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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2021


    Tough week just done, -1.54% and the YTD index now -0.14% overall. No wonder sharetrader competition entrants are struggling, with only 36 in positive territory and 122 negative, with those in the proper red numbers dominant by far.

    Last week I said not many of us look likely to be hired by a fund manager any time soon, so let us see how the five "professionals" are doing currently. Nikko Asset Management are out in front +1.40% and in 30th place, and its hard to criticise Hamilton Hinden Green in 41st at -0.37% in the circumstances. More joy thou that Forsyth Barr are 54th at -3.57%, with Devon Funds lagging further in 63rd (albeit still above average out of 158) at -5.29%. Black Bull Research are tail end charlie in 96th and -11.57%. Maybe those in the Top 10 could consider submitting their CV's to BBR shortly, as there could be some analyst vacancies coming up?

    jbmurc and THE STG have been lurking close to the action and this week has seen them enter the elite Top 10, while gerald, in 4th place, gets a mention for outstanding achievement given one of his picks is SML at -51.58% yet he is still +7.40% overall. That just shows no one is really out of it until the fat lady sings!

    Gold medal goes to Neophyte surging 41 places, with Jeffw getting an honourable mention up 31 places. fiasco has lived up to his/her chosen name by bagging the dreaded woodenspoon, down 38 places, with Tim Nice but Dim who has bounced around both up and down, recognised this time as runnerup down 33 on the ladder.

    I noticed the RV sector didn't do well this time so commiserations to those who picked one or more in 2024. Even worse for those who hold in their actual portfolios. Did anyone really believe RYM could fall to $3.67? And when will OCA reward those who have suffered the pain? And could RAK be hiding in the bushes? Check out the on-market price action today.
    Last edited by ronaldson; 10-05-2024 at 08:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2021


    A volatile week this time but the market ended down 0.45% when the dust settled. Confessions begin in earnest next week so will the tide finally turn? Green shoots are needed but not much market sunshine recently so it may be that spring is still too far away. Does anyone actually have any readies to buy with and if they have are they feeling brave enough?

    Rather surprisingly slightly more are in positive territory, albeit just 42 hardy souls so the attrition rate remains severe. Wilson has finally reached nirvana, in 10th, while Paint it Black has edged into 3rd, moose remains prominant and Exec has returned to the fold in 7th. The two leaders are in a race of their own.

    Gold medal goes to clip, up 21 places, with Marbo4, 4jk and Aquaman in close attendance. On the downside Sylvor has entered the dreaded relegation zone along with ralph and bulltrap. Wooden spoon goes to Seadog, down 29 places with Dlownz down 27 in runnerup spot. Once again I contended strongly but was nosed into third. RAK resurrected briefly but soon retreated. I and no doubt a few others still have fingers crossed. And RYM gave hope to some but then fell sharply again.

    The next two weeks will have a fascination for most forum members as many listed entities report. And Nicola's budget gets ever closer to a full reveal, as not everything gets announced beforehand. But will the surprises be for or against Mr Market? Who knows!

  3. #3
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    I can't resist giving a quick shoutout to Rocketman and rocketboy, both living up to their names with the former up 36 places this week to 65th and rocketboy up 21 places to 9th on the ladder.

    I looked more closely and see that both include THL, EBO and GTK in their picks so that confirms there is a family resemblance. Of course THL is currently a deadweight on their performance but that could change as we get closer to year end.

    An interesting week so far with quite a few companies reporting, and mixed receptions. OCA will have many forum members online tomorrow waiting with bated breath for that announcement. I am inclined to think I will enjoy posting my usual Friday roundup this time.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2021


    An exciting week, even if not to everyone's benefit, with the market up 0.7% and now at a very marginal 0.1% for the year albeit better off than most competitors.

    After work Friday drinks at Forsyth Barr are going down well this evening, as they now lead the professional race up 2.07% overall after being -3.57% only two weeks ago! And Rawz admitted on the 2CC thread today that he is on the beers tonight as well after an excellent result for that stock which has underpinned his return to the Top 10 at 8.50% on the ladder and no doubt as a happy holder too.

    Carrom74 has laid down the gauntlet to Waiuta by challenging strongly for second, while Kennedy, Aquaman and rocketboy launched into the Top 10 at the expense of some less fortunate who dropped out. c00ps is almost there in 11th. But the Gold medal this week goes to SUBURBAN ACCOUNTANT, up 39 places to 87th despite once being 152nd not that long ago, with Rocketman and Karenski in hot contention but filling the minor podium positions.2CC and GTK are one driving force behind such achievement

    The dreaded wooden spoon has gone to Rupert Bear who has fallen somewhat from grace, with iceman probably eternally grateful for just missing getting the nod.

    Did anyone seriously consider in January that FBU would be available to be had at $3 and do you even want it now? And then there is the rise and rise of ATM - O to have picked that for the 2024 competition, not to mention your portfolio.

    Next week wraps up the 31 March results reporting, but that includes some vital calls. Rawz and I have fingers crossed for TWR - do you?
    Last edited by ronaldson; 24-05-2024 at 07:59 PM.


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