Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
You've said you are a large scale landlord previously dobby41. You have responsibility to make sure your tenants live in "Healthy Homes" standards. Premier House doesn't meet those standards. Why would we expect our PM to put up with that? Enough of the teeth gnashing character assassination. Hipkins and Andersen started a planned campaign of smears and it's blown up in their faces. The butt-hurt media just hasn't figured it out yet. Maybe they won't before the lights go out on MSM.
You do know that Hipkins (whom you accuse of all sorts of entitlement things) was also entitled to claim the $1k/month allowance even though he has a residence in Lower Hutt but didn't?
The PM is the only MP where the 'normal place of residence' rule doesn't apply.

Luxon is assassinating his own character by his actions (and inactions).