Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
I would suggest the exact opposite.
Luxon knows he can't lose the more reasonable middle ground, the swing voters that decide elections.
The centrist doesn't have the extreme views of the likes of NZF or ACT, they are voters who will drop National if they become too extreme, underperform or other, they are fickle & its for these same sort of reasons they dropped Labour & elected the coalition.
Watch what happens next election if Luxon continues along the current spineless track.

ACT & NZF will take more of the traditional National votes and leave National in a weakened position.

Good example of the public mood :


" ...... Winston’s no weirdos in women’s bathrooms bill. The Labour Party are all in on opposing this and I suggested that they should go for it, that Winston had the right of it. It turns out Winston and I were right.

Family First commissioned a poll to see what the public thinks and, what do you know, Kiwis think the same as Winston."