Alright, I made the change. Market cap threshold was lowered to 7 millions. The following companies now can be selected as your pick

CCC Cooks Coffee Company Limited $9.1M
CRP Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited $8.3M
ENS Enprise Group Limited $12.0M
NTL New Talisman Gold Mines Limited $8.8M
TRU TruScreen Group Limited $9.7M
VTL Vital Limited $10.0M

There won't be any
company disqualifications once competition started.
Any of you who wish to update your selections are welcome to do so free of charge Just use the same user name, email address and code as in original submission. You can do as many changes as you want until closing date 9:00am January 3rd 2024.

As I pointed out earlier there are quite a few incomplete entries for the competition. The following users might want to check their status and enter or update their picks.

Dark Horse
Carl Thomas

If your existing Code does not work you will need to request a new one.

Everyone, please check again if you are on the list 2024 NZX Stock Picking Competition Registration - Google Sheets
If you are not - you are not in the competition.
Thank you.