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31-05-2021, 05:01 PM
I wonder why they are even listed let alone dual listed

I have been thinking the same.Also two other NZ companies listed on the ASX, KTD and NZS look doubtful to me.

31-05-2021, 06:00 PM
I have been thinking the same.Also two other NZ companies listed on the ASX, KTD and NZS look doubtful to me.

Spread the disappointment?

09-06-2021, 08:09 AM
Since China is their biggest target market, they should provide monthly news update about the progress in China.

30-06-2021, 09:25 AM
Not much of a result as far as growth but covid can not be ignored.

30-06-2021, 10:09 AM
Not much of a result as far as growth but covid can not be ignored.

I see share price now less than what last discounted capital raise was at

30-06-2021, 10:45 AM
I see share price now less than what last discounted capital raise was at

Why is that a surprise ?

30-06-2021, 11:02 AM
Some companies blame COVID
The next excuse will be?
Not all management or products are equal

30-06-2021, 11:02 AM
Delete Delete

30-06-2021, 11:13 AM
Smoke and mirrors imho !

18-07-2021, 10:35 AM

Why Tony fired someone who is so talented?

26-07-2021, 05:57 PM

Why Tony fired someone who is so talented?
that is why the price of TRU plummeted since.

31-08-2021, 11:17 AM

06-10-2021, 02:04 PM
Anybody got sense of what is going on behind the scenes at TRU? SP is under a lot of selling pressure. As noted before, TRU should be putting out more regular updates - not necessarily financial, although that would be good - more on progress in China and secondary markets. Anything would be better than the deafening silence!

06-10-2021, 08:09 PM
Anybody got sense of what is going on behind the scenes at TRU? SP is under a lot of selling pressure. As noted before, TRU should be putting out more regular updates - not necessarily financial, although that would be good - more on progress in China and secondary markets. Anything would be better than the deafening silence!

Lizzy, IMHO "IF " you started from the beginning of this postings , read it all and took all of the postings in you would have to come to the conclusion " why am I interested in this cr@ck of shi! " others have so why not you !!

06-10-2021, 08:13 PM
Lizzy, IMHO "IF " you started from the beginning of this postings , read it all and took all of the postings in you would have to come to the conclusion " why am I interested in this cr@ck of shi! " others have so why not you !!

Many would have said the same about RAK, PEB, A2 etc. But thanks for your considered opinion.

06-10-2021, 10:48 PM
Many would have said the same about RAK, PEB, A2 etc. But thanks for your considered opinion.

Tru has zero relationship to the others you have referenced LL.
It is in any "investors" interest to really think hard about Whatsup's question

07-10-2021, 08:19 AM
Tru has zero relationship to the others you have referenced LL.
It is in any "investors" interest to really think hard about Whatsup's question

If you look at the early threads of the companies I mentioned - and other start-ups -you will also see comments similar to yours and Whatsups. ie they were all going nowhere for years, were worth a handful of cents and some people, like yourself perhaps, didn't see any future in them. PEB is very similar, being a new form of cancer detection, and only 18 months ago they were 15c - now $1.42.
I'm not saying TRU is in that category and I have a minor holding only. Just trying to get a reasoned thread going that's all.

07-10-2021, 10:11 AM
If you look at the early threads of the companies I mentioned - and other start-ups -you will also see comments similar to yours and Whatsups. ie they were all going nowhere for years, were worth a handful of cents and some people, like yourself perhaps, didn't see any future in them. PEB is very similar, being a new form of cancer detection, and only 18 months ago they were 15c - now $1.42.
I'm not saying TRU is in that category and I have a minor holding only. Just trying to get a reasoned thread going that's all.

Lizzy, Please read up about the former life of TRU and IMHO you will come to the conclusion of the facts, IMO in its former Aust life years and years ago it was a company that bombed it was then "acquired " by the fish heads who divided the shares on issue by tens twentys or possible even more thereby expanding the number of shares on issue when the company had NO viable business

IMO this outfit will never have any business apart from going back to the poor gullible for more and more C Raisings to feed the outgoings of those same fish heads.

IMO This is why there are only the gullible on the share register, if there was any chance of it being a business with any prospects there would be all sorts of creditable investors on board.

I think that you are either an insider or totally gullible sad but thats my take on this.

07-10-2021, 11:09 AM
Lizzy, Please read up about the former life of TRU and IMHO you will come to the conclusion of the facts, IMO in its former Aust life years and years ago it was a company that bombed it was then "acquired " by the fish heads who divided the shares on issue by tens twentys or possible even more thereby expanding the number of shares on issue when the company had NO viable business

IMO this outfit will never have any business apart from going back to the poor gullible for more and more C Raisings to feed the outgoings of those same fish heads.

IMO This is why there are only the gullible on the share register, if there was any chance of it being a business with any prospects there would be all sorts of creditable investors on board.

I think that you are either an insider or totally gullible sad but thats my take on this.

I'm neither, and try and refrain from the personal comments - not necessary or relevant. I've read everything about the history of TRU and yes, I have considerable doubts as well, but was looking for some informed comments on where TRU is right now, post ASX listing.

07-10-2021, 11:52 AM
I'm neither, and try and refrain from the personal comments - not necessary or relevant. I've read everything about the history of TRU and yes, I have considerable doubts as well, but was looking for some informed comments on where TRU is right now, post ASX listing.

My informed comment is that post ASX listing little has changed

Not The Chosen One
07-10-2021, 11:53 AM
I'm neither, and try and refrain from the personal comments - not necessary or relevant. I've read everything about the history of TRU and yes, I have considerable doubts as well, but was looking for some informed comments on where TRU is right now, post ASX listing.

Just ignore him. He repeats the same story over and over. Just look at this thread from a few years ago. I think he's salty about losing money when they were Polartechnics and can't move on.

For what it's worth, I was sitting in a decent loss for a while but sold out when they got to 19c and doubled my money so this "gullible" investor did ok. I'm also keeping an eye on them to possibly re enter but the lack of any updates doesn't help.

07-10-2021, 12:58 PM
Just ignore him. He repeats the same story over and over. Just look at this thread from a few years ago. I think he's salty about losing money when they were Polartechnics and can't move on.

For what it's worth, I was sitting in a decent loss for a while but sold out when they got to 19c and doubled my money so this "gullible" investor did ok. I'm also keeping an eye on them to possibly re enter but the lack of any updates doesn't help.

Well done on selling at the right time. I decided, incorrectly, that the surge post ASX might create a new floor, but the lack of progress since then - not helped by covid of course - has unwound all the gains and it's back where it was when I invested (6c). It always was a high risk stock though. I've done more than all right with PEB - which had it's share of doubters - so I'm staying the course for now. Hoping that switching production to China and possibly partnering with a Chinese company - might help it make inroads there.

08-10-2021, 06:16 PM

12-10-2021, 10:35 AM
Good news out of Vietnam, I wonder what this could generate in terms of sales. 49M woman.

“Vietnam implements the use of Truscreen nationwide.”

12-10-2021, 10:51 AM
Good news out of Vietnam, I wonder what this could generate in terms of sales. 49M woman.

“Vietnam implements the use of Truscreen nationwide.”

Source? That would seem like big news if true. Can't find anything on their website and no release to NZX?

12-10-2021, 11:01 AM
Original text…

En el año 2020, el socio de distribución de TruScreen, Gorton Health Services, junto con el Ministerio de Sanidad de Vietnam, iniciaron un estudio piloto de TruScreen en el Hospital Obstétrico y Ginecológico de Hanoi. El objetivo del programa piloto era evaluar la tecnología TruScreen, antes de la implantación nacional del dispositivo TruScreen como método principal de tamizaje cervical.

¡Misión cumplida, Vietnam implementa el uso de Truscreen a nivel nacional!

Llámanos y pide el tuyo, México también participa
Tel. 55 2165 4605

FB @truscreenLATAM

#CaCu #MásCercaDeLoQueParece #TruScreen #ResultadoInmediato #Confiable #DetecciónOportuna #HealthcareTechnology @CNEGySR

12-10-2021, 11:17 AM
Original text…

En el año 2020, el socio de distribución de TruScreen, Gorton Health Services, junto con el Ministerio de Sanidad de Vietnam, iniciaron un estudio piloto de TruScreen en el Hospital Obstétrico y Ginecológico de Hanoi. El objetivo del programa piloto era evaluar la tecnología TruScreen, antes de la implantación nacional del dispositivo TruScreen como método principal de tamizaje cervical.

¡Misión cumplida, Vietnam implementa el uso de Truscreen a nivel nacional!

Llámanos y pide el tuyo, México también participa
Tel. 55 2165 4605

FB @truscreenLATAM

#CaCu #MásCercaDeLoQueParece #TruScreen #ResultadoInmediato #Confiable #DetecciónOportuna #HealthcareTechnology @CNEGySR

They weren't asking for a bank account number to deposit dividends into as well were they?

12-10-2021, 11:20 AM
Original text…

En el año 2020, el socio de distribución de TruScreen, Gorton Health Services, junto con el Ministerio de Sanidad de Vietnam, iniciaron un estudio piloto de TruScreen en el Hospital Obstétrico y Ginecológico de Hanoi. El objetivo del programa piloto era evaluar la tecnología TruScreen, antes de la implantación nacional del dispositivo TruScreen como método principal de tamizaje cervical.

¡Misión cumplida, Vietnam implementa el uso de Truscreen a nivel nacional!

Llámanos y pide el tuyo, México también participa
Tel. 55 2165 4605 (tel:55 2165 4605)

FB @truscreenLATAM

#CaCu #MásCercaDeLoQueParece #TruScreen #ResultadoInmediato #Confiable #DetecciónOportuna #HealthcareTechnology @CNEGySR


In 2020, TruScreen's distribution partner, Gorton Health Services, together with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, started a pilot study of TruScreen at the Obstetric and Gynecological Hospital in Hanoi. The objective of the pilot program was to evaluate TruScreen technology, prior to the nationwide rollout of the TruScreen device as the primary method of cervical screening.

Mission accomplished, Vietnam implements the use of Truscreen nationwide!

Call us and ask for yours, Mexico also participates
Tel. 55 2165 4605

12-10-2021, 11:28 AM
They weren't asking for a bank account number to deposit dividends into as well were they?

I guess some people must think English is the only language used throughout the world. If it’s in a foreign language it must be a scam… good luck in a global market.

12-10-2021, 11:53 AM
I guess some people must think English is the only language used throughout the world. If it’s in a foreign language it must be a scam… good luck in a global market.
Touchy. I was more stating that there has been no word from Truscreen to the market or even on their website. If it was as big a deal as that they should be shouting it from the rafters.

12-10-2021, 12:08 PM
Touchy. I was more stating that there has been no word from Truscreen to the market or even on their website. If it was as big a deal as that they should be shouting it from the rafters.

Yeah I agree. I’ve sent a message to Truscreen looking for confirmation. This does two things, tells them the information is already in the market, not public. Tells them I expect an announcement or clarification. We shareholders are generally mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on ****.

it is interesting that two directors have recently purchased shares, full market disclosure would be prudent.

12-10-2021, 12:45 PM
Yeah I agree. I’ve sent a message to Truscreen looking for confirmation. This does two things, tells them the information is already in the market, not public. Tells them I expect an announcement or clarification. We shareholders are generally mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on ****.

it is interesting that two directors have recently purchased shares, full market disclosure would be prudent.

This is what baffles me about Truscreen. They seem to act like they are privately owned and don't post regular updates to the market. The odd newsletter isn't enough. SP has been drifting down for some time and still nothing. Why do we hear news of a development in Vietnam via a Mexican source? As I say, baffling.

12-10-2021, 01:30 PM
This news is over a year old

12-10-2021, 01:41 PM
This news is over a year old

Negative, this was pubished at 2:17pm 10 Oct 2021.

12-10-2021, 01:44 PM
Negative, this was pubished at 2:17pm 10 Oct 2021.

Truscreen mentioned a year ago they had started a roll out in Hanoi. Was highlighted a big thing when they raised zillions and did the ASX listing

Maybe took a while to get properly organised

12-10-2021, 02:29 PM
Truscreen mentioned a year ago they had started a roll out in Hanoi. Was highlighted a big thing when they raised zillions and did the ASX listing

Maybe took a while to get properly organised

IMO more of the same old same old from TRU !! wise up !!

12-10-2021, 05:11 PM
My view is the share price will fly when the China made device rollout in China which should see triple-digit growth in sales. Meanwhile just try to collect at low price.

Disclaimer: this is not a buy/sell call, I hold a lot of TS shares.

15-10-2021, 09:48 AM
No confirmation from Truscreen, after I requested an update.

The main points of the reply below.

“Vietnam is re-starting after a short lock down, Hanoi Hospital is re commencing wth screening programme”

”good traction in China”

”small trails n Eastern Europe progressing”.

Chris Lawrence has sold the balance of his Holding so we shouldn’t see the large quantities traded recently. Great news as he’s sold off 24M shares. This has had an impact on price.

A high risk stock.

15-10-2021, 04:42 PM
Good demand on both ASX and NZX. SP edging up over the last few days. Maybe some good news on the way (he said optimistically).

20-10-2021, 12:27 PM
To the moon it goes!

Not The Chosen One
20-10-2021, 12:36 PM
Pretty big increase on some positive news. More updates please! I was tempted to re enter but the lack of news stopped me. Too slow this time.

Just wait for the old timers to put their same old negative spin on this again.

20-10-2021, 12:41 PM
Fantastic news....not before time!

20-10-2021, 12:55 PM
Truely incredible

20-10-2021, 01:01 PM
.... just wait till the market really gets a hold of this.
Published results of the efficacy of Truscreen now readily available....years of hard work and research finally recognized. China main target. This should be the game changer.

Not The Chosen One
20-10-2021, 01:17 PM
2 updates on the same day. Feast or famine with TRU!

20-10-2021, 01:22 PM
2 updates on the same day. Feast or famine with TRU!

Might see another 50% spike on that news

Two 50% spikes in one day good …close 15 cents?

20-10-2021, 01:25 PM
second update...

20/10/2021, 1:01 pm MKTUPDTENZX/ASX Announcement
20 October 2021
TruScreen device - milestones achieved on growth strategy
Key Highlights
• TruScreen device - implementing a device firmware upgrade
• The upgrade provides further encrypted cybersecurity and automated features, reducing device downtime
• TruScreen’s distributor in China is now marketing the Company’s Made in China device to that country’s Health Check sector
• TruScreen is successfully evolving its Central and Eastern Europe marketing strategy, and is in the final planning stages for a clinical trial in Poland
• TruScreen has completed its annual ISO13485 accreditation surveillance audit
• Recent share overhang dissipates, with the sell down by a major shareholder now complete
TruScreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) (‘TRU’ or ‘the Company’) is pleased to announce the achievement of key milestones relating to the ongoing development of the Company’s women’s health care technology and its overseas growth strategy.
TruScreen device receives cyber security-related firmware upgrade
After twelve months of development work, TruScreen has completed verification and validation of a Firmware update that is now progressively being released to TruScreen devices already in the market. The Firmware update enhances the device’s cyber security framework. As well as enhancing data security the Firmware update also allows TruScreen devices to more effectively interface with compatible hospitals’ systems. It incorporates a state-of-the-art optical calibration feature to reduce the need for the device to return to service centres for re-calibration. This reduced service-related downtime means clients have their devices online for longer time periods, boosting operational efficiencies.
The new Firmware update also includes enhancements to the user interface and battery management features. These were developed in collaboration with the Company’s distributors and market feedback, a demonstration of the collaborative nature of the relationship TruScreen has with these crucially important groups.

TruScreen expands addressable market in China
TruScreen has continued to successfully expand in China, its most established market and the world’s largest addressable cervical cancer market.
With the launch of the TruScreen Made in China device specifically for the Chinese market, the Company’s China distributor Beijing Siweixiangtai (SWXT) has expanded its addressable distribution market. It is now marketing this TruScreen device to the growing Health Check sector. SWXT anticipates the first major project in the private Health Check sector will commence by Q4 CY2021.

This development provides TruScreen with revenue upside, as China’s Health Check sector is rapidly growing, aided by support from provincial governments, private organisations, and non-government organisations. Major public hospitals have a separate Health Check department offering a wide range of medical checks, including cervical cancer screening. The Health Check departments in these hospitals provide cervical screenings to twice the number of women as the specialist gynaecological departments within the same hospital, increasing the throughput of usage of the TruScreen cervical cancer screening device.
TruScreen’s marketing push into Central and Eastern Europe gains momentum
TruScreen has, at the same time, continued to work on broadening its market access throughout Central and Eastern Europe, with the Company’s current focus on Serbia and Poland. The market access strategies in these two countries are now being actively supported by key opinion leader engagement, clinical trials and local clinical evaluation initiatives.
TruScreen is currently in the final planning stages for a clinical trial in Poland, led by a well-known opinion leader in that country. The pilot phase of this trial will screen women in five centres across Poland. The trial’s objective is to evaluate the clinical performance of the TruScreen device. TruScreen anticipates the results of the trial will facilitate market access throughout Poland as well as neighbouring countries.
In late October TruScreen training will conclude in Serbia targeting new key opinion leaders and clinicians. The training will enable the commencement of planned local clinical evaluations and facilitate the commencement of early market activities.
Annual ISO13485 accreditation surveillance audit completed
TruScreen has successfully completed a two-day ISO13485 accreditation surveillance audit by its Notified Body TUV SUD at its Sydney facility. The focus of the audit was to review and approve inhouse manufacturing and service of the TruScreen Ultra device in its state-of-the-art facility.
The accreditation audit was approved with minimal non-conformance and a new Quality Management Certificate will be issued for the Company’s inhouse manufacturing.
In addition, a remote Technical Documentation review was conducted by TUV SUD renewing the continued use of the CE Mark on the TruScreen cervical cancer screening device.
Recent share overhang dissipates; interim results to be issued late November
The Company confirms that the sell down by a major shareholder, which totalled approximately 20,000,000 shares, is now complete.
The Company currently expects to issue its interim report/half year results on or around 30 November 2021.
TruScreen CEO Juliet Hull said: “The Firmware enhancements to the TruScreen device reflects well on the commitment of the TruScreen team to better our offering. They also demonstrate our willingness to listen to the needs and desires of our distributors and client base. The result of these endeavours is the delivery of multiple tangible benefits to the TruScreen device via this Firmware upgrade. Device owners will now get an improved cyber security framework, a clear plus to data security. Their devices will additionally also more effectively interface with compatible hospitals’ systems together with an efficiency benefit, as their devices will now require less downtime.
We are equally pleased to see good progress being made in our efforts to grow the Company’s global footprint. Our strategic decision to produce a TruScreen Made in China device specifically designed for the China market is gaining traction in China’s rapidly growing Health Check sector. At the same time, our well-considered plans to build a presence in Central and Eastern Europe are now happening. We are extremely confident clinicians in this part of Europe will see the many advantages the TruScreen device has over other cervical cancer screening technologies”
This announcement has been approved for release by the Board.
For more information, visit www.truscreen.com or contact:
Juliet Hull
Chief Executive Officer

20-10-2021, 01:32 PM
38 million shares traded today, a lot of people were waiting to run away... 10% of the company traded.

20-10-2021, 01:43 PM
....the "overhang" seller of those 20m shares must be feeling a little bit sick now.
Don't think I've read a more positive all-round company report. The brokers surely have to take note of this one now?

20-10-2021, 01:53 PM
I hope from now on they will provide monthly sales update in China. =D

20-10-2021, 02:00 PM
So there was good news on the way - buying had been edging up for the past week. This isn't a breakthrough yet, but if China gets on board even in just a few provinces, revenues will go through the roof. Hope our patience is going to be finally rewarded. Very positive news!

20-10-2021, 03:15 PM
IMO more of the same old same old from TRU !! wise up !!

A year ago TRU share price was 9.1 cents.
At present it is trading at 8.8 cents.

Not The Chosen One
20-10-2021, 03:23 PM
A year ago TRU share price was 9.1 cents.
At present it is trading at 8.8 cents.

19c at the start of this year

20-10-2021, 03:30 PM
19c at the start of this year

It could be said the market is telling us TRU is not the chosen one.

20-10-2021, 03:33 PM
A year ago TRU share price was 9.1 cents.
At present it is trading at 8.8 cents.

Useless aye. In 2018 the price was 21cents. WDT was above 20cents years ago as well, not to mention RAK. All very painful rides.

Not The Chosen One
20-10-2021, 03:52 PM
It could be said the market is telling us TRU is not the chosen one.

Guess it depends on if you're a trader or not. Market says it's well and truly the chosen one if you got in early today. Clearly not sustainable in the long run.

20-10-2021, 04:09 PM
Guess it depends on if you're a trader or not. Market says it's well and truly the chosen one if you got in early today. Clearly not sustainable in the long run.


Not The Chosen One
20-10-2021, 04:19 PM

Basically the same news that came out earlier today

20-10-2021, 05:09 PM
Hehe - the naysayers have felt obliged to point out the error of our ways in taking a punt on Truscreen. Glad I didn't listen to them on A2, PEB and RAK:cool:

20-10-2021, 08:55 PM
Can you believe PEB's market cap at $1.11 bil while it is not making profit. TS's market cap only about $23mil?

P/S: this is not a buy/sell call. I hold a lot of TS shares.

26-10-2021, 04:31 PM
More steps of progress…


Wave of Health – the all-Russian promotionPublished: 26 October 2021In September 2021, TruScreen’s Russian distributor, Intelmed Systems, participated in the 15th annual “Wave of Health” initiative. TruScreen was included in the all-Russian campaign. The annual “Wave of Health” campaign sees a ship, with teams of doctors and high-tech equipment, travel around the waterways visiting 9 different cities throughout the Russian Federation.

TruScreen master classes were held in each of the cities, with local specialists participating in TruScreen Device demonstrations and examinations. The master classes were run by Key Opinion Leader Prof. Apolikhina, from the Russian Federal State Budgetary Institution, National Medical Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Perinatology, and screened women throughout the regions as part of their consultation with the gynaecologist. The TruScreen technology was well received by gynaecologists throughout the regions.
The portability of TruScreen’s cervical cancer screening device makes it well suited for nationwide campaigns like the Wave of Health. TruScreen is not reliant on pre-established infrastructure, such as cytology laboratories, meaning the device can be brought into any clinic or hospital to screen women.
The aim of the annual campaign is to introduce innovative technologies, while providing targeted health care, throughout the regions.

29-10-2021, 07:27 PM

lets bring on the rapid growth cycle.

30-10-2021, 07:50 AM
Yes! Looking forward to see 3 digits sales growth within the next 6 months! :)

P/S: this is not a buy/sell call. I hold a lot of TS shares.

04-11-2021, 04:58 PM

04-11-2021, 07:54 PM
Three countries covered, lets hope they get traction.

05-11-2021, 05:20 AM
And another you tube video this time from Vietnam.


six monthly financials should be out soon, last year they released 4 November

05-11-2021, 06:28 AM
Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia have a combined population of over 270 million. China is obviously the big one, but serious traction in these markets could make this a lucrative investment.

09-11-2021, 08:33 PM
The Editor seems to like the product...


Mentioned it twice in one article, not bad publicity.

There are some alternatives to these kinds of tests which have been invented including TruScreen – a Sydney-based medical company – which has developed an alternative technology to detect cervical cancer. This method is based on a quick screen of the cervical area and these will make it quicker and easier for women to be screened.

29-11-2021, 12:15 PM

Well done TruScreen

15-12-2021, 12:55 PM

Good progress but still hope to see more rapid growth in China

16-12-2021, 10:01 AM
4 million woman in Hanoi, Vietnem. Really significant that TruScreen has replaced the incumbent cytology testing system.

Great to see some regular updates, the TruScreen management seems to be quietly achieving their targets. It’s been a long time coming, it will be great to see the share price solidify as sales grow.

16-12-2021, 10:36 AM
4 million woman in Hanoi, Vietnem. Really significant that TruScreen has replaced the incumbent cytology testing system.

Great to see some regular updates, the TruScreen management seems to be quietly achieving their targets. It’s been a long time coming, it will be great to see the share price solidify as sales grow.

I think that Vietnam announcement is a big one, given the potential sales and the exposure for the company in a significant market. Surprised the SP hasn't moved more, but I suppose investors will want to see these announcements translated into sales.

18-12-2021, 04:47 PM
This from a hospital in St Petersburg. Really happy to see how the device is being spun on these websites. This has been translated through google.

The last line is gold... "Practice has shown that the effectiveness of TruScreen is significantly higher than the PAP smear and other methods."

Approx 3 million woman in St Petersburg. Would be good to see some reflection of their good work in sales numbers.

TruScreen scanner in the Moscow regionEarly detection of gynecological oncological diseases can save lives, make it possible to have children, and preserve the ability to work. In modern clinical practice, various methodological approaches are used to identify precancerous conditions of the uterus and its cervix, which make it possible to ensure a complete cure. One of the most promising devices is the TruScreen scanner, which is distinguished by the maximum convenience of the procedure and a high speed of obtaining processed results.Advantages of the deviceThe portable device Truskrin has significant advantages over other mass examination methods:

good tolerance of examination by patients;
high-precision measuring scale and sensitivity of the probe-scanner;
high testing speed and almost instantaneous delivery of the result;
the dimensions and operational characteristics of the apparatus do not require special conditions, additional premises and multi-stage laboratory manipulations for the formulation of conclusions, long-term personnel training.

How TruScreen worksThe TruScreen probe, examining the surface of the cervix, detects altered tissue areas that differ from healthy stromal and basal layers in other indicators of electrical capacity. The scanner records accelerated blood flow during eom, which is characteristic of precancerous changes. The microcomputer TruScreen records the state of the patient's tissues 14 times per second, while simultaneously providing a comparative analysis of changes with physiological values.Features of the procedureThe TruScreen procedure is completely painless, it is performed within 2 minutes on an outpatient basis. The doctor applies a special disposable probe to certain points (there are 15 in total) of the cervix. After testing, a printout is issued stating the normal state of the organ or the presence of invasive cancer. Practice has shown that the effectiveness of TruScreen is significantly higher than the PAP smear and other methods.

Website here: https://mapaclinic-ru.translate.goog/site/uslugi/skaner-truscreen.php?lmid=12&_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

28-12-2021, 05:20 PM

28-12-2021, 07:16 PM
12 months ago TruScreen was 9cents. Hasn’t taken off anywhere fast despite progress on announcements and market updates

28-12-2021, 07:44 PM
12 months ago TruScreen was 9cents. Hasn’t taken off anywhere fast despite progress on announcements and market updates

Nature of the business. Market is waiting for announcements to be translated into sales. If that happens- and it's still a big if - then the SP will take off just as it did with Pacific Edge. PEB was in the doldrums for years just like TRU, but finally got some traction and patient investors have been amply rewarded. I'm hoping that TRU might follow suit, but it needs to breakthrough in the next 12-18 months and stop burning cash to avoid another - probably fatal - capital raise.

29-12-2021, 08:43 AM
After new opportunities so have had a brief look at this and don’t like what I see.

Sales going no where.
Cash burn increasing and another cap raise coming soon no doubt.
Directors resigning and selling.
Updates on new markets but the main market in healthcare the US not mentioned.

Good luck to holders though. But for me it’s a NO.

29-12-2021, 10:33 AM
After new opportunities so have had a brief look at this and don’t like what I see.

Sales going no where.
Cash burn increasing and another cap raise coming soon no doubt.
Directors resigning and selling.
Updates on new markets but the main market in healthcare the US not mentioned.

Good luck to holders though. But for me it’s a NO.

Fair enough - it's high risk/reward stock no doubt about that. However, the US isn't the main market - it's China, and developing nations. In these markets where population is scattered, there's a shortage of trained staff and lab facilities, the Truscreen device makes perfect sense. But changing health practices takes an age - I go back to Pacific Edge which has been around for a long time and has only taken off in the last year. The cash burn is a concern - at the current rate they've only got enough cash to fund operations for another 12-18 months at the most, so the next year will be crucial. Still holding though, as I believe in the product's potential.

02-01-2022, 01:34 PM
Hope the new RCEP will help


11-01-2022, 02:18 PM
Not a lot of shares for sale, might be about to take another step up. 12 months ago we saw a high of 19cents, Jan 2021. Lets see it jump and solidify around there for a while please.

11-01-2022, 02:34 PM
Not a lot of shares for sale, might be about to take another step up. 12 months ago we saw a high of 19cents, Jan 2021. Lets see it jump and solidify around there for a while please.

Amen to that!

17-01-2022, 08:15 PM

18-01-2022, 10:03 PM

The management should publish monthly sales data to NZX/ASX, which will speak louder than any of the interviews.

20-01-2022, 01:21 PM
Considering for a long time they've been talking about non-linear growth once established in various markets... A 25% growth in sales would be a fail.

Still keeping the faith. There's no red in my stockholding. Warren Buffet refers to patience, I'm not sure I've got it.

20-01-2022, 09:57 PM
It needs to show 3 digits growth in sales this year given the device is now make in China which is also its largest market.

24-01-2022, 02:20 PM
Does TruScreen use BioChemGroup in China? I can find TS product on their website.


25-01-2022, 10:41 AM
Does TruScreen use BioChemGroup in China? I can find TS product on their website.


It is one of there core products in there 2 cancer screening program



Good find. It all looks like progress to me.

25-01-2022, 01:06 PM
It all looks promising to me. I have been toping up on the hope of some positive updates coming up.

01-02-2022, 11:05 AM
Half year report not out yet?

02-02-2022, 09:16 AM
Half year report not out yet?


02-02-2022, 10:12 AM


I was looking at the key dates and thought it would release on 31st January each year.

09-02-2022, 04:46 AM
A Russian hospital in Murmansk offering the TruScreen service.


09-02-2022, 05:39 AM
And another in Novosibirsk …

you can easily use Google Translate to change to English.


All positive

09-02-2022, 05:51 AM

Yet another one. It seems good traction in Russia…. The doctors reviews are great.

Rogovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna, MD obstetrician-gynecologist, dermatovenereologist, professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Medical Academy of Medical Academy of Education
"Today everyone should have TRUSCREEN, because it makes life much easier for us, you can immediately navigate what happens to the neck. This method is so unique today, easy to perform and non-invasive. It can be used often and even in pregnant women. After the examination, the printed result is immediately issued. Today everyone should have TRUSCREEN, because it makes life much easier for us, you can immediately navigate what happens to the neck. A lot of studies are devoted to the optoelectronic methodology and absolutely everyone came to the conclusion that TRUSCREEN has sensitivity and specificity higher than the cytological smear and higher than HPV testing.

09-02-2022, 06:05 AM
Just to keep boring you…


this website lists 29 different clinics in Russia that are using the TruScreen device. Nice steps.

09-02-2022, 11:37 AM
Great info, thanks for sharing. Could be an interesting year for Truescreen

09-02-2022, 02:09 PM
Thanks Hitman. China is the big prize ("big" sales coming every year since 2015), but volume from anywhere is welcome.

10-02-2022, 01:52 PM
Thanks Hitman. China is the big prize ("big" sales coming every year since 2015), but volume from anywhere is welcome.

Never seen big sales from this company yet, especially dating back to 2015.

10-02-2022, 06:26 PM
No, they are always promising big sales after a trial. Trials seem to give it the big tick, but the big sales do not come. Let's hope one of the nuts cracks. There are similar patterns with PEB and Blis.

18-02-2022, 10:18 AM
Not a lot of buyers, after the positive move up it looks poised to head south again like everything else.

18-02-2022, 10:37 AM
They need more regular updates/news to the public to keep the share shining, at least once a month? My children school gives us weekly updates.

18-02-2022, 01:25 PM
They need more regular updates/news to the public to keep the share shining, at least once a month? My children school gives us weekly updates.
only weekly, I'm getting daily updates from schools :). But yes, some of these companies need to learn the art of communicating regularly to their stakeholder groups.

20-02-2022, 09:09 PM

There was a conference in Shanghai website updated days ago. Translate of the article gets this wee gem.Not a lot but still good to see something is happening.

Professor Teng Yincheng introduced the new generation of cervical cancer screening technology recommended by WHO - digital TruScreen (TS) screening.

23-02-2022, 01:41 PM
Just wondering whether NZ will apply sanctions to Russia? Is this a valid risk to consider in terms of TRU's projected growth.

TRU has been attempting to grow their foothold since last year https://truscreen.com/wave-of-health-the-all-russian-promotion/ (https://truscreen.com/wave-of-health-the-all-russian-promotion/)so far the share price is holding steady at 7.5c.

23-02-2022, 02:02 PM

There was a conference in Shanghai website updated days ago. Translate of the article gets this wee gem.Not a lot but still good to see something is happening.

Professor Teng Yincheng introduced the new generation of cervical cancer screening technology recommended by WHO - digital TruScreen (TS) screening.

Good digging. It would be nice if this sort of thing was released through Truscreen - do they think shareholders are not interested?

23-02-2022, 02:14 PM
Just wondering whether NZ will apply sanctions to Russia? Is this a valid risk to consider in terms of TRU's projected growth.

TRU has been attempting to grow their foothold since last year https://truscreen.com/wave-of-health-the-all-russian-promotion/ (https://truscreen.com/wave-of-health-the-all-russian-promotion/)so far the share price is holding steady at 7.5c.

Plenty of stuff in the media today about it if you go for a search. Some interesting points about some kiwisaver schemes taking a hit as sanctions kick in if they have any links to Russian companies. Our foreign Trade member has said travel bans and export bans are on the cards. Legally we are weak. Apparently no legal autonomous trade sanctions legislation to use. Surely any NZ sanction would be the equivalent of a sandfly bite anyway. It would be more for the show of condemnation.

03-03-2022, 09:04 AM
More progress.

03-03-2022, 02:07 PM
A few good pieces of news today, particularly the progress in China. TRU needs to note how positive the markets react to any progress in operations. Monthly bulletin along those lines wouldn't do any harm. Now if they can just translate this into more sales then we might be in business (he said hopefully).

03-03-2022, 02:13 PM
Congratulations to TruScreen, once they get the National Pricing Approval, the order number or sales should have exponential growth in the coming months. Also share incentive is good to reward the sales team.

03-03-2022, 02:18 PM
Congratulations to TruScreen, once they get the National Pricing Approval, the order number or sales should have exponential growth in the coming months. Also share incentive is good to reward the sales team.

...and exponential growth in sales = exponential increase in share price ..... like 10 cents, then 20 cents, then 40 cents etc etc

03-03-2022, 02:21 PM
...........could we finally be seeing the start of some solid growth? Still a believer and only see huge potential on this one. Time will only tell but the lagging SP hopefully will respond accordingly with this and future growth reports. ( monthly would be good)

Sideshow Bob
05-04-2022, 08:46 AM
COGA Trial Validates Superiority of Truscreen - NZX, New Zealand’s Exchange (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/390051)

• COGA Trial screened 15,661 women across 64 hospitals in 9 provinces over 3 years
• TruScreen specificity surpassed Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) and hrHPV
• TruScreen was determined to be a simple, effective and rapid real-time cervical cancer screening method
• TruScreen was determined to be an appropriate primary cervical cancer screening tool in regions with high morbidity and mortality to cervical cancer

Not The Chosen One
05-04-2022, 09:10 AM
COGA Trial Validates Superiority of Truscreen - NZX, New Zealand’s Exchange (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/390051)

• COGA Trial screened 15,661 women across 64 hospitals in 9 provinces over 3 years
• TruScreen specificity surpassed Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) and hrHPV
• TruScreen was determined to be a simple, effective and rapid real-time cervical cancer screening method
• TruScreen was determined to be an appropriate primary cervical cancer screening tool in regions with high morbidity and mortality to cervical cancer

That's some pretty positive news right there on their largest clinical study to date and outdoing some alternative options.

Not The Chosen One
05-04-2022, 10:25 AM
That's some pretty positive news right there on their largest clinical study to date and outdoing some alternative options.

Market likes the news but we've seen jumps like this before only to see it drop back just as quickly

05-04-2022, 11:21 AM
Yes, unless the sales result come with 3 digit growth, otherwise we will see more one day show...

Still holding a lot of Tru shares, waiting for it to perform like PEB... :)

05-04-2022, 11:38 AM
Yes, unless the sales result come with 3 digit growth, otherwise we will see more one day show...

Still holding a lot of Tru shares, waiting for it to perform like PEB... :)

Likewise. If patience is a virtue then us Truscreen investors are saints:p

I don't think there's any real doubt over the effectiveness and practicality of the Truscreen device, and obviously these sort of medical trials are an important and necessary step along the road, but just like PEB (whose SP has fallen back) TRU need to translate potential into reality. COVID has slowed things down a bit but as noted, we need to see a substantial uplift in sales soon and a definite path towards breakeven/profitability. China is and always was, the key, so I am excited that this major trial has again highlighted the effectiveness of the product. If the next announcement is that Truscreen is to be rolled out in a few key hospitals/provinces then we really are in business!

05-04-2022, 12:11 PM
.......no question now after this stunning news (to put it mildly).....things are moving along nicely now. Ive always had faith that this is leading edge technology with such huge benefits over traditional procedures that it renders them to medical museums. Really just a matter of time now surely before we se results flow through to the bottom line? (patience still required)

05-04-2022, 03:48 PM

03-05-2022, 11:02 AM

04-05-2022, 09:26 AM
They have new website design too, a good sign?

04-05-2022, 09:03 PM
They have new website design too, a good sign?

That website has been live for a while now. At least 6 months.

05-05-2022, 06:12 AM
Interesting that they are using it in Australia. There are headwinds at the moment with China doing the lockdown thing at Russia doing their special military operation. Hopefully the momentum in other places keeps up.

10-05-2022, 01:27 PM

Sideshow Bob
30-05-2022, 08:52 AM
Truscreen Preliminary Results For FY2022 - NZX, New Zealand’s Exchange (https://www.nzx.com/announcements/392894)

• Product revenues up 48% YOY in a further difficult COVID year
• SUS units/revenues up 42% YOY with China market the key contributor
• TruScreen cervical cancer screening device installations increase by 24% YOY
• First sales recorded in Eastern Europe
• COGA trial completed with outstanding results, and National Pricing Approval achieved in China
• Firmware upgrade improves cybersecurity and reduces maintenance costs
• Decision to book a provision for impairment of remaining non-current assets given macro-economic uncertainty

30-05-2022, 08:59 AM
I note global sales reached $1.7m

Possibly a bit more than the local dairy does

30-05-2022, 09:19 AM
Will need another cap raise. SP in solid downtrend. One of those stocks not making a profit and trading on very high sales multiples.

Looks like revenue will double again next year thou.

31-05-2022, 09:30 AM
Certainly a slow horse to get out of the starting blocks.

Wording doesn't give the positive vibe of huge growth prospects as previous announcements have implied. They have had solid growth which is impressive considering the market, one might expect it doesn't just plateau even with the ongoing Covid-19 shutdown in China. Certainly not disappointed with the result, more the future dampening of growth eluded to.

Cash will be tight in 12 months time, so another capital raise is on the cards. China sorting their Covid regulations could be the game changer, timing on this is anyones guess. The crowd won't throw cash unless there is growth prospects.

01-07-2022, 11:23 AM
Saving your dollars for the next cap raise

Chair says its a matter of how much 'the market will give us' ..... no doubt full of optimism


04-07-2022, 01:17 PM
Yeah, there's smarter places to invest your money at the moment. At least the chairman is signalling to the market early, no surprises.

08-07-2022, 09:12 AM
China new $200b economy stimulus plan may help....

Still waiting for exponential growth in China market...

Putting the shares into the freezer for now...

12-07-2022, 12:03 PM

21-07-2022, 09:19 AM
Comparing TRU and PEB's result, both are cash burning companies but TRU's share price is so depressing, maybe TRU needs to start penetrate US market or even just to get FDA approval?

Notes: I hold a lot of TRU, this is not an investment advice.

21-07-2022, 10:03 AM
Comparing TRU and PEB's result, both are cash burning companies but TRU's share price is so depressing, maybe TRU needs to start penetrate US market or even just to get FDA approval?

Notes: I hold a lot of TRU, this is not an investment advice.

S88, you poor sucker, did you read the history of this outfit before you bought, pigs will fly.

22-08-2022, 05:01 PM
IMHO even at these prices .05 the fish heads are making heaps if they are sellers !!!

28-08-2022, 09:40 PM
How's your Spanish, Truscreen webinar


01-09-2022, 11:44 AM
Latest announcement...


I like this comment from Juliet Hull

"With SUS demand growing, year on year from greater placement of our screening devices in the market and expected to be well over 200,000 units this year,"

Last Annual report; China was the only significant market, with sales peaking at 10,000 units per month. With the latest comment that brings SUS usage up to well over 16,600 per month and climbing, Hugely positive.

21-09-2022, 11:17 AM
IMHO ATLow, and the fish heads are still making money when they are selling, heaps to go , down down down we go !!

22-09-2022, 03:15 AM
Truscreen now has dedicated Vietnam website.


09-11-2022, 09:51 AM
It looks like growth to me.


09-11-2022, 10:50 AM
It looks like growth to me.


Yeh, % YEAR LOW, IMHO get out while TRU is above .04 !

09-11-2022, 11:05 AM
Yeh, % YEAR LOW, IMHO get out while TRU is above .04 !

I'm in buy mode at the moment. Feel free to sell to me at these prices.

14-11-2022, 07:58 PM

Sideshow Bob
29-11-2022, 09:01 AM

TruScreen unaudited interim results for the half-year ended 30 September 2022
Highlights for Half Year ended 30 September 2022
• Revenue in line with prior year, in face of challenging market conditions
• Further growth potential in China on relaxation of COVID restrictions
• Developments in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, eastern Europe should produce results in year ahead
• Appointment of CEO, Dr Beata Edling

29-11-2022, 09:31 AM
Train wreck.

29-11-2022, 05:08 PM
Train wreck.

Why are we surprised, please read its history, imo even at .00001 the fish heads are ahead , no wonder its being constantly being pumped !!

30-11-2022, 11:22 AM
Constantly pumped, or constantly slammed.

Disappointed with result as growth in last period was great. Hoping to see that continue. China as there main growth market went backwards with ongoing Covid zero playing a big part. Steps are still going, but timing is big as cashflow burn is there. They’ve dropped down to core staff and paid out redundancy. The ship is still sailing but taking on some water.

A victim of current world issues, I’m certain the product has a huge future, but who gets to bring it to market. It saves lives, is cost effective, and saves time and resources. Ground work is certainly being done.

Covid zéro in china can’t go on for ever, the rest of the world has accepted it.

08-03-2023, 11:22 AM
China Ramps Up for Public Health Check Centres
08/03/2023 09:15
REL: 0915 HRS TruScreen Group Limited

GENERAL: TRU: China Ramps Up for Public Health Check Centres

NZX/ASX Announcement

8 March 2023

China Ramps Up for Public Health Check Centres


o China distributor orders 40 devices for April 2023 delivery
o First TruScreen Health Check installation in February 2023
o Further tender won in major public hospital

Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to advise that its China
distributor, Beijing Siweixiantai Tech Co. Ltd (SWXT), has placed an order
for 40 TruScreen cervical cancer screening devices for installation into
China's growing public Health Check Sector. Delivery is expected in April

Following long COVID delays the initial installation of TruScreen into the
public Health Check Centre within The People's Liberation Army General
Hospital, one of the leading health check centers in the country was
completed in February 2023. This is the first installation into a public
Health Check Centre and SWXT is expecting rapid growth in the year ahead.

TruScreen won the tender in February 2023 for Affiliated Hospital of Nantong
University in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. The hospital is one of the largest
in the province and is highly regarded in North Jiangsu. The head of its
Obstetric and Gynecologic Department is the current Chair of COGA Jiangsu
Provincial branch (see NZX/ASX announcement dated 5 April 2022).

China, after the COVID lockdown years, is now seeing a strong pipeline of
significant growth opportunities. This includes 7 hospital tenders won
with 13 installations pending, 23 hospitals where TruScreen has been approved
and waiting for tender outcomes, and 78 hospitals where Obstetric and
Gynecologic Department acceptance have been received and are waiting for the
next stage of hospital approval.

This announcement has been approved by the Board.

For more information, visit www.truscreen.com or contact:

Dr Beata Edling
Chief Executive Officer

Guy Robertson
Chief Financial Officer

Julia Maguire
Investor Relations
End CA:00407991 For:TRU Type:GENERAL Time:2023-03-08 09:15:53

10-03-2023, 12:00 PM
Hopefully they can survive long enough for sales to get traction. Good recent news, but growth may be too slow and too little.

08-05-2023, 03:44 PM
Truscreen on a tear today on the back of two nice announcements.

Discl: holding

16-05-2023, 10:23 AM
New China cervical cancer screening guideline announced by CSCCP to include Truscreen’s optical electrical technology
• First national medical guideline in the world to recommend TruScreen technology, expected to drive further sales
• China Cervical Cancer Screening Management Guideline (Guideline) of Chinese Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP) endorses TruScreen technology as an Artificial Intelligence Screening Method
• The Guideline endorses TruScreen technology as a new method for cervical cancer screening in China
Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to advise that the TruScreen technology has been endorsed in CSCCP’s (Chinese Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology) China Cervical Cancer Screening Management Guideline, one of the most important specialist medical clinical guidelines governing management of cervical cancer. The news was recently released in a media conference at the first event of the annual CSCCP congress in Beijing.
CSCCP’s decision to include TruScreen technology in its new Guideline emphasises the role of new technology in a booming Chinese healthcare sector. The decision is based on the body of evidence supporting TruScreen clinical use world-wide and after extensive consultations with healthcare practitioners and decision makers.
CSCCP is a member of IFCPC (The International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy) which is dedicated to reducing the burden of cervical cancer worldwide. The guideline issued by CSCCP is a leading clinical standard for doctors and other healthcare providers as well as government bodies.

16-05-2023, 10:26 AM
A significant announcement when put in context:

• First national medical guideline in the world to recommend TruScreen technology, expected to drive further sales
• China Cervical Cancer Screening Management Guideline (Guideline) of Chinese Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP) endorses TruScreen technology as an Artificial Intelligence Screening Method
• The Guideline endorses TruScreen technology as a new method for cervical cancer screening in China

16-05-2023, 10:34 AM
A significant announcement when put in context:

• First national medical guideline in the world to recommend TruScreen technology, expected to drive further sales
• China Cervical Cancer Screening Management Guideline (Guideline) of Chinese Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP) endorses TruScreen technology as an Artificial Intelligence Screening Method
• The Guideline endorses TruScreen technology as a new method for cervical cancer screening in China

and this is in a country that gave us Covid !!!

31-05-2023, 10:09 AM
Seems to be endless selling of this company. Even though it is tracking okay story-wise.
Does anyone know the history of this co?
I seem to recall it being sold for next to nothing and then it being listed on the NZX quite a few years back. If so, I guess the original shareholders continuously sell it down. Would be good to know if anyone knows more info - thanks.

31-05-2023, 11:05 AM
Seems to be endless selling of this company. Even though it is tracking okay story-wise.
Does anyone know the history of this co?
I seem to recall it being sold for next to nothing and then it being listed on the NZX quite a few years back. If so, I guess the original shareholders continuously sell it down. Would be good to know if anyone knows more info - thanks.

Go back to the first post on this thread,and read on from that.
All will be revealed..

31-05-2023, 11:42 AM
Go back to the first post on this thread,and read on from that.
All will be revealed..

IMHO no one would touch this smoke & mirror outfit once reading that Percy, I cannot understand how the poor unwashed have been sucked into this !!

31-05-2023, 11:47 AM
Seems to be endless selling of this company. Even though it is tracking okay story-wise.
Does anyone know the history of this co?
I seem to recall it being sold for next to nothing and then it being listed on the NZX quite a few years back. If so, I guess the original shareholders continuously sell it down. Would be good to know if anyone knows more info - thanks.

s s , read in a previous post that this was carrying $86 mill of losses in 2014, bet there r more now !

31-05-2023, 11:48 AM
IMHO no one would touch this smoke & mirror outfit once reading that Percy, I cannot understand how the poor unwashed have been sucked into this !!

Neither can I...
However I fell for the same sort of story from UCM in Aussie...Lucky to get out with my capital intact.
For fun look at their 2 year chart.
Perhaps they could merge.?

31-05-2023, 11:59 AM
s s , read in a previous post that this was carrying $86 mill of losses in 2014, bet there r more now !

Accumulated losses $33,320,806 and growing.

31-05-2023, 02:33 PM
Go back to the first post on this thread,and read on from that.
All will be revealed..
Ha! Quite funny that I didn't even think of that. Thanks! The first page is all I needed. Sorenson last held 0.24% (4.8m shares) this time last year. He has since fallen out of the top 20 holders. So not many more to go. My guess is him plus newbie retail owners have sent it spinning in a whirlpool spiral - sending the share price down...
Of late the truscreen story seems pretty good. Needs a few pinger tho

31-05-2023, 02:59 PM
Definitely a chance that they have had their last drink at the bar, but the recent announcement could also help make them a ten bagger.

01-06-2023, 07:39 AM
Neither can I...
However I fell for the same sort of story from UCM in Aussie...Lucky to get out with my capital intact.
For fun look at their 2 year chart.
Perhaps they could merge.?

The product literally saves lives, Thats a pretty good reason to invest and get this product to market.

01-06-2023, 02:48 PM
The product literally saves lives, Thats a pretty good reason to invest and get this product to market.

Realy and how , show me the U S Medical ass verification via reputably medical journals ?

01-06-2023, 05:56 PM
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level
and then beat you with experience.
- Mark Twain

05-07-2023, 08:28 AM
From Vietnam - Truscreen Distributors website.



Sideshow Bob
15-08-2023, 10:19 AM

Strong Sales growth in Q1 FY2024 (April to June 2023)


• TruScreen experiences strong sales growth in Q1 FY24
• Product sales up 100% Q1 2024/Q1 2023 and SUS sales up 73% to 56,160 units for the quarter
• China continues to grow strongly with contributions from new Health Check sector

Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to report a 100% growth in sales over the same quarter year on year and a 73% growth in sales of Single Use Sensor (SUS) for the same period.

China continues to drive the growth, and demand is returning to pre COVID levels. The commencement of the Health Check project which aims to screen 10,000 women in the next 3 years also contributed to the sales growth.

The endorsement of TruScreen's AI-enabled technology in the latest edition of CSCCP's China Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline, published in the July 2023 edition of CSCCP's journal, Chinese Journal of Clinical Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and the recent endorsement in the prestigious Blue Book in China, are enabling our distributor Siweixiangtai Tech Co. Ltd (SWXT) to capitalise on the rapid growth in demand.

The CEO, Dr Beata Edling commented:

“I am delighted to report on our Q1 results. A recent trip to Asia and Eastern Europe has confirmed that our efforts in co-investing with our committed distributors are paying off and that the distributors are poised to capture the rapid growth in demand for TruScreen’s technology.

We have invested considerable resources in developing Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, and expect that our distributors will broaden our installed base of TruScreen business in their regions in the coming years”.

This announcement has been approved by the Board.

15-08-2023, 11:18 AM
China continues to drive the growth, and demand is returning to pre COVID levels. The commencement of the Health Check project which aims to screen 10,000 women in the next 3 years also contributed to the sales growth.

500,000,000 women over the age of 15.
10,000 women over 3 years(!) involved in health project
Might be early days for the project but I feel the govt should cherish the health of their people a little more

15-08-2023, 11:22 AM
China continues to drive the growth, and demand is returning to pre COVID levels. The commencement of the Health Check project which aims to screen 10,000 women in the next 3 years also contributed to the sales growth.

3,333 SUS a year
833 SUS a quarter

This isn't going be a driver in growth for the 3 year time frame

15-08-2023, 11:49 AM
China continues to drive the growth, and demand is returning to pre COVID levels. The commencement of the Health Check project which aims to screen 10,000 women in the next 3 years also contributed to the sales growth.

3,333 SUS a year
833 SUS a quarter

This isn't going be a driver in growth for the 3 year time frame

Yes, they have reported this before in a release...

The private health check-up project aims to screen 10,000 women across 10 centres in 3-6 months.

Maybe an error.

Very happy to see sales growth of 100% for the quarter.

15-08-2023, 12:16 PM

Strong Sales growth in Q1 FY2024 (April to June 2023)


• TruScreen experiences strong sales growth in Q1 FY24
• Product sales up 100% Q1 2024/Q1 2023 and SUS sales up 73% to 56,160 units for the quarter
• China continues to grow strongly with contributions from new Health Check sector

Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to report a 100% growth in sales over the same quarter year on year and a 73% growth in sales of Single Use Sensor (SUS) for the same period.

China continues to drive the growth, and demand is returning to pre COVID levels. The commencement of the Health Check project which aims to screen 10,000 women in the next 3 years also contributed to the sales growth.

The endorsement of TruScreen's AI-enabled technology in the latest edition of CSCCP's China Cervical Cancer Screening Guideline, published in the July 2023 edition of CSCCP's journal, Chinese Journal of Clinical Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and the recent endorsement in the prestigious Blue Book in China, are enabling our distributor Siweixiangtai Tech Co. Ltd (SWXT) to capitalise on the rapid growth in demand.

The CEO, Dr Beata Edling commented:

“I am delighted to report on our Q1 results. A recent trip to Asia and Eastern Europe has confirmed that our efforts in co-investing with our committed distributors are paying off and that the distributors are poised to capture the rapid growth in demand for TruScreen’s technology.

We have invested considerable resources in developing Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, and expect that our distributors will broaden our installed base of TruScreen business in their regions in the coming years”.

This announcement has been approved by the Board.

really, hard to believe imo.

15-08-2023, 01:50 PM
Trying to find anyone who wanted your opinion… crickets…

18-09-2023, 10:49 AM
So much for todays " break through ANNOUNCEMENT " !!

18-09-2023, 11:04 AM
So much for todays " break through ANNOUNCEMENT " !!

Some might see this as a good thing. Well done Truscreen.

GENERAL: TRU: TruScreen - Commercial Breakthrough in Saudi Arabia

NZX/ASX Announcement

18 September 2023

Commercial breakthrough in Saudi Arabia - commences use of TruScreen

TruScreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) is pleased to report that the Dr
Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Group, has installed the first tranche of four
TruScreen devices for commercial use, for the screening of cervical cancer in
Saudi Arabia.

Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Group (DSAMG) is the largest private hospital
network in the Middle East. The adoption of TruScreen's screening technology
by DSAMG private hospitals will be important reference sites for further
market access in neighbouring Middle Eastern nations.

This installation follows from the previously announced successful completion
of the clinical evaluation by DSAMG network, followed by a successful tender
by BettaLife Trading FZC (BettaLife) (Truescreen's distributor in the Middle

The excellent clinical results of the evaluation were announced previously:
see link


TruScreen's CEO, Dr Beata Edling said:

"I am very pleased that the Dr Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Group have approved
and will use TruScreen technology to advance the screening for cervical
cancer in their hospital network.
We congratulate BettaLife, our partner in Saudi Arabia, on reaching this
important milestone which will support the expansion of the TruScreen
operations in the Middle East."

This announcement has been approved by the Board.

22-09-2023, 02:38 PM

12-10-2023, 10:35 AM
Truscreen quietly progressing.

http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/TRU/419818/404954.pdf (http://nzx-prod-s7fsd7f98s.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/attachments/TRU/419818/404954.pdf)

12-10-2023, 11:39 AM
A very long road to becoming profitable.
I keep watching,but every time I look at the fundamentals, I am alarmed.

12-10-2023, 12:01 PM
A very long road to becoming profitable.
I keep watching,but every time I look at the fundamentals, I am alarmed.

Sales might hit $1m next year

Busy corner dairy probably has a higher turnover lol

12-10-2023, 12:15 PM
Sales might hit $1m next year

Busy corner dairy probably has a higher turnover lol

Also you would not go hungry.

Sideshow Bob
12-10-2023, 03:11 PM
One of the companies that you really hope are successful given the field they are in and for the betterment of human health (like PEB). But are extremely hard to invest in given their fundamentals and long road to get to market and financial success (like PEB).

Sideshow Bob
06-11-2023, 08:33 AM

HY Results.

06-11-2023, 08:41 AM
This ain't a company its a charity. Good cause but numbers are impossible to make work. Same stuff every year since 2014... more losses than revenue after all this time.

"Revenue from sale of goods increased by 33% over the same period prior year to $0.98 million. The Company reported an operating loss of $1.35 million (1H FY22: $1.22 million)."

"As at 30 September 2023, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $0.8 million."

"At the August 2023 Annual General we indicated to shareholders that further growth funding is required to maintain the commercialisation momentum that we have generated over the past year."

06-11-2023, 08:52 AM
This ain't a company its a charity. Good cause but numbers are impossible to make work. Same stuff every year since 2014... more losses than revenue after all this time.

"Revenue from sale of goods increased by 33% over the same period prior year to $0.98 million. The Company reported an operating loss of $1.35 million (1H FY22: $1.22 million)."

"As at 30 September 2023, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $0.8 million."

"At the August 2023 Annual General we indicated to shareholders that further growth funding is required to maintain the commercialisation momentum that we have generated over the past year."

Story of this company from the day it was formed!

Tomorrow never comes!

03-01-2024, 09:22 AM
NZX being ‘charitable’ in only fining them $25k plus costs …might have gone broke if more


03-01-2024, 11:56 AM
NZX being ‘charitable’ in only fining them $25k plus costs …might have gone broke if more


Does this carry on by TRS really surprise peoples ?

Sideshow Bob
23-02-2024, 08:47 AM
CEO gone


Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) announces that for personal reasons, CEO, Dr. Beata Edling has resigned effective immediately and will assist in the transition to an interim CEO in the coming weeks. Beata has personal commitments to family in Poland and will be available to assist TruScreen on a consulting basis to further the business in Poland and central Europe.

23-02-2024, 09:59 AM
CEO gone


Truscreen Group Limited (NZX/ASX:TRU) announces that for personal reasons, CEO, Dr. Beata Edling has resigned effective immediately and will assist in the transition to an interim CEO in the coming weeks. Beata has personal commitments to family in Poland and will be available to assist TruScreen on a consulting basis to further the business in Poland and central Europe.

Why IMHO did it take so long for this smoke and mirror outfit ?

Sideshow Bob
30-05-2024, 08:06 PM

TruScreen FY24 Preliminary Results
(all numbers in New Zealand Dollars)


• SUS unit sales up 25% on prior year and device sales to distributors in line with prior year
• Major breakthrough in China with two peak organisations including TruScreen in their cervical cancer screening guidelines - China Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (COGA) Blue Paper and endorsement from the Chinese Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (CSCCP)
• Commercial operations commenced in Saudi Arabia and further progress in Zimbabwe
• In Vietnam TruScreen achieved inclusion on the Vietnamese Ministry Of Health (MOH) approved Technical List
• In Mexico the national regulator, Cofepris approved TruScreen access to the public health sector
• Developing new market opportunities in Uzbekistan, Indonesia, and Africa
• Successful capital raise and appointment of new Chief Executive Officer
• Improved Operations metrics.
o Sales up by 27%, led by SUS consumable sales increase of 25%.
o Operating loss reduced by 15%
o Cash outflow reduced by 9%

30-07-2024, 12:16 PM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382583577_Beyond_Tradition_Investigating_TruScreen %27s_Performance_Versus_Pap_Smear_in_Cervical_Canc er_Detection/fulltext/66a3d776c6e41359a84032b8/Beyond-Tradition-Investigating-TruScreens-Performance-Versus-Pap-Smear-in-Cervical-Cancer-Detection.pdf?origin=publication_detail&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW 9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uRG93bmxvYWQiLCJwcmV2 aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwdWJsaWNhdGlvbiJ9fQ

30-07-2024, 12:39 PM

30-07-2024, 12:46 PM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382583577_Beyond_Tradition_Investigating_TruScreen %27s_Performance_Versus_Pap_Smear_in_Cervical_Canc er_Detection/fulltext/66a3d776c6e41359a84032b8/Beyond-Tradition-Investigating-TruScreens-Performance-Versus-Pap-Smear-in-Cervical-Cancer-Detection.pdf?origin=publication_detail&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW 9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uRG93bmxvYWQiLCJwcmV2 aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwdWJsaWNhdGlvbiJ9fQ


TS represents a reliable, practical screening tool for cervical neoplasms without the need for cervical samples, laboratory

equipment, or trained staff. Although the doctors did the examination in our study, nurses can also be trained and get

involved in screening programs to perform TS examinations independently. Our study showed that the tool provided real-

time and accurate screening results, making it suitable for quick screening of at-risk women or in low-resource settings.

Additionally, it could potentially prompt the see-and-treat protocol as more evidence emerges in favor of such an


Our results can provide an evidence-based approach for policymakers when selecting the optimal cervical cancer

screening strategy in countries without an established national screening program. However, additional research is still

needed to conrm the clinical ecacy of TS in the Middle East population

05-08-2024, 08:53 AM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/382583577_Beyond_Tradition_Investigating_TruScreen %27s_Performance_Versus_Pap_Smear_in_Cervical_Canc er_Detection/fulltext/66a3d776c6e41359a84032b8/Beyond-Tradition-Investigating-TruScreens-Performance-Versus-Pap-Smear-in-Cervical-Cancer-Detection.pdf?origin=publication_detail&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW 9uIiwicGFnZSI6InB1YmxpY2F0aW9uRG93bmxvYWQiLCJwcmV2 aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJwdWJsaWNhdGlvbiJ9fQ

Now an announcement to the market...


05-08-2024, 08:56 AM
Now an announcement to the market...


You think they’ll ever make money out of these successes

Or are they just providing a social service …..and a good one at that

05-08-2024, 09:31 AM
News from from back in March.... certainly funding out there and Truscreen have a great product so certainly potential to be profitable but may just be a great social service

"The nearly US$600 million in new funding includes US$180 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US$10 million from UNICEF, and US$400 million from the World Bank"

05-08-2024, 10:54 AM
You think they’ll ever make money out of these successes

Or are they just providing a social service …..and a good one at that

W69, IMHO you should go way back and read this companies total history and you can possible understand why it is where it is now ?

05-08-2024, 10:56 AM
You think they’ll ever make money out of these successes

Or are they just providing a social service …..and a good one at that

W69, IMHO I think that you should go way back and read its history and then may be you will understand why it is where it is and IMHO will be forever ?

05-08-2024, 12:18 PM
W69, IMHO I think that you should go way back and read its history and then may be you will understand why it is where it is and IMHO will be forever ?

Know it’s history whatsup and I agree with your where it is now is the forever

The ‘reward’ for stakeholders is the warm fuzzies in seeing the social good TRU are doing

05-08-2024, 01:07 PM
Know it’s history whatsup and I agree with your where it is now is the forever

The ‘reward’ for stakeholders is the warm fuzzies in seeing the social good TRU are doing

Q, How do u monetrize " warm fuzzies " ?

05-08-2024, 01:23 PM
Q, How do u monetrize " warm fuzzies " ?

You don’t …..just the feeling that you are doing good is enough reward

05-08-2024, 02:35 PM
You don’t …..just the feeling that you are doing good is enough reward

IMHO, Not with something that isnt proven yet, if is was IMHO it would be used by all first world Drs/hospitals and medical clinics and not as they are trying to do now flog it off to third and fourth world Drs/hospitals and medos !!

05-08-2024, 04:27 PM
TruScreen, positive reports and tests by doctors around the world… over years…
Approval in china, one of the biggest countries in the world for size and population…
Saudi Arabia publishes a paper showing how TruScreen outperforms Pap smear in the detection of Cervical Cancer

Whatsup “IMHO, Not with something that isn’t proven yet”

Must note: to tell all those Drs to consult with Whatsup to meet his requirements of proof as his expertise surpasses them all.

Comical your perspective at best. Always entertaining.

05-08-2024, 05:09 PM
TruScreen, positive reports and tests by doctors around the world… over years…
Approval in china, one of the biggest countries in the world for size and population…
Saudi Arabia publishes a paper showing how TruScreen outperforms Pap smear in the detection of Cervical Cancer

Whatsup “IMHO, Not with something that isn’t proven yet”

Must note: to tell all those Drs to consult with Whatsup to meet his requirements of proof as his expertise surpasses them all.

Comical your perspective at best. Always entertaining.

Show me " ANY " first world Drs who recommend it let alone use it ? and China IMHO is not 1st world ( re Covid etc ) !

05-08-2024, 08:12 PM
Show me " ANY " first world Drs who recommend it let alone use it ? and China IMHO is not 1st world ( re Covid etc ) !

Do your own research you lazy bugger. Took me 12 seconds... I'm sure you can track down at least one with your keyboard skills.