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Thread: New Forum Rules

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Still not sure what value this adds. And fraught with difficulty. For example I've posted on the RIS thread. What do you want to know. That I am a holder, how many I own (couldn't tell you - no idea), How much I paid for them (no idea - came from some convoluted backdoor process), How much are they worth now (no Idea since I dont know how many I hold)

    Say I want to contribute to PEB of which I hold none. So I'm going to tell you I hold 20,000. Happy now?

    Having or not having skin in the game I dont think adds anythng other than nosey parkers seeing what I hold. It doesn't enhance my ability to analyse the issues and have an opinion. Its a forum afterall. The most respected opinions ought to be the ones backed by evidence

    And Rule One - I guess it gets up my nose when people take offence on behalf of others. For example I have been called all sorts of things in threads. I've a thick skin and dont take offence. I'd be mortified if someone complained on my behalf - I'm quite able to do it myself. I accept there are some thinner skinned people. This is a sharetrader forum not some nancy world where we need to be looking after the vulnerable - they should stay on the TradeMe message boards. If a person cant take a bit of stick being in the sharemarket probably isn't for them - and if they are upset they ought to have a free call to the Mods to call a halt.
    I agree--Some have been involved with a share ,have bought and sold for a very good reason--there is no reason why they shouldnt be able to voice that reason--It may save someone elses skin---We all like good things to happen--and we dont like bad things to happen--but when bad things happen ,learning damage control is a valuable asset.

    Im assuming BB you are referring to the Hot copper style with the holding or not holding tick--I personally dont have a problem letting people know if Im not currently holding--but while I dont like down rite meanness ,I also find that many things are becoming over regulated. I personally would not like to go further down that road.

    I guess many have noticed that there are some who have become more or less the official ''spokesman'' for a number of companies. Its an interesting phenomena and Im not going to comment on whether its a good or bad thing,except to say that with that much skin in the game it is possibly easier to take offense and many spats have originated from this situation. Thats a hard one because anyone who has put in so much energy is pretty extra ordinary if they are not more attached--guess its just good to bear that in mind.

    Sarcasm?--Well that would be pretty difficult to enforce but maybe a gentle reminder to habitual offenders?

    And lastly...Let's not forget the difference between guidelines and hard core rules

    PS-I hope the majority find playing the devils advocate sometimes and trying to think outside the box a bit is not to disruptive.
    Last edited by skid; 13-12-2015 at 04:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    Hi Vince great idea
    Thumbs up work well, thumbs down don't. A person gets the message if there are low or no thumbs up.

    No attempting to influence/ monopolise ;....people/the thread, with multiple posts; maybe limit number of posts per day on any one thread.

    No continual Ramping or Bagging of stocks

    No Swearing

    1st offence a warning
    2nd offense 1- 3days suspended
    3rd 7 days
    4th 30 days
    5th 60 days

  3. #3
    Missed by that much
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    Jan 2014


    I moderate another forum where the rules are much more lenient than on here, but that doesn't make the job easier, it makes it much harder. Further, on that forum it is very difficult to get banned completely, but some do manage it.
    Three things we do there to keep the forum free flowing that may be of some use here:

    1. Have a thread in off topic where almost anything goes. Basically, in that thread, the rules are simple: No abuse (but teasing is OK), and nothing that would contravene any laws of the country. Anything that is out of place in other threads gets moved to this thread rather than being deleted, so that if two members are having an argument they can continue to argue without swamping a genuine thread. We call this thread Pointless Drivel.

    2. There is a stage between warning and banning where a member's posts are fully moderated. I.e. approved by a moderator before appearing on the forum. Continued abuse during this process will lead to a severe suspension or a ban. During this process no pms may be sent or received. This still allows for important information to be imparted or serious comment to be made.

    3. Warnings. when given, have a pre-determined expiry date (1 month for minor through to 3 months for more serious ones). This prevents moderators from having a beef with a member and punishing them for something that happened 2 years ago.
    Last edited by Jantar; 12-12-2015 at 11:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals


    quote Jantar

    1. Have a thread in off topic where almost anything goes. Basically, in that thread, the rules are simple: No abuse (but teasing is OK), and nothing that would contravene any laws of the country. Anything that is out of place in other threads gets moved to this thread rather than being deleted, so that if two members are having an argument they can continue to argue without swamping a genuine thread. We call this thread Pointless Drivel.
    and punishing them for something that happened 2 years ago.[/QUOTE]

    Great idea.I set up the "After Market Lounge" thread for this ,and humour, sharing int links etc. We could reactivate it or n maybe better to start a new one.
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 12-12-2015 at 11:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    I would like to see a very visible main page disclaimer for this site stating that the views of posters here are opinions only and are in no way financial advice.
    Technically stating "DYOR" is giving someone advice do to their own research........ which is still advice.....

    Most important rule for the internet:
    Do not be offended if someone disagrees with you on the internet.

    However , when understand that disagreeing with someone there is a very fine line between personal criticizing and criticizing an idea / statement.
    Most of the time even if you are criticizing and idea, and saying eg; "idea x is stupid" , then a person who believes idea x will probably think you are actually saying that they are stupid for believing idea x.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    No direct (personalised ) aggressive criticism or belittling of other investors methodologies.QUOTE

    I agree with your ''aggressive'' and ''belittling'' but I believe its fair game to question other methodologies--how else do we learn?

    I think most can tell when posts are starting to turn negative and even abusive (a sure sign is when those adjectives start popping up)

    I agree about not deleting posts of departing members--when we make comments -they should stay IMO

    I suppose we need to get clear whether its fair game to question company's performance or even motivation (leaving comments about posters out of the mix aside from disagreeing)--(obviously repeated remarks one way or the other should be minimized)

    It would be interesting to know whether posters feel that the rules are to strict or to lax at present

  7. #7
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Probably posted this own wrong thread previously. Short summary - probably existing rules are enough.

    What is the purpose / objective of Sharetrader? Without knowing this what's the point if having 'enforceable' rules beyond those of common decency, politeness and some legal protection constraints. These seem to be in place?

    From the owners perspective t is probably a means to reach out to many like minded people so they can make money (advertising, direct marketing etc). Your details are valuable to them.

    But what about us?

    The owners tout - - the only on-line communityfor share traders in NZ

    The header on this page says - NZ's number one share market forum for investors

    The NZX Forum is - Your place to discuss the instruments listed on the NZX

    So it seems we are a community where we have forums to discuss things.

    Communities are what participants want to make it. A Forum by definition is a public place for people to hold open discussions (ie have a conversation).

    It seems that what can be discussed is the root if the current discontent on ST.

    It seems some want a regimented disciplined approach to what is said on a topic - like strictly on topic and no real constructive discussion on pro and cons or whatever on a stock. That seems a sterile boring place to be.

    Communities thrive by open discussion (sometimes vigourous / sometimes unpalatable to some). It is the members themselves who generally control how far these discussions go .....without the need torun of to the referee if one is not happy. This creates vibrant community and not a disciplined regimented one.

    I prefer the latter model. If that means people aren't happy with me saying on the Scales thread that my home baked apple turnovers (on topic) they can either ignore it or pull me into line in a nice sort of way - but such is not red flags or banning material.

    Too many rules and too much disciplinary actin and this this forum is stuffed - stuffed by the collective us and probably to the dismay of the owners.

    Just my rave on a Sunday morning after the AC DC gig last night. In spite of wind and rain and technical difficulties a really spectacular event, great show. Betcha the residents of Thorndon didn't appreciate the cannons booming out at 11.30 - they were loud, really loud.
    “ At the top of every bubble, everyone is convinced it's not yet a bubble.”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Personally I think its fraught to try and over simplify anonymous internet conduct, behaviours, moderation, consequences etc. It is complicated, and subjective. But other sites have developed guidelines, there are numerous examples, ST needn't re-invent them imho.

    The following (links below) work OK in most cases, the Mods (individual Id's) are quite active on the very busy threads and generally consistent in applying the rules. There are some 'features' which may not be able to be implemented on ST but imo work very well, the thumbs up/down, and the forced disclosure in particular.

    Codes Guidelines
    Terms of Use
    Privacy Policy
    Defamation Guide

  9. #9
    Advanced Member BIRMANBOY's Avatar
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    May 2011


    Its great to see people giving assorted opinions and contributing ideas...this is how products and services keep getting better. Also kudos to ST and moderators for allowing the discussion take place. Most of us, if we are honest with ourselves, are probably not perfect (or even close) when it comes to our reactions when our processes are being criticized and or called into question. In the end, any product is generally always better when the intellectual resources of many individuals co-operate. The posters gain by exchanging ideas and systems and the forum owners/operators gain by building size and credibility. A forum without enthusiastic and engaged participants is going nowhere and will in fact create openings for others to provide similar but improved services. So again great that ST is keen to see and implement positive changes. I'm not a big or even medium poster but I do like efforts being made to assist and enhance everyone's enjoyment.
    Conservative Investing and dividend producers...get rich slowly!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Im kinda confused--Is there only one moderator (Vince) or are there several?


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