Interesting. Yeah ive applied for a few summer intern position this coming summer in the hope that I can get a small taste of a few different areas of accounting.

At the moment business advisory or risk assurance is where I would like to be heading i think.

Share wise I trade ASX only, mainly miners. Im down quite a bit on my original holdings from when I started buying last june (learnt my lesson about having stop losses in place) but currently still hold MAK, LYC, CUE from then.

Since then I have held PDN, VPE (decided to go with VPE instead of BOW when BOW was at 16 , in hindsight I should have gone with BOW)and AOE and still hold IRN.

40% on PDN in 2 weeks has been my highlight so far hehe)

Currently Im just watching and saving a bit each week from my PT job so I can purchase some more shares in the next few months!!

Love actively watching and investing, definitely keeps me more entertained than managerial accounting