View Full Version : Was this the start of a US Presidential campaign

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26-07-2024, 10:33 AM
It's probable having no children has given them the time and energy to develop and focus their political careers without the distraction and devotion of motherhood.

26-07-2024, 10:34 AM
George Washington and Jesus didn't have children either. Even though it's a pretty easy decision for the male.

Maybe she made a decision that many woman have and focused on her career (to become qualfied to be US president for example).

26-07-2024, 10:46 AM
George Washington and Jesus didn't have children either. Even though it's a pretty easy decision for the male.

Maybe she made a decision that many woman have and focused on her career (to become qualfied to be US president for example). I imagine Rupert Murdoch could be thinking he had three too many children.

26-07-2024, 04:02 PM
Now there is a real Presidential contest!

Another poll showing the gap closing.

And this is before Harris picks the running mate and really get campaigning. And of course before the second debate where the old con man will get skewed by the Prosecutor.


26-07-2024, 04:16 PM
Hello Muse

You seem to be doing a lot of thinking on my behalf....none of which is what I think. Let's leave me to think for myself shall we?

Also, I wasn't quiet about Harris' VP pick, but that would require you to read my posts rather than just count them.

You list Harris' qualifications for the jobs she got in California on her way to VP. Shame Biden didn't use those as his criteria. Instead he went racist and sexist. Those were the most important two. Biden had the cheek to name drop MLK in his speech yesterday. MLK who famously wanted a country where a person was judged on their character, not the colour of their skin.

You validate my point about the short female SS surrounding Trump and then erroneously bring in the sex of the snipers. If the snipers were the best they had...so be it. Were short, small of stature body guards the best they had?

DEI is never a good idea as first criteria.

As Muse and his woke left team are passing judgement on how others dare to think here, lets get real. If by chance Harris does within the next 100 days actually prove she is grossly stupid, of which there is a very strong possibility considering her track record, you lot will defend her regardless.

26-07-2024, 04:27 PM
As Muse and his woke left team are passing judgement on how others dare to think here, lets get real. If by chance Harris does within the next 100 days actually prove she is grossly stupid, of which there is a very strong possibility considering her track record, you lot will defend her regardless.

Won’t see me defending her (if indeed she is shown to be otherwise) like those who think it is okay to defend the fornicating old con man who is a convicted felon. Convicted already and on trial for fraud, rape, deception, insurrection, cover ups and a proven liar!

26-07-2024, 04:34 PM
As Muse and his woke left team are passing judgement on how others dare to think here, lets get real. If by chance Harris does within the next 100 days actually prove she is grossly stupid, of which there is a very strong possibility considering her track record, you lot will defend her regardless.

Im an Act/Nat voter - possible to walk & chew gum at the same time.

26-07-2024, 04:38 PM
Im an Act/Nat voter - possible to walk & chew gum at the same time.

Fair point Muse. Good to see the at least here in paradise we are both on the same side of the fence.

26-07-2024, 04:44 PM
Non stop fake news regurgitated from you without any fact check or context from Fox News.

How is this contributing to a contest of vision, ideas, aspirations and inspirations?

Posters regurgitate plausible news they have seen on MSM in good faith.

One of the good things about MSN is that more people get to see it, as opposed to say the Dark web, so more likely a fellow ST member will have shared the experience, and have an opinion to share.

In my case, what is screened on FOX news between 9 to 10pm NZ time, can form the basis of an early morning post.
International time zones are a factor.

If in the ensuing period the news is run through a fact check service, that till now I was unaware of, and deemed to be fake news, so be it.

Which leads into some numbers.

As at NOV 2023 Fox News was the most watched cable news service, with 1.72 Million prime time viewers, and I would say more via the likes of SKY re broadcasting.

So if only 5% of the audience are sufficiently interested in a news item, @ 86000 go to a fact check site, lest they be judged to spread fake news?

Could be more efficient if the network made 1 check?

26-07-2024, 04:48 PM
As Muse and his woke left team are passing judgement on how others dare to think here, let’s get real. If by chance Harris does within the next 100 days actually prove she is grossly stupid, of which there is a very strong possibility considering her track record, you lot will defend her regardless.
Aren’t you doing the same - from the flip side though.

Anyway the reactionary right too are often keen for people not to think and to leave problems unaddressed - as in nothing to see here, move along!

26-07-2024, 05:16 PM
Fornicator trying to avoid the debate - fearful of being skewed by the Prosecutor. Am not surprised my self at all.

And damaging view surfaces on abortion by Vance.

The race is ON!

The fornicating old con man is running scared rather than be in the running race?

What a coward. Took a bullet for democracy? Dare not debate the Prosecutor!



Now fresh controversy has erupted over the second presidential debate, scheduled to take place in September. Mr Trump has indicated he’s no longer willing to go forward with it, citing uncertainty about Ms Harris’s status as the new Democratic candidate.

Audio from another old, potentially problematic interview with Donald Trump’s pick for vice president, J.D. Vance, has emerged. This time he is on tape suggesting the federal government should stop women who live in Republican-run states, with strict abortion bans, from travelling interstate to get treatment.

Mr Vance’s previously stated view – albeit one that was quietly scrubbed from his website when he became the vice presidential nominee – is that abortion should be illegal nationally, even in cases of rape or incest.

26-07-2024, 05:28 PM
Aren’t you doing the same - from the flip side though.

Anyway the reactionary right too are often keen for people not to think and to leave problems unaddressed - as in nothing to see here, move along!

There is often 2 sides to a story but I would classify myself as having a skeptical outlook.

26-07-2024, 10:19 PM
There is often 2 sides to a story but I would classify myself as having a skeptical outlook.
That is good. There is nothing wrong with healthy scepticism imo.

27-07-2024, 08:14 AM
Kuntsler still good reading

Also not quite resolved is the case of who the Democratic Party truly intends to run for president this year as the days dwindle down to Nov. 5. The current delirium over Kamala Harris is like a relief rally in the financial markets when a crisis has been averted — or, at least, stalled. You have reason to doubt that the Democratic Party’s leadership crisis has actually been averted. Despite sedulous efforts to wipe her record, too many Americans know Kamala Harris as a hee-hawing ninny with a predilection for hapless Marxist fantasies. I’m not persuaded that she is at all comfortable in her sudden role as the party’s avatar.


27-07-2024, 09:48 AM
Nah she's a tough as nails prosecutor who secured many convictions. I wouldn't want to be against her in a courtroom that's for sure.

27-07-2024, 09:51 AM
Kuntsler still good reading

Also not quite resolved is the case of who the Democratic Party truly intends to run for president this year as the days dwindle down to Nov. 5. The current delirium over Kamala Harris is like a relief rally in the financial markets when a crisis has been averted — or, at least, stalled. You have reason to doubt that the Democratic Party’s leadership crisis has actually been averted. Despite sedulous efforts to wipe her record, too many Americans know Kamala Harris as a hee-hawing ninny with a predilection for hapless Marxist fantasies. I’m not persuaded that she is at all comfortable in her sudden role as the party’s avatar.


Yes. he of the unfortunate name summarises very well an opposing view of Biden that has been laid out in this thread previously.

Harris yesterday gave a briefing on her meeting with Netanyahu. She read a tightly scripted text which also alluded to a possible cease fire. Biden also alluded to it in his "explanation" speech upon his return to the White House, when he finally fronted over his withdrawal via X. Remember that. The US President told the nation he wasn't seeking re-election solely via social media.

Getting back to Harris, she finishes reading her script which includes references to her fundraising as a child for Jewish causes, and then imperiously waves journalists off and exits stage left. Why wasn't it Biden briefing the nation? Netanyahu met him too. Why did she not take any questions? Were her minders scared of her cackling when she got cornered? Or was it her lack of knowledge of foreign policy?

Expect more of the same. Harris making important Presidential style declarations that Biden should be making if he is still running the country, and very little opportunity given for Harris to go off script into one of her awful word salad obsfucations.

27-07-2024, 09:57 AM
Maybe she has the right priorities - a skirmish in the middle east vs the systemic rival of the new Russian empire.

The republican party in particular seems obsessed with "sorting out" the middle east and usually make it worse.

27-07-2024, 10:09 AM
Yes. he of the unfortunate name summarises very well an opposing view of Biden that has been laid out in this thread previously.

Harris yesterday gave a briefing on her meeting with Netanyahu. She read a tightly scripted text which also alluded to a possible cease fire. Biden also alluded to it in his "explanation" speech upon his return to the White House, when he finally fronted over his withdrawal via X. Remember that. The US President told the nation he wasn't seeking re-election solely via social media.

Getting back to Harris, she finishes reading her script which includes references to her fundraising as a child for Jewish causes, and then imperiously waves journalists off and exits stage left. Why wasn't it Biden briefing the nation? Netanyahu met him too. Why did she not take any questions? Were her minders scared of her cackling when she got cornered? Or was it her lack of knowledge of foreign policy?

Expect more of the same. Harris making important Presidential style declarations that Biden should be making if he is still running the country, and very little opportunity given for Harris to go off script into one of her awful word salad obsfucations.

What the recent Biden saga has demonstrated is with enough effort any idiot can be stage managed to the nth degree. Obviously they will do the same with her. If she is managed with the level of attention she deserves, it may take some careful observation to see the real Kamala. Entertaining stuff.

27-07-2024, 10:25 AM
Kuntsler still good reading

Also not quite resolved is the case of who the Democratic Party truly intends to run for president this year as the days dwindle down to Nov. 5. The current delirium over Kamala Harris is like a relief rally in the financial markets when a crisis has been averted — or, at least, stalled. You have reason to doubt that the Democratic Party’s leadership crisis has actually been averted. Despite sedulous efforts to wipe her record, too many Americans know Kamala Harris as a hee-hawing ninny with a predilection for hapless Marxist fantasies. I’m not persuaded that she is at all comfortable in her sudden role as the party’s avatar.


Hey Winner, She looks pretty damn comfortable and confident to me. Plenty of BS being spread by many about her past record and worse manufactured lies.
The only people to believe this kind of ****e are the unquestioning rednecks that already support Trump. There is no hope for them and best be ignored.

This isn't a Wahs fan club, this is palpable and a groundswell of support of people many of whom had probably lost all inspiration at the prospect of a choice between two old white men.
The money she has raised in a very short time is also a strong indicator of the support she is receiving.

If Trump was confident, he would have said he will debate her, or anyone, but no his team are in defensive mode as she would make Trump look stupid, and out of date.

27-07-2024, 11:22 AM
Kuntsler still good reading

Also not quite resolved is the case of who the Democratic Party truly intends to run for president this year as the days dwindle down to Nov. 5. The current delirium over Kamala Harris is like a relief rally in the financial markets when a crisis has been averted — or, at least, stalled. You have reason to doubt that the Democratic Party’s leadership crisis has actually been averted. Despite sedulous efforts to wipe her record, too many Americans know Kamala Harris as a hee-hawing ninny with a predilection for hapless Marxist fantasies. I’m not persuaded that she is at all comfortable in her sudden role as the party’s avatar.


He is a subscriber to the conspiracy theory that the 2020 United States presidential election was fraudulent, describing it as a "fraud-inflected election" on his website, and he suggests that the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol was the work of left-wing groups.

In an interview with Doug Casey published on October 13, 2021, Kunstler called the COVID-19 pandemic a "scam", and on October 11 he published the debunked vaccine conspiracy theory that the vaccine would kill people "steadily over the weeks and months" and went on to name hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as "effective" treatments.

Kunstler is but another Trump supporter nutcase.

27-07-2024, 11:47 AM
Meanwhile, the unanswered question is how and what is Putin doing to help his mate Trump.


27-07-2024, 12:51 PM
In an interview with Doug Casey published on October 13, 2021, Kunstler called the COVID-19 pandemic a "scam", and on October 11 he published the debunked vaccine conspiracy theory that the vaccine would kill people "steadily over the weeks and months" and went on to name hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as "effective" treatments.

Kunstler is but another Trump supporter nutcase.

Mr Kuntsler and Mr Trump (nice names btw) - two peas in a pod.

27-07-2024, 01:26 PM
The Social Objectification of Kamala.

As most of the world knows by now, Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race, and within 24 hours Kamala Harris has jumped in to take his place as the assumed nominee.

The politics of it all we’ll leave to others. What caught our attention was this little story in Teen Vogue about how ordinary people immediately started to produce their own DIY merch to support her cause (t-shirts, posters, badges, bumper stickers, you get the idea).

It wasn’t the standard, generic products on her homepage that people have started to rally behind, but the homemade, DIY stuff on Etsy sporting quotes and memes that reveal her more quirky, human side. Eg. “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” One of these things is not like the other.

The interesting question is whether the Harris campaign will try to “borrow” the DIY products and ethos, somehow, and make it their own.

Would there be backlash? Could they do it without removing all the magic?

Hard to predict beforehand, but given all the momentum so far, the answer is unlikely.

Like most memes, they weren’t started by Kamala herself, someone shined a spotlight on a random moment, and that made all of the difference.

Seth Godin once famously said, “The ideas that spread, win” and this DIY effort is spreading very fast indeed. But we’ll go one further. To us, the ideas that win are the ones that become “Social Objects.”

Social Objects are what they sound like: things that enable social interaction. Things that allow us to identify:

“You like Kamala? I like Kamala!”
“You’re a vegan? I’m a vegan!”
“You’re a Star Wars fan? I’m a Star Wars fan!”
Trump’s MAGA hat was a great social object. So was Obama’s famous “HOPE” poster. Once you recognize the social object idea, you can’t unsee it. They’re everywhere.

They’re what our civilization is built on. They’re also what our businesses are built on.

Kamala’s campaign is suddenly spreading effectively because people are creating social objects very effectively, not the other way around. The objects precede the spread.

Want your idea to spread? Then ask yourself, is it a social object? Because that’s how it’s done. Just ask Kamala.


27-07-2024, 01:32 PM
As Muse and his woke left team are passing judgement on how others dare to think here, lets get real. If by chance Harris does within the next 100 days actually prove she is grossly stupid, of which there is a very strong possibility considering her track record, you lot will defend her regardless.

Im an Act/Nat voter - possible to walk & chew gum at the same time.

Fair point Muse. Good to see the at least here in paradise we are both on the same side of the fence.

So Muse isn't woke now or are they still woke but right-leaning?
I thought only the left could be woke (or all the left is woke).

27-07-2024, 02:48 PM
The Social Objectification of Kamala.

As most of the world knows by now, Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race, and within 24 hours Kamala Harris has jumped in to take his place as the assumed nominee.

The politics of it all we’ll leave to others. What caught our attention was this little story in Teen Vogue about how ordinary people immediately started to produce their own DIY merch to support her cause (t-shirts, posters, badges, bumper stickers, you get the idea).

It wasn’t the standard, generic products on her homepage that people have started to rally behind, but the homemade, DIY stuff on Etsy sporting quotes and memes that reveal her more quirky, human side. Eg. “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?” One of these things is not like the other.

The interesting question is whether the Harris campaign will try to “borrow” the DIY products and ethos, somehow, and make it their own.

Would there be backlash? Could they do it without removing all the magic?

Hard to predict beforehand, but given all the momentum so far, the answer is unlikely.

Like most memes, they weren’t started by Kamala herself, someone shined a spotlight on a random moment, and that made all of the difference.

Seth Godin once famously said, “The ideas that spread, win” and this DIY effort is spreading very fast indeed. But we’ll go one further. To us, the ideas that win are the ones that become “Social Objects.”

Social Objects are what they sound like: things that enable social interaction. Things that allow us to identify:

“You like Kamala? I like Kamala!”
“You’re a vegan? I’m a vegan!”
“You’re a Star Wars fan? I’m a Star Wars fan!”
Trump’s MAGA hat was a great social object. So was Obama’s famous “HOPE” poster. Once you recognize the social object idea, you can’t unsee it. They’re everywhere.

They’re what our civilization is built on. They’re also what our businesses are built on.

Kamala’s campaign is suddenly spreading effectively because people are creating social objects very effectively, not the other way around. The objects precede the spread.

Want your idea to spread? Then ask yourself, is it a social object? Because that’s how it’s done. Just ask Kamala.


Good article, W69.

Of stuff like these are elections won and lost these days.

Then, there’s the Taylor Swift endorsement which could swing either way at this stage and prove decisive in who wins the election. If she is smart, she will steer clear and let innuendo do the job instead.


27-07-2024, 02:58 PM
So Muse isn't woke now or are they still woke but right-leaning?
I thought only the left could be woke (or all the left is woke).

It would appear with his "I can do both" comment he is not woke regards NZ politics. You want more detail you need to ask him.

27-07-2024, 03:48 PM
Trump running scared.

As he should be - going to get skewed like the fattened old con man he really is.


In Harris, Trump faces someone who knows how to get under his skin. Harris knows how effective it is to mock Trump, to belittle his self-aggrandizing, to counter his lies that the economy is in shambles when it’s the strongest in the world.

27-07-2024, 04:03 PM
So Muse isn't woke now or are they still woke but right-leaning?
I thought only the left could be woke (or all the left is woke).
In a World of labels, maybe there are some who need wide lapels to accommodate their badges representing their opinions. Is nuance still permitted I wonder?

27-07-2024, 05:36 PM
Trump’s lead gone - WSJ latest poll.

Only the beginning …. the old con man will be on the ropes soon.

Showing weakness (running scared and away from debate) and showing desperation (mindless name calling) can only result in the Fornicator going further backwards.

Trump against Biden was like one 78 year old running a physical race against an 82 year old. Not much of a contest.

Trump vs Harris is like an intellectual contest between a mature 40 year old (Harris) vs a juvenile 8 year old. Not much of a contest either.


The presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is essentially tied, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll that shows heightened support for her among nonwhite voters and dramatically increased enthusiasm about the campaign among Democrats.

27-07-2024, 05:56 PM
Trump’s lead gone - WSJ latest poll.

Only the beginning …. the old con man will be on the ropes soon.

Showing weakness (running scared and away from debate) and showing desperation (mindless name calling) can only result in the Fornicator going further backwards.

Trump against Biden was like one 78 year old running a physical race against an 82 year old. Not much of a contest.

Trump vs Harris is like an intellectual contest between a mature 40 year old (Harris) vs a juvenile 8 year old. Not much of a contest either.


The presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is essentially tied, according to a new Wall Street Journal poll that shows heightened support for her among nonwhite voters and dramatically increased enthusiasm about the campaign among Democrats.

I'm waiting for the dirty trick ala the Clinton emails which was nothing but cost her the election.

27-07-2024, 06:42 PM
Has Kamala challenged Don to a game of golf yet, a la Joey?

27-07-2024, 06:45 PM
Has Kamala challenged Don to a game of golf yet, a la Joey?

Speaking of dirty tricks, he would probably cheat. Or ask if the black woman is bringing the ice tea.

28-07-2024, 12:00 PM
J D Vance labels Kamala "a card carrying member of San Francisco s lunatic fringe"

USA Slovenia India oh, and Ireland!

28-07-2024, 12:20 PM
Oh dear, WSJ (reliably right wing and proRepublican) slams JD Vance for his views, forcing the Trump camp to play defensive rather than offensive.

Offending a big portion of the female voters’ base with his ‘childless cat women’ comment and then, doubling down? Oh dear!

BTW, he does look weirdly like one of the Trump children?



28-07-2024, 02:04 PM
Treat yourself to a laugh ….


28-07-2024, 02:57 PM
JD Vance’s sometimes called Flipper

28-07-2024, 03:08 PM
It will be interesting to see how Trump runs down Kamala's race. He may have to just concentrate on the Jamaican bit rather than insult Usha Vance and the 23 million Indians in the US.
Or will he concentrate on the female bit (and half the US population)?
Maybe he will double down with Vance and call out the childless (or stepmother) bit.