Quite a number of positive comments from political analysts about Luxon moving two poor performing ministers on.

As usual, Hipkins and his fellow losers tried to make an issue out of the demotions.

Poor Hapless Hipkins - getting hysterical as well these days as he is stuck in a job he is bad at & hates while he watches Clueless Cindy & Robertson moved on to better pastures.

Read on from Dsvid Farrar:

He [Hipkins] said the government had only been in office for six months, and “the wheels are falling off already”.

This is beyond stupid. Hipkins claims taking two portfolios away from Ministers who were seen to be struggling is the wheels are falling off.

In the first few months of last year, we saw his Government have:

The PM resign

The Minister of Justice sacked/resigned after being charged with drink driving and not co-operating with Police after she crashed her car

Stuart Nash sacked for leaking Cabinet discussions and multiple prior warnings

Michael Wood sacked after being told 12 times to sell shares he had a ministerial conflict over

A Minister defect to Te Pati Maori.

Phil Twyford demoted

Three Ministers dropped as they were retiring at the election

For Hipkins to talk about a wheels dropping off, is hilarious.

Opposition Leaders often fall into the trap of thinking they have to try and turn everything into a scandal, and make overly dramatise everything as the end of the world etc. This mainly works by turning the public off the Opposition Leader.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced.