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01-04-2015, 08:59 PM
When do the unamed directors come up for election. It would be good if those with say corporate law experience were replaced with more tech focused directors.

At the 2014 AGM 4th September 2014 https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/253959, only the directors Mr Bradley and Mr Carden, were put to shareholders for consideration of re-election, "in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Company".

So where is a copy of the Constitution filed? http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/8C6AEC3D406DF69EDAB862D29FC5EAE6 unfortunately is a 2006 constitution document from the past of VMob.

It states (efficacy to the current VMob Group Limited not known):

Appointment by Board
7.4 The Board may at any time appoint additional Directors. A Director appointed by the Board
shall hold office only until the next annual meeting of the Company but shall be eligible for
election at that meeting.

No later reference exists to filing a new or amended constitution on http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/244518/documents however in the prospectus 6 Mar 2014 in regards to issue of options http://vmobco.blob.core.windows.net/pdfs/191293.pdf reference in made to relevant documents being available at info@searchlink.co.nz.

As an aside, VMob Group Financial Results Announcement was last made on 12 Jun 2014 here: http://vmobco.blob.core.windows.net/pdfs/195316.pdf and here: http://vmobco.blob.core.windows.net/pdfs/195317.pdf

01-04-2015, 09:33 PM
In the "Roadmap Announcement – 2015 A Landmark Year" 19 Mar 2015 https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/262048 it is stated "To gain access to a larger pool of investment capital and with a view to realizing greater value for shareholders, VMob intends to dual list via an IPO on ASX this year. The company’s NZX listing will be retained." [emphasis added]

The observant will notice that VMob are indeed not listed on the NZX per se, moreover their listing is on the NZAX. It would seem appropriate and "with a view to realizing [sic] greater value to shareholders", that VMob at or around the time of listing on the ASX also seeks a promotion from the NZAX to the NZX.


Snow Leopard
01-04-2015, 10:43 PM
In the "Roadmap Announcement – 2015 A Landmark Year" 19 Mar 2015 https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/262048 it is stated "To gain access to a larger pool of investment capital and with a view to realizing greater value for shareholders, VMob intends to dual list via an IPO on ASX this year. The company’s NZX listing will be retained." [emphasis added]

The observant will notice that VMob are indeed not listed on the NZX per se, moreover their listing is on the NZAX. It would seem appropriate and "with a view to realizing [sic] greater value to shareholders", that VMob at or around the time of listing on the ASX also seeks a promotion from the NZAX to the NZX.


NZX is NZX Limited who operate wot people call the NZX which is an umbrolly term for the NZX Markets of which there are many and include:
NZAX - the NZX Alternative Market;
NZSX - the NZX Main Board.

So VML is already has a NZX listing because it is on the NZAX and does not need to move.

Strangers from away places bring stories of a fabled market called the NXT, where technology stocks can roam free.
But though the stories have endured for many a year no-one has ever found this NXT, though many have tried, and it is now widely believed to be a myth.
This is a pity because it would be a lovely place for VML to move to.

The End.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

01-04-2015, 11:04 PM
Nonsense, with respect PT.

VMob shareholders in NZ would be much better served by the rigours of VMob reporting as a 'market participant' on the main board of NZX than the current NZAX listing with its lax rules, (refer recent argument as to announcements of market wins, followed by, share placements to directors and insto's - it wouldn't happen under NZX rules), let alone downgrading to the to-be NXT with next to no rules.

By listing on the ASX, the disparity between reporting by the ASX rules, which are way more rigorous, versus NZ listing rules on the NZAX, will make VMob's listing on the NZAX seem cowboyish. Heaven forbid downgrading to an NXT listing.


NZX is NZX Limited who operate wot people call the NZX which is an umbrolly term for the NZX Markets of which there are many and include:
NZAX - the NZX Alternative Market;
NZSX - the NZX Main Board.

So VML is already has a NZX listing because it is on the NZAX and does not need to move.

Strangers from away places bring stories of a fabled market called the NXT, where technology stocks can roam free.
But though the stories have endured for many a year no-one has ever found this NXT, though many have tried, and it is now widely believed to be a myth.
This is a pity because it would be a lovely place for VML to move to.

The End.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

02-04-2015, 12:03 AM
I think we would be best served by the company worrying less about where they are listed and more on how fast they can grow, making that growth sustainable, and guiding the company to profitability. More 'rigorous' reporting is costly and time consuming. I'm not talking about the wage cost of getting a middle manager to put a few days into sorting it out, I'm talking about the opportunity cost of board members having to talk about it all the time. You are incorrectly reading the recent share placement:market announcement correlation if you think rules would change the outcome. An ASX listing is only preferably if you intend on selling your shares as soon as you think you can swindle someone into overpaying. With the company valued at a tentative $30m, the NZAX is the right place for them.

02-04-2015, 09:17 AM
If the projections I have done on the possible impact of the McDonalds Global Contract then VMob are going to go through a significant growth period. Revenue I believe is set to increase exponentially and this company will hopefully soon shed its penny dreadful status. Maybe the NZAX is soon not going to be the appropriate place for listing?

02-04-2015, 09:45 AM
That's the financial position we are all hoping for.

02-04-2015, 09:43 PM
If the projections I have done on the possible impact of the McDonalds Global Contract then VMob are going to go through a significant growth period. Revenue I believe is set to increase exponentially and this company will hopefully soon shed its penny dreadful status. Maybe the NZAX is soon not going to be the appropriate place for listing?

Agree Monty, with your growth expectation, and whether NZAX is appropriate for VML to be listed upon, after listing on ASX. My point is about disclosure rules, which exist to inform investors.

An ASX listing enforces substantially greater controls over disclosure, way way more than an NZAX listing requires (ref FMC Act). If we investors want to know what's going on with VMob after they list on ASX, and assuming they retain an NZAX listing, there will be no reason to frequent NZAX for disclosures as our focus will move solely to the ASX for disclosures.

In addition, under ASX listing rules and disclosure regulations, there is no scope for ambiguity around the sequence of granting share placements and making market announcements. This is a good thing for smaller, non-institutional, non-sophisticated, and non-insider investors.

It keeps the VMob board honest, it enforces full and open disclosure.


07-04-2015, 03:51 PM
Sellers queuing up, a reversal of the bid/ask queues from the open.

07-04-2015, 06:25 PM
I always want to buy some more WD but I'm a minion who only has so much pocket money to spend before the family goes without dinner. Have you got some at mates rates?

I think you will find it only appears that way, there has been an increase in bids both price and volume on the bid side (although it has reduced by 133,888 @ 1.8) if you include the trades since open….and only the 2.2 sells have increased, others above pretty stable other than 150k extra @ 2.4? 2.2 seller I suspect has beefed up the sell behind the seller that has been there since 31/3/15 (300k) and is first in the queue, so I think the rest of the sellers perhaps want you to keep selling to the 2.1 bidder?

Just my take….are you wanting to buy some more Baa Baa? :)

Snow Leopard
07-04-2015, 08:31 PM
...This will probably mean any direct competition will have to compete using a different partnership arrangement using a different cloud….(my speculation) given the VML/Microsoft relationship, any new player will have to prove their product is probably 20% better to gain the interest of any existing clients, or prospective ones well down the sales pipeline, and further more will have to prove the reliability of their product, scalability, professionalism, etc....

Let me put your speculation to rest:
There is absolutely nothing special about the VMob/Microsoft relationship.
Microsoft will happily sell Azure services (and more) to all and sundry, including any VMob competitors.

As for the rest of it - well the world, for some reason, does not actually work that way.

While we all hope that VMob does well, there is many a slip twixt cup and lip.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

07-04-2015, 08:58 PM
Perhaps you have deep insight PT, or inside knowledge, however what is special about the MS Azure/VMob relationship is that VMob rely on it, it is real, and right now, working to deliver genuine ROI to VMob's retail customers (not Azure customers per se ... they are VMobs customers, the retailers).

MS Azure is the back bone of Vmob's data aggregation and the mash-up of all the disparate information that works to compel a loyalty app user to enter that retail premise, at that moment in time, the moment that they are most likely to take up the invitation and go spend more with Mob's customers.

That may not preclude MS from selling Azure service to any competitor, that's their business, I agree, but we haven't bought MS here, we've invested in VMob. So the challenge is not about whether MS would take on another loyalty app supplier, they probably have others already, it's about identifying who the competitors to VMob are, and if you're really interested though it's imho academic, whether or not they are aggregating on Azure.

What's with the tee shirt thing?


Let me put your speculation to rest:
There is absolutely nothing special about the VMob/Microsoft relationship.
Microsoft will happily sell Azure services (and more) to all and sundry, including any VMob competitors.

As for the rest of it - well the world, for some reason, does not actually work that way.

While we all hope that VMob does well, there is many a slip twixt cup and lip.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

08-04-2015, 10:57 AM
Some new and interesting background reading on mobile marketing strategies, retail ROI and the importance of personalisation ... right in VMobs sweet spot. https://twitter.com/vmoblive

09-04-2015, 07:54 PM
If you're still wondering what all the fuss is about VMob, like how could they possibly be winning contracts with global retailers like McDonalds? Or about why VMob's solutions are hitting a sweet spot in joining mobile advertising and customer loyalty to bricks and mortar retail, have a look at this excellent website http://www.the-future-of-commerce.com/2014/12/10/mobile-marketing-automation/ which explains many of the topical issues facing retailers in the mobile age. It's not an advertising blurb for VMob, moreover a bit of research that will help you understand the challenges retailers face and the opportunity that VMob is addressing, in right in the space, at the right time, in a global market, of revolutionising retail in the mobile age.


09-04-2015, 08:36 PM
Reading this again, I think this is the most thoughtful and well researched piece on the whole thread, WallaceD has set a high bar for consideration.

[Edited by STMOD]

My only contention is very minor and pointed out in a reply earlier to PT. Otherwise, I cannot fault, for what it's worth, the insights of WallaceD and thank him for sharing. He didn't have to, after all. Such is the value of spending the time to arrive at a considered decision whether or not to part with your hard earned $ and invest in an IT startup company.

I have done both, spent the time researching, and invested my hard earned $. FWIW.


I have spent the weekend reading back through the 'Whole Blog' again……..anyone thinking of investing should do so, I have looked at all the history people refer to regarding the infamous 'Plus SMS' and all the trivia regarding the 'Shell' VML slipped into.

I have not changed any of my views, and I would love someone to give me a valid reason to reduce my holding or stop me from buying more?

I think the lack in financial updates (contract amounts), besides from 'commercial sensitivities' is a very strategic move by the Board, they clearly have their sights on something substantial, so why would they release substantiated positive information, and have the traders only benefit by people rushing into the stock with limited supply?

Therefore my considered thoughts are that they will package all the great news at the last possible moment in order to give the Institutions, and IPO participants relevant actual and more accurately forecasted information, resulting in the desired interest in VML and providing the Capital to accelerate the deployment and ongoing signing of additional contracts to maximize their position as arguably the first mover in this space…….

This will probably mean any direct competition will have to compete using a different partnership arrangement using a different cloud….(my speculation) given the VML/Microsoft relationship, any new player will have to prove their product is probably 20% better to gain the interest of any existing clients, or prospective ones well down the sales pipeline, and further more will have to prove the reliability of their product, scalability, professionalism, etc.

VMob's time is now, and this IMHO is exactly why they need to head to the ASX. It's not about whether VML can survive longterm, it's about maximizing market penetration now!! The fact that the ROI appears to be very measurable, means decision makers will have an easier task getting board approvals, the fact it appears to have very rapid deployment capabilities, means the results are seen by companies with accelerated timelines.

Where we stand now, those that collected over the last six months, obviously feel even more confident. Those that have just recently bought, and have witnessed the behavior of the "supposed opposers of this stock, that have displayed their motivation for both talking up and down the stock?) will understand the relevance of doing further research to understand where this is all heading.

Choices, hold on to what you have, buy more if the price drops, buy at market/sell at market, wait until the next announcement and try and buy?

Please read my previous posts on tempering your approach to accumulatively stocks in general……but it is your choice at the end of the day whether you buy or not. DYOR.

Please check out the latest blog on the Vmob site, that explains what the product has to offer and it's market even better than it has previously.


10-04-2015, 09:52 AM
Reading this again, I think this is the most thoughtful and well researched piece on the whole thread, WallaceD has set a high bar for consideration.

[Edited by STMOD]

My only contention is very minor and pointed out in a reply earlier to PT. Otherwise, I cannot fault, for what it's worth, the insights of WallaceD and thank him for sharing. He didn't have to, after all. Such is the value of spending the time to arrive at a considered decision whether or not to part with your hard earned $ and invest in an IT startup company.

I have done both, spent the time researching, and invested my hard earned $. FWIW.


....couldnt agree more BAA. Like you I have done reasonable homework on VMob and although only holding under 1m shares Im becoming more and more convinced to sink further funds into this "beyond startup" company. They certainly seem to be surrounded by successful drivers at the top and Ive been impressed by their ability to secure substantial global contracts to continue and fund further growth. Yes thanks Wallace D for your well researched postings.....you wernt "Sparky the Clown" in a previous life by any chance??

10-04-2015, 01:21 PM
WD twitter good ....dont forget to follow @scottybrad as well

You should follow @roddrury as well. Good for a laugh

12-04-2015, 07:32 AM

12-04-2015, 07:32 AM
"If you are a kid and you need to wait two years to accumulate enough points to get a toaster that is not going to meet your expectations of brand engagement." SB

12-04-2015, 01:21 PM
The line I liked was the 20m mcDonalds /VMob customers in Japan. I just rechecked. And it seems that this is correct. Plus the previously observed roll out of the McDonalds contract in Europe and england in addition to the Nordic Countries. And the USA roll out.

I woder if vmob make another announcement of a significant client in the next few weeks. Especially with a dual listing pending

12-04-2015, 09:51 PM
A nice quote indeed Monty, 20m downloads ... and just in Japan, we can speculate on the percentage conversion to loyalty walk-ins/redemptions, and then the multiplier across global McDonalds, and other retailers VMob has signed, the revenue potential adds up very quickly to big numbers. The FY results and current year forecasts should illuminate, hopefully removing some of the ambiguity.

The line I liked was the 20m mcDonalds /VMob customers in Japan. I just rechecked. And it seems that this is correct. Plus the previously observed roll out of the McDonalds contract in Europe and england in addition to the Nordic Countries. And the USA roll out.

I woder if vmob make another announcement of a significant client in the next few weeks. Especially with a dual listing pending

12-04-2015, 10:02 PM
Another interesting source of research, this time on VMob's competitors. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/vmob/competitors

Having read through all of these and followed and read their links etc, I'd say that this list is more about a grouping of technology products that have technical similarities, or characteristics, rather than being competitors per se, for example we can't tell which if any would have bid competitively (and lost) the McDonalds opportunity. Worth a look though, it's a big world and a bigger opportunity to re-invent retail in the mobile age, an opportunity not exclusively the domain of VMob.


13-04-2015, 11:44 AM
Perks & Benefits
VMob is an Equal Opportunity Employer and offers a competitive compensation package that includes base salary plus commissions, benefits and stock options.



13-04-2015, 01:13 PM
So lets think through this just a little to try and understand what might be happening.

Firstly three positions in New York Chicago and Atlanta. What major retail corporations are based in these cities? Coca Cola in Atlanta. Any others (Hotel Chains, fast food, beverages). I believe that expansion of the sales team in these commercial hubs is because of the leverage off the Microsoft partnership and the ground work that has been done over the past six months.

My only remaining concern is that although VMob are securing contracts we have no idea of the worth of the individual contracts. Of course for commercial reasons they cannot disclose what the McDonalds contracts are actually worth - but within two months we might get an idea when the end of year financials are released. Also the upcoming dual listing is going to possibly mean that more information is going to be released.

Certainly Vmob is in a growth phase. lets just see the relationship between growth and revenue.

13-04-2015, 04:09 PM
VMob's application for an ASX listing will show up here when the application has been made and waiting acceptance. http://www.asx.com.au/prices/upcoming.htm

A proposed ticker code will be posted along with a link back to VMob's company website. It will be interesting to see whether they announce a date of application to ASX, prior to the application showing up on ASX upcoming floats & listings page. Also, the ASX:VML ticker code is already being used. ASX:VMB has a nice ring to it though. Just saying. ;)

13-04-2015, 04:28 PM
VMob's application for an ASX listing will show up here when the application has been made and waiting acceptance. http://www.asx.com.au/prices/upcoming.htm

A proposed ticker code will be posted along with a link back to VMob's company website. It will be interesting to see whether they announce a date of application to ASX, prior to the application showing up on ASX upcoming floats & listings page. Also, the ASX:VML ticker code is already being used. ASX:VMB has a nice ring to it though. Just saying. ;)

Don't hold your breath though.

Before listing on the ASX, VML will need to carry out the following steps in accordance with its roadmap:

Let shareholders vote on a share consolidation. The main point being to make VML look less like a penny dreadful.
Let the shareholders vote on an ASX listing.
Do a round of pre-IPO capital raising - would be most impressed with a free-for-all for existing holders but more likely a good old placement to the boys.
Presuming VML has enough money to actually do the thing, appoint an organisation to run the ASX listing and IPO offer.
Do the thing.

To conclude, do not expect VML's name to be appearing on Baa Baa's list any time soon. :D

13-04-2015, 04:49 PM
Robbo - VMob is looking to list a little earlier that you seem to think. In their roadmap they clearly set out their expectation.
"Share consolidation to take place in Q2 2015. In preparation for the IPO on ASX and to support the further “institutionalisation” of the share register the directors will be recommending to shareholders a share consolidation. Further details will be provided shortly."
My belief is that VMob will make 1-2 significant announcements in the next month or two and use these announcements plus better than expected results because of the McDonalds roll out to catapult some action on the share-market and create some excitement for the ASX listing.

Hence why I purchased a few more today to increase my modest shareholding just a little bit more. Now I have achieved my initial target holding, time to buy a few in my other favourite company (Arria).

13-04-2015, 04:52 PM
Robbo - VMob is looking to list a little earlier that you seem to think. In their roadmap they clearly set out their expectation.
"Share consolidation to take place in Q2 2015. In preparation for the IPO on ASX and to support the further “institutionalisation” of the share register the directors will be recommending to shareholders a share consolidation. Further details will be provided shortly."
My belief is that VMob will make 1-2 significant announcements in the next month or two and use these announcements plus better than expected results because of the McDonalds roll out to catapult some action on the share-market and create some excitement for the ASX listing.

Hence why I purchased a few more today to increase my modest shareholding just a little bit more. Now I have achieved my initial target holding, time to buy a few in my other favourite company (Arria).

That's Step 1, still waiting on those details which were to be provided shortly :D

Harvey Specter
13-04-2015, 05:10 PM
Don't hold your breath though.

Before listing on the ASX, VML will need to carry out the following steps in accordance with its roadmap:

Let shareholders vote on a share consolidation. The main point being to make VML look less like a penny dreadful.
Let the shareholders vote on an ASX listing.
Do a round of pre-IPO capital raising - would be most impressed with a free-for-all for existing holders but more likely a good old placement to the boys.
Presuming VML has enough money to actually do the thing, appoint an organisation to run the ASX listing and IPO offer.
Do the thing.

To conclude, do not expect VML's name to be appearing on Baa Baa's list any time soon. :DWouldn't 1, 2 and 3 be done at the same time. Vote on 1 and 2 and send the forms for 3 all at the same time. Will save on postage.

A share purchase plan (limited to $15k) seems the obvious route. Cant do two issues to the boys in a row.

13-04-2015, 05:56 PM
Here's what Scott said regarding their "Roadmap Announcement – 2015 A Landmark Year:

Roadmap Summary
• To gain access to a larger pool of investment capital and with a view to realizing greater value for shareholders, VMob intends to dual list via an IPO on ASX this year. The company’s NZX listing will be retained.
• Advisers have been appointed to assist to the company in the listing process including Bell Potter, Norton Rose and Pegasus Corporate Advisory.
• Share consolidation to take place in Q2 2015. In preparation for the IPO on ASX and to support the further “institutionalisation” of the share register the directors will be recommending to shareholders a share consolidation. Further details will be provided shortly.
• New equity capital to be raised via a pre listing placement and an offer to be made at the time of the IPO on ASX. Given the timeliness of VMob’s market opportunities and the sharp increase in customer interest since presenting at the National Retailer Federation event in New York in January the company intends to raise new equity capital. Proceeds will be used to expand the sales and marketing footprint, provide working capital and accelerate global growth."

The way I read it is this sequence :

1. Announce FY14/15 full years results, get the juices flowing! (that's not in the list above) Last years results to 31 Mar 2014 had the Chairmans cover letter dated 12 June 2014.
2. Consolidation Q2 2015, (and yes, issue all the papers at the same time as Harvey says)
3. ASX IPO listing "this year" AND New equity capital raising (at the same time, not necessarily Q2 though) - listing process advisers are already appointed.

I would anticipate significantly more robust documentation and reporting ahead of the ASX listing, as a disclosure requirement, and that most likely will include (imo) a new Constitution - the only one I can find is the one on record from 2004. You can check it to see if it foresaw/permits some or any of the above. http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/1D4C5AF0CBBE849338E03D8FF8F749FF If there's a newer Constitution and you know where to find it, please post a link here.

The other thing to look forward to will be the ASM, our opportunity to vote on Directors appointments, ask questions, moan about remunerations, and most of all celebrate VMob's success with the Board and Management.


13-04-2015, 09:18 PM
I agree with you baa ( again) . Can we as shareholders ask Phil norman for a copy of the constitution?

anyone know the date that the FY 2015 results would be announced If VMob was listed on the main exchange rather than the NZAX? maybe as you suggest VMob should aim for that if they want to play with the big boys?

or maybe life just goes on as normal and I continue to accumulate even although I think today's little purchase was supposed to be my last for a little while

13-04-2015, 09:32 PM
I agree with you baa ( again) . Can we as shareholders ask Phil norman for a copy of the constitution?

anyone know the date that the FY 2015 results would be announced If VMob was listed on the main exchange rather than the NZAX? maybe as you suggest VMob should aim for that if they want to play with the big boys?

or maybe life just goes on as normal and I continue to accumulate even although I think today's little purchase was supposed to be my last for a little while

Only Constitution filed at Companies Office goes back to Media Technology days. Nothing since so no idea if latest one

Maybe VMob are so special they don't need one


13-04-2015, 09:35 PM
Maybe Robbo has a Constitution for you .... he pretty clued up on such things

13-04-2015, 09:48 PM
We have the same affliction Monty, just can't get enough of VML, soon enough. The reporting obligations on the NZX are more stringent than the NZAX, which basically gives them three months from EOY to publish results. I expect that they will endeavour to report earlier, if not to keep us surprised, but to demonstrate their professionalism in preparation for a much bigger game on the ASX. Who knows, NASDAQ in 2016/17? VML is the new XRO, though in a much bigger global retail market, and we're in with the foundation investors this time. I think they know that as well, that they have developed a loyal base of shareholders wanting what they want.


I agree with you baa ( again) . Can we as shareholders ask Phil norman for a copy of the constitution?

anyone know the date that the FY 2015 results would be announced If VMob was listed on the main exchange rather than the NZAX? maybe as you suggest VMob should aim for that if they want to play with the big boys?

or maybe life just goes on as normal and I continue to accumulate even although I think today's little purchase was supposed to be my last for a little while

13-04-2015, 09:52 PM
I heard that too Winner, strangely enough the world is a small place, maybe if he stuck to his profession his Constitution would benefit VML and possibly present some trading opportunities, which he prefers, rather than the more obvious constitution which just requires a daily visit to the ...

Maybe Robbo has a Constitution for you .... he pretty clued up on such things

13-04-2015, 11:32 PM
Don't hold your breath though.

Before listing on the ASX, VML will need to carry out the following steps in accordance with its roadmap:

Let shareholders vote on a share consolidation. The main point being to make VML look less like a penny dreadful.
Let the shareholders vote on an ASX listing.
Do a round of pre-IPO capital raising - would be most impressed with a free-for-all for existing holders but more likely a good old placement to the boys.
Presuming VML has enough money to actually do the thing, appoint an organisation to run the ASX listing and IPO offer.
Do the thing.

To conclude, do not expect VML's name to be appearing on Baa Baa's list any time soon. :D

Robbo, you're often pretty cynical about VMob, which usefully counteracts the endless cheerleading from Baa and Wallace. I think you're 100% on the money here though.

ASX listing won't happen for ages and I'm sure it won't happen until after the consolidation. When fractions of a cent make up a significant portion of the share price, it's just a joke.

Any chance they could go down the XRO route and actually get investors buying in at a premium to the current share price? Or maybe just dilute the value for existing investors like they have done in the past.

14-04-2015, 08:38 AM
Vmob Constitution, Feb 2011: http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/397FF213869033EA897C1A3E7696B295


Harvey Specter
14-04-2015, 08:44 AM
Vmob Constitution, Feb 2011: http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/397FF213869033EA897C1A3E7696B295

TLDR.Thats for VMOB limited, not VMOB Group Limited (the listed entity). Latest constitution should be on the company office website so I think it does go back to that 2006 one.


14-04-2015, 08:55 AM
Thats for VMOB limited, not VMOB Group Limited (the listed entity). Latest constitution should be on the company office website so I think it does go back to that 2006 one.


Well there you go then - that is the constitution, plus this: http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/C8CB1532B420904A8947CC91FFDCF8DE

14-04-2015, 09:09 AM
Well there you go then - that is the constitution, plus this: http://www.business.govt.nz/companies/app/service/services/documents/C8CB1532B420904A8947CC91FFDCF8DE


How things have changed

Wonder what the next reincarnation will be?

14-04-2015, 09:17 AM
And at the end of the day is a whole host of things that are implied in a company constitution. They don't need a new one (at the moment).

For instance, the Companies Act 1993 (http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0105/latest/DLM319570.html) in particular Part 5 of that Act.

And, of course, Section 3.1 (and other sections) of the NZAX Listing Rules (https://www.nzx.com/files/static/NZAX_Listing_Rules_Final.pdf) incorporates everything into the constitution (including appendices (https://www.nzx.com/files/static/NZAX_Appendices.pdf)).

14-04-2015, 09:18 AM
Wonder what the next reincarnation will be?

The wonders of the backdoor listing. I wonder if any of these companies had public aspirations of listing on the ASX too? :D

14-04-2015, 09:31 AM
You are all just wasting your breath worrying about the existing constitution...boring company secretarial stuff….

Boring, maybe, except for the fact that anyone worth their salt reads the company constitution before throwing their hard-earned money at a company.

Surely in the course of your extensive due diligence you considered your rights/obligations as a shareholder and the particular/unique rights/obligations of the directors of this company?

I suppose that is a bit boring and secretarial, isn't it? I guess perusing the flashing lights and bright colours of the VMob blog are much more exciting and agreeable to your strategies.

14-04-2015, 09:43 AM
You are all just wasting your breath worrying about the existing constitution, if you are really interested in boring company secretarial stuff….go read the ASX listing requirements.


Winner for a legend…..I have to say I am really surprised by your comments on this?

The "boring secretarial stuff" might just be a side show but for some of the posters here, being sceptical of company statements and intentions is the only way to invest.

I've learnt the hard way that you should never take a companies statements at face value. Ever. Have you ever seen an annual report presenting anything other than a rosy picture of the future?

As we've seen in the post from Moosie (or was it BFG) a few months back, outlining the unsavoury history of the participants in this company, this should only increase the scepticism.

We should all remember that although this is being touted as a "ten-bagger" with the McDonalds deal and other big clients, they are a long way from making a profit and with big return comes big risk. This so-called ten-bagger could shut down over night were it to lose McDonalds as a client.

For such an early stage company with a product that we can't really even see for ourselves (what value are they really adding for customers that can't be added by another company?) there should be much more scepticism and hard questioning and way less cheerleading.

14-04-2015, 09:50 AM
...touted as a "ten-bagger"...

Pretty sure those were my words. The context being that an ASX listing would introduce those trader bots into the mix and regardless of the actual value of the company it would take off :D

I like the short term VML chart. I see the slow stochastic has bottomed out and bouncing up again. A failed retest of 1.9 cents (circa SMA 50) and also a point of strong support. I like how the RSI is above 50. I like how MACD is above 0. I like how OBV is ticking upwards again.

Let's pretend I bought in at 2 cents after selling at 2.5 cents, just for conversation sake (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?8888-VML-VMob-Group-Limited&p=566189&viewfull=1#post566189) :D

14-04-2015, 10:03 AM
Thanks robbo, this is precisely why I have been trying to get to the heart of our rights as shareholders, to appoint board members, to vote on matters, etc etc. Good that it has raised some discussion, it's clear as mud. I like the boring admin stuff when it comes to understanding my rights.

You've cleared up that there isn't a constitution for VMob Group Ltd per se, only the one inherited from MTG 2005 (which appears woefully inadequate for shareholders) however bringing that together the Companies Act and the NZAX listing rules, makes for a very complex and unweildy compensation for a lack of a decent Constitution.

Hands up who thoroughly understands their rights as shareholders now, given that others think it is so important as well, in fact imply they wouldn't have invested without knowing?


Boring, maybe, except for the fact that anyone worth their salt reads the company constitution before throwing their hard-earned money at a company.

Surely in the course of your extensive due diligence you considered your rights/obligations as a shareholder and the particular/unique rights/obligations of the directors of this company?

I suppose that is a bit boring and secretarial, isn't it? I guess perusing the flashing lights and bright colours of the VMob blog are much more exciting and agreeable to your strategies.

14-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Hands up who thoroughly understands their rights as shareholders now, given that others think it is so important as well, in fact imply they wouldn't have invested without knowing?

Reality is that the vast bulk of shareholders do not know their rights as shareholders.

The Companies Act 1993 is the first place to look. Parts 7 & 8, in particular, if you want to kick up a stink for your beloved directors.

The VML constitution is barely any different from the default provisions under the Act. NZX and NZAX Listing Rules imply certain provisions serve to provide some degree of uniformity so that, to some extent, investors don't need to read every last detail of a company constitution to know their fundamental rights and obligations. However, that is not to say the intricacies of one company's constitution makes it better or worse than another's :D

As an extra for experts, there are several universities around the country that offer wonderful 300 level law papers on topics such as Companies Law and Securities Law.

Harvey Specter
14-04-2015, 10:51 AM
Reality is that the vast bulk of shareholders do not know their rights as shareholders.Even with 1m shares in this bad boy, rights are kind of irrelevant as you have no power. Statutory protections are your best bet as you will never have voting power while the register is tight with insiders.

14-04-2015, 10:59 AM
Even with 1m shares in this bad boy, rights are kind of irrelevant as you have no power. Statutory protections are your best bet as you will never have voting power while the register is tight with insiders.

Demonstrate a good reason why your idea is better than the status quo and you can make the AGM all yours.

There's nothing to stop the majority of shareholders agreeing with you even if you are a minority.

It's all there in the Act, nobody ever bothers to use their shareholder rights though :D

14-04-2015, 11:53 AM
Even the basic stuff is unclear, i.e. even which sections of the MTG'05 constitution (if in force, and not overridden by the Act or NZAX listing rules) are in play, for example; advance notification of shareholder meetings; % of shareholders that can force an issue; whether shareholders are notified or vote on directors appointments; term of appointment of directors; time from announce results to the shareholders annual meeting .. and so on.

So getting back to my original point, a new Constitution would be helpful to inform investors because as it stands, confusion reigns and no-one so far seems to know or be able to express the rules of the company or the rights of shareholders.


Demonstrate a good reason why your idea is better than the status quo and you can make the AGM all yours.

There's nothing to stop the majority of shareholders agreeing with you even if you are a minority.

It's all there in the Act, nobody ever bothers to use their shareholder rights though :D

14-04-2015, 11:57 AM
You have actually said a couple of useful things today, I am in shock really…

I say useful things every day. You just don't seem to understand.

I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fix'd and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.
Julius Caesar (III, i, 60 – 62)

14-04-2015, 12:07 PM
I think you guys are getting a little wound up on constitution and voting rights. reality is that Scott B holds all the cards and with his significant holding he makes the decisions. To date I have had total faith is his ability to drive the company in the right direction and unlock access to the massive potential. I have just looked back over the investor presentation from December 2014 that is available through the NZX website. I have read it many times but here is the kicker
Large Enterprise(SaaS)
Large Enterprise(Transaction)

Set up fee $50-$250,000
License fee per store $25 - $50 / month / store
Push Message Fee $16 / 1000
Redemption fee $0.10 per transaction
Minimum 12 month
commitment but target 3yr+
Services Fees

Additional services such as
strategy, build, data,
analytics priced as
additional items to core contract)

The number are staggering when you look at it in the context of McDonalds contract. in particular the fees per store - that is monthly people. Im guessing at least 20,000 stores will be hooked up by the end of 2015-16 year made up from the Nordic Countries, Netherlands, England, Japan and USA. that is $500,000 per month people from that single income source. then add in the push messages. According to the newspaper report over the weekend there are 20m people signed up in Japan already. That means each push message is worth 1.6 cents. lets say of those 20m people in japan just 10% receive one message per month. That is nearly $400,000 per annum. of course if 50% get a message per month then that is $160,000 per month, or $2m per annum. That is just Japan. and that is just McDonalds. Last year without the full roll out of the Japan McDonalds Contract the ACMR was notified as $2.43m to 31 March 2015. I think this will be exceeded.

Lets add in Europe, USA and the rest of Asia and you start to really think the McDonalds contract is massive beyond comprehension. And that is just one contract. Japan represents less that 10% of McDonalds Global. USA McDonalds is 5 x bigger than Japan. What happens when other significant organisations sign up with VMob. (as no doubt there will be soon if you read between the lines of the presentations, and the advertising of new sales staff pointed out yesterday this is definitely a company that is on the up swing.

My shareholding is sadly too small to make any difference in respect of impact on voting. If I have a question, I am fortunate that I can ask Scott Bradley at any of the regular presentations he makes. I may not get an answer due to commercial and compliance reasons, but at least we have the opportunity to ask.

sorry for long post - I hope it is helpful
Disclosure - I have reached my target holding and now wait to see how things unfold

14-04-2015, 12:34 PM
The answer to that big question you keep on asking. Scot told Phil at the last Board meeting

. The same answer that Monty will get from extrapolating all those numbers he posted

(Apologies to my mate cartoonist Tom for bastardising one of his fantastic cartoons

14-04-2015, 12:47 PM
I love the cartoon. Probably right.

and in the absence of published numbers and financials my extrapolation is based on assumptions and plenty of them. But then again I have been purchasing my modest shares based on trust and attending investor presentations. Put it this way. Vmob is working in an emerging sector and has had great success to date.

I expect big things.

I invest knowing it is speculative, but I undertake as much research as I can as my money is hard earned. I don't see VMob going down the gurgler given its contracts. The company only has a capitalisation of circa $30m. What company has an established global supply contract with McDonalds and is only worth $30m? - Note - VMob is not yet what I would call an established supplier of McDonalds - but that will come.

14-04-2015, 01:24 PM
lets say of those 20m people in japan just 10% receive one message per month. That is nearly $400,000 per annum. of course if 50% get a message per month then that is $160,000 per month, or $2m per annum. That is just Japan. and that is just McDonalds. Last year without the full roll out of the Japan McDonalds Contract the ACMR was notified as $2.43m to 31 March 2015. I think this will be exceeded.

I receive emails and things trying to sell me stuff all the time. Even mailing lists I intentionally and meaningfully signed up for. I ignore 99.9999% of them. What makes vMob any darn different?


P.S. Lol winner69 cartoon

14-04-2015, 01:40 PM
I receive emails and things trying to sell me stuff all the time. Even mailing lists I intentionally and meaningfully signed up for. I ignore 99.9999% of them. What makes vMob any darn different?


P.S. Lol winner69 cartoon

You might ignore 99.99% of emails trying to sell you stuff robbo but the trick with VMob is slightly different. People sign up to the app. the offers they receive are targeted based on a large variety of data and therefore relevant to their life. Its not for everyone, and their model is not based on 100% of customers using the app. There are wide marketing implication in this age of information overload. Vmob seek to be a bit different to stand out.

Redemption of vouchers is one of 3-4 potential income streams for VMob. The evidence suggests that the VMob formula is working. Hence why I have invested. If you think the Vmob model does not work or does not have any application then please rush off and buy some other shares.

I'm really trying to work out what your problem is. we get you don't like VMob. But yet you hang around this thread constantly putting down the company. Do you somehow delight in being so negative?

14-04-2015, 02:04 PM
Redemption of vouchers is one of 3-4 potential income streams for VMob. The evidence suggests that the VMob formula is working. Hence why I have invested. If you think the Vmob model does not work or does not have any application then please rush off and buy some other shares.

Robbo's Top 5 - Things about VMob that aren't new:

1) Targeted advertising
2) Vouchers
3) Mobile phone app
5) Uses an internet server (probably always going to be Microsoft based)

Not to mention, my Top 5 have even been together in the past and used by McDonalds. (http://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=1362)

I wonder how the international roll-out of Kazasu went? They had a big McDonald's diagram and plan (http://gamification.co/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/McDonalds-Coupon-translation.png) too :D Maybe VMob used it as inspiration?

Just remember - VMob could be the next Monorail (http://images1.cliqueclack.com/tv/files/2012/08/monorail-425x272.png)! :D

14-04-2015, 02:11 PM
According to the newspaper report over the weekend there are 20m people signed up in Japan already.

Does this number include, or exclude, the 16.5m people who downloaded Kazasu Coupon up to October 2013? :D

See this video at 0:31 seconds in (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJnTRBEdSeg).

LOL - how come these types of things are never included when VMob discuss their big contracts?

14-04-2015, 02:56 PM
I receive emails and things trying to sell me stuff all the time. Even mailing lists I intentionally and meaningfully signed up for. I ignore 99.9999% of them. What makes vMob any darn different? Free Macdonalds for people who already love Macdonalds enough to download their app? Offers based on huge amounts of data relating to your specific online actions? - (above and beyond traditional CRM, and not just based on plonking your email on to a news letter). Location based alerts to your mobile that arrive around about the time you usually buy Macdonalds or when you are nearby one? (instead of alongside all those annoying emails you don't want when you are sitting down checking you emails looking for the important ones). I mean how many mobile alerts do you get at present from a store just around the corner, offering you a tailored discount on that day? I receive none and I would be surprised if anyone does - which means if only 1 app is offering it to me i am more likely to take it, as it is not inside a mountain of other offers. Of course when everyone is using such intuitive apps it may become a hassle - but for now I imagine Macdonalds and Vmob are going to cream it. And when they do - a lot more customers are going to be throwing their wallets at Vmob.

14-04-2015, 03:01 PM
Don't get distracted by a 2008 incarnation of mobile voucher technologies, or a mobile wallet/payments platform, neither have anything do with VMob's solutions for McDonalds.

14-04-2015, 03:06 PM
Nice summary Ginger, I do get those very timely "mobile alerts do you get at present from a store just around the corner, offering you a tailored discount on that day" ... from my FlyBuys App ... oh yeah, that's a VMob app!

Free Macdonalds for people who already love Macdonalds enough to download their app? Offers based on huge amounts of data relating to your specific online actions? - (above and beyond traditional CRM, and not just based on plonking your email on to a news letter). Location based alerts to your mobile that arrive around about the time you usually buy Macdonalds or when you are nearby one? (instead of alongside all those annoying emails you don't want when you are sitting down checking you emails looking for the important ones). I mean how many mobile alerts do you get at present from a store just around the corner, offering you a tailored discount on that day? I receive none and I would be surprised if anyone does - which means if only 1 app is offering it to me i am more likely to take it, as it is not inside a mountain of other offers. Of course when everyone is using such intuitive apps it may become a hassle - but for now I imagine Macdonalds and Vmob are going to cream it. And when they do - a lot more customers are going to be throwing their wallets at Vmob.

14-04-2015, 03:07 PM
Free Macdonalds for people who already love Macdonalds enough to download their app? Offers based on huge amounts of data relating to your specific online actions? - (above and beyond traditional CRM, and not just based on plonking your email on to a news letter). Location based alerts to your mobile that arrive around about the time you usually buy Macdonalds or when you are nearby one? (instead of alongside all those annoying emails you don't want when you are sitting down checking you emails looking for the important ones). I mean how many mobile alerts do you get at present from a store just around the corner, offering you a tailored discount on that day? I receive none and I would be surprised if anyone does - which means if only 1 app is offering it to me i am more likely to take it, as it is not inside a mountain of other offers. Of course when everyone is using such intuitive apps it may become a hassle - but for now I imagine Macdonalds and Vmob are going to cream it. And when they do - a lot more customers are going to be throwing their wallets at Vmob.

All of this sounds very similar to another out-of-the-box system McDonalds are already using: http://9to5mac.com/2014/12/18/mcdonalds-ibeacons/

The Apple iBeacon :D It even works on Android for McDonalds: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerkay/2014/12/16/ibeacons-make-the-jump-from-apple-only-to-the-android-world/

McDonalds is also testing an app by a company called Piper that seems to do the exact same thing? https://gigaom.com/2014/12/18/hold-the-beacon-mcdonalds-tests-wireless-offers-near-stores/ I particularly like this guy's comment at the end of this article:

Already turned off my Walgreen’s app location services because of the nag every 2 blocks I drive. Why would I want that for McDonald’s too?

14-04-2015, 03:15 PM
Don't get distracted by a 2008 incarnation of mobile voucher technologies, or a mobile wallet/payments platform, neither have anything do with VMob's solutions for McDonalds.

I really like how VMob have a model and website and hype machine so similar to Beaconstac.

For instance, Beaconstac have a blog that nobody would care to read (http://blog.beaconstac.com/how-beacons-can-help-enhance-restaurant-dining-experience/)just like VMob have a blog that nobody would care to read (http://blog.vmoblive.com/2015/04/loyalty-201-go-mobile-or-go-home/).

I wonder if both companies run at a loss and make use of capital raisings to pay someone to write a blog that nobody cares to read?

14-04-2015, 03:21 PM
Don't confuse iBeacon networking technology with the clever VMob App and it's back-end data aggregator on MS Azure. VMob's App uses iBeacon networking for the proximity location of loyalty App customers. It's like saying a WiFi modem is comparable to a Phone Application when both are completely separate technologies but rely on each other as part of a bigger solution.

Some pretty misleading pseudo tech stuff being trolled out today. Must be getting frustrating not seeing the SP get low enough for a confident entry and day trade?

14-04-2015, 03:24 PM
If someone cared to actually read the VMob Blogs then they might understand the technology, how it works for retailers and customers, and why. I don't think anyone here is likely to be that easily misled.

14-04-2015, 03:28 PM
Robbo's Top 5 - Things about VMob that aren't new: 1) Targeted advertising Targeted advertising up until recently has not used big data - just clunky CRM software, and shotgun marketing when surfing the net, both of which have very limited input fields.

2) Vouchers Why re-invent the wheel? People love free stuff.
3) Mobile phone app Mobile advertising is going through the roof and is only in the early stages of growth but already showing massive uptake. Or do you want them in your email or paper mail again, which you "99.99% ignore"?
4) SAAS Neither are phones, the internet, food, your trolling etc. But how they are being used is changing at ever increasing rate while revenue is smartly following.

5) Uses an internet server (probably always going to be Microsoft based) Again - why reinvent the wheel? Does microsoft - the company that put a computer (or 3) in every persons home and changed the way we live forever - not have any credibility?

Not to mention, my Top 5 have even been together in the past and used by McDonalds. (http://www.finextra.com/blogs/fullblog.aspx?blogid=1362)

In 2008!!! Now you are just being plain silly (not my first choice of words) - this was 7 years ago when big data tracking didn't really exist, apps where brand spanking new and people didn't understand them. Furthermore, it was only a TRIAL in 175 stores - but their product didn't cut it obviously and wasn't implemented. Vmob has already been tested in thousands of stores, with such brilliant results it is now being IMPLEMENTED WORLD WIDE as part of a 3 year contract. Sorry Robbo but your points are invalid and pure trolling.

14-04-2015, 03:33 PM
Robbo = do you work for competition to VMob? Or has someone at VMob so offended you so much you now spend your life dissing them on a blog.

Whatever Vmob have it seems that McDonalds are happy to put their money where their mouth is and terminated other mobile app providers in favour of VMob. McDonalds were obviously impressed enough to think VMob has the X factor and agreed a global contract. Im sure the executive at McDonalds did their due diligence before signing up a global contract.

Now please just go away. You really have nothing constructive to add. It seems to me you are just an angry negative person who likes to troll around this site poking and hiding.

14-04-2015, 03:36 PM
Furthermore, it was only a TRIAL in 175 stores - but their product didn't cut it obviously and wasn't implemented. Vmob has already been tested in thousands of stores, with such brilliant results it is now being IMPLEMENTED WORLD WIDE as part of a 3 year contract.

The McDonald's Japan app had 16.5m downloads in Oct 2013. Big data existed in 2008, trust me, things haven't changed that much and VMob have not changed the world (as per the YouTube app uploaded in 2014 showing the app still in use).

VMob have put a clock [analytics software] into a radio [iBeacon] and sell them alongside the thousands of other clock radios. McDonalds seem to use lots of clock radios from many different sources. Even as late as December 2014, when they were apparently negotiating with VMob they were rolling out iBeacons and an App by Piper. Piper sold some McChicken and McNuggets. Wow.

You know absolutely nothing about the IMPLEMENTATION WORLD WIDE because VMob have not told you anything about it. You have absolutely no knowledge of the details of that supposed agreement. The market knows nothing. VMob have told you nothing.

14-04-2015, 03:37 PM
All of this sounds very similar to another out-of-the-box system McDonalds are already using: http://9to5mac.com/2014/12/18/mcdonalds-ibeacons/

The Apple iBeacon :D It even works on Android for McDonalds: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerkay/2014/12/16/ibeacons-make-the-jump-from-apple-only-to-the-android-world/

McDonalds is also testing an app by a company called Piper that seems to do the exact same thing? https://gigaom.com/2014/12/18/hold-the-beacon-mcdonalds-tests-wireless-offers-near-stores/ I particularly like this guy's comment at the end of this article:

All of which WAS being TRIALLED - before Macdonalds signed the global contract with Vmob - the obvious winners.

Furthermore, the fly buys app is hocking thousands of companies products - as opposed to one that you already enjoy and regularly consume - so why not take the discount?

Try again Robbo.

14-04-2015, 03:38 PM
Nice summary Ginger, I do get those very timely "mobile alerts do you get at present from a store just around the corner, offering you a tailored discount on that day" ... from my FlyBuys App ... oh yeah, that's a VMob app!

Couldn't resist and downloaded the Flybuys app. Didn't know it existed

I'll give it a go but I doubt I will get any decent offers, probably only a flat battery.

Did read the ****ty review somebody gave it.

14-04-2015, 03:43 PM
All of which WAS being TRIALLED - before Macdonalds signed the global contract with Vmob - the obvious winners.

In and around 20 December 2014 (http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/241145).

But Robbo, you say, they knew it was so great they decided, over Christmas time, to go with VMob. That's why it was announced in January!
More likely that big fancy McDonald's deal isn't all it was cracked out to be in the loosely written announcement.

Reminds me of the ASX:TON announcement last week. "$20bn contract over 10 years with a $1000US per unit price floor" then the next day, after a 200-300% share price gain they come out and say, "just to clarify if the price gets to $650 per unit then we have to renegotiate."

Existing product, different branding. The only difference is.... (drumroll please) It's listed on the NZAX and is probably the only such company listed in NZ. Great opportunity to take some money from people's hands.

14-04-2015, 03:49 PM
The McDonald's Japan app had 16.5m downloads in Oct 2013. Big data existed in 2008, trust me, things haven't changed that much and VMob have not changed the world (as per the YouTube app uploaded in 2014 showing the app still in use).

VMob have put a clock [analytics software] into a radio [iBeacon] and sell them alongside the thousands of other clock radios. McDonalds seem to use lots of clock radios from many different sources. Even as late as December 2014, when they were apparently negotiating with VMob they were rolling out iBeacons and an App by Piper. Piper sold some McChicken and McNuggets. Wow.

You know absolutely nothing about the IMPLEMENTATION WORLD WIDE because VMob have not told you anything about it. You have absolutely no knowledge of the details of that supposed agreement. The market knows nothing. VMob have told you nothing.

Wrong again - I do know something - I know its being rolled out worldwide as we speak as per global 3 year contract, i know roughly what Vmob charges its customers - and its looking pretty from where I sit.

Time to put your money where you mouth is Robbo - I bet you $200 (or a product of your choosing) that Vmob lists on the ASX this year, Its share price at least price doubles and its revenue from Macdonalds alone exceeds 15 Million in the next financial year.

14-04-2015, 03:54 PM
Wrong again - I do know something - I know its being rolled out worldwide as we speak as per global 3 year contract, i know roughly what Vmob charges its customers - and its looking pretty from where I sit.

Time to put your money where you mouth is Robbo - I bet you $200 (or a product of your choosing) that Vmob lists on the ASX this year, Its share price at least price doubles and its revenue from Macdonalds alone exceeds 15 Million in the next financial year.

Let's simplify that a little bit and make it more realistic...


1) Vmob Lists on ASX this year; and,
2) The share price doubles, then

Ginger Steps will pay Robbo $200.

14-04-2015, 04:01 PM
Let's simplify that a little bit and make it more realistic...


1) Vmob Lists on ASX this year; and,
2) The share price doubles, then

Ginger Steps will pay Robbo $200.

These terms point out to us that you do back Vmob and you are purely down ramping VML for your own personal gain. So you are declining my offer then?? If so please be quiet and let us get on with constructively commenting on vmob.

14-04-2015, 04:06 PM
Robbo has already twisted what you said Gingersteps……..so I think this is now getting out of hand……those that wish too, are putting their money where their mouth is, those that don't wish too, won't…..leave it at that. Fair call Wallace - Im done, Robbo can PM me if he wishes to take up my terms. Thats all i will be contributing this month guys - sorry to hijack the thread.

14-04-2015, 04:17 PM
They are looking for 3 sales directors in the USA and these aren't cheap. Big game being played at the moment so the signs look good. Still waiting for the financials to feel more confident. Hopefully Maccas will talk about the system although I don't think they will want to tell Burger King, Wendys, KFC etc that its a success so will have to watch same store revenue numbers from now on.

Ginger I like your confidence and think it is a fair challenge. Wonder what Robbo will do.

14-04-2015, 04:42 PM
Hi Guys and Girls,

I know some of you have some really nice things to say about VMOB and have invested significant amounts of resources researching the company.
While you may envisage a positive future for your investment in VML, others may not share the same opinions as you.

However the people who do not share the same opinion as you are just as entitled to share opinions as to why they think VML is not a great investment opportunity as you are entitled to share your opinions contrary to that.
They are not "trolls" just because they do not see things from your point of view.

If you accuse someone of "down ramping for personal gain", you run the risk of being viewed as someone who is "ramping".

Lastly. My internet skills are poor and I cannot seem to be able to locate the annual report for LY for VML. If anyone could assist me with a link that would be appreciated. :)

14-04-2015, 04:46 PM
Interesting how 50,000 - 100,000 downloads already, and only 68 people gave it 1 star……gee that's a deal breaker?


Obviously punters don't use the Apple Apps store as much as Google then

But then again I am rather dumb

Havent been sent any messages yet from nearby stores

14-04-2015, 06:36 PM
Thanks Wallace D, an interesting article and informative website. There's a lot going on in mobile marketing, it makes sense as well, you can see why the retailers are all over it.

Another good article.


Snow Leopard
14-04-2015, 07:07 PM
As the Tiger that started this thread I can delete it and I am surely tempted to hit that button.

What an unedifying spectacle this thread currently is !

As it stands at the moment whilst VMOB may become a successful, profitable company it equally well may not, full stop.

Anyone who can not accept either end of that will not be getting a Christmas Card from me.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

14-04-2015, 07:11 PM
I'd never call you dumb W69, far from it. The Fly Buy's app implemented 'My Vouchers' in v2.2.0 on iOS (Apple) 5/12/2013, so it's been there a while .. "Love getting surprised with a treat? You'll love our new features My Vouchers. From time to time we'll surprise you with vouchers from our partners giving you discounts, specials or even something free. Use the voucher in store to grab your treat". The App has matured a lot, it's up to v5.0.1 now.

Actually, I've found the App useful just for having the FlyBuys barcode on it (just turn the phone sideways and the barcode shows up .. cool) ... at checkouts it's easier using that on my phone, than fumbling around looking for the plastic card amongst all the other plastic in my wallet.

As for "punters don't use Apple Apps store as much as Google", well I assume you mean downloads but I'm not sure how you know as I can't see anywhere on Apple App store that tells hows many downloads there have been (clue me in please).

For some balance, looking at ALL versions there's been 103 ratings of the FlyBuys app, most of the written ratings are awful but they also pre Dec 2013. There are about 20-30% 5 and 4 star ratings but it's hard to tell as the silly App Store graph of ratings isn't quantitative. No one mentions VMob, (like who'd know anyway). The one single rating on the current version of the App is crap. I better put up a rating myself, I think it's better than that.

Now on not being sent messages, have you properly setup the App? You have to sign in to FlyBuys with your card number and password, and stay signed in or you have to login everytime you re-start the App, (you can check and redeem some points right there [you have some points right?], but that's off topic). On your phone you have to have 'location' set On for FlyBuys, so the system knows where you are. Just follow the setup instructions.

Now go shopping!

Obviously punters don't use the Apple Apps store as much as Google then

But then again I am rather dumb

Havent been sent any messages yet from nearby stores

14-04-2015, 07:14 PM
What's your problem PT? Anything around here that isn't already 'making it' has a wide following and lots of varied discussion and contention. Someone would just restart the thread if you deleted it. That and the content here is no reflection on yourself, except for you own views posted.


As the Tiger that started this thread I can delete it and I am surely tempted to hit that button.

What an unedifying spectacle this thread currently is !

As it stands at the moment whilst VMOB may become a successful, profitable company it equally well may not, full stop.

Anyone who can not accept either end of that will not be getting a Christmas Card from me.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

14-04-2015, 10:37 PM
I see one of the major shareholders is Snakk trustee ltd. any link to the SNK that currently trades at 0.05? I am thinking of investing in VMOB but lost money in SNK...:(
Happy to be corrected.

14-04-2015, 10:48 PM
We love hearing others views, so keep them coming. :)


Click on this link Axe.

Thanks for the link WD.

LY operating revenue was 385k and with OPEX of 2536 resulting in a net loss of 2 mill.

WD where do you see this year ending up?

Obviously another 700% increase in revenue would be a minimum target. Do you think they will be profitable this year or next?

15-04-2015, 08:16 AM
I see one of the major shareholders is Snakk trustee ltd. any link to the SNK that currently trades at 0.05? I am thinking of investing in VMOB but lost money in SNK...:(
Happy to be corrected.

You may recall the Moosie_900 vs. SNK Trustee saga that played out long ago... http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?8888-VML-VMob-Group-Limited&p=529953&viewfull=1#post529953

That's right - Sorenson is crotch deep in VML shares too :D

15-04-2015, 09:12 AM
it may be that VMob have 700% increases in revenue over 2013-14 and may be able sustain this for a year or so, but the big increases are only because VMob is coming off an extremely low base.

Certainly my calculations on the potential worth of the McDonalds Contract point to significant revenue increases as the contract is rolled out across the globe. But as critical as the McDonalds contract is to VMob, they also need other marque clients. Looking back over their investor presentations there are hints at who some of these clients maybe. Hopefully Esso - 7eleven. But the appointment of sales directors in Chicago, New York and Atlanta gives me confidence that this is the direction that VMob are heading

Harvey Specter
15-04-2015, 10:24 AM
Yes that's right, he has 6.56% as at 7 April 2015……..and about the same amount of shares (plus 3mn) he had since 31 March 2013.Exactly. He is in this game to make money. He sold out of SNK realizing a huge profit (If you ask him why, he may respond "why does a dog lick his b***s, because he can) but has kept his shares in VML because he thinks ti will make him an even bigger profit! One might consider him the smart money and follow his lead.

What we need to ensure is no more discounted shares are issues which is why I was disappointed with the last private placement just before the McD's announcement.

15-04-2015, 10:44 AM
One might consider him the smart money and follow his lead.


Line up everyone, once he's done we'll have our 7-course meal right??? :D

Harvey Specter
15-04-2015, 10:53 AM
7272Yes. While I could have been explicit, per my comment on him being smart money, if you see him selling, follow suit. It took him months to sell down his SNK holding 100k shares at a time so plenty of warning.

Disclosure: Picture of me and other holders here on ST:

15-04-2015, 10:59 AM
O summarising the 44 pages to date

1) Vmob is a great company doing well in a space with unlimited potential
2) Vmob will have revenues in the zillions, profit potential unknown.
3) When Sorenson starts selling that's the signal that the good times are over.

So strategy is keep buying / trading VMB until 3)

I think I finally sussed it

15-04-2015, 11:00 AM
Thanks for the link WD.

LY operating revenue was 385k and with OPEX of 2536 resulting in a net loss of 2 mill.

WD where do you see this year ending up?

Obviously another 700% increase in revenue would be a minimum target. Do you think they will be profitable this year or next?

A 700% increase in operating revenue (not sure where that "minimum target" comes from other than last years increase 737%) would be $2,695,000 which seems achievable from the Edison Technology Conferences held in Auckland on March 16th where VMob provided an update on financials.

Ref the FY15 revenue figure of $2.4m at 12 November 2014.

Last EOY14 revenue results.

Harvey Specter
15-04-2015, 11:05 AM
Again….do you really think a 6% shareholder is worth all of this fuss???They can put a lot of downward pressure for a long time.

The pre OZ IPO price will depend on their next financials. Alternatively, if pro-rata, price is kind of irrelevant but from a marketing perspective, they will no doubt want an up round.

15-04-2015, 11:06 AM
A 700% increase in operating revenue (not sure where that "minimum target" comes from other than last years increase 737%) would be $2,695,000 which seems achievable from the Edison Technology Conferences held in Auckland on March 16th where VMob provided an update on financials.

Ref the FY15 revenue figure of $2.4m at 12 November 2014.

Last EOY14 revenue results.

How much do you think OPEX will have grown to achieve this revenue growth?

15-04-2015, 11:15 AM
How much do you think OPEX will have grown to achieve this revenue growth?

Axe, I have no idea what the actual revenue number is, or opex, or when they will be profitable - the latter I've already said I wouldn't expect profitability either as they should (imho) pile everything into growth. I think everyone was surprised, and very pleased, to see 11x revenue growth over FY14 in the first 9 months of FY15.

15-04-2015, 12:03 PM
he has only 6%?

6% of VML is 88,104,395 shares.

To put that into context, that's about all the VML shares that have traded over the last 6 months. This could include a person buying and selling in the same day.

If that doesn't appear as a blip on your radar then you need to get your iBeacon looked at.

15-04-2015, 12:43 PM
If you wish to put things in context, please use facts. Actually, approximately 154mn shares have traded since 14/10/14 (I realise you are probably a lawyer not an accountant?), and I prefer to look at the beautiful view in front of me …...not the greasy little rear vision mirror others may prefer? :)

Stick to the facts people. WD

Talk about greasy, I guess it's hard for people to get up the ramp if it's lubed up. More your concern than mine.

I simply looked at a 6 month volume chart and took a guess. No big deal, but thanks for confirming the numbers.

So Sorehead has more than half of the number of shares that were traded in the last 6 months.

I reiterate, many of these shares won't be held by people with any true interest in the company. Just daily or short term buy-sell transactions by penny dreadful traders. This suggests to me that Sorehead owns proportionately a lot more than half of the shares bought by truly interested buyers over the last 6 months.

This means that, as discussed earlier, if Sorehead sells down (as he is known to do) then VML share price gets backhanded. For a long period of time (at least 6 months, on the face of it and even longer if you look at SNK).

Further, I reiterate, if that doesn't appear as a blip on your radar then you need to get your iBeacon looked at.

15-04-2015, 10:25 PM
It was interesting to research the companies VMob noted as advisors to their forthcoming capital raising and listing on the ASX. They seem very respectable and experienced companies. If you dig a little deeper there's also some interesting reports and perspectives. Have look at:

Bell Potter http://www.bellpotter.com/topnavigation/private-clients/corporate-advisory.aspx?id=1397
Norton Rose Fullbright http://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/au/our-services/technology-and-innovation/
Pegasus Partners http://www.pegasuspartners.net.au/credentials.html


16-04-2015, 02:28 PM
Latest Blog article from Kai Crow- Marketing Manager Vmob.


Thanks for that. Very insightful how savvy VMob are about influencing buyer behaviours in the retail context, and enabling that with the VMob platform and app.

Also, some people have already seen these http://www.vmoblive.com/resources/events/retail-insight-breakfast-ny/recordings/ the recordings of presentations Vmob and FlyBuys gave and the NRF conference. If you haven't, put aside some time, grab yourself a coffee and have a listen to their presentations. I particularly liked hearing the FlyBuys CEO talk, and the Big Data and the inshore Personalisation presentations help to understand how much more advanced VMob's approach is to retailing in the mobile age, and why that is compelling to retailers.

16-04-2015, 09:31 PM
VMob in the news. The word is spreading, thanks to the power of global internet media. A story this big echoes around the world, and it's just beginning.

Friday, April 3, 2015

"Businesses are harnessing the internet of things to better serve their customers, accelerate product innovation and achieve massive cost savings across their organisation. No wonder experts are hailing this latest phenomenon a key driver of the next industrial revolution."


"What’s happening here is that McDonald’s has been working with New Zealand-based mobile marketing experts, VMob, on ways to harness the data in its IoT, personalise its customer experience – and as a result, boost sales.
They’ve combined the standard features on the McDonald’s app – such as its restaurant locator – with more ‘contextual information’, such as weather data. So if the day is wet, the special offer may be for coffee. If you’re moving quickly, it may point helpfully to the nearest drive-through. For those whose appetites are whetted mainly by return on investment, consider this: figures from January 2015, show that as a result of using the VMob platform, McDonald’s in the Netherlands alone – it’s also being piloted in Japan and Sweden – has seen a 700% increase in offer redemptions.

What’s more, Dutch customers using the modified app are returning to restaurants twice as often as before – and better still, in tight economic times are spending 47% more per person. It comes as little surprise then that 60% of enterprises globally already view IoT as strategic to their businesses, according to the 2014 IoT Survey by global market intelligence analysts IDC."

16-04-2015, 10:47 PM
Love it and this is exactly why I have had the faith for the past 18 months. I'm still a very small shareholder but I'm looking forward to good things. ( been waiting a while but accumulating while shares are so low)

17-04-2015, 08:54 AM
Interesting looking at the context of McDonalds' performance in Japan - they certainly need all the help they can get.


17-04-2015, 09:39 AM
Interesting looking at the context of McDonalds' performance in Japan - they certainly need all the help they can get.


Good god - Same-store sales slid a record 38.6 percent in January compared with the same month last year, and dropped about 29 percent in February and March

Without VMob one can only speculate what the declines might have been

17-04-2015, 09:47 AM
VMob's customer, McDonalds global, makes public its financial results 2014. Makes interesting reading with 36,258 stores worldwide. Download the financial highlights spreadsheet which contains a list of store numbers by country, and group financial results.


17-04-2015, 09:54 AM
Interesting insights come from job advertising.

Here's some for McDonalds Corporation

External Cloud Engineering SME - it's very techy as you'd expect but note the emphasis on (Microsoft) Azure and global focus.
"This candidate will interact with our global development and deployment teams as the lead cross-functional AWS and Azure infrastructure engineer and will ensure solutions are deployed on those platforms ..."

Director Digital Platforms - "This professional will be responsible for the maintenance and development of a globally scalable CMS solution that will activate across the globe." https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGWebHost/jobdetails.aspx?SID=%5eZj%2frTEOM_slp_rhc_Kn39B0ug WHRz9AfJoWdlRxW9JjyNg5MukX9xdoVnB2Gdl1qB9WQ5208&jobId=1173091&type=search&JobReqLang=1&recordstart=1&JobSiteId=5221&JobSiteInfo=1173091_5221&GQId=0

Sr. Director Digital Technology - "The Sr. Director, Digital Technology will also be the key point of contact for all digital systems and marketing platforms" https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGWebHost/jobdetails.aspx?SID=%5eZj%2frTEOM_slp_rhc_Kn39B0ug WHRz9AfJoWdlRxW9JjyNg5MukX9xdoVnB2Gdl1qB9WQ5208&jobId=1173117&type=search&JobReqLang=1&recordstart=1&JobSiteId=5221&JobSiteInfo=1173117_5221&GQId=0

17-04-2015, 10:00 AM
Good god - Same-store sales slid a record 38.6 percent in January compared with the same month last year, and dropped about 29 percent in February and March

Without VMob one can only speculate what the declines might have been

......gotta be good news for Vmob? Maybe McD will now have to up the ante by sinking more promotion funds into the likes of Vmob?

17-04-2015, 10:05 AM
......gotta be good news for Vmob? Maybe McD will now have to up the ante by sinking more promotion funds into the likes of Vmob?

Hope the 100s of jobs being lost in HQ aren't the marketing department being fired after being told what you have tried aint working

17-04-2015, 10:10 AM
What is probably not working is tv advertising, paper promotion, radio promotions, and mass media marketing in general. I actually think the VMob platform is exactly where the world is moving. And what McDonalds needs.mPersonalised, timely, relevant is almost the VMob motto. And the ability to run more or less the same platform across the 36,000 maccas outlets across the globe make it even more attractive.

I can can hardly wait for the publication of the annual report and release of the financials investors will want for the ASX listing

17-04-2015, 12:16 PM
"Integrated Mobile Marketing Platform Powered by Microsoft Azure Boosts Sales, Increases Loyalty"


These articles are being published on Mob's Twitter feed, interested people can subscribe to receive them instantly after they are posted. https://twitter.com/vmoblive

17-04-2015, 01:38 PM
"Integrated Mobile Marketing Platform Powered by Microsoft Azure Boosts Sales, Increases Loyalty"


These articles are being published on Mob's Twitter feed, interested people can subscribe to receive them instantly after they are posted. https://twitter.com/vmoblive

There has been a significant lift in the VMob twitter traffic in the last week or so. and the traffic is as often as not relates to conferences and the partnership with Microsoft. sadly VMob still only has 336 followers. the share is on 2 cents and for the most part the company is flying so far under the radar that only a relatively few people know that the company exists or understands what it does.

on the flip side a lot more people are using vmob without realising it through the McDonalds global apps plus the others who are signing up (that we know about)

It is going to take a bit of time for this company to get the visibility required to get investors excited. Im just pleased I have known about vmob for the past 18 months, and now I have had the chance to build a little portfolio of shares.

19-04-2015, 07:36 PM
Looks like Yahoo have just started publishing VML price data for their charts in 1/100th cent increments, as opposed to previously rounding to the nearest 1/10th cent. Hopefully this free chart isn't quite as overpriced as previous attempts to post charts using free data. Free is good, but accurate is better. I'm sure someone will point out if this is still bogus. https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=VML.NZ&t=2y&l=on&z=l&q=c&p=&a=w14%2Cr14%2Css&c=

BTW, the historical data table is still in 1/10th's and therefore not much use, and exercise some caution on the quote screen which has some figures rounded ("adjusted") and others not. Best to get the quote screens from your online broker. Sad that those online brokers charts are still woeful, even compared to a Yahoo chart or a Bigcharts, which are woeful compared to a decent charting package.

None of this should be an issue after the share consolidation.


19-04-2015, 07:55 PM
Latest market update (http://stocknessmonster.com/news-item?S=VML&E=NZSE&N=236420). MacDo's in the Netherlands going to using their platform.

Seems the company is "ideally positioned".

Can not understand why you all still talking about Snakk and not inventing Blue Sky numbers for this one.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Seems the only thing missing around here is someone clever enough to put together an analysis, or even hazard some guesses. If this was a airline, or a bank, or sold apples or windfarms, energy or oil, the FA's would be all over it like a rash! Since VMob has been signing up customers like crazy, and those companies sizes are in the public domain, and we know VMob's fees and some take-up stats, you'd think someone could cobble together a revenue projection?

Oh well, it just makes it all the more exciting waiting for the FY results.


19-04-2015, 08:33 PM
Soon, Heart of the City, the collective of more than 10,800 inner city Auckland businesses, has revealed plans to revolutionise the CBD experience for the millions of local and international visitors.Leading the way as the first New Zealand city to adopt an intelligent app, the central city Business Members Association is partnering with Kiwi mobile marketing firm VMob to make it happen.
Set to launch from mid-June, the smartphone app will use highly targeted real-time, preference and location-based personalised information served directly to mobile phones.

[continues] http://netguide.co.nz/story/aucklands-heart-to-beat-smarter-with-new-intelligent-app/

19-04-2015, 08:53 PM
i have tried a few times to work out what the numbers on the McDonalds contract may mean. And that is why I have invested and accumulated over the past several months. Still a very very small holding. But I donthink VMob has the potential to be a 10bagger.

19-04-2015, 08:54 PM
An event you can register for and listen online for yourself, put it in your diary: http://risnews.edgl.com/web-event/How-Personalized-Marketing-and-the-Internet-of-Things-Will-Transform-Retail99297

Event Date: 5/7/2015 2:00:00 PM (EST)
Duration: 45 mins

Personalized marketing offers the opportunity to reinvent the shopper experience by increasing promotion redemption rates and nurturing a deeper level of customer engagement. But how exactly can you execute a marketing campaign that communicates to each shopper in a personal way? What steps do you need to take and what technologies do you need to use? These are mysteries many retailers are talking about today but few have figured out.

In this webinar, a panel of experts will demystify the Internet of Things and its potential to unleash the power of personalized marketing through mobile devices that optimize shopper engagement in stores. Key topics include:

Using live data to send customers offers on their mobile phones
Basing personalizing marketing campaigns on data about location, weather, social profile, purchase history and more
Best practices from a live retailer case study
And creating an Internet of Your Things (using devices and data you already possess) to dynamically manage marketing campaigns and more

Sign up for this must-attend webinar if you want to learn how the future of personalized marketing will leverage the Internet of Things to drive sales, improve customer loyalty and transform your business.

Joe Skorupa, Editorial Director, RIS News

ShiSh Shridhar, Global Industry Director, Retail Solutions, Microsoft
Scott Bradley, CEO, VMob

19-04-2015, 09:15 PM
How many people thought Finzsoft would be a tenbagger? I think Vmob has potential, maybe not to the same level as Finzsoft but I have confidence in my small holding.

19-04-2015, 09:26 PM
Hey Monty, I've tried to figure out some numbers as well, but every time I do my spreadsheet breaks because the revenue numbers are too large LOL! I have a lot of reasons now why I'd like VMob to do very well, more reasons than I expected to have 6 moths ago, but still less than I'd like to have.

Actually, in all seriousness, VMob have scored some incredible contracts and trying to figure out what it might be worth in revenue reveals some staggering numbers, even at very conservative uptake and conversion estimates. I mean just take McDonalds global, let alone 7-eleven and Bud, how would you model 36,258 McDonalds stores globally potentially adopting VMob/Azure? Even the rounding error is a huge number.

Have a good week mate, it's not long until the FY15 numbers will be released and hopefully with an eye to the future potential as well.


i have tried a few times to work out what the numbers on the McDonalds contract may mean. And that is why I have invested and accumulated over the past several months. Still a very very small holding. But I donthink VMob has the potential to be a 10bagger.

19-04-2015, 10:05 PM
How many people thought Finzsoft would be a tenbagger? I think Vmob has potential, maybe not to the same level as Finzsoft but I have confidence in my small holding.

A ten-bagger now would be 20 cents, that'd be nice but I expect it is step on the journey to greater things. There's plenty of savvy people here though who will have this on their watch list and are quite prepared to leave it alone until the current price looks more like a dead-cert, buying in when VMob has posted sustainable revenues and some even later who prefer profit as well. For those fortunate enough to have believed at .009-.011, like the foundation shareholders, are already up 100% and 20 cents would be a 20+ bagger at that number. Lucky them.

Yeah yeah, I can hear the keyboards humming from here, it's all speculation and could at anytime turn to custard, but I don't think so. You put your money down and you take you chances. My research says this is THE best NZ tech opportunity for capital gain on the bourse right now.

JMHO of course, DYODD etc blah blah.


19-04-2015, 11:52 PM
It would be surprising if there wasn't very heavy discounting in most of the current contracts. Some of the early ones such as Heart of the City might even have been pro-bono. We might never know. If Scott was expecting incredible revenue results he'd probably have said something by now.

Snow Leopard
20-04-2015, 01:38 PM
Seems the only thing missing around here is someone clever enough to put together an analysis, or even hazard some guesses. If this was a airline, or a bank, or sold apples or windfarms, energy or oil, the FA's would be all over it like a rash! Since VMob has been signing up customers like crazy, and those companies sizes are in the public domain, and we know VMob's fees and some take-up stats, you'd think someone could cobble together a revenue projection?

It would be surprising if there wasn't very heavy discounting in most of the current contracts. Some of the early ones such as Heart of the City might even have been pro-bono. We might never know. If Scott was expecting incredible revenue results he'd probably have said something by now.

I thought Edison did a guesstimate in their report, although probably out of date by now.

Interesting that the March Investor Presentation still used the November revenue figures.

Whilst I doubt that VMob would do anything pro-bono I do agree that the 'list price' VMob have published will not be the price any organisation of any size will pay (There will be haggling :ohmy:).

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Disc: 2c ? - daylight robbery ! - I will be generous and give you 1c - do we have a deal?

20-04-2015, 01:47 PM
I thought Edison did a guesstimate in their report, although probably out of date by now.

Yes they did put their neck out, in Dec 2014:

Valuation: Exposure to volume creates upside
The current share price factors in 35 customers at an average annual revenue (ARR) of NZ$0.3m by 2017. Valuation uplift will be triggered by contract wins and increases in ACMR, which stands at NZ$2.1m following the McDonald’s Japan contract win. Because the product is early stage and there are few relevant or profitable comparable companies, we have used a DCF valuation to determine how many customers the market is paying for today. To dimension the opportunity we have included an upside case as well as our base case forecasts. Our base case assumes 43 customers by 2017 and results in a DCF valuation of NZ$0.038. The upside case assumes 51 customers and values the company at NZ$65.5m (NZ$0.052).

That was before McDOnalds Global contract and 7-Eleven contract.

20-04-2015, 02:44 PM
Yes they did put their neck out, in Dec 2014

There seems to be a correlation between Edison valuations and reality:

Edison says: 2.7
Market says: 2

Edison says: 103
Market says: 76

Edison says: 3.8
Market says: 2

I could go on, but can't be bothered.

Paper Tiger put his neck out too (particularly in his educational trading discussion) and seems a lot more reliable than Edison. (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?10186-An-Experiment-In-Not-Losing-Too-Much-Money)

20-04-2015, 02:56 PM
Yeah, there's a common theme there robbo, and common disdain for any analysts around here it seems, Edison included. The market also valued VML at ...

$0.08 Sep 2012
$0.05 Nov 2013
$0.048 Jan 2014
$0.009 Aug 2014
$0.022 now

The market is more reliable only because it is in the moment, it's what it costs now, not what it's valued at, or what it's value is to individual investors.

There seems to be a correlation between Edison valuations and reality:

Edison says: 2.7
Market says: 2

Edison says: 103
Market says: 76

Edison says: 3.8
Market says: 2

I could go on, but can't be bothered.

Paper Tiger put his neck out too (particularly in his educational trading discussion) and seems a lot more reliable than Edison. (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?10186-An-Experiment-In-Not-Losing-Too-Much-Money)

20-04-2015, 03:02 PM
Yeah, there's a common theme there robbo, and common disdain for any analysts around here it seems, Edison included. The market also valued VML at ...

$0.08 Sep 2012
$0.05 Nov 2013
$0.048 Jan 2014
$0.009 Aug 2014
$0.022 now

The market is more reliable only because it is in the moment, it's what it costs now, not what it's valued at, or what it's value is to individual investors.

That was the SP not what the market valued VML at. You would need to quote market cap at those dates given the capital raisings and other share/option allocations VML has made will have had a dilutionary effect.

20-04-2015, 03:08 PM
Looks great but perhaps you can finish the story by illustrating how many shares exist at the time of each of your "market valuations" below - the market doesn't value shares on their share price alone.

As you will be aware, valuation is dependant on price and the number of shares that exist.

So, as the share price has fluctuated, the number of shares has risen dramatically.

Here's some links for you to start work on.

GENERAL: VML: PROSPECTIVE CAPITAL RAISING INITIATIVES (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3161642)
ALLOT: VML: Notice of Issue of Securities (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3181119)

ALLOT: VML: ISSUE OF SECURITIES BY VMOB GROUP LIMITED (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3284946)
GENERAL: VML: CAPITAL RAISING (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3284948)
ALLOT: VML: ISSUE OF SECURITIES BY VMOB GROUP LIMITED (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3284949)
ALLOT: VML: ISSUE OF SECURITIES BY VMOB GROUP LIMITED (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3284950)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Options (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3316121)
ALLOT: VML: ISSUE OF SECURITIES BY VMOB GROUP LIMITED (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3368311)
ALLOT: VML: ISSUE OF SECURITIES BY VMOB GROUP LIMITED (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3417753)
CAPREC: VML: VML Capital Raising (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3473657)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities by VMob Group Limited (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3482706)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities on Exercise of Options (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3483625)
S/HOLDER: VML: VML Share Purchase Plan (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3484134)
S/HOLDER: VML: Share Purchase Plan (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3501213)
S/HOLDER: VML: Share Purchase Plan (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3503004)

ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities By VMob Group Limited (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3524386)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities by VMob Group Limited (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3551457)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities by VMob Group Limited (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3551787)
ALLOT: VML: Issue of Securities by Vmob Group Limited (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3580407)
GENERAL: VML: Issue of Securities by VMob Group Limited (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3639196)
GENERAL: VML: Issue of Securities by VMob Group Limited (VML) (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3766773)
PLACE: VML: VMob Group: Private Placement of Ordinary Shares (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/DirectTrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3771910)

Placement completed
THEN, announcement of further capital raising by pre-IPO and IPO

So, with all these new shares coming on it's a wonder the MCAP ever actually changes.

Yeah, there's a common theme there orb, and common disdain for any analysts around here it seems, Edison included. The market also valued VML at ...

$0.08 Sep 2012
$0.05 Nov 2013
$0.048 Jan 2014
$0.009 Aug 2014
$0.022 now

The market is more reliable only because it is in the moment, it's what it costs now, not what it's valued at, or what it's value is to individual investors.

20-04-2015, 03:15 PM
For someone who could go on but can't be bothered, and implied that the market price is the valuation (below), you're putting a lot of effort into agreeing to agree - I think we all get it. The SP is not the value. But, thanks for that helpful summary of cap raisings, it's a useful addition to the list of research here, nicely hyperlinked as well.

There seems to be a correlation between Edison valuations and reality:

Edison says: 2.7
Market says: 2

Edison says: 103
Market says: 76

Edison says: 3.8
Market says: 2

I could go on, but can't be bothered.

Paper Tiger put his neck out too (particularly in his educational trading discussion) and seems a lot more reliable than Edison. (http://www.sharetrader.co.nz/showthread.php?10186-An-Experiment-In-Not-Losing-Too-Much-Money)

20-04-2015, 03:17 PM
Sorry robbo my stupid spell checker keeps calling you orb. No offence meant.

20-04-2015, 03:21 PM
For someone who could go on but can't be bothered, and implied that the market price is the valuation (below), you're putting a lot of effort into agreeing to agree - I think we all get it. The SP is not the value. But, thanks for that helpful summary of cap raisings, it's a useful addition to the list of research here, nicely hyperlinked as well.

The share price at the date of the relevant Edison reports refers to the number of shares and gives a DCF valuation. All of the information is available at the specified date by perusing the relevant Edison report. This is reasonably obvious.

The share price as at the dates of your post does not provide the number of shares in existence at the relevant date. Your post is reasonably misleading because one cannot derive the mcap from that information.

Thankfully I have extended the olive branch by linking you to the many issuances/capital raising announcements so you can update your information.

20-04-2015, 03:34 PM
I've just run a few figures based on information based on the VMob investor presentations. The key metrics are over 30,000 McDonalds in the top 22 countries ( include Sweden and Netherlands at 21 and 22). Let's assume the roll out of McDonalds in restricted initially to those 22 countries.. We also understand from the presentations there is an income stream of $25 to $50 per month per store. That is potentially an income of between $10 and $20 pa right there. I have tried to work out how many downloads happen. I calculate that there could be around 5000 downloads per stor. Netherlands and sweden were 10% of population. The number for the main income streams do just about overload the calculator.
maybe the revenue per month from McDonald's alone could be circa $2m when the top 22 countries have been rolled out.

yes I know it is a maybe, but even when 10% of those who have downloaded the app use their VMob-McDonalds voucher and get a push notification then the numbers are staggering.

McDonalds have circa 65m customers per day
2.1% of McDonalds customers use a voucher at least one time per month.
Globally that would be 40m vouchers used per month
if only a quarter of those vouchers are from the VMob platform that is 10m vouchers per month. That is a revenue stream of $1m a month right there.

The Redemption rate on VMob vouchers could be higher because the vouchers are relevant, personalised, convenient and timely.

maybe robbo will come along and talk down my numbers, but this is a company with a capitalisation of $30m. I do believe the global McDonalds contract when rolled out could be worth $24m per annum based on the snipets of information that are available. Maybe more.

is the Edison report due for a significant update?

Snow Leopard
20-04-2015, 05:56 PM
Just locking this one in for future reference…..so you claim as the 'Oracle' around here and with all your 'knowledge' that this company is only worth about $14mn and that it's not even worth the $29mn the market currently values it at?

Very interesting………time will tell? :)


Among the many claims I have made around here I am pretty confident that I have never claimed to be the 'Oracle' or even a 'Oracle' and as far as I am aware no one else, apart from yourself, as ever made that claim on my behalf, in fun, in sarcasm or even because they think I am worthy of such a title :mellow:.

With all of my 'knowledge' I can tell the difference between value and price, a simple rookie mistake you and others are making on this thread.

As for a valuation for VML as I actually said before: somewhere between Nothing and A Lot.

There is just far too much uncertainty at the moment for me to come up with a meaningful valuation range.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

Snow Leopard
20-04-2015, 06:08 PM
I've just run a few figures based on information based on the VMob investor presentations. The key metrics are over 30,000 McDonalds in the top 22 countries ( include Sweden and Netherlands at 21 and 22). Let's assume the roll out of McDonalds in restricted initially to those 22 countries.. We also understand from the presentations there is an income stream of $25 to $50 per month per store. That is potentially an income of between $10 and $20 pa right there. I have tried to work out how many downloads happen. I calculate that there could be around 5000 downloads per stor. Netherlands and sweden were 10% of population. The number for the main income streams do just about overload the calculator.
maybe the revenue per month from McDonald's alone could be circa $2m when the top 22 countries have been rolled out.

yes I know it is a maybe, but even when 10% of those who have downloaded the app use their VMob-McDonalds voucher and get a push notification then the numbers are staggering.

McDonalds have circa 65m customers per day
2.1% of McDonalds customers use a voucher at least one time per month.
Globally that would be 40m vouchers used per month
if only a quarter of those vouchers are from the VMob platform that is 10m vouchers per month. That is a revenue stream of $1m a month right there.

The Redemption rate on VMob vouchers could be higher because the vouchers are relevant, personalised, convenient and timely.

maybe robbo will come along and talk down my numbers, but this is a company with a capitalisation of $30m. I do believe the global McDonalds contract when rolled out could be worth $24m per annum based on the snipets of information that are available. Maybe more.

is the Edison report due for a significant update?

Can I just point out that the $25-$50 Licence per store and $0.10 redemption fee appear to be alternative pricing strategies from my reading of the presentations.

And as I said before I am confident that McDonalds have negotiated a custom deal.

Also of more importance than the revenue itself is the gross profit margin.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

20-04-2015, 06:46 PM
maybe robbo will come along and talk down my numbers, but this is a company with a capitalisation of $30m. I do believe the global McDonalds contract when rolled out could be worth $24m per annum based on the snipets of information that are available. Maybe more.

is the Edison report due for a significant update?

Investors in VML are needing an update in order to value this company….. Talk of a 20 bagger is just talk until we get more details about the deals VML are doing.

While I hope the enthusiasm of Baa Baa, Goldendigger, Monty and others is justified, I personally value the objectivity that Paper Tiger brings.

Disc - I'm a small holder and realize this is an extremely speculative aspect of my portfolio. Watching closely.

21-04-2015, 11:23 AM
New Mc D app out yesterday in the Netherlands.


They updated it - it's not a new app.
Current Version

21-04-2015, 01:41 PM
Hey robbo, when you get a mo, how about an update on your chart?

http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Stock&symb=nz%3Avml&time=100&startdate=10%2F1%2F2013&enddate=4%2F16%2F2015&freq=1&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=5&maval=50%2C200&uf=32&lf=131072&lf2=2&lf3=32&type=4&style=320&size=4&x=52&y=5&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=15 The ultimate oscillator (your favourite) is looking perky, RSI same, SlowSto perhaps a bit toppy, price_volume looks healthy at 0.02, and for the long termers price is above the 50EMA which golden crossed above the 200EMA, on a nice rising trendline.

What does it look like without rose tinted glasses?

cheers, BAA

21-04-2015, 01:58 PM
Hey robbo, when you get a mo, how about an update on your chart?

http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Stock&symb=nz%3Avml&time=100&startdate=10%2F1%2F2013&enddate=4%2F16%2F2015&freq=1&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=5&maval=50%2C200&uf=32&lf=131072&lf2=2&lf3=32&type=4&style=320&size=4&x=52&y=5&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=15 The ultimate oscillator (your favourite) is looking perky, RSI same, SlowSto perhaps a bit toppy, price_volume looks healthy at 0.02, and for the long termers price is above the 50EMA which golden crossed above the 200EMA, on a nice rising trendline.

What does it look like without rose tinted glasses?

cheers, BAA

Looks like a lifetime of capital raisings and lacklustre financial information have put VML into a long term downtrend.

Don't worry though, it will be harder to draw these lines after the 25:1 consolidation :t_down:


21-04-2015, 02:27 PM
Ha ha, you're a character :D. Those ski slope lines credit must go to the few poor folks who put the first dots on the chart at 0.08, then the ones who got a bit carried away at 0.05/0.45 even before there was any revenue! Your chart does nicely illustrate the long term break out point is at about 0.023 on a rising med/short term trendline. All good, thanks.

21-04-2015, 02:34 PM
Ha ha, you're a character :D. Those ski slope lines credit must go to the few poor folks who put the first dots on the chart at 0.08, then the ones who got a bit carried away at 0.05/0.45 even before there was any revenue! Your chart does nicely illustrate the long term break out point is at about 0.023 on a rising med/short term trendline. All good, thanks.

Meanwhile, on planet earth...


VML depth reflects the trendline and the wearing off of the confidential, Global, undisclosed McDonalds contract.

Have you ever seen Dragon's Den? I've watched a lot of it. If a contestant walked in there with a product with no real ingenuity, intellectual property or uniqueness they wouldn't get any money. Time and time again I've seen contestants say "I have a supply agreement with Tescos" but the contestant refuses to show the Dragons. Or if they do, the terms are by no means as good as the inference makes out to be. Big mistake, that one. "I'm out," they say.

VML seems to fail a lot of the tests the Dragons use on that show.

VML has failed on Robbo's Den as well. Just like VML is failing the trend line.

21-04-2015, 02:48 PM
so with the share consolidation now announced and on today's price around $0.50 per share, that is one major issue dealt with.

there is one comment in the letter
In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase relative to the Consolidation ratio

So with the consolidation VMob are expecting a lift in the share price. Would this be because the penny dreadful status has been left behind?, or because of the impending lift in exposure, (especially on the ASX) or maybe an announcement, or maybe release of the Year end results?

Will anyone hazard a guess when the VMob will list on the ASX?

21-04-2015, 02:49 PM
It seems like the dragons and you are much smarter than any of the insto, private, directors, staff and some public shareholders who have bought up millions of shares in VML. At least there's plenty of liquidity there in the ASK for the next run up the flagpole.

[snip] .. VML depth reflects the trendline and the wearing off of the confidential, Global, undisclosed McDonalds contract.

Have you ever seen Dragon's Den? I've watched a lot of it. If a contestant walked in there with a product with no real ingenuity, intellectual property or uniqueness they wouldn't get any money. Time and time again I've seen contestants say "I have a supply agreement with Tescos" but the contestant refuses to show the Dragons. Or if they do, the terms are by no means as good as the inference makes out to be. Big mistake, that one. "I'm out," they say.

VML seems to fail a lot of the tests the Dragons use on that show.

VML has failed on Robbo's Den as well. Just like VML is failing the trend line.

21-04-2015, 02:54 PM
so with the share consolidation now announced and on today's price around $0.50 per share, that is one major issue dealt with.

there is one comment in the letter
In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase relative to the Consolidation ratio

So with the consolidation VMob are expecting a lift in the share price. Would this be because the penny dreadful status has been left behind?, or because of the impending lift in exposure, (especially on the ASX) or maybe an announcement, or maybe release of the Year end results?


They simply mean the price will increase by 25 times because there are 25 times less shares. They don't mean the MCAP will increase.

They don't mean people will be willing to pay a premium over the current MCAP just because there are less shares.

One way to sweep evidence of all the capital raisings under the carpet though :D

21-04-2015, 02:59 PM
It seems like the dragons and you are much smarter than any of the insto, private, directors, staff and some public shareholders who have bought up millions of shares in VML. At least there's plenty of liquidity there in the ASK for the next run up the flagpole.

None of the parties above brought into MJP, for instance, so perhaps me and my imaginary dragons are very smart. That was a 10 bagger.

Plenty of liquidity in VML? Haha... Yeah, wow. I guess the 696969 buy order at 1 cent might keep the ship afloat. :D

Snow Leopard
21-04-2015, 03:12 PM
...there is one comment in the letter
In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase relative to the Consolidation ratio

So with the consolidation VMob are expecting a lift in the share price. Would this be because the penny dreadful status has been left behind?, or because of the impending lift in exposure, (especially on the ASX) or maybe an announcement, or maybe release of the Year end results?


They simply mean the price will increase by 25 times because there are 25 times less shares. They don't mean the MCAP will increase.

They don't mean people will be willing to pay a premium over the current MCAP just because there are less shares...

No Monty is right and robbo the Grinner is wrong.

They ARE saying that they expect the price to rise above the ex-consolidation price.
i.e. 2c x 25 would be 50c they then expect it to go to 51, 52... $19.99.

But as they give absolutely no justification for this statement they are


Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

21-04-2015, 03:14 PM
Consolidation, 1:25, another milestone on the Roadmap!

21-04-2015, 03:22 PM
...expect the price to rise above the ex-consolidation price.

In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase relative to the Consolidation ratio.

My reading is that an increase relative to the consolidation ratio would be 25:1.

Basically saying "we hope it trades at exactly the same MCAP, at least."

My understanding is that you are merely taking the piss out of the announcement, or have I missed something?

Yours sincerely,

21-04-2015, 03:22 PM
Er, read it a few times. I agree with robbo -

key words - immediately following, and relative to Consolidation ratio

They would not, and cannot give a prediction for the share price post-consolidation.

Look to ASX mining juniors for an indication of what happens post-consolidation - almost always down unless there is a compelling piece of new news to get bullish over.

They're also going to dilute shareholders even further aren't they?

21-04-2015, 03:22 PM
Perhaps they will announce the FY15 results during the trading halt. Of course as a result, the share price could go either way on the 7th May.

No Monty is right and robbo the Grinner is wrong.

They ARE saying that they expect the price to rise above the ex-consolidation price.
i.e. 2c x 25 would be 50c they then expect it to go to 51, 52... $19.99.

But as they give absolutely no justification for this statement they are


Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

21-04-2015, 03:28 PM
Consolidation, 1:25, another milestone on the Roadmap!

I happen to have obtained a written copy of the The Roadmap as written by JRR Tolkien.

A great educational tool for children.


21-04-2015, 03:40 PM
Er, read it a few times. I agree with robbo -

key words - immediately following, and relative to Consolidation ratio

They would not, and cannot give a prediction for the share price post-consolidation.

Look to ASX mining juniors for an indication of what happens post-consolidation - almost always down unless there is a compelling piece of new news to get bullish over.

They're also going to dilute shareholders even further aren't they?

Upon reflection I also agree and my original interpretation was incorrect. Still I believe there will be an uplift due to ASX listing and positive year end results. Id still love to know when the ASX listing is planned - maybe another read of the roadmap may give a hint?

Snow Leopard
21-04-2015, 05:03 PM
My reading is that an increase relative to the consolidation ratio would be 25:1.

Basically saying "we hope it trades at exactly the same MCAP, at least."

My understanding is that you are merely taking the piss out of the announcement, or have I missed something?

Yours sincerely,

I think there is a what they meant to say:
"In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase by the Consolidation ratio"

and what they actually did say:
"In addition, it is anticipated that the price at which VMob Shares trade on the NZAX Alternative Board immediately following the Consolidation should increase relative to the Consolidation ratio"

increase by the consolidation ratio is 25x.

increase relative to the consolidation ratio is greater than 25x.

Better still they should have said nothing and assumed that their shareholders can actually work it out for themselves.
After all this company in it's previous guises as had more share consolidations than this thread has had sensible posts.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

21-04-2015, 05:55 PM
I spend all this time getting a nice round number and now it's going to be divided by 25 and not be so round!

I wouldn't be at all surprised to see an announcement of substance notified along with the trading halt being lifted on the 7th May (assuming consolidation process is complete). I would expect some sort of trading history will want to be established prior to the book building process and IPO prospectus being released, IMHO.

Same and I'd actually be disappointed if there wasn't something or soon after!

21-04-2015, 06:00 PM
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see an announcement of substance notified along with the trading halt being lifted on the 7th May (assuming consolidation process is complete). I would expect some sort of trading history will want to be established prior to the book building process and IPO prospectus being released, IMHO.

But hey I am just a rookie….:)

Banking on hype to push the SP up... Welcome to VML.

Meanwhile the stock goes south as does the depth.

How can the market be so stupid with a great company like VML?


Snow Leopard
21-04-2015, 06:08 PM
...One would have to expect VML has very good news to warrant an ASX listing……(placement and IPO)...

...and finally we will all know why the insiders were so keen to buy more shares...

...I wouldn't be at all surprised to see an announcement of substance notified along with the trading halt being lifted on the 7th May...

But hey I am just a rookie….:)

You appear to be claiming that VMOB directors and/or staff have market sensitive/important news which they are deliberately withholding in contravention of the rules.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger

21-04-2015, 06:35 PM
Oh well I'm in. For now. I wouldn't have bought if I'd known the consolidation was happening. I don't like consolidations, they seem to just allow for the share price to fall further, so have a tight stop and not likely to be around for long I'm afraid.

21-04-2015, 07:00 PM
You appear to be claiming that VMOB directors and/or staff have market sensitive/important news which they are deliberately withholding in contravention of the rules.

Best Wishes
Paper Tiger
very good point paper tiger. Although by co-incidence the FYE result may be published sometime after close on 1 May2015. I think more likely is that some major announcements may be made when negotiations conclude but before listing on the ASX. This would be a contract in the pipeline. Of course total speculation on my part.

21-04-2015, 07:45 PM
People are acting like they didn't know this was happening….which I find quite bizarre really.

See you on the boards tomorrow…..WD

Yeah my silly I just like the chart and didn't do my research... As you were folks. Hopefully I'm here for a good while.

22-04-2015, 04:56 PM
Just wondering how the brokers and the market will survive without the $25,000 odd of VML activity not going through each day when VML is in a trading halt.

22-04-2015, 10:52 PM
Watching a 'work up' in the ocean and you will see the birds squawking and diving at the sprats, who are dashing around avoiding the Kawhai, who are darting around avoiding the Kingy's, who are schooling to avoid the sharks, all of which are oblivious to the anglers on the beach.

The glorious thing about anonymity is that in the VML 'work up' it is next to impossible, unless disclosed and believable, to tell who are the birds, the sprats, the Kawhai, the Kingy's, the sharks, or the anglers. But they're all here.

The next couple of weeks could be pretty tedious prior to and during the trading halt and the re-listing at the consolidated price. Best perhaps that we focus not on the squawking birds but on which side of the queue we want to be on, or not on, on 7 May.


Another wonderful piece of 'Guru' comment…….god you must have a boring life? why don't you go look at the the 6mth NZX 50 comparison Charts for all of the NZX 50 companies……and let me know what you think of those? Bear Market started about the 1st week of February 2015 I reckon…..you read it here first!

More than happy sticking with my array of high growth ASX / NZX companies…...

Sweet Dreams everyone…….see you on the boards tomorrow. :)

23-04-2015, 08:26 AM
The next couple of weeks could be pretty tedious prior to and during the trading halt and the re-listing at the consolidated price. Best perhaps that we focus not on the squawking birds but on which side of the queue we want to be on, or not on, on 7 May.

Why are you excited about a share consolidation?

23-04-2015, 08:45 AM
several reasons why I am excited about the share consolidation. in the first instant it is part of the roadmap to achieving several significant objectives this year including exposure to the ASX.

It gets rid of the penny dreadful status. (unjustified in my opinion)

having shares at circa 50cents means there will be circa 60m shares instead of circa 1.5b.

I don't think i'll lose any money on consolidation and that is the key thing. I did originally think it would be a 10:1 consolidation, but understanding the need to have a minimum price for listing on NZX makes sense.

I'm looking forward to more announcements of clients, the consolidation proceeding, and the listing on the ASX. Im not looking forward to another round of capital raising but I do understand that it is necessary.

23-04-2015, 08:55 AM
I'm looking forward to more announcements of clients, the consolidation proceeding, and the listing on the ASX. Im not looking forward to another round of capital raising but I do understand that it is necessary.

Funny how they are doing the consolidation before some more capital raisings :D I guess that's why they went for 25:1 instead of something lower - because they are going to pump out some more shares and don't want to risk the SP falling below their target.

23-04-2015, 09:04 AM
No Robbo
the logic is a consolidation before listing on the ASX.

23-04-2015, 09:12 AM
No Robbo
the logic is a consolidation before listing on the ASX.

My logic is that a share consolidation does absolutely nothing for the company.

The mid tens is just seen as a "sweet spot" for ASX listings. Look at MJP (did a $3.00 to 30 cent 1:10 dillution prior to ASX listing) and PYL (listed at 20 cents).

VML bought a used car, spraypainted it matte black and now they want to auction it. Underneath, it's still a penny dreadful.

23-04-2015, 10:07 AM
I think you should go play with you AVB shares……600mn new ones should add value there??? over 2 billion after this round of capital raising……if anyone want's to take up there rights @8 cps when they can buy them on market cheaper? as for failing to get bank finance and having no off take agreement…..that should go dandy…..oh, and they hope the dry season doesn't run out of dryness…...

I'll take my open ended investment in VML over your hole in the ground anyday……see you at the finish line. ;)

When Blackrock, Glencore and Appian own 35% of VML and agree to partake in a capital raising at an 8% premium over the VWAP of VML, then I will think the capital raising is a good thing. Especially if that money thrusts VML into production.

Unsurprisingly, VML only seems to be able to scrape together a small amount of change through capital raisings. At a discount. At times convenient to the directors.

23-04-2015, 10:16 AM
As I said, we will see whose share price is the highest at the end of the year. The challenge is here in black and white. :t_up:

Share price is a meaningless measure - afterall, share prices can go up with 25:1 consolidations.

23-04-2015, 10:58 AM
I have a good feeling about IHG, Building Depot, Coca-Cola (Atlanta),

I think the next announcement will be the FYE results - can these be produced by during the consolidation shutdown given the year end was only on 31 March 2015.

I saw a article link from link on twitter today that talked about the McDonalds rollout in the USA this Summer (June -July August 2015) "as part of an effort to catch up to its competitors on the digital front./....dedicated significant resource....McCafe to catch up with starbucks and dunkin donuts.... personalised markets

McDonalds will be the marque Client for VMob which VMob must ensure is rolled out to an exceptionally high standard as it will be their reputation on the line. If the roll out goes well then VMob will be reaching for the sky. If it fails then my money would be at risk. But I do have the faith that all parties have done their due diligence and the roll out will be successful.

23-04-2015, 11:50 AM
Hey Robbo - still not going to take me up on that bet eh? Just goes to show us all here that you do believe in VML and you are blatantly down ramping.

23-04-2015, 12:09 PM
The next announcement should focus on progress of the McD's rollout in Europe, Asia and particularly the USA. I would also anticipate reference to conversion of prospects arising from the NRF conference and other marketing events.

That's a very impressive list of companies WD. I think that we cannot underestimate the opportunity multiplier that comes from association with Microsoft. You can see from the Microsoft articles that they are very bullish about the retail sector opportunity globally for Azure and VMob.

Let's get back to some productive discussion, below is a list of all the companies I recorded that Vmob have met with or have been mentioned in tweets etc:

Walmart, Sainsbury's, Avis, Tesco, Starbucks, Marks & Spencer, Nordstrom, Macy's, Estee Lauder, H&M, Kohl's, Toys 'R' Us, I am adding Katmandu due to their recent comments in their annual report about their failure to drive 'foot traffic' to stores in recent promotions, so I think they are a perfect target for a turnaround using the Vmob platform.

So Monty and others, who do you think will be the next announcement?

23-04-2015, 12:09 PM
Hey guys new and breaking news
the acmr is up 1600% on last year. https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263474

23-04-2015, 12:12 PM
Hey Robbo - still not going to take me up on that bet eh? Just goes to show us all here that you do believe in VML and you are blatantly down ramping.

I occasionally bet on the horses but I'm not interested in betting, thank you though.

I just cannot fathom why anyone would sell into such great news? :D I hope it's not Sorehead selling down!

Maybe the market is concerned that the "deployment phase" means that the "cash burn" is even higher than predicted. Afterall, with VML as revenue increases so does its expenses. Higher revenue, higher expenses, higher loss.

Funny how VML refer to cancellations of their own contracts in the announcement :D

I also find it amusing that a share consolidation (read: painting the Cortina matte black) is defined as a key investor milestone :D I thought it could be better described as a shameless attempt by the company to hide its dark past... That's hype for you though!

23-04-2015, 12:18 PM
Well trading VML shares on the basis that its a failing company is really betting against yourself isn't it? Weak justification - ramper.

23-04-2015, 12:21 PM
I occasionally bet on the horses but I'm not interested in betting, thank you though.

I just cannot fathom why anyone would sell into such great news? :D I hope it's not Sorehead selling down!

Maybe the market is concerned that the "deployment phase" means that the "cash burn" is even higher than predicted. Afterall, with VML as revenue increases so does its expenses. Higher revenue, higher expenses, higher loss.

Funny how VML refer to cancellations of their own contracts in the announcement :D

I also find it amusing that a share consolidation (read: painting the Cortina matte black) is defined as a key investor milestone :D I thought it could be better described as a shameless attempt by the company to hide its dark past... That's hype for you though!

Well trading VML shares on the basis that its a failing company, is really betting against yourself isn't it? Weak justification - ramper.

Also re your comment trading on such good news - i suspect quite a few of those were your shares... anyway - small volumes nothing to worry about of us, just smalltime traders trading.

23-04-2015, 12:25 PM
I occasionally bet on the horses but I'm not interested in betting, thank you though.

I just cannot fathom why anyone would sell into such great news? :D I hope it's not Sorehead selling down!

Maybe the market is concerned that the "deployment phase" means that the "cash burn" is even higher than predicted. Afterall, with VML as revenue increases so does its expenses. Higher revenue, higher expenses, higher loss.

Funny how VML refer to cancellations of their own contracts in the announcement :D

I also find it amusing that a share consolidation (read: painting the Cortina matte black) is defined as a key investor milestone :D I thought it could be better described as a shameless attempt by the company to hide its dark past... That's hype for you though!

Key investor milestones for 2015 include:
- Share consolidation to take place on May 7th 2015
- Pre dual-listing private placement, and subsequent public offer of new capital in conjunction with the ASX dual listing
- Dual listing on the ASX in Q3 2015

Does this mean that the pre listing cap raise will be for mates / insiders only if it's a private placement?
All the loyal VML shareholders might miss out. Pity the mates / insiders may get their private placement at a sweet discount and be ready to sell down and crush the share price on ASX listing. :(

23-04-2015, 12:32 PM
Key investor milestones for 2015 include:
- Share consolidation to take place on May 7th 2015
- Pre dual-listing private placement, and subsequent public offer of new capital in conjunction with the ASX dual listing
- Dual listing on the ASX in Q3 2015

Does this mean that the pre listing cap raise will be for mates / insiders only if it's a private placement?
All the loyal VML shareholders might miss out. Pity the mates / insiders may get their private placement at a sweet discount and be ready to sell down and crush the share price on ASX listing. :(

Yeah, I'm expecting the same trick as last time: raise capital at a slight discount to the SP and then a few days later release some new contract details to give the SP a good bump.

I'm hoping that's not the way they play it but I've got low expectations.

23-04-2015, 12:56 PM
Soo all, what do we think of the unaudited results?

Based on my terrible FA skills I estimate AMCR from McD's (Japan, Sweden, Netherlands) to be [very] roughly 2.5m. Based on store figures from Macdonalds (Wikipedia 2013) the USA has about 3.92 times the amount of stores Japan, Sweden and the Netherlands do combined. So - 2.5m AMCR x 3.92 (USA market size) = 9.8m AMCR - but I assume there will be a discount for the global contract.
Now USA, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden represent about a 1/3 of all global McD's - so we could potentially be looking at revenues in 2017-2018 of 20 - 30m for Macdonalds alone, excluding voucher redemptions and other VML upsells?

Looking like a tasty treat to me - even if Im a few (or even 10) million out! Perhaps they will release updated AMCR figures before ASX IPO when USA MacD's/7-11 Aus are rolled out...

Would love for someone to do some experienced FA calcs on this and correct me. Wallace D (actually anyone for or against VML - except Robbo) your opinions are always welcome. Although i suspect the troll will chime in regardless.

23-04-2015, 12:57 PM
An outstanding result!

"ACMR (Annualised Committed Monthly Revenue) figure of $3.181 million, calculated as at 31 March 2015. This ACMR figure represents 1600% growth on the FY2014 figure of $0.2M. This figure also represents a 33% increase on the interim figure of $2.423M released to the market in December 2014. The growth in ACMR comes off the back of several key contract wins such as the addition of McDonald’s USA."

Great to see McD's USA revenue appearing in the results already! And with that to continue and 7-Eleven revenue coming on stream, the rate of growth in revenue is phenomenal, it's 2015 game on!

Congrats to VMob and holders.

Hey guys new and breaking news
the acmr is up 1600% on last year. https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/263474

23-04-2015, 01:03 PM
Great to see McD's USA revenue appearing in the results already! And with that to continue and 7-Eleven revenue coming on stream, the rate of growth in revenue is phenomenal, it's 2015 game on!

I wonder how many USA stores??? The said they would only be completing Japan rollout in early 2015....

Also, I don't expect the Australian 7-eleven revenue to amount to much - just like the flybuys app - its spread across too many products. Only about 600 aussie stores, 50-100k-ish revenue?

Harvey Specter
23-04-2015, 01:21 PM
Key investor milestones for 2015 include:
- Share consolidation to take place on May 7th 2015
- Pre dual-listing private placement, and subsequent public offer of new capital in conjunction with the ASX dual listing
- Dual listing on the ASX in Q3 2015

Does this mean that the pre listing cap raise will be for mates / insiders only if it's a private placement?
All the loyal VML shareholders might miss out. Pity the mates / insiders may get their private placement at a sweet discount and be ready to sell down and crush the share price on ASX listing. :(I dont think they had previously said it was a private placement. I was hoping for a SPP given the last raise was a private placement.

Hard to justify a discount to VWAP but I am sure they will try (or manipulate VWAP).

23-04-2015, 01:30 PM
I wonder how many USA stores??? The said they would only be completing Japan rollout in early 2015....

Also, I don't expect the Australian 7-eleven revenue to amount to much - just like the flybuys app - its spread across too many products. Only about 600 aussie stores, 50-100k-ish revenue?

33% growth in ACMR in three months and since only having had announced McD's global contract on Jan26 https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/260004 there's only two months that could have contributed to ACMR, so I doubt if there are very many of the well over 35,000 stores in those numbers, hence plenty of ACMR upside growth to come!

I'd expect the 7-Eleven Aus rollout of 600 stores to make a tidy contribution of course, but the kicker would be if like McDonalds, VMob could sign up 7-Eleven Inc, which is the world’s largest convenience store chain with more than 55,800 stores in 16 countries, of which approximately 10,500 are in North America.

23-04-2015, 01:33 PM
I wonder how many USA stores??? The said they would only be completing Japan rollout in early 2015....

Also, I don't expect the Australian 7-eleven revenue to amount to much - just like the flybuys app - its spread across too many products. Only about 600 aussie stores, 50-100k-ish revenue?

I don't think the 7-eleven contract in Australia will mount to much either but nevertheless it is important because like Esso in Norway and McDonalds in Netherlands this can be the international pilot or test and a successful implementation has definite capability to lead onto much larger and hopefully global contracts.

There has been some discussion this morning about who is next and the reality is we will not know until the announcements are made. But there is an expectation that announcements will be made. Speculation I know. But there is nothing to suggest VMob are anything but in the right place at the right time with a product that will be in demand. And that is what Im excited about.

Sadly the market reaction to this mornings announcement has been very muted - I would have thought a 1600% increase on the 2014 revenue would be something to get excited about. Maybe the Aussies will like that massive revenue increase come Q3 when the listing on the ASX progresses.

23-04-2015, 01:36 PM
I dont think they had previously said it was a private placement. I was hoping for a SPP given the last raise was a private placement.

Hard to justify a discount to VWAP but I am sure they will try (or manipulate VWAP).

Harvey, if you're hoping for a SPP, would that be because you'd expect or also hope for a discount to the SP on the day, or VWAP? If so I would have thought it less risky than waiting for an SPP, to just buy your quota on market now while the SP is so low? For myself, I'm already fully loaded and then some, so it makes no difference to me particularly how they raise the capital. The good news I think is that with decent revenues flowing now and very promising growth in revenue expected, that the capital raising will be less than it might have been had the VMob still be making losses.

23-04-2015, 01:38 PM
I dont think they had previously said it was a private placement. I was hoping for a SPP given the last raise was a private placement.

Hard to justify a discount to VWAP but I am sure they will try (or manipulate VWAP).

They certainly did not mention it was a private placement. "New equity capital to be raised via a pre listing placement and an offer to be made at the time of the IPO on ASX." https://www.nzx.com/companies/VML/announcements/262048

Bradley is taking at least 250k salary out of this very small company.
Insiders get priority and discounted prices over shareholders when it comes to raising capital.
Small shareholders get diluted and washed out

My understanding of things like insider trading laws is limited but goes like this.
Private placement not subject to insider trading laws ( load up your mates with cheap shares)
But insiders can't sell while in possession of "inside information" (that would be insider trading)

So make an announcement to market allowing your mates to dump their shares. (as its not insider trading anymore, because you are not in possession of information the market doesn't have)

Cool they haven't broken any laws.

But really as a shareholder are they serving your best interests?

Will the losses keep growing and as they keep issuing shares to the insiders, will you smaller shareholders buy off them on market or get left by the wayside?

23-04-2015, 01:41 PM
Harvey, if you're hoping for a SPP, would that be because you'd expect or also hope for a discount to the SP on the day, or VWAP? If so I would have thought it less risky than waiting for an SPP, to just buy your quota on market now while the SP is so low? For myself, I'm already fully loaded and then some, so it makes no difference to me particularly how they raise the capital. The good news I think is that with decent revenues flowing now and very promising growth in revenue expected, that the capital raising will be less than it might have been had the VMob still be making losses.

"that the capital raising will be less than it might have been had the VMob still be making losses"
I am not sure what you are even saying here BAA. Do you know that VMob are no longer making a loss?

23-04-2015, 01:42 PM
Good things to come... watching and waiting...


23-04-2015, 01:44 PM
Sadly the market reaction to this mornings announcement has been very muted - I would have thought a 1600% increase on the 2014 revenue would be something to get excited about. Maybe the Aussies will like that massive revenue increase come Q3 when the listing on the ASX progresses.

Don't make the mistake that this is actual revenue. Actual revenue for the year probably may not even be $1.5m.

This is certainly a good announcement though. Good to see a real bump in subscription revenue following on from the new contracts and hopefully it continues.

23-04-2015, 01:49 PM
"that the capital raising will be less than it might have been had the VMob still be making losses"
I am not sure what you are even saying here BAA. Do you know that VMob are no longer making a loss?

Sorry if you misunderstood my meaning.

23-04-2015, 01:49 PM
Cool they haven't broken any laws.

Hi axe,

To boil it down, there is a transitional period between the old law and the new law. At the moment, the law says that insider trading is illegal. However, for a limited time only it is not illegal if you do it by way of placement.

During the transitional period (http://legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2014/0326/latest/DLM6293764.html) the laws that normally apply to an insider with information who acquires shares (http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091310.html#DLM4091310) does not apply until the end of the transitional period (http://legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2014/0326/latest/DLM6293871.html). VML refers to this when they say (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/directtrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3795601):

The participation of directors in the private placements is entirely appropriate. It is expressly allowed, and catered for, under the NZAX Listing Rules. The new insider trading rules in the Financial Markets Conducts Act 2013 do not apply to the issue of new shares by private placement (refer clause 20 of Schedule 1 to the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014). This was also the case under the previous insider trading rules in the Securities Markets Act 1988. The FMA has confirmed to VMob that it is not investigating or making any enquiries of VMob regarding insider trading involving the placements. The FMA has made some routine information requests regarding the private placements and VMob will provide such information.

VML says the law would apply but for the transitional period. VML finds it entirely appropriate to make use of this.

Do you find it entirely appropriate? :D

23-04-2015, 01:54 PM

I think that VMob might be making losses for a couple of years yet, hence the need to raise capital. But 2-3 more contract announcements and that may well change especially as the big international retail organisations are undoubtably being chased for a VMob platform.

McDonalds was a game changer for VMob as today's result demonstrates, but this remains a company that has yet to get the attention of the big companies and funds that will really put pressure on he share price. I have no doubt that day will eventually come

23-04-2015, 02:34 PM
Hi axe,

To boil it down, there is a transitional period between the old law and the new law. At the moment, the law says that insider trading is illegal. However, for a limited time only it is not illegal if you do it by way of placement.

During the transitional period (http://legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2014/0326/latest/DLM6293764.html) the laws that normally apply to an insider with information who acquires shares (http://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2013/0069/latest/DLM4091310.html#DLM4091310) does not apply until the end of the transitional period (http://legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2014/0326/latest/DLM6293871.html). VML refers to this when they say (https://www.anzsecurities.co.nz/directtrade/dynamic/announcement.aspx?id=3795601):

VML says the law would apply but for the transitional period. VML finds it entirely appropriate to make use of this.

Do you find it entirely appropriate? :D

It's a pretty sad reflection of the expected ethical standard of the people behind VMob that so many people on this forum are expecting that the upcoming private placement is going to involve a transfer of wealth from current holders to insiders and their mates.

I would rate it as a virtual certainty but I'm hoping it doesn't happen.

23-04-2015, 04:11 PM
It's a pretty sad reflection of the expected ethical standard of the people behind VMob that so many people on this forum are expecting that the upcoming private placement is going to involve a transfer of wealth from current holders to insiders and their mates.

I would rate it as a virtual certainty but I'm hoping it doesn't happen.

A good friend of mine contacted the company a day after the pre-IPO was first announced.

My friend asked to participate in the pre-IPO capital raising. Surprisingly, VML did not respond.

I wonder where else VML finds its pool of investors? You know, the ones to issue discounted shares to. How does VML find them if VML do not respond to direct correspondence making inquiries? :D

23-04-2015, 07:18 PM
A good friend of mine contacted the company a day after the pre-IPO was first announced.

My friend asked to participate in the pre-IPO capital raising. Surprisingly, VML did not respond.

I wonder where else VML finds its pool of investors? You know, the ones to issue discounted shares to. How does VML find them if VML do not respond to direct correspondence making inquiries? :D

Perhaps your imaginary friend isn't wealthy enough, or didn't attend the Wholesale Investor & CMB investors breakfast, or oddly enough VMob didn't take seriously a random contacting the company by correspondence asking to participate in the pre-IPO capital raising, or something else, at the eleventh hour when they would have already lined up the money.

I do wonder as well why it's a surprise that VMob would do a private placement when they've not hidden the fact that they have been courting large private investors for months. And the ethics bandwagon has been well trodden, it is perfectly within the rights of the Board to seek funding from whomever they choose, whenever they choose. That will change with the ASX listing though.

And by the way, personally I've always found them to be very responsive and helpful when I've contacted them.

25-04-2015, 11:24 AM
It'd be funny if the share price fell below 0.8 cents, making the who share consolidation a waste of time :D

25-04-2015, 11:44 AM


25-04-2015, 11:47 AM
The Future Of Marketing Automation

http://techcrunch.com/2015/04/23/the-future-of-marketing-automation/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29#. ot3elw:c7QG

25-04-2015, 05:24 PM


And here's an analogous example of why this type of superfluous self-marketing has zero effect on the prospects of a company or the share price: http://www.snakkmedia.com/smarts/#smart-screen

Similar colour scheme, too :D

25-04-2015, 05:30 PM
And here's an analogous example of why this type of superfluous self-marketing has zero effect on the prospects of a company or the share price: http://www.snakkmedia.com/smarts/#smart-screen

Similar colour scheme, too :D

Looks very much like an updated Plus SMS one of old as well

Sorry Wallace, bored at the moment after a busy exciting and exhilarating day

25-04-2015, 06:13 PM
And here's an analogous example of why this type of superfluous self-marketing has zero effect on the prospects of a company or the share price:

An interesting interpretation, that you would consider it self-marketing when VMob aren't mentioned in any of the materials? And as for superfluous, well I find it interesting getting deeper insights into the changing dynamics of retail markets. Your recurring comparisons with SNK are tiresome as they have little relevance to VMob. Try to think of something really insightful, or break new ground and be informative and helpful, and we can discuss that.

25-04-2015, 06:16 PM
Looks very much like an updated Plus SMS one of old as well

Sorry Wallace, bored at the moment after a busy exciting and exhilarating day

Probably borrowed it off Mr Sorensen you reckon? Your boredom may be better channelled into leveraging your vast experience to inform and educate people, rather than diminishing your reputation by these sorts of vacuous posts.

25-04-2015, 07:02 PM
Your recurring comparisons with SNK

Both companies shareprice is down 60-70% since November 2013? That's another comparison. Both backdoor listed. Both involving vulture capital. Both companies just an NZ version of hundreds of companies offerings elsewhere. Both companies pay shareholder wealth to run silly blogs that no customers even read anyway :D

Both companies may be ripe for the next big backdoor listing soon :D

25-04-2015, 07:44 PM
Both companies shareprice is down 60-70% since November 2013? That's another comparison. Both backdoor listed. Both involving vulture capital. Both companies just an NZ version of hundreds of companies offerings elsewhere. Both companies pay shareholder wealth to run silly blogs that no customers even read anyway :D

Both companies may be ripe for the next big backdoor listing soon :D

These tired worn out criticisms diminish your otherwise astute contributions elsewhere on ST. Banging the worn out drum of wafer thin comparisons is a bit ho hum by now.

Shareprice - no relevance
Companies - no comparison, no relevance
Backdoor listing - irrelevant
Vulture capital - not sure what that even means, emotive irrelevance
Websites - assumptive, also irrelevant

So you think VMob is going out of business as well, vulnerable to a back door? That's a long bow to draw, even for you. Perhaps you missed the 1600% increase in revenue over FY14? Or the 33% increase in revenue in Q4 alone? Or the signing of global contracts? Or rolling out in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Or upcoming listing on the ASX? Or an excellent product, in the right place at the right time? Or an association with Microsoft who are promoting VMob globally to the retail sector? Or stunning business outcomes from retailers who are already using their products?

That's success robbo, and still just the beginning.

25-04-2015, 08:03 PM
These tired worn out criticisms diminish your otherwise astute contributions elsewhere on ST. Banging the worn out drum of wafer thin comparisons is a bit ho hum by now.

Shareprice - no relevance
Companies - no comparison, no relevance
Backdoor listing - irrelevant
Vulture capital - not sure what that even means, emotive irrelevance
Websites - assumptive, also irrelevant

So you think VMob is going out of business as well, vulnerable to a back door? That's a long bow to draw, even for you. Perhaps you missed the 1600% increase in revenue over FY14? Or the 33% increase in revenue in Q4 alone? Or the signing of global contracts? Or rolling out in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Or upcoming listing on the ASX? Or an excellent product, in the right place at the right time? Or an association with Microsoft who are promoting VMob globally to the retail sector? Or stunning business outcomes from retailers who are already using their products?

That's success robbo, and still just the beginning.


They'll be in waiting for the next iteration of this shell company. They're still holding this one.

1600% is all relative to the base number. Anyway, I see they didn't trumpet their increase in expenses and loss in their failed attempt at a hype announcement on Thursday.

What will they wow the market with before the IPO* now?

25-04-2015, 08:34 PM

They'll be in waiting for the next iteration of this shell company. They're still holding this one.

1600% is all relative to the base number. Anyway, I see they didn't trumpet their increase in expenses and loss in their failed attempt at a hype announcement on Thursday.

What will they wow the market with before the IPO* now?

Another long bow robbo. Referring to history doesn't reflect the present. VMob is neither a shell, nor distressed, so the venture capital that got it started is more than likely to be elated at the ROI already, let alone the potential for their investment. Getting VMob listed in such a cost effective manner and taking a position as a foundation investor seems an astute move. Well done them! It's also great to be invested at a small premium to those foundation investors, and that opportunity hasn't gone away, well not completely, yet

1600% revenue growth may be off a small base. Let's use real numbers then. $3.4million ACMR from next to nothing, 33% ACMR growth in the last three months of FY15. I'm sure VMob are as delighted as I am, perhaps more so.

The expenses will be illuminated as you know in the FY15 results that will be released in June, which you also know. The WOW that you refer to is pretty obvious, they will elaborate on signed contracts, conversion of prospects from the NRF, progress rolling out existing customers and perhaps an insight into the 3 months ACMR growth that will have accrued since the actual FY15 closed.

It'll be awesome I'm certain of that, because there's plenty of great things happening at VMob and it's even better being in at the beginning of that success.

26-04-2015, 03:25 PM
Thanks for finding the time to reply Wallace.

I don't know where you get this 'legend' / 'guru' stuff from. I am the cat's whiskers anyway. For some reason you keep calling yourself a 'newbie' but post more like a 'pro'

I have done my homework. (eg ....why don't you go look at the the 6mth NZX 50 comparison Charts for all of the NZX 50 companies……and let me know what you think of those? Bear Market started about the 1st week of February 2015 I reckon…..you read it here first!)

Wouldn't say a bear market (whatever they are anyway) started early Feb. If a bear market is when most prices are declining then maybe mid-March was the start. Must be contagious as the bear (if he is growling) has visited the NZAX as well with several stocks down quite a lot in that period.

26-04-2015, 03:44 PM
Wallace, I am no more a legend (and far too modest ever to suggest it) than you are a 'Member'

Did I get a pass for my homework

26-04-2015, 05:02 PM
The best part is that Wallace, in his recent posts, appears convinced that the Vmob share price is affected by winner69 and robbo24 (and others) posting on a forum.

Hate to say it Wallace the Member but in this case art imitates life. In other words, I am merely saying what the market seems to be thinking. The market isn't doing what I'm saying :D

26-04-2015, 07:51 PM
I found this article quite interesting

Fun and games in the retail space


26-04-2015, 10:13 PM
Wouldn't say a bear market (whatever they are anyway) started early Feb. If a bear market is when most prices are declining then maybe mid-March was the start. Must be contagious as the bear (if he is growling) has visited the NZAX as well with several stocks down quite a lot in that period.

NZX50 (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Index&symb=nzx50&x=43&y=20&time=12&startdate=1%2F4%2F1999&enddate=4%2F26%2F2015&freq=1&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=4&maval=50%2C100%2C200&uf=8&lf=1024&lf2=32&lf3=2&type=4&style=320&size=4&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=11) doesn't look that bad off to me. Sad panda it's riding the lower bolly band at the moment but that RSI and stochastic suggest there is at least a bounce coming :D An escalator up/elevator down fail of the SMA200 might be a bit worrisome but hey therein lies value. Would be folly to be hoovering up just about anything at current prices if you truly believe equity markets are going to flop.

It's a shame VML will never be a constituent of the NZX50 - it would surely bring the bulls back to the index. :D

27-04-2015, 12:28 AM
NZX50 (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Index&symb=nzx50&x=43&y=20&time=12&startdate=1%2F4%2F1999&enddate=4%2F26%2F2015&freq=1&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=4&maval=50%2C100%2C200&uf=8&lf=1024&lf2=32&lf3=2&type=4&style=320&size=4&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=11) doesn't look that bad off to me. Sad panda it's riding the lower bolly band at the moment but that RSI and stochastic suggest there is at least a bounce coming :D An escalator up/elevator down fail of the SMA200 might be a bit worrisome but hey therein lies value. Would be folly to be hoovering up just about anything at current prices if you truly believe equity markets are going to flop.

It's a shame VML will never be a constituent of the NZX50 - it would surely bring the bulls back to the index. :D

Strangely I tend to agree with some of what you say robbo, zooming in on exactly the same chart http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/advchart/frames/frames.asp?show=&insttype=Index&symb=nzx50&x=44&y=16&time=7&startdate=1%2F4%2F1999&enddate=4%2F26%2F2015&freq=1&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&comptemptext=&comp=none&ma=4&maval=50%2C100%2C200&uf=8&lf=1024&lf2=32&lf3=2&type=4&style=320&size=4&timeFrameToggle=false&compareToToggle=false&indicatorsToggle=false&chartStyleToggle=false&state=11 you can see that the NZX50 has fallen below the bollinger which usually lasts only a few days before a reversal (up this time), which it started friday.

It's just silly to reverse the maxim of riding the staircase up and the elevator down, so not sure what you're trying to say there, are you just being contrite perhaps? The drop below the 50sma is only mildly concerning (I'd use an ema), though if it did go to the 200(ema) then that's more of a worry.

So the point that we might agree is that it's a shame VML isn't going to upshift to the NZX as that would bring attention to the company as it surely will with the ASX listing. Not quite sure what they're thinking there, except perhaps that even an NZX listing doesn't begin to approach the liquidity of an ASX listing. Do you thing they will move to the NZX in time? It would help the traders like you, having a lot more volume moving through. Or maybe you'd just move your attention to the ASX and not be concerned one way or the other about VML on the NZX?

Interested to hear how you see this from a traders perspective.

27-04-2015, 09:59 AM
An escalator up/elevator down fail of the SMA200

It's just silly to reverse the maxim of riding the staircase up and the elevator down, so not sure what you're trying to say there, are you just being contrite perhaps?

To aid your understanding: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escalator

27-04-2015, 10:30 AM

27-04-2015, 11:19 AM

Henceforth we can attribute robbo for replacement of the word 'stairs' with 'escalator' in the time tested maxim, "The Market Takes The Stairs Up And The Elevator Down"


27-04-2015, 11:34 AM
Getting into some tech stuff, this will likely bore the socks of people, but if you are at all interested in why Beacons aren't the bogey man, here's some material.

6 Myths around Beacon Security and Privacy http://blog.beaconstac.com/6-myths-around-beacon-security-and-privacy/

Myth 1: Beacons deliver contextual offers
Myth 2: Any beacon can be hacked easily
Myth 3: Beacons can collect information about users without their permission
Myth 4: UUID is used to protect valuable resources or assets
Myth 5: Beacons have access to information on latitude and longitude
Myth 6: Beacons allow mobile devices to learn about other nearby devices

If you're still interested, dive into some more details:
iBeacon basics - How to iBeacons even work? http://blog.twocanoes.com/post/87202757473/ibeacon-security-part-1-beacon-basics-how-do
iBeacon Privacy and Security http://blog.twocanoes.com/post/87320735638/ibeacon-security-part-2-beacon-privacy-and

I found this article quite interesting

Fun and games in the retail space


27-04-2015, 12:01 PM
Henceforth we can attribute robbo for replacement of the word 'stairs' with 'escalator' in the time tested maxim, "The Market Takes The Stairs Up And The Elevator Down"


To aid your understanding:https://www.google.co.nz/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=escalator%20up%20elevator%20down

27-04-2015, 12:04 PM
To aid your understanding:https://www.google.co.nz/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=escalator%20up%20elevator%20down

Ha ha, to aid your understanding https://www.google.co.nz/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=%22The+Market+Takes+The+Stairs+Up+And+The+Elev ator+Down%22

I think we all understand now.

27-04-2015, 12:13 PM
Yahoo data getting ahead of itself, showing the reverse split already. https://nz.finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=VML.NZ&t=2y&l=on&z=l&q=c&p=&a=w14%2Cr14%2Css&c=

27-04-2015, 06:46 PM
Guys, is there any chance that VMob have something so special that they become an attractive takeover target (at some inflated price)

I have my doubts that would be the case but interested in hearng what you guys think.

27-04-2015, 07:04 PM
Google acquired AdMob for $750 million in 2009; although the concepts are a bit different, the names sound a bit similar!


27-04-2015, 10:23 PM
Guys, is there any chance that VMob have something so special that they become an attractive takeover target (at some inflated price)

I have my doubts that would be the case but interested in gearing what you guys think.

I doubt it as well, in the medium term.

VMob are well ahead of the product curve, they have a product in the right place at the right time, but that in itself doesn't make them a takeover target. A takeover would in itself be just a quick exit for current investors, for example at a 2-3 times multiple that might seem immediately appealing but at a 10-20x+ growth potential it's a cop out.

The reason 2-3 times exit isn't a goer is that the management will be tied into a 2+ year contracts with performance clauses etc (and no control), and after that period the company turns to custard because the brains trust move on with their modest returns on their investment. I think the VMob are wise enough to see the 10-20 bagger here, at least, and unlikely to say yes to an acquisition that pays them less than a tenth of what they could make by staying the course.

The two most likely acquisition suitors though, would be a customer who wants sole rights to the technology; or a partner who thinks the technology is integral to future growth.

In the first case that would imply for example, that a McDonalds might buy VMob? I doubt it, as it's not their core business to buy the fringes. They sell burgers and stuff, it's more sensible for them, and other global retailers to just pay the rounding error (albeit millions of $ across the global franchises) for an App attached to Azure, which drives business to their core product.

The second scenario might be more likely, but I suspect unlikely (as they'll only pay the 2-3 times multiple), is that Microsoft seeks to acquire VMob. Just because the leverage on Azure revenue is from a clever VMob App and their even smarter use of Azure, doesn't change Microsofts' situation very much at all. Microsoft make money from Azure utilisation (in this case), so better for them to see whether VMob scales to other global retailers, rather than buy the revenue feed that VMob is.

28-04-2015, 09:01 AM
A buck here we come

Sounds better an 4 cents eh

28-04-2015, 09:07 AM
There was a point in asking you guys about VMob being acquired the other day, I was being serious in my bored way.

Microsoft quite keen on 'special' little businesses out of New Zealand

Bit of loud chatter in the pub the oher night

28-04-2015, 09:13 AM

Yay? It makes me laugh to think they didn't include this in their big announcement last week. Although perhaps they worked really hard over the long weekend to bring about this big, important deal.

Why waste their time typing out this garbage when there's product to sell? :D

28-04-2015, 09:16 AM
Thank you for being serious….could easily have been construed as baiting though? :)

Probably coincidence more than anything else but a bit if chatter about

28-04-2015, 09:20 AM
Can someone talk about what this means from a practical viewpoint. It seems great, and reminds me of big friend looking after and nurturing small friend.
Id be very interested to understand impact on market and why, impact on the ASX listing, growth opportunities ( which we have talked about substantially here) and any other observations.

Maybe the impact and benefit of this will be outlined in the next investor presentation which can't be too far away

28-04-2015, 09:46 AM
Can someone talk about what this means from a practical viewpoint. It seems great, and reminds me of big friend looking after and nurturing small friend.
Id be very interested to understand impact on market and why, impact on the ASX listing, growth opportunities ( which we have talked about substantially here) and any other observations.

Maybe the impact and benefit of this will be outlined in the next investor presentation which can't be too far away

Monty, it's definitely good news, great news even.

The immediate impacts should be exactly what Scott says "“The additional support and exposure we’re gaining from Microsoft as part of this deal will helpus greatly accelerate our growth worldwide, and in particular, our expansion into the NorthAmerican market.” Scott Bradley, CEO, VMob ,

Microsoft put funds and resources into accelerating the promotion of the VMob/Azure solution and developing the product plans. The reference to quickly implementing is also significant, as it talks to conversion of sales to operational systems. "With VMob running natively in the Microsoft technology stack, the platform integrates seamlesslyinto the existing technology investments of Microsoft’s large base of enterprise clients. Thisgives the platform a clear advantage for these customers in delivering a quick implementationprocess without additional IT overhead. "

In plain english, that means the VMob/Azure solution is most likely an extension to Microsoft's CRM (Dynamics), which means the VMob solution can be targeted at existing Microsoft CRM customers, with Microsoft's blessing and support.

We've been saying not to underestimate the leverage of working with a global giant like Microsoft. Great news indeed. Only four days left of being a penny share, buying in at 100th of a cent increments will soon be gone.


28-04-2015, 09:57 AM
We've been saying not to underestimate the leverage of working with a global giant like Microsoft. Great news indeed. Only four days left of being a penny share, buying in at 100th of a cent increments will soon be gone.

Buying at 100th of a cent increments gone because of a 25:1 consolidation. Why consolidate? Window dressing. Why 25:1? Just incase the shareprice falls below 0.8 cents meaning the 20 cent starting point for listing on the ASX wouldn't be met.

Anyway, here's a heads up on another company working with a similar arrangement to VMob/Microsoft. A guy on my cricket team owns a dairy. He told me that Coca Cola send a sales rep to put up advertisements and make it look pretty stuff. This is obviously a sign of a really big, important deal with a global giant. I'm happy to give you the name of the dairy if you'd like to put some money into it, on the back of this information?

28-04-2015, 10:08 AM
NZ shines on global stage as Microsoft backed VMob realises American Dream


28-04-2015, 10:12 AM
Anyway, here's a heads up on another company working with a similar arrangement to VMob/Microsoft. A guy on my cricket team owns a dairy. He told me that Coca Cola send a sales rep to put up advertisements and make it look pretty stuff. This is obviously a sign of a really big, important deal with a global giant. I'm happy to give you the name of the dairy if you'd like to put some money into it, on the back of this information?

Err, except that the dairy in this instance is not a dairy but just a small wee outfit called McDonalds. Very poor analogy.

28-04-2015, 10:16 AM
What it means Monty is Microsoft have just added another layer of credibility to Vmob's solution, and with the financial support I expect Vmob won't have to 'give away' to much of the company for further expansion capital.

So with regard to the ASX listing, this is I suspect just the beginning of the good news that will lead up to the listing, which will probably as you have alluded to include many new contracts….interesting how that specifically mentioned 'Esso' in that announcement also.

As i posted quite extensively further back in the thread…..Vmob's time is now, any Microsoft clearly want to keep all their Fortune 500 companies happy and on board with 'Azure', and from a logistical standpoint there could be a huge amount of rollouts required in a short space of time as this become the industry norm with regard to marketing spend for 'Large Retailers'.

Also the fact they will have a joint presence at all the listed forthcoming events I think is especially interesting, and that Microsoft are providing additional staffing resources as well…..they certainly do have a golden partnership with Microsoft.

But hey, time will tell how profitable this will become…..always risk, DYOR. WD :)

Yes, good to see Esso specifically mentioned. "McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Esso and Budweiser"
These are staggeringly huge organisations. Fortune 500's.

28-04-2015, 10:16 AM
Err, except that the dairy in this instance is not a dairy but just a small wee outfit called McDonalds. Very poor analogy.

Actually not. In this instance, VMob is the dairy. VMob, selling exactly the same stuff as the rest of the iBeacon bandits.

Microsoft is more than happy to take monthly Azure server fees from anyone's hands. Just like Coca Cola is happy to help out around every dairy in the country.

28-04-2015, 10:20 AM
Yes it does Winner……..and Xero was a buck once as well?…….will be interesting to see where this ends up over the coming years. :)

With Microsoft weighing in, there in itself is an advantage XRO never had, or ever will have, getting ahead in the USA.

"Microsoft will provide VMob financial support along with the provision of extra staffing and additional resources to accelerate growth"

28-04-2015, 11:12 AM
Yay? It makes me laugh to think they didn't include this in their big announcement last week. Although perhaps they worked really hard over the long weekend to bring about this big, important deal.

**** you are hard to please. I understand your concerns with this company (it's not like anyone on here isn't aware of them by now) but can't you give credit where credit is due.

The announcement says "VMob today signed an agreement with Microsoft that will see an extension of Microsoft's support for VMob."

The critical words there being SIGNED TODAY. How could they have announced that earlier?

Maybe it is time to stop you nit picking?

28-04-2015, 12:11 PM
**** you are hard to please. I understand your concerns with this company (it's not like anyone on here isn't aware of them by now) but can't you give credit where credit is due.

The announcement says "VMob today signed an agreement with Microsoft that will see an extension of Microsoft's support for VMob."

The critical words there being SIGNED TODAY. How could they have announced that earlier?

Maybe it is time to stop you nit picking?

For a price sensitive general announcement, which is apparently great news, it doesn't have all that much detail.

What are they providing to Microsoft? Shares? Revenue sharing? Anything? Further dillution for holders? :D

Everything is shrouded in secrecy with VML. If things were going so great they wouldn't need to hide all the bad stuff.

Bad stuff like: Loss, customer churn, trade-offs to signing Microsoft deals, what they had to give up when they tendered for the McD's deal... Etc.

You are welcome to click "Ignore" and never see my posts again. Meanwhile, I think it's good to keep asking the unanswered questions. Especially when these pages get filled up with VML bulls posting irrelevant links and talking up these shrouded announcements...

"DYOR" as they say.

Harvey Specter
28-04-2015, 12:19 PM
For a price sensitive general announcement, which is apparently great news, it doesn't have all that much detail.

What are they providing to Microsoft? Shares? Revenue sharing? Anything? Further dillution for holders? :DI am probably naive but I read it as they aren't giving Microsoft anything, other than increased business.

It might flow though in a higher cost to use the Azure platform (much in the same way as when your lawyer takes you out for a nice dinner, you know you will be paying for it on your next invoice). Having said that, I dont think they could increase it too much or VML will start talks with Amazon or Google to see if their platform could do the same (transfer only once microsoft stops helping of course).

28-04-2015, 12:28 PM
With Microsoft weighing in, there in itself is an advantage XRO never had, or ever will have, getting ahead in the USA.

"Microsoft will provide VMob financial support along with the provision of extra staffing and additional resources to accelerate growth"

So what is Microsoft getting out of this deal? The only organisations that get something for nothing are charities and I'm pretty sure VML isn't a charity. And I'm pretty sure that VML isn't a big enough Azure customer that Microsoft really cares whether they stay or go.

As far as I can tell, this is a pretty minor announcement dressed up with some big words.

For example, what does the following extract even mean?:
"With VMob running natively in the Microsoft technology stack, the platform integrates seamlessly into the existing technology investments of Microsoft’s large base of enterprise clients. This gives the platform a clear advantage for these customers in delivering a quick implementation process without additional IT overhead."

Note, I'm asking a rhetorical question and don't need the phrase explained to me. It quite clearly means nothing.

28-04-2015, 12:30 PM
It's kind of concerning that of late there seems to be selling into 2c regardless of what's happening.
Regarding MS and takeovers etc. I don't think Microsoft have much of a hand in the e-advertising business.
This market is huge (well over $100 billion US spent on it each year).

As I mentioned last night; Google acquired AdMob for $750 million. This is a HUGE money maker for them right now. When you see an ad in your smartphone, chances are it is served by AdMob.

Of note (those that read the Wiki article would have noticed) -- that Apple wanted to buy this company also, but were outbit by Google.

Now the 3rd tech giant is teaming closely with this related business vMob.

Draw your own conclusions (I am not so sure).

I do think that Microsoft would very much like to stick it to Google in the advertising market. but whether they see their relationship with vMob as a lead-in to doing that at all; I really don't know.

28-04-2015, 12:33 PM
For example, what does the following extract even mean?:
"With VMob running natively in the Microsoft technology stack, the platform integrates seamlessly into the existing technology investments of Microsoft’s large base of enterprise clients. This gives the platform a clear advantage for these customers in delivering a quick implementation process without additional IT overhead."


Which means: We're using Microsoft (yay).

28-04-2015, 12:45 PM
. Having said that, I dont think they could increase it too much or VML will start talks with Amazon or Google to see if their platform could do the same (transfer only once microsoft stops helping of course).

Of course for commercial reasons the commercial details cannot be disclosed. Robbo would know this , but such is his negativity that he can't see the positive in any announcement. Instead we are subjected to his ongoing vendetta and negativity.

All contracts typically have confidentially clauses. The focus by the likes of Robbo is to dismiss everything that comes out of the VMoB stable no matter where it might lead. I can only see upside to this announcement today and look forward to more in the coming weeks. VMob continue to make announcements that build upon their vision, client base and revenue.

28-04-2015, 12:50 PM
"Microsoft has agreed to contribute additional funding and resources to enhance VMob's sales, marketing and product development program and accelerate the company's growth and market expansion"

There's a piece of string, and string is very good! But we don't know how long it is, if it's only a millimeter then it's not worth mentioning. If it's a kilometer then we should 10x the share price instantly. HMMM.

28-04-2015, 01:04 PM
... But then again, I trade on charts - doesn't bother me.

... I sold out at 2.5 cents after buying near the bottom-out under 2 cents ...

... I would never said anything good about VML even though I held the stock for a while ...
... You are welcome to click "Ignore" and never see my posts again.

Ah, finally some good advice, goodbye you're ignored.

28-04-2015, 01:20 PM
So what is Microsoft getting out of this deal? The only organisations that get something for nothing are charities and I'm pretty sure VML isn't a charity. And I'm pretty sure that VML isn't a big enough Azure customer that Microsoft really cares whether they stay or go.

As far as I can tell, this is a pretty minor announcement dressed up with some big words.

For example, what does the following extract even mean?:
"With VMob running natively in the Microsoft technology stack, the platform integrates seamlessly into the existing technology investments of Microsoft’s large base of enterprise clients. This gives the platform a clear advantage for these customers in delivering a quick implementation process without additional IT overhead."

Note, I'm asking a rhetorical question and don't need the phrase explained to me. It quite clearly means nothing.

I'd agree that it doesn't talk in the language of an investor, perhaps another lesson for all tech companies, to stop using geek speak particularly for investor announcements.

What I think it means is that Microsoft have a great many large organisations worldwide that use their technology, Azure in this case, and their Customer Relationship Management system as well, and VMob's solution uses the same technologies which makes them easy to combine enabling rapid implementations into retail customers.

As for what's in it for Microsoft, I don't think it's about revenue from VMob per se, it is about Microsoft leveraging the VMob solution (which is the App and the Azure part) into Microsoft's customer base and new business in the retail sector, driving up revenue to Microsoft from those customers.

If Microsoft literally invested in VMob I suspect that you'll see that as an SSH, like why would they take a small position in a small company? Otherwise as I suspect, Microsoft simply put up capital and resources to drive an outcome more quickly at greater scale than VMob could do themselves, that accrues increases revenues to Microsoft first and foremost, and as a by product advantages VMob.

28-04-2015, 01:21 PM
keep posting robbo; need to balance the spruikers.

Harvey Specter
28-04-2015, 01:37 PM
It probably comes out of Microsofts marketing budget. If this was ever big enough to warrant a Microsoft press release, I bet the names you would see in bold would be Azure helping McDonalds, etc. They are trying to show the benefits of Azure to fortune 500 companies and if they have to give a charity case from NZ a bit of support, they will.

28-04-2015, 01:42 PM
It probably comes out of Microsofts marketing budget. If this was ever big enough to warrant a Microsoft press release, I bet the names you would see in bold would be Azure helping McDonalds, etc. They are trying to show the benefits of Azure to fortune 500 companies and if they have to give a charity case from NZ a bit of support, they will.

Microsoft helped another NZ company recently called Green Button. Eventually Microsoft bought them out. The third tier investors (smaller angel investors) profited around 7.5x their investment.

28-04-2015, 02:00 PM
It probably comes out of Microsofts marketing budget. If this was ever big enough to warrant a Microsoft press release, I bet the names you would see in bold would be Azure helping McDonalds, etc. They are trying to show the benefits of Azure to fortune 500 companies and if they have to give a charity case from NZ a bit of support, they will.

Let's have a think... Starting with this article (http://www.computerworld.co.nz/article/573601/nz-shines-global-stage-microsoft-backed-vmob-realises-american-dream/):

Already a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, VMob makes extensive use of Microsoft Azure to deliver its mobile personalisation platform to Fortune 500 brands and retailers around the world, including McDonald’s, 7-Eleven, Esso and Budweiser.

VMob is a Gold Certified Microsoft Partner (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Certified_Partner). What does that mean, though?

Well firstly it means that VMob must pay Microsoft an "annual investment" otherwise known as a "fee". Footnote 12 of the Microsoft page about Certified Partner Requirements (https://mspartner.microsoft.com/en/us/Pages/Membership/core-benefits.aspx#Requirements), says:

Fees vary by geography. In the case of the Competency membership, partners must pay the silver competency fee or gold competency fee one time, per year—no matter how many competencies they have attained. If a partner attains a gold competency after first attaining a silver competency, then the partner pays only the difference between the two membership fees, unless the partner is within the 90-day renewal period, in which case the full gold competency membership fee is due.

The other requirements are that you need 5 customer references, and, get this, you also need business competency assessments? What is a business competency assessment? Well, Footnote 14 suggests competency equals revenue for Microsoft:

Partners must agree to meet a minimum Microsoft-related revenue commitment that is determined based on the partner’s region and the competency the partner organization is working to attain. Both transacted revenue and influenced revenue count toward this commitment.

So basically VMob pays Microsoft for a Gold sticker. VMob has to keep customers going to Microsoft to keep the Gold sticker.

It is my guess that Microsoft's financial support, or whatever these hype merchants refer to, is just waiving the Gold sticker fee. Would not surprise me in the slightest. :D

28-04-2015, 02:05 PM
PS. As I said Robbo, we will see how VMob performs compared to AVB, over the next 12 months.

AVB is up 5.1% for the day with sellers retreating, VML is flat with sellers oozing out of the woodwork. It's going to be an interesting year if that's the start we're off to :D

28-04-2015, 02:51 PM
You have been ignored, have a nice life. :)

I wish I had known about this function earlier - Now in place
ahhhhhh no more negavity

28-04-2015, 02:53 PM
Funny thread this one .....a whole lot of blank posts I can't see (except robbo's ones of course). Weird

28-04-2015, 02:59 PM
I wish I had known about this function earlier - Now in place
ahhhhhh no more negavit (https://amyrousedotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/head-in-sand2.jpg)y

Ah, finally some good advice, goodbye you're ignored. (https://amyrousedotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/head-in-sand2.jpg)

You have been ignored, have a nice life. (https://amyrousedotnet.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/head-in-sand2.jpg) :)

Anyway - back to the real discussion about VML.

Seems to me to be a race to pump it up as quickly as possible (without discussing any bad stuff that any objective observer knows is waiting in the wings) before they are obligated to disclose such bad stuff.

The capital raisings mightn't work so well if things don't look rosey :D

28-04-2015, 03:28 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but what consequences come from a share consolidation? I want to buy Vmob, but will the upcoming share consolidation affect the share price later?

28-04-2015, 03:48 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but what consequences come from a share consolidation? I want to buy Vmob, but will the upcoming share consolidation affect the share price later?

If you buy 100 shares right now you will have 4 shares after the consolidation.

At the moment the consolidation takes place the company will have the same market capitalisation because everyone's shares/options get consolidated.

VMob say the consolidation is to be able to list on the ASX with a 20 cent share price requirement. However, this paper (http://www.sfc.hk/web/doc/EN/speeches/speeches/02/no50%20sa%20share_full.pdf) probably more accurately explains the effect VMob are looking for:

Stock consolidations (or 'reverse' splits) often occur during bear market periods as a meansof elevating the value of lowly priced stocks. The action of a 'reverse split' allows existing shares in issue to be cancelled and replaced by a smaller number of shares, each with higher par value (than on the old shares). In this paper, consolidations, announced during the 'bear' market period of January 2001 to June 2002, are scrutinised to examine their effectiveness in elevating share prices. Inte restingly, the majority of the 'reverse' splits scrutinised are conducted in tandem with capital reductions.

The combined effect of a consolidation-cum-capital reduction (or capital reduction-cum-consolidation) is to allow a smaller number of new shares (to replace the old) but with par values at similar levels to those obtaining on the old (due to the cancellation of capital through par reduction). A key motivation for this action is to allow companies to issue new equity, which is made considerably easier – as explained in this paper – when share prices are raised to levels above par values.

So, VMob will probably be able to give slightly smaller discounts to private placements if the share price is higher.

Ultimately the effects for existing shareholders is not good:

...stock consolidations (more often than not with adjoining capital reductions) – orchestrated in stocks priced at the lower end of the 'penny' range in Hong Kong – often generate negative wealth effects for incumbent shareholders.

In short, it's greasy and the market doesn't like it. VMob is doing it to tick some ASX boxes and enable themselves to issue more capital at a discount (a discount that appears smaller after the consolidation):

Coupling the consolidation with a capital reduction helps with regard to the inflation of the SPPV variable. As illustrated in the Companion case, the consolidation-cum-capital reduction allowed the par value of Companion's new stock to be set at exactly the same level as the old: HK$0.01. However, with 90% fewer shares in issue, as a result of the consolidation, tradable prices on the stock rose substantially. This is illustrated in Table 2, where Companion's share price, between the announcement date of the stock reorganisation and its effective date, rose from HK$0.016 to HK$0.066. This clearly raised the SPPV ratio of the company’s stock from 1.6 to 6.6. Theory might suggest that this ratio should rise to a level of 16 times. However, it is quite common for stocks, particularly those trading at basement price levels, to experience a notable decline in market capitalisation following such reorganisations. In this case, the company’s capitalisation (when adjusting for movements in the Hang Seng Index (HSI) over theperiod of interest) shrank by around 60%.

The combined effect of a consolidation and capital reduction – in opening up access to new equity issues – is aptly demonstrated by the number of companies that simultaneously deploy such reorganisations with new stock issues. There are also many cases where new issues occur shortly after the deployment of consolidation-cum-capital reductions (or their reverse). This issue is commented upon further in Section 3 of this paper.

According to this paper, and others freely available, the overall market capitalisation goes down.

28-04-2015, 04:01 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but what consequences come from a share consolidation? I want to buy Vmob, but will the upcoming share consolidation affect the share price later?

In theory the consolidation should not impact on share price as the fundamentals before and after listing do not change. At present there is circa 1.5b shares at circa 2 cents per share giving a market capitalisation (company worth ) or circa $30m. at a 1 share for 25 consolidation the shares should be about 50 cents per share. the advantage of the consolidation is that there will be circa 60m shares and no longer will it have the penny dreadful status.

But there is other things happening with VMob and if you read through the publications and announcements on the NZX websites and the Vmob website you will get a better idea of where the company is going and the future. I also suggest you follow VMob on twitter as everyday there is a link related to the type of technology VMob offers.

For my 2cents I think VMob is an exciting company with some great cleints (in particular McDonalds global) and the company is getting a lot of traction in the market especially through the relationship with Microsoft.

I have quite a few shares in VMob and I would buy more if i had the funds (wife and kids etc keep me poorer than I would like)

28-04-2015, 04:14 PM
Thank you Monty and Robbo. I think I understand what you are saying Robbo, I just want to know whether it is to risky buying prior to consolidation. I agree with Monty that the company is very exciting, but when to buy in, I'm not sure.