View Full Version : A sad day

16-02-2017, 07:51 PM
Today I read that Brian Gaynor and Carmel Fisher are relinquishing there posts...a sad day i believe.

16-02-2017, 07:56 PM
And Cadburys is closing...a Dunedin icon! :(

16-02-2017, 08:17 PM
Brian Gaynor is staying on, just not running a fund in particular, but still running the business. Or that's what I understood the announcement to be. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11802110

Ditto Carmel Fisher as I read it, although she sounds to be cutting back on the hours. http://www.interest.co.nz/kiwisaver/84372/managing-director-carmel-fisher-step-down-managing-director-fisher-funds-management

But yes, NZ needs all the talent it can get. I wonder who will be the next NZX guy. Could make a difference to the rest of us.

16-02-2017, 08:23 PM
Today I read that Brian Gaynor and Carmel Fisher are relinquishing there posts...a sad day i believe.
There will be some relieved CEO's/Chairmans from listed companies. I've been in a couple of meetings were Brian has really ripped into the board/CEO for lack of coherant strategy or financial performance.

Yes, it is a sad day!

16-02-2017, 09:10 PM
And Cadburys is closing...a Dunedin icon! :(

Yes really sad eh Rupert

How capitalism has changed -

from The New Yorker a few years ago "John Cadbury, who founded a tea-and-coffee shop in Birmingham in 1824, practiced a brand of “Quaker capitalism” that valued hard work and “wealth creation for the benefit of the workers, the local community, and society at large,” rather than large profits only for the entrepreneurs themselves. Debt was seen as shameful, advertising as dishonest. His descendants came to create a thriving chocolate empire—but not without confronting challenges to their values.

And now an US company that made over a $1 billion last year is going to close our beloved chocolate factory and put 350 workers out on the street in a cost saving measure to further enrich greedy shareholders

16-02-2017, 09:21 PM
Yep, life is a box of chocolates..........

16-02-2017, 09:32 PM
Know a few past and present Cadbury folk, tis the swansong of the manufacturing giants in Dunedin....

16-02-2017, 11:24 PM
We are lucky this ethos survives in with Andrew and Brian and their brand.

Yes really sad eh Rupert

How capitalism has changed -

from The New Yorker a few years ago "John Cadbury, who founded a tea-and-coffee shop in Birmingham in 1824, practiced a brand of “Quaker capitalism” that valued hard work and “wealth creation for the benefit of the workers, the local community, and society at large,” rather than large profits only for the entrepreneurs themselves. Debt was seen as shameful, advertising as dishonest. His descendants came to create a thriving chocolate empire—but not without confronting challenges to their values.

And now an US company that made over a $1 billion last year is going to close our beloved chocolate factory and put 350 workers out on the street in a cost saving measure to further enrich greedy shareholders

16-02-2017, 11:51 PM
And now an US company that made over a $1 billion last year is going to close our beloved chocolate factory and put 350 workers out on the street in a cost saving measure to further enrich greedy shareholders

Mondelez have eroded much of the value and goodwill of the Cadbury brand in New Zealand. The Palm Oil in the chocolate, the shrinking king sized bar, the UK made and awful Cream Eggs, the loss of Snifters and now Jaffas and Pineapple Lumps. From one of the most trusted brands to nowhere... the unwritten contract with the consumer torn up - they have made more money by nurturing the brand in the long run but with former owners like Phillip Morris you might well have expected that.

Sideshow Bob
17-02-2017, 07:48 AM
I can't believe that the DCC and Cadburys want to keep Cadbury World. 110k visitors per year is sizable, but makes it a big hollow. Must be profitable??

"Come experience this company which was here for years and years, but just left......."

17-02-2017, 07:59 AM
gaynor was a good man im surprised he has hair still after butting heads with the estabilishment for so long.

anyone else notice the high number of high profile fund managers getting out (at the top of the nzx bull market?)

17-02-2017, 06:21 PM
I can't believe that the DCC and Cadburys want to keep Cadbury World. 110k visitors per year is sizable, but makes it a big hollow. Must be profitable??

"Come experience this company which was here for years and years, but just left......."

Seems we aren't the only ones who think this or wonder about having a monument to a closed factory (although hasn't hurt Paeroa - you'd think L&P was still made there)


17-02-2017, 07:27 PM
Seems we aren't the only ones who think this or wonder about having a monument to a closed factory (although hasn't hurt Paeroa - you'd think L&P was still made there)


I remember when I was a kid sampling the bubbly water piped from the spring to a public building near the town..It was free to drink back then..the slightly fizzy water was not much to write home about, but squeeze a lemon into the water made all the difference and made it bubble a bit more...A great drawcard to Paeroa...but like all good things that use to be freely available or cheaply available to the public along comes big business, takes control, cranks up the price, the public get disadvantaged, and in the end the product as we knew it no longer exists....Now L&P is artificially made and the foreigners (Coca-Cola), the bastards have locked the spring area down so depriving us NZers and tourists the opportunity to experience our own country's natural product...

17-02-2017, 07:33 PM
I can't believe that the DCC and Cadburys want to keep Cadbury World. 110k visitors per year is sizable, but makes it a big hollow. Must be profitable??

"Come experience this company which was here for years and years, but just left......."

That so-called attraction is the biggest insult and rip-off I have had the missfortune to pay for. Myself and my kids went through the so-called factory tour,what a joke. You were lucky if you saw someone making something through a window a floor above.But they couldn't wait to get you through the tour to the shop.

Go whittakers,I never buy cadbury now,not since they made their bars thinner.

Should have done the speights tour.

20-02-2017, 09:41 PM
Brian wanted to leave about 3 years ago, this has been long planned, the issue has always been succession and at the time the concern was that William Curtayne would be taking over. Since then they have built the team out considerably, not so much an issue anymore.