinated. It certainly gives the Dems the excuse to do something drastic.

Trump's (to outsiders) unfathomable popularity is based on the fact that he is outside of the corrupt swamp. How corrupt he is personally is a mere distraction, he's not part of the machine that appears to have as its main priority to keep the US, either directly or indirectly, at war on as many fronts as possible.

Add to that the Democrats determination to weaken the US internally as much as possible eg the southern border, the tacit support for the antifa/BLM riots/ the tacit support for the defund the police calls (again antifa inspired). Of course as soon as the policing issues in the Democrat centres surfaced they couldn't get enough cops or the National guard in quick enough.

Trump is a symptom, not the cause.

Yes those are very good comments.

And I also hold the MSM responsible to a large extend for covering up Biden’s age-related health issues.

F*cking disgraceful actually.

30-06-2024, 04:23 PM
The over arching problem is the corrupt nature of both the Democrat and Republican machines. That is how two such hopeless candidates have landed where they are. MSM media have finally given up trying to hide Biden's health issues. They capitulated en masse after the debate. You might almost call it coordinated. It certainly gives the Dems the excuse to do something drastic.

DNC: Is Hillary available ?

Hehe. Yeah both RNC & DNC are corrupt (either that, or incompetent).

Maybe give someone like Newsom a chance, not sure how well he will do in the swing states. Tim Ryan may be safer.

30-06-2024, 04:47 PM
Yes those are very good comments.

And I also hold the MSM responsible to a large extend for covering up Biden’s age-related health issues.

F*cking disgraceful actually.

If you got a smidgen of news outside the MSM, you would have known for years that Dementia Joe is not a "republican slur" but has been reality for a while now.

30-06-2024, 04:51 PM
Yes those are very good comments.

And I also hold the MSM responsible to a large extend for covering up Biden’s age-related health issues.

F*cking disgraceful actually.
The two-party swamp has now managed to put forward into pole position the most swampish swamp creature (Trump.) Trump is of the swamp and is for the swamp - a deeper unchartered swamp.

30-06-2024, 04:55 PM
DNC: Is Hillary available ?

Hehe. Yeah both RNC & DNC are corrupt (either that, or incompetent).

Maybe give someone like Newsom a chance, not sure how well he will do in the swing states. Tim Ryan may be safer.

If H Clinton/M Obama or Newsom are the answer....what was the question? They will be mouthpieces for everything I described. Why does the US keep returning to 3 or 4 families to run for President? I thought they did away with the aristocracy? From the Kennedys to the Clintons to the Bushs, now Obamas?

30-06-2024, 05:00 PM
The two-party swamp has now managed to put forward into pole position the most swampish swamp creature (Trump.) Trump is of the swamp and is for the swamp - a deeper unchartered swamp.

You describe what Trump's supporter base know he is up against. On the face of it Trump should be useful for such a swamp. He isn't, because he's not in the club. Trump scares the Sh*t out of them for that reason. The US industrial military complex (was that Truman's term?) and the Euro economic powers (not elected ones) don't know what to do with Trump. He's bad for their business.

30-06-2024, 05:08 PM
The over arching problem is the corrupt nature of both the Democrat and Republican machines. That is how two such hopeless candidates have landed where they are. MSM media have finally given up trying to hide Biden's health issues. They capitulated en masse after the debate. You might almost call it coordinated. It certainly gives the Dems the excuse to do something drastic.

Trump's (to outsiders) unfathomable popularity is based on the fact that he is outside of the corrupt swamp. How corrupt he is personally is a mere distraction, he's not part of the machine that appears to have as its main priority to keep the US, either directly or indirectly, at war on as many fronts as possible.

Add to that the Democrats determination to weaken the US internally as much as possible eg the southern border, the tacit support for the antifa/BLM riots/ the tacit support for the defund the police calls (again antifa inspired). Of course as soon as the policing issues in the Democrat centres surfaced they couldn't get enough cops or the National guard in quick enough.

Trump is a symptom, not the cause.

Hard to comprehend how some defend the left blindly, irrespective of it being controlled by some of the most unscrupulous individuals on the planet.

30-06-2024, 05:10 PM
If you got a smidgen of news outside the MSM, you would have known for years that Dementia Joe is not a "republican slur" but has been reality for a while now.

Hard to argue with that.


30-06-2024, 05:38 PM

Fair summary??

30-06-2024, 06:36 PM
Hey ‘Murica… we have a great option for POTUS for ya this election…

You get to choose between the dotard and the felon!

I am sure there are brighter days ahead, but Christ Almighty things seem pretty grim right now.

30-06-2024, 06:55 PM
If you got a smidgen of news outside the MSM, you would have known for years that Dementia Joe is not a "republican slur" but has been reality for a while now.
It is not without precedent to be left wondering over the mental capacity of a President - in the steps of Ronnie Reagan. I guess the chief of staff and advisers more or less take over.


“"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes‘

30-06-2024, 06:56 PM

01-07-2024, 07:09 AM
Joey gets around with his theme song, Billy Idol's 'If l should stumble won't you catch my fall'.

This would be bad enough if he was the leader of a banana republic like say Haiti, but the free world?

Meanwhile Trump has picked up his ball and chain, and run with it.

01-07-2024, 08:46 AM
There's an interesting article here on gold & the expansion of the BRICs.

Considering Saudis reasonably friendly relationship with the US it will be interesting how the next president manages this relationship.

https://stockhead.com.au/resources/gold-digger-breakaway-brics-crib-currency-float-with-bullion-binge/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Weekend-06-28-2024&utm_content=httpsstockheadcomauresourcesgolddigger breakawaybricscribcurrencyfloatwithbullionbinge&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Sat%20NL%20Jun%2029&utm_content=Sat%20NL%20Jun%2029+CID_fe8160104ccfee 827abbf505714269c7&utm_source=Campaign%20Monitor&utm_term=Gold%20Digger%20Breakaway%20BRICS%20on%20 bullion%20binge%20pushing%20new%20gold-backed%20currency

01-07-2024, 09:11 AM
It is not without precedent to be left wondering over the mental capacity of a President - in the steps of Ronnie Reagan. I guess the chief of staff and advisers more or less take over.


“"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes‘

Yeah the difference is that Raegan was only 18 months out from finishing his term. Biden is up for re-election for a new term. Obama even said to him in '16 he shouldn't run. To be fair he might have beaten Trump when H Clinton failed. The Dem's are the party of government and the power hungry staff and bureaucrats that survive regardless of who's president still prefer a big spending party in govt. Sound familiar? The deep state and military-industrial complex are similar power hungry organisations love nothing but a war mongering Democratic party. The only way for a hot-swap is if Biden quits and opens the candidates. His donor's may force his hand by refusing further donations. He was democratically elected in the primaries. The Dems also have a problem in who will replace him? Kamala Harris poll even lower than he does.

01-07-2024, 10:59 AM
Yeah the difference is that Raegan was only 18 months out from finishing his term. Biden is up for re-election for a new term. Obama even said to him in '16 he shouldn't run. To be fair he might have beaten Trump when H Clinton failed. The Dem's are the party of government and the power hungry staff and bureaucrats that survive regardless of who's president still prefer a big spending party in govt. Sound familiar? The deep state and military-industrial complex are similar power hungry organisations love nothing but a war mongering Democratic party. The only way for a hot-swap is if Biden quits and opens the candidates. His donor's may force his hand by refusing further donations. He was democratically elected in the primaries. The Dems also have a problem in who will replace him? Kamala Harris poll even lower than he does.

That poor performance in the debate was against Walter Mondale in the 1984 campaign for what turned out to be Reagan’s second term. So it was at the same point that Biden finds himself in now.

Reagan had been shot three years prior. Some commentators think his cognitive decline became noticeable after that.

Conspiracy theories over “deep state” involvement have been circulating for decades, enveloping Kennedy through to present day. It was always the Republicans who were supposed to be the war-mongers, and benefited most from the military-industrial complex ownership.

01-07-2024, 12:11 PM
Conspiracy theories over “deep state” involvement have been circulating for decades, enveloping Kennedy through to present day. It was always the Republicans who were supposed to be the war-mongers, and benefited most from the military-industrial complex ownership.

Yeah - but let's not spoil the story with facts.

01-07-2024, 05:24 PM
Instead of a deep state, how about Project 2025. It's something real to run against.

Whoever is the Dem nominee should run against this project.

01-07-2024, 05:28 PM
Yeah - but let's not spoil the story with facts.

Like the facts Dem supporting MSM promoted that Biden's health was just fine these past 18 months? For them all to capitulate en masse and stop lying when they couldn't paper over it any further? The story or the facts? What happens when the MSM decide both?

01-07-2024, 07:16 PM
Like the facts Dem supporting MSM promoted that Biden's health was just fine these past 18 months? For them all to capitulate en masse and stop lying when they couldn't paper over it any further? The story or the facts? What happens when the MSM decide both?

MSM? Like NBC? Like ABC? FOX? Politico? Al Jazeera? LA Times?

Just a few that have been reporting on concerns over Biden's health for quite some time. That was just a quick 2 - 3 minute search, I'm sure there's a lot more.

Oh them, that MSM, let's throw some mud at the lot of them, they are a soft target, it will stick.

I do note that most have also reported on Biden's official health updates from the Whitehouse. That's called reporting the news, whether you believe it or not.

01-07-2024, 09:58 PM
The thing that doesn’t stack up is that during the debate, Biden was an obvious mess, but at the rally afterwards, he was totally into it.


01-07-2024, 10:30 PM
The thing that doesn’t stack up is that during the debate, Biden was an obvious mess, but at the rally afterwards, he was totally into it.


Perhaps he was tired. Memory lapses are more common when you are tired and people with dementia also can be worse at the end of the day than the start.

His people may have given some sort of pep pills for the bext day. It could be any number of reasons, but that performance isn't going away from people's minds in a hurry and it may have cost him the election

02-07-2024, 07:01 AM
The thing that doesn’t stack up is that during the debate, Biden was an obvious mess, but at the rally afterwards, he was totally into it.

Like I already suggested. More drugs, teleprompter, no questions. Far less challenging for him under those conditions.

02-07-2024, 07:45 AM
Like I already suggested. More drugs, teleprompter, no questions. Far less challenging for him under those conditions. I agree with that. Trump and Biden were old even at the last presidential election. Biden especially faced questions over his mental health then. It is hardly surprising that an 81 year old may get flummoxed during a live TV debate. The choice is between an old man who is a pathological liar, and an old man who has cognitive performance issues.

Even previous President George W Bush is about the same age. Barack Obama is a younger generation.

02-07-2024, 08:08 AM
Hopefully this encourages slippery folks like Mitt Romney and John Bolton waiting for the "perfect republican" to vote for Biden because their futures are at stake if he loses too along with the rest of the country.

I know they hate the colour blue, but there's more important things to be concerned about.

02-07-2024, 08:35 AM
Yes, speculation that they may have tweaked/increased his meds the next day.

Could also be that he just had a ‘good day’ the following day. That happens to elderly too once they start losing their marbles.

Maybe a combination of both.

Looks like Biden staying put and they can’t really force him out at this stage.

I feel for the world. All we can hope is that Americans pick the dotard over the felon.

This earlier shared link is funny but also a good contrast.


Felon BS. was a stitch up.

02-07-2024, 08:43 AM
Felon BS. was a stitch up.

The only reason he's running again is for both immunity and the ability to pardon felons from their crimes.

02-07-2024, 10:17 AM
I agree with that. Trump and Biden were old even at the last presidential election. Biden especially faced questions over his mental health then. It is hardly surprising that an 81 year old may get flummoxed during a live TV debate. The choice is between an old man who is a pathological liar, and an old man who has cognitive performance issues.

Even previous President George W Bush is about the same age. Barack Obama is a younger generation.

Bill Clinton is younger than both current candidates!

02-07-2024, 11:23 AM
Mind you many powerful people today are at advanced ages - bill gates(hmm?), warren buffet, rupert murdoch.

In the natural world this would be laughable and the younger ones would take over - maybe a sign we are on track to becoming a fallen species.

02-07-2024, 11:28 AM
Yes, speculation that they may have tweaked/increased his meds the next day.

Could also be that he just had a ‘good day’ the following day. That happens to elderly too once they start losing their marbles.

Maybe a combination of both.

I've spent sufficient time with dementia folks to be very sceptical that a person can go from completely incoherent one day, to fully lucid and coherent the next day. If it was meds that 'fixed him', you'd think they'd do it for the debate.

Any which way, there is no doubt in my mind that he is unfit for the current POTUS role, let alone another term.

02-07-2024, 01:03 PM
The supreme court wants a king, and they made Biden one.

Next week those without valid ID cannot enter the supreme court building - naturally only passes are given to three out of nine judges until improved pro-democracy reforms are passed; enforced by security detail under the president's direction. =)

02-07-2024, 01:59 PM
Next week those without valid ID cannot enter the supreme court building - naturally only passes are given to three out of nine judges until improved pro-democracy reforms are passed; enforced by security detail under the president's direction. =)

Trump probably would at least try - but betcha Biden doesn't.

02-07-2024, 04:23 PM
Gerald Ford predicted in 1989 that the first female POTUS would be the result of a male President dying while in office.

https://youtu.be/epWYJ_SY8uU He also predicted in that speech that it would be within 4 or 8 years, so by 1997! I wonder what his prediction would have been on the first black President.

02-07-2024, 04:58 PM
Trump probably would at least try - but betcha Biden doesn't.

Can he can change his job title?

From POTUS to King Paramount Joseph Biden I of United States. Though given that he looks like Palpatine from star wars, maybe Emperor suits better.

03-07-2024, 10:09 AM
Mind you many powerful people today are at advanced ages - bill gates(hmm?), warren buffet, rupert murdoch.

In the natural world this would be laughable and the younger ones would take over - maybe a sign we are on track to becoming a fallen species. The Senate in ancient Rome of course was named for the age of the occupants! With age comes supposedly knowledge and sagacity? The powdered white bewigged first Presidents of the USA gave them an air of aged wisdom for the new Republic perhaps.

However, with some exceptions of course. there does seem to be an even greater shift towards the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the elderly.

There are lots of wealthy and influential mass media boosted sports, film and rock stars too. Whose wealth and influence increase with age. Health advances and techniques promoting longevity for wealthy geriatrics coupled with international fame and benign tax policy towards wealth versus income have helped create this powerful wealthy gerontocracy.

04-07-2024, 05:50 AM
Biden tells ally coming days are key to saving his reelection campaign


Just get on with it. Every day will give an advantage to his replacement, an extra day to campaign against Trump with the needed energy.

04-07-2024, 06:03 AM
Plus the delay is making the democrats look like a trainwreck with the excuses.. it's time to stem the bleed.

04-07-2024, 09:49 AM
Biden tells ally coming days are key to saving his reelection campaign


Just get on with it. Every day will give an advantage to his replacement, an extra day to campaign against con-man Don Trump with the necessary energy.

Wow! If that person is an allie leaking to the press, I would hate to see what his enemies would do.

If the report is to be believed then it appears a change in candidate has become far more likely.

This is the last thing that Trump or the Republicans would want.

04-07-2024, 11:41 AM
Trump is uncharacteristically quiet on truth social.

Maybe the Friday full length interview on ABC will be the defining moment for Joe.

04-07-2024, 02:13 PM
Biden in 2011 could wipe the floor with Trump:


Here he's completly onto it. It's sad what aging does to you.

04-07-2024, 02:25 PM
Biden in 2011 could wipe the floor with Trump:


Here he's completly onto it. It's sad what aging does to you.

Wow! What an incredible difference.
Quite sad really.

04-07-2024, 08:24 PM
Who will replace sleepy Joe?

Will it be Kamala "what can be, and be unburdened by what has been" Harris. I kid you not....it's become her catch cry. It starts out as funny gobbldygook and then she repeats it, and repeats it, and repeats it and you realise....she actually thinks it sounds clever!


Or will it be two faced "I've got the President's back but I'll step up" Gavin Newsom in the same clip.

05-07-2024, 06:16 AM
Who will replace sleepy Joe?

Will it be Kamala "what can be, and be unburdened by what has been" Harris. I kid you not....it's become her catch cry. It starts out as funny gobbldygook and then she repeats it, and repeats it, and repeats it and you realise....she actually thinks it sounds clever!

Of course we have trump's famous quotes.. can we apply heat and light to the cure, these fallen soldiers are suckers and losers. Take these wounded veterans out of here.

Inspiring message. :)

05-07-2024, 06:34 AM
Of course we have trump's famous quotes.. can we apply heat and light to the cure, these fallen soldiers are suckers and losers. Take these wounded veterans out of here.

Inspiring message. :)

Make America great again. Now there's an idea.

05-07-2024, 08:33 AM
Make America great again. Now there's an idea.

Yup - but probably best not to attempt to do it by plotting to 'catch and kill' adverse stories, pay off the women concerned, and then falsify business records.

Not a good idea to try to overturn the results of a free and fair election by an elaborate scheme involving 60 failed lawsuits, pressuring election officials, slates of fake electors, and assembling and directing a violent mob to prevent the counting and certification of votes.

Not good to direct the DOJ to corruptly conceal the effforts by a foreign power to interfere in the 2016 elections.

Not good to surround himself with other grifters, liars and scammers, and take about 600 million in breach of the emolluments clause, while being praised to the heavens by a coterie of sycophants, crawlers and butt kissers.

Probably not contributing to America's greatness to deliberately steal hundreds of highly sensitive documents important to national security, to refuse to return them and obstruct efforts by the FBI to search for and recover them and then to attempt to destroy evidence of this obstruction.

Not good to threaten to lock up his opponents and bring them before military tribunals to face his 'justice and 'retribution'.

Not good to deliberately promote an authoritarian regime amounting to a theocracy promoting minority values which he personally neither holds nor keeps.

I could go on - but breakfast calls.

05-07-2024, 08:47 AM
Who will replace sleepy Joe?

Will it be Kamala "what can be, and be unburdened by what has been" Harris. I kid you not....it's become her catch cry. It starts out as funny gobbldygook and then she repeats it, and repeats it, and repeats it and you realise....she actually thinks it sounds clever!


Or will it be two faced "I've got the President's back but I'll step up" Gavin Newsom in the same clip.

Russell Brand! That sleeze ball, give me a break.

If you can't understand what Harris is saying then that's on you.
It's pretty basic stuff. 🙄

Either candidate, even Biden or Mickey Mouse would be better than Trump.

05-07-2024, 09:07 AM
Yup - but probably best not to attempt to do it by plotting to 'catch and kill' adverse stories, pay off the women concerned, and then falsify business records.

Not a good idea to try to overturn the results of a free and fair election by an elaborate scheme involving 60 failed lawsuits, pressuring election officials, slates of fake electors, and assembling and directing a violent mob to prevent the counting and certification of votes.

Not good to direct the DOJ to corruptly conceal the effforts by a foreign power to interfere in the 2016 elections.

Not good to surround himself with other grifters, liars and scammers, and take about 600 million in breach of the emolluments clause, while being praised to the heavens by a coterie of sycophants, crawlers and butt kissers.

Probably not contributing to America's greatness to deliberately steal hundreds of highly sensitive documents important to national security, to refuse to return them and obstruct efforts by the FBI to search for and recover them and then to attempt to destroy evidence of this obstruction.

Not good to threaten to lock up his opponents and bring them before military tribunals to face his 'justice and 'retribution'.

Not good to deliberately promote an authoritarian regime amounting to a theocracy promoting minority values which he personally neither holds nor keeps.

I could go on - but breakfast calls.

Wouldn't want to miss your tvnz breakfast news fix.

05-07-2024, 09:21 AM
Wouldn't want to miss your tvnz breakfast news fix.

I haven't watched TVNZ Breakfast News for years. In fact I don't seem to be that interested in TVNZ at present. I look at CNN, MSNBC, Fox, OAN, and very occassionally Breitbart.

05-07-2024, 09:29 AM
Not good to deliberately promote an authoritarian regime amounting to a theocracy promoting minority values which he personally neither holds nor keeps.

A regime where he can still urge his two ex-wives (!) to get an abortion (!) which is part-funded by his running of a casino business (!). ;)

05-07-2024, 04:27 PM
Look, I’m sure he is fine…


I took some terrible stick for calling out Sleepy Joe on this website. Of course that was while MSM was still running cover. Now the emperor's lack of clothing has been confirmed, democrat biased MSM in the US are feigning horror that the White House could deceive everyone for so long.

Maybe the Democrats will take some comfort from the Ardern effect when she replaced Little late in the piece. The media played its part there too, whipping up a Jacinda frenzy. There was palpable relief that suddenly there was at least some hope. Of course it still took Winston and MMP to get her over the line. The Democrats won't have that luxury.

05-07-2024, 07:00 PM
RFK Jnr talking to Joe Rogan. Scary as all hell what the drug manufacturers have been doing since the 1930s with Mercury and CDC blessing. The CDC tells pregnant women not to eat tuna due to Mercury levels, but recommends all sorts of jabs with high levels of Mercury.

Apparently, Mercury is added to vaccines to increase the immune reaction.


Bill Gates still gives a vaccine to African kids that was pulled from US distribution due to it being unsafe. Lovely chap that kindly old uncle Bill with his quaint Dad sweaters.

RFK Jnr is the author of "The Real Anthony Fauci" which exposes Fauci for the crook he is. Fauci hasn't sued. RFK Jnr is also an independent presidential candidate.

It's a shame he is hard to listen to with his voice issues.

Further in he talks about "Simpsonwood" when the CDC, NIH and big pharma first discussed a study exposing the link between vaccines and autism and chronic disease. Dates from 1989 when the vaccine cohort exploded in the US. Factor of 11.35, compared to 10 for cigarettes and cancer.

05-07-2024, 07:30 PM
RFK Jnr talking to Joe Rogan. Scary as all hell what the drug manufacturers have been doing since the 1930s with Mercury and CDC blessing. The CDC tells pregnant women not to eat tuna due to Mercury levels, but recommends all sorts of jabs with high levels of Mercury.

Apparently, Mercury is added to vaccines to increase the immune reaction.


Bill Gates still gives a vaccine to African kids that was pulled from US distribution due to it being unsafe. Lovely chap that kindly old uncle Bill with his quaint Dad sweaters.

RFK Jnr is the author of "The Real Anthony Fauci" which exposes Fauci for the crook he is. Fauci hasn't sued. RFK Jnr is also an independent presidential candidate.

It's a shame he is hard to listen to with his voice issues.

Man you have some great sources.
Russell Brand, Joe Rogan and of course you would want a conspiracy theorist as president.
Any other shock jocks you want to reference?
Get a grip of yourself, it's embarrassing.

At least RFK has an excuse be it real or not that a parasitic worm ate part of his brain. What's yours?

Even his family disowns him...

06-07-2024, 09:32 AM


If the Dems throw this election like they did the last, they may as well leave Joe in the running. He can't lose.

06-07-2024, 09:40 AM
‘Goodwill on all sides’: transfer of UK power the antithesis of last US election

”Donald Trump refused to concede and incited riots, but Rishi Sunak conducted himself with civility and respect”

06-07-2024, 11:39 AM
If the Dems throw this election like they did the last, they may as well leave Joe in the running. He can't lose.

No he can't lose with a popularity rating of 36.9% he is a shoo in :)


06-07-2024, 04:36 PM

If the Lord Almighty asks Joey to step aside he will.

So, there is hope…

The closer Joe got to the presidency, the more he has turned from the Lord. Sold his soul on abortion for a shot at the big chair.

06-07-2024, 07:46 PM
The closer Joe got to the presidency, the more he has turned from the Lord. Sold his soul on abortion for a shot at the big chair. Biden is a Roman Catholic. 67% of American Catholics think that he should still be able to receive communion, despite views on abortion.

The faith bodies of Presbyterians, methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans/Episcopalians, United Church of Christ, Unitarians and Jews all support abortion rights.


06-07-2024, 08:01 PM
Biden is a Roman Catholic. 67% of American Catholics think that he should still be able to receive communion, despite views on abortion.

The faith bodies of Presbyterians, methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans/Episcopalians, United Church of Christ, Unitarians and Jews all support abortion rights.


The Catholic church don't. Never has. Never will. Slaughtering our young never seems a good idea. Killing for convenience sake is condemned by all isn't it?

06-07-2024, 08:18 PM
The Catholic church don't. Never has. Never will. Slaughtering our young never seems a good idea. Killing for convenience sake is condemned by all isn't it?
Your claim was that he had turned from the Lord. A majority of American Catholics don’t think he has. The Roman Catholic Church is not the Lord. Jews and many other Christian denominations support abortion rights of women.

06-07-2024, 09:03 PM
Your claim was that he had turned from the Lord. A majority of American Catholics don’t think he has. The Roman Catholic Church is not the Lord. Jews and many other Christian denominations support abortion rights of women.

The Catholic church is not a democracy. You might argue the same of the US in its current state. The point is Biden who was previously strongly anti-abortion, mellowed his stance to get the VP, then abandoned his principles altogether to get a shot at the big job.

Christ was never out to win a popularity contest.

06-07-2024, 09:37 PM
The Catholic church is not a democracy. You might argue the same of the US in its current state. The point is Biden who was previously strongly anti-abortion, mellowed his stance to get the VP, then abandoned his principles altogether to get a shot at the big job.

Christ was never out to win a popularity contest.
Your were referring to Jesus Christ - not God?

I do understand the Catholic Church is run by appointed fallible celibate men. Biden is a politician, and they change their positions pragmatically. It is now contrary to the position of his Church.

God however does not belong to these officially celibate men of the Roman Catholic Church. So Biden’s acceptance of abortion rights for women does not necessarily mean that Biden has turned from The Lord.

06-07-2024, 09:43 PM
I do understand the Catholic Church is run by appointed fallible celibate men. Biden is a politician, and they change their positions pragmatically. It is now contrary to the position of his Church.

God however does not belong to these officially celibate men of the Roman Catholic Church. So Biden’s acceptance of abortion rights for women does not necessarily mean that Biden has turned from The Lord.

What is worse? Turning from his own principles? Suddenly it's OK to slaughter the unborn in their mother's womb? Maybe sleepy Joe doesn't sleep too well at night.

06-07-2024, 10:43 PM
What is worse? Turning from his own principles? Suddenly it's OK to slaughter the unborn in their mother's womb? Maybe sleepy Joe doesn't sleep too well at night. Are you referring to embryos that are a dependant part of the mother, unviable out of the uterus?

07-07-2024, 12:26 AM
What's the republican position on reducing child poverty and allievating the heavy burden that low-income american women have?

07-07-2024, 07:08 AM
What is worse? Turning from his own principles? Suddenly it's OK to slaughter the unborn in their mother's womb? Maybe sleepy Joe doesn't sleep too well at night.

The celibate men of the Roman Catholic Church would probably find Trump’s morals more objectionable. Of course Trump’s position on abortion has changed too.


07-07-2024, 07:56 AM
What's the republican position on reducing child poverty and allievating the heavy burden that low-income american women have?When the state enforces maternity on a woman, it literally becomes the nanny state, and should not shirk responsibility.

07-07-2024, 08:24 AM
Are you referring to embryos that are a dependant part of the mother, unviable out of the uterus?

Those, also viable babies to full term, and what they endearingly call post birth abortions where they kill the stubborn ones that refuse to die. Sleepy Joe abandoned them all for a shot at the big chair.

Your previous answers sound more like your views on the Catholic church and abortion rather than Sleepy Joe's. Your entitled to them, but your views are not what is being debated here. As a self-professed Catholic Sleepy Joe is meant to accept the Church's position. Nancy Pelosi is sadly cut from the same cloth.

07-07-2024, 08:39 AM
Those, also viable babies to full term, and what they endearingly call post birth abortions where they kill the stubborn ones that refuse to die. Sleepy Joe abandoned them all for a shot at the big chair.

Your previous answers sound more like your views on the Catholic church and abortion rather than Sleepy Joe's. Your entitled to them, but your views are not what is being debated here. As a self-professed Catholic Sleepy Joe is meant to accept the Church's position. Nancy Pelosi is sadly cut from the same cloth.Your original post said that Biden was turning from the Lord. However it seems you meant turning from the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.

07-07-2024, 08:56 AM
Your original post said that Biden was turning from the Lord. However it seems you meant turning from the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church.

For Biden as a self-professed Catholic it is the same thing. You need to separate your own views and biases. It's Sleepy Joe, not BJauck we are discussing.

07-07-2024, 09:03 AM
For Biden as a self-professed Catholic it is the same thing. You need to separate your own views and biases. It's Sleepy Joe, not BJauck we are discussing. You should have said he was turning from his religion then. The Lord is shared amongst many other than just Catholics.

07-07-2024, 09:09 AM
You should have said he was turning from his religion then. The Lord is shared amongst many other than just Catholics.

I repeatedly said turning from his principles. You constantly keep inserting your own opinions....which is not what we are discussing.

07-07-2024, 09:26 AM
I repeatedly said turning from his principles. You constantly keep inserting your own opinions....which is not what we are discussing.No. You switch from God to Church to principles. Fortunately for Trump he is a non-denominational Christian. So he has no Church to account to.

07-07-2024, 09:30 AM
Don't you love it when typically white middle to older aged men want to control women's bodies. A religion that does not allow women in its ranks, a religion that does not allow the very people making these rules to have a family but they think they are the authority on families.

Wade vs Roe does not allow late term abortions, unless the women's life is in danger. This is a medical decision not a political one.

The Catholic church used to burn witches as well as did many other Christian faiths of the same 'Lord'. Perhaps we should still be smiting homosexuals, (its a pity they didn't have the same punishment for pedophiles), or cutting hands off a thief for stealing a loaf of bread for their family.

This is the same Catholic church who for years wouldn't allow contraceptives!
Ohhhh that rhythm method is really effective.

The same Catholic church that fostered pedophiles within their ranks.

How many Catholics turn up on a Sunday only to be absolute ****es on a Monday. But hey they can be forgiven in the confessional so that's OK.

Trump is the least moralistic person of all. He says what gullible people want to believe and yet you go after Biden's morals?
Oh but I'm not a Trump supporter.... 🙄
And yet you continually only go after Biden or his family.

You go after the first female & black vice president of the US and criticise her for using a catch phrase that clearly refers to not only the struggles of being a woman in American politics but a black one woman.
And yet it's precisely the views of men like your's that try to dictate to woman what they can and can't do.
The lack of self awareness is incredible and ironic.

Like many Catholic beliefs they have changed over time. Perhaps Biden is just more evolved than other Catholics and also knows the corruption of all faiths by man.

07-07-2024, 09:43 AM
No. You switch from God to Church to principles. Fortunately for Trump he is a non-denominational Christian. So he has no Church to account to.

Whatever BJauck.

Sleepy Joe's brain is a house divided. That gnaws at a person. Has it hastened his dementia? Possibly.

The Shakespearean tragedies explore it at length, as do multiple stories in the Old Testament.

07-07-2024, 01:09 PM
Whatever BJauck.

Sleepy Joe's brain is a house divided. That gnaws at a person. Has it hastened his dementia? Possibly.

The Shakespearean tragedies explore it at length, as do multiple stories in the Old Testament.
Reasons why not to diagnose dementia from afar:

1. The diagnosis often wrong

2. It stigmatises people living with dementia

3. It normalises unhelpful language

4. Diagnosing without a proper medical assessment is unethical


07-07-2024, 01:36 PM
The Democrats conundrum of whether or not to replace Sleepy Joe, and if so who with, has been compounded by the fool's racist, sexist early proclamation to appoint a DEI candidate as his VP. Harris is less popular than Joe and had a bit of a nasty reputation as Attorney General of California. She was one of the first to drop out of the race that left Biden as the nominee. Harris also has a personality tic whereby she tends to let loose a strange cackle when under pressure which I doubt endears her to many. Anyway, due to Biden choosing sex and race over competency, the Democrats have no straight forward switcheroo as VP. That more or less rules out them getting Biden to step down early.

My guess is that they will end up with Newsom as a candidate late in the piece. No idea who he would have for a VP, but almost certainly not Harris. Newsom presents well in a Trudeau/Ardern kind of way, but the US voting public will have to look past the mess he has made in California. I suspect most Democrats will do exactly that and be greatly relieved to have a viable candidate.

Still leaves US voters with two awful choices.

07-07-2024, 02:02 PM
It is a pity Michelle Obama does not want to run for President.

07-07-2024, 04:04 PM
I agree with jonu for once, If it's Harris may as well stick with Biden.

07-07-2024, 05:19 PM
All those talk about Biden being replaced which I agree with, but where is the chatter about who the Republicans should replace repugnant Trump with?

Not that they will because they are scared of him and don't really care what is good for the US let alone democracy or the the rest of the world.

07-07-2024, 06:00 PM
All those talk about Biden being replaced which I agree with, but where is the chatter about who the Republicans should replace repugnant Trump with?

Not that they will because they are scared of him and don't really care what is good for the US let alone democracy or the the rest of the world.Trump is the Republican elephant in the room. The biggest self inflicted looming problem for America, courtesy of the Republicans, that nobody knows how to get rid off for now, courtesy of Biden.

07-07-2024, 06:19 PM
Trump is the Republican elephant in the room. The biggest self inflicted looming problem for America, courtesy of the Republicans, that nobody knows how to get rid off for now, courtesy of Biden.

Well I would say courtesy of the Republicans, but I understand what you mean.

07-07-2024, 08:24 PM
All those talk about Biden being replaced which I agree with, but where is the chatter about who the Republicans should replace repugnant Trump with?

Not that they will because they are scared of him and don't really care what is good for the US let alone democracy or the the rest of the world.

The Republican's can't replace Trump (nor should they) because they will get decimated at the polls. If the Republicans ousted Trump (not sure how they could as he won the primary quite comprehensively) they would get less than 35% at the polls would be my guess.

Trump to be the next president and going to most likely take the Senate and hold the House as well.

07-07-2024, 08:41 PM
The Republican's can't replace Trump (nor should they) because they will get decimated at the polls. If the Republicans ousted Trump (not sure how they could as he won the primary quite comprehensively) they would get less than 35% at the polls would be my guess.

Trump to be the next president and going to most likely take the Senate and hold the House as well.

You missed my point.
I said why haven't there been calls to replace Trump, I'm not referring to hard core Republicans.

I'm referring to people with decency, people that respect the law, democracy and women.